ffskalice · 7 years
Never Let Go
A/N: This is a sequel to A Thin Line. Those who have read my other stories know I'm a big sucker for fluff. I can't promise how regular the updates will be, but I'll post when I can. I'll also be tweeting the updates - skalicethomas on twitter.
I'd like to dedicate this entire story to Lauren, the best friend anyone could ever have. She's strong, brave and she never stops fighting. I admire her for that, and she deserves much more appreciation than this silly little story - but I hope it counts for something!
Tiago Lopez longs for his family so intensely that he can feel his bones ache. There are simply no words that can describe how much he needs to hold his kids and kiss his wife – and this from a man who deals with the written word for a living.
The surroundings become more familiar as the taxi nears his home. Gradually, he starts to recognise the streets, the trees, the closed storefronts. It's late and the further away from the airport, the fewer people are out. His head is throbbing slightly, the way it always does when he's been traveling. There's a reason he usually lets Jolene handle that part of the job.
He rests his head against the window, finally allowing himself to picture his family. He's been trying to stop himself lately, because it only made him miss them more. But he's so close to them now that he lets it all in.
He has no doubt that Quinn will have tried to wait up for him, but will have fallen asleep anyway. He texted her when he got into the taxi, so she knows when he'll be home and that will have only strengthened her determination to stay awake. He's pretty sure that Mateo will have gone through a similar ordeal. Quinn will have put him to bed with all his usual rutuals to assure a good night's sleep, but the little guy will have been too anxious for his daddy to come home to fall asleep. Riley, on the other hand, won't suffer the same fate. She'll have trusted her mommy when she told her that daddy would be home when she woke up – knowing her as he does, she'll have tried extra hard to fall asleep, so she could see her daddy sooner.
Tiago loves his job – a love that only grows deeper as the years go on and he gains experience and confidence. He knows he's very lucky that he's able to make a living from what is essentially a hobby – books, literature, fiction. He doesn't usually travel for work, though – he prefers to leave that to Jolene, who adores it. But this week-long trip happened to coincide with her long-awaited and well-deserved honeymoon with Jackson, and Tiago was the best person to fill in for her. He doesn't hate it, he even enjoyed himself – but he hates not seeing his family for an entire week.
Just thinking of them warms his heart and puts a smile on his face.
The love between him and Quinn seems to be stronger than ever – whenever he feels utterly convinced that he can't love her any more than he does, she does or says something that makes him fall for her all over again. Other times, just looking at her does the job. She's very career-driven, and he does wish she'd be home more often, or at least earlier at night – but he's known this woman for as long as he can remember. She's always been like this and she's not likely to change. He also knows how much she cares about their family and how hard she tries to make it work.
Mateo is a kick-ass son. He has his dad's jet-black hair, but his mommy's hazel eyes. He's a very affectionate boy, always up for a cuddle with his parents. He's a very brave, talkative little guy who loves to sing, dance and tell jokes. Mateo is also a great observer, noticing details and remembering them to a degree that amazes them often. He needs a lot of love, but Quinn and Tiago have a lot of love to give.
Riley, two years younger than her brother, is a gem of a girl. She has her mother's blonde locks and her daddy's chocolate brown eyes. Quinn and Tiago always joke that their two kids together can't deny being their parents' offspring. Riley is very driven – when she gets something into her head, she never gives up until she gets what she wants. It drives them crazy sometimes. Riley is also very creative. She loves stories and is so hooked on her daddy's bed-time stories that he Skyped with her while he was away to be able to read to her. He recorded himself reading stories for the days he couldn't Skype with her.
Tiago's heart is racing as the taxi stops in front of their house. He's such a homebody that Quinn often pokes fun at him for it, so to be away for an entire week has really stretched his limits. He pays the driver and thanks him. He's pretty sure he would hug the house if he could.
He makes his way inside, leaving his bag in the hallway. A light is shining from the living room and he eagerly makes his way there. His heart skips a beat when he sees his wife. She's awake, but looks extremely tired. It seems to him as if she only becomes more beautiful with age – and she was a stunner already when they were mere teenagers. He's really lost his heart to his woman, but he can't say he particularly minds. There's nobody else he'd want to belong to so irrevocably. "You look like you could sleep for a week, but still you're easily the most beautiful woman I've ever seen," he says softly.
Quinn treats him to a bright smile and they meet each other in the middle of the living room. Tiago wraps his arms around her waist and leans in to kiss her lips. Quinn pulls him closer and kisses him back hungrily, her lips so soft. Her breath is warm as she opens his mouth with hers and she slips her tongue inside. His heart stops and his mind blanks, but his body doesn't need any guidance from his brain. He licks her tongue, she bites his lip lightly. They kiss until they're out of breath, then they kiss again.
Finally, they just stand there, holding each other – and feeling utterly content.
"I'm so glad you're home, baby," Quinn says softly in his ear.
He shivers as her breath caresses his kin. "I missed you too. I have to say, I'm surprised you're awake. It's late and you must be so tired."
Quinn chuckles. "I'm guilty – I fell asleep. I did have the presence of mind to set my alarm for when I thought you'd be almost home, set it to vibrate and kept my phone on my chest so I'd definitely wake up."
Tiago smiles. "I'm jealous of your chest. I missed your chest a lot."
Quinn raises an eyebrow. "I'm sure you did. I got to say, I missed these arms of yours a lot too."
Tiago takes a deep breath. "Mrs Lopez – I would love nothing more than to take you right here, right now."
"But you want to go and check if your kids are still alive after a week without hugs from their daddy?" Quinn reads his mind. He can tell from the look on her face that she doesn't mind, though.
Tiago nods. "Yeah. Wish to join me on my investigation, dear Watson?"
Quinn laughs. "Jesus Christ, you are such a dork." But she takes his hand and they quietly make their way upstairs.
Tiago feels overwhelmed with a sense of belonging as he makes his way through the house. He's anxious not to make a sound on the stairs, hoping that he won't wake up those little bastards who took his breath away with their first. He wants nothing more than to talk to them, hug them and never let them go – but he also knows they really need their sleep.
He opens the door to Riley's room and tears well up in his eyes when he sees his little girl, sound asleep. His little angel, Riley Sophia Lopez. On her nightstand is a copy of the book she wants him to read to her next before bed. Her room is a mess – she definitely gets that from her daddy. He takes a deep breath, employing every bit of willpower he has not to go over there and take her in his arms. Quinn squeezes his hand and it settles him a bit.
Then he makes his way to Mateo's room. Mateo always leaves the door open. He's wearing his favourite pj's – the one with all the cars on it. He seems to be asleep and again, Tiago feels a surge of unconditional love when he sees this little man. Mateo's room the opposite of his sister's chaos-wise. His cars, planes, boats and other toys are all neatly and thoughtfully arranged. There's definitely a system in there somewhere. He takes after his mommy like that. The lamp on his nightstand is on, which means he had a nightmare earlier. It breaks Tiago's heart.
Just as he's about to leave, Mateo's eyes fly open. "Daddy!" he says excitedly as he jumps out of his bed.
"Shh, quiet, your sister's asleep," Quinn admonishes him gently.
"Sorry," Mateo says quickly, then runs to his daddy. Tiago scoots him up in his arms and hugs his son tightly, tears now flowing down his cheeks. "I missed you, daddy," Mateo says quietly.
"I missed you too, buddy," Tiago says, his voice thick with emotion. "Daddy missed you so, so much." He takes in the smell of his son and couldn't feel happier. Tiago blindly reaches for Quinn and she joins in the hug. Tiago wishes they could have Riley here too, but if they wake her up now, her mood will be terrible tomorrow.
"I hear you've been a very good boy, Mateo," Tiago says. "Daddy's very proud of you."
Mateo smiles brightly and in that instant resembles Quinn so much that it's uncanny. "I counted down the days until you were home, daddy. I even made a calendar, mommy taught me!"
Tiago grins. "That's awesome. Now you have to go back to sleep, alright? So you can have a good rest and do well in school tomorrow."
Mateo nods. "I can't wait to tell Miss Lauren that you're home!" Then he yawns, and Tiago puts him to bed. Usually, they sing a song together before he goes to sleep – softly, because Riley's already in bed by that time. But now, Mateo's already fallen asleep before his head hits the pillow.
Quinn and Tiago go to the master bedroom, closing the door behind them. Tiago makes his way to the ensuite bathroom, where he lets the tears flow freely. "I missed you guys so much," he manages to say.
Quinn pulls him close, embraces him lovingly. "We missed you too. But you're back now," she smiles.
They share a soft kiss before getting ready to go to bed. They have sex so often that a week without feeling that intimacy feels like a lifetime, but they're both too tired for that now and instead fall asleep in each other's arms, naked, taking comfort in feeling the other's skin against their own.
The next morning, Quinn moans softly when she wakes up. She stretches, opens her eyes and frowns in confusion when she spots her husband tiptoeing around the room.
"Honey? What are you doing?" she asks quietly.
Tiago stops and turns to her. "Shit, I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up! I was going to go for a run. I only got in one run in San Francisco."
Quinn shakes her head with a chuckle. "You really are addicted. I respect that, I do – but come here and I'll give you a different kind of work-out," she winks, using a sultry voice.
Tiago's throat goes dry. "Aye aye, Captain Lopez."
Quinn throws back the covers, inviting him back to the bed. Tiago forgets all about his plans for a run.
They kiss hungrily, their hands roaming each other's bodies as they reconnect. Quinn flips them over so that she's on top. Tiago cups a breast, squeezing softly, then moves his hand to her ass, squeezing again.
Quinn kisses his neck, slowly, gently sucking on it. He moans when her tongue finds his pulse point. His dick brushes her pussy lips and she pushes her hips into his.
"I missed this spot," she says softly, moving her kisses to his shoulder. "And this spot." To his other shoulder. "And this spot." She gives him a long, very sensual kiss on the lips.
"I missed your lips," he says, then kisses her again.
Quinn moves her kisses to his cheeks, his ears, his chest, his nipples, his legs, his calves, repeating every single time how much she missed that spot. Then she reaches for his dick, which is already throbbing in anticipation.
She purses her lips and kisses the head. "And I missed you too, handsome. So much," she addresses his dick.
She opens her mouth and closes it around his cock. It stretches her mouth, she moans as she takes in his entire length. She pushes her tongue against his skin, her teeth lightly scraping – enough to elicit a hiss from him without pain. She sucks on his dick and fondles his balls, her nails pressing into them lightly.
Very slowly, she takes his dick out of her mouth, licking with the tip of her tongue. He feels his entire body tingle as she sucks on the head, explores under the ridge of his foreskin, then twirls her tongue around the head. While doing this, she closes a fist around his shaft and starts pumping.
Quinn licks her lips and smiles at Tiago, then repeats, but keeps his dick in her mouth longer. He combs his fingers through her hair, juts his hips up a little – involuntarily. She adjusts to it excellently.
Every time Quinn repeats these motions, she adds something – first a flutter of the tongue, then she hollows her cheeks around his throbbing member. He groans softly – this feels so incredibly good. Quinn increases the pace and moans when precum drips onto her tongue. It's becoming very difficult to keep quiet, but he manages – just enough.
Quinn bites a little, then soothes with her tongue. His dick leaves her mouth with a pop and she clearly can't get enough. Her hunger for his dick turns him on so much – and then she keeps him inside her mouth, sucking harder, moaning, sending vibrations over his cock. He doesn't have much control over his hips – they respond, she takes it.
"Babe," he pants. "Shit, I'm so close!"
Quinn knows what Tiago moans: if she doesn't want to swallow, now is the time to pull away.
Quinn Lopez does not pull away.
His balls tighten and send long ropes of hot seed into her mouth. She swallows and sucks, eagerly milking his cock. She sucks him off throughout his orgasm, then keeps suckling softly. She licks her lips happily.
Tiago's out of breath. Finally, he manages: "Quinn, that was incredible."
She winks at him. "I had some catching up to do."
He kisses her lips, tasting himself. Then he cups her boobs and turns their bodies around. She opens her legs for him. He breathes onto her pussy and she shivers. Tiago can feel her nipples harden against the palms of his hands. Her body shifts. He grins, then gives her lower lips an elaborate, open-mouthed kiss.
Quinn is so incredibly wet. The scent of her arousal hits his nose and he takes it in happily. Tiago licks the heavy folds and her body reacts when he reaches her clit. He circles her clit with the tip of his tongue, coaxes it out from under the hood, then closes his lips around it.
Her hips rise, he grabs her ass. He lets go of her clit, makes his way down applying pressure with his tongue, then circles her entrance. Slips his tongue inside, out, pumping – then up to her clit. He repeats the motions, building up a rhyhthm. She closes her legs around his head.
"Tiago," she moans. "So good!"
She bucks her hips into him, rocks them. He loves it. Then he focuses his tongue on her clit, keeps sucking. She almost passes out and when he bites down on it ever so gently, then licks it, she loses it. She squirts, and it's glorious. Tiago laps up her juices, then kisses his way from her pussy, over her stomach and her boobs, to her mouth.
Quinn is panting and delirious. The sight of her is so beautiful and eliciting her orgasm with his mouth always turns him on so much that his erection is almost painful.
Tiago guides his hard dick into her. She jumps lightly, but accepts him eagerly. He thrusts into her slowly, her wetness on his pelvis. His balls slap her thighs. She closes her legs around his hips and fucks him back.
Tiago closes his lips around a nipple and sucks on it happily – he loves her boobs and he knows it turns her on. He can feel the effect of his ministrations as her pussy tightens, her walls squeezing his dick.
He moves his mouth to her other breast, losing himself in the sensation of her warmth, the tightness as it becomes more and more difficult to push through.
She wraps her legs around his hips and locks her ankles, and his dick goes even deeper, his balls tightening. She slaps his ass, her pussy traps his dick – she's now fucking him from underneath him. Her athleticism will never cease to amaze him – and never cease to make him come so fucking hard. Tiago grunts when he feels that sweet release, spurt after spurt of cum filling up his wife. It seems to go on for ages, and then her pussy flutters around his dick, her orgasm prolonging his own. She holds on to his strong arms, pushes herself up a little - her pussy keeps spasming, and it blows his mind.
He collapses next to her and they find each other in a cuddle. They share a lazy kiss and Quinn nestles her head on Tiago's chest. "I love you," she whispers.
He kisses her lips. "I love you too."
"I'm happy you got up early for that run, so we could do this before the kids wake up," Quinn grins. "I'm such a fan of your runs."
Tiago laughs. "I bet you are. I have to say, as much as I love working out, I vastly prefer this. We should probably get dressed now, though. Get breakfast ready for Mateo and Riley."
Quinn kisses his neck. "Good idea."
They take a shower – separately, because they both know they'll get distracted if they don't. Tiago prepares breakfast as Quinn goes to wake up the kids.
"Is daddy home?" he hears Riley ask excitedly.
Then she storms down the stairs, runs to her dad and he manages to catch her before she tackles him. He hugs her tightly as she settles on his arm. "Hey there, baby girl! Daddy missed you loads!"
Riley grins at him. "I missed you too, daddy! I saw you lots but I missed your hugs."
Tiago grins and kisses her hair, hugs her again. "Want some breakfast?"
Then Mateo comes downstairs. He pouts when he sees Riley in Tiago's arms.
"Don't be jealous," Quinn says when she sees their son's face. "You got to hug daddy last night," she says to him softly, making sure Riley doesn't hear. Luckily, Riley is too wrapped up in her father to hear it.
"Come here, let's have a family hug," Tiago suggests.
The four of them hug each other. Tiago and Quinn share a look and they knows they feel the same: this is all they really need in life to be happy: their family. The Lopez clan.
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gleeguysindie-blog · 8 years
“is that your hand on my leg?” (Any muse!
Santiago ran his tongue over his lips, his dark eyes glancing to the blonde as he smirked. “Yeah, I decided it was time do what we both wanted.” He gave her thigh a squeeze, letting his fingers tease at the sensitive skin there. “Tell me to stop.” 
Tumblr media
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ffskalice · 8 years
About the sequel to A Thin Line...
I'm considering starting the sequel to A Thin Line. Ideas? Requests? Titles? Should I post as I write or complete the story and then post weekly or so? Let me know here or on Twitter! (@skalicethomas)
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ffskalice · 8 years
A Thin Line 61
A/N: I know this was a long wait, but life has changed a lot. I know I didn't announce the end, but a sequel is definitely in the works. With 61 chapters, I felt it was time for this story to end, but the story as a whole hasn't been entirely told. You can definitely expect a new story about this Lopez family!
Thank you for reviewing and sticking with me. This story took over four years to write and I know I haven't been consistent with updates, for which I'm sorry. I haven't decided on a title for the sequel, but I know what's going to happen in it. I also haven't decided yet whether I want to write the story and then update weekly, or publish every chapter as I write. Let me know what you prefer and what you think of this final chapter.
I'll hopefully see you guys for the sequel, you've been great!
Special shout out to Lauren, who's been my sounding board and has always supported me.
Tiago made it out of bed, into the bathroom and then on his way out, but then he makes the fatal mistake of turning one last time to see his beautifully pregnant wife smiling at him from the bed.
He lies down next to Quinn, his hand on her belly. Her pregnancy is showing nicely and Tiago loves nothing better than to hang out with their baby. It distracts him from pretty much anything.
"Hi there, little one. Your daddy loves you very much, yes he does! What's that?" He puts his ear on Quinn's belly. "You want a story? A story you shall have!"
Quinn giggles. "Shouldn't you be leaving for work, handsome?" she asks, combing her fingers through his jet black hair.
He looks up at her and then leans in to kiss her softly. "Work can wait a few more minutes."
Quinn moans, knowing full well this kind of kiss tends to lead to something more. She has the hardest time removing herself from the kiss. "Sweetie, you really have to head to work if you don't want to be late. You can read our baby a story when you get back."
Tiago sighs and pouts, but knows it's useless once his wife has made up her mind. "Alright. I'll see you tonight." He can't resist a final kiss before heading out.
Fran sips from her cup of tea, a smile spreading on her face. "This is delicious, Quinn! I didn't know you were so well-versed in the making of tea."
Quinn smiles as she takes a sip herself. "Well, you know Tiago, he's coffee all the way. But the second we knew I'm pregnant, he did extensive research - you'd think he was writing a thesis. He concluded that while technically it would be okay to have a little bit of coffee a day, the entirety of his research gave him so much cause to worry he'd rather I didn't. So I've started drinking tea instead."
Fran laughs. "He really worries too much. You know, I don't think anyone in this world could get you to stop drinking coffee - but it totally makes sense that Tiago would manage it."
Quinn shrugs. "I'm fine with it, really. I'd looked into it myself a little and while I'm sure nothing would happen to the baby if I would just stick to the advised amount, it's just not worth it to me. I can do without. Especially after Tiago's explanation of what could happen."
"Wait, let me guess, he made a PowerPoint?" Fran teases.
"Almost!" Quinn smiles. "He means well, though. He offered to stop drinking coffee, to be sympathetic with me. I told him I'd prefer our baby to have a living daddy."
Fran nods seriously. "You made the right call there. He would positively die without his coffee. It'd be like taking his books away. So, how is the little one?"
"Actually, the little one is the reason I asked you to come over. You're my sister, Fran, you've known me since I was born. While you haven't always been there physically, you've been the one person who knows exactly what it was like growing up with our parents. Charlie knows fairly well, she's a Fabray after all. And Tiago's been there for as long as I can remember and been my best friend for as long as I can remember, so he knows a great deal about it as well. But you lived it. And I'm so glad and proud that after all the shit we went through, we're so close at this point. When dad kicked me out, you gave me the opportunity to build my life, to go to college and then work for you. I have so much to thank you for and because of everything you've done for me and what you mean for me, I want to ask you to be our little baby's godmother."
Fran has tears in her eyes by the time Quinn finishes her speech. "Shit, Quinn, you can't make me cry like this! I'm your big bad sister! Of course I want to be little Lopez' godmother." She gets up to hug her sister firmly. "So, when will we know if I'm going to have a goddaughter or a godson?"
Seeing her sister cry made Quinn cry a little as well. "We'll know on Friday. Tiago's seeing Lessa afterwards and he's going to ask her to be our baby's godmother as well, so don't tell her just yet?"
Fran shakes her head and smiles. "Silent as the grave. Do you have names yet?"
Quinn bites her lip. She had expected this question, so she and Tiago have discusses whether they want to tell people. No matter the gender of their baby later, if they share the names now and their second baby is a different gender, the name won't be a surprise to anyone. They also agree it feels unfair to tell the godmothers the names they have in mind since they'll know the name before the actual godparents of their second baby.
Of course, they could wait until they know the gender and then tell Fran and Lessa, but they both prefer to share the gender and keep the name to themselves. "We've decided not to tell anyone the names yet. But you and Lessa will be the first to know if I go into labour, I promise."
"That's fine," Fran grins. "I'm so excited! I'm going to be a godmother!"
It seems as if they had so much trouble getting pregnant, karma has decided they've been through enough and the pregnancy goes by without any issues.
She's glad that she's getting much closer to her mom now. She never would have expected how good it would be to actually have a relationship with her again.
Quinn can't describe her happiness to a living soul. If anyone had told her fifteen years ago she'd be having a baby with Santiago Lopez, she'd have burst out in laughter, but now she finds there is no greater gift than to carry their baby. She shakes her head when she considers for just how long she's been blind to her own feelings. She never would have thought there can be such a thin line between friendship and romance.
The look on Tiago's face when the baby kicks for the first time and he hurries over to her to feel the second kick - "our little soccer player!" - fills her with so much love for her husband it makes her sob helplessly. He takes excellent care of her every need.
Her every need.
Luckily, their needs match perfectly.
On a Saturday morning, Quinn is watching herself in the mirror when Tiago wraps his arms around her from behind, kissing a trail from her neck to her ear. "You're so sexy, baby," he whispers softly.
The hairs rise on her arms and for a moment, she feels weak in the knees. She turns her head to him and captures his lips. "Show me just how sexy you think I am," she orders him, with a meaningful glint in the eye.
He smiles into the kiss and not much later, both are naked and horny like teenagers. Quinn cups Tiago's ass with one hand, using the other to stroke his cock to its full length. They're still kissing, their hands exploring each other's bodies, touching each other in those places they know drive the other crazy.
Tiago guides them to bed and Quinn turns her back to him as she lies down, opening her legs willingly. Her belly has become too protruded to have sex comfortably in most of the ways they're used to.
Quinn reaches behind her and Tiago knows what she wants - he lies down, his hard cock against her lovely behind, slipping a hand between her legs. She opens them willingly and he brings his fingers to her clit, rubbing it expertly as he feels her pussy getting wetter.
The sounds she makes, the feeling of her hard clit under his fingers. The sight of her breasts that have grown so much during the pregnancy inviting him to make her feel even better. He slips his free arm under her body and cups one breast, taking care to be gentle and not hurt her. He softly plays with the flesh, stroking her nipple as he guides his dick to her entrance and pushes himself into her pussy.
It took a while for them to find a good pace, Quinn wanting to be fucked harder than ever while Tiago is afraid of hurting her or the baby - but they have definitely found it now. Quinn is a quivering mess in Tiago's arms as he thrust his rock hard dick into her tight pussy, her wet walls hugging him as he works to make her feel good.
Quinn knows she's loud, but she just doesn't care. The feeling of being enclosed in Tiago's strong arms, his balls slapping against her ass, his dick stretching and filling her to the hilt - she can't stop herself. And why should she?
"Harder," she pleads.
He follows her command immediately and adds strength to his thrusts. He surprises her by bringing his fingers back to her clit, stroking it with every push. Quinn turns her head and looks up at him, her eyes filled with lust and need. She opens her mouth and a deep cry escapes as his dick hits her G-spot, her eyes rolling back in her head.
Tiago grins and licks his lips when he feels her pussy walls squeezing his throbbing member. He pants, working harder than ever against the increasing resistance. Quinn smirks at him and he knows she's manipulating her walls to make this even better for him. He's quite loud himself when he's pumping into her and doesn't manage to get out right away, her pussy squeezing him as he's stuck.
He loses it completely when Quinn pushes her ass into him and the seed spills from his dick and keeps spilling.
"Yes, fill me up," Quinn moans. "Fuck yes!" she cries out when her own orgasm overwhelms her. Feeling her come around his cock triggers a second orgasm for him, a completely unexpected one. They ride out the waves of their orgasms and then Tiago pulls out slowly.
Quinn turns onto her back, a blissful smile gracing her beautiful face. Tiago leans over her on his arms, careful not to rest on her belly. He kisses her lips, then licks her breasts and nipples carefully before making his way to her belly. He puts both hands around it and then rests his ear on it. He closes his eyes with a smile. "I love you both so much," he whispers.
Quinn draws him up and he lies down next to her. She looks into his chocolate brown orbs and means it with every fibre of her body when she says: "We love you too."
Tiago blushes and smiles. "I can't wait for our little boy to arrive."
Santiago is pacing around the room. "But you might give birth today!"
"I might," Quinn agrees. "And I might not. Look, Tiago, I know you. You won't go far. You can't put everything on hold until he's here. I'm not saying you have to make a trip or leave for the day. I just think it'll be good for you to go on that run and clear your head a little. You're a nervous wreck as it is."
Tiago wants to protest, but the doorbell rings. "I'll get it," Tiago says needlessly. Even if Quinn had planned to open the door, her husband would beat her to it anyway.
A few seconds later, Jolene enters the living room in her running gear, a frown on her face. "Why is Tiago not ready for our run? Don't tell me I got the wrong day!"
Quinn shakes her head and smiles. "No, you got the right day. Mister Lopez is just scared our baby will be born without him present."
Jolene quirks an eyebrow. "We're going on a run, we're not exactly planning a trip to Australia here."
Quinn throws her arms into the air. "Thank you, Jolene! That's exactly what I said. He's like a headless chicken, I swear to God!"
Tiago pouts and it breaks Quinn's heart. "But of course I love you for it, baby. I just wish you'd go and put on your stuff, okay?"
Quinn's phone alerts her to a text and she turns the device to Tiago.
I'm here and I'm coming inside, so you two best cover up and save my eyesight! x Lessa
"Why's Lessa coming over?" Tiago wonders. "Not that I mind."
Quinn explains. "I asked her to come over because I knew you'd never leave me alone so close to my due date. Will you go on your run now? You know you need it."
Tiago bites his lip, then sighs. "Fine."
He greets his sister, who's just entered the living room, and then goes upstairs to change.
Quinn asks Jolene about Jackson. Everyone's glad those two found each other again and managed to talk through any issues that were left. Tiago insists the fact that he went and had a talk with Jackson about what he was doing is what made Jackson see sense - but Quinn has no doubt that while it helped, they'd get there eventually. They're just as meant to be as Quinn and Tiago are. That's why Jackson's no longer going on missions or tours, but took a job with the army that allows him to stay in the US and build a family some day.
Tiago and Jolene leave for their run and Lessa pops in the DVD she brought.
The first thing going through Quinn when she feels her water break is: "Of course Tiago has to be right."
Lessa is totally engrosses in the movie, looking so much like her brother it's uncanny, and Quinn has to shout to get her attention.
"Are you okay, Quinn?" Lessa asks, completely bewildered.
"You might want to call your brother. I think my water just broke."
"Oh my god! Sure! Fuck! Okay! Yes!"
Lessa calls her brother and doesn't need to put the phone on speaker for Quinn to hear what's going on.
Lessa's not concerned about phrasing. "Tiago get your ass home Quinn's water broke you have to get here now!"
"What?!" Tiago shouts. "I knew it! I knew he'd be here today! I'm coming!"
