mightethor · 2 years
 jane couldn’t  help  but  stare at him  with her lips pressed together, all while wearing an expression  mixed  with both  curiosity and  whimsy. it left a lightness in  her  chest  quite unmatched with anything  she’s  felt  before.  they’ve  become  something of a relationship, though  more  in the spotlight than she would have liked, moments like these made up for it.
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 it’s always fun to watch the god of thunder get  this ecstatic over a hot dog costume ( even now as he wore it and conversed with their friends ) if she thought about it too much, the cream of the crop so called experts on ‘ mythical legends of gods ‘ and what have you would most likely lose their minds at the scene. that’s why she loved it. it was theirs. “ you know everyone loves the hot dog costume? you’re killing it. “
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crimeloyalty-arch · 2 years
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i can’t say i spent a lot of time in wayne manor before the snap,  but the moments i did have within its walls were never quiet.  there was always something happening -- a baby bat underfoot,  a kitty hiding out.  sometimes,  it felt like bruce was trying to keep the place as full as possible so there’d be no room left for all the ghosts.  i think that’s why this is the only place in gotham that’s felt right enough to settle in.  i couldn’t leave it empty,  is all i mean to say.  somebody had to keep the bat alive. 
not me,  of course.  i’m five foot zero and a little too recognizable.  i’ve been wearing one of barbara’s old suits when i absolutely have to,  but i much prefer red over purple,  and i’d rather fight without wearing a memory of my best friend.  but gotham needs batman,  and i’ve found just the man for the job . . . 
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" it’s perfect. ”  i reach up,   adjusting the cowl so @ragnrok​ can actually see.  it’s a little tight ( he’s got so much fucking hair ),  and his beard is much bushier than bruce’s,  but i’m hoping we can just pass it off as batman going through it after thanos.  i mean,  does anyone look at him that closely,  to begin with?! “ how does it feel? ”
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ninth-galaxy · 2 years
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Atreus details
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mishapocalyse · 1 year
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Chapter One: The Man With The Bifröst Eyes
Description: Not many travel up the walls of Asgard, and you are one of the few. When searching for Atreus, you encounter much on your way as a long journey lies ahead of you.
Pairings: Heimdall GOW! x Reader// Thor GOW! x Reader
Warnings: Language, Violence, Gore, Mentions of alcohol, Abuse, Sexual content, sexual assault, mentions of suicide, mental illness may be within this fan fiction. Reader discretion is advised.
You have been warned.
"Tell me another story, Kratos." You asked the spartan before you.
He had been leaning over the large oak table, arms crossed--a grimace alluding to the disdain that was spread across his face. Kratos grunted, his demeanor changing ever-so slightly towards you in the process of your small, sweet request.
His shoulders relaxed, he had time for another tale. As he had been waiting, as everyone else had been waiting for Atreus to return home.
Not that there was much any one of them could do.
Atreus had run off, not being seen for two days. You could see the stoic look upon Kratos's face rub off, a look of worry stretching across it. You reached over to place a hand over his own.
"He will return, Kratos. Atreus is probably visiting home in Midgard. Don't worry." you reassured him.
Clearing his throat, the spartan gave another grunt.
So much for another story, you thought to yourself.
You couldn't sleep that night, a cold sweat keeping you shivering for warmth.
The light tapping of Sindri working on a blade had stirred you fully awake, while you threw back the fur blanket covering you . Atreus had still not returned, you knew as the bed in your shared room had been empty.
You sighed, the young boy had become a son to you. The thought of him being hurt and alone somewhere terrified you.
You heaved a sigh, bracing yourself to stand. Dressing yourself in the padded leather gear, as well as the gold plated armor, you hefted the long bow over your shoulders, to its dismay it chirped.
"Sorry Grötti." you replied in a hushed whisper.
Lugging your rucksack with you, tying the waterskin as well as the wrapped meats inside you slowly wandered towards the door, Sindri giving you the same worried look as he always did.
