#rabie ridge
petnews2day · 7 months
Feral cat found in Frederick tests positive for rabies after reports of 'unusual and aggressive behavior'
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/phFfN
Feral cat found in Frederick tests positive for rabies after reports of 'unusual and aggressive behavior'
FREDERICK, Md. – The Frederick County Health Department is alerting anyone who may have encountered a feral cat after the stray tested positive for rabies. The cat was picked up on February 20 from an area near Monarch Ridge Park and Emerald Farm Park close to Butterfly Ridge Elementary School after officials received reports of […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/phFfN #CatsNews #AggressiveBehavior, #ButterflyRidgeElementarySchool, #FCHDSEnvironmentalHealthOffice, #FeralCat, #FrederickCounty, #FrederickCountyHealthDepartment, #Rabies
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emilylawsons · 6 months
Hi Kayli hope you're enjoying this evening ❤️
For the ask game: falling asleep on the other’s shoulder for Tess/Joel pretty pls?
Hi, Vane!!! And I am now that it’s Friday.
Hope you enjoy this because let myself indulge a little.
Touches Ask Game
They leave Jackson at dawn, Ellie in tow. The mountains are full of game right now, and their young protege has a lot to learn about wielding a bow.
And to tell the truth, they can all use the time away.
While neither of them will complain about three square meals and a solid roof, the town can be daunting. Trying to be “part of something” and observe the little graces isn’t something either of them is used to. So, Joel uses this as an excuse to turn this into a fun excursion.
A fun excursion that includes the guitar he’d secured on a raid several months ago.
They set up camp on a ridge, confident no one on the outside will come looking for them. After lighting a fire and roasting the rabbit Ellie managed to score on their way up the mountain, Joel allows himself to get comfortable.
He leans against a log, strumming at the guitar, and ignores the strange looks Ellie gives him. Until he starts playing the chords to one of the songs she knows from her Walkman.
Tess grins, sidling up next to him. He’s never heard her sing before, but it’s a sound he could die listening to as they both remember the lyrics.
Eventually, Ellie joins in, and before he knows it, she’s requesting another.
For a solid half an hour, he plays. And they laugh. By the end, he’s slowing down, and he finds himself crooning along. Ellie’s cuddled up in her blanket, and she looks like she’s fading. And Tess?
Tess is asleep. And her head is on his shoulder.
“Conked out,” Ellie whispers when he finishes his song.
Joel chuckles softly. “Long day,” he reiterates.
“She almost fucked with that bear,” the fourteen-year-old marvels. “Stopping herself took all that energy, I bet.”
“Or chasing after you when you wanted to pet the raccoon.”
“Hey, it was friendly. It would have eaten out of the palm of my hand.”
“It would have given you rabies.”
“I’ve survived worse.”
Joel stares down at the woman sleeping on him, listens to the steady rhythm of her breathing. “And she could probably survive a bear. Doesn’t mean she should fuck around and find out.”
“Don’t get all righteous with me.”
He flicks a leaf at the kid. “Then don’t be a vigilante little shit.”
She laughs and pushes herself off the ground. “I’m going to bed.”
Joel watches her go and allows himself a few more moments before he whispers, “Tess?”
She gently shakes her shoulder. “Let’s go to bed.”
With the kiss he plants on her forehead, she nods, still half asleep, and he soon figures out she’s not about to walk to the tent on her own. So, he scoops her up in his arms and carries her.
They’ve got a big day tomorrow, and she has bears that he’s gotta talk her out of wrestling.
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charliemwrites · 7 months
corporal whiskers who makes it a point to bite where her marks cant be hidden, yes she has been threatened with a rabies shot and compared to old yeller
corporal whiskers who is the hardest to peel off when getting out of bed, besides from being so clingy she practically radiates comfort and sleepiness when woken up from her nap (it was a new record of 14 hours (ive genuinely slept that much once))
corporal whiskers who straddles captain daddy and just feels every ridge and bump of his face, staring intently at everything and committing it to memory
corporal whiskers who ghost finds standing stiff as a board in the kitchen, who as he comes closer, says hello in a deep voice that is Not hers (shes really good at making voices and noises)
corporal whiskers who makes a challenge for herself to unnerve and seduce ghost just to see if she can, the times where she tries dont work but when shes busting down doors and picking up hostages with one arm? thats when ghost starts getting a bit flushed.
