#quickly ransacked the inside of the car
brltpop · 4 months
Today i witness a car break in while i was walking alone on the street, how was your day? :-)
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glennrheesworld · 6 months
if you do negan could you do any kind of thing about reader being his son and meeting up after not seeing eachother for the apocalypse
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genre: angst & fluff pairing: Negan x m!reader summary: It's been years since the reader has last heard of and seen his dad, Negan. That's until now. warning: cursing & mention of death
a/n: wrote this whole entire thing at 2AM... my sleep schedule is fucked up 😭 (not proofread)
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Negan had left you and Mom back at home, as he had decided to find the necessary medical supplies to aid Mom’s health condition. But he was taking a while and so you decided to go out and look for him; leaving behind Mom who was sleeping soundlessly.
After aimlessly yet cautiously walking around town, you had found yourself lost. Everything was in ruins and just unrecognizable, which made matters worse. You didn’t know where to go or where to find Negan. It had been a full day and when you finally found your way back home, you came face-to-face with a terrifying scene.
Mom’s heart had stopped. And Mom was no longer Mom, but a corpse rotting on the bed you would often cuddle in with her.
You couldn’t hold back the tears that began to spill, the heartache burning inside you as you clutched at your chest. Dad was nowhere to be seen. So, you stayed there for a week, expecting Dad to show up, maybe even expecting that everything would be back to normal when you closed your eyes every night. Desperately wanting to wake up from this nightmare.
— — —
It had been years since the death of Mom and since you’ve seen Negan. You didn’t know what happened to Dad, but one thing was for sure. You hated him for leaving that day and not returning.
Surviving on your own wasn’t as hard as you thought. Sure, you had no company and were often bored of the silence, yet it was peaceful. You still miss Mom and Dad, but you learned to live on your own, to live for them.
Walking through a now abandoned neighborhood, you could feel the soft breeze of the chilly summer afternoon. You were searching for shelter, as you had been sleeping in a car for the past month before someone decided to ransack the vehicle, taking almost everything, you had inside.
Finally reaching a nice and somewhat clean-looking house, you decide to enter it. Ready in case a Walker lunges at you. You open the door wide enough, holstering your machete as your eyes scan the inside.
After a while of making sure the home was clear of Walkers, you shut the door and let yourself fall on the couch, a sigh leaving your lips.
Your stomach grumbles, reminding you that you haven’t eaten in days. With a soft groan, you get off the couch and walk into the kitchen. It was small, yet colorful. You open the cabinets and cupboards only two find a few canned foods.
Turning the 4 cans, you read the front of them: Canned Corn, Canned Peaches, Tomato Soup, and Baked Beans. It wasn’t something appetizing, but it would do the job. A spoonful of corn is shoved into your mouth, helping to get rid of the hunger you’re feeling. The can was almost empty, and your boredom was beginning to get to you.
But before you can even think of what to do, the sound of footsteps can be heard right outside the front door.
Fuck, why this house out of all?
You thought to yourself before quickly shoving the other canned food into your backpack and getting your machete readying in a strong grip. Your eyes dart around the kitchen, trying to find the perfect hiding spot. The pantry or under the table.
The door opens and you can hear what sounds like three men talking, steps getting closer, and just before they reach the kitchen, you duck under the table.
Pressing your back against the wall, you bite your tongue to keep quiet and ready for anything. Your eyes follow the shoes as they walk past the table. The noise of cabinets flying open, and dishes being moved around with the sound of two men talking filled the small kitchen before it slowly faded away.
You discreetly watch from under the table, following the men walk out of the kitchen with your eyes, The floorboards and staircase creak as they walk up to the second level of the home. This was your only chance to get out and so you took it.
Sneaking out from under the table you fix your backpack before quietly running out of the kitchen into the living room, almost out the front door before you’re stopped halfway.
“Oh, not so fast young man.” A teasing voice calls after you, having caught you trying to run out of the house. A voice you recognized so well.
You grit your teeth, cursing under your breath, “Shit.” You weren’t expecting anyone to be in the living room.
Slow heavy steps walk to behind you, your back facing this stranger.
“If I were you, I would drop that.” He’s talking about your machete. You feel your eyes sting and your heart begins to beat with anxiety. Something you haven’t felt in so long.
You slowly turn around with hands raised, weapon still in your possession. Your eyes land on his face.
He looked the same but, still different. Something about him had changed and you couldn’t quite place your finger on it.
“Dad?” Your voice wavers, holding yourself together.
Negan’s smirk falls off his face when he stares at you, eyes scanning your face. His eyes search yours, trying to read you. Wondering if he was dreaming again.
“Son?” He lowers his bat, face softening when it fully settles in him. He had found you, after years of searching. You were there, standing just a couple of feet away from him. All this time he thought his only son was gone forever, never to be found.
Even though you had so much anger bottled up inside you, you still couldn't hold back the joy and relief you felt when seeing your dad. Without hesitation, you drop your weapon and run toward him, embracing him in a tight and much-needed hug.
“Every day, I thought about you,” Negan tightens the hug, the sensation of feeling the love and relief from him made you at ease. He lets out a chuckle, pulling you back to grab the sides of your shoulders, looking you up and down.
He smiles down at you, eyes teary as he sniffles. “You've grown into a hell of a survivor, kid. I'm proud of you.” He grabs your face before ruffling your hair, earning a slight groan from you.
“I learned from the best.” You tell him, a sad smile on your lips. Negan seems to take notice of it as he pats your shoulder. “I'm sorry I couldn't protect you like I promised.”
His words make your heartache.
“It’s all in the past now… I’m just glad to have found you, Dad.” You remind him, blinking back tears before he pulls you back into a hug. This time, something different filled the room.
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foreverisntenough · 7 months
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Summary: While you daydreamed about his face an ocean apart, he had no idea what yours was about to do to him. With a twist of fate and the heat of summer, a new relationship would completely ransack his heart - Everyday heavy with the thought of one another, neither of you were going to let the unexpected love of your life go. You were going to be his, you were his, and you were going to stay his.
Warnings: This story will contain fluff, suggestion, smut and angst- not sure what else yet! Some love bombing but we love a needy Trent
Note: I was planning on keeping this just for myself so please be nice. I hope you like it! There will definitely be more parts (don’t know how many just yet though.)
Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3
Chapter 4 - ‘You’re Mine’
The group had finally made their way out of the penthouse, slightly more drunk than when they walked in.
“Should I get the Uber?” Someone asked in the lift.
“To… Tao? That’s embarrassing. Don’t do that. It’ll take us longer in a car than to walk.” You were strong in your words. No one including Trent had heard you deliver your words with such certainty and definitely not with a flare of aggression.
“Alright New York, relax we’ll walk” one of the boys quipped.
“Clever” you spit back grinning. Trent took your hand now going through the lobby. He was happy to have you still with him and he liked how comfortable you had gotten with the group. Ever in charge, you watched Tyler pull up maps on his phone to be sure you were headed in the right direction but you reached over and clicked his phone off.
“It’s on this street.. come on now” you rolled your eyes teasing. Tyler was amused as you and he had quickly developed a bit of banter after he teased you earlier. Trent watched you walk slightly in front of him dragging his hand behind you. He was stopping himself from drooling at your newly debuted confidence.
Tyler handled the group's arrival at the club. To be honest, as annoying as it probably was to everyone else, you were completely enraptured in whatever Trent was talking about to know what else was going on. Your hands scratched at his bare back under his shirt as he spoke to his friends. You wanted more of him. You were getting to the point of distress from his teasing. He placed slow soft kisses on your neck and they felt like catnip. You could feel your pussy tighten at the thought of him.
You all were let into the club, no IDs checked or anything. You had had tables at clubs before but you weren’t a big fan of the whole experience although you went anyway but this… this wasn't so bad.
It was weird to watch people point or take photos of Trent. He was in New York lending him some anonymity but it wasn’t enough. Once people got wind that ‘someone’ in our section was a big deal, people flocked. Trent didn’t pay any attention to it. You felt a million eyes on you but he didn’t seem to bat an eye. He was never rude if someone had caught him and asked for a picture but he was more reserved in this environment; sat far back in the area whispering only to you. He didn’t really look away from you either. His hands stoking the inside of your thigh. It was driving you crazy. You had to get up. It was starting to push you to the edge.
