#rachel thread; 001
carmencarrillo · 7 months
𝙒𝙃𝙊: Rachel Hargrove @rachelhargrove 𝙒𝙃𝙀𝙍𝙀: Rachel's House in Summit Lake
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Carmen was sure that if she had to unpack any more boxes, she would absolutely lose her mind. They'd moved into this house six months ago now, and there were still boxes that Carmen and Mei hadn't seem to go through. Sure, it was a sign they were spending more time with their family than they were unpacking boxes, but, none the less the boxes leftover where beginning to be a problem for Carmen's bank account as she found herself ordering things that she didn't need multiples of because she couldn't find them in the boxes in her home. Which was precisely why she'd been frustratingly staring at her phone waiting for her amazon package to arrive; at this point though it was an hour past delivery and had not yet arrived. As she sighed, she remembered just a few days ago when she'd gotten her neighbors mail on accident before grabbing it from the mail holder by the door and making her way across the street after letting her wife know she'd be right back. Shutting the door behind her, it took very few strides to make it to the front porch of the other and she knocked, waiting for the door to open. "Hey there, neighbor." she smiled, extending her hand. "We've gotten some of you mail by mistake and I just wanted to deliver it myself. Out of curiosity do you think the delivery people happened to drop off my delivery at your door instead of mine?"
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rorysanderson · 1 month
x. status -> closed for @rachelxhan x. location -> blue harbor university library
Rory feels sort of like an intruder, walking around this massive place. He’d’ve gone to the public one, mind you, but the librarian there had told him he’d have better luck finding what he’s looking for here. He won’t be able to check anything out — as he’s not a student — but he’ll at least get to take pictures with his phone, or something. He feels far too old and far too embarrassed to ask for anyone’s help in finding the carpentry textbook he’s looking for, but he realizes his mistake halfway down another aisle of reference books that have nothing to do with what he’s looking for. Sighing, he figures he has two options — go back to the front and ask one of the twenty-somethings for help, or find the nearest person and ask them, instead. Gathering all of his daughter’s courage, he picks the latter, and gently approaches the nearest woman to him. “Hi,” he greets softly, already feeling the heat on his face. “Sorry, I’m — do you know where I’d find books about carpentry ‘round here?” Well, he doesn’t know how he managed to do it, but he thinks he did sound like the lamest human being on planet earth there just now, didn’t he?
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tonibeltran · 2 months
x. status -> closed for @rachelxhan x. location -> dreamland market
Dreamland Market has, admittedly, changed quite a bit since the last time Antonio’s been here. It’d only just opened its doors back in his 20s, all clean walls and tidy aisles. He’d spent many a late night perusing the place for a pick-me-up after a long bout of studying — and, later, a long bout in the studio. Now, Antonio’s more impressed that the building hasn’t collapsed in on itself, what with the amount of cracks on the wall and the mysterious odor coming from the vents he can only assume is — well, a health hazard, if nothing else.
Still, Earthwave gives him a headache, with its serene playlist blasting through the speakers and the price markups that would have made his mother curse in her native tongue. It’s shiny and clearly well-kept, but it doesn’t hold whatever fucked up sense of nostalgia Toni’s buried in its essence like Dreamland Market does. Plus, he needs cow milk — not milk made out of all those other things they’re making milk out of now.
It’s when he’s pulling open the fridge door to acquire said milk that he realizes what’s playing on the speakers here — it’s one of the pop songs he’d penned for the latest and greatest pop artist on the charts, having studied her previous work to sand his own prose down to her voice. The lyrics hit his ears like an uninvited guest — and now you don’t call or miss me at all / I’ve finally patched up the holes in the wall / I guess it’s nothing, really — sung in a pleasantly high octave and accompanied by an almost insulting amount of synths. If he listens closely, he’d probably be able to hear the electric guitar he’d played for the demo somewhere in there. 
But he doesn’t listen closely. He’d rather not be listening to this at all, he thinks. He makes a face, pulling out a half-gallon of milk and dropping it into his cart. He turns to the woman beside him in the aisle and, with a half-smile, all southern charm and media training, he asks, “Hi, could you please point me toward the fruit aisle? I need to find a large watermelon to bury my head in.” He gestures up toward the ceiling, where the song continues to blast in its bubbly, upbeat tempo. “Alternatively, if you know whom I might bribe to switch the playlist in here, it might spare me a hair wash.”
