independent canon divergent robin buckley from Netflix stranger things multi-ship/ oc & crossover friendly 18 + & highly triggering content
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what kind of tragedy are you?
written in the stars
it had to end this way. we all know it. only you were unaware. you had hope. hope, of course, only makes it hurt all the more. we all knew you would look back, oh love, there’s no other version of the story. and yet, alongside you, we still had hope. we believed in you, even though we knew you couldn’t win. and you believed in yourself till the last moment. it isn’t fair, is it? you didn’t know you were doomed.
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i identify as an inconvenience to the world
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less cringy NSFW/intimacy memes
ACTIONS: (add + to reverse who does the action)
✦ to finger my muse ✧ to give my muse oral ☆ to get caught doing something sexual in public ✻ to catch my muse masturbating ✸ for a drabble about my muse having a sex dream about yours ❆ to tease my muse ❁ for our muses first time ✶ for something awkward to happen during sex ♢ for something to make our muses laugh during sex ♤ for my muse to help yours undress ☽ for my muse to have trouble taking off an article of clothing ♧ to guide my muse’s hands where yours wants to be touched ♜ for my muse to kiss an area where yours is insecure ♞ my muse gets a cramp during sex ♦ my muse sneezes during sex ♟ my muse says the wrong name during sex ✪ for our muses to be intimate in nature © for morning sex ✘ to eat food off of my muse ♕ make your own scenario
“god, you look so good” “fuck—” “i got you, baby” “you’re being so good for me” “i promise i’ll be a good” “please” “you have to be quiet if you want to cum” “say please?” “are you gonna be good for me?” “shit— i have to pee” “wait, that hurts” “not there” “that feels so good” “touch me here” “did you just yawn?” “you make me feel so good” “do you like this?” “i want to hear you when you cum” “i’m so close” “i need you” “how much do you want to cum?” “turn around” “your fingers feel amazing” “i’m yours” “you’re mine” “tell me you’re mine” “you sound so pretty when you moan” “harder” “wait—” “is this okay?” “say it again” “i love you”
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i truly need to do something here. i didn't forget my drafts. i've just been so busy with real life. i'm going to try to be active here again this week! <3
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This is very Robin. Call her pretty and she'll blush. Call her handsome and she'll blush so hard she'll implode.
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@araneorum continued from here

“well don’t keep me on edge. i have my assumptions but i still want to know specifically who you were talking about.” robin insisted. she was never one for gossip but jamie seemed to love it. “you can’t just tell me something and then hold out on me.” it wasn’t like it was serious or pressing but now she was invested and it would drive her crazy if she didn’t know. she watched jamie with the cigarettes and wrinkled her nose when she got ready to light one up. she was tempted to reach out, snatch both of them and throw them away. it would accomplish nothing and jamie would not only bitch but also acquire more. “out with it!”
the dramatic approach that jamie took to make it seem like a big secret just made robin chuckle. she might be a little shit but she was also cute. “i really must know. i might just die if i don’t.” okay she could act like a drama queen as well even if she was far from that. and then it was out. “carol and tommy. that much is obvious. they probably stink as badly as they act. but…” brows furrowed. “jon? what did he do to you?” she wondered aloud. sibling stuff that robin couldn’t understand considering that she had none. she did give it some thought. “i mean you’re not wrong. he does look smelly. his hair is just all greasy as hell…” robin went on. “but tuna fish and unwashed ass? okay, i can see it now that i think about it.”
#araneorum#「┊🌈 ┊( interactions. ) 」#「 robin x jamie (010 / araneorum 」#「 🌈 hey dingus your queue is here : queued 」
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robin couldn’t believe that the person she once so bitterly hated and thought of as nothing but a ‘stupid jock’ was now her other half. her soul mate. steve harrington was her soul mate and she was sure of it. they always made plans for the future but most of them were just silly ones. this was the first serious one they had ever discussed. marriage. to each other. even if it was years from now and contingent on if they were married by thirty. it was still one of the most serious things they’d ever discussed for the future. “double deal. remember?” she asked with a short laugh. “you still have a shot at it. and if you do i’ll be glad to be your best man.” honestly, the thought made her a little sad but she tried not to let it show. steve knew her so well he probably could read her no matter what. more than anything robin wanted for steve to find the woman that was for him and that would be happy and give him all that he could ever want. she wanted that for herself too but she didn’t have much faith in that happening. at least not anytime soon since she was so deep in the closest. it wasn’t like steve was going on a lot of dates - barely any and none of the girls ever went past a date or two - but it was still more than her. what saddened her was that one day this could all end for them. marriage would change everything. they wouldn’t drive to and from work every day. they wouldn’t have sleepovers at his house anymore. they would grow up and move on like everyone did. they’d lose each other. it was inevitable. “don’t you ever worry?” she blurted out. “that one day…if we do find the loves of our lives it won’t be this way anymore?” suddenly it made her feel panicked. right there in the middle of family video. she had this overwhelming fear of losing her best friend and everything they had together. “i can’t lose you, harrington.” wasn’t that selfish? she couldn’t give him what he needed and wanted but she couldn’t stand the thought of him just not being there - with her - anymore. thankfully work was over in a half hour and they could get out of there. “i want you to find the love of your life but then i don’t. that is so selfish of me.” she wanted herself to find the love of her life but then she didn’t. not if it meant not having steve. was sex and intimacy really everything? was she just suddenly overwhelmed with anxiety and that’s all this was?