“Okay?” Trent pulled at your arm as you went to grab a drink from the table to distance yourself.
“I’m getting a little…” you paused not sure how much you should disclose or if he was even interested to know.
“Come on, give me a little something” he pushed. You said fuck it but still couldn’t make eye contact with him embarrassed as you whispered to him.
“Honestly” you sighed in frustration and desperation “really horny Trent” he blinked in surprise. His hand on your leg was torture, seeing the fingers of his hand so close, but so far away. You were not happy with the thought of rubbing your own pussy, you needed Trent, not just anyone, Trent, to eat you out, stretch you out, and play with your tits. You wanted him. You pulled the drink you had just grabbed to your lips trying to pretend you didn’t just admit that to him.
“You wanna go?” He meant it but you couldn’t do that to him and definitely not in front of his friends you didn’t know. You shook your head ‘no’ and Trent leaned in with a questioning hum to see if you were sure.
“No, no. I’m all good but just so you know” you smiled, pressing a kiss into his neck.
“It’s definitely noted,” he smiled at you. He pulled you into him as he stood behind you. You two were inseparable. You wanted his commentary constantly being fed into your ear. You wanted his hands to never leave you. You had drank more than you probably should by this point but kind of lost track because you were ‘keeping up’ with the boys forgetting you weighed half what they did and hadn’t drank like this in a while.
“You’re so beautiful baby” Trent cooed in your ear
“Do you actually mean that?” You looked back directly in his eyes.
“Yeah, wouldn’t just throw it out for the hell of it” you looked back at him unsatisfied wanting to really ask him about his apparent changed stance on pda with you.
“Baby, give me a kiss please” he begged with pooling puppy dog eyes. It was the first time he pulled them out of his arsenal against you. You’d seen pictures of his eyes but up close in person it felt devious. He knew. He knew he could get away with so much and so so so much particularly with you. You caved in seconds.
You were soon moaning his name into his mouth as you kissed him pulling away biting and dragging his bottom lip with you. You held it and he grabbed onto your ass a little firmer. You leaned into him, pressing your body up to his. He could feel your nipples hard through your thin top against him. He managed to sneak his hand down towards your core. He brushed over your pussy covered by your shorts and a thong you were dying for him to rip off you. It was unfair but particularly so given your recent admission.
“You’re being mean” you said to him in a unamused tone. He shrugged slyly. The night kept going and you kept drinking until Trent gave you a water
“You look thirsty baby” opening a bottle and handing it to you.
“I am for you” you winced at the line but it came out quick. You were drunkenly reaching into the waistband of his trousers trying to get him on your page. He blew air out of his mouth to compose himself trying to ignore the advances. One of Trent’s friends winked at him and shook his head amused at the obviousness of your actions toward Trent. Getting more and more impatient, you moved to be directly in front but turned to face away from him. You grinded your hips back into him, your ass pushing against his cock. You leaned your back against his chest and tilted your head all the way back. He knew you were gonna say something so he leaned his head down.
“Can you fuck me tonight…please?” it was dripping with desperation but there was something endearing about your tone, the way your lips pouted at him, the look in your eyes almost tearful. You were starting to feel like maybe he was done and you weren’t going to get any. Trent wanted to do anything to stop the look coming over you, the feelings of worry crashing over you. He could tell you genuinely started to be hurt by the wait.
“Get your things now baby” he couldn’t say no to you. He wasn’t going to say no to you ever. Trent clocked a look at Tyler, pointing at you, back to himself, then the door. Tyler nodded in understanding. You walked past a few of the boys to get your purse. You didn’t really want to say bye as it was a little blatant what was happening.
Suddenly Tyler grabbed your arm making you jump. He leaned into you so you could hear him amongst the loud music.
“Hey, you’re all good to go with him right? Like you want to? You’re fine?” He looked at you seriously like a parent would but the topic was far from a conversation you’d have with one. Your face pulling into a grin.
“Yeah, no seriously I want to go…I’m good” you couldn’t believe he cared enough to have stopped the whole train should something have been wrong. To be real it was probably more for the protection of Trent. Tyler ran a lot of stuff in his camp and definitely didn’t want to have to handle some sort of sex scandal abroad but he also gave you a squint that felt like he wanted you to be okay too. “Thank you really.”
“Yeah, all good. See you… uh later” he struggled to find the right words to wrap this up given it was a little awkward knowing exactly what you were leaving for.
You slipped back through people lacing your fingers with Trent’s as a security guard walked in front of him and you both out onto the street.
“Thanks mate” Trent nodded at the man once you were clear. Despite your drunk state, it wasn’t lost on you how crazy his life was in public and yet he was able to manage a sneaky date with you earlier. You pieced together that his image online was completely woven by him. It was him, it wasn’t a lie but he withheld so much and you needed to know all of it.
You were back in the lift of his hotel fast, his hands all over you. Yours grabbed at his face as you messily made out. You were praying he was going to give you what you wanted. You were lost in your growing feelings for him momentarily, you actually could just cuddle him and settle knowing no one else was in his bed tonight but were thrusted back into your desires when his hand grabbed onto you a little tighter. You were still adamant to get exactly what you had wanted.
The lift door slid open and he gestured for you to step out first. You giggled now your drunken state had lulled into a fun buzz. He seemed completely fine but you also credited that to being his personality. Just cool personified.
“After you baby” he said, opening the door to his room. You walked up to him but didn’t go through, you just latched onto him there in the framework. He laughed at your eagerness.
“Come on, I want you in here” you hummed at his words in excitement as he took his sneakers off. You didn’t wait for him. You needed to start this now. You walked towards the bathroom leaving the door open then Trent heard the shower turn on. He was intrigued by the move and definitely not complaining if he was going to be included. He walked into the bathroom. The tile cold beneath him. You were stood bent, leaning over onto the marble counter. Your back arched, your weight on your elbows wearing your white shirt and now just a lace black thong that was impossibly small. He came up next to you groaning at the picture in front of him. Sure, your outfit tonight left little to the imagination but he wanted you completely naked just for him. He reached and pulled on the band of your thong, snapping it back on your waist. There was something aggressive about his action that made you even weaker for him. You turned towards him and looked at him begging with your eyes. He pulled his shirt over his head and your mouth watered seeing him. He got closer to you.
“Need something?” you paused breath hitching at his physique and words.
“Do you?” You wanted to get him to say he wanted you. The yeah rolled off his tongue and onto yours as you started kissing again. He pushed you to step back. Pressing you against the wall. You maneuvered your hands to the hem of your own top pulling it over your head, your boobs bouncing out. You were close to how he wanted to see you. You pulled at the band of his trousers. He obliged happily.
“I don’t want to interrupt your shower” he was starting to bother you a little with his game so you pushed your hand against his chest. He was taken aback by the abruptness.
“Trent… please. Oh my god, please I can’t anymore. I need you” you begged. If things were different you would’ve been absolutely mortified at your words.
“I’m going to take care of you baby. I want you so bad” your jaw slacked a little at his confession.
“I genuinely thought you maybe weren’t interested. I didn’t know what you wanted anymore.” Trent laughed pushing back into your body. He reached around you into the shower and turned the water off. You looked at him quizzically.
“Not now. Later” he said with sincerity. He wasnt going to fuck you for the first time fast and hard in the shower. He cared too much “I want to take my time on you. Fuck. I need you now y/n.” He pulled you up to him. His warm hands had now fully grabbed your hips, pulling you to wrap your legs around his waist, his hands moved to cup your ass and pull you flush against his body. You could feel his crotch pressing against yours and when you felt how hard he was, you blushed.
He placed you down on the bed and looked at you laying like an angel. There was something so pure and precious about you but he knew, he could just feel if you were comfortable enough you’d be dirty for him.
“Can I take these off?” He didn’t falter. You nodded, lifting your hips easily. Trent painstakingly dragged the material down your legs and off of your body. He then moved slowly back up and over you. You whimpered as you felt his lips come around your nipples. He sucked on the left one, brushing his warm tongue left and right before tugging on it with his teeth. The level of arousement in you was getting higher and higher and the familiar knot forming at the pit of your stomach was starting to form.
