weiwuxiian · 5 years
@ragetempered — STARTER CALL  ♪
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❝Nie da-ge~❞ a sing-song voice he was born with rings from his throat as he plops himself on Nie Mingjue’s table, legs dangling down looking like a little child. ( He isn’t one anymore compared to years ago, but Wei Ying feels young, no matter how old he is ). It’s obvious when he comes to visit his guardian, he comes with an intention in mind. ❝I heard... When you kicked Meng Yao down the stairs, the servants were stumped. There, there, there. There’s nothing to be angry about, yea? Didn’t you say you saw potential in him before? You even said... that he would be a fine gentleman!❞ His words were playful, accompanied by his tone, but there’s no missing the line of worried crease over his head---it’s no secret that the Nie Sect Leaders all died of qi deviation fueled from their temperament---and Wei Ying thinks a little too much about it recently when Meng Yao had often been the cause of Nie Mingjue’s outrage.
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sunlessscholar-blog · 5 years
"Thank you, have a good day!”
Those words were followed by a nod and a gentle smile as the medic left, a somewhat large weaved basket in his arms- filled to the brim with various things. Though, it was mostly things that he had been running low on and that he kept forgetting to go out to stack back on due to sudden distractions. And luckily, today was one of those cooler days where the sun didn’t seem to hit as harshly as it usually did around this corner of QingheNie- or was it perhaps because it was breezy? Not too much but not too little, just enough to not be a bother to one’s face, should they be walking against it.
A light hum would leave Jinyu’s lips as he made his way through the somewhat busy streets of this village, stopping at times to buy a few more things such as a couple small bags of seeds to refill the small bowls he left in his yard for the birds and a few fish. Another nod, another thank-you with a smile, the doctor then went back on his way, this time starting to head toward the village’s entrance so that he could start heading home before it would get too dark. 
That is, until he had to stop at the gates to put down the basket for a few minutes, mostly to rest his arms since he had been carrying it for hours already.
Taking his hat off only to fix his now loose ponytail, Jinyu then adjusted his hat so that it wasn’t covering half his sight ahead of him before taking one last glance around- before jade green eyes noticed a familiar sight. Wasn’t that sect leader Nie? Blinking once, then twice, eyebrows raised when he noticed that the man seemed to be heading toward him and not just passing by. 
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“Oh? Good afternoon, sect leader Nie.” The medic greeted with a small wave while his other hand was leaning against the side of his basket. While it did surprise him a little to see the other around here, he wasn’t going to show it, instead simply smiling as he usually did. But that didn’t stop the brunet from thinking- did he have business with him again? Or was he simply feeling like he wanted to talk? Either way, Jinyu wasn’t going to complain- after all, company was always welcomed.
“A shame you just showed up, I’m just about to head home!” He paused, a free hand raising and his index lightly tapped against his own chin, changing his expression to a thoughtful one. “Unless you’d like to tag along? I don’t mind, either way.”
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hwaniao · 5 years
↳ starter for @ragetempered​
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          “ ah, i’ve been found out.”  he deadpanned, the hand holding a cup of alcohol paused just before his lips, his word a jest as if he was a teenager getting caught red handed with the liquor and not a man in his late twenties. “ why are you up, brother?  didn’t you retire to your room hours ago?”
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lactiflcra-blog · 5 years
“ you know how to make me feel all alone ”
[[ what effing ask meme was this again im too lazy to look ]]
perhaps his assumption that the conversation was over had been erroneous–considering the timbre of the man’s familiar intonation roused him as he walked for the door, he would be inclined to believe that was the case. hand held before him, poised in that familiar way, his back to the man, he heard the words and felt the shadow eclipse the light of the smile on his face: the familiar muscular memory of a smile turning to a frown with a distinct lack of ceremony.
elated was the heart of the one who knew they could do no wrong in one’s eyes, but heavy was the heart that could do no right. and in the case of nie mingjue’s opinions on jin guangyao, it was very clear where the go pieces lay.
❛ both of us know you would rather i not stay, da-ge. ❟ not mingjue, not sect leader, but the name they had all assumed when they had taken their vow together, the three of them. but now it was tinged with a bitterness on his tongue when he spoke it. it bordered upon poisonous in his mouth at times, but he spoke it with the same respect that the name would mandate, he spoke it appropriately and with respect.
