#rachel i hate your friends tell them to STOP TEXTING ME
libraryspectre · 3 months
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*the woman who accidentally signed me up for Republican campaign text spam
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star-dust-shark · 4 months
PJO characters as dumb things me and my friends ( bonus one with my parents ) have said part two
Will: what's your type?
Nico: you
Will: that's sweet but I meant blood type
Percy: oh fuck I'm blue now
Percy: but like actually blue
Percy: like a smurf
Percy: being sad's for idiots lmao
Leo: everyone hates me lol
Jason: what am I??? like???
Nico: and Axl Rose's real name wasn't Axl Rose
Percy: *crying* STOP
Will: easiest way to come out to people is tell them that you listen to coldplay
Nico: Im gonna fugging krill myself
Annabeth: krill????
Nico: isn't that like a fish or smth
Piper: *knocking on Leo's door* WHAT ARE YOU DOING IN THERE
Leo: uh shit uh erm uh
Leo: *moans loudly*
Will: *joking* we should makeout
Nico: I really wanna
Will: what
Nico: ...
Nico: did I say that out loud
Piper: *sobbing* why are penises so ugly
Annabeth: math is weirdly calming to me sometimes ngl
Annabeth: *flips page over to read massive paragraphs of words*
Annabeth: *bursts into tears*
Will: I just had to help hatch a baby chick
Will: I'm waiting for applause it was so gross
Will: if you drink the water I'll give you a forehead smooch
Nico: *glances at water, thinking*
Nico: nah you wanna give me one anyway
Will: gods dammit
Rachel: MY BABY
Rachel: *kisses it*
Hazel: ugh I want someone to fuck me
Hazel: hahah jk that shit's nasty
Piper: yeah I've noticed after watching you for a bit that you smile whenever Nico messages
Will: aww that's so swee-
Will: wait why are you watching me
Piper: *stares into his soul*
Nico: I miss you
Nico: *replies an hour later* that was a moment of weakness fuck you
Will: what if I say "darling" in a seductive voice
Nico: no
Will: u sure?
Nico: I ahdiamdveip dnsjhbksahcblaiwcbjsd-
Will: like at first I wanted to be you but then I realized that there's a diffrence between wanting to "be you" and wanting to "be on you"
Percy: I'm depressed
Percy: ...
Will: wtf are hickeys??
Will: I'm an experimental learner btw
Leo: omg guys look the guitar strings made my finger darker
Leo: *looks at finger* do you like watermelon, sir?
Will: you are so close to being hit in the head
Frank: *points* haha you've been fingered
Hazel: love... no
Reyna: technically you already are
Thalia: *passes out*
Octavian: ugh I'm so single
Nico: *sighs* me too
Nico: FUCK YEEEEEEEEAH *smashes table*
Annabeth: what's ur favourite animal I'm gonna buy you something
Percy: shark but don't waste your money
Annabeth: but my parents told me to spend it on something important
Percy: *cries*
Will: I'm autism!!
Will: *turns to Nico, wiggle eyebrows* I could be in you
Nico: tism rizz????
Frank: I love these drama videos
Reyna: *massive bags under her eyes* why do you want more drama wtf
Jason: honestly scared to sit on the edges of chairs at my trans boyfriend's house
Percy: *over text* jason are you gay for me
Jason: no gtg
Percy: he's hiding something
Piper: don't mean to be heterophobic but why is straight porn so gross
Nico: agreed gay porn is much better
Percy: are there any not cool lesbians
Reyna: I mean they probably exsist
Annabeth: no
Leo: *sighs sadly* cock and ball torture
Will: guys I learnt how to play my favourite song on guitar *starts playing good lookin by dixon dallas*
Leo: *playing adopt me*
Leo: chat chat guess what I'm on acid
Leo: wait since when do you play adopt me
Reyna: yk those yummy smelling shampoos
Nico: yea
Reyna: well I went to walmart and thought I found some and started smelling it but this lady was giving me weird looks
Nico: oh?
Reyna: yeah
Reyna: so uh
Reyna: it was lube
Will: hey bbg *winks*
Nico: I will slam you down and makeout with you right now
Percy: hi
Jason: hi
*leaves swirl around them*
Leo: don't mind me just massaging my clit
Nico: WHAT????
Nico: OH
Leo: *singing* coked up dick sucking hoe?
Jason: *walks in*
Leo: oh haiiii
Leo: how does it feel to be Draco Malfoy
Jason: idk how does it feel to be tweek
Leo: idk pretty good
Reyna: you don't deserve it
Percy: yeah I do
Percy: I've been a good boy
Percy: jesus I just turned myself on wtf
Leo: *in sad voice* I'm a cheeseburger
Jason: a sexy little cheeseburger
Will: *gets text from Nico*
Annabeth: SIMP
Will: ???
Will: darling
Nico: *throws phone, screams into pillow, face red* I hate that man
anyway part three will cum ( pun intended )
thanks to @crowwolf8 @justagremlinoncaffeine @localcosplaymushroom @secret-mewtwo and my om and dad for being inspiring an shit
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messedupfan · 11 months
Chapter 7
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Summary: Wanda receives a notice from the Homeowners Association. Y/n goes on a first date with Daisy. And Rachel has her first secret from her parents.
A/N: Yay! Another chapter!! So happy to be writing for this series again. Ugh it was a rough few months but I'm finally getting back on track! Hope y'all enjoy this chapter! Please lemme know in the comments! Enjoy!
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“Are you fucking kidding me,” Wanda mutters to herself as she reads the letter that was taped to her front door. With everything going on, this has to be the cherry on top. She hates living under a homeowners association. She submitted a thorough request for the expansion that she thought was going to get the approval from them. But instead, she was given a rejection with a notice that someone from the association was going to drop by to review the damage and give her a deadline to have it fixed with the original blueprints. She can't even add windows. 
She calls Pietro as she angrily gets into her car to update him in the bad news. “I fucking hate that place,” Pietro says. “Alright well, you tried. I will let Y/n know and cancel a few orders for materials. I'm sorry they rejected you,” Pietro sighs on his end. 
“Thank you for all of your help,” she ends the call and continues driving to pick up her boys from their sleepover.
Pietro calls you through the radio to meet him at his office whenever you have a chance. You let him know that you will and when your lunch break comes around, you head to his trailer. You're curious as to why he would need to talk to you. The construction team is ahead of schedule and as far as you know, way under budget. Then you think that maybe Wanda told him about your sleepover and worry that he might've misunderstood his sister. 
You knock on the door to his onsite office and he shouts that the door is unlocked. You open the door and climb in. “You wanted to see me?”
“Yeah,” he shuts his laptop to focus on you and you begin to worry that he's going to tell you to stay away or something. “Wanda's request for the expansion wasn't approved. We have to undo all of the work we started and put it back the way it was.” 
You're relieved that the chat isn't about your night but you're upset by the news. “She can't fight back on this?” You ask as you think of the ways that Wanda could get what she wants. 
“She could, but it didn't sound like she had the energy to. And since we don't own the home there's nothing we can do about it.” Pietro explains. You nod with a deep breath and tell him that it sucks before leaving the office promising that you'll see him tomorrow. 
After work you send Wanda a quick text letting her know what you think about the situation. When she doesn't respond, you assume it's because she's busy with the boys. Instead of checking your phone every five seconds, you get ready for your date. You shower and put on the nicest clothes that you own. You spend time making sure your hair looks perfect and smelling good. 
You drive to the address that Daisy gave you, it isn't Phil's house and you're curious why she's staying somewhere else but when she gets in the car she explains that she doesn't want her dad to know anything about her dating life unless it's someone worth mentioning. “That's pretty much what any single parent does,” you say with a small laugh. 
“I know, my friend comes from a broken home. I just thought after a few bad attempts of bringing people to meet my parents it would be best to have my own place when I was in the position to do so.” Daisy says as she fixes her makeup in the sun visor mirror. “You look amazing by the way. I had no idea that you cleaned up so well.” 
You smile as you take a moment to look at her during the stop light. “Thank you, I try. You are stunning, Daisy. I think I might lose you at some point tonight. I don't know how anyone will be able to look at anything else.” 
Daisy tries to hide her blush as she holds a seriousness in her eyes, “I don't care about anyone else. I only want your attention.” You start to lean in to kiss her but the car behind you honks the horn and you realize that the light is green. “Keep your eyes on the road. Wouldn't want to end up in the hospital on our first date.” She places her hand on your thigh, startling you, and squeezes. 
“Woah,” you say as you take her wrist and pull her hand off of you. Instead you hold it in your hand and drive with the other. “How was your day?” you ask in order to start some sort of conversation. The two of you find something to talk about the entire way to the restaurant, easing the nerves that had been eating at the both of you. 
When you're seated you notice a couple of guys looking over at your table but you don't think much of it. “Oh this pasta sounds good but so does this one,” Daisy says as she points them out on the menu in front of you.
“They do sound pretty appetizing. How about I order one and you order the other and we split it, so we can try both?” You suggest.
Daisy scrunches her face and denies the idea. “Actually, I think I'm going to get the steak,” she says as she browses the menu more. You nod and start to look for something else on the menu. 
After the both of you have ordered you're left staring at each other, sipping your drinks. “Can I ask why you wanted to go out with a single parent?” You finally pose the question that has been haunting you since last night. 
“I have always kind of wanted to date you,” she shrugs. “You’re good looking, kind, funny, wise, and have a good heart. What more could a girl ask for?” 
You fail at hiding the affect her words have on you and grin as you shake your head. “That is a really sweet answer but I'm trying to figure out what you want from dating me. I mean, I have a daughter and she will always be my number one priority. I know that many people aren't okay with that and-” 
“I’m not one of them,” she interrupts as she lays her hand on the table top for you to take. You place your hand on her wrist and the two of you hold each other like this from across the table. “I’ve met Rachel. You've had me babysit her in the past. She's a great kid and I love her. I don't blame you for putting her first. In fact, I respect you for it.” 
You fill with relief at her words and nod, “Thank you, I just wasn't sure. I mean, you're in your early twenties. You should be young and free and not dating someone like me.” 
Daisy shakes her head, “You're not some decrepit person that can't leave the nursing home. You're still young and free and in your twenties. I don’t know what you think people my age do but I've dated plenty of them. None of them want a real connection outside of physical. Honestly, I'm ready to start thinking about settling down with someone. Build a life, y'know?”
You nod and bite your tongue to keep from pointing out how young she is to start thinking about that stuff. You're in no position to say anything because you don't regret the decisions you've made and you know that at eighteen you wouldn't hear that kind of advice. By twenty-two you probably still wouldn't have listened. 
Halfway through what turns out to be a quiet meal, you excuse yourself to the restroom to give yourself some space and a pep talk to stop being so awkward. While you're exiting, your phone starts ringing and you answer when you see that it's Wanda. “Hey you,” you greet as you lean on the wall near the door. “How's your night going?”
“It’s going alright,” Wanda says as she puts the clean dishes away. “Did Pietro already tell you?” 
“Yeah,” you say sadly. Someone asks if there’s a line and you shake your head and point to the phone. You move a little further away from the door. “How bummed are you about it?” 
Wanda sighs, “Pretty bummed but the boys are home tonight so I can’t drink about it. Which is for the best. Don’t want to start that bad habit.” She starts to wipe down her counters. “What are you up to?” 
“Nothing much, just having dinner with an old friend,” you say as you glance around the wall to see if Daisy is okay. She looks bored and picks up her phone. 
“Oh my goodness! I’m so sorry for interrupting,” Wanda says. 
“Don’t be,” you assure her, “I could have not answered, you know? It’s not your fault.”
“That’s true,” she drags out the word in confusion. “Do you need me to come up with an excuse for you? I can have you out of there so fast, no questions asked.” 
You laugh at the offer, “No, it’s uh, it’s going.” You notice Daisy checking her watch and looking around the restaurant. You sigh as you figure that you’ve been away for too long. Are you avoiding her? You don’t know. “Which I probably should too. I think I’ve been gone too long, I don’t want her to think I’ve ditched her.” 
“Oh my goodness! You’re on a date!” Wanda gasps loudly. “You’re an idiot, go back to her. Don’t tell her you took a phone call either. Just say it was an embarrassing bathroom issue or something just… shit, hang up already!” 
You can’t help but laugh at Wanda as she rambles on, “Arlight, I’ll tell her all about my explosive bathroom episode.” Wanda makes a noise but tells you that it's perfect. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” you say as you end the call and walk back to the table. You feel guilty when Daisy’s eyes shine with relief and so you start rubbing your stomach. “I don’t want to be gross but that food went right through me!” You joke and Daisy laughs telling you that it’s fine. “So, are you thinking about having dessert here or should we go somewhere else?” 
Daisy hums in thought and reaches across the table for your hand which you allow her to take, “Depends, do you have any dessert at your place?” she asks flirtatiously, almost causing you to have a coughing fit. 
You clear your throat a couple of times as you start to avoid her gaze a bit in order to come up with a proper response. An easy let down that will have her laughing instead of feeling rejected. “Well, I don’t know whatever lies Steve might have told you, but I don’t put out on the first date.” Daisy is confused for a second before she bursts out laughing. You join her a little as you’re able to look at her again. 
“Ok, I have to admit. I was kind of testing you with that question and you passed with flying colors,” she says once she has settled down, you let her know that it’s a relief. “I’ve heard of this twenty-for seven cupcake ATM machine and I’ve been dying to try it but haven’t had the chance. Do you think we could do that?”
“Absolutely! Rachel loves that thing,” you say as you start to flag down the waiter to get some to-go boxes for the rest of the food on yours and hers plates. When the bill is settled, you and Daisy head over to the nearest cupcake ATM and you help her learn how to use the machine. She takes videos to share on her social media and even a few pictures with you to keep for herself. You don’t ask why she doesn’t post them because you’re happy to not have that conversation right now. The two of you walk and talk while you eat your cupcakes. She is a bit more relaxed and you have to admit that so are you. 
When the date has come to an end, you walk her to her door and wish her a goodnight. “Wait,” she stops you from leaving. “I know you don’t put out on a first date, except for Steve Rogers apparently,” you laugh a little at her statement. “But um, gosh I’ve never had to ask this before.” Daisy blinks a few times before gathering up the courage to ask, “Will you kiss me before you leave?” 
You are surprised by the request but it is a date after all. “Yeah, sorry,” you say as you step closer to her. This was weird, you’ve never been asked to kiss someone unless there was tension and right now there wasn’t any. You close your eyes as you lean in and kiss her on the lips. It turns out to be a decent kiss but it doesn’t have you craving more. It’s been a long time since you’ve craved someone. At this point you’re convinced it’s just you because Daisy goes in for more when you try to break away. You kiss her once more to try and clear your head but it still doesn't feel right, so you really take a step back. “I have an early day tomorrow, I’m sorry. I’ll let you know when I’m available next.” 
“Okay, yeah,” Daisy nods as she wipes her lips. “I’ll see you then. Or maybe you could stop by the Hub. We don't always have to see each other for dates, you know.” You agree and say that you'll try to stop by without promising too much. “Have a good week with Rachel.” She says with a sweet smile. 
“Thank you, I will,” you smile back and walk away. 
The next morning you go to Jean’s house to pick up Rachel. While you're waiting, you chat with Jean for a bit about nothing important until you notice her acting a little funny. You ask her what's up. “Nothing, nothing, I don't know anything about anything.”
You shake your head and ask in a low tone to keep Rachel from hearing, “Great, who told you about my date?” 
“No one,” she says as she fails to hold back her grin and you ask again. “Okay, it was Anna,” she confesses. You drop your head as you shake it again. “In her defense, it's your fault that you chose my favorite restaurant to take her to.” 
“Excuse you, I believe I won that restaurant in the divorce,” you say back lightly instead of reminding her that it was your favorite restaurant first. 
“Whatever, I was craving it last night and so we got a pick up order and she saw you when she was picking it up,” Jean finished the story. “She’s cute,” she says next and you take a slow breath. 
“She took a picture?” you rub your face, upset by the lack of privacy in your life lately. You never signed up to be a celebrity. 
“What? You think I was just going to believe her when she said that? I needed proof!” Jean exclaims, causing you to tell her to quiet down. “Sorry,” she grimaces. The both of you wait to hear any sign of Rachel before continuing. “So, how'd it go?”
“It went,” you reply. 
Jean rolls her eyes, “Come on, you can do better than that!” 
You sigh and sit up as you think about how to describe the date to your ex-wife. “It was good. A little bit awkward. She’s had a crush on me since she was seventeen, so it's-” 
“Hold on what,” Jean stops you with concern and fear in her eyes. 
“Oh! Sorry, she's twenty-two, completely legal. Um, remember Phil's daughter? She used to babysit Rach before she went off to college?” You try to jog Jean’s memory and it takes her a second to process. She pulls her phone out to look at the picture again and she starts to finally recognize her. 
“Oh?” she says as she straightens up and scowls at the picture. “She looks… grown up,” she says slowly. 
“Yeah well, she asked me out and Kate kind of encouraged me to say yes. Then I talked to Phil about it and he seemed to be somewhat okay about it,” you clear your throat as you shift uncomfortably from the lack of playfulness from Jean. “It’s not weird… is it?” 
Jean shakes her head, “Just, please tell me that you didn't find her attractive when we had her babysit for us when we were doing couples therapy.” 
You pinch your eyebrows together and frown, a little offended by the accusation. “I didn't know her when we were married,” you state first as you try to remember that first year that you worked at the bar. You know that you started there at twenty-one but you don't remember hiring Daisy then or even meeting her. Did you?  
“Well, that's kind of a relief, ” Jean mutters. “You got the job working for her dad to help us pay the therapy bills remember? And he offered for Daisy to watch Rachel when we needed,” now she is trying to jog your memory but as you've pointed out before, you don't really like to think back on that year. You shake your head as you come up blank. Is Daisy a year younger than you originally thought she was when you met her? The math isn't really holding up here. 
“That doesn't make sense, she said that she had a crush on me when she was seventeen. When we met,” you say. “She would be twenty-one now if we met when I was twenty-one.” You try to understand what Jean is saying. 
“Honey, her birthday is July second, she turned twenty-two only weeks ago. And you’ll be turning…” she draws out the end to let you catch up. 
“Twenty-eight this year,” you conclude as it all starts to make sense now. “Huh, I really should have paid more attention in school.” Jean laughs because she tried every year to get you to focus more on school instead of her or the next get rich fast scheme you always had cooking up. “Anyway, I wasn’t paying attention to her in that way back then, I promise. It’s still kind of hard for me to think of her in that way. Except it’s not like I still see her as a kid I just think I see her as more of a friend,” you explain. 
Jean nods, “So it didn’t go well.” 
“I wouldn’t,” before you can say anything else, Rachel is running towards you with the things she wanted to bring with her. “Hey, munchkin!” You rise and greet her with a tight hug. She hugs you back just as tight and it warms your heart knowing that your daughter loves you. “Are you ready? Because we have to get to Ms. Wanda’s a little earlier today.” 
“Yup, all ready! I have something I really want to show Billy and Tommy,” she says as she moves her bag around. “That’s what took me so long. Sorry, I needed to get it done before we left. I’ve been working on it all week.” You smile, impressed that she worked all week on something to show her friends. 
“It’s okay, I got to catch up with mommy,” you say as you tug one of the shoulder straps on her bag. “Do I get to see what you made?” 
“No,” she shakes her head before she turns around and opens the front door. “Let’s go!” She hops to your work truck and climbs in. 
You laugh and look at Jean, “Have you seen it?” 
She shakes her head, “Nope, she wouldn’t let me or Anna in her room because of it.” 
“Wow,” you look at her from the entryway of the home and she is sticking her head out of the window calling for you to hurry up. “I can’t believe it, ten-years-old and she already has secrets from us.” 
Jean shrugs, “It was bound to happen sooner or later.” 
“I know but I was hoping for later. Much, much later,” you say as you wipe fake tears. Jean pushes your arm as she calls you ridiculous, you smile as you pull her in for a half hug. “I better go. I’ll see you next week.” She rubs your back and pats you a couple of times. 
“You better update me on your whole cradle robbing situation,” she teases you. 
“I should have seen that coming,” you walk away as she calls you a few more names, making you laugh all the way to the truck. Rachel asks what’s so funny. “Your mom is a weirdo,” you say. Rachel agrees and then says that momma Anna is even weirder and you have to refrain from laughing by telling her that’s not nice. She says it’s true and you cut the conversation by playing her music on the car stereo. 
You and Pietro work fast in rebuilding the wall so that Wanda doesn't get into too much trouble with the representative from the homeowners association. It was turning out to be easier putting it back together than it was tearing it down. Of course though, now you don't have to worry about removing the wrong thing and causing the entire house to collapse. Everyone lucked out that you and Pietro hadn't started on expanding the floor yet. That would have been a little more difficult to fix up in the short window of time that Wanda was given. 
