#qwoc characters
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aretheybisexual · 2 months ago
Do you know this (canon) bisexual character?
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blvcksoul11 · 9 months ago
First Kill on Netflix gave us the black fem lesbian representation we needed, it sucks that it got cancelled after only one season.
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imstarkjr · 4 months ago
It's the way idiots keep spamming "it was always about Billy and he's a gay man" like so fucking what? ITS STILL MISOGYNY TO SACRIFICE WOMEN'S STORIES AND CHARACTERS FOR HIM. Also wow peole are telling on themselves by outright saying a white gay man is more important than QWOC, older (queer) women, women in general.
Say it louder for people at the back
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marvelousazula · 5 months ago
Thank you got calling out the bullshit about w@nd@ and the gargoyle that's supposedly her son. I haaate that the show and fandom is getting overtaken by them. Like we have QWOC and older queer women and yall want to drool over the whitewashed abuser and her white boy mini me? People once again gushing for m/m crap with that twerp and his bf when we might not even get a kiss from the canon f/f couple due to censorship? Ugh. Not even touching people villainixong Agatha immediately again.
So, I try to not be as vocal as I can be about how much I don't like Wanda and her stans, but here we go. I won't even tag her and such so don't come at me (or come, if you want). Little rant:
Yeah, like, I really, really don't like the way I'm seeing way too many people talking about him as if he's the main character of the show.
Like, yeah, sure, be excited about a character you like. I was jumping in joy when Carol showed up in the post credit scene of Ms. Marvel. I was talking about it on Twitter a lot but I also talked about the other stuff. I used to have a MCU side-blog and the majority of my posts weren't about that one thing. (Even if lots of my theories involved her since 1. The Marvels a movie I've been waiting and 2. she was one of the main characters in the direct sequel to Ms. Marvel). I still enjoyed the show for who the show was about even if my favorite character of the 'verse showed up + the series was very much connected to it.
(In the same vein, you don't need to consume every media with characters you like. I didn't watch WandaVision even if Monica was there.)
Agatha is the main character of the show, it's in the fucking name of the show. Sure, it's a trilogy and whatever (or so I heard), this part isn't about fucking Wanda, for fucks sake. It's Agatha All Along, not Wanda & Her Spontaneous Creations All Along.
But I knew it was going to happen. I've seen people tearing apart every non-Teen-is-Billy theory to shreds as if those were personally offensive. I'm sorry some people liked the theory that Teen was, somehow, the protagonist's kid. You know, because the protagonist is the character in which the story revolves around and the protagonist is the most important character because she's the FUCKING PROTAGONIST.
Queer representation is important, yup, and they fucked it up before (Loki anyone?). And the one in Eternals is almost a blink and you'll miss. But even if I'm not a lesbian/sapphic myself, I'm here like "come on, let the lesbians have this for ONCE". It was going so well, the jokes about lesbian witches and their emotional support emo twink, it was going so well.
I knew the moment that we had the identity reveal, the Wanda stans would be even louder and ruin the enjoyment of the others. I genuinely liked Teen and I still think that he was a pretty nice character before that fucking episode end – even if I wouldn't be surprised that he was manipulating them all this time, an evil little bitch like his mom (and that would be fun if it wasn't 1. for the twisted morals & 2. the fact that I ended up really liking Agatha).
About how they talk about Agatha: only Wanda is allowed to be mean, bitchy, evil, cruel and blame it all on her trauma. Every other villain? They're just evil. It's the kind of thing Ms. Volunteer-to-be-Experimented-on-by-HYDRA believes, considering her bullshit line to Strange.
Like, Wanda stans are really the fucking worse.
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dabistits · 2 years ago
quick bullet point of 394 thoughts again:
-at face value, the chapter holds up! it's pulls together ochako's changing thoughts throughout the 2nd half of the series and brings them to a conclusion as she's faced with someone else's pain who isn't the ~victim of a villain~ but an actual villain herself.
-himiko is in turn affirmed by someone who is "normal," who has never been abnormal and never been in her shoes the way the league has, who actually adjusts her (ochako's) perspective and admits her perspective was wrong in order to accept himiko.
