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frizzle-mcshizzle · 1 year ago
another ask because i have Questions; is josie's family more of an nuclear kind of thing or like. extended with a bunch of cousins and stuff or just straight up found family vibes?? if that makes sense??
kinda found family vibes but they actually refer to each other as mom dad aunt uncle etc and who live in a multigenerational camp that travels around.
they ended up like this because the oldest three, all ended up taking in kids that they had no relation to (sometimes not even the same species) who ended up having/adopting kids themselves.
their motto when it comes to kids is finders keepers, and they constantly have Guests who stay anywhere from two days to two years, these are just the permanent members of the family
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Zarael is the oldest in the Goblin family it won't let me switch out the picture with the accurate one
random facts about them all that i couldn't fit on the guide thing
Idelia and Calitsa where identical twins they where both sterilized by their parents because they where twins and where banished at 14 before either one manifested
Cyrus is a solider who went AWOL after he was ordered to attack an Ogre village that he found out was filled with civilians and not soldiers during the attack
the twins meet Cyrus in their 20s three of them stuck together because it was easier to survive in a group.
the group would consistently have "guests" who would stay anywhere from a day to a year or more, all the children in the group grew up around this and their parents are just the guests that never left.
Quintor was adopted after he ran away from home when he was 10 and Cyrus found him and after he found out Quintors home situation was abusive he let him stay with him.
Regaila was adopted when she was in her teens after her parents found an excuse to get her banished after she manifested as a pyrokinetic. they wanted to protect her from how the council and society would've treated her if they found out about her ability. she was 14 and somewhat understood what was going on but was still hurt by the entire situation.
Idelia did memtor in other teens/adults who young elementals who needed training, but Regaila is the only "guest" who stayed with the group and started her family there, while the rest moved on to do different things
Athena actually is from the Goblin villages and meet Quintor when she was doing recon, she was shocked to find Goblins Gnomes and Elves living together in that way and stuck around a little just to understand what was going on but ended up getting attached and moved to the neutral territories so she could live with them and start a family with Quintor, while still working for the goblin queen
Calista died because she was in an accident and they didn't have access to the proper medical equipment to treat her and she died of infection, it wasnt long after Zarael was born so none of the kids actually remember her they just know that all the adults loved her very much
after Calitsa died Idelia wouldn't leave her bed and Cyrus was the only one she would speak to, and after she recovered it's uncommon to see one without the other
all of the Gnomes started living with the camp when their small colony was bruend down and Idelia and Regaila helped put it out, they took the small group of survivors back to the camp as guests and nursed them back to health and five of them stayed behind because they didn't have family anywhere else
Asa and Zalela are brother and sister while Evora Lani and Tansy are their cousins Lani and Tansy's parents where killed in the fire
Regaila meet Amais at the market in the neutral territories thats it, they got married and Evander was born not long after,
Evander died when he was 1 from a virus that kills 10% of children in the neutral territories that i have yet to name but it commonly causes and the babies who do survive end up with weak lungs
when he died both his parents shut down and Amais put all his focus into Regaila and making sure she was ok and did anything he could to make her smile ignoring his own pain.
When Forkle left Josie with Idelia, the entire camp (besides Amias and Regaila because they couldn't handle being around her) took care of her and she really didn't have any actual parents for a while. Athena and Quintor almost ended up adopting Josie because Artimis was barely older than her but they where worried about Artimis accidentally hurting Josie.
Regaila avoided Josie for like the first nine months of her life, but Josie was attracted to her like a little magnet and eventually something like this happened (link) (yes thats what gave me the idea) in about a year she went from being a babysitter to aunt to mom. Amias agreed to adopt Josie because it made Regaila happy not because he wanted another child.
all of the children refer to Evora as Auntie, Cyrus as Grandpa, and Idelia as Grandma, it doesn't matter where they are on the family tree
When Josie was five Some random elf teen came into their camp to try and steal food, but Josie assumed that he was one of her Gradmothers guests so she brought him around the camp introducing him to everyone as their guest so everyone else assumes someone else had invited him. when the all sit down to eat they asked the kid his name, he panicked and saw a bottle in the medicine tent with the word Valerian on it and said that his name was Valerian and that he didn't have a last name. they all excepted that is his name and he just never left, everyone still assumes someone else invited him to stay.
