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suiriswhite · 7 years ago
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Oh Indonesia, you teached me quite a few lessons. This trip has been an emotional rollercoaster to say the least. Up, down, up, down,.. can’t remember the last time I’ve gone through so many emotions in such a short time. Before coming to Bali I had an idea in my mind about what it would be like but I was completely wrong, everything turned out to be so different from what I expected. Can’t believe all the shit that happened to me here, unbelievable.🤣 But still - these past 3 months have been one of the most wonderful times of my life and it still feels surreal I’ve experienced all of this..💕 Surfing some of the most beautiful surfspots, visiting Lombok and Jawa, driving the scooter for the first time, getting my first fracture, getting my first tattoos, having my creditcard misused for the first time, experiencing my first real earthquakes (yes, I had a lot of first times..), free diving, snorkling, waterfalls, monkeys, eating lots of Nasi Campur, drinking coconuts, chilling at the beach, bonfire nights, doing yoga, playing pool, getting massages, partying, getting wasted, singing, dancing, kissing, having feelings so deep it scared me, meaningful and hilarious conversations, crying my eyes out, laughing until I cry, scary surf sessions, fun surf sessions, getting my face cut open and stiched together again, spending time with old friends and so many more beautiful small moments. 🌴⛰💃🌊🍻🏄‍♀️ And last but not least meeting some of the most wonderful people ever who will forever have a special place in my heart.💙 The person leaving this island definitely is a different one than the one arriving. Travelling just makes you grow so much, it changes you so much. Especially when facing a lot of challenges. So grateful. For everything.🙏 But this goodbye is not forever, definitely gonna be back.. sooner or later.😉 And now - bring it on, Australia.🙌 . . . #gratitude#sayinggoodbye#jawa#redisland#canggu#bali#indonesia#travel#travelling#solotravel#girlswhotravel#travelingalone#lovetotravel#vegantraveling#surfing#surftraveller#surflifestyle#oceanlife#quitmyjobtotravel#quitmyjobtosurf#leaveyourcomfortzone#neverstopexploring#beautifuldestinations#makingmemories (hier: Red Island Indonesia)
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suiriswhite · 6 years ago
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Hello October.🍁🍃 Okay, more like ☀️🌡.😑 Can't believe it's my birthday this month already again. I just can't believe I'm turning 30. 30! T H I R T Y!🙈 And I would've never thought I'd celebrate my birthday somewhere in the outback of Australia. Or wait.. I never celebrate my birthday anyway so it doesn't really matter where I am.🤣 How old are you guys? Do you like your birthday? I don't.. I just don't like responding to all the messages all day. Sounds so mean, haha.. but come on, it can just get too much.🙈 Plus I don't like getting older even though age is just a number and people think I'm still like early 20 something anyway.😅 I think I should maybe just walk around with an "some people don't even make it this far" attitude of gratitude on my birthdays.😁❤ . . . #birthdays#birthdaytslk#turningthirty#almostthirty#octoberchild#outback#australia#downunder#workandtravel#travel#travelling#solotravel#girlswhotravel#travelgram#lovetotravel#vegantravel#vegantraveling#surfing#surflife#surftraveller#surflifestyle#oceanlife#quitmyjobtotravel#quitmyjobtosurf#leaveyourcomfortzone#neverstopexploring#beautifuldestinations#waveafterwave#makingmemories (hier: Bollon, Queensland) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoYHHreA1EY/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1inrhtu5cbf9w
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suiriswhite · 7 years ago