-i do find this to be a much better turn than the todofam or (jfc) the mutant storyline. yes, todofam is forced to confront the skeletons in their closet and "own" their mistakes (not gonna get into whether or not that's correct given how it's mostly endeavor's fault <3) but i think there's a notable lack of acceptance of the way dabi is now. the focus was on the mistakes of the past and how they failed touya, not about what dabi might want to hear and do now. dabi was fought all the way to the end whereas ochako actually did reach out.
-and this might be bcs of where himiko and dabi's problems diverge (himiko's problem is one that is inherent to her, an instinctually-ingrained drive that doesn't necessarily entail harming people, whereas dabi's is explicitly taking out a bunch of uninvolved people to stick it to a shitty father) but positioning dabi as an issue to be solved by the family, rather than as somebody deeply wronged by multiple people who has a right to his hatred and rage (disclaimer: ~but not to hurt other people~) was weak and unsatisfactory. especially when contrasted with the fact that he has been more harshly judged, scolded, and physically beaten down in comparison to an actual abuser.
-the mutant storyline is just blatant libshit that horikoshi couldn't even hide under the guise of being about interpersonal relationships lmfao.
-in short, himiko's story actually gets a nod about how people were wrong about her and how that led to her mistreatment in a way that todofam and mutant storylines don't acknowledge. there is actually a focus on her feelings and how she was wronged, instead of being preoccupied with listing reason #872 why dabi/spinner are bad people.
-thematically though, does the chapter hold up? i'm still never going to be a fan of a story where the answer is assimilation into a society that scorned them. while this chapter is better than the mutant storyline, it still feels like it'll take a similar path: bnha teases "the attitudes of society has to change," but it also pins the responsibility of incremental/respectable change on marginalized people. idk ig this will either be addressed way into the future or not at all so we'll see.
-himiko's (and the league's) fate is still a huge elephant in the room. you can call her cute but can you be in her (and her friends') corners if the state wants to imprison or execute her?😳 how much is the acknowledgement of the league's importance to himiko worth if we're comfortable putting them all in jail? if i wasn't already a prison abolitionist bnha could make me one.
-being a qwoc myself i can say that a nice girl can call me beautiful all she wants but if she's in favor of putting me in jail her words would mean jack shit <3
-the other huge elephant in the room is twice. like genuinely no one acknowledged that he is dead, he was killed by a hero, and that fact is responsible for 99% of himiko's current rage😭 and then he just dissipates like he's a metaphor for himiko's hate-fueled rampage😭 come the fuck on stop treating this like it's a metaphor with no answer, we know there is a specific person who is responsible for this. hawks🤝endeavor, characters the story can't accept are directly responsible for this bullshit.
-good chapter canceled, horikoshi drew a teenaged girl nude again.
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ladyimaginarium · 4 months ago
clementine <3
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the baddest bitch in the apocalypse 10/10. she really is that disabled qwoc final girl. i genuinely can't stand it when people try & sanitize her when she's genuinely so interesting when she's morally ambiguous. the fact that we have a biracial black girl (yes fandom she's canonically blasian, season one director's own words) who's openly bisexual & disabled & is ALIVE by the end of the story is actually so good i love it so much. she will always be afroindigenous black ndn 2s to me bc im native & i do what i Want. honestly she's one of my favorite characters in horror media if not of all time & im Also her defense attorney because Yes she Did do That. ily bbygirl u absolute legend. southern gothic heroine to the bone.
character opinion bingo.
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holyblanchett · 5 months ago
Not Billy/Wanda stans acting dumb about why people hate the chars/them when they're literally taking over the fandom and possibly even the actual show. That is named after agatha. And should be about her. That was so refreshing and important because it was about older women, queer women, qwoc. And they're literally villainizing Agatha who clearly is not able to control her magic but crying about their boy who clearly can and used it to harm everyone else. (And if the rumors are true that the intimacy coordinators are for the goddamned gay boys but the main character lesbians are stuck avoiding censors??)
SAY IT LOUDER FOR THE PEOPLE IN THE BACK! Not only that but outmagazine just released an article saying Joe/Billy just made queer 'history' in AAA when Agatha and Rio are legit ex wives. The erasure is insane. If we don't get an Agathario kiss by the end of the show I will be LIVID.
