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So I am having a hard time deciding who should be the POV character for R&K. I'm trying to write third person omnipresent but it is incredibly hard and feels unnatural to me. I feel I keep "head-hopping" instead of actually writing omnipresent.
So! I think once I am finished writing the first draft I'll go through it and figure out what POV I want. I'm about halfway through. Thing is... I am not sure who I should focus on for the POV. So! Time to do a poll!
#writeblr#writers on tumblr#dungeons and dragons#D&D#R&KFA#Rane & Korzan's Fantastical Adventures#poll#my poll
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KFA Fuarcılık Malezya DSA-2024 Fuarı’nda
KFA Fuarcılık Malezya DSA-2024 Fuarı’nda
Bursa Ticaret ve Sanayi Odası (BTSO) iştiraki KFA Fuarcılık, Malezya’nın Başkenti Kuala Lumpur’da bölgenin en büyük savunma sanayi platformu olan DSA-2024’teki yerini aldı. KFA Fuarcılık, DSA – 2024’te, savunma sanayinde dünyanın en büyük buluşmalarından biri olan IDEF 2025 Fuarı’nın tanıtım çalışmaları kapsamında uluslararası nitelikteki işbirliklerini geliştirmeyi hedefliyor.
BURSA (İGFA) – KFA Fuarcılık Türkiye’nin dış ticaretini geliştirme hedefiyle faaliyetlerini tüm hızıyla sürdürüyor. Yurt içi ve yurt dışı fuar etkinliklerine dünyanın en büyük savunma sanayi buluşmalarından birisi olan IDEF’in organizasyonunu üstlenerek yeni bir boyut kazandıran KFA Fuarcılık, tanıtım çalışmaları kapsamında Malezya’da bu yıl 18. kez düzenlenen DSA 2024 Fuarı’na katıldı. KFA Fuarcılık, sadece sektör profesyonellerinin ziyaretine açık olan DSA 2024’te uluslararası nitelikteki işbirliklerini güçlendirmeyi amaçlıyor.
IDEF 2025 FUARI MALEZYA’DA TANITILDI DSA 2024 Fuarı, 60 ülkeden bin 200 şirket ve 45 ülkeden 400’ün üzerinde delegasyonun katılımıyla gerçekleştirildi. BTSO Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı İbrahim Burkay, Türkiye’nin yerli ve milli teknolojilerle geliştirip fuarda sergilediği ürünlerin bulunduğu stantları ziyaret etti. IDEF 2025’te de yer alacak firmalarla bir araya gelen Başkan Burkay fuarda Türk Havacılık ve Uzay Sanayii (TUSAŞ) Yönetim Kurulu Başkan Vekili Ömer Cihad Vardan, TUSAŞ Genel Müdürü Prof. Dr. Temel Kotil ile uzay savunma ve havacılık sektöründe faaliyet gösteren kuruluşların üst düzey yöneticileriyle bir araya geldi.
TUSAŞ’IN MALEZYA’DAKİ TEKNOLOJİ MERKEZİNE ZİYARET BTSO Yönetim Kurulu Başkanı İbrahim Burkay, Malezya temasları kapsamında ayrıca Kuala Lumpur’da araştırma ve geliştirme merkezi olarak R&D Center’da TUSAŞ’ın teknoloji merkezini de ziyaret etti. TUSAŞ’ın ilk mühendislik ofisi olmasının yanı sıra 120 uzman ve mühendisin istihdam edildiği merkezi inceleyen Başkan Burkay, dünya genelinde farklı coğrafyalarda teknoloji ofisi bulunan TUSAŞ’ın Malezya’daki ofisinin iki ülke arasında uzun yıllara dayanan yakın ilişkileri savunma ve havacılık alanında pekiştirdiğini ifade etti. Başkan Burkay, “Gerçekleştirdiği projelerle sadece ülkemizin değil, dünya havacılık sektörünün de öncü kuruluşları arasında yer almayı başaran TUSAŞ’ın Malezya’daki ofisi ülkedeki ulusal savunma sanayinin yanı sıra havacılık ve uzay sanayinin de güçlenmesine katkı sağlıyor. Sayın Cumhurbaşkanımızın liderliğinde ve TUSAŞ gibi öncü kuruluşlarla ülkemizin uzay, savunma ve havacılık sanayinde ulaştığı yetkinlik seviyesi ve yakaladığı başarılarla bir kez daha gururlandık. TUSAŞ Yönetim Kurulu Başkan Vekili Sayın Ömer Cihad Vardan ve TUSAŞ Genel Müdürü Sayın Prof. Dr. Temel Kotil başta olmak üzere, ülkemizin bayrağını yüksek teknoloji alanında da dalgalandıran tüm TUSAŞ yetkililerine şükranlarımı sunuyorum.” dedi.