Cas was the last person to join the family, she was a young ogre who's parents had been killed by Goblins on recon that Athena oversaw, when she heard what they had done she reported them to the Goblin queen who told her to just leave the child because accidents happen and the Orges will probably find her, or maybe they won't shes not their responsibility it's our parents fault for taking her with them.
instead of doing that Athena took Cas (her full name is Cassandra) (it wouldn't fit) to the group because she saw Cas as her responsibility because her soldiers were the ones to kill her parents, the gnomes ended up taking her in because she also lost her entire family like they did. she also has quite a liking for plants
ok thats like everything that happened before the start of the books in their family, other than Joise's allergic reaction, and Tobin being born, and wth Amias did, which happened two years before
and everyone's actual ages
please ask more questions this is most ive written in months
baby Josie drawing under the cut as a reward for reading all that
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all of the jewelry has actual meaning/importance by the way 
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nghubs1 · 10 months ago
Angeline Quinto Biography, Education, Career, Controversies, And Net Worth
Angeline Quinto, born on November 26, 1989, in Sampaloc, Manila, Philippines, is a Filipino singer, actress, and television personality. Known for her powerful vocals and soulful singing style, Quinto’s music often explores themes of love, heartbreak, and empowerment. Angeline Quinto Profile Name Angeline QuintoReal NameAngeline Ticman Quinto Date of Birth26 November 1989 Age35 years…
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loliya21 · 7 years ago
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Buscando gnomos! #navarra ,#navarre ,#quintoreal ,#helechos ,#bosquesmagicos (en Navarra)
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meridian59 · 4 years ago
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Location: Jasper (East Jasper, Quintor’s Smithy). Info:
If you are loyal to Princess Kateriina, his prices will be slightly better.
($ sell) / [$ buy] list:
($480)  Leather Armor  [$306]
($540)  Hammer  [$303]
($1800)  Scale Armor  [$972]
($600)  Gold Round Shield  [$423]
($300)  Short Sword  [$130]
($100)  Mace  [$25]
[$ buy] list:
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baldskeleton · 7 years ago
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[Commissioned by @ask-white-fatalis ] Quintor, here to Quin it!
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thedistantshoresproject · 3 years ago
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We are still looking for 2 programmers who know Renpy and GitHub to join our crew! Please message us if you’re interested!
Since the DS MC is GOC, we will be using the pronouns they/them for the project from now on. Whatever pronouns you want to use is fine.
Unlike the TRR MC and all of the jokes about her missing backstory that follows, we wanted MC to have some sort of backstory about who they left behind. We did this for a few reasons:
MC was glad they still had pictures of their family on their phone in the first chapter.
 When MC buries the compass with Ed, they think of their family. Then right after, if you choose to tell Ed that MC’s favorite part of the future is texting, Ed asks them if they left anyone behind, and they respond with “a few”.
It creates conflict for the story because it gives MC a dilemma on if they want to stay in the past or future.
The one family member that MC left behind is cantankerous, but funny. All in all, this family member is a real mush. Kind of like Cliff in BSC minus the shotgun.
We will be having backstories for Ed’s crew as well. We know Ginny had one in the first book and want to give the rest of the crew their own as well.
This book requires a lot of research on not only about the first book, but about the 18th century and pirate life as well. This includes slavery.
There were slaves that joined pirates instead of being sold, and pirates did capture slave ships because they were bigger and faster. It was common to see about 1/3 of a pirate crew be of former slaves. Blackbeard’s Queen Anne’s Revenge was a  slave ship that he captured, and although he did sell the slaves after capturing it, he allowed slaves that wanted to join his crew. Samuel Bellamy’s Whydah was a former slave ship as well, but he treated his black pirates more democratically, such as having Hendrick Quintor as his best crewman. 
We want to note that we do have a chapter (chapter number not decided yet) that mentions slavery, and even though we promise not to have graphic descriptions, we thought it would be fair to warn our potential readers that the topic will be brought up.