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I remember arriving at our surf house as if it was yesterday.🌺 Can't believe 12 weeks are already over and I only have 1 week left now, crazy! I'm super nervous thinking about Australia, finding a job there etc. but I'm also getting excited. And I already have some couchsurfing options, a job offer and everything's gonna work out somehow, I guess. I really don't feel like leaving Bali and my little comfort zone bubble but I also know it's about time that I leave.🛫 Btw, I passed the lifesaving and interning part of my surf instructor course, so 2/3 of getting my license to teach is done and I only need to work on my surfing and send in videos later when being in Australia.. and when my shoulder is finally healed what might take some time.😕 But hey, I'm optimistic about it. Before flying to Bali I didn't even think I'd make it that far to be honest.😅 Now I'm off to do something I also didn't thought I'd do here in Bali. Any guesses?😉 . . . #pool#tropical#timeisflying#surfhouse#bali#indonesia#travel#traveling#travelling#solotravel#girlswhotravel#travelingalone#instatravel#travelgram#lovetotravel#vegantravel#vegantraveling#surfing#surflife#surftraveller#surflifestyle#oceanlife#quitmyjobtotravel#quitmyjobtosurf#leaveyourcomfortzone#neverstopexploring#beautifuldestinations#waveafterwave#makingmemories (hier: Babakan Canggu)
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suiriswhite · 7 years ago
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Today has been the first day of surfing within our 10 days of ISA training and after I got out of the water my injured shoulder hurt so much, I cannot even really lift my arm right now. So I finally went to see a doctor and got an x-ray done. He wasn’t 100% sure about the result. If I’m lucky it’s just the muscle, if I’m very unlucky I have a fracture. I’ll know for sure later tonight or tomorrow.. Whatever it is I’m obviously not gonna be able to surf for the rest of my Bali time so I won’t be able to get my ISA surf instructor certificate plus I cannot do the only thing I basically went travelling for which is surfing. Which obviously sucks big time.😕 I can still finish it somewhere else within 1 year though which should not be the problem considering I’m going to Australia next. On a positive note: It looks that against my expectations I might still be able to pass the lifesaving part as I already managed to do the swimming and board rescue yesterday – under a lot of pain but I still made it somehow. And I also passed the interning part which then would only leave me with only having to finish the surfing part which is the easiest part to get done later as you can just send in videos of your surfing. So well, right now I’m not in the best mood to be honest but I guess in a situation like this noone would be. However, I still hope for the best with my shoulder, hope that this current strong pain will pass soon and that I’ll manage to get my certificate in the future.🙏 . 📸@joesefiahdickson_15 . . #balangan#balanganbeach#weallstruggle#realtalk#injury#indonesia#travel#traveling#travelling#solotravel#girlswhotravel#travelingalone#instatravel#travelgram#lovetotravel#vegantravel#vegantraveling#surfing#surflife#surftraveller#surflifestyle#oceanlife#quitmyjobtotravel#quitmyjobtosurf#leaveyourcomfortzone#neverstopexploring#beautifuldestinations#makingmemories (hier: Balangan Beach)
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suiriswhite · 7 years ago
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"Life will break you. Nobody can protect you from that, and living alone won’t either, for solitude will also break you with its yearning. You have to love. You have to feel.💫 It is the reason you are here on earth. You are here to risk your heart. You are here to be swallowed up. And when it happens that you are broken, or betrayed, or left, or hurt, or death brushes near, let yourself sit by an apple tree and listen to the apples falling all around you in heaps, wasting their sweetness.🍎 Tell yourself you tasted as many as you could." . . . #nungnungwaterfall#nungnung#waterfall#thatslife#liveandlove#bali#indonesia#travel#traveling#travelling#solotravel#girlswhotravel#travelingalone#instatravel#travelgram#lovetotravel#vegantravel#vegantraveling#surfing#surflife#surftraveller#surflifestyle#oceanlife#quitmyjobtotravel#quitmyjobtosurf#leaveyourcomfortzone#neverstopexploring#beautifuldestinations#makingmemories (hier: Nungnung Waterfall, Bali)
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suiriswhite · 6 years ago
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Lombok Memories🌊💙 . . . #lombok#indonesia#takemeback#mawi#grajagan#waveafterwave#freedom#indonesia#travel#traveling#travelling#solotravel#girlswhotravel#travelingalone#instatravel#travelgram#lovetotravel#vegantraveling#surfing#surflife#surftraveller#surflifestyle#oceanlife#quitmyjobtotravel#quitmyjobtosurf#leaveyourcomfortzone#neverstopexploring#beautifuldestinations#makingmemories (hier: Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoCtLodAB2S/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ssmw8ov7fbr5
