#r6s blitz smut
itsohh · 2 years
Hello! First of all i just wanna say that r6 fics that you do are just perfect ❤️ and i just wanna give a big thanks for writing for this fandom. On to my request can you write something for our boy Blitz? Maybe like smut where he arrives back from a Misson and just wants to give out steam? Or smth along those line. If you could i would be grateful :3 again thank you for the work that you do and also take care of yourself!!
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ahhh thank you for the support darling! I do love writing for this fandom even though its uh highkey a bit dead. I (kinda) look after myself dw. said request can be found here I hope u enjoy it even tho its kinda short
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angelaiswriting · 4 years
The Contest (1 of 7) | some R6S guys x fem!reader
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✏️ Pairing: Bandit / Blitz / Glaz / Jäger / Tachanka x fem!reader
✏️ Summary: Dominic Brunsmeier can’t keep his goddamn mouth shut when it comes to eating pussy, and that’s how Y/N found herself being drafted to be the judge of this pussy-eating contest. (Straight out of a dream @kind-wolf​ had)
✏️ A/N: I... ehm, am a hoe, whoops 🙊 y’all, enjoy! Thank you, Alice, for always having great dreams and for letting me write about this. 🥰 The first actual part is coming soon, I just want to write a bit more of part four to avoid dishing everything out now and making you wait for the rest.
✏️ Warnings: nothing yet, but still 18+ only for sexual themes (oral sex f/r) being discussed.
✏️ Word-count: 1,937
✏️ The links to the other parts are in the masterlist linked in my bio.
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THE CONTEST  |  >> part two: elias >>
When Y/N entered the lounge room, the conversation was already flowing and as she was already tired from the testosterone-filled day spent at the practically almost empty base, she didn’t make much of an effort to join it. She simply reached the alcohol cabinet, poured herself some whiskey, and sat down in one of the empty armchairs, ready to allow her drink and her friends’ voices in the background to fully relax her.
The day she had ahead was another one of those boring days. She was base-bound for the time being: other teams had been sent on various missions and only a bunch of operators had been left behind “on hold”. It wasn’t that bad: it meant having some days off, but those days often felt way too long and their emptiness brought up a heavy boredom she didn’t always know how to banish.
Her head had just leaned back against the cool faux leather of the armchair when her ears picked up bits of the conversation the boys were having and her eyebrows furrowed.
“Eating pussy is not a hobby,” Glaz was saying matter-of-factly.
Y/N’s eyes shot open, and the sip of whiskey that was halfway down her throat almost choked her.
“That’s something someone who doesn’t know how to eat pussy would say,” was Dominic’s reply. His eyebrows were knitted together and his lips almost pursed in disbelief at what his friend had just said. But then, when his gaze swept over and settled on Y/N, sitting right opposite him with the low coffee table separating them, his expression relaxed and his free hand, the one not holding his beer, came up to stroke his beard. “Have you ever eaten pussy so good you start considering learning how to breathe out of your ears?” he said and although he wasn’t talking directly to her, he was talking about her. He had told her just that a couple of weeks ago; he had groaned those words right against the chafed and tender skin of her inner thighs as she was still shivering with the aftershocks of her umpteenth orgasm, and she had breathlessly chuckled out loud at the mental picture that concept had painted in her mind.
At that, Marius laughed, a sound right from deep down his throat as Elias coughed in the attempt not to choke on his own drink. “You know no discretion.”
“Of course not! This motherfucker just said eating pussy can’t be considered a hobby!” Burning with disbelief, Dominic took a long sip of his beer and as he did so, he settled better in his armchair and allowed his ankles to cross as he rested his feet on the coffee table. “You learn how to eat delicious, juicy pussy, Glazkov,” he continued, the corners of his mouth curling upwards, “and then we’ll see if you still don’t change your mind.”
Timur groaned something in Russian and Alex cackled next to him. “I already know how to eat pussy, Christ. I bet I’m even better than you at it. You’re just boasting, but it’s all smoke in the eyes.”
Alexsandr proclaimed his agreement with a raise of his drink and before Dominic had the time to speak again, Y/N intervened, hoping to put an end to the discussion.
“Are you guys really arguing about your oral skills?” she scoffed, pulling her knees closer as her head leaned back against the headrest of the armchair. “How old are you, fifteen?”
“Listen, you know I’m right.” Dominic’s insistence threatened to make her smile, but hiding it was easy behind the rim of her tumbler. “You have to get down eye-level with your woman’s pussy and give it your fucking best. If you don’t go down on her like that’s the best thing you’ll ever do in your days, then you better leave the room to the pro.”
“Who, you?” Marius scoffed, eyeing his friend up and down before rolling his eyes at his Well, yeah, of course.
“Oh, fuck off. What are you, the self-proclaimed Cunnilingus Lord?”
“I don’t see anyone else worthy of that title here, so yeah, sure.”
There was a sudden uproar of “You clearly haven’t seen my women with me between their legs,” and “I’m sure you don’t even know where the clit is,” until Glaz’s voice seemed to drown out the others.
“You’re so full of bullshit, Brunsmeier.”
“I won’t let a child with his mom’s milk still on his upper lip insult me!” And while everyone’s words felt heavy and tense in the silence of the base, they all knew it was just a way to tease each other in the vain attempt to liven things up in these days’ placidity. Maybe an impromptu fight was just what they needed to have some fun.
But then, as Timur and Dominic stared each other down, Y/N’s soft laughter catalyzed the men’s attention onto something else. “I can’t believe you’re really about to fight over this. Why don’t you just sit in a circle and jerk each other off? The tension in here is palpable. When was the last time y’all had an orgasm?” She smirked and when she turned and caught Alex’s almost-shocked facial expression, something she never thought she’d one day see at the mention of sex, she chuckled some more. “You should place bets, and then come back and see who’s actually the best. The winner wins the money and the title of Cunnilingus Lord.” It was a joke, one she didn’t think would have a follow-up.
Silence ensued, and she would swear she could hear their brains work at maximum capacity as they mulled over her words. She knew how filthy-mouthed and filthy-minded these men could be — and she had spent more time with them than she had ever done before the past week — but it was still somewhat surprising to catch them red-handed as they fought about who had it bigger — or, in this case, who ate pussy out the best.
“What about a contest?” was Alexsandr’s proposal. He was sitting with his legs spread open and his hands in-between them, still holding onto his shot glass.
Everyone seemed to agree on his proposal and for a moment, as they spoke their minds, Y/N let her eyes close once more: if they wanted to challenge each other to a stupid contest, let them. The peace didn’t last long, though, because at some point, just as she was contemplating a nice bath instead of a shower before hitting the sack, someone called her name, and her eyes shot open just in time to see Dominic’s mischievous grin before it disappeared for good.
“I was saying,” he spoke up again, voice slow and measured as his feet came to rest on the floor and his legs spread a little wider, catching her eye, “that you would make an excellent judge.”
“And a partial one,” complained Marius, to which Dominic complained with a But she loves getting head! “We all know you two spend more time in the same bed than you do in separate rooms.”
She scoffed at that, more annoyed at the thought that someone would think she’d make someone else win on purpose than she was at the fact that she had just been brought into such a game. “Just because I’ve seen his dick more than I’ve seen yours doesn’t mean I don’t know how to judge good oral skills.” She frowned.
“It’s settled then.” Timur was grinning and his eyes seemed to twinkle under the lights of the room. “We eat you out, and you proclaim the winner.”
“Slow down, I never said I’d participate in your silly game.”
“But you also didn’t seem that opposed to it a second ago,” Dominic remarked. He was smirking again, and she knew he had something in mind. “You make the rules, and drop out if things start getting uncomfortable.”
“Yeah, no hard feelings,” Elias smiled, trying to look more innocent than she knew he was. “We care about you; you know we’d never push anything that could cause you discomfort.”
She eyed them all, one after the other, pondering the pros and cons of having these five men’s faces between her legs and not because of some chokehold during training. She had no problem saying yes to Dominic — she had been saying yes to him for longer than she could actually recall, and he had never disappointed. But it still felt rather weird to know that while it was just sex and they weren’t exclusive, that man was okay with that. He knew how to be possessive, but he wasn’t exactly jealous, and although they had never talked about it, she had never thought of him as someone who would share so willingly.
Unless his ego was at stake, though, apparently.
“There won’t be any dick involved,” she decided eventually. “I don’t know about clothes yet, but if I say you must keep them on, you will keep them on, understood?”
There followed a chorus of Yes, Ma’am and although her body relaxed against the leather of her armchair, she found herself squeezing her thighs together.
“No toys allowed, but fingers are fair game,” she added. “Scratch that, their use is highly encouraged. We can do it anywhere you want as long as it’s somewhere private. But absolutely no exhibitionism: there’s only going to be me and one of you in the room at a time. Only one person in a day, for God’s sake, I have other things to do other than being the judge for your stupid game.”
“Deal,” was Elias and Timur’s rushed reply and they exchanged a look at the simultaneity of the action.
“I’m not done,” she chuckled, shaking her head. “I’d say the rule is only one orgasm per participant but if you’re good at it — and you’ll understand it from my reaction —, you have free reign to give me another.” It was a plain attempt at riling Dominic up because it had been clear, just a few moments ago, that he thought he was the best, la crème de la fucking crème when it came to giving head to a woman, and a sick part of her wished she could be able to challenge him that tad bit more. “I don’t care about the order you decide to follow, that’s your business. I’d just like for you to let me know at least the day prior, so that if I’m busy with something Rainbow, we can reschedule.” She sat back for a moment, thinking of something else to add, but she came up empty-ended. “Now, if you accept these rules, you’re in, otherwise forget about getting close to my pussy.”
They all agreed, and they all promised they’d be good boys and behave.
“What’s the final prize?” Alexsandr inquired after a while, almost absent-mindedly.
“The knowledge that the winner is the best in this room at eating pussy? I thought that would be enough,” she laughed. “You can bet real money, that’s your business. But,” and she stared right in Dominic’s eyes as she prepared herself for what was to leave her lips, “another go between my legs could be put up for grabs.”
Dominic’s That’s out of discussion! put the others’ exclamations of jubilee to silence. “You go down on her only once, you fuckers. That’s it.”
Her grin at his reaction only widened when Timur spoke up again.
“What are you worried about?” And then, to the others, barely holding back his laughter, “Maybe the expert isn’t really that great after all.”
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Feedback is always welcome if you want to drop old me a line 💛
Original pic used: https://www.pexels.com/photo/white-clouds-and-blue-sky-4870972/
TAGS (to be added to or to be removed from any list, shoot me an ASK)
Everything: @idhrenniel @saibh29 @fuckthatfeeling @aya-fay @pebblesz892  @mblaqgi​ @becs-bunker
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r6s-imagines · 5 years
👀 can you do GSG9's nastiest kinks too?
i’m beyond afraid of what i’ve started.
fun fact! i’ve never written smutty stuff before!
gsg9 preference >> kinks
warnings: SMUT, cursing, harm
summary: what are the members of gsg9’s nastiest kinks?
bodily fluids.
cum, sweat, urine, blood, anything.
the easiest way to wipe that smirk off his face is to spit a large wad of saliva onto his cock during head.
sometimes, he’d simply watch you train during your workout times. seeing your skin glow from the sweat gets him uncomfortably hard.
he’d never willingly draw blood from you, but if you happen to cut your finger, he’d take it in his mouth and gently suck, not breaking eye contact.
speaking of bleeding, he couldn’t care less if you’re on your period, he’d still eat you out.
please, please, please let him cum on your stomach, he loves watching the liquid flow down your sides as you lay on your back.
he’ll laugh out it when he’s not in the mood, but in the bedroom he’s a lust demon.
“damn, you’re hot with my cum all over you.”
you guessed it, electricity.
after finding out how dangerous his devices are, he’s learned when things are taken too far and opts for low watts in the bedroom.
valentine’s day, you got him a sexual device, and he almost immediately begged to use it
you’ve never seen him that excited about anything.
blow him while the clamps sends pulses to his nipples, and he’ll topple over the edge before his pants are entirely off.
“agh—FUCK! keep going, baby.”
if you opted for it, you’d try it too.
same situation; he’ll eat you out and send pulses to your nipples.
if you hadn’t met dominic, you wouldn’t have known how attracted to the concept you were.
when the moment’s right, he’ll always bring out the device, smirking.
she’d never attempt it if you hadn’t known
monika waits until you’re half-awake, pressing herself against you.
she trains all day and works all night, there’s hardly time to find her release.
she’ll slink into bed, watching your sleeping form with an overbearing lust.
“were you dreaming of me?”
monika would run her hands along your body, pleasuring you in a half-awake state. your moans and squirms were enough to send her over the edge.
she specifically asked you to catch her by surprise, to reach over in the middle of the night to run your finger across her folds.
she grinds against your hand, suddenly wide awake.
she needs this excitement in her life in between her intense agenda
you’re just what she needs to take the edge off.
call him every name you have to offer.
please please please pull his hair while he’s giving.
scratches, bites, bruises, he loves the thrill of having to conceal them all.
normally he’d consider himself a switch, but something about the sight of you riding his cock makes him crave more
you start to believe he’s internalizing your words, so you pull him aside to discuss it
“i’m okay,” he insists. “we’re both consenting adults, this is something i want.”
marius becomes unbelievably horny unbelievably fast
sometimes, in public, you’d sit on his lap or press your foot against his growing bulge from under the table, smirking.
“be a good boy and you can cum,” you’d offer, endlessly jerking him off. his abdomen twitched and his panting became heavy.
