#r iko
nilolemillion · 9 days
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unpopular-opinean · 4 months
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gallade-x-treme · 11 months
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shrublub · 2 years
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marissa meyer had me in a chokehold last summer
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alo-piss-trancy · 4 months
This guy's my ultimate fav in the new anime btw... M/urdock my beloved 💛 He's so sweet and handsome and he has the best lines every episode lmao he's absolutely perfect, 20/10 character 👌
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erigold13261 · 7 months
Love how you are dealing with your ask box but beware of burn out please! Take care! LOVE LOVE SAYU PYUNNNNN
Oh don't worry! I have gotten into a writing mode right now (mainly because on another site I am coming up with more Eriverse stuff I will share here at some point), so as of right now I am good!
I'm also only answering asks that are really easy for me to answer quickly, otherwise I am saving them in a doc before deleting them (or just skipping them if I know I will get back to them at some point and want to use the actual ask itself instead of a screenshot).
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bijoupreciieux · 9 months
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edit for usagi tsukino 1/∞ 
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reviewinghiccup · 2 years
In race to the edge, Astrid is mad at Hiccup for not noticing the courting necklace she’s wearing and says, “ It was like I was invisible to you, do you have any idea how that feels? We’ve known each other our entire lives and I’ve never felt further apart.” Personality I was angry at her and knowing Hiccups guilt complex he probably felt bad through out her talk but I think he should be at the very least upset by her statement on how it feels to be invisible and there childhood relationship(s). What do you think?
HELLO @miky-ikos !
Nice question. Interest take and fair point. I mean, it could feel like she was degrading the basis of their entire relationship. And that wouldn't be fair to Hiccup. I gave the series another watch before I answered you and so, here's what I think:
I don't think I was angry w Astrid for what she did though. To be honest, I think she was (1) manipulated by Snotlout, (2) confused by Mala and Dagur's PDA, (3) stressed about having no alone time to talk things out w Hiccup and (4) having no one to talk to or address her concerns about their relationship in general. I'll address each point in turn.
On Dragon's Edge, Hiccstrid is the only serious relationship. In fact, they might be the only Berkians in their age group to be engaged. So, they have nothing to compare their relationship to.
When Dagur and Mala stopped-by all touchy-touchy, that was uncomfortable for them, because maybe the PDA thing wasn't in their culture/nature to explore. And maybe something she wanted to try.
I mean, this is the first time she sees another couple. She starts to wonder if their relationship is right. Marriage is a huge commitment and if you're as thorough as an Astrid, you want to know what right means.
Then Snotlout taunted them by saying "this is what true love looks like" as if he knows. Yet depsite that, its effective in making Astrid question her relationship and its state.
They are also partners in battle as well. That's always been the case. Even when they were friends. And they've been friends for longer than they've been in a relationship.
So often when that happens, the lines between best friend and lover and even co-worker can be blurred and you might find yourself in this hodgepodge state of everything in between and dangerously, nothing at the same time.
They had no time that day to talk. They were constantly interrupted. First by Dagur's best man proposal, then by the Armour Wing, then by Krogan's scouts, then by Krogan himself.
Where communications fail, fights begin. And, I do agree she shouldn't have expected Hiccup to read her mind, but if he had paid attention to her, he would've noticed she was not ok.
I mean, the boy can read her if he paid enough attention, we know that. We've seen it. So, the fact he didn't catch on (to her) meant that he wasn't looking.
He could spot the dragon lens miles away but could not notice the Betrothal necklace in front of him and on her.
Quiet rarely do we see Astrid insecure. We often see Hiccup insecure and needing validation. So maybe, when it happened to her, it came off angry and manipulative, but all she wanted was reassurance that they were the right thing. That she was right for him. Maybe the insecurity ate into what she knew deep down, that he loved her.
I'm sure Hiccup felt bad. You're right, our boy has a guilt complex. And I don't think anyone can hurt him as deeply as Astrid can. But I don't think he was angry or would be angry w Astrid. I don't think he can be. He could be upset by her statement, but more because it made him sad.
Their relationship was more than just something that started as friends. It had mutual respect, courage, time, missions that required them to trust each other on levels no one else had to. She was his support, from day one. Behind him and his idea to save the village from the Red Death to training dragons, to riding Toothless. She even promised to keep Toothless a secret when he asked her to.
