#rabbid sweetlopek
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randomrabbidramblings · 2 years ago
Woodrow's Disguise
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"Shoot, I'm afraid of heights..."
Before the poetry contest, Woodrow had to make sure he didn't get recognized so he went and showed Sweetlopek his disguise. Test passed and Sweetlopek had a good laugh about the absurdity of the situation (and his friend). Beaver was eyeng Woodrow's stilts, though. That was a strange looking tree.
[I swear I had this drawing in my "to do" list since March, lol. I used a new ink brush for this and finally managed to find some decent looking pattern for the papery texture]
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jasminebelle096 · 1 year ago
Happy Valentines Day 💖
So I made those little sketches a few days ago and I legit forgot to post them
And then yesterday I remembered that tomorrow will be the day of love and I thought "eh, it could actually fit in the theme", so here you go!
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I'm sorry but they are SO cute I want more of them 🥰
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altermentality · 1 year ago
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Friends of the Forest 🍂
A little late for Sparks of Hope's birthday, but not too much! I'll always fondly associate the game with this time of year, due to when it came out and because of my favorite planet therein.
I tried to imitate the style of Woodrow's backstory portraits! This is my first ever time trying to use halftones... I'm really happy with how it came out and hope you enjoy!
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m00nb04rd5 · 3 months ago
Can you do Sweetlopek from Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope please?
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Sweetlopek (Mario + Rabbids Sparks of Hope)
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pearl-crystals · 1 year ago
Doodle Medley :)
Some doodles I've got! I've been drawing a lot but I never share em on here! I've really gotten into Mario and Rabbids and I mostly cannot stop drawing the rabbids and the wardens (mostly Woodrow.)
Ive got a huge surplus of doodles so I hope you enjoy! I hope to draw a few of these bigger! If not, I'm pretty content on how they've turned out :)
Only two of these pictures are based off a tiktok! I am pretty certain you'll be able to tell which one hahaha.
Im adding a read more just because of how many doodles there are. But I hope you enjoy em as much as I do! C:
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This should be end of the doodles for now! Hope you enjoyed em! :)
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randomrabbidramblings · 1 year ago
They would go as far as disguising Sweetlopek's beaver as a cloud (with wood ash to color the fur) and Woodrow's lil' cloud as a beaver (with a brush for the tail and googly eyes), lol.
Cute/silly idea: kid Woodrow and kid Sweetlopek dressing up as eachother for Halloween to confuse everyone in Paletteville (spoiler: it doesn't work, lol).
CUTE!! They totally would!!
"Woody, doncha think our, y'know... our sizes'll give it away?"
"Perish the thought, Sweets. I shall be EVER so good at acting as you, no one will even notice."
(Somehow, he doubts it. But they try anyway.)
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down-the-rabbid-hole · 1 year ago
Okay SO, since y'all seemed to like my idea post I'm gonna ramble about the Borrower Woodrow au! This isn't really a fic nor headcanons it's just me writing down a bunch of ideas for this au
Okay so for those who don't know what borrowers are, the short answer is fairies without wings. They're little creatures that often resemble rodents that live in people's walls or out in forests, and often "borrow" human items (or in this case Rabbid items) such as food and trinkets like buttons, felt, anything really.
They fit PERFECTLY with the aesthetic of pallet prime!! Given they're often shown sometimes living in trees, or using stuff like acorn caps as hats or tree leaves as clothing, there's so many connections to be made!
Anyways back to what you all are probably here for, Woodrow but s m o l
He'd still have his curse! And wouldn't be too different personality wise? He's still a monochromatic poet. But he'd (at least as a kid) be hiding in the town of pallet prime, scavenging and "borrowing" supplies while trying to stay hidden and avoid being stepped on or caught.
I can see him residing in a library of sorts, and after closing time he'd try his best to read the poetry books there, even making a few poems of his own! Though despite his curse...it probably wouldn't go well. Every time Woodrow's curse would cause something bad to happen, the townspeople would blame it on this "spirit of bad luck", which would become basically this urban legend amongst them.
Eventually, Woodrow would've encountered a young Sweetlopek, who immediately thinks Woodrow's a fairy of some kind would try and befriend him, at first Woodrow would try and avoid him out of fear (Sweets is like 20 times his size, can you blame him??), but after getting over his fear of being squashed he'd accept the friend offer!
(also, I can't stop imagining a tiny Woodrow riding around in Sweetlopeks overalls pocket, it's too cute and image)
Part of me wants to say they just stay as friends since then, but the other part has another idea...
Woodrow starts reading Sweets some of the poems he's made, which is of course causing all SORTS of trouble for the townsfolk, one of which managing to trace the chaos to Woodrow (bonus points if it's that one burly Rabbid that punched Woodrow in canon)
That Rabbid connects the dots to the bad luck spirit and Woodrow, causing the townspeople to go into a frenzy trying to catch him, and he unfortunately gets separated from Sweetlopek during this, who's trying to convince the townspeople Woodrow did nothing wrong and didn't wanna hurt anyone.