“KFA FUARCILIK BAŞARI ÇITASINI YÜKSELTİYOR” BTSO Başkanı İbrahim Burkay, bugüne kadar yurt içi ve yurt dışındaki fuar organizasyonlarına imza atan KFA Fuarcılık’ın başarı çıtasını her geçen gün artırdığını ifade etti. Başkan Burkay, yurt içi fuar organizasyonlarıyla faaliyet alanını genişleten KFA Fuarcılık’ın Bursa Food Point Fuarı’ndan Junioshow’a, Bursa Textile Show’dan ev tekstili sektörüne yönelik dünyanın en büyük iki fuarından biri olan HOMETEX fuarlarını gerçekleştirme becerisine sahip olduğunu vurguladı. İbrahim Burkay, “Bilgi ve birikimini firmalar için yüksek değer üreten bir yapıya kavuşturan KFA Fuarcılık, Ticaret Bakanlığı’ndan ‘Yurt Dışı Fuar Düzenleme Yetki Belgesi’ alırken, Türkiye adına yurt dışı fuarlara milli katılım organizasyonları ve alım heyetleri düzenleyerek firmalarımızı uluslararası alıcılarla buluşturuyor.” dedi.
“IDEF 2025’TE YENİ İŞBİRLİKLERİNİN TEMELLERİ ATILACAK” KFA Fuarcılık’ın dünyanın en büyük savunma sanayi fuarlarından birisi olan IDEF 2025’in tanıtımını DSA-2024’te gerçekleştirdiklerini ifade eden Başkan Burkay, “IDEF, hem Türk savunma sanayisi şirketlerinin hem de küresel şirketlerin son teknoloji barındıran platform ve sistemlerinin görücüye çıktığı önemli bir organizasyon olma özelliği taşıyor. KFA Fuarcılık olarak paydaşlarımızın katkısıyla, yerli ve milli savunma sanayimizin gücüne ve büyüklüğüne yakışan bir fuar organize etmeyi hedefliyoruz. İnşallah IDEF 2025 yeni işbirliklerinin temellerinin atıldığı bir fuar olacak.” dedi.
IDEF 2025 FUARI 22-27 TEMMUZ 2025 TARİHİNDE GERÇEKLEŞTİRİLECEK IDEF’25 17’nci Uluslararası Savunma Sanayii Fuarı T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı himayelerinde, T.C. Millî Savunma Bakanlığı ev sahipliğinde, T.C. Cumhurbaşkanlığı Savunma Sanayii Başkanlığı destekleriyle, Türk Silahlı Kuvvetlerini Güçlendirme Vakfı yönetim ve sorumluluğunda, KFA Fuarcılık A.Ş. organizatörlüğünde 22-27 Temmuz 2025 tarihleri arasında İstanbul Fuar Merkezi’nde düzenlenecek. Dünyanın farklı coğrafyalarından katılımcı ve ziyaretçileri İstanbul’da buluşturacak olan IDEF 2025, KFA Fuarcılık organizatörlüğünde yeni konseptiyle birçok organizasyona da ev sahipliği yapacak ve yeni işbirliklerinin sağlanmasına olanak sunacak.
BU Haber İGF HABER AJANSI tarafından servis edilmiştir.
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F - Favourite song?
R - reason to smile?
I - ice cream flavour?
E - easiest person to talk to
N - number of siblings?
D - drink you last had?
(Hoping this one goes through 💖)
F - Favourite song? answered here
R - Reason to smile?
My friends succeeding at their aspirations
I - Ice cream flavour? answered here
E - Easiest person to talk to?
The girls I used to go to kickboxing with before the pandemic hit. If they can take my kicks and punches, and I them, then they can definitely take my as;lfkals;kfa. Also? @nilefreemans and @presepadas
N - Number of siblings?
A brother and a sister
D - Drink you last had?
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💙Kink/Fetish Asks!!!💙
Hi! My KFA for you. J e r k i n g off mutually and veeery sloooow…lyyyy with another guy, till your cocks are sore, then cum one on the other’s cock and suck it. Then, as soon as possible, start for another one… as many times as you can!