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seolinah · 6 months
closed for @starlingisms // this plot ft. ye-jun + rachel
Ye-jun tapped away on his keyboard. It was easy enough to get carried away once he got started, but that meant he wasn't exactly keeping track of how long he'd been working even after saying it would only take a few minutes. As he paused to rub at his tired eyes, he finally noticed the time on his computer. Oh. Turning in his chair, he spotted Rachel sitting on the couch. He frowned apologetically as he caught her eye. "Sorry... I was just supposed to fix one thing and then I ended up taking care of another problem... Sorry." After being used to always being alone when in his own space, he was still adjusting to the fact that Rachel came over. Not that he didn't want her there, because he did, but this really was all new for him. "I, uh, will try not to have that happen again. Don't want you to be wasting your time by being here."
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henryxburnham · 6 months
― SETTING: frederick's farm, bighorn hills. ― AVAILABILITY: closed starter for rachel hargrove. ( @rachelhargrove )
"― I'm tellin' you, Rach, I've done so much research on how hot air balloons work that I think it's gotta be dumb luck that I'm not terrified of something going wrong when if I ever y'know, actually ride in one. Not that we have to go up in one― they're pretty just to watch but my point," Henry paused in their fairly emphatic rambling to smile crookedly at Rachel. "Is that we could if you wanted to and I wouldn't be even a little scared. Out loud, at least." They were perfectly content to stay firmly planted on the ground and admire the balloons from afar but if Rachel wanted to go then they'd go― and manage the Herculean effort of not wondering why they had such a difficult time saying no to the woman at their side. "Otherwise, maybe we can take a break for a bit? My prosthetic's pinching a little and I gotta catch my breath." They admitted, heat prickling along the back of their neck in spite of the fact that they knew they had no reason to be embarrassed. "How about lemonade and a break?"
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「 🌈 : @r4chelamber 」
based on this ask: ❛ They’re all lucky to have you. It’s pretty rare to have a friend who’s relentlessly got your back. ❜
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that was just how loyalty worked. and above all things robin buckley was loyal to those she cared about. there weren't many but she treasured the few that she was lucky enough to have in her inner circle. a soft blush was accompanied by a shy smile, robin just wasn't used to receiving compliments and never knew how to react. it made it even more flustered when it was given to her by a beautiful girl. she didn't need to draw attention to that but she was doing a terrible job at hiding it.
"that old bat had it coming." robin wasn't going to sit and listen to a rude old woman insult and treat her co-worker like dirt. she didn't care if she was at her job that she desperately needed. "he would have done it for me." and that statement was very true. steve had her back as much as she had his.
at least the girl standing in line behind the old lady seemed amused and not angry about how a customer had been treated in her presence. she didn't need two people complaining to keith about her if the nasty lady really did decide to talk to her superior as she claimed she would. "so...um how can i help you?"
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worldscollide · 2 years
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@wildschemes sent rachel x nick — ❛ seeing you happy is all that matters. ❜
her words make him chuckle softly. “rachel, you are what makes me happy.” he tells her, his tone of voice and eyes full of sincerity as his hand reaches up to gently brush his thumb against her cheek. “i’ve never been happier than when i’m with you.” he adds with a slight shrug of his shoulders. “and at the end of the day, i’m going to always choose you, rachel chu.” the corner of his lips upturns with a slight smirk at the silly little sentence that had left his lips. it was on purpose, but hearing it said aloud is even more amusing than in his head. “so screw it. i want to be with you, consequences be damned.” it’s a big decision, one that’ll upturn his entire life if they go through with it, but the last thing he wants is to lose the love of his life.