“You’re so incredibly beautiful, y/n” he whispered and the honesty in the tone of his voice had you blushing even more.
“You don’t have to do that” you looked at him almost annoyed.
“Do what?” he questioned back.
“Lie” there you said it. “I’m still going to have sex with you” he pulled back after hearing your words.
“That’s not what…Baby I’m not lying.. why would I even.” He stopped and just stared looking confused.
“Is this like a game to you? Your thoughts drunkenly started to spill “Like can you tell I’m a bit broken so you’re getting off on making me act like a fool?” your words stung. He felt so vulnerable in front of you now. Where did this come from? Seconds ago you were begging for him and now you were suddenly upset he called you beautiful, accusing him of playing a game. Trent's eyes narrowed.
He needed to stop this because of a number of things 1. He promised he’d take care of you, he wanted your pussy. 2. You were his in his mind now and he sure as hell wasn’t going to let you speak like this 3. It broke his heart a little bit that his genuine feelings didn’t seem to be enough for you. It was a wish wash of emotions he didn’t really want to process but for whatever reason you provoked it out of him. He wanted to be honest with you.
“Y/N” he looked at you grabbing your attention. “I want to be yours, I want you to be mine. You are mine. I am going to take care of you. There’s something about you that’s magnetic. I need to be near you. This isn’t a joke or some sort of mean spirited ploy for sex. I really like you. I’m never like this. I’ve never called someone baby in my life. You just are, I don't know… I never even wanted to look at girls in the eye if we were messing around. I felt too guilty knowing I didn’t feel anything. Yet there you are fully clothed in the middle of the street and I can’t look away. I was ready to get on my knees and beg. I don’t know what the fuck you do or did to me but please. I want to be with you right now. You’re not broken, you are not a fool. I’m trying here. Honestly I’m being truthful. I think you are the most beautiful thing I’ve ever laid eyes on. I’m embarrassingly obsessed… that’s being a fool. Let me like you, let me… let me make you cum” he said this as he looked back down at your naked body below him getting distracted.
“God, please” he moaned. This wasn’t even directed at you, he just wanted some higher power to let him have you. You didn’t smile at him. Tears fell over your waterline. Your heart broke at the rant. He looked panicked. He looked distraught over how he felt. You wiped at your face before he took over slowly catching any tears.
“I didn’t really anticipate making you cry in bed. Not this way at least” you slapped at him gently, a smile starting to form. “Please” he softly begged you. You nodded wholeheartedly.
Trent kissed over your whole body. Slow, dedicated, but also almost harsh. What he left behind were the signs of him, red marks and shiny spots caused by his warm spit. He could have covered your whole body and you would’ve let him. That man could have done anything, whatever crossed his mind to your body. He could’ve been an ass after your comments and you still would’ve let him embarrassingly but he was never mean to you.
He tugged at your lower lip with his teeth. Your pussy pulsing, focused on Trent’s fingers that were now tracing the inside of your thighs, threatening to come up to where you needed him most. He moved back. He tried to linger but he caved quickly at the sight of your pussy. His name fell from your lips in a hoarse moan the moment you felt his fingers running through your wet folds. With his fingers between your legs now, you were practically dripping for him.
“Fuck, you’re so wet baby “ Trent groaned. “All for me? Hm?” Trent wanted to focus on you but groaned a little more as his fingers felt your juices. Your wetness was evident to his touch and he couldn’t help but be satisfied with it. Trent gave a quick stroke to your clit before taking his hand away to bring his fingers to his mouth. “Fuck baby, I need you now. You taste so fucking good for me”
He stared at you pressing his nose to your cheek before moving his lips to yours. The kiss was hot and heavy, his tongue immediately invading your mouth and toying with yours. He slipped his hand back down your body returning to your pussy. His fingers worked away between your legs. With his middle finger, he continued to stroke through your folds, making the base of your spine tingle, but when his thumb started to draw precise circles on your clit, your body shook slightly as a deep moan got lost in his mouth
“Baby. that’s…fuck..that’s so good.” Your eyes were tearing back up. His dick twitched at your breathy moans and whimpers and whilst at this point, he couldn’t wait to feel more of you but desperately wanted to feel you falling apart on his fingers first.
“You close baby? Hm?” When he dipped another finger into your wet heat, he pulled another deep moan from you and in an attempt to push you closer to the edge, he curled his fingers even further against that one spot and pressed his thumb into your clit harder.
“Gonna be my good girl again? Cum on my fingers” Trent was taking mental notes for the night ahead of you. He didn’t miss the way your walls squeezed around his fingers that little bit more when he called you his good girl.
“Please keep going, Trent I’m so close, I’m-fuck.” With a few more curses and his name continuously falling from your lips, you came around his fingers. White hot liquid shooting through your veins, your body shuddered before you eventually collapsed back into the bed. He gradually slowed the movements of his fingers until he pulled them out completely. You sighed at the relief of your orgasm but also at the loss of contact. You pulled at Trent’s arms to kiss you only for him to shudder when your hand wrapped around his painfully hard dick. Watching you cum had made him even harder and he couldn’t wait to have you and watch you fall apart on his cock.
He rolled you over to be on top of him. You straddled his waist, seating your wet core on his thigh first. He groaned at the feeling. The feeling was overwhelming, Trent shut his eyes and rocked up against you, delirious with the friction.
“Condom?” He asked a little late, trying not to choke on his breath with the head of his cock so close to the entrance of your pussy. You shook your head no. He was surprised and he didn’t want to push back. With one hand on his shoulder, you pushed yourself up onto your knees and lined his dick up with your entrance, sinking down slowly.
His size stretched you deliciously and the slight burning only added to the pleasure running through your veins. He was so big, you could feel him in your stomach once you were fully seated and you actually needed a moment to adjust.
“Fuck, you’re so tight.”, Trent moaned as he dropped his forehead to your chest, trying to avoid cumming on the spot “Squeezing me so tightly, baby. Feels so good.” You slowly began to roll your hips at a slow pace.
“You’re such a good girl, baby. Taking me so well. You’re my good girl, aren’t you?”
“Yeah, baby.” you whimpered, squeezing tightly around his cock at the same time. Your high was approaching pathetically quickly because he seemed to know how to hit all of your right spots. “Fuck, you’re so good.”
It wasn’t long until you were nearly there, and the moment Trent attached his thumb to your clit again and rubbed it in quick circles, you fell apart on top of him, curse words and his name falling from your lips repeatedly.
You were still whining a little while Trent laughed a little, happy he held up his side of the bargain resting his forehead against yours.
“I know baby, I know. I know exactly what you need. I told you I was going to take care of you. Take care of whatever you need wherever you are; in bed and outside of it. I know how to baby. I promise I’ll give you everything but I need to hear you say you’re mine. Need to hear you tell me what I want to hear beautiful.”
You could only manage another whine, too focused on the slow drag of his cock, you could feel every hard vein and ridge of it slowly fucking into you. Trent shook his head at your broken noises.
“I know it feels good, baby, but you can do it. Use your words.”
“I’m yours.” It came out as a whisper at first, too overwhelmed by the feeling of his cock, the friction of his solid stomach against your clit as he grinded against you slowly.
“You’re mine?” He repeated, not even trying to hide the bit of smugness in his voice. “Yeah, You’re mine? Look at me baby.” Your eyes locked onto his, and he held your gaze “Are you mine?” Trent punctuated his question with a particularly hard thrust. You nodded again.
“Yeah, Trent.” You managed to mutter out when he started to fuck you again. His pace was relentless, his hips unforgiving as he moved, driving his cock in and out of you, consistently hitting a spot so deep inside you.
“Fuck, fuck, oh my- fuck.” he cursed. His fingers dug into your skin and his head fell back, as he pushed his hips up one last time before he spilled into your tight heat. Trent rolled his eyes at the way you gently moved your hips against his to help him ride out his high.
“Oh my god, Y/N.” You didn’t want him to pull out yet. you gripped your fingers on his hair and massaged his scalp, causing Trent to hum in contentment, whilst his hands caressed your back in soothing motions.