Steve loved Robin truly. She was like the other half of him and he had no idea how he had even survived without her for so long before. She was just so loving to him and he liked being able to just joke around with her and make future plans. He even liked getting to tease her sometimes with all sorts of things. Mainly asking when the Hell was she going to find a girlfriend. "It's a deal." He nodded and smiled at her fondly. "And if we do end up finding the loves of our lives, then we have to have each other as best man for one another."
#rebelliousfamily#「 robin x steve (001 / rebelliousfamily) 」#「┊🌈 ┊( interactions. ) 」#「 🌈 hey dingus your queue is here : queued 」
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“and then what, x?” robin asked him with complete seriousness. “where would i go?” at one point it would have been to a foster home that might or might not have been worse than home. now that wasn’t even an option. she’d aged out of the system. now she worked all the time and there was still no end in sight. “besides. no one is going to arrest a man for hitting his adult daughter.” why would they? they’d never even done it when she was a kid. everyone in the small shit town was much happier to turn a blind eye and pretend it wasn’t happening. it’s just how it was. “he’s not going to kill me. he’s not that stupid.” was that really true? sometimes she even feared that herself. it was just a fear that she didn’t voice. “he likes his booze too much. they don’t serve cocktails in prison.” that was an attempt to make a joke even if it wasn’t funny. and then there was another humiliating thing brought up. having to buy makeup she didn’t even wear just to cover bruises. she had a whole surplus of concealer and she’d gotten pretty damn good at using it. she hated how it made her skin feel. “i’ve got enough. i made that trip to the nifty dollar store yesterday.” and embarrassingly bought it in bulk.
“you never told me that…about your mother...” robin answered softly. having someone that related felt shitty and comforting all at the same time. “yes he does. he says its because i was born and killed my mother. if he still had her he’d be just fine.” it’s something that she’d had drilled into her head from the moment she’d understood the words. “it’s not true though. if your dad was going to leave he would have done it anyway. like i’m sure if i’d never been born my dad would have still become a raging alcoholic and put my mother through hell. people become what they let themselves become.” strong words from a girl who was of age and still let herself be the victim she’d become when she was a child.
"You know you really should turn that fucker in for doing this to you Robin. I know w he’s you dad but this isn’t right, you shouldn’t be going around thinking that just because this has happened before and it wasn’t this bad that it’s normal or something because it’s not. One day he’s going to end up killing you.” Xavier shakes his head and looks at her “But I also know that no matter how hard I try to talk you into reporting him the more you’re not going to want to so I’ll just leave it at that and carry on with life like you will.” He cocks an eyebrow at her then and looks at her eye “You need some more make up or do you have enough to cover that up?”
Xavier sighs tilting his head to the side and getting a thoughtful look on his face “My mother was a real piece of work too you know. She doesn’t hit me or anything she just makes me feel like I never should have been born like maybe if I wasn’t she wouldn’t have started drinking and dad would still be around but I think it’s just an excuse to have someone to blame for everything. I think your dad treats you like he does for the same reason.”

#talesfromahs#「┊🌈 ┊( interactions. ) 」#「 robin x xavier (003 / talesfromahs) 」#「 🌈 hey dingus your queue is here : queued 」
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I love her. Anxiety is basically just Robin in animated form!
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🌈 : @alwaysanangcl continued from here

“ten colored vinyls. we need to find one of them or you’ll die. check. last record shop visit bewteen hawkins and indi. completed.” robin nodded her head as jess spoke excitedly and she tried to keep up. under the right circumstances, she could be excitable as well, this wasn’t one of those times. she was far too anxious at the thought of going into the city. the big city had scared her the few times she’d been there. or more like overwhelmed all of her senses. there was so much going on all the time. so many things to see and hear and smell. she wondered if she could really live in one. she always talked about wanting to move to new york city but that would be three times as busy as indi. small town life made her feel more secure because it was all she’d ever known. robin was very much a creature of habit and change scared her. still, if jess said she wanted to go robin would oblige and go along. there wasn’t much she wouldn’t agree to when it came to her. “drink.” she answered. she didn’t know if she could eat right now. “and if you want to go check out stores in the city, i’ll go. road trip.” she tried to sound more enthusiastic than she felt. that was another thing. she preferred her bike or her feet. too much time in moving vehicles also made her nervous. she adjusted the ghastly orange fanny pack around her hips before sitting. it didn't match any of her clothes but since when did robin care?