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zampanzar · 7 years ago
Zampanzar family, snow day.!!! #zampanzargolden #zampanzar #goldenretrievers #dogrelax #dogthinking #golden #dog #dogsofinstagram #ilovedogs #ilovemypet #ilovemygolden #dogs_of_world #doglover #dogstagram @instagram #lovemydog #dogportrait #instadog #goldenretrieverlovers #dogfaces #dogsofintaworld #mydogisthebest #quintoreal #dogsonsnow
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decoracion-interiores · 7 years ago
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Buen servir es buen comer #decoracion #homedecor
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morppelganger · 8 years ago
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Quintor is your waifu
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didanawisgi · 7 years ago
Black Pirates By Cindy Vallar
By Cindy Vallar. Content source: http://www.cindyvallar.com/blackpirates.html
“Some estimate that nearly 5,000 pirates hunted prey between 1715 and 1726. Of that number, about twenty-five to thirty percent came from the cimarrons, black slaves who ran from their Spanish masters. Other blacks joined after pirates attacked slave ships. For example, when Sam Bellamy and his fellow pirates seized a "Guinea ship," twenty-five blacks went on the account. Stede Bonnet's crew also included former slaves and freeman, and of the eighty sea rovers who followed John Lewis were numbered at least forty blacks from English colonies. Francis Sprigg's cook was black and entrusted with dividing the spoils equally for the crew. Not all black pirates were known by name. For example, thirty men escaped enslavement on Saint Thomas and went on the account in August 1699. A mulatto amongst Stede Bonnet's crew had a confrontation with a white sailor who refused to sign the articles of agreement. After cursing the man, the black pirate wondered "why I did not go to the pump and work among the rest, and told me that was my Business and that I should be used as a Negroe." (Kinkor, 199) Captain Bonnet overheard the exchange and concurred with the pirate -- a man was either a sea rover or a slave, regardless of his color or status. In his article "Black Men under the Black Flag," maritime historian Ken Kinkor includes a chart listing various pirate captains and how many blacks were members of their crews.
Samuel Bellamy (1717) – more than 27 out of 180 men
Edward England (1718) – less than 50 out of 180 men
Edward Lowther (1724) – 9 out of 23 men
Blackbeard (1717) – 60 out of 100; (1718) – 5 out 14
Oliver La Bouche (1719) – 32 out of 64 men
These five pirate crews are but a small sampling of those listed, and they indicate these men were active members of the crew. Sometimes, they were the most fearsome and most trusted of the pirates, the men who boarded prizes first. They did not, however, always receive the same punishment as other pirates when captured. Whereas their comrades often went to the gallows, black pirates were often returned to the men who owned them, or they were sold into slavery. This was the fate of John Julian, a Miskito Indian, after he survived the wrecking of The Whydah Galley. Rather than try him for piracy, he became the property of John Quincy of Braintree.
The most successful pirate of the Golden Age of Piracy, Bartholomew “Black Bart” Roberts, included eighty-eight blacks amongst his crew of 368 in 1721. A year later, there were seventy blacks among 267 pirates. These men didn’t do menial work, either. They received shares in any treasure taken and voted with the rest of the crew whenever a decision had to be made. A mulatto, who had served aboard the Royal Rover, was hanged for piracy with six others in 1720. One of his mates requested a bottle of wine and drank after declaring, “Damnation to the governor and confusion to the Colony.” The others concurred then all were executed and hung in chains as a lesson to others. Two years later, however, the seventy black pirates captured after Bartholomew Roberts’ demise in 1722 were given to the Royal African Company, who promptly enslaved them. The black pirate most written about is Black Caesar. Legend identifies him as a tall African chief with great strength and keen intelligence. A conniving captain lured him and his warriors aboard a slaver with greater treasures than the gold watch that fascinated Caesar. Once on board, the captain and his men plied the Africans with food while enticing them with musical instruments, jewels, silk scarves, and furs. With his focus on these unusual treasures, Caesar failed to notice that the slaver put to sea. Upon learning the truth, he and his men fought the ship's crew, but the slavers eventually subdued the Africans. During his confinement, Caesar refused to eat or drink. One sailor showed Caesar kindness, and the two eventually became friends. When the slaver wrecked on the reefs off Florida, the sailor freed Caesar, and the two escaped in a long boat loaded with supplies and ammunition. They left the others to die. Caesar and his friend decided to attack passing ships. Whenever one was spotted, they rowed the long boat near the vessel and pretended to be shipwrecked sailors. Once aboard their victim, they seized control and took their treasure ashore. Eventually, they buried a large cache of booty somewhere on Elliott Key, or so legend says.   One day Caesar’s friend brought a beautiful woman to their island. The two men argued, and Caesar slew his friend and took the woman for himself. Alone, he continued his piratical raids until he acquired a number of ships and men. They attacked passing ships, then escaped into the coves and inlets where their prey could not pursue them.   Sometime in the early 1700s, Caesar joined forces with Blackbeard. In November 1718, Lieutenant Robert Maynard of the Royal Navy and his men attacked Blackbeard near Ocracoke Island. Under his captain’s orders, Caesar stood in the powder room with a lit match. If the navy succeeded in subduing the pirates, he was to blow up the ship. He was about to do just that when two prisoners, whom Blackbeard had stowed below during the fight, stopped Caesar. He was taken to Virginia and danced the hempen jig in Williamsburg. Caesar was the only one of the five black pirates – James Black, Thomas Gates, Richard Stiles, and James White being the others – arrested who refused to give evidence against his comrades. Blacks became pirates for the same reasons as other men did, but they also sought the freedom often denied them elsewhere. W. Jeffrey Bolster wrote in Black Jacks, "No accurate numbers of black buccaneers exist, although the impression is that they were more numerous than the proportion of black sailors in commercial or naval service at the time." (Bolster, 13) It isn't known how many of the estimated 400 pirates hanged for their crimes between 1716 and 1726 were black, for the historical record fails to show this. Like their brethren who weren't given the chance to stand trial, but were sold into slavery, these pirates remain lost to history.