❛ if you say i make you feel alone, wouldn’t you rather be? ❟
the urge to cast a glance over his shoulder was heavy on him, but he kept his eyes forefront. in the occasional glinting reflection, though, he saw nie mingjue seated still at the table behind them, and he knew that those eyes that had brimmed once with tears when casting him from the unclean realm were downcast, and did not look upon him.
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so he began walking once more.
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honghuas · 5 years
💔 (fuck it)
MESSED UP KISSES | no longer accepting !
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       ❝ 𝐈 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐇𝐄𝐀𝐑𝐃 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐘𝐎𝐔𝐑 𝐂𝐋𝐀𝐍 possesses a unique collection of spiritual weapons .  ❞ The red robed sect leader had said with a snarky look written on his pale face. 
He was free to behave a little cockier than he might have been elsewhere when they were on his turf, the Qinghe Nie sect being one of the few cultivations sects willing to give him the time of day in the past few years. Hua Cheng could even argue that he and the clan’s current leader, Nie Mingjue, were on amicable terms despite the stark differences in their attitudes – all except for the one characteristic which they shared a striking resemblance: their innate ability to intimidate a room with their raw power.
It brought a delicate dance for dominance between the two men when they were in a room together. This time they were deep within TongLu’s sects Paradise Manor, in a small room centered off from the main hall where seals had been placed row by row upon the door entrance. Hua Cheng had ripped a particular one off before sliding the door open, the reasoning behind being evident the second an outpouring of oppressive, demonic energies came through.
❝  This is my own armory of relics .  ❞ Hua Cheng said, strong hands clasping behind his back. There was a certain pride in the way his visible eye became crescent shaped, the man himself strolling slowly backwards into the room. When Nie Mingjue followed he continued on casually, ❝  I’ve had some of these for years, few could be said to be gifted . They’re all sturdy, taken from infamous war generals who betrayed their nation or assassins who misstepped. Some even belonged to cultivators who had dishonored their masters, and thus taken their life.  ❞
A soft grunt and shuffle to his right drew his attention back to the other sect leader, where he remained staring intently at his finger that had been sliced from touching one of the rusted, jade colored blades. Hua Cheng hummed in response and bounded wordlessly over, only the sound of bells from the array of silver jewelry on his person resounding. He took his hand gingerly in his, examined the residual demonic energy beginning to taint the droplet of blood forming.  
That wouldn’t do. 
So Hua Cheng made the decision to bring it to his mouth, eye staring unwaveringly upon Nie Mingjue’s face as his lips parted to let his tongue lave over the pad of his finger. The atmosphere of the small weapons armory began to feel heavier than when they entered, before suddenly drawing back at once. He released his hand as the floorboards creaked with relief and reached over to take the jade sword back to be put upon its mantle, the dark spot of energy on the other’s finger suddenly nowhere to be found.
❝ But because of such dangerous auras, I have to wield them frequently.  ❞ He finished matter-of-factly. 
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shenqsi · 5 years
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    𝐓𝐇𝐄 𝐎𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐑 𝐆𝐔𝐀𝐑𝐃𝐒 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐇𝐀𝐃 𝐄𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐆𝐇 𝐎𝐅 𝐗𝐔𝐄 𝐘𝐀𝐍𝐆 by the time he had started spitting at them, only an hour or two into his capture, and that wasn’t even the worst his mouth could do. they could yell at him all they wanted, kick the bars of his cell and EVEN THREATEN HIM, but what were empty threats to a man who would easily turn their words against them, make them shove it down their throats and eat it! 
𝒃𝒖𝒕 𝒏𝒊𝒆 𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒈𝒋𝒖𝒆 𝒊𝒔 𝒅𝒊𝒇𝒇𝒆𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒕.
    he carries himself different, walks different, talks different. if xue yang was wary of anyone, it would be him. his sharp eyes barely blink as he watches mingjue approach his cage  ( AN ANIMAL! ). 
      ❛    what an honor, 𝐒𝐄𝐂𝐓 𝐋𝐄𝐀𝐃𝐄𝐑 𝐍𝐈𝐄, for you to grace my humble cell.  ❜    
@ragetempered​ -- from trash yang!
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forlorninquiry · 5 years
❛ i’ll survive . somehow i always do . ❜
The man had a truly impressive constitution. The wounds he bore through the last battle would have been enough to immobilize a lesser cultivator - but here was Nie Mingjue, carrying on through the closing fights of the battle as though he was merely fatigued. His robes were awash in drying, dark blood, and it was difficult to tell how much was his, or someone else’s. 