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vigilaent · 1 year
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#𝚅𝙸𝙶𝙸𝙻𝙰𝙴𝙽𝚃  :  a  selective  low  activity  superhero  multimuse  blog  for  characters  featured  in  the  dc  universe,  heavily  based  in  rocksteady  studio’s  arkham  knight  and  gotham  knights,  influenced  by  other  media  such  as  batman:  unburied,  batman:  under  the  red  hood,  wayne  family  adventures,  hbo’s  titans,  +  some  comics  as  i  read  them.     very headcanon heavy.
an  ode  to  :  corruption,  generational  cycles  thanked  and  broken,  the  body  bled  and  divided  among  the  hands,  love as violence,  violence as religion,  religion as love,  and  being  born  again.     re - made  04/18/23.     performed by jean,  23,  they/any,  cst.
muselist.     opens.     dossiers linked below when available.
quick muselist.
dick grayson.     mixed media,  headcanon heavy.     pinterest. jason todd.     headcanon and arkham based.     pinterest. bruce wayne.     unburied and 2022 based,  arkham influenced.     pinterest. gar logan.     titans and headcanon based. koriand’r.     titans and teen titans influenced. rachel roth.     mixed media,  teen titans influenced. selina kyle.     very divergent,  original portrayal. jessie umeh.     original character,  arkham based. jim gordon.     2022 and unburied based.     testing. cassandra cain.     wfa based.     testing. komand’r.     hc based,  titans influenced.     testing. vic stone.     hc based,  doom patrol influenced.     testing.
dash rules.
000. . .     disclaimer.
just a little one !     i am very new to the dc universe and find myself often overwhelmed with the amount of comics there are to read.     i’ve got the spirit,  but i may or may not know the basics about your muse when it comes to canon dc characters.     i apologize in advance,  but it’s nothing a little plotting can’t fix,  so if i pop into your ims with stupid questions about your portrayal, this is why.     but as always,  if you’re still down to clown,  i am very much too !
001. . .     activity.
i'll be frank : i write pretty sporadically, and this goes for ic and ooc interactions. i can get overwhelmed juggling responsibilities often, and socializing is one of the first things to go.     i un  /  fortunately work 40 hour work weeks,    and only get every other weekend off,  so my schedule makes consistent activity difficult on top of my focus. if i can successfully plot something with you, i find my muse is sooo much more involved, but i'm contradictorily bad at it due to the reasons above ; it's truly hit or miss, and i understand if that becomes frustrating for any of my partners.    sometimes i’ll be able to get out a couple drafts a week,  others merely once,  or not at all. if i haven’t replied or answered something in a while,  please know it’s nothing personal, i’m just taking my time until i feel good about what i can put down.     writing is a hobby i enjoy, but if you're looking for a blog with any sort of regularity, this isn't the one for you. i have other rp blogs i try to run as well,  therefore i might be very slow on this one at times.     i can be quite the flaky rp partner,  so i apologize in advance for that and completely understand if my antics   [  or lack thereof  ]   result in an unfollow. if i go longer than two months without activity, i'll try to make a hiatus notice.
002. . .     following.  
because of the previously stated,  i’m also highly selective with who i rp with.     i want to not to bite off more than i can chew,  and for the sake of pacing myself,  my activity will be reserved for mutuals only.     if my thread count gets too high for my liking, it's not uncommon that i drop threads, but i will absolutely try and let you know if that happens.     duplicates are always welcome <3   [  let me know if you need me to tag same - muse posts and i’ll be happy to !  ] i regularly go on softblocking sprees to keep my follower count semi - low, but do feel free to re - follow if you feel like the stars merely misaligned for our first bout of mutual following and i'd be very down to give it another shot. on that note, it'll take me a week+ to follow back sometimes, as i like to read through not only rules, but dossiers and verse pages, especially for ocs, so it can take a hot minute.
003. . .     etiquette.
the basics  ;  don’t be an asshole,  any transphobia,  biphobia,  homophobia,  racism,  whitewashing,  pro - shipping,  incest,  etc,  will be blocked on sight.     no godmodding,  please cut your threads,  continue asks in new posts,  etc,  and no stealing of any personal concepts of mine.     loose inspiration is fine,  but if i see repeated similarities,  i may or may not approach you about it.     formatting - wise,  here is an example of my prose style.     i primarily use big ol’ text and static or no icons,  beta editor + xkit rewritten,  but feel free to format however you like and i’ll try to match you somewhat. since my concussion, however, i will no longer be threading with super small text or anything heavily formatted, as this can strain my eyes and make headaches worse, even with my glasses.