Meet Other Black Pirates In 1731 Juan Andres (Andresote) was the leader of some runaway slaves and Indians. These villains plundered and murdered along the coast of Venezuela. Authorities assumed he had died when two years later the attacks ceased. In reality, he merely moved to the safety of Curacao before resuming his bloody assaults. One hundred years after Black Caesar died, another man of mixed parentage adopted his name. Black Caesar (II) attacked ships off Florida’s east coast, but in 1828, President Andrew Jackson ordered the area be swept of pirates. Black Caesar (II) escaped to the west coast. One story says he was captured and burned to death, but there is no definitive record as to his fate. Peter Cloise, a slave, became a pirate after Edward Davis took him from his owner in 1679. They became close companions and went on pirating expeditions in the Caribbean and along South America’s Pacific coast. After Davis’ ship put into Philadelphia in May 1688, Cloise was arrested. His fate remains unknown. In late September 1720, Captain Nicholas de Concepcion and 140 pirates (Spaniards “and others of diverse Nations”) cruised the waters of Virginia and the Chesapeake Bay aboard a well-armed Spanish brigantine from Saint Augustine. Their first capture was a Philadelphia sloop named Mary, commanded by Captain Jacobs. She carried a cargo of bread and flour. Concepcion decided she would make an excellent consort to the pirate brigantine. Captain Sipkin was master of the pirates’ second capture. A prize crew was put aboard and the ship set sail for Saint Augustine. The pirates seized a pink, bound to Virginia from Barbados, in the Chesapeake Bay on 23 September. Her captain was a man named Spicer. Once again Concepcion sent a prize crew aboard the pink to sail her to Florida. Sometime later, Concepcion and his men took a Liverpool merchantman named Planter that was eventually retaken. During a search of her papers, her rescuers discovered a forged letter of marque from the Governor of Saint Augustine. It was dated after the war between England and Spain ended. Attempts were made to capture the pirates, but they escaped. Little is known of Domingo Eucalla’s pirating career, but he and ten others were hanged in Kingston, Jamaica on 7 February 1823. Before he died, he gave a passionate speech and a prayer. He showed the most courage of the pirates awaiting death that day. Diego Grillo, also known as “El Mulato,” was of mixed ancestry – African and Spanish. After escaping from Havana, Cuba, he went on the account. When Henry Morgan sacked Panama in January 1671, Grillo captained a ship mounting ten guns. He refused to accept the king’s pardon, preferring instead to remain a pirate. He and his men attacked Spanish ships from a fifteen-gun ship and sold the booty in Tortuga. Three ships were sent to capture him, but he defeated them all and slaughtered every sailor aboard who had been born in Spain. He eventually was captured in 1673 and hanged. Francisco Farnondo captured 250,000 pieces of eight in a single incident. Afterward, he retired. Although his true name has been lost, Old South, a mulatto, led the men who sailed aboard Good Fortune.   