Then Quinn hears Jolene's voice: "Tiago! Calm down! Breathe!"
Tiago comes back to the phone. "I'm on my way! Call the midwife!"
Despite everything, Quinn has to laugh because this is so typical. Lessa calls the midwife and immediately hands the phone to Quinn, who answers her question as calmly as she can manage. Which is not calm at all.
Exactly 17 minutes later, Tiago storms into the house, out of breath and barely able to talk. "Why - you - here - h-hospital?"
Lessa squints her eyes. "Exactly how far from home were you and where is Jolene?"
Quinn throws Tiago the water bottle that's next to her and he has just enough presence of mind to catch it. He drinks and regulates his breath. "We were about 5km away. Why are you not at the hospital? Are you having contractions?"
"We called the midwife, she's on her way. No to the contractions. Now go and have a quick wash while I call Fran, I promised her I would. Where the hell is Jolene?"
"She told me to go for it. Never ran this fast in my life. Probably a record. I can feel our baby boy is bringing me good luck," he grins.
"Actually - yes to the contractions!" Quinn gasps.
Tiago hurries upstairs.
"We're not calling anyone else yet, not until after I've given birth", Quinn tells Lessa as she dials Fran's number.
A few minutes later, Jolene arrives. The midwife is right behind her and by then, Tiago has come downstairs. The midwife judges they should head to the hospital right away.
"Right," Tiago nods, grabbing his keys. "It's safe, right? Nothing's going to happen on the way there?" His eyes haven't left his wife for a second.
Lessa frowns. "No way you're driving, you'd have to look away from Quinn and you're panicky enough as it is. I'm driving, you're in the back with Quinn."
"Good call," the midwife agrees.
Tiago supports Quinn to the car. Jolene puts a hand on his arm. "Good luck, daddy."
He grins. "Thanks. I'll call you when he's born."
"I'm so excited!"
In the following hours, everything seems to happening fast and slowly at once. Tiago is there for Quinn all the way, letting her squeeze his hands as she pushes, doing everything he can to make this easier on her - which is not much, actually.
He tries to keep a clear head, but really he's worried sick about getting something wrong. His heart is racing and twice, the doctor has to tell him to calm down for Quinn's sake. Quinn had expected this, but she does need Tiago to be strong for her.
It's when she tells him this that he takes a deep breath, nods, and mans up.
After what feels like ages of pushing, little Lopez finally greets the world with a loud cry. Tiago cuts the umbilical cord and the doctor takes away their baby to wash him.
Tiago looks stupefied. "He's beautiful, Quinn. He's absolutely perfect."
It feels entirely too long before their baby is given to her so she can hold him. Tiago sits down next to her and looks at their baby in wonder. He touches his cheek with a finger, his hand trembling.
"Welcome, Mateo Diego Lopez," Tiago smiles, his voice full of love.
Quinn looks at her baby, who is indeed so absolutely perfect, then at her husband, who looks at their Mateo as if he'd give his life for this little man - and she knows they both would. They'll both do everything to make Mateo the happiest kid in the world. They'll give him all they have to give.
The End
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ffskalice · 9 years
A Thin Line 60
At first, Quinn and Tiago didn't tell everyone about the pregnancy. They had it confirmed by their doctor first. Keeping this happiness to themselves was the hardest thing, but it had taken them so long, they'd tried so hard, both were scared they'd somehow jinx it by telling the world.
After the confirmation from the doctor, they did tell Charlie right away. After congratulating them, she told them honestly that she was happy for them, but also relieved for herself - because what they'd asked of her was a huge responsibility and she'd felt so torn between wanting to help them and knowing in her heart she couldn't do it.
Tiago and Quinn agree that their sisters are the next who should need to know. They also agreed to tell them on the same day, so one wouldn't know before the other did. They invited Tiago's parents and Holly and Emma over for a weekend in New York so they can tell them in person.
Quinn feels a bit nervous when she goes to Fran's office. Fran's secretary lets her through immediately. Her hand trembles when she knocks on the door - and she feels silly. She knows this is Fran, her sister. It's nothing like telling her parents would have been.
"Come in!" comes her sister's authoritative voice.
Quinn enters Fran's office timidly, closing the door behind her. Fran offers her a smile and closes down the lid of her laptop. "Hi, Quinn. Everything okay? Please don't tell me you've unearthed more morons in my firm."
Quinn has to smile at that. "No, nothing like that." She sits down and takes a deep breath. "But I do have to tell you something. I know the terms of our deal - I'd work for you for five years straight out of law school. I know I graduated not that long ago."
Quinn silently curses herself. She'd rehearsed her speech, planned to give it on a Friday to give her sister the weekend to think about it. She'd reminded herself that there was nothing to be nervous about, that even though Fran didn't feel the need to start a family, it didn't mean she would resent Quinn for taking a different road. She hates that even though she's been working here for a couple of years now, and she's clearly trusted and valued, she still gets anxious the way she did as a child.
Fran frowns, clearly not understanding where the conversation is going. She pushes back her chair and stands up, moving closer to Quinn, sitting down on the edge of her desk. "What is it, Quinn? Did you get an offer from a different firm and are you asking me permission to leave?"
Quinn is startled - by the notion, but also by the sadness and disappointment in her sister's voice. Before she can answer, Fran continues: "Because I would hate to lose you around here, Quinn. You do great work and I trust you. Of course, I won't try to keep you here after those five years are up if that's not what you want, but I truly see a future for you here. You're my sister and I will freely admit that putting you through college financially in exchange for your work up until five years after graduation - that's not something I would have done for just anyone. It's not something I would have done if I didn't believe in you from the start, either. I want you to be happy, I truly do, but if you're asking me to leave, I'm afraid I can tell you right now without even consulting my husband - I can't let you do that. We did have a deal."
Her sister has been talking so rapidly that Quinn hasn't been able to get in a word. But when Fran takes a breath, Quinn grabs her chance. "Fran - it's nothing like that. I don't want to leave. I love it here - I'm learning so much and I can see myself growing in this place. I really hope after those five years I can stay. I wanted to tell you something else."
Fran smiles again. "Oh, wow, I'm so relieved, Quinn!"
Quinn shakes her head. "Way to jump to conclusions, Fran. But I am flattered that you would hate losing me that much. Anyway, what I wanted to say is…" Quinn can't keep a huge smile from her face. "Tiago and I are expecting a baby. I took a test and we already went to the doctor's to be sure, and I'm finally pregnant!"
Fran pulls Quinn up and wraps her arms around her sister for a giant hug. "I'm so happy for you guys, Quinn! Why were you so nervous about telling me, though?"
Quinn tears up a little, as much from happiness as from relief. "I know we had that deal about working here after graduation. I know this might not be the best time to be getting pregnant, that it's interrupting that time."
Fran smiles and shakes her head. "Jesus, mom and dad did a number on you, didn't they? Of course I never expected you to take the deal so strictly that you had to wait to start a family until after. It's your life. I know you and Tiago longed for this and I have to say, I'm a bit surprised it didn't happen sooner."
"I want to give this my full attention," Quinn explains. "Pregnancy, having a baby. I couldn't do that while I was in school."
Fran nods. "Yeah, I get that. Jesus, I'm so proud of you. Look at you! You did so well as an undergraduate, you excelled in law school, passed the LSATs and the bar test with flying colors. It's like you're a superhuman, you make it look so effortless. You also got married and now you're going to have a family. You're so goddamn strong, I admire you."
Quinn chuckles, blushing a little at the praise. "I honestly don't know if I could have done it without Tiago to support me. It wasn't effortless at all. If it wasn't for him knowing me so well and looking out for me, I might have ended up in hospital more than once. I worked my ass off for this and he helped make it possible. You have no idea how much I love that man, Fran. He was there for me when I got kicked out, he was there for me during every crisis - and I had more than a few. He was there to force me to eat while I was buried in books, to calm me down when I felt overwhelmed, to encourage me when I felt like giving up."
Fran nods. "You and Tiago are really so good together. I'm happy you have him, Quinn. So… are you going to tell mom about it?"
Quinn looks down, worries her lip. Then sighs. "I don't know. I still don't know how to handle her. I feel angry about what she did, but at the same time, she's still our mother. And she's trying. It's really stupid because I'd never do what she did to me, but since I know I'm pregnant - I just keep thinking that I'd want my kid to give me the time of day. I don't know this tiny person yet, they're not even a tiny person yet, and already I feel so connected to them. Tiago's parents and Holly and Emma are coming over for the weekend and we're going to tell them. I've considered having mom there, but it feels so unfair to Holly. Holly took me in, did so much for me. She was what I needed mom to be."
Fran shakes her head. "You know, Quinn, I'm sure Tiago has told you this millions of times - but you really shouldn't analyse so much and listen to your feelings more. It's great that you have such an analytical mind at work, but you need to let that go in your private life. Maybe give mom a call after the weekend?"
Quinn smiles and nods. "Okay. I will. Thanks for the advice."
Lessa groans. "Why did you absolutely have to see me this early?" She rubs her eyes and yawns.
"It's 9 am, Lessa. It's hardly early. Just because you have no classes on Friday morning doesn't mean you have to party every Thursday night." Tiago doesn't even realize his lecturing tone.
Lessa groans again. "You sound just like Bridget. Or like mom and dad would, if they knew. You're my big brother, have some mercy?"
Tiago frowns and sounds actually worried when he asks: "You and Bridget are okay, right? You're not having any problems?" He knows how much his sister loves her girlfriend and he knows how heartbroken she'd be if it went wrong with Bridget.
Lessa grins. "Nah, we're okay. Bridget just wants me to study more, she thinks I could do better in school if I just worked harder. But hey, as long as I'm passing everything," she shrugs.
"Bridget is right, you know. Important life lesson: always listen to your girlfriend. Even when you think you know better, you really don't. She knows you better than you know yourself. I've never once regretted taking Quinn's advice." Tiago sips from his coffee.
"That's because you're whipped," Lessa teases.
Tiago huffs. "And you're not?"
"Anyway, what did you want to see me about?"
Tiago grins. "Well, Lessa, I need to tell you that you will have to be more responsible from now on for a very good reason."
Lessa frowns, clearly trying to work it out. "Go on, then. What is it?"
"Pretty soon, you'll feel that you have to set a good example."
Lessa seems horrified for a second. "Did they discover a woman can get another woman pregnant and I missed it and now I made Bridget pregnant without knowing it? I'd never before tried that thing we did then, I had no idea!"
Tiago is stunned for a second. "That… that doesn't even make any sense, Lessa Lopez. Also, TMI."
Lessa groans for the third time. "Jesus, Tiago, just get on with it! Less drama, more action."
Tiago smiles triumphantly - usually, he'd bicker over that, but now's not the time. "In a few month's time, you'll be auntie Lessa."
Lessa's eyes go wide. "You and Quinn are having a baby?"
Tiago nods proudly. "Yep. We're telling mom and dad this weekend."
Lessa grins and gives her brother a very tight hug. "That's awesome! I'm going to be an aunt! You're having a baby!"
Tiago smiles, so damned happy. "We're having a baby."
Quinn looks around the table and realizes quite how lucky she got. Maribel is scolding Lessa over something as if she were still ten years old. Emma is talking to Bridget about her job, since Bridget has an interest in doing something similar. Guillermo is talking to Holly about cars, a shared interest of theirs.
Tiago looks at Quinn and she knows they're thinking the same thing. They nod and Quinn clears her throat. Nobody seems to hear her over all their conversations. So Tiago stands up and takes Quinn's hand. "Guys!" he shouts.
That makes them look up, slightly confused, but mostly curious.
"There's a reason we all asked you here for the weekend."
"I knew it!" Guillermo exclaims. "You are plotting to murder us all for the inheritance! Our final hour has come!"
Maribel slaps her husband. "Don't be so silly. Let them talk!"
"See where Tiago's flair for the dramatic came from?" Lessa says to Bridget under her breath.
"I heard that," Tiago says. "But luckily for you, we have something more important to tell people than the fact that I caught Lessa with a stack of dirty magazines when she was supposed to be innocent at 13."
Lessa groans and hides her reddening head behind her hands. The others laugh.
Tiago continues. "Anyway, what we want to tell you is… damn, I should have prepared to play a recording of a drumroll - anyway, you guys are going to be grandparents! Well, Holly and Emma not technically, but in spirit, so-" The last sentence is lost in Maribel's shriek of happiness.
"Pregnant! My baby boy is going to be a daddy! Oh, I'm so happy!" Maribel is sobbing and she hugs Tiago and Quinn at the same time.
Guillermo is quiet, fighting tears, but it's no use. "I'm really happy for you too. You're going to make a great family!" he tells them before giving a hug.
Holly looks as proud as the others. "You're going to make awesome parents, Quinn. I feel really honored that you chose to tell us along with Tiago's parents. I know I'm not your mom, but I care about you two a lot."
"You did what a mom is supposed to do, you were there when I needed you and that's so much more important to me," Quinn says, then accepts the hugs from Holly and Emma, who congratulates her as well.
Suddenly, Maribel notices something. "You don't seem surprised, Lessa?"
"I hope you don't mind, but I told Lessa yesterday," Tiago says.
"I told Fran yesterday," Quinn explains. "And we wanted to tell our sisters at the same time. Charlie knows too."
The rest of the evening, they talk happily. They explain why Charlie needed to be the first to know. They talk about raising kids, everything that comes with starting a family. Quinn has never felt happier in her entire life.
A few weeks later, Quinn walks around the house and it feels like she's floating with happiness. She can see their little one running around already. Fran has forced her to take the afternoon off - she's very worried about Quinn having too much stress.
It's quite insane how many books Tiago has already managed to gather on pregnancy and parenthood. Thinking about him makes her stomach flutter - and her mouth water. Of all pregnancy clichés, she is most definitely experiencing the insane amount of craving for sex. She quite simply longs to have his cock, everywhere. Ever since she got home, she hasn't been able to stop thinking about it. She can feel her clit throbbing with need and she knows she won't be able to bear it, so she takes care of herself, thinking of her hot husband.
Even though the orgasm feels relaxing, it's not enough to satiate her. So when Tiago walks through the door, she jumps him and kisses him so heavily he almost topples over. He kisses her back just as passionately, holding her close.
"Hi," he breathes after they let go.
"Hi," Quinn says quickly. "I wanna suck your dick."
Tiago laughs. "You just can't get enough, can you?" It's a revelation to him how much sex two people can have. But even as he's saying the words, Quinn is already taking off his clothes.
When she has him naked, he surprises her by scooping her up and carrying her to the bedroom. Quinn giggles. "Remember that orgasm you gave me when you went down on me last night?"
Tiago nods. "I'm sure you woke up the entire neighbourhood."
"That's what I'm going to do to you," she winks.
They reach the bedroom and Quinn immediately wraps her fingers around Tiago's dick. She squeezes it softly and works up her fist around his shaft in a pulsing manner. She kisses him on the lips, the neck, then his abs.
When she has his dick hard in her fist, she leans down and licks around the head of his dick, the tip of her tongue teasing his glans. She wraps her lips around his member and sucks him slowly, pushing her tongue against the vein running underneath. She fondles his balls as she takes in more and more of his dick, hollowing her cheeks around it, loving every second.
Quinn fully enjoys the feeling of her mouth being stretched by Tiago's hard dick, the taste of his precum on the back of her tongue. She guides him into her throat and gags, his hips jerking at the sensation. But Quinn takes it - she loves it. She hums, the vibrations making his dick even harder than it already was. Then she swallows and Tiago groans deeply.
She lets go, sucking, licking. When he's out of her entirely, she kisses his wet dick everywhere before taking it in her mouth again. She bobs her head up and down over his rock hard shaft, squeezing his balls, occasionally taking him all the way into her throat.
Tiago can't hold it anymore and he tries to warn her, but she's too engrossed in what she's doing. She knows his body so well, though - she so she comes up and sucks even harder, eliciting his orgasm.
She swallows every last drop of cum he shoots and revels in the feeling. This is what she's been longing for all day. She keeps sucking him softly, until his dick goes limp in her mouth.
"Wow, Quinn," Tiago breathes. "Damn."
She smirks. "Told you I'd give you what you gave me last night."
Tiago kisses her, tasting himself on her lips. "I love you so much, Quinn."
They smile at each other. "I love you too. I'm so happy about the baby. I'm so happy to have a kid with you, I feel so lucky. I just know you'll be the best daddy in the world."
"You're going to make a great mom too, Quinn. We're going to raise an awesome kid. You know, I already know people will ask if I want a boy or a girl, but it doesn't matter to me. I just want a healthy, happy baby with you."
Quinn nods. "I feel the same way." They share another kiss. "Have you got any ideas for baby names?"
Tiago grins. "Yeah. I like a few names for girls, and I have some in mind for boys. But I want you to really like the name too. So I thought we could both write down the names we had in mind and see if any match or jump out. Do you want to do that now or wait?"
"That sounds great. But we have months to do this and your plan has a better way of working if both find some more names."
Tiago nods. "That's true. You're right, as always."
They lie together for a while, kissing, touching gently. When Tiago slips his hand into Quinn's panties and feels her wetness, he shudders. "Damn, Quinn, you should've said something."
"I wanted you to fully recover from the blowjob so you can take me the way I need you to right now," Quinn says so matter-of-factly that it makes her words even sexier. She feels so much more at ease talking about sex and what she needs now. Tiago has already told her how amazing it is to him that she seems to have grown so much from when they were teenagers, yet she's still the same person.
But then the same goes for Tiago - he's also grown. He still gets jealous and protective, but he's not as petty and as pushy as he used to be. It seems their edges are wearing off and it feels so comforting that they fell in love when they were both so much more extreme. It's definitely a plus that Tiago has grown from a good-looking, sexy teenage boy to a handsome, super sexy man.
Tiago takes off Quinn's clothes and kisses her entire body, working his way from her ears to her lips, from her neck to her chest, her stomach to her legs, and finally between her legs.
"Your dick," Quinn groans. "I'm so wet and I need your dick, please - you can go down on me later if you want to but right now, I need you to fill me up."
Her voice, the way she looks, so sexy - and then her hand around his dick again, he's hard in no time. He guides his dick between her legs and rubs it all over her pussy, coating his cock in her wetness, before pushing inside.
He works his way through the friction, his entire body tensing with pleasure when he feels the warmth of her pussy. He fits inside of her so perfectly as he fills her to the hilt - then he pulls out and slowly fills her up again. The next thrust is harder, and the next one even harder.
But not enough for Quinn. "More, Tiago," she groans. "I need it harder."
"What if I hurt the baby?" Tiago asks worriedly.
Quinn laughs. "I doubt you'll hurt the baby, stud. Just trust me and take me."
Tiago nods. He keeps the pace slow, but thrusts hard, balls slapping against her thighs, going with the delicious sounds she makes. Such loud sounds, too - it turns him on to no end. When he feels her walls flutter around his hard cock, his orgasm overwhelms him. He fills her up, releasing so much cum it drips out of her.
Quinn's body trashes violently underneath him as she rides the waves of her own orgasm. She's so beautiful - her entire body flushed, sweaty, smelling of sex.
He smiles and kisses her again. "That what you needed?"
Quinn nods. "So much. Can we go again?" she asks eagerly.
Quinn doesn't know how to feel. Instead of calling her mother, she decided to be an adult and ask her to come for lunch that Saturday. But as she's finishing their meal, she's starting to doubt whether she's really ready for this. Suddenly, she wishes Tiago was there - but she knows she has to come to terms with her mother first. After all, Tiago isn't entirely over what happened either. So she sent him out and he went to lunch with Jolene.
Rationally, she knows her mother's trying. She knows that she has to give her mother credit for the fact that she left her father, that she didn't keep putting up with his shit. But when she does as Fran says and listens to her feelings, that still tells her that Judy Fabray waited too damn long to become Judy Reid again. When Russell threw his own daughter out because he thought she had a relationship with someone who happened to have a hispanic surname and hispanic ancestors, Judy didn't stand up for her. Instead, she turned to the bottle.
And Quinn wants to try, because what she told Fran was true - she'd want her kid to at least try and forgive her. But that doesn't mean it's easy. Then again, spending time with Guillermo and Maribel and seeing them with Tiago over the weekend - it's made her realize that she will have to come to terms with having her mother in her life again.
The moment she told her mother she could be present at the wedding, she let her back in her life. She can't keep shutting her out whenever it's convenient. She has to be an adult now, for her and for their baby.
When she hears a car outside, Quinn looks out of the window and sees Judy. As she walks to the front door, Quinn can immediately tell that her mother tried at least five outfits before deciding on this one. Quinn can tell how nervous her mother is. It softens her heart a little. The doorbell rings.
"Hi, mom," Quinn says softly as she opens the door.
Judy smiles brightly and holds out her arms, awkward and self-conscious. Quinn takes a deep breath and accepts the hug tentatively. She's surprised at the intensity with which her mother holds her close. Judy doesn't let go either.
When they finally pull back, Judy has tears in her eyes. "I'm so glad you invited me, Quinn Fabray. I know not to assume this means anything, but to me, it does. I've missed my little girl."
Quinn takes a deep breath. There are about a million things she could say to that, but she doesn't want to get into that now. At the same time, she won't lie and say she missed her mother. She's been too angry to miss her, and she wasn't exactly Mother of the Year before that either. So she keeps it to this: "It's actually Quinn Lopez, mom."
Judy nods. "Of course, sorry, force of habit. I'm glad you invited me, Quinn Lopez."
First, Quinn shows Judy around the house. She put Tiago's books about pregnancy and parenthood on the shelves earlier, where they don't stand out so much. "This is a beautiful place, Quinn," Judy smiles - and Quinn can tell she means it. "I love how you've decorated it as well."
"We love it," Quinn nods. "We did it together. It's not perfect, but it's our home and we've got time. Would you like a glass of wine?"
Judy shakes her head. "Thank you for the offer, but I've actually stopped drinking. I haven't touched a drop of alcohol in seventeen months now. I'm an addict, Quinn, I know that now. I'm an alcoholic - when I was with your father to dull the pain and hopelessness, after I left him to deal with the fear of a new life. But I'm sober now."
Quinn smiles and wraps her arms around Judy, spontaneously. "That's really good. I'm proud of you, mom. I mean that."
Judy's tearing up again. "Oh gosh, you must think I'm such a sentimental old lady, crying all the time. This all just means so much to me. I'll just have a glass of water, if that's okay?"
Quinn makes her way to the kitchen to get that glass of water and to get the lasagna out of the oven. She grabs her phone and texts her husband. Everything's okay. Apparently, she's sober now. We hugged twice. Haven't told her about the baby yet. Love you lots xxx Q
He immediately texts back. Okay, thx for letting me know. I'm proud of you. Love you loads & heaps & mountains! xxxxxx T
She has to smile at that. Just at that moment, Judy enters the kitchen, offering to help. Quinn puts her phone away. "That was Tiago," she explains. "I just let him know everything's okay. He's worried about me."
Judy smiles. "That's very sweet of him. I'm glad at least someone loves you the way you deserve and treats you the way you deserve. I'm glad someone manages to put that smile on your face with a simple text message."
Quinn wants so badly to say how Holly did those things back then, but she doesn't want it to be awkward and it would just make Judy feel bad.
"This lasagna smells great. Did Holly teach you how to cook?"
Quinn smiles at that. "Actually, Tiago taught me this. Holly taught me some basic meals and I learnt some things myself, but back when we had first moved to New York, Tiago had suddenly got it in his head that he should be able to cook for his family. He never does anything halfway, so he got this obsession with videos and books about cooking. He got quite good at it, after being a bit of a disaster for ages."
Judy nods as they start their meal. "He sounds like a very sweet man. I noticed you have a lot of books in house - I know you like reading, but I assumed it was for school? And you have magnificent photographs around the house."
"That's mostly him," Quinn admits. "I love reading, always have, for school but for pleasure as well. But Tiago's the one who has always dreamt of having books everywhere in the house - he loves the books as material objects as much as he loves reading. The photographs is mostly me - I've tried photography myself but I never fully developed it, law school came first. I might take it up later, though. And I love these prints."
Throughout the meal, they catch up. Quinn tries to pay attention, but she's excited to tell her mother the real reason she invited her. Finally, when they've finished their ice cream for dessert, Quinn clears her throat. "Mom, I have to tell you something."
Judy looks so genuinely happy to be spending time with Quinn. "Sure. What is it, dear?"
Quinn licks her lips and absentmindedly rests her hands on her stomach. "Tiago and I, we'd been trying for a while. It took a long time, but finally it happened - we're having a baby."
Silence. Judy seems entirely stunned. Quinn frowns, worried - did her mom maybe think she and Tiago wouldn't last, even after all these years, and is she realising it only now? What does that look on her face mean?
"Q-quinn," Judy stutters. "Oh my god - that's fantastic news! Oh baby, I'm so happy for you!" She gets up and hugs Quinn again. "Oh, I can't tell you how happy I am for you! From what I hear, Tiago will be a perfect daddy, and you'll make a perfect mommy. You're going to be a family! I'm going to have a grandchild! I know, maybe you're not ready for me to play a big part in your child's life, but I'm still so happy for you!"
Quinn, relieved, hugs her mother back. "Thanks, mom. We're really happy. We're very excited about this."
"Well, Quinn, your life is going to change entirely. No words can describe the feeling you have when you first hold your baby. It's like something inside of you changes. You feel like you'd die to protect this little creature in your arms. And I'm so, so sorry I didn't protect you. But you'll do better, I know it. The two of you are going to be the best parents."
Quinn nods. "I can't think of anyone I'd rather have as the father of my children. He makes me so happy, he always has. I could write a book about what he means to me. He's been by my side always, he loves me and he supports me. He knows how to handle me, how to comfort me, what to do to make me feel better. We have our issues, but we talk - he actually insists on it, he's never too proud to make up with me. I feel complete with him. I also think he could start a bookstore for pregnancy and parenthood books, and he's read every website about it. Tiago's going to ask if, once I get back to work, he can work from home until the baby's old enough for him to work part time at the office again. He's done his internship there so he'd been at his firm for a while now. Apparently, colleagues of his have done this as well, so it should be okay."
Judy nods. "You're very lucky. Just the fact that you've talked about him so much today, it feels as if I already know him, and it tells me how devoted you two are. If anyone's going to make it, you definitely are. Russell would never have even considered making a change in his professional life to look after you and your sister."
Later, when Tiago gets home, Quinn tells him that she has a feeling it's going to turn out okay with her and her mom.
Tiago's thoughts are at home, with his wife and his baby - and her mother. He's worried, but he knows she'll call him if something's wrong. So instead, he tries to focus on his best friend, who he's about to give the best news of his life.
He greets Jolene, who's already sitting at the table and informs him that she was hungry, so she already ordered for them both. Tiago nods - she knows his favourites everywhere. He'd planned a dramatic build-up, a mysterious guessing game, but as soon as he sits down, he blurts out: "Quinn and I are having a baby!"
Jolene smiles broadly. "Really? That's awesome! Well done," she winks. "A little Lopez, huh?"
Tiago nods, grinning. "I'm so excited!"
"That kid is going to be spoiled rotten. Wow, congratulations! I know how much you guys wanted this." She hugs him and congratulates him again.
"So, how are you?" Tiago asks as their meals are brought to the table.
"I'm super excited because my best friend is going to have a baby. I'm going to be babysitting a lot, just saying."
Jolene's smile is genuine, but Tiago knows her too well. "Come on, Jo. I know you saw Jackson last night. How did it go? You guys practiced some baby making of you own?" he winks.
