#raen supremacy
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yshtolakisser · 2 months ago
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Been veeery slowly making my way through 7.1 and...
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sunnyupgremlin · 6 months ago
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saw a beautiful au'ra on twitter. had to draw her
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starlit-seadragon · 2 years ago
Been a little shy and dragging my heels, but I'd like to introduce you to my WoL, Yume :D
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Name: Shirayume (Yume) Fugetsu (later, de Borel)
Origin: Sui-no-Sato
Occupation: Warrior of Light, adventurer, omnicrafter
Nameday: 19th Sun of the 6th Astral Moon
Race: Raen Au Ra
Pronouns: she/her/hers
Age: 26 when ARR begins
Height: 155 cm
Social status: As of mid-DT, betrothed to Ser Aymeric de Borel of Ishgard
Fighting style: primarily a healer. She hoped to learn astromancy in Ishgard but was not permitted entry and instead began training as a conjurer in Gridania. (Main: WHM & AST) Through her adventures and ordeals, she has picked up various other styles of fighting. (canonically: DRK & NIN & RDM & DNC)
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anarkhebringer · 3 years ago
Me: I think I’m gonna go ahead and draw Caiphus and Yuri now.
Me, a liar:
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idaoftheburningmind · 3 years ago
“It shouldn’t be this difficult to talk to a person. Why is it so difficult to talk to him?”
God, why indeed. From the moment Eddie startled the Reader from her thoughts (of himb, of course) to their stuttered, adorkably awkward exchange, I was just scooping the high-grade fluff by the handful and I am going back for seconds.
@pluvialpoet you are now officially my Fluff Dealer. Promise to never leave me.
Because, the way this Shy Reader x Eddie series has us always, always craving for more, it has transcended the plane of storytelling and has become a substance straight out of Eddie’s lunchbox (if not his secret stash *gives Raen a wink, wink, nudge, nudge*).
Oh the joy of inadvertent admissions and accidental revelations, for us giddy spectators at least. This latest episode (yes, this is a series on streaming now, you can’t convince me otherwise), gave me a much needed endorphin boost, and with Shy Reader’s dad on board with his daughter dating a tall, long-haired boy with tattoos… aaaaaaaaaaaa! *stuffs face with moar, moarrr high-grade fluff*
I’m curious though about what the Reader would have said was the greatest song of all time.
Last week, while your entire table was up in arms arguing what the best song of all time was, Jeff was the one to attempt to diffuse the growing tension of the heated argument for asking your opinion.
… Oooohhh, Raen, Raaaaaaeeeeeeen, do we get a future blurb where she and Eddie get to share what music they love??? *drops everything and dives squealing back into the high-grade fluff*
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Hey there, I don’t know if you’re taking requests for the shy!reader x Eddie series but I would love love love to see a blurb where Eddie tries to talk about The Princess Bride with the reader and he gets all flustered and fumbly with his words. I love your writing so much and the way you have written Eddie is just 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
I’m ALWAYS taking requests for Eddie and shy!reader! I owe you a personal apology because I just saw that you’ve been commenting to be on the taglist for weeks and I only just saw now 🥺 9/10 times I miss peoples requests to be added if they comment on the post itself- a sure way to get on the taglist is to either message me or send me a DM! second, this is so cute 🤭shy!reader is a given, but shy!eddie makes me all 🥹🫶🏻 (this blurb is part of a collection and can be read alone, or in addition to the ones listed below)
✨ shy!reader x eddie masterlist ✨
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May 1984
“What’re you still doing here?” Gareth’s question vies for your attention, shaking you from the fantasy world you’ve spent the past few hours lost in and thrusting you back to reality. “You still waiting for your dad?”
“Yeah,” You nod, shutting your book and stealing a glance from the small watch on your wrist. “Shouldn’t be too much longer. He said he’d be here by seven, the latest.”
Your cousin’s baby arrived a few weeks earlier than expected, and as soon as your aunt called, your dad was forced to make an impromptu trip to drive your mom down to Indianapolis. She insisted that she was going to help your cousin, but part of you knew she was really going to help her sister- your aunt- adjust to having a newborn in the house.