004. . .     shipping.  
i’m all about exploring meaningful dynamics,  whether they be platonic,  familial,  antagonistic,  pre - established,  etc,  so feel free to shoot me a message if you’d like to plot something out between our muses !     while the mun of this blog is 18+,  smut just really isn’t my thing  ;  referenced  ‘ offscreen ’  as it were is fine,  as are nfsfw headcanons and such,  maybe fade to black  /  time skips,  but for the most part,  you won’t find any roleplayed smut on this blog.     this of course is muse dependent and does not apply to any underage muses.     romance is fine to some degree,  but again,  if they are a child, such as raven in her hbo titan’s verse,  anything beyond lighthearted and innocent experiences are off limits,  no exceptions.     if i see you’ve aged up a minor character for shipping purposes,  it will result in an instant unfollow.     if at some point i flesh out adult verses for them,  these shipping rules will not change.     on that note as well,  i do prefer to rp with muns who are also 18+.     i don’t see your age somewhere in your rules or pinned,  it will affect my willingness to follow.
005. . .     memes.
memes from anyone,  anytime,  for the muse or for the mun,  are always welcome,  and often a go - to ice breaker of mine since starter calls make me nervous.     please don’t hesitate to send a good handful since i try not to cage myself into answering ones i just don’t have muse for.     i find if i force stuff,  i’m just less likely to ever actually get it done,  so don’t feel like you’re overwhelming me if you send more than just a couple for me to choose from.     please remember to specify which muse your asks are for unless it’s to one of my sideblogs.     if you want to start a thread from an ask,  i greatly encourage it since i try to write most answers as potential starters anyway ! lastly, any memes in my tag aren't expired. if i don't want them sent in anymore, i'll delete them from the tag.
006. . .     triggers.  
this blog leans horror - adjacent in many ways,  and this blog will be portraying that accordingly,  including trigger - heavy content such as  :  depression,  ptsd,  panic attacks,  violence,  murder,  kidnapping,  self harm,  smoking,  abuse  /  neglect,  animal death,  horror elements,  cannibalism,  torture,  brainwashing,  death  /  resurrection,  religious imagery,  etc,  but i will try to tag it as  ‘ trigger // ’.     on that note,  please do keep in mind  :  any abuse present on my blog will be in headcanons or backstories,  never actual threads.     if i’m writing with villain muses,  physical harm may be present,  but i refuse to roleplay any domestic  /  animal  /  harm or abuse in any form.     my personal triggers are visual eye gore,  visual self harm,  and visual vomit.     please do feel free to say something if i forget to tag a post and i’ll try to tag it for you right away !
whew. all that said, i'm jean, 23, white, and i use they/any pronouns ! thank you for taking the time to read my rules,  and rest assured if i follow you,  that means i’ve read through yours as well <3 discord is available for mutuals upon request.
007. . .     blogroll.
enslaughts.     a medium activity horror - heavy multimuse. dvrast.     a selective jesper fahey.     low activity.     follows from enslaughts. vigilaent.     a selective dc multimuse.     low activity. wayfares.     a selective western multimuse.     hiatus. greatloss.     a selective slow five hargreeves.     hiatus. clericlost.     a selective slow william byers.     hiatus. mindsflayed.     a selective slow mind flayer + vecna.     hiatus.     follows from clericlost.
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berriiesandcream · 4 years
rachel & gabe: i’m his little downtown doll (001). 🍓
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SHE grew to like this routine, as a broadway ingenue. as soon as the curtain call was over, as all the flowers were being thrown on the stage and as noisy critics and interviewers left everyone alone for good, rachel would hurry her way out of the theater. she would throw on her outfit, which rarely consisted of more than a trench coat with a flowy skirt and blouse underneath, and rushed her way to her new favorite place. she had heard about the bar from one of the technicians during the interlude and soon as she took their suggestion into consideration and went for a visit, she got hooked. it was a bar like any others, loud, sort of smelly and where everyone ended up being smashed. what, or more like who, really caught her attention was this tall and built man she had met. right from the start, they hit it off — flirted, even. every time they met sort of felt the same. there had been one too many nights since then. she would order a glass of rosé, which would be filled by gabe again and again. she would ask him about his day, him asking about hers. and, eventually, she would end up rambling about how hard it was to be a star. usually, they would laugh it off and move on. that night, however, it was different.