“pl—please! i’ve been good—“
many times, he’s pulled you into a closet or bathroom to satisfy his needs
you walk out smug, he walks out marked up.
he’s never considered that he had a mommy/daddy kink, since he would usually top
but seeing you call yourself mommy/daddy as he’s close to climaxing has been a real adventure.
he also enjoys overstimulation, feeling too much in too little time
post-orgasm torture!
place a vibrator on his dick, blow him after he let out his load, anything to keep the pleasure going
one of the most intense people in bed, despite being a bottom
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wastedr00k · 6 years
blitz | phone call [ smut ] [ m ]
clutching your phone tighter, your heart rate increased as your eyes roamed over the screen with a picture that Elias just sent you. this little shit knew how to push all your buttons, especially now that he's overseas on a mission.
just as you were about to give your boyfriend a call, his name popped up on your screen as your phone vibrated in your hands and without a second hesitation, you picked up as your ears filled with Elias's cheeky voice.
"hello darling," his teasing voice came through as his words were almost melody like, "did you like the pictures that i sent you?"
even without seeing his face, you knew that he had his signature smirk plastered all over his handsome features, maybe he already had his hands palming his crotch through his underwear.
"why do you always do this, teasing me when you're away." you groaned at the thought of not being able to see him anytime soon.
"awh what's wrong, did the picture make my needy boyfriend turned on? it's alright baby, i've already touched myself to the thought of you at least three times. i'll come home in the same uniform and let you peel it off me."
reaching down to your crotch, you slowly started to palm your half hard cock through the think fabric of your boxers, "i'm going to give it to you hard when you get back, i'll go for days, pounding into that tight hole till all you can think about is me and my dick."
Elias let out a moan that went straight to you cock, pushing it to it's full hardness, "oh baby, you got me all flustered, wanna cum with you on the phone.." he whined and you heard the sheets shuffle through the phone, "i miss you so much, my body misses you so fucking much."
tracing the outline of your cock with your fingers as pre cum started to pool at the top, soaking your boxers, "yeah? tell me how much you miss all of me, i want to hear it from my greedy boy." your fingers clutching your phone tighter as you hear Elias's breath become more and more uneven.
"i miss you so much, i can't sleep without cumming to the thought of your thick cock filling me to the brim, my hole misses you so much," his breath hitched as he let out puffs of air, "please please let me touch my hole sir.."
even through phone sex, Elias knew his place, he had the rules that you laid out for him at the top of his fingertips, always asking for permission before going further.
"slowly touch the tip of you cock baby, slowly like i would, taking my time to tease you," the image of Elias's playing with himself flashed through your mind, making you pull down your boxers and let your already erect cock spring up, "but don't play with your tight hole yet baby, we'll get there later, if you're a good boy."
his uneven breath reaching your ears, "i-i'm a good boy! only for you, please let me touch my cock fully, i'll be a good boy.." as Elias started to ramble on, you heard him shuffle around once again, "sir please.. i'm on my knees already.."
"tell me what you want, if you don't tell me, i wouldn't know how to treat you when you get back. do you want me to eat you out and make you cum just from that or you want me to play with your tits?" by this time your forehead was covered in a thin layer of sweat and you hands gripping on your erection and pumping up slowly.
"you know what i want, don't make me say it.." Elias whined as he started to slowly rut against the bed sheet but stopped after remembering the rules.
"well, i can just stop here and hang up the phone to let you deal with yourself on your own." and to reinforce your threat, you pulled the phone away from your lips to let your voice sound more and more distant.
"no!" Elias's protest was so loud that you could hear his voice ripping through your phone despite it being quite far away from your ears.
"go ahead baby, tell your daddy what you want."
"i- i want you to eat me out for hours as you tease my cock, i want to feel your tongue in me.. i feel so empty without you inside me, without you pushing me down to fuck me whenever you want. i want you to play with my tits like you always do, pinching and sucking on them, oh fuck sir.." Elias moaned out as he slowly traced his fingers closer and closer to his pucker, "sir please, let me finger myself, i need it so bad.."
you hummed and ignored his pleas, wanting to hear him beg again, it was like music to your ears, your hands speeding up the pumping. and sure enough, Elias's pleas came through the phone again.
"daddy can you hear your baby? i need something inside me so badly, but nothing compares to your thick cock or your sly tongue, please please let your baby boy touch himself." his whines were absolutely delicious.
"go ahead baby, let your master hear how much of a needy slut you are." you growled as your fingers traced over the tip of your cock, collecting the pre cum that was pooling at the top and spreading it over the head of your erection.
Elias let out a moan as he pushed two fingers in at once, his hips pushing back onto his fingers as he grinded his cock against his palm, "it feels so good, thank you sir. you fucked me so much that i can fit two fingers in at the first go, but i want you to open me more when i get back, want to feel you cum inside me, want to feel your cock splitting me open even more, want to feel all of you."
your breath hitched as your hand pumped faster, feeling your climax reaching soon thanks to your boyfriend's words, "more baby, i'm going to cum soon."
Elias's eyes perked up at the thought of you cumming, "i want it, i want your cum, i'll be your filthy boy and take it all. oh fuck i want to feel you fill me up with your warm cum and i'll sit on your face as you eat me out one more time, this time with your cum dripping out of me, knowing that you claimed me as yours once again."
his words spurring you closer and closer to the edge, "fuck baby boy, i'm gonna cum, gonna fill that tight hole with my cum, breeding you like a bitch, you want that baby?"
Elias let out a 'yes' as he breath quickened as well his his moans becoming more and more high pitched.
"bet you do, you're my personal cum dump." you growled and pumped your cock faster and faster, "i'm gonna cum baby, take it all.."
"yes sir, please please fill me up and breed me, i'm all yours, my slutty hole can't wait anymore, fill me up with your cum sir!" Elias begged and soon, he let out a cry of pleasure as his cum spilled all over the sheets, his hole clenching around his fingers like it would around your cock whenever he cum.
and you followed suit, closing your eyes as you imagined that you boyfriend riding you as you filled him up, painting his insides white and claiming him once again, your cum spilling onto your chest as you started to slowly recover from your orgasm.
"baby? are you still there?" Elias asked, concern in his voice.
letting out a sigh, you replied, "yeah baby i'm still here, god that was amazing."
chuckling, Elias make a kissing noise, "of course it was, you better make sure it happens when i get back."
"bet. didn't know that my baby was this filthy, makes me want to see the side of you even more." you teased as you reached for the tissues near your be to wipe the cum off your chest.
"only for you, baby, only for you." Elias smirked, "but all things aside, i love you so much."
"i love you too baby, with all my heart. how long more till you get back?"
"a week more baby, then we can spend three months together without any interruptions." Elias promised.
"a week it is baby, can't wait to see you and come home in that uniform okay?"
Elias let out a gasp, "of course i will, but please don't tear it apart. i won't know how to explain it to my group mates."
you chuckled, "no promises baby, you look so good in that uniform, all tight around your gorgeous body, especially around your tits."
"they are not tits! i'm just muscular that's it!" Elias exclaimed, huffing out in anger.
"yeah sure baby, keep telling yourself that."
"it's not tits! i'm gonna smack you when i get back!"
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that---one---kid · 4 years
Lecteur Bandit x
Domonic vous a poussé brutalement sur le lit. Les draps en satin groupés autour de vous, l'éclairage crépusculaire vous donnant une lueur céleste. Vous avez fait un sourire narquois et vous vous êtes léché les lèvres, vous sentant un peu malicieux, vous décidez de taquiner un peu Domonic. D'une voix trempée de miel, tu as poussé un léger gémissement, "Dom, tu vas me baiser?" Vous le dites avec une telle innocence, de grands yeux E / C regardant Domonic. Vous déplacez ensuite lentement vos mains le long de votre torse, puis remontez vers votre abdomen et saisissez vos seins C / S, en les pressant légèrement et en laissant échapper un autre léger gémissement. En entendant vos mots, Domonic se penche vers votre oreille, repoussant quelques mèches de cheveux lâches. "Tu as raison, Zucker" dit Domonic d'une voix rauque et trace un doigt le long de ton pyjama ample en soie. Il s'arrête au petit nœud rose sur le short gris autrement uni. En levant les yeux vers vous, il émet un sourire narquois puis abaisse son short. Un petit halètement s'échappe de vos lèvres, et Domonic prend cela comme un bon signe.
Votre main se dirige vers son menton, penchant sa tête vers le haut, vous ne voyez rien d'autre que de la convoitise sur le visage de Domonic. Il ne peut tout simplement pas s'en empêcher! La façon dont vos doigts délicats l'ont touché, seulement pour lever les yeux et vous voir avec un visage rouge et un pantalon léger, vous aviez l'air si désespéré. Il l'aimait. Domonic plongea rapidement la tête en bas pour embrasser votre monticule pubien à travers votre jolie culotte en dentelle blanche. "A-ah, D-dOm" Ta douce voix ne fait que contraindre Domonic à s'embrasser plus bas, jusqu'à ce qu'il soit à ton clitoris. Domonic fait tourbillonner sa langue autour du bourgeon sensible, Domonic fredonne et vous jetez votre tête en arrière et gémissez, votre respiration devenant plus inégale. "DOMONIC! A-Ri-droite theRE!" Vos yeux sont fermés incroyablement serrés pendant que vous gémissez. Domonic se lève pour admirer votre état vulnérable et tremblant. Vous gémissez à la perte de contact et vous craquez les yeux juste assez pour voir Domonic se lécher les lèvres avidement.
«Dom? Votre voix est à peine audible. Domonic enlève sa chemise et accroche ses pouces autour de la ceinture de votre culotte. Lentement, il les fait descendre sur vos jambes S / C. Une fois qu'il a atteint vos chevilles, il les glisse et vous embrasse la jambe jusqu'à ce qu'il atteigne l'intérieur de la cuisse la plus haute. Vous laissez échapper un souffle tremblant alors que Domonic commence à lécher autour de votre ouverture. «Dom, tu vas faire quelque chose? Ou juste me taquiner? Vous haletez. Dominic fredonne et utilise son pouce pour brosser votre clitoris. «Ne t'inquiète pas, Liebling, je vais prendre soin de toi? Dit Domonic. Rampant au-dessus de vous, Domonic se pencha et passa ses lèvres sur votre cou. «Tu m'as manqué, Dom. Votre voix n'est rien de plus qu'un murmure entre les doux gémissements et les gémissements. Domonic fredonne et suce votre sweet spot. Vous laissez échapper un gémissement et enroulez vos jambes autour du torse de Domonic. «Tu m'as manqué aussi, Meine Liebe,» dit Domonic contre la courbe de ton épaule et de ton cou.
Domonic a déplacé ses mains calleuses sous votre chemise. En les laissant courir sur votre peau douce, un steak contraste avec le slim plus vieux et plus patiné de Domonic. Les mains de Dom se dirigèrent vers vos seins souples, les pressant à nouveau, Domonic remonta votre chemise pour exposer votre poitrine. Vous frissonniez à l'air frais. Domonic a commencé à s'embrasser dans la vallée de vos seins, jusqu'à votre ventre, et finalement de nouveau à votre chatte. Domonic regarda l'ouverture lisse et se lécha les lèvres. «C'est déjà mouillé, Liebling? Il gloussa et passa son pouce sur votre ouverture. "Seulement pour toi, Dom." Vous dites à bout de souffle et frappez vos cils sur lui. Bourdonnant de joie, Domonic se penche, son souffle chaud pique votre oreille et sa voix rauque et remplie de désir vous fait vous tortiller. "Heureux que je te rende aussi excitée." Domonic vous mord l'oreille et insère lentement son majeur dans votre chatte.
Vous vous détendez lorsque vous sentez son doigt frôler votre point G. Un autre soupir tremblant vous quitte alors qu'il commence à ajouter son annulaire. Les poivrons Domonic s'embrassent de votre mâchoire jusqu'à ce qu'il atteigne votre bouche. Tandis que vous étiez distrait, Dom a commencé à ciseler son doigt, qui était toujours enfoui dans votre chatte chaude. "D-mmh-dom, cendres" tu as haleté entre les baisers. "Chut, chut, Liebling, je vais prendre soin de toi ~" Domonic vous donne un dernier baiser avant de vous lever. Tu gémis de la perte de plaisir que ses doigts te procuraient. Domonic décroche sa ceinture et abaisse son pantalon et son boxer. Rampant sur vous, Domonic recommence à vous ciseler pendant que vous écrivez avec plaisir sous lui. «Êtes-vous prêt, Liebling? Questions domoniques. Vous pouvez sentir son érection frotter contre votre jambe. "L'amour bien sûr." Vous dites.
Votre souffle se bloque et vous sentez votre rythme cardiaque s'accélérer lorsque vous sentez la bite de Domonic frotter contre votre chatte. Les gémissements de Domonic, la sensation de ta fente humide et chaude contre sa bite raide sont presque trop à supporter. Il attrape vos deux cuisses et les écarte brutalement, "Vous êtes tous à moi, Liebling." Grogne Domonic. Votre tête est rejetée en arrière, le cou exposé, et vous laissez échapper un autre gémissement bruyant. C'est vrai, Dom, tout à toi. »Dites-vous dans un gémissement haletant. Domonic commence à pousser la tête de sa queue à l'intérieur de vous. Dom laisse échapper un gémissement, c'était presque comme si vous le suçiez. Peu importe le nombre de fois baisé, vous semblez toujours être plus serré que la dernière fois.