"I'll be fine Sindri. I promise." Those words hung in the air as sweetly as they did. The dwarf had scurried over from his table to wrap you in a tight hug.
"Please, be careful." and his words clung to the hands that he held, as you slipped away from him and onto the path that lied before you.
There wasn't much you were worried about, only the boy, Atreus who still was nowhere to be found.
You would bring him home. You only had to find him first.
First, you had checked Midgard, the only would you found were those of the Hel-Walkers, and an angry World Serpent who also had no clue of the whereabouts of the young boy.
Then, the trail led you to Alfheim, then Muspelheim, to Svfartelheim, and finally to Vanaheim. In your last attempt to search for him, every trail of his went cold.
Then it hit you.
He must have went to Asgard.
You shook your head, your worry turned to a haunting desperate feeling as it gnarled your heart in your chest.
You could feel your chest tighten when the thought that he could be trapped by Odin.
Or worse...
He could be dead.
You shoo the thought away, no, Atreus was strong, he was smart. You knew he could handle himself quite well. He always had.
You wished for him to stop looking for trouble. All the while you were also running out of Yggdrasil stones, which meant you could travel to Asgard, however, returning would be a much different outcome.
There was no turning back, and if Atreus was not there, you for sure were going to have a lot more on your plate than trespassing.
It felt like hours as you wandered the Asgardian realm, wanting nothing more than to bring Atreus home.
You whispered to yourself, as well as to your bow companion, Grötti, of memories from your childhood.
Memories to keep you going, however, remembering who you were as well as to not fall into the fate of sleep.
You grew tired from the long journey here. Although it was a rather short one, it had been unbecoming, filled with nothing but stress, and bloodshed.
Apart from running into old friends, you were short on energy, and yet, it was a long way up.
An exceedingly, excruciating way up.
The wall had towered up stories high, the town you had went through with Migardian's whom sought shelter from the ever-coming Ragnarok. Their eyes watching as you went by.
You yourself knew that you were not the most inconspicuous, as you towered over many.
Standing at around 6'1, your h/c- a braid that circled your head. The furs and armor that encompassed your body--they admired you.
You were not like the others. However, you presented yourself as kind and generous, a smile never leaving your lips as you traveled up the wall.
Scaling it would prove troublesome.
Your fingers dug into the wall, feet kicking into the rock, finding small grooves to hoist yourself up the wall.
When you made it to a ledge, you made a note that when you reached the top, that you were for sure going to need a bath as well as something to eat.
Your rucksack had been stolen in Alfheim by a dark elf, which also held your source of water, in which you had taken to drink from the clear pools of water on the way up.
Not far ahead you had continued to climb, in the distance above you made out the top of the wall. With as much energy as you could muster, you bent your knees, and lunged forward to grip the ledge above you.
Pulling yourself up, you seated yourself on the ledge to look at how far you had came.
Grötti, chirped, delighted the two of you had made it so far without the help from anyone.
You murmured back that it would have been much easier to have just checked here first. The bow had fell silent once more, and you had been well rested to stand.
It was the middle of day when you reached the top, as the surrounding area was vacant. Not a soul was awaiting your arrival, which felt like the easiest by far.
Hopping down, you scoured the area on top of the wall, and as you peered over it you stared in awe of the city below you.
This was Asgard. In all of its glory, you had made it.
Atreus had to be here.
"Now what do we have here? Don't any of you stupid, filthy mortals have any common sense? Or do you all just fall short from the same tree?" You tensed, your back still turned away from the voice that came from behind you.
Wait, did he just insult you? How disrespectful. You internally seethed, yet you kept your composure as this individual was not your problem at this moment. He could pose for one later though.
"I wouldn't know, yet you would speak just as filthy as those you comment about." You retorted, still facing away.
He scoffed, "Have you come to bask in the glory of Asgard? Or steal from the Aesir?"
You had no time for this conversation, Atreus could be anywhere in the realm. Yet, this person was wasting your time. You slowly turned around, the furs gliding effortlessly behind you, your hair falling back into place.
