#raffles mumbai
raffles-design · 26 days
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At Raffles Design International, we’re all about nurturing future interior designers. Our Interior Design courses provide hands-on learning with guidance from industry experts. You’ll work on real projects, develop creative solutions, and get to grips with the latest design tools. We’re here to help you turn your passion into a career and make your mark in the design world. Join us and start your journey today!
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olympic-paris · 28 days
STORY: At Sea with Maurice
'So, you fancy him, do you?'
'No, I fancy you Maurice,' I answered, trying to make a joke out of it. But I was beginning to get a little irritated with Maurice. We both knew why he'd offered me this trip home, and I was getting tired of him just not getting to it.
'But you do fancy him, don't you?' Maurice persisted. 'I mean you have nothing against mixed Orientals, have you? What would you say? A fourth White Russian, half northern Chinese, a fourth Thai, I would say. And I've been around in the region taking on deck hands long enough to be a pretty good judge of that.'
'Yes, I suppose that could be right. Hell, I don't anything about that. I'd only been in Singapore two weeks when you and I met.'
'I was very selective, Paul. I always am,' Maurice continued. If he could tell I was on the edge of irritation, he wasn't admitting it. We were in the dining room of his container ship bound from Singapore to Miami by way of India, South Africa, and up the coast of South America. 'Nine days and eight nights to Mumbai, India,' Maurice was saying. 'Eight deckhands taken on in Singapore and exchanged in Mumbai for the run to Cape Town with a new set. In each port, a new set. Just like always. Carefully picked.'
I wasn't half listening to what Maurice was saying. He owned this container ship - and apparently several others - all plying the equator route, picking up here and letting off there, enabling the exchange of goods by countries across the tropics. I guess that made him quite wealthy. He was egalitarian, though. The passenger accommodations on the ship had proven to be surprisingly comfortable and plush. He must have had at least ten well-appointed cabins for passengers beyond the ship's crew, but only he and I occupied any of these cabins on this run. And all, owner, passenger, and crew alike, took their regular meals in the common dining room.
I looked over at the sailor Maurice was prompting me to show interest in. It didn't take much effort to show interest in him. He was a well over six feet and muscle hardened, as a veteran commercial sailor had to be. Maybe thirty-five, maybe older. As Maurice noted, he seemed to have enough of the Oriental in him to be somewhat inscrutable, but to my eyes, he was mainly Slavic. Maurice had mentioned he came from Harbin and claimed to be a descent of tsarist refugees. Certainly enough White Russian in him to have a sturdy, if extremely well-toned, physique and a well-chiseled face. And his hearty laugh and the way the others at his table responded and accepted him - obviously a well-liked man of good humor.
David hadn't been like that. As he'd gotten older - and especially as he came to choose to think that I never aged along with him - and his maladies had set in, he'd gotten more ill-humored and snappish. 'When will you grow into looking like a man,' he'd mutter at me whenever we had a fight. But what was I supposed to do about that? There were certain attributes that made for a horse jockey type. The grand tour of Asia was supposed to make him happier. Well, that didn't happen.
'So, you fancy him, don't you? Our quarter White Russian.'
'Yes, yes, I fancy him,' I answered in barely controlled exasperation.
* * * *
'So, you fancy him, do you?'
'Excuse me?' I responded. Surprised to hear myself addressed. It was midday in the Raffles Hotel Long Bar, and I hadn't realized that anyone was sitting at my elbow. I was slinging gin and tonics down in some sort of wake, although I had no idea how an official wake should go. I didn't even like gin and tonics. But this is what David drank, so this is what I was drinking. It was, after all, David's wake.
'The bartender. You two have been chatting it up and you both look quite good. I thought you were working up to getting it on.'
'No, no, of course not,' I said. I might have been a little short with him, but the barkeep and I had been saying enough for him to know what our preferences were.
I turned and focused on the man sitting beside me at the bar who had asked me this strange question. He was maybe pushing fifty, but he didn't drive a desk, I could tell. He had that hands-on worker aspect about him. Salt and pepper hair, and a lot of it. Thick curlings at the V of his open sports shirt and matting on the backs of his thick-fingered hands where they extended from his sports coat. But he also exuded money and power. Germanic would be what I'd guess if I had to make a guess. I wasn't surprised he was chatting me up. I seem to have something that attracts these older men. David had been about his age when he had transitioned from me riding his horses to him riding me and eventually asking me to move my toothbrush into the main house.
'No,' I started again. 'I just needed someone to talk to, I guess - to share a last salute with. And I thought the bartender was the only one here. I didn't see you at the bar.'
'I wasn't at the bar. I was over there in the corner. Waiting for you to come in.'
I didn't have time to process this, because he continued.
'Someone to share a last salute with. I don't . . .'
'My companion . . . Oh, hell, my lover, the man who fed and clothed me . . . died the other day here in the Raffles Hotel. In bed . . . with me. I've just now gotten the paperwork finished and seen his body off for the States. But there wasn't room for me in the box to Boston. So, I'm here, high and dry. I don't know if I'm here to mourn him or to feel sorry for myself.'
What was I saying? I blushed in embarrassment. 'I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said all of that. I guess I'm still in shock. I hope I didn't say that to the bartender. I just don't remember. Too many gin and tonics, I guess. I'm such a bore.'
'No, no, you aren't a bore at all. You're endearing. And, yes, you did mention to the bartender that you had been a racing jockey some years past. That caught me by surprise. You don't look hardly old enough to have had a past - or to be in this bar, for that matter. And you've said enough to the bartender that I thought you might fancy each other.'
I could tell a pass when I heard one. I started wondering whether I might string my Singapore stay out for another meal and a night. That was pretty hard as nails of me, I knew. But after tonight my suitcase would be in the hall, and Singapore's welcome mat would be jerked out from underneath me, and I had no more prospect of leaving Singapore than I had of staying here. It was unfair, really, I thought. I'd given up a promising Jockeying career to go with David; you didn't just dip in and out of that, you had to have a progression of recent successful rides to get anywhere. And I'd been nursemaid and lover to him for nearly ten years - all to the horror of his family. There would be no succor in that direction. I'd not get a dime from any of them to get home on, even though I'd been more family to him for nearly a decade than any of them had been.
The man beside me backed right off of what he was getting into saying, though. His whole expression changed. He became jocular, as if he was afraid he'd been too forward. But in my straits, I'm not sure what too forward would look like. I'd given out for my keep for some time now; I hadn't honed any other skills.
'Say, I'm starving,' he said - as if he'd been thinking for some time how to move this proposition along and this was the best he could come up with. 'You wouldn't like to join me for a bit to eat in the Palm Court, would you? I hate to eat alone.'
'Umm, the Palm Court isn't exactly in my budge at . . .' I mumbled.
'Oh bother that,' he said. 'My treat, of course. My name's Maurice, by the way. And yours is . . .'
'Paul . . . just Paul.'
'Well, Just Paul, tell me, do you fancy the bartender?'
I must have given him a very peculiar look, because he immediately steamed back into the conversation.
'Ummm, well. Pity that. But come, the Palm Court awaits us.'