corporal whiskers with an insane sleeper build. she drools over the idea of benchpressing her teammates and during group trainings she does leg days but once its afterhours shes deadlifting whats basically two captain daddys in weight
Corporal Whiskers my beloved ❤️ I can absolutely see him popping a boner over that insane sleeper build hot damn. Meanwhile, Castle has been into her from the start, Simon does not get to change his mind now
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survivorsfm · 8 months
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good  day,  my  most  beloveds !   since  SURVIVORSFM  turned  three  months  since  its  opening  a  few  days  ago  ( on  the  15th,  actually) ,  i  thought  dropping  our  lore  further  info  was  the  right  way  to  celebrate !   so  here  it  is,  and  it  contains  information  both  about  the  virus  and  life  outside  the  sanctuary,  how things worked in the beginning, how they evolved, and where the world stands now, after more than a decade ( although not in chronological order ) ,   luckily  it’ll  clarify  a  few  things  for  you.   as  usual,  if  you  have  any  questions  or  anything  in  this  arises  other / different  doubts,  feel  free  to  drop  them  whether  through  ask / ims  or  discord  ( lore - ridge  or  questions  channels  would  work  perfectly ) .   hope  you  enjoy  it,  and  happy  three  months  of  survivors,  babes !
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( ! )   the  following  information  contains  possibly  triggering  topics  such  as  common  pandemic  lore  ,  military  violence  ,  infection  ,  body  fluids  ,  vaccines  ,  loss  ,  riots  ,  death  ,  and  mentions  of  sexual  encounters  ,  blood  ,  and  wounds.   readers  discretion  is  highly  advised.
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in  the  beginning,  the  virus  was  also  spread  by  particles  of  body  fluids  in  the  air  ( sneezes,  saliva,  and  so  on ) ,   therefore  the  amount  of  infected  increased  quickly  and  dangerously.   47%  of  the  population  was  dead  by  the  end  of  the  first  year,  and  21%  of  the  living  one  was  already  infected.
scientists  all  over  the  world  worked  relentlessly  looking  for  a  cure,  or  at  least  something  that  could  help  to  improve  things  in  any  way,  and  those  at  the  uc,  armed  with  everything  they  needed  due  to  the  stock  in  the  science  building,  after  months  of  research,  trials,  and  errors,  managed  to  develop  a  vaccine  that  prevented  transmission  via  regular  fluids  from  happening.   every  inhabitant  of  the  sanctuary   — except  those  who  volunteered  as  test  subjects —   got  a  mandatory  shot,  as  well  as  any  newcomer  must  get  one.
three  years  ago,  the  same  group  of  scientists  started  trying  for  a  gas  that  would,  hopefully,  force  the  infected  to  dispel.   to  clean  the  sanctuary’s  surroundings  was  the  main  goal  behind  this  trial.  
poorly  tested  before  the  infiltration  of  the  coalition,  they  discovered  the  gas  had  horrid  effects  on  humans  too,  and  despite  this  being  the  reason  the  antagonistic  group  couldn’t  do  any  more  damage  to  their  home,  the  experts  have  been  dealing  with  the  consequences  until  today.   read  more  about  it  here.
engineers  and  medical  teams  also  developed  a  device  to  identify  infected  using  saliva.   every  new  member  was  tested  at  the  gates  before  being  sent  to  the  quarantine  shack,  and  scavengers  and  scouts  get  tested  every  time  they’re  back  from  their  expeditions  too.
as  often  happens  with  common  rabies,  some  people  get  the  virus  but  don’t  develop  clinical  symptoms.   they  can  live  mostly  a  normal  life,  but  since  they’re  carriers  of  the  lyssa,  they  can  infect  others  via  unprotected  sexual  encounters,  blood,  and  direct  contact  between  open  wounds  and  soft  tissue.   if  you  want  your  muse  to  be  part�� of  the  immune  carriers,  please  hit  us  up !
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as  soon  as  the  virus  struck  and  countries  realized  they  were  facing  a  pandemic,  governments  worldwide  gave  their  military  forces  leave  to  control  the  crisis  and  keep  order,  allowing  them  to  do  it  under  any  means  necessary.
specific,  thoughtfully  chosen  cities  ( those  not  too  big  to  be  hard  to  handle,  but  either  too  small  to  be  considered  towns )  in  every  country  turned  into  safe  zones,  areas  under  governmental  aid  that  stayed  safe  and  stocked  when  everything  around  them  fell  into  demise.   the  military  took  control  to  keep  order  and  safety  in  these  particular  locations.
this,  along  with  the  government  permissions,  later  became  a  problem,  since  the  inflexibility  of  the  forces  and  the  abuse  of  their  authority  caused  animosity  among  the  people.   deaths  of  innocents  excused  under  flimsy  justifications  unleashed  the  inhabitants'  wrath,  igniting  riots  that  eventually  led  to  the  downfall  of  several  safe  zones.   only  seven  remain  in  the  nation  today.