Lentement, Domonic s'est poussé à fond. Haletant, vous laissez échapper un grincement alors que les lèvres de Dom rencontrent à nouveau votre cou. Après quelques secondes à vous laisser vous adapter à sa taille, Dom commence à pomper et à sortir de vous. La façon dont vos murs le pressaient était céleste, et Domonic n'hésitait pas à exprimer ses pensées. "Scheiße, tu te sens tellement bien, O / N." Domonic à moitié grogne à moitié gémit en vous enfonçant. Pendant ce temps, vous n'êtes rien d'autre qu'un gémissement, haletant et rougissant. "A-ah, do-aah" Vous êtes à peine capable de vous empêcher de jouir, il est hors de question de faire des mots cohérents. Domonic déplace sa main gauche de votre hanche à votre bouche et obtient une meilleure vue de cette «bouche magique», comme il aime l'appeler. "Vous savez, vous devriez vraiment utiliser vos mots, -" Domonic se rapproche de votre oreille, "Liebling" Sa voix rauque murmure le dernier mot, vous rapprochant de votre orgasme. Domonic se déplace pour hisser votre jambe gauche par-dessus son épaule, avec une meilleure position, Domonic commence à vous percuter à un rythme exténuant. Sentir Dominic encore plus profondément était si bon que cela vous a fait pleurer. "DoM! Un heh-je suis je-cuM!" Vous dites juste à temps. Domonic laisse échapper un grognement alors que votre chatte se resserre et des spasmes autour de lui. Bientôt, les poussées de Domonic deviennent de plus en plus erratiques jusqu'à ce qu'il vous frappe une dernière fois et laisse échapper un gémissement étranglé.
0 notes
thefishychicken · 4 years
Rainbow Six Tag
I was tagged by @r6shippingdelivery and haven’t done these in awhile so I just wanted to
Name: Suzie. Mr. Suzie if you’re nasty
Nationality: Bolivian-American
Pc or console: PC
Time played: 390
Highest rank: I played ranked the first month I got the game, got something low and then dropped to Copper IV. Never did it again
Defense or attack: I like attacking more, but do better on defense
Mains: Blitz, Jäger, Iana, Valk
Favorite female voice: Hibana because she sounds so smug at times
Favorite male voice: Blitz
Favorite ctu: GSG 9 all the way!
Favorite gun: MPX or FMG-9
Favorite gamemode: Secure
Season started in: White Noise
Favorite ship: You can talk me into loving anything, but most like Monty/Bandit because @kiruuuuuuu sold me on their dynamic
Least favorite ship: Fuze/ Jäger
Do you write about r6? If so, who and what?
If you call fics about crack ships and random smut ideas writing, then yes
Do you (want to) do cosplay? If so who?
I have cosplayed in the past, I did a Slutty Blitz for a gaming convention @swordliger and I went to
Do you draw r6? If so, what?
I keep wanting to get into drawing but everything I do is a mess so and my perfectionism won’t let me attempt anything I’m not perfect at so...
Do you use vc ingame?
Yes, unless there’s someone who thinks I’m a girl because then I just let them live their fantasy.
Do you cope with stressfull situations well?
Yes if it’s short-term. My brain is really good at ignoring all other things and just focusing on the stressors until it goes away. The problem is when the stress is long-term, because then it leads me to ignore tasks that are vital to my well-being
Do you rather play solo or with friends?
Friends because you know I’m a social Suzie who needs someone to talk to
Do you do anything special with others in the fandom?
Anything special? I run a blog that does some writing events throughout the year, but other than that not much.
Do you have a r6 oc? If so give a short bio!
My OC, Dante, is the only one I have for Siege. He is a brilliant scientist who has helped pioneer the field of bacteriophage therapy. The downside is that a lot of people don’t like working with him because they think he’s childish. His gadget gives him temporary immunity to toxic Smoke grenades and Lesion mines.
I don’t know who to tag that hasn’t already done this. I guess @swordliger @dagoth-menthol and @steamclouds
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angelaiswriting · 4 years
The Contest (2 of 7) | some R6s guys x fem!reader
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✏️ Pairing: Blitz x fem!reader
✏️ Summary: Dominic Brunsmeier can’t keep his goddamn mouth shut when it comes to eating pussy, and that’s how Y/N finds herself being drafted to be the judge of this pussy-eating contest. Elias is the first to go. (Straight out of a dream @kind-wolf​ had)
✏️ A/N: I'm a bundle of nerves, but enjoy :’) the next part should be up on Sunday if my internet doesn’t die again.
✏️ Warnings: 18+ only (oral f/r, fingering)
✏️ Word-count: 2,868
✏️ The links to the other parts are in the masterlist linked in my bio.
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<< part one: the contest <<  |  PART TWO: ELIAS  |  >> part three: timur >>
The boys had given her a full day to lucidly think things through and quit the contest if she so felt like, but the truth was, it was almost exhilarating to find herself in such a position. Dom had talked her through her doubts and when she had gone to bed the night after the agreement was made, she had felt a sort of relief she couldn’t exactly explain. They were all friends and while they were about to meet her in such an intimate situation, she knew they respected her enough not to bring the topic up again if that was what she wanted.
The first to go would be Elias and while, really, Y/N should have expected it, his warning message had come as a surprise last night. He hadn’t told her over the pizzas they had all shared in front of the huge flat screen of the common area, and she was grateful for that: she knew she would have spent the rest of the dinner thinking about inappropriate things or too lost in her own mind, and part of her thought he knew that, too.
But when morning finally came, the hours bled slowly one into the other as she waited for the afternoon to come. She had some papers to finish revising from tests Jäger had run over her gear and while she had tried to give them her best and focus all the attention she could muster into doing things right, the thought that she had somewhere to be later that day and the fact that her fuck buddy — as he had so politely reminded her — had put all his energies into teasing her had made the wait excruciating.
By the time Elias came to pick her up, she was staring at the file in her hands without actually seeing it, her mind worlds away from being in the present. It was just black symbols on white sheets of paper and she couldn’t seem to be able to decipher them for the life of her.
“Y/N?” Her name being called by him made her jolt in her seat and the pen she had balanced between her index and middle finger fell onto the table and almost rolled down to the floor. “If you’re still busy, I can wait,” he said, eyeing the scattered sheets of paper in front of her. She had taken up most of the table’s surface without even realizing so.
But she was quick at complaining, “No!” And while she didn’t say I’ve been waiting enough all day, he must have still read it in her eyes and in the abruptness of her movements as she stood up and quickly gathered her things. “I’m ready. I’m done here anyway,” she lied.
His room was strangely tidy when he led her inside. She had seen it a few times already — and not because she had ever slept with him, be it clear, although she had thought about it once or twice, before things had started moving between her and Dominic — and she knew how messy it could get in there, with clothes strewn over the back of a chair and pieces of equipment lying pretty much in all the most disparate places. And whether or not that stupid pussy-eating contest had given him the excuse he was waiting for to put everything in order and clean his dorm for once, she didn’t know but the squeeze in her heart could have been the right sign of how touched and how grateful she was for that.
“The guys and I thought our dorms would be the best place to, you know, do it,” he said as he quietly closed the door behind his back. “Or yours, if you wanna do it there. I didn’t think of asking…”
She shook her head and smiled at him. For some odd reason, the only man she’d bring up to her room for sex was Dominic, and even though she didn’t say that, there was this lingering feeling in her guts that they knew — whether because Dom had told them, or threatened them, or neither of those options. “Your rooms are fine. What you should do, though,” she smiled as she took a step closer to him, “is stop worrying and warm me up for it instead. I’ve never…”
“Yeah, it’s the first time for me as well,” he chuckled when her voice trailed off. He picked her up from behind her thighs and quickly moved over to his bed before kneeling on it. Her laughter ringed in his ear as her lips brushed right against his skin. “You said kissing and touching were okay. Is that rule still up?”
He had laid her down on the mattress, and her head seemed to sink for an inch into his pillows as she stared up at him, her legs still wrapped around his waist. She contemplated giving him an actual answer, but what better way than just cupping his face and bringing his lips to hers?
She had expected him to be hungry and playful, the way he had been once during one of the games they had all played, but he started off unhurriedly, with kisses that slowly transitioned from light to breathtaking, and before long, she felt him grinding against her. At first, she didn’t even fully realize it, lost as she was in the feel of his lips moving down her jaw and then her neck. His hands moved underneath her shirt, his thumbs pushing under the wire of her bra and teasing the underside of her breasts, and the unexpected coolness of his fingers made goosebumps erupt on her skin. It wasn’t the same tingling sensation she had when it was Dominic touching her like that, but it was still pleasant as it seemed to awaken her body for what was to come next.
But then she unexpectedly moaned, and he groaned in the crook of her neck, his hips pressing down harder against her. She tugged on his hair and pulled him up, and as they both found themselves panting for air, she stared him in the eye and, almost reluctantly, warned him to follow the rules, Elias: no cocks involved.
There was something mockingly sheepish in the smile that stretched across his lips, something that tugged at the corners of her lips as his rebellious idea burned bright in his playful eyes. But he still pushed up on all fours before his fingers came down to the buttons of her jeans. His actions were quick and as she watched him with her heart in her throat, her heartbeat pulsing there and in her stomach alike, her gaze moved lower down his body and noticed the obvious tent in his sweatpants.
She was throbbing, and breathing suddenly felt like a hard and unusual task as she tried to remind herself why she was in that position in the first place. But the contest felt a billion miles away now and as she had the time to realize that Dominic had spent the day teasing and building her up to possibly make things easier for her, Elias had already dragged her pants down her legs and was now fighting with her sneakers that had been caught in the way.
“Slow down,” she chuckled. Her breath was short and her cheeks burning under his gaze. “We have all the time you need. Don’t rush it if you wanna win.”
She watched him stop for a moment as he took a deep breath. His antsy fingers had finally managed to untie her shoelaces — to which she made a silent note in her head to not be found wearing them next time — and he grinned when her shoes came off, followed swiftly by her pants and underwear.
“I just don’t want to be caught in the middle of my meal by that angry troglodyte if he were to suddenly change his mind about this,” was his joke.
“Why do you worry about him? We’re just friends.” And, to answer the ironic look he gave her, “with benefits, okay. I haven’t changed my mind about this anyway,” she reassured him.
That seemed to ease his worries, even if for just a moment.
He pointed a finger at her shirt, then, almost as if he were silently asking for permission to take it off for her. She hadn’t discussed herself being naked the night of the agreement, she had just assumed it was a given, but it still felt almost sweet of him to wonder. Then, when she sat up to help him in the process, the coolness of his bedsheets would have made her squeeze her thighs together hadn’t he been in the way of her movements.
Her shirt came off without problems but in his excitement to get down to business between her legs, his fingers seemed to almost stiffen when they reached the clasp of her bra and it took him a moment to sort it out.
“Relax,” she murmured in his ear, hands sliding up his arms, left bare by his t-shirt, before planting a kiss on his cheek. “There’s no need to rush it, I told you.”
He seemed to relax at that, and his fingers trailed down along her spine and then back up before he pulled back and she removed her bra. It caused her to shiver, and goosebumps broke out again when he pressed a kiss right under her ear.
“Ignore the hickeys,” she groaned when she laid back down and his gaze settled on the lovebites Dominic had made sure to leave on the skin of her chest a couple of nights before.
“You two are animals,” was the chuckle he left on the side of her right breast before his lips moved over to her nipple.
It was sloppy and slow, different in a way, but surely not an unwelcome feeling. And although he followed the rules and didn’t spend too much time paying attention to her chest, but decided instead to let his kisses trail downward, for a moment a part of her wished she could will her brain to ask him to keep going. By the time he moved down her abdomen, she was already tingling.
Her breath was cut short, however, when he unexpectedly licked a stripe between her folds up to her clit and he groaned. She barely had the time to gasp out an I’m sure you’ve done worse things to answer the look he had given her, that he had already moved her legs so that her calves could rest on his shoulders.
“I would’ve never guessed you’d be this ecstatic to play this game,” he chuckled half a minute later, when he tilted his head up and his tongue was replaced by two of his fingers that made her toes curl. “Look at how wet you are.”
She had had that wet and almost uncomfortable feeling between her legs for a good part of the day, and Dominic had made sure things would go that way — from the way he had woken her up that morning with his lazy kisses on her neck, to all the dirty things he had spent his day moaning in her ears and that had made blood rush to her cheeks — and literally everywhere else in her body. It had kept her stomach in a grip up until this moment, as she tried to shift the focus of her attention onto something else, without success.
Elias hummed against her inner thigh just as the pad of one of his fingers brushed against that sweet spot inside her and the walls of her vagina clenched around them. Her head tilted back on the pillow and her back arched, and as her left hand came down to rest on his head in the attempt to push him back closer to her, she managed to gather her wits enough to speak. “Fingers are okay, but this is a pussy eating contest,” she moaned, back slightly arching as she tried to keep her eyes open enough to look down at him. “Don’t dumbly lose points this way, Kötz. But if you win, you’ll be free to finger me however long you like.”
When he answered back in German, she felt the vibrations of his chuckle right against her core — and probably even inside her, because when his tongue flicked her clit and it then replaced his fingers to dip inside her and scoop up her wetness, her senses seemed to zero in on the sound and the feel of his moaning.
The rhythm he set was slow, but the way he was literally eating her out was breathtaking. It made her lungs squeeze, in a way, and when he gave her clit a harsh suck, she jolted with a gasped-out whine falling from her lips, something halfway between a moan and a groan, a plea not to stop.
When he repositioned himself to lie down better, one of his arms wrapped itself underneath her thigh and two of his fingers were added back into the mix. Pads thick and slightly calloused, she felt herself stretch around them just enough for it to feel just right. Before she could pick up with her body, though, her hips bucked in an attempt to grind against his hand and face, and before long, her eyelids were drooping closed as she allowed herself to fully relax and enjoy the moment.