When lunch comes you and Pietro scarf the food down in order to keep working. Especially since the new siding for the house got delivered to the job site across town and the two of you had to go pick it up. The original siding for the house was destroyed the previous weekend when the two of you finally made it that far. Pietro thought it would be best to order new material at the time anyway since they would need it to cover the new extension of the house. 
All day you and Pietro are working inside and outside of the house to get the wall repaired with the material that you have available at the moment. Unfortunately, the beams that are needed in order to continue won't arrive until tomorrow. Which means that you are heading home earlier than expected. You slowly walk up the stairs to warn Rachel that you're packing up to leave but when you get close to the boy's room, you overhear them talking about some sort of plan. 
You take a small peek into the room through the crack in the door that should have been wide open. Rachel was holding up a notebook as if she was presenting to the boys sitting in front of her. That's possibly what she was working on. You try to get a better look by opening the door a little more but it knocks over a noisy toy and causes the four kids to scatter and pretend to look normal. You give Rachel a weird look as she asks you if you're done working. You confirm and then leave her to collect her things so that you can do the same. 
“Hey,” Wanda calls as you pass her office on the way back to the stairs.  “Do you have a second?” You look around to be certain that she's talking to you before you approach. She isn't on the phone and no one else is in the hall, so it could only be you.
“Uh, sure,” you say as you step closer. You didn't get to interact much with Wanda today and you couldn't tell if it was you avoiding her or her avoiding you. Last night after the awkward kiss with Daisy, you couldn't help but compare how you wanted to kiss Wanda the night before. Then you started to think that maybe if you got to kiss her, maybe it would feel right. But you couldn't test that theory out yet. Not when you're in too deep with Daisy. 
“Just for some peace of mind,” Wanda closes her laptop and focuses her attention on you. “And I don't want to make things awkward between us by saying this but, I feel like it kind of needs to be addressed.” Her rambling has you a little concerned but you let her continue. “I know we've said it to other people but I don't think we've really said it to each other. Um, we are just friends, right?” 
There is a slight pain in your chest when she says that but it's the truth. “Of course,” you say confidently. “Yeah, we're just friends,” you state again, this time with an unintentional undertone of disappointment. You clear your throat and look back before stepping in the office a little more. “Why did you feel like that needed clarification?” You ask, against your better judgment.
Wanda looks around her desk as if she wrote the answer somewhere but not a single blueprint can help her. “No reason it's just, I don't know… well, so many people assume things and I just want to make sure we're on the same page. Yeah, that's it. Just, I don't know. Forget I asked,” you don't press for more because you can tell that part of her might feel the way that part of you feels but you aren't quite sure what to do with that feeling. 
“Okay, well, we're done for the day, I was about to-” 
“How was your date?” she interrupts and your eyebrows shoot up as your mouth shuts. 
“Uh it was okay,” you say. You're not used to so many people knowing about your dating life. “I don't see a wedding anytime soon but it was good. We'll probably try to go out again when I don't have Rachel.” 
Wanda nods, “That’s fun, that's fun. How um, how long have you been seeing her?” 
“Yesterday was our first date, actually you met her. She was the waitress at the, ehem, the bar we met up at,” you say awkwardly. It feels like the two of you are trying to be friends. This conversation doesn't feel as natural as any other conversation. 
“I remember her,” she is a little disappointed that you chose someone younger but it's not her life. She might only be feeling this way because her ex-husband cheated on her with a college student. 
“Yeah, um,” you start to explain yourself once again but Rachel runs to your side and grabs your hand asking if you're ready to go. “I’ll see you tomorrow,” you tell Wanda who stands from her desk and walks over to you and Rachel to give proper goodbyes. She hugs both of you separately and thanks you for all of your help. You finally make your way downstairs and decide to leave the tools since Pietro already put away the dangerous ones. 
You leave the home conflicted by the conversation with Wanda but by the time you get home, you decide to not read into it too much. The two of you are friends and that's all you will ever be. 
On Wednesday, the representative from the homeowners association arrives in the early afternoon to inspect the house. On Sunday you and Pietro were so close to finishing the wall but it was going to take another day or two. Wanda was fine with explaining to whoever she had to that it was going to be fine. 
She was starting to get fired up again about it being her house so she should be allowed to do as she pleased. Especially when she received an email explaining that the appointment was rescheduled due to them wanting the entire house inspected. Which meant that she had to make sure the house was spotless. Especially the former man cave which she hasn't seen since Pietro destroyed everything. She hadn't known that you and him already cleaned up the mess until she made her way down there. 
The space needed some dusting and vacuuming but beyond that, it was clean. Luckily Pietro only trashed the stuff in the boxes that didn't include the furniture or the television. So the room still looked pretty decent, better even without all of the junk on the walls. 
As Wanda guided the woman around the house after she assessed the wall, she noticed that the woman was being a little bit flirty towards her. She wasn't sure if she was making it up or if she was misreading some of the woman's remarks. But Wanda was kind of into it. She hadn't been with a woman since her sophomore year of college. Raven Darkholme lived a couple doors down from hers and the two found themselves being left in the common area and locked out of their rooms often. One thing led to another and they dated for a solid six months before Wanda met Vision while taking his class. 
“I don't see any issues here, Mrs. St-” 
“Actually it's Ms. Maximoff,” Wanda corrects. “I’m not married anymore,” she adds although she wasn't sure if that was necessary information. 
“My apologies, Ms. Maximoff,” the woman smiles and looks her up and down before continuing. “As I was saying, other than the obvious incident with the wall which you said you're having repaired, I don't see why my visit was necessary. But I can't deny that I'm not happy to be here.” 
Wanda is starting to realize that it isn't in her head at all. “I must admit, I wasn't too thrilled about today, Ms. Romanoff. But it's been a relief knowing that my house is up to the HOA’s standards.”  
“Look, I know that this is totally inappropriate and unprofessional but um…” the inspector grabs one of her business cards and scribbles down her personal phone number. “Call me, if you're interested in letting me inspect you.” She says flirtatiously as she hands Wanda the card. The brunette blushes as she tries to hide her grin. That was quite a line. 
“I will keep that in mind, but you should know. I'm a mo-” 
“Mother of two boys? Yeah, we covered that when we walked around upstairs,” she finishes Wanda’s sentence. 
Wanda laughs as she is flustered, “Right, sorry, I'm just. Sorry, this hasn't happened to me in um years.” 
“I find that hard to believe,” Natasha says. The two stand in the living room space staring at each other until the blonde's watch goes off, reminding her of her next appointment. “I better get going. I have another inspection in fifteen minutes. I'll let the board know that you're clear and that they don't need to send anything else. Call the business number on there when you have the wall finished and I'll send the paperwork to the board so that they'll leave you alone.” 
“Thank you, I really appreciate that,” Wanda says carefully. 
“It's my pleasure,” Natasha says as they walk to the front door together. “I hope to hear from you soon.” The woman walks away and this is one time that Wanda is relieved that her boys aren't here with her to witness that interaction. She shuts her front door and bites her bottom lip as she looks at the phone number on the card. Natasha even drew a little heart above the number. Maybe she is ready to start putting herself out there. This just wasn't what she ever imagined.
Chapter 8
Taglist: @princessprudy @sayah13 @agaymilflover @awkwardmandalorian @bentleywolf29 @thatshyboy1998 @artisannat @thisischaismagic @wqndanat @madamevirgo @likefirenrain @tearsofglitter @feltlikethat @the-writer-arcane @natashasilverfox @karsonromanoff @aloneodi @lovelyy-moonlight @red1culous @jovialsublimecomputer @natasha-maximoff @iliketozoneout @doudouneverte @druggedduck @notbornbutforged @when-wolves-howl @lifespectator @justyourwritter69 @wandaromamoff69 @awesomelygayasf @nekoannie-chan @diaryoflife @wuwu96 @wandanats-goodgirl @sincerely-indi @blueredg52 @sisiwritesfanfics @fuzzyuniversityeclipsefriend @arcturusseer @scarlettwidow34 @chasethemoon @raven-ss @canyonyodeler @sokovianbaby @alexawynters
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heartsmadeofbooks · 5 months
Undiscovered [4/?]
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Summary: All Blaine Anderson needs is a little help to put himself through school. That’s all. But he’s going to get so much more than he hoped for when he meets Kurt Hummel, the successful, sexy workaholic who in turn needs someone to make the loneliness disappear.
Wordcount: 7459.
Read it on AO3.
“I know what that smile means.”
Kurt looked up from his phone to find Santana smirking at him from across the conference room table. He hadn’t even noticed he was smiling until she pointed it out. He cleared his throat and tried to school his face into something different – focused or serious or anything, really…
“It’s cute that you’re trying to hide it,” she said. “That means there’s definitely something juicy going on that you don’t want me to know about…”
“If I don’t want you to know about it, wouldn’t it make you a great friend to stop asking and let me get on with my day?” Kurt asked.
Santana snorted, like that was the most ridiculous thing he had ever said. “Please. Don’t forget who you’re talking to.”
Kurt sighed and reached for his cup of coffee. Was this his fourth or his fifth? He wasn’t sure. It had been a long morning and even though it was lunch time, it didn’t look like he was going to take a break to eat any time soon. The files piled on the table and the court date they had the following day loomed over them – it was a big case and they didn’t want to blow it up.
But Santana always took time off for a little gossip. It was like she fed on it.
“There’s not much to tell,” Kurt said vaguely.
His phone buzzed right at that moment.
Santana quirked an eyebrow at him. “That thing’s been on fire all morning. You don’t give your personal number to clients, and your dad prefers to call. Rachel usually texts the group chat and I have no messages from her. So unless something’s going on with the campaign, and I don’t think it is, because you look far too pleased and relaxed for it to be campaign-related, I’m pretty sure it’s a guy.” God, he hated her.
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whiskeyswriting · 2 years
You Belong
| Song Inspiration: You Belong by Rachel Platten |
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Time passes by and the Daggers all continue their work at training the new students. Each day that passes is a day closer to having these supposed best of the best graduate from Top Gun.
Jake and Alana continue their early morning gym dates. Today it was the same plan: gym, coffee, and drive to the base. 
Upon waking up, Alana groans as she gets up from bed. Her whole body aching. While she wasn’t a pilot, she still trained with them. This time the exercises and studying were getting to be too much for her to handle.
Alana barely managed to stay for fifteen minutes on the treadmill during her workout with Jake. 
She did everything she could to keep the pain and nausea down, but the fatigue kept getting worse every day that passed.
The next morning she had to call out after a night of non-stop vomiting. 
“Are you sure you don’t need me to stay?” Jake asks her as he brings her a cup of ginger and lemon tea.
“If I get worse I’ll call you. Go you’re already going to be late,” Alana whispers as her eyes close.
When she woke up a couple of hours later, Alana reached for her phone and texted her friends.
Cin🪅: Someone please end my misery. 😭
Lucky🍀: I know people that can get rid of Jake. 😏
Spicy🌶️: Why did I know she would say that? 🤔
Lucky🍀: Because you know and love me. 🤫
Cin🪅: I need some soup 🍲 or crackers…
Lucky🍀: I’m about to go up now… I’ll rush over once I’m done.
Spicy🌶️: Be there soon! 😘
Alana heads to the living room to sit on the couch. She tries to get some work done from home, but nausea continues to assault her. Setting her laptop to the side, Alana gingerly heads to the kitchen to get some ginger tea.   
While she waits for the tea to be done, Alana calls her Momma Cindy. “Momma…? I think I’m pregnant and I’m so scared.”
“Oh princess, I'll be right there. Want me to bring you a few tests to be sure?”
Alana can only sob out a soft yes.
The hour isn’t up when Cindy arrives. The first thing she does is take Alana in her arms and hugs her tightly. “It’s okay, princess. You’ll be okay. I’m here with you.”
Cindy helps Alana stay calm while they wait for the test results. “Want me to go with you to your doctor’s appointment?”
“No, it’s okay. I gotta do this one alone. Maybe the next one? Oh and don’t tell papa yet. I don’t want him trying to get Jake discharged from the Navy,” Alana teases.
The knock at the door alerts them that Grace arrived. Alana goes to open the door. “Thanks… I would invite you to stay but I think it’s a stomach bug so I don’t wanna pass it to you.” She hates lying to her best friend but, at the moment, Cin felt like she had no choice. 
She knew Grace and Bradley had been trying for a baby but hadn’t been successful. How could she rub it into their faces now?
Grace could tell Alana was hiding something but didn’t call her out on it. “Sure. Keep me posted, okay? I’ll bring you a few more soups tomorrow.”
“Thank you, love,” Alana tells her.
The next day Alana goes to see her off-base doctor confirmed the results. “Congratulations Alana. You’re pregnant. I want you to see Dr. Thompson as soon as possible. Actually, let me call her to see when she’s available.”
Luck was on Alana’s side, as Dr. Thompson had availability in the next hour. 
“Let’s do some an ultrasound and some blood work. Do you have any known medical allergies?”
“None that I’m aware of.” 
Alana and the doctor talk some more throughout the appointment. Alana was informed of what to expect during her pregnancy and what prenatal vitamins she should be taking. 
“Follow me and we’ll do the ultrasound,” Dr. Thompson says as she leads Alana to another section of her practice.
Alana’s knee is bouncing nervously as she waits for Jake to get to her office for lunch. The small sonogram pictures sat at her desk and she couldn’t stop staring at them. When he knocks at the door, Alana covers the sonogram so Jake won’t immediately see them.
“Hey! I thought you called out sick,” Jake says in greeting going around her desk to kiss her.
“I did initially but then I called to say that I would be late. It’ll be like this for the next few months.” She waits to see if he gets what she’s saying.
“Are you okay? Is it bad news?”
“More like life-changing news,” she says softly, handing him the sonogram pictures.
His teasing smirk fell as he was about to ask if she forged a doctor’s note. His eyes widen and he looks from Cin to the sonograms back to Cin. “You’re… We’re…”
The next thing she knows is he starts pacing around her office, running his hand through his hair. “I can’t do this. I’m too young!”
Cin sighs. “Are you done panicking so I can tell you to look at the sonograms again?” 
Jake’s brows furrow but he looks down again and notices Baby A and Baby B on the top right corners of each sonogram.
His face goes from shock to a huge smile. “TWINS!? We’re having twins!?” 
Alana nods with tears in her eyes. Jake rushes to pick her up and spins her. “No no!”
“Sorry!” He sets her down and kisses her tenderly. He places his hand over her stomach. “How did I not notice? You’ve lost a bit of weight and your girls look even better!”
“Down your horn dog,” Cin says laughing.
“What did the doctor tell you? Have you told anyone? When are you due?”
“All good questions: to start off only my Momma Cindy knows and now you… I’m due in just over 5 and a half months. I just made it past the 8 weeks or 2 months mark.”
“That’s how long you've been feeling tired and everything has been aching. It explains the face you made when I was cooking the other day.”
“What face?”
“Like if the scent or garlic made you sick to your stomach. I thought it was just you being dramatic to my cooking.”
Alana chuckled. “No babe you know I love when you cook. I’m glad your mama taught you that.”
Another week passes. Alana’s symptoms continue to increase. She’s limited her outings with the Daggers. It’s no surprise to her that Grace and Baylie are the first to notice and also that Alana isn’t drinking.
“Okay wifey. This is an intervention. Are you breaking up with us?” Baylie asks. "Jake isn't even THAT attractive. I can't believe you would break up with us for HIM."
Alana just stares at her blinking until the nausea comes up and she runs to the bathroom.
“Even the thought of him over us made her sick,” Baylie jokes with Grace as they wait for Alana.
Once she returns, Grace asks Alana. “How far along?”
“Nine weeks,” she says, laying down on the sofa. “And they’re killing me already.”
Baylie and Grace look at each other. “They’re… as in twins!?”
Alana nods but then starts sniffling. “I… I wasn’t sure how to tell either of you because I didn’t want either of you… I didn’t want to make you feel bad.”
She looks at both her friends before continuing. “Spicy… I know you and Brad have been trying and Lucky… I may not know what losing a baby is like but it must be difficult.”
Baylie is the first to hug her. “Oh Cin. You could never make us feel bad about two little babies coming into our lives. I can't wait to love on them.”
Grace hugs her next, playfully pushing Baylie away. “Oh love. No never. Don't think for one second I'm not over the moon happy for you. And it's double the babies to love and spoil. We'll be the best aunties ever.” She grins mischievously at Lucky.
“Oh yeah we’re going to spoil them rotten.”
The weeks continue to pass and Cin starts showing more of her bump. Then comes the appointment to find out the sex of the babies. The whole squad wants to go but they accept, some begrudgingly, that Jake should be the one to accompany Alana to the appointment.
The tech is smiling at them as they do the ultrasound. Rapid heartbeats fill the room. “Both heartbeats sound healthy and quite active… Ah here we go.”
Jake and Alana share happy tears when they’re told. “I already know what names I want,” Cin says first.
“I do too,” Jake says as he gives her a tender kiss and they leave to go tell their friends and family.
The Usual Suspects: @askmarinaandothers @bayisdying @breadsquash @callmemana @callsignscupcake @chipperxbaby @cycbaby @dragon-kazansky @gracespicybradshaw @ladylanera @starlit-epiphany
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manicpixiedgoblin · 2 years
Nervous Young Inhumans
Chapter Eight.
“So, uh, you remember when Mr. White didn’t want to let us be partners in chem?” Jesse chuckled between waffle bites.
Ellie laughed, “he said I’d let you do nothing all year. Which was true. I just wanted to sit next to you.”
“I got so lucky you liked that class,” he poured more maple syrup on his plate.
“God, if we’d been seeing Biochemistry I would’ve actually enjoyed it. Inorganic chemistry was never my thing.”
“What’s the difference?”
“You know,” she took a bite of his waffles and he took some of her pancakes, “one’s concerned with four elements mainly, and with organic processes. The other’s a mess only Walter White enjoys.”
He laughed.
“Ugh, and he wanted to pair me with that girl, what was her name?” El asked.
“Rachel,” Jesse laughed, “and you hated her because you thought we’d slept together.”
“C’mon! It’s been years now, admit it! It was before me!”
“Ellie-“ he shook his head, took a sip from his orange juice, “El, you were my first.”
She was genuinely confused. Her face showed disbelief, but Jesse nodded.
“You said-“
“I wanted to impress you, we were sixteen.”
She nodded, smiling.
“Well you know you were my first,” she shrugged, “actually, you’ve been my only.”
He looked at her wide eyed.
“No way.”
She nodded.
“I don’t know,” she took another bite of food, “everyone else I always pictured you there and I knew we’d make fun of them together. I never met anyone that made me feel that way. Like we were laughing at the same part of the joke.”
He smiled.
“Yeah, but it’s just sex, right?”
“It’s okay, I don’t expect you to say you also stayed chaste. I should sleep around more.”
He shook his head, furrowed his brow and made a disgusted face. He mouthed a no.
They ate breakfast, like he wanted.
Then she dropped him off at his aunt’s house and went back to work, thinking, hey, maybe we can be friends and one day we’ll laugh about being each other’s firsts.
Then laughing at that thought alone, knowing there was no damn way she’d ever stop feeling something this intense for him.
They kept texting, but they didn’t see each other for the next few days.
Ellie focused on work, which wasn’t hard, considering how demanding it was. Your life had to be pretty chaotic to be relevant besides a medical career.
Jesse was getting kicked out of his aunt’s house, trying to figure out what was next and refusing to tell El - he knew she’d agree to let him stay with her, but what good would that do? She’d not only worry about him then, but also see no way to justify what he’d been doing if he was fucking homeless.
Even when Walt suggested it, he just snapped harder at him.
Those days she was more actively involved in work than she’d been since she’d seen Jesse again.
Meanwhile, Jesse was touring through all his contacts trying to find a place to stay or a way to make his life work without making it obvious how much he needed El.
The messes that boy went through to avoid calling.
Jesse called her after a few days of ambiguous texting. She picked up in the hall of the hospital.
“Hey,” his voice came, “so, uh, how are you?”
“How are you? I drove by your aunt’s house,” she hesitated, “you’re really selling it, huh?”
“Oh, uh, yeah - figured it was time to get my own place.”
“Where are you now?”
“I’m in my new crib,” she heard him moving around in the background, “it’s actually sick, yo.”
“So you found a place! That’s so great, Jess!”
“Yeah, yeah, uh,” he hesitated, “uh, so - would you like to see it?”
“Yes,” she knew he could hear her smile on the other side, “I’d love to see it.”
“Come over, yeah, we can uh, cook or,” she heard something fall, “shit…”
“Yeah, or maybe takeout. I need to buy like furniture and kitchen shit still.”