Jolene laughs, but it doesn't reach her eyes. "Okay, first of all: why would you care whether I had sex or not?"
Tiago raises his eyebrows. "Well, I don't, but it had been a while since you'd seen him so I suppose that'd be a lot of fun. But what happened?"
Jolene takes a deep breath. "I… well, I might have broken up with him."
It takes a second to register. "… what? I thought you guys were doing great? I'm so sorry - what happened?"
Jolene takes a deep breath. "I had expected him to come to tell me that he wouldn't be going abroad with the army anymore. That was what we had agreed on. He'd still work for the army, but he'd ask for a transfer that would allow him to stay here. But last night, he told me that he wasn't ready to give that up yet. I've been waiting for so long, Tiago, and I can't deal with it anymore. I can't keep worrying like that. I want to build a life with someone here. I don't want to be left at home, waiting. Then when I said that if he chose that, he chose to end our relationship, he accused me of being in love with you and using his career as an excuse to break up."
Another surprise. Tiago is seething by now. "The bloody bastard, what gives him the right? I don't get it, why would he think I was in love with you?"
Jolene blushes. "Well, honestly, you know when we first met I said you were very handsome. Then you told me about Quinn, so I backed off. But we got to know each other, and I fell for you anyway. I was in love with you for a few months, but I always knew Quinn is the one for you. It wasn't easy, but I wanted you as a friend too much to let it come between us. So I dealt with it and moved on. That was years ago, Tiago, and I told Jackson that in confidence. It hurt that he used it against me."
"I never knew that, Jolene. I'm so sorry."
Jolene smiles. "Don't be. If anything, I'm glad you never noticed. And as I said, I've been over you for a long time now. I had to. It feels like a lifetime ago - you've been my best friend for a whole lot longer than I ever crushed on you. But so far, only Debra and Jackson knew this. Now you. I think the fact that you're happy with Quinn made it easier, if that makes sense? I knew you were happy and I couldn't possibly make you happier than Quinn does. You guys belong together."
"Man, I'm so sorry about you and Jackson. I really thought you'd spend the rest of your life together."
Jolene sighs. "So did I. I mean, if he apologized to me for using a crush from ages ago against me and if he said he had quit the army, I would probably take him back. I do love him and want him, but I can't live this way."
Tiago makes up his mind. He knows what he needs to do. It's time for him to pay Jackson a visit - but he'll need to calm down first.
"A baby!" Jolene smiles again. "Damn, I'm happy. This news just made my day so much better. Baby Lopez is going to be the most loved baby in the history of babies."
That night, Tiago talks to Quinn about the situation. "Do you think it's a good idea for me to talk to Jackson?"
Quinn smiles. "If you want to, sure. Just don't try to push him too much. I'm so sorry about this, I really thought Jolene and Jackson would last. They've had so many rough patches, it hurts them so much to be apart, they totally deserve to finally be happy together."
Quinn turns and smiles. "So Jolene had a crush on you? I never even knew!"
Tiago rolls his eyes. "I was in love with you and you never even knew when the entire world did."
Quinn laughs. "True. So. Godparents."
"Who do you want to ask?"
Tiago sighs. "Well, I want to ask Jolene, but I feel like I should ask Lessa first. We'll have more than one baby, right?"
Quinn nods. "First things first, but I'd love to have two or three. You know, I've been thinking for our first kid, we could have two godmothers since we know so many more women."
Tiago nods. "Yeah. Do you want to ask Charlie or Fran? Or someone else?"
Now it's Quinn's turn to sigh. "I'm torn as well. I think you need to talk to Lessa and get a sense of how she feels. I need to talk to Charlie and Fran."
Tiago laughs. "It would have been so much easier if we had twins."
Quinn frowns. "Says the guy who doesn't have to push them out! You'll have to make up for that, Lopez."
"Pray tell, my lady, how can I show you my remorse?" he says, then gives her a kiss.
Quinn licks her lips, bats her eyelashes. "I know a way."
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ffskalice · 9 years
A Thin Line 59
Quinn and Tiago are holding hands, almost holding their breath. They've just explained everything to Charlie and asked her the question that had been on their lips from the start: would she be willing to help them get pregnant?
Charlie raises her eyebrows, taking in the words. They can't read her face. She takes a sip of her drink, puts it back on the table slowly.
Quinn feels like every hair on her body is standing on end. She wants to say something, thinking that maybe Charlie isn't sure what they want from her. But then Tiago looks at her and squeezes her hand, and she knows it's best to just let it all sink in for Charlie.
The question seems to be alive in the air between them, pushing every other thought or emotion out. For Quinn and Tiago, it's something they've been able to picture, to imagine. But for Charlie, isn't entirely unexpected. She's still coming to terms with it.
Finally, Charlie licks her lips and speaks. "Well, I love you guys. You're my family. I think you're going to make great parents."
"But?" Quinn can't stop herself. Her heart is beating in her chest.
Charlie offers a small smile. "But nothing. It's just a very loaded question. I can't say yes or no right away. I have to think about it and I have to talk about it with Sienna."
"Of course," Tiago nods. "We realize that. We know it's a very big deal."
"We don't want you to feel pressured, either," Quinn hastily adds. "If you decide you don't want to do it, we won't resent you for it. And obviously, we will give you all the time you need to take this decision. We'd never want you to take it lightly."
Charlie nods thoughtfully. "I'll think about it. That's what I can give you right now. I promise you I'll take my time to think about it. I have to say, I do feel honoured to be asked."
Quinn involuntarily lets out a sigh of relief. She is so glad to receive this answer and not a flat-out no. She knows there's still as much of a possibility Charlie will decide she can't do it, but at least there's just as much of a possibility she will. That feeling of lightness she had after talking to Tiago about this has just increased tenfold.
That night, they make passionate love, as if releasing all the emotions of the day, pouring their love for each other into their movements, kisses, thrusts. Afterwards, Tiago wraps his arms around Quinn and she absentmindedly touches his stomach, feeling his abs under her fingers.
Quinn looks at her husband and as their eyes meet, they both smile at each other.
"She didn't say no," Tiago whispers, his eyes shining brightly with happiness.
Quinn bites her lip, feeling just as giddy. "She might still say no. But for now, she didn't say no."
Quinn is lost in thought on her way to work when she receives a text message. She frowns, wondering who'd text her this early in the morning. When she sees it's her sister, her frown grows even deeper – after all, she'll see her at work later.
Quinn, can you come into my office before you start work? I want to talk to you about something. See you later! Xxx Fran
This doesn't ease Quinn's mind at all. Fran never usually mixes work with their private lives like this – if she needs Quinn in her office, she mails her or calls her on the work phone, the way she'd ask any other employee to see her. So why would she send her a text message as her sister asking her to see her? A feeling of dread settles in the pit of Quinn's stomach.
She doesn't even stop at her own desk to drop her bag, but goes straight to that familiar door bearing the name Quinn never uses herself: Francine Fabray. Fran was a lawyer before she married David, so she decided to keep her own name for professional reasons.
She knocks hesitantly and is immediately called inside. Fran looks up from her screen, finishes her sentence and then closes down her laptop. "Hey, Quinn. Sit down."
"Is something wrong?" Quinn asks takes a seat.
Fran takes off her reading glasses slowly, looking right into Quinn's eyes as she does it. "I think I should ask you that."
Quinn sighs and drops her gaze to her hands. "Nothing's wrong," she mumbles, but she can hear her own voice and knows it's not at all convincing.
Fran chuckles, but there's no mirth in the sound. "Don't bullshit me, Quinn. Can you look me in the eye and tell me that?" Her voice is hard, and for a chilling moment, Quinn feels as if she's listening to her father.
Quinn manages to look up, but almost instantly looks away again, studying a picture frame on Fran's desk.
Fran continues. "I know our parents taught us to lie and pretend, but I thought we agreed on not being that person. Dad's dead, Quinn, and so his so-called legacy supposed to be. As your boss, I'm disappointed to discover that you hid information from me that I should have been aware of. As your sister, I'm hurt that you didn't feel like you could tell me and I'd know how to handle this."
Quinn wants to speak, but she knows she'll sound like a little girl. So she clears her throat and takes a breath first. "I'm sorry."
Fran shakes her head and her voice is softer, more gentle now. "I don't understand why, Quinn."
"I just didn't want to be the tell-tale. They were acting like girls in kindergarten. I wanted to be the bigger person, thought I could handle it. How did you find out, though?"
"I'm busy, but I make it a point to follow up on everyone's work around here. I talk to people, about their work and about how they feel around the office. It came to my attention that there was a certain group of colleagues who closed themselves off from the others, even in their work. Now I don't accept people forming seperate groups and excluding others, so I would have taken measures anyway – but when their work suffers from it, I have to act immediately. Then I heard what these women were saying behind your back – that you only got where you were because of your relation to me. That pissed me off, because you just rock at what you do and you put in much more than any of them could ever muster. I looked into their work. I wasn't pleased. They were fired."
Quinn frowns in surprise. She knew Fran would do something, but this? "You fired them? Straight away?"
Fran shrugs. "Yes. It's a mistake I made over in Los Angeles, when David and I first started our own firm. I'd give people chances, even if I felt they didn't deserve them. I've been screwed over too many times. If I feel talking to someone or taking actions will fix things, I'll always do that first. But what I heard about these women? These are the kind of women who'll never change, especially not if there's a group. They validate each other's behaviour. I know these women, Quinn, and so do you. We went to high school with them and we were expected to be like them."
Quinn nods. "I know I should have told you. Tiago said the same thing, that I should talk to you about it. I kept it from him for months, too. I promise it won't happen again."
Fran quirks an eyebrow. "It better not. I need to know these things. I need to know what's going on in my own office. I'm not saying you need to tell me every little rumour, but these are the kinds of things I need to know. A good work environment is better for everyone. I know it's not easy for you to be my sister around here, but I hope I can trust you to come to me in the future if you're having any trouble."
"Wow," Quinn lets out an audible breath. "I feel pretty stupid, now. I never saw it from your point of view. I thought telling you would make it worse."
"Some people never seem to graduate mentally, Quinn. Not even people with law degrees, unfortunately. This firm is better off without them. Now, obviously, there are few job vacancies at the firm. I have big plans for you, Quinn. I'd like you to sit in on the job interviews and hear your opinion. Just your opinion, nothing formal. I think it's a kind of thing you'll need to do someday and it's never too early to start learning."
Quinn grins. "This day is just full of surprises. I'd love to sit in on them. Are you sure, though?"
Fran rolls her eyes, in typical Fabray-fashion. "Of course I'm sure. Now go and do what you do best," she winks.
Quinn gets up and has already reached the door when she turns around. "Thank you, Fran. For everything. Years back."
Fran smiles and Quinn can see there are various things she wants to say, but this is still the office, so she settles for: "You're very welcome."
For the first time in ages, Quinn feels as if everything in her life is settling in place. Work is a lot easier without having to worry about the way you phrase things, without the tension of having to work with people who clearly aren't wanting to work with you. Finally, she can just be herself again.
She went shopping with Jolene and it was nice to spend some girl time with her. It was great to just relax and unwind.
Charlie still hasn't decided, but she doesn't resent her for it. She and Tiago both understand what they've asked of her.
The thought of her husband alone makes her smile and tingle all over. They just can't stop having sex. They've made love on just about every surface in the house. She feels so close to him, so loved by him. They're so connected.
The sex is passionate, intense. He'll see in her in the kitchen and be unable to resist fucking her on the counter. He'll go to fetch something from the living room and she'll follow him, taking him on the couch. It just keeps happening, all the time.
Before, when she was worried about everything in her life, sex was something she did to have a baby. But now that she knows they have these other options, it's become something she enjoys again. Something that makes her feel good and alive and like she can do anything because she's with him.
A couple of weeks later, she comes out of the bathroom, naked, having just taken a shower. Tiago's in the adjoining bedroom and has just taken off his work clothes, wearing nothing but his boxers. Their eyes meet and they communicate wordlessly.
A few seconds later, Quinn is cupping Tiago's cheek and kissing him hard as she takes off his boxers and starts stroking his dick. He moans against her lips as her fingers work his throbbing cock to a solid erection. Quinn licks his lips, guiding his cock to her pussy. He feels so large, warm, hard in her hand.
Tiago cups a breast with his hand and kisses her neck, softly rocking his hips into her. She pushes him onto the bed and wraps her fingers around the base of his dick, stroking it again, lining it up with her pussy.
He settles one hand on her hip, the other on her breast. She lowers herself onto his throbbing dick, hissing at the wonderful feeling of her walls being stretched, accommodating him. He takes her stiff nipple between his tumb and index finger, rubbing and then leaning up to kiss her breasts. He sinks deeper into her moves both hands to her ass, holding it tightly. Then he looks up at her and she might just about burst with love, seeing the feeling reflected in his eyes.
Quinn buries her face in his neck as they move against each other with, completely lost in their own world. He cants her hips and her clit rubs his pelvis with every thrust. She feels that familiar flame in the pit of her stomach, telling her what's to come. Her entire body is on edge and she can feel his naked skin against hers, sweaty, hot.
The thrusts are slow and she can feel his cock dragging along her walls, leaving a trace of precum. She bites down on his neck, immediately licks it, then sucks on his skin as her walls flutter around his length. When she feels him spill his first load deep into her, it's enough to send her over that edge as well. She lets go, completely, almost screaming her lungs out. His cum doesn't seem to stop, he fills her, burst after long burst of hot sperm spraying her walls. It takes a while before she recovers from her orgasm. They fall down on the bed, sharing kisses and whispers and giggles, as if they're teenagers and have just started having sex. It's glorious.
"Hey, honey," Tiago smiles when Quinn returns from her grocery shopping. She smiles back at him and leans in for a kiss. He nibbles on her lower lip, she sighs into the kiss longingly.
"I wish we could," she says nervously.
"Why can't we?" he shrugs, remembering all those times they've just dropped everything and had sex. But then she kisses him again, more passionately this time, and as if he can feel the excitement running through her veins, he takes a step back and repeats his question. "Quinn... why can't we?"
Quinn grins. "Well... I wrote tampons on my shopping list. But I'm not having my period, Tiago. I'm super regular, I should've had my period by now."
He opens his mouth, but can't utter a word. "You mean?"
She reaches into one of the bags, then holds up a pregnancy test.
He's silent, still. Finally, he manages a hoarse whisper. "I'm so nervous."
Quinn actually tears up when she says: "Me too."
They share a look and nod. Quinn makes her way to the bathroom. After what feels like forever to Tiago, she finally comes out, holding the pregnancy test as if it's made of porcelain.
He hugs her as they wait. They hear the clock ticking, but their world seems to stand still.
After just about a century of the most nerve-wrecking wait in their life, they can check the result. They look at the same time. A plus sign.
"Quinn," Tiago whispers, his eyes filled with tears of happiness.
"Oh my god," Quinn whispers. "I'm pregnant."
"We're having a baby – we're having a baby, Quinn!" Tiago almost shouts out.
She jumps up in excitement and he catches her. As her ankles lock around his waist, they share a kiss – a sloppy kiss, because they're both crying with happiness.
Finally, they're having a baby.
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ffskalice · 10 years
A Thin Line 57
Tiago comes home and throws his keys in the designated bowl.
The house is oddly quiet, so he reckons Quinn must still be at work. He rolls his head in his neck and sighs – he loves his wife with all his heart and he knows he couldn't stop her even if he tried, but she definitely works too much. He knows better than to try and talk to her about cutting back on her hours a little, though. He's late himself today, but it's an exception – they're nearing the end of a project and everyone's putting in the extra hours. It's by no means a habit, the way it tends to be for Quinn.
He makes his way upstairs, ready to take a shower before he calls Quinn to make sure she had dinner. He enters the bedroom and is surprised to find Quinn there, under the covers, in the dark. She doesn't even look up at him and the sadness is almost palpable.
He wants to ask her if she's okay, but the answer to that question is obvious. He strips down to his boxers and lifts the covers to snuggle up to her, but she squares her shoulders when he touches her.
"Quinn?" he asks softly.
She doesn't say anything, but turns around. In the light from the hallway, he can tell from her red-rimmed eyes that she's been crying. "We need to talk," is all she says. She sounds tired, defeated almost. She swallows, then says: "We need to talk about us. I don't know if make each other happy anymore."
The words don't register at first – when they finally do, the meaning behind them seems so outlandish he consider for a minute that it's not Quinn lying next to him, but some kind of imposter. It's just so out of the blue – they've been trying to have a baby for months, after all. "What are you talking about?" he asks.
She throws back the covers and opens her legs a little. She's wearing white panties, but they're stained with red between her legs. He hates to admit it, even if only to himself, but his heart sinks when he realizes what's going on. Quinn's having her period. It didn't work. She's still not pregnant.
His first reaction is to wrap his arms around her, to pull her close and tell her it'll be okay, they'll just keep trying. But Quinn pushes him away again. "I understand if you want to leave. I won't blame you."
"Baby... how long have you been here?"
She sighs, licks her lips. "I went home after about an hour this morning."
He nods – he'd figured she's been thinking all day, coming to all kinds of farfetched conclusions. "Why didn't you call me?"
"You were at work. I know how important it is you finish this project in time. I didn't want to disturb you. You can leave." She says that last part automatically – it sounds like she's told herself the same thing over and over again until she stopped feeling it. "You can leave and have a family with someone else. I'm useless. I'm just useless, Santiago. I'm at work all the time where everybody hates me anyway and then I come home and I can't even be a good wife. I know how badly you want a family and it's very fucking clear I can't give you one. So you can go and find someone else to have a family with. You can leave."
"Okay, stop there," Tiago says, taken by complete surprise. "You're not making any kind of sense. Okay, so we've been trying to have a baby for a really long time. It's not your fault that you're not pregnant yet. Yes, I want a family – but I want a family with you. There are more ways than one to have a family and I frankly don't give a shit in which way we get one, as long as I get one with you. And I'd rather be alone with you for the rest of my life than leave you now and have a family with someone else. I don't want a family with anyone else. I never have. I thought you knew that by now."
Finally, tears escape her eyes. "I'm so sorry, Tiago. I'm so sorry. I just... I feel so guilty, because we want it so badly, and I keep bleeding every damn month and I feel like I'm failing you. I don't know if I can take this anymore, if I can keep trying with you only to bleed again."
Tiago shakes his head and takes Quinn in his arms. This time, she allows him to hug her, to pull her close to him. She buries her face in his naked chest and sobs. He soothes her, rubbing her back, her stomach – very softly, knowing how sensitive her body is. She can get her periods so heavily and he just can't imagine the emotional and physical pain she's going through.
"You're not failing me, Quinn. I love you, remember? I agree with you on one thing – I don't think either one of us can try again without taking some steps. How would you feel about going to see a doctor and figure out what's making this take so long? It might as well be me, for all we know. And then we'll find a way to make it work, okay?"
Quinn nods.
He cups her face and plants a kiss on her lips – slowly, carefully, lovingly. "I love you, my lady Quinnevere. Now, what is this about everyone at work hating you? Where does that come from?"
Quinn sighs. "It's been going on for a while. I didn't tell you because I didn't want you to worry about me and I thought it'd just go away."
Tiago feels a mixture of anger at anyone making his wife feel this way, and disappointment that she didn't talk to him. They've known each other all their lives, have been together for years – they're a married couple who've bought a house together, and still she has this communication issue. Of course, the Fabrays never talked about any problems and Quinn has come a long way, but he still hates finding out she suffers without reaching out to him. "What's happening?" he asks, deciding that his own feelings can wait.
"I... Just... Okay, so, a while ago I'd gone back to my office after lunch, but I forgot my phone in the kitchen. I went back to get it and they didn't hear me entering. I overheard some colleagues talking about me. They were saying I only got there because I'm the boss' sister and I think I'm better than them because of it. They were saying I get to do all kinds of cool things and get more opportunities than the others because Frannie's my sister. And this is exactly what I was scared would happen – part of the reason why I wanted to be Quinn Lopez. Besides the Fabray association with my father, I didn't want people at work to instantly know who I am and judge me for it. Because I'm honestly not being favored – if anything, I have to work twice as hard to prove my worth. I just work really hard and I put in a lot, so I get chances and opportunities to learn and I take them."
"Did you tell them that?" Tiago asks. "Besides, they're lawyers and law students, they're not stupid – they can see you're the first one in the office and the last one out most days, right?"
"I... well, they saw me and then they weren't even ashamed. They asked if I was going to run to my big sister and cry about it."
Tiago closes his eyes and takes a deep breath, trying to calm down and contain his anger. "How old are they? Jesus Christ!"
"And ever since, I can see them looking at me and judging me. I know they talk about me behind my back. They're trying to turn others against me, do anything to make it harder for me. And I really wish I could just leave. I wish I could go to another firm and start over and not be anyone but me. But I signed that contract so I could go to college and law school, I signed that contract saying I'd work for Frannie during my studies and then the first five years after that. And I can't talk to Frannie about this because I know her – she'd try to fix things at the office and that would just make it worse. But every day, I leave and I wonder what they'll say about me. With everything I do, I'm scared how it comes across."
"Quinn... why haven't you talked to me? You've been going through hell. We've talked about this – things are tough sometimes, but you've got to let me in. Let me at least try to help."
Quinn doesn't say anything, she just kisses him and whispers: "I'm sorry."
This isn't over for Tiago, but he decides to have that conversation again another time. "Okay, so here's what we're going to do. You're calling in sick tomorrow and so am I. I'll ask Jolene to cover for me. We're going to make a doctor's appointment to see what we can do to have a baby."
Quinn shakes her head. "No, I don't want your work to suffer from this."
Tiago is firm when he says: "I don't want you to suffer. Work can wait. You're my priority. I can't afford to take a week off right now, but a day won't hurt."
Quinn sniffles. "Jesus. You're amazing, Tiago. You're simply amazing."
He kisses her again. "Not as amazing as you are."
A week later, Tiago is closing down his computer at work when he receives a text from his wife. They've agreed she can work overtime when she feels she needs to, but at least two nights a week, she'll stop in time. Tiago would have preferred for her not to do any more extra hours, but Quinn is ambitious and loves work. He knows he can't tell her what to do.
He opens the text and swallows visibly. Jolene frowns at him. "Are you alright?"
He nods absent-mindedly, his eyes drawn to the screen. Quinn sent him a picture of her ass in a skimpy thong. Soon after, a picture of her stomach and legs as she sits on their bed, her legs slightly opened. He feels his face grow hot and his body tingle. So sexy.
Jolene grins. "Quinn sending you dirty texts?"
He looks up at his best friend and shakes his head, smiling a little. "No dirty texts. But very sexy pictures." Just as he says it, she sends him a picture of her chest in the tiniest bra she's ever worn. He can definitely feel his dick stirring a little.
He quickly types a text. Are you trying to kill me? Can't wait.
Her reponse follows almost instantly. You'll be dead by the time I'm done with you, handsome. Can't wait? Then don't. I'm ready.
"We need to leave. Now," he says, quickly grabbing his stuff. "It's an emergency"
Jolene laughs. "I don't think being horny qualifies as an emergency."
Tiago gives her a look as he closes his coat. "You're not married to Quinn Lopez."
"Good thing, too, or you'd have to kill me," she jokes as they make their way out. They've been best friends for quite a few years now and she reads him like a book. She knows he needs any distraction he can get if wants to get home with some of his dignity left. "Looks like we'll be finishing the project tomorrow."
Tiago nods, opening the doors with a spring in his step. "Yeah – good thing, too, it's been really busy this last month. I don't mind it, but you know how hard it's been for Quinn and me lately. I won't be sad to be able to spend some more time with her."
"I can imagine. I can't wait until Jackson gets home next week – in a way, it was good that we had this project. It kept me busy while he was away. But I still missed him. He promised me this was the last time, though."
Tiago raises his eyebrows as they get on the bus. "He's quitting the army?" It surprises him – Jackson lives for this.
"Well, he didn't say that, but I suppose there are things you can do that don't require you going to the actual war zone. I've decided not to ask about it look it up too much before he gets here, just in case he changes his mind and I'm left disappointed."
"I don't think he will. That guys loves you, Jolene."
"He loves his job, too."
Tiago rolls his eyes. "We both know that if he really had to choose between the military and you, he'd choose you in a heartbeat."
They keep talking until their ways part. Tiago takes his phone and looks at the pictures again, instantly regretting it. He just wants to be with her right now, not sit on the bus for another ten minutes.
He texts her when he gets off the bus and when he finally gets home, he almost runs upstairs. Quinn is in the bedroom, posing on the bed. He nearly has a heart attack – the sexy lingerie, her hair blown out, the light make-up she applied. He walks over to her and she leans forward, grabbing him by the waist. She opens his belt and takes down his pants and boxers in one go.
Quinn wraps a warm fist around Tiago's cock and tugs on it, pumping up and down before she takes the head between her lips. He can feel his dick hardening in her mouth, her tongue licking and swirling whenever she can. His hands go to her head and he enjoys this so much he almost lets it happen.
Tiago pulls his dick out of her mouth and when she gives him a confused look, he explains. "I want to make love to you you, baby."
He leans in for a kiss and simultaneously reaches around her back to unclasp her bra. He grabs one breast and squeezes, feeling her nipple rise against the palm of his hand. He trails kisses down her neck to her other breast and takes as much of it as he can in his mouth.
Quinn falls back on the bed and Tiago follows, now sucking on her nipple and swirling his tongue around it. She tries to unbutton his shirt, but finds it hard to focus, so she decides to just rip it off. "Wow," he breathes, the brutal force surprising him. "That was hot!"
She grins. "Shut up and fuck me, pretty boy."
He groans – she doesn't usually get like this. She lifts her hips and he takes the hint, pulling down her panties. He rubs his dick against her inner thighs and he can smell her wetness, his cock stiff between her legs. He slips into her easily, pushing through her walls, knowing exactly the pace it takes to please her without hurting her.
Once he's fully inside of her, he wraps his arms around her back and lifts her up. Tiago takes Quinn to the wall and pushes her against it, grunting with effort.
She smiles at him, surprised. "Sexy."
He pulls back and pushes, her legs widening and her ankles closing under his ass. "You are so fucking hot, Quinn." He pumps into her again, starting to build a rhyhtm now.
She throws back her head and kisses her breasts, his rock hard cock trusting into her warm pussy. Her walls squeeze his dick so good, it's like they're made for each other. She pulls his head into her chest, high-pitched moans leaving her throat.
Tiago is sweating, grunting as he concentrates on holding her up against the wall and pounding her pussy at the same time.
"Fucking hell, baby," Quinn breathes. "Just – yes – oh – yes! Harder! I want you to fuck me harder!"
Responding only with moans, he gives in to her request and soon, they're thumping against the wall. He can feel his balls tightening, her pussy almost sucking his dick inside of her, trapping it there, her walls fluttering around him.
Tiago is balls deep inside of Quinn when she closes her legs around him firmly, keeping his hard cock in its place as she rides it, harder and faster with every push.
With all his force, he gives her one more push with his cock, knowing he needs it – and then realises a first load of hot seed deep inside her. It keeps coming, spurt after spurt, filling her up – bringing her to her own orgasm. Tiago can feel her coming undone around him and it only prompts him to go again, to fuck her through her orgasm and fill her up even more.
Their orgasms seem to last ages and when they've both come down, they lie down on the bed, grinning like fools. Quinn turns to Tiago and kisses him, her breasts resting on his chest as she crawls closer and on top of him to deepen it. He reciprocates almost needily. She really is the love of his life.
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ffskalice · 10 years
A Thin Line 56
"Do you never wonder, though?" Alice asks curiously over lunch. Quinn's just told her new colleague proudly how long she's been with her husband and that she's never been with anyone else. "Do you never wonder what it would be like with someone else?"