PLZ, vote!
pinco pallino
“Gee that sounds more like a pretty specific scenario rather than a singular kink or fetish.”
“A two or three maybe I guess? Some of the aspects aren’t that bad and I’d be game for. But um, slow isn’t something I’m a big fan of. Least not to that degree. Besides the fact I don’t really like edging myself in any degree either. It’s fun doing it to a partner or having it done by one but otherwise not my thing. Doing it till you’re sore during over an over sounds like a bit much too.”
“Personally this just doesn’t really appeal to me much.”
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Plate Finned Heat Exchanger Market Cost Analysis With Its Important Types And Application forecast 2020 to 2026: LindeEngineering, CHART, FiveCryo, SumitomoPrecision
The global research report titled “Plate Finned Heat Exchanger Market” has recently been published by The Research Insights which helps to provide guidelines for the businesses. It has been aggregated based on different key pillars of businesses such as drivers, restraints, and global opportunities. This Plate Finned Heat Exchanger Market research report has been compiled by using primary and secondary research techniques. Finally, researchers direct their focus on some significant points to give a gist about investment, profit margin, and revenue.
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Download a Sample Copy of This Report(including full TOC, Tables and Figures):
The report presents the market competitive landscape and a corresponding detailed analysis of the major vendor/key players in the market. Top Companies in the Global Plate Finned Heat Exchanger Market: LindeEngineering, CHART, FiveCryo, SumitomoPrecision, AKG, KobeSteel, Triumph, API, DonghwaEntec, Lytron, Hongsheng, Hangyang, Yonghong, Xinsheng, ZhongtaiCryogenic, Jialong, Guanyun, FangSheng, KFAS, Airtecc
This report segments the global Plate Finned Heat Exchanger Market based on Types are:
Aluminum Type
Stainless Steel Type
Based on Application, the Global Plate Finned Heat Exchanger Market is segmented into:
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Regional analysis of Global Plate Finned Heat Exchanger Market:
Geographically, the global Plate Finned Heat Exchanger Market has been fragmented into several regions such as North America, Latin America, Asia-Pacific, Africa, and Europe based on the productivity of several companies. Every segment along with its sub-segments is analyzed in the research report. The competitive landscape of the market has been elaborated by studying numerous factors such as top manufacturers, prices, and revenue.
The information on the global Plate Finned Heat Exchanger Market is accessible to readers in a logical chapter-wise format. Driving and restraining factors have been listed in this research report, which helps to understand positive and negative aspects in front of the businesses.
Access Full Report information with TOC, here:
What are the market factors that are explained in the report?
-Key Strategic Developments: The Plate Finned Heat Exchanger Market study also includes the key strategic developments of the market, comprising R&D, new product launch, M&A, agreements, collaborations, partnerships, joint ventures, and regional growth of the leading competitors operating in the market on a global and regional scale.
-Key Market Features: The Plate Finned Heat Exchanger Market report evaluated key market features, including revenue, price, capacity, capacity utilization rate, gross, production, production rate, consumption, import/export, supply/demand, cost, market share, CAGR, and gross margin. In addition, the study offers a comprehensive study of the key market dynamics and their latest trends, along with pertinent market segments and sub-segments.
-Analytical Tools: The Global Plate Finned Heat Exchanger Market report includes the accurately studied and assessed data of the key industry players and their scope in the market using several analytical tools. The analytical tools such as Porter’s five forces analysis, SWOT analysis, feasibility study, and investment return analysis have been used to analyze the key players' growth in the market.
Customization of the Report: This report can be customized as per your needs for additional data up to 3 companies or countries or 40 analyst hours.
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The Research Insights – A global leader in analytics, research, and advisory that can assist you to renovate your business and modify your approach. With us, you will learn to take decisions intrepidly. We make sense of drawbacks, opportunities, circumstances, estimations, and information using our experienced skills and verified methodologies. Our research reports will give you an exceptional experience of innovative solutions and outcomes. We have effectively steered businesses all over the world with our market research reports and are outstandingly positioned to lead digital transformations. Thus, we craft greater value for clients by presenting advanced opportunities in the global market.