Grötti had become rather irked by the stranger in front of you, keeping the bow calmly against your back as you spoke once again.
"I have come for a friend of mine. Nothing more."
"Lies." he sneered. "Everyone comes here for more. You could be just as selfish as the rest of those nasty mortals-" you interrupted him when you raised a hand.
"He is but a boy. Ye' high. He ran off, and I could not find him anywhere." You looked down at the ground innocently.
"I am worried sick about him. Have you seen him?" You added.
The stranger not once spoke another word, he stood there, eyes glued to you in disbelief.
"I will take you to him then--" You bowed to him, eyes never leaving his.
"What?" The stranger asked, a brow raised. The Bifröst of his eyes glowing, swirling into one another.
"My name. And yours, god?" you quipped, that same playfully sweet smile egging the conversation on.
"I am the God of Foresight, Heimdall." He began, staggering towards you with a mission.
"Welcome to Asgard." He frowned as he passed.
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the-angel-and-demon · 2 years
Ragnrok comes into the book shop with a couple pumpkins. “M..Morning, I b..brought you p..pumpkins from m..my garden since m..most of my p..plants are dead f..for the winter. S..sorry I haven’t b…been in, i..in a while….I..I was in th..the hospital.”
As soon as the other set a foot in his shop, the owner beams up with joy
,,Oh hello! Yes indeed, we haven't seen each other in quite a while"
He helps him with the pumpkind
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lokiondisneyplus · 2 years
Marvel’s Phase 4 has seen Thor and Loki going separate ways, and now the Loki series and Thor: Love and Thunder have proven Thor needs Loki more than Loki needs Thor. Following the game-changing Avengers: Infinity War and Avengers: Endgame, the often intertwined journeys of Thor and Loki became separate for the first time since the beginning of the MCU. Loki is now the star of his own show while Thor has been in his first major adventure without Loki, and the way Loki and Thor: Love and Thunder were received shows that the former worked better than the latter.
Technically, the Loki who had been slowly redeemed after Thor: The Dark World and that was willing to die to save his brother no longer exists. That Loki died in Avengers: Infinity War, and while Avengers: Endgame’s time-heist made it so that a version of Loki could return, the character Tom Hiddleston now plays is not the same character whose death Chris Hemsworth’s Thor cried for. More than allowing Loki to return after his death in Infinity War, the time travel and multiple realities set up made it so that Thor and Loki could finally walk separate paths in the MCU.
Thor and Loki needed to be in separate stories after a decade of fighting either against each other or side by side. Keeping Thor and Loki separate would allow the MCU to take both characters to unexpected places, and it would assure that their roles in Phase 4 and beyond would feel different from what audiences had watched throughout the Infinity Saga. However, Thor: Love and Thunder struggled with tone and with how to nail its main character whereas the Loki series knew exactly how to craft a Loki solo adventure. This shows that, while splitting the pair up was a necessity, Loki is actually faring better by himself than Thor.
The Loki Series Worked Perfect Without Thor
Taking a character who is usually tied with gods and mystical arts and placing them in a sci-fi background could have gone incredibly wrong. However, Loki season 1 proved that Loki works surprisingly well as a sci-fi character within the MCU’s multiverse. One of the first Disney+’s Marvel shows, Loki was released far before the MCU announced its plans for the Multiverse Saga, yet it was the franchise’s first step into the journey that will lead to Avengers: The Kang Dynasty and Avengers: Secret Wars.
There were little to no references to Thor in Loki, and while Loki missed his brother and cried upon learning the events of the Asgardian Ragnarok, the emotional weight of the series was not Loki’s Asgard story. Loki was a character study, one that purposely removed everything familiar from Loki to then deconstruct the villain. Essentially, the reason that Loki worked so well without Thor or anything Asgard-related is that it asked the question of what it means to be a Loki – and the answer had to be more meaningful than just “Thor’s brother”.