Quinn shrugs. "No. I'm sure I wouldn't want anyone else. He's not perfect, but I wouldn't change him. I love him so much it hurts to be without him. He's my rock. This job, it's a lot of work, but I come home to this amazing man and it just works. We take care of each other. I don't think I could cope with this as well as I do without him."
Alice frowns. "Wow. I mean, I think of the guys I was with back in high school and I can't picture myself being with any of them right now. I can't imagine feeling for any of them as deeply as you seem to feel for Tiago. So you're never curious about sex with another guy? Honestly?"
Quinn smiles, but feels slightly annoyed at the line of conversation. "I know I got luckier than most. I hear about friends and colleagues and their love life and how hard it is to find the right guy. I know I got so lucky that nobody ever broke my heart, that I've never had to go through the pain of a break-up or an unrequited love, or somebody not being into me as much as I am into them. Tiago – he's the right guy for me. He's my best friend and the love of my life. We've been through a lot together. He really gets me, he knows me inside out and he loves me for all of it. And I feel the same way about him. I'm not curious about sex with anyone else, he pleases me just fine. Great, even. Our sex life is fantastic. I can't imagine not having him in my life."
Alice takes a sip of her tea, lost in thought for a minute. "Wow. I can't imagine that at all. But definitely good for you. He doesn't happen to have a brother, does he?" she jokes.
Quinn laughs. "I'm sorry – he only has a sister and she's very much in love with her girlfriend. He has a bunch of cousins but the only one remotely like him has a family."
After that, the topic changes and before they know it, it's time to get back to work.
Quinn tends to lose track of time when she's at work and today is no exception. Even after all these years, she still feels that she has to prove herself, prove that she deserves this job. People never mention it to her face, but she'd hate it if people assumed she just got here because her sister is one of the name partners – and the other name partner being her brother-in-law. Besides, she's not an idiot. She knows there'll always be people talking behind her back.
At least, new people don't notice the connection as much since she's Quinn Lopez now. She insisted on remarrying so they could be Santiago and Quinn Lopez because she hates what the Fabray name represents, but also because people are less likely to link her to her sister professionally, or to her father (professionally and personally).
Most of the others have left the office by now. Frannie has called Quinn in numerous times to talk to her about the hours she works, almost ordering her to go home earlier and live a little outside of work as well. But she finds it hard to leave it behind – the law is her passion and she knew what she was getting into when she started this. Every law student and lawyer has to work their ass off.
The picture frames on her desk catch her eye. One holds a picture from their wedding day, another one has a picture of them together in the park, and one holds a picture of them hugging each other, taken by a professional photographer. She can't stop a smile from spreading on her face as she watches the pictures, remembering when they were taken. She got so lucky with her husband. She has to force herself to tear her eyes away and go back to reviewing the brief in front of her.
Quinn jerks up when she hears a knock on the door. She looks up and grins when she sees her favorite sight in the world: Tiago in a shirt and jeans, holding Chinese food. "You look so beautiful doing that," he says before walking over for a kiss.
"Doing what?" Quinn chuckles, kissing him back affectionately.
"Working," he shrugs. He grabs a chair and sits down next to her. "Now, if I know my wife, she hasn't had dinner yet even though it's nearly eight."
Quinn frowns. "Um... I had lunch?"
"That just won't do," Tiago says decisively. "So I went ahead and got your favorite dish from your favorite Chinese restaurant. We're going to have this together."
Suddenly, Quinn feels how tired she is, her entire body aching, her head throbbing. She can't stop the tears from welling up. She wants to say something, but her voice seems to be caught in her throat.
"Hey, are you okay?" Tiago asks worriedly, inching closer to wrap his arms around her. "What's wrong, baby?"
Quinn manages to nod, then clears her throat. "You're just so... this is so... perfect. I've had a long day and I feel like my head is going to explode and I am hungry but I didn't want to lose time by getting dinner and now you're here, my favorite person in the world, and you have food, really good food. And it's really perfect. Thank you so much, San."
Tiago smiles. "You must know by now that taking care of you and loving you is my second nature. Now let's have this food before it gets cold, okay?"
Quinn wraps her arms around her husband and kisses him passionately.
"I'll get us some plates and cutlery from the kitchen."
When she returns from the kitchen, she finds Tiago on her chair, his eyes focused on her computer screen. He has an adorable frown on his handsome face. He looks up when he notices his wife and shakes his head. "I don't know how you do this, Quinn. I read for a living, but I read this and my mind just draws a blank."
Quinn divides the Chinese food over the plates and smiles brightly at him. "It's what I love, Tiago. Justice is so important, people really underestimate just how important that is to have a functioning society. And using the law to make sure justice is served – I love that. I love discovering new things, new ways to get things done. I love the variety there is, and how you can pick and choose to build up a defense. I just kind of love almost everything there is about being a lawyer."
Over dinner, Quinn asks Tiago how his day at work was. He tells her that Jolene is having a hard time with Jackson's career in the army and finds it harder every time to see him leave for another tour.
"I wouldn't want to stop you from doing what you love, but I'm so glad doing what you love isn't being in the army. I don't think I could deal with being apart from you for so long, and having to worry constantly. Having to consider that every goodbye might be the last one ever..." It makes Quinn shiver.
Tiago nods sympathetically and continues. "I did tell her that she needed to discuss it with him, that it involves her as well and she should have a bit of a say. But she doesn't want him to feel forced to change his career and resent her later. I'm going to let it rest for now, but once he's back, I'm really going to talk her into at least talking to him."
Quinn nods. Just talking to her husband and having dinner with him has made her feel so much better. Like she can handle anything. "That's good. Any new projects at work?"
Tiago takes a deep breath. "Actually, yes. There's this manuscript I'm reviewing that really got me thinking."
Quinn cocks an eyebrow, inviting him to continue as they finish their dinner.
Tiago rolls his head in his neck and bites his lip. Quinn knows this means he's nervous.
Finally, he speaks up. "The thing is, Quinn... I know we said we were going to wait to start a family. We were going to wait until we really made our house our home and got settled in it and got settled in our careers. But I just... I don't want to wait anymore. I'm so tired of postponing what we both want so badly. We can just as well make our house our home when we have a little one running around, right? And our careers, they'll keep developing. At some point, we're going to have to combine our family and our careers anyway. I know we can do it."
Quinn licks her lips, her heart beating faster. "I'm sure we can do it, Tiago. So you're saying what I think you're saying?"
Tiago nods, his eyes full of love and confidence. "You're going to make the greatest mom ever, Lucy Quinn Lopez."
Quinn tears up, a bright smile gracing her features. "You're going to make the best daddy ever, Santiago Manuel Lopez. Let's have a family."
Tiago grins. "I can't wait for baby Lopez." He looks around, a smirk on his face. "So, where is everybody?"
Quinn's confused for a second – they've just taken a pretty big decision and he randomly changes the topic? But then she catches on to his train of thought. "Everybody's gone. We're all alone," she says, using her bedroom voice.
She inches closer to him and they share a deep kiss. Quinn sneaks her hand to his crotch and she cups his package through his jeans, squeezing it softly. Then she nibbles on his ear before whispering: "Maybe we should go ahead and make baby Lopez?"
Tiago groans. Quinn smirks and gets up to close the door and lower the blinds. She shares this office with a few others so the door is hardly ever closed, but she's never been as thankful for the opportunity as she is now.
She returns to her desk and Tiago immediately starts undressing her. She returns the favor, trailing her hand from his neck over his chest and stomach to his dick. She wraps her fingers around his member and squeezes softly before pumping her hand up and down.
He leans in and kisses her hungrily while cupping one breast, rolling her nipple between his fingers. He gives her other breast the same kind of attention. He grabs her ass with his free hand before moving it to her inner thighs, carressing her tenderly. Quinn's breath catches in her throat as she feels his cock stiffen in her hand.
She wraps her free arm around him and pulls him close, the head of his dick now brushing against her skin. Then she pushes him down into her chair and gets on her knees, kissing the head of his dick, then swirling her tongue around it before suckling it between her lips. Tiago keens, and then Quinn palms as much of his balls as she can with one hand, her other hand exploring his body.
The feeling of his rock hard, perfectly sized cock stretching her mouth as she takes all she can into her mouth – the head of his cock near the back of her mouth, throbbing; his balls in one hand, his biceps, then hard abs and then chest under the other – and then he grabs her hand and brings it to his mouth, sucking on her pulse as she feels the stubble on his cheeks under her fingers – the combination of it all almost brings her to her orgasm.
And they can't have that, not yet.
So she lets go and climbs into his lap. Tiago wraps his arms around her waist, grabbing her buttocks firmly, to steady her. He leans forward and kisses her nipples, sucking on them and then licking them. Quinn opens her pussy lips and rubs herself against his hard dick, moaning every time it rubs her clit.
Tiago brings one hand to his dick and uses it to gather more of her slick juices before guiding it to her entrance. Quinn throws her head back as he fills her up slowly, stretching her walls deliciously. She can feel every inch of his dick drag through her tight tunnel and her nipples harden even more against his tongue. He keeps plowing through her, breaking through her pussy's initial resistance, until he's inside of her, bottoming out.
She loves this so much – how he perfectly knows how much she can take at what pace. They've been having sex for years, but he still stretches her so good. She never divulges any details of his beautiful cock to anyone else, but she hears enough from others to be able to compare. He does seem to be rather well-endowed. But Quinn can definitely take it.
He pulls out and then plunges back into her, more easily this time. They repeat this a few times, building up a pace – and then he slams into her. It takes her by surprise, but that makes it feel even better. Sweat is dripping down their bodies as Tiago guides her hips, Quinn bouncing on top of him as she rides his dick harder and faster. He's grunting with pleasure and she can't hold back her own moans.
Quinn lets out a long, low moan when he fills her up and keeps her hips still, rutting her clit against his pelvis, then going for it again. He reaches one hand between them and rubs her clit.
Quinn puts her hands on his shoulders to gain more leverage. She can feel something familiar burning in the pit of her stomach, her entire body tingling, and she knows very well what it means.
"Come on, baby," Tiago says, as if he can read her body, his voice deep and hoarse. "I know you love this. Fucking your husband in your office, making a baby."
Quinn lets out a high-pitched moan, trying to get closer to her orgasm. She's so focused that she's completely taken aback when Tiago gets up and pushes her against the wall, quickly wrapping her legs around his waist. His dick slides in even deeper and he hammers into her, his lips attached to her neck. His balls slap against her thighs, a vein throbbing in his neck with the effort.
Tiago's thrusts are relentless. He pushes into her without abandon, fully determined to give her that orgasm she needs so badly. She feels precum leak into her, and soon after, he's shooting strings of hot cum into her.
She almost screams when she feels the warm speed spilling into her, filling her up. It's enough to send her over the edge as well, an overwhelming orgasm hitting her full force. Her pussy tightens around his dick until he can't move inside her anymore, squeezing and clutching. His orgasm doesn't seem to end as he keeps giving her more seed until she can feel it leaking out of her. It's enough to send a second orgasm immediately after the first one.
He slowly draws out the orgasm and then pulls out, still holding her in his arms. Her legs are shaking and she can't even stand on them.
He sits back down in the chair and pulls her into his lap, bringing his lips to hers for a loving kiss. "I love you, Quinn."
She grins at him. "I love you too, so much. We're gonna have a baby. We're really doing it, Tiago. We're gonna have a perfect baby."
Tiago nods, fighting back tears. "I can't wait."
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ffskalice · 10 years
A Thin Line 55
Quinn and Tiago are unwinding on a Friday night. They've just watched a movie, cuddled up together on the couch. Tiago stretches and Quinn takes the opportunity to check her husband out. They've been together for so many years now, but she still can't get over just how handsome he is. He's trying out a short beard now and she has to admit it's really sexy.
"You know, when we moved in, I never would've guessed, but I am going to miss this place," Tiago says, looking around. "It's really the first place we've been together with just the two of us."
She leans in and rests her lips gently against his, their lips ghosting over each other. Then she bites down on his lower lip softly. They lose themselves into each other, kissing tenderly, The tips of their tongues slip out occasionally and when she part her lips in a silent moan, he slips his soft tongue inside her mouth. Their tongues move with one another in a slow, loving dance.
When the kiss ends organically, he frowns and breathes heavily, taking in her heavenly scent. "Jesus Christ, I love you so much," he says, shaking his head in disbelief. "I love kissing you."
She smiles that typical smile of hers - her eyes shining, the corners of her mouth curled up, her head tilted a little and that utter kindness in her demeanor. She closes her eyes, resting her head in the nape of his neck. She sighs softly, trying to get the thoughts swirling through her mind in order. Everything is going perfectly and she knows it - Tiago is having a blast with his job, really growing into it. He's a fast learner and he's good at what he does. He gets along with most of his colleagues and he has the luck to be working alongside his best friend. Quinn has really grown into the practical application of what she learns at school as well. She's come to see how much of an advantage it is to be working for her sister and has discovered a knack for management she'd never thought she had. She's still on track at school - it's not easy, but Tiago's always there to help her out however he can and support her fully.
"What's on your mind?" Tiago asks softly, almost as if he's looking into her brain. "Is it the house."
Quinn licks her lips and hesitates. She doesn't want him to think she's not excited about this, because she really is. "I love that we're buying the house, baby," she starts. "I really do. It's the next step in our lives and it'll be so much easier for when we're taking the big step of starting a family. I can't begin to tell you how much I look forward to having our own house. Plus, we'll have a backyard, which means I get to check you out looking hot while gardening," she smirks, her imagination running wild already.
Tiago laughs and shakes his head, then presses a kiss on her front and says: "But that's not what's on your mind right now. I know that look, Quinnevere. You're struggling with something and you think that if you'll tell me, it'll hurt me. But try me. I promise you I won't take anything you're thinking personally, because I know that whatever's going on, I'm not any part of the issue."
She looks up at Tiago and kisses him. "You've really changed, you know? In high school, you would have assumed it was about you and you'd done something wrong and I wasn't telling you. You've grown up so much."
"I appreciate that, but why don't you get to the point?" he asks teasingly. She can almost feel how his hands want to slip under her shirt, but he keeps himself back because he knows this is not the right moment.
She takes a deep breath. "It's how we got to buy the house in the first place." She bites her lip, thinking about the best way to say this. "I'm still not sure if accepting the money my dad left me is the right thing to do. I don't know if I want it. He never loved me, he never cared about me, and I'll never forget the things he said about you. I can hardly believe that man is my father. It's why I insisted we remarry so we could just be Quinn and Santiago Lopez. I don't want to be Fabray and I appreciate the sentiment of you wanting to be Fabray-Lopez, but it never felt right. There's nothing Fabray about you. And remember when I talked to Charlie about dropping the Fabray and how she'd feel, since it kind of links us? She said I was crazy to keep it in the first place, that we don't need the name to be family and that when she and Sienna get married, they're becoming Mrs. and Mrs. Jamison instantly."
Tiago stops Quinn's ramble with a sweet kiss and then quirks an eyebrow. "Okay. I know all this, Mrs. Quinn Lopez. I can kind of see where you're going with this, but I need you to talk to me, alright?"
Quinn nods, taking a deep breath, her heart still beating a mile a minute. Talking about this just gets her so worked up, and not in the good way. "Okay, so, I didn't get along with my father. I didn't like him. You remember better than anyone how confusing his death was, because I wondered all the time how I could cry for someone so undeserving. Anyway - this money of his, I don't know if I want to use it. I know buying a house is a good thing, it's something I want. I just don't know if I want to use his money for it. It almost feels like dirty money."
Tiago nods and shifts his body a little so that he's facing his wife. "Alright. We've had this conversation back when I convinced you it'd be better to accept what he left you. The thing is, your father was a bigot and - well, I'm not even going to start that list. Accepting the money doesn't mean you forgive him for what he did - or rather, didn't do. You deserve this. He wasn't a mercenary or a criminal, not in the judicial sense anyway. There's no blood on that money. It's for you to use as you see fit."
Quinn sighs deeply. "I know, but the last time I saw him was when he kicked me out and had just claimed he'd disown me. Doesn't accepting this money now make me a hypocrite?"
Tiago shakes his head vehemently. "It's rightfully yours. I can understand why you say you don't want it, but the thing is, money doesn't have emotions. It just has value. It's there, with its value, and you might as well use it. Why would you be stubborn and struggle to save money, deny yourself things, when it's right there in front of you? Because of him, you were worried about getting through college. Because of him, you were denied the love and acceptance you deserve. He made things so much harder for you and not accepting his money will just add to that list. You're giving him the power to make you feel guilty about taking this just because he was an asshole. Don't give him that power. It'd make him happier to not accept it than to use it for building your life the way you want to. So you're not being hypocritical. Not at all."
Quinn nods and smiles. "You're right. As always."
Tiago smirks and is about to shoot back a witty remark, but Quinn climbs into his lap and stops him with a kiss before he has the chance to speak. "Thank you," she mumbles against his lips, cupping his rough cheeks in the palms of her hands to deepen the kiss. "So much."
When they finally let for air, Quinn leans back and pouts.
Tiago frowns. "What's wrong?"
Quinn shrugs. "I'm just… really, really, really craving a milkshake right now. Too bad it's so late."
Tiago rests his hands on her lower back. "My dearest Quinnevere, we both know the new diner around the corner is open 24/7. They do take-out." The diner's been around for almost a year by now, but they still call it the 'new' diner for some reason.
Quinn raises her eyebrows. "It's after midnight, baby. I can't possible expect you to get me a delicious chocolate milk shake extra large so we can burn off the calories together tomorrow," she teases.
Tiago laughs. "You know, we have to enjoy the perks of living in this place while we still can. When we live in our house, we'll probably have to take the car for this kind of stuff. So I'm definitely getting you a milkshake."
To say Tiago's surprised to see a familiar face at the diner is an understatement. He walks over to the window table and takes a seat. "What brings you here so late at night, Alessandra Maria Lopez?" Tiago asks, using a deep, ominous voice.
Lessa rolls her eyes. "Bridget was totally craving a burger and she's studying for this big test. I was in bed already, but then she gave me those blue eyes and here I am," she shrugs. "What brings you here then, Santiago Manuel Lopez?"
"Same. Well, not exactly. Quinn and I had just had a talk and then she said she was really craving a milkshake and she didn't even insist, but how the fuck am I supposed to deny her anything? Have you seen her."
Lessa raises her eyebrows. "I practically saw her grow up, so yeah. I have seen her. Luckily for you, not my type, though," she winks.
Tiago scoffs. "Oh please, you wouldn't have stood a chance with my girl. Besides, since everyone knew so damn well I'm in love with her, you never would have tried. You wouldn't do that to your big brother you love so much."
Lessa leans back and gives him a sassy tone: "Puh-lease. We both know that if I wanted Quinn, I totally could win her heart. But you're right. I'd never do that to you."
Tiago shakes his head. "You know, you're really lucky I was so into Quinn and the age difference was important at that age, because I totally could have got with Bridget by the time she was fifteen or so. Wouldn't have taken me much."
Lessa frowns. "Yeah, right."
She's about to say more, but then Kirk, the waiter who takes most of the night shifts, comes to take Tiago's order and they drop the subject.
"So, are you guys going back home for mom's birthday?" Tiago asks, fighting a yawn.
"I was thinking we could invite her over. She always loves visiting New York and if we went to Lima, she'd just be fussing over us instead of relaxing like she's supposed to," Lessa says, clearly having thought about this. "I was going to call you tomorrow, actually, to see if you're free the weekend of her birthday?"
Tiago nods. "I should be, yeah. I'll just have to check with Quinn but I think she'll be free as well. We'll let them know soon, then? Make sure they can book themselves a decent room."
Tiago and Quinn don't have the space to accommodate his parents. Lessa and Bridget don't live very far from them and their apartment isn't big enough either, so Maribel and Guillermo usually book a hotel room.
Kirk comes up to them and shakes his head, handing them their orders. "A burger and a chocolate milkshake to go for the completely whipped Lopez siblings."
Lessa glares at the guy playfully. "Careful, Kirk, or we might conveniently forget this place exists."
Kirk hardly blinks. "Please, you guys would die. Night night, now, don't want to keep your women waiting, do you?" he teases.
Tiago and Lessa both glare at him, but it's not very effective. Their big brown Lopez eyes are too utterly kind, betraying the fact that there's not a bad bone in their bodies.
When Tiago gets back to their apartment, the look of delight on Quinn's face makes him so happy he knows he'll always be doing these things for her. He watches her drink from the straw happily, her hair a bit of a mess, her shirt oversized. She looks so cute it makes his heart skip a beat, and he knows 100% sure he wants this perfect creature to be the mother of his kids so very badly.
The next day, Tiago just got back from his trip to the grocery store, fully expecting Quinn to still be doing their laundry in their building's basement. He puts the groceries away and makes his way to the bedroom to grab his computer so he can look up the exact recipe for today's lunch. He's a decent cook by now, but he still wants to make sure every single time.
The second he enters the bedroom, however, every thought about cooking lunch is pushed away. He gulps as he takes in the vision of Quinn, waiting for him wearing only a semi-see through bra, a thong and high heels. He shuts his eyes, opens them again, pinches his arm. "Damn," he finally says. "Wow."
Quinn blushes, loving how much of an effect she still has on her guy. She puts on her bedroom eyes and bedroom voice when she says: "Why don't you take off those clothes and fuck me?"
All Tiago can manage at this point is squeak involuntarily and obey. He's speechless as he undresses. He can't keep his eyes off of his beautiful wife, looking so damn sexy. He crawls on top of the bed and leans in for a passionate kiss. He cups her breast over the lacy material of her bra and squeezes it gently, his other hand trailing over her stomach until he reaches her thong. He doesn't slip his hand inside like she expected him to, but instead rubs her protruding pussy lips over the thin material of her thong.
She moans, pushing her hips into him. He attaches his lips to her neck and sucks on her pulse point softly. It feels as if her body just turns into a puddle under his loving touch. He tugs down the straps of her bra and finally takes it off, freeing her breasts. He leans over them and takes a nipple into his mouth, closing his lips around it, sucking it in. He swirls the tip of his tongue around her hardening nub and she releases a guttural moan.
Quinn can feel Tiago's hardening cock against the inside of her thigh. He moves his hands south, still kissing and sucking on her breasts, and she think he'll try to relieve some of the pressure, but he doesn't even touch his dick. Instead, he takes off her panties and drags his fingers through her swollen pussy lips. It doesn't take much for her juices to gather on his fingers and then he plunges them inside her entrance, working her up until he can feel her wet walls around them, begging for more. He leans up to kiss her again and finally grabs his dick. She wraps her fingers over his tugs at it, bringing him to a full erection with expert strokes.
She bites her lips, hesitates, then goes through with. "I read this thing…" she starts, her voice husky and low. He looks at her, intrigued and turned on, but she decides to just go ahead and do it instead of explain. She grabs two pillows and lifts her hips, pushing them under her butt. He arranges them so they're comfortable for her to lie down on.
"You're beautiful," he says, his tone betraying how heart-felt those words are. "Breathtakingly beautiful."
She takes in the sight of him - her Tiago, leaning over her with that perfect body of his, still those firm pecs and hard abs, and that thick cock ready to serve. She can't wait any longer and spreads her legs wide, inviting him to fuck her raw.
Tiago guides his dick into her entrance. He pushes until he's sheathed inside her, then pulls out, then fills her up again.
They make love with a tender passion, no words uttered, only kisses shared. He pounds into her, the way her tight pussy creates friction for his dick sending chills down his spine.
"Fuck," he mutters under his breath, almost keening when he notices how deep he can sink his stiff cock inside her tight pussy.
"Pillows," she smiles, panting too heavily to explain further. But there's no need - he understand she's trying to explain how the pillows under her butt are making him go deeper. Just the idea that she actually went online to look up things about sex turns him on so much that he increases his pace, still blowing her pussy firmly but lovingly. They're building up to their orgasm together, slower than they usually do, fully sensing every long stroke. She can feel every inch of his hard dick inside of her and it makes her feel so connected to him.
Her walls flutter around his cock as his balls tighten. Just when he shoots his first load deep into her tight pussy, she uses the muscles of her pussy to milk his cock of the loads and loads of cum, trapping him inside of her. They cum hard, together, and knowing how rare it is to be having an orgasm at the exact same time makes it even hotter.
Finally, he pulls out and lies down next to her. Quinn and Tiago are both panting heavily.
Quinn is the first to turn on her side, careful not to spill his cum. She loves feeling his hot seed inside her, it makes her clit tingle and gives her butterflies.
"Wow. That felt amazing," she grins. "Jesus, you're so sexy."
Tiago looks like he just can't believe his luck. "Well, I wasn't expecting that to be waiting for me when I got back from the store, but I'm not complaining. What did I do to deserve this awesome surprise, though?"
Quinn moves over to him and shrugs as she nestles between his legs, wrapping her arms around his butt and lifting his hips into her. "You just being you. I love you and you're really hot. I suddenly just got this intense need to have sex with you." She all says it so matter-of-factly and Tiago knows that she never would have spoken about sex this carefree when they first got together.
He raises his eyebrows when she rubs her nose over his happy trail, soon caressing it with her tongue and sucking lightly.
"Quinn," he breathes, feeling the effect on his dick. She doesn't listen to him and instead sucks lightly on the skin between his belly button and his hardening cock. She keeps working it until he's half-erect.
Quinn then fills her mouth with his dick and hollows her cheeks around it, sucking softly as she slowly pulls back, her hands fondling his balls. When she reaches the head, she swirls her tongue around it and squeezes his balls. He's fully hard now. Then she sucks down again, pushing her tongue over the vein running along the underside, deepthroating him.
The feeling of her throat closing around his dick, her cheeks hollowed around him, and the goddamn sight of it is enough for the precum to start leaking. She continues the slow blow job, palming his balls while sucking and licking on him, clearly enjoying it. She hums in pleasure and the vibration is enough to send his load of hot seed down her throat. She swallows eagerly, every last drop, and then crawls on top of him.
"You are really fucking hot, you know that?" Tiago says breathlessly. "I'd ask you to marry me right now if we weren't already married."
Quinn grins. "The blow job was for milkshake you got me last night," she winks. "And also because I really wanted to taste your cum."
Tiago shakes his head and wraps his arms around her. "I'd do it just for your smile, you know."
She quirks an eyebrow. "Are you complaining?"
He shakes his head vehemently. "Not at all. Not. At All."
She smirks. "That's what I thought."
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ffskalice · 10 years
A Thin Line 54
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ffskalice · 10 years
A Thin Line 53
"Well, technically, we did that on the way there," Quinn winks, sending a blush over Tiago's neck and cheeks.
Luke and Charlie, who came to pick them up from the airport, insist on helping them bring their luggage to the car. Quinn and Tiago tell them all about their honeymoon to Mexico - well, almost all…
"Did you guys go out a lot?" Charlie asks casually. "You were there for a week, after all."
Now both Quinn and Tiago blush. "Well, we did go to this beach karaoke I just told you guys about," Quinn says, searching her mind for other places they went out to. "Oh, and we went to a bar once and we danced there."
Charlie quirks an eyebrow and smirks. "I get it. You guys just had a lot of sex. I guess we shouldn't be surprised if Quinn turns out to have a bun in the oven," she teases.
Quinn and Tiago share a surprised look. "Well, I am on birth control," Quinn explains. "So I shouldn't be pregnant."