It was his brother who expressed concern over Nie Mingjue’s health, insisting that he rest. There was still more to do, more contingents of Wen combatants holding out deeper in the fortress. Once he answered that he would be fine, Wangji could see the unease on his brother’s face. 
“Trust Sect Leader Nie,” he tells his brother in a rare urging with a small turn of his head, and with his eyes lowered out of deference for both his brother and to Nie Mingjue. “We are small in number, and need his assistance.”
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illusiive · 5 years
“I like walking when the streets are empty.”
Hazel eyes look up at Chifeng-zun, wide with amazement and wonder at the unprompted statement. He had never asked what Nie Mingjue had preferred, nor would he ever dare to. Meng Yao may have grown close to the Nie sect leader but the distance between them often made it feel like they were still a world apart.
Often he chalked it up to the sect leader’s emotional constipation; there were days one could hardly tell what he was thinking, then the days where he wore his heart on his sleeve.
To be given such a simple glimpse into Nie Mingjue’s heart was a sign the man had truly come to accept him as a friend.
Meng Yao tightens his grip on the basket of paperwork he was carrying and smiles broadly, a swift nod in response. “It’s relaxing,” he agrees. “There’s something slightly surreal in walking about when the rest of the sect is at rest, it’s oft so busy.”
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shuoshuzhe-a · 5 years
ragetempered replied to your post: 
do the thing. absolutely do the thing.
i’m being enabled and i can never say no so guess what, it’s happening
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xueyaang · 5 years
Send a ‘💬’ to catch a glimpse of a memory my muse has.
Sometimes, when the sun wasn’t too harsh and hunger wasn’t sapping his strength, Xue Yang strolled down the market street, grey round eyes curiously scoping what the vendors were selling. No one bothered to try to sell him anything - it was obvious by his unkempt and too-small clothes, and from the dirt on his face and the dullness of his dark hair that he was of no means. He ignored the feeling of being invisible and unnoticed that creeped at the edges of his perception - some days he didn’t mind it. But most days, he craved nothing more than to be seen and acknowledged for more than simply existing. 
The sun glinted off a piece of highly polished brass. He’d seen other things like it before, and drawn to the shimmer of metal he reached out and picked it up. Looking back at him in the brass was a face. 
Xue Yang blinked, and the face blinked too. His mouth dropped, and in the brass the other face’s lips formed an ‘O’. 
“Haven’t you ever seen a mirror before?” the stall keeper harrumphed while reaching forwards to pull the brass mirror from Xue Yang’s dirty hands. 
He shook his head, watching with rapt fascination as the other face in the brass mirror also shook his head. It was clear now that the other face was himself. Not even in puddles had he seen his face so clearly. Just as he was touching the ridge of his cheekbone and the turn of his nose and the small jut of his chin, the mirror was yanked from his hands. Bewildered, Xue Yang looked up at the stall keeper with a small pout that formed on his face. 
The stallkeeper sharply waved him away before he scrubbed his distinct fingerprints off of the metallic surface. “You’re gonna dirty the mirror with your filthy hands. Keep walking! There’s nothing here for you!” 
Not needing to be told twice, Xue Yang turned and continued down the street while scrubbing his hands on the sides of his trousers. He felt too keenly aware of himself; it’d been at least a fortnight ago since he had a proper bath. No other stalls caught his attention, because he was deep in thought. 
It’d been said that children look like their parents, he recalled overhearing some time ago. If this was true, then what did his parents look like? Did he get the shape and color of his eyes from his mother? Did he get the shape of his cheeks and jaw from his father? What were their names? Did his parents name him, or was he supposed to be someone else? 
He couldn’t stop himself as he continued to wonder about his parents - who they were, where they were from, and what happened to them that he was left on the streets alone. In his mind, they were upright and noble and undeservedly met a terrible fate… Xue Yang never considered the possibility that he was abandoned and unwanted, the ill-gotten product of a loveless encounter.
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weiwuxiian · 5 years
You're about to get yourself smacked, Wei Wuxian. Spare that boy's ears.
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❝NYEHEHEHEHEHE…….. Nie-gege, you’re one to say, when I don’t know— When are you getting married again?❞   
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immclating · 5 years
“ scream into the universe until it screams back ”
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“Sometimes you need to scream to get things off of your chest, but I doubt you truly want the universe screaming back at you.”
