#r/malelivingspace type shit
sugoiney-weaver · 3 months
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This is what starting over looks like
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slavonicrhapsody · 22 days
You’re my go-to for the carian siblings lol what’s the dumbest thing you think they would fight about? Who goes to who when one of them pisses them off? Who do you think the biggest shit talker is?
ok each of them have totally different personalities so I think they each have different responses to pissing each other off. I feel like Radahn is the type to argue intensely and then forget it ever happened an hour later, Rykard has an explosive temper and takes a long time to cool down, and Ranni is totally passive aggressive and holds grudges for years. so I think Ranni would keep things to herself and act aloof if either brother pissed her off, and Radahn wouldn’t shit-talk one sibling to the other but directly confront the offending sibling and try to settle it right there. Rykard however is 100% a shit-talker and would go complain to either sibling immediately if the other pissed him off
dumbest thing they’d fight about? Rykard and Radahn feel like they’d be the ones to have the most stupid and pointless arguments that get way too heated like how siblings accuse each other of pronouncing a word wrong or whatever and argue about it for hours. one of my favorite things about their dynamic is that Rykard decorates his manor like hes on evil hgtv and Radahn’s castle would end up on lands between r/malelivingspace so I think Rykard would visit Redmane Castle and be like absolutely horrified at the lack of comfortable spaces and tasteful decor and totally rip into Radahn about it like “all these rooms are just filled with weapons?? where is all the furniture?? you can’t just string up swords from the castle walls and call that decoration??” and Radahn is like “your house is literally just a glorified prison for torturing criminals” and Rykard gets so angry that he refuses to speak to him for the rest of the day but by the next day it’s like they never fought at all
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greyauras · 8 months
This is like 600 words.
Everyone headcanons Ghost and Soap's living conditions like Ghost is a frequent visitor of r/malelivingspace and Soap has like a slightly cozy, filled just enough with furniture type of place. I think that's cute and hilarious, but I'm just thinking about the opposite.
That Ghost actually has this REALLY nice place somewhere near the base that Price *legally* finances for him but pays out of pocket for. King sized bed, some cacti, has an elderly neighbor that waters them for him if he's gone for too long and everything. I'm pretty sure Ghost was canonically a butcher (I hc him that way anyway) so he probably can make a good steak, and eventually learned how to cook for himself and it's become a hobby. He grew up without, so now that he has the money and the luxury to have a quiet space of his own, he takes full advantage of it.
I believe he likes stability, and while the base is where he feels the most like himself, the bustle of it all irritates him. Sometimes it's nice to drink your weird ass flavored tea with your pink cacti. Best date you'll ever have if you squint past the red flags Tom Cardy style.
And Soap? Pretty big, concrete, studio loft. Completely empty save necessary appliances and the fullest place being his art space with easels and canvases in front of the large windows, a cot with boxes of his shit next to it. And a bean bag chair begging for life. The only thing he knows how to cook is ramen and MRE tuna packets. He tries family recipes, but fucks it up so badly he hopes his nan doesn't see it beyond the grave. Growing up, he took care of himself while his parents worked constantly and could have been away for days at the time. It's easier to take care of yourself when your only obligations are feeding yourself, doing homework, and going to bed before midnight. Being an adult has similar rules but for some reason it's much worse.
Being in the military, it's an automatic rule to take care of yourself (physically). You stink, you'll get a bath one way or another. He doesn't buy anything because why need a bed if you'll only sleep on it for a month or so? Why a couch and TV when paying for a streaming service would be a waste? (Laptop disc player kind of guy, got a box of classic movies too, “THIS IS SPARTA!”) Really shouldn't even invest in a flat, he doesn't really celebrate holidays with his family anymore since they're the vacation on Christmas type. The only time he's there is when injured, forced or both.
But since Simon moves to Scotland and brings all his stuff with him, the big place gets filled a lot quicker. John gets some shelf racks and finally unpacks his boxes. I would say and maybe vice versa since Soap doesn't have a lot of stuff, but Price is glad to get that freeloader’s lease off his name.
Extra: They're all hanging out in the base’s living area.
Gaz: Does anybody need a couch? My sister's selling one, might even give it away if I ask.
Soap perks up from his spot on the floor: I do! I've been sleeping on the floor for 3 years!
Ghost: Johnny, I thought you said you had a cot?
Soap: I did. The legs broke, now it's just a framed mat.
Gaz: Bruv, what the fuck.
Soap: Does it have a stench?
Gaz: No?
Soap: I'll take it.
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transshion · 4 months
(from arisenreborn) Arisen & Pawn #4, World #2, Misc. #1
ARISEN & PAWN:  4. answered here :)
WORLD & STORY: 2. Which of the four residencies is their most preferred, and is there a particular reason why? Do you have any headcanons about the layout and how it’s decorated? 
their favorite place to stay is the house in vernworth’s common quarter. first place of their own they bought, and definitely the most used. a lot of times they would return late and pass out in a pile on the small bed. haim likes it because it reminds him a lot of a place he used to stay, although he doesn't quite remember where that place is. basil likes it because it's small, and that's comforting to him. place is an absolute mess though, because whenever basil returns from the rift with gifts, he just leaves them lying around, and both of them are not the tidying sort. r/malelivingspace type shit. 
MISC: 1. : What would be their favorite show or movie?
this question feels very hard to answer for haim bc. part of me feels like he wouldn't know what a tv is even if he lived in a modern setting where tvs exist. and then part of me is like yeah, he would love twilight
i think basil would binge watch cooking competition shows (chopped, masterchef, etc). he would get so worked up watching them tho, so they might get banned in their household.
ask game
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sanjismuskyarmpits · 5 months
marble would not have a r/malelivingspace type spartan bedroom i know in my heart theres so much crap in there. it’s like 30% pillows and plushies by volume in there and you’re tripping over shit left and right
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hishima · 1 year
downside of having cleaned my room is that now that all my clothes and papers and shit are not on the floor it's exposed for the r/malelivingspaces type room it truly is
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