"But I'm guessing that if it weren't for the birth control, you'd have made a football league by now. I can definitely see you two as parents, a little girl or boy to run into their mommy's arms and to completely wrap their daddy around their fingers," Luke smiles. "And of course, all of us would be fighting for the chance to babysit them sometimes."
They change the subject after that, but Quinn and Tiago look at each other and now something's sparked in them both.
They go out for a late lunch together and then Luke and Charlie drop them off at home.
Quinn closes the door behind her and lets out a long sigh. "How about we unpack first, before we lose the courage?"
Tiago smirks and walks over to his wife, wrapping his arms around her waist. "I know exactly what I want to unpack first," he teases, tugging at the hem of her shirt until she lifts her arms in assistance.
"You're so cheesy," Quinn laughs, pulling on Tiago's shirt as well.
"You love it," Tiago says in a playfully smug tone.
Quinn squints her eyes and is about to give him a witty reply, but then Tiago shuts her up with a sexy, lingering kiss. He gets her out of her pants and underwear, never letting go of her lips. When he finally leans back, she lets out a dreamy sigh. "You're lucky you're really, really hot and I really, really want to fuck you."
Tiago throws his head back and moans. "You'll be the end of me, I swear!"
Quinn takes the opportunity to get rid of his pants and boxers, takes his hand and guides him to the bedroom.
Tiago takes control of the situation once they've reached the bedroom. He pushes Quinn onto the bed gently and crawls on top of her, planting his elbows next to her head and his knees next to her hips. He leans down for another kiss, cupping a breast with one hand and kneading it softly as his cock brushes her inner thighs and her pussy lips.
Quinn opens her legs wider and reaches down to wrap her fingers around his dick, smirking when she feels it stiffen under her expert touch. Tiago moves his mouth to kiss her neck, moaning against her skin as he takes in her smell. They've just spent hours on a plane - on which they had sex, the smell of which is only covered by a deodorant - and she's slightly sweaty, but still she smells amazing to him.
Quinn rubs the head of his hard cock with the pad of her thumb and then drags it between her slick folds until it bumps against her clit. Tiago loves this about her, loves how she's grown the confidence to show him what she wants from him in bed. It tells him how much she trusts him and makes him truly feel like she gives herself to him the way he gives himself to her.
Tiago considers taking over from her down there and dictating the pace, but then her grip grows firmer and after rubbing his cock against her clit a few more times, she slips him inside of her tight channel. He groans as he buries his dick deep inside her, filling her to the hilt. He lifts himself up, his arms supporting his weight, so he can better control his thrusts.
Quinn is so wet he can smell her and it drives him crazy in the good way. He pushes into her a few times, then lowers his body again, her tits now pressed against his pecs. She moans and he smirks at eliciting that response. Tiago moves his hands to her hips and lifts them off the bed, grabbing her ass and kneading it.
Quinn slips her hand between their bodies and opens her pussy lips, exposing her clit. Tiago responds by canting his hips and shifting the angle, so he simultaneously hits her G-spot and rubs his pelvis against her clit.
He kisses her again, but they both have trouble concentrating on the kiss as Tiago thrusts harder and harder into her, ploughing through her tight pussy, aided by just how amazingly wet she is.
"I love you," he grunts, letting go of her hips to touch her boobs again. They totally share a common preference for Tiago fondling, kissing and licking her boobs.
Quinn wraps her legs around his waist, digging her heels into his lower back and wrapping her arms around his neck. His cock is buried inside her and she rides him from underneath him. "Love you too!" she pants.
Sweat is dripping down his neck as he uses all his control to give it to her exactly the way she wants it. He can hear his tightening balls slapping against her skin as he takes over control again.
Quinn can feel Tiago is close to the edge and she knows just how to take him over that edge, into oblivion. She takes a deep breath and relaxes, allowing him complete control. He has to work harder now that her pussy is closing around him, clenching down on him, but he still makes sure her clit gets proper attention. Then Quinn does what it takes for her husband; she scrapes her throat and says in a low, husky voice: "I can feel every single inch of your thick cock inside me and I love it, baby."
Tiago almost keens and quickens his pace, even though his thrusts are growing sloppier.
"Give it to me," Quinn continues. "I want your cum so deep inside me, I want to feel you fill me up with your hot seed." She combs her fingers through his hair and moves in as if to kiss him, only to bite down on his lips ever so gently. "I love your hard cock. You're such a sexy stud, I want you to put a baby in me."
That's it - with a loud grunt, he lets go and paints her walls with load after load of cum. She has no idea where her last line came from - it's not one she's used before. Tiago keeps releasing his seed into her and true to her words, she enjoys the feeling of the hot liquid running into her tunnel.
In combination with his steel rod still pushing into her, it's enough to send her over that edge with him as her walls flutter around him, milking his dick for all it's worth.
Finally, he slumps down next to her with a wide grin. "Shit, that was so good, baby," he breathes out, turning on his side to face her and kiss her.
She kisses him back and wraps her arms around him to feel his hard body pressed against hers. "It really was."
He tucks a strand of hair behind her ear. "Did you mean that? About me putting a baby in you."
Quinn glances down, searching her words - in fact, even searching her opinion. Finally, she looks straight into his eyes when she says: "I do. I mean, I know we can't have babies now. You still have one more year before you can start working full-time and my degree is some time away. But, you know, we're married and I've wanted babies with you for so long and it feels like the right thing to do."
Tiago nods. "I feel the same way. I mean, if it were in any way feasible, I'd want to try to have a baby with you right now. But I think it is best if we wait. "
Quinn nods, wishing she didn't feel so disappointed. "Maybe when you've got the job, we can look into moving into a different place? There'd be no room for a baby in this flat and I know for a fact that Lessa wants it really badly. She's coming to New York next year. Maybe we can look out for a place and then start thinking about getting ready for a baby."
Tiago smiles, but Quinn can see it's a sad smile. She sighs. "I know, baby. Maybe I should put my studies on hold? I can find a job and work for a couple of years to save up some money and have a baby, then go back to school once the baby goes to kindergarten?"
Tiago shakes his head vehemently. "No. You've wanted to be a lawyer for so long and it's what you're born to do. I don't want you to put your dreams or ambitions on the back burner because I'm impatient to start a family with you. Besides, we both know how slim the chances are you'd go back to school after a couple of years out of it. You can do big things, Quinn."
Quinn purses her lips. "Having a family with you is a big thing for me too, Tiago. A big thing I really, really want."
Tiago frowns and then decides to use his final card. "Then Fran would have wasted all that time employing you during the Summers and you'll have taken a valuable training spot. She's invested so much in you, believes in you so much. I'm sure she wants you to take over the New York office one day."
Finally, Quinn nods. "Okay, I'm not putting school on hold."
Tiago grins and kisses her. He knew this would convince her - she admires her sister and is so grateful to her, she'd hate to disappoint her. "We'll just have to wait," he says reluctantly. Then he traces her body, from her neck, over her breasts and stomach to her ass and legs. "We can still practice in the meantime."
She looks at him, a twinkle in her eyes. "We will definitely have a perfect baby. You'll be their dad, and with all that practice…"
Tiago nods. "You'll be their mom, and practice does make perfect."
That evening, they've just finished unpacking and are relaxing on the couch before going to bed when Quinn receives a phone call. She frowns when she recognizes the number as that of her old home, which never really was her home.
"Quinnie, dear?" Judy asks hesitantly when Quinn doesn't immediately say something after picking up.
"Mom?" Quinn says slowly, her tone inquisitive as she puts the phone on speaker so Tiago can hear as well.
"Quinnie, I know it's late and I know you just got back from your honeymoon. But I wanted to tell you this before you had to hear from someone else. It's your father."
Quinn rolls her eyes and sighs. "What did he do now? Cheat on you? Leave you?"
To Quinn's surprise, Judy doesn't react much to her words, instead continuing to talk, almost as if she practiced this a hundred times and didn't take any interruptions into account. "Your father and your uncle Robert were in an accident. They… they didn't make it, Quinnie. I… the… the funeral is on Saturday."
Quinn blinks. She doesn't know what to feel. She's never liked her father, and the moment he started talking crap about Tiago without ever having met him is the moment she started hating her father. She hasn't missed him or wondered about him for a second since he kicked her out.
But still, he's her father, and now he's dead. She always thought she'd feel relieved, even glad, but she doesn't feel much of anything.
Tiago leans in and whispers in her ear, as if reading her mind: "It's okay. You're still taking it in."
"Quinnie, dear, that's not all there is to it…" Judy continues.
Quinn frowns. "What do you mean?"
Quinn can almost see her mother licking her lips nervously as she's obviously trying to suppress a feeling she probably deems as inappropriate. "Well, you will remember that the night you… uh… went to live with Holly, your father told you that you were disowned?"
"Yeah?" Of course she remembers. She may have hated the man already, but that still hurt like hell.
"Well, it turns out he never actually did disown you… the last time he changed his will was after you were born, Quinnie. He left most of his fortune to you and Frannie. "
"I don't want it," Quinn blurts out. "I don't want his money and I'm not going to the funeral."
That's when Tiago takes over the phone, wrapping an arm around a slightly trembling, incredibly confused Quinn. "Judy, this is a lot for Quinn to take in. Is it okay if she calls you back tomorrow?"
"Of course, Santiago. Thank you for taking care of my baby girl."
At least someone cares enough about her to do that, he thinks to himself, but he knows it's not the time or place. After all, Judy must be grieving herself. They marriage may have been bad for a while already, the man who died was still her husband.
"Okay. We'll probably talk tomorrow then." He hesitates, then says. "I'm sorry for your loss."
Tiago puts the phone down, but about three seconds later, it rings again. It's Charlie this time. "Tiago," he simply says.
"Tiago, is Quinn there?" Charlie, always the nonchalant, easy-going one, has an agitated tone to her voice.
"She is, but Judy just called her-" Then he remembers Judy's words. Your father and your uncle Robert were in an accident. They… they didn't make it, Quinnie. Robert Fabray, father to Charlotte Fabray. "I'm sorry, Charlie. I know you and your dad weren't on speaking terms…"
Charlie sighs. "Shit, Tiago. I don't know how to feel."
Quinn takes a deep breath and Tiago hands her the phone. "I know how you feel, Charlie. I don't know how I feel either. Do you want us to come over or are you in bed already?"
"We were, but… if it's no trouble, can you guys come over? You're the only one who gets this, Quinn. And maybe Fran a bit, but uncle Russell never kicked her out. I… I could… you know… use…"
"I know," Quinn confirms, knowing it's not easy for Charlie to admit she needs help. "We'll be there."
She puts the phone down and falls into Tiago's arms, basking in the comfort of his embrace before they get up and leave for Charlie and Sienna's.
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ffskalice · 10 years
A Thin Line 52
 The Honeymoon
Quinn shields her eyes from the sun as she watches her husband make his way to her. She's enjoying the warmth of the sun on her skin, the smell of the ocean, the sight of her stud. Her gaze is so focused that she never notices the guy who came from the other direction and now squats next to her.
"Hi, my name's Biff. You look hot, can I get you a drink?" he asks with a wink that tells Quinn this worked before. She takes him with a quirked eyebrow - skinny prep school boy.
Quinn turns to him a little and smiles sweetly. "Do you see that guy over there who's walking toward us? The one with the blue swim shorts, the really really hot one?" she points in Tiago's direction. Quinn can't help but lick her lips as she takes him in again - tall, muscles in perfect proportion, tan, firm pecs, hard abs - and she knows he has a delicious butt.
Biff - what kind of name is that even? - nods and shrugs. "Yeah. What about him?"
"That's my husband. We got married a couple of days ago and we're here on our honeymoon. He's wonderful and perfect, much stronger than you are in various ways and very protective. So no, you can't get me a drink."
Biff gives her a sour look about that comment. "You wouldn't believe how fast people get divorces these days," he then smirks, clearly recovered from the blow. "Listen, I'm sure he's cute, but my last name is McIntosh. That can open so many doors for you, wherever you want those doors to lead to. Just let me buy you that drink and we can get to know each other a bit better," he winks.
Tiago reaches them. Quinn shoots him a look and he doesn't need words to understand what she means. He leans down to kiss Quinn on the lips and Quinn grabs his head, pulling him in closer and deepening the kiss, slipping her tongue inside his mouth. Tiago frowns, but is obviously enjoying this a lot. He also knows perfectly well why his wife is doing this. Eventually, they need to come up for air.
"Can I help you?" Tiago asks, confused that the guy is still there.
"Biff was going to buy me a drink," Quinn explains. "Then he suggested you and I get a divorce and become his trophy wife;"
Tiago squints his eyes and takes a good look at him. "Listen, dude, even if Quinn wasn't my wife… you totally wouldn't be her type. She's pretty much into everything you aren't, no matter how much money your skinny white ass throws at her. She can do tons better than the likes of you. You can't buy her, moron. And for future reference - when two people kiss, it's kinda weird to just stand there and stare at it. So go and get your tan somewhere else - god knows you need it."
Biff scoffs and leaves, but Tiago is too enchanted by the sight of his wife to even notice. He licks his lips as he takes her in, wearing that sexy red bikini that is his favorite on her. He lies down next to her and rests his hand on her stomach, moving it to the edge of her bikini top, ghosting his fingers over her skin before feeling his way to the edge of her bikini bottoms. "You know, I really can't blame that guy for hitting on you, baby. You look smoking."
Quinn smiles at him, a blush gracing her cheeks. She reaches out and combs her fingers through his hair, pulling his face closer so she can kiss him. Her other hand finds its way to his butt, rubbing it appreciatively.
Quinn bites his lower lip, then licks it better, rolling over to lie down on top of him. He envelopes his arms around her waist, she rests her elbows next to his face as she goes in for a passionate kiss. Tiago moans against her lips, losing himself in the kiss.
Quinn touches his chest, caressing it and then moving to his abs, letting herself enjoying the feeling of his body under her hand. She moves her fingers dangerously close to the waistband of his swimshorts. She bites her lip and leans in to kiss his neck, moaning softly against his skin as she licks her way up to his ear, biting his earlobe softly before whispering: "I want you so bad, baby. I want your hard dick pounding me and then I want to ride it until I cum all over you. I want your big dick to blow my pussy until I forget my own name, Santiago."
He actually keens and she smirks when she feels his member stirring presses her body against his. "Maybe we should take this to our hotel room?"
Tiago nods eagerly. "Please - the things I want to do to you right now are really not fit to be doing in public."
She gets up and starts gathering their things in record time. She's already walking away when Tiago comes to his senses. She adds a sway to her hips for his pleasure and looks over her shoulder: "What are you waiting for?" she asks innocently.
Tiago shakes his head and grins, jogging over to his wife and wrapping an arm around her when he reaches her. "Let's go."
When they enter their hotel room, Tiago grabs Quinn from behind and wraps his arms around her waist. She turns around in his arms and he cups her cheek, stroking her skin softly with his thumb. He looks deep into her hazel eyes and lets his other hand roam to her butt. She smirks when he squeezes it softly and she leans in to kiss him. She'd just gone in for a light kiss, but he deepens it quickly, moaning.
"You are so beautiful," he mutters against her lips. "I love you so damn much. I can't express in words how much you are my world. I'm so attracted to you and I want you so badly and I adore you."
Quinn's face flushes, still adoring his sudden declarations of love. "I love you too, Tiago. Now how about you show me just how attracted you are to me?"
He kisses her neck and takes off her top, moving his mouth to her breasts. as he guides them to the bed. He swirls the tip of his tongue around her nipple, massaging her other breast with his hand. He licks her nipple, then sucks on it, licks it again. His hand finds its way between her legs, rubbing her over her bikini bottoms. She writhes underneath him as he moves his mouth to her other nipple, nibbling on it softly, healing any pain with his tongue again. She pushes herself into him and when he moves to kiss her stomach, she grabs his head, looks him in the eye and kisses him softly before saying: "I'm sorry."
He frowns. "Sorry? For what?"
She glances down as she responds: "I know how much you're into boobs. I'm sorry you have a wife with such small ones. Should I maybe get a boob job?"
He shakes his head vehemently. "They're perfect as they are. The only reason I'd ever want you to have a boob job is if it would make you feel happier. But I love your boobs." He takes her hand and guides it to her crotch. She smiles when she feels his semi-hard dick throbbing against her hand. "This is how much I love your boobs."
She places her hand on his stomach and slowly caresses his skin until she's slipped it inside his boxers. She smirks when he moans as she wraps her fingers around his dick, tugging with short, intense movements until he's hard in her hand, ready to serve.
He slips his fingers between her folds and rubs her clit, loving how her wet she gets as he pumps into her gently. When Quinn moans and jerks her hips into his hand, he replaces his fingers with her dick and fills her up with a single thrust. He places his hands on her hips and starts pounding into her, rollings his hips and tensing his muscles to make sure it feels good for her. He shifts his angle a little and hits her G-spot effortlessly - he knows his wife inside and out. She groans and Tiago grins - he loves how loud she is.
Quinn grabs his butt and pushes him inside deeper, keeping him still as she ruts against him. He reads her movements like a book and slips a hand between their bodies to rub her clit again.
Quinn uses her walls to squeeze his hard cock and he thought it was impossible, but he still swells inside of her. Sweat runs down his neck as he pushes into her, her pussy providing more resistance as she clenches around him.
"Fuck, babe," he pants, leaning down for a sloppy kiss.
"I want you to cum inside me, babe," Quinn urges him on. She surprises him by grabbing as much of his balls as she can in the palm of one hand and kneading gently. Combined with just how tight her pussy is around his cock, it makes him spill his load deep inside of her. Her walls flutter around his dick, trapping it as she cums just as heavily as he does.
He slumps down next to her and gathers her in his arms, his dick softening inside her. He kisses her lips, licks them, then whispers: "You're my world, baby girl."
She runs her hand through his hair and smiles at him. "And you are mine."
They're enjoying a drink by the pool. Tiago leans in, placing his lips on Quinn's. He kisses her softly, very gently, so lovingly. He cups her jaw and rubs her cheek with his thumb. "Wow. You really are my wife," he whispers. "We're married. You're mine."
Quinn smiles and kisses him again. "I always have been. I love you so incredibly much and I've never been happier than I am now. You're my husband and I'm the luckiest."
He grins. "I… wow. I still can't believe it. Husband and wife. I dreamt of marrying you for so long, Quinnevere. You have my heart. You have all of me. I'm completely and utterly yours. You're my wife. My wife. Quinn, my wife. My wife, Quinn. Hey, this is my wife. My name is Tiago and I have a beautiful wife. Her name's Quinn. We're Tiago and Quinn Fabray-Lopez, nice to meet you."
She giggles as he plays out meeting people.
When their drinks are finished, they make their way to the pool, hand in hand. Tiago admires the view of his wife, wet from head to toe as she swims to the other end. He follows her and traps her against the edge, his hands planted next to her.
Quinn smiles and ruffles his hair. "I'm so proud to be your wife. In the few days we've been here, I've seen tons of girls check you out - and those are only the ones who didn't even try to hide it. I'm so proud you chose me. You could have anyone, but you married me. You're my perfect guy."
Tiago's heart flutters at those words. Usually, he's the one verbally expressing his love for his wife. So to hear it returned, without any kind of prompting from him, makes him feel so damn good. Of course he always knows she loves him, but it never hurts to hear it.
"You're my perfect girl, Quinnevere. Always have been."
She gives him a teasing smirk and runs her hand from his hair to his shoulder, his pecs, his defined abs and then goes beneath the water surface. He gasps when she cups his package through his swim shorts and squeezes it softly.
"Babe, anyone can see us," Tiago hisses, trying his best to keep a straight face as Quinn plays with his dick and balls.
"Are you complaining?" she asks innocently.
Tiago can only shake his head and decides to have his revenge. He looks over his shoulder to make sure nobody's watching them and then slips his hand inside her bikini bottoms. He a finger inside of her and uses the pad of his thumb to rub her clit.
"Shit," she curses, closing her eyes momentarily, her pussy welcoming the second he inserts a few seconds later.
She lets go of her hold on him and slips her hand inside instead, tugging at his cock - two can play that game. The thrill of the possibility of being noticed any second heightens the pleasure and soon brings them both to orgasm.
They giggle uncontrollably as they make their way to their hotel room to have a shower - where they inevitably have even more sex.
The next afternoon, they've just managed to get ready to go out to a free podium at the beach hosted by a local bar that night. Quinn surprises her husband by taking his hand once they've reached the lobby. They walk to the beach and she doesn't pull her hand away, which makes him grin. He knows that high school Quinn wouldn't have done this. She'd always be so averse to any public display of affection. She seems to have come around on that.
Suddenly, she stops him in the middle of their walk and combs a hand through his hair. She looks at him with so much love in her eyes it gives her the chills and wraps her arms around his waist. "I never want to be without you, Santiago Fabray-Lopez," she says confidently, before leaning in for a searing kiss.
"Good," he smirks. "I don't want to be without you either."
They walk on in silence, until Quinn breaks it. "I wonder if the performers tonight will be any good. I like that about a free podium, though."
"That you never know if someone's going to be really good or really bad and it's fun either way?"
She grins. "Exactly."
A young girl is performing a song neither of them knows when they arrive. Judging by the corny lyrics, it sounds like she wrote it herself. She can hold her tune, but there's not much talent there. She gets a polite applause here and there anyway.
Quinn leans into Tiago, his arms wrapped her and his hands clasped over her stomach. They share a kiss occasionally, enjoying the performances.
"Next up is Tiago Fabray-Lopez," the host announces next time he's on stage. Quinn frowns in wonder and Tiago smirks as he lets go of her to make his way to the front.
A blush creeps up on Quinn's cheeks as her husband takes the change. When did he even plan this? As far as she's aware, they only found out about the free podium that morning…
"Hi, everyone," Tiago speaks, looking straight at Quinn. "My name is Tiago Fabray-Lopez. Until recently, I was Tiago Lopez, but I'm here on my honeymoon. I just got hitched." A few people cheer and holler, some girls uttering their disappointment. "It's easy to know who my wife is, she's the most beautiful girl out here." Quinn shakes her head and smiles.
"My wife didn't know I'd do this. Before we left, I'd seen this event on the internet and I planned to sing a song for her. I mailed the owner of the lovely bar hosting this thing, asking him if someone could accompany me on the piano. So, Quinn, this is a surprise for you, because I love you so much and you've made me the happiest man alive."
As soon as the old guy behind the piano strikes the first keys, Quinn recognizes the song. Tiago starts singing and tears well up in her eyes because she knows how much he means the words.
What would I do without your smart mouth?
Drawing me in, and you kicking me out
You've got my head spinning, no kidding, I can't pin you down
What's going on in that beautiful mind
I'm on your magical mystery ride
And I'm so dizzy, don't know what hit me, but I'll be alright
My head's under water
But I'm breathing fine
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind
'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning
'Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you, ohoh
Quinn can't keep the tears at bay anymore and lets them flow freely.
How many times do I have to tell you
Even when you're crying you're beautiful too
The world is beating you down, I'm around through every mood
You're my downfall, you're my muse
My worst distraction, my rhythm and blues
I can't stop singing, it's ringing, in my head for you
My head's under water
But I'm breathing fine
You're crazy and I'm out of my mind
'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning
'Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you, ohoh
Give me all of you
Cards on the table, we're both showing hearts
Risking it all, though it's hard
'Cause all of me
Loves all of you
Love your curves and all your edges
All your perfect imperfections
Give your all to me
I'll give my all to you
You're my end and my beginning
Even when I lose I'm winning
'Cause I give you all of me
And you give me all of you
I give you all of me
And you give me all of you, ohoh
Tiago receives a loud applause and it makes him grin with pride. Quinn almost runs to the front as he leaves the stage and jumps into his arms to kiss him, thanking him in between kisses. The applause doesn't stop.
Suddenly, Tiago remembers something and jumps back onto the stage. "I don't want to steal any credit, so just to be clear: that was John Legend's All of Me. Thank you for listening!"
He gets another round of applause and then the host announces the next performer.
Quinn and Santiago walk back to their spot hand in hand. Quinn barely has her voice under control when she speaks: "That was so beautiful, baby. I wish I'd made a video."
"Don't worry, the bar owner said he was filming some stuff to use as promo and I asked him to film my song and then send it to me later."
Quinn chuckles, shaking her head in disbelief. "You really think of everything, don't you?"
He nods. "I do. That's why I sneaked the extra blanket from our hotel room out here earlier today, while you were having a nap. Let me go and get it and we can find a more secluded spot so we can have sex on the beach."
Quinn moans, knowing it gets him going. "Good, because I want to fuck you so bad right now."
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ffskalice · 10 years
A/N: Hello, my lovely readers! This is my submission for QW14, Day 5: AU. I'd have done more if I had the time and inspiration. Santiago Lopez and Quinn Fabray are high school sweethearts, still very much in love years later. Santiago is a famous soccer player and in this one shot, they basically have lots of sex because seeing her husband win turns Quinn on, and Santiago's never not turned on. So be warned: almost entirely fluffy smut.
I'd like to thank LaurenKnight13 for brainstorming with me on this one. I'd also like to thank her for existing in general because she truly does make life better.
Quinn loves her job as a crisis manager. She goes wherever she is invited to save a firm from bankruptcy. She loves how she gets to move from one world to another, exploring so many different things. She loves the satisfaction of arriving somewhere, analyzing the problem and then fixing it with the help of her team. She loves making a slacking business, often on the verge of bankruptcy, successful again.
She goes into the bathroom to get ready for the day. She knows Santiago won't be asleep for much longer - he likes to get up a few hours before his training starts to make sure he's well-fed and well-rested. She grins - she can't help but feel so proud of her husband for being such a talented, hard-working soccer player. They both love their job - Santiago has often said how lucky he is to have been able to turn his hobby into his profession, and then earn loads of money with it too playing for a team he loves - DC United.
When Quinn returns to the bedroom and walks over to her bedside table to grab her phone, Santiago pulls her down and kisses her passionately. He drags her onto the bed and she can feel how she's losing herself in this kiss - his soft lips caressing hers, their tongues teasing and then exploring one another, his hands feeling up her ass. The kiss ends organically and it leaves them both panting slightly.
"Good morning," Santiago grins cheekily, wiggling his eyebrows in suggestion.
Quinn laughs. "I'd love to get down and dirty with you, stud, but I do need to leave for work."
He pouts and tries to win her over using those same puppy eyes that have got so much done for him. "You're the boss. You can go in whenever you like, right?"
Quinn sighs, but smiles nevertheless. "You know how I feel about that, San. If I expect the others to turn up in time every day, it just isn't right for me to go in whenever I feel like it. I would love to, but I can't be in late because I had mind-blowing sex with my amazing husband."
He touches her cheek and looks her in the eye. "Yeah, I know. You're perfect and fantastic and a much better person than I am. Truly my better half," he says in an overly dramatic voice.
"Don't you know it," Quinn winks. She moves closer, pats his dick and says: "I'll take care of you if you win the game tomorrow."
Santiago's eyes widen. "No sex tonight?"
They've been together for a long time now, but their sex life is still extremely active.
In her defense, Quinn looks genuinely regretful when she says: "I'm sorry, but I just don't know when I'll make it home tonight. We're starting a new phase of the recovery plan today and you know the first day of those are always crazy. But I'll be at the game tomorrow, okay?"
He smiles and they share another loving kiss. "Okay. Now go kick ass, babe."
Quinn is on the edge of her seat, barely hearing the noise of the people around her. in the sold out stadium. She's entirely focused on the match, on her husband in particular. Only a few more minutes to go, and then a teammate passes Santiago the ball. When he kicks it right inside the goal, cheers erupt everywhere and Quinn jumps up, pumping her fist. A few minutes later, the referee whistles to signify the end of the match and Quinn runs down the rows of seat to the edge of the pitch.
