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blackberryjaami · 2 years ago
So tis official, my quirky chaotic ass is autistic. Well, not just the ass but the whole person….you catch my meaning🫠😅 I thought I was prepared but boy was I not prepared. Knowing a thing IS NOT the same as knowing a thing, ya know?
Before receiving the diagnosis, I had to become more comfortable with talking about with others and even believing it myself.
Weirdly enough I don’t feel out of place in the world today. I’m gonna enjoy the feeling while it lasts.
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pluviacuratio-a · 2 years ago
@quirkhearted || ♫
{ ♪ } -- She’d finally managed to break away from the crowd and wriggle her way into hiding. The sudden sound of the piano immediately caught her attention. Turning her head this way and that, she followed the sound until she found the rescue hero plucking away at the keys. Leaning against the wall, she smiled softly and let her eyes close as she listened. 
   The regen hero waited patiently until the song was over, only to raise her hands and let soft applause fill the silence. 
     “I never would’ve guessed you played. I’m pretty handy with a set of keys myself, y’know.”
    Bella lifted herself from the wall and approached, hands behind her back. Once she was within arm’s length of the piano, she looked down at it lovingly. 
     “When I was little, I dreamed of being a concert pianist.”
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fateopposed · 2 years ago
“You’re... the Rescue Hero Wither, aren’t you?”
Ochako’s eyes widen as she recognizes the man in front of her. She may not be as big of a Hero buff as Deku, but even she has heroes that she’s a fan of. Wither just happens to be one of them - both as a hero who specializes in rescue, and a hero with a Quirk that reminds her just a little of her own. Of course, his Quirk is also very different from hers in a lot of ways... sometimes, she’s wondered if it was hard for him growing up, dealing with a Quirk that could destroy things so easily, and she can’t help but admire the work he does.
“I’m looking forward to working with you!” she suddenly announces, with just a little too much energy in her voice. Even though she’s done it before, working with real Pros always makes her  nervous... though it comes with a desire to prove herself that she hopes will spur her on.
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“I won’t let you down!”
@quirkhearted​ ( starter for Tenko! )
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belovedblossoms-m · 2 years ago
@quirkhearted liked for a starter w/ ​ Ochako Uraraka !
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          “Hey! That was like, super impressive, Shinsou! I didn’t know you could do that too--can you teach me that again?” Even though she does not have such a similar quirk to his own, it was still good to learn and understand another’s own kind. Especially when they will be getting to work together in some cases or emergencies. “You think I could maybe do something like that too with my own quirk? Although it could be even stronger together!”
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black-watchs-cowboy · 2 years ago
@quirkhearted​ started following you
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‘‘Well well well. What do we have here~”
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victoryclaimed · 3 years ago
quirkhearted liked ✧ for a starter   !
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                               “can i. . . can i hold onto you?" voice is quiet, gaze flickering around. "there's. . . so many people. . ."
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alcoholtm--a · 3 years ago
@quirkhearted​ liked x for a starter!
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          “it’s been so warm out, i think it’s nice to finally be able to cool off at the pool,” the class had been working hard the past few hours in the blistering heat, so being able to enjoy the coolness of the water, it was more than nice, it was refreshing.
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oceanxveiined · 3 years ago
@quirkhearted​ replied to your post:
Tenko vc: *You're* the bane of *my* existence-
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         “Aww, the feeling’s mutual? Glad to see you falling for the Taunt left a real lasting impression.”
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amplifyingtrace · 3 years ago
@quirkhearted​​ liked for starter ~ For Tenko Shimura!
It was becoming more often than not for her to jump into action, helping out the pro heroes currently on duty. Either at the start, middle, and or end of an intense fight with a villain. 
In this instance she had arrived near the end of the heated fight, not really able to contribute much this time, least fighting and or quirk wise. 
The pro hero who had taken down the villain seemed to be injured, making her rush over to his side, making sure to give him enough space while quickly assessing his injuries.
