#rahne sinclare fluff
melyaliz · 4 years
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@0hmydeku​ Blue gray eyes behind hipster glasses, freckles galore, and red hair with green tips (my hair grew out and havent redyed yet). Been called too serious/sensitive/literal, i have a volatile temper, and if caught in a good mood i can be very whimsical. I am a huge myths and legends/folklore nerd. When i was a baby, i had to wear cabbage patch doll clothes as i was too tiny for normal baby clothes. Between Anxiety, depression, and Adhd; i am regularly contradictory. I tear up when frustrated.
Pairing: Rahne Sinclair X Ship 
Notes: I feel like I should call these something like Messy ships. Have I ever shipped you with a Marvel Character? If not… here you go. 
 I honestly wanted to ship you with a woman because I always feel like I ship you with men but I honestly didn’t really like any of the women that came to mind (mostly because I try to keep them to characters people know) So thank everyone who made the New Mutants move. I wanted you to be part of the small town they run to after they escape. But I also want you to be a mutant. So here is what I came up with. 
All Masterlists @melyalizarchive​​
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You worked in a small town at “Ma’s Dinner”. You had known Ma for years coming here since you could remember. This was your home. She had taken you in when your own mother had left and your father was too busy working to really care. It sounded sad but honestly this was all you really needed. This dinner, the regulars, and Ma. 
Long nights of you studying in the cafe drinking warm milk and listening to the old lady’s stories about the crazy adventures she used to get into. 
There had always been a bunch of interesting characters who came in and out of the dinner. After all this town felt like it was on the edge of the world. 
So when 5 young teenagers all the same age as you came falling into your dinner looking half dead you didn’t think too much about it. Simply getting some waters for the troop. One look at Ma and you knew their meals would be on the house. 
Ma was kind like that. Always taking in strays. 
Rahne’s large brown eyes met yours hand you pulled our your notepad “What can i get ya?” you asked, feeling a rush of something as your own eyes met hers. 
‘We… just water” one of the boys said with a thick Kentucky Accent. 
“Ok burgers then.” you said turning back to the kitchen, “and maybe some pie?”
“We can’t…” Rahne started to protest but you waved it away. 
“You can always help clean up if you want to pay us back.”
So they did. They even helped serve food and do the dishes. Ma soon had them laughing over stories and warm cocoa as the night shift slowly made their way into her small 24 hour dinner. 
“You all have a place to stay?” she asked trying the group. “Because my farm isn’t far.”
Their protests fell on deaf ears. 
And two months later the 5 of them had slowly become part of the town. doing odd jobs for whoever needed it. Hanging out on Ma’s farm just relaxing under the stars in a cuddle pile. Just healing in a place of safety. 
Your romance with Rahne was slow. She was shy and her past with her own small town made her feel uncomfortable with herself and her powers.
Until she saw yours. 
You had the power to control plants. 
Something you had learned about at a young age. Helping Ma in her gardens. Always taking a love to plants and the earth they grew in. 
Rahne found you helping a rather pesky plant grow, the faint green glow coming from your palms as you cupped them around the small plant coaxing it up into the sunny day.
You were scared at first she would hate you because of your powers. There were still plenty of humans who hated muantas but to you surprise she showed you her own. 
Smash cut to Xsavior showing up offering you all a place to stay at his mansion.
But honestly… you all were way too happy in your safe cozy little farm. Also his sexual tension filled feud with Magneto seemed like more drama than it was worth. 
So the 6 of you on Ma’s farm for wayward children and started your own mutant home. And you and Rahne ended up being the badass couple of the year finding other kids like you and taking them back to a place where they could feel accepted and loved. 
The end
Forever tag:  @coffee-randomness​​​ @0hmydeku​ @xx3fsxx​ @daisyboobear​​​  @jason-redhood​​ @hello-i-lovespiderman-blr​  @pinkwitch21 @tomhncharliep  @cdwmtjb8​ @thespacebuns​​
Shout out to @the-shadow-of-atlantis​ who a. Rekindled my love of X-men and also jokes endlessly about Charles and Erik’s endless flirtation with each other
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