“Takeout’s good.”
“Tonight at eight?”
“Hmm, I finish really late. Does tomorrow work?”
“Yeah! Yes, tomorrow works.”
“See you then. I gotta get back to work.”
“Same, same. Keeping busy, yo. I’ll see you later! Bye!”
He hung up.
Shit. He looked at the broken bong on the ground he’d dropped while playing with it, distracted by talking to El.
Jesse sighed, sweeping up the glass with his bare hands.
He was taking off his white hoodie when he opened the door.
“You found it!” he called, throwing it behind him and walking out to give Ellie a hug.
“Is this your car?” she asked, pointing.
“Yeah, uh,” he shrugged, “not the bouncing wonder but it gets me there.”
She smirked playfully.
“Ahhh,” he shook his head and laughed, “c’mon let’s get inside.”
There was no furniture anywhere, but the place was nice. Like decent-people nice.
“How’d you get this? Did you fake credit scores?”
“I, uhh, just talked to them. The owners renting the place.”
“Huh,” she looked around, taking her jacket off and finding nowhere to put it, dropping it on top of his on the ground. “It’s nice. Really nice, Jess. I’m happy for you.”
“Hell yeah,” he gave her another half hug.
“So what d’you wanna order?” he asked.
“Let’s do that.”
They were eating on the edge of his mattress on the floor, pages strewn around.
“How’d the last one turn out?”
“Check it,” he showed her the drawing, the edges stained with pizza grease. In it Ellie was wearing the bottom half of her scrubs and a sports bra, holding a gun towards the viewer.
She burst out laughing. “I love it,” she pointed to the gun with her pinkie while holding a pizza slice, “but I wouldn’t know how to use that.”
“Yeah, well, you learn.”
They smiled at each other.
She wiped her hands on a napkin and leaned back on the mattress.
“We need to get you a couch,” she said.
“I have a whole plan, feng shui, you’ll see,” he leaned back with her.
They stared at the ceiling, but she felt him turning every few seconds to look at her. It lasted almost thirty seconds.
Ellie turned to face him. Jesse turned and stared into her eyes, down at her lips, than back at her eyes again. They stayed that way for a moment.
“You want a beer?” she snapped out of it, standing up.
“Uhh, yeah,” he sat up and rested his arm on his knee, “sure yeah.”
“‘kay. Be right back.”
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thegallaghersociety · 3 years
Thanksgiving GG Style
Rachel: The Host™. Has spent the last two days frantically running around the cabin trying to clean up old dishes, dirty clothes, various lethal weapons, dusty cabinets, and confidential files. Emailed Madam Dabney to ask what kind of decorations she should use for their table. May or may not have borrowed a dress from the Gallagher Academy spy closet to wear. 
Joe Solomon: Has kept Rachel from the brink of three mental breakdowns so far and prevented the house from burning down when she attempted to cook a sweet potato casserole. Spent all night checking on the security measures over the entire property (some habits never die). Was yelled at by Rachel for trying to wear the same flannel he wore all week to the dinner. 
Cammie: Slept in and had to get ready in one hour. Almost burnt her hair off when she attempted to curl it before it was dry. How the hell does she manage to make a simple skirt and blouse look so good? She doesn’t tell anyone that Macey helped choose her outfit. Makes Zach stop by Starbucks on the drive down so that she can be fully awake before arriving at the house.
Zach: Was up at 5:30 AM sharp. Probably ran like 10 miles and caught a criminal before getting ready. Thought about waking Cammie up but was happy she was finally sleeping the whole night through and decided to let her rest. Watched the news while emptying the dishwasher. Rolled up his sleeves past his elbows because “he didn’t want to get food on them” but gave a sly wink at Cammie from across the table as she drooled slightly. 
Bex: Got in from a mission at one in the morning and fell asleep on the couch. Woke up to Liz calling her phone to make sure she was remembering to bring the rolls. “Of course! I got them on my counter right here-- no I did not just wake up!” (They were definitely not on her counter) Wore a casual yet classy all black outfit that turned heads when she sprinted into the grocery store and snatched the last pack of crescent rolls before a Karen could reach it. 
Liz: Had her outfit planned two days in advance, her food prepared a week in advance, and an itinerary for the day on hand almost a month ago. Was in charge of all of the desserts. Ever since her first failed attempts while she was in the Academy, she had mastered the art of baking. Almost dropped all the pies down the stairs while getting to her car because she thought she should call Bex to make sure she got what she needed (she didn’t believe her one bit though).
Macey: The best dressed (of course). Almost used her laser lipstick instead of the regular one though. Her louboutins were a little out of place in the rustic cabin but it was clear she was perfectly at peace there. At one point was found standing out by the lake thinking about all the things that had happened since she had first woken up in this house. Got a call after dinner asking her to go on a mission the next day-- “Is it somewhere warm? Sign me up.”
Preston: Excited little golden retriever ™. He was invited to a family holiday with all his friends!! It was the best day of his life (besides that one time he got to kiss Macey on the train). Still a little twinge of sadness as he tries to forget about why he isn’t spending it with his regular family, but Macey quickly distracts him with a kiss. “We’re your new family now!” Insists they listen to Christmas music for the entire drive so they can get “in the holiday mood.” Macey acts annoyed but soon joins in. 
Abby: Is running late (definitely has nothing to do with Townsend getting in the shower with her--) Takes a call with a North Korean informant while casually putting on her makeup. Downs two cups of coffee before heading out the door. Texts Rachel to let her know that they are on their way and that they are sorry for being late. O shit! We forgot the napkins--
Townsend: Remembered the napkins. Just decided not to tell Abby he grabbed them so she could panic the rest of the way to the cabin. Usually hates holidays and large gatherings, but for the first time is excited okay with going. Made a green bean casserole that is surprisingly good considering he hasn’t cooked real food for three months. Offers to help Joe carve the Turkey. May or may not have been the one to start the game of knife throwing after dinner.
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hazel-light · 3 years
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Chapter Word Count: ~7,400
Total Fic Word Count: ~30,000
Genre: (Wedding) Fake Dating, Friends to Lovers, lots of bed sharing and every self indulgent fluffy trope possible.
Warnings: None? Lots of fluff? Occasional cussing? Some suggestive themes, moments, and jokes I guess. No smut or anything!
Disclaimer: I am not Daniel Sharman, and I do not pretend to know how he would act, speak, etc. This is fiction okay, there’s a lot of creative license, and potential to be OOC. Ricky isn’t mentioned because I started writing this before we knew he existed, so apologies for that. Also, if you’re DShar himself, please do us both a favor and don’t read this, okay???? Same if you know him 🙈
Title taken from the song Yellow Lights by Harry Hudson which suits this story quite a bit!
A/N: You thought I'd skip all the possibilities and tropes that come with the holidays?! Of course not. This is the final part to Yellow Lights. Thank you all for making my return to writing and posting so wonderful. I am so, so, grateful. I hope the ending lives up to your expectations. <3
The next month and a half passes by uneventfully. I try not to spend all of my time thinking about how great Rachel's wedding was, and equally try to ignore the wistful feeling Henry’s wedding left me with. Having Daniel be my fake boyfriend in front of my family showed me everything that I’d ever wanted; someone who fit in seamlessly, who loved me for me, with the perfect balance of romance and friendship. Whatever crush I had successfully buried when Daniel and I first met is now achingly hard to avoid. I curse my active imagination and optimism for letting me indulge in the moments of pretend, leaning too comfortably into our façade.
As a result, I don’t talk to Daniel much. He is busy finishing filming his project in London, and I try to focus on my life in LA. I’ve become paranoid that every text I send him is one too many, too annoying, or too bothersome. I figure I can reassess things when Daniel comes home from filming, and try to find my footing in our friendship again.
This seems like a solid plan until I’m on Zoom with my family for Thanksgiving. Since I’ve already flown back once this year for the wedding, and I’m planning to fly back again next month for Christmas, staying put for Thanksgiving was the economical choice. The call is mostly uneventful until the subject of Daniel comes up.
“Where’s that boy?” Aunt Judith crows from her spot at the dining table.
“Hmm?” I ask.
“She means Daniel.” Ryan rolls his eyes, bringing the iPad closer to her.
“Oh! Right.” I try to recover. “He’s still away filming his new project, actually, but I was able to fly out to see him at the end of September for another wedding, actually.”
Aunt Judith frowns. “That’s a long time to not see someone that handsome—” I start to laugh, “Are you sure he’s not cheating on you?”
Oh shit. It’s in this moment that I realize Daniel and I had never “broken up” as far as my family knows. I hear the rest of my family start sputtering in the background.
“Aunt Judith— you can’t just—”
“That’s awful, I—”
“It is kind of a long time, huh?—”
I try to keep a straight face. “Guys! It’s okay. He’s an actor, it comes with the territory. I expected this.”
“So you aren’t sure that he’s not cheating on you?” Ryan frowns.
“That isn’t what I meant, Ry. Daniel and I are fine. We’re really good, actually.”
“Well I certainly hope you’ll be bringing him home for Christmas then.” Aunt Judith huffs.
“It would be nice to see him,” Rachel speaks up for the first time, and her husband Nick nods. “I didn’t get to talk to him a whole lot at the wedding.”
I clear my throat, my mind racing. “You know, we haven’t actually talked about what we’re doing for Christmas yet; I’ll have to see what he’s doing— if he’s going to spend it with his family.”
“But you’re still coming home,” Ryan states.
“Yes, I am still coming home, no matter what.”
Ryan and Rachel’s mom, my auntie Kim speaks up. “I think it’s pretty common for a boyfriend to defer to his girlfriend’s family for the holidays. I mean, Ryan splits the day with Katharine of course, but Nick always came here with Rachel.”
“I hear you, Auntie Kim, but Daniel never gets to see his family so I’m not sure— all I’m saying is I’m not sure. He may very well come, and I will let you all know as soon as I know.” I smile tersely.
“Well hurry up, and find out,” Auntie Kim chastises. “Christmas is only a month away.”
When I hang up with them, it’s 7pm and I’m feeling antsy. How could I have forgotten that my entire family still thought Daniel and I were together? I’m not sure how to get out of this one. Tired of panicking alone in my head, I pick up my phone and dial Daniel before I can talk myself out of it. It rings and rings, and my anxiety that he won’t answer grows with each tone.
Eventually I hear rustling on the other line.
“Lauren?” Daniel’s voice crackles through the phone.
“Are you alright?”
“What? Uh— yeah, I just needed to talk to you about something—” I glance at the time on my phone. “Oh god, no. What time is it there? I’m so sorry— I didn’t even stop to think about the time difference, I—”
I hear him suppress a yawn. “Lauren. It must be pretty important if you’re calling me AND rambling like this.”
“No, no, it can wait, I’m sorry— uh, go back to bed. I’m sorry I woke you up.”
“Lauren,” he stops me softly and firmly. “Stop apologizing. What’s going on?”
I sit quietly, feeling like an absolute idiot.
“Lauren, come on. You can tell me.”
“I— we… we never broke up?”
He laughs. “Sorry, what?”
“We never broke up.”
“Am I still asleep, is this a dream?”
“My family still thinks we’re together and they asked me if you’re coming home for Christmas.”
We’re both quiet for a moment.
“Oh.” is all he says.
“I talked to them for Thanksgiving, and they were asking about you. I realized too late that they thought we were still together— because I never told them we broke up. I didn’t think it through this far.”
“Right, I didn’t either.”
My phone starts ringing, telling me Daniel’s trying to FaceTime me.
I accept, and I’m faced with a dark screen.
“Why are we FaceTiming?”
I hear a lamp click on and suddenly Daniel’s face is illuminated as he lays in bed, lines from his pillow still on his face.
“Figured we should at least be able to see each other if you’re going to break up with me in the middle of the night,” he teases.
I shake my head. “Not funny, this is serious, D.”
“I know, I know.”
“If I break up with you, they’re going to yell at me and tell me I’m a stupid idiot.”
Daniel laughs.
“And if you break up with me they’re going to hate you, which means they’ll hate that we managed to ‘stay friends.’ And if it’s mutual…..” I shake my head, thinking. “They’ll think we were lying.”
“Which we were.”
I sigh, “Which we were.”
“So,” Daniel pulls his blanket up higher. “What are our options here?”
“I don’t know, that’s why I called you.”
I watch him stare off into space and reminisce about when I got to see this sleepy Daniel firsthand in Cape Cod.
“I could come for Christmas…” he trails off and I frown.
“That seems like asking a lot. You’ve already given up a lot of your free time this year for me.”
He shrugs into his pillow. “Do you not want me to come for Christmas?”
I pause. “I mean, that isn’t really the issue here. You have to be tired of being in love with me by now.”
He laughs loudly — a stark contrast to the quiet of his room. “Yes, being in love with you is very exhausting.”
“Tell me something I don’t know.”
“I’m kidding. Being in love with you is not exhausting. At all.”
I roll my eyes and say nothing. “I don’t think I can bear to break your family’s hearts at Christmas of all times.”
“Man of the year.” I drawl. “What are you supposed to be doing for Christmas? Going home?”
“No, usually I travel somewhere, but I hadn't decided yet.”
I hum in response.
“Kind of leaning towards traveling to Massachusetts now, if I’m honest.”
I look at him incredulously, only to see a playful grin on his face, but I know he’s serious.
“I’m not going to stop you if you really want to come. But I—” I swallow. “Eventually we’re going to need to plan for whatever happens after Christmas.”
He nods. “I know, we will. Let’s just enjoy Christmas together, first.”
I smile. “Okay. We can enjoy it. Together.”
He clears his throat. “I hope I’m not too rusty at this boyfriend performance, it’s been a few months.”
“Daniel Sharman has performance issues… I hope that doesn’t get out to the press.”
His eyes flash. “Bold, for you.”
I shrug. “You walked into that one, baby.”
“Well, you’re lucky you’re cute, darling.”
We look at each other for a moment, and I hope my eyes don’t give away how fond I am for this man who is willing to commit to fake-loving me, and putting up with my family, and who is setting the bar way too high for any actual real relationship I could hope for.
So much for reburying my feelings.
I break eye contact first. “I’ll let you get back to sleep. Sorry again for waking you up.”
“Do Not Disturb doesn’t apply to you, Lauren. Call any time.”
I smile softly. “Sweet dreams, I’ll text you tomorrow.”
I’m standing in the Boston Logan airport waiting for international arrivals; specifically Daniel’s flight from London. According to the board, his flight landed 15 minutes ago, so he should be coming to the lobby any time now. I bounce on my feet, simultaneously eager and nervous to see Daniel for the first time since parting ways after Henry and Claire’s wedding.
Eventually I see the hat and sunglasses I recognize from a selfie he sent me earlier, and I can feel my heart race. I begin walking towards him, and feel my pace quicken as I get closer. Eventually he sees me too and he’s grinning at me with his signature toothy smile that I missed so much.
When we come into contact I don’t know what the appropriate response is, so I simply grin up at him.
“Hi,” I breathe.
“Hi,” he smiles back, and before I know it he’s closer than he was before and he’s ducking down to kiss me.
It surprises me but I respond quickly, leaning up to meet him.
When it’s over he pulls back just enough to nuzzle his nose with mine.
“Missed you,” he says softly.
“Missed you most.” I smile.
He stands up straight, adjusting his backpack on his shoulder, threading his other hand through mine.
I can’t see his eyes, but I assume he must be looking around when he speaks.
“Oh, are you by yourself?”
The question catches me off guard.
“Yeah— well, Ryan’s in the car, circling so he wouldn’t have to pay for parking,” I roll my eyes.
He nods, “Sorry, then—“ he makes an inconclusive gesture. “Suppose I didn’t need to kiss you quite yet.”
My stomach drops and I smile tightly, “That’s okay— better safe than sorry. I get it.”
He tugs on my hand pulling me into a hug.
“I did miss you, though.”
“And I still missed you most.” I tease.
Daniel shakes his head, but doesn’t argue, pulling back from me and reaching for his suitcase with his freehand.
“Let’s get this show on the road.”
I bring Daniel upstairs to show him around, and so he can put his suitcase in my room.
“Welcome to my childhood bedroom,” I announce, opening the door and leading Daniel inside.
“Wow, where little Lauren grew up,” Daniel teases looking around. When I first arrived home yesterday, I was quick to tidy up, and hide anything that was too embarrassing, but my room is more or less the exact same as I had left it when I was 18 and moving to college.
I nod. “Yes, many secrets to my backstory can be discovered in here.”
Daniel laughs.
Ryan appears in my doorway leaning against the doorframe.
“Just so you know, Daniel, my bedroom is on the other side of this wall,” he nods to his right. “I can hear everything that happens in here. The walls are thin.”
I frown, blushing, “Ew, Ryan.”
Daniel just laughs and smirks, “Got it, bro.”
I look at him incredulously, “Don’t encourage him.”
The two share a look and shrug, seemingly equally enjoying my discomfort.
“Dinner’s ready!” Auntie Kim calls up to us.
I use that as my cue, brushing past both of them to go downstairs, leaving their laughter behind me.
After Christmas Eve dinner, Katharine stops by and the four of us decide to watch the classic, How the Grinch Stole Christmas. I’m the last to arrive in the living room, and when I enter I immediately notice that Ryan is cuddled up with Katharine, and sprawled out over the entire couch, leaving Daniel sitting in the only other seat— the armchair.
I narrow my eyes at them, “Are you guys for real?”
Ryan looks at us and hums innocently, “What?”
“You took the entire couch.”
I see Katharine bite her lip in amusement, as Ryan shrugs.
“I assumed you guys would cuddle anyway. Can you not share the armchair?”
Daniel intervenes, “Of course we can. C’mon Laur.”
He pats his lap. I hesitate briefly before nestling into his lap, tucking my head into his neck.
“Am I crushing you?” I whisper.
“Not at all, you’re keeping me warm.”
I huff a laugh as he puts the blanket over us and Ryan starts the movie. The steady rise and fall of his chest brings me a sense of peace and I have to try not to fall asleep, especially when his fingers gently caress my arm and my leg where he’s holding me to him. I exhale, turning further into his neck and nuzzling into him.
“Tickles,” he breathes, just shy of a whisper.
“You smell good,” I tell him, letting my eyes close.
His chuckle reverberates through his body. “Thanks, darling.”
I feel my eyes shut and sleep take over. I start to come to when I hear the ending song come on, and it drifts into whatever dream I’m having.
“She asleep?” I hear Ryan ask.
“Think so,” Daniel answers.
“You need help waking her up?”
“No, I’ve got it, thanks though. Nice seeing you, Katharine.”
I hear footsteps retreat and feel a series of kisses pressed to my shoulder, as Daniel’s long fingers brush hair away from my face.
“Time to wake up, pretty girl. You can go back to sleep once we’re in your bed.”
I shake my head no, clinging to him tighter.
“Like this bed.” I murmur drowsily.
He laughs softly. “Promise we can cuddle there too.”
“Promise?” I ask, peeking one eye open.
“I promise,” he confirms, pressing one more kiss to my shoulder.
I lift my head to look at him, rubbing my eyes.
“There she is,” he smiles gently at me.
I smile back sleepily, the words coming out before I fully think them through.
“Wanna know a secret?”
“Tell me.”
I swallow, letting my gaze flicker down to his mouth for just a moment. “I like cuddling with you.”
“You do, huh?”
I nod.
“Well the feeling’s mutual. Let’s go upstairs and brush our teeth so we can cuddle more in your bed.”
“Okay,” I relent, getting off of him. He stands up after me and I instinctively lace my fingers with his, leading us back upstairs. When we’re brushed and changed, we settle ourselves in bed and I claim my spot tucked into his neck again.
“Sweet dreams,” he says, kissing the top of my head. I echo the sentiment and gently kiss the spot on his neck I’m closest to. His arms tighten around me and I’m falling asleep again.
For once, I wake up before Daniel. He looks peaceful as he sleeps on his stomach, his arm across my waist, face half smushed into the pillow. I turn my head to look at the clock to see it’s about 9:30 and know the others will be waking up soon. I turn back to Daniel and card my fingers gently through his hair. Eventually his breathing changes and his eyes flutter open, still clouded with sleep.
“Merry Christmas,” I whisper, our faces just inches apart.
He pulls himself closer to me, nuzzling into my side and closing his eyes again. “Merry Christmas.”
It’s quiet for a moment before he speaks again, voice raspy with sleep. “Is everyone else awake?”
“No, I don’t think so. I haven’t heard anyone up and around… they might be soon. Usually we kind of wander downstairs around 10, and it’s just past 9:30.”
He hums in response.
“You can go back to sleep for a little while if you want,” I offer, still running my fingers through his hair. “I’ll wake you when it’s time to go downstairs.”