governments  in  most  countries  still  exist,  as  well  as  military  forces.   however,  in  the  states  and  other  big  countries  in  each  continent,  governments  have  added  high - ranked  soldiers  to  their  administration,  a  decision   — a  deal —   that  caused  the  numbers  in  the  military  ranks  to  diminish  rather  drastically  in  the  last  five  years.  only  the  most  brutal,  desensitized  of  them  remain,  which  makes  things  very  hard  for  the  safe  zones  still  standing.
numerous  sanctuaries  have  been  raised  not  only  in  the  states,  but  in  other  parts  of  the  world  too.  most  of  them  keep  communication  with  each  other,  but  the  uc  had  refused  to  engage   —   the  amount  of  kids  within  the  sanctuary  stands  as  the  main  reason  for  this  choice.
the  closest  sanctuary  from  the  uc  is  located  in  colorado  springs,  where  after  a  riot  against  the  military  and  several  losses,  the  safe  zone’s  remaining  group  of  survivors  secured  a  part  of  the  city  where  a  mall  was  placed  and  tried  to  prevail  there.   much  like  the  uc’s  people,  they  started  to  thrive  with  time  and  hard  work.  
after  the  infiltration,  the  uc  council  has  considered  the  idea  of  making  contact  with  them,  to  become  each  other’s  support  and  aid  system,  but  the  fear  of  being  intercepted  by  the  coalition  has  kept  them  away  from  it.
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In The Light Of A Candle
🕯+ engport:
Ok, so, in 800 words or less, no more than PG13, Portugal and England find themselves at night in the English countryside in the middle of a planet-wide emergency (your pick: either aliens or zombies or something else equally catastrophic) without transport after their military vehicle ran out of fuel, and they have to make their way back to London in the dead of night without raising suspicion, with only a bar of chocolate and half a candlestick. Thank you for the prompt @needcake - It was a challenge keeping it to *only* 800 words! However, mild gore warning for talk of uh, blood and brains.
In The Light Of A Candle
The last gasps of the dead died out behind them, a practise ease of ignoring their distant (baying) pleas for help coming over England. It almost felt scary how simple it was to him, muscle memory, a mere reflex of an old instinct, but he didn’t have time to think about the consequences of such self-taught coldness; A hand drifted up towards Portugal (briefly, it almost felt like the hand was not his own - for how could he be so gentle?) and brushed away a sluice of dark, thick blood from his cheek. ‘’You need to be careful,’’ He breathed out, as he glanced through the thick trees - towards the dark shapes on the road, black brains turning hard in the frost. ‘’They said that it…it passes through contact.’’ Maybe he was just being paranoid, maybe it was just the shine in Portugal’s eyes making England jumpy - but then, he had not realised that those…those people had been infected. 
Lesions, eyes that swam in sunken sockets (like boats struggling in dark waters), the uncanny smile - hadn’t doctors and scientists mentioned something about the rabies virus too. That’s what it was, wasn’t it? Some sort of mutation in the makeup of…England’s face screwed up in frustration. Scotland had mentioned it, something or other about a pathogen, before they were all told to lockdown, before the first few people started complaining of headaches, before the amygdala began to burn and by then it was too late. All their brain could process was light, sound and fear. All their brain was at that point was liquid virus - a broken cacophony of neuroses, and lately scientists had found that signs of irrational aggression, the rending of teeth and gums, the frustration that left noses chewed off and the tips of the victim’s fingernails gnawed to the bone. England ran his hand - unconsciously - over the ridge of Portugal’s nose, and smiled sheepishly as he caught his eyes peering bemusedly up at him. ‘’I-...pft, what are you looking at me like that for?’’ Portugal snorted, pulling England’s hand away as he stepped over a fallen log - careful not to slip on the slick mosses as he turned to scrutinise the vehicle left abandoned on the roadside. ‘’You’re being weird, again.’’ A squeeze, to remind him of the pleasures of still being alive, in spite of everything. Portugal wasn’t afraid, not even as the cold wind cut across the moor, not when he’d seen enough gore to last him a lifetime. Rabies. Leprosy. How many diseases had devastated humanity, had left them to a requiem of hysteria and paranoia that they were next? That God was furious with them? Maybe in time, this age (though full of the wonders of science) would fall to that same fear…if medicine didn’t work, hey, why not give self-flagellating a try? Portugal snorted, thinking of sunken hollows, gouged like a pit, the ones who reached out for Portugal - when he walked among them, strong again after having choked to death on his own phlegm, blood and bile.
