#r u amberfield or pricefield or amberpricefield
5ivers · 3 months
hi i loved your last amberpricefield art!! Will you make more amberpricefield art in the future??
omg FOR SURE!! 🦌🦋🐦‍⬛
i don’t have anything locked and loaded but id like to draw them more!! i would say stay tuned! bc it will happen >:D
im a multi-shipper gal i dont plan on strictly posting pricefield although it is a main one of mine (there r so many more i adore…like amberfield marshfield amberpricefield blahblahblah)
and THANK YOU ANON! (*^_^*) im glad u loved
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auradonlost · 7 years
Benjamin Florian
Congratulations! You’ve been accepted. Please set up a blog within the next 24 hours and send in your url! 
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Character Name: Benjamin Florian
Nicknames (Optional): Ben
Titles (Optional): King of Auradon
Age:  18
Gender (Optional): Male
Pronouns: He/Him
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Movie/Show your character originates from: Beauty and the Beast
Desired Faceclaim: Mitchell Hope
Distinguishable Features: Ben, though similar to his parents, takes after them more so in personality than in appearance. While he is obviously their son as he shares their brown locks and bright smiles, he has hazel-green eyes and his brown hair has bits of golden streaks scattered throughout.
Personality: He has been raised his entire life to be kingly, trained to have the qualities it takes to be a leader and a leader who cares for his people. He’s soft-hearted, loving, and accepting. While growing up, he followed in his mother’s footsteps and fell in love with reading and books. Though he is extremely social and outgoing, there will always be this tiny piece inside of him that loves to escape into a novel and forget about the world for just a few hours. This also led him to be quite patient and understanding.  Ben has a strong moral code that he lives by and when he meets someone who may not follow that same code, he attempts to be as much of a gentleman and treat them as fairly as he can. He is a person who believes in second chances no matter the situation, even in a world where nothing is what it once was. Despite how hard things get, he stands tall, surrounded by an aura of positivity and a hopefulness so strong it can sometimes be misinterpreted as naivety.
   Yet, sometimes that positivity and blind hope is just an appearance. Due to his duties as a king, he doesn’t want to let anyone down, he doesn’t want anyone else to worry and he’s scared that if he reveals his own fear, he will fail his people. Ben suffers silently by trying to quietly overcome his anxiety and deal with the growing stress in his life. There were times where he locked himself in his office or room, pacing with shaky hands and rapidly beating heart as he thought about all of his responsibilities and the thoughts swarming in his head, telling him he couldn’t do it all. He doubts himself, his own abilities, and at his lowest point, doubted that he would make a good king. He can be slightly impulsive when it comes to decisions that involve his loved ones. He has only opened up about these fears with one person, Lonnie.
   While he inherited his gentle nature from his mother, he did gain one major thing from his father as well: his anger. When it comes to himself, Ben has a thick skin and is willing to take a lot before becoming truly upset. However, in terms of those he cares about, he can be hot-headed. Over the years, he has managed to reel this in a bit and prevent himself from growing into a panicked rage so quickly, but the beast in him still remains.
Alignment (Optional): Lawful Good
Abilities: Thanks to his history at Auradon Prep, Ben is quite athletic. He is skilled with a sword due to taking fencing classes before he grew too busy with other responsibilities. Though they are by no means a power, his leadership skills aid him greatly in bringing people together and in his attempts to rebuild and grow.Biography: Ben always had a happy childhood growing up. His parents treated him with much care and love, finding time to spend with him even with their duties as rulers. He had always been a happy kid, running around with a smile on his face and playing with the other children he knew. It was during this time, he truly began to learn to love everyone and train to one day be king. He dealt with the duties of being a prince and was in the spotlight for a large majority of his life so he grew used to it quite quickly. Ben did everything for others and tried to help them in any way he could, even as a little kid. As he grew up, he attended Auradon Prep, made his first proclamation and then was crowned as King.
   In the beginning everything went well, until the end of days came and threw the world into a post-apocalyptic state. It seemed like everything he knew was thrown out the window but he remains determined to stick to his duties and be the best ruler he can be. Despite missing the days spent laughing at Auradon Prep, he is hopeful for a future where magic has returned and the people are reunited once more.
Family: Belle (Mother), Beast (Father)
Summary (About three sentences summing up your character): Ben is a young king who is working his hardest to solve the problems the nation faces. He is always wearing a smile and the majority of the time, that smile is genuine. Especially when he is around his close friends and family. He is trusting and enthusiastic despite how cold the world has become.
Faction (Optional): The Benevolents
Frequented Territories/Regions: Auradon City
Goal (Optional): Ben wants to help his kingdom and its people . He hopes to one day restore it, back to what it once was.
Extra Information on Character (Optional): Despite being king, Ben attempts to take a passive route as often as he can. However, if there is no other possible solution he will fight to protect his people. It is also thought that Ben could transform fully into a beast, much like his father, but he refuses to allow himself to ever get to that point, in fear that he wouldn’t know how to change back and would be consumed by his rage.
OOC Basics:
Name or Alias: Leah
Age: 18
Gender (Optional): Female
Pronouns: She/Her
Timezone: CST
Mun faceclaim (please refrain from using real people): Chloe Price from the video game Life is Strange
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