Since it was the last week of May, and finals were right around the corner, it didn’t make sense for you to join her. While it would’ve been exciting to see your cousin and her newborn, you wouldn’t have had time to study or get a wink of sleep. Instead, you were stuck waiting for your dad to make it back from the city- while he was likely stuck in rush hour traffic.
“Do you want a ride?” Gareth offers, “I’m sure my mom won’t mind.”
“Thanks, Gareth, I really appreciate it,” A warm smile graces your lips as you express your gratitude. “But I don’t mind waiting. I only have a few more chapters left, anyway.”
“Alright,” He returns the gesture, easily. Although he’s not thrilled about leaving you all alone to wait for your dad, he’s somewhat comforted by the fact that there’s at least one other person that can take you home if your dad doesn’t show soon. “If your dad’s not here by quarter past seven, I know Eddie’s still cleaning up a few things inside. He wouldn’t mind giving you a ride, if you needed one.” He offers on your friend’s behalf and your eyes widen slightly. It’s a movement so slight that anyone else would’ve missed it, but Gareth’s spent enough time around both you, and Eddie, to realize that there’s something blooming between the two of you- even if the both of you are completely oblivious to it. Before you have a chance to dwell on the offer, he raises a hand and gives you a friendly wave, “See you tomorrow, Y/N.”
“Bye.” You mimic the gesture, watching his mom’s dark green station wagon pull away, and it’s only once you’ve lost sight of it that you let out a sigh you didn’t even realized you’d been holding.
You’re not sure when it started, but somewhere within the last couple of months, you’ve started to become flustered whenever someone so much as mentioned Eddie’s name. 
When you first met him, you were intimidated for all of three seconds before he flashed you a warm smile and welcomed you to the lunch table. Since then, you’ve gotten to know him better. Although it’s rare for you to ever carry out a conversation with him on your own, someone always makes an effort to include you in some way. 
Last week, while your entire table was up in arms arguing what the best song of all time was, Jeff was the one to attempt to diffuse the growing tension of the heated argument for asking your opinion. A few weeks before that Gareth asked if you were doing anything fun for spring break, and your heart beat a little faster when Eddie was the one to carry on the conversation with you after that. 
You’re not afraid of him. People have said awful, terrible things about him- both behind his back and even straight to his face- in an attempt to paint him out to be someone he’s not, but those rumors and opinions have never led you astray. Though your hands shake when you’re forced to take the seat next to him and your body flushes with warmth when he talks to you, you’re certain you’re not afraid of him. How could you be? Eddie is funny, kind, and charming. Not to mention he has a great smile and his eyes are-
“How long’ve you been sitting out here?” He doesn’t mean to scare you, but you nearly jump out of your skin at the sudden sound of his voice. It takes you a few seconds to catch your breath, but when you do, you offer a reply.
“Since the last bell.” 
“You know you’re always allowed to sit with us on nights we have Hellfire, right?” He asks, taking a seat on the curb beside you, and, honestly, you weren’t aware of such a thing. “It’s so fu-“ He stops himself before he swears, mindful to mind his manners in your presence, “Freaking, hot out here. Even if all you want to do is read, we always have an extra seat for you.”
“T-thank you.” The words nearly get stuck in your throat. It shouldn’t be this difficult to talk to a person. Why is it so difficult to talk to him?
“Of course.” He flashes you a perfect smile, and you’re not sure if the hours of sitting in the sun have finally got to you, but you suddenly feel lightheaded. “What chapter are you on?”
“What chapter are you on? Did Buttercup get kidnapped yet?” He gestures towards your book and you’re stunned silent. His eyes widen when he mistakes your shocked silence as a reply and quickly tries to retract his question. “Wait! You’ve read it before, I know you’ve read it before, so I didn’t spoil it, did I? Please tell me you knew she got kidna- I didn’t ruin it for you, did I?” 
“You’ve read The Princess Bride?” Instead of answering, you propose a question of your own, and now Eddie feels like he’s going to pass out- and it’s certainly not because of the heat.