Hendrick Quintor, a mulatto born in Amsterdam, sailed aboard the Whydah. Before he went on the account, Quintor was a crewman on a Spanish brig. He was hanged in Boston. Diego de los Reyes, a mulatto from Cuba, earned the nickname “Diego Lucifer.” He hunted during the 1630s and 1640s. Abraham Samuel, the son of a Martinique planter and a black slave, went on the account under Captain John Hoar. After cruising the Caribbean, the John and Rebecca sailed for richer prey in the Indian Ocean. At some point Samuel’s fellow pirates elected him their quartermaster. After capturing a prize near Surrat, the sea rovers put in at St. Mary’s in February 1697. Unbeknownst to them, the Malagasy had rebelled against Adam Baldridge, the retired pirate who became the go-between for the pirates and New York merchants who bought their booty. Captain Hoar and a number of pirates died in the uprising, but Samuel and others escaped. They set sail for New York, but the ship sank after hitting a reef near Fort Dauphin, an abandoned French settlement. After the death of her husband, the chief’s wife ruled the Malagasy. One day she saw the shipwrecked men bathing in the ocean and noticed strange markings on Samuel’s body. They were the same markings her own child had had, but she hadn’t seen her son in many years. His father, a Frenchman, had taken the child with him when he fled Madagascar in 1674. The woman declared Samuel her long-lost son and made him chief of the Malagasy. With the assistance of his fellow shipwrecked pirates, some of whom became his bodyguards, and the Malagasy, Samuel traded with slavers and pirates alike. Fort Dauphin became popular it rivaled St. Mary's as a trading center. In November 1699, Samuel assessed an American slaver £100 for a trading license. The following year, Captain Littleton, a member of the English Royal Navy, invited Samuel and two of his wives to dine with him aboard his ship. Littleton reported Samuel was much loved by the Malagasy. In September 1699, a pirate named Evan Jones raided an American slave ship in the port. He gave the ship to Samuel, who sold it to four other pirates for 1,100 pieces of eight. He signed the document detailing the purchase and added "King of Fort Dauphin, Tollannare, Farrawe, Ganquest, and Founzahíra." News of the attack and sale, and Samuel's participation in it, spread and ships ceased to visit the port. When a Dutch slaver anchored there in December 1706, Abraham Samuel was gone and the new chief declined to discuss his fate. Stewart, a mulatto, and three whites seized the Amity off the coast of Virginia in 1785. They swore to “Perform on a Cruce [cruise] In Defense of Our Selves and Against all Other Nation and Nations.” If any one of them broke these articles, they agreed the guilty party would “Be Put to Death or any Punishment that the Rest shal think they Justley Deserv.” (Bolster, 16)
For more information, I suggest these resources:
Bolster, W. Jeffrey. Black Jacks. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard, 1998. Burl, Audrey. Black Barty. Thrupp, England: Sutton, 2006. Cohn, Michael, and Michael K. H. Platzer. Black Men of the Sea. New York: Dodd, Mead, 1978. Gosse, Philip. The Pirates’ Who’s Who. Glorieta, New Mexico: Rio Grande Press, 1924. Kinkor, Kenneth J. “Black Men Under the Black Flag” in Bandits at Sea: A Pirates Reader. New York: New York University, 2001. (pages 195-210). Konstam, Angus. Blackbeard. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, 2006. Marley, David F. Pirates and Privateers of the Americas. Santa Barbara, California: ABC-Clio, 1994. McCarthy, Kevin M. Twenty Florida Pirates. Sarasota, Florida: Pineapple Press, 1994. Pirates: Terror on the High Seas – from the Caribbean to the South China Sea. Atlanta: Turner Publishing, 1996. Rediker, Marcus. Villains of All Nations. Boston: Beacon Press, 2004. Rogozinski, Jan. Honor Among Thieves. Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania: Stackpole, 2000. Rogozinski, Jan. Pirates! New York: Facts on File, 1995. Selinger, Gail. The Complete Idiot’s Guide to Pirates. New York: Alpha Books, 2006. Shomette, Donald G. Pirates on the Chesapeake. Centreville, Maryland: Tidewater, 1985.