I start to think he’s drifted off to sleep again when he opens his eyes and looks at me. “No, I can get up. I want to give you your present.”
I narrow my eyes at him. “I told you not to get me anything; you coming here like this with me— twice— is more than enough.”
He rolls his eyes, detaching himself from me and rolling out of bed. “And look like the asshole who didn’t get his girlfriend anything for Christmas? Not a chance.”
I sit up. “We could’ve lied about it—”
“Lauren,” Daniel looks back at me exasperatedly, leaning over his suitcase. “It’s Christmas. Please just open your present.”
He pulls out a neatly wrapped, thin rectangle and places it in my lap, sitting next to me on the bed.
“Merry Christmas, Laur.”
I carefully unwrap the package to reveal a framed art print, with a circle of stars in the middle; underneath it says “The Night Everything Changed” with the coordinates of what I assume to be Los Angeles. I look up to him with soft eyes, and he gives a one shouldered shrug.
“Saw an ad for this online— where you can get the night sky documented of any night you want, anywhere you want. I thought it would be nice to commemorate this past year, for us…” he trails off, and I hug the frame to my chest.
“Daniel, I love it— Really, really love it. It’s so thoughtful.” I reach out and thread our fingers together. “I’m going to hang this in my room. I want it somewhere I see every day.”
He smiles and squeezes my hand. “I’m glad you like it. I actually wanted to talk to you about something— in relation to this. I—”
We’re interrupted by a light knocking on the door, and we both turn.
“Are you guys awake?” Ryan’s voice calls.
“Yeah, we’ll be out in a sec!” I answer.
I turn back to Daniel who squeezes my hand and moves to get up, but I pull him back.
“They can wait; this is special. I want to hear what you have to say.” I smile at him warmly, but he shakes his head, lifting the back of my hand to kiss it.
“It’s alright, I’d rather wait and tell you when we have more time to talk.”
I frown. “Promise me you won’t forget?”
He laughs. “Trust me, I won’t forget.”
He moves to stand, pulling me up with him to go downstairs, but I stop him, wrapping my arms around him tightly.
“Thank you, D. It means a lot to me.”
He returns my embrace, placing a kiss to the top of my head.
When we pull apart, I take his hand again. “Time for Christmas. Your present is under the tree, by the way.”
Daniel laughs. “A present double-standard.”
I shake my head and lead him out of the room.
I think we’re done with presents when Ryan surprises me, coming over to Daniel and I on the loveseat.
“This is for both of you, kind of.” He hands me a thin, narrow gift.
Daniel looks up, surprised. “Thanks, man. That was thoughtful of you.”
He looks at me, silently asking, did you know about this?, and I shake my head no.
I unwrap the package to find a small frame, with a one hundred dollar bill matted in the middle. I look at Ryan and furrow my eyebrows.
“It's the hundred bucks I said I’d give you if you brought a real date to Rachel’s wedding. Seeing as the same guy is here for Christmas I figured you earned it. Thought I’d frame it— but you can take it out and spend it on a date or something, I don’t care.”
Auntie Kim squints. “Sorry, you told her what?”
I roll my eyes and try to avoid the way my stomach sinks at the reminder of how this all started.
I feel Daniel’s hand on my knee. “Clever, Ryan.”
I look over at him to see him flashing his polite interview smile, and I instantly know he knows exactly what I’m feeling.
Auntie Kim stands and stretches. “I don’t get it, but I’m going to go start breakfast. Your sister and Nick are picking up Judith soon and then they’re coming over. Katharine isn’t coming until dinner, right, Ryan?”
As Ryan confirms, she walks out of the room. Ryan turns back to us. “Mind if I shower first?”
I shake my head no, still lost in my thoughts, and I hear Daniel tell him to go ahead.
We’re left alone and I feel Daniel’s thumb brushing my knee.
“Thank you for my presents.”
“You’re welcome— I’m glad you like them; they don’t beat your present for me though.”
He rolls his eyes and we sit for a moment, the framed hundred dollar bill still in my hands.
“Penny for your thoughts?”
I look at him and shake my head. “I don’t know. Just an odd reminder of how this started, and that it’s going to have to end soon, I guess.”
Daniel frowns. “We haven’t really gotten to talk about that. Why don’t we table that for later— we still have a nice day ahead of us. Those are problems for tomorrow.”
I nod and smile at him, and he pulls me in to kiss my temple, and I hear the click of an iPhone camera. I look up to see Auntie Kim in the doorway.
“Sorry, I just wanted to tell you that the coffee’s on. It was too cute not to capture.”
Daniel stands up, offering me his hand. “Make sure you send me a copy. I’ll have to add it to my collection.”
I chuckle as I stand. “Let me guess; the album is called ‘Cute and Shit.’”
He grins. “How’d you know?”
Christmas flies by. It’s filled with good food, wine, and everyone I love. It’s hours after dinner, and Auntie Kim has already driven Aunt Judith home before going to bed herself.
Ryan, Katharine, Daniel, and I are all still seated around the dining room table playing some kind of team card game, and everyone’s faces are red from laughter and wine.
I can’t help but watch Daniel, who is in some kind of hilarious argument with Ryan over some card he pulled. His eyes shine from the light of the chandelier, and his smile is big and bright, taking over his whole face.
It hits me in this moment that I’ve surpassed unlabeled romantic feelings; I am truly in love with this man. The realization consumes me until Katharine knocks her shoulder into mine giggling.
“Can you believe we love these idiots?”
“Sometimes it’s a hard pill to swallow,” I tease, giggling, catching Daniel’s eye mid-argument. He winks at me and I feel my already red cheeks flush even deeper.
“You two are so cute,” Katharine continues, watching our interaction. She lowers her voice, whispering to me behind her wine glass. “I was kind of worried that when you got a boyfriend he wouldn’t mesh well with our dynamic, ya know? But it kind of feels like Daniel’s always been here.”
Her words vocalize the thoughts that have been ringing in my head all day. “I know what you mean.”
Katharine dramatically clears her throat. “Are you two done? Is it our turn yet?”
We part ways from Ryan and Katharine in the hallway, giggling and shushing each other in the wee hours of the morning. I shut my door behind me and waggle my eyebrows at Daniel.
“Uh oh, there’s trouble,” he teases. “Planning to seduce me?”
I shrug exaggeratedly and he laughs before looking around. “Fuck, where are my sweatpants?”
I giggle. “They’re literally right behind you on the chair.”
“Oh, thanks.” He grabs them before looking at me. “Can I change in here tonight?”
I flush. “Yeah, sure.”
After sharing a room together all this time, this is the first time we’ve changed in front of each other and the thought makes my skin tingle. I make my way over to my dresser, pulling out my own sleep shorts and t-shirt. I wiggle out of my pants and pull on my shorts, glancing over my shoulder to see Daniel, shirtless, adjusting his sweatpants on his hips. My throat runs dry, and I turn around to pull my own shirt over my head, reaching behind me to unclip my bra once it’s on. I bundle my discarded clothes in my hand, walking over to toss them in the hamper. I turn around to find Daniel already looking at me. He’s still shirtless and my eyes drift to his defined chest. He looks down as if noticing for the first time.
“It’s really, uh, hot in here.” He speaks again. “Would it bother you if I slept shirtless?”
I shake my head, mentally screaming. “No, it is warm,” I agree, reaching up to put my hair in a bun on top of my head.
He watches me intently, and I laugh self consciously. “What?”
“Nothing. Just thinking about how this was the best Christmas I’ve had in a while.”
My face lights up. “Really?”
“Yeah.” I see his grin quirk up, and know something else is coming. “I’d say it was almost perfect.”
“Oh?” I question, finishing my bun. “Go on.”
“We fit in a lot of classic traditions today, but we missed one that I’m quite fond of.”
I look at him, trying to think of what it could be, as he takes a step closer to me.
“There wasn’t any mistletoe.”
I swallow. “There wasn’t.” I pause, my mind racing. Before I can fully think it through I find myself offering, “But we could pretend?”
“Hmm?” He murmurs, taking a step closer to me so he’s right in front of me now. I know he’s giving me a chance to take it back, or make a joke; I’m nervous, but I don’t want to take it back. I just really want to kiss him.
“I’d really like it if you had a perfect Christmas.”
“And you?” He questions softly. “What would make it a perfect Christmas for you?”
Instead of answering him, I reach up on my tiptoes to kiss him for a moment, pulling back to look him in the eyes. His eyes meet mine in some unspoken understanding, and then he’s dipping down to kiss me again.
He kisses me softly, delicately, like all the kisses at the wedding. He pulls back briefly to look at me, as if he still expects me to change my mind. I kiss him again, wanting there to be no doubt in his mind, and he kisses me back with purpose and passion, and I’m caught off guard by the weight of it. I gasp, and Daniel uses this opportunity to deepen the kiss, pulling me closer. It reminds me of our very first kiss back on his couch. My arms move around his neck, pulling our bodies flush together.
Daniel pulls away first, but barely, breathing hard, kissing down from my jaw to my neck.
This is definitely new territory for us.
I move my hands to his hair, and he groans at the feeling. I can’t help myself as I sigh breathlessly, a shiver running down my back. He grins against my neck, his teeth scraping at my skin and I moan softly.
“Wait,” I say breathlessly, a thought somehow flitting through my mind. “Earlier, didn’t you say there was something else I should know about my present?”
“I can tell you tomorrow,” he murmurs into my neck between kisses. “It’s time for bed.” He tugs me down onto the bed so I’m underneath him, resuming his kisses on my neck.
“This doesn't seem like going to sleep to me,” I tease.
“It is, shhhh, you’re dreaming.”
“That I’d believe,” I laugh, and Daniel smirks, moving so we're eye to eye again.
“Dream about me often?”
“Shhh.” I pull him closer, turning his words back on him. “You’re dreaming, go back to bed.”
“Happily,” he murmurs, kissing me again.
I bring my hands down to his bare shoulders, feeling his warm, toned skin against my fingertips. I gently drag my nails down his chest to his stomach, and I feel his muscles clench at my touch. I can’t help but smirk to myself as he pulls away to rest his forehead on my shoulder, letting out a shuddering breath. I bring my nails around his back, tracing up his taut muscles and across his shoulder blades.
I feel one of his hands come down, pushing my shirt up, his mouth pressing hot kisses to my abdomen. His nose takes over pushing my shirt up, exploring every new inch revealed with his mouth, his hand now running over my thigh, fingers squeezing occasionally, slowly climbing higher. As his hand reaches the bottom of my shorts, he lightly tugs at the fabric. He pauses, his blue eyes tentatively peering up at me.
“Can I…?” He looks nervous, like I’ll reject him. As if I have ever rejected him, or could ever manage to deny him. I’m not even entirely sure what he’s asking but I find myself nodding quickly. As he goes to tug my shorts down we hear a bang on the wall we share with Ryan followed by a crash, a “Shhhh” and a “Shit.”
We both startle and look over toward the wall, before looking back at each other and laughing softly.
“Ugh, I don’t want to know,” I say, shaking my head.
“You probably, definitely don’t.” He smiles at me before pulling his hand off my shorts, and my shirt back down, letting his fingers trace along the waistband of my shorts before he clears his throat. “We should, uh, get some sleep.”
I blink at the abrupt change in mood before nodding awkwardly. “Okay, sure.”
He rolls off of me, and I reach over to shut the lamp off. I’m hesitant to cuddle up to him, unsure if what just happened changed something between us, but I’m relieved when I feel his arm wrap around me the way it always does. Neither of us say anything, and I try not to think about the last few minutes, the firmness of his body behind mine, or the way my body’s buzzing— closing my eyes to try and get some rest.
The next two days with my family go pretty much the same way as Christmas did. Daniel gets on swimmingly with everyone, and my heart aches every time I realize that once the holidays are over, our charade is going to come to an end—a permanent end— this time. I try to ignore that thought and enjoy my time, basking in the coupley moments in front of my family, and leaning into every touch we share.
I never get a chance to ask about my Christmas present; the time never feels right, and Daniel doesn’t bring it up either. Nothing happens between us like Christmas night; when bedtime rolls around we change in the bathroom and go straight to bed. We cuddle, but there’s no after-dark kisses or wandering hands. I wonder if Daniel feels as self-conscious about that night as I do; if he does, he doesn’t show it.
We’re in my room packing to go back to LA in an effort to try to beat the inevitable New Year’s rush at the airport.
“I need to find something to wrap this in so it doesn’t break in my luggage,” I frown, holding up Daniel’s present. “It’s my new prized possession— nothing can happen to it.”
Daniel looks over and laughs. “Want me to wrap it in my sweatpants? That's what I did on the way here.”
“Okay, thank you.” I pad across the floor and pass him the frame, our fingers brushing in the process.
“Of course.” His lips quirk up as he carefully arranges the frame in his suitcase.
A moment passes, and I wonder if now is a good time to ask about my present .
“Hey, I’ve been wanting to ask—“
“Oh, I’ve been meaning to ask you—“
We both stop mid-sentence and Daniel laughs, “Sorry what were you saying?”
I shake my head, courage gone. “No— sorry, go ahead.”
He looks at me curiously but continues, “Henry texted me; he and Claire invited us to their New Year’s Eve party. They’re having it in LA this year.”
I quirk an eyebrow. “Us? They want me to go?”
He shrugs. “Yeah, Claire apparently requested your presence specifically.”
“Oh, that’s nice of her. I usually stay in for New Year’s.”
“It could be fun— if you aren’t sick of me yet,” Daniel teases.
“Ha!" I laugh, "If you aren’t sick of me yet, more like.” I shake my head. “And don’t mind sharing your friends with me.”
“They’re basically your friends now, too,” he argues.
“I’m not sure one wedding constitutes that, but I appreciate the sentiment.”
“You should come.”
I stop and look at him.
“I’ll call a car and pick you up on the way.”
When I hesitate, he softens his voice. “Please come.”
I swallow, “Okay.”
I’m not a big party person, but I also know I don’t have it in my heart to deny him, especially after everything he’s done for me.
He grins. “Really?”
I nod. “Yeah, I’ll go.”
“Cool, I’ll, uh, let them know we’re coming.”
I bite my lip to suppress my smile and start planning my outfit in my head.
When we arrive at Claire and Henry’s house on New Year’s Eve, I try not to gawk at the size. It’s massive and sits high on one of the tallest hills in LA, away from the noise of the city.
The first person to spot us as we walk in is, unfortunately, Eleanor. I’d hoped she was in London, and away from us, but alas.
“Daniel!” she squeals, throwing her arms around him. “I was so hoping you’d be here.”
“Hi, El,” he placates her with a strained smile. “You remember Lauren?” He gestures back to me.
“Laura?” she asks, disinterested.
“Lauren,” I correct, forcing myself to smile. “Nice to see you again.”
“Eleanor,” Daniel intervenes. “Could you point us in the direction of Henry and Claire, perhaps?”
She frowns, but quickly covers it up. “They were in the kitchen last I checked— we have just got to catch up later.”
“We will!” He agrees graciously. “Let us get a drink, and I’m sure we'll have plenty of time to talk later.”
Daniel puts a hand on my back, guiding me forward and into another room, which turns out to be the kitchen. He’s immediately drawn into a series of bro hugs and handshakes by Henry and some of his other friends.
“Lauren! I’m so glad you came!” I turn to find Claire by a table of beverages.
“Claire! So nice to see you, thank you for inviting me.”
“Thank you for coming,” she says, pulling me into a quick hug. “I told Daniel he just had to bring you.”
I laugh. “He told me you were quite persistent— I usually have a low key New Year’s at home, but this is a fun change of pace.”
“Can I get you a drink?” She asks, already reaching for a bottle of champagne.
“Sure, thank you.” I catch Daniel’s eye across the room; he’s being clapped on the back and led out of the kitchen. I smile reassuringly, hoping to communicate that I’m fine here. He seems to understand, as he smiles back and nods before turning back to his friends.
Claire giggles, bringing my attention back to her.
“You look at him with such heart eyes, it’s cute.”
I try to keep my face from panicking. “Sorry?” She laughs like my reaction is the funniest thing in the world. “Oh don’t worry, he looks at you just the same, so you’re fine.”
I chuckle nervously. “I think maybe you’ve got the wrong impression—”
She shrugs like we’re talking about something commonplace, like the weather.
“Maybe, it’s possible... but I don’t think so. Now come! There’s some other girls I’d love for you to meet.”
I spend a good portion of the night talking with Claire and her friends. They’re all very kind to me, but eventually I excuse myself to get some air out on the balcony.
I’m looking up at the sky — it’s dark, dotted with faint stars and a distant passing plane — when I hear somebody come out and join me. As they settle next to me against the railing I immediately know who it is just by how comfortable I feel.
“Whatcha doin out here, LaurLaur? The New Year’s only a few minutes away.”
I grin at him. “Just getting some air and admiring the stars. From up here you can actually see them.”
He hums, looking up with me.
“It reminds me of a certain piece of art a certain someone got me for Christmas.”
He chuckles. “I’m glad you like it so much.”
“It was very thoughtful…. I wonder if any of the stars are in the same places as they were that night.”
“Which night?”
“The night everything changed. Your birthday.”
Daniel leans against the railing facing me, and looks like he’s about to say something before he changes his mind.
Eventually he speaks again. “Things are going to change again soon, right? You said you’re sure about the break up?”
I swallow, scoffing my shoe against the balcony floor.
“I mean, we still need to figure it out, but you can’t keep fake dating me forever. That isn’t fair to you.”
He smiles wistfully. “It’s not like there was anyone else I was trying to date.”
“I’m a lucky girl,” I lament, and Daniel blushes and shakes his head. “It’s a real shame we’re over, though," I jest, trying to lighten the mood. "I’ve never gotten to kiss anyone at midnight.”
His eyebrows raise in surprise. “Never?”
“Nope,” I pop the p and look down at my feet.
“Well.” He clears his throat conspiratorially. “We can agree not to bring our fake relationship into the New Year if you want, but if the kiss starts before midnight, I think we’d get by on a technicality...”
I laugh. “You really want Eleanor to hate me, don’t you?”
He grins cheekily and shakes his head. “Nah, I think I saw her latched onto some other poor bugger inside. We’re in the clear.”
I roll my eyes, looking back up at the sky. I feel his finger trace my arm, gently using my elbow to turn my attention back towards him.
His voice is softer now, “It’s up to you, but there’s no one else I’d rather kiss at midnight.”
I look into his eyes and realize he’s being sincere. My heart’s beating out of my chest. Yes, I want to kiss him, but I want it to mean something. I keep giving in because I know one day this is all going to go away, and I’ll be left with just my memories and heartache.
He must see some hesitance in my eyes, because he’s taking a step back.
“If you don’t want to, it’s fine. Really.” He shoves his hands in his pockets. “Not trying to pressure you into doing something you don’t want to do.”
I shake my head. “It’s not that I don’t want to, I just…” I trail off, looking over the balcony, trying to swallow my feelings, which have manifested as anxious tears in my eyes. I feel a tear escape, and I hastily reach up to wipe it away.
“Hey,” Daniel says gently. “I didn’t mean to upset you.”
“You didn’t.” I let out a watery laugh. “Sorry, I don’t know why I’m…”
I feel his steady stare, and I come to terms with the fact that I’ve really gotten myself into a mess that I can’t just smooth over. I’m going to have to tell him.
I take a minute to compose myself, and Daniel stays quiet giving me time to put my words together as I look anywhere but at him.
“I do want to kiss you, D,” I start slowly, trying to keep my voice steady, “but I can’t if it’s just another part of our fake relationship.”
He tugs me closer by hand, gently, so I have no choice but to look at him. I swallow the lump in my throat. “I… know this wasn’t supposed to be real. But it has been, for me.”
He shakes his head and squeezes my hand. “So then stop trying to break up with me.”
I blink at him, and he continues.
“The night everything changed— your star map— I wasn’t referencing the story we told your family about my birthday.” Daniel looks at me long and hard like I’m missing something totally obvious. “It’s actually the stars from a night a month or so later.”
A month or two— Oh. OH.
“The night Ryan FaceTimed me?” I whisper, afraid to be wrong.
He takes my other hand in his, lacing our fingers together. “Listen— Fuck. I’m in love with you, Lauren.” He looks at me so intensely and my head is spinning. “I love you, and I’m in love with you.”
“What?” I ask dumbly.
He licks his lips. “A wise woman once said to me, you don’t confess to ‘kind of like someone’ when you’ve already been friends as long as we have.”
I stare at him for a second, my cheeks burning. “Well your friend sounds pretty smart.” I swallow. “Because I love you, too.”
He laughs, relief flooding his features. He pulls me to his chest, crushing me and squeezing the air out of my lungs. Eventually he pulls back, hands cupping my face.
He grins and shakes his head. “She is smart, so, so smart, but I don’t want to be her friend anymore.”