“Well, I-I mean I saw you reading it, and I thought, I mean you read it a lot, so I figured it must be good,” He admits before the weight of his confession fully sinks in, “And then I saw it at the library and decided to give it a try.” The words are coming out of his mouth faster than he can stop them and when realization hits that he’s just admitted to reading your favorite book, his eyes widen.
Your lips part, ready to ask a million different question despite the fact that you’re having trouble finding your voice, when a car pulls into the parking lot. Quickly, both you and Eddie rise to your feet.
“That’s my ride,” You explain, tucking a piece of hair behind your ear while you hold your book close to your chest. Your dad’s timing literally couldn’t have been any worse. Reluctantly, you offer Eddie a parting wave, “I’ll, uh, see you tomorrow, Eddie.”
He presses his lips into a thin, defeated smile and returns the gesture.
As soon as you shut the door behind you, you let out a shaky breath. It’s incredibly difficult to click your seatbelt into pace with the way your hands are shaking, but once you finally manage, you turn to greet your father.
“Hope I’m not interrupting something,” He teases with a tired smile. “I’m guessing that one isn’t Gareth, or Jeff,” He raises a brow, feigning curiosity, which is merely an act. “Which means, based off of that little smile of yours, that’s Eddie.”
Eddie’s back is turned towards you, his shoulders slumped as he makes his way across the deserted parking lot to his rusty, old van.
“Yeah, that’s him.” Although you’re entirely unaware of it, your father can see your fond smile in the reflection of the window.
“He’s taller than I thought he’d be,” He admits. “He’s also got a lot more hair than what I was picturing, and tattoos- which are cool, I’d you’re into that sort of thing,” You feel your face heat up for some reason. Were you into that sort of thing? “As long as he’s nice to you, and treats you right, I guess I don’t have any problem with the two of you da-“
“Eddie and I are just friends, dad.” You’re quick to shut down any insinuation that there’s something more going on between you and Eddie. The two of you are just friends. Besides, it’s totally normal for friends to start reading the same books as you because they saw you reading them, right?
“Whatever you say, honey,” He lets out a soft chuckle before putting the car into drive. “So, how was your day?”
Send me some feedback! Requests: OPEN!
series taglist:  @andrewgarfields-girlfriend @bi-maximoff @resident-gay-bitch @softpsychopath @padawansubscription @copper-boom @sj-thefan @writeplace-wrongtime @aiz0ldy @hobisfavoritespritecan @brattypeony @okay-j-hannah @kimmietea @jessyballet @mdanon027 @authorlovers @thatdinofuck @bethii11 @lqveharrington @authordreaming13 @wheaty-melon @sweetpeapod @lovelymrvl @a-girl-interupted @j1mp3x @taylorslov3rrr @cravingmacarons @idaofinfinity @pipsypip @grizzing @lady-clegane-giantsbane @clowence @theamchannell @beefybuckrrito @buckymydarlingangel @plantfey @cherrybastard @nazifa94 @nick-lorenz @mayempress @ethereal27cereal @oeuryale @everything-intertwined @storiesbyrhi @mountchilly
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izakaya-jinh · 2 years ago
FFXIVWRITE2022 Prompt 1: CROSS - to go from one side of to the other
The Raen warlord pondered the map before him, his countenance grim and dark with a cloud of unease. A swath of blue cut through the center of the map while dozens of small figures stood on either side of the divide. Tiny flags of myriad colors hovered stiffly above the figures, marking the positions of various forces arrayed upon opposing shores of the One River. On the other side of the table, an aging Roegadyn in scholar’s robes knelt silently.
“Tell me, friend, what do you make of this all?”
The Roegadyn shook his head. “It is not what you or I make of it, my lord. All things move according to Heaven’s will. Try as they might, none can oppose it. One may change the outcome for a time, but in due course, what is meant to be, will be. The old kings knew this and wisely held these lands for centuries, but that wisdom has been forgotten in the storm of man’s greed and burning ambition.”
The warlord let out a low growl as his tail flicked back and forth in agitation.
“Let me rephrase the question: What would you have me do?”