#alwaysanangcl#「┊🌈 ┊( interactions. ) 」#「 robin x jessica (004 / alwaysanangcl) 」#「 🌈 hey dingus your queue is here : queued 」
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robin's birthday is next month on the 8th. i just realized that my little cancer baby is really a senior citizen. she'll be celebrating happy 57! that is all.
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🌈 : @hauntedxwritings continued from here

robin couldn’t believe what she was seeing when she entered the room. nancy naked in the sunlit streaming through the windows. well half naked because she did have the blanket covering her lower half. but those breasts. oh dear god she could see nancy’s tits and goddamn were they nice. she tried to keep her presence from being known but of course she failed. she backed up in an attempt to go right out the door so nancy didn’t think she was some sick pervert just looking at her nude while she slept. instead of exiting gracefully, robin tripped over her own feet, stumbled and fell back against the desk. a few things fell off, hit the floor with a thud and woke nancy up. "fuck..." she muttered.
when nancy acknowledged her she didn't really know what to say. “uh, yeah…it’s me. not mike.” that much was obvious. “mike let me in.” or else she might not have gotten inside with how much mrs. wheeler disliked her. “i can go. i didn’t see anything. promise.” oh she saw enough. especially now that she was sitting up. full on view of her chest and robin’s eyes just didn’t divert like they should. instead, she bit her lip and chewed on it nervously. she was a creep, a total creep and nancy was going to hate her now. she didn’t have many friends and she didn’t want to lose one of the few she did have. if nancy knew the dirty thoughts she had about her she’d really never want to speak to her again. robin was sure of it.
#hauntedxwritings#「┊🌈 ┊( interactions. ) 」#「 robin x nancy (008 / hauntedxwritings) 」#「 🌈 hey dingus your queue is here : queued 」
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🌈 : @rebelliousfamily

keeping steve distracted was easy for robin. she did it so often that it felt effortless most of the time. it wasn’t like she didn’t get deep with harrington when needed. no one else knew her quite like he did and she was fine with that. he got her and she got him. “i guess you’re right. you need your beauty rest. how else will you keep up those farrah fawcett good looks of yours.” she smirked. “i just feel like a zombie when i don’t sleep.” which was often but she was used to it. she couldn’t remember the last time she’d gotten a good night of sleep with her father around. he seemed to be the most active at night and that meant he was making her life hell during the late night and early morning hours when she wanted nothing more than sleep. there was probably no change in her appearance because she never got a good rest so she always looked the same. exhausted, running on fumes and too broke to even buy herself some coffee. “so lavendar marriage at thirty? it was already a deal so double deal?” honestly robin wouldn’t mind being married to her best friend at any age because she’d never be lonely. even if there wasn’t physical intimacy - which sometimes she didn’t even care about - she’d be understood and loved for who she was. the physical aspect could be found with anyone. the emotional connection? that was harder to find.
Steve liked that Robin seemed to know just how to distract him when he needed it. He liked having her there to just chat to him a lot and make him think about other things. "I do like the idea of pizza. But if I don't get a good nights sleep then I'll wake up looking all gross and haggard." He pointed out with a chuckle. His smile only grew when Robin had burst out with what the kind of marriage was called. It was hilarious. "That sounds incredible. Twenty five seems pretty young still. What about thirty?"
#rebelliousfamily#「 robin x steve (001 / rebelliousfamily) 」#「 🌈 hey dingus your queue is here : queued 」#「┊🌈 ┊( interactions. ) 」
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Another pointless drabble that I decided to share of Robin 'raccooning' through Erica's room
Robin was like a raccoon in human form and there was absolutely no denying that. She got into everything even if it wasn’t her stuff to be in. It was even worse when her ADHD spiked as it currently was. It would probably annoy Erica - everything annoyed the kid - but Robin was too hyper to care. That’s what happened when she had too much sugar. Erica’s house was stocked with all the good snacks and plenty of soda. Stuff she didn’t have at home. And her mother had even made cookies! Never having a mother of her own or even a close friend with one, Robin took full advantage of it as she sat at the counter and chatted with her friend's mother. She watched her take a fresh cookie sheet out of the oven and place a new one in. There was already a plate heaped with previously baked goods - more cookies and even a few brownies - a good portion of those and the ones that had just exited the oven were happily stuffed into her mouth. Erica’s mom didn’t stop her - the woman liked her for some reason or another - and that just made her more inclined to accept as many treats as she could. This was the result an hour later. Inability to focus on anything, fidgeting with whatever was in reach, and finally getting up to rifle through anything she could find as she asked questions about literally everything.