“What do you mean?” My brows furrow in confusion, worried that somehow I’ve misread this whole interaction, my relief quickly being replaced by panic.
“Well.” He steps forward, keeping our faces incredibly close. “I’m hoping she agrees to be my very real girlfriend— that is, if she doesn’t break up with me first.”
I hear everyone inside start the countdown to midnight. I’m still looking into Daniel’s eyes in disbelief, my hands clinging to the front of his shirt.
When the countdown hits one, I’ve finally found the words I want to say.
“Happy New Year, boyfriend.”
He’s grinning as he kisses me, and I am too. It’s not our most elegant kiss, a mess of teeth and giggles, and whispered “I love you”s. We never stray too far from each other’s lips, kissing again and again like we can’t get enough— and maybe we can’t.
Eventually, we calm down a bit, and when we kiss this time it’s all-consuming, sucking the air out of my lungs. It feels like my love is fizzling to the top of my skin, and I feel it. ‘It’ being every indescribable emotion in our kisses this past year, but this time I know what it is: true, unadulterated, uninhibited love. I am in love with my best friend, who is now my boyfriend, and I don’t care who knows it— as long as he does.
His fingers press bruisingly into my hips before he pulls back just enough to look at me.
“Can we go home?” He whispers sheepishly, brushing some hair out of my face tenderly. “I’m kind of tired of sharing you with the public.”
I huff a laugh. “I know exactly what you mean.” I lean forward to kiss him one last time before pulling back to lace our fingers together, squeezing tightly. “Please— take me home, D.”
I don’t have to tell him twice.
tagged: @rogershoe @heyrowena @yunsh-17 @trenko-heart @dylxnshxrmxn
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glassamphibians · 4 years
what's your giant bucket list for the potential nico book? like plot, backstories, tropes, all that good stuff. also becky riordan said that people have to read house of hades if "rick does a nico book in the future"
this is kind of all over the place and very long so uhh sorry in advance
omg yeah wait ur right becky did say the house of hades thing. it scares me bc i don’t know if she was just being like “you find out nico’s gay in this one and that bob still exists so uhh thats important i guess now buy my husband’s book 🔪🔪” and it doesn’t actually mean anything, or if it means something huge like “remember eros? yeah nico kills him in the solo book >:)” she could have meant anything im and terrified.
what i do know is that i want both nico and will narrating in first person pov. i’ve talked about why i want both of them here. normally i dislike first person pov’s in books but riordan is a weird anomaly where his first person narration is actually better than his third person narration? like, if you pulled random pieces of text from percy, apollo, and carter’s povs, i would be able to tell who was narrating bc they all have very distinct voices. in heroes of olympus the only pov that felt distinct was leo and thats one out of nine characters :/ nico and will both have really interesting personalities and i want to have that come through in the narration.
for the plot all i know is that i dont want it to be going to tartarus to save bob, thats too straightforward and honestly its kind of a cheap move. i think the whole bob thing should just be the hook and then as the story progresses we realize its something else entirely.
maybe its someone else trying to get rid of nico bc they view him as a threat, maybe its related to the pantheon meeting chiron was at, idk!! but theres a lot going on and i think this is bigger than bob
like, remember when luke gave percy the cursed shoes? i think it could be like that. imagine them getting so close, being just about to dive into tartarus, and then realizing they were tricked and that something bigger is happening. then the real plot picks up.
bc on a more thematic level what i really want this book to be about is a continuation of toa’s “breaking abusive cycles” theme. it should be about nico putting his past behind him instead of falling back into it.
then once the real plot starts i think it should be formatted like the pjo quests!! a big fun cross country road trip where you get almost killed, make some friends, make some enemies, and all in all have a horrible great time!!
im gonna trash on heroes of olympus one more time im so sorry. Son of Neptune is the strongest book in that series and what does it have? the cross country quest format!! once we expanded into moa and they were just on a fancy boat for the rest of the series it stopped being fun. literally like look at blood of olympus. no one cares about what the fancy boat people did in that book. what we did care about was the three person quest where they had no clue what was going on and had to make hedge do interpretive dance so that they could pay for breakfast.
so yeah i think for it both to be a strong stand alone as well as fit into the rest of the rrverse it needs to have that “some goddess just showed up and told us to go to kentucky but did not tell us how to get to kentucky. will won’t let me shadow travel so now we’re on a bus. the stranger sitting next to me fell asleep on my shoulder and i dont want to be rude and move them. why does god hate me.” kinda vibe.
the cross country think is also great bc that mean’s we’d get to see all our old friends!! maybe they stop at the waystation and see reyna & the hunt!! maybe they end up in texas and see will’s mom!! maybe they end up in california see hazel & everyone else over there!! maybe they go to paris and visit rachel!!!
the trogs must be involved. idk how but they must play a major role. maybe screech-bling is the third person in their quest and they can wear hats the whole time.
i really, really want will to finally get cannon complexity. he has a such strong foundation as a character and i’m still upset we didn’t get much real depth added to it during tower of nero. i feel like each book Rick gives us ten Will related puzzle pieces and leaves us to make the rest of them ourselves?? just make the whole puzzle rick it is literally your job.
the idea of Will, someone who has been a background character for 15 books suddenly being pushed into the protagonist position is such an interesting concept that i would love to see explored in the solo book. i think that contrast him and nico, who has been a Big Deal since before will was even born, would be really fun to read.
also i want him to snap. stop being composed will go apeshit!!! throw a scalpel at someone with your amazing apollo aim!! have plague powers and kill some people!! no one is gonna tell on you Will we all want this
going back to nico, he has no idea who he is rn. i mean seriously he’s never had a home like this, he’s never had people who care about him like this, he’s never been safe. remember what percy said in house of hades?
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percy’s talking about how he personally doesn’t know nico, but i think it could be applied to this situation too. he’s changed so much in the past like 15 books and i want to see nico figuring out who he is now that his life isn’t being dominated by pain and sadness. i want to see who nico becomes now that he’s finally able to take up hobbies and just be a teenager!! he know’s who he is as a son of hades, as one of the most powerful demigods alive, but he still has to figure out who he is as a person.
so maybe we get to see what cabin 13 looks like now that he’s changed it!! maybe we get to see what his favorite modern movies & musicians are!! maybe we get to see jules albert finally driving nico and his friends to the mall like hades had intended :)
the should summon jason’s ghost at least once
hades should also properly apologize for threatening to kill him that one time lol
i want hazel, reyna, and rachel to play a major role and if i they don’t i’ll steal riordan’s dog.
is this too long? it feels like its too long even tho i have no clue what i said uhh anyway i hope you had fun reading this love you all xoxo
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garbagevanfleet · 4 years
Brightest Blue (series)
Pairing: Josh x reader Warnings: not much, talk of violence Summary:  Things are changing. New state. New school. New roommate. You just pray things are going to click into place.
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taglist: @valleyd0ll​ @satingrass-maidensfair​ @guitarfingers​ @thebohemianpenguin​ @peaceisouranthem​ @oblvions​ @hansonobsessed​ @myownparadise96​ @lara-gvf​ @anditsmywholeheart​ @kill-fear-the-power-of-lies​ @bigblack-catattack​​ @myownparadise96​
You beat Kate to class, getting out the granola bar you’d brought for the two of you to share. She rolled in about three minutes before class was supposed to start, her eyes fixed on you intently. 
She sat down, sliding into her seat in one, fluid motion before turning to you with a dead serious look. 
“Yes?” you asked, wanting to laugh but not wanting to piss her off in case she actually was mad. 
“I was at your house last night, and you didn’t tell me about Trevor? What the hell is going on there?” she asked, leaning in slightly in anticipation for your answer. 
“Oh.” You cringed at her, wringing your hands together under the table. “You mean his eye?”
“Yes, his eye,” she said like it was obvious. 
You let out a sigh, collecting your thoughts. “It really was just an accident. He was being a dick and he touched me so I slapped him.”
You watched her open her mouth to speak a couple of times before her face scrunched up in confusion. “Wait - He what? He touched you? Touched you like, how?”
Nodding back, you spoke again. “Like without my permission. And yeah, and I just sort of. Did it.”
“You hit him hard enough to give him a black eye?” Her tone was incredulous, with an undertone of pride.
“I know, I know. I feel really bad about it,” you admitted, right hand fiddling with your pencil.
She stared toward the front of the room, deep in thought for a moment. “That isn’t what I heard.”
You frowned, eyes popping open wide. “Heard? People are talking about it?” 
“Yeah, I heard a kid in the hall saying Josh Kiszka punched him in the face. Apparently, this kid is friends with Trevor, so I could believe it.”
“What, Josh couldn’t-” you started and then cut yourself off. You couldn’t help it if you tried - your jaw slipped open and stayed there as you thought about what she had said. “His knuckles,” you breathed as an image of them flashed behind your eyes. “Oh my god, they were all bruised.”
You nodded, but her tone suggested she already knew.
“When? Where did he supposedly do this?” you asked frantically, heart racing.
She shrugged. “I don’t know, I think I maybe heard it was on campus, but I don’t know where or when.”
The professor entering the room cut the conversation short. Still, even after the class had started, Kate leaned over to you. 
“Ask Josh at lunch,” she whispered. 
“I can���t, he didn’t come today,” you admitted, matching her tone. She gave you a questioning look, so you finished the thought. “Our heat went out last night and he stayed home today to wait for the repairmen. I think I’m going to wait a little bit - maybe he’ll tell me himself.”
She gave you a doubtful look but didn’t press further.
When you returned to the apartment, you were pleasantly surprised to feel that it was comfortably warm. You stripped your jacket off but decided to keep the sweatshirt on. 
“Hey,” Josh greeted, popping his head out of his bedroom. His hair was wet and you watched him rub a towel over it. “How was school?”
You smiled at him, unwrapping your scarf and hanging it up. “Boring. How was here?”
“Good. They came at about 1 and got it working pretty quickly. I’m just getting out of the shower.”
You breathed a laugh at him. “I can see that. What do you want for dinner?”
He hummed as walked the towel back to the bathroom. “I don’t know. Something easy. We really should go grocery shopping.”
“Then let’s,” you agreed, nodding at him. 
In the aisles of the market, you watched him closely. So this man, the one that was currently in the middle of a two-minute conversation with no one in particular about cereal mascots, was supposed to have punched someone on your behalf? You watched as he got onto his tippy-toes to grab something from the shelf. 
Trevor must have been taller than him - you’d never specifically seen them next to each other, but just by guessing, you thought he’d have to be. 
As you helped him bag groceries, you couldn’t stop yourself from staring at his hand. It was more yellowish than purple-grey now, but the evidence was still there. 
Musical mishap, you thought to yourself as your eyes rolled on the way home. 
He made dinner and by the time you were finished eating it, he still hadn’t said a word - not that you actually expected him to. You knew you were going to have to. 
You picked both of your wine glasses up off the coffee table, handing his over. 
You took a deep breath and tried to relax back into the cushions. “Josh,” you started, voice quiet. 
He hummed in recognition, but had his eyes on his plate still, where he was pushing the scraps of his salad around with his fork. 
“How did you really get those bruises?”
That got his full attention, his eyes flicking up to look at you through his fan of lashes. He was silent for a moment while he surveyed your face.
He had a small smirk playing on his lips when he spoke. “You know then?”
“I-” you started but realized you had no idea what you even wanted to say. “You punched Trevor?” 
He nodded at you, huffing a little laugh that made your face go hot. “I did,” he confirmed in a low tone. “And I don’t feel bad about it.”
You weren’t sure what you were feeling - it felt like someone had uncorked you and poured all of your emotions into a blender. You knew you wanted to wring him by the neck for laughing at something like this, that was for sure. 
“Josh,” you breathed, eyes wide. “You punched him so hard you gave him a black eye! Why would you go for his face?”
“Well,” he started, and you instantly knew you were going to hate what he was about to say by the way he was smiling. “I was angry at him, and then he made me angrier. And he deserved it.” 
“You just- I don’t even know what to say to you right now. Did you do it on campus? You could have gotten kicked out of school.”
“I know,” he agreed, far too calm for you. 
“Then why would you do it?” you asked, words coming out a hair snappier than you had meant them to. 
He tipped the rest of his wine into his mouth and then set the glass back down on the coffee table. 
He thought about it for a second, and without a trace of regret, he replied, “Because I didn’t care - don’t care.”
“What? Of course you do,” you insisted. “You were just ready to get expelled? Maybe even arrested? Or what if he had hurt you back?”
“Look, I’ve already done it. No going back from that now.”
You frowned at him, but couldn’t think of anything else to say. He was right, what had been done was done, and - though you would never admit it - the gesture did make you feel a little melty.
He let it fall silent for a moment before speaking again, extra soft. “Are you mad at me?”
You looked up at him from where you had been staring down at nothing in particular. “I want to be,” you admitted. “I never would have wanted you to do that, Josh.”
“I didn’t do it for you, which is why I didn’t ask your permission.” He was smirking at you again, and you physically couldn’t stop yourself from smiling back, even though you were shaking your head. 
It was silent for a long moment while you let him anticipate how you would react. 
“Never, ever do that kind of shit again. You’re a lover, not a fighter.” You were trying to keep your tone strong and strict, but you couldn’t help when it slipped into something softer.
“I can be both,” he replied with a smug look. 
You lovingly rolled your eyes at him. When you looked back up at him, he was staring past you through a missing slat in the blinds. 
“I think you’re about to forgive me,” he said through a more genuine smile. 
“And why would I do that?” 
You turned around in your spot, but it wasn’t far enough to give you a real view of the outside, so you shifted in your seat until you were kneeling on the couch cushion. You peered over the backrest and out the window to see snow falling from the sky. It had only just begun to stick to the grass, making the shrubs outside look like powdered donuts.
“Oh my god,” you breathed. 
“Get your jacket on,” he instructed, gently swiping his hand across your shoulder. You didn’t have to be told twice. 
Outside, you watched as the snow fell, catching drafts on the way down that sent them dancing across the night sky like ballerinas. It didn’t look exactly like you had seen in the movies - the flakes weren’t those fat, heavy ones, more light and powdery. When you turned to look back at him, he was beaming watching you. 
“This is like-” he started and then shook his head like the words were in the process of coming to him. “Watching you experience snow for the first time is like being a kid again.”
“That’s an awfully soft thing for you to say, killer,” you quipped back playfully, just to remind him that you hadn’t forgotten. 
He beamed back at you, teeth white as the snowflakes. 
You received an alarming text from him just before lunch the following day. 
Josh          just now
  Hey I need your help in the theater room. Can I come get you?
You quickly tapped back, I know where it is, I’ll meet you there. 
As you reached the door to the theater room, you could hear his distinct voice muttering angrily. 
When he caught sight of you, he tried to collect himself, but he was in too emotionally compromising of a state for it to be effective.
“What’s going on?” you tried, closing the door behind yourself when he prompted you to. 
“Rachel quit on me. She just quit, and I’m freaking out because I know if my professors found out, they’d pull the production from me,” he explained in a rush, his voice shaky. “I can’t lose this, I’ve worked so hard on it.”
“Hey, you don’t know that they’d take it away from you.” You kept your tone soft and sweet, hoping the mood would rub off on him.
“I just have a feeling. I mean, she was supposed to make all the costumes and she was helping with the set and the choreography. These kids can’t learn all-new steps. The production is in less than a month - they’re so young. They can’t learn them that quickly-”
You could tell that he wasn’t about to calm down any time soon, so you reached out and grabbed him by the shoulders. 
“Josh,” you said calmly, forcing him to look right into your eyes. “Calm down and just breathe with me for a second, okay?”
He nodded quickly, matching your structured breathing until you felt it was safe to let go of him. Once you could sense he was no longer on the verge of tears, you spoke again. 
“I’m going to take the rest of the day off from classes, and so are you. And we’re going to get this figured out,” you stated confidently. He stared at you for a moment and then nodded in agreement. “Okay, you’re going to explain to me everything that she was supposed to do and I’m going to write it down.”
“Okay. She was going to be making all the costumes. There are twenty-five kids, and I have no idea how many she finished. Every time I asked her, she was so vague, and even if she did get them done, I don’t think she’ll give them to me,” he explained. 
“No, no. It’s the school’s budget that buys the supplies, right?” you inquired, a frown on your face.
“The performing arts program, yes,” he corrected. 
“Then we’re going to get it back from her.”
He gave you an unsure look. It was already hard to see him so distressed but to see him look so lost was one of the harder things you had experienced so far this year. 
“Tell me what happened,” you requested. 
“Later,” he replied honestly. “I’m going to buy a lot of alcohol.”
You giggled at that, forcing a smile to his lips. “Deal. Plain and simple, you’re going to go to her and ask her for the steps and costumes. If we can get that, we can do the rest.”
“You’re going to help me?” he asked, eyebrows scrunched together. 
“As much as I humanly can. And Kate will too, I’m sure. She’s an art major, so we can use her for the props if she agrees.”
He let out a long, relieved exhale. “We should get coffee.”
Kate was more than happy to help, of course. It was the end of the day when you asked her to meet you guys, and arrived promptly with a drink carrier full of beverages. 
When she got a look at the props that were left to do, she laughed. 
“Pssh, this part is going to be just fine. We can get this finished in two or three nights if we really commit.”
Josh let out a sigh. “You don’t also know how to sew and dance, do you?”
“Nah,” she replied, putting her hands on her hips. You made a note to ask her at a more appropriate time how she could dress in just a long-sleeved shirt and a pair of ripped-up jeans in temperatures below freezing. “You’re on your own there. But I can pay this Rachel a visit and convince her very nicely to hand over what she has.”
Josh was looking at her with a quirked eyebrow. “I truly fear that you’d kill her.”
Kate laughed, the melodic sound bouncing around the high room. “I wouldn’t kill her, but sometimes you have to rough someone up a little to get what you want. You wouldn’t know anything about that, would you, Josh?”
You couldn’t help but snicker under your breath. He took her ribbing with grace, brushing her off with a charming smile. 
“I’m not sure I catch your very subtle meaning,” he replied sarcastically. And then, after a pause, finished with, “But thank you for your help. Truly.”
By the weekend, things were starting to look up. Kate had tracked down Rachel on Thursday at the end of her Trig class, and though she wouldn’t tell you exactly how she was able to convince her, she returned triumphant. 
Rachel had promised she would drop everything off in the theater room the following morning, and she had delivered. 
When the costumes and untouched fabric got to you, you had to admit, you were rather unimpressed. Ever since you had realized you would need to learn how to sew, you had been watching tutorials, reading articles, and practicing on scraps - you even had the battle wounds on the tips of your fingers to show for your efforts. 
“She sewed almost nothing correctly,” you griped on Saturday morning to Josh as he was starting to make pancakes. 
He was smiling when he turned to you. “I don’t want to laugh, but it’s kind of funny in a cosmic sort of way. A storyline out of a play itself, almost.”
You shot him a look. “Calm down, Micheal Bay. You’re directing a tiny tots rendition of Alice in Wonderland. You’ve got a long way to go before you make it to Broadway.”
He stared at you with a disbelieving smile for a moment. “I’m sorry, do you think Micheal Bay is a theater director?”
You scowled at him teasingly. “No, he’s just the only director I could think of,” you said in your defense. 
It was nice to see him laugh in response the way he did - his nose all scrunched up, his hands bracing himself against the counter. 
“You’re going to burn the pancakes,” you accused, stepping around the kitchen cabinet to grab the spatula and flip it in its pan. 
“I’m sorry, that was just really cute.” When you glanced over at him, he was wiping moisture away from his eyes with the hem of his t-shirt. You could feel your cheeks flushing from the compliment.
“Seriously though, I can’t thank you enough for your help with this. There’s no way I could ever thank you enough.”
You offered him a sincere smile. “Any time you need me.”
As he was sliding a pancake to your plate, he asked, “Hey, what are your plans for Christmas?” 
You gave him a sad smile. “Probably just a video call with my parents.”
The corner of his lips turned down into a frown. “You’re not going home?”
“Fifteen hundred miles?” you reminded him, but it didn’t change his expression. 
“I suppose. That sucks though,” he said apologetically, passing the syrup over as a consolation. 
“It’s really not a big deal. Now, talk to me about this choreography. Are you going to be able to teach them?”
“Well, luckily, Rachel saved all of the steps. And they’ve got it down pretty good so far, so I think it’ll be okay.” He nodded as he spoke, seemingly having dropped the previous topic. 
You giggled. “I’m just picturing you standing in front of a bunch of kids as they try to mimic you. Like little ducklings.”
He smiled dreamily as he watched you cut off your first bite of breakfast. “They’re so cute. I wanna take them all home with me.”
“I could totally see you walking through the door with one in your arm, one on your hip, one latched onto your leg.”