Over dinner Maurice established that he owned container ships plying around the world in the tropic zones and that he had one he was taking to Miami via the India, Africa, and South America route that was about to set sail.
'I get the impression your David's sudden death has left you here high and dry,' he said over coffee. 'Would it help to get you to Miami?'
Would it ever. I'd do just about anything for him to get passage to Miami.
'It wouldn't be the fastest route, of course. It would take more than a month actually . . . but if you're interested, I could take you on board tomorrow. No, no problem, no cost to you. It would just be good to have someone to talk with during the journey. I'm not taking on any other passengers this time; you'd be no added cost to me; more than enough provisions are already on board, and what's not consumed will just have to be thrown out.'
Manna dropped from heaven. I didn't even try to pretend that I wouldn't jump at the offer.
'Would you like me to come up to your room with you tonight?' I asked as we were rising from the dinner table. I didn't want there to be any misunderstanding how grateful I was and what he had a right to ask of me in return.
'No, no. Not tonight. That's not necessary. Have your bags down by 9:30 tomorrow and we'll leave straight for the docks.'
* * * *
We hadn't set down to our evening meal in the container ship's dining room until we had cleared the Singapore Straits and were steaming into the Indian sea. All alone now on the sea; no land and no other ships in sight in any direction. The sun was still bright outside; it wouldn't set for another couple of hours. The ship's mate came into the dining room as deserts were being handed out to report that we also seemed to be steaming into a squall. All hands were called on deck to methodically walk through the stacks of metal containers as big as box cars and ensure that all of the cabling holding them in place was as tight as could be. One container dislodged could roll the whole ship over in a high sea. It was going to be hard work and the sun was still hot, so all of the hands pushed their desert plates aside, stripped down to their waists, and headed for the hatchway.
I sucked in my breath at the look of the White Russian's physique when he was stripped down. Heavily muscled, bulking, a regular Zeus. In fact, all of the deckhands were large-boned, particularly well muscled; and strong looking; it obviously was a career necessity.
Maurice left with them, but he returned in a few minutes, and we finished our deserts and coffee in an otherwise deserted dining room. He was being extremely polite and solicitous - almost fatherly - toward me. Not for the first time did I feel embarrassment at my slight size and young looks. I wondered how I was going to get past him treating me like I might break in two if he touched me. David had never shown me this regard.
Over the day on board, Maurice had grown on me. I was used to going with older men, and, although 'of an age,' he seemed in better shape than most. And his curly salt and pepper hair intrigued me. I wondered if he was as hairy under that shirt as the back of his hands and the V at his neck implied. And whether he had such a luxuriant bush at his pubes - and how low he was hung. The hair leading me down that path. I was resisting the urge to run my hands under the hem of his shirt and up to his nipples and trying to start the inevitable process of the taking - right here on the dining table. I leaned in a bit toward him and moved my hand to the edge of the table near him.
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But then Maurice abruptly rose again from the table and took a step back. 'We should turn in early,' he said. 'If we run into the squall, it will be a rough sailing night.'
'Shall I come to your room tonight?' I asked. Maurice had still not openly expressed the price of my passage, and I wanted to make clear that I knew what I owed. I also knew from how he looked at me that he wanted me, even though he was withdrawing from every signal I was sending him.
'No, no. It's not necessary,' he answered.
I found this very frustrating. David - at least after my jockey career was shot when I stopped competing and putting horses through their paces so that I could respond to his every whim - had never let me forget that sex was my price for any favor or spending money. I hadn't needed to beg for the responsibility or right to pay my own way with the only coin available to me with David. I couldn't figure Maurice out.
My confusion and funk continued after I had gone back to my cabin, stripped down to my sleeping shorts, and tried, unsuccessfully, to read from one of the paperbacks I'd brought. The ship wasn't churning in the disquieted seas too violently yet, but it was pitching and yawing enough so that my eyes couldn't remain focused on the small print of the paperback. I had left the night lights on as Maurice had cautioned me to do with the comment that you never could tell where the furniture would wind up at night at sea and it would be best to be able to get your bearings if you had to get up in the night. But the lights cast an eerie red glow around the cabin and fought hard with every attempt I made to sleep.
I rose and padded barefooted out to the covered deck at the back of the passenger cabins, overlooking the wide span of the open hold in which the containers were stacked. Those of the deck crew who so recently had been heartily eating and laughing in the communal dining room were still hard at work, checking cables and tightening up anything loose on deck. It had grown dark now, as much from the black clouds scudding in from overhead as from the end of day. The White Russian, still naked to the waist, torso gleaming from sweat and salt water spray in the lights beaming down from the bridge, was there, not more than ten yards from where I was standing at the railing of the covered passenger deck. What came next came to me as if in a dream.
* * * *
He has come to me in the darkness of night in a stormy sea, riding me on the crest of the waves. I have had to raise the side the rails to stay in the berth as the ship struggles through the squall, rolling and churning through the stormy sea. He comes down heavily on my back as I'm stretched out in the berth on my belly. He is heavy with undulating, insistent muscle, invading, consuming.
Unable to sleep in the tossing sea, I had come to the rail and watched the deckhands moving like dancers, tightening the ropes, securing the cargo. I watched him, the burly White Russian, for hours as the ship raced toward the twilight horizon, just ahead of the storm, losing the race by the minute, inevitably being enfolded from behind in consuming embrace.
Stripped to the waist, he worked hard with ropes at the bow of the ship, letting his muscles and hands work as they knew so masterfully to do. Beauty in motion. Sensual. Arousing. No longer watching what he was doing, because he was watching me.
'What was that you said?' I called out over tumult.
'Your cabin number?' he called back. 'I can come soon. I want to fuck you.'
'Fuck me?' I cried out in shock. Maurice had told him, had told the White Russian I fancied him.
'Your cabin number,' He called back. No longer a question.
I wonder if he would have come anyway, even if I had not told him the number.
Heavy, stretched out, covering me. Wet and salty, just come from the sea. Too strong for me, even if I had wanted to struggle. He gives me no choice, however. His strong arms lace under my armpits and back over my shoulders and make a fist with his hands at the nape of my neck.
His knees are forcing my thighs apart. His club of a dick is at my channel, pushing, pushing, pushing. Entering and rising up inside me. And he just holds me there, letting the rolling and lurching of the tossing, storm-cast sea move him deeper, deeper inside me, Rolling this way and that, the hot bulb of his cock kissing and assaulting my sensitive inner walls at all angles in the rhythm of the tossing sea. Ahhhhhhh.
* * * *
He was grunting hard and I was groaning even harder. I felt the bulk of him slip away from me and both heard and felt the slurping of his impaled dick pull out of me, and I thought he'd finished with me, short of my release. Short, I was sure, of his own. I had not invited him in, but I felt a sudden loss of him.
But he wasn't leaving me; his weight momentarily removed, he turned me over on my back, and in one swift movement pushed his knees between my thighs and grabbed me above the hips, his hands so big and my waist so thin that his fingers almost met, and pulled my torso down hard into him as he thrust his dick strongly up in me once again. I cried out and arched my back, writhing and trembling under his new, stronger assault. I reached over my head and grabbed the rungs of the headboard to hold myself in place against the tossing ship and the White Russian's digging cock.
