ucithikaru · 3 years
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Sambut Tahun Baru di Taman Margasatwa Blauran Perjalanan tahun 2021 perlu dicatat dan renungkan. Saat ini penjelajahan berada di antara rerumputan. Besok sambut pagi di belantara. Dengan membaur bersama alam. Welcome to the New Year at Blauran Wildlife Park The journey of 2021 needs to be noted and contemplated. Currently exploration is among the grasses. Tomorrow welcome morning in the wilderness. By blending in with nature. Bienvenido al Año Nuevo en Blauran Wildlife Park El viaje de 2021 debe ser notado y contemplado. Actualmente la exploración se encuentra entre los pastos. Mañana bienvenida mañana por la mañana en el desierto. Mezclándose con la naturaleza. ブラレンワイルドライフパークでの新年へようこそ 2021年の旅は注目され、熟考される必要があります。現在、探検は草の中にあります。明日は荒野で朝を歓迎します。自然に溶け込むことで。 #tr4k_bahumbug #total_toyspics #fcmc_respectfett #toyspoison_riderfight #tpc2_workmoreorless #myty_sweet2021 #toycrewbuddies #rafa_secretsanta #RetroPopThursday #taonbaru2022bersamapojoksikecil #preiserworld #preiserphotography #preiserhobbiesina #preiserphoto #idminifigures_ #id_macro #id_macro_member #darjomlete7287 #kmfieastborneo #nfc #noch_kreativ #nochill #macrophotography #daily #toysphotographyindonesia https://www.instagram.com/p/CYIcK-NvW1l/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ucithikaru · 3 years
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Gran Turismo This is the last post of 2021. See you in 2022. Thank you so much for the high appreciation 🙌 🙌 🙌 ==================== Why we took a shoot side picture? Because It takes the viewer into the image and adds mystery to the scene. Without going too far into details, a side portrait makes us ponder what the subject is thinking about and what they are looking towards. =================== So, here's our #diecastoyphotography collaboration with #diecast_sideview as the theme. The collaborators are : 01. @yanwarsw 02. @jason_immanuel_gabriel 03. @iqmtoyz 04. @arahman_alkadrie 05. @dedehuang15 06. @ningsuma 07. @poh.diecast 08. @ucit_hikaru 09. @razzle_dazzle.garage 10. @fritzi_adriel 11. @frank_notariyus 12. @hahanisnazri 13. @cc_garage 14. @reez.hw 15. @mcdiecast 16. @imanmibu 17. @autos_mini 18. @fernando_buyu 19. @diexxfigure64 20. @nugraha.garage Please swipe for collage pic of the collaborators, and don't forget to support them if you haven't 🙏🙏🙏 ================= #tr4k_bahumbug #rafa_secretsanta #fcc_seeuin2022 #myts_onepunch #toyspoison_ouch #tpc2_martinmilan #tpn_tembakk #total_toyspics #fcmc_shotblaster #castheads #castheadsmagazine #diecast #diecastphotography #diecastphoto #diecastmodel #hotwheels #hotwheelsIndonesia #hotwheelsmania #hotwheelsphotography #indonesiandiecaster #influencer #lbwk #libertywalk #miniGT #Nissan #tomica #toysphotography #raw_toys https://www.instagram.com/p/CYF46sIvhRf/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ucithikaru · 3 years
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KERBAU AFRIKA Kerbau afrika (Syncerus caffer) adalah hewan endemik Afrika sebagaimana ia dinamakan. Hewan ini tidak terkait dengan kerbau liar asia dan kerbau domestik. Hewan ini memiliki beberapa subspesies diantaranya adalah S. caffer caffer, yang merupakan spesies terbesar yang ditemukan di Afrika Selatan dan Afrika Timur. S. c. nanus (kerbau hutan afrika) adalah subspesies terkecil, yang banyak ditemukan di belantara Afrika Barat dan tengah, sedangkan S. c. brachyceros tersebar di Afrika Barat, dan S. c. aequinoctialis tersebar di padang rumput Afrika Tengah. Tanduk kerbau dewasa menyatu dan membentuk perisai tulang yang dinamakan "bos". Mereka secara luas dianggap sebagai hewan yang sangat