“Respectfully, my lord, I believe you already know the answer to that in your heart. War and chaos rule this world, and virtue has been lost. Sorcery taints the hearts of evil men with promises of power while crooked sects crawl forth from the shadows under the banners of righteous men. With the world in such turmoil, is there even a choice to be made? Would you abandon the people to the whims of tyrants and allow the mistakes of the past to repeat themselves? If you are the virtuous man I chose to help, then the path forward should already be clear.”
“Then as you put it, our only choice is to fight.”
“Lives given in the name of peace, to secure a brighter future for those who come after, will never be given in vain. Change is the only constant in this universe, and if not yourself, another will bring it to these lands. But would you give up this chance so that another’s vision of peace and order can become real? What happens when that vision brings only suffering and pain to the people? Will you regret it then? Or will you seize this moment to do what you know in your heart to be your duty to the world?”
The warlord closed his eyes and took in a deep breath as he pondered the words of his friend and advisor. It was as the Roegadyn said. Even if he stood aside and held his forces back in the name of peace, there was no telling what the final victor in the battle for Yanxia would do once crowned. If a righteous individual were to stand before him, perhaps he could sacrifice his own ambitions for the sake of the people. But as it were, he could see no such person to whom the future could be entrusted amongst those vying for supremacy. Such was the way of things, that those least fit to rule were often those who most desired it. Yet if not for his fear of what others might do upon the throne, he himself would never have come this far. And so, he was resolved.
His tail finally lay still as he looked his friend squarely in the eye.
“Summon the generals. We must make preparations to cross the river. First, we destroy the Rijin clan, then all other contenders in turn.”
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izayoiishikawa-blog · 6 years ago
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Doma Part I
For two and half decades, this once-grand kingdom on the shores of the One River was subject to Garlean rule. However, with the expulsion of imperial forces, Doma is free once more to control its destiny.
Flag: The Doman character for the nation’s name adorns the center, and the crimson border surrounding it represents the royal family’s ancestral role as gatekeepers of the One River. The field upon which rests is green like the color of the rice plants which grow in Doma’s many fields.
Motto: By the Righteous Blade We Are Delivered
Government: since Doma’s founding, the Rijin clan’s sons have ruled as kings with the support of an educated samurai caste. During the twenty-five-year Garlean occupation, an imperial viceroy held absolute authority, but the recent liberation has seen return of the old government, with the leader of the rebellion and head of the Rijin clan restored to the throne.
Leader: Hien Rijin
Ruling Body: Though the king of Doma has the power to intercede in all matters of governance, he delegates much of the minutiae to a cadre of samurai advisors.
Racial Distribution: Far Eastern Hyur (60%), Far Eastern Roegadyn (20%), Au Ra Raen (10%), Other (10%).
Religion: On the whole, Domans tend to practice their faith in private, and do not proselytize nor judge those who do not share in their beliefs. As is the case in many regions of the Far East, they worship a host of spirits referred to as the kami. Though some of these divines beings can be likened to personifications of nature, enlightened sages and long-lived animals of legend may also be defined as kami. Further complicating any attempt to categorize these entities is the variety said to inhabit ancient relics.
Agriculture: The banks of the One River have long been considered to be some of the most fertile farmland in eastern Othard, particulary the region surround the river’s mouth in Yanxia, Rice is the crop of choice, though persimmons and plums are also quite profitable.
Fishing: Domans have lived off the One River and the Glittering Basin since antiquity. As the kingdom expanded outward, so too did her people, who built villages on the coast of the Ruby Sea and from where ventured farther and farther west. While sources of food are abundant, some of the adventurous fishermen have made a living hunting sea tortoises for their shells, which are highly valued by all manner of artisans for use in their crafts.
Papermaking: The fibers of the Yanxian mulberry and the waters of the One River are key ingredients in the production of Doman Paper, which is prized the world over for both its durability and its beauty. Not only is it considered ideal for scrolls and documents that must be preserved, but it is also a medium in which artisans may craft fans, lanterns, and more elaborate displays. Though the industry languished during the imperial occupation, masters of the craft managed to preserve the knowledge of their techniques, and in the wake of Doma’s liberation they set about rebuilding the mills and resuming production.