Source: http://www.cindyvallar.com/blackpirates.html
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simonettaramogida · 5 years ago
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frizzle-mcshizzle · 1 year ago
another question for Funsies; how did Quintor end up in the neutral territories?? I've entirely forgotten how it works in canon but don't they have to light leap to get there? or is it kind of more he just Popped up one day and cyrus was like 'he's MINE don't question it'
(i'm totally gonna forget about the questions about josie's design so I'll just leave this here as a reminder to myself to send those cause i have to go to sleep lmao)
gotta project my daddy issues somewhere lol
(its light leaping using a light yellow crystal btw, also they apparently can make one use crystals??)
ok so Quintor had a physically abusive father who pushed him to hard to young to be a soldier, and would physically punish him when he didn't do enough and a push over mother who didn't stop her husband from harming their child. but he had to deal with it because his father was a respected soldier and no one could imagine him hurting his son. when Quintor mentioned what was happening at home people thought he was lying for attention and it just made the abuse worse.
when his father died in battle protecting his soldier when he was 9. he thought it his father was put in the hall of hero's and deemed a amazing man and was idolized by the community. Quintor had to deal with people constantly asking what his father was like, and how lucky he was to have such a hero as a father, how he had quite the legacy to uphold. one day he blew up and screamed at his mom about how his father treated him and how he wasn't a hero and how he was nothing but a fake. his mother scolded him and told him that he needed to respect his father and that his father was only doing what was best for him.
at 10 Quintor decides he had enough and steals a random crystal to the neutral territories from his parents bedrooms and takes a tent, some weapons and food and light leaped to the neutral territories.
he lived on his own for about a week, then Cyrus found him trying (and failing) to hunt a deer, Cyrus killed it for him and told this tiny child that he would help him skin it and break it down of he came back to his camp, and it took some arguing but eventually Cryus convinced him to come back to camp for just one night and he literally never left 
how the conversation kind of would've gone down under the cut because the way im writing it is gonna be long
Cyrus: come on kid lets go back to my camp, ill teach you how to skin it and break it down,
Quintor: no i don't want to you're not my dad
Cyrus: well then, ill take my deer back to my camp and share it with my sisters
Quintor: its not your deer!!
Cyrus: i killed it, you didn't, and if you want me to share you're gonna have to come back to camp with me because i don't have my hunting gear with me and can't break it down
Quintor: *angry 10 year old noises*
Cyrus: you coming or not
Quintor: *sigh* yes im coming
(back at the camp)
Quintor: i thought you said you had sisters?
Cyrus *gestures to the twins sitting by the fire*: yep they're right there
Quintor *looks between Cyrus and the twins*
Quintor: but they're elves!
Cyrus: so what, family isnt blood kid, its what you make it
Quintor: you can choose your family!!!
Cyrus: yep, *hands him a bar of soap* now go wash up in the river, you smell like death
Quintor: yes sir
(after Quintor runs out to the river)
Calista *cooking dinner*:Cy, who was that?
Cyrus: some kid i found in the woods
Calista: yes but whos kid is it?
Cyrus: i don't know but hes mine now
Calista: Ida, Cyrus just found a child in the woods and wants to keep him
Idelia *not even looking up from her notebook*: finders keepers
Calista: that doesn't apply to children
Cyrus and Idelia: it does now
Calista: so does this mean we have four months to feed now
Cyrus: well im not about to leave a 10yo alone in the woods im not your council
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ask-white-fatalis · 8 years ago
every odd number for the OC questions
1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?Shiro’s full name is Shironus AkumaWraths full name is Wrathanula AkumaKaze’s name is simply Kaze AkumaQuins (my hunter OC’s) name is Quintor Zenerith 
3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory?Shiros childhood was horrid. for the first 100 years, wrath made his life a living hell in order to toughen him up, only to abandon him by exiling Shiro from his ancestral homeland for Shiro’s pacifistic beliefs.Wrath didn’t start as an asshole. he was a fairly average dragon and even at one point interacted with human beings. however, a turn of betrayal with the humans turn wrath cold and unfeeling.Kaze so far has had a good childhood, then again he is only 2 years old.Quin’s childhood was one of poverty and homelessness, as his parents were killed by a rogue Gore Magala when he was still very young.
5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults? Shiro Has a brother and a sister. His brother, Kuro, Is a black fatalis and is his fathers favorite, often belittling Shiro about how little their father cares about him. Kuro has grown arrogant and crass, often womanizing with many female fatalis’s. Shiros sister is a creature even wrath fears because of how far he pushed her violent nature. given she is a crimson fatalis, the most violent of the 3 species, wrath had her trapped within an abandoned castle when she started to kill her own kind for sport. Kaze, Wrath, and Quin are only Child’s. 
7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood? ((most of my Main OC’s do not have many childhood friends, whether being unpopular, an outcast or generally displeasing in general (wrath…). however, I’m glad to say both quin and shiro are making friends in their adult life.))