His tongue was hot against her, almost burning. Or maybe it was just her body as she tried to wrap her mind around the way he was suckling on her clit as his free hand came down on her abdomen to keep her from moving too much.
He didn’t come up for air once, almost taking Dominic’s joke from the other night to heart, and as the raging drumming of her heart and that pull she felt in her lungs seemed to expand until that was all she could focus on, she barely had the time to think that he was eating her out with a fervor that left her breathless, that his fingers brushed against that spot again and she lost it, came hard against his hand and his face.
Her eyes squeezed closed and her back arched — in the attempt to pull back or to push herself closer to his face, she truly didn’t know and she certainly didn’t care. His ministrations didn’t slow down: he kept on eating her out just as his fingers kept on lazily moving inside her.
She tried not to gasp for air, but when he flicked her clit and curled his fingers inside her teasingly, she couldn’t help it. She could feel the muscles in her inner thighs quiver and it took her a few moments to pick up on the fact that he was trying to pry her legs open to come up and sit back on his heels.
Lost as she was in the pleasure that had sparks going off behind her closed eyelids, she didn’t see the smug smile that stretched on his lips. She lay on his bed like a doll, barely even aware of the fact that she still had limbs attached and that she wasn’t just floating in the void of space, with her heart thundering in her ears and pulsing between her legs.
Her mind was still swimming in the haze of her orgasm when he settled between her legs — just to lick her once more this time, before he kissed his way up her body until he was eye-level with her.
“Will you open your eyes?” he wondered, planting a kiss on her lips as he kept the weight of his body off of hers by pushing into his elbows on either side of her head.
She hummed, but she was so breathless that the only sound she made was a low hmpf as her lips stretched lightly into a content smile. “In a bit, I’m too relaxed to move now.”
His chuckle made her smile turn a bit brighter, a bit more lively as she breathed out of her nose. “Was it good?”
Her “What a dumb question!” made him laugh as he plopped down beside her and his fingers traced absentminded patterns on the skin of her belly.
“This was a good start,” she said some ten minutes later, when her brain started working properly again and her head turned to the side on his pillow so that she could stare at him and at the proud grin he still had on his face. “I know I didn’t say it the other day, but the additional rule you should tell the others is, don’t boast about your attempt to among each other, okay? I don’t want horny dudes trying to outdo themselves just to win.”
His lower lip pushed out into a pout and his Partypooper made her chuckle for a moment. “At least I did good,” he smiled back a moment later and his almost childish happiness made her laugh as she managed out a Yeah, that you did.
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Feedback is always welcome if you want to drop old me a line 💛
Original pic used: https://www.pexels.com/photo/white-clouds-and-blue-sky-4870972/
TAGS (to be added to or to be removed from any list, shoot me an ASK)
Everything: @idhrenniel @saibh29 @fuckthatfeeling @aya-fay @pebblesz892  @mblaqgi​ @becs-bunker
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angelaiswriting · 4 years
The Contest (7 of 7) | some R6S guys x fem!reader
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✏️ Pairing: Bandit x fem!reader
✏️ Summary: Dominic Brunsmeier can’t keep his goddamn mouth shut when it comes to eating pussy, and that’s how Y/N finds herself being drafted to be the judge of this pussy-eating contest. (Straight out of a dream @kind-wolf​ had)
✏️ A/N: I made it! Many thanks to Alice for some ideas, and to the swipe keyboard on my phone that didn’t kill my stupid hand. I know I always say oh I’m such a hoe for XYZ, but I truly am for Dominic Brunsmeier lol bye. Thank you for reading, I hope you enjoyed this ride like I did!
✏️ Warnings: 18+ only (oral m/r for once hehe)
✏️ Word-count: 3,120
✏️ The links to the other parts are in the masterlist linked in my bio.
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After the few, very tense days the guys had given Y/N to sort her thoughts out, the day had finally come for the winner of the pussy-eating contest to be announced.
Keeping away from them had proved to be quite the feat and although she had managed to keep them in line for longer than she had thought possible, she had somehow succeeded. The only exception had been Dominic, of course, but she had been prepared for that; it had been no surprise. Just as it hadn’t been unwelcome.
“Let’s just get this over with,” he had complained that afternoon, his lips mere millimeters from the skin of her neck, sure of the fact that he’d be crowned as cunnilingus lord before midnight.
He had relented, though, and that never-faltering pout of his didn’t leave his lips until work got busy and tore him from her side.
Now, however, she was sitting in the same common area the contest had been, for lack of other words, signed and with those five pairs of eyes fixed on her, she felt slightly out of place.
They had waited for the other operators to leave. They didn’t need to know about the little game that had been going on while they had been on their missions, just as the contestants didn’t need to feel any kind of weird way about anyone else knowing. Not that they would feel embarrassed, of that Y/N was sure — she knew who she was dealing with, she was no fool — but she still appreciated the privacy. For her own sake, most of all.
“I don’t know what to say,” she chuckled eventually in the otherwise gravelly silent room. The television had been put on mute and the football match the boys had been watching earlier had already been long forgotten. “I didn’t think much about making a speech.”
Never before had she felt the strong impulse of hiding behind something, anything, as she did now. She had done things with them — or, well, they had done things to her, to be precise — just as she had never been embarrassed of talking about sex. Hell, Dominic brought her dirty talk to the next level!
“But I did think of a surprise for the winner,” she continued before anyone could speak, hanging on her every word as they were. The box in her lap felt heavier than it actually was, and if anything, it was comforting to know that the winner’s crown she had come up with on a last-minute lightbulb moment was just as silly as the contest itself.
“Is that something I can use on you?” The smirk Dominic threw her way positively managed to make blood rush to her cheeks. She knew what that look in his eyes could mean, and she found herself impatient at the idea of finally being able to have all of him, and not just his mouth, again starting tomorrow. He had been pissed for a few couple of hours after he had seen his best buddy leave her room with his clothes in his arms and just a towel around his hips — and then when he had seen her wet towel robe on the floor of her room —, so it was good to know that his moody blues had passed.
Elias snorted. “You seem convinced you’re the one who’s gonna win.”
“I’m not gonna win, I have already won,” the other scoffed.
Alexsandr said something, then. Something under his breath that got swept away by the other men’s childish bickering. But also something that sounded an awful lot like they had all won by having the chance of going down on her. It was sweet, in a way, and although she wasn’t sure she had understood his muttered words right, she still smiled a sweet smile at him.
But although he had always been sweet with her, the memory of the things his mouth and fingers had done to her still made the palms of her hands turn clammy and the skin of her cheeks burn.
“There’s no need to bicker, children,” she scolded when Timur pleaded with her with the look in his eyes. “The winner hasn’t been announced yet, I can still change my mind and make you lose points.”
Dominic and Elias shut up at once and almost comically, they whipped their heads in her direction at the same time.
“Don’t be mean, baby.”
“And you don’t test me, Domi.” But she still smiled at the childish pout this burly man gave her.
“How did you give points?” asked Marius, yawning behind his beer. He still hadn’t had the time to recharge completely after his mission and the position he was in at the moment — laid back against the couch, his legs up and crossed at the ankles on the coffee table — made it clear that he was about to fall asleep right then and there.
She shrugged. “That’s for the judge to know. All you need to know is that the prize is this majestic ammo crown —” she laughed as she took the ammunition belt out of the stolen shoebox in her lap — “and another round with me. I did promise that, after all.”
The discussion was sparked again and she let the men poke each other for a while before calling for silence again.
“I will cut this short because this contest has been dragged out long enough.” She rose to her feet and laid the now empty box on the armchair she had been sitting in. “Some of you misbehaved,” she pointed out, throwing Dominic a playfully pointed look. “Most of you tested my rules’ limits. I won’t talk about your performances, I’ll just crown the winner and call it a day. Any sort of complaint before we proceed?”
She trailed a finger down the back of Dominic’s neck when she stopped behind him and he tensed under her touch. And although she couldn’t see his face, she knew he was grinning in anticipation.
They all stared at her — all but her man, of course — and she took her time to swipe her gaze over all of them. Marius, half asleep, had been sitting the closest to her armchair. Next to him, Elias could barely wipe that smug smile of his from his face. Timur seemed shy tonight: he had been quiet ever since they had been left alone to that closing ceremony of sorts to their contest, barely opening his mouth to speak. She smiled sweetly at him, but when her gaze landed on Alexsandr, her smile turned into an amused laugh.
“You’re such a man child,” she shook her head as she moved over to stand behind him, unable to calm her laughter down at the smooches he was playfully miming. “I can’t believe this is how the winner gets crowned.”
The ammunition crown fit snugly around his head — and it wasn’t by accident: she had felt like a special agent spy sneaking into the Russians’ locker room in the armory facility to take some measurements of his helmet.
“I’m going to add cunnilingus to the Lord on my shield,” he said with laughter in his voice when she leaned forward from behind and her hands interlocked against his chest.
Just as those words had left his lips, muttering ensued and although they all wanted to complain one way or another, it seemed like they respected her too much to keep it up for long. They pouted — Dominic more than the others, his arms crossed against his chest — and they sat back against their seats in silence.
“Don’t take this to heart,” she smiled eventually, standing up straight and digging her fingertips into the muscles in Alexsandr’s shoulders. “You all know how each of your performances went, and they were all really good. But you all agreed on proclaiming a winner, so here we are. Don’t come at me for having to pick one.”
“Yes, but the old man also won more head.” The others joined in on Elias’ defeated groaning, but no one voiced the additional thought they shared: That’s not fair.
Marius was fast asleep when she looked over at him and hadn’t it been for Alex’s hand wrapping around her wrist when she made to pass by, she would have probably moved over to him and covered him with one of the blankets strewn over the back of one of the other couches.
“I will have to pass that opportunity on to someone else, though, sweetheart.”
She frowned her brows at him, but she didn’t miss the way Dominic’s eyes seemed to spark up at the Russian’s words. “What?”
“Eh, I can accept any kind of death but not one caused by a German,” he shrugged, turning his head to look at Dominic. “The poor man has shared you enough.”
When Dominic slipped into her room behind her, some time later, after some more talking (and complaining) in the common area, it was approaching midnight. They had all drunk a bit — Alex had insisted on a few rounds of vodka to celebrate his victory and his huge, selfless heart — and now Y/N felt nice and warm all over.
Dom, however, was still groaning half-heartedly under his breath and although he didn’t accept another man’s charity, his hands still grabbed her hips from behind and pulled her back against his chest.
“Come on, baby, you know I couldn’t let you win,” she smiled, pressing her ass against his pelvis before forcing him to let go of her so that she could turn around. “You know they would have complained about me cheating to make you win.”
He pouted and huffed, and leaned his head down to hide his face in the crook of her neck.
“You know you’re the only one I want between my legs,” she cooed, hands coming up his arms before her nails gently scraped down the back of his neck.
“But you and Marius…”
She chuckled. “Nothing happened, it was all in here,” and she left a kiss on the side of his head. “I did help him shower after you motherfuckers didn’t give him time to rest after his mission, but he only ate me out.”
“No sex?” His voice had the tone of a petulant child and it made her smile. It kind of gave her heart a squeeze, to see this fearless soldier worrying about the woman he wasn’t even official with having sex with someone else.
“Of course not! Why would I?” He let her pull his head back so that they could stare into each other’s eyes, then. “I’m sorry we played along and let you believe something more happened. It was just a silly way of getting back on you for being so insistent with him, I promise.”
“You’re cruel. Both of you,” he huffed. He still pecked her lips, however, and she smiled up at him.
“At least you got the most valuable part of the final prize, though…”
“By chance!” He picked her up with a grunt that tore a laugh out of her.
“It wasn’t by chance. I’m sure they would’ve all passed not to anger you,” she replied, caressing the back of his head as he laid her down on her bed. “The contest is over. They know you’d snap their fingers if they accepted.”
His groan vibrated against her cheek. “They’re all horny fuckers, they wouldn’t have said no. Bones heal, and two broken hands give you more time on leave, which is always nice.”
“Well, I’d still run back between your legs. That must count, no?”
“It does,” but he was already growing unfocused as his hands moved down to the elastic waistband of her yoga pants. “Now let me claim my prize and then we’ll see if you’ve been forgiven.”
She laughed at his antics but before he could understand what she was doing, she had pulled him into a hold and had reversed their positions.
“Since it’s just you and me, maybe another kind of payback would be more appropriate,” she smirked, sly, “don’t you agree?”
He tilted his head up and stared down at her, at her fingers playing with the button of his jeans, a smirk of his own slowly stretching on his lips. Her hands moved, then, and her cold fingers slipping under his t-shirt and gliding over the skin of his abdomen made his muscles tense as he shivered slightly.
“You were made just for me,” he muttered under his breath when her hands moved south again and made quick work of the button and zipper of his pants.
She chuckled. “I still don’t give in easily, though.” She pulled him up into a sitting position, then, and before he had the time to open his mouth to complain, she was murmuring in his ear, both hands tugging on the hem of his shirt: “Take this off, let me see your tattoos.”
He was quick at complying, tearing the piece of clothing from his body in one swift, fluid movement. She was on his lips right after, his head cradled in her hands as she ground down against him. Slow, unhurried, his hands moved from her hips to up her back, underneath her shirt, and when she gasped lightly at the goosebumps his rough skin caused, he slipped his tongue into her mouth.