Loki Could Have Improved Love & Thunder
The first Thor film not to feature Loki, Thor: Love and Thunder struggled to recapture the magic of Thor: Ragnarok. Love and Thunder had the difficult challenge of repeating everything that worked in Ragnarok while continuing to reinvent Thor as a character, but the result was an unbalanced film whose tone did not match its story. Ragnarok brought a breath of fresh air to Thor’s character, replacing the soulless broody temper seen in Thor, Thor: The Dark World, and the first two Avengers films with a more charismatic, relatable Thor. Ragnarok reinvented Thor while still giving the character and the world around him some level of emotional weight, something that Love and Thunder failed to replicate.
Love and Thunder’s Thor felt sometimes more like a parody of Ragnarok’s Thor than an evolved version of the character. While that is a consequence of Love and Thunder’s tonal problems, it could have been eased by Loki’s presence in the film. Loki is Thor’s emotional anchor in the MCU even when the brothers are placed in comedic moments like Ragnrok’s “get help”, and that is exactly what Love and Thunder lacked.
Thor’s Best MCU Moments Are Still With Loki
The Loki series has some of Loki’s best moments in the MCU, including Loki watching a movie of his life, his earnest conversations with Mobius, and his dynamic with the Loki variant Sylvie. However, when it comes to Thor, the God of Thunder’s best MCU stories are still the ones featuring Loki. The MCU’s Thor is defined by his relationship with Loki, especially because Marvel’s Phases 1 and 2 still hadn’t nailed what the Chris Hemsworth character should be like. The Thor audiences cheered for during Infinity War only came to be because of Loki’s death, which exemplifies how essential Loki is to Thor’s story and how significant Loki’s absence from Thor: Love and Thunder was. As a villain who later becomes an antihero, Loki would always have an easier path to become a “solo main character” himself. Thor, on the other hand, will forever be a hero, which means he will often be defined by his villains.
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cringywhitedragon · 1 year
Complete random idea but what would happen if we were to put Zero against Nemesis (Or any of the Sin Vessels/Sinners for that matter from EC) (And Some AU stuff)
I chose Nemesis mainly cause of Punishment and its similarities to Ragnrok from Z4 since I can imagine a boss fight against her ala Dr. Weil/Falling Down as he races to destroy Punishment before it can take out the planet and all life on it.
Perhaps Reploids might be relic of the First Era in a possible AU? Perhaps they fled due to humans being well you know… Would that make the Gods of the EC mavericks in their eyes? I mean HERS is pretty close to the Maverick Virus and all.
This developed into something much more: Somehow Reploids fled Earth prior to the destruction of the First Era, establishing their own empire amongst the stars and free from humans/earthlings, leading to the creation of the Reploid Frederation.
Despite being free, Reploids kept a close eye on humanity and the path they were taking.Though there was a lot of disagreement between Reploids on if they should intervene but it was largely decided they wouldn’t.
However, following the destruction of Earth, the HERS crisis and humanity’s plans of resettling elsewhere did it finally make the Reploids do something.
With the original humanity now gone, they returned to Earth to retrieve two specific things (Others were brought back but that’s for another time): Two legendary heroes
X and Zero (and maybe even Axl cause he needs some love as well)
The two were rebuild but kept deactivated only to be brought back should it be necessary.
More debates, disagreements, and even a contegancy plan to eliminate HERS (they would be treated like mavericks even though at this point Reploid-kind believed they were gone until what is known as the Seeding Incidnet) but not much would happen.
An attempt destroy them was tried late in the Second Era but failed when Humans got involved. Reploids, under the newly re-established Maverick Hunters, were sent into the Virtual World and tasked with hunting down Earthlings that displayed HERS before this was abandoned (Reploids didn’t need Black Boxes due to their DNA Souls and Cyber Elves)
Reploids would eventually develop their own technology as they evolved (To a point that they were pretty much able to replicate organic life perfectly in a way) and even discover a way to time travel (Plays a major role in this AU). However to prevent it from being abused, it became heavily regulated.