My head lolled to one side, and that's when I saw him. Maurice, sitting in a chair across the cabin. Naked under a robe, which was hanging open at his sides. Sitting there, one leg hooked over the arm of the chair to give him a wide stance, intensely watching the White Russian fuck me, a little smile on his face, his hand pulling slowly, rhythmically on his meat. The reddish glow of the night lights made the curled wisps of his heavily matted silver-colored chest hair stand out prominently. He was breathing heavily, his barrel chest expanding and contracting, bringing movement to the thatch of chest hair that reminded me of a breeze passing over a field of wheat. His engorged cock was big and thick, extending from a luxurious bush, its bulbous head angry red in the glow of the night lights - and glistening with precum. His eyes glued to the spectacle of the slight me being manhandled and fucked by the burly White Russian deckhand.
The rolling of the ship and the thrusting of the White Russian's cock was too much for me. I gave a gasp and my muscles tightened, and then I gave a little scream, collapsed under the relentless pounding, and released my seed up into the muscular, flat belly muscle of the thrusting deckhand. He, in turn, roared in triumph and jerked and ejaculated deep inside me.
Then he was gone but was almost immediately replaced by Maurice, who took up the just-vacated position, his knees pushing under my ass cheeks and thighs, his strong hands digging into my hips, a thicker cock than the deckhand's thrusting inside me. And thrusting and thrusting. Fucking me hard, the rolling of the disquieted sea tossing and turning and churning me on his relentless cock. I ran my hands up through the enticing thick hair on his chest and took his nipples between my fingers and gently squeezed. I smiled into his face, a smile of welcome, of gratitude for the free passage. Wanting him to enjoy the fuck. Enjoying the fuck myself.
But Maurice had worked himself up into a frenzy in his voyeuristic foreplay. My welcoming him wasn't really the image and the fulfilled fantasy he was seeking.
'Fight me,' he demanded. 'Struggle for your freedom or I'll fuck you unconscious.' Then he backhanded me across the face, and I began to writhe under him, trying to escape. But this was probably why he had selected me. I was small and light, and although I was strong, I wasn't strong enough for the White Russian or for Maurice.
I did manage to dislodge his cock and scramble over to the side, but the safety slats on the side of the bed were insurmountable, especially as the ship had taken that moment to lurch to port and roll me back into Maurice.
He laughed and grabbed me around the waist with one hand and scooped up two pillows with the other. He turned me on my face and forced the pillows under my belly, raising my hips to him. The lurching of the ship was tossing us about, but Maurice was used to this. He crouched up over my hips, his thighs encasing mine. I felt his hand positioning his angry red knob at my hole, and then he reared his pelvis back and brutally thrust inside me and started pumping me hard. Going with the lurching of the ship, using the ship's motion to delve deeper into my channel and assault and caress every inch of my channel walls as he drove up inside me. Driving me to distraction. Sensations I'd never felt before. Completely taken, wholly controlled and invaded.
He was riding me like a jockey in a closely contested race, the image not lost to either one of us. He ran the fingers of one hand into my hair, and grabbed, and lifted my head up toward his face, arching my back painfully. Bringing my ear to his lips, he whispered in a throaty, lust-driven tone, 'Did your David ride you like this, my little filly? Was he this big and thick, and did he thrust like this . . . and . . . umph . . . like this . . . and like THIS?' Each brutal thrust made me jerk and spasm. Then he bit me on the earlobe.
I gasped and yelped a reply, but he wasn't listening to me. He wasn't interested in what I had to say. He had been so reserved and mannerly in the light of day. In the light of the reddish night light and on the tossing sea, he was something else altogether. He was a vengeful god; King Neptune. And he was splitting me asunder with his spear. I was completely in thrall to him. Alone out here on the sea. Completely at his mercy.
And his mercy was very thin at the moment. He was riding me like a rodeo bull performer, tossed by the wallowing ship, duplicating the fury of the gale thrusting against the creaking ship. He was slapping my butt cheeks with stinging blows from his hands, and pistoning inside me, and riding . . . riding . . . riding.
* * * *
The next morning, the sea was calm as glass. I remarked on this to the third mate as I was entering the dining room, and he said, 'Yes, that's not unusual. But the weather charts say to expect another rough night at sea tonight.'
The deckhands - and the ship owner and passenger as well - were quiet and a bit groggy after a hard night at sea - harder for some than others; harder in a different way for one than for the others.
We were all withdrawn into ourselves, needing that first cup of coffee before we could even think of being decent to each other or to struggle for something to say.
Maurice was already there, nursing a steaming mug, when I fairly hobbled in, not all from lack of sea legs.
The eight deckhands were huddled over their own coffee, hoarding their cups from each other like they were treasure chests. They all looked at me as I came in. They had had their heads together, listening to the White Russian whispering, when I entered the room. He stopped whispering as soon as he saw me come in.
I went over and sat next to Maurice, not saying a word. I was trying to think of something to say, when I felt the nudge of a hand against the one I had laid on the table top. I looked up into the eyes of a smiling, blond giant of an Australian. Open smile, a gleam in his eye. A steaming coffee mug in his hand.
'A cup of Joe, mate?' he asked. All smiles, super friendly.
I smiled wanly back at him and took the cup. 'Thanks . . . mate,' I managed.
He smiled again and backed his way to the table of the deckhands and slowly sank into his seat, his eyes still on me. The eyes of all eight on me. One set satiated; seven sets in lip-licking anticipation.
I turned my eyes to Maurice, who was also giving me 'that look.'
'So, you fancy him, do you?' Maurice said, gesturing toward the Australian, his eyes telling me all I needed to know about the rough nights at sea with Maurice.
by Habu
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fbcelebrations1 · 1 month
Must-Have photos for your Indian Wedding day
Indian weddings are vibrant, emotional, and steeped in tradition. To ensure your wedding album captures the essence of your big day must-have photos
•The First Look
The emotional moment when the bride and groom see each other for the first time is a priceless memory.
•Getting Ready Moments
Capture the excitement and emotions as the bride and groom get ready for the Wedding ceremony.
•The Baraat
The groom’s lively procession sets the celebratory tone, don’t miss capturing the dancing and dhol music
•The Wedding Mandap
A wide shot of the beautifully decorated Mandap, where the sacred rituals take place, is essential.
•Varmala Exchange
This playful and symbolic exchange of garlands marks the couple's acceptance of each other.-
•Emotional Family Moments
Capture the tears and joy of family members during significant rituals like the Kanyadaan and Bidaai.
•Bridal Entry
The bride’s grand entrance is a moment of anticipation and joy, whether under a floral canopy or solo.
•Couple Portraits
Take time for intimate portraits that reflect your love and connection.
•The Bidaai
This emotional farewell marks the bride's departure, a poignant and powerful moment to capture.
These photos will help tell the complete story of your wedding day, preserving the emotions and traditions that make your celebration unique.  
