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Haven't put pen to paper in a while.
#My art#93#Quatrevingt-treize#QVT#Gauvain#Quite literally pen and paper. I have no other art supplies on hand.
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Soutien psychologique en EHPAD : prĂ©venir lâĂ©puisement et renforcer la cohĂ©sion de lâĂ©quipe
Assurer un soutien psychologique solide en #EHPAD est essentiel pour prĂ©venir le burn-out et renforcer la cohĂ©sion dâĂ©quipe. DĂ©couvrez nos conseils et initiatives clĂ©s pour un personnel Ă©panoui et des rĂ©sidents mieux accompagnĂ©s âš#QualitĂ©DeVieAuTravail
Les soignants en EHPAD font face Ă des contraintes physiques et Ă©motionnelles intenses. Lâaccumulation de stress et la complexitĂ© des prises en charge peuvent conduire Ă un Ă©puisement chronique. Selon une enquĂȘte de lâANACT, le secteur mĂ©dico-social figure parmi les plus exposĂ©s au burn-out. Un soutien psychologique appropriĂ© devient alors essentiel pour prĂ©server la santĂ© du personnel et laâŠ
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La QualitĂ© de Vie et les Conditions de Travail ce nâest pas de la comâ.
Ce sont des actions concrĂštes pour amĂ©liorer les conditions de travail pour: đ diminuer lâĂ©puisement pro,đ diminuer les risques pro,đ diminuer lâabsentĂ©isme,đ diminuer le turnover, etđ augmenter lâengagement,đ augmenter lâinvestissement,đ favoriser lâĂ©panouissement des collaborateurs. Au final tout le monde a Ă yâŠ
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#6 La sophrologie, une méthode au service de la qualité de vie au travail
Souvent confondue avec le yoga et la mĂ©ditation, la sophrologie peut aider Ă se sentir mieux au quotidien et Ă cultiver le mieux ĂȘtre au travail.
Quâest ce que câest ?
Câest une mĂ©thode de relaxation, de mieux ĂȘtre qui a pour but de se sentir bien dans sa tĂȘte et bien dans son corps. Cette technique travaille aussi bien sur les tensions physiques que mentales, notamment la surcharge mentale liĂ©e Ă lâenvironnement ultra anxiogĂšne dans lequel nous Ă©voluons tous.
La sophrologie sâappuie principalement sur la respiration comme paramĂštre physiologique pour retrouver la maitrise : ralentir la respiration a un impact pour ralentir le mental, la conscience du corps afin de dĂ©contracter les tensions corporelles, et enfin la visualisation pour agir positivement sur nos humeurs, notre mental.
Les bienfaits de la sophrologie pour les collaborateurs
ConcrĂštement comment la sophrologie peut favoriser le bien ĂȘtre au travail ?
Pour la gestion du stress : la sophrologie apporte des techniques pour diminuer le stress et les ressentis physiques associés.
Pour la gestion des Ă©motions : les Ă©motions naissent de lâinteraction avec les autres, la sophrologie apporte des outils pour maitriser les effets des Ă©motions
Pour la gestion de la fatigue : sâadapter en entreprise demande un effort intellectuel, un effort psychologie et un effort physique, pour accompagner cette adaptation la sophrologie offre des outils de dynamisation ou de rĂ©cupĂ©ration dâĂ©nergie.
Prendre une pause parait paradoxal cependant offrir une pause Sophro Ă vos collaborateurs permet une rĂ©cupĂ©ration, de lĂącher la pression, dâamĂ©liorer la mĂ©moire, la concentration et la crĂ©ativitĂ©.
ConcrÚtement faire des pauses permet de gagner en efficacité : les quelques minutes accordées à une récupération permet une meilleure qualité de présence.
Quels exercices ?