Santiago spots her from the pitch and runs over to him, a shit-eating grin spread on his handsome face. He lifts her up with his strong arms, over the barricade, and kisses her fully on the lips. Santiago is sweaty and panting heavily, their kiss sloppy but loving. It's such a turn on, to have him sweaty and victorious in that soccer outfit.
"You're so getting laid tonight," she screams in his ear - she has to, if she wants him to hear her.
He grins. "I love you!" she shouts to her before running back to his teammates.
Quinn feels elated as she makes her way back to her seat. She knows that if it was up to him, Santiago would go home with her right now. But he is a professional soccer player and he has his responsibilities. She knows the team has their rituals after they won and she wouldn't want to come between that.
Quinn makes her way to the bar and orders herself a beer. She knows that after having a shower and getting dressed, the team goes out to greet their fans and pose for pictures and autographs. Not all of the teammates do that every match, but Santiago insists on it. Quinn chuckles to herself - he just loves it.
She talks to some of the other girlfriends and wives. Quinn spots Sam's boyfriend as well, but he's not out and the only reason Santiago and Quinn know about this is because they've known Sam since high school and he trusted them with the secret. Unfortunately, Sam feels uncomfortable coming out of the closet, knowing what a taboo it is in the soccer world.
After the initial beer, Quinn switches to soda. She has to drive them home later, after all. She leans back and then her phone vibrates. When she checks it, she sees her husband's name pop up on the screen and she smiles at his words.
From: San
Going to greet fans now. Wait 4 me bar. Love u like crazy! xxx
She grins like a teenager getting a text from their boyfriend and quickly types out a reply.
To: San
You were awesome. So proud of you! Love you tons xxx
This is a home match, so the atmosphere is elated. Quinn has to admit that she's just as happy as everyone else is, while she's not even a major soccer fan. Being married to one of the biggest stars of the moment, though, she really can't ignore that world. Santiago was a soccer player when she met him and over the years, she's started to appreciate the sport. He's always been extremely passionate about it and he basically thought her everything she knows about it. She tries to catch every match he plays at home, but because of her own job she can't afford to fly out for the ones they play away.
It's not always been easy, being married to him. It's been a strange experience since he became famous. She's known him for all these years and been together with him for so long. It was just them, and then when he got that contract with DC United, suddenly it exploded. He became famous and everyone seemed to want a piece of him. Santiago is cocky enough as it is, so for him to suddenly be the big star… it definitely led to some fights in the beginning. All the parties he went to just because he was invited and even when she didn't feel like going, the girls being all over him. Definitely not easy. But they never broke up, and she's still so happy that he asked her to marry him soon after that rough patch.
And after all, Quinn muses, who can blame those girls? Santiago Lopez is definitely the hottest guy she knows, and then he has this charm that is just irresistible. He likes to party it up and toning it down wasn't easy. It took nearly being kicked off the team for him to see that if he's serious about this and wants this career, he has to adapt his lifestyle. For such a smart guy, he can be incredibly dense, Quinn thinks to herself.
Girls are still all over him, but Santiago always simply tells them he's married to the most gorgeous and cool girl in the world. They trust each other completely. Sure, he had a reputation of being a player in high school and he's naturally a flirty person, but she knows he would never cheat on her. It definitely helps to get the message across when he's out with Quinn and just can't keep his hands off her. He still manages to make her feel as giddy as a schoolgirl.
So, yeah, her San is now a big star - but he's all hers.
Quinn jumps up when she feels a pair of strong arms wrap themselves around her waist and soft lips kiss her neck. She turns around and her husband gives her a broad smile - God, does she love those dimples. "Hey, babe," he says simply.
She smiles and leans in for a kiss. "Congratulations, honey."
He bites his lip as he takes in her appearance - she knows he loves her in dresses. He licks his lips and says: "Let's go home."
Santiago is still on a high when Quinn parks the car in their driveway, going on about the perfection of his winning goal and how they hammered down their opponent. Quinn has to admit that it's kind of sexy. He's in the middle of another vivid description of a pass he made when Quinn shuts him up with a searing kiss. He seems surprised at first, but then kisses her back just as passionately. They completely forget they're in the driveway, in plain view of anyone who would happen to pass by. Santiago's hand is already roaming towards Quinn's ass when they both need to come up for air.
Quinn cups his cheek. "You were totally hot out there," she smirks. "I'm not the only one who noticed. But I am the only one who gets to go home and fuck you until you forget your own name." Her voice is hoarse and she can see on his face that it gets him going.
Santiago is at a loss for words and it makes Quinn proud - he's known for his witty comebacks as well as his talent in the game. She leans in to kiss his cheek and whispers in his ear, her hot breath tickling his skin: "Grab your bag so we can take this inside."
Santiago nods and does as he's told - another accomplishment Quinn is proud of. Santiago Lopez has got to be the most stubborn man she knows and doesn't let anyone tell him what to do, but she knows just how to talk to him. This attitude was a problem when he first started out playing soccer on a professional level. He had to get used to playing on a level where that kind of behavior isn't accepted in any way. He's definitely had to tone down the cockiness and arrogance, realizing that if he didn't, he had a good chance of being thrown out. He couldn't have that, not so close to his dream. And now they're both living the dream.
Santiago grabs his kit bag and follows his wife inside. He firmly believes in washing his outfit at home for good luck. Quinn thinks it's a bit silly and never knows if he actually means it, but like so many soccer players, he's superstitious about the funniest things when it comes to the game.
Quinn walks straight to the washing machine and bends down to put his outfit inside. She yelps in surprise when he smacks her ass slightly. She turns around to chastise him, but he gives her that cheeky grin again and she just can't be mad.
"I'm not even sorry," he shrugs. "You just have the sexiest ass."
Quinn rolls her eyes playfully. Leave it to Santiago Lopez to be a pig yet still manage to be charming at the same time. She honestly doesn't know what it is about him, but it's always been this way - he's so unapologetic, so confident and cocky, and she's sure that if he were anyone else she wouldn't be able to stand it, but with him… she really just can't be mad. Especially not when he leans in for such a loving kiss that it makes her knees tremble - his hands of course on her ass. He licks her lower lip and she opens her mouth just enough for him to take his chance and slip his tongue inside her mouth, taking complete control of the kiss.
"You were really amazing out there," Quinn says softly when they let go for air. She knows he doesn't need it, and in the morning he'll read and hear everywhere how outstanding he is on top of already being convinced of that himself, but she can't help saying it. She knows that he talks big, but underneath, he's still just a guy who likes to hear from his girl that she's proud.
They kiss again and Quinn slides her hands down to unbuckle his pants, dragging them down his hips. His lips just taste so damn good. He pulls up the hem of her dress and she reluctantly pulls away from the kiss so he can take it off. She gets rid of his shirt as well and they're both left wearing only their underwear.
Quinn slips her hand behind the waistband of his boxers and firmly grips the base of his dick, slipping her other hand inside as well, touching his balls with her fingertips. He groans and throws his head back, inviting her to lean in and kiss his neck. She squeezes his cock and smiles against his skin when she can feel it stirring in her palm. Quinn drags her hand to the head of his dick, her fingers wrapped around him in a tight fist. She jerks him off with hard, fast strokes, her thumb flicking over the head of his cock. His throbbing member grows stiff in her hand and he involuntarily bucks his hips into her hand. She smiles when she can feel the precum dribble from the slit and starts tugging even faster, her other hand still squeezing his balls.
"Jesus Christ, Quinn," he mutters, eyes closed. "So good." She loves seeing him like this - completely losing all control, putty in her hands. The high and mighty Santiago Lopez reduced to a quivering mess in her hands. She can't deny that it's a complete turn on.
His eyes fly open when she suddenly lets go of his dick and licks the precum from the palm of her hand. He doesn't need to say it, she can read it in his eyes - what the fuck?
She quirks an eyebrow and smirks, licking her lips deliberately before saying: "Seeing you win made me so horny, San. I need to feel your hard dick filling me up right now."
He lets out a breath of surprise and then scoops her up, sitting her down on top of the washing machine. Her legs are dangling over the side and she moans, realizing what he's up to. She places the soles of her feet against the side of the washing machine to steady herself and he grabs her thighs, pulling them apart a little more before diving in and licking her slit from her entrance to her clit. He swirls his tongue around her clit and drags it down again, licking her up and down, up again. He kisses her clit and then flicks the tip of his tongue over the hard nub repeatedly. She can feel herself getting closer, her entire body seemingly weaker, focused on the impending orgasm - and then he lets go.
She gives him a questioning look. He steps out his boxers, standing in front of her completely naked. Her eyes immediately go to his dick and she licks her lips involuntarily. "I thought you wanted me to fuck you," he winks.
He steps closer to her again, occupying the space between her legs. She reaches out and grabs hold of his dick, placing it on top of her pussy. He licks his lips and leans over to take a nipple between his lips, sucking and biting down on it as he spreads her pussy lips, his once again hardening dick sinking into her slick folds. She rubs the head of his large cock over her clit as he gives her chest some much-appreciated loving.
Finally, she guides his dick to her entrance and he thrusts inside, loving how tight she is around him, her walls working to accommodate him. She tightens her thighs around him and then grabs his sexy butt to pull him in close.
He turns on the washing machine and as it starts its work, Quinn is convinced she's died and gone to heaven. The surface she's sitting on is heating up, making her even hornier than she already was, and he slips inside her more easily. The vibrations of the machine feel delicious against her naked skin. He fills her to the hilt and keeps still, letting the vibrations do the work for both of them. He lets go of her chest and leans in to kiss her neck instead, his dick throbbing inside her hot, tight channel.
He leans forward, his thighs against the machine. The vibrations rock through his entire body. He moans against her skin and pulls out, slowly setting a pace in sync with the vibrations of the washing machine. He pounds into her just the way she likes it and he can feel that - her hot pussy squeezing his solid member, taking him in hungrily. She has her hands on his butt and she squeezes it harshly, knowing it will leave marks but not caring a single bit. He blows her pussy so good and they can both feel themselves getting closer to their release when suddenly, the machine changes cycles, causing them both to experience a different sensation.
"Fuck," Quinn mutters. "I need you to fucking fill me up, Lopez," she grunts, knowing how much it turns him on. He thrusts harder and faster and she keeps going. "You're the big man on the pitch, huh? The great Santiago Lopez… I can barely feel you," she lies through her teeth. He immediately picks up the pace even more.
"Quinn," he moans, grabbing her hips to keep her still as he pistons into her. "Fuck."
"Fuck me," she eggs him on, grabbing his hair now damp with sweat. Her skin is flushed and he knows she's enjoying this so insanely much. She ruts against him and he guides his hand to her pussy to rub her clit. "I need - I need to - yes - be full - of your cock," she pants, her voice high-pitched. His eyes roll back in his head as he blows her pussy. He can feel her pussy fluttering around his dick sucking him in and trapping him, clamping down on his cock. He can feel his balls tighten. "Fill me up, big boy!"
Just then, the machine changes cycles again and he loses it, blowing his load into her tight pussy again and again. He keeps spurting strings of hot cum into her, filling her up, just like she asked. She's coming undone around him, losing all control over her body, her body trashing underneath him. Quinn feels completely weightless, loving the feeling of his giant hard cock filling up her pussy, his hot seed spilling inside of her.
They both come down from their orgasms and as if reading each other's minds, she sits up and he leans down for a lazy kiss.
"I love you," he mutters. "You're so sexy, babe."
She smiles against his lips. "Seeing you on the pitch, seeing you in action… it gets me so wet, babe, I could fuck you right there."
He moans into her mouth. "Jesus. You're perfect."
Quinn smiles again, wrapping her arms around him. She loves seeing how the big bad Santiago Lopez, all confidence and swag, shows such a vulnerable side to her. She knows she's the only one who gets this side of him and it makes her feel so loved and safe. He wraps his strong arms around him and carries her to the bathroom, his dick still inside of her, so they can enjoy a relaxing soak in the tub together.
Quinn forces herself to stop checking her mails and goes in search of her husband instead. She knows he likes to relax on the patio and that's exactly where she finds him, occupying the double-sized comfy lounge chair they've set up there. He seems oddly quiet, his gaze fixed on a point in the distance.
"Penny for your thoughts?" she asks as she crawls onto the lounge chair. She cuddles up to him and he wraps an arm around her, pulling her close. He gives her an uncharacteristically sweet smile and kisses her on both cheeks.
She knits her eyebrows. Usually, if not a witty reply, he'd surely have made a sexual pun by now. "Are you alright?" she asks softly, draping her leg over his, looking him in the eye in an attempt to read him.
He licks his lips and she's transfixed by the sight - she can't help it that she's married to the sexiest man that ever lived. "I was just thinking," he begins, his voice soft and low, "We won the match, that was great and I love it and it's what I do. But I was thinking to myself just now… I couldn't do any of it without you." He pulls her on top of him and continues. "I'm so glad I'm married to you, baby. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me. I love you with… just… with everything, you know? Like everything in me loves everything about you."
She blinks. Santiago isn't one to declare his love like this. She leans in for the softest kiss and smiles against his lips. "I love you too, honey. I'm proud of you and I'm proud to be your wife." She gives him a peck on the lips. "I've always known you had this in you. I've always believed in you."
He combs his fingers through her hair. "We've been through so much together, Q. We've been together since we were teenagers and I'm glad you've been here with me, you keep me grounded."
Quinn grins. "God knows you need it," she teases. "Can't let you get a big head now, can we?"
"You're something else," he sighs. "I remember when I fell in love with you, I was so confused. There was the instant boner factor, but then there was also that part where I knew I would spend an entire day with you just to see you smile once. I'd never felt that before. It was about so much more than just banging you, like I really wanted to talk to you and hold you and do corny things with you. It freaked me out at first. I didn't realize I was falling in love."
Quinn laughs. "I wanted you so badly because you were - and are - hot as fuck, but I couldn't stand you at the same time. You were vain, conceited, arrogant, cocky, seemed to think any girl was lucky to have you even look at her. Everything was handed to you on a plate and you seemed to take it for granted. I thought I was just going to be another notch on your belt and I wasn't about to let that happen."
Santiago leans in for a kiss. "I'm glad you went on that first date with me. Even if I had to ask you five times."
Quinn rolls her eyes playfully and kisses him back. "I warned you I wouldn't be putting out. I figured you'd give up if I didn't put out. Then we went on that first date and I still thought you were just going to go through the motions and take me on a few dates until you got what you wanted. But you seemed to really care about my opinion and you were really interested in me as a person and you kept asking me out on dates. You actually remembered the things I told you. When you asked me to be your girlfriend before we'd even made out, I knew the impossible had happened: Santiago Lopez, first class player, had fallen in love."
Santiago's hands roam toward Quinn's ass and when they arrive, her squeezes it lovingly. "I had to ask you to be my girlfriend five times too. Then when you agreed, we'd been together for weeks before you would even make out with me. All my teammates thought I was having the best sex of my life when in reality, I wasn't having sex at all. I'd never gone that long without sex since I started having sex. But damn, baby, when we did… heaven. Pure heaven."
Quinn smirks, her fingers drawing patterns on his chest lazily. "You were speechless. I remember. I have to say, it wasn't easy on me either. Having the hottest boyfriend in town, looking so goddamn sexy all the time, and wanting so badly to just… to just rip his clothes off and jump him - and restraining myself all the time. When it was getting so bad that I had to take care of business myself thinking about you, I realized just how ridiculous it was to be masturbating to the guy I was with instead of having sex with the guy I was with. So yeah, that first time was pure heaven for me too."
Santiago kisses Quinn's neck and slips his hand under her shirt. "It still is pure heaven every single time. I never quite know if you're still as hot as you were in high school or if you've become even hotter."
"Hmm… you've definitely become even hotter," she winks, dragging her hands all over his body. "I mean, sure, you were hot then, but you were… more of a boy than a man. You're definitely a man now."
Santiago touches her lips with his, then takes her lower lip between his own. He sucks on it, eliciting a moan from Quinn. She nips at his upper lip, nibbles on his lower lip before slipping her tongue inside his mouth. Her hot, smooth tongue. She drags it along his, shifts her head a little to get a better angle, their noses brushing as they lose themselves in the kiss. He licks under her tongue, lifting it up a little, then sucking on the tip. He squeezes her but as she kisses him and then she decides it's her turn to suck on his tongue. He cups her face with both hands, bucking his hips into hers as he feels his dick stirring in his pants.
Quinn can feel his member pushing against her and slips one hand inside his drawstring pants. She closes her fist around his hardening cock and starts tugging on it, short and hard. He lets out a keening sound as it stiffens under her touch. She palms the head of his dick before tugging down again and starts kissing his neck, trailing her way down his chest and defined abs, keeping up a steady pace. She leaves wet kisses all over his body, swirling her tongue against his skin, sucking hard enough to leave faint marks.
Santiago throws his head back when her mouth arrives at the waistband of his pants. Her hand is still working his cock and when the head of his dick peaks out of his pants, she leans down and flattens her tongue against it, then pushes against it with her tongue before licking the slit.
"Jesus," he mutters, writhing underneath her.
Quinn takes his pants off and bites her lip as she watches his pulsating member, rock hard from her ministrations. To his surprise, she takes off her shirt and leans forward, rubbing his hard cock against her chest, spreading the precum oozing from the tip over her nipples. He's not sure how much more of this he can take and she knows it, because she leans back and takes off her pants.
When she gets back to him, she leans down and takes one of his balls in her mouth, sucking and nipping at each ever so lightly. She uses her hand to stroke his throbbing shaft, her fingertips ghosting over the head, then back down again, as she licks his balls and sucks again.
His body is almost trashing underneath her and he leans on his elbows to watch her when she moves her mouth to the base of his hard cock. She tongues the throbbing vein running along the underside, licking and sucking her way along his large cock, her hand working the upper part until she reaches it with her mouth. He reaches out and cups her breasts, palming them, tugging at her nipples, palming them again. She then closes her lips around the head of his dick from above, hollows her cheeks and guides his dick down her mouth, pushing her tongue against it from beneath, feeding herself more and more. She's still fondling his balls as she starts bobbing her head up and down on his dick. Quinn swirls her tongue around the head whenever she comes up, pursing her lips around it and sucking before going down again. His girth stretches her mouth, but she loves it, taking him in entirely as he still plays with her tits.
Her nose hits his pelvis and he can't control himself any longer. He juts his hips along with the pace of her bobbing head, slowly and as gently as he possibly can, but still - fucking her mouth. She takes it like a pro, humming around his solid member, even taking it down her throat. She lets him pull out and push in again a few times, then when he's burying his dick inside her hot mouth again, she grabs the lower part of his dick with her hand and starts sucking on the cock she has in her mouth. She scrapes her teeth over his skin and that's when he loses it completely, his balls tightening inside her hand as a first load of hot cum shoots down her throat.
Quinn swallows eagerly, but then pulls his dick out and closes her eyes, directing him so that he's shooting the strings of hot seed all over her face. His mind is positively blown as he watches his wife licking her lips, cleaning her face with her hands and licking her palms to get as much cum as she can.
His eyes widen when her smirk tells him she's not done. She licks the cum off the head of his dick and then slips the tip of her tongue under his foreskin. Santiago can feel it coming again as she alternates between tonguing the ridge of his foreskin and sucking on his head. When the seed spurts out again, she closes her lips around his cock, swallowing and milking his cock of every last drop of cum. Even when he's finished, she keeps suckling on his dick before finally letting go.
Santiago is panting and Quinn looks immensely pleased with herself.
"God," he mutters after a while.
She grins cheekily. "Just 'Quinn' will do," she winks. She slips a hand between her legs and then leans over him to put a finger in his mouth, coated in her essence. His flaccid dick brushes against her pussy and he can tell how wet she is, eagerly sucking on her finger.
"I'm so wet for you right now, San," Quinn says, biting her lip. "I need you to fuck me so hard that you'll have to carry me to bed tonight because I won't be able to walk."
Santiago smirks - that, he can definitely do.
"You want my cock, huh?" he asks with all his usual confidence.
Quinn nods as she leans back, brushing her wet pussy against his dick, coating it with her juices. Santiago knows that when his wife is this horny, she loves talking dirty.
"You're such a slut for this big dick," he continues, gyrating his hips into her. "Aren't you?"
"Yes," she hisses, then bites her lip as her enlarged clit bumps into his dick. Her eyes are closed, her skin flushed. "Fuck me, San."
He grins and she grabs his dick - he loves the way she's using the entire length to rub her wet pussy. He grabs her hips and lifts her a little. She guides the head of his now rock hard dick to her entrance.
"You just want to sit on my cock and ride it," he pants. "I bet you can't wait until I'm filling you up, until my cock is buried so deep inside you that you can't even move."
She licks her lips and lowers herself on his dick. "San, just fuck me like the slut I am," she responds.
He pushes into her and throws his head back when he feels her soaking wet pussy enveloping his dick. Her pussy is pulsating with need and her hot walls suck him right in, until he's fully sheathed inside her. He forces his eyes open - he wants to watch. He can't believe how beautiful she looks right now, his cock buried so deep inside of her that he pussy lips are touching his pelvis, her mouth open, her eyes closed. She lifts herself a little and then pushes down again.
Santiago utters a long, guttural groan when she starts bobbing up and down, her tits bouncing as she holds on to his body. He reaches out and grabs one of her breasts, tugging at her nipple, then leans in to bite it. She screams out, but he knows that she loves this. She plants her hands on his shoulders and pushes him back down again, riding his steel rod, panting with need.
He starts working with her, thrusting into her every time she comes down. Her moans make him pound into her even harder and then he grabs her hips, holding her still as he starts fucking her pussy faster and faster. When his entire length is buried inside her, he cants her hips and her clit is now rubbing his pelvis. He keeps pounding into her hard and fast, holding her hips still so she can't move. She's screaming and moaning incoherently, and he can feel her walls fluttering around his dick, clenching around him. She's so close to her orgasm as she clamps around him, his cock buried inside her to the hilt. He smacks her ass slightly and that's enough to send her flying over the edge, the wetness gushing around his dick that is entirely trapped inside of her tight channel.
He feels his balls tightening at his wife's intense orgasm and when he can feel she's coming down from her own, he pulls out and aims his dick to shoot his load all over her stomach and breasts. She looks confused for a second when she feels him pull out, but then realizes what he's doing. The hot cum keeps spurting from his dick.
"More," she almost begs. "I need more."
He tugs at his dick to give her everything he has and when he's done, he has to resist the urge to take a picture. "Feed me your cum," she whispers, dropping down beside him.
His eyes almost roll back in his head and he does what he's asked, scooping up his seed from her body and feeding her with it. That takes a while, but Quinn is still panting slightly by the time they're done.
She grins at him, looking utterly exhausted. "Baby, I would totally suck you off right now, but I'm spent," she admits.
He chuckles as he wraps his arms around her and pulls her in for a tight hug. "Jesus Christ, babe. I don't think I could take another orgasm right now. I love you so much."
"Mh-hmm," she mutters. "Love you too, hottie."
The next day, they decide to go out for dinner. Quinn drives them into town - she's always loved driving and Santiago's just fine with that. After all, he gets to watch his hot wife be sexy as she swears at traffic and is fully focused on the road.
Santiago snakes his arm around Quinn's waist as they walk up to the restaurant, pulling her closer into him. He cops a feel of her ass and she laughs. "Santiago, we're in public, remember?"
"Mh-hmm," he smiles. "You know I can't help myself." He then leans in to whisper in her ear: "Maybe you should punish me later."
She quirks an eyebrow. "I bet you'd like that, wouldn't you?" she winks suggestively.
"Fuck," he mutters, following her inside - but not before pulling her in for another scorching kiss.
They enjoy some light-hearted chatter over dinner, but then one of the waitresses recognizes him and decides to ignore that he's there with his wife.
"Are you Santiago Lopez?" the waitress asks unashamedly, leaning forward for no reason other than to show off her cleavage. "Congrats on the win! I'm a huge fan."
"Yeah, that's me," Santiago smiles - his charming self, as always. "And this is my amazing wife, Quinn Fabray. You might've heard of her, I mean, she's a hotshot in her own professional field and I get told that I talk about her all the time in interviews and such…"
Quinn smiles, blushing as he boasts about his wife. He always tends to do that - people will ask about him and as soon as he starts talking about Quinn, he just keeps on going. The waitress blinks, but doesn't respond.
"Can we order?" Santiago asks politely.
The waitress winks and comes closer to whisper: "I'm on the menu as well…"
"Excuse me, your tits are kinda in my face, it makes it hard to talk," Santiago says seriously.
Quinn has to keep herself from bursting out in laughter. Santiago is patient and charming with people, remembering he used to look up to soccer players himself and feeling grateful for all the opportunities he gets - but when they push him, or ignore the fact that he's married, his good old mean streak tends to rear its snarky head.
The waitress smiles sourly and leans back, quickly jotting down their orders before hurrying off. Santiago reaches his arm over the table to take Quinn's hand and kisses it lovingly. "You look beautiful tonight, Q."
Quinn blushes. "You look quite handsome yourself, San."
He grins cheekily. "I do, don't I?"
Quinn rolls her eyes playfully and smacks his arm. Leave it to him to be sweet one second and joking the next.
The next morning, Quinn idly looks through the tabloid Santiago picked up when he went out to get them breakfast. It's one of those shameful little secrets only Quinn knows about, but Santiago is truly a sucker for gossip. She's willing to bet he told the shop owner he bought this tabloid for his wife.
She raises her eyebrows when she sees a picture of her with her husband.
"What's up?" Santiago asks, looking up from a magazine.
Quinn shows him the article. "I bet we're on the blogs too."
The article shows a few pictures of Quinn and Santiago kissing as they enter and leave the restaurant. It's short and the focus is clearly on the pictures.
Santiago Lopez and his Quinn still in love!
Married for years now, DC United star Santiago Lopez and his wife, Quinn Fabray, are still very much in love. As they headed out for dinner last night, they couldn't keep their hands off each other! Lopez wasn't shy about letting the waitress know he's only interested in his wife either… sorry girls, this one's taken!
Santiago laughs. "You'd think these people have something better to do on a Sunday night than follow people and take pictures of them kissing." Then he shrugs. "I guess it comes with the fame."
Quinn nods and checks some blogs on her phone. "At least, they're being positive. They could easily be giving me crap for the dress I'm wearing or something, or for looking too fat to their liking."
Santiago scoffs. "I'd kill anyone who'd write something like that. You're totally hot."
Quinn finishes her breakfast and walks over to him, nestling herself down on his lap and leaning in for a deep kiss. "I know you'd kill them. I'm off to work now - I'll be home in time for dinner, yeah?"
He smiles and kisses her back, not wasting the opportunity to feel up her ass in that skirt. "Can't wait to see you," he winks.
She gets her stuff and they exchange one final kiss before she leaves for work - of course Santiago has to cop a feel and tell her to keep on those heels during sex. She's in the elevator when her phone rings and she frowns when she sees her husband's name.
"Babe? Is something wrong?" she asks worriedly.
He chuckles. "Nope. Just calling to tell you I love you."
"Aww," she blushes, her heart melting a little. "I love you too. Don't forget to put the trash out."
"I won't. See you tonight. I don't love you."
She quirks an eyebrow. "You don't?"
"Nope. I adore you."
She sighs.
"You want to slap me right now, don't you?" he predicts.
Then she laughs. "I do, dork. I have to hang up now. Love you."
"Love you too!"