His expression changed then to something a shade more serious. “That’s the dream.”
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random-french-girl · 3 years
for the brotp game toni and rachel
also make sure to take care of yourself, drink water, allow yourself to rest <3 i hope your day gets better and that you have a good rest of august and year for that matter
Anon, you’re the sweetest, thank you and same to you <3
What in-jokes do they have with each other?
Okay, listen, i don’t know anything about sports, and obviously Rachel and Toni have had very different experiences, but I’m sure they eventually find out that they hated the same thing about locker rooms benches or the shower pressure at the gym, or that their coaches had very similar mannerisms, or something else that’s like an “only-athletes-will-understand” kind of joke. And then they become INSUFFERABLE ABOUT IT.
Are they the “I’ll pay this time if you pay next time”-type friends, or the “I’ll pay for my food and you’ll pay for yours”-type friends?
They ask for separate checks, unless previously agreed that one of them is inviting the other. 
Who’s more prone to pranking, or otherwise messing with, the other?
Toni tries it, like, once, and then NEVER AGAIN, because Rachel’s revenge is brutal. (Which was Rachel’s goal all along. She loves Toni, but she loves her peace and quiet more.)
How do they text/message each other? Proper punctuation and capital letters, egregious overuse of emojis, mostly in meme format…?
Surprisingly, they both share a lot of memes and funny TikToks and stuff over texts. Like, more than you’d think. 
Do they exchange jokey birthday presents, or deeply thought-out and meaningful presents? Or both?
They prefer to participate in group birthday gifts rather than having to come up with individual gifts. (Rachel is GREAT at making sure everybody contributes.)   
They go on a road trip together. Who drives, who picks the music, who’s in charge of snacks?
Rachel drives. Rachel picks the music. Rachel is in charge of snacks. Toni sulks in the passenger seat the whole time, but has to admit that a) this is the most efficient road-trip she’s ever been on, b) Rachel has a great taste both in music and in snacks. (She tells Martha under a vow of secrecy. Martha definitely spills the beans to Rachel. Toni never hears the end of it.)
What do they think of each other’s family?
Rachel’s only interested in Toni being happy, so whatever Toni decides about her mom, she’ll support. She does tell Toni that she should give her mom a chance to prove herself. Toni is a bit intimidated/uncomfortable around Rachel’s parents - they’re well-off and smart, and a tad pretentious, even if they try to be nice. And obviously, Toni and Nora are friends. 
Do they have any nicknames for each other?
They call each other by their last names when they’re annoyed at each other. But Toni also starts calling Rachel “Rach”, and Rachel feels weirdly emotional about it because only Nora used to call her that?
Who’d be the first to try and patch things up if they had a fight?
Toni, 100%.
One of their phones goes off in the middle of the night. Who’s calling whom, and why?
Rachel calls Toni in a rare moment of vulnerability, and they talk about stuff that’s been on her mind, and afterwards Rachel makes Toni promise not to say a WORD of this to anyone. 
What’s their favourite funny story about something that happened to the two of them?
Honestly, I’m kind of blanking on that one. It would be sport-related though - like they agree to a dumb challenge, and they both fail spectacularly.
Would they do a joint cosplay? If so, who would they dress up as?
Absolutely not.
Do they have any TV shows that they watch together? Are there any shows they have wildly different opinions on?
They don’t really watch TV shows together, but they do watch sport games a lot. It’s actually one of their favorite things to do together, because nobody else in their friend group (except Martha and Dot, to a lesser extent) enjoys watching sport. The Olympics is a HUGE thing for them - they talk about it in advance, and reserve entire nights to watch their favorite competitions. Shelby, drily, starts referring to Rachel as “my girlfriend’s sport girlfriend”. 
Which one is the “fight me” friend and which one is the one who tries to keep the peace and prevent their friend from punching a total stranger?
Toni usually. Though on certain occasions, Rachel WILL punch a stranger - and Toni does not stop her. 
One of them comes up with an ill-advised but mostly harmless idea. Does the other one egg them on because they think it’ll be funny, or try and talk them out of it?
Rachel tries to talk Toni out of it, with limited success. 
Who would win if they arm-wrestled?
Rachel, rip Toni’s dignity. 
Who’s better at what type of video games, and how competitive are they when they play together?
They are SO competitive. And equally matched. This is a great source of conflict in their friendship. Rachel keeps a tally of her victories on the fridge. 
One of them ends up in hospital for something serious but not life-threatening. What does the other bring along when they visit in order to cheer them up?
Rachel brings an entire bag full of things Toni loves - the right chips, her favorite drink, one of Shelby’s sweaters, her Nintendo Switch, books and comics - and then tactfully pretends not to notice the tears in Toni’s eyes.
How huggy are they?
Not at all, unless they’re drunk, in which case they’re the most touchy-feely friends you’ve ever seen. Nora’s phone is FILLED with compromising pictures. 
What was the moment when they first realized that they’d become friends?
Being high on the island together. I think this is The Realization for a lot of the unsinkable eight friendships, tbh. 
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Summary: August slips away and their summer fling is going to have to end.
Notes: it’s my birthday!! To celebrate here is the august story of my folklore series
For most people, all roads lead to Rome but for one Kurt Hummel, all roads lead to the mall.
First stop: coffee.
Once Kurt had secured his iced mocha, he began his window shopping. It was just so nice to walk around the air-conditioned mall.
There were plenty of middle and high schoolers wandering around with their friends. Enjoying the freedom of summertime. Kurt was pretty happy to be able to spend his summer days at the mall; almost like a relaxing vacation if it weren’t for the fear of running into old bullies and homophobes.
His dad just wanted Kurt to work a few days a week at the garage when the staff was short but with Finn there full-time, Kurt was barely needed. So, he spent his days off running errands and wandering around the Lima Mall.
There was no way for him to get lost at the mall. One, he had become very familiar with the mall having spent many weekends with his girls from glee club here. And two, it wasn’t a very large place.
Eventually, Kurt decided to splurge by getting a cinnamon pretzel and found a bench to rest. It wasn’t long until a curly-haired boy took a seat at the other end.
Kurt wasn’t sure if he was supposed to say hello or not. They were likely the same age. Close in age and cute. While he was debating whether or not to engage with this boy, he made the first move.
“I’m Blaine.”
He’s now facing Kurt.
They smile at each other. Kurt can feel his face getting warm.
“You here alone?” Blaine asks.
“Yeah, you?”
Blaine nods. “Wanna walk together?”
Kurt holds up his half-eaten pretzel.
“Oh,” Blaine says, “that’s okay. I can just…”
Blaine moves to stand up and leave.
It comes out louder than intended but it stops Blaine.
“I can walk and eat.”
They took road trips together and talked about everything except school. It was so refreshing to have something in common with another human besides McKinley High.
Blaine never said he was from Lima; Kurt suspected he wasn’t since he hadn’t seen him at school. Though, it was possible Blaine went to some private school outside of Lima. At one point, Kurt thought he might have to transfer if the bullying got too intense.
Honestly, it was just nice to have someone who understood him like Blaine did. They had so much in common from singing and acting to taste in Broadway musicals to the same favorite hate-watching shows. The only thing they seemed to disagree on was coffee.
Blaine had a strong opinion about drinking black drip coffee with a dash of cinnamon. Whereas, Kurt always got a nonfat mocha. However, they did agree hot chocolate was the superior wintertime drink to eggnog.
Blaine was willing to compromise in ways Rachel Berry never would.
So, it was no surprise to Kurt when he realized his feelings for Blaine.
Once again, Kurt Hummel was falling for a boy who wouldn’t like him back. This time it would hurt more because Blaine could like him, since he was also gay, but didn’t. Because who could love a boy like Kurt.
One day they were sharing a pretzel in Blaine’s car parked behind the mall as they typically did.
“Here,” he says, handing over the last piece.
Mid-chew, Blaine almost caused Kurt to choke.
“Can I kiss you?”
Kurt swallowed.
He must’ve been blushing because his face felt hot. Blaine clearly read the look on Kurt’s face as his answer and leaned forward over the center console.
The first thing Kurt noticed was that Blaine’s lips were dusted with cinnamon sugar. He swept his tongue over Blaine’s bottom lip gathering the flakes before painting Blaine’s tongue with cinnamon.
It was an intense first kiss to say the least. Kurt had always pictured a short peck as his very first but this was better. This kiss was just a few steps away from making out.
As the weeks of summer trickled by, Blaine and Kurt spent their days texting and meeting up to make out behind the mall. They’d climb into the backseat of one of their cars and for the next hour touch any skin available. If summer was good for one thing it was exposed skin.
Blaine often wore tank tops so Kurt became very familiar with the muscle tone of his arms.
Oftentimes, Blaine was the one reaching out first. Kurt found himself waiting by the phone for a text; careful to not have permanent plans in case Blaine called. He’d canceled anything to spend time with Blaine. As far as Kurt knew they only had this summer and now it was August. How many more days would he get with Blaine?
One late night in August, they went stargazing. Blaine had spread blankets and pillows on the hillside and managed to secure a cheap bottle of wine courtesy of his older brother. As it turns out, Blaine didn’t know much about constellations; luckily, Kurt did.
He spent loads of nights with his mom in the backyard. She told him so many myths of the sky.
Kurt shared some with Blaine, who had interlaced their fingers. Eventually their bodies were fully pressed together. Blaine was hovering over Kurt, placing kisses along his neck.
Kurt bent his head back to give Blaine more room to cover with his lips.
Then, shirts were riding up and removed. Blaine was playing with Kurt’s zipper.
“Can I?” He asked.
Kurt nodded.
“Are you sure?”
Another nod.
“I’ve never done this before,” Blaine whispers.
“Me neither.”
For two boys who have never had sex and weren’t necessarily prepared to that night, it was always going to be a little sloppy. Misplaced hands, teeth clinking against each other, and nervously checking if something was okay.
When it was over, Kurt pulled a blanket to cover them. Blaine was resting his head in between Kurt’s head and shoulder breathing him in.
“I could fall asleep so easily,” Blaine tells him.
Kurt agreed with him but he was seriously contemplating a different kind of falling.
Summer had to come to an end. Before Kurt realized it, he was laying out an outfit for the first day of school. He and Blaine never did have a conversation about what was going to happen to them after summer vacation. In fact, Kurt hadn’t heard from Blaine in a few days.
He texted but went to bed without a reply.
Meanwhile, Blaine was wide awake in his own bed. He stared at the unopened text from Kurt on his phone. He could text back but he didn’t know what to say.
Sorry, I’m moving schools tomorrow.
Sorry, I lied to you all summer.
Sorry, I’m not the person you think I am.
Every single message his brain could conjure up began with an apology.
In the end, Blaine ran out of time to text him back. From a restless sleep to breakfast to rushing to get to his new school on time, he was almost able to believe Kurt hadn’t texted him at all.
As Blaine introduced himself for the first time, his eyes caught sight of people passing the door; stranglers being tardy to their first class of the day. Every person in his peripheral vision made his insides jump. They all looked like Kurt.
Except, Kurt wasn’t here. Kurt could never be here. Whatever he and Blaine had over the summer was just that—a summer thing
Blaine never thought of himself as the type for flings but Kurt was different. He’d take any time he could have with him. If three months was all he had then that was okay. He knew this last summer would stick with him for a long time.
When he closed his eyes, he was staring at Kurt’s blue ones. He could feel Kurt’s fingers dancing along his naked back with the stars watching them.
Luckily, the classes seemed to be taking it easy on the students. Going over the class schedules, future projects, and what percentage of their grade was exams and quizzes. Of course, Blaine played plenty of those ice breakers and get-to-know-you exercises.
He loved those.
By the time lunch rolled around, Blaine even had someone to sit with in the cafeteria. A nice girl named Tina sat near him in history and offered him a spot at her normal table. Blaine had mentioned wanting to join the glee club and she bounced up to him after class.
“New Directions always needs members. Sit with us at lunch and we can give you pointers for your audition.”
He met Mike, Tina’s boyfriend, Quinn, head cheerleader, and Mercedes, second lead female soloist of glee. Rachel Berry soon joined the table and sized Blaine up. She had lots of questions about his range, experience, and if he was a spy. Her boyfriend, Finn, seemed suspicious of Blaine as well. Blaine was familiar with Finn’s concerns.
The pointed glares and scowl were markers of a jealous boyfriend. Finn wasn’t worried about Blaine becoming first male lead, he didn’t want Blaine to pursue a relationship with Rachel.
This was not the first time Blaine was being mistaken for your token straight guy.
The table just kept growing. People pushing tables together and pulling empty seats. A Mohawk boy called Puck was asking Blaine about sports he liked (mainly college football) when two more cheerleaders joined them.
Brittany, the blonde, was intrigued by a new student. She had some record to keep up and asked if he wanted to sneak off somewhere to help her with it. He declined. The other, Santana, was too busy waving to someone in the distance to really notice Blaine at all.
“Porcelain, finally,” Santana says, patting the seat beside her. “Meet New Kid.”
“It’s Blaine actually,” Rachel corrected.
The boy, Porcelain, sat down and looked over at Blaine. Their eyes met and instantly widened.
“I’m Kurt,” he says.
“Hi, Kurt.” Blaine watched the boy of his dreams swallow hard. “Blaine, it’s nice to meet you.”
Lunch continued and no one seemed the wiser. Why would the New Directions assume the New Kid in town had already met their beloved Kurt Hummel? No one's first instinct would be that these two boys shyly watching each other would be “they spent the summer hooking up behind the mall.” Well, technically making out at the mall and hooking up in the park, just that one night.
Blaine tried to participate in conversation so as to not raise suspicion that he was staring at Kurt’s lips, which he was completely guilty of.
Once the glee kids started talking about a disaster of a party Rachel once threw, Blaine is able to tune them out in favor of his summer memories.
Sitting in the dark movie theater and bumping hands with Kurt as they reached for popcorn at the same time. Reaching over, buttered fingers and all, to grab for Kurt’s hand. Being able to catch a glimpse of Kurt’s smile as the movie flashed in front of them.
Lost in his daydream, Blaine didn’t hear the bell ring until Kurt tapped his hand, which was stretched out almost in the middle of the table.
“Hey, time to get to class,” Kurt tells him, “walk with me?”
“Okay.” Blaine gathered his books and trash.
“Where to?” Kurt asks.
“Crafts actually.”
“Oh, that’s just down the hall here.” Kurt guides them through the crowds. “Thanks for not spilling everything to them today.”
“What do you mean?”
“Our summer together.” Kurt’s blushing. “It was special.”
“To me too,” Blaine assures. “I wouldn’t have said anything to them. I don’t really know those guys yet. I’m new remember?”
Kurt nods. “Not new to me though.”
“I suppose you’re right.” Blaine chuckles.
They reach Blaine’s art classroom.
“I’ll see you in glee club,” Kurt says.
Blaine only lets Kurt take a few steps before he’s touching his hand. “Wait.”
Kurt is staring at their joined hands and examining the hallway before meeting Blaine’s eyes. No one else is paying them any attention.
There are so many words Blaine wants to say to Kurt.
Be with me. Please. Be mine.
Don’t leave. Don’t slip away.
Stay, stay, stay.
Instead, he steps closer to Kurt and cups his face with his other hand. Kurt leans into the touch. Blaine gives the hallway one last look but it’s almost empty. The late bell will ring soon so he can’t waste any more time.
Blaine leans forward and pecks Kurt.
“Please,” he murmurs, against his lips.
Not even sure what he’s asking Kurt for exactly. Kurt seems to know what he means without needing more information or clearer words than a simple ‘please.’
Kurt drops Blaine’s hand and pulls their bodies close together and opens Blaine’s mouth with his tongue.
There’s a bell ringing, which Blaine thinks must be his own form of fireworks.
“If you two are quite done, there’s a class happening,” Blaine’s crafts teacher tells them.
They pull apart instantly, red in the face from being scolded, Kurt hurries off to his own class. Blaine does another round of introductions and can’t remember anyone’s name but Kurt Hummel.
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hsbeloved · 4 years
night drive
hihi! just a short little (y/n) friends to lovers thing (minus the lovers part. sorry, no smut this time) kinda hate how this one ended, felt a little rushed to me but in my defense i wrote this at like 3am in about 40 minutes. messages with input are always appreciated! <3
warnings: none
word count: 3.1k 
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I had been mindlessly bingeing some new netflix show when I'd felt my phone vibrate on the bed next to me. I was almost tempted to ignore it. Scared it was my best friend with yet another invite to some trashy party her new boyfriend was throwing at his frat house. I had never once accepted and yet that never stopped her from trying to get me to join her. I knew deep down she was just trying to be a good friend. I almost felt bad. Almost.
When it turned from incessant thumping to a high pitched tone indicating an incoming call, I decided it had to be important. No one ever called me unless it was. When I picked it up from beside me, I squinted at the screen that was slightly blurry from my eyes not yet adjusting to the brightness. Instead of trying to read the name, I blindly swiped to answer.
"Hello?" I croaked out, my voice cracking a little from not using it for a while.
"'Hey y/n! Whas'up? Too busy sleeping to text me back, huh?"
Gasping a little, I sat up a bit straighter. Goosebumps immediately etched themselves upon every inch of my skin. It was Harry.
"Uh hey Har. No, not sleeping. Just busy doing uh-" I searched my eyes around my room looking for an excuse that wasn't me being a loser and watching tv by myself on a friday night. "Cleaning. I was cleaning. Everything okay?" I rushed out.
He was silent for a moment before I heard a slight chuckle. "You? Cleaning? Thas' funny, love. Can't remember ever seein' yah tidy up anything before"
I couldn't help but giggle a little at this. He was right, of course. I hated cleaning and he knew that. "Hey! I clean. I'm a very cleanly person, okay?"
"Alrigh' alrigh', calm down. Was jus' teasin'. Was actually callin' to see if yah wanted to come for a drive with me. Need to clear my head a bit and could use some company" I couldn't be sure, but he sounded dejected.
"Har. Is everything okay?" I was barely talking above a whisper. Nervous that if I spoke too loud he wouldn't express how he was feeling to me.
I heard a sigh and then some rustling in the background, like he was moving around on his bed. "Jus' had a pretty rough argument with Rachel. Kinda need a friend to hang with to get my mind off of it. Plus I jus' miss yah. Haven't seen yah in forever, bubs."
I couldn't help but perk up at the nickname despite the sourness I felt at him mentioning his girlfriend. It wasn't like I wasn't happy for him. Rachel seemed like she was a nice enough girl. She just so happened to be dating the person i've been secretly and ridiculously in love with since I met him a year ago at university.
"Sorry to hear that, Harry. Do you wanna talk about it?" I wanted to be a good friend and offer my advice if I could, but mostly I just wanted to hear him talk more. His voice was a sickly sweet song that my heart almost always craved to hear.
"Nah, really jus' wanna pick yah up and head somewhere for a while. That okay?" I could hear him already getting up from wherever he was sitting and gathering his things. The tell tale clink of his car keys a reminder that I needed to get dressed and at least a little presentable.
Picking at a loose string on the hem of my worn out t-shirt, I sighed and replied a little slowly. "Yeah, 'course it's okay. Just text me when you're here. Drive safe, alright?"
He let out a soft chuckle before breathing out a short reply of "Always do." and hanging up.
When all I heard was silence on the other end, I threw my phone to the side and got up to head to the mirror hanging across from my bed. Examining myself, I figured I didn't want to try too hard or he'd know something was up. I threw a black knit sweater over my shoulders and replaced my sweatpants with a pair of leggings, tugging my hair back into a loose ponytail on top of my head.
After another fifteen minutes filled with me brushing my teeth and washing my face, I felt my phone go off in the pocket of my sweater. I pulled it out and saw that Harry had messaged to let me know he was in my driveway. Grabbing my purse, I headed toward the door to give myself one last look in the mirror before opening it and locking it behind me.
When I turned to see him sitting in his idling car, my breath caught in my throat and my heart skipped a literal beat. Like, an actual hitch in my heartbeat. The light from his phone flashing across his dazzling eyes in the darkness of his car made him look angelic. There was a small crease in his brow and his lips were slightly downturned, and yet he was still magnetic. It never got easier to look at him.
As soon as I reached for the door handle of the passenger seat, I heard a click and the sounds of laughter from inside. My hand reacted before my mind could catch on and when I attempted to pull the door open, I was met with resistance. Of course he had locked it.
"C'mon Har, not funny. Open up." My plea went unanswered, though. His smirk the only acknowledgment I received.
I put on my best pleading face, pouting with my bottom lip jutted out above my top and my eyebrows scrunching together in playful sadness.
"Pleeeeeease open the door, Harry?" I clasped my hands together in front of me and gave him the biggest doe eyes I could muster before I heard another click.