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rosesisupposes · 6 years ago
Meet the Parents
Extra Detail from Another Goddamn Hero Story
I commissioned art of my heroes and villains, but I also have a number of OCs in this story, particularly when it comes to the boys’ parents & parental figures. I used this Picrew and also This Picrew to make them (or at least, them if they all had the same body type 🙃)
The Skylars: Celeste and Tatiana 
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Drs Lancaster: Portia and Atticus
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(Atticus is a shorty and is a round boi but there are such limited options for both multiple genders and body types so....)
 Accidental Mom: Teresa Torres aka Copper Eye
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(no option for fully prosthetic eye, but it’s close)
Foster Moms: Miss and Ms. Parsons
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sammyawrites · 7 years ago
her troubled heart, her lying mind
her troubled heart, her lying mind
(part of the sagas of larja)
@sammyawrites (tumblr) | @sammyaworks (twitter) 
A/N: this is a short story written for @forgedzine! although preorders have ended for the print edition, you can still grab a copy of the PDF edition for as long as you’d like! make sure to check out all the incredible art featured within. 
The moons’ light welcomed them to the small town under the Mersa mountains in southern Ihai. Larjah set out to find a smithery as Rudra sought a place to pray. They had agreed to meet at the town’s inn. Larjah released her winds, pleased when they returned the faint scent of Salali, the nightseeker she was hired to kill.
Dropping off her damaged sword, she couldn’t help but feel frustration building toward their situation. How had Rudra’s pilgrimage turned into a cross-country hunt for a nightseeker?
Larjah’s mind was focused on vengeance as she made her way to the town’s inn. Salali’s heart would be at the end of her blade tomorrow so she could find peace.
In the inn’s courtyard, Rudra was singing a song of worship to Rala, the Goddess of Water and Healing. With her maiju she fetched water from the fountain that she used to float around her as she prayed. Her dancing made the water pulsate out around her. Water arched high, making rainbows in the droplets as the moonlight kissed it.
Rudra was beautiful. Her gold eyes and brown skin glistened as she brought praise to her goddess. Looking at her, Larjah knew that Rudra would make someone a lovely wife.
“Jaha!” Rudra raised a hand in greeting before she went back to her dance.
When Rudra was done, she joined Larjah, who was consulting with the innkeeper about their room. Again, Rudra had gotten one room for them. Larjah glanced at Rudra, frowned at the lingering traces of the desert’s sand on her, and asked for a bathing tub.
“We don’t have time for that, right?” Rudra asked.
“I don’t want to lie to your Temple Mother when she asks if I treated you respectfully.”
“Couldn’t it wait until we finish the hunt?”
“Are you two here on a hunt then?” the manager asked as he turned to them. “Did you come because of the disappearances?”
“So people have gone missing” Rudra said. “You weren’t able to find the bodies?”
“Not at all. It’s gotten so bad that we sent for Jahla’s priestess to help — so are you the maijuns they sent?”
“Actually, we were hired by a Lord across the valley! Maa jaha’s a hunter.” Rudra aimed a smile at Larjah who looked away. “She’s skilled in hunting monsters.”
“Oh!” The manager was pleased. “Are you a kakaja and an anaka? We are truly blessed then that a bonded maijun pair has come to help us!”
“It’s our honored duty, sir.”
Larjah didn’t have the energy to start a public fight because of Rudra’s stubbornness in lying about their relationship. “Please bring our meal to our room.”
Larjah walked away as Rudra said, “She’s tired. Please excuse my kakaja—.”
“I’ve heard that kakajas can be easily angered — why don’t you go calm your kakaja, anaka mahila?”
“Rudra.” Larjah called as she followed the servants carrying water to their room.
While she waited for the tub to be filled Larjah was silent. She ignored the exasperated looks Rudra tossed her way when she finally joined her. When the servants left, Larjah readied herself to speak but Rudra did first.
“Why won’t you accept that we’re bondmates, jaha?” Rudra was in front of the mirror, twisting her black hair into a bun for her bath, as she watched Larjah.
Larjah shook her head. “Why won’t you accept that your spouse is in Dumvasi? You’re going to end up hurt if you keep lying.”
“I’m not lying.” Rudra turned toward her. “I’m not the one who cuts off my maiju’s connection to you. I’m not the one who won’t accept that we’re interwoven with each other, that each day only proves our maijus call for each other. That I’m your anaka. That you’re mine.”