Things would calm down until the Climb One incident, which would mark the decision to revive X as Reploid-kind couldn’t make an agreement on what to do.
He took over as the Reploid race’s primary leader and with the use of their newly aquired time travel technology, Reploid-kind would keep an eye on the Third Era.
Looking into the future, X and Many others became disturbed of how things would eventually turn out (“The cycle of destruction will only repeat! X! You have to do something about this! Send someone, anyone and have those Vessels destroyed. It’s only going to cause more HERS to appear and we know how this will end!)
(“We made that choice years ago that Reploids would remain out of human business. As much as I would like to, this would only bring our kinds more suffering or even another war.)
Reploid-kind would let the Third Era play out as it was supposed to.
However… Not everyone wanted things this way.
A renegade force, determined to finally put an end to the cycle of destruction steals one of the Reploid Federation’s top secret ships capable of time travel (The Time Drive) and head for the now repopulated Third Era Earth.
Of course the Reploid Federation doesn’t take this lying down and after a small skirmish, the renegades manage to escape with another important piece of cargo.
The still deactivated Zero
The slumbering Crimson Hunter is acidently ejected when the rebel’s vessel gets hit and crashes onto the planet. Awakening from the ruins of a broken capsule with no memories save for his final stand against Dr Weil and Ragnarok many many years ago, Zero finds himself on an unfamiliar world and contacted by a group who has “inlisted” his help on “saving the future”.
Working with the renegade faction, Zero fights his way throughout different time periods of the Third Era to retrieve and destroy the Vessels of Sin all while dealing with forces of familiar and supernatural and possibly uncovering the truth of what happened to those who came before.
A world of magic and gods built atop the ruins of a once thriving planet.
Those of the old world who had fled to the stars now return to the birthplace of their species.
Old friends whom once fought side by side, brought back from their mechanical graves, now stand on divided sides over the future.
Can this endless cycle of death and destruction be broken for good, or is it doomed to repeat thanks to the Sins of Man?
This AU I will call Megaman: Sinhunter
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rntr03 · 10 months
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デルタグリーン 孤児
1945 -RAGNROK- 出身/HO2:あなたは戦闘に長けている
1945 -RAGNROK-
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subcubare · 4 years
      “ do you miss it ? ” 
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      words cut through period movie scene , distracting from the slow paced movements of skirts and handheld lanterns illuminating the night . she can still remember the moments , even though most is but a vague dream . “ i mean the whole , no electricity when people were terrified of shadows and leaves in the wind . i don’t miss the constant skirts , i’ll say that much . it was such a pain to clean and all the layers ... what a chore . ”
         @ragnrok​      gets a starter   . 
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brand new meaning to “Death Squad”
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thorkizilla · 7 years
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Thor (2011) + Thor: Ragnarok (2017):
Thor: There won't be a kingdom to protect if you're afraid to act! The Jotuns must learn to fear me, just as they once feared you! Odin: That's pride and vanity talking, not leadership. You've forgotten everything I taught you about a warrior's patience. Thor: While you wait, and be patient, the Nine Realms laugh at us. The old ways are done! You'd stand giving speeches while Asgard falls! Odin: You are a vain, greedy, cruel boy! Thor:  And you are an old man and a fool! Odin: Yes, I was a fool to think you were ready. Thor Odinson, you have betrayed the express command of your king. Through your arrogance and stupidity, you have opened these peaceful realms and innocent lives to the horror and desolation of war! You are unworthy of these realms! You're unworthy of your title! You are unworthy of the loved ones you have betrayed. I now take from you your power! In the name of my father and his father before, I, Odin Allfather, cast you out! WHOEVER HOLDS THIS HAMMER, IF HE BE WORTHY, SHALL POSSESS THE HAMMER OF THOR.