Meanwhile in the chaos, Woodrow ends up getting fucking TRAMPLED by the mob of angry Rabbids, but somehow escapes into the forest to safety. Where he'll stay for a while to lay low and avoid other Rabbids.
Aaand I'm just gonna stop the post here before WOW it's getting long, I know that was a lot of angst BUT DW THERE'S FLUFF STUFF COMING SOON I PROMISE. Just gotta get the angst out of the way first. Also gonna be renaming this to the Borrower!Woodrow au instead of Borrower!Phandrow au since it's not ENTIRELY Phandrow centered, though there is phandrow in it eventually!
Thank you for coming to my Ted talk
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edges-boots · 2 years ago
Riley Glow Up !! 🪀🧡
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Battle Title: The Gatherer
Technique Name: Guster Spiral ( Requires Rabbid Luigi )
Weapon Name: Yostrictors ( Yo-Yos+Constrictor )
Home Planet: Palette Prime, Daughter of Sweetlopek
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raygirlramblings · 1 year ago
So what is your headcanon for your Daphne x Allegra ship and how would there dynamics work?
SO, a little backstory, this all started with thinking about what happens to the Spark hunters after the events of Sparks of Hope.
With Cursa gone they are pretty much forgotten about, but I'd like to think that Edge would feel some sense of responsibility to make sure they're not completely left out in the cold, especially seeing what happened with Kanya after she went solo. Also Edge got the amazing opportunity to hang out with Mario and friends, and it changed her life. So the other Spark hunters should have the opportunity to make something good of their lives outside of their original design.
So I headcannoned Edge striking out on her own after the Last Spark Hunter/Phantom Show DLC on the Arc with JEANIE, finding the Spark hunters and bringing them to places where they would fit in and their unique skills could be better utilised so they can find fulfilment.
Midnite would end up on the Space Opera Network station, helping Rayman and the Rabbids produce content for the network. I can see her larger than life nature and spotlight craving personality being a huge boon to up the quality of content produced, and also give Ray a break having to wrangle the other rabbids by himself XD
Bedrock would end up on Barrendale Mesa working with Momma. I can see a big, strong girl like Bedrock being a huge help to the building projects in the Mesa, and also getting that mother/daughter bond going with Momma who can validate her. I can just see Bedrock being completely moved anytime Momma compliments her strength ;0;
Kanya I pictured ending up in Palette prime and being semi 'adopted' by Sweetlopek and Dryad. She's still a little chaos gremlin but with the limited tech resources on Palette Prime she is given the chance to mellow out and experience having a family who care for her, something she clearly never had from Cursa or her 'sisters'. Gives her a kind of twisted 'little red riding hood' vibe in the forest setting XD
FINALLY Daphne would end up making a home in Melodic Gardens, a beautiful natural paradise perfect for her more plant-based nature. While the natives are a little spooked by her loud and cheeky personality, Allegra sees Daphne for what she needs. A means of expression and an outlet for her chaotic brand of joy.
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Originally Daphne kinda just wanders off on her own to explore the mesa and start trouble, with Allegra following at a safe distance and keeping an eye on this enigmatic new Rabbid friend. Allegra becomes besotted when Daphne is inspired to sing along with some of the plant life, hearing how free and creative this plant rabbid is in a new environment.
Daphne is 100% aware she's being stalked, and while initially untrusting with a 'I don't need anybody lol' attitude she is taken aback by Allegra's sudden infatuation with her. Daphne believes that as a creation of Cursa she's pretty much an unlovable freak...and she's ok with that! But having a (undeniably gorgeous) Rabbid sincerely telling her how perfect and inspiring she is throws her. She's not used to this kind of love bombing, so she tries to maintain distance by showing off the violent, spiteful trickster she is.
This turns into Daphne deliberately causing more havoc in an attempt to push Allegra away, showing her how 'vile' and 'unlovable' she is. This has little effect (other than causing chaos for the other Mesa residents) until one of Daphne's pranks ends up indirectly hurting Allegra's friend Dorrie.
At this point Allegra snaps out of her revere and fights back, demanding Daphne stop harming her home and friends. This warrior side of Allegra catches Daphne off guard, and sends her packing into the darkest reaches of the mesa to tend her wounds and rethink her plans.
Allegra, still deeply curious about Daphne's true nature goes on her own journey to find her. In the peace and seclusion of the far lands of the Mesa the two rabbids meet up and start to form a more honest relationship. Daphne starts to see the playful beauty of the mesa and vibes with the musical energy, and Allegra comes to understand Daphne's past and how devoid of genuine love it was. She offers Daphne safe refuge in her home, on the condition she stop trying to ruin it for everyone else. She introduced Daphne to the various musical elements of her home, allowing Daphne to find her own vibe and unlocking new sounds and musical combos more suited to her personality.
