#r2 fics
ninjago-fic-fest · 2 months
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Orange is the New Black
By @only-lonely-stars
A rift opens in the sky above Ninjago City just as Cole continues his track record of falling from tall places. The place he wakes up in isn't the same as the one in which he fell... and who's the kid with a man bun who looks just like him?
🗻 Cole | Ninja Team | rated T | 1.9k | incomplete
🏷️ movie crossover au | doppelgangers | spoiler-free for dragons rising
Read it here!
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jessicas-pi · 8 months
Local Smuggler Extremely Disappointed By Boring Reality Of Hyped-Up Love Story: More At Seven
Sabine gives him a knowing smile. “Han, be honest. Are you just looking for advice on how to date a girl who’s cooler than you?”
“No!” he lies, holding up his hands. “I’m curious! I mean, Bridger seems like a nice guy, but… he’s one of those wizards, and from what I’ve heard, your people don’t exactly get along with them.”
Sabine is quiet for a minute, apparently reminiscing.
Finally, she speaks.
“So, Ezra has always liked me. He was almost fifteen when we met, and he was—” She laughs to herself. “He was such a flirt. Cocky, full of himself, overconfident… but he was sweet. Sometimes he was even funny.”
Han gets the feeling she might be fonder of the Jedi in hindsight than she actually was at the time, but he doesn’t interrupt her to point it out.
“We became friends, after a while,” Sabine continues sentimentally. “Best friends. And then some of Ezra’s friends bet him money that he wouldn’t ask me out, and more money that I wouldn’t say yes. So… Ezra and I decided to swindle them.”
Han sits up a little straighter. “Swindle? Antilles and Klivian said—”
“Wedge and Hobbie don’t know,” Sabine cuts him off, grinning. “They think we actually went on a date. And then… to avoid other people constantly asking us out, we kept fake dating. It was our big secret. Our bit.”
“Then, what?” Han asks. “Don’t tell me getting married was fake, too!”
“Yeah, but just for a couple months. But I couldn’t hide my feelings for him anymore, and so I ‘fessed up. And… the rest is history.” She brushes a strand of her hair out of her face and smiles. “You know, I could probably get the girls to bet Leia won’t ask you out, if you wanna give it a try—”
“Who says this is about Leia?” Han demands, bristling.
Sabine just smirks. “It’s nice to see someone who’s worse than me at lying about their feelings.”
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olivermajor226 · 8 months
I shall write a one shot in which these two finally meet
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this-acuteneurosis · 1 year
Anakin has been looking for an escape, for refuge, his entire life. He’s starting to find it in the strangest of places, and he’s elated. And terrified.
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nightcovefox · 5 months
You— Genius?!
Fandom: Kirby and Super Mario
Characters: Dolos (My Oc), Kirby (Mention), Bandana Waddle Dee (Mention), Meta Knight (Mention), Galacta Knight (Mention), Dimentio, R2 (Oc)
Warnings; Dolos telling bad things about themselves, No context(???), bad grammar, and cursing
A/n: If you’re reading this- you might be hella confused- But Dolos is my Kirby Oc, I might post their info here so you can get to know them. Just a little fanfic of them and bits of lore about them. Empires AU might be slow as a thought.. I’m going through too much stuff rn.. (If anyone is interested in my project-)
They may or may not be in Empires AU?- Ehhh will find out- (Oh? Kirby characters might be in this AU/project? Isn't that interesting?)
‘Stupid!! Stupid!! Stupid!!!’ Dolos thinks in his head. Another plan ruined by that blasted Kirby and his friends. A paper was thrown in the garbage can. Another idea might be good.. Or might fail.
Dolos groaned lifting their head up and staring at the ceiling light. Dolos was in their little hideout, with broken walls but had lots of traps everywhere. (His traps that he created)
‘What would Marx do..?’ Dolos said in his head. He looks at the portrait of Marx. Ahh.. That crazy jester who made the sun and moon fight. Trick Kirby to help him.
Why was Dolos obsessed with Marx? Some say Dolos was fascinated by Marx's potential or that Dolos and Marx might be related. Who knows? I mean who would be related to that chaotic being?