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🔥Late Night bike ride at Dhaka City II Bike Night TVS WEGO ★BIKEPORN★ Scooty Riding Music Mix 🛴 😜- ENJOY QUARANTINE🤸♀️ S U B S C R I B E👨 YOUTUBE💋 https://bit.ly/34CkNkF Follow me🤗on Facebook:- https://www.facebook.com/Designer.Dol... Follow me🐧on Facebook Page:- https://www.facebook.com/KFAVlogs Join My Crew (group):- https://www.facebook.com/groups/25586... Follow me❣️on Instagram:- 👍 https://www.instagram.com/kfavlogs 🧚♀️ Take a look at ~ https://www.facebook.com/designerdollar Tweet me💖👇(Kazi_Faiz_Ahmed): https://twitter.com/Kazi_Faiz_Ahmed 👩⚖️ LINKEDIN:- https://www.linkedin.com/in/kazi-faiz... Music:- https://artlist.io/song/50750/up-and-... 🔥Late Night bike ride at Dhaka City II Bike Night TVS WEGO ★BIKEPORN★ Scooty Riding Music Mix || KFA VLOGS
#bike#bikepark#mountain bike#bikestagram#bikeshop#nightride#late night#monday night raw#nightphotography#nightmare sans#citylife#city#riding#motorcycle#scooter#scooty#dhakastreet#google maps adds covid 19 information new live crowd feature public transport google maps#crowd#coronal mass ejection#corona#coronavid19#road#road trip#road accident#highway#my way or the highway#moonrise highway#night#blacklivesmatter
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For the ship ask, what do you think about SoloShe?
I’m gonna put it out there: Solomon is weird af.
I know he’s my son, but he’s still weird af. When they were developing SolomonxSheba, it was so creepy that Solomon treated her like a kid. But thankfully it turns out, it was just after effects of unresolved daddy issues he had (Solomon left David at the same age as Sheba when she met him.)
It’s made even weirder by the fact that Solomon saw her as a love interest only after she gave a speech. I understand Ohtaka had to rush their development, but it was weird in a hilarious way.
But what I LOVE about their relationship is C H E M I S T R Y. Y'all remember this scene, right?
It’s so rare to see Solomon teasing or even laughing. Sheba certainly brought a new side of, which we could’ve seen more IF THE ARC WAS LONGERFJKFNASDV BJS,KFRV DJ,KFA.
Overall: 7/10, it’s good shit.
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OC Height Tag
Rules: Describe or show your characters' heights.
@ceph-the-ghost-writer tagged me forever ago for this game! Just now getting to it haha. I'm going to go ahead and tag @on-noon @oh-no-another-idea @starlit-hopes-and-dreams @writernopal and an open tag for anyone who wants to participate!
I'm a sucker for height differences as well so this will... really show that I guess! I used this site to make these charts!
The Ghost & The Machine
Some of the above characters I have not introduced! But~
Mr. Ricco Maestro is Specter's boss and one of the antagonists for the story. He is an ogre who pretends to be an orc.
Specter is our main character and is shipped with Dragoon!
Dragoon lives inside a giant nano suit that is shaped like that of a bipedal dragon. His real appearance is unknown to everyone.
Mark is a side character. He is a charmbreaker; someone who specializes in both casting and destroying charm magic.
Dottie is an android who works for Dragoon.
Waking into Divinity
Decided to just do Rylie and Casrath for WID!
Casrath has 2 forms; one is human and one is demon! The height does not include his horns.
Rane & Korzan
Lastly Rane and Korzan! Heights do not include Korzan's horns.
#writeblr#writeblr community#height comparison#tag game#tg&tm#the ghost & the machine#wid#waking into divinity#R&KFA#Rane & Korzan's Fantastical Adventures
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Sony apologises for making light of food allergies in ‘Peter Rabbit’
Sony Pictures and the Peter Rabbit filmmakershave apologised for making light of allergies following calls to boycott the movie, which hit U.S. cinemas over the weekend.
SEE ALSO: James Corden will get the 'Peter Rabbit' movie hopping at Sony
A scene in the new adaptation of Beatrix Potter's classic shows character Tom McGregor, who's allergic to blackberries, being pelted with the berries by Peter and his friends. One of the berries lands in Tom's mouth, and he has to use an EpiPen to treat his allergic reaction.
The scene prompted a massive outcry on social media, and many parents called on people to boycott the film, which they deemed to find "humor in bullying" people living with allergies.
Brittany Dye, a parent of a child with a severe food allergy, penned an open letter calling on Sony Pictures to pull the film, which she said "mocks children with disabilities."
"If someone launched green peas, or lentils, or any of the other 6 foods my son is allergic to into his mouth the way the rabbits did to McGregor in the movie with blackberries, he would need timely epinephrine. If he did not receive it, he would likely die," wrote Dye in the letter.
One parent of a daughter with allergies called the scene "sickening."