It was almost lazy, and for a few minutes, they sat like that, with her in his lap, slowly grinding against his growing erection as they kissed. Then, when he pulled on her lower lip and bucked his hips up, she pulled back, pecked his lips once more, and pushed him back down on his back.
She kissed down his body. Down his neck, his chest, and then back up to his throat — kissing, licking, sucking hickeys on his inked skin. When she eventually reached the waistband of his pants and she looked up at him with a smirk on her lips, she found him already staring down at her, both arms under his head.
She giggled at the sight and before she could focus too much on the throbbing between her legs, she hooked her fingers under both pants and boxers and dragged them down his legs, dropping them to the floor.
He was hard. Hard and thick, arched up against his lower abdomen. For a moment, she was back to a few days ago, when he had come in his hand right next to her, a rough fuck leaving his lips as his back arched. He had been a sight to behold, that was for sure, and when she looked up at him now, she found that one of her hands had absentmindedly slipped into her pants already.
“Fuck, I missed this,” she groaned, grabbing both of his thighs as she moved to lie down between his legs.
“Me or my dick?”
“Both, you silly!” she chuckled, right before she licked a stripe up from his left ball to the tip of his cock.
He sighed, and in her peripheral vision she didn’t miss the way his head leaned back against the mattress when her tongue teased his slit.
“Just don’t tease,” he half-begged, half-warned, the fingers of one hand brushing against the back of her right one, still holding onto his hip. “I won’t last.”
“I’ll behave,” she hummed, lips pressed right under his glans. “Or I’ll try to, at least.”
He groaned his light frustration in a string of huffed German, but he eventually tried to relax back and spread his thighs a little wider for her.
Her thumb came up to smear his pre-cum around, and she proudly smiled at the hissing inhale he took at the sensation.
“Always so sensitive,” she hummed, that same thumb now tracing the rim of his cock’s head.
It was hard to focus when all she could think about was that sensation of fullness, of having him thrust up slowly into her in his usual attempt at driving her crazy.
When he begged her to take her clothes off, she didn’t have to be told twice: she pulled up, hastily removed her clothes, and just as her lips wrapped around his glans once more, two of her fingers moved down to her clit and then the wetness at her entrance. She groaned against him, tongue teasing his frenulum before her hand moved back up and her slick fingers wrapped around the base of his erection.
“Fuck, you touching yourself?” he groaned as one of his hands moved to lay on her head.
She took him deeper into her mouth, giving in to his silent request, and hummed her answer around him. His hips bucked and as she set a rhythm to the bobbing of her head, alternating between that and suckling his head, his moans grew louder, his breathless cussing more frequent.
He was gone the moment she took his balls in her hand, and she did her best to relax around him as he twitched in her mouth and ejaculated down her throat. Her name left his lips in a breathless plea and she almost missed it, lost as she was in his orgasm and in the insistent feeling growing inside her.
She suckled on his glans once more after he had finished ejaculating and she chuckled when he pulled her up and off of him.
“That was fast for your standards,” she giggled, giving him one last lick from base to the slit in his tip and watching him shiver.
“Shut up.”
She kissed her way up his body, then.
“You’re cute with your face all red,” she smiled, pecking his lips and moving her legs so that she was straddling him. “I sure missed that these days.”
After that, she let him catch his breath and when he opened his eyes again, his breathing now even, she didn’t miss the spark of mischief in his smirk and eyes.
“Maybe we should do another contest,” he said slowly, hips bucking up against her. They both moaned at the sensation, and his hands came down to her butt cheeks and squeezed them. When she hummed in question, his smirk grew into a grin. “A cock-sucking one.”
“You’re dreaming!” she laughed. “I don’t share what’s mine, you prick.”
His expression softened into a smile and his hands trailed up her spine, fingertips soft and barely-there, forcing goosebumps in their wake. “So I’m yours?”
“Did you have doubts about it?”
He shrugged one shoulder and smoothed the frown on her forehead with his thumb. “Nah, it’s just good to hear you say it for once.”
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Feedback is always welcome if you want to drop old me a line 💛
Original pic used: https://www.pexels.com/photo/white-clouds-and-blue-sky-4870972/
TAGS (to be added to or to be removed from any list, shoot me an ask)
Everything: @idhrenniel @saibh29 @fuckthatfeeling @aya-fay @pebblesz892  @mblaqgi​ @becs-bunker
41 notes · View notes
angelaiswriting · 4 years
Elias | Blitz x fem!OC
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✏️ Pairing: Blitz x fem!OC, Bandit & fem!OC
✏️ Summary: in which Lyudmyla officially meets Elias and realizes that opening up to him is not as difficult as it has always felt with everyone else. (Sparked by an idea by my lovely @kind-wolf​)
✏️ A/N: do I love writing sex? Yes. Do I love Elias Kötz? Absolutely! 11k+ words about Lyuda and him don’t make them justice, but I don’t want to bury y’all under too many words lol. This hasn’t been properly re-read yet. Ignore possible nonsense pls
✏️ Warnings: fluff between Lyuda and Dom + 18+ ONLY (oral f/r (mentions of m/r), protected and unprotected sex, kind of accidental semi-public sex (?), bad flirting, alcohol)
✏️ Word-count: 11,588 :)) my hand slipped
✏️ Translations: tesoro (Italian) = darling // lyubimaya (Russian) = love
>> Part Two: Lyudmyla (masterlist > rainbow six) >>
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Despite it being ten in the morning, the Base was quiet when Lyudmyla left debriefing. It had been an easy mission, albeit exhausting — go in, rescue the hostages while simultaneously retrieving some intel, then take everyone to safety. Nothing she had never done before. Nothing compared to what we’re used to, Volkov would have said, back in Stepnoy. And yet, after having been awake for longer than she could remember, she couldn’t wait to hit the shower and then her bed.
“I’m meeting up with Sanya after lunch,” Timur said, throwing an arm around her shoulders and hissing when the movement didn’t sit well with his sore muscles.
She snorted before he had the chance to continue. “You’re going to lunch?” she asked, surprised, head whipping to the side so fast she almost got whiplash. Glaz looked just as tired as she and for a moment, she wished she could ease his exhaustion like he always lifted her spirits.
“You’re not?”
“I’m going to sleep for at least two days straight, Tima,” she laughed and a moment later, before he could say anything, she stood up on her toes and left a kiss on his stubbled cheek. “So tell Sanya and the guys I say hi and that I’ll see them again when I don’t feel like a zombie anymore, yes?”
He smiled and for a moment he stood there, just staring at her, one arm still around her shoulders. If asked, she wouldn’t be able to tell with complete certainty who was keeping the other standing when all they could think of was sitting — or better yet, lying — down and not getting up for as long as they could manage. But then he pulled her in for a quick good-bye hug before stepping away. “I’ll check up on you tonight, see if you’re awake enough to grab a bite at that new place you wanted to check out,” he said before snickering. “Unless Dominic steals you again, that is!”
He was gone before she could flip him off — jokingly, that is. Everything was light and easy between them, and between her and Dominic as well. She had bonded with the other operators back at the base in Stepnoy, when she had been a Spetsnaz agent and nothing more, and with some of her new colleagues as well, of course, but none of those people had ever felt like home, not like Tima and Dom did. They had her back and she had theirs and with Dominic most of all, it was like being children again, sneaking around with your dearest friend and causing mischief behind everyone’s back.
When she unlocked the door to her dorm room, twenty minutes or so later, there was a surprise waiting for her on her bed.
“Christ, Schatzi, you look like absolute shit!”
Caught by surprise by his words, Lyudmyla stopped in her tracks, magnetic card still in one hand as she stood in the doorframe. Then, when she came back to the present moment, something halfway between a chuckle and a sigh left her lips. “Thanks, love. It’s good to see you, too.”
The door closed behind her back with the soft click of the lock going back into place, and the weight of the mission and of the relief of being back home crashed down on her shoulders all at once. No more running around for a few weeks now; no more aiming at someone hundreds of yards away through the gunsight of her rifle; no more Lion to stand day and night. A sob almost bubbled up in her throat when the realization that she could now rest dawned down on her — sleep, a stroll around Hereford’s grounds, a jog through the park, fun times with her friends…
“I drew you a bath.”
“How the fuck did you get in here?” It was a halfhearted complaint, for she truly didn’t mind the man sneaking into her dorm. She spotted her baggage on the dresser to her right and realized that he was probably the one who had brought it there after she had forgotten to. For a split second, she contemplated taking out her dirty clothes to bring them to the laundry room but decided not to.
Drained as she was, she felt like she was moving in slow-motion, movements and sounds slowed down around her now that she was back to safety and had the time and space to just let go of everything. So, when Dominic grabbed her by her shoulders, she jolted in place, a gasp leaving her lips at that unexpected gesture.
“Are you okay?” was what he asked, eyebrows knitted together and head slightly tilted to the side as he stared at her — almost through her, for he knew she had a habit of keeping how she truly felt a goddamn secret. He waited for her reply to come but in vain. “Go take that bath before the water gets cold.”
“A shower would be quicker,” she complained as he steered her in the direction of the bathroom, hands on her shoulders.
He parroted her once before he tsked her. “Should’ve texted me that that was the plan. Hop into the tub, I’ll unpack your stuff.”
Exhausted or not, there was no complaining, not when Dominic set his mind on something. So, when he left her alone and the door ajar, she slowly stripped herself of the uniform she was still wearing and set first one foot and then the other into the warm water. She wondered how long ago he had drawn her that bath, but the thought came and went, for her body seemed to melt in the welcoming warmth that enveloped her the more she sank into it.
Allowing herself to relax for the first time in weeks, she let her head fall back and her eyes close. Not a sound reached the quiet confines of the bathroom but Dom’s rummaging silently through her things. She heard him move around her room, putting away some of the things she had brought back, before soft music started playing through the speakers of her TV.
She chuckled. He had a way of doing things… and she loved it — loved how caring and sweet this soldier was, even when she gave him a hard time to make up for the fact that he gave her a hard time. He had been just a text away for endless days, always ready to send back some stupid reply at whatever ungodly hour she managed to send a few words his way, and now that she was back, it was almost weird to realize that he had never changed, not even when she was battered blue and purple and could still feel the muzzle of that gun kissing her left temple.
At some point during her slow fall into deep relaxation, he pushed the door and her eyes shot open, stared at the anthracite gray of the wall tiles. Something about taking her dirty laundry away, and even though there was a Please, stay with me burning the tip of her tongue, she let him go.
There was silence for the first time in forever, then, the volume of the music so soft her ears could easily bypass it. She could hear her own breathing, though, slow and steady, and underneath that, the regular beating of her heart.
Russian operations had been worse, she tried to convince herself — and Spetsnaz training topped it all. The pain, the exhaustion, the humiliation… Nothing could compare and yet, she had been this close to leaving this world and although it had been just one of many, many times, she had seen Mira this time. Mira and that sweet smile of hers — and how she hadn’t seen her in forever as Lyuda always did anything in her power to stay away from Nizhny Novgorod and the house she had once lived in.
Ten-year-old Mira, smiling up at her big sister Lyuda as she got ready to leave with a uniform in her only luggage. Ten-year-old Mira and that Will you come home for Christmas? of hers that sometimes still plagued her, ten years after those words had been uttered. She had promised she would, but then her mother had let one of her usual malicious words leave her mouth a couple of weeks later and she had thrown the idea to the wind. She hadn’t come back for Christmas, nor to check up on her sister after the accident that took her sight away, and all because even the army had felt better than going back home.
Had she died seven days ago, she would have done so with guilt and remorse in her heart, and that wasn’t how she planned to leave this world. Not with Miroslava’s chocolate eyes full of hope staring at a Lyudmyla that would never be back.
Her back slid down along the wall of the tub and before she could realize it, her head was underwater, her eyes closed and her breath caught in her throat. She didn’t know what it was about this time, why it had struck her so much. Why she couldn’t shake off the cold kiss of a gun against her temple. She hadn’t run a real risk, she knew Timur had her back — Timur, and how good of a sniper he was. She had volunteered to act as a bait; she had found herself kneeling on the dusty ground because of a plan she had helped come up with. She had been in that position many a time, and she could see no reason why this one accident should take the crown.
The sound of Dominic’s voice was muffled and almost distorted by the water, but it still managed to startle her, and as she jolted up to sitting and water sloshed out of the tub, she found herself gasping for air.
“What happened in Nairobi?”
She turned to look at him, and it still felt like moving underwater. Then, when she put him into focus, something seemed to click and the world went back to its usual speed — although a bit too quick when all she wanted to do was make up for lost time. “What?”
“I met Twitch in the laundry room when I dropped your things off,” he started, voice slow and measured. She could read it in his eyes — that accusation of sorts, and the more she stared, the more it seemed to make the droplets of water on her upper body burn her skin. “She said something about fearing Glazkov not being able to take you out of there in time.”
It was one thing to know she had a mother, back in Russia, that despised her job — hers, her ex-husband’s, her only living son’s — and that wanted another life for her, one that didn’t suit her, one that would never fit her. And it was another to have a hardened soldier stand in front of her, with his arms crossed against his chest and his eyes trying to burn the truth out of her — out of her reckless mind.
“Everything was under control,” she heard herself say with that confidence so typical of her. Nothing had been under control, not with Lion fearing for the hostages’ lives when there was nothing to fear, not yet. But she couldn’t bring herself to say it out loud, not when she was sure her friend had already grasped part of the truth.
He didn’t say anything for a long minute and as he stood there, almost towering over her despite being at the other end of the bathroom, Lyudmyla felt small and insignificant under that knowing gaze of his. Without uttering a word, he took a towel from a cabinet and laid it down on the floor next to her. “You know you don’t have to close off,” he said eventually. His hand was making the skin of her shoulder burn, or so was the sensation she felt, and that was what she focused on as she tried her best to avoid his gaze. “Not with me, there’s no need to. I’m always here for you if you need me.”