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“Are you alright?” Leia found herself asking, although it was a bit silly of a question to ask as you could tell by looking at him he wasn’t. Though his injury didn’t look too bad, it still needed to be tended too. “Please, let me patch you up it’s the least I can do as I had arrived too late to really help physically.” She nodded quickly, giving him a smile while gathering her first aid kit on her side. 
“I’ll need to touch you, is that okay?” If his wound was much more serious, a life or death situation, she wouldn’t have asked and would’ve just started to patch him up without permission. But it thankfully wasn’t, so she wanted to ask first and or least warn them beforehand, some people don’t like being touched without warning.
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blackberryjaami · 2 years ago
Damn it’s been a minute since I could gather my thoughts enough to write a coherent sentence. Now all I can think to say is what fresh hell awaits me now.
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musemilitia · 2 years ago
Useless Details Ask Meme II || Accepting
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@quirkhearted​ asked:
⌛ do they go shopping for clothes often? how long do they usually need? {For Hagakure!}
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Tooru loves shopping, and will often go whenever she has enough time between school work and hero training. As for how long it depends if she’s alone or if she’s with others -- as when she’s alone; she’ll tend to spend more time looking AND trying things on. But if she’s with other people, she will try on a few things but otherwise she’ll just look, get what's cute and is her size.
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pluviacuratio-a · 3 years ago
@quirkhearted || ♥
{ ♪ } -- Seraphim was not an aggressive sort of hero. Despite her temper and her tendencies to jump without thinking, she was actually a very patient woman. This didn’t tend to affect her overly bubbly personality, though.
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   The latest object of her affections was a fellow hero, Tenko Shimura. She was determined to make friends with the rescue hero, no matter how much effort it took.
     “Did you want to grab some lunch, maybe? I know a really nice little cafe down the street!”
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kaleidoscopexheartss-a · 2 years ago
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@quirkhearted​ sent: 💋 {Shinsou & Shini~}
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                            GET A KISS FROM MY MUSE.                                      STATUS: ACCEPTING
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her bag is dropped on the dorm room floor after the door is closed. the mewing patchwork calico is picked up by her and she approached the desk where she saw her boyfriend working on some schoolwork. he has his headphones in, so she made sure to give his shoulder a gentle touch to let him know that he was there. once she has his attention, she ducked in front of him to give him a quick kiss.
with a smile on her face, she signed him a quick, ‘you look like you’re working hard. i won’t bother you too much since you are.’
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belovedblossoms-m · 2 years ago
❝ it’s chilly out here, you need a coat. take mine. ❞ {From Shinsou for Uraraka!}
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         “Yeah, it has gotten a lot colder lately! And I thought it was just going to be a bit of a brisk breeze today. I should really invest in a heavy coat...” Ochako shivered, attempting to push on and deal with this weather outside. Even through her own gloves were still feeling the sharpness of the chill. However, she then felt something heavier brought around her shoulders as Shinsou added on to offer his own coat to her. “Oh! N-no, you don’t have to! Really, I can...” She was immediately interrupted by a sneeze followed with another deep shiver afterwards. A few seconds of silence passed before she chuckled awkwardly. “Eheheh...yeah, I suppose I do need another one. Thanks for that Shinsou, I really owe you one! I’m already feeling a lot warmer now. But, won’t you be cold too without it? I don’t want you to catch a cold either!”
autumn/halloween sentence starters. (only accept autumn themed)
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fateopposed · 2 years ago
"Dabi-kun, Dabi-kun!”
Like a kid with too much energy, Himiko has a mischievous expression on her face as she decides to pester Dabi. Normally, she would talk to Twice instead, but he’s not around at the moment - but Dabi is an interesting guy too! And she’s bored right now, so the perfect thing to talk about... there can only be one thing!
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“Have you ever had a crush on someone? C’mon, don’t be embarrassed!”
@quirkhearted​ ( starter for dabi! )
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victoryclaimed · 3 years ago
quirkhearted liked ✧ for a starter   !
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                                 "ah -- isn't the snow so pretty ?" a content sigh falls from curved lips as she spreads her arms out at her sides. "it kind of makes me wish it was like this all the time, but only when it first falls 'cause then it gets all gross."
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