Event Conceptualised, Executed & Managed by @fbcelebrations1 Décor Designing, Execution & Entertainment Curation @fbcelebrations1 Venue: Rambaugh Palace, Jaipiur Rajasthan, India, Taj Mahal palace Mumbai, India , Six Senses fort Barwara Rajasthan, India, Umaid Bhawan, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, India, Raffles Udaipur , Waldorf Astoria, Ras Al-Khaimah, UAE.
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latribune · 6 months
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inifdpanvelfd · 1 year
Exploring Interior Design Colleges in Mumbai: A World of Opportunities
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Interior design is an art that combines creativity, functionality, and aesthetics to transform a space into a work of art. In Mumbai, the demand for interior designers is increasing as more and more people are looking to create unique living spaces and workspaces that reflect their personalities and styles. With this increasing demand, Interior Design Colleges in Mumbai have emerged as a hub for aspiring interior designers to hone their skills and gain expertise in this field. 
Whether you are a creative individual looking to explore the world of interior design or an experienced professional seeking to enhance your skills, the interior design colleges in Mumbai offer a world of opportunities to pursue your passion. 
In this article, we will explore the top Interior design colleges in Mumbai and focus on INIFD Panvel, one of the leading interior design colleges in the city, to give you an insight into the education and career opportunities available in this exciting field.
Top Interior Design Colleges in Mumbai
There are numerous Interior Design Colleges in Mumbai, each offering unique programs and opportunities. Here are some of the best interior design colleges in Mumbai:
INIFD (International Institute of Fashion Design): INIFD is one of the most popular interior design colleges in Mumbai and has multiple campuses across India, including one in Panvel, Mumbai. The institute offers a three-year undergraduate program in interior design, and its curriculum is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in design theory and practical skills. INIFD Panvel also provides students with a unique opportunity to learn from industry experts and work on real-time projects.
Sir J.J. School of Applied Arts: Established in 1935, Sir J.J. School of Applied Arts is one of the oldest and most prestigious interior design colleges in Mumbai for the study of applied arts. The institute offers a four-year undergraduate program in interior design and is known for its hands-on approach to education.
Rachana Sansad School of Interior Design: Rachana Sansad School of Interior Design is another well-known interior design colleges in Mumbai that offers a three-year undergraduate program in interior design. The institute has a strong focus on design research and innovation and provides a dynamic learning environment for its students.
Raffles Design International: Raffles Design International is a global institute with a campus in Mumbai that offers a Bachelor of Design program in interior design. The institute has state-of-the-art facilities and a team of experienced faculty who are dedicated to providing quality education to their students which adds them to the list of best interior design colleges in Mumbai.
SNDT Women's University: SNDT Women's University is a premier women's university in Mumbai that offers a four-year undergraduate program in interior design. This one among the best interior design colleges in Mumbai offers a strong emphasis on practical training and industry exposure, which helps students develop a competitive edge in the job market.
Admission to these interior design course in Mumbai usually requires candidates to have passed their 10+2 or equivalent exams. Some institutes may also require candidates to appear for an entrance exam, followed by a personal interview. 
The Eligibility criteria for various interior design colleges in Mumbai may vary depending on the institute and the course. It is advisable to check the institute's website or contact them directly for more information on the admission process and eligibility criteria.
INIFD Panvel
INIFD (Inter National Institute of Fashion Design) Panvel is one of the leading interior design colleges in Mumbai. Established in 2005, INIFD Panvel has built a reputation for providing quality education in the field of interior design colleges in Mumbai. Here's what you need to know about INIFD Panvel:
Courses Offered and Curriculum:
INIFD Panvel offers a three-year undergraduate program in interior design. The curriculum is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in design theory and practical skills. The program includes subjects like design history, material exploration, design communication, and design detailing. The institute also offers a range of workshops, seminars, and industry visits to expose students to real-time design practices.
Faculty and Qualifications:
INIFD Panvel has a team of experienced faculty members who are experts in their respective fields. The faculty members have a combination of academic and industry experience, which helps them provide a holistic learning experience for the students. The faculty members at INIFD Panvel hold degrees from renowned institutes like NIFT, the JJ School of Art, and CEPT University.
Infrastructure and Facilities:
INIFD Panvel has state-of-the-art infrastructure and facilities that provide a conducive learning environment for students. The institute has well-equipped classrooms, design studios, computer labs, and a well-stocked library. The campus also has a cafeteria, a gym, and sports facilities for the student's overall development.
Student Life:
At INIFD Panvel, students can expect a well-rounded education that extends beyond the classroom. The institute offers a variety of extracurricular activities, clubs, and events that enhance the overall student experience. Students are encouraged to participate in various design competitions, cultural festivals, and fashion shows organized by the student council.
INIFD Panvel is a reputed interior design courses in Mumbai that offers a comprehensive program in interior design. The institute's experienced faculty, industry exposure, and state-of-the-art infrastructure make it an ideal choice for students who wish to pursue a career in interior design.
In conclusion, Interior Design has emerged as a popular career choice, and the demand for interior designers is increasing in Mumbai. With numerous Interior Design Colleges in Mumbai, students can choose from a wide range of programs and opportunities to pursue their passion for interior design. The top interior design coures in Mumbai include INIFD, Sir J.J. School of Applied Arts, Rachana Sansad School of Interior Design, Raffles Design International, and SNDT Women's University.
INIFD Panvel is the leading institute in terms of interior design courses in Mumbai and offers a three-year undergraduate program in interior design. The institute provides students with a strong foundation in design theory and practical skills through its curriculum. INIFD Panvel has experienced faculty members who hold degrees from renowned institutes and state-of-the-art infrastructure that offers a conducive learning environment. The institute also offers a variety of extracurricular activities, clubs, and events that enhance the overall student experience.
Overall, pursuing a career in interior design from one of the reputed interior design colleges in Mumbai, like INIFD Panvel, can open up a world of opportunities in the field of design and provide students with a competitive edge in the job market. As the demand for interior designers continues to increase, students can be assured of a promising career in this exciting field.
Exploring Interior Design Colleges in Mumbai: A World of Opportunities
Interior design is an art that combines creativity, functionality, and aesthetics to transform a space into a work of art. In Mumbai, the demand for interior designers is increasing as more and more people are looking to create unique living spaces and workspaces that reflect their personalities and styles. With this increasing demand, Interior Design Colleges in Mumbai have emerged as a hub for aspiring interior designers to hone their skills and gain expertise in this field. 
Whether you are a creative individual looking to explore the world of interior design or an experienced professional seeking to enhance your skills, the interior design colleges in Mumbai offer a world of opportunities to pursue your passion. 
In this article, we will explore the top Interior design colleges in Mumbai and focus on INIFD Panvel, one of the leading interior design colleges in the city, to give you an insight into the education and career opportunities available in this exciting field.
Top Interior Design Colleges in Mumbai
There are numerous Interior Design Colleges in Mumbai, each offering unique programs and opportunities. Here are some of the best interior design colleges in Mumbai:
INIFD (International Institute of Fashion Design): INIFD is one of the most popular interior design colleges in Mumbai and has multiple campuses across India, including one in Panvel, Mumbai. The institute offers a three-year undergraduate program in interior design, and its curriculum is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in design theory and practical skills. INIFD Panvel also provides students with a unique opportunity to learn from industry experts and work on real-time projects.