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Now more in tune with the energy of the Mesa Daphne is welcomed into the community with (tentative) open arms. She's still a prankster and her music choices leave a lot to be desired by the residents, but for the first time in a long time she is happy, and thrives off the love and adoration Allegra gives her. Plus where she originally saw Allegra as a bit of a stick in the mud seeing her grace and warrior devotion to her home helps Daphne view her in a whole new light ♥
Allegra sees Daphne as her muse. Daphne's chaotic tendencies are great for breaking the mould and avoiding art block. The two often spend a lot of time together composing new music, exploring the mesa, and just generally enjoying one another's company.
There are still a few bridges to be mended and barriers that need breaking, but the two are learning from one another and finding comfort in being together ♥
....so yeah that's my long and overthought views on this random pairing I hope you like it AAA
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pixies-and-poets · 1 year ago
I also think Woodrow loves to be touched and held... and is very touch-starved (in canon) without a romantic partner 😢 I like to believe Sweetlopek gives him a lot of big hugs but that's not the entirety of what he wants/needs. There was also some talk around here at some point about his coat being a comfort object for him... One reason for him wearing his big coat all the time and having much more of his body covered than most Rabbids is that he simply likes to feel something against his skin.
But yeah, I'm glad you liked it :D I'm still thinking about the vampire AU on top of all the other things, haha. That one really gets me weak and soft every time...
When Woodrow first comes to live with Lord Phan, he has trouble adjusting to the nocturnal schedule that would allow him to be awake at the same time as his Lord. Sometimes he can't fall asleep in the morning, even with the blood loss. That's when the vampire will lay next to him, gently tracing the lines of his body with his claws. The vampire has the anatomy of veins memorized, like a chef might take special interest in actually learning about his ingredients. He murmurs to the poet the names of all the precious rivers and tributaries through which his blood is currently flowing back and forth, as he traces his claw along the poet's body, from his neck and chest all the way down to his wrists and his hindpaws. Sometimes his fangs are involved too. The fur prickles up all over the writer, but it also puts him to sleep.
Even once he's already drifted off, the vampire will keep going until he's gone through every anatomical path that he knows, feeling the gentle pulses underneath the skin as his darling's heart slows down into slumber. It is an act of reverence.
Oh my God... 🥹
It really reminds me of those ASMR videos where the content creator would have an friend, spouse, or family member with them and they pamper them. 💖
This really hits home for me because Phantom tracing his beloved's neck, chest, arms, and wrists reminded me of my mom lulling me to sleep through back scratching. Also, I tend to gently trace along my own neck, chest, and arms by myself.
I'm a touch-oriented person who's love language is touch, what can I say?
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randomrabbidramblings · 1 year ago
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And then Woodrow shaved and the hair never came back ⁠◕ ⁠೧⁠ ⁠◕
Some Woodrow and Sweetlopek being bros among all the Phandrow chaos that's happening, lol.
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deezeyrabbidy · 2 years ago
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And now for another episode of'Deezey isn't funny'-
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yoshis-island420 · 2 years ago
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Well, since y’all already seen it, thought it would be a good idea to post it here as well :) Sweetlopek my beloved <3 
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pixies-and-poets · 2 years ago
One time I made this, I think it'd make for some good inspiration- 👍
YES, I want to watch a cooking show by Sweetlopek... I know he's a down to earth guy but based on his reactions trying to chop things when he didn't have his axe, he would actually be completely unhinged and animated every time something went wrong-
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(He is determined to pretend something is still good after overcooking it)
Now! I'm gonna make a "to draw" tag I can revisit when I have time, instead of just hanging on to asks for months 😅
I really should draw more of those two in general, because I should actually draw a canon couple I love when it's given to me instead of a crackship all the time djajkakka
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hostess-of-horror · 2 years ago
@bramble-scramble Oooh, that reminds me! I have yet to tell you about @minnesotamedic186 and I talked about Sweetlycan (Werewolf!Sweetlopek)!
The cloak pictured above would be worn by Dryad in her Maiden form, as she approaches the now transformed lumberjack werewolf. Instead of being viciously attacked, Dryad lends out her caring hand towards Sweetlycan... and he headbutts her hand.
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I like to think Dryad can calm animals down very easily, and considering this is the Rabbid who she loves so dearly, she wouldn't need to trap him or do anything drastic.
Imagine going through the Spellbound Woods during a full moon (despite many of the villagers' warnings) and coming across an ethereal nature spirit petting a massive werewolf while it rests on her lap.
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Autumn Cloak // Amy Rushworth on Etsy
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pearl-crystals · 1 year ago
Doodles Dump Cake
Another compiled post of doodles! These are ones I want to either make into big pictures or just had tons of fun doing.
There is a ton and my phone was acting weird trying to upload these. So heads up if you are having any trouble. If you are let me know!
I hope you enjoy em!!
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