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moniquecechic · 8 years ago
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La sorpresa per stasera è pronta😊😬 e voi? 🌶🍆🍅🥂🍾 #raccontidicucina #foodblogger #tuttipossonocucinare #ricette #biblioteca #giovedi (presso Tutti possono cucinare)
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ockstyle · 4 years ago
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A thought on mindfulness 🧘‍♀️ and cherries 🍒 “The least I could do was to devote my attention to the cherry in those three seconds, really appreciate the tartness of the skin and the faint crunching sound when I bite down. I guess it's called mindfulness.” (A.J. Jacobs) “Il minimo che potessi fare in quei tre secondi era dedicare la mia attenzione alla ciliegia, apprezzare davvero l'asprezza della buccia e l’indistinto scricchiolio quando mordo. Immagino si chiami consapevolezza.” 📸 #thebiteshot @ockphotography #ockphotojournal #foodwriting #mindfulness #freshcherries #ockstyle #appetibilisliving #ockphotography #raccontidicucina (at Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CRrX6eslbUJ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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ockstyle · 4 years ago
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Fagottini ripieni di bieta e pecorino, sfoglia con farina di miglio e riso, (naturalmente senza glutine)... 😋 • Fagottini stuffed with swiss chard and pecorino cheese, 😋enveloped in a sheet of pasta dough made with rice and millet flour (naturally gluten free) #ockstyle @ockstyle #appetibilisliving #pastafrescasenzaglutine #glutenfreeliving #glutenfreeflour #farinesenzaglutine #raccontidicucina #italiancooking 📸 #thebiteshot @ockphotography #ockphotography #foodphotographyandstyling #ockphotojournal @ottimomassimo @rosangela_gia #womeninphotography#foodstylingandphotography #womeninfood #italianfoodblogger #aifb @instaifb (at Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CK1VAxajfuU/?igshid=g1dsto8e9kuo
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ockstyle · 4 years ago
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A pumpkin moment... Autumn 🍂 winter ❄️ collection • #ockstyle #inmykitchen #appetibilisliving #saperiesapori #glutenfreeliving #onmytable #raccontidicucina #kitchentales #postcardsfromrome #lifestylesenzaglutine 📸 #thebiteshot @ockphotography #ockphotography #ockphotojournal #womeninfood @appetibilis1 @ottimomassimo #womeninphotography (at Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CJ_OQfllfL1/?igshid=112o5l33oc2r6
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ockstyle · 4 years ago
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Pesto di sedano con le mandorle e olio di canapa... è veramente delizioso 🤤 • Celery Pesto with almonds and hemp oil, so nutty... so good 😊 #atelierappetibilis #ockstyle #onmytable #celerypesto #inmykitchen #appetibilisliving #saperiesapori #glutenfreeliving #raccontidicucina #kitchentales #lifestylesenzaglutine #pestodisedano #foodsnaps #makeitdelicious #basicitalian #italiancooking #italianfoodblogger #nonsisprecanienteincucina 📸 #thebiteshot @ockphotography #ockphotography #ockphotojournal #womeninphotography #foodphotographyandstyling #foodstylingandphotography #aifb #womeninfood @ockstyle @ottimomassimo @rosangela_gia @mateldacodagnone @instaifb (at Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CIJDo3BjxmU/?igshid=1lmjf6yk0390s
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ockstyle · 5 years ago
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Celery... Prepping time • “I love cookbooks. I certainly have my fair share at home, but I'm a really funny cookbook person: I don't really ever cook out of cookbooks. I like cookbooks for the commentary or the pictures or the history.” 👩‍🍳Christina Tosi • #naturallight #foodsnaps #raccontidicucina #kitchentales #photostorytelling #basicitalian #ockstyle #recipetesting @ockstyle #cookingtherapy #appetibilisliving #italiancooking #lucenaturale #ockphotojournal • 📸 #thebiteshot #ockphotography @ockphotography #womeninphotography #foodphotographyandstyling #bareaders #foodstylingandphotography #womeninfood @appetibilis1 (at Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CFbd1m4IXcX/?igshid=1isuvctwadhay
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ockstyle · 5 years ago
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#BasicItalian :: Mentuccia dell’orto ~ Peppermint from the kitchen garden • [“Non c'è che una stagione: l'estate. Tanto bella che le altre le girano attorno. L'autunno la ricorda, l'inverno la invoca, la primavera la invidia e tenta puerilmente di guastarla.” 📚 Ennio Flaiano] (There is only one season: summer. So beautiful that the others just revolve around it. Autumn remembers it, winter invokes it, spring envies it and childishly tries to spoil it.) • #ockstyle #onmytable #erbearomatiche #appetibilisliving #kitchengarden #saperiesapori #lifestylesenzaglutine #raccontidicucina #kitchentales #postcardsfromrome #mykitchenadventures • 📸 #thebiteshot @ockphotography #ockphotography #ockphotojournal #womeninphotography #foodphotographyandstyling #foodstylingandphotography • #womeninfood #italiancooking #bareaders #glutenfreeliving #italianfoodbloggers #aifb #affluencer @ockstyle @appetibilis1 @instaifb @ottimomassimo (at Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEt6L55I_7j/?igshid=26jyvczfv1dz
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ockstyle · 5 years ago
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What to do with zucchini blossoms leftovers? 🤔 Chestnut flour 🌰pancakes 🥞 crêpes ... so yummy 😋 • “In an infinite Universe anything can happen.” 📚Douglas Adams, The Restaurant at the End of the Universe (“In un universo infinito tutto può succedere” da “Il ristorante alla fine dell’universo”) • Che fare con gli ultimi fiori raccolti un po’ strapazzati dal vento? 🤔 Pancakes 🥞 crêpes con farina di castagne 🌰 ... Ma quanto sono buone 😁 • #ockstyle #onmytable #chestnutpancakes #pancakedicastagne #saperiesapori #basicitalian #mykitchenadventures #lifestylesenzaglutine #raccontidicucina #appetibilisliving #thebiteshot • 📸 @ockphotography #ockphotography #ockphotojournal #womeninphotography #foodphotographyandstyling #foodstylingandphotography • #italiancooking #aifb #italianfoodbloggers #kitchentales #bareaders #glutenfreeliving #glutenfreelifestyle #womeninfood @ockstyle @instaifb @appetibilis1 @ottimomassimo @bonappetitmag (at Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CElmbRWlpwE/?igshid=8d1a0b5alcvs
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ockstyle · 5 years ago
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A ripe fig 🌳 Fico maturo • “Time is an illusion. Lunchtime doubly so.” 📚 Douglas Adams (Il tempo è un'illusione. L'ora di pranzo è doppiamente così.) • #thebiteshot #ockstyle #ockphotojournal #foodphotographyandstyling #foodstylingandphotography #mykitchenadventures #kitchentales #bareaders #postcardsfromrome #saperiesapori #travelbites 📸 @ockphotography #ockphotography #womeninphotography #appetibilisliving #raccontidicucina #womeninfood @ockstyle @appetibilis1 @ottimomassimo (at Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEjb-KDoW5U/?igshid=136s3c3z9qh1e
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ockstyle · 5 years ago
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Multi layers jarred salads 🥗 no filter needed, so naturally colorful 🥰 • “... Don't just see, feel./ Don’t just dream, do./ Don't just hear, listen. ...” 📚Roy T. Bennett, The Light in the Heart (Non limitarti a vedere, senti./ Non limitarti a sognare, fai./ Non limitarti a sentire, ascolta.) • Insalate in barattolo, tanti strati di deliziosa leggerezza... non c’è stato bisogno di usare alcun filtro, è tutto così naturalmente coloratissimo 🤩 • • • #ockstyle #jarredsalads #insalateinbarattolo #foodstylingandphotography #appetibilisliving #womeninfood #thebiteshot thanks to: @ottimomassimo @appetibilis1 @scaronesimona @ockstyle 📸 @luciazeccara • #lifestylesenzaglutine #basicitalian #saperiesapori #mykitchenadventures #raccontidicucina #glutenfreeliving #kitchentales #bareaders #postcardfromrome #ockphotojournal @ockphotography #italiancooking #aifb #italianfoodbloggers @instaifb #foodmeditation @foodmeditations #foodmeditations (at Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CETegewFcBX/?igshid=1whqzxvtdy68r
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ockstyle · 5 years ago
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Uno di quei giorni dove solo una gran mangiata di fiori di zucca fritti può farti sentire meglio 😆 Buon Appetibilis!!! • (La gioia è un mistero perché può avvenire ovunque, in qualsiasi momento, anche nelle circostanze meno promettenti...) 📚 Frederick Buechner “Joy is a mystery because it can happen anywhere, anytime, even under the most unpromising circumstances...” • One of those days when only fried zucchini blossoms would do 😋 • • • #friedzucchiniflowers #fioridizuccafritti #appetibilisliving #ockstyle #lifestylesenzaglutine #mykitchenadventures #thebiteshot #kitchentales #ockphotojournal #glutenfreeliving #saperiesapori #raccontidicucina #womeninfood @ockstyle @ottimomassimo @rosangela_gia @mateldacodagnone 📸 @ockphotography #ockphotography #womeninphotography #foodmeditation @foodmeditations #foodmeditations (at Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CERcTgDIsWU/?igshid=1gl1mgd4phycq
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ockstyle · 5 years ago
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Fish Friday :: Spaghetti with clams... simplicity at its best 😋 • “Life is a combination of magic and pasta” 🎥 Federico Fellini (La vita è una combinazione di magia e pasta) • Venerdì pesce :: Spaghetti alle vongole... gustosissima semplicità 😋 • • • #spaghettiallevongole #ockstyle #basicitalian #mykitchenadventures #womeninfood #venerdìpesce #lifestylesenzaglutine #saperiesapori #fishfriday #appetibilisliving #kitchentales #raccontidicucina @appetibilis1 #glutenfreeliving • 📸 @ockphotography #ockphotography #ockphotojournal #womeninphotography #thebiteshot #bareaders #foodphotographyandstyling #foodstylingandphotography #italiancooking #aifb #italianfoodbloggers @instaifb #foodmeditation @foodmeditations #foodmeditations (at Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CEJC5xeFcdh/?igshid=1aqk6avirlez5
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ockstyle · 5 years ago
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Fried zucchini blossoms, such a yummy bites 😋couldn’t stop eating 🤓 • “If you want to be happy, be.” 📚Leo Tolstoy (Se vuoi essere felice siilo) • Fiori di zucca fritti, uno stuzzichino davvero delizioso 🤤... ma quanti ne ho mangiati 🙃 • • • #ockstyle #saperiesapori #friedzucchiniblossom #mykitchenadventures #glutenfreeliving #fioridizuccafritti #kitchengarden #raccontidicucina #italiancooking #lifestylesenzaglutine #womeninfood @ockstyle @ottimomassimo @instaifb @appetibilis1 📸 @ockphotography #ockphotography #ockphotojournal #womeninart #womeninphotography #foodphotographyandstyling #foodstylingandphotography (at Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CD1KHbwFuVB/?igshid=1fb4b8fvzs31n
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ockstyle · 5 years ago
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Backstage for “The V Burger Times” 🍔 In order to reduce waste, I’ve applied a very minimal and natural #foodstyling to our chef’s @scaronesimona bread + burger patties 🍔 So, they were also our lunch... 😋 By the way, those sliders, even if at room temperature, were awesome... very gratifying 🥰 • “Patience, persistence and perspiration make an unbeatable combination for success.” 📚Napoleon Hill (Pazienza, tenacia e sudore sono una combinazione imbattibile per il successo) • Dietro le quinte per “È tempo di V burger” 🍔 Al fine di ridurre gli sprechi, ho applicato un #foodstyling al minimo e molto naturale sia ai panini che ai burger della nostra chef @scaronesimona che quindi sono stati il nostro pranzo. E anche se a temperatura ambiente, erano fantastici 😋 molto gratificanti! • • • #thebiteshot #ockstyle #saperiesapori #mykitchenadventures #veggieburger #menùottimomassimo @scaronesimona #womeninfood @ockstyle #foodstylist #kitchentales #raccontidicucina @rosangela_gia @appetibilis1 #appetibilisliving 📸 #ockphotography @ockphotography #ockphotojournal #womeninphotography #foodphotographyandstyling #foodstylingandphotography #recipetesting #photostorytelling (at Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDlzk1SFEDE/?igshid=ipozoxihotb2
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ockstyle · 5 years ago
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A luscious light lunch🍴directly from the kitchen garden 🍅 • “Nature is pleased with simplicity. And nature is no dummy” ✨ Isaac Newton (La natura è contenta della semplicità. E la natura non è stupida.) • Un piatto leggero e delizioso 😋 direttamente dall’orto 🍅 • • • #fruttidellorto #basicitalian #lifestylesenzaglutine #appetibilisliving #saperiesapori #ockstyle #kitchengarden #mykitchenadventures #glutenfreeliving #raccontidicucina #kitchentales #italiancooking #glutenfreelifestyle 📸 #ockphotography @ockphotography #thebiteshot #ockphotojournal #womeninphotography #italiancooking #aifb #italianfoodbloggers #womeninfood @ockstyle @appetibilis1 @ottimomassimo #foodphotographyandstyling #foodstylingandphotography (at Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDd_11ule3i/?igshid=1ut0maswfeghj
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ockstyle · 5 years ago
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Chocolate Eggplants... Beyond delicious 😋 🍆+🍫 Pan fried eggplant slices with chunks of dark chocolate in between... Best served hot! • “I'm eating' it quick... but I'll remember it a long time.” 📚 Marjorie Kinnan Rawlings, The Yearling [Il cucciolo] (Sto mangiando velocemente ... ma lo ricorderò a lungo.) • Melanzane al cioccolato... sono buonissimissime 🙃 🍆+🍫 Fettine di melanzana impanate e fritte alternate a quadrotti di cioccolato fondente... Assaggiatele ancora calde! • #melanzanealcioccolato #lacucinadimammà #chocolateeggplant #ockstyle #saperiesapori #mykitchenadventures #mymothersrecipe #lifestylesenzaglutine #glutenfreelifestyle #kitchentales #glutenfreeliving #raccontidicucina #italiancooking #basicitalian #italianfoodbloggers • 📸 @ockphotography #ockphotojournal #ockphotography #involuttuosi #womeninart #womeninphotography #womeninfood #aifb @ockstyle #appetibilisliving @appetibilis1 @instaifb @ottimomassimo #foodphotographyandstyling #foodstylingandphotography (at Rome, Italy) https://www.instagram.com/p/CDVxNQhlP2N/?igshid=szj0dq4garmy
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