Sir J.J. School of Applied Arts: Established in 1935, Sir J.J. School of Applied Arts is one of the oldest and most prestigious interior design colleges in Mumbai for the study of applied arts. The institute offers a four-year undergraduate program in interior design and is known for its hands-on approach to education.
Rachana Sansad School of Interior Design: Rachana Sansad School of Interior Design is another well-known interior design colleges in Mumbai that offers a three-year undergraduate program in interior design. The institute has a strong focus on design research and innovation and provides a dynamic learning environment for its students.
Raffles Design International: Raffles Design International is a global institute with a campus in Mumbai that offers a Bachelor of Design program in interior design. The institute has state-of-the-art facilities and a team of experienced faculty who are dedicated to providing quality education to their students which adds them to the list of best interior design colleges in Mumbai.
SNDT Women's University: SNDT Women's University is a premier women's university in Mumbai that offers a four-year undergraduate program in interior design. This one among the best interior design colleges in Mumbai offers a strong emphasis on practical training and industry exposure, which helps students develop a competitive edge in the job market.
Admission to these interior design course in Mumbai usually requires candidates to have passed their 10+2 or equivalent exams. Some institutes may also require candidates to appear for an entrance exam, followed by a personal interview. 
The Eligibility criteria for various interior design colleges in Mumbai may vary depending on the institute and the course. It is advisable to check the institute's website or contact them directly for more information on the admission process and eligibility criteria.
INIFD Panvel
INIFD (Inter National Institute of Fashion Design) Panvel is one of the leading interior design colleges in Mumbai. Established in 2005, INIFD Panvel has built a reputation for providing quality education in the field of interior design colleges in Mumbai. Here's what you need to know about INIFD Panvel:
Courses Offered and Curriculum:
INIFD Panvel offers a three-year undergraduate program in interior design. The curriculum is designed to provide students with a strong foundation in design theory and practical skills. The program includes subjects like design history, material exploration, design communication, and design detailing. The institute also offers a range of workshops, seminars, and industry visits to expose students to real-time design practices.
Faculty and Qualifications:
INIFD Panvel has a team of experienced faculty members who are experts in their respective fields. The faculty members have a combination of academic and industry experience, which helps them provide a holistic learning experience for the students. The faculty members at INIFD Panvel hold degrees from renowned institutes like NIFT, the JJ School of Art, and CEPT University.
Infrastructure and Facilities:
INIFD Panvel has state-of-the-art infrastructure and facilities that provide a conducive learning environment for students. The institute has well-equipped classrooms, design studios, computer labs, and a well-stocked library. The campus also has a cafeteria, a gym, and sports facilities for the student's overall development.
Student Life:
At INIFD Panvel, students can expect a well-rounded education that extends beyond the classroom. The institute offers a variety of extracurricular activities, clubs, and events that enhance the overall student experience. Students are encouraged to participate in various design competitions, cultural festivals, and fashion shows organized by the student council.
INIFD Panvel is a reputed interior design courses in Mumbai that offers a comprehensive program in interior design. The institute's experienced faculty, industry exposure, and state-of-the-art infrastructure make it an ideal choice for students who wish to pursue a career in interior design.
In conclusion, Interior Design has emerged as a popular career choice, and the demand for interior designers is increasing in Mumbai. With numerous Interior Design Colleges in Mumbai, students can choose from a wide range of programs and opportunities to pursue their passion for interior design. The top interior design coures in Mumbai include INIFD, Sir J.J. School of Applied Arts, Rachana Sansad School of Interior Design, Raffles Design International, and SNDT Women's University.
INIFD Panvel is the leading institute in terms of interior design courses in Mumbai and offers a three-year undergraduate program in interior design. The institute provides students with a strong foundation in design theory and practical skills through its curriculum. INIFD Panvel has experienced faculty members who hold degrees from renowned institutes and state-of-the-art infrastructure that offers a conducive learning environment. The institute also offers a variety of extracurricular activities, clubs, and events that enhance the overall student experience.
Overall, pursuing a career in interior design from one of the reputed interior design colleges in Mumbai, like INIFD Panvel, can open up a world of opportunities in the field of design and provide students with a competitive edge in the job market. As the demand for interior designers continues to increase, students can be assured of a promising career in this exciting field.
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weddingdotbest · 2 years
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Natasa ~•~ Hardik As a young model, she was supposed to take a flight to Istanbul but landed up in Mumbai in a last minute change of plan. Starkly opposite as people, their lives traversed paths they’d never imagined as they bumped into each other in the unlikeliest of places one evening. Sparks flew as they gradually found a formidable home in one another. An unspoken bond blossomed as he proposed to his lady love a month before Covid hit and derailed their wedding plans. Three years later, they decided to pick up from where they left and celebrate their ‘marriage’ in the midst of their families and friends, and most importantly, their tiny little one - Agastya. Event planned by @shreem_events Hospitality by @eventswithwip Filmed at @rafflesudaipur Decor by @theweddingsquare_ Choreographed by @rianmistryproductions Styled by @nikitajaisinghani Wearing @abujanisandeepkhosla Jewellery by @manubhaijewels Makeup by @bymaniasha Hair by @marcepedrozo Drape Artist @dolly.jain We are @weddingdotbest #hardikpandya #natasastankovic #theweddingstory #twsindia #twscouple #createwithsony #sonyalphain #brides #weddinginspo #bridalasia #weddingdotbest #abujanisandeepkhosla #weddinginspiration #explore #raffles #rafflesudaipur https://www.instagram.com/p/Couw71oyCUR/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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rafflesmumbai · 2 years
The Best of Technological Innovations in the World of Fashion Design
From Biba of the 1960s to Chopova Lowena of modern times, fashion lines and fashion designers have influenced how people wear clothes. They have been so influential that almost every individual ensures they wear era-relevant clothes, so that they don't look odd in public. But what has allowed these designers to have such power over the public? The easy answer is that they have mastered the art of Fashion Design. So, what is Fashion Design? Fashion design is the art of applying design and aesthetics to clothing and accessories that are both pleasing to the eye and commercially viable.
As time has passed, technology has crept into fashion design, making the job easier, less hectic, and much more productive. This article from Raffles Design International Mumbai, one of the top fashion designing colleges in Mumbai, will provide insight into the best technological innovations affecting the world of fashion today.
Technology Empowering Today's Designers
Clothing lines are an essential part of the world we live in, and it's important to empower those who shape it. To that end, there are certain technological innovations that have allowed fashion designers to go beyond their potential. Some of such tech innovations ruling the world of fashion in the current times include:
1.) Artificial Intelligence (AI):
AI is used in the fashion industry in various ways. It's used to help create new designs and collections. With AI, designers can create various styles and combinations that they would not have been able to come up with on their own or would have taken a long time. It's important to note that AI isn't just limited to helping with design aspects, but it can also be used for other things, such as marketing campaigns and customer service interactions, such as chatbots.