Tyler would murder Trent if he told him what just happened. On paper it sounded horrible but Trent couldn’t have been happier than he was right now with you safe in his arms. He closed his eyes imagining the reaction. ‘So she tried to get you to fuck her, then you made her cry, and the came inside of this girl he’d now known for 10 hours unprotected.’ It wasn’t great but he couldn’t stop seeing it as a positive but given the list he needed to make sure you were okay.
“Baby” he whispered to you. He pulled his hand from your back and stoked it through your hair. You moaned a little at the contact. “Okay” he smiled at your state “Happy though? He needed to know. You picked your head off his chest slightly only to kiss back down.
“Very” you muffled into his skin. He was relieved your head hadn’t gone where his went. He kept his hands on your naked body. He looked at you closer thinking about what just happened and he needed more of you.
“Baby” he cooed again. You were more awake now. You slide your hand up and down his chest in response. You felt him twitch a little beneath you. You peeled yourself up his body, lazily and messily making out with him. He held you firmly but gently before pulling away
“You’re mine now” he said, you smiled and looked up at him.
“Any particular reason you’re so set on this?” He was interested that you were interested.
“I told you, I’ve never felt this way about anyone in my life. I don’t want to freak you out but I’m kind of freaking out a little. I don’t know what you do to me. I've never felt more attached or protective over someone, let alone someone I just met.” He couldn’t look at you. He knew he sounded insane.
“I mean you’re absolutely nuts but I’m not mad about it” he smiled a little at your response as you continued talking “I don’t understand why but I also get it. I feel different about this.. us” you questioned and paused. “I don’t even know if that’s even a thing, us, but when we’re next to each other it feels right and I feel safer than I’ve ever felt. I guess I’m beating around the bush that yeah, in some weird backwards way I’m yours T.” You created the initial nickname on the spot and it warmed his heart a little more before he spoke.
“It’s a thing… us” His hands snaking up your back kissing into your neck his teeth grazing and pulling at your most sensitive spot. He got worked up quickly. “You still wet for me?” he asked, already knowing the answer. “You know I could watch you ride me all day, but I'd really want to see you on all fours baby."
Trent tapped at your ass to get your attention, but you didn't open your eyes. He playfully slapped you this time, but you ignored it once more by hugging his shoulders and rolling in his lap. On the third slap, you couldn't compress a moan and a naughty grin that Trent hyper fixated on.
"Are you enjoying this?" You just looked at him confirming what he said without saying a word. His mind was racing at what he was learning about you. You two rustled around in the sheets making out some more. There was no resistance when his bulging cock brushed against the lips of your wet pussy. He moved from under you leaving you on your stomach. He pulled you up to be on your knees. He was eager to touch you. He couldn’t wait. Your body was overcome with the white-hot pleasure of Trents thick cock squeezing into you, squeezing your eyes back shut. Your back was broken in an arch, your mouth opened in a silent cry, and your fingers entangled in the sheets beneath you.
“That’s it baby, that’s a good girl.” He praised thumbs caressing your cheeks as he slowly pulled his hips back, then pushed in again. His abdomen dragged against your clit, and your eyes squeezed shut again.
He shouldn’t tell you but Trent was loving having you like this. Against his better judgment he spoke. “I love it when you cum for me” he said against your back moving his hips so he could fuck you with slow strokes. Trent gripped your ass so he could thrust faster and deeper, enjoying your muffled moans.
"Oh fuck.. Trent..baby." His finger continued circling your clit and you came hard for a second time. You felt your arms weaken, the shiver running up your spine as the sensation took over your body once again. Trent wasn’t far behind his orgasm hitting him and he groaned out loud. His cock pulsed, his come spilling inside of you in thick ropes, he could barely breathe as your pussy squeezed around him more. You both laid completely fucked out.
“Can I say something crazy?” he barely made a sound as he tried talking.
“Because you haven’t yet tonight?” You snapped quickly cuddling your head into him to know your tone was simply a joke. You wanted to hear what he had to say.
“That’s the best sex I’ve ever had…” you picked your head up.
“Come on, don’t say that to me”
“I was trying not to but…” He groaned a little, you felt the rumble in his chest. “I thought it the first time but saying that felt like a lot and then this… it somehow got better. I’m not even joking”
“You need to … I don’t know” you laughed and shook your head. He pushed a sweaty piece of hair on your forehead behind your ear looking at you.
“I need more of you, now, that’s what I need, that’s what I want” you couldn’t believe the way Trent Alexander Arnold had unraveled in front of you. You were in disbelief but you couldn’t look away. He was gorgeous, flushed, chest rising and falling. His hand stoking you. You felt like he really cared but his words of affirmation made you nervous. No one had ever spoke to you like this. Was he serious? You couldn’t know but the sweeping thought that’d he’d be off back to his regular busy life in England felt like someone had punched you in the stomach. You couldn’t let him see your heart break. You felt like he was already bandaging you up; you couldn’t break down more.
“I think we should probably shower, shouldn’t we?” He suggested to you, you nodded softly in agreement. He carefully pulled out of you, but when you moved to sit up, he gently pushed you back down, eyes glued to your pussy, where his load slowly leaked out. Trent took two fingers, gathering and pushing it back into you. Your back arched in response, a small hiss pushed through your clenched teeth.
As soon as you felt his plumpy lips close to your core, you knew it was game over for you all over again. Trent helped himself to have full access to you by opening your folds again with his thumbs. He positioned himself in a more comfortable position and started moving his lips against your pussy. He sucked on your bud and parted your folds with his tongue, the tip frantically teasing your skin down there. It was so fast you almost missed the white wave of pleasure wash over you again. He smiled beneath you, his face slick and shiny with you.
“Alright, let’s shower.” He moved off you and the bed. His arms out to hold you and take you carefully into the bathroom.
“Baby, you’re absolutely perfect, You know that? You know you’re perfect?” he murmured into you. He let his kisses trail all over you happily. You didn’t necessarily believe him but it wasn’t a bad thing to hear from him.
The shower steam filled the bathroom. You lazily clung to him rubbing your hands with soap over his body. He liked your hands on him. There was a physical and emotional feeling of warmth with him. He just wanted to wrap around you keep you with him all the time. He was completely consumed by the thought. You watched him stare blankly. You smiled at his face and traced your finger down his sharp jawline. You were both in a haze so close together. You got through the shower slowly and not without some suggestive touches but you reached around Trent and turned the water off eventually. He didn’t move yet, he just held you close against his chest. The water continued dripping down your bodies. You couldn’t be but you wanted to be closer somehow to him.
You got out of the shower anyway and he wrapped a towel around you draping his arms over you as he stood behind you. He stared at you two in the fogged mirror blissfully.
“You’re so gorgeous” You said tilting your head up at him and scratching at his beard
“Mmmhmm, I know” he said smugly, smiling at you. You rolled your eyes at his remark. He turned you around and sat you on the counter in front of him. He stood between your legs and you slid your hands over and around his waist. He brushed his knuckles over your face. Neither of you said a word just stood in silence ogling at one another. He picked you up and brought you back to the bed. He pulled you onto his chest and tucked the comforter of the big bed over you two. He kissed the top of your head.
“Sure you don’t want me to head home?” He just laughed at your question and held you closer. It was so warm and so comfortable you weren’t exactly itching to get out of there. Your nails dragged over his chest as you continually pressed kisses into his collar bone. Trent’s body calmed and his breathing slowed. You looked up to see his eyes closed. You got up off of him swiftly.
“Aye.. nah what..” he cried out as you were no longer on top of him. You hit the bedroom lights before he could finish his sentence. You smiled at him reassuring you weren't trying to leave crawling across the bed back to him.
“Gimme one more kiss beautiful” he begged, you pulled yourself up wrapping around his neck placing a heavy but soft kiss on his plump lips. You slipped back down to lay your head on his chest again. You could feel him begin to doze off.
“It okay if we sleep a little? I’m sorry baby” he mulled.