Taking the opportunity before he could change his mind, I yanked the door open a little too harshly and threw myself into the seat with a grin.
"Knew you couldn't say no to me. You never can." I muttered before placing my bag by my feet and strapping myself into the car.
When I looked up at him across from me, he was staring at me with a strange look I'd never seen on his face before. It looked like he was deep in thought but also like he was in pain. I wasn't sure what to say so I just slapped my hands down against my thighs and let out a deep sigh before speaking.
"So! Where to, Mr. Styles?"
Still looking at me, he shook his head in confusion as if he forgot where he was. Once he collected himself, he plugged his phone into the aux, handing it to me with a nod to pick some music.
"Figured we could jus' see where the night takes us, love. Hang out for a while. That still alrigh' with yah?"
He seemed almost nervous when he spoke, which was an unrecognizable emotion on him. He was always so sure of himself. He carried himself with confidence and a bit of cockiness to be honest, but not in an overwhelming way. He was just aware of himself and his affect on others. All I could do was stare at the side of his face that now was looking out at the road ahead of him. His jaw was clenched and his grip on the wheel looked like it could break it if he really tried hard enough.
"Of course that's okay, Har. Why wouldn't it be?" I questioned.
He exhaled a breath before letting one of his arms bend and fold onto the center console to rest between us, his hand dangling slightly off of the edge.
He turned to look at me and then quickly whipped his eyes back toward the road before muttering out "Jus' didn't wanna waste your friday night s'all. Know you could be doing somethin' a little bit more fun, ya know?"
I was quick to shake my head and grab at his free hand, bringing it onto my lap to hold in-between my own.
"Where is this coming from, Harry? You know I don't care what we do. I just like spending time with you."
He looked down at where our hands were joined, my fingers absentmindedly twisting one of his rings while I stared at the perplexed expression gracing his beautiful features. He's never acted like this with me. Every time we hang out, it's filled with his newly acquired joke of the day and an eventual headache from how hard he makes me laugh. Tonight though, he was so closed off. It was starting to worry me.
Just as he's about to speak, he suddenly freezes and breathes out a laugh so small I think I imagine it.
He brings his hand that's still connected with mine up toward the screen on his dash and points to the song that had just started playing, before letting it fall back into my lap.
"This song was playin' the first time we met, ya know." He looks over at me expectantly. I look at the screen and then back at his face, a smile gracing my lips.
"There's no way you remember the song that was playing, Harry." I reply dryly with a laugh of my own before continuing my assault on his ring. I loved playing with them, and he knew it. He would act like it bothered him. Tried to feign offense at how cold my hands always were against his intensely feverish skin, but we both knew he enjoyed it as much as I did.
He scoffed. A look of annoyance dancing around his emerald eyes as he took his hand from mine to point a finger at me.
"I absolutely do! Got a mind like a whip, I'll 'ave you know." He swiveled his head back toward the windshield, putting his hand back on the wheel. "I remember everything when it comes to you, love" He uttered in a hushed tone. Like he was afraid of even saying the words.
My mouth hung open the smallest bit before I could stop it. Sure, Harry was affectionate with me. A little more than was friendly sometimes, but never so outwardly sweet with his words. He was more of a cuddle and hug type of friend. Even an occasional kiss on the forehead if I was lucky and he was tired enough.
I reached out to him and grabbed his hand once again, rubbing my thumb in circles against his heated skin.
I wanted to tell him I loved him. Wanted nothing more than to grab his face and kiss him, let him know just how much I adored him. But I was scared and he was in a relationship. So all I could muster the confidence to say was "That's really sweet, Har."
He sighed and gave me a lopsided grin while muttering out "Yup, tha's me. Sweet ol' Harry."
I could tell he wanted to say something else by the tone of his voice, but didn't want to push it. Instead deciding to point out all of the constellations I knew by heart out of the window.
Harry did his best to follow along and listen intently, but with his eyes needing to focus on driving, he was more so just nodding along to make me happy.
In the middle of my explanation about how older stars start to turn red as they run out of hydrogen to burn, I notice the car slowing down to a stop against a patch of grass on the side of the road.
"Wait why are we stopping? Everything okay?" I question with concern laced in my voice.
Harry puts the car in park, unbuckles himself, and immediately turns his whole body to face mine. His hand is still enclosed in my own, so he takes it back and places it against his thigh before running his other through his already messy hair.
Sighing deeply, he lifts his eyes to mine and opens his mouth to speak but doesn't actually say anything.
"Harry, you're kind of scaring me. Please tell me what's wrong. You can talk to me" I start to reach my hand out to stroke his arm but he holds up his own to stop me and I physically feel my heart stop for a second.
"Did I- did I do something?" My voice comes out so small I don't even recognize it.
He scoffs for the second time since I got into the car. The hand on his thigh joining his other in the mess of curls on top of his head, pulling at the roots before dropping them into his lap and staring at me once more.
"'Course not, bubs. I did."
"I don't. I don't understand. I-" Is all I'm able to get past my lips before he's rushing out words so fast it's hard to keep up.
"I broke up with Rachel. Well, she technically broke up with me. Said somethin' 'bout how she can't be with someone who isn't able to commit." He was getting flushed from how upset he was. I could see it even in the dark. A splotchy patch of red was making it's way up his neck and I wanted to reach out and hug him. Comfort him. But he wasn't finished, so I sat on my hands to control myself and let him talk.
"Thought it was a load'a bullshit at first but she said somethin' that really stuck with me, and I can't seem to stop thinkin' 'bout it." He narrowed his eyes and took a deep breath before continuing.
"Need yah to help me figure somethin' out. Promise I won't be mad if yah don't wanna. Just need'a try. Jus' once." He was whispering. His usual boisterous and lively energy was nowhere to be found. He was looking at me with such a serious expression on his face that it made me shrink back a little and avert my gaze to the side of the dashboard to compose myself.
When I chanced a glance back toward him, his face was so close it made me gasp and jump back.
"What are-"
I couldn't even finish my sentence. He was inching closer and closer, my breathing getting more shallow with every second that ticked by.
"Tell me to stop. Push me away if yah don' wanna do this. I won't be mad, bubs. I promise." His angelic voice was so quiet I had to will my heart to stop beating so violently against my ears so that I could hear him properly.
I exhaled the breath I was holding, but couldn't find it in myself to move. I'd thought of this moment every single day for a year, and it was finally happening. I wanted this more than anything, the anticipation was making my chest ache in such an intense way that all I could think to say back was "No."
Harry stilled immediately. His face scrunched up in hurt as he started to move himself back into his seat. Before he could get too far, I yanked a hand out from under myself and used it to pull him back toward me by his chin.
When I saw the confused expression on his face, I realized what I had said and tried to explain the best that I could with my brain suddenly a pile of goo from inhaling his musky scent just seconds before.
"I meant. No. I don't want you to stop. I just-" I sighed heavily and shook my head while closing my eyes briefly to control my fluttering eyelashes.
Opening them, I was met with his own that were now wet with substantial emotion, making the green of them so vibrant it made me lose my breath for a second.
"I want-" another sigh. "I want you to kiss me."
He audibly gulped, his adams apple bobbing up and down as he stared at my lips. "Yah sure?" he probed with a glance up at my eyes.
"I'm sure, Harry." My head was now the one leaning toward his own. The hand that was placed on his chin moving to the back of his head to pull him in closer. My eyes closing once again as I felt his top lip brush against my bottom one so softly it almost felt like I imagined it.
Just the smallest touch from him and I was already buzzing. My stomach tied up in knots and the butterflies in my ribcage fluttering like crazy. My blood was boiling. I felt cold and way too hot all at once.
I heard his light gasp before I felt his plush lips press against mine with a little more pressure and confidence. He slowly slid his hand onto my cheek, taking his time to explore this new sensation. I kiss him back lazily, reveling in the softness of him. We exchange a few more pert kisses before it suddenly becomes more heated, the atmosphere shifting from tentative and cautious to more concrete in its intensity.
He grips onto my shoulder for purchase, bringing me even closer to his chest. He kisses me harshly, each kiss he breaks is released with a soft, smacking sound that grows sharper each time. I move my hands to fist the soft material of his shirt behind his back, my brow creasing in pleasure while I sigh into his mouth. He swallows every noise I make, groaning out a few of his own before a breathy whimper escapes my mouth as his tongue slides along my bottom lip.
When he hears the noise this time, he breaks apart from me and moves his forehead onto my shoulder, our collective breathing heavy and loud in the quiet of the car. My lips tingle, already missing the fullness of his against them.
"Wasn't expectin' tha'." He pants into the skin of my neck, gently holding onto my arms. "Guess Rachel was right after all."
"About what?" I ask, trying and failing to catch my breath.
He lifts his head slightly away from my body to look into my eyes as he softly says "I really am in love with my best friend."
At his confession, my breath gets caught in my throat and my lungs shrivel up. My eyes suddenly get weepy and I'm unable to stop the stray tear that falls onto my cheek. Harry takes his thumb and swipes it away before asking me what's wrong with gentle eyes.
"Just never thought you'd feel the same way." I whisper.
He gasps, smiling so bright and large that his dimples become a deep pool inside of his cheeks. "C'mere" he wheezes out before crashing his lips back against mine. His teeth clash against mine a bit from how much he's grinning, but it doesn't matter. It's still without a doubt the best kiss I've ever had.
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the-ghost-king · 3 years
Interestingly enough the fandom isn't always rational with their criticism. Take Percy and Rachel for instance. A perfectly healthy cute and functional relationship dynamic, but people really hated it because it got in the way of Percy/Annabeth.
I think it can also come down to the fact that not all situations are exactly equal if that makes sense. If you have a character dynamic in couple A, that often playfully bully of fight with eachother that's a different dynamic than relationship B, where one person has trauma resulting from bullying and the other parter behaves in roughly the same way as couple A do. In that case the behavior may be seen as inappropriate. Not that this example has anything to do with the ships at hand, but I think a long form meta examining the different paralleling issues from both relationships and their validity would be easier.
Also I haven't seen anything about about Nico/Will being called toxic. Yikes, what are people saying exactly, because I don't doubt a lot of people might be projecting unconcious bias.
Oh absolutely, I may seem young but I remember the Rachel vs Annabeth ship wars all too well... I do not want to go back 😅
The rest is under a read more though, I got a little carried away talking! Also this isn't my best post on the issue by far so please feel free to check out the tags I mention later on!
(AN: I use nblm alongside mlm in this post because some nblm individuals will consider their attraction to men as gay, or queer, while others will not and those individuals are often closely connected to mlm experiences and they also deserve to talk about their thoughts and feelings if they wish. I am aware nonbinary people are not a monolith and not all nonbinary people will categorize themselves or their attraction this way, it's up to nonbinary individuals reading this to determine where they fall on what)
As for Solangelo being toxic some of the conversations revolve around the ableist nature of the ship, this is definitely most obviously a dynamic in BoO, and it's a more than fair point about the ship I don't have anything negative to say there in the slightest!
(The above parallels with the idea that Will is introduced as a "healer character" for the "sad gay kid", which is a fair criticism as well but one that's often left rather one sided, because while that is true- if it's a way Nico likes being treated (watched closely for injuries and cared for) then it's not wrong, and in ToN Will is seen overstepping Nico's boundaries which causes a healthy argument about Will doing so and he stops, so if Nico doesn't tell Will "no" or some variation he's obviously not horribly uncomfortable with the situation, or from the way it would be interpreted alongside previous text, there's fair reason to think he likes it)
The thing with Solangelo I see often is "Nico is still processing trauma, and internalized homophobia and isn't ready for a relationship" which is a huge misunderstanding on how trauma and internalized homophobia work as a whole, because the experiences can be different for everyone. You can absolutely date someone while processing internalized homophobia, you may struggle with certain things but it is absolutely doable for some people. And trauma is such a varied thing, and it's not like he's solely relying on Will either, he is seeing Dionysus for therapy and getting the help he needs! Your life doesn't have to go on hold for therapy no matter how much trauma you are sorting through! (Not disclosing my medical history or anything but I have struggled with both things and my life didn't stop for me to deal with them, I made new friends, went on dates, etc- it is possible depending on the person so the very narrow view of "this is unhealthy" and "this is impossible" rubs me wrong when it's treated as fact over opinion, because it's an opinion).
There's also constant discussions about how fandom (in current) fetishizes both Nico and Will, which I, and other mlm and nblm have spoken our own thoughts on multiple times to be largely ignored by the biggest perpetrators of this "they're overly fetishized narrative". There's also fairly consistent discussion of how fandom treats Nico and reduces him to uwu small gay boy, which more often than not seems to mean "effeminate" rather than actually harmful stereotyping (yes queer men are allowed to be "girly" especially considering there is some canon text that could be interpreted with that meaning, if there wasn't a plausible way to determine canon that way I wouldn't care if people were going after others feminizing Nico a bit- but the issue is again, fact and feeling aren't the same and fandom seem to conflate the two rather often).
(Some of that ties into nonbinary Nico head canons which are common as of current, and that argument quickly becomes transphobic is people don't watch themselves... Even without bringing nonbinary Nico into the equation, headcanoning Nico as femme isn't bad or wrong, and to say otherwise becomes gender policing which is bad).
There's also this weird obsession with there being a "correct way" to ship mlm ships (specifically solangelo), which when considering it's not mlm or nblm saying those things, it becomes really uncomfortable. Especially because the wording of some posts is less "hey this is homophobic" and comes off more like people are more upset at seeing an mlm couple than at the fact that they're being shipped poorly.
All of this in combination with the constant, talking over of queer guys (specifically mlm and nblm) comes off really messed up, and yeah homophobic.
It's not something that can be pinned down to one specific thing but rather a series of smaller microagressions (which in sure most of are intended in good faith but are being filled with subconscious bias) that build up over time- which is why my concern is that solangelo is facing harsher criticism/different treatment that percabeth simply for being a queer ship.
I can't be 100% sure on that like I said, because that's something that is hard to gain tangible evidence for, or maybe even impossible :/
If there wasn't so many other small things going on alongside the harsher criticism of solangelo, I would honestly just ignore it... But the weird policing of "how to ship solangelo" while proclaiming it's "overly fetishized" all while speaking over a not insignificant number of mlm and nblm who have agreed with certain opinions, or taken time to write their own (+ some of the rhetoric that can be found on he blogs of people commonly expressing these opinions) is super uncomfortable and definitely homophobic... Even if they were treating the ship kind of weird, but treating the queer guys talking about it well and actually listening (because the current solangelo fandom probably has the highest proportion of queer guys in comparison to any other fandom I've been in with an mlm ship as of right now) I wouldn't be so bothered... But sadly that's not the case..
(I'd also like to note out of my posts criticizing the current conversations happening around the issue my post saying "listen to mlm voices" got a lot more notes than some of the other ones, which I can't say is specifically anything, because like solangelo perhaps being treated unfairly to percabeth, I am willing to acknowledge there might not be an issue- but it's weird how often mlm and nblm's posts on "listen to us" will be uplifted but never any actual criticism... Just a thought)
I detail things a little closer and in more detail in some of my posts tagged #fandom homophobia, #mlm fetishism, and #gender policing in fandom, it's not a full or comprehensive list (I've only really started speaking up in the last month or so), and it is largely solangelo specific. However I am always interested in listening to the voices of other queer guys about the issues and hearing out their thoughts as well (people aren't a monolith and I'm interested in trying to be as nuanced as possible!) and I acknowledge that although I am mlm and am going to be a little better at recognizing issues and calling them out (although I like every person am not perfect of course)
So yeah! That's a bit of the current ongoings, again not a full comprehensive list, and definitely not my best explanation ever but I think the point gets across well enough? Definitely check out my other tags if you're interested in more, there's also definitely more posts I need to make on some of the things I've seen (maybe not all of them so solangelo fandom specific, and maybe some of them even more solangelo fandom specific) but it's rather slow work in progress!
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thorne93 · 4 years
History Repeats (Part 15 - FINAL)
Prompt: Life’s hard, right? Well throw in a not so great job, a broken heart, and chasing a pipe dream in LA. But could someone come along to make all the bad shit disappear? Or is he just another heartbreak waiting around the bend?
Warnings: language, drug addiction, alcohol addiction, angst/heartbreak, adult themes (??)
Word Count: 2986
Note: Aesthetic made by @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo because she’s absolutely amazing Beta’d by @like-a-bag-of-potatoes​ and @mrs-dragneel-stark-solo . Brainstorming from @carryonmyswansong
**Song Inspiration: 13 beaches - Lana Del Rey; Hoodie - hey violet
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Seeing Hayden… it sent you back down to ground zero. You thought your coping mechanisms were helping. You thought surrounding yourself with so many people and friends every night was softening the blow of losing him. 
But you knew it didn’t. Deep down, you knew the day he left your home, you’d never be the same. You would still feel entirely alone in a room full of people. You’d still want to see him before falling asleep and when you woke up. You’d still want to hear his voice as you shared good news. You still wanted to feel his arms after a long day. 
Nothing you did was helping, and you realized it. 
With a lot of work, you kicked your habits. First to go was the coke. You ordered all your friends to never offer you any and if they saw you with it to take it away from you. It took a while, but eventually, you were able to sit right next to someone doing blow and it not phase you. 
Next, was the booze. That was a lot harder. It was easy to reach for a drink. It was easy to go to a bar. It was easy to open a bottle in your house. So you started there. You emptied every bottle and threw them out. You only ordered water and soda when you went out. 
Every step was hard. Turning down drugs and alcohol was hard, but with patience and work, you got better at just saying no. Each day you put between you and your habit was a day you got back. You got back to songwriting now that you could think clearly and drugs weren’t clouding your mind. 
New songs and works in your hands, Trey agreed to get you back in the booth to finish out your EP to a full album. The response to the EP was amazing and you were already getting a lot of recognition. As soon as the album was to hit, Trey worked with a manager to get you a US tour.
The EP evolved, you added so many songs they had to cut a few just to wait for your next one. You worked on album art and merch. Things were looking up, and finally, your album dropped. 
It was a huge hit.
Every platform it went on, it exploded. Almost as if overnight, you were the next star. You had radio interviews scheduled, shows booked, photography sessions scheduled, critics and fans alike agreed that there was so much raw emotion and talent that they all wanted more. Trey and your manager couldn’t move fast enough to get you to every new gig you needed to be at. Merch was flying off the shelves, so to speak, and you were adored. Your fan base was growing every day. 
You were on top of the world, respectively. You loved your life now, and your bandmates were more than just that. They were truly your friends. They helped you when you were down and when you said you wanted to get clean, they supported you as well as everyone else in your circle. 
With your career finally where you wanted it to head, and your social life getting better than it ever had been, all that was missing was a love you weren’t sure you’d ever thought you’d get back. But like with everything else, you channeled it into your art, hoping for some catharsis.
Now the tour was next week, so you decided to take some time to write and reflect before you left LA to embark on this new chapter. 
Meanwhile, in the city, Hayden had listened to your album for probably the tenth time. He was lying in his bed in the hotel. Your album had been on repeat and he didn’t know what to think.
The songs had to be about him.
Or maybe he just wanted them to be. 
Or maybe they really were.
But then again, that could be conceit talking. Surely you loved other people. He didn’t even know if you loved him. He had a hunch, based on your self-destructive behavior after the breakup, but he still couldn’t be sure and he didn’t want to just assume.
He decided to take action. He was tired of waiting. He texted a friend and asked where you might be. When his friend got back to him, he said the best shot would be the beach. When he asked which beach, what part, his friend replied with the spot. The exact same spot where he first asked you to date him. 
He threw on his jacket and made his way there. The beach was starting to get dark. An overcast covered the sky, but it was light enough to see everything. The beach was fairly deserted, as he walked up. He saw you, sitting in the sand, your knees pulled up so you could rest your notebook against it as you wrote.
The wind was strong, making it chilly, and to keep you warm, he recognized what you were wearing -- his hoodie. 
He watched you write for a moment, admiring how you looked. Your hair was shinier now than the last time he saw you. You looked better, and he was glad about it. 
“They’re about me, aren’t they? The songs? The whole album,” he said as he stood behind you. 
You stilled, stopping your writing. “Does it matter if they are?” Your stomach suddenly felt uneasy.
You took a deep breath. “Then yes, they are about you. Is that all you came to say?” 
“No, it’s not,” he said as he came closer and sat next to you in the sand. He pulled his knees up and rested his arms on them, holding onto his hands as he looked out over the ocean.
“What else did you come here for?” you asked softly. 
“To apologize,” he began and you groaned gently.
“Hayden, we’ve been over this. I’m trying to move on with my life. I’m trying to get over you, if that wasn't evident by every song on that album.” 
He turned to you. “I don’t want you to. I don’t want you to move on or forget about me.”