2.) Novel Fabrics:
Fabrics have evolved over the years in the garment industry. They give clothes their look and feel, and in many cases, they determine the price of a garment. The fabrics used in the fashion industry vary from natural fibers like cotton and wool to artificial fibers like polyester and rayon. The latest fabric that has been making waves is Novel Fabrics. These fabrics mimic other materials like wood, metal, or even marble. Using these fabrics often brings a unique touch to an outfit, but they can be difficult to maintain; thus, careful handling is paramount.
3.) Smart Clothing:
The fashion industry has always been one of the most innovative industries in the world. They are always trying new ways to maximize sales by providing clothes that serve utility. Smart clothing is one of these innovations they have introduced in recent years. These clothes have many features that cater to the needs of the modern public. For instance, these clothes can be connected to the internet to perform various actions without any smart device, such as playing music, downloading data, etc. Another example is clothing that has embedded sensors and electronics. The main purpose of these sensors is to monitor the wearer's health and fitness. Smart yoga pants are the most common type of smart clothing in the fashion industry. They are usually worn during yoga or exercise sessions. The embedded trackers serve various functions, such as monitoring heart rate, calories burned, distance traveled, etc.
4.) Online Vector Editors for Clothes:
Online vector editors for clothing are a fantastic way to create digital designs without learning complicated software. These online tools make it possible for people who are not designers or illustrators to create quality graphics that can be printed on clothes such as T-Shirts, Tank Tops, Hoodies, etc. These online tools produce high-quality digital mockups of how the design will look on a garment of choice. Once happy, the customer can send such designs to Print-On-Demand companies, who print out these designs on the preferred garment and ship them to them.
Read More : https://rafflesmumbai.com/blog/2022/09/14/the-best-of-technological-innovations-in-the-world-of-fashion-design/
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thehomosapien7495 · 3 years
Difference Between Product Design and Product Development
A lot of hard work and marketing strategy is needed before introducing a new product in the market. Product development involves the entire process of manufacturing the product to its launch. Product design, on the other hand, is a part of product development and involves various stages. It is a large field and offers a lot of scopes for aspirants to grow and develop.
However, it is always important to be sure of whether you want to enter this field or not. 
Once you have made your mind, the Raffles product designing course in India can help you get a lot out of this course and progress yourself further in the industry. Here is a guide to let you know the difference between product design and product development.
Product Development
Product development is an entire cycle of all the steps involved in launching a product. From the generation of ideas to their introduction in the market, everything comes under product development. The companies identify the customer needs and find out their target audience based on that. The products are developed by keeping such factors in mind. The various stages that the process of product development goes through are
Concept Generation
Often, the companies have an ideation team where employees develop specific ideas and discussion happens around them. The suppliers and distributors can also contribute to this process. The ideas that fulfil customer needs and expectations are accepted while the rest are eliminated.
Concept development and business analysis
The marketer develops the concept further and produces its alternatives. The best transformation of an idea is selected to be used to attract customers. After this, the officials decide whether the product is commercially feasible or not.
Product development
To check the working of the product, a prototype model can be launched in the market and various strategies are put to test. It involves taking customer feedback and processes like advertising, positioning, packaging, etc.
The test marketing helps in the understanding of working products in real life. Various departments of the company collaborate and work on launch strategies and target audience to help the product get commercialized.
Product Design
Product designing refers to the creation of the appearance and feel of the product through various designing activities. It involves the selection of raw materials to decide the architecture of your product.
Your enrollment in product designing in one of the esteemed colleges in Mumbai like Raffles will help you get the most advanced knowledge about the subject and how to progress in this field.
The stages that the process of product designing goes through are mentioned below.
It is the process of generating ideas for design by employees using different research methods. Sometimes, analysis of competitor products helps in the generation of a new idea.
It involves analyzing economic, strategic, and technical factors related to the product. It is a must to identify your target market and carry out studies on risk analysis of the product.
Preliminary design and testing
The design engineers develop a prototype model of the product and it is tested several times before getting launched in the market. The target customer feedback is analyzed and changes are made if required.
Product Launch
The final step is to launch the product for your target audience after finalizing all the aspects. The marketing, management, and production team collaborate and work on the policies for a successful product launch.
The product designing course includes generating sketches and holding discussions around several designs. Every department works together and helps in introducing the product to the market.
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raffles-design · 26 days
Learn about the key aspects of interior design courses and how to excel in your studies. Boost your design skills and achieve success in your dream career.
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kristyjohnuniverse · 4 years
5 Factors to Explore Your Career in Fashion Design Industry
The fashion world is more than just designers. Explore various options and analyze what interests you the most after choosing Raffles Fashion Design Course
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fbcelebrations1 · 3 months
A Feast for the Senses: Curating the Perfect Wedding Menu  
Curating your perfect wedding menu is an exciting and important aspect of wedding preparation. It is an opportunity to create a special culinary experience that reflects your likes and personality as a couple, and to share your favourite flavors with your loved ones.  
Understanding your budget 
It's important to decide on your budget before looking at menu alternatives. The type of service, the complexity of the dishes, and the number of guests can all have a significant impact on the cost of catering. 
 Crafting a Balanced Menu 
A well-balanced wedding menu should offer a variety of flavors, textures, and options to cater to different tastes and dietary needs. 
Accommodating Dietary Restrictions  
Ensure that your meal accommodates guests with allergies and dietary needs. Provide options that are nut-free, gluten-free, vegetarian, and vegan, and make sure to mark them on the menu with clarity. Any special dietary requirement should be discussed with your caterer well in advance so they can make the necessary arrangements. 
Incorporating personal touches  
Feature your favourite foods or recipes that have special meaning for you two, add meals that represent your cultural history, and add personal touches that reflect your journey as a couple to make your wedding menu unique. 
You can design unique cocktails that are named after meaningful times in your relationship or after your preferred tastes. 
In addition to improving the flavor and freshness of your meals, using seasonal and locally sourced products also helps support regional farmers and producers. Create a menu with your caterer that highlights the finest of what is in season during your wedding days.
Taste Testing  
To sample the meals, you are thinking about serving on your menu, organize a tasting with your caterer. This is an opportunity to ask questions, make changes, and make sure every meal lives up to your standards. During the tasting, pay attention to the presentation as well as the flavor. 
A perfect wedding menu requires proper preparation, with a focus on diversity and balance, and a dash of individual flair. You can create a meal that pleases all palates by taking your guest's dietary needs and your budget into account. For the freshest flavors, use seasonal and local ingredients. Do not forget to add personal touches to make your menu sincerely yours. You and your caterer can work together to create a culinary experience that will be the talk of your big day with proper planning. 
Event Conceptualised, Executed & Managed by @fbcelebrations1 Décor Designing, Execution & Entertainment Curation @fbcelebrations1 Venue Rambaugh Palace, Jaipur Rajasthan, India Taj mahal , Mumbai, India , Raffles, Udaipur , India
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campusk · 2 years
Which is the best Cambridge Board School in India?