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suiriswhite · 7 years ago
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A piece of Bali.🌴💚 This garden with its temple always brings back memories of Indonesia, I love this beautiful part of Brisbane. Brisbane actually is a beautiful city in general. Even though it feels a bit unreal. Luke out of a science fiction future scenario?😅 It just looks so clean, structured and perfect.. too perfect for my taste.🙈 I never lived in a big city like this but I have to say I get kinda used to it and I’m already able to find my way around. But no wonder with walking around 10-15km a day. My feet are killing me!😭 As you can see I’m still super busy. Job hunting, doctor appointments etc. Feels like my productivity level went from 0 to 100 since being here, love it.😅 But I also spent some time just strolling around and relaxing in the park. Oh and playing pool and enjoying some rides on the back of a motorbike.👌 Already made some friends which I’m super grateful for.💕 The people here are so friendly and laid back. I heard about it but really – they are like SO friendly! Such a difference to Germany.🙈 Even talking to the bank clerk or the doctor feels like talking to a friend.😅 Btw, I’m still couchsurfing, gonna move to another couchsurfing place on Sunday and then probably to another one next weekend. Trying to avoid hostels as long as I can..🙈 . . . #australia#brisbane#workandtravel#eastcoastaustralia#brissie#botanicgardens#travel#traveling#travelling#solotravel#girlswhotravel#travelingalone#instatravel#travelgram#lovetotravel#vegantravel#vegantraveling#surfing#surflife#surftraveller#surflifestyle#oceanlife#quitmyjobtotravel#quitmyjobtosurf#leaveyourcomfortzone#neverstopexploring#beautifuldestinations#waveafterwave#makingmemories (hier: City Botanic Gardens) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnItkoinhPe/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1jcy4ffnnv06m
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suiriswhite · 7 years ago
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You got one life to love what you do. Do you? 🌊🌊🌊 . . . #tropical#lonelybeach#jawa#eastjawa#blacksandbeach#indonesia#travel#traveling#travelling#solotravel#girlswhotravel#travelingalone#instatravel#travelgram#lovetotravel#vegantravel#vegantraveling#surfing#surflife#surftraveller#surflifestyle#oceanlife#quitmyjobtotravel#quitmyjobtosurf#leaveyourcomfortzone#neverstopexploring#beautifuldestinations#waveafterwave#makingmemories (hier: East Java)
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suiriswhite · 7 years ago
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Throwback to beautiful Lombok.🌊 So sorry for all the people who died in the earthquake last night, all their friends and families and all the people who lost their homes. And I'm so grateful nothing happened to us here at our place even though we felt it strongly and some buildings got damaged and people got injured in Bali as well. When you're in Europe it doesn't affect you so much what happens on the other side of the world. At least that's the case for me to be completely honest and I think it's normal as it's just so far away and you're not so emotionally involved.🌏 It becomes a totally different story though when you actually are close to where it happened or know people who live there. And for me the thought of just having been on that exact island not long ago is quite surreal. . . . #lombok#lombokisland#earthquake#lombokearthquake#bali#indonesia#travel#traveling#travelling#solotravel#girlswhotravel#travelingalone#instatravel#travelgram#lovetotravel#vegantravel#vegantraveling#surfing#surflife#surftraveller#surflifestyle#oceanlife#quitmyjobtotravel#quitmyjobtosurf#leaveyourcomfortzone#neverstopexploring#beautifuldestinations#makingmemories (hier: Pulau Lombok)
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suiriswhite · 6 years ago
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“Do you think the universe fights for souls to be together? Some things are too strange and strong to be coincidences.” - Emery Allen . . . #latenightthoughts#quote#instaquote#destiny#universe#soulmates#connections#lifeworksinmysteriousways#humanconnections#yourvibeattractsyourtribe#outback#australia#downunder#workandtravel#travel#travelling#solotravel#girlswhotravel#travelingalone#surfing#surflifestyle#quitmyjobtotravel#quitmyjobtosurf#waveart#leaveyourcomfortzone#neverstopexploring#beautifuldestinations#waveafterwave#makingmemories (hier: Outback Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BowEwMaABuJ/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=8tww4wh2lqjv