“Sorry for sleeping?” You poked fun at him. “I’m okay, really T” you cooed. He didn’t respond, he just held you and drifted off happy to have your body on his. Then you closed your eyes. You were exhausted but the idea that the man under you was Trent, mixed with tequila and multiple orgasms your head began to hurt. You bayed in and out of sleep before you peeled your head off his chest. Holding yourself up on your arms above him you just gawked at his physique. You brushed your finger over his high prominent cheek bone. You didn’t want to wake him but you couldn’t resist touching him either. You sighed that this was all coming to a close in your mind. No matter what he said it wasn’t realistic and you had to prepare yourself for the morning. You wanted to lay back down on top of him but you couldn’t let yourself. You rolled over to his side instead just keeping him close in proximity. He shuffled at the loss of weight atop him. He reached around the bed for you pulling you back into his chest. He wasn’t going to make this easy for you.
Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed it. Please let me know what you think.
Next part is up - Chapter 5
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captain039 · 3 months
PART 6 Predator grounds (Cooper Howard)
Alpha!Cooper Howard (pre-war)x omega!reader
Alpha!Cooper Howard (The Ghoul) x omega!reader
Warnings: AOB dynamics, vault tech things, forced heats/ruts, eventual smut, age gap, angst? Experiments, needles, drugs, talks of pregnancy, first times, anxiety attacks, anxiety, forced claiming, mentions of rape, plus size reader, fat shaming.
Me to me: Finish the story’s you’re writing! 😡
Me to me also: oh look new idea 😘
Fricken roller coaster 👌🏻
Previous part <-
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It’s strange. Coming back to the world, one you thought you knew the one you grew in. This, this wasn’t it.
Nora stared with you, the browns, yellows and little green. The rusted ruined cars, building and ship cargo. The overly hot sun.
“Come on, I used to live down there in Sanctuary hills” she whispers and you just nod following her down the path. There’s skeletons by the gate and you hold your breath as you go past before letting it go. You follow the woman through the shrub and into the nuke ruined homestead. She talks with a Mr.Handy while you’re staring at the world you can see past the broken stone wall. Your minds blank yet over running and you reach out for Nora instinctively. She stops talking as does the robot and she holds your hand following your gaze. The beta lets you hold her hand before you’re searching the ruined houses for anything you guess. After it’s clear this place has been ransacked the Mr. Handy robot, or Codsworth points you in the direction to the next city.
You follow Nora silently she’s got the gun and knows how to use it, you’ve got scared omega running through your veins right now. You rub the mating bite on your neck, gods you wonder if he’s alive, if they froze him again or he got out. You hope he didn’t get out as you pass what you think is a dead dog in the middle of the road. You almost gag seeing its insides and quickly avoid it while looking away. You continue down the road seeing a red rocket station and a bark making you and Nora jump. You frown as she aims her gun but what comes running from the garage doesn’t look like what was on the road. The dog wags his tail, tongue out happily as he sniffs you both intently before barking.
“Ok boy?” Nora asks kneel to pet him before looking around.
“No owner?” She asks glancing to you and you shrug.
“Good boy” she mutters petting the dog one last time before checking the station. It’s empty besides some medical items that look very out of date. The dog follows you the whole time sniffing around before your on the road again. You take in the broken buildings, broken road and weird smells, it’s been like this since the bombs dropped and you’ve been hiding away underground, forced for some breeding program when there were already people up here?
You hug your middle keeping your eyes on the ground before you hear shots.
“Stay here, hide in that building!” Nora says quickly urging you into the rundown store.
You hear more shooting and shouting, your spot in the dusty smelly closet is horrid but it keeps you from out there.
You don’t know how much times pass, but the shooting stops, the shouting stops too. You don’t leave your spot though. You hear your name called though and peek out the door and see Nora, you sigh in relief and head out hugging her quickly without thought. She’s panting slightly and sweaty but you don’t care.
“Sorry” you say letting go and she just smiles saying it’s alright.
“I found friendly people” she says and you nod following her. You meet with some survivors, Preston alpha, Mama Murphy beta, Sturges another alpha and two betas a man and woman who seem intent on arguing more than giving their names.
“Oh you’re not from around here” Mama Murphy says looking at you and you gulp a little.
“No, no you’re far from home, far from your mate” she hums and you frown a little.
“Hm I’m getting the sense he’s changed” she says frowning and your heart skips a beat despite not believing the woman.
“Mama Murphy come on” Preston sighs.
“Oh shush” she waves the man off.
Your group heads back to sanctuary hills. You stick close to Nora the whole way. You help her clean out her old house, keeping what’s useful like the old table, couch and mattress. Nora sets up the mattress outside trying to dust it off the best she can while you sit on the surprisingly stable old chair, head in your hands.
There’s a scattering that wakes him damned rad roaches thinking he’s an easy meal. He barely looks to blow the thing to pieces before sighing and getting comfortable again. It’s morning before he can sleep again and his clicks his tongue before moving. This bounty he’s been chasing enjoys running too much and he’s getting sick of it. One Charlie James, stole something from some high and mighty, he didn’t care, didn’t matter as long as he was getting paid. He needed the caps fast, he’s been running low on viles for a while now and the coughs started to hurt more.
He finds the rat bastard hiding in a shopping mall, holed up like a little rat with his trinkets. The man doesn’t get a chance to speak before there’s a hole in his chest and his heads coming off with a few saws. Cooper grunts as he raids the little hide out before he’s heading back to the small town to get his bounty. He wonders how he got this far, roaming America, his first instinct was to stay around Los Angelas see if he could find his ex wife and daughter so he could find you. Hell there hasn’t been a day in the last 200 years he doesn’t miss you, his body aches every time he thinks about you, about that bite he left on you, about how you’d react if you saw him. After they took you away he went haywire, feral as the doctor said, he was teeth and claws before he got turned into this. Now he was truely feral, well not in the ghoul sense feral. Heading back into town with a head strapped to his thigh made most people look away or dart inside while he went to the towns mayor. He got paid, left a head lighter and headed to the closest drug dealer he could find. While hes waiting he hears about sanctuary hills, about how a Vaultie is running it with her little mated omega that ain’t even hers. Running it with the minutemen apparently. He shrugs it off at first but what makes him clench his fist though is their description, laughing about how the omega was ‘fat’ then the exact description of your hair, your face then your name leaves their mouth… He snatches his viles throws caps at the man, shoots the bastard laughing about you in the leg and barges out the door ignoring the pissed off yelling. He’s storming through the town before he looks to a map to find Sanctuary hills He’s got a five days trip to get there.
It’s been four months since you got here, three months to watch people build and grow this place into something of a community, guess Mama Murphys got one thing right about this place. You’re tending to the plants, Nora’s out helping another settlement and you’re left in charge seeing as Preston would happily stand by and guard rather than lead and leave it in your very incapable hands. Hell Struges would be better at this, Marcy could easily bark around orders, you just want to curl up in your bed. It’s been hard, really hard, you’ve sworn and yelled at Nora more than once and you felt like an absolute shitty friend but she would smile, give you a hug before heading out. Preston tries to offer his comfort in his weird way, Sturges makes sure to not cross your path when you’re in a mood and Marcy fights back and poor Jun looks like he’s about to cry if you slightly raise your voice at him. You’ve avoided all other settlers like the plague and thankfully they only introduced themselves and moved on. Nora was the real hero, saviour, mayor of the town, she ran this place like she knew how to run a government. You bonded with her, your mind and body designated her as your person and she didn’t mind. She had that motherness about her, strong but kind. Though you missed your mate, Cooper, you hear people saying how you’re lucky you hadn’t followed his path into death, or how you hadn’t been plagued by sickness or him being gone. It made your hope spark that he was alive, frozen like you somewhere. It’s hard with limited medical access out here despite the clinic, your heats come, people’s smells feel like an attack every time, you have a nest you made, Sturges yelling over construction makes you want to tuck talk and run. It wasn’t like this before, you could live your life, with suppressants and scent blockers. You were heading down to the clinic, made after the ruined house was removed by the bridge when you see a figure across the bridge. You think it’s Nora or a settler at first but the way he’s standing has your neck hairs standing up. You signal the guard standing by the clinic having a small chat and she’s up instantly heading to the gate. Despite the gate open and this place being friendly with most, sometimes raiders or other hot headed people think they can take on a community. You’re weary as the stranger approaches the gate and the guard Kayla simply nods and he’s let in. Not a raider then thankfully.