Il existe une multitude dâexercices en sophrologie. Mon exercice de prĂ©dilection est le pompage des Ă©paules. Il me permet souvent de relĂącher la pression, de me dĂ©tendre les Ă©paules, ou bien de me redynamiser :
La position : debout pieds parallĂšles Ă©cartĂ©s de la largeur du bassin, genoux lĂ©gĂšrement flĂ©chis, les bras le long du corps, les mains ouvertes, tĂȘte droite,
Les consignes : Enchaßnement à répéter 3 fois
Lâenchainement :
Fermez les yeux, commencez par inspirer par le nez et fermer les poings en imaginant rassembler toutes vos tensions dans vos mains. AprÚs cette grande inspiration, bloquez votre respiration puis montez et descendez les épaules plusieurs fois comme si vous soupesiez ce que vous aviez dans les mains. Pour finir, expirez fortement par la bouche en ouvrant les poings comme si vous lùchiez toutes les tensions que vous avez accumulées dans vos mains.
Pour finir :
Imaginez une onde de détente qui parcourt tout votre corps et enlÚve tous vos soucis et toutes vos tensions.
Comment pratiquer la sophrologie ?
Elle se pratique assis, debout ou allongé et est accessible à tous. Les séances durent 1h.
Câest souvent grĂące Ă la rĂ©gularitĂ© et aprĂšs 3 sĂ©ances que les bienfaits de la sophrologie au bureau se mesurent, la pratique recommandĂ©e est 1 fois par semaine.
Afin dâoptimiser votre qualitĂ© de vie au travail de vos collaborateurs, proposez des des sĂ©ances de sophrologie au bureau ! NâhĂ©sitez pas Ă me contacter : [email protected] - 06 27 64 97 21
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It only took me two years but I think I've finally figured out how to end this chapter of Shipwreck
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Vivek Ramaswami: The Perils of 'Race Neutrality'
Vivek Ramaswami's interview w/ Ann Coulter killed many birds w/ One Stone. Her blatant Racism & his acceptance of it spoke Volumes. Vivek has been pushing an Anti- Black Narrative for several years; I have personally said that he WILL become a victim of the Institutionalized Racism that he marginalized & dismissed. Ann Coulter is NO DUMMY! She tested his 'Race Neutral' stance from the start of the Interview. When she told him Point Blank that she agrees w/ him on many issues, but won't vote for him because he's 'Indian', Vivek didn't blink. He later commented that he 'respected her Courage to speak honestly'(???). THIS is what separates Black Americans from 'Brownfolk', & why ANY Black & Brown Coalition is just a pipe dream.
I have said a few times that Black Immigrants & Brownfolk don't have the same experience as Black Americans. We have an American Experience of Institutionalized Systemic Racism that has endured for Centuries. From the American Constitution, to Local Law, legislation has been put in place w/ the intent of marginalizing Black America as a Collective. For example: Property Values are lower & Insurance Rates are higher in Black Communities, compared to similar situations (same Property Lot size, same Vehicle) in Non Black Communities. This is by legislative design. 'People Of Color' don't share that experience. Like Irish, Italian, & Eastern European Immigrants, these Folks experienced a Period of 'Social Hazing' by the Mainstream, but are eventually included into American Society. They know Discrimination & Prejudicial Bias, but few experience the level of Systemic Racism that Black America faces daily.
Vivek Ramaswami's Case is worth noting. He's a 2nd generation American- a child of Brahmin Parents; both w/ Post Graduate Degrees (like Nimrata 'Nikki' Haley & Kamala Harris). He was born & raised in Ohio, attended Private School, & was able to amass Hundreds of Millions of Dollars at QVT Financial (managing their Biotech Division). By all accounts, Vivek is living The American Dream. His brief Public School Experience in Cincinnati has obviously affected his view of Black Americans. He has gone out of his way to slander the Black American Experience; marginalizing Our History & Our Struggle, but his Family arrived in the 1980s. He positioned himself in Conservative Politics & rose to prominence spewing Anti- Black rhetoric. Conservative News Media Outlets gave him a wave to ride, but he Wiped Out in the Iowa Primary.