Hi everyone, if you are looking for the best Cambridge board schools in India, these are really good options to consider studying or to join your kid for a bright future. 1) The British School, Delhi 2) Campus K, Cambridge Boards Schools in Chennai, Tamil Nadu 3) Singapore International School, Mumbai 4) MIT Vishwashanti Gurukul School 5) The Gera School, Goa 6) Trivandrum International School, Thiruvananthapuram, Kerala 7) Raffles International School, Rajasthan 8) RIMS International School & Junior College, Mumbai 9) N.E.S. International School, Mumbai 10) Pathways School, Noida
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sattmatkamenu · 2 years
Madhur Bazar Satta Matka - The Game That's Always a Mystery
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Madhur Bazar Satta Matka has been a curiosity to the gamblers of Mumbai for decades, but the recent discovery of this hidden game just might change things. For one thing, it could mean that will be getting much more attention than before. What is the best way to earn money? If you're stuck for ideas, you could always play a traditional Matka Lottery. But instead of doing all the work yourself, imagine if all the work was done by AI-powered software. What is the most exciting game in the world? It would have to be MadhurBazar SattaMatka. This is a game that doesn't follow any rules, and there is always an element of surprise. Learn more about this Lottery in this article!
 What is MadhurBazar SattaMatka?
Madhur Bazar Satta Matka is a number game that is played in single, pair, motor Patti. The game is easy to learn but it has a lot of strategies. It's like having your gambling casino right in the comfort of your home! For all those who want to try out a new game that can make any event more fun, this is a great option! It is a game of luck with numbers and rupees. It is played on the famous panel in India where people bet money on one another's luck. The Lottery is so popular that during the afternoon when all bets are collected, the total amount of rupees collected can be astronomical.
 How to Play Madhur Bazar Satta Matka
Satta Matka is a number game where you pick a number to bid on to gain more money. There are fundamental rules to follow, such as beginning with more modest stakes to keep your gamble low. Second, when you are losing a huge amount of cash, control your temptation.
 For playing SattaMatka, first, you ought to choose the number. You ought to pick (3) three whole numbers somewhere in the range of 0 and 9. For example, your best option at arbitrary would be 5,3,6. To give the game more profundity, the numbers are consolidated (5 + 3 + 6) to get the last SattaMatka number. For this situation, the number is 14. This number's last digit is the only one you use. It will be the 4 for this situation. Accordingly, your initial draw will be 5,3,6 *4. There is additionally a second arrangement of numbers drawn. They are drawn similarly to the past one. We should utilize the digits 8,2,8 for instance. This gives an aggregate of 18. Therefore, you will go with 8,2,8 *8 as the last decision for the second arrangement of numbers. Subsequently, your last card would look 5,3,6 *4 X 8,2,8 *8. This is an example of a card from a SattaMatka. Matka Satta offers an assortment of rate rewards, going from 9/1 to 999/1. You can bet on the opportunity that every one of the numbers will come up first, last or some other bet.
How This Game Works
Before you start playing the game, you should know that the rules vary from one community to the next. The most common version of the game is played in Maharashtra. It involves many Bazar like Time Bazar, Madhur Day, Milan Day, Milan Night, Sridevi Bazar, Kalyan Bazar, etc. This game is quite similar to other lottery games like the lotto or raffle. There are a lot of prizes given out including cars, houses, trips, vacations, and more. The game is regularly updated with new prizes every week. The only difference between this game and your average lottery is that it starts at the middle of the wheel and moves towards the left when you choose an option.
Winning Strategy
If you're looking for a lottery game that you can play with a lucky number, MadhurBazar SattaMatka is the right option. The goal of this game is to guess what single number and pair number will draw next. This is a risky but the Indian people have very courage about this game because of the high return. One of the best ways to optimize your chances of winning the game is to make a list of all the possible combinations. Some winners have found that they have three or four best options and they play these with high confidence. In some cases, winners find that they have five or six good options and they know how to play them in a certain order. Other people believe that it's better just to pick one and stick with it rather than reducing the number of options by trying different combinations.
MadhurBazar SattaMatka is fun and very curious. Every gambler enjoyed playing the game because you never know what will happen next. If you are looking for the best portal to play Indian Matka, SattaMatka.Menu is the last destination where you can try your luck with your favorite panel, we also provide to all Satta Bazar to show their results any time. Share our story with people you think will benefit from it. 
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The Booming Arena Of Fashion Business
“In this (fashion) business, you are living in the future a lot of the time.” – Karen Walker.
The above quote holds enough credibility if we go by the words of the experts engaged in the fashion industry. After all, it is believed that the massive topiary of fashion and all its branches survive on the sole substance of prediction.
Till two years ago, the quote as mentioned above could have depicted the core of fashion just perfectly. But then came Covid 19! And we all witnessed what catastrophe and the blow the pandemic brought with it. It also vastly affected the fashion industry in a number of manners.
Impact of COVID Pandemic on the Fashion Industry
Fortunately, fewer were its cons than the pros. i.e., the pandemic helped e-commerce to gain remarkably. The masses had to stay in their abodes, and they started quelling their fashion needs by opting for fashion’s online trajectory, viz the many international online websites dealing in fashion and apparel like shein.com, macys.com, nike.com, zara.com, victoriassecret.com, harperbazar.com, shop.mango.com, puma.com. These global brands fetched record online sales during the pandemic.
Here, one can not exclude the boost provided to the economy by the services of the international delivery businesses across the web dealing in fashion such as DHL, FedEx, Aramex, Delhivery, and our very own India Post. They have always worked relentlessly, not only in the pre-covid times but also during it, to satisfy and quell the to and fro of fashion commodities.
Not to forget, another essential aspect of the fashion business is ‘renting.’ Numerous rental portals, applications, and platforms such as MyWardrobeHQ, EndlessWardrobe, and ByRotation have thrived in the past few years. At Raffles Design International, Mumbai, regarded as one of the best fashion designing institutes in Mumbai, we firmly believe that this economy of ‘sharing’ is now blooming like never before. In fact, according to an estimate by Forbes Magazine, the sharing economy is predicted to thrive to £269 billion by the year 2025.
Connoisseurs of fashion strictly believe that some of the world’s top fashion events like Haute Couture weeks, fashion weeks, fashion awards, carpet fashion awards, and oh-so-eventful Met Galas leave indelible marks on the arena of the fashion business. As a result, they have, in recent years, made international fashion a reality, a possibility.
Read More : https://rafflesmumbai.com/blog/2022/03/03/the-booming-arena-of-fashion-business/
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bharathshan · 3 years
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ExcelR Solutions has tie-ups with greater than 120 companies to offer college students various professional alternatives. A leaner has the option to take up the several quizzes and the MCQs that comply with the finish of each unit of the course, track studying progress, submit assignments, and rather more. Learn on ExcelR’s interactive AI-powered digital delivery platform and get access to trade experts. "Although I am working on a mainframe, I truly have an eager interest in learning newer technologies and further wish to discover professional opportunities in the identical. Hence joined this program."