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ffskalice · 10 years
A Thin Line 51
A/N: Quinntana Week 2014 starts tomorrow! I'm really excited for all the Quinntana lovin' :)
Quinn and Tiago stumble their way up to their apartment door, lips locked in a loving kiss. Tiago fumbles with the keys and opens the door, guiding them inside. Quinn nips on his lower lip, panting slightly, then says: "I can't wait until you've got your own office, Tiago."
Tiago frowns and chuckles against her lips. He closes the door behind him, asking: "Yeah? Why's that?"
Quinn grabs him by his jacket and pulls him in for another kiss before standing on tiptoe and leaning into him to whisper in his ear: "So you can fuck me on your desk."
Tiago groans and grabs her butt. "Jesus, Quinn. You're so sexy."
She quirks an eyebrow, amused at his flushed face, and cups his package through his pants, massaging it firmly. "You're totally hot yourself, married man."
He grins and slips his hand under her dress, caressing her legs. "You know, you look stunning in your wedding dress and I'm all for you just wearing it always, but baby… I'm gonna take it off right now and make love to you all night."
Quinn licks her lips. "We'll have to make sure my husband doesn't catch us, he's very jealous" she winks.
Tiago plays along. "Oh yeah? What's he look like?"
Quinn turns and makes her way to the bedroom, slowly taking off her dress. "You know. Tall, dark hair, handsome. Brown eyes, big dick. I want that dick to fuck me every day, but I guess you'll have to do for now."
Tiago shakes his head at his wife's antics and follows her. "That's a coincidence. I just got married to the loveliest woman in the world - prettiest face, blonde, perfect tits, toned stomach, ass to die for, and those legs…"
They've reached the bedroom, where Quinn pushes her husband on the bed and straddles him, wearing only her bra, garter belt and stockings. Tiago whistles. "You've been wearing this all this time? Damn…" His hands roam her legs longingly.
Quinn leans in for a teasing kiss and then takes off his jacket, fully aware she's pushing her tits in his face. When she sits back, she's satisfied to see him blush. "Why don't you take these off, Mr. Fabray-Lopez?" she suggest, her voice low.
He swallows and reaches around her back to unclasp her bra. He lets it fall to the ground and immediately cups her breasts, pulling her into him so he can lick around her nipples, his hands rubbing her inner thighs. She grinds into him slowly, smirking when she can feel his hardening bulge. Finally, he takes a nipple in his mouth and starts nibbling on it, healing every sting of slight pain from his teeth with his tongue, knowing exactly when she needs it by the way her body reacts.
Quinn focuses on loosening his tie and unbuttoning his shirt. When she reaches the final button, she moves on to his pants as well. He moans against her chest when she slips her hand inside and cups him over his boxers.
He lets go of her breasts and looks up at her, his fingers working the garter belt until he's undone it. He's telling her with his eyes that he's going to fuck her right now. She stands up and he drags down her panties. She takes off his clothes as well and is proud of herself to see his dick semi-hard already. Without taking off her stockings, she climbs on the bed and rests on all fours.
She looks over her shoulder to see her husband stunned at her actions. "Come on, stud. This is our wedding night. I'm yours. Take me." Her voice is sultry and he can hear how horny she is.
He swallows - they've never really done this before - but then gathers his composure and climbs onto the bed after her. He rests on his knees and grabs his dick, watching with increasing pleasure as Quinn spreads her legs ever so slowly, exposing her dripping pussy. He reaches out to squeeze her ass and she jumps a little when he slaps it slightly. He wants to apologize, but before he can utter a word, she hisses: "Yes…"
Blood rushes to his face and his dick is hardening rapidly in his fist. He slaps her ass again, a little bit harder this time, and she utters her pleasure again. He can smell her wetness and the way she's pushing her ass up, exposing herself to him even more - it gets him so hard he can't wait any longer.
Tiago guides his dick to Quinn's ass and rubs it between her ass cheeks before dragging it down to her pussy. He slips it between her slick folds, the head bumping into her clit, then retreating and sliding forward again until his dick is coated in her juices.
He rests his cock at her entrance and whispers: "I love you."
Then he pushes inside, grabbing her hips to steady himself. He can feel his cock makings its way inside her pussy further than ever before and when he's fully sheathed inside of her, she throws her head back in pleasure. He slides his hands from her hips to her chest to palm her breasts and tweaks at her nipples before moving to her hips again. He pulls out of her pussy until only the head is still inside and then enters her again, repeating a couple of times, holding onto her hips tightly as she ruts against him. As he increases the pace and hardness of his thrusts, he uses his hold on her hips to keep her still and completely takes control. Sweat is streaming down his face as he blows her pussy, his balls slapping against her thighs, her moans and keening making him even harder inside her gloriously tight channel.
He slips one hand between her legs and gathers some of her wetness on his fingers and the palm of his hand before grabbing her breasts again, coating them in her own juices. She's cursing under her breath and loses all control when he guides his hand back between her legs and starts rubbing her clit, fucking her harder and harder. He looks at his wife, still wearing her stockings, and can't believe he actually gets to do this.
The walls of her pussy are sucking him in and trapping him, clenching around him as he feels his balls tighten, preparing for the load. His cock is buried inside her pussy to the hilt when he stops and she looks over her shoulder in confusion. He smirks and she knows what he wants. His hand still on her hips, she starts rutting against him. He can feel her getting closer and closer and pulls out entirely. She whines at the loss and then he thrusts inside her again so hard it cuts off her breath. He keeps his dick sheathed inside her pussy as he spills his load, filling her up with his warm cum. Her body is trashing against him, his hand soaking wet and burning hot between her legs.
He pulls her hips backwards as he spills his final spurt of seed. Quinn collapses on the bed and Tiago drops down next to him, gathering her in his arms. She snuggles into him, her pussy still wet and clenching idly, then wraps her leg around his waist.
She smiles at him lazily. "That was so good," she mutters. "So hot."
Tiago smiles back at her and leans in for a short kiss. "Totally. We should do it more often." He fingers the edge of her stocking and licks his lips. "This was an awesome surprise, baby."
She smirks and stretches her legs. "Take these off, would you?"
He does as asked, his limp dick getting dangerously close to her pussy as he rolls off the stockings. Their eyes lock and they nod. Tiago throws the stockings somewhere behind him and Quinn lies back, opening her legs in a very obvious invitation, the soles of her feet firmly planted on the mattress, her knees pulled up.
Tiago drags his dick through her slit again, the head rubbing her her clit. He reaches out his arms and palms her breasts, his cock still working her clit. He plants his hands next to her shoulders and she grabs his strong arms, pleading with her eyes.
He takes her cue and lines his dick up with her entrance. She's still wet from earlier and he doesn't meet much resistance. He blows into her slowly and gently, building up his pace with each thrust, his hands moving to her thighs. He opens her legs wider and then caresses them on his way to her knees. He grabs her legs under her knees and pulls her up, his large cock going deeper.
Quinn decides that this isn't enough for her and grabs his butt, squeezing it as she starts fucking him from the bottom. She brings her hands back to his arms as she wraps her legs around his waist and starts riding his steel rod from underneath him, using her legs and her arms.
For a moment, Tiago is too stunned at his wife athletic capabilities to do anything. But as soon as he's pulled himself back together, he catches up to her rhythm and works with her. The pace quickens considerably and before long, his balls are slapping her ass as he pounds into her.
"You'll - be - s-sore - to-morrow," Tiago pants, grinning like an idiot anyway.
"Watch me c-care," Quinn responds, then utters an animalistic groan. He catches her as she falls apart underneath him, her pussy trapping and squeezing his dick so violently.
Tiago throws his head back as he empties his load inside her - multiple times. When they've both come down from their orgasms, he pulls out and drops back on the bed. They're both sweaty and they smell like sex.
Tiago can't believe what he's feeling when Quinn lies down between his legs and takes his dick in her mouth. He's just about to tell her that he really can't take another orgasm right this second when lets go of his cock with a pop and smiles: "Just cleaning you up, baby."
He nods, watching her as she licks her juices off his wet dick with long strokes of her tongue. She takes the head between her lips and suckles on it as if his dick is a lollipop. She eagerly swipes her tongue across his slit, gathering his precum. She palms his balls, kneading them in her hands. He can feel himself hardening in his mouth and the glint in her eyes tells him everything. "Jesus Christ," he mutters, realizing she set out to suck him off to another orgasm all along.
She guides his dick deeper in her mouth and starts bobbing up and down. His cock is so sensitive that it doesn't take him long to spill his cum on her tongue. Quinn swallows eagerly and finally lets go with a satisfied smirk.
“Two can play that game, Mrs. Fabray-Lopez,” Tiago grunts with a smile. 
He throws her back on the bed, opens her legs and gets settled between them. First, he cleans her own wetness from tits, licking them happily. Her pussy is still wet as he starts sucking her clit. When he feels her body starting to tremble beneath him, he moves his mouth to her entrance and slips his tongue inside. He can taste his own cum in her pussy and he just loves it. His nose is still rubbing against her clit and it doesn’t take her long either to come to an orgasm, fluttering around his tongue and then pushing his head against her pussy to keep him there.
He lies down next to her again and she licks her wetness of his nose and from his lips. They share a long, lazy kiss and fall asleep with limbs entangled - for the very first time as husband and wife.
A/N: Up next is the honeymoon to Mexico. Any special requests for the honeymoon - let me know in a review or PM :)
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ffskalice · 10 years
A Thin Line 50
The Wedding
"I was just thinking that the next time we'll be able to do this, just relax together, we'll be married. Husband and wife," Quinn observes, feeling her own clit throb as her hand caresses Tiago's dick.
"Mr. and Mrs. Fabray-Lopez," Tiago grins. He lets out a sharp breath when Quinn starts stroking his dick more firmly. "Do we really have to spend tomorrow night apart?" he asks, pouting a little.
Quinn leans up for a kiss. "It's only for one night, San," she says sweetly, using that nickname she saves for their most tender moments. "We'll be fine. You'll be here with some buddies, I'll be over at Rachel and Kurt's loft with some friends. We'll see each other at the wedding the next day, we're getting married, having a fun party with our friends and then we get to go away for an entire week, just you and me."
Tiago tucks a strand of hair behind her ear and shakes his head. "I can't believe I'm marrying the most perfect girl in the world. I can't believe I get to be Santiago Fabray-Lopez." He slips his hand from her ass to her thighs and her breath catches in her throat when he starts circling her entrance with his middle finger.
She bites her lip and then wraps her hand around his dick, pumping her fist up and down over his shaft. "Let me give you your last orgasm as Santiago Lopez," she winks.
He can't argue with that. "Let me give you your last orgasm as Quinn Fabray," he responds before slipping his finger inside her pussy and quickly adding another.
Quinn ruts back against his hand as she tugs at his dick rapidly, smirking when she feels how hard and large he's growing under her touch. He fucks her pussy from behind with his fingers and builds up a steady rhythm before adding a third finger. The palm of his hand presses on her ass as he pumps his fingers in and out of her. Quinn is panting now and she knows she's close to an orgasm.
She can see on Tiago's face that he's close as well and she takes his dick out of his pants, leaning down to close her lips over the head just in time for his first load to blow. She eagerly swallows the hot cum spurting out of his cock, sucking on the head to make sure she gets every last drop. The taste of his cum filling her mouth and the feeling of his fingers stretching her pussy from behind send her right into her own orgasm, her walls fluttering around his fingers, her hips jerking erratically.
Tiago's head is thrown back and he's muttering profanities. Quinn licks the slit on the head of his dick and then lets go with a final kiss on it as she comes down from her own orgasm.
Tiago takes his fingers out of her and brings them to his mouth to lick them clean. The sight of his tongue slipping around his fingers to taste her is so hot, and when she gives him a lazy kiss, she can taste herself on his lips.
The next night, Tiago's friends take him to a nice bar he hasn't been to before. He's relieved - while he trusts Jolene to throw him a stag night he'll actually enjoy, he was a little bit scared that the guys would have insisted on going to a strip club. Tiago is sure he'd feel completely uncomfortable there and the philosophy behind that activity seems so stupid to him. Why would he enjoy his last 'single' night with naked strangers when the most beautiful girl in the world will be walking towards him in a white dress the next day?
"The first round's on me," Jolene announces when everyone's taken their seat. They all order drinks and Tiago looks around, feeling so lucky to have these people as his friends. Ryan is there, sitting next to the Glee guys. They're all there - Puck, Finn, Sam, Mike, Blaine, Artie. Only Kurt and Luke are missing, since they really insisted on spending the night with the girls. Sebastian is at the bar as well. Sienna decided to join the stag night as well, so Jolene wouldn't be the only girl. Puck also brought Army Guy, so he wouldn't have to meet Tiago on the wedding day itself. He introduces himself as Jackson Carmichael.
When the drinks arrive, Jolene makes a toast. "This one's on Santiago Lopez. He's my best friend and ever since I met him, he's been crazy about his girl. Tomorrow, after wanting to be with her for years, then being with her for years, then being engaged to her for a long time - he's finally marrying her. I can't begin to say how happy I am for them, so I won't waste your time, 'cause I know you guys want to drink."
They all laugh at that and raise their drinks to Tiago. Puck switches seats with Ryan, who's sitting next to Tiago on the other side, so he can talk to him. He pats Tiago on the back and shakes his head. "Congratulations, Lopez. You really got the girl. You did what was never done again: you took a girl I set my eyes on."
Tiago shrugs. "I never wanted another girl," he smiles, acknowledging Finn, who's joining them. "The first time I saw Quinn, I knew we had to be friends. I couldn't let some punk like you take her away from me," he teases.
Puck chuckles. "You were really damn dedicated, man. Did you honestly never entertain the idea that she might just not be into you and look for someone else?"
Tiago frowns. "Not really, no. I've been in love with since before I knew what that feeling I got when she smiled at me was, and if I couldn't have her, I wouldn't have anyone else either."
Finn raises his eyebrows. "Damn. But you did shag some other girls in high school, right? I mean, I remember after that summer when you buffed up, you became soccer captain and your team was promoted to the varsity team - I remember there was a lot of talk that you were enjoying the attention you got."
Tiago laughs. "That was a lot of talk based on very little action. I didn't have sex with any of those girls, and I think Emily was the only one I even did something with."
"So Quinn's your first?" Finn asks, frowning deeply. "You'll go through life having slept with like, only one girl?"
Tiago blushes. "Well… no… not really."
Now it's Puck's turn to frown. "You got together with Quinn senior year, so that had to be when you were in high school… out with it, Lopez. Who was the girl who managed to get your eyes off Quinn for long enough to bang her?"
"Guys," Sienna butts in. "Do you really have to know everything? I need to have a word with you, by the way, Noah Puckerman. On Quinn and Ashley's behalf as well as my own."
Puck scrunches up his nose. "What about? What'd I do wrong?"
Sienna smiles dangerously sweetly. "See, that's the point. It's about what will happen to you if you do something wrong and hurt Debra. She's my friend and I've heard stories about you."
"That was in high school," Sam says, overhearing them. "Puck's really not the same guy he was back then. Plus, he's crazy about Debra. He talks about her all the time."
Puck blushes. "Shut it, Sam. Sienna's right. You guys don't have to know everything."
Sienna squints her eyes and Tiago can tell she's just teasing, but it does look scary alright. "Let's have a chat anyway, Puckerman."
Tiago wraps an arm around Jolene and pulls her in for a hug. "Thanks for doing this for me, Jolene. It's good to have my friends here. I think I might have died from nerves if I'd been alone the night before my wedding. Thank you for getting us all here, and thank you for agreeing to be my best woman."
Jolene hugs him back and then gets up to order more drinks. When she returns, she sits down next to him again. "It's really not a problem, Tiago. You're my best friend and I'm your best woman, so I know you and what you're like. I hope this isn't too casual, though? I mean, I don't know if you expected something bigger than this for your stag night?"
Tiago shakes his head vehemently. "No, not at all, this is perfect. I love that there isn't a big fuss, I'd just be embarrassed. Hey, maybe you could go talk to Army Guy? His name's Jackson."
Jolene rolls her eyes. "I don't want to be set up with anyone."
Tiago pouts. "Please? You can just make a new friend, you know. Do it for me? Your bestest friend?"
He looks at her with big eyes and she sighs. "Jesus Christ, Lopez. Alright. I'll go talk to him."
Tiago's really liking this. He gets to talk to everyone, just having a good time. He chats with Sebastian, who's also into soccer, and Mike and Sam soon join that conversation. They move on from that topic to their relationships. Sebastian tells them he and Luke are in a really good place and are actually looking to get a place together. They promise to help move in when the time comes. Mike and Tina have just broken up, which surprises Tiago.
"Won't it be awkward at the wedding?" Tiago worries. "We put you guys together at the table."
Mike shakes his head. "No, we parted as friends. We've just grown apart, really. We were more like brother and sister than a couple and we decided we both deserved more than that romantically."
"Still, I'm sorry," Sam frowns. "I know what that's like, though. It's what happened to me and Mercedes as well. She had so many amazing opportunities in L.A. and we were seeing less and less of each other. I haven't seen her in a while, I'm excited to see her tomorrow."
"Do you still like her?" Sebastian asks.
Sam hesitates before saying: "I don't think it matters very much. It couldn't work out right now. We were never that serious in the first place."
Artie rolls over and hits Sam on the back of his head. Sam turns around and looks confused. "Dude, what was that for?"
Artie shrugs. "It's what Mercedes would do if she heard you saying that about her. I think you guys should dance at the wedding. She still talks about you?"
"She does?" Sam asks, his face lighting up.
Artie nods. He's in L.A., developing a directing career. He doesn't live that far from Mercedes and they still meet a lot.
Ryan puts a drink in front of Tiago and then sits down. "I felt like I should buy you a drink. You're getting married, you'll need it," he jokes.
Tiago laughs. "Getting married to Quinn is a dream come true. I doubt I'll need any drinks for that. Looks like Jolene and Jackson are getting cozy over there, though," he points out. Jolene and Army Guy indeed seem to be involved in an animated conversation.
Puck wolf whistles at them. "Get a room, you two!"
Jolene and Jackson don't even look up, but without realizing it flip him the finger at the same time. Tiago laughs. "A match made in heaven."
"Just like you and Quinn," Sienna says. She raises her glass and says, loud enough for everyone to hear: "To Santiago Manuel Lopez, on his last night going by that name!"
They raise their glasses again, and Sienna buys the next round. They keep chatting for hours, but Tiago wants to be rested for the wedding, so they don't make it too late. Jolene and Sienna join Tiago for the night. Quinn joked about that - how Tiago is spending the night before his wedding with two other girls and Quinn doesn't even feel remotely jealous or worried.
Meanwhile, Quinn is at Kurt and Rachel's loft. Charlie's in the kitchen, making them all drinks. Debra's assisting her, as well as Brittany. Ashley is talking to Lessa and her girlfriend Bridget when Tina joins that conversation. Kurt and Mercedes are catching up while Luke and Frannie are talking about musicals.
Charlie, Debra and Brittany come out of the kitchen and Rachel immediately sits them down. They frown, but don't have to wait long for an explanation. Rachel claps her hands. "Girls - and guys - I made a PowerPoint!"
Quinn laughs. Of course she did. "Rachel, what on earth did you make a PowerPoint about?"
Rachel sighs impatiently. "About you and Santiago, of course!"
Quinn is not at all surprised when Rachel rolls in a beamer and Kurt pulls down a blank screen to project on. Rachel opens the laptop attached to the beamer and starts the presentation. A picture of Tiago and Quinn in kindergarten appears. "We have all heard the story of how Quinn and Santiago met," Rachel begins. "Little Santiago didn't want to go to school and his mother was actually very close to taking him back home -"
"No, she wasn't," Lessa interrupts, frowning. "Tiago was going, whether he liked it or not."
Rachel smiles. "Well, allow me some… poetic freedom? Santiago was indeed going to like it very much, as you all know. Because once his mother promised there would be red toy cars to play with, little Santiago was persuaded to go to kindergarten. Maribel went inside with her son and was very surprised that the moment she stepped into the classroom, Santiago ran into the room, not casting a second glance at his mother. But how could he not run, when he had laid eyes upon Lucy Quinn Fabray for the first time in his life?"
Quinn blushes and shakes her head. She remembers that day just as vividly - that cute little boy running over to her.
"Quinn was colouring a picture when Santiago ran over to her. Santiago offered his help and said he liked colouring. That was the first time he lied about something in an attempt to please Quinn, but it would be something he would do a lot when we were younger. At least, that's what his mother says. Seconds later already, when Quinn shared that she didn't know whether to use a brown or a pink pencil, Santiago lied and said that both were nice. After all, Santiago hated pink. At that point, another boy joined them. The boy insisted the dog be coloured blue, on account of brown being, and I quote, 'stupid'. To which Santiago, who thus far had always been a most kind and mellow boy, said that this meant the boy was stupid, since he looked brown. Santiago then told that boy to go away, because Quinn was his friend. That same boy is now elsewhere in this city that never sleeps, having a drink with him. Noah Puckerman and Santiago Lopez didn't see eye to eye for a very long time, because Santiago managed to hold a grudge for many years over that kindergarten incident, but luckily for Debra, they get along now!"
Debra smiles. "I wouldn't have met Puck if Tiago still hated him," she admits.
"I remember that day vividly," Quinn says. "I remember that cute boy running to me and offering his help. I instantly liked him."
"You have to know," Frannie adds. "That Quinn didn't like anyone when she was a kid. She didn't talk to other kids, just kept to herself. But with Tiago, she immediately formed a bond. I remember she kept talking about him and all the sweet things he did for her."
Quinn blushes. She knows what's coming next.
"And she still managed to take until senior fucking year of high school to realize that she was in love with him," Charlie says, rolling her eyes.
Yep. There it is.
Rachel shows the next slide, holding a few pictures of Quinn and Tiago throughout elementary school. "Quinn and Santiago were truly inseparable. While most kids these age show a strong dislike of kids of the other sex, this was not true for our soon to be married couple. They spent a lot of time together and as soon as little Santiago started playing soccer, Quinn became his biggest support and never missed a game."
"Only Quinn's parents thought she was coming over to my house," Brittany reminisces.
Quinn swallows. "Yeah. Our parents are bigots," Quinn says bitterly. "It was actually Frannie who told me to tell them I was going to Brittany."
"I could see how much she liked Tiago and how good he was for her," Frannie says. "Tiago could always make Quinn smile and make her feel better when our parents had been horrible again. I'm older than Quinn and I knew that they didn't like Tiago because of his hispanic roots. So before they got the chance to forbid her to go over to his place, I told her it might be better to tell them she was going to Brittany's. That way, she could still see Tiago as much as she liked, without my parents' scrutiny. She wouldn't have understood anyway, and I didn't want her to either."
"Were your parents that bad?" Ashley asks curiously. "I mean, would they have really told you not to see him anymore just because he's got hispanic roots?"
Charlie nods. "That's the Fabray family for you. My parents were the same. I'm sure if they knew I'm with a girl now, they'd have a heart attack. Which actually would serve them right."
The next slide has pictures of Quinn and Tiago in high school. In most of them, Quinn is wearing her Cheerios uniform and Tiago is either in plain clothes or wearing his black soccer outfit. Debra, Ashley, Luke and Sienna laugh at Tiago's appearance. He's skinny, his hair is too long and he's too tall. To top it all off, he's got a bad case of acne. In most of the pictures, he's looking at Quinn lovingly, who is completely oblivious of this at the time.
"In high school, Santiago knew he was in love with his best friend, but he was too scared to tell her. He was convinced she wouldn't want him and it would ruin their friendship. He spent many nights crying himself to sleep, and dreaded the day she would tell him she was in love with someone else."
The next slide has pictures of Quinn and Tiago saying goodbye before Quinn leaves for California.
"The summer before senior year, Quinn's parents decided to go visit her sister in California for six weeks. Quinn and Tiago had to say goodbye, never having been apart for such a long time."
"It was hell," Lessa says, rolling her eyes but smiling nevertheless. "Tiago was an absolutely mess. He was moping around, constantly checking his phone. He tallied the days until she got back, like a prisoner making a calendar to count down to the day of his release. He went to gym school and spent hours there every day, just so he wouldn't have to think of Quinn. He changed a lot physically that summer."
Charlie laughs. "Yeah, I remember I was going to visit some friends in Columbus and I thought I might as well stop by in Lima and see how my cousin was doing. She wasn't at home so I figured she'd be at Tiago's. I went over to his place and this totally hot guy opens the door, so I'm asking him if I can talk to Tiago, thinking to myself I wouldn't mind spending some time with him if Tiago wasn't there. Then this dude says he is Tiago, and I couldn't believe my eyes. He'd been a lanky kid last time I'd seen him, and now he was a total stud."
"Quinn took her phone everywhere," Frannie butts in. "She wouldn't part from it. She was sad when he didn't text her, but didn't want to text him too much either. She was surrounded by all these tan California guys, but she didn't even seem to notice them. I figured she liked a guy back home and would tell me about it when she felt ready."
"I missed Tiago a lot that summer," Quinn remembers. "I knew I missed him more than was usual, but I didn't want to admit what it was. I fought it for a long time. When I got back and he looked so different… Jesus Christ. He was suddenly so hot and I felt so attracted to him. It made me feel very confused and for the longest time I felt like a shallow bitch who only wanted him now that he'd physically changed. It was only in retrospect that I realized that I'd been in love with him all along, but that I'd just never had to miss him before, and had never had to feel jealous of other girls coming on to him before. So I'd never had those experiences, which is why I didn't see that what I felt was love."
"Then my dad ran into Quinn's dad," Brittany says. "And Quinn's dad is like talking about how their daughters are such close friends, and my dad, dense as he is, doesn't know what the hell Quinn's dad is talking about. To make things worse, he says that he doesn't know their daughters are that close, but Quinn does spend a lot of time with 'that Lopez boy'. Quinn's dad is of course furious."
Quinn nods. "I went home for dinner with my parents, but I didn't even get to eat. They brought it up before dinner and when I admitted it, my dad just lost it. He thought Tiago and I were a couple as well and I didn't deny that either. My dad went all 'you had sex before marriage?' as if he hadn't, and then I said to him that I did, and that Tiago could have me anyway he liked me, anywhere. That just got him so goddamn pissed off and that's when he kicked me out."
"We were visiting family out of state," Lessa says. "Suddenly, Tiago gets this phone call from one of his teachers - over the summer. Then he tells us he needs to go home because Quinn got kicked out. Of course, my parents offered her to stay with us, but she didn't want to."
Quinn walks over to Lessa and hugs her. "Your family means the world to me, Lessa. The Lopez family was like my real family. I didn't want to burden you guys. Ms Holliday took me in."
Rachel shows the next pictures. In these, Tiago looks radically different from the guy in the previous pictures. "Quinn and Tiago were now obviously in love, but it took them a long time and a few mistakes to see."
"I still wonder what you guys were fighting about so badly," Mercedes says. "Like, so much went on between you two, but we never knew what."
"I'd actually like to keep it that way," Quinn says softly. "We had some fights and we did stupid stuff, but it's in the past. It's between Tiago and me, really."
Mercedes nods. "Yeah, I get it. It's fine, really."
The next picture is one that was taken by his mother before they left for the family party where Matias hit on Quinn. "Finally, they got together," Rachel says. "Everyone had seen that one coming for ages. We made them sing a song about it in Glee club as well. They were the golden couple, of course. The captain of the cheerleading team and the captain of the soccer team. But that didn't change them."
The next slide shows their prom picture, grinning to the camera as prom king and prom queen. "They obviously just had to win these titles," Rachel smiles. "They danced to Aerosmith's "I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing". They looked dazzling."