Despite visiting all 99 Counties, Ramaswami received a meager Return on his Investment. Iowans liked his talking points, but weren't comfortable w/ his Religion (Hinduism) or his 'Brown Skin'. The conversations that his Wife had w/ Iowan Voters were cringe worthy! Many looked her in the eye & stated their mistrust of his 'dark complexion' & questionable Christian Values; this despite Vivek touting his Jesuit Education non-stop on the Campaign Trail. Black Americans (other than Sen. Tim Scott) would've been insulted, but Vivek & his Wife apparently took it on the chin. He dropped out of the Race after Iowa, & predictably kissed the ring of Donald Trump. Throughout his Presidential Bid, Vivek Ramaswami sounded like he was auditioning for the Office of Vice President more than President.
Donald Trump recently had an Event at Mar A Lago that Media is calling a 'Vice Presidential Sweepstakes'. Ramaswami was among those being considered. It appears that his interview w/ Ann Coulter was an effort to beef up his Social Capital among MAGA Republicans, but Coulter deflated his Trial Balloon before he could reach a proper threshold. I personally find it comical. Vivek got so wrapped up in his perceived White Privilege, that he didn't realize what he REALLY had was Anti- Black Privilege. He thought that his wealth put him in the Ballpark, but didn't realize that most Americans don't know much about Hedge Funds or Biotech. Vivek literally flew beneath the radar, but his glaringly Non- White features overshadowed his rhetoric.
Like most 'People Of Color', Vivek Ramaswami failed to understand that AmeriKKKa sees him & his demographic as nothing more than a 'Buffer Group'. Their arrogance & smugness towards Us, blinds them to the fact that they are tools of Benign Neglect Policies; set up solely for the purpose of marginalizing Black American efforts to exercise a Right of Expression... Middle Class & Poor Whitefolk are becoming aware of just how much money this demographic earns; i'm anticipating a pushback at some point. AmeriKKKa IS NOT a Democracy, it's a White Supremacist Capitalist Republic. In This Land, The Wealthy Rule & Wealthy Whitefolk (i e. WASPS) are at the top of the Totem Pole... To date, the average Asian American Family earns more than the average White American Family. Black America knows FULL WELL what happens when Whitefolk begin to think that a Non- White Population may B outperforming them. For their own sake, Latinx & Black Immigrants should pay close attention.
When We factor in the Sabre Rattling between The U.S. & China over Commerce & Taiwan, plus rising tension between The U.S. & Hindustan/ Bharat over alleged Election Tampering, there may B some blow back on Asian Americans; especially during a Time of Economical Uncertainty- think Japanese Americans during WW2... Chattel Slavery has provided Black Americans w/ a unique perspective that Immigrants don't have. Whitefolk regarded Us as Sub Human (3/5ths of Humanity), so they weren't discrete about their actions around Us. This gives Us an intimate understanding of HOW AmeriKKKa moves. We warned these 'People of Color' about the folly of Race Neutrality, as We warned Poor Whitefolk about the folly of choosing White Privilege over Progressive Politics 135Yrs ago (i.e. The Populist Movement). NO ONE took heed to Our Prophecy- that American Capitalism WILL come for them, once We're neutralized. As always, it's Profit over People.
-The pendulum swings both ways.
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i was tagged by @sainteverge to post 9 books i want to read/finish in 2025
notes under the cut
yes iâm aware this skews very french but thatâs just the phase iâm in
i really want to close read more of shakespeareâs history plays as i attempt to finish the canon
i started reading QVT in 2024 and iâm eager to continue
if we were villains was a recommendation that iâm also eager to finish reading soon
iâm generally interested in continuing to read more early 19th century french authors as i just have a lot of personal interest in the era
of course there will likely be many nonfiction accompaniments to these titles
i think many people i would tag have already done this or have been tagged already, alas tagging @shahdhabibi @leighcunt @mistressaccost @romanced @eva-eyre @horayti0 if you wish of course !!