berbahaya, karena mereka tercatat menyeruduk dan membunuh lebih dari 200 orang setiap tahun. Kerbau afrika bukan merupakan nenek moyang sapi domestik dan jauh lebih besar dengan mamalia anggota famili Bovinae lainnya. Karena sifatnya yang tak terduga, membuatnya sangat berbahaya bagi manusia. Kerbau afrika tidak pernah dijinakkan, tidak seperti kerbau asia. SOURCE: Wikipedia ===================== Hello fellas... Today we will be doing the last #wildlifeanimaltoyphotos collaboration in 2021. We hope that you will not be bored with the collaboration photo themes that we made. See you next year (season 2) 🎉 And here are the participants for this time : @ucit_hikaru @jason_immanuel_gabriel @e.kodaryanto @eddizhob @fritzi_adriel @pappermonkey @iqmtoyz @ribetoy @lordofthane @toysquotegram @leo_j88 @dhendywardana @jino_billiam @smurfsinaction Please visit and check out their gallery 😊 Like, Comment, Save and Share if you may. Your support means a lot to us. Thank You ! ===================== #tr4k_bahumbug #rafa_secretsanta #fcc_seeuin2022 #atom_indonesia42 #myts_bluewhite #topic_magicalxmas #tpc2_woodenfamily #toyspoison_gift #total_toyspics #epictoyart #raw_toys #gwtoys #gwtoyd #RetroPopThursday #fcmc_toyphotos #toysgates #toygraphyid #toysphotography #toygraphynusantara #nationalgeographic_ #natgeowild #natgeotvturkiye #natgeointhefield https://www.instagram.com/p/CYAtK1dPQ8U/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ucithikaru · 3 years
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Yakin bahwa semua akan indah pada waktunya. #Fcc_seeuin2022 #Rafa_secretsanta #tgj_ichigo #Toyspoison_climbing #bpk_scared #Tr4k_bahumbug #Lqclm_afterparty #Tpc2_ripley2021 #tpp_snownight Today #total_toyspics #toysgates #toyphotography #pokémon #toysphotography #Toysartphotography #epictoyart #RetroPopThursday #toysphotographynusantara #toysartistic https://www.instagram.com/p/CX-KSRePxcR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ucithikaru · 3 years
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Mencoba menjadi yang terbaik. ========================= Hello fellas... Today is a special theme! We collaborate on various cartoon/anime characters with animals as the base characters. We hope you will be inspired to join our collaboration #animalkingdomtoytheme And here are the participants this time: @ucit_hikaru @e.kodaryanto @iqbal_1275 @leo_j88 @eddizhob @ribetoy @tonysparkfigures @lordofthane @dhendywardana @jason_immanuel_gabriel @smurfsinaction @toysquotegram Please visit and check out their gallery 😊 Like, Comment, Save and Share if you may. Your support means a lot to us. Thank You ! ========================= #tr4k_bahumbug #rafa_secretsanta #atom_supermanseason2 #toyspoison_Santa #tpc2_refraktor #myts_sonofsuns #FCMC_Ventress #TTG_LetItSnow #TOPIC_RELOAD #RPT_AndToAllAGoodnight #FCC_BLOCKHEAD #TGJ_CHILLSPIDEY #tcb_whatwouldyoursbe #total_toyspics #toygraphyid #toygroup_alliance #tfa_gallery #angrybirds #rovio #raw_toys #gwtoys #gwtoyd https://www.instagram.com/p/CXutu8TvHvS/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ucithikaru · 3 years
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Bulbasaur Pertama karakter ini ditemukan oleh Ken Sugimori , nama bulbasaur adalah gabungan dari kata ” bola ” dan ” dinosaurus”. Bulbasaur pertama muncul di Pokémon Red and Blue sebagai Pokemon starter, lalu pada series berikutnya Pokemon ini kembali muncul tetapi dengan tampilan yang sedikit berbeda karena permintaan dari beberapa pihak. . . Special Collaboration Pokemon Theme. @toysquotegram @ucit_hikaru Like, Comment, Save and Share if you may. Your support means a lot to us. Thank You ! ========================= #rafa_secretsanta #tr4k_bahumbug #RPT_AndToAllAGoodnight #toyspoison_DragonTroopers #tpc2_mightycaine #TOPIC_HAPPYARALE #TTG_WorldsFinest #myts_sobusy #FCC_YuleLoveIt #total_toyspics #lqclm_spiderverseconfirmado #tcb_morningbike #bpk_ironspider #raw_toys #gw_toys #pokèmon https://www.instagram.com/ucit_hikaru/p/CXsHqpuPwNE/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ucithikaru · 3 years