You go into the clinic smiling at Jun before your body tenses, a scent invaded you and your mind reels back to Cooper. It feels like a bullet, quick hitting and build up flaring. You turn seeing the stranger, he’s hidden under his cowboy hat and cowboys outfit. Your body shakes at the familiarity of the outfit, the scent that hits your nose when a soft breeze comes. You can’t speak or say anything as he just stands there. Your mate bite seems to flare up in response knowing who gave it to you is here. What lands a killing blow though is that he walks away, walks down the road heading into the guns and ammo store. You let out a noise sounding like some strangled cat crying and take the extra long route back to Nora’s house where you slam your door shut and hide under your blanket.
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Went through my notes and found an old drabble titled
"Pidge (sort of) regrets going to the girls for advice [about Keith]" (as if that needed to be specified😂😂)
Further notes to myself indicate it was inspired by a reddit post seemingly built around the idea of "Tricks that guys don't realize girls do". Anyways, I do hope you all enjoy this little bit if nonsense!
"You really want to know how to drive a man insane while at the same time giving him more reasons to keep seeing you?" Ezor asked with a sly tone.
Pidge cocked her head to the side out of curiosity "What's that?"
Ezor walked over to Pidge's dresser, she began throwing out boxers and loose fitting underwear, as well as chest bindings all over the floor of Pidge's bedroom. The younger girl got flustered and quickly started picking everything up while the rest of the girls laugh. "Well, first we need to go shopping for you. Why don't you have anything to show off your curves, like a thong or something?"
Pidge gestures to her whole body before crossing her arms in a pout. "What curves? It's not like I have any to show off..." Pidge muttered.
"That's not true at all, Pidge." Allura affirmed her friend.
"Yeah, if you weren't too busy putting yourself down and wearing nothing but baggy clothes all the time, you'd see the curves you've really grown into. I know Keith has." Ezor winked at Pidge.
"I have no idea what you're talking about..." Pidge stuttered out, her face slowly turning pink.
"Of course you don't," Ezor rolled her eyes playfully "but mistress of seduction and flirtation that I am, I see all, and anytime you enter the room I see him eyeing you up and down, even more so than you do him, and I can tell he's using every ounce of self-control in that well-built body of his that you love to stare at, and not let his Galra blood flair up and take you to his room asap. Maybe a broom closet since y'all are both so desperate for each other. "
At this point, Zethrid, Romelle, Nadia and even Acxa couldn't help but burst into laughter. Allura, to her credit, was at least trying to stifle her own laughter.
"Sh-shut up!" Pidge stuttered out, her blush getting more red by the second. "Are you going to tell me why you were ransacking my underwear in the first place?'
"Eh, sure, why not? I had my fun teasing you," Ezor said as she sat back down on the bed. "Next time it rains, and I mean a real downpour, you're going to go over to Keith's and get absolutely drenched in the process. He is going to offer his clothes (because as socially inept as he his, he's still somewhat of a gentleman) and you're going to wear said clothes, and when you go home you'll conveniently leave your underwear behind while still wearing the clothes he offered you. He'll find said underwear, and will of course want to return them to you and retrieve his clothea in the process, but if they're something you wouldn't normally wear, like say, a sexy red and black lace thong and bra (obviously because those are his colors and you want to get inside his head as much as possible), he won't be able to resist picturing you in said underwear the entire time."
"He'll give them to you, just so he can take them right back off you." Ezor smirked.
"So... who's car are we taking to the mall, and when's the next storm?"
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finnpeach · 1 year
Sand and Dust - Trigun Stampede
Yeah... I don't have any words for this one really. Vash has been living rent-free in my head and I need to get all my ideas out before I forget them, so please enjoy this hiding/allergy scene that definitely should've happened but unfortunately didn't. Set between episode 4 and episode 5. I love this little family and Vash duh <3 Comments and tags and feedback are always loved and appreciated as well ☺️
After their escape from the worm, the band of journalists and outlaws stop at an desecrated shanty town to search for fuel and supplies. It's small, with only a few buildings standing as proof that people ever lived here. The place looks like something out of a horror movie. 
Meryl is the only one who wants to keep going. Something about this place doesn't feel right to her. “The radar says there’s a populated outpost fifty miles from here. We shouldn’t stop here, it looks abandoned.” 
“I’d like to stretch my legs,” Roberto says, one of the first to hop out of the vehicle. Wolfwood and Vash follow shortly after. “And it looks like it’s three to one, newbie.“
“We won’t be here for long,” Vash reconciles gently, opening Meryl’s door for her. “It’ll be better to search here first, in case the next outpost isn’t welcoming.” 
Meryl grumbles something about wanting to go one day without getting shot at or eaten by something before she hops out of the car, following behind Roberto. 
“Vash and I will search the shops for supplies. Roberto, you and the kid find some fuel for the car,” Wolfwood says as he lights another cigarette, his cross weighted across his back. “Meet back here in forty five minutes.”
The two groups split up and head in opposite directions. Roberto and Meryl walk towards what looks like a service station while Wolfwood and Vash search a dilapidated store for bullets and supplies.
“This place looks like it��s been abandoned for years,” Wolfwood says as they saunter inside. Golden flecks of dust dance through the air, like shimmery diamonds. Just the sight makes Vash’s nose itch.
Wolfwood kicks over a box and rummages through the contents. “Wonder what happened.”
“There’s no plant here… but it doesn’t seem like there ever was one to begin with. Maybe  they just couldn’t keep supplying the town.” Vash looks around the store. The windows are shattered, the shelves toppled over in a heap. The place has been ransacked, either by bandits or something else.
He starts to investigate for any information or signs of life while Wolfwood kicks another box over. Vash's gaze lands on deep, long scratch marks on the floor that lead out the door. They’re about a meter long and are cut deep into the wood.
“Was someone dragged out of here…?” It doesn’t look like an animal made this. He looks closer at the walls. There’s smatterings of blood near the baseboards and pieces of the wallpaper have been ripped apart. More signs of struggle.
Suddenly, the earth begins to vibrate, deep and slow. Vash freezes as the walls begin to shake and the broken glass on the floor starts to chatter. Dust billows off the tops of the shelves in waves. 
Vash slides quickly over to the broken door and presses against the wall, peering outside. Something is here.
“Wolfwood,” he hisses, searching for him in the store. The undertaker appears silently beside him, like a ghost, and Vash nearly yelps in fright at the surprise.
“We’re being hunted.” Wolfwood’s breath is low and quiet. “Another worm, or something of the same size. See the sand over there?” He points to the enormous, sharp ridges rising like waves at the edge of the town. 
Vash gasps when he realises where it's crawling to. “It’s heading for Meryl and Roberto—“ He moves to lunge towards the door, but Wolfwood is quicker and shoves him roughly against the wall, his hand pressed tightly to Vash’s chest.
“Idiot! Do you want to get swallowed up again? If they hide and keep quiet, it won’t know they’re there. We just have to wait it out.” 
Vash heaves an irritated sigh but relents. Wolfwood is right. The worm might know they’re here, but as long as they stay put, it should pass on. He tries not to imagine the poor human who made those scratch marks on the floor, a helpless victim for the worm’s appetite. 
They wait, pressed against the wall as the sand starts to shift towards the store rather than the service station. Even though it's now headed for them, Vash feels hope blossom in his chest at the fact that the worm has changed course from Meryl and Roberto. He shuts his eyes and sniffles, eager to get out of this dusty store. 
The earth rumbles again, sending sheets of dust and sand off the shelves again. The aftermath hangs suspended in the air directly around Wolfwood and Vash, surrounding them like a fog.
Vash rubs at his nose. The itch that blossomed in his nose when they walked into the store has become more persistent, rooted. His eyes are starting to water and he can feel his throat becoming tight as the dust enters his sinuses. This is not a good time for his allergies to act up. He tries not to breathe, but that just makes the itch worse and makes his nose start to run. The rumbling gets deeper as the worm approaches. It feels like there’s a tingling, burning fire in his sinuses. He presses his head back against the wall, breath catching in his chest as the itch becomes too much to hold back.