"I stopped by in Lima that night," Charlie remembers. "I didn't know they finally got together. It was about time, though!"
"We all know what happened next," Rachel continues. The next slide has pictures of Quinn and Tiago in college. "They moved in together here in New York. They met people, some of whom are here tonight."
Then there's a picture from their engagement party. "Tiago asked Quinn to marry him and Quinn said yes, which is why we're here tonight."
Quinn smiles, gets up and gives Rachel a hug. "Thanks, Rachel. This was awesome."
They spend the rest of the night catching up and talking about love, music, life, movies, the past, the future - everything. They have an early night, to be sure they're all rested for the wedding.
The next day, Quinn is almost finished getting ready when the doorbell goes. She frowns, not expecting anyone, and immediately worries that something happened to Tiago.
"I'll get it," Frannie says.
Quinn looks at Charlie, who shrugs. She looks so different in her dress, but Quinn is sure that Sienna will love it. Holly doesn't know anything either.
"She's in here," Quinn hears Frannie say.
Quinn looks up to see who's following Frannie into the room and is completely stupefied. "Mom?"
"Are you sure everything's ready?" Tiago asks for the millionth time. He's in the park where they'll be getting married and where they'll have their party afterwards. Everything is set up and ready, but Tiago wouldn't be Tiago if he didn't worry.
"Yes!" Maribel says, exasperated. "Baby boy, do you really think your mami would forget anything at all? And even if I did, I am very sure that your friends Kurt, Rachel, Luke and Jolene would not."
Jolene walks over to them, wearing a beautiful black dress. She squints her eyes against the sun - the weather is great. "Calm down, Tiago, we've got this. What are you worried about?"
Tiago bites his lip. "Have any of you heard from Quinn? What if she changed her mind?"
Lessa hits him on the head.
"What the fuck?" Tiago asks. "What was that for?"
"For being so utterly stupid," Lessa shrugs.
Bridget sees what's happening and joins them. "Sometimes, your violence worries me, baby," she says to her girlfriend.
Lessa grins. "You like my violence alright when -"
Bridget puts her hand over Lessa's mouth. "A lady doesn't kiss and tell," she says. "Unless you want to make sure you have nothing to tell about…"
Lessa's eyes grow wide. "Heh. No. Just joking, baby. Honest. Swear to god."
Tiago laughs, completely distracted from his worries. "You're so whipped, Alessandra Lopez!"
Lessa glares. "You're one to talk, Santiago Lopez."
"Be nice, kids," Guillermo says kindly. "Who is that boy over there? The one who's looking at Jolene?"
Jolene blushes. "Oh. Um. Nobody, Mr. Lopez."
"Then what is he doing here?" Guillermo wonders. "I don't trust him. I'll go and tell him to leave my son's wedding."
"No," Tiago says. "He's a friend of Puck's. He was at my stag night last night, where he and Jolene got talking. Seems he likes her. He's here at the wedding because Puck promised to go out with him before he leaves for his first tour, he's in the army. They planned that before we planned the wedding, but Puck didn't want to miss the wedding and have Debra come alone, so he asked if it was alright to invite him along."
Guillermo grunts. "Alright then."
"Have any of you seen Quinn in her dress?" Tiago asks. "How does she look?"
Jolene laughs. "Nice try. You'll have to wait and see."
"What are you doing here?" Quinn asks, her voice clipped. "I didn't invite you to the wedding."
Judy walks over to Quinn, but Quinn takes a step back. Her mother sighs and shakes her head. "I couldn't miss this day for the world, Quinnie."
"No," Quinn says, feeling the anger boil. "You don't get to call me that. You kicked me out."
Holly quietly leaves the room, Frannie and Charlie following her example.
"It was your father," Judy tries.
"No!" Quinn shouts. "You didn't stop him, mom! You just asked me if Tiago made me happy and I thought you cared! I thought you cared and you'd reach out to me but you never did. Not while I lived in the same damn city, when we could have met without dad knowing. But you didn't even try. You didn't even fucking call me! And then I moved here but I didn't hear from you either. I haven't seen you or heard from you since you kicked me out so you do not get to come in here on my special day and call me Quinnie!" Tears are streaming down her face, her chest heaving.
Judy looks properly ashamed. "I… I have no excuse. But please, will you let me be here today? This is your special day and I… I don't want to miss it. I want to see my little girl getting married to the man who makes her so happy."
"Does dad know you're here?" Quinn asks quietly.
Judy shakes her head. "No. He thinks I'm visiting Frannie."
"You could have done this so many times since I've moved here. Why didn't you?"
"He thinks I'm visiting Frannie to ask her to get me a good divorce lawyer."
Quinn raises her eyebrows, but oddly, it does very little to her. "You're getting divorced?" she asks, her voice flat.
Judy nods. "Yes. I'm divorcing that horrible man. I know it won't be easy, but I want to make amends. You're still my baby girl, Quinnie - I mean, Quinn."
Quinn sits down and sighs. "I'm sorry, but… actually, I'm not even sorry. It's too late. I can't bring myself to care about the divorce. You're not a part of my life anymore."
Judy nods, taking a deep breath. Quinn's words obviously hurt. "Okay. I respect that. But would you allow me to become a part of it again? Will you let me be at your wedding?"
Quinn sighs. "I… whatever. I guess, yeah."
Judy swallows, tears streaming down her face as well. "I was also hoping - I know it's a lot to ask, but maybe… maybe you'd let me give you away?"
Quinn lets out a hollow laugh. "Really? I mean, are you being serious right now?"
Judy nods.
Quinn shakes her head. "No. Of course I won't let you. Holly's giving me away. You know, the woman who took me in after my own parents kicked me out because of the roots of the person who makes me the happiest in the world? The woman who took care of me, who fed me and gave me shelter, who listened to me and comforted me and supported me? She's giving me away, not you."
Judy nods. "Of course. I… for what it's worth, I'm sorry, Quinn. For everything."
Quinn looks at her mother and she barely recognizes the woman in front of her. She's skinnier than ever and she looks exhausted. Quinn stands up, walks over to Judy and puts her arms around her in an awkward hug. "I… I'll try… mom."
The sun in shining brightly, but Tiago is biting his nails. He's more nervous than he's ever been in his life, pacing around, waiting for the ceremony to begin. He frowns worriedly when Sienna walks over to him and pulls him aside.
"She didn't run, did she?" is the first thing Tiago asks. "Did she change her mind? Is she leaving?"
Sienna shakes her head. "No, it's not that. Charlie just called me to let you know that Judy Fabray showed up at your apartment earlier. Quinn's agreed to let her be there at the wedding. She asked Charlie to call me to tell you that it's okay and you don't have to talk to her or tell her to go away."
Tiago sets his jaw, closes his eyes and pushes his anger away. "Okay. Yeah. Okay. Thanks for letting me know."
Quinn's eyes lock with Tiago's across the aisle. Everyone's watching them and Quinn is silently praying she won't trip. Tiago looks completely stunned, but happy at the same time. Jolene, his best woman and Guillermo, his groomsman, are watching her as well. Her own maid of honour, Charlie and her bridesmaid, Frannie, are waiting for her as well.
Quinn glances at the people they invited - Sienna is staring at Charlie open-mouthed and Maribel looks like she'll cry any minute now. Holly looks at Quinn and nods almost imperceptibly.
The traditional tune starts playing and she makes her way to the man she chose to be with for the rest of her life. Everything about this is perfect. She can feel everyone staring at her, but she only has eyes for her man. Tiago looks handsome in his black suit and red bowtie.
Quinn joins Charlie and Frannie while Holly goes to sit down next to a heavily pregnant Ms Pilsbury.
"Welcome," the registrar starts. "On this beautiful day, to this ceremony wherein Ms Lucy Quinn Fabray and Mr Santiago Manuel Lopez will be joined in legal matrimony. They have known each other for many years and have expressed their wish to address one another. Mr. Lopez?"
Tiago nods and scrapes his throat. "Quinnevere," he says nervously. "My own lady Quinnevere, here we are. Looks like we made it. I remember stepping inide a classroom twenty years ago and seeing a blonde girl and thinking she was so pretty. That pretty blonde girl grew up as my best friend and my lifelong crush, and today, she's standing here before me - that pretty blonde girl is now the most beautiful woman I have ever known. I asked that woman to marry me and she said yes. Three times, to be exact.
We've been through a lot, Quinn. We grew up together, we discovered who we are together. We shared our teenage angst and our dreams, our hopes and our aspirations. I filled many notebooks with my secret feelings for you, scared to lose that wonderful friendship over what I kept telling myself was just a silly crush.
We share such an intense history, Quinn. There is nothing from my past I have to tell you, because you were there when it happened. There is nothing I have to hide for fear of your judgement, because you know all of me. You're the only person who does. You know all of me and you love all of me. You know me inside out, the dark and the light, the good and the bad. And still, you love me. You know what experiences shaped me and that is so comforting.
You are my rock. You make me feel like I can conquer the world. You motivate me to be the best man that I can be. You inspire me to do what is right, but also to go for what I want and to stand up for myself. I know that I can go anywhere, because I come home to you. And I want to keep coming home to you every day for the rest of my life.
Lucy Quinn Fabray, will you do me the immense honor of being my wife?"
Quinn doesn't even try to hide the tears rolling down her cheeks. "Yes, I do," she smiles before saying her own vows.
"Sir Lopezelot. Here we are indeed. I always knew that you would be standing up front on my wedding day, and I can't begin to tell you how happy I am that you are standing here as my husband-to-be.
You have always been my best friend in every way that you could be. When we were kids, you stood up for me even when you didn't stand up for yourself. When I felt sad or lonely, you were always there to make me smile and give me a hug and tell me everything would be okay. You made up stories just for me, and you took me on adventures in your imagination. You made me forget all about the sad things. You never left my side and I always knew that you'd be in my life forever.
You have always been my exception. No matter how hard I tried as a teenager to shut people out, you always fought your way back in so easily. You've always seen right through me and it felt so good to be with you because I didn't have to pretend. You comforted me when I felt confused or hopeless. You listened to me when I needed to talk and you never judged me or told me to get over it. I think I fell in love with you long before senior year, but it just took being away from you to realize it.
During that summer, I knew that I never wanted to be away from you again. You know all of me as well, Tiago. You know what happened to me and how it shaped me. You're still here, you've loved me through it all. You have been the one constant in my life. Your presence and your love have been my safe place. When I can't go on, you pick me up and you carry me until I'm strong enough again. You make me feel like there is nothing that I can't do. Around you, I become the best woman that I can be.
You are the love of my life and you're the man I want to be the father of my children. Every day, I wake up next to you and it makes me happy. Every night, I fall asleep next to you and it makes me happy. I want to keep waking up and falling asleep next to you every day for the rest of my life, until we're grey and old but still so in love.
Santiago Manuel Lopez, I would ask you to make me the happiest woman alive, but you've already done that. So I ask instead - Santiago Manuel Lopez, will you do me the endless honour of being my husband?"
Tiago swallows and nods, then finally says: "Yes, I do."
Lessa walks up to them carrying the rings on a soft pillow. Their hands are trembling when they slip them onto each other's fingers.
"I hereby pronounce Santiago Manuel Fabray-Lopez and Lucy Quinn Fabray-Lopez husband and wife," the registrar smiles. "You may kiss the bride."
They try to keep the kiss chaste, but have a hard time letting go. They can taste each other's tears of happiness, so lost in the kiss that they barely hear the cheers from their friends and family. Maribel is sobbing loudly, Guillermo patting her on the back awkwardly.
It's a nice surprise to find out that as a present, all their friends put money together for a honeymoon to Mexico. Frannie and her husband David made up what they came short.
Everyone is looking at Quinn and Tiago to dance the opening dance, ready to get the party started.
Rachel takes place behind the microphone on a small stage. "Hello, friends and family of Mr and Mrs Fabray-Lopez," she beams. "My name is Rachel Berry and I am here to perform the song to which Mr and Mrs Fabray-Lopez will dance their first, but most certainly not last dance. They danced to his song when they were crowned prom king and prom queen, so it is only fitting that they dance to it today.
Rachel sings Aerosmith's I Don't Wanna Miss a Thing.
Quinn and Tiago are dancing to the song, holding each other closely. Tiago looks Quinn in the eye and his voice is trembling slightly when he says: "I love you so much, baby. I can't believe we're married."
Quinn smiles back, unable to fight the tears from spilling. "I love you too, San. You're my everything and I am beyond happy that we're married."
They lean in for a sweet kiss, so completely and utterly in love.
"You're my husband, Tiago," Quinn says dreamily. "My husband. Santiago Fabray-Lopez, my husband."
"And you're my wife, Quinn," Tiago responds. "Quinn Fabray-Lopez. My wife. Jesus Christ. This day is what I have wanted for so long. This is real, isn't it?"
She kisses him again. "It's real."
When the dance finished, their friends and family erupt in applause. Everybody congratulates them while Puck starts playing other music. Some of their friends prepared songs and for the rest of the party, several people are taking on the role of DJ.
Quinn and Tiago just can't get over how happy they are.
"So, you and Jackson seem to be hitting it off," Tiago teases Jolene when she walks over to him.
She blushes. "Yeah, he's cool. He's leaving soon, though, so we're not going to date or something."
"But?" Tiago asks, knowing there's more.
"I might have agreed to go out on a date with him if I'm still single when he gets back."
Tiago beams. "That's awesome. Jesus, I'm so happy," he says, looking over at Quinn, who's talking to her sister. "Look at her. Isn't she the most beautiful woman that ever walked this earth?"
"If you say so," Jolene chuckles. "Congratulations again. This is a great wedding."
Tiago wraps his arms around Jolene for a hug. "Thanks for being here today and putting it all together and stuff. Like I know you guys must have done so much I have no idea about, in such a short time."
"It's cool," Jolene laughs.
"Tiago and Jolene seem pretty close," Mercedes observes as she joins Quinn. Quinn turns around to see her husband - she still gets giddy when just thinking of him like that - hugging Jolene.
She nods. "Yeah, they are. They get along great and they work together as well. She's his best friend, really."
Mercedes frowns. "And you're okay with that? Aren't you worried, with them spending so much time together…"
Quinn laughs. "No. Not a bit. I trust my husband completely. I know he'd never ever cheat on me. He loves me so much, and I love him."
"That's really nice, that you can trust him so much," Mercedes says, sounding a bit sad. "You guys will have the best marriage. I wish I could meet someone I can trust like you trust Tiago, but it's not easy in L.A. So many people have bad intentions."
"Maybe you should go and talk to Sam?" Quinn suggests. "He's known you since before you went for a singing career. You'll always know he's there for you and not to get money out of you. Even if you're only friends."
Mercedes chuckles. "I have Artie there, that's good, he's a good friend. But yeah, if Sam lived in L.A…. it'd be nice, to have another friend."
Right at that moment, a slow song starts playing and Sam asks Mercedes to dance with him. Tiago shows up at Quinn's side and puts out his hand. "Mrs Fabray-Lopez, may I have this dance?" he asks formally.
"Why of course, Mr Fabray-Lopez," she jokes. "I am all yours."
They party as late as they are allowed in the park and then continue the party in Frannie and David's rooftop garden. They're having the greatest time with the people they care about.
It's late when Tiago looks at his wife and is overcome by emotion. She's obviously tired, sweaty, tipsy - and still looks so beautiful. He kisses her on the lips the way he would if they were alone and she doesn't protest in the slightest, kissing him back just as passionately. "You're my wife," he mutters against her lips.
"Then let's go and have wedding night sex," she suggests, wiggling her eyebrows.
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ffskalice · 10 years
A Thin Line 49
"I really don't think anyone will be surprised anymore when we do get pregnant," Tiago joked about that. "They'll just be like, 'for real this time?'"
The next step is asking that important question: the maid of honor and the best man. They have a lot of friends, so it wasn't an easy choice, but it did feel right. Quinn had made up her mind fairly quickly.
She enters the tattoo shop Charlie works at as a tattoo artist and is not surprised to see her cousin at work, focused completely on the piece of art she's creating, using a young guy's skin as her canvas. She feels like she shares such a strong bond with Charlie and Charlie has meant so much to them both that Quinn knew all along she would ask her to be her maid of honor. She'd checked with her sister to make sure she wouldn't be upset and had reached out to Lessa too. Luckily, Fran had assured Quinn that she had to make her own choice and that she'd be more than happy being a bridesmaid. Quinn hasn't forgotten the promise she made to Lessa years ago, so she was a bit scared she'd be hurting Tiago's little sister. But Lessa said Quinn promised that years ago and that she didn't exactly mind being with Bridget all the time instead.
Quinn is so lost in thought that she doesn't notice Charlie finishing up the tattoo and giving the guy instructions about how to treat it in the next few weeks. He makes his way to the cash register, which is when Charlie spots her cousin.
Charlie laughs. "Look at you, Q. Flower dress, sandals, could you look any more out of place if you tried?"
Quinn looks up and mockingly huffs. "I never thought you'd be so judgmental, Charlotte."
Charlie almost cringes at the use of her full name. "So, what does bring you here? Don't you have a wedding to plan?"
Quinn nods happily. "That's exactly why I'm here. I wanted to ask you something, Charhead."
Charlie squints her eyes. It's been ages since Quinn or Tiago called her that. "No, I'm not paying for the wedding," she jokes.
Quinn pouts. "And if I say please?"
Charlie laughs. "Still no. So, what about the wedding? I have one more appointment after this, having the tattoo talk with some rich girl wanting to shock daddy, but after that Sienna's expecting me home and I don't like to keep my woman waiting."
Quinn grins. "You guys are still so in love, aren't you? And I'm sure you'll do just fine talking the rich chick out of the tattoo."
Charlie quirks an eyebrow. "Says the one who's getting married! But you're right, we're still very much in love. I've actually been thinking about popping the question myself, but I'm not sure. I mean, we're young, and I'm not sure she's the type who wants to get married anyway. We've never talked about it. And I'm sure rich chick will want the tattoo anyway, I tried talking her kind out of it before, they just say their dad will pay for the tattoo to be removed once they get sick of it."
Quinn is surprised at Charlie's serious tone when talking about Sienna. Anyone can see they're a loving couple and they've lived together for a while, but then she never pictured Charlie getting married. "Why are you so scared about asking her? I'm sure she'd say yes, and if she doesn't, it'd be out of principle rather than not wanting to marry you."
Charlie gets uncharacteristically quiet and then takes Quinn through a door in the back. They enter a small kitchen and Charlie sits down, prompting Quinn to do the same. Charlie takes a deep breath before she says: "The last time I felt like I wanted to marry someone… look how that turned out."
Quinn closes her eyes and sighs. "Charlie… you can't compare Matias and Sienna. Has Sienna ever been like him in any way to you?"
Charlie just shakes her head, staring at her feet. "No, but I just… I get scared, you know? I know it's stupid but I get scared because I didn't see it coming with him either. I still have nightmares. Only Sienna knows about them. But sometimes I have these nightmares that he'll come back to hurt me, or worse, Sienna."
Quinn reaches out and wraps her arm around Charlie's shoulder. "He can't hurt you. Thanks to you, the police were able to find enough women to bring heavy enough charges on him that will keep him locked away for a long time."
"I just wish there was a way to lock him out of my memories, too," Charlie whispers. "I know, it's been a few years, I have a fantastic girlfriend and I should move the fuck on already. I can't stand that I still feel this way. I hate that he still has any kind of effect on me. I know he's a dirtbag and I know it's unfair to be scared of taking that step with Sienna because of what that lowlife did - but I still am scared. And I don't want to be."
Quinn now hugs Charlie. "Don't feel like you have to do anything, Charlie. What he did to you was disgusting and it's not easy to get over it. You said it yourself - you never saw it coming with him. It was a total surprise. He changed the way you lived your life and you didn't even see it. That's scary. It's okay to be scared about that. And I get that it's difficult to trust anyone after that, but you and Sienna have been together for much longer than you and Matias ever were. Do you trust her?"
Charlie doesn't hesitate to respond. "Completely. I know she'd never cheat on me or leave me. I know that she loves me as much as I love her."
"That's not what I mean, Charlie," Quinn says gently. "Do you trust her not to hurt you? Do you trust her not to ever make you feel bad or guilty for being the way you are?"
Charlie doesn't say anything. She breathes heavily until she can't fight it anymore and a sob escapes. "I'm horrible, Q. Sienna… she deserves so much better than this. She deserves someone happy and carefree."
Quinn smiles sadly. "You're not horrible, Charlie. Sienna doesn't want anyone but you and trust me, if she wanted someone else, she wouldn't have stayed with you all this time. You know her even better than I do, you know she doesn't waste her time on things or people she doesn't believe in."
"I just want it to stop hurting," Charlie confesses. It's rare that she's so open-hearted, but she and Quinn have known each other their entire lives. "I want him out of my head. Completely. Like Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, you know? Just erase any memory of him. I hate that he makes you scared with Sienna. I have that he influences my relationship with her."
"You can't erase him, though. You can only learn how to deal with it. And he doesn't make you scared or influence your relationship - he created the situation that makes you do that to yourself. So yes, it's his fault, but you're the only one who can do anything about it. Are you still in touch with that therapist you saw after you first came to us?"
Charlie blushes. "I kind of cut that off quite suddenly. I was just so sick of bringing up all those painful things every week. I couldn't stand another second of it. I wanted to move on, not dwell on what happened. I'm starting to think it was too soon. But I don't want to go and see a therapist and have to go through all of it again. I don't want to have to tell someone my entire life story again and feel that shame and anger and pain again."
Quinn sighs. "Well, it's up to you. Just consider that if you don't talk to a professional about it, it might keep following you around. Maybe it's better to bite the bullet, you know? I'm sure Sienna would be supportive, and Tiago and I are here for you too. Sienna loves you so much."
This finally brings a smile to Charlie's face. "She's so wonderful. It's amazing she even puts up with me. I guess we both got lucky, didn't we?"
Quinn grins. "Totally. We've been together for years and I'm still looking forward to seeing him when I get home. I still long to kiss him, I still desire him. And he makes me feel completely safe and loved."
"Shit, I'm so sorry, Quinn - I totally hijacked the conversation, didn't I? You came here to ask me something about the wedding?"
Quinn smiles. "Yeah. As you know, Tiago and I are getting married on the 20th of August. I'd really love to have you as my maid of honor, Charlotte Fabray."
Charlie's eyes go comically wide. "You don't mean a bridesmaid?"
Quinn chuckles and shakes her head. "No. I want you to be my maid of honor. You've meant a lot to both of us. You haven't been in our life every second, but we have known you all our lives and you have always been amazing with us."
"Are you sure?" Charlie asks again. "Won't Fran be offended? And what about Tiago's sister?"
"You're the first girl who kissed my guy. You're the first girl who slept with my guy. I'm still asking you to be my maid of honor, so yes, I'm sure. And Fran and Lessa are totally okay with it. Please say yes?" Quinn gives her best puppy eyes.
"I'm starting to see how you get stuff done from Tiago," Charlie mutters, blushing at the request.
"Oh, honey, you have no idea how I get stuff done from him," Quinn says suggestively. "And if you don't answer me soon, I'll start to think you don't want to be my maid of honor!"
Charlie rolls her eyes. "Fuck, Q, of course I want to be. Will I have to wear a dress, though?" she asks, suddenly looking horrified.
"Will it kill you for one day?" Quinn pouts. "Plus, Sienna told me once that she's never seen you in a dress and thinks you would look totally hot. So I'm sure you'd be getting some if you did… Obviously, if you really feel uncomfortable, you don't have to," Quinn adds almost nonchalantly.
"Jesus, you're such a lawyer," Charlie grins. "Yeah, alright. I'll be your maid of honor."
Jolene spots Tiago in the coffee place downstairs and sits down across from him. "So, why did you want to see me so badly on a Saturday? Can't get enough of me?" she teases.
Tiago playfully swats her arm. "Don't get a big head now, Jolene Avery. I might change my mind."
"Change your mind about what?" she asks. A young guy comes over to bring her a coffee and when she looks surprised, Tiago explains that he ordered for her because he'd be a lousy friend if he didn't know her coffee order by now.
"Well, as you know, Quinn and I are getting married."
"No shit," Jolene says dryly. "You were engaged when I met you. Right here, actually. Right at this table… actually." She frowns. "You did this on purpose, didn't you?"
Tiago grins. "Maybe. I met you when you were sitting in that exact same chair. We've become really close since then. Quinn and I are getting married, and right now she's at Charlie's tattoo shop to ask her to be her maid of honor. I asked to meet you here, right here, because I want you to be my best woman."
Jolene sits back. "Isn't that supposed to be a guy? Aren't you supposed to have a best man?"
Tiago shrugs. "I don't care about that. Sure, I have friends who are guys. I could have asked Ryan, Luke, Mike… but I'm not as close to any of them as I am to you. And I just figured, screw this. Why should I have to ask a guy for the simple fact that he's a guy when I'm actually closer to someone who happens to be a girl? I talked about it to Quinn and she said that I had to ask who I really wanted to be my best man. So that's you. I want you to be my best woman and you don't really get to say no without hurting my tender feelings," he adds slightly dramatically. He puts on his big eyes that always convince Quinn, juts out his lower lip, trembling a little.
Jolene blinks. "… you're really hard to say no to, Tiago. Uhm… does this mean I'll have to wear a tuxedo?"
"If you want to, you can. But Quinn instantly said you'd probably prefer wearing a dress, in which case we thought it'd be cool if you got the same dress as the maid of honor and bridesmaids, but in black to match the groom."
Jolene laughs. "Charlie's wearing a dress?"
It makes Tiago laugh as well. "Quinn told me she had a very convincing argument. Anyway - what's your answer? Do you want to be my best woman?"
Jolene smiles and Tiago can see how she tears up as she says: "I'm really very honored you're asking me and the answer is yes, I'd love to be your best woman. Thanks for making me cry, asshole."
"This is awesome," Tiago says enthusiastically. "I really can't wait for the wedding. If you want to help planning it, I believe Rachel, Luke and Kurt are on it like pit bulls. Quinn and I are getting our marriage license next week."
"That's great," Jolene smiles. "By the way, I saw uncle Sid this morning - he wants you to go in and see him at his office first thing on Monday."
Tiago frowns, his heart suddenly racing in his chest. "Did I mess up? Did I do something wrong? Am I getting fired?"
Jolene rolls her eyes. "Of course not, moron. I told him you're getting married in August. He said you should have the chance to take your wife on a honeymoon so he'll probably be looking to arrange to give you some time off to do that. I'm sure Fran and David will give Quinn some time off as well. You won't have that much time as it is before school starts again anyway."
Tiago's face lights up. "By the time we go back to school, Quinn and I will be married," he says dreamily. "By the way, Puck's bringing a friend to the wedding as well. His friend's in the army and he leaves for his first tour shortly after the wedding. Puck promised him to hang out before he left, so he asked if it was okay to bring him to the wedding."
"This is not like a blind date, is it?" Jolene asks warily. "I'd never date an army guy. You know how I feel about the army."
Tiago shrugs. "You never know what can happen. Even though poor Nick Robertson would be heartbroken," he teases.
"I'd probably date Army Guy to make Nick see I really, really, really am not into him," Jolene sighs.
Quinn enters the coffee shop and joins them. She kisses Tiago hello and then informs them that Charlie said yes and will be wearing a dress.
"Jolene said yes as well," Tiago says happily.
"I'll be going with the black dress," Jolene adds. "No way I'm wearing a tux."
"Awesome!" Quinn says enthusiastically. "I can't wait to get married!"
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