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Quand les REP rédigeront courant août leur FPP "collaborative" à remettre début septembre pour le CA de décembre
#onestensemble #QVT
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r/mildlyinteresting - a black metal album about the Vendée uprising, was reminded of its existence after finishing Quatrevingt-treize
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Tensions Hiérarchiques en EHPAD : Vers un Changement Urgent pour un Meilleur climat social
đ Dans les EHPAD, tensions et rivalitĂ©s nuisent Ă la qualitĂ© des soins. đ€đ„ #EHPAD #SantĂ© #BienĂtre #Travail
Au cĆur de nombreux EHPAD en France, une tension sourde se rĂ©pand entre les murs. Les relations professionnelles, structurĂ©es par une organisation hiĂ©rarchique rigide, sont le thĂ©Ăątre de rivalitĂ©s silencieuses et de frustrations accumulĂ©es. Cette dynamique nĂ©faste ne touche pas seulement les employĂ©s, mais impacte Ă©galement la qualitĂ© des soins prodiguĂ©s aux rĂ©sidents. Comment cette structureâŠ
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Curso online com certificado! Tópicos especiais em secretaria escolar, carreira, ética, cidadania e relaçÔes interpessoais
Compete ao SecretĂĄrio Escolar. As relaçÔes Ă©ticas e a qualidade de vida no trabalho: uma questĂŁo de gestĂŁo. Ătica e Trabalho. QVT â uma tentativa de conceituação. Ătica e qualidade. A Ă©tica aplicada uma porta para a qualidade. A busca de uma metodologia. Desenvolvimento de Pessoal. Faça sua inscrição:
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CTS B | Week 1 Creative practice & Critical Thinking
I used to think of creativity and critical thinking as opposing areas, as they respectively emphasise free expression and experimentation, and logical analysis and evaluation. However, through this class, I learned that these two are actually very similar. The similarity I found is that both areas stem from deep curiosity and a desire to better understand the world. They are not simply a process of solving problems within the bounds of existing knowledge, but rather a process of continuously observing, asking questions, and expanding the realm of thought. In this context, I reckon that critical thinking doesn't limit creativity, but rather can be the driving force that lays its foundation and produces feasible innovative results.
For class activity, we wrote a short piece about a social issue. One classmate and I wrote about the same topic of inequality, but my writing mainly dealt with the problem from an analytical and critical perspective. My friend wrote a short story contrasting the daily life of a child experiencing social inequality. It made me think deeply about the subject without direct criticism or analysis. It was impressive how the critical topic and intention of the writing combined with a creative story. Through this experience, I realised that critical thinking and creative practice are complementary, and the harmony of these elements enables a deeper empathy and understanding of complex problems.
I once again felt the need for 'challenging bold and experimental design' to foster creativity, which was one of my design learning goals for this year. As a student aspiring to become a designer, I do believe that the experiences gained from various attempts at combining critical thinking and creative design will be a valuable source of learning.
(284 words)
"Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way."
â Edward de Bono
de Bono, Edward. "Creativity involves breaking out of established patterns in order to look at things in a different way."
âParasite.â Naver, search.naver.com/search.naver?where=nexearch&sm=tab_etc&mra=bkEw&pkid=68&os=5664043&qvt=0&query=ìí%20êž°ì충%20íŹí .
In my submission I acknowledge the use of:
GenAI: ChatGPT
Use: Checking spelling and grammar
Prompt: Spelling and grammar correction
Use of Prompt: Correct spelling and grammar
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Le dispositif QVCT ou QVTÂ
Dispositif QVCT ou QVT pour les entreprises, institutions, Ă©tablissements de santĂ©, Ă©coleâŠ
En collectif
â handicap et travail
â gestion du stress
â Ă©quilibre vie pro vie privĂ©
â senior et travail
â rebondir avec rĂ©silience
â Relaxation
â Auto hypnose
â Arbre de vie
â Atelier des valeurs
â Quizz handicap
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« Bienvenu dans le futur », la start-up Japet dévoile un impressionnant exosquelette motorisé
La start-up française Japet a développé un exosquelette motorisé pour réduire la pénibilité au travail. Le Japet.W+ vise à aider à préserver le capital humain en améliorant la qualité de vie au travail (QVT). ...
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