‘’Weird?’’ England pulled a single, half-candlestick out of his pocket with an amused flourish - waving it pointedly in his fingers. ‘’I’m not the one that decided to commandeer a vehicle at…2pm.’’ They’d been told to stay in London, called upon when they were needed, super-soldiers in a form (or as Portugal had cryptically rambled, some sort of saints, entities from another realm entirely. England wasn’t surprised by Portugal’s turn of phrase, but he was concerned by it, the last time he had heard that kind of talk - he’d nearly lost him). ‘’Or the one who told me to bring candles and chocolates. What…you found some sort of fancy restaurant in the middle of fuck off-nowhere?’’ England snorted. ‘’We could’ve just had a nice romantic meal of beans on toast, my dear. Nothing more sweet than that.’’
‘’A half-eaten bar of twix is not what I was expecting.’’ Portugal retorted curtly, as he clambered over a mildewed stile. ‘’And well, you didn’t have to steal the car.’’ He pointed out, waggling a finger in England’s face - raising an eyebrow as England grasped  his hand gently and brought it to his lips, a kiss as gentle as a spring’s warmth. ‘’...Why do you still kiss me like you’re a shy schoolboy?’’ Portugal teased, smirking as he squeezed England’s waist, finding comfort in the way his hands immediately drifted to hold him. 
‘’I am trying to be romantic, you twit.’’  A plume of breathless laughter, silvered in the moon. Portugal leaned his head against England’s chest, arms wrapping around the stoutness of his belly. ‘’You’re the twit. You didn’t even bring a lighter for the candle.’’ He teased, kissing him - holding his hand tightly; Heart budding with love, Portugal leaned up and kissed him again and again.
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scotianostra · 2 years
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October 17th 1346 saw The Battle of Neville's Cross.
This was a disastrous one for us Scots, and another that we can put down to fulfilling our obligations of  The Auld Alliance. The French invoked it after they had been beaten by the English invaders at  The Battle of Crecy in August that year.
The first battle for a couple of weeks, I think with the weather turning there was less inclination for long marches south to fight the English, but the bold David II did this, perhaps to try and live up to his father, Robert’s legacy. I touched upon this battle on October 3rd when talking about the treaty of Berwick.
This was another case of the French invoking The Auld Alliance, Edward III was involved in the medieval English hobby of attacking the French and King Philip VI wanted to divert their resources and open up a second front, so David was asked to invade England.
Despite the desperate pleas of Philip in June 1346, when Edward was amassing his army in the south of England, David Bruce made no move until October, he adopted a policy of waiting until he believed most English troops were fighting in France and with winter approaching, he then invaded England.
On 7th October, David’s army crossed the border. After taking Liddle Strength, a pele tower on the border, they took Lanercost Priory, then crossing the Pennines they sacked Hexham Priory before advancing towards Durham. David’s army arrived at there on 16th October and camped at the Bishop of Durham’s great deer park at Beaurepaire, where they were offered £1,000 in protection money to be paid by 18th October.
With King Edward absent in France, the English forces in the north were commanded by Ralph Neville, 2nd Lord of Raby, Henry Percy and William Zouche, Archbishop of York. Unknown to David, an English army had been hastily mobilized at Auckland Park, approximately ten miles from the Scottish camp.
The Scots were taken unaware and only discovered the presence of the English army on the morning of the 17th when troops led by William Douglas encountered them in the early morning mist during a raid south of Durham when the English drove the Scots off resulting in heavy Scottish casualties.
On hearing the unforeseen news of the skirmish, David II led his army to the high ground at Neville’s Cross the site of an old Anglo-Saxon stone cross, on moorland just to the west of Durham, to prepare for battle. He deployed his army into three divisions, David led the centre, Douglas and the Earl of Moray had command of the right, and Robert Stewart the left. The English lined up along a narrow ridge west of Durham were their flanks were protected by deep valleys on either side. The English army was drawn up in three divisions, the centre was commanded by Ralph de Neville, while Henry Percy led the right wing and the Archbishop of York the left.
The Scots adopted a defensive stance, a stalemate lasted until the afternoon, when English longbowmen were sent to fire on the Scottish battle lines, which forced the Scots to attack. However, the Scots were disadvantaged by the uneven topography which broke their formations as they advanced, allowing the English to deal easily with the Scottish attack. The battle progressed badly for the Scots, their left division were separated from the English by a steep ravine and while attempting to attack across this obstacle were under heavy fire from the English archers, the division began to disintegrate into confusion and retreat. The Scot’s right division, however, caused the English to retreat, which then exposed their flank to the English reserves, and they then began to falter.
As their position grew more dangerous, David II’s nephew, Robert Stewart, his future successor as King of the Scots, panicked and fled the battlefield, but David displayed himself a true son of Robert the Bruce, fighting on with valour, despite having two arrows in his body.