The Candidate ought to score 50% marks in UG (40% for SC/ST Candidate). The scholar ought to have passed the recognized Bachelor's Degree Examination of a minimum three years period with Chemistry as the main subject. In India, college students were interviewed and, typically, recruited by companies corresponding to AT Kearney, Here Technologies, Wolters Kluwers, Adaptive Investments Boston, ZS Associates, eClerx, Brillio, Bridei2i, Nexon, Simply, and Mindfield. The annual salaries ranged from INR 10 lakhs to INR 14 lakhs in India. In Vietnam, students obtained offers from VP Bank Hanoi, OFB Bank Ho Chi Mihn City, and Raffles Inc. A few students have been accepted to reputed Master's programs in top US universities like the University of Chicago.
Data Science Courses
I stored searching many institutes, after which I discovered ExcelR Solutions, I approached and attended a data science coaching demo, after which I realized that this is certainly one of the best training institutes that I ought to choose. That's where I began learning Data Science coaching at the ExcelR Solutions Andheri. I should say that I'm very much glad about the trainers and curriculum. I recommend anybody who needs to pursue their profession as a Data Science professional then now. The feeling I got after attending a Data Science coaching demo can’t be expressed in phrases. I’m now working as an everyday Data Analyst, and the assist ExcelR & their data science training gave me impeccable, in-depth knowledge that made me grow in my profession and excel. I would advocate for anyone ExcelR Solutions in Andheri who is looking for Data Science Training in Mumbai.
Because it is simple to begin out a profession in data analytics and artificial intelligence. To make this happen, we now have taken the difficulty to see to it that students work on real-time projects. We train each aspect of data science and ensure that students get their grip on analytical techniques similar to information visualization, knowledge exploration, and predictive analysis. We have also included the favored machine learning algorithms and the course is designed based on the needs of the job market at present. KVCH is the highest coaching institute in Noida for data science that includes of Overview of data science and, data science on real-time projects together with data science placement training. Data Science Certification Training has been formulated by company specialists typically to offer superior data science knowledge to trainees so that they will apply this in-depth knowledge of their chosen area of work. ExcelR's PGP-DSE is a 5-month classroom / 9-month online program for fresh graduates and early career professionals looking to build their careers in data science & analytics.
As far because the PGP-DSBA is worried, I was amazed to satisfy a lot of people. I need to thank this system manager and fellow students in the cohort that joined me in hearing words of wisdom throughout every lecture. I beloved the course as an outcome of it really simply stretched me into an entirely new world. I was really proud of my ends in the course and that was actually due to the amazing mentors and lecturers and of course this system management. Examine the linkage between CEO compensation and firm efficiency utilizing the tools of descriptive and inferential statistics. The mentors of Data Science Courses are extremely skilled trade practitioners of Data Science Domain working with top-notch companies.
They are having many years value real-time working expertise within the Data Science industry. Trainers in this Data Science coaching program are reputed for Quality, Professionalism, and Excellence. As part of our Data Science Course in Mumbai program, we are going to make the scholars participate in multiple mock interview classes. Our trainers & mentors will be carefully monitoring the performance of every student who shall be then suggesting useful pointers following which college students can greatly improve their overall performance. We may even be assisting the students in resume preparation and interview scheduling.
Our data science training in Andheri begins with a preparatory session for Python programming. You will be ready to brush up on your programming skills and might perceive the artwork of coding from specialists. After you learn Python programming, you'll learn statistics and chance, which again are essential for data science functions. The institute supplies data analytics help to various departments, analysis centers, and institutes at ISB. Also, IIDS goals to designs and develop AI and analytics solutions to the industry to handle complicated business issues. The thrilling courses offered by ExcelR on this domain employ all the instruments and strategies of data science.
Further, you will get access to our blogs which will be up to date periodically with the newest improvement in data science instruments and strategies. As the time period recommends, it's a research-oriented job and that’s what makes it attention-grabbing and completely different from other jobs. Data scientists are the best paid IT professionals for the explanation that job wants in-depth information of statistics, love for information, logical reasoning, important considering, understanding of arithmetic, and a fair quantity of programming expertise.
For More Details Contact Us ExcelR- Data Science, Data Analytics, Business Analyst Course Training Andheri Address: 301, Third Floor, Shree Padmini Building, Sanpada, Society, Teli Galli Cross Rd, above Star Health and Allied Insurance, Andheri East, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400069 Phone: 09108238354
Data Science Courses
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thehomosapien7495 · 4 years
5 Tips To Improve Your Visual Design Skills For Non Designers
Are you planning to go for a Visual Design course? But you have little idea about visual design, and you want to be the best in the field. Is it possible to create visual content without being a designer? Well, this is of course possible! Everyone has a visual sense in them and with a little bit of practice, they can improve their aesthetic skills. With visual communication designing courses, the path to learning visual design is getting simpler. Like many things, visual design can be created with skills that can be developed by anyone. It doesn’t matter how good you are! It depends on the steps you take to improve your design skills every day.
Tips to Improve Visual Designs Skills for non-designers
1. Learn little tricks about colours
Colour does play an emotional connection between the audience and makers. Further, have your mind and eyes open to learning new shades in colours. Go for the raffles visual Visual Design Designing course in India to know about mixing and matching colours. Check how the colour and design contrasts in colours help to highlight or façade the elements. 
2. Take inspiration from wherever it comes
There is inspiration everywhere and the best part of visual design is that it can strike in the most unexpected hours. Not just with the visual designs’ books, but take inspiration while watching a movie or flipping a magazine. Also, creativity is a state of mind, so be open-minded. Ask questions where needed and be observant to try out new things. 
3. Know about the working of texture
Visual design is characterized by the illusion of touch. Likewise, take short courses on a visual design from raffles visual communication design college in Mumbai. Learn the areas to focus on and the dominant ones. Texture can act as a powerful tool. Further, adding too much texture makes hugely busy spaces tiring the eyes. Study certain layouts and learn how to use the textures to create depths. 
4. Prefer harmony and balance
The worst looking visual design can look beautiful by pulling all the simple pieces together. Similarly, harmony creates unity in the visual design works and complement each other. Use the same type of images and layouts on every page. The visual communication must create a rhythm, helping in the eye movement. Find out creative ways to use the same patterns to bring the visuals together. 
5. Utilizing topography
Topography plays such a great part in visual design. Furthermore, choosing the right fonts can make a lot of difference. The typefaces and fonts carry meanings in them. And they can completely change the message you are intending to give. Learn about visual communication through designing courses from Mumbai to gain confidence. Stick to the basics first and experiment using different fonts. Take help from the professionals to help strengthen the visual presence. 
Using the whitespace cleverly also matters a lot in visual design. Besides, whitespace is the space between the graphics, images, margins, and other elements. White is said to be the friendliest colours to create clean and meaningful graphics in them. Whitespace is used to draw attention to create something extravagant. Use the whitespace effectively to picture the visual design matter. 
The Bottom Line
Pay more attention to placing the elements, using colours and contrast. The great visual designs pay attention to everything no matter how small it is. Further, break the long texts wisely and add information to sustain the reader's attention. There are many short courses to take up at raffles visual communication designing course from a reputed college in India. Practice more often and earn the credit of being the best visual communication designer without being the designer. 
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