Raincoats may be cute, but to support a movie that promotes bullying to children with food allergies is disgusting. Shame on @SonyPictures for finding humor in bullying children like my daughter. Sickening. #BoycottPeterRabbit @FoodAllergyBuzz @FoodAllergy https://t.co/RDSeXX96a6
— Tom Murray (@thomascmurray) February 10, 2018
"Please stop showing anaphylaxis as something that is funny," wrote another person on Twitter.
Heads up from @kfatweets about the new #PeterRabbitMovie and sensitive issues for those with life-threatening #foodallergies PLEASE stop showing #anaphylaxis as something that is funny. @SonyPictures https://t.co/ZT0HQSmIee pic.twitter.com/ZHdTUFsCba
— Turn It Teal (@TurnItTeal) February 10, 2018
Another parent of a child with "severe food allergies" called the film "absolutely disgusting."
Absolutely disgusting. My son suffers from severe food allergies, and on top of my wife and I worrying about that every second of they day, now we have to worry about a film where his allergy and lifestyle is mocked? No one @SonyPictures thought this was an issue? What a joke. https://t.co/CXHGcnLy2D
— Chris R. Vaccaro (@ChrisVaccaro) February 11, 2018
In a Facebook post, the Kids With Food Allergies (KFA) Foundation wrote that the scene "may be disturbing to young viewers" with food allergies.
"KFA believes that food allergy 'jokes' are harmful to our community," read the post. "During a reaction, patients require the life-saving drug epinephrine and must go to the nearest hospital for follow-up treatment."
They added that the scene was harmful to those living with allergies. "Making light of this condition hurts our members because it encourages the public not to take the risk of allergic reactions seriously, and this cavalier attitude may make them act in ways that could put an allergic person in danger," the post continued.
A spokesperson for Sony Pictures said in a statement that the film "should not have made light" of the character's allergy "even in a cartoonish, slapstick way."
"We sincerely regret not being more aware and sensitive to this issue, and we truly apologize," the statement continued.
WATCH: Fans speculate who Disney will cast as the live-action Kim Possible
More From this publisher : HERE ; This post was curated using : TrendingTraffic
=> *********************************************** Originally Published Here: Sony apologises for making light of food allergies in ‘Peter Rabbit’ ************************************ =>
Sony apologises for making light of food allergies in ‘Peter Rabbit’ was originally posted by 16 MP Just news
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Jogos Amistosos Internacionais – Arquivos de Futebol do Brasil
Clube internacional jogo amistoso de clube - jogo amistoso - English translation – Linguee
CPV Cabo Verde. MEX México. EUA Estados Unidos. ARG Argentina. CHI Chile. BOL Bolívia. CHL Chile. URU Uruguai. EGY Egito. KSA Coreia do Sul. GUA Guarani. ITU Ituano. COR Corinthians Sub RMN Romênia. ING Inglaterra. Jogos preparatórios - San Luis, Argentina. Funes San Juan, Argentina. FRA França. Jogos preparatórios - Stade du Hanaiaut Valenciennes, França. HOL Holanda. POR Portugal. Jogos preparatórios - Granja Comary, Teresópolis.
Torneio Cluve - Pereira, Colômbia. Torneio Pré-Olímpico imternacional Armenia, Colômbia. BRA Brasil Masters. BEL Bélgica. KFA Coreia do Internacioal. AFA Argentina. Jogos preparatórios clube internacional jogo amistoso de clube King Saud University Stadium. ANG Angola. NZE Nova Zelândia. NIG Nigéria. SEN Senegal. POL Polônia. Amistoso - Suzuki Arena - Kielce, Polônia. BOL Bolivia. COR Coreia do Sul.
IRL Irlanda. HON Honduras. JAM Jamaica. QAT Catar. Clube internacional jogo amistoso de clube Inglesa. Copa do Mundo. Chuteira de Ouro. Estatísticas Completas 84 Competições. Destaques do Mercado.
Resultado de Futebol Internacional
Futebol Nacional. Mozart é o novo técnico do Cruzeiro. Grêmio renova com Vanderson até Invencibilidade e freguesia dos paulistas: Marlon celebra boa fase do Atlético Goianiense. Gabigol é decisivo, Flamengo vence Fluminense e clube internacional jogo amistoso de clube o Carioca.
Oitavas definidas com Boca x Atlético em destaque na Libertadores. Sorteio define oitavas da Libertadores e Sul-Americana hoje: Relembre os potes. Rony e Willian se aproximam de Alex em segunda maior goleada do Palmeiras na Liberta.