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Journey of life Everyone is excited to achieve a dream. Nothing is easy. Everything requires sacrifice. #tr4k_bahumbug #rafa_secretsanta #lqclm_confirmed #toyspoison_YouAreMine #TOPIC_YOURENOTPETERPARKER #tpc2_irwanlast2021 #FCC_YaFilthyAnimal #TAP_SleighGirl #myts_wowowoo #total_toyspics #tcb_NoSpoilerPls #idminifigures #id_macro #preiserphotography #preiserhobbiesina #preiserworld #cafainsta #gw_toys #raw_toys #toygraphyid #toysgates #noch #noch_creative #noch_miniature #noche #preiser #worldtoypicday https://www.instagram.com/p/CXkX-2jPvln/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ucithikaru · 3 years
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DPD DIECAST POLICE DEPARTEMENT We're back to secure the environment. Stay alert to people you don't know. Crime happens because there is an opportunity to do so. ==================== #DiecastPoliceDepartement #DiecastPhotography ======================= So, here's our the collaborators are : @ucit_hikaru @razzle_dazzle.garage please swipe for collage pict of collaborators, and dont forget to support them. If you haven't 🙏🙏🙏 ================= #tr4k_bahumbug #rafa_Secretsanta #tpc2_supasmashtoyz #toyspoison_JediSlash #lqclm_thetimehascome #Lcfa_lat_NoWayHome #TTG_JasonXmas #TAP_DeucesUp #FCMC_VillainVerse #RPT_ItStarts #myts_pleasedontdie #BPK_Magician #FCC_ITSFULL #TOPIC_ARKONE #TCB_Ailurus #total_toyspics #idminifigures #indonesiandiecaster #diecasterindonesia #diecastphotography #majoretteAustralia #majoretteGermany #majorettefrance #majoretteUK #porsche #164scale #164diecast #premium64 https://www.instagram.com/p/CXfPiWKJbtn/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ucithikaru · 3 years
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Buaya Muara Buaya muara atau buaya bekatak (Crocodylus porosus) adalah jenis buaya terbesar di dunia. Dinamai demikian karena buaya ini hidup di sungai-sungai dan di dekat laut (muara). Buaya ini juga dikenal dengan nama buaya air asin, buaya laut, dan nama-nama lokal lainnya. Dalam bahasa Inggris, dikenal dengan nama Saltwater crocodile, Indo-Australian crocodile, dan Man-eater crocodile. Nama umumnya, Man-eater = "pemakan manusia", karena buaya ini terkenal pernah (dan sering) memangsa manusia dan babi yang memasuki wilayahnya. Buaya ini tersebar di seluruh perairan dataran rendah dan perairan pantai di daerah tropis Asia Selatan, Asia Tenggara, dan Australia (Indo-Australia). Source:Wikipedia ========================= Hello fellas ... Once again we will do a collaboration about #wildlifeanimaltoyphotos We hope you don't get bored with the collaboration photo themes that we made And here are the participants for this time : @toysquotegram @adhityarifan @iqmtoyz @e.kodaryanto @lordofthane @ucit_hikaru @ribetoy @jason_immanuel_gabriel @dhendywardana @kangkendid @eddizhob @smurfsinaction Please visit and check out their gallery 😊 Like, Comment, Save and Share if you may. Your support means a lot to us. Thank You ! ========================= #tap_keepup #fcc_frageelay #tr4k_bahumbug #toyspoison_alien #tpc2_skydrowalker #topic_waterbreathing #myts_charmander #tgm_skullme #fcmc_barry #rafa_secretsanta #total_toyspics #tcb_keepstealth #bpk_swing #rpt_alllove #epictoyart #natgeoWild #nationalgeographic #worldtoypicday #toyslagram #toysphotography #toysgates #toysgates_surprisebox #letshunttoys https://www.instagram.com/p/CXcr9HMvIAK/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ucithikaru · 3 years