Hela’s use of Mjolnir once upon a time lends a whole new context to what Thor’s arc over his movies + the Avengers movies already was--his story is one of an immensely powerful god who must either learn to wield it with care towards others or be lost to evil and violence and cruelty, not only himself but everyone else around him.  It lends an entirely new context to Odin’s reaction to Thor’s fight on Jotunheim and his words--words that must have been so much an echo of what Hela may have said once upon a time. The realms must learn to fear her, just like her father.  That he only sits there now and is a fool not to bring the other Realms under the hell of Asgard.  And, just as he did with such a heavy heart, he had to cast her out, her violence and cruelty and vanity too much to bear. Then again he must do the same with Thor. Where Thor is different (and we do not know how many chances Odin gave Hela, though, she would not have wanted them or used them) is that he finds the strength to look around him when he’s pulled up short.  That he becomes worthy of the hammer, that he becomes the great man and great king that his people need him to be. He rules without Mjolnir, because his power is not sourced to it, his power comes from the same place Hela’s does, it comes from within himself and his people, it’s on the same level as hears.  Thor is the redemption of Odin’s line, Thor is the inverse image of Hela and she of him.  Where her greed and cruelty only grew, his was erased and nobility grew in its place instead. I love the ending of Thor: Ragnarok, that Thor may not want the throne, but it only makes him all the more suited to it.  That it’s the next step on the journey his story has taken over the course of these movies, that his people need him and he will sacrifice what needs to be, in order to lead them.  Not because he wants power or fame.  But because it’s right.  It’s finally right. Thor doesn’t need Mjolnir to show that he is worthy in and of himself.  It was a beautiful weapon, it was more akin to a friend for all the years he had it with him. But it was still ultimately a weapon and Thor does not need it to remind himself to be a good man or a good ruler.  He just simply is.
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lightsoffhoney · 3 years
Ooooh, saw that your asks were open... i couldnt pass the opportunity honey, can i request shiva and rudra sharing a s/o.
Hear me out, these two are the dynamic duo from the comics. Before shiva having 4 wives (the 1st wife wasnt even in the comics just the 2nd to 4th), they used to share women... or is it just me?
It can be in a scenario or hc, either way i feel like they used to do this until shiva had his own harem
the way my stomach curled when reading this because yes absolutely they did i mean they were inseparable. look at them
!! 18+ ; spit roast, facefucking,degradation, praise, hair pulling, face sitting, dumbification, please take care before proceeding !!
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though probably not at first
at first im thinking they went drinking at the end of the day and each took his partner to a room separately
their tastes may be similar but they somehow always managed to find different people
but maybe they got really drunk and saw someone that got them both absolutely smitten
and it probably started some sort of competition between them over who could please you the most
8 hands and one person?? how could you ever turn the offer down
shiva would take your mouth first, rudra making you sit on his face, two of his arms gripping your thighs and pushing you down
the way you whined while rudra ate you out had shiva putting both hands on your head and pushing your mouth all the down his cock
“that’s right, angel,” he’d groan “don’t forget about me,”
his other two hands played with your chest while he was face fucking you
the sensation was too much
“what’s wrong, lamb?” rudra asked, “i can feel you clenching around my tongue.”
“Poor baby wants to cum,” his friend teased, pushing your head all the way down again watching your eyes roll to the back of your head
rudra smirked and shoved you back down on his face, one of his hands starting to rub circles around your clit
You groaned around his friend’s dick, trying to move up but being held down
“mffgggg pleathee,” you moaned “pleatheee,”
he pulled you off his cock with a grin, taking in the fucked out look on your face, the drool gathering on your chin and your swollen lips
new kink unlocked
“god she’s so pretty,” he grunted, leaning down and kissing you while you creamed around rudra’s tongue
when he pulled away, he grabbed your hair and kissed you as well, making you taste yourself
“such a good girl,” he cooed, watching your tongue loll out, hand lightly tapping the sides of your cheek “open wide for me, pretty girl.”