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Without her, he wouldn't be the Hiccup we know now. She egged him towards his call. And he needed to be there for her, to allay her insecurities as much as she has for him. Relationship is a lot of give and take. We are dealing w humans after all. And just because you think someone knows you love them, doesn't mean you don't have to go around showing it.
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Thank you for your question, I hope my answer suffices. And enjoy some clips from the show.
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yeli-renrong · 1 year
Certain comparable English words, by virtue of being from Anglo-Saxon, French, or Greek/Latin/learned roots, can have slightly different status connotations. “Fat,” “stout,” and “obese” are cases in point: the first is Anglo-Saxon, having a popular and to some extent negative resonance; the second is borrowed from the French, having a more dignified cachet; and the third is Greek, lending a medico-pathologic aspect. Similar distinctions can be seen in “ditch” (Anglo-Saxon), “channel” (French), and “canal” (Latin), the first being that into which you might throw a body, the second being the path a river might take, and the third being what a learned engineer might construct.
Proctor, R. N. (2007). “‐Logos,” “‐Ismos,” and “‐Ikos.” Isis, 98(2), 290–309. doi:10.1086/518189 
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krispyweiss · 1 year
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Hardly Strictly Bluegrass Day No. 2, Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, Sept. 30, 2023
Leyla McCalla controls the weather.
An overcast day in San Francisco’s Golden Gate Park suddenly turned sun-soaked when the former Carolina Chocolate Drop sang: My face to the sun as she performed Our Native Daughters’ “I Knew I Could Fly” during her Sept. 30 Hardly Strictly Bluegrass set on the Towers of Gold Stage.
“That’s awesome,” she said mid-verse as the Earth’s star emerged from the afternoon clouds.
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Following the electric and steel guitar instrumentals of Hermanos Gutiérrez on the adjacent Swan stage and playing cello, banjo and electric guitar, backed with rhythm section and electric guitar, McCalla covered Kendrick Lamar’s “Crown” and offered a gumbo of New Orleanian, Haitian and American music delivered in English and Haitian Creole while showcasing her the Capitalist Blues and Breaking the Thermometer LPs.
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The Sound Biteses’ day had begun in the pre-noon fog with the down-in-the-holler, old-time string music of Dry Branch Fire Squad playing the songs of Gillian Welch, Doc Watson and Bill Monroe on the Banjo stage. Later, it was gospel from the McCrary Sisters, who sung Stevie Wonder’s “Higher Ground,” “Amazing Grace” and other numbers backed by a full band during short, five- to 15-minute sets on the Rooster stage, where Brennan Leigh offered a lunchtime menu of traditional country music.
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It was also on the Rooster that Emmylou Harris previewed her Sunday appearance by guesting with Shawn Camp and Verlon Thompson and closing their Doc Watson tribute set with Guy Clark’s “Old Friends.”
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Shortly afterward, Bettye LaVette sauntered onstage to deliver her grinding version of Bob Dylan’s “Things Have Changed.” From here, it was an impassioned reading of songs from the Randall Bramblett-written LaVette! album as the singer prowled the stage and proved her 77 years have cost her nothing in vocal prowess and stage presence.
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“If I could write, this is what I would have said,” LaVette said in introducing the new songs, which worked better on stage than on wax.
Rickie Lee Jones attracted a ginormous crowd to Banjo - “I haven’t seen so many people in front of me for so long,” she said, soaking it in - and their enthusiasm rubbed off. Jones, whose band included Vilray on guitar and vocals, plus accordion and bass, was animated as she danced around the stage and crooned like a lounge singer when she wasn’t playing guitar, banjo or piano.
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Opening with a radically rearranged “Danny’s All-Star Joint” more suited for the streets of New Orleans than the fields of Golden Gate, Jones went on to perform “I Won’t Grow Up” - for the first time, she said - “Last Chance Texaco,” “We Belong Together” and a sinewy rendition of Steely Dan’s “Show Biz Kids” that found Jones lifting her orange sweater to sing of the Rickie Lee T-shirt beneath.
Give RLJ the MVP for turning in HSB No. 2’s No. 1 gig.
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Faced with the quintessential festivalgoers’ dilemma, Mr. and Mrs. Sound Bites split the last hour between Steve Earle’s uncharacteristically sleepy solo-acoustic set on the Banjo and Irma Thomas’ barnburner R&B/soul revival at the Rooster.