David II initially managed to escape. However, legend records that while he was hiding under a bridge over the nearby River Browney, his reflection was spotted in the water by a English soldiers out searching for him. David was then taken prisoner by John de Coupland. King David was imprisoned at Odiham Castle in Hampshire from 1346 to 1357. After eleven years, he was released in return for a ransom of 100,000 marks as part of the aforementioned Treaty of Berwick.
It’s worth noting that Edward III did more than his fair share of meddling in Scottish affairs, like his grandfather he used the much maligned Balliol family during what is called The Second war of Scottish Independence.
Photos are a depiction of the battle, the remains of the medieval cross and remains of Oldham Castl where David spent the majority of his time in England.
Find out more about the battle here http://www.medievalists.net/2015/09/the-battle-of-nevilles-cross-as-told-in-the-lanercost-chronicle/
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brookston · 2 years
Holidays 11.4
Air-Conditioned Automobile Day
Bad Mood Day
Chair Day
Chicken Lady Day
Citizenship Day (Northern Mariana Islands)
Community Service Day (Dominica)
Day of Love (Egypt)
Flag Day (Panama)
Giorno dell’Unita Nazionale e Festa delle Forze Armate and Victory Day (Italy)
Honeymoon Day
International Cake Day
King Tut Day
Medical Science Liaison Awareness and Appreciation Day
Mischief Night (UK, Australia, NZ)
National Advent Calendar Day
National Easy-Bake Oven Day
National Professional Paint Contractors Day
National Skeptics Day
National Tonga Day (Tonga)
National Unity and Armed Forces Day (Italy)
Thanksgiving Day (Liberia)
Unity Day (Russia)
Use Your Common Sense Day
Victory Day (Italy)
Waiting for the Barbarians Day
Will Rogers Day (Oklahoma)
Yitzhak Rabin Memorial Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Candy Day
1st Friday in November
Fountain Pen Day [1st Friday]
J-Day (@ 8:59 PM, Tuborg releases Julebryg; Denmark) [1st Friday]
Love Your Lawyer Day [1st Friday]
National Jersey Friday [1st Friday]
National Medical Science Liaison Awareness and Appreciation Day [1st Friday]
World Community Day [1st Friday]
Feast Days
Americus (Christian; Saint) [America]
Boccaccio Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Brinstan (Christian; Saint)
Charles Borromeo (Roman Catholic Church)
Emeric of Hungary (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Qudrat (Power; Baha'i)
Federico Pelini (Muppetism)
Felix of Valois (Christian; Saint)
Hume (Positivist; Saint)
Joannicius the Great (Christian; Saint)
Listen to Sea Shanties and Dance Like a Pirate Day (Pastafarian)
Ludi Plebii begins (a.k.a. Plebian Games until 17th; Ancient Rome)
Not the Zombie Apocalypse Day (Pastafarian)
Our Lady of Kazan (Russian Orthodox Church)
Pierius (Christian; Saint)
Sigd (ends at Sundown) [Hebrew, Cheshvan 29]
Teresa Manganiello (Christian; Blessed)
Vitalis and Agricola (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Chicken Little (Animated Film; 2005)
The Crown (TV Series; 2016)
Doctor Strange (Film; 2016)
The Fifth Elephant, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 1999) [Discworld #24]
The Flash (Film; 2022)
G.I. Blues (Film; 1960) [Elvis Presley #5]
Great Performances (TV Anthology Series; 1972)
Hacksaw Ridge (Film; 2016)
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Film; 2001) [#1]
The Interpretation of Dreams, by Sigmund Freud (Book; 1899)
The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair (Novel; 1905)
The Last Waltz (Concert Film; 1977)
The Man Who Sold the World, by David Bowie (Album; 1970)
Rocket to Russia, by the Ramones (Album; 1977)
Symphony No. 1 in C, by Johannes Brahms (Symphony; 1876)
A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas (Film; 2011)
Walking on the Moon, by Police (Song; 1979)
Weird: The Al Yankoic Story (Film; 2022)
Today’s Name Days
Karl (Austria)
Drago, Dragutin, Karlo (Croatia)
Karel (Czech Republic)
Otto (Denmark)
Erla, Erle, Herta (Estonia)
Hertta (Finland)
Aymeric, Charles, Jessé (France)
Charles, Karl, Karla, Modesta (Germany)
Károly (Hungary)
Carlo, Guido, Rosalia (Italy)
Atis, Oto, Otomārs (Latvia)
Eibartas, Karolis, Vaidmina (Lithuania)
Ottar, Otto (Norway)
Emeryk, Karol Boromeusz, Mściwój, Olgierd, Witalis (Poland)
Karol (Slovakia)
Amancio, Carlos (Spain)
Nore, Sverker (Sweden)
Amory, Cara, Carl, Carla, Carley, Carlie, Carlo, Carlos, Carly, Carol, Carolina, Caroline, Carolyn, Carrie, Carroll Charles, Charlie, Chaz Chuck, Emery, Karl, Karla, Karlee, Karli, Karly (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 308 of 2022; 57 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 44 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Hagal (Constraint) [Day 7 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Lùyuè), Day 11 (Xin-You)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 10 Cheshvan 5783
Islamic: 9 Rabi II 1444
J Cal: 8 Mir; Sunday [8 of 30]
Julian: 22 October 2022
Moon: 86%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 28 Descartes (11th Month) [Hume]
Runic Half Month: Ngetal (Reed) [Day 10 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 43 of 90)
Zodiac: Scorpio (Day 13 of 31)
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mycsrindia · 2 years
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Jindal Stainless Conducts Training and Awareness Camp for Tomato and Other Rabi Crops in Nuh
Jindal Stainless – Training and Awareness Camp for Crops Jindal Stainless – Gram Unnati, one of India’s top integrated agri-tech solution providers, held a training camp in Nuh, Haryana for close to 150 farmers who were getting ready to plant tomatoes as well as a variety of Rabi vegetable crops like bottle gourd, ridge gourd,...