“You’re not mine,” Larjah said. “You’re meant for something so much greater than anything I could give you; so don’t pin your aspirations on me. Your goddess, Rala, speaks through you—you want to throw that blessing away to be a cursed person like me? Mother Rasa would never let you—”  
“Since when do you care what anyone thinks?”
Larjah looked at the beautifully stubborn girl in front of her. One day, Rudra would accept her fate, but tonight was not that day. Rudra had promised since childhood that Larjah would be hers, and that remained her goal.
“I’m going to get another room.” Larjah didn’t linger for Rudra’s reply.
The next day as Larjah neared Rudra’s room, a foul smell drifted toward her. Her first knock was unusually ignored given that Rudra didn’t hold grudges and woke at dawn.
“Rudra!” Larjah knocked louder. Unease rising, she forced her way into the room.
Larjah stepped on glass. The mirror was cracked, the bedsheets tossed to the floor, and the window was opened. The smell was stronger now, barely faded in the early morning winds.
Rudra had fought. The black blood belonged to a nightseeker and the stench belonged to Salali. He had come for Rudra— though there was no red blood, that didn’t mean that he had taken her alive. It wasn’t necessary for a nightseeker to bleed a maijun like a human.  
Her temper flared as winds gathered around her, spiraling out the window to gather up the nightseeker’s trail. Salali had drained dozens of maijuns and killed even more humans over a couple months. That monster had Rudra?
Rudra, a priestess, who was considered a healing prodigy thanks to her water maiju, who always had to help, who was the beloved of Rala and—Larjah reached for her blade only to remember that it was gone.
The winds returned, bringing faint traces of Salali’s scent. Larjah let herself drop from the window, releasing the wind to call upon the earth, feeling it shift to accommodate her as she ran to the smithery. She switched between her wind and earth maijus, fighting to keep his trail fresh in her mind and hurried to get her sword.
Larjah fetched her blade from the smithery and moved out of town using the ground to push her forward. When Larjah was outside of town, she let the wind circle around her to send her rushing toward the mountains.
The mountain’s face gave way as she switched to using her earth maiju to soften her landing. The strain of switching between earth and wind was draining, but if her curse to use all maijus would help her save Rudra she’d survive any pain, any further shortening of her life.  
She passed through empty cave after cave as her maijus fought within her. Each part of her was seeking Rudra’s maiju signature. Her core was unfocused, forcing her winds to slam against her skin as they returned without Rudra’s scent.
Larjah landed in a cave’s entrance, ready to let the winds carry her to the next one.
Then she saw him. Salali. His skin was white, fragile as paper, his eyes cloudy grey. Larjah couldn’t focus clearly on him, eyes sliding past him, past the villagers’ corpses, to Rudra against the cave’s floor. Larjah let their maijus brush and Rudra looked at her. She looked pallid from Salali starting to drain her maiju.
“Salali.” Larjah’s voice was layered with disgust, her anger making her maiju become frantic, as she released the wind and planted herself into the earth. She felt the earth extend her senses as he laughed, a mocking sound from him. It would be his final mockery as she pushed up with her hands to force him back.
Salali twisted out of reach. He had grown stronger— how many maijuns had he claimed? How many lives had been taken to fuel him?
Rudra’s maiju was touching Larjah’s maiju eagerly, as if sensing her rage, urging her to calm down. Larjah let Rudra in, let their maijus mingle properly as she pulled her sword from her thigh, switching maijus and letting her winds give her the extra push to force her blade into Salali’s heart.
He shifted so that it hit his shoulder instead, and he was laughing again, even as she forced him back toward the wall while his cold blood coated her hands. As she pulled the blade out to try to reach his heart, and twisted himself into a tunnel in the wall. Larjah reached out, fingers closing around his cloak but he escaped, hiding deeper inside the cave’s tunnels.
She let out a scream of frustration, and Rudra’s maiju flooded into her, amplifying her sight. Larjah could see Salali crawling out of reach of her blade, yet not out of reach of her earth maiju. She stomped her foot and collapsed the tunnels throughout the cave as he reached them. He would have to escape or be buried alive.
Salali burst out of a collapsing tunnel teeth bared. She locked stone braces around his wrists and ankles. His screaming mingled with hers, but she kept focused as she prepared her sword for him. As she switched from earth to fire maiju, a whimper from Rudra reached her.
Her concentration slipped.