“Hih… hh… hihhh…!” His eyes slip shut as he hitches, eyebrows pinching together in sneezy irritation. He’s going to—!
“H’NDKT!” Suddenly, there’s a warm hand pressed against his nose, pinching his nostrils shut and forcing him to stifle. He releases a shaky breath and opens his teary eyes to see Wolfwood staring daggers at him.
Don’t. You. Dare. He seems to say with his gaze. Wolfwood's hand is still clasped around Vash’s nose.
The worm rumbles past them, the vibrations growing lighter as it moves on. 
Now that the imminent danger is out of the way, Wolfwood releases Vash and grabs him by the collar of his jacket, pulling him up so that Vash is just dangling in the air by Wolfwood's fists. He chokes in surprise and grips his wrists.
“You dumbass! You’re going to get us killed!“ He hisses, pushing Vash back against the wall. 
“S-sorryhh… ihht’s the duhh.. duhhst…- heh! H’IGKT’uh! Hih’IGKTsh!
Wolfwood has dropped his grip on Vash’s collar to press his hand around the blonde’s nose again and catch the two sneezes. They both freeze as the rumbling of the earth comes to a sudden halt. They've been heard.
They’re chest to chest now, silent. The only sounds Vash can hear are their heartbeats pounding rhythmically in their chests, waiting for the inevitable.
In an instant, the worm races back in their direction again and the earthquakes resume in greater intensity.
Wolfgang presses him so tight against the wall that Vash can barely breathe. They need to stay silent. He can only drink in small sips of air around his hand, which is probably for the best because every breath just ignites the itch deeper in his sinuses. He rubs his nose against Wolfgang’s hand, desperate for relief. He’s so itchy. He has to… he’s going to—
“Vash—” Wolfgang stutters as he watches Vash’s features twist again. This is a battle that Vash is going to lose.
“H’ihTSSHHhiew!” Vash sneezes loudly against Wolfgang’s hand, unable to hold the sneeze back despite the support. Wolfgang curses under his breath as the spray coats his hand and pulls his hand back, readying his cross. The rumbling of the earth intensifies.
The itch has multiplied in his nose, flecks of dust and sand pressing themselves deeper into his sensitive nostrils. He sneezes again, and again, and again.
“H’TSCHhh! H’ITSCHh’tssh! Hh-ih… H’aHTSSCHhh’ue!”
“You absolute dipshit!” Wolfwood shouts and punches him in the chest. Vash grunts against the blow and leans against the wall. Any remaining glass on the window shatters as the worm screams beneath the sand.
Wolfwood grabs his machine gun cross and rips off the fabric, twisting the cross across his shoulders. He takes aim as the worm peaks above the sand with a roar. The building shakes and the ground starts to give way beneath them.
“Run!” Wolfwood kicks Vash in the ass out the door, sending him falling on his face and into the sand. He sneezes again but scrambles to his feet as the worm rams its enormous neck into the store.
Wolfwood fires off a round at the giant beast’s head, leaping towards solid ground before racing after Vash. His bullets make direct contact and penetrate the beast's hide. The worm roars and sinks back into the sand, bloodied and angry. The earth shakes again.
“If we survive, I’m going to kill you!” Wolfwood smacks the back of Vash’s head as they near the vehicle. Roberto and Meryl are already in the front seat, searching for them.
“Drive!” They both shout as they tumble into the backseat. Without missing a beat, Meryl shoots the car forward and they take off. 
Vash is in the middle of a sneezing fit as they drive away from the town, holding his head in his hands. "H'idTSHh! Heh... H'ipTSHhhiew! Hih-hih-hh..! H'ITSSHhhh'ue! Snfff..."
He takes a deep breath and slumps against the seat, exhausted, but not before one final, "Huh.. hahktschh..." It's no more than a release of air and is a testament to how tired he is. He snuffles again and scrunches up his nose as the itch subsides.
"Enough! Will you shut up already!" Wolfwood snaps, pressing his body tight against the car door. He looks like a sibling who wants to do nothing more than to get away from his younger, annoying brother. Anger rolls off of him in fiery, unrelenting waves.
In the rearview mirror, Meryl watches as the general store sinks into the sand and the worm rises above again, its cries splitting the sky. It decides not to follow them, luckily.
“Jeez. No wonder that town is abandoned,” she says, turning on the radio. “I told you guys we shouldn’t have stopped there. We could’ve been swallowed up again!”
“Blame needle-noggin over here,” Wolfwood mutters, pressing a cigarette to his lips. He casts a glare at Vash out of the corner of his eye, who is pawing at his irritated nose.
“I told you I’m.. I-hh.. h’ITSHHiew!” He sneezes again, the spray catching Wolfwood’s thigh. “Sndff! I told you I’mb sorry!” 
“I don’t care! And would it kill you to cover your mouth?!” Wolfwood punches Vash’s arm and turns to glare out the window, mumbling something about how disgusting Vash is and how he wishes he’d left him with the worm. Vash just smiles and rubs at his arm, chuckling sheepishly.
“Hey, boys, no fighting. Be nice,” Meryl chides, angling the rearview mirror to look at both of them. 
Vash gives her a shy smile and waves, his nose a bright rosey pink. Wolfwood glares at her reflection and flips her off before turning his attention out the window again. She laughs, and turns up the radio as they race across the dunes of sand.
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morbidology · 2 years
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On the morning of 14 May, 1985, 15-year-old Paula Cooper and three of her friends skipped school in Gary, Indiana. They had a plan to commit a burglary at a local home in their neighborhood. 
That morning, they turned up on the doorstep of 78-year-old Ruth Pelke, a bible studies teacher, under the pretense of requesting lessons from the elderly woman. She welcomed the group of teenage girls into her home.
Once inside, one of Cooper’s accomplices struck Ruth over the head with a vase and slashed her arms and legs. Cooper then stabbed Ruth a total of 33 times with a butcher knife. The group of girls then ransacked Ruth’s home, making off with just $10 and a handful of jewellery. They then stole Ruth’s car and fled from the scene. 
The four girls were quickly apprehended and Cooper was described as the ringleader. Her defence attorney argued for leniency for his client, describing how she had been the victim of sexual abuse, and had been moved from school to school.
On 11 July, 1986, Paula Cooper was sentenced to die for her role in the gruesome murder. The three other girls received more lenient sentence, and all were eventually released from prison. 
From behind bars, Cooper earned a GED and took correspondence courses, then in 1989, her death sentence was commuted to life in prison. After serving 26 years, Cooper was released from prison. She expressed great remorse over her actions, and Ruth’s grandson, Bill Pelke, announced that he had forgiven her.
On 26 May, 2015, Ruth Cooper was found dead in her home. She had taken her own life by shooting herself in the head.
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weirdmorefics · 2 years
Hi!! Could I please request a stranger things imagine where the reader (Elevens younger sibling) feels like el doesn’t see R as a sibling figure, and so constantly puts themselves in harms way to prove themself. And one day, they almost die and let’s it slip on why they’re acting the way they are, and El assures the reader that they are siblings and is worried about reader and protective?
x sister!reader
If You Ever Do Anything Like That Again I’ll Kick Your Butt
Pronouns- She/Her
Word Count- 1,090
Summary- The Mind Flayer tries to attack Eleven but the reader protects Eleven and gets seriously hurt. 
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I can't believe I am here again, putting my life on the line. Just so I can finally convince El finally sees me as a sister. I will do anything so El knows that I am her family even if it means dying I am just so tired. I am really not sure how much longer I can keep this giant nasty monster from killing us. El is helping she is the stronger of the two of us I hope I will be as strong as her one day. I stand behind her trying to hide the nosebleed from over-exerting myself when I see the monster go for her leg. Before I can think I push her out of the way and the monster grabs me instead.
I am flying in the air swinging around with no control. I hear everyone screaming like crazy. Eleven has used all her energy already so she tries to pull me down physically and Mike comes to her aid then the rest join in trying to yank me back to the ground. My whole body is quaking in fear I want to scream so badly but nothing will come out.