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brookstonalmanac · 2 years
Holidays 11.4
Air-Conditioned Automobile Day
Bad Mood Day
Chair Day
Chicken Lady Day
Citizenship Day (Northern Mariana Islands)
Community Service Day (Dominica)
Day of Love (Egypt)
Flag Day (Panama)
Giorno dell’Unita Nazionale e Festa delle Forze Armate and Victory Day (Italy)
Honeymoon Day
International Cake Day
King Tut Day
Medical Science Liaison Awareness and Appreciation Day
Mischief Night (UK, Australia, NZ)
National Advent Calendar Day
National Easy-Bake Oven Day
National Professional Paint Contractors Day
National Skeptics Day
National Tonga Day (Tonga)
National Unity and Armed Forces Day (Italy)
Thanksgiving Day (Liberia)
Unity Day (Russia)
Use Your Common Sense Day
Victory Day (Italy)
Waiting for the Barbarians Day
Will Rogers Day (Oklahoma)
Yitzhak Rabin Memorial Day
Food & Drink Celebrations
National Candy Day
1st Friday in November
Fountain Pen Day [1st Friday]
J-Day (@ 8:59 PM, Tuborg releases Julebryg; Denmark) [1st Friday]
Love Your Lawyer Day [1st Friday]
National Jersey Friday [1st Friday]
National Medical Science Liaison Awareness and Appreciation Day [1st Friday]
World Community Day [1st Friday]
Feast Days
Americus (Christian; Saint) [America]
Boccaccio Day (Church of the SubGenius; Saint)
Brinstan (Christian; Saint)
Charles Borromeo (Roman Catholic Church)
Emeric of Hungary (Christian; Saint)
Feast of Qudrat (Power; Baha'i)
Federico Pelini (Muppetism)
Felix of Valois (Christian; Saint)
Hume (Positivist; Saint)
Joannicius the Great (Christian; Saint)
Listen to Sea Shanties and Dance Like a Pirate Day (Pastafarian)
Ludi Plebii begins (a.k.a. Plebian Games until 17th; Ancient Rome)
Not the Zombie Apocalypse Day (Pastafarian)
Our Lady of Kazan (Russian Orthodox Church)
Pierius (Christian; Saint)
Sigd (ends at Sundown) [Hebrew, Cheshvan 29]
Teresa Manganiello (Christian; Blessed)
Vitalis and Agricola (Christian; Saint)
Lucky & Unlucky Days
Taian (大安 Japan) [Lucky all day.]