The look on Erica’s face said everything just as it had years prior when the girl would come to insist on excessive free samples at Scoops only to be denied. It was a look of unamusement as Robin went through her belongings. Jewelry seemed to hold her interest the most and that was what led her to the box on her dresser. It didn’t have much in it, just earrings and a few bracelets - nothing like the cool one with the tiny ballerina that Nancy Wheeler had - but it was more than enough to hold Robin’s interest. She had some cheap costume jewelry of her own, she just found other people's things way more intriguing. “These are cool. I haven’t pierced my ears. I’m too freaked out by needles. I'm sure it would really, really hurt. I don't like pain.” She had enough of that at home. She wasn't going to voluntarily injure herself. She held up a pair of pearl earrings. “I’ve never seen you wear them.” Not that she paid much attention to what the younger girl wore. She didn’t pay much attention to what anyone wore unless it was Chrissy. Again she was rummaging and rambling.
“Oh! This bracelet is wicked.” She dropped the earrings to pick up the rainbow-beaded bracelet and studied it with curiosity. The D&D books that Erica had been proudly showing her moments earlier were completely forgotten. It wasn’t abnormal for Robin to get distracted and change gears in the middle of doing things. Either she was hyper-focused or she couldn’t focus at all. There wasn’t an in between. “So once I was at Nancy’s. Well like we weren’t friends or anything yet. It was just that one time when we were devising a plan to save the world.” She rattled casually as though such a thing was normal. To them it was. “She had this jewelry box and it had a tiny little ballerina in it that spun around to the music.” That would forever be one of the coolest things in her mind and she just felt she needed to share it.
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Just a pointless drabble I wrote on another site and decided to post here:
“your sister kicked me out of her room. she said i was being too nosy.” robin said as she ducked her head into the room across the hall instead of leaving the house. she didn’t tell lucas the actual reason why she was ejected andthat itwas because she’d been getting into everything she possibly could. drawers, the closet, and finally the jewelry box. he would soon find out for himself. this might just be the first thing he and erica would ever agree on. “and i’m bored. like so bored.” the fact that she didn’t know him as well as she did some of the other kids didn’t stop her from walking right in uninvited. she'd hang out with him for a while. “steve is taking me home when he gets off work.” she continued to chatter as her blue eyes swept around the room taking in everything there was to see. “i didn’t want to walk home and i don’t have my bike.” she started to walk around touching everything as she did, running her fingers over furniture and even the wall paper as she walked.
“cool curtains. they are almost the same shade of blue as my trailer.” she pointed out. she didn’t even have curtains in her bedroom. instead, she’d tacked an old sheet up over the room's single window. the way that other people lived - people that weren’t dirt poor - fascinated her. like steve. the harrington home was like a five star hotel. it was sterile and felt more like one of those houses out of a magazine than a home. the sinclair home was more like the wheelers. comfortable. welcoming. it just felt lived in and it was obvious a family that loved one another resided in it. her own was just miserable chaos and she liked any opportunity she got to escape from it. “i mean the color of my trailer when it was newly painted. years and years and years ago.” her mouth was moving faster than her brain again. it always was. “now it’s more rusted than blue. the bottom mostly. the middle still has faded paint on it. the top is in surprisingly good shape. no leaky roof or anything.” robin’s hands were going as fast as her mouth as she gave more information than lucas could ever want even if he had asked.
the curtains were forgotten as other things caught her eye. the bookshelf laden with titles robin had never seen before. of course she was drawn to it. knowledge. robin buckley loved knowledge and reading was like crack to her. she stepped closer and just started to run her fingers over the spines as she read the titles, her lips moving silently as she did. “d&d. i’ve never played.” after seeing a demogorgon in real time it had always seemed a little too close to home for her. still, it piqued her curiosity and she thought maybe it could be fun. “you should teach me to play. i think i’d be good at it.” she could make shit up on the fly and was an excellent storyteller - mostly stories to keep herself out of trouble when needed - and she excelled at drama. she picked up a series of little action figures on one of the shelves and turned them over in her hands as though she’d never seen anything quite so interesting. “these are nifty...they’re so detailed.” she held a g.i. joe up to her face so she could examine its tiny plastic features. “so much cooler than barbie dolls.” not that she’d had many of those herself growing up. “boys have better toys than girls. who would want a barbie dream house when they can could have these! oh man!” she gestured wildly.
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