Jun Wu remarks with a soft but amused tone, one hand fanning himself as the other checks to make sure his hair is still in place. He hadn’t expected it to be quite this warm today and to be caught complaining was somewhat embarrassing. Even so he responds with gentle good humor, eyeing the saber-wielding man with some level of curiousity.
Is this what mortals were like these days?
“The universe has its way of making its voice known and rarely, if ever, is it pleasant.”
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hwaniao · 5 years
‘of course i care. you’re my family.’
ways to say ily / accepting!
↳ @ragetempered
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          huaisang could only blink once, twice, as he processed it; that declaration was so out of the blue, felt so much like a memory from years ago, and it caught him off guard. out of all the reactions he expected from his brother, this was quite possibly at the bottom of the list. a thought came unbidden: it’s getting a bit harder to remember, brother, when nowadays you keep dismissing my words and feelings like they’re nothing, but then obviously didn’t—couldn’t—say, and it’s not at all because of how much his brother’s strength intimidated him. 
          so instead he let out a chuckle, and prayed it didn’t sound as fake as it felt in his mind. “ what’s with that response!”  he replied before gesturing to his ankle, “ i meant that it’s just a sprain, so there’s no need to worry so much.”
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lactiflcra-blog · 5 years
‘ i learned a secret : there is no without . i am not gone . i am scattered into so many pieces , sprinkled on your life like new snow . ’
[[ haunting of hill house starter sentences ]]
cold was the sweat that broke over his brow when such things crossed him, staggered was the breathing in his chest as pupils metamorphosed from pinpricks to all-encompassing black holes. he held to his chest torn pages, he moved through the halls concealed beneath and hidden away from the passing eyes, he moved in a place that was thought to be the epitome of utmost secrecy, but the words rang in his ears with a clarity that was utterly unmagnanimous as thought the taller sect leader had leaned down to speak in that commanding cadence against his ear these things. they were hazed not with sadness but with certainty and caused his throat to lodge itself firmly shut despite bet efforts to swallow the lump that was there.
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his fingers pressed into the aged parchment, torn at the edges, the original copies of the songs of calamity that he had ripped so carefully, that he hid. maybe he should destroy them. it was not as thought evidence needed to remain, especially with some invading his space when his back was turned, not with those that would rend the peony bush’s roots from the dirt that it sprung up from and lay such bare. dirt. entwined in this peony bush’s roots were human skulls, too many to count, the roots twined around grasping fingers and decaying flesh and rotting eyes, around soil that was layers of flame and forgery and concealed illegalities–
❛ you’re dead, ❟ he spoke aloud, as though his voice was the sound of the guqin, as though it had some spiritual resonance to it–laughable, really. jin guangyao’s cultivation level was remarkably low, probably due to being the child of a prostitute and not bred in the same way as someone like lan xichen or nie mingjue, always just a little bit behind. but that didn’t matter, not here, not now. ❛ you are gone, ❟ as his eyes flicked around dimly lit halls and he heard the crinkle of paper in his hand more than he felt himself crushing it, his breath catching in his throat. ❛ i killed you. ❟
but the waver in his voice was unsure, trembling as a plucked bowstring, no power behind it, not here. brisk movements, he whipped around, casting the wrinkled sheets as though they had some power. sweat and tears rolled from his face, sanity wavering for a moment, ethereal, haunting as the voice he heard: ❛ I KILLED YOU. ❟
as if that would fend it off.
usually he only heard that voice when he was asleep.
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honghuas · 5 years
Propensity toward criminal behavior★★★☆☆
Physical appearance★★★☆☆
Personality as a whole☆☆☆☆☆
What my muse finds most annoying about yours:He’s much too similar to people like Feng Xin, Pei Ming or Rong Guang to him. Even though he cannot deny his ability to govern and fight, he’s the sort of person Hua Cheng wouldn’t trust a grain of rice to on his life.
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feiyancao · 5 years
Character Facts Meme || Still Accepting!
★ Xianhua adored and admired her brother when she was young, but as they grew up and he was extolled as the golden child by their parents, he grew more distant toward her, and their relationship gradually became more and more strained until they barely spoke at all, even at home.
★ Like many proper Lan disciples, she has impeccable handwriting. This persisted as she grew up, old habits die hard.
★ She is a very modest person and does not tend to think overly highly of herself, despite her obvious talents. This is due in part to her parents as well as her naturally humble nature.
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