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At 82, Thomas played the day’s most rambunctious set, ripping into “Time is on My Side” and getting the audience bouncing and waving their handkerchiefs on her mashup of “I Done Got Over It” -> “Iko Iko” -> “Hey Pocky Way” -> “I Done Got Over It.” That one might be ringing through Golden Gate’s trees along with the birdsong for some time to come.
Read Sound Bites’ coverage of HSB Day One here.
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nilolemillion · 9 days
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unpopular-opinean · 6 months
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gallade-x-treme · 2 months
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doublegroovesite · 27 days
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美しく絡まる絶妙のハーモニー。腰で聴きたいグルービーなサウンド。 ユニットというスタイル。そのどれもがDOUBLEのオリジナリティの極み。 3月20日リリースの新作「Shake」の艶やかな耳触りは、きっとクセになる。
文内本順一 Junichi Uchimote
DOUBLE INFORMATION 3月20日にマキシ・シングル「Shake」をリリース。 現在はアルバムの制作中、リリースは6月頃の予定。
メロディを作ってる最初の段階から、 もう2声で考えて・・・・・・
しょー!」って(笑)」(TAKAKO) その曲「Shake」は、彼女たちの4枚目のシン グル。繰り返されるループの上でふたりの声の掛け 合いが徐々に高まっていくあたり、なんともクール& セクシーな、腰で聴きたいグルービーな1曲だ。 「1枚目がミディアム・テンポで、2枚目がちょっ とアップで、3枚目がまたミディアムで。私は基本 的にはミディアム・テンポが好きで、2枚目のシン グルは最初あんまり好きじゃなかったんですけど、 これがライブ映えするんですよ、すごく。それで、 ここはもう1曲アップめのライブ映えする曲が欲し いなということで、最初からそういうものを想定し てこれを作ったんです」(TAKAKO)
うむ。まさしくライブでえらく映えそう。掛け合 いのところなどは、音としてだけでなく絵的にも。 「今回は始めからふたり用の曲をと意識しで作った んです。メロディを作るの段階から、もう 2声で考えてて」(TAKAKO
「なんかひとり用の曲だと、タカチ 時、私何していいかわかんないって思う
(笑)、これはずっと休みなく歌える・ふ やってるんだっていう実感がありますね」 SACH
あるふたりだが、最近、ある大きな発見をしたと言う。 「和歌ってありますよね。あれって、すごく美しい じゃないですか? たとえばあなたに会えなくて 淋しいわ」って言うことを『私の袖が毎日重くなっ ていく。みたいな言い方してたりして、ああステキ ~!って思って。それはアメリカのR&B聴いて、 ステキ~って私が思う感覚に近いんですよ。ってい う発見をしまして」(TAKAKO)
「メロディを書いてる彼女に、こんな感じで書いて。 って言われて書くことが多いんですけど、向こうの R&Bを訳したようなものを書いても、あまりグッ とこないみたいなんですね。でも和歌みたいに比喩 が多くてハッキリものを言わない感じのを書いてみ たら、これがまさに向こうのR&Bを聴いて感じる フィーリングと同じ感じ、って言うから。というわ けで、突然ですが、これから私たちの歌詞は抽象的 なものに変わります!」(SACHIKO
インタビューはクラブなんぞにそろそろ りだす夜の深い時間に行われた。 よく似合う う美女ふたり。 ナイト・トーキングが繰り広げられるのではと期待 する筆者に、ふたりはこう言ったものだ。 「私は長型。昼のほうが調子がいいですね」(TAK
「私も昼のほうが好きなんです」(SACHIKO) アララ。美女姉妹、DOUBLEのおふたり。そ のビジュアルから、もっと派手めでファンキーのリ の方々を思い浮かべていたのだが、実際は柔らかな 雰囲気で、案外おとなしめ。お互いをチャンづけで 呼び合ったり、丁寧に音楽の話をする妹TAKAK 0の隣で、時々姉のSACHIKOが天然ボケにも 似た答え(失礼!)を返してくれるなど、な~んか、 そこには独得のナゴミ空間が生まれていたのだった。 「私、けっこうヘンな人で、不安定なところがある んですけど、タカチャンはいつも横で『大丈夫だよ、 私を信用して。って支えてくれるので。頼もしいで
「まわりから見ると私のほうがお姉さんみたいだっ て見られたりするんですが、私のほうがわがままだ ったりとかして、やっぱりそれを受け止めてくれた り、譲ってくれたり、お姉さんらしいですよ、サッ
もともとは地元新潟で洋楽曲をカバーして歌って いた。97年から98年にかけては、米軍横田基地内の クラブでレギュラー・ライブも行っていた。そんな ふたりであるから、ステージに出る前には、人格も変 わるくらいにモード・チェンジするのかと思えば。 「チョー緊張しい。お腹くだす(笑)」 (SACHIKO) 「だから、ステージに出る前にはかけ声みたいによ く言ってるんです。私たちは今まで何回もライブや ってきてるじゃない?」って」(TAKAKO) 「私たち、スーパー・シスターズなのよ!」って
(笑)」(SACHIKO) スーパー・シスターズ。これ、新曲「Shake」 のなかのワン・フレーズである。。とまーらないこ のスーパー・シスターズ D-O-U-BILE』と、 ふたりによって歌われているのである。
「レコーディング当日まで違う言葉が入ってたんで すけど、心のなかでこの言葉使いたいなって思って て。で、ギリギリになって、とりあえずみんなの意 見を聞いてみようと。それで笑われなかったら、そ
和歌みたいに、比喩が多くてハッキリものを 言わない感じのを書いてみたら・・・・・・
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caliburn-the-sword · 1 year
winter thoughts up to chapter 14
frankly. not enough scarlet. but i only had the time to read a handful of chapters
iko is so dramatic and i love her. ik she's meant to be the fairy godmother figure, but honest to god with how much she wants to be human and imitates humans (like pretending to faint cause of kai) she honestly seems like a pinocchio type character here too