De saída do Flamengo, Ronaldo entra na mira do Fluminense.
Amistosos de Clubes
Oficial: Wijnaldum vai jogar no PSG. Base de Dados. Copa do Mundo AFC. Saifi defendeu pela primeira vez as cores da Argélia.
In the international arena, Saifi made his first appearance for Algeria. France: The team suffered a surprising loss to China.
Fute bo l : jogo amistoso F r an ça x Brasil france. Footbal l: France - B raz il friendly ma tch france. The compe ti tion or friendly game o r s till th e festival, [ Interim coach Sergio Batista can be pleased with a job well done after Argentina came away with a victory at the end of a hard-fought amsitoso in Dublin.
No dia 12 de abri l e m tente este site amistoso « S pa rtak» Moscou [ On Apr il 12 i n a friendly mat ch "S pa rtak" [ Nenhum anotações Hong Kong. No annotations Hong Kong faced. Internationa l friendly m atch football. In h is firs t l eag ue game wi th San tos, he scored [ O prim outro r o jogo f o i amistosoa n ova equipe jogada contra [ Iogo he fi rst match which w as a friendly o ne, th e new t clube internacional jogo amistoso de clube played [ Mas no segundo tempo, conseguimos mud ar o jogo c o clube internacional jogo amistoso de clube letament e [ o amistosoclube internacional jogo amistoso de clube is putado em setembro, terminou em [ We've been controlling all the matches, but I think we can still get a lot better and I am sure we will.
T he game was n othi ng like a friendly bu t I m an aged to [ O game oferece uma ampla variedade de opçõe s d e jogo : é p clube internacional jogo amistoso de clube disputa r u m amistosoo M undial - do começo ao fim, com todas as 64 partidas, ou [ It also offers countless modes, with gamers being able to play qualifiers, warm-up matches, the knockout rounds or the tournament in its entirety. A maioria d el e s jogou c o nt ra o Boca Juniors e m u m amistoso r e ce nte para testar [ M ost of th em played ag integnacional nst Boca J uniors i n a rece nt friendly t o te st amstoso he m physiologically [
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황의조, 손흥민·기성용 넘어 'KFA 올해의 선수' 오를까?
황의조, 손흥민·기성용 넘어 'KFA 올해의 선수' 오를까?
‘원샷원킬’ 황의조가 올해 최고의 활약을 펼친 선수에게 주는 대한축구협회, KFA ‘올해의 선수’ 유력 후보로 떠올랐습니다.
축구협회는 다음 달 18일 서울 종로구 종로6가 JW메리어트호텔에서 2018 KFA 시상식을 엽니다.
이번 시상식의 최대 관심사는 올해의 남자 선수 부문입니다.
올해의 선수는 한국 국적을 갖고 국내외에서 활약하는 선수를 대상으로 ‘언론사 50%+기술위원회 50%’ 비율의 투표로 수상자를 결정합니다.
2010년 이 상이 부활한 이후 사실상 손흥민과 기성용이 이 상을 양분해왔습니다.
손흥민은 2013년과 2014년 수상에 이어 2016-2017시즌 21골로 차범근 전 수원 감독의 한국인 유럽 리그 한 시즌 최다골 기록을 갈아치우고 개인 통산 세 번째로 이 상을…
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Madre mía. Acabo de caer en la cuenta que Winds of Winter no es Winds of Winter RPG. Y que además, por el comentario de un Anon, entre WoWRPG y KfA hay mal rollito (debe ser así porque no están afiliados entre ellos?). ¿Alguien me puede confirmar esto último? Porque igual me interesa entrar en Winds, jajaja (no es broma, lo juro).
Mucho invierno.
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3D <b>Video Mapping</b> | Historia Gniezna Pierwszej Stolicy Polski | KFA
3D Video Mapping | Historia Gniezna Pierwszej Stolicy Polski | KFA
Historia Gniezna – pierwszej stolicy Polski to nasza kolejna cykliczna animacja w technologii 3D <b>Video Mapping</b>. Od 2017 r. spektakl ten jest jedną z … https://www.google.com/url?rct=j&sa=t&url=https://www.youtube.com/watch%3Fv%3Dl_WlemhT49M&ct=ga&cd=CAIyGjBhZDgwMGY4NzdlYWQwNGM6Y29tOmVuOlVT&usg=AFQjCNECBTdhIIaa-bTLIE5KfI9TSo_GdQ
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