#raccoon bee
laprau · 9 months
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I turned it into a fursuit cooling fan :3c going to be uploading the 3d print files for free here soon
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choccymilk589 · 9 days
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hbd!! 🥳 🎂🎈🎉
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redpapercraness · 3 months
i don’t feel like making real art rn so heres every sonic character I could think of off the top of my head . tag ur faves idk
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pacifistcowboy · 10 months
i think there should be a sonic game starring the youngest characters in the franchise because i think it’d be really funny for them to work together and be their own team and be their pure child selves with no older character to keep them in check
even better that despite them being literal kids, the team would still consist of a detective, an engineering genius, and a sea captain. cream’s the only one who could be somewhat described as ‘normal child’.
there could be a subplot with espio, sonic, amy, and blaze together trying to find their respective youngin. sonic’s not too worried about tails but he wants to make sure his buddy’s alright, blaze wants to stop marine from doing something reckless, and espio and amy have to find charmy and cream before vector and vanilla find out they lost them
lol every time the kids plan to go somewhere they’re like “let’s go!” and charmy, tails, and cream go flying off and marine’s just like “OI! I CAN’T FLY”
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solthecelestine · 1 year
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Sonic memes/textposts/whatever (with a little bit of Knuxpio bc why not)
edit: part 2 is up!
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bumblehaven · 6 months
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A mixed media piece I've been working on; primarily acrylic on wood with addition of paint markers and various colored pencil types. I cannot stress to you enough how excited I am about how this piece is coming.
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monomons · 1 year
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yooo is that the magic school bus
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anstarwar · 1 year
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Encouragement from my current favs
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btoon-alba · 11 months
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Cream, Marine and Charmy but teenagers?
I wanted to make my own versions of them, Marine in particular is my favorite!
Bonus art
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veryluckyclovers · 1 year
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some drawn requests from my twitter!
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laprau · 1 year
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He got fucking crabbed
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one-half-guy · 1 year
A bunch of headcanons of Sonic characters regarding cooking, eating habits and etc because I felt like that.
Knuckles' sense of smell is so keen that he can tell you what seasonings you used in the food.
And he learned the smell of every seasoning Amy ever used, that because he frequently helps Amy to cook.
Sonic will eat ANYTHING you offer to him, of course if you give him the right of choice he will straight up say "chilidogs", but if you throw a suggestion of any different dish he'll be the first one to agree.
Tails is far the kid with the worst eating habits among Sonic's friends, he inherited his bro's habit of eating junk food only while: Vector is always making the possible to Charmy follow a healthy diet; Cream was from a toddler encouraged into the most healthy vegetarian diet in the world; and Blaze works hard along the Coconut Crew to correct Marine's eating habits.
Cream's eating habits are so exemplary that Amy sometimes asks advices to diets without even ask Vanilla first, it because most surely mother and daughter will say the same thing.
Eventually Cream will start a full vegan diet, she stays as vegetarian mainly because of ice cream.
Espio will sometimes tries to annoy Amy showing off recipes of books he speedread in the previous day... Although everyone will always agree the pink hedgehog cooks and bakes a way better.
Vector asks G-merl of cooking lessons to try impress Vanilla, he doesn't asks Espio because the chameleon would mock him forever, he also doesn't ask to Amy because he fears she would accidentally reveal.
Shadow mostly prefers to make his food himself because he doesn't like of the way everyone else does and wants to avoid stress... Rouge would complain if he didn't do the dishes.
In a Dadow scenario, Shadow puts a lot of effort in search about healthy diets to make food to Silver and any other child he adopted, he wants his non-alien hybrid kids have the best healthy eating habits possible.
Silver can eat anything, no matter how gross it is, he can eat! Insects? He can! Flowers? Why not? Wood chips? Yep! Dog food? Don't doubt! Onyx City blandest "nutritive" bars? You can bet! Even a Silver who grew up in a decent world retains this ability and is not afraid of return to those methods of survival if needed and Shadow is hating it.
Buuuuut, Silver is always willing to get better in cooking and Shadow's strict methods won't scary him out because he will put as much effort as Shadow in make the most delicious food possible for his friends.
Gold loves coffee and she loves it more when it's sugary, the more sugar is better for her.
Eclipse never tried anything but the Black Arms' fruits, so he gets surprised in learn Mobius' fruits can match their taste.
In the end he's an alien addicted in apples, he's also impressed in how a full sized apple can sprout even in bonsai sometimes, it makes him love this fruit more.
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tales-of-green-hill · 4 months
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Sorry for not posting for a bit, I've been working on writing the second arc (writers block... My nemesis...)
Anyways, more character designs that I have
Espio, Vector, Charmy, Sally, Sticks, and Marine
Sticks and Marine are sisters because I said so
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pancreasman · 5 months
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Sonic art dump to prove I’m still alive and drawing, just a chronic over-thinker. Enjoy some WIPs and drawings I’ve grown to hate.
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reinafish · 6 days
They are all neurodivergent
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yourlocal-therian · 15 days
brown raccoon with honey themes for my friend :3
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