“I know,” but it was soft, faint, and she wondered if he had heard her before he left the room and a fresh change of clothes waiting for her on the counter by the sink.
When she walked back into her bedroom some time later, after she successfully scrubbed all the grime off her skin and out of her hair, she found Dominic waiting for her on her bed as he scrolled intently through Netflix in search of a title that could catch his attention. She didn’t say a word for long, endless minutes, but she knew he had heard her, that he knew she was right there. 
She didn’t exactly know why she hadn’t told him about that stupid plan as soon as she had had time to, and the only explanation she could come up with was that causing him to worry was truly the very last thing she wanted. And even more so when he was thousands of miles away, with more time on his hands than he knew how to occupy it all.
“It was the only sensible thing to do at that moment.” There was no need to justify herself, and surely not to someone who did her exact same job. Running risks was part of the job and it was foolish to think that nothing bad would ever happen — they handled real weapons, after all, not some cheap toys for children. “It had to be done if we wanted to collect the information RAINBOW wanted.”
Dominic shrugged his shoulders, his eyes still fixed on the TV screen hanging on the wall opposite her bed. “I have no doubt about that.” Just then, he seemed to settle on a title and he let the remote drop to his side as his head turned in her direction. “And I’m not here to judge whatever decision you and the others made back there. I want to know how you’re feeling, that’s all.”
He stretched his right hand out in her direction and she hesitated for a heartbeat or two before she walked away from the wall she had been leaning against. His hand was warm in hers, the skin of his palm roughened by callouses. It was a comforting touch and while she wasn’t a fan of touching people or of being touched, she realized now just how much she had missed being this close to him.
“You don’t have to say shit if you don’t want to,” he warned her, moving up on the bed so that he was sitting back against her pillows and she could cuddle against his side. “But if you do decide to talk about it, I don’t want to hear bullshit. It’s either the truth or nothing at all.”
It took her a while to move her head against his shoulder and stare up at him. She had been hardened by the military life she had been thrown into long before she had enlisted, and the prospect of opening up to someone physically pained her at times. There was also no lying to Dominic: he always somehow managed to see right through her shit and call her out on it.
“It isn’t for the threat itself,” she eventually sighed in defeat, eyes locking with his.
“You had your head underwater, Schatzi…”
She shook her head before repeating that It isn’t for the threat itself, with more conviction this time. “I have a sister, Mira, living back in Russia with my mother. I don’t know why I never talk about her,” she said when a look at his expression made her feel guilty for never telling him about her. Dominic was probably the one that knew her best, better than anyone else in the world, and although he might think he knew her better than the back of his hand, there were still secrets she had never disclosed, not even to him.
“Did you think of her?”
She shrugged. “I’ve been unjust with her, and never once made up for it. I haven’t seen her in almost ten years and I… miss her, I think.” A sigh, then, and after that, a long moment of silence.
He was playing with her still-damp hair and instead of playfully complaining about her getting his shirt wet, his lips remained sealed. “Why don’t you go back and visit her, then?” He frowned, and she could read his confusion in his eyes clearer than it was in his voice. “I could come with.”
Her head tilted back; it almost slid off his shoulder in her attempt to look at the ceiling instead of the possible new wave of accusation that might flash across his features. “She had an accident, ten years ago. I was eighteen and had just joined the army. It was my first time truly away from home, among people that didn’t know who the hell I was. Well, the majority of them, at least. My mother never wanted for me to truly enlist, and even more so after what happened to Vasya and Serzh, I told you all about this already. Mira had made me promise to go back for Christmas, but I couldn’t make it because of training, you know how these things are. It was October. I got a call from my mother in March, and I ignored it. Around the end of May, my dad visits my unit for military reasons and he tells me Mira’s had an accident, that she’s in a coma and has been for three months.”
“Her being in a coma wasn’t your fault, though.”
“No, but never visiting was. Never calling for the first two years, was. Running away from the idea of going back just to keep my pride intact, was, as well. There was nothing I could do, but I sure as hell could’ve done something.” She huffed, and then turned onto her back to rub her face with impatient hands. “I just wanted to run away. Away from my mother and everything Nizhny Novgorod, but I ended up being trapped in this mess anyway. We talk over the phone every once in a while but…”
“You’ve been at gunpoint in the past, and you’ve never thought of her that I know of. Why this sudden crisis?”
“I got a text in Nairobi,” she confessed. “My baby sister is inviting me to her wedding next year and while she knows I’m busy and most likely won’t be able to make it to her engagement party, she’s still inviting me over when I’m free to meet her fiancé and celebrate together.”
“‘And’ what?”
“That’s not a bad thing. You should accept the invitation, meet your future brother-in-law, and enjoy your time with her. We could die at any given moment when we’re on a mission, so why spend so much time on spilled milk?”
She frowned and gaped at him for a moment, brain incapable of coming up with words. It sounded so easy on Dominic’s lips — fly back home, hug your sister, possibly apologize for being a terrified cunt ten years ago, and then go on with your life. Easy peasy. Right?
“You’re still in contact, ain’t you?” His voice brought her back to the present moment and when she moved her gaze to focus on him again, she found him staring at her with a smile and the remote back in his hand. “What do you fear? Repercussions? I’m sure she knows how you feel, or at least has an idea of it — you’re not that hard to read once one gets to know you. It’s your sister: she wouldn’t invite you to her wedding if she didn’t want you there.”
That made sense, and the more she turned that thought around in her mind, the more sense it made. “I’m not in the mood to talk about this now. Put on that movie.”
He didn’t move for a long minute, and she could feel his burning gaze on the side of her face as she sat back against her pillows, mirroring his position, and stared at the TV in front of her. In the silence of the room, she could hear his regular breathing — and then something else, something in the air between them that she couldn’t put her finger on and name, but it was that feeling that always overcame her when she closed herself off and he didn’t like it.
“Marius is throwing a party for his birthday on Saturday,” Dominic said after a while, some time into the film he had chosen and not long before she finally crashed out from exhaustion. “You’re invited as my plus one and you can’t say no. Consider it training for your sister’s invitations.”
It’s gonna be just us — that’s what Dominic had said, four days ago. It had taken him a lot of convincing and that prospect was what had bought her. She was on good terms with almost every one of her RAINBOW colleagues, but she wasn’t one to mingle too much. She felt better off in small groups, just a few people at a time, nothing too overwhelming; she wasn’t one for crowds. So when she walked into the bar, fully expecting to find the German team and maybe a few other operators, she found herself being a deer caught in headlights, taken aback by the amount of people Jäger must know and that he had invited to his party of sorts.
“I was starting to think you had blown me off!” Dominic elbowed his way through the people present and pulled her into a side hug, a bottle of beer in the hand that wasn’t squeezing her shoulder. A huge grin on his face, his eyes seemed to twinkle under the slightly-dimmed lights of the place.
“And I thought it would be ‘just us’,” she groaned back, grabbing a hold of his beer to steal a sip. Beer wasn’t her favorite, but so wasn’t water, and she knew how to settle for the lesser evil.
He shrugged, guilt burning bright in his amused expression. “Oh, c’mon, babe! You’ve been away for endless days,” he slurred, head bowing down closer to her just so that he could look at her from underneath his lashes, in that childish way of trying and getting things done his way that he never missed a chance to sport. “Left poor me to live with the boredom of the Base alone, when almost everybody was away. Grant me this one?”
It was impossible to stay impassible when Dom was around. Whether you wanted it or not, he always managed to find a way to put a smile on your face. And more than that, it truly warmed her heart, the way he always tried with her — to lift her spirits, to take her out of her shell, to give everyone he cared about a good time… So she smiled. Instead of groaning or rolling her eyes — which she tried to do for a moment, there was no denying that —, she gave him a lopsided grin before caving in. “I’ll leave at some point, though. I’m still exhausted, my body is a whole ache.”
“None of that bullshit,” he shook his head as he led her to the side of the room Marius had rented for the night. “I know you had a Thai massage earlier today.”
She snorted at that and for good measure, she gave him a look, just before being greeted by the birthday boy himself. “I’ll book an appointment for you, then. I’m sure Tachanka will be more than happy to practice his rough skills on someone new. I’ll let you decide how Thai that massage is.”
Then, before he had the chance to process the fact that her masseur was a giant of a man or even just to say a word, Marius pulled her into a tight hug and she wished him a hundred more of these days. They had never truly bonded — they had never been assigned on a mission together, and those were the occasions she used to get to know people better. If she didn’t see how they fought and worked, then she didn’t have the chance to form an impression about someone. And aside from Dom, she had never worked with the Germans.
“I’m glad you could make it!” Marius had taken her towards a booth and had made her sit, and when her friend joined them with a new beer for her, she found herself being squished between the latter and Blitz. “This motherfucker’s always talking about you and how good of a drinking partner you are, but he never shared before.”
She chuckled. “Yeah, and it’s usually not beer,” she smirked, taking a sip from her bottle.
Ten minutes into the party, and she had already been introduced to Marius’ civil British friends and to some of the RAINBOW operators she didn’t know that well, Elias Kötz included. She had seen him around already, and for obvious reasons, just as she knew his codename was Blitz. And that he was the freak with the freaky shield she had always wanted to see in action but never had the chance to.
He seemed like a nice man, and while Dominic never downplayed anyone, he had never portrayed his friend as such a fun person. He knew more jokes than she could recall and some time later, deeper into the drinking games, when the alcohol started making her forget her English, she even found out he spoke Russian — and that he was very good at it.
“What part of Russia have you been to?” she found herself asking at some point, the party now completely forgotten just as she was unaware of Dominic staring at her — and at his friend and colleague — with a smirk on his face from some meters away. “I can’t pinpoint your accent.”
Blitz — Elias, he had insisted for her to call him by his name — seemed to blush just before he brought his beer to his lips to hide that satisfied smile of his. “I’ve never been,” he shrugged. “I had a girlfriend during my second year of high school, she was from Ekaterinburg. We ended up breaking up during summer break, but I found some people that could help me with the language and I didn’t say no to that chance. I knew it would be useful one day.”
And maybe it was the vodka in her system — and in his as well — but she found that blood flowed quickly to her cheeks under the smile he sent her way. He was a pretty sight, for sore eyes and all that, and she wasn’t one to be sheepish around men, whether she was drinking or not. Hell, there had been two guys back in Stepnoy with which she had done things that would make her own father’s face turn beetroot red! This man flirting — or trying to — with her shouldn’t be anything new. Nonetheless, she found herself staring down at the table, stomach squeezing and fingertips tingling.
“Useful, you say?” The right corner of her lips turned upward into an almost-trembling smirk as she tried her best not to chuckle. “Did you have any chance with some Russian these days?”
He let out a long ehh and he shrugged his shoulders, eyes gazing up at the ceiling as his own smirk risked giving its place to full laughter. “There’s this one woman, very pretty. She’s my homie’s homie apparently. As Marius said, Dom doesn’t share much, but I’m sure you’ve seen her around Hereford. On the short side, shoulder-length hair, doesn’t open up much, amazing shooter on the long distance…”
At those words, and at the badly-contained amusement in his expression, she couldn’t help but laugh — and almost choke on her shot. She had lost count of how many pickles and how many drinks she had had by now, but it didn’t matter, not when she was feeling that nice warmth inside. “First off, she’s not on the ‘short side,’ try again.” She nudged his thigh with her knee and they both chuckled, by now badly sitting up straight on the leather bench of the booth. “Second off, she does open up… with those she feels comfortable around.”
He chuckled at her grin, and then at the way she chomped on that pickle, grinning with both eyes and lips. “She sounds like a really interesting person, maybe you could help me out a bit with her.”
Neither of them knew how her hand ended up moving over his, nor how the fingers of his other hand ended up touching her cheek. All Lyudmyla knew was that she ended up staying much longer than she had planned to — and she didn’t regret it at all.
When she woke up the next day, she had her head squished into the pillow and it took her disoriented brain a full five minutes to pick up the light snoring coming from next to her. There wasn’t much she remembered about the night before — Sanya had driven her to that club before heading to his own date, and then Dominic had tried his puppy dog eyes on her. She did remember making out in the restroom with Elias, though, and she found herself suppressing giggles as that tingling sensation in her lips came back.
Then, the more she woke up, the more her ears seemed to focus on the sound of the person sleeping next to her. When she turned around, she almost expected to find a sleeping Blitz by her side, but it was a relief to be proved wrong, for once, and to be met by Dominic snoring with his face turned towards her, one hand on his chest and the other underneath his pillow.
She stared at him for a long moment, almost in the attempt of memorizing the lines of his face for the umpteenth time. He hadn’t shaved in days, and the stubble he had sported when she came back on Tuesday had grown longer. His expression was peaceful, the expression lines on his face fully relaxed, and she had to resist the impulse of extending a hand out to poke one of his cheeks.
Bringing the night’s events back to memory proved to be a tough thing, hindered by the dull headache pounding inside her skull, but she was fairly sure there had been endless German in the car, and then Marius’ voice wishing her sweet dreams, probably right after he dropped both her and Dominic in the latter’s room. For a moment, as she splashed cold water on her face in her friend’s bathroom, she wondered why and it was only after a quick shower that she realized the reason must have to do with her door pad and a key (or a code) these people didn’t have.