Chicken Little (Animated Film; 2005)
The Crown (TV Series; 2016)
Doctor Strange (Film; 2016)
The Fifth Elephant, by Terry Pratchet (Novel; 1999) [Discworld #24]
The Flash (Film; 2022)
G.I. Blues (Film; 1960) [Elvis Presley #5]
Great Performances (TV Anthology Series; 1972)
Hacksaw Ridge (Film; 2016)
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (Film; 2001) [#1]
The Interpretation of Dreams, by Sigmund Freud (Book; 1899)
The Jungle, by Upton Sinclair (Novel; 1905)
The Last Waltz (Concert Film; 1977)
The Man Who Sold the World, by David Bowie (Album; 1970)
Rocket to Russia, by the Ramones (Album; 1977)
Symphony No. 1 in C, by Johannes Brahms (Symphony; 1876)
A Very Harold & Kumar 3D Christmas (Film; 2011)
Walking on the Moon, by Police (Song; 1979)
Weird: The Al Yankoic Story (Film; 2022)
Today’s Name Days
Karl (Austria)
Drago, Dragutin, Karlo (Croatia)
Karel (Czech Republic)
Otto (Denmark)
Erla, Erle, Herta (Estonia)
Hertta (Finland)
Aymeric, Charles, Jessé (France)
Charles, Karl, Karla, Modesta (Germany)
Károly (Hungary)
Carlo, Guido, Rosalia (Italy)
Atis, Oto, Otomārs (Latvia)
Eibartas, Karolis, Vaidmina (Lithuania)
Ottar, Otto (Norway)
Emeryk, Karol Boromeusz, Mściwój, Olgierd, Witalis (Poland)
Karol (Slovakia)
Amancio, Carlos (Spain)
Nore, Sverker (Sweden)
Amory, Cara, Carl, Carla, Carley, Carlie, Carlo, Carlos, Carly, Carol, Carolina, Caroline, Carolyn, Carrie, Carroll Charles, Charlie, Chaz Chuck, Emery, Karl, Karla, Karlee, Karli, Karly (USA)
Today is Also…
Day of Year: Day 308 of 2022; 57 days remaining in the year
ISO: Day 5 of week 44 of 2022
Celtic Tree Calendar: Hagal (Constraint) [Day 7 of 28]
Chinese: Month 10 (Lùyuè), Day 11 (Xin-You)
Chinese Year of the: Tiger (until January 22, 2023)
Hebrew: 10 Cheshvan 5783
Islamic: 9 Rabi II 1444
J Cal: 8 Mir; Sunday [8 of 30]
Julian: 22 October 2022
Moon: 86%: Waxing Gibbous
Positivist: 28 Descartes (11th Month) [Hume]
Runic Half Month: Ngetal (Reed) [Day 10 of 15]
Season: Autumn (Day 43 of 90)
Zodiac: Scorpio (Day 13 of 31)
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petnews2day · 7 months
Rabies Alert in Frederick County: Second Cat Tests Positive Near Elementary School
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/nVkPm
Rabies Alert in Frederick County: Second Cat Tests Positive Near Elementary School
The serene streets of Frederick County were jolted by an unsettling discovery this February. A young adult female cat, with a striking coat of light silvery and cream, has become the center of a public health alert. Found in the vicinity of Butterfly Ridge Elementary School, this feline’s unusual and aggressive behavior led to its […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/nVkPm #CatsNews
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Shane Eagle- Mary Mary
Beastrand/Rabie ridge native Shane Eagle has bounced back with another loosie titled “Mary Mary”.
The V Entertainment persona rides the wave of the Shooterkumz beat like a surfboard, crashing down on all the haters that ever doubted his position on the Hip hop scene.
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Shane seems to be on a new page in his rap career, channeling both Sean Don and Drake with his Bounce back/In the Streets inspired flow, a stark detachment from what we saw from his previous solo offering ‘Cutting Corners’
We’re gearing up for The Eagle’s flight as we prepare for Shane’s debut mixtape project.
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Tell us what you think about the joint!
Source: Shane Eagle Soundcloud 
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anotha wwdits headcanon i have is that vampires have different types of bats and that influences how they eat/act
edit: after further research and reading (plus some very helpful comments on this post), i’ve realized the colin robinson headcanon is inaccurate. furthermore, i do believe he’d do it to piss everyone the fuck off and, as the once great john mulaney would say, throw them off their rhythm. thank you <3
lazlo is a barbastelle bat. native to england, they have smushed faces and huge ears. i think lazlo has the largest appetite out of all of them, so he needs the best hearing
nadja would be a mediterranean horseshoe bat!! they got silly little noses and she’s just a silly little vampire (also she most definitely would give you rabies)
nandor is obviously a fruit bat/flying fox. big and hairy? check. looks intimidating but is a huge sweetheart? check. my favorite bat? check! he’s just a big lovebat!! would definitely fly and snuggle against guillermo
now, colin. he’s an energy vampire so he can’t shapeshift right? WRONG!! man turns into a dwarf hamster. my friend used to have one and let me tell you: it was the most annoying piece of shit. he’d naw on everything and eat all the fucking plastic. but at least he’s cute (and hamsters also have a super short expiration date so it lines up). has a stupid plastic ball that doll nadja rolls around to piss him off
bonus: if guillermo were (and SHOULD TOTALLY) to be a vampire, he’d be a cute little mexican free tailed bat!! they have dopey little faces, and their ear ridges kinda look like a knit
i might be the only person that finds bat assigning fun but it’s been rotting in my skull for a while so here we are
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beyondxarda-moved · 7 years
my dog may have given me a black eye
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whattolearntoday · 3 years
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September 28th is...