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Buaya muara atau buaya bekatak (Crocodylus porosus) adalah jenis buaya terbesar di dunia. Dinamai demikian karena buaya ini hidup di sungai-sungai dan di dekat laut (muara). Buaya ini juga dikenal dengan nama buaya air asin, buaya laut, dan nama-nama lokal lainnya. Dalam bahasa Inggris, dikenal dengan nama Saltwater crocodile, Indo-Australian crocodile, dan Man-eater crocodile. Nama umumnya, Man-eater = "pemakan manusia", karena buaya ini terkenal pernah (dan sering) memangsa manusia dan babi yang memasuki wilayahnya. Buaya ini tersebar di seluruh perairan dataran rendah dan perairan pantai di daerah tropis Asia Selatan, Asia Tenggara, dan Australia (Indo-Australia). ========================= Hello fellas ... Once again we will do a collaboration about #wildlifeanimaltoyphotos We hope you don't get bored with the collaboration photo themes that we made And here are the participants for this time : @toysquotegram @adhityarifan @iqmtoyz @e.kodaryanto @lordofthane @ucit_hikaru @ribetoy @jason_immanuel_gabriel @dhendywardana @kangkendid @eddizhob @smurfsinaction Please visit and check out their gallery 😊 Like, Comment, Save and Share if you may. Your support means a lot to us. Thank You ! ========================= #tap_keepup #fcc_frageelay #tr4k_bahumbug #toyspoison_alien #tpc2_skydrowalker #topic_waterbreathing #myts_charmander #tgm_skullme #fcmc_barry #rafa_secretsanta #total_toyspics #tcb_keepstealth #bpk_swing #rpt_alllove #epictoyart #natgeoWild #nationalgeographic #worldtoypicday #toyslagram #toysphotography #toysgates #toysgates_surprisebox #letshunttoys https://www.instagram.com/p/CXcrPbpvPdu/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ucithikaru · 3 years
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#tpc2_crunchy2021 #toyspoison_NotToday #FCC_KILLCUTTER #RPT_KrampusIsWatching #BPK_LetsPlay #myts_afterlife #lqclm_venomized #ttg_gottagofast #tcb_superheromovie #tpn_loli #rafa_secretsanta #topic_lightspeed #total_toyspics #tr4k_bahumbug #atom_justicefornoviawidya #toysgates #toysgates_surprisebox #letshunttoys #epictoyart #TOMSenpaiNoticeMe #naruto #actionfigures #actionfiguresphotography #raw_toys #worldtoypicday #toyslagram #toystagram #toysphotography https://www.instagram.com/p/CXaFrqsP3cb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ucithikaru · 3 years
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Semua ada jalannya #tr4k_bahumbug #rafa_secretsanta #RPT_SnoopyIsHere #TOPIC_PETTING #FCC_PREORDER #TAP_WereAllMadHere #Lcfa_lat_Ahsoka #toyspoison_GrowUp #tpc2_goodguys2021 #total_toyspics #TOMSenpaiNoticeMe #epictoyart #actionfigures #actionfiguresphotography #RAW_TOYS #TOYGRAPHYID #toysphotography #toysphotographynusantara #toysgates #jlh #toysgates_surprisebox https://www.instagram.com/ucit_hikaru/p/CXU8ZRzvEdy/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ucithikaru · 3 years
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#rafa_secretsanta #tr4k_bahumbug #lqclm_LetsRide #Lcfa_lat_BajoElMar #TTG_FrogmanClaus #TAP_BangBang #TOPIC_BAYMAX #FCMC_Fett #FCC_TUANMUDA #myts_safevase #tcb_Alone #BPK_YouFool #total_toyspics #actionfigures #actionfiguresphotography #naruto #epictoyart #toygraphyid #toysphotography #toysphotographynusantara #toysgates #toysgates_surprisebox #raw_toys https://www.instagram.com/ucit_hikaru/p/CXSWZ69vbbq/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ucithikaru · 3 years