shiva watched as he grabbed your face and spat inside, your eyes completely transfixed on him as you swallowed
he was discovering so many new things
before shiva could think twice about it, rudra had already lined you up with his cock and shoved himself in all the way
the stretch had tears gathering at the sides of your eyes but they didn’t let you rest
“i guess ill just blow my first load in your mouth,” shiva groaned, pushing your open mouth on his cock, muffling your moans
Rudra rolled his head back as he pumped into you, feeling your pussy clench around him every time shiva shoved his cock down your throat
“stupid whore, fuuckk you’re so fucking tight ” he groaned “my stupid fuuuckkkk just like that baby little mfffgghh whore, going even stupider on my dick ”
shiva was quiet, unable to take his eyes off the way you looked up at him while he was shoving his dick in and out of your mouth
you looked absolutely ruined but he wanted to ruin you even more and it was like you were begging him to
so who was he to deny such an adamant request?
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worstloki · 3 years
Tesseroki show in the style of Wandavision
I have thought about this so much 
#anon anon anon you DONT evEN KNOW#I have multiple set-ups for this in my brain#I am considering writing it but i cant write romance and wanted to focus on the thor and loki relationship but i think about it#regualrly#but basically instead of the no-memories thing with vision Tess thinks they've always had a body and Loki kinda does too#and there's this whole Thor 1 setup and the traumatic events through the movie start to just. fade in.#so loki will just be walking and his reflection will be jotun but it's reflecting off like. a golden pillar or part of his room ya know#so he's just there on asgard and he doesn't remember the trauma similarly to a shock response?#like if ragnarok was a delayed breakdown#and making jokes about suicide and all was just a precursor to him having to actually process everything#because it actually is a lot#and i assume he hasn't worked things out (thank u ragnrok <3)#and asgard slowly starts to fall apart around him#thor is accusing him of things he doesn't remember#he's no longer welcome on asgard#at least he has the tesseract but then the next trauma after hela was thanos showing up and breaking the tesseract ya know#so Tess just starts cracking and Loki isn't going to deal with any of that#so even though he now remembers everything he resets the world and lets it keep playing out#and unlike wandvision stephen DOES show up bc he kinda HAS TO#otherwise nothing will stop the world#so endgame thor instead of going with the guardians is interrupted by stephen showing up like 'hey we need u to get loki back'#and then there's an ACTUAL thor and a fake thor and Loki's got to decide between the sweet lies he'd rather tell himself and the truth#because THOR had time to come to terms with loki being adopted and sent by thanos and frigga's death and hela#but LOKI DIDN"T#he's had one thing after the other#and i cut the tdw-ragnarok gap short bc lets face it loki was nOT dealing in ragnarok#it's just a giant massive breakdown basically#and i've got multiple versions and some have tesseroki and some don't ?#but for the most part it's about thor and loki because that's the only relationship loki knows can actually be fixed at this point#2012!loki landing whenever in the timestream and setting shop and when the TVA shows he jumps again and sets shop there
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imnot0katal1 · 4 years
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BUT He DaNCEd WIth gIantS
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duman-anon · 4 years
Which actor would you pick to play each Winx Club’s villain for a potential live action ?
Hm, great challenge accepted (that took time to answer) and btw; this is just a weak opinion of mine since there are so MANY great actors out there so I just took now some that I think just reminded me of each character
Icy - Emma Roberts
Darcy - Keira Knightley
Stormy - Justine Skye (a singer)
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Lord Darkar - Michael Wincott
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Valtor/Baltor - Tom Ellis
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The Wizards Of The Black Circle
Ogron - Robert Pattinson
Gantlos - Chris Hemsworth
Anagan - Michael B. Jordan
Duman - Herman Tømmeras
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Tirtannus - Booboo Stewart
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Seline - Olivia Cooke
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Arcehon - Gísli Örn Garðarsson
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The two weird animals
Kalshara - Anna Shaffer
Barfilius - Josh Gad
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lokidevorlocked · 6 years
made by @laughhardrunfastbekind
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