9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals? Shiro, although a predator by nature, does his best to respect all living creatures, even befriending some that most fatalis’s would just see as a meal.Wrath has a stern belief that fatalis kind are gods among mortals, that every creature is below that of his species, some of which need to be eradicated from existence.Kaze is learning shiros more pacifistic ways.Quin, even as a hunter, has many monster friends, including a zinogre he raised from a lost pup.
11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?Shiro, Wrath and Kaze are carnivores, and require meat to feed them. however, to keep up kaze’s metal coat, he must ingest ores, like iron and dragonite.
13. What is their least favourite food?Shiro: Rhenoplos, their hide is too hard to chew and their meat is stringy and tough…Wrath: of all of earths creatures, humans by far taste the most foul. and believe me, I have experience to back that up… -growls-Kaze: STONES TASTE YUCKY, BLEEEEECH!!! >:cQuin: Grilled cheese. …. I’M NOT WEIRD, YOU ARE!
15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?((Shiro,Wrath and kaze cannot cook cuz they are dragons, and even in gjinka form they eat food raw.))Quin is an average cook, and likes to surprise his wife with many dishes. his specialty is pizza.
17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos?all: … what are photos?
19. What’s their least favourite genres?Shiro: I don’t care much for those horror books… they really seem unnecessarily Gorey… and i care not for what the young dragons call “Wrap music”. Wrath: Human arts are a waste of time. if i want entertainment fromthem, I’ll just burn their beloved libraries!! HAHAHA! STUPID PINK MONKEYS!Kaze: ROMANCE IS GROSS, BLEEEEECHQuin: I hate anything with adam sandler :I
21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?Shiro has a lot of patients, but LORD HELP YOU IF THAT FUSE GOES OUT. Wrath simply kills you if you bug him slightly so…Kaze, as a kid and thus doesn’t have an abundance of patients, and often complains if he doesn’t get his way.Quins temper is fairly level, but has none for people he thinks are rude.
23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?Shiro and Wrath remember everything that has ever happened in their 100,000′s of years they’ve been alive.Kaze has very bad short term memory and has a bad attention span.Quin has a decent memory but has trouble with names.
 25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?(( @monsterhunterayame asked this as well!))Shiro: what did the buffalo say to his kid when he went to school? -snorts- BISON!!! PFFFFFFHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH, OH YOU HUMANS MAKE THE FUNNIEST JOKES!!! HAHAHAHA!!!Wrath: the screams of torment of my victims the second before i rip their heads off! humans make the most pitifully funny squeaks~Kaze: POTATO! :DQuin: My friends have named me the pun deputy~
27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?If he ever gets into an bad argument with a friend, shiro will feel very depressed, and often think that he ruined the friendship he worked hard to build. he does cry, but not openly.Wrath believes showing sadness is a weakness unbefiting of a dragon, and will never show anyone the sadness in his stone cold heart.Kaze often gets sad if he squishes a bug, and will cry openly, asking shiro if he can save the poor insect.Quins sadness comes from the thought of the gore magala ripping his new life out of his grip, and the parents he lost to the beast. 
29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective?Shiro gets very protective of his friends,doing his best never to mention their fears.Wrath brutally abuses the knowledge of ones fear, often using it to torment his victims. Kaze is generally fearless,so he doesnt quite grasp why others would be afraid.Quin, if only for a harmless park would jokingly tease about the fear, but will immediately stop if he thinks he’s gone too far.
31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing?((Shiro, Kaze and Wrath do not consume alcohol))Quin does drink, but only the drinks that taste “fruity”. and if he gets drunk, he becomes very flirtatious, to the point where he bets he could shove a wine bottle up his… ehm…y-you get the point…
33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties?((for this purpose,monsters will be in gjinka form))Boxers: Wrath, KazeBriefs: Shiro, Quin
35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure?Shiro’s guilty pleasure: making purring noises when happy, and getting chin scritches.Shiros unguilty pleasure: Making friends!Wraths Guilty Pleasure: expressing joy.Wraths unguilty pleasure: killing.Quins guilty pleasure: SingingQuins unguilty pleasure: Raving about his wife, Naomi.