The clock chimed: It was 9:54 pm..
“Its not that late but.. I do feel tired..” Dolos muttered, letting out a small yawn. He looks back at his work. Honestly, it's just him trying to free Marx from a mirror. Like that would work.
He knows that he’s trapped. He knows he’s never going to be free. He knows that he’s long gone.
Ugh. Just go to bed Dolos. Your are nothing but a mistake. A stupid little gumball who called themselves a ‘genius’?! HA! Yeah right?!
He turned off the light and got off from his working table. He opened his yellow wings and flew to the top floor. Where his bed is and other stuff.
His wings stopped flapping as he landed on his bed letting out a big ‘oof.’
He turned from his left side and looked at his mirror.
A faint pink was glowing in the mirror. What the..? He lifted an eyebrow and stared at it.
It was still glowing.. He sat up and hopped off his bed. He walks over to the mirror, his tail poking on the mirror.
Then the pink glow; glows brighter. It was shiny and covered Dolos with that light.
He started to hear voices. . .
“Hurry!!! We must not let him free his friends!!!”
“Papa be careful!!!”
“Careful!! You almost got hit!!”
“Finally. Now that I’m alone and lock the room. I need to free them. By memory one is lost in a well while the other is stuck in a mirror.. But both in their homeworlds. I have no access..”
“What..?!” Dolos finally spoke.
“What?! Who’s in here?! Come out!!”
“Ugh… what was that pink glow?! What is happening?!” Dolos screamed, his eyes covered in swirls.
“Pink glow..? What..? Wait..! Unless it's him.. Whoever you are.. Do you know Marx?!”
“Marx- I do!! Wait how should I trust you?!-”
“I’m a very dear friend of him. By sensing your aura.. I can tell you admire Marx very much..”
Dolos blushed a bit in embarrassment.
“Move out of the way!!! Your gauntlets are not going to work!!”
“He’s right. Do your thing R2.”
“Thank you Edge.. Everyone step back!!”
“Hmph. Those heroes. I will give you this moonstone, you must know where Marx is hidden. If you wish to free him you must say these exact words.. I will give you the scroll. Once you finish the chant that should work.”
“He would finally be free and might help our other friend.”
Too much information was in Dolos head. How could they process this?!
“Oh fuck!-”
“Dimentio?! YOU WERE ONE OF THE-”
The pink glow suddenly disappears, leaving Dolos lying on the floor. He blinks rapidly. He sat up and looked at the shattered mirror in front of him. His wings felt a heavy weight while the other felt something light.
He looks to his right and sees a blue/silver moonstone and on his left he sees a scroll having some weird language on it. It was real. All that he witnessed was real.
Wait!!! Don't just sit there Dolos!!!? We have a mission!! To save Marx!!! Dolos smiled wide getting up and grabbing the items with his black/white tail.
They need to be sneaky. They don't want to get caught by that Bandanna Dee and Kirby again. Right now it's night and most likely Meta Knight will be patrolling.
Fuck. Day might be a better option then. First, they need to come up with a plan and how to do this. They know Marx's location all right. But it's protected by the famous Galacta Knight.
He groaned again setting the items he received and putting them in their chest. He hopped in his bed and played out. He’ll start planning this plan out tomorrow.
Just sleep. You need all of this energy for tomorrow. Dolos closed their eyes.
Dimentio… how did you get free?
Prologue might be longer than I thought… Oh well- more fun with me!!!
Dolos info will be shared soon, once I’m done with Mario and friends
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sukugo · 2 years
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i drew r2ani :D - uncensored over here
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acewizardinspace · 2 years
Anakin is so lucky that R2-D2 ended up with the Organas, because R2 would have have fucking killed Vader within the week.
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One of the SW fanfic things that infuriate me the most of all is when I read a nice Vader redemption fic and while he’s with Luke/leia Artoo is RIGHT THERE and they don’t or barely interact?????? WHAT DO YOU MEAN HES RIGHT FUCKING THERE!!!!! THEY USED TO BE BESTIE IN THE CLONE WARS ARE WE JUST NOT GONNA ADRESS THAT???? WHY DONT YOU GIVE ME THE REUNION I SO DESPERATELY NEED TO READ!!!!!!!!!! I AM GOING TO EAT A WALL
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Happy Friday, y’all!