Jonathan screams for nancy to shoot it and I want to scream that will just make it angrier but all that comes out our anxious labored breaths and tears from my eyes. This frozen feeling happens to me a lot even in the lab it would happen where I felt so much fear I could not move or speak. I think papa would call it a panic attack.
Nancy shoots and I can hear the bullets woosh by me and I think this may be my end. If I die for Eleven will she see me as the sister I see her as? Nancy screams Lucas’s name and he starts trying to chop the monster apart with an axe as Nancy shots more. They start pulling on my arms even harder it feels like my arms will be ripped off and I will fly into the night sky as the monster tears me apart.
Lucas chops one of the monster’s limbs off causing me to fall to the ground with it. I am exhausted I just want to close my eyes and wake up from the nightmare and go back to eating egos with El. Eleven tries to talk to me but the words don’t make sense in my mind. Her eyes widen when she looks at my leg. I follow her gaze to my leg and see part of the monster still attached to me. With little energy, she has left she yanks it off with her powers. My voice is back due to the blinding searing pain that causes and all I can do is scream until my throat hurts.
Eleven looks angrier than I have ever seen her and she turns around and faces the monster. She screams and holds her hands up toward the monster. I can’t really see what is going on right now my eyes are blurry from the tears and pain but I hear the disgusting noise of flesh ripping. I see Eleven fall from exhaustion I try to stand to catch her from falling but my leg will not function. Mike luckily catches her but this just makes me feel like a failure of a sister. Why can’t I protect her as she protects me.
Max and Lucas help drag me to my feet and help me limp outside as Mike carries Eleven. Nancy and Jonathan are screaming go over and over as they rush us out the door and slam it behind us. We all scramble into the car and Eleven is still knocked out as I whine in pain.
Mike screams to nancy, “drive”
We arrive quickly at a store and Nancy and Jonathan break the door so we can get in. Max and Lucas help me inside as Mike helps a groggy El in. I can’t stop groaning in pain. Nancy and Jonathan are ransacking the shelves and giving orders to everyone. Max and Lucas set me gently on the ground and pull my pant leg up.
I see Eleven’s eyes widen and Max gasps “Oh shit.”
I groan in more pain it just keeps getting worse and I really think I might die here.
Nancy says she wants to clean the wound but Max corrects her and tells her how to treat it properly. I honestly don’t care how they do it I just want it to stop.
“Eleven hold this keep pressure,” Max orders seriously.
I scream as El puts pressure it is just making it worse. Eleven quickly looks to Max to see if she is doing it right and Max nods. Max lists more instructions to everyone but everything sounds distorted to me.
Everyone leaves to get supplies except El who continues to keep pressure on my wound. It starts to feel a little better now that I am sitting and I think the bleeding is not as bad now.
Eleven looks at me seriously, “Why would you do that?”
“Do what?” I shrug
“Push me out of the way? It was going after me first,” she frowns.
I sigh trying to think of some lie so I don’t sound like a dork but I just say the truth anyway, because I mean this wound is probably going to kill me tonight anyway what do I have to lose? “Eleven you're the only family I have I know you don’t see me as a sister but I see you as one. You always protected me in the lab it was about time for me to return the favor.”
Eleven look suddenly very angry... I did not think it would upset her maybe I should not have said it after all.
“What do mean I don’t see you as a sister? You were the only one who even talked to me in that lab! You have always been my sister and that’s why it’s my job to protect YOU because you are the little sister.” She shouts at me.
I smirk “You think of me as a sister?”
“Of course! You mouth breather!” she says affectionately and hugs me.
“Ow,” I say quietly.
She quickly let go, “Sorry.” Then she gets serious again and points at me “ And if you ever do anything like that again I will kick your butt!”
I grin widely at her and nod and she grins back and we giggle together.
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bearholdnews · 17 hours
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The  Bearhold  Police  Station  was  burglarized  by  multiple  unknown  suspects  during  the  early  hours  of  September  19th,  2024.  Bearhold  police  suspect  that  the  burglary  was  carried  out  by  more  than  one  individual,  due  to  the  volume  of  damage  done.  Other  evidence  points  to  this  as  well,  such  as  the  security  cameras  being  tampered  with.  The  burglary  was  carried  out  approximately  between  2  and  3  AM.  The  suspect(s)  entered  through  the  west  side  door,  a  public  entrance,  and  the  front  desk  officer  inside  the  building  was  subdued  on  sight.  The  unnamed  officer  suffered  blunt  force  trauma  to  the  head,  but  was  taken  to  Bearhold  Community  Hospital  and  will  make  a  full  and  speedy  recovery.  He  has  no  memory  of  what  happened  in  the  moments  before  his  attack.   (  .  .  .  )
— continue reading below ...
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The  suspects  seemingly  went  on  their  way  to  the  evidence  room,  where  the  door  was  kicked  open,  and  nearly  off  of  its  hinges.  The  Bearhold  PD  have  not  shared  what  evidence  was  stolen  or  damaged,  but  they  did  confirm  that  they  have  no reason  to  believe  that  someone  was  trying  to  obstruct  evidence  pertaining  to  the  many  ongoing  murder  investigations.
While  there,  the  suspect(s)  also  ransacked  the  police  file  room,  and  stole  two  large  files.  Bearhold  PD  sources  say  that  the  files  were  not  recently  connected  to  each  other,  or  to  the  ongoing  investigations.  However,  they  will  be  considering  the  absence  of  these  particular  files  going  forward.
No  security  footage  was  captured  during  the  breaking  and  entering,  inside  or  outside  of  the  police  department,  nor  were  there  any  witness  statements  that  placed  an  unknown  car  at  the  scene  of  the  crime.  A  nearby  citizen  who  was  on  a  walk  with  their  dog  at  the  time  did  state  that  they  noticed  a  few  strange  things  when  their  dog  stopped  to  bark  and  whimper  at  the  police  station  from  across  the  road.  Noticing  that  this  was  uncharacteristic  for  their  dog,  they  walked  across  the  road  to  investigate,  but  their  dog  began  to  whine  and  pull  away  from  the  station,  causing  the  witness  to  grow  paranoid  and  quickly  leave  the  area.  The  witness  reported  that  the  only  things  they  noticed  out  of  place  was  the  "eerie  quietness,"  as  well  as  the  west-side  door  being  left  ajar.  They  say  that  the  only  cars  in  the  parking  lot  were  a  police  cruiser  and  two  personal  vehicles  belonging  to  officers  who  were  patrolling  at  the  time  of  the  robbery.
Sheriff  of  the  Bearhold  Police  department,  Russel  Boone,  was  kind  enough  to  give  a  statement  to  the  Bearhold  Independent,  speaking  on  the  events  of  September  19th.
“In  the  early  hours  of  September  19th,  the  Bearhold  Police  station  experienced  a  break-in.  We  are  still  assessing  the  full  extent  of  the  damage,  however  we  can  confirm  that  two  case  files  were  taken  from  the  evidence  room.  These  files  are  unrelated  to  the  ongoing  murder  investigation,  and  at  this  time,  we  have  no  reason  to  believe  the  incidents  are  connected.  We  are  working  diligently  to  identify  the  people  responsible,  and  though  there  is  currently  no  CCTV  footage  or  direct  witnesses,  we  remain  confident  in  the  progress  of  our  investigation.  To  the  public,  we  ask  for  your  cooperation  and  any  information  that  might  assist  us.  Our  department  is  committed  to  maintaining  the  security  and  safety  of  Bearhold,  we're  treating  this  manner  with  the  seriousness  it  deserves.  Thank  you  for  your  continued  trust  in  the  Bearhold  Police  Department.”
sheriff boone quote courtesy of @furymoon
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xalygatorx · 9 months
Worthy (2015) | Chapter 20, "Life Goes On"
Disappearing sporadically in public spaces quickly becomes Cora Dempsey's least concerning problem when suddenly she captures the attention of the forming Avengers Initiative, the World Security Council, and Asgard's fallen prince all in one week. And the universe is only just getting started with her.
Worthy is a slow-burn SFW Marvelverse (films) romance between Loki and a female OC. For additional details on what canon is used, see the Prologue post.
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Summary: Thor visits Loki with a proposal. The two escape Asgard with Jane and