“Such a pretty view when I have such an insisting headache,” was the groggy voice that welcomed her when she walked back into the room, hair still wet and dripping water on the shirt she had worn the night before. “Not that I’m complaining, but what the hell are you doing in my room?” he asked, rubbing his eyes as he tried to shake the sleep off of his system.
She chuckled at him and before she spoke a word, she threw a blister of ibuprofen she had found in the cabinet behind his mirror at him. “I sneaked in here to have fun at the expenses of drunk you, that’s what.” But she walked up to him, took the bottle of water on his bedside table, and opened it to smell if its contents were still any good to be drunk. “Pop a pill, big boy,” she smiled, handing him the bottle. “And when you’re feeling like a bull again, remind me to never come to a party with you again.”
“C’mon, you had fun, I saw you and Eli ‘opening up’,” he snickered, but she was already flipping him off as she left his room.
The mess hall was empty when she crossed it, her objective being the kitchens behind the door at the opposite side from the one she had come in. She could only think of coffee — and then of some more vodka, she wouldn’t say no to that; she just needed Sanya or Tima hiding with their alcohol in the kitchens and she would have a blast of a morning. But when she walked in, it was German the first thing she heard — amused German as someone seemed to be making fun of someone else.
“Hi,” she smiled, stopping in her tracks when she spotted Marius and Elias playing with forks as though they were tiny swords of sorts. “I will only ask if you left any coffee for another hangover person.”
“It’s not what it looks like,” Marius chuckled, massaging the spot where his friend’s fork had hit the back of his hand.
He said something else, but Lyudmyla was back to feeling like a teenager for the first time in a while and she didn’t hear a word. Elias was pouring her a cup of coffee — not as hot anymore by now, but she had had far worse in Russia, so she wouldn’t complain — and she tried to hide a smile at the memory of last night’s kissing. His kisses had been so soft and demanding at the same time, she found herself remembering, and they had giggled against each other’s lips like some school kids at something either of them had said.
“How’re you holding up?” he asked her, fingers brushing against hers when he passed her the mug.
She smirked in amusement, and her eyebrows rose almost comically as she stared into the blue of his eyes. “I’ve had worse,” she confessed. Then, when she turned around, she barely had the time to take in Jäger’s indecipherable expression as he stared at them, that she was talking again. “If you two are in the mood for a late breakfast, I’ve been dying to try out this new place downtown.”
“Count me in!” came Dominic’s booming and unexpected reply as he strode into the room, clothes still crumpled after he had slept in them all night. Then, as she turned around to check in with Elias, came Dom’s whiny What? at the slap Marius gave his arm and that neither of the other two present in the room had the chance to see.
“Unfortunately I’ll have to turn your offer down, Lyuda,” Marius smiled. “I have a device evaluation in a bit that I really can’t postpone. I will say yes to another day, though, if you’ll have me.” Then, when she nodded happily, he went on. “Thank you for coming to the party yesterday, I’m glad we could get to know each other better. Dom was right about you.”
Lyudmyla was still thinking about Jäger’s Dom was right about you when they left the diner she had wanted to check out for a good two months now — the verdict: nothing special on the outside, but the food was delicious. She had even met up with Timur after changing her clothes before leaving the Base, but he had turned down her offer as well, adducing something about Sanya and ‘an embarrassing injury’ whose details he hadn’t disclosed.
She tried to understand what those words could be about, what exactly Dominic had told them about her — knowing him, probably a big, smoking pile of bullshit — but she couldn’t come up with anything. A good impression, that’s what she hoped that was: Emmanuelle had thought her to be a bitch before she got to know her better, and all because she didn’t socialize much with the others. She knew she could come off as haughty, but she was anything but with Bandit.
Not that I care about what people think of me — but the truth was, deep down, she did.
“I’m full like an egg,” Dominic complained, sitting back on the park bench they had called for themselves. Hands on his stomach, Lyuda knew he was puffing it out on purpose to make her laugh, and she was doing her best not to just to see where his attempts would go. “You’re quiet, Schatzi. What are you thinking about?”
“What the best way to shut you up is,” intervened Elias, and she found herself absentmindedly chuckling at those words.
Eyes set on two dogs playing with their owner not far from them, she just enjoyed the quiet — or as much of it as she could have with Dominic’s never-ending babbling. For the first time in God knew how long, she was comfortable, sitting there with her best friend and then another guy she didn’t know that well, but that, for one, she found interesting and for two, she had spent the night making out with in some not-so-clean restroom. It was out of the ordinary, but it was a good feeling, one she found herself basking in.
“Or maybe she’s just a bit uncomfortable because you’re here, as well.”
“Oh, eat shit, Nic,” she laughed, just to then lean her head on his shoulder for a moment, before taking one of his hands in hers, a You know I love you chuckled softly against the leather of his jacket. “Maybe, but it’s just a hypothesis, I’m not that well-rested, since I had to sleep next to a snoring you.”
“I don’t snore.”
“Of course, you do!” and she turned to smile at Elias when they both said it at the same time.
He gaped for a moment before he frowned. “Fine, maybe I do. A bit,” he groaned. “Sometimes.”
Then, before any of them had the time to drag the joke out a little longer, Dominic’s phone rang and after an insistent call with Marius, that motherfucker, he was forced to leave. It had taken plenty of convincing, or so it had seemed, before Dominic finally stood up with a grunt and complained under his breath. That Everything’s alright? of hers was met by a huff and then a sigh, and eventually by a smile and a nod of the head on her friend’s part, before he patted her cheek twice and said his good-byes.
“Should we follow him?” she asked as she stared at Dominic’s silhouette disappearing behind the cars in the parking lot at the entrance of the park. He seemed to stomp his feet even from that distance, and she wondered what Jäger could have said to make him act like a child.
“Nah, we can go for a walk of our own.”
And before she could reply, he had her hand in his and they were strolling along the pathway, passing by a bunch of kids playing on the slide as their mothers chatted together.
“You know, he really loves you.”
Lost in her thoughts, and in the way Elias’ hand seemed to envelop hers and make it disappear, she hummed, eyebrows furrowed when she turned her head to stare at him.
“Dominic,” he explained. “He’s always bringing you up. We could be doing anything and he would go Lyuda this or Lyuda that,” he chuckled. “I don’t know what you’ve done, but you’ve got him wrapped around your finger. He really loves you,” he repeated, just to be met by her laughter.
“Oh no,” she shook her head and inadvertently tugged on his arm as she walked up some steps. “No, we don’t do love. We’re just really good friends, that’s all. I’ll confess that we did some things in the past, but we’re not into each other like that. I have his back no matter what, and he has mine. We fuck around, but we don’t fuck around. He’s the best friend I’ve ever had.” She was grinning, and when she turned around to gaze at him, standing three steps below her, she found him staring at her with a soft smile on his face that almost made her blush. “And don’t tell him, but when he’s drunk and in a particularly good mood, he’ll say I’m his best friend as well. Not a ‘homie’, a ‘best friend’.”
And that made him chuckle. It was a nice sound, and she found herself holding her breath for a couple of seconds as she watched and listened to him. She didn’t do love, but maybe — just maybe — she could do him.
“You’re like his best-kept secret,” he confessed after a while, walking up until he was on her same step before they both proceeded forward. “He’s always babbling and babbling, just like a kid, but if you ask him something, he’s all Not your business, stay away from her. I didn’t expect for him to invite you to Marius’ birthday party, but I’m glad he did.”
“I didn’t expect to accept his invitation, either.”
“How did he convince you?”
“It’s a long story.”
“Well, if we’re walking back to the Base, I have quite a bit of free time,” he grinned.
It was a week later when it first happened. Her mother would call her names — she’d call her worse things if she knew her daughter had been on her knees with a man down her throat just less than twenty-four hours after getting close to him —, but it didn’t seem to matter when he seemed to be on her same page.
“I fucking hate that bitch,” Lyudmyla groaned out, a moment before Elias managed to tear a moan from her.
He had a skilled mouth — and his fingers felt… like fucking heaven, she wouldn’t lie, but at the same time the night had started on the wrong foot and now she couldn’t zone out and focus on him only. Lain between her legs, he was going down on her like only few ever truly did and although she could feel him — and enjoy the things he did —, she couldn’t erase the noise of the world around them.
His chuckle distracted her, though, and when it became even clearer that she was too worked up over something that had happened, he slowly moved up her body while his right hand kept on lazily fingering her. “What happened, Myla?” he whispered against her neck before peppering kisses over her warm skin. He was the only one that called her that. She was Lyuda or Lyudka; Tima called her ptichka, for he sometimes painted little birds for her, and at home she was Lyudochka. However, Elias called her Myla and although they had truly been in each other’s lives for a little over a week, she loved that already.
But right now, she could feel him against her thigh, through the microfiber of the towel he had wrapped around his hips, and although her blood was boiling in her veins, her body still arched up against him. “That fucking bitch,” and she gasped when his fingers brushed across a sensitive spot inside her, “thinks she can make salty puns about me. Call me —” another gasp — “Russian Ice Queen just because I— God.”
One hand cupped the back of his head, while the fingers of the other gripped his hip and if it weren’t for that towel, he’d have the crescent-moon shapes of her nails marked into his flesh. “‘Just because you’ what?”
But she was too close to her climax to think straight, and that thumb of his toying with her clit didn’t help her cause. Her toes curled and for a split second, as she spat out Monika’s name as though it were venom and added an insult for good measure, the only thing she could think about was tearing both her shirt and her bra off her body and riding Elias into the next morning.
“Myla, you’re too smart to let her get to you.”
He hid his face in the crook of her neck when she came. Her back arched and her fingertips pressed into his flesh, and he suckled on a hickey right on her pulse point until she came down from her high. His damp hair tickled her cheek, but it was the gentle rocking of his hips against her thigh that brought her back to the reality of his room.
When she opened her eyes, a minute later, and made the conscious attempt of trying to calm her panting down, she found him propped up on an elbow gazing down at her. His fingers were still gently circling her clit and, barely aware of the whiny whimpers that fell from her lips, their touches — and the orgasm they had provided — had completely wiped her brain clean.
Her hand came up and although it was still trembling, her grip on the back of his neck was firm when she pulled him down to kiss him. “Fuck me,” she whispered then, lips moving right against his, eyes staring directly into his.
He was so beautiful, she found herself noticing. So beautiful and yet, still rugged around the edges, and the longer she held his gaze, the more she felt herself falling for those eyes of his that always seemed to speak louder than words.
“‘Fuck you’?” he chuckled as he helped her up to sitting and made quick work of removing the clothes that still covered her upper body. “I’m going to make you forget all about Monika and her words for a few hours,” was the groan that followed, quickly followed by that hungry kiss that almost made her eyes roll into her skull as he laid her back down.
Good God, she felt herself burn — on fire probably didn’t even come close to describe the feeling. His hands were insistent on her body as he kissed her sanity away, and he grunted and huffed from his nose when he pushed his hands underneath her buttcheeks and pressed himself against her.
She gasped when she felt him nudged against her throbbing core, through his towel, and her hips bucked up against his. Breathless, deafened by the pounding of her heart in her ears, she couldn’t hear the lewd things he was groaning against her skin as he kissed her neck, and then down her collarbones and between her breasts before he pushed up on his knees again. Her eyes remained fixed on his, for she knew that if she let her gaze wander lower down, she wouldn’t be able to be as still as he wanted her.
“But first I’m going to make you come,” he smirked, making her move up the bed a bit as he lay down on his stomach between her legs. “Again.”
The whine that came up her throat when he licked up between her folds made her skin tingle, but it was that groan of his as she tugged on his hair that made her moan.
Lyudmyla had always been used to quickies more than anything else — a quick fuck in the common showers after training, or in the back of a truck, or behind one of the buildings back at the base in Stepnoy. And she had never minded, not even once, because while the time spent off-mission could get boring at times, there was always something to do. But the sounds that left Elias’ lips… Bozhe, she would go insane in his room, doing any kind of stuff with him, really, because his grunts and his moans — God, his whines of pleasure — tugged at her skin and at her heart, at her fucking core, and she could never seem to get enough of him.
He made sure to moan against her every time he went down on her — eleven times in the past seven days, two of which only that night — and really, it was as though he knew the effect he had on her, how much more quickly pleasure crept up on her when he was vocal. Two of his fingers pushed into her at once, then, and as she tugged almost a bit too harshly on his hair again, his eyes peered up at her and she read his smirk in them more than she felt it around her clit.
Her thighs tensed, and she huffed out a fuck when her head fell back and her sight set on the ceiling of his room. Fuck — she desperately wanted to be loud for once, because those two fingers of his curling up inside her and brushing against all the right spots made her insides twist and knot, her breathing grow quicker and labored. And before she knew she was close, her thighs tensed on the sides of his head and her back arched almost painfully as she came again, this time a bit more intensely, as her system seemed to reboot and the air got trapped in her lungs.
Lyudmyla did have men between the moment she and Dominic had stopped going down on each other and the moment she had found herself on his knees with Elias’ cock in her mouth, last Sunday, and during that year time in-between, she had considered her best friend to be the best oral she had ever had — and that she would probably have. But as she tried to slow down her heart, close as it was to going off inside her chest, and to even out that same breathing she had lost all control over, she found herself thinking that nobody even came close to this man that had managed to make her open up like no other.
“You still with me?” he mumbled against her breasts, before he took a nipple in his mouth and suckled gently, tearing yet another moan from her. She almost twitched when he patted her clit once to grab her attention, and the chuckle he let out made her skin crawl as she whined, eyes still closed shut. “Myla,” was the hum that followed, and the way he drawled out the first syllable made her smile and exhale loudly from her nose as she tried not to giggle.