Salali threw himself at her, teeth bearing down into her shoulder as they slammed to the floor, her sword fell from her grip. Larjah reached for her dagger, fingers closing around the hilt as her vision swam. She felt powerful as she stabbed the blade into his back. Fire maiju swept from her fingers, and down the dagger to engulf him.  
She felt him burn, felt the fire lick against her skin as he turned to ash on top of her.
Then there was Rudra drained yet angry above her, repeatedly saying, “Don’t die.”
I can’t promise that, Rudra, Larjah thought before she drifted into dreams.
After they let the villagers know where their dead rested, it was time to go.
“I felt you,” Rudra finally said after watching Larjah pack their beasts.
Larjah looked at the fence where Rudra was waiting for her to finish. “You shouldn’t have.”
“Larjaha, how can someone named after love itself be in so much pain?”
“I’m not.” How much of her core had Rudra seen? It had been careless of her to have allowed Rudra in after trying so long to keep her out. “Forget everything you saw.”   
“Maa jaha, how could I?”
“Rudra, enough.” Larjah stepped away from their beasts. “It’s time for you to go home.”
Rudra took hold of Larjah’s arm. “If you kiss me and can still say that we’re not bonded, I’ll go home without a complaint.”
If it was that simple… Larjah to kiss her cheek. “We’re not bonded.” Rudra rolled her eyes. “You promised, Rudra.”
“I meant a real kiss.”
The way to deal with Rudra sometimes was to give in. Mother Rasa said it spoiled her, but now Larjah could only look at the still drained girl. Rumors said that a bonded maijun pair could restore their maijus from contact�� but Larjah didn’t know if it’d be fair to kiss Rudra based on a rumor. It also wasn’t fair that Rudra was demanding it from her.
There was no god she could ask for guidance as she shifted and kissed Rudra. Rudra gripped her shoulders as the world quieted. This could be their everyday, Larjah thought as she let herself feel the depths of Rudra’s love for her. She could feel Rudra’s maiju replenish itself, drawing on Larjah’s own reserves. Feeling that was enough for Larjah, it gave her resolve that Rudra needed to be safe. Neither could be selfish when Rudra could do so much good for the world, would do so much when Larjah was gone, left only to memory.
Larjah broke the kiss. “You’re going home.”
Rudra sighed. “See how much potential we have?”
“You promised, Rudra.”
Rudra rolled her eyes. “Okay, jaha.”  
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some-days-we-get-sundays · 4 years ago
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Javicia Leslie got no business being this fine. 
in case this blows up, please support her on CW’s Batwoman.   
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aretheybisexual · 2 months ago
Do you know this (canon) bisexual character?
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We learn that in law school she was in a long-term relationship with Eve Rothlo. They remained together until Annalise falls in love with her therapist, Sam Keating. Eventually, Annalise leaves Eve, Sam leaves his wife, and the two get married.
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trianglart · 4 years ago
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They’re playing nintendogs :> 
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superduperkas · 4 years ago
Deena and Sam from the Netflix Fear Street trilogy feels like looking into an alternative reality of the Buffyverse where Faith and Tara are dating
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imstarkjr · 4 months ago
The fandom dickriders really came out of the woodwork, crying about lesbians being big bad bullies being upset that THE LITERAL ONLY MAN IN THE CAST got a full almost hour long episode dedicated to his backstory (and a reveal facilitated by killing off a QWOC and manipulating 2/3 other women). This immediately after THE MAIN LESBIAN CHARACTER got the shortest most ??? Episode and every other women in the cast has been barely touched upon.
I'm here for all this
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randomcanbian · 4 years ago
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samoililja · 4 years ago
I've got a feeling we might finally be getting some Black nblw or nblnb representation in the 3rd book of the Kingston Cycle
Robin is one of my favourite characters of the series and she has been revealed to be the main character of the upcoming Soulstar book. In the last book it was mentioned that she had a childhood friend who was locked into one of the asylums for those guilty of witchcraft, and I've got a feeling whoever that is, is going to be the love interest of the next book plus possibly nonbinary.
The cover is definitely giving me potentially nonbinary vibes and because the author also uses they pronouns, I shall remain hopeful.
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I know this won't show up under the tags, because I've been shadowbanned for the past two years, but just putting my speculations out there.
Let's see what what happens!
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