now that i'm playing association games of aligning characters with other characters, i realised that cinder is technically the huntsman from little red riding hood since she saved scarlet from getting eaten by wolf. since there is a huntsman in snow white as well, that makes me wonder if she might therefore play a similar role in winter's story. that would be very interesting
"I'm on your side," he said. "No matter what." this smells like foreshadowing that he will in fact NOT be on her side no matter what. through no fault of his own of course. levana brainwashing arc when???
LMAO WOLF KNOCKED HIM OUT COLD. favourite trope ever fr
completely agreed cinder. i love a man that's battered and bruised fr
NOOOO don't tell me that thorne is TRYING to make cress jealous. cringe. gross. i'm throwing up in my mouth in the middle of my studies of religion class
is it just me or is thorne flirting with kai?? that is frankly much more preferable since they're both adults to kaider or cresswell honestly
nevermind it's some weird alpha male bs they're trying to one up each other and make them feel insecure about their girls. so basically the whole percy/jason leader thing but w o r s e
why do i want to write an au where cinder grew up as princess selene and she and kai have an arranged marriage and enemies to lovers relationship. i need to stop coming up with fanfic ideas when i've got important exams coming up in 2 months. it's bad enough i even decided to binge this entire series in the first place LMAO (but also it's so worth it). i bet i could find hundreds of fics with this exact premise on ao3 so maybe i'll save myself the effort
yes kai pardon thorne for theft so that you can correctly try him for being a damn pedo
don't mind me immediately connecting the kai has stockholm syndrome joke to beauty and the beast and realising that between cinder and her glamour (the lunar glamour obviously being the beast part btw) then she and kai could also technically be beauty and the beast. forgive me it's the ouat instinct
thorne was SO real for pointing out that kai is a rich royal bastard. not to spread my republican agenda (reminder that i am aussie and when i say republican i mean fuck the brit monarchy not racist trump nonsense) but the eastern commonwealth should TOTALLY do away with kai and bring back democracy. that's why i disagree with the characters calling for his forced abdication because they're just gonna instate ANOTHER royal eventually instead of getting rid of that shit altogether. while we're at it, instead of retaking the throne cinder should DESTROY it and ALSO institute a democracy
damn didn't realise thorne was having sad boy hours about leaving his crew disbanding. me too because i HATE it when the found family breaks up
"most of them even call me Captain" iko and cress is only two people. i think thorne needs to go back to school and retake maths because that is NOT most
winter is embroidering. i am emotional
help this jacinter scene was nice and super romantic until "There were times when she stood so close that he was amazed at his own ability to keep his hands to himself" WHAT???? rocking myself back and forth in my seat reminding myself figure of speech figure of speech figure of speech. YIKES
@eddisfargo @francforever @winterrhayle @winterpinetrees @shellyseashell
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