“Yeah,” she panted, hands coming up blindly in search of his sides. “Yeah.”
“I’m going to go down on you again,” he said, and the seriousness in his voice made her eyes blink open all of a sudden. His upper lip was glistening in the warm light of the lamps on either side of his bed, and she found that if only she had the strength to, she would prop herself up on her elbows and lick her juices off of it. “That’s right,” he smirked when he realized he had her full attention. “I’m going to eat this pussy out again,” and he punctuated his intentions by moving an arm back between their bodies and tracing her opening with his calloused fingers. “And then —” he kissed her — “I’m going to fuck you into this mattress.” The heel of his hand pressed against her clit and she gasped. “Is that alright with you?”
He’d stop if she said no — she could read it in his eyes, behind the firm tone of his voice. They had never talked about boundaries and invalicable limits: things weren’t serious between them despite the considerable amount of time they had spent between each other’s legs in the past few days. But as she looked up in his eyes, she knew that was how things would go.
“That’s very tempting,” she answered honestly, but she also felt that if he were to go down on her again, right now, she would break in the best way and she’d never be able to leave his room before someone — Dominic or Tima — went looking for her. “But,” and she tugged at his towel so that it would come loose and she could throw it to her left and discard it once and for all, “I want this.”
He was hard in her hand, and the protruding vein on his underside called for her thumb.
His smirk turned into a grin and then into a chuckle, and his head bowed down until he could playfully nip at the tender skin of her neck. “How do you want it?” he asked; his hips unexpectedly bucked in her hand and she gasped out a moan. “Slow and sensual?” He kissed the side of her breast. “Or fast and hard?”
Lyudmyla swore she could feel her heartbeat everywhere in her body, deafening her again, making her breathe out burning hot hair from her nostrils as she stared up at him and thought of all the ways she wanted to have this man. “Fast and hard,” she panted out. “I don’t want to feel anything else.”
He pulled up on his knees, and the smirk was back on his lips when he reached out for the bedside table to her right to fetch a condom from a drawer. “How are we doing this?” he asked as he rolled the latex down on his erection, not once taking his eyes off of her, intent as she was, staring at his hand wrapped around his cock. “No strings attached?”
“No strings attached,” she whispered back, spreading her legs for him as one of her hands reached down between them. And while ‘no feelings attached’ sounded just fine at the moment, with time she would find out that that suit would grow too tight on her.
She had been assigned to a five-week mission — the duration could change depending on how things would go, of course, but by the looks of it, it was clear to all of them that it would be time consuming any way it went. If anything, she had worked with Bandit and Tachanka more times than she could recall, and she had trained plenty of time with Maestro, during simulations. The fact that Blitz was the only attacker had unsettled him at first, even though the one they would be leaving for very soon was a defensive mission, but she had seen Lady double as an attacker had partially eased his doubts — jack-of-all-trades-style, the Italian used to say.
“There are men here ready to get us in,” Bandit was saying, pointing at a point in the map that looked like the perfect place to fall into a trap. That was the unsettling thing, walking at the bottom of a canyon with people up there that could shoot them like targets at a funfair. “We all know how to kill, our positions in the organization are merely a formality.”
“If we follow this plan, though, we’ll be in the open. This Trojan horse mode won’t work. It’s not that I don’t trust you,” Blitz clarified, “it’s just that I’d rather us be more than just five.”
Lyudmyla sat back against her chair, tired out of her mind after the round after round of simulations they had just come out of. “We’d all like that,” she sighed. “I’d rather be in the belly of a carcass than do this undercover bullshit,” and she answered to Sanya’s glare with a glare of her own. “But this is easier than it may seem, you just have to play the part. Being a mercenary isn’t that hard: there’s always someone out there ready to pay for you, just as there’s always someone out there ready to be bought. RAINBOW has money to throw into this plan, and we have the expertise these people are looking to buy. We go, we play whores, and if anything goes wrong, we have our green card out.”
“What you seem to forget,” Elias rebutted, “is that we’re not mercenaries.”
She exchanged a look with Alexsandr, who tried to suppress a smirk at the other end of the table with the holographic plan of the map, and then turned towards Dominic. “Bandit worked undercover. Tachanka took part in some… sketchy missions in Russia, I’d dare say. My brigade has done things, as well. If there’s one thing Spetsnaz selections taught me, is that even those who look incorruptible bend the knee in front of the prospect of money.”
“The lady is right,” Adriano intervened.
“Watch your mouth, M,” she glared, but there was a smile on both of their lips.
“I mean it with the utmost respect, tesoro.” He turned back to Elias, then. “We’d still be doing our job, just… on the other side of the barricade. These people don’t know what RAINBOW agents look like. In their eyes we,” and he pointed his gaze on each of them, “are just more men they can use. They’ll have no reason to have doubts about us if we are the ones bringing in the Governor with handcuffs on his wrists and a gun pointed at his head. Then, when they’re dead or in shackles, we’ll take the Gov back out and to safety. Easy peasy.”
Lyudmyla was still thinking about Adriano’s words two hours later, when she left the training gym smelling like the body wash she had stolen from Sanya. She still had no idea how Six had managed to convince the Governor to play this scheme, nor what strings he had moved to even come up with the plan in the first place. And as she walked towards the firing range, shielded by the late-April rain, she decided she didn’t want to know. She was there to do her job, not to ask questions. She had committed the mistake of asking Volkov questions, the first time her Commander had sold her services as part of a mission, and she had learned not to fall for the same mistake again.
The shooting range was loud when the door closed itself behind her back. Shots ricocheted off the walls, although deadened by the partitioning wall that separated the actual range from the corridor of the control booth that led down to the armory.
She wanted to see Elias eye to eye — to talk and maybe do something else before they left the next morning before sunrise. She knew from experience what too many worries before a life-or-death-situation kind of mission could do, the breaches they could open. Her unit had lost two of theirs during her first year as a purely Spetsnaz agent, and four had risked losing a limb or something more, she included. So if there was anything she could do to ease his mind, she was ready to do it.
Elias was standing in booth number three — his lucky number, or so Dom had told her once, when she had asked him why his friend always booked the same one. The Brits were recharging their weapons in their booths at the far left end of the range, and Sanya sent her a smirk from his position at number one before he hung a new target sheet on the target carrier.
She leaned on the partition that separated booths three and four, though, and smiled when the German turned his head towards her. His expression was unreadable, but she almost had the impression that part of the tension he still carried inside eased at the sight of her.
“Wait for me in the control booth,” he told her as he pressed the call button for his target holder. “I’ll be there in a minute.”
A nod of her head, and then she was gone without a word. She waited for him as he had asked her to, and in the meantime, she tried to come up with comforting things to tell him. But no matter how hard she thought, she couldn’t come up with a single thing that wasn’t it’s all going to be okay. She knew they’d come back alive — probably not completely unscathed, but that risk came with the job. She just wished he could see it the same way.
Lost in her thoughts, she jolted when someone touched her shoulder and when she whipped around, she let out a breathy chuckle when she saw it was just him.
“Look, I didn’t want to offend any of you before,” he started before she had the chance to open her mouth. “And I trust all of you. You’re the only one I’ve never worked with before, but Dominic has and he’s only ever spoken highly of you, on or off the field.”
“I’m not here to tell you off,” she replied as she followed him towards the armory. She had already been in the Germans’ sector, but out of respect she still turned her head the other way when he punched in the code to unlock the door. “I came to tell you that it’s all going to be okay but…”
They both chuckled and he sat down on one of the benches when he put his electronic head muffs in his locker.
“Yeah, I know, not exactly the right job for those words.”
She smiled, hands placed on either side of his face as she stood between his legs. “I had a friend in Stepnoy that used to say that those words bad luck,” she snorted. “I don’t believe in bad luck, but I still can’t bring myself to say them.”
He mirrored his smile, and as she watched his lips stretch sweetly, he seemed to finally fully relax. But before he could say anything, her eyes went as wide as those of a kid in a candy shop.
“Oh my God!” she squealed. “Is that your shield?”
Her hands turned his head to the side to prompt him to turn around. He had used a normal shield during their simulations as a way not to blind his colleagues, but she had wished to actually see it with her own two eyes ever since she joined the team two years ago.
His laughter seemed to ring in the closed space when he nodded his head yes. “You can touch it if you want.”
And what had come out as an accidental double meaning turned into some form of lewd foreplay as they sat there, talking about anything and nothing at the same time. Elias always had some pun on the tip of his tongue and was always a pleasure to listen to.
Some time later, as her hand had almost moved over the crotch of his pants to unzip the fly and his had been between her panties and the crotch of her joggers, the Brits walked loudly in and they barely had the time to resume a less compromising position that they passed by their box. A few more minutes and when they walked back, Mike popped his head in. A You’re the last ones here, lock the door when you leave later and he was gone, his heavy footfalls echoing in the armory as he ran after his friends.
“I had an idea before they walked in,” Elias muttered, eyes still trained on where Thatcher’s head had been mere seconds before. When he turned around, he had a telling smirk on his face and really, she didn’t need to hear it, but she wanted him to be dirty and say it out loud.
“What kind of idea?”
“The one where I fuck you against one of these walls.”
And just like that, his hands were on her hips, tugging her forward from where she was sitting straddling the bench to right between his legs, her thighs made to rest directly over his.
“And I want you to be loud,” he groaned, head coming down so that he could nip the skin in the crook of her neck. “To be as loud as you want before we leave in less than twelve hours.”
She laughed, and before she knew it, they were both standing up and he was tugging her pants and underwear down her legs as soon as she had taken her shoes off. Then, she was in his arms, legs wrapped tightly around his hips as he walked her towards the wall, coming to a stop right next to his shield, still facing the door from where she had left it. Then, he kissed her.
And right then, the undeniable truth was, Elias Kötz was a damn good kisser, and she had spent the last almost two months learning just that. No strings attached he had said — but he cradled her face in his hands and kissed her breath away every time and while yeah, she could definitely do casual, she always found herself looking forward to the moments she spent with him. 
When his lips skimmed along her jaw and went back down to her neck, as a way for both of them to catch their breath, one of his hands moved between her legs and she let out a long moan, deep in her throat.
“What got you so wet?” he hummed, breathing hard against her cheek. “My shield? Or my puns?”
She huffed a laughter. “What else did you expect when you started casually telling me all the things you wanted to do to me?” He let her pull his head back, her fingers tangled in his hair, and the kiss that followed muffled the moan his fingers pushing into her elicited.
“So you like it?” he asked when he pulled back and her hands were finally unzipping his pants and taking his erection out of his briefs. “When I say I want to take you in the armory?”
He was inside her in a heartbeat. Her neck arched, and her head fell back against the wall at the sudden sensation of fullness that tore a whimper from her very soul.
“Or when I say how tight you always are around me?”
He thrust up again, hands moving to her buttcheeks to keep her as close to him as he could.
“Tight and warm,” he groaned. “Always so wet, I can never stop thinking about you, lyubimaya.”
She panted his name, neither of them fully aware of the way he had just called her. Her hands were on either side of his neck and she did try keeping her eyes open and locked with his, but the drag of his dick inside her was making her see stars as he stretched her open.
“When we come back,” she breathed, “we’re gonna do it nice and slow.”
“We can do it any way you want, Myla,” he breathlessly chuckled as she felt him start twitching.
He was pushing her up the hill that would take her to her orgasm and as she fulfilled his wish for her to be loud and dragged him with her towards his finish, only Elias heard the sound of heavy steps coming their way.
“Keep your eyes closed,” he moaned in her ear when she squeezed down on him and one of his hands came up to her eyes.
The flash went off right when she reached her orgasm and blinded by pleasure as she was, her mind barely able to process the fact that he was still thrusting up into her, his movements now curt and sloppy, she didn’t even notice he had activated his shield, nor did she hear the plaintive groan of Alexsandr getting blinded.
A few moments later, when the intruder had left the armory, Elias grunted his release against her lips as she held his face between her hands. His came to plant themselves firmly on the wall on either side of her head and the hold of her legs on his waist tightened, and as she automatically contracted around him, they both moaned in unison.
They stayed in that position for a few minutes as they both tried to catch their breath, their hearts still beating wildly against each other’s chest. Then, he laughed — a hearty laughter that made her chuckle for a moment before she simply rested there, a satisfied smile on her lips as she cradled this wild man’s face in her hands.
“What are you laughing at?” she asked, voice faint and still breathy.
“Someone will think twice next time before sneaking up on Blitz having sex next to his shield,” he snickered.
“Someone saw us?”
“The only thing we flashed them was my shield, don’t worry.”
He pecked her lips and stared at her in content silence for a moment longer before he pulled out slowly. When she hissed, he pecked her lips again.
“I want to take you somewhere nice when we come back,” he said when they left the building where both firing range and armory were. He had an arm thrown around her shoulders and she was pressed into his side as she tried to keep both shielded under the umbrella.
She moved her head against his shoulder and looked up at him. “Yeah?”
He hummed in response. “We could go climbing. Marius has told me of a place. It’s a trail for experienced hikers, but the view at the end is a nice and secluded place.” Then, his smirk was back on his lips and his next words made her chuckle before she pushed him under the rain. “You could climb me when we get there.”
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:) I love these two :) and I love Lyuda and Dominic’s friendship :) hello mtv, welcome to my crib trashcan
[ Original pic used for the banner: https://www.pexels.com/photo/pink-flowers-photograph-1083822/ ]
TAGS (to be added to or to be removed from any list, shoot me an ask)
Everything: @idhrenniel @saibh29 @fuckthatfeeling @aya-fay @pebblesz892  @mblaqgi​ @becs-bunker
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