giggly-argent · 2 years
not sure if he'd be your type, but gordie from swsh is a very slept on character who i think needs tickles.
if not, leon's always on the table 👀
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He had me at his first backflip ✨
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riisume · 10 months
something i've thought about for a bit, but i imagine lyney putting his hand into his hat and using that to sneak over to someone's ticklish spots. either that or pulling their feet out of his hat and tickling them. it's probably cliche, but i thought it was adorable 🥺
Noooo honestly that's SO adorable! I love love love the idea of portal-like magic hats, ehehe! ( ✧ ∇ ✧)
Makes me think how cute it would be if that was a part of his performance! He just picks someone random out of the crowd to do that to! And just makes it all the more worse for them with teasing.
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chaz-the-weasel · 9 months
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Thanks to everyone who came out to tonight's sketch stream! Here are the results!
These sketches are also available to view at full-size on Patreon!
1st pic: Zero (Final Fantasy XIV) and Aiko for @quietlives1
2nd pic: Hazel, Liv, and Willow (7Eves) for @animesage8
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giggly-argent · 11 months
#10 and #20 for the oc thing? 🤔
10. Which OC would die getting a pedicure?
Jin would not survive 💀 whenever Zan and Kirin take him out for a boy's night, he comes up with the Dumbest reasons to skip the spa altogether (massages kill him too lsjfjd)
20. Which OC purposely tries to provoke others into tickling them?
Raiden omggg 60% of his time awake is just annoying his team until they wreck him 😭 also Hades but he's Way more subtle about it, and it's only with Raiel!
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giggly-argent · 5 months
14 for Ori and Gattina :3
oughhh my favorite negative IQ siblings 💖
14. Does your OC have any romantic traditions?
Ori doesn't really have any in particular; he'll do whatever he thinks makes his partner feel loved :0 He keeps himself mostly busy with work, so he's always in Full affectionate mode whenever he gets to see his S/O- almost every day is like Valentine's Day with him 🥺
Gattina has plentyyyy! Back when she played baseball, she'd always dance with her girlfriend, Aria, in the dugout before every game (partially as a good luck superstition). she used to love the idea of couple tattoos, but,,, not anymore 🥶
Currently, she'd be big on cooking for her S/O! If she hears they like something, she'll immediately try to cook it- it will not taste good‼️ but at least it's full of love :')
She also loves giving gifts <3 She'll buy pretty much anything that reminds her of her partner- some of the gifts might not seem like a big deal, but her partner will definitely know how much it means to her!
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giggly-argent · 2 years
ask game, how ticklish are carli's ribs? :o
this sweet boy's ribs are a 6~ You'll get a steady stream of squeaks n giggles if you tickle him there, and he'll get a bit louder if you pretend to count them!
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giggly-argent · 1 year
either aries, zero, or homare :>
Nope 😈
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