37. Do they like to read? Are they a fast or slow reader? Do they like poetry? Fictional or non fiction?Shiro,Kaze and Quin all enjoy reading fiction books, Quins fave being kaiju novels, whereas shiro and kaze like fairy tale fantasy books. Quin and shiro are fast readers,but kaze is still learning howto read.Wrath thinks books are a waste of time and prefers to just burn them.
39. Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging?-All characters live in a technologically inept age in terms of writing, so all must stick to letters,-
41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship?Shiro would most likely be Heterosexual however a certain fish gets him all hot and bothered so i guess its a bit ambiguous. in a relationship,shiro likes mutual respect and lots of small signs of physical affection, like cuddling. Wrath is Unfeeling, although he would only have relations with an opposite gender.Kaze is too young to determine.Quin is Bi-Sexual, and likes a lady with confidence and curves, and a man with a cute face and muscle, but not too much! Quin also likes physical signs of affection and someone he can have a laugh with and relate to.
43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people?…. uh
45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves?Shiro: I HAVE ZERO REDEEMING QUALITIES! ;U;Wrath: all fear me,and all SHOULD fear me…Kaze: they think i’m a cute! owoQuin: I’m not sure really…i guess just some guy??? i dunno…
47. How do they act in a formal occasion? What do they think of black tie wear? ((Monster OC’s will again be refered to in their gjinka forms))Shiro is ALWAYS the fanciest and classiest dressed mother fucker in the room.Wrath doesnt care. Kaze is often told by shiro to dress fancy but often just likes to wear hoodies and shorts cuz they’re comfy.Quin dresses his best on formal occasions, and would buy a tux if it were necessary.
49. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them?For shiro, Four obsidian spires in a long forgotten valley are very close to his heart. every year he goes to see them for hours on end on one particular day.Wrath has a scar on his chest thats important to him, however, its to remind him to NEVER show weakness.Kaze has a scale from Shiro that he carries everywhere, to make him feel like shiro will always protect him. Quin’s only thing from his parents are his fathers Critical Brachydios dual blades. he takes them on every serious hunt he’s been on.
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frizzle-mcshizzle · 1 year ago
hopefully you'll still accept this out of nowhere but *ahem*
you mentioned all of the accesories, and i was curious about it? also, especially obsessed with the overalls, the mushrooms and the clouds are so cute <333
anyway sorry again for taking literally forever 😅
you have AMAZING timing the brainrot had just come back
ok little Josie's clothes can be described easily because it's literally just i wanted to draw her in that outfit and her family would wear a mix of human clothes and clothes from all of their cultures.
older Josie's outfit is vaguely Pirate because her step dad was literally a pirate and she stole some of his clothes/likes to dress like him, the glove is to cover her scars that she got from her mom losing control of Everblaze (i later decided it would be leather but didn't feel like redrawing it)
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so the drawings are what her jewelry would look like after she meet sophie for the first time
A: Phoenix tattoo, it acts has her families family crest, every child gets one at the age of 12, it also glows in the dark
B: the Golden Rings, the three on the tumb are for her (living) siblings, Sophie, Tobin and Elora. the two on her pointer are for her parents Regaila and Murphy (her step dad). the three on her middle finger are for Idelia, Cyrus and Evora
C: the ring on her upper ring finger have jewels for each of her uncles and aunts, Athena, Quintor, Zalea and Asa
D: Ring with repurposed exilium beads to represent her Cousins, Zarael, Artimis, Valerian, Cas, Lani, Tansy
E: two Golden bracelets for the members of her family who died, Evander and Calista
F: leather bracelet with a projector with messenges from each member of her family that she was gifted when she Tobin and her mom had to leave the village to avoid Forkle taking her to the lost cities.
G: a wanderling necklace that has her hair and a wanderling seed in it, her name is carved into the back, every elf in the neutral territories wear them at all times since if someone finds their body and its decomposing, they can still be buried with their name. each necklace is individualized to the person, Josie's is a sunrise because she brought her mother out of the darkness after losing Evander
H: Allergy medicine that is made by Orges that Cyrus was able to get because there was a few that owed him favors
I: earring with leaping crystals one to her village, one to a Ogre village she stayed in and one to havenfild after sophie gives it to her.
J: Ear cuffs that match Sophies, Idelia and Calista had some that Ideila still wears and Josie wanted to have something that matched them
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decoracion-interiores · 7 years ago
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Buen servir es buen comer #decoracion #homedecor
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decoracion-interiores · 8 years ago
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Buen servir es buen comer #decoracion #homedecor
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