“Oh, great, lovely then,” you said, getting exasperated. “If you’re here to hurt me more, please--”
“I love you,” he fervently said as his hands went to each side of your face. “I’m here to say I’m sorry for not saying it sooner. I’m sorry for breaking you the way I did. I didn’t mean to, at all, but then I did, and you were so hurt, I didn’t know how to help you.”
Your eyes searched his as he let go of you to look back at the waves. Did he mean it? Was he just saying that? Was this a cruel game? Why did he say it now? 
“You could’ve told me that,” you breathed. “You could’ve told me you loved me, it would’ve saved me.” 
“I know, but I didn’t want to use it as something to save you. I wanted to save you, or I wanted you to save yourself. I didn’t want me loving you or returning to you to be the reason you got better. I wanted you to realize that all on your own, to be your own hero.” 
You nodded as you muttered, “Thanks. It worked. I’m clean now. The last time we saw each other kind of… sobered me up.”
“I’m glad,” he said with a small smile. “Can you tell me what happened? We broke up and you… you went off the deep end. I know we were perfect, and I hated ending it the way I did but… drugs? Alcohol?” 
You chewed on your lips as you nodded. “Yeah, it was pretty stupid. I just… I looked to alcohol to numb the pain, you know? Not that atypical. I did it after Jason, that’s where you and I met, with me crying in my beer at a bar over my ex.” 
He nodded, understanding. 
“But then… it wasn’t enough. I…” You took a deep breath, fighting the lump in your throat and the fear of saying this. “I love you. I loved you. More than I’d ever loved anyone else, and suddenly the drinks weren’t enough to mask the pain. I needed something stronger. Anything stronger. I was seeing you every day at home and suddenly I couldn’t kiss you any more, I couldn’t hold you anymore, I couldn’t do anything with you any more. I couldn’t have what we had, and it killed me. I thought that if you stayed around, that if I let you live there, I could get over it. All I needed was you in my life, right?” you asked rhetorically with a sad laugh as the tears rolled down. “Then I kicked you out and it was worse. You weren’t there to help me, to brighten my day. You just… you left. I know I kicked you out, but I was mad, hurting, and high. I went to apologize and ask you to stay, and you were gone, as if you were never there. No note, no letter, no text, nothing. I felt like you were just waiting to get away from me.”
“No,” he assured while shaking his head. “That wasn’t it at all. I just didn’t want to make it awkward for you and I couldn’t watch you do that any more. I tried to talk to you a few times when you came home and you just blew me off. It was killing me to see you like that all the time. I wanted to help you, I really did, I just didn’t know how.”
“I know,” you said with a thick voice. “That’s not your fault. None of it is your fault. You broke up with me, and I handled it poorly. I just… I lost the greatest love my life had ever known. I finally found you, and you just left…” Your gaze turned on him, scorching him. “Why? Why did you give up on us? On me? I deserve to know,” you demanded in a whisper.
He nodded. “You do deserve to know. That’s why I came here. I’m tried of not being with you. I want you, I’ve always wanted you.” 
“So what happened?” you asked quietly, your eyes on his, trying to read his mind. 
“Do you remember that date at the restaurant, when Rachel showed up?” 
You nodded. “Of course. You were weird that night and the rest of the week before we broke up. I just assumed you weren’t over Rachel. Is that it? Was that it? =”
He shook his head. “No, not at all. She asked me outside, she wanted to talk…” 
“Hey, Rach, what’s up?” Hayden greeted once the two of them were outside. 
“Who’s that?” she wondered, getting right to the punch.
“That's Y/N. I’m staying at her place. She’s the one who owns the house where you dropped Briar off that one time.” 
“So she’s been around Briar?” she asked, sounding as if she were betrayed.
He laughed, looking around, confused. “Uh, yeah. It is her house. We went to the park and stuff. It was fun. Briar really liked her.” 
“Oh, I’m so glad to hear our daughter had fun with a stranger.” 
He frowned. “Rachel, what are you talking about? Y/N isn’t a stranger. I’ve known her for several months. We’ve been roommates for a while now.” 
“And how long have you two been dating?” she demanded.
“What makes you think we’re dating?”
“You’re on a date and you didn’t deny it.” 
He held up his hands and laughed slightly, no humor in the sound. “Uh, I’m not sure that’s any of your concern. You’re the one who left me.”
“It’s my concern if she’s around my child. Did you think to ask me before you took her on a playdate with your little girlfriend?”
“No? Briar has a right to know who’s in my life.”
“Oh, but I don’t,” she said, clearly offended and angry. 
“That's not what I said. Look, I care about this woman. She means a lot to me. I would like Briar to get to know her, I think she’ll be in my life for a while.”
“Not if I can help it. I don’t like her being around strangers. So long as you’re with her, Briar won’t be coming around.”
“What? Rach, that’s ridiculous. You can’t keep me from my daughter--”
“I’m not, you can come see her any time you want. I just won’t take her to her house. Jeeze, Hay, you don’t waste any time, do you? We broke up less than a few months ago and you’re already with someone else?” 
“We bonded. I don’t know what you want me to say. Do you want me to apologize for finding someone that makes me happy?”
“No, of course not. I want you to be happy, I’m just a little surprised that you found them so fast.”
“What? Am I hard to love or something?”
“No, I’m just wondering if she’s a rebound, so soon after we broke up and everything. I doubt it though. What kind of example is this for Briar?”
“The fuck are you talking about?” he asked, thorugohly confused.
“Well, her mom and dad just broke up, and in no time at all, you’re with another woman. It might make her think less of love. That if we can go from what we had and you can just hop to the next girl who says hi to you. It’s probably very confusing for her. Did you even think about Briar?”
“It’s not like that,” Hayden assured her, getting frustrated. “Of course I thought about her. I spent a lot of time with Y/N before I ever let her around Briar.”
“Ah, hmm, good to know you’ve spent so much time with her. It really shows how much you care.”
“I do care, Rachel. I still love you but we’ve agreed to end things. You brought it up, not me. Now, I’m trying to find happiness again rather than wallow in it.”
“Yes, that much is clear. Let’s just hope it’s not a rebound and both of you get hurt, hmm? Good to see you, Hayden.”
He explained everything and you sat there, dumbfounded.
“She used Briar Rose against you?” you questioned quietly, flabbergasted.
“In a way. I think she was ultimately jealous that I was moving on before her. I did love her, I still do. I mean she was a huge part of my life, she’s Briar’s mom. But I love you so much more. I just… what she said, I started to worry if it was somehow true. If I was setting a bad example for my daughter. The rebound thing didn’t worry me, I didn’t feel like it was a rebound for me, but I wasn't sure about you, so before anyone got hurt, I thought we’d end it. I thought maybe if we put some distance between us, we’d be okay. If we waited a few months, it would prove to us that we were okay, but then you took it so badly and it all got so out of control. I thought if I told you I loved you back then you’d just think I was lying or trying to get you to get better. I didn’t want it to be questioned when I said to you, finally.” 
You couldn't help but grin. “Failed on that front. Still questioning it.”
He took your hands in his.. “Well please don’t. I do love you. You aren’t a rebound, you never were. You’re no one’s replacement. I love you and only you.” He stroked your hair as he looked at you. “I just made a horrible decision to make a choice for both of us without consulting you.” 
You nodded slightly.
“And for that, I am  so sorry. I am sorry I wasn't there to help you get clean and I’m sorry I’m the reason you even had a problem to begin with. I love you so much and I’ll never leave your side ever again. Of course, that’s… if you still want me.” 
Your eyes flashed to his. “Of course I still want you. All I want is you. Did you not hear a word I said in that album? You’re all I can think about, you’re all I ever want. You’re all I will ever want.” 
He let out a relieved laugh. “I’m so glad you feel the same way. I’ve hated myself every day since I ended this between us. I’ve wanted to make it right, to come back to you for so long.” 
“I’m so glad you finally did,” you breathed as you looked into his eyes. You leaned forward, hoping you weren’t crossing a line, hoping against hope that he wanted this too.
Your lips hit his and life ignited in you. Your hands went to his hair and his hands wrapped around your back as he lowered you to the ground. His lips moved expertly and fervently on your mouth, as if it were the air that he breathed. 
When you two broke, you stared at him in wonder.
“Do you mean it? Do you love me?”
“More than I ever imagined was possible.”
“I love you too, please don’t leave me again.”
“I would never even dream of it. I’m here, and I’ll never go anywhere else. I’m yours for as long as you want me.” 
“I’ll always want you.”
“Then you’ll always have me.” 
That was all you had ever needed, from anyone. You thanked your lucky stars that it was Hayden who granted you that wonderful, beautiful, unconditional kind of love, the one you’d searched for all your life. The one you deserved, you finally had.
Forever Tag:
Hayden Christensen:
History Repeats:
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A Percabeth AU where they keep their relationship secret in fear of what their parents might think. (Warning: this goes over both PJO and HoO so it's very long):
The beginning of TLT goes as it should but after Percy is claimed, Annabeth is suddenly meaner and colder.
He remembers the Poseidon/Athena rivalry but doesn't see why they have to hate each other bcuz of their parents.
But Annabeth doesnt relent.
They still go on the quest together bcuz "you are so going to fail without a daughter of Athena."
But they still argue a lot and give poor Grover a satyr migraine.
When they have that bonding moment on the truck, Percy thinks maybe they're sorta friends, but Annabeth proves that wrong later by calling him a "Seaweed Brain" bcuz he's so stupid.
Percy fires back with "Wise Girl" but Annabeth seems to take that as more of a compliment than an insult.
(He doesn't stop calling her that tho)
After Luke betrays Percy, Annabeth's the one that found him after the dryads and she drags him to the infirmary but completely denies caring about him afterwards.
By SoM, Percy is so done with this and goes over to her asking if they could be friends.
Annabeth, who actually would like to be his friend, agrees with reluctancy, saying, "We have to keep it a secret though, or who knows what our parents might do."
Percy agrees.
Grover knows they're friends now cuz of the empathy link, but doesn't say anything.
In TTC, when Annabeth falls off the cliff, he blames himself more than ever, bcuz if they hadn't been fake arguing she might not have been distracted and fallen.
Thalia blames him even more too, and he has to keep his cover and can't tell her he knows it's all his fault.
Nico asks if Annabeth is Percy's girlfriend.
He says no, but he has a funny feeling in his heart.
He goes to the attic to ask the Oracle about Annabeth.
It doesn't answer.
When he thinks Artemis is about to ask Annabeth to join the Hunters, he knows he has to tell her something, even if it meant blowing their cover.
He breathes a sigh of relief when Artemis asks Thalia, and Annabeth is waiting for him to talk with narrowed eyes as if trying to figure out what he wants to say.
He chokes. (~Like doesn't say his feelings, not actually choke lol~)
In BotL, they are totally going out on a secret unofficial movie date but ofc the fiasco with Kelli at Goode happens.
Annabeth gets really jealous when Rachel appears. (Especially since Rachel has more opportunity to go out with Percy bcuz Annabeth and Percy have to pretend to hate each other.)
Percy, ofc, does not realize why in Hades she's acting like she really hates him even though they're in private.
At camp, they're playing Capture the Flag when they stumble on an entrance to the Labyrinth.
They go down to hide from monsters and end up stuck.
It's so dark Annabeth grabs his hand to keep from being separating. (~this is canon, they were holding hands I checked~)
When they find their way back out, it appears almost an hour had gone by when they were sure they were down for a couple minutes.
The campers were searching for the two of them and are immediately suspicious when they find the two alone. Together.
But they forget about that when Clarisse comes and asks about the "hole" they fell into and Annabeth suggests they continue talking in private.
It is then that Annabeth, Percy, Grover, and Tyson go on their quest.
When Annabeth and Percy reach Mount St. Helens they are quickly found out.
Percy tells Annabeth to escape saying he has a plan. (He really doesn't)
She kisses him. (~whaaaaaaaat~)
When she leaves, Percy apparently decides to cause a volcano to erupt. (~ya he doez~)
He lands on Ogygia, while Annabeth, thinking he is dead, goes back to camp, alone.
When she returns, they ask where Percy, Grover, and Tyson are but she refuses to say anything.
They realize what happened.
They have a burning of the shroud ceremony where she doesn't say anything, sitting, her face emotionless, but her heart in turmoil as she listens to Chiron.
That's when Percy crashes the funeral.
Annabeth is outraged.
It's really because she was head over heels with worry and grief (while he's off with sOmE imMorTal gOdDeSs) but she can't let anyone know that.
She is certainly not happy when Rachel joins their quest.
(Percy still doesn't get it.)
Before TLO, they are playing Capture the Flag, and the two are on opposite sides. (~in The Demigod Files, the story they find Festus for the first time in~)
Annabeth and Silena capture Percy and Beckendorf and the boys suffer an utter loss. (Were the myrmekes part of the plan? They'll never know.)
Beckendorf and Silena totally know they like each other no matter how much Percy and Annabeth fake it and try to get one of them to ask each other to the Independence Day firework show.
Annabeth does end up asking Percy and they watch the fireworks secretly next to the woods so no one sees them.
They hold hands or something else just as cute idk.
In TLO, when the Battle of Manhattan starts, everyone is surprised when Annabeth let's Percy take the lead.
When she takes the blade for Percy she says it was bcuz "I didn't know it was him!"
"So you would take a blade for anyone if it wasn't Percy?"
But by this time everyone secretly ships Percabeth so no one questions it.
After the war, Percy gives up immortality mostly for her but only those two know it. (And maybe Grover).
Annabeth asks him to meet her in the woods and when he does, she brings him a lumpy blue-colored cake which Tyson helped make. (Bcuz of course Tyson knows that they're secretly friends but Grover told him not to tell anyone).
They kiss, duh.
But then a monster comes out from the woods and they don't want to fight it after they just had a war so they run.
They end up by the lake and Percy pulls Annabeth in to get away from the monster.
Cue best underwater kiss ever.
They date in secret for two months but Percy's mom knows.
When Percy goes missing, Annabeth freaks.
She searches for him everywhere and if anyone asks why she's searching so hard for someone she doesn't even like, she just replies, "He probably just disappeared bcuz it's his turn to do the camp chores and I will not let him slack off," or "Who else am I supposed to use for target practice???"
(None of the campers who'd been in the Titan war buy it.)
In SoN, the only thing Percy remembers is Annabeth, but for some reason, he has this instinct to not tell anyone about her so he doesn't.
In MoA she still judo flips him and acts all mad (which she is) but he still laughs it off and says all sarcastic, "Oh, did the smartass daughter of Athena miss me?"
But he missed her too.
When they go to eat lunch Annabeth and Percy excuse themselves to "go to the bathroom" but they really snuck off to have their own private reunion.
"I missed you so much, Seaweed Brain. Don't ever disappear like that again."
"I'm sorry, Wise Girl. I missed you too."
Later, when Annabeth and Percy sneak off to the Pegasi stables on the Argo II and sleep next to each other.
Frank finds them.
They swear they didn't do anything and threaten Frank into silence.
He can never look at them the same way again though.
When Annabeth has to get the Athena Parthenos, Percy paces the deck of the Argo but says he's not worried about a daughter of Athena.
When she finally gets the statue, he goes down to meet her but she trips and falls into the Pit.
He catches her, but now he's hanging on a ledge.
"Percy, let me go. You can't pull us both up." She whispers, knowing they're too low for the others to hear.
"We're staying together. You're not getting away from me. Never again." He whispers back.
"As long as we're together."
At least in Tartarus, they don't have to pretend they don't absolutely, utterly love each other.
In Blood of Olympus, Percy, Annabeth, and Piper are walking underground to the monster's base in the Parthenon when they see a trident mark in the ground.
Annabeth says it's the place where Poseidon struck the ground.
At this point, Percy turns to Piper and asks, "Can you keep a secret?"
Piper nods.
That's when Percy kisses Annabeth.
When he pulls away, he says, "This is where the rivalry ends….for us, at least."
Piper acts surprised but on the inside she is rAGING bcuz now Leo owes her ten bucks but she can't tell him.
After the Giant war they consider telling their friends, but they're not sure…
Idk how to end this just keep going
Sort of a bonus:
The Hephaestus and Athena cabins worked together to make everyone monster-proof phones (which also correct their dyslexia) and Annabeth and Percy use them all the time to text each other and no one knows.
Jason asks Percy to come to a cafe with some of the others, and Annabeth and Percy are texting the whole time.
Their convo goes something like this:
'hey Annabeth, me, Jason, Frank and some of the others r going to that cafe on 31st street'
'*Jason, Frank, some of the others and I' 'Really? Piper, Hazel, and I are going there too. They mentioned Jason, Frank, and Leo might be there, but not you.'
'weird, they didn't say anything about u either' 'hey wait a sec, Jason's texting on some gc called Operation Get Them Together' 'the other guys' phones r ringing everytime he sends something…'
'What? Operation Get Them Together???'
'Oh no.'
'what??? Annabeth????'
'They're trying to set us up.'
'wdym set us up'
'I MEAN, they're TRYING to get us TO GET TOGETHER'
'ok okkk u don't have to yell'
'so what do we do'
'I think we should go along with it.'
'wait hold on, Jason's asking me who im texting'
'Wait, tell him it's your girlfriend. Just to screw with them.'
'haha yes ur a genius'
'I know.'
Percy tells Jason that he is texting his girlfriend, to which Jason replies by "What?!" and frantically starts typing on the group chat to tell everyone that 'YOU GUYS PERCY SAYS HE HAS A GF ABORT MISSION ABORT MISSION!!!'
To which Piper is the first to reply, saying, 'Nah, trust me, keep going with it'
At this point, they reach the cafe, and the boys and girls meet up at a table.
Annabeth, immediately going into acting mode, says, "What is he doing here?"
Percy fires back with a scowl and says, "You didn't tell me she was going to be here. I'm leaving."
Jason stops him tho
Percy and Annabeth sit down at the table, but everyone is still standing.
Piper and Hazel say they have to go to the bathroom and leave.
Jason and Leo say they're going to go order (even tho it's a sit down with a menu and order type of cafe???)
Everyone seems to have some kind of excuse to leave until Percy and Annabeth are left alone.
The two pull out their phones again.
'Seriously? This is their plan? Say we're all going out to eat and then leave the two of us alone?'
'ig' 'what do we do now'
'I don't know.' They're probably spying on us…'
'um is that Reyna, Hazel, and Calypso in the bushes with mud and green war paint on their faces?'
Reyna, Hazel, and Calypso were indeed hiding in the bushes (with binoculars) with mud and green war paint on their faces.
'Wtf?? How'd they do that so fast???' 'And is that Leo and Piper holding newspapers with eyeholes cut through???'
'lol yea...then that eagle flying above us is prolly Frank'
'Jason is hiding in the clouds to your six.'
'where r Nico and Will?'
'I think that's them making out in the bushes.'
'lmaoo im so gonna tease them for that' 'so what do we do now Wise Girl'
'...' 'Follow my lead.'
Annabeth puts away her phone and stands up.
Percy follows her lead.
She says, "We know you guys are there, just come out. It's not going to work. And we see you too, Nico and Will."
The other demigods come out of their hiding spots (the two who had been called out looking especially sheepish).
"Why not?" Piper says, knowing perfectly well why not.
Percy looks between Annabeth and Piper, and seems to come to a decision.
"Because," he says and goes over to Annabeth and kisses her, "we're already together."
The responses were very diverse.
"I knew it!"
"Leo! My ten bucks. Now."
"Yeah, I walked in on them sleeping together…"
"So we did all this for nothing???"
"Wait, did you say sleeping together?"
They arguing stops as two flashes of light almost blind everyone and two gods appear.
Poseidon and Athena.
For several seconds, the two gods just stare at Percy and Annabeth (who are now holding hands just bcuz)
Then, finally, after what seemed and EXCRUCIATINGLY long time, Poseidon turns to Athena and says:
This was not the reaction the demigods was expecting if you couldn't tell
Athena just scowls and makes a pouch filled with drachmas appear, and throws it at Poseidon.
Poseidon catches it, bringing out what appears to be a phone and starts calling someone.
Athena goes over to Percy and Annabeth.
She looks mad, and Annabeth tries to let go of Percy's hand, panicking, trying to think of a lie, but Percy doesn't let go.
"My daughter is the smartest and best of my children, and as much as I don't approve of this, if she chose you, sea-spawn, she must have a good reason. But if you step one foot out of line, I will have you punished, understood?"
Athena addresses this to Percy, who nods fearfully.
Suddenly there are a bunch more flashes of light as more gods appear bcuz apparently, Poseidon wanted everyone to see that he was right and Athena was wrong.
Ofc chaos ensues.
But Percy and Annabeth are still holding hands and look at each other and feel overwhelmingly happy for the first time in a long time because now they don't have to keep their relationship a secret anymore.
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