Beliefs: Loyalty is perhaps the most virtuous quality to the people of Yanxia, be it to Doma, her king, or his vassals. The samurai would trust in the Rijin, and the people would in turn trust in the samurai. Many Domans would attest that one need only look to the carnage born of betrayal in the past to see this wisdom in this.
Diet: As one would expect given the amount of farmland devoted to it, rice is part of virtually every Doman meal. Aside from that common element, however, the cuisine of the central and coastal regions can differ to a surprising degree. Pork, and other meats are favored in the heartland of Doma, where seafood is far more common along the coast. The seasoning used in preparation are somewhat dissimilar as well, with the coastal villages preferring the more subtle flavors of Hingashi while stronger spices imported from Radz-at-Han are regular incorporated into Yanxian fare.
The Feats of Ganen
For all intents and purposes, the history of Doma begins with one man: Ganen Rijin. Eight hundred years ago, following his father’s death in battle when he was still but a boy if fourteen summers, Ganen became leader of his clan. Even at that tender age, he immediately understood that the Rijin, a clan little renown and meager holdings, would be judged easy prey too tempting to ignore, and would soon be attacked by one larger and more aggressive clans that were locked in a constant struggle for supremacy. Sure enough, it was not long before his scouts brought word of enemy troops massing near their borders. While formulating his defensive strategy, Ganen first considered how a small contingent of soldiers might defend a fortified position against a larger force, which then led him to devise a most cunning plan. Then the invading clan’s cavalry  first sighted the Rijin soldiers, they were surprised to find them woefully underequipped-on foot and bereft of chain and plate. They fled, and the eager invaders gave chase, only to become caught in wetlands and weighed down by their armor. At Ganen’s command, the trap was sprung and hidden host archers rained arrows down upon the helpless army. Thus began the legend of the boy general who would later found a kingdom.
The Birth of a Kingdom
Many accomplished warlords have left their mark on Yanxia over the centuries, but Ganen had two qualities others lacked. For one, as a child he had learned the art of geomancy from a wise hermit. He could read the elemental energies as well as any practitioner, and use this knowledge to his advantage when deciding on the time and place to engage his enemies.
Ganen’s other strength was his disregard for birth and background. Whether farmers, fisherman, or even former bandit, he would accept any recruit into his service so long as he believed them possessed of ability and wisdom. Races such as the Lupin who would be considered lessers by many Eorzeans were man’s equals in his eyes, and he welcomed them into his service with open arms. Ganen showed mercy to his defeated enemies and in so doing earned their respect and loyalty, further bolstering his armie’s ranks. With every victory the Rijin grew stronger, and in the span of twenty years they controlled the whole of the One River’s eastern bank.
On the western bank, however, other clans observed the Rijin’s expansion with growing fear. Led by Koboku, they assembled a massive army, and it soon became lear that confrontation was unavoidable. For eight years the war ‘twixt east and west raged with hardly a day of rest, until General Ganen at last led his armies to victory with the aid of the Namazu messengers and spies, who provide invaluable military intelligence. Having united all of Yanxia beneath his banner, he then decreed that the kingdom of Doma was born.
Lore book Volume 2.
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rasenkaikyo · 6 years ago
Regarding Lore on Hingashi
In spite of the (likely deliberate) partial illegibility of the sample pages given for the new lore book, I took it upon myself by request to transcribe the page set for the nation of Hingashi! I did the best I can; sorry for any errors!
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To the east of Othard, across the Ruby Sea, lies the island nation of Hingashi. Though it is now known to be the birthplace of the ninjutsu and samurai traditions, little else can be said with confidence about this isolated land and its reclusive peoples.
Flag: The flag many associate with Hingashi -- that of a black circle with three waves curving inward --- is in fact not a national standard, but rather the banner of the Mitsurugi clan, which currently rules Hingashi.