Here’s a new chapter of Stranger Wars for your enjoyment! This one contains my two favorite original scenes to the story. They both involve Byler because of course they do lmao
I’m heading to Virginia on vacation tomorrow! I’m gonna try and have another update for y’all sometime next week, but no promises because I’m gonna be spending the next while chasing my almost 16-month-old nephew around. Stay tuned for an update soon!
Tagging some friends: @poweredbycreativityandcake @willthecleric @general-kj @byliever @mrperfectlyfinetv @jesper-faheyss @estelinhabb @w1llb7ers @dany-is-bored
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walkawaytall · 1 year
So, I’ve mentioned before how I managed to forget about nearly all droids while writing Purpose of Heritage, and 80K words later, it’s just kind of funny. But, in my head, I’ve been like, “Okay, Artoo could just be hanging around the X-wings. We barely see those anyway in this story. But Threepio…if anyone asks, he’s chilling on Home One and waiting for them to have an actual base rather than some rain-soaked, backwater outpost because the weather would be bad for his circuits or something, I don’t know.” But now I have some of the gang traveling to Home One for reasons. And I don’t know how much longer I can pull this off.
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ninjago-fic-fest · 2 months
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Are You a Robot?
By @elemom
Zane finally signs up to join the other ninja on Ninjagram, but before he can complete his sign in, he encounters an issue. The dreaded CAPTCHA.
💾 Zane | Ninja Team | rated G | 1.3k | complete
🏷️ pre-s1 | fluff | friendship | autism | bitches who have no clue
Read it here!
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Terror and Tales Round 2 — The Uncanny
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Welcome to Terror and Tales Round 2—The Uncanny
In case of an encounter, please refer to our carrd and make sure to report it: https://terrorandtales.carrd.co
Sign-ups will remain open from July 31st to October 2nd.
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If you have any questions, send us a DM. Our Terror and Tales specialists are here to help!
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olivermajor226 · 9 days
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WHERE: Aboard the Courier, Hyperspace WHEN: Day 20, Month 10, 30 ABY Summary: Jude, Jacen and Julieta wake up the Rebel Six. The happiest ending I've ever written. <3
42,352. Yeah, it's long. I won't apologize. There are many resting breaks. Make a cup of tea, tuck in. It's beautiful, and I'm proud of my ending.
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this-acuteneurosis · 1 year
With Trust
Leia graduates from Jedi babysitting and finds that things have been happening while she wasn't looking. Some good, some bad, some...unexpected.
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“Do you think Goldenflower will like this?” Tigerclaw asks, poking his mouse uncertainly. “I mean — it’s just a mouse.”
“Why are you so worried? You’re already her mate.” Whitestorm bumps shoulders with the tom. “She’ll like anything you catch her.”
Tigerclaw shakes his head. “What if it’s not enough? What if it’s not right? What if—”
“You’re going to drive yourself crazy. She’ll like it, and if she doesn’t, it’s not the end of the world.”
“I just…” Tigerclaw sighs. “I just want to be there for her. She raised Swiftpaw and Lynxtail all on her own, and they’re wonderful cats, but…I want to be there for her, properly. I want to show her I’ll make a good father.”
“And you will,” Whitestorm says. “But you won’t win yourself any favor by fretting. She’s got Speckletail looking out for her as it is. You just need to be a supportive mate. Which you are.”
“You’re younger than me, you know,” Tigerclaw says. “You’re not supposed to be smarter than me.”
Whitestorm chuffs. “Come on. Let’s catch up to the group before we scare all the prey away.”
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todd-queen · 1 year
I just read this fic of Anakin and Obi-Wan post AOTC, where Anakin is dealing with the loss of his hand and Obi-Wan comforts him.
It is so so good, I just had to share.
tied together with a smile by remusshotchocolate on AO3
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like yall I'm literally losing it over this. it's so freakin good.
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