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suiriswhite · 6 years ago
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Hello hello & happy Monday!❤ I always need to think about what day it is because right now all days are just the same to me as I work during the week and on weekends. So there are no „good“ or „bad“ days for me even though I like my days off the most, of course.😁 The last 2 days have been intense! The bar has been the busiest I’ve ever seen it. We had a comedian coming for a show and another guy was celebrating his bachelor party which ended in everyone being super drunk and getting a bit crazy.🤪 It's quite an experience to spend Friday and Saturday nights behind the bar instead in front of it..😅 So on Saturday I finished work at 1am after almost 12h of constantly being on my feet. I had to get up early the next day again for cleaning – and what a mess they made! After 5h of cleaning and housekeeping I had a short rest and then went back to bar work again.😴 As you can imagine I’ve been super tired the whole weekend but it would’ve been less hard if my throat wasn’t so sore! And it still is, I think I have a light cold.. or it‘s just been caused by the AC, not sure. Looking forward to be able to go shopping tomorrow and get some ginger and throat tablets. Anyway, I’d definitely be happy about more busy nights like that when time is just running and I don’t have to try to not die of boredom behind the bar. Won't happen though.. On a positive note: Since Friday we finally have wifi!💃 Makes my desolate outback life a lot better.🤣 . . . #wallamcreek#bollon#outback#lifeupdate#realtalk#barwork#countrylife#australia#downunder#workandtravel#travel#travelling#solotravel#girlswhotravel#travelingalone#instatravel#travelgram#lovetotravel#vegantravel#surftraveller#surflifestyle#oceanlife#quitmyjobtotravel#quitmyjobtosurf#leaveyourcomfortzone#neverstopexploring#beautifuldestinations#makingmemories (hier: Wallam Creek) https://www.instagram.com/p/Boprs9tgCW-/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=hnxiu76ifzde
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suiriswhite · 6 years ago
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"I don't think that there's anything worse than being ordinary." [American Beauty] 🥀 Be weird. Be different. Be you. . . . #thoughts#beyourself#bedifferent#beweird#anythingbutordinary#outback#americanbeauty#australia#downunder#workandtravel#travel#travelling#solotravel#girlswhotravel#travellingalone#instatravel#travelgram#lovetotravel#vegantravel#surfing#surflifestyle#oceanlife#quitmyjobtotravel#quitmyjobtosurf#leaveyourcomfortzone#neverstopexploring#beautifuldestinations#waveafterwave#makingmemories (hier: Somewhere Very Far) https://www.instagram.com/p/BoIVqD3AJ6n/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=15cvt8bbl4cou
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suiriswhite · 6 years ago
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Still can't get over the fact that here you can see animals like this little dinosaur just like that on a daily basis. Not even out in nature, just here in the city. I've also already seen bats and opossums - with babies! So cute.💕 Still wanna see kangaroos, wombats and koalas.🐨 But that's not too unlikely in Australia, I guess.😅 . . . #brisbane#botanicgardens#australiananimals#cuteanimals#dinosaur#australia#downunder#workandtravel#travel#travelling#solotravel#girlswhotravel#travelingalone#instatravel#travelgram#lovetotravel#vegantravel#vegantraveling#surfing#surflife#surftraveller#surflifestyle#oceanlife#quitmyjobtotravel#quitmyjobtosurf#leaveyourcomfortzone#neverstopexploring#beautifuldestinations#makingmemories (hier: City Botanic Gardens) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnuuURlHElu/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=qvngho5htpx0
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suiriswhite · 6 years ago
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Happy Thursday!🧡 Another little life update: After not having any job I now could've had 2 at once but I had to choose one, of course. Soo, I listened to my intuition and that's why I'm heading off to the outback on Sunday for 2-3 months.🤠 Got a job at a country hotel in a small town, gonna be pouring beer and stuff.🍺 Well, actually I'm not sure if you can call a place with under 500 inhabitants even a town..🤔😅 I have mixed feelings about this. On one hand I don't wanna leave Brisbane right now, mainly for the people here or well, one person in particular, let's call it what it is. However, I decided to do what I consider the best option for me and to not let anything or anyone hold me back from doing so. And I guess this time out in the middle of nowhere will be quite an experience. Plus - let's be honest - I need money and I can make good money out there. It'll also be easier to save up money than in the city because there's literally nothing really out there I could spend it on.🤣 . . . #brisbane#citylife#decisions#newjob#australia#downunder#workandtravel#travel#travelling#solotravel#girlswhotravel#travelingalone#instatravel#travelgram#lovetotravel#vegantravel#vegantraveling#surfing#surflife#surftraveller#surflifestyle#oceanlife#quitmyjobtotravel#quitmyjobtosurf#leaveyourcomfortzone#neverstopexploring#beautifuldestinations#makingmemories (hier: Brisbane, Queensland, Australia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnpntYJHFIL/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=ax412r7dxpax
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suiriswhite · 6 years ago
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Nothing compares to this feeling..🌊 This is what I'd give almost everything up for. For this I'd quit my job, leave my friends and family, start a journey into the unknown, give up the safety at home. Ah wait.. I actually already did that.😅😉 Might sound crazy to some. "All this just for surfing?" Yes, all this just for surfing.💙 (And then I go and break my arm so I can't paddle.. good job, Alex.) . . . #java#eastjava#grajagan#waveafterwave#freedom#indonesia#travel#traveling#travelling#solotravel#girlswhotravel#travelingalone#instatravel#travelgram#lovetotravel#vegantravel#vegantraveling#surfing#surflife#surftraveller#surflifestyle#oceanlife#quitmyjobtotravel#quitmyjobtosurf#leaveyourcomfortzone#neverstopexploring#beautifuldestinations#makingmemories (hier: Grajagan, Jawa Timur, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnkA231nwG5/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1vzh1jqzs4v1k
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suiriswhite · 6 years ago
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"Don’t make other people’s decisions for them. Apply for the job you don’t think you’ll get. Let them decide if you have the skills they’re looking for. Tell that person you like them even though you think they’re out of your league. Let them decide if they like you. Stop trying to predict and control everything. Bring what you have to the table. Let the rest go."🌴💃 Little life update: I just got home from work. I'm still looking for a job but I got some casual work in a nice little café/restaurant here in Brisbane. That doesn't help me too much as a need a fulltime position to save up money.😞 Had a few interviews but that wasn't too successful so far. I'd love to get one of those country pub jobs. They're all quite far away and I wanted to stay in Brisbane for a while but I'd move anyway. So my days basically still consist of job hunting and moving places. Right now I'm in a hostel and I hate it! It's not just the fact that I have to pay but I don't really like the whole atmosphere in hostels, too busy, and sharing a room with 10 others also isn't too much fun. So next week I'm back to couchsurfing.😅 Anyway, at least I can look forward to going to the cinema tonight with a very good friend who I'm super grateful for to already have found.💕 Seriously, if it wasn't for him I'm not sure if I wouldn't already have had a mental breakdown.🙈 . . . #lombok#indonesia#indo#carefreedays#letgo#travel#traveling#travelling#solotravel#girlswhotravel#travelingalone#instatravel#travelgram#lovetotravel#vegantravel#vegantraveling#surfing#surflife#surftraveller#surflifestyle#oceanlife#quitmyjobtotravel#quitmyjobtosurf#leaveyourcomfortzone#neverstopexploring#beautifuldestinations#waveafterwave#makingmemories (hier: Lombok, Nusa Tenggara Barat, Indonesia) https://www.instagram.com/p/BnclHiyn4GA/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1n2zg4oeih52w
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