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DPD DIECAST POLICE DEPARTEMENT We're back to secure the environment. Stay alert to people you don't know. Crime happens because there is an opportunity to do so. ==================== #DiecastPoliceDepartement #DiecastPhotography ==================== So, here's our the collaborators are : @ucit_hikaru @razzle_dazzle.garage please swipe for collage pict of collaborators, and dont forget to support them. If you haven't 🙏🙏🙏 ================= #bmw #matchboxIndonesia #toysgates #toysgates_surprisebox #indonesiandiecaster #diecasterindonesia #toysphotography #diecastphotography #epictoyart #tr4k_bahumbug #rafa_secretsanta #atom_JusticeforNoviaWidya #toyspoison_UltraSword #tpc2_jessups #BPK_TheFlash #Lcfa_lat_BlackCat #RPT_CookiesForEveryone #TTG_FroggyXmas #TAP_KnuckleSandwich #FCMC_ByThePowerOfGrayskull #FCC_TOYACTIONFOTO #myts_harambe #tcb_theduel #lqclm_sexygun #topic_twosymbiotes #total_toyspics https://www.instagram.com/p/CXNO7nbv-mx/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ucithikaru · 3 years
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SEMANGAT TERUS Gelorakan semangat untuk terus berbuat baik demi kebaikan bersama. Ko ===================== Hello fellas... Today is a special theme! We collaborate on various cartoon/anime characters with animals as the base characters. We hope you will be inspired to join our collaboration #animalkingdomtoytheme And here are the participants this time: @leo_j88 @iqmtoyz @jason_immanuel_gabriel @adhityarifan @toysquotegram @ribetoy @sukafotomainan @tonysparkfigures @lordofthane @ucit_hikaru Please visit and check out their gallery 😊 Like, Comment, Save and Share if you may. Your support means a lot to us. Thank You ! ===================== #tr4k_bahumbug #rafa_secretsanta #atom_JusticeforNoviaWidya #FCC_FIGUREDWOOD #TAP_GoTime #tpc2_sandvespa #FCMC_TinkerBell #TTG_SheDieHard #RPT_HolidaysAtHogwarts #myts_moon #Lcfa_lat_DeRegreso #BPK_jokerwalking #topic_magiccards #toyspoison_report #tcb_iamspawn #total_toyspics #epictoyart #toysphotography #actionfigures #actionfiguresphotography #raw_toys #disney #theLionKing https://www.instagram.com/p/CXKpZqpvCRi/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ucithikaru · 3 years
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JIRAIYA Jiraiya (自来也 Jiraiya) adalah seorang karakter fiksi dari anime dan manga Naruto. Nama kanjinya (自来也) memiliki arti "datang karena keinginan sendiri", yang banyak digambarkan oleh kelakuannya; datang dan menghilang dari desa Konoha secara tiba-tiba kapan saja ia mau. Nama Jiraiya, Tsunade dan Orochimaru berasal dari cerita kuno Jiraiya Goketsu Monogatari (児雷也豪傑物語, "Legenda Jiraiya si pemberani") dari literatur Jepang. Jiraiya dalam cerita ini memiliki kemampuan untuk memanggil seekor katak besar (katak itu sendiri kadang-kadang disebut sebagai "Jiraiya") dan seekor katak ajaib. Pada cerita itu, Jiraiya dan Tsunade adalah sepasang suami istri. Dalam cerita ini juga, namanya ditulis sebagai "児雷也" yang berarti "Petir Muda" yang berasal dari nama Garaiya (我来也, aku telah datang) dari Kaishi (諧史), cerita kuno yang berasal dari Tiongkok. #tr4k_bahumbug #rafa_secretsanta #tpc2_dewbacked #tap_happybirthdayboyz #topic_hulkvswolvies #toyspoison_sneakerrider #lqclm_to_death #fcc_popsinthewild #ttg_grootmas #myts_meow #fcmc_pastelgreen20 #total_toyspics #tcb_BullsEye #actionfigures #actionfiguresphotography #TOMSenpaiNoticeMe #epictoyart #toysphotography #toygraphyid #toysgates #naruto #jiraiya #worldtoypicday #toyslagram #toystagram #raw_toys https://www.instagram.com/p/CXAVgtNvgD2/?utm_medium=tumblr
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