he made a promise, perhaps a dare, and the next thing she knew, she was chugging her drink and following him in the cold breeze of the night to his place. her heart was racing and beating so loud she could almost ear it. when he unlocked his door and invited him, her impatience reached new highs. "about what you said at the bar, before we left..." rachel stepped closer to the man, a wave of timidity forced her to look down. she tried to convince herself that a little impulsivity never hurt anybody. the worst that could happen was him mocking her, which he had done plenty of times during their no longer impromptu encounters. and the best made her core clench around nothing. "when are you going to fuck the brat out of me? or do i have to beg for it?"
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maddoxjoseph · 4 years
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His eyebrows shot up as he looked at the flat tire. “How the hell did you even make it here with your tire that flat?” He turned his attention to the girl who was standing by her car. She had come in and told him she had a flat. Joseph was surprised that she had driven it here, but maybe she was in the area. They did have a very limited location for where they could be with the mist. The tire was the definition of flat. He was a bit impressed that she managed to let the air pressure go so low. that took a certain level of finesse. “Did you hit a curb or run over a nail? Or did you just forget to change the tire pressure?” He wanted to know what he would be working with.
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lovepersists2 · 5 years
“you truly spend time with susan under your own free will?  without coercion?  are you certain you’re not falling apart like all of your brothers?”
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@govtdna​   |   starter call!
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catalystofchangc · 5 years
Event based starter for @trigonsgem​
Does this look good on me?             
___ dick pushed his sun glasses down and a wide smile appeared across his lips immediately after seeing rachel. years ago, she probably would have said ‘no’ to going to a place like this one, but now here she was, enjoying herself. and looking beautiful as ever. “trying to kill garfield or what?” he teased, handing her one of the piña coladas he had. “you look amazing.”
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onebigerror · 1 year
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based on this ask: “this isn’t going to work out, is it? do you maybe want to do something else? watch a movie? anything?” ... for max !
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well, this couldn't be more embarrassing. not only was she attempting to have sex with her best friends ex girlfriend, she was failing at it. "yeah. i guess you're right. i'm sorry." the make out session had gone so well and it had progressed naturally from there. and then it got awkward. she wasn't sure what went wrong but she blamed it on her own lack of experience. "this doesn't mean i don't like you. because i do." max hadn't expected to like the other girl as much as she did and that alone made her nervous. "we can try again later." at least she hoped they could. rachel looked beautiful and being the nerd she was for taking pictures, max wanted to capture the moment forever. "would you mind if i take some pictures of you. you just look gorgeous." a blush tinged her freckled cheeks as she reached for her camera on the nightstand by her bed.
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closed starter for @rufxmord
Zack isn’t the type of person to bother his neighbours (more out of social awkwardness than anything) yet here he is at the door to one of his neighbours who had been leaving her apartment with a cat in his arms. He didn’t think he was too good with animals, but the cat doesn’t seem to be struggling to get out of his arms. Which was good. He wasn’t wanting to get attacked by a cat today. Or any day.
“Um, excuse me...” He spoke up. “Does this happen to be your cat? It ran into my flat a few minutes ago and you’re the only one who I’ve seen outside, so I figured it was yours.” Boy does he ever feel awkward.
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       ❝   Okay ,   not that I’m not all for it   but ,     you do realize if    gaylesball   stands for   gay-lesbian alliance ,    it kind of implies a gays-only club ,   right ?     As in . . .    no allies.❞
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class dismissed, or something like that.  the bell chimes, the song ends, but the show must go on.  blaine rushes to catch up to mckinley high’s resident hurricane, quick pace between flurried crowds heading for their lockers with about as much order as ants during spring rain.
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     ❛ rachel, hey! wait up! ❜     bright eyes as he falls into step beside her, blaine guides her gently to the left -- out of harm’s way.  his smile is genuine, warm; one only shown to his closest of friends.     ❛ i just wanted to say congratulations on your big speech! i think you really nailed it. do i sense a potential retirement career in politics, or am i letting my thoughts get ahead of themselves? ❜
- ̗̀  @animalsweaters ̖́ -    ╱     sc.
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