Motto: Live with Conviction
Government: True power in Hingashi rests in the hands of the bakufu, a military government. However, the official head of state is the emperor, who "entrusts" matters of government to the shogun and his officials. For generations, the royal household has seen fit to favor the Mitsurugi clan, whose sons have served as strong leaders. It should be noted that while the current figurehead is male, the right of succession is not restricted to men alone -- absolute primogeniture is the Hingan tradition.
Leader: Emperor Reigen
Ruling Body: The Mitsurugi clan leads the bakufu at present. Their influence over a given region can vary greatly, though, as they must retain the support of many wealthy families which have their own agendas.
Racial Distribution: Far Eastern Hyur: 50% Far Eastern Roegadyn: 15% Au Ra Raen: 10% Other: 25%
Religion: The people of Hingashi generally profess a belief in the kami, a legion of divine spirits said to exist in all aspects in nature, from mountains and rivers to the very crops Hingans grow and consume. These kami feature prominently in several creation myths, though the particulars of each tale differ from region to region. To declare each myth part of a formal religion may be misleading, though, as the Hingans do not engage in any standardized rituals, nor do they consistently favor any given kami over another -- a being deeply venerated in one land may be virtually ignored in another. Their faith might be best described as a pragmatic amalgamation of those practices which appeal to the individual most. Suffice it to say, the average Eorzean may struggle to comprehend this approach.
Industries: Agriculture: Rice is a staple of Hingan cuisine, and its cultivation vastly outstrips that of all other crops. Its impact on Hingan society can clearly be seen in how farmland is valued and taxed according to the quantity of rice is could potentially produce. Fishing: As an island nation, Hingashi has ever enjoyed the sea's bounty. The peoples of various regions have developed their own techniques over the centuries -- some communities favor spearfishing, which demands more of the individual, whereas others came to rely on trawling, which requires more coordinated action. Textiles: Having adopted sericulture from Othard, Hingan weavers applied their distinct dyeing techniques to create exquisite new styles of clothes. So values are such items by foreign traders that they are worth their weight in gold. Steelworks: The katana is perhaps the quintessential Hingan weapon, its design having been refined over generations by legendary swordsmiths belonging to several clans. These clans continue to improve upon ancient traditions, and so their works new and old command a high price at market.
Beliefs: The Hingan people value patience and perseverance in all things. Be one a farmer or a soldier, he should devote himself to his chosen profession. Indeed, if one were to liken life to a road, the traveler must be mindful of every step, that they might learn from the experience and be better for it. This concept manifests in the very language of Hingashi, for the Hingan terms for countless martial and artistic pursuits contain the word "path," further emphasizing the mindset one is expected to have.
Diet: Rice and fish are mainstays of the Hingan diet, and are frequently served together at meals. One of the more well-known examples of this is sushi, in which a small portion of vinegared rice is pressed together, and atop that is laid a thin slice of raw fish. Though at a glance it may appear to be a simple dish, Hingan culinarians must train for tens of summers before they are considered masters of the technique. Miso and soy sauce, as well as fish stock and fermented foods, feature heavily in traditional Hingan cuisine.
A Forgotten Past
Regrettably, there is little to no information concerning Hingashi prior to the Fourth Astral Era. Extant Allagan records currently available for study make no mention of the islands either. Therefore, it must be inferred that while the Allagan Empire ruled the Three Great Continents at the height of its power, its dominion did not extend to what would later be known as Hingashi. This presumption is further supported by the fact that, in the limited archaeological surveys of the island understand with the permission of the bakufu, not a single Allagan ruin has been discovered. This is not to say there was no evidence of Allagan influence whatsoever, though, as small artifacts such as jewelry and tomestones were unearthed. The prevailing theory at this time is that the islands were either deserted or home to only a token population prior to the Fourth Umbral Calamity, at which point refugees fleeing the collapse of the Empire came en masse. The Allagan trinkets found in Hingashi were brought by these new arrivals, who subsequently cast off the last vestiges of their fallen ancestry and strove to create a new one free from the trappings of the past. Again, it should be stressed that this is a theory based on limited evidence, and it should not be taken as incontrovertible fact.
The First Emperor 
The oldest surviving primary sources discovered in Hingashi are wooden tablets which date back approximately three millenia. They were found on Koshu, the nation's largest island, and appear to be a record of taxes owed to a wealthy landowner. From this we can conclude that Hingan society was sufficiently developed to support complex systems of taxation. Only two hundred years later, a clan in the western plains of Koshu rose to prominence following the fall of its neighboring rivals. The clan's head declared himself a great king and launched a campaign to bring all others to heel, and in the span of three hundred years, his descendants managed to unite the whole of western Koshu beneath one banner. As time passed, subsequent leaders were declared emperors, and if records are to be believed, the current imperal household can trace its ancestry all the way to this first ancient king. An Age of Blood and Strife
For nearly a millennium, the unbroken line of emperors held absolute power. However, fifteen hundred years ago, at the dawn of the Sixth Astral Era, a dispute over succession plunged Hingashi into civil war. Two ruled -- an emperor in the east, and an emperor in the west -- and for the better part of three centuries their descendants fought against one another. The resulting chaos greatly reduced the power and prestige of the royal bloodline. In order to claim victory, the royals increasingly turned to the vassals sworn to serve them. To secure their martial support, they granted them new rights and promised new privileges. So focused were the royals on defeating their hated rivals that they did not consider the wider implications of their generosity until it was too late. When at last the dust settled, an emperor in the east reigned triumphant, but as a figurehead, for he had surrendered nearly all his power to other clans. Emboldened, these clans then turned upon one another, and a new struggle for supremacy began.
The Rise of the Mitsurugi Clan
Over the course of six hundred years, Hingashi was ravaged by the fires of war. Clans seized every opportunity to strike at their enemies, and were in turn attacked by other equally ruthless foes. In such an environment, people found new ways to survive. Those born into poverty could rise to prominence through strength of action, and indeed, there were farmers that became lauded generals. Those who lacked such talents could resort to trickery and deception, and indeed, there were tales of foolish lords betrayed by their vassals. No one was safe, and naught was guaranteed. So it was that Hingashi was awash with blood until the Mitsurugi clan, rulers of Onokuni, came to power. Though their leader, Kanzan, was not skilled in the arts of war, he was a peerless politician and strategist. While others resorted to violence to achieve their ends, he forged alliances through marriage and employed ninja to gain vital intelligence. In this way, he not only defended his clan's holdings from outsiders, but outmaneuvered his rivals so that when at last the decisive battle came, the Mitsurugi clan alone stood above all others. Kanzan once more demonstrated his foresight when he restored the imperial household to power, declaring that the mandate he had to rule had been bequeathed to him by the Hingan emperor. In doing so, he appeared to honor ancient tradition and appeased those who had yearned to return to halcyon days, even if in sooth the Mitsurugi clan remained the true power behind the throne.
The Opening of Kugane
Though the Mitsurugi Bakufu faced resistance from several clans, it was a far cry from the chaos which had once consumed the island nation. Peace had come to Hingashi, and while the clans were not wont relinquish their independence -- and indeed took many measures to preserve it -- they could not deny that there was some benefit in cooperating with the new government. No longer preoccupied with internal strife, the people were, at long last, free to look beyond their borders and see what wonders the world held -- and many were quite eager to do so. In recent years, however, the bakufu has grown weary of foreign interests. The rise of the Garlean Empire and its aggressive expansion with the aid of magitek has not gone unnoticed, nor has the struggle of the Domans across the Ruby Sea not been a source of some concern. The fall of Dalmasca served to underscore this, and spurred Hingashi to, like Radz-at-Han before it, formally declare themselves neutral with regards to Garlemald's actions. As such, they will not intervene in the affairs of Yanxia nor Nagxia. For the time being, the bakufu maintains its strict isolationist policies and devotes the majority of its attention to internal affairs, whilst permitting only a small measure of foreign trade to take place via the port of Kugane on Shishu. The port is also home to several embassies, including most notably that of the Garlean Empire. Indeed, Kugane could be said to exemplify the nation's precarious position: all are welcome, but none as friends.
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Wee!! My friends!!!
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