Drink Beer Day - The day reminds us to enjoy the world’s most popular adult beverage. Beer lovers have more selection than ever before in the ale and lager market. An explosion in the craft beer industry keeps the competition and the flavors robust, churning out new flavors seasonally. Beer connoisseurs quench their thirst with flavors drastically different from their grandfather’s beers. Rootbeer to raspberry, caramel, and hints of herbs all tickle the palate when it comes to artisanal beers.
Good Neighbor Day -  It is a blessing to have a good neighbor, but it is even a greater thing to BE a good neighbor. Good neighbors often become friends. They watch out for each other, lend a helping hand, and are there for advice when asked.  Neighbors offer that cup of sugar when we are short, collect our mail when we are on vacation, watch our homes, and sometimes watch our children and our pets. Simply put, being a good neighbor makes good neighbors and develops lifelong friendships
International Day For Universal Access To Information - This day promotes the idea that every individual around the world has a right to seek and receive information. This right to information is an essential part of the right to freedom of expression. This includes information at all levels, including local, national, and international. The right to information is essential for decision-making, for participating in a democratic government and enhancing transparency. When citizens have access to information on how they are governed, it leads to open and healthy societies. All of this creates a way to fight corruption.
International Poke Day - Celebrates a Hawaiian dish called poke. By the way, it’s pronounced “poh-kay.” Poke is the Hawaiian word for slice or chop. The dish consists of diced raw fish, sea salt, candlenut, seaweed, and limu. In case you’re wondering, limu is a dark green seaweed plant. It’s a traditional ingredient served in many Hawaiian dishes. Poke is one of the main dishes of Native Hawaiian cuisine. Traditionally, the raw fish consists of aku or octopus. Modern-day poke includes either ahi, salmon, or different kinds of shellfish.
North Carolina Day -  The state is filled with beauty from the Blue Ridge Mountains to Cape Fear and up to Kitty Hawk. Along with the beauty, you will find mystery buried in history and nature. Explore the sites of the first powered flight, the disappearance of the Roanoke colonists and with them the first English child born in the New World.
Strawberry Cream Pie Day -  Strawberry cream pie can be made in many different ways. Some recipes use a custard or pudding base with strawberries either folded in or on top. Others are made with cream cheese or whipped cream. Whichever you prefer, the strawberry cream pie is a delicious treat.
Voter Registration Day - Urges citizens to register to vote. Make your vote count!
World Rabies Day - Even though rabies is 100% preventable, people around the world still die from it. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), more than 59,000 people die from rabies each year. Rabid domestic dogs cause over 99% of these deaths. About 95% of all rabies cases occur in Asia and Africa. Rabies is a contagious viral disease of dogs and other mammals. Since rabies transmits through an animal’s saliva to humans, the virus is extremely dangerous. Rabies occurs on every continent except Antarctica. Education is vital for rabies prevention.
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Entry 1: The Outbreak
There was chaos. The subject we were studying, the first human affected with the newest evolution of rabies, attacked one of the scientists. My colleague, Dr. Jackson, and I were in the containment cell when we witnessed a change in the subject.
Everything was normal, it truly was. Until recent discoveries, we only thought this form of rabies only affected animals. Patient Zero was the corpse of a German Shepherd, it died of rabies but the aftereffects were an abnormality; the dog’s eyes had melted and there was black sludge oozing from the sockets and maw.
Later autopsy reports showed that the sludge was mutated blood, becoming a form of hydrofluoric acid, and killing the dog from the inside out. But when a human started showing similar signs as Patient Zero, our lab here in Chipper Ridge was assigned by the military to study the body.
I was the one tasked to study the make up of this new form of rabies, later became known as the Feral Affliction. Dr. Jackson assisted me as we studied the blood.
The body had a deathly pale complexion, common among corpses. But the eyes had melted, possibly as a result of the black sludge? And this sludge, it was everywhere; it would ooze from the eye sockets, the mouth, the pores of the skin. When we cut into it to perform an autopsy, the sludge bubbled and flowed and the internal organs...there was barely any left.
We didn't know what to make of this. We couldn't have know what would come...
The subject awoke. In a manic frenzy. It attacked one of the doctors, like a wild animal. Witnessing the metamorphosis between human and monster... The lab was quick to be infected. I have no clue if Jackson, or anyone else, survived Chipper Ridge.
I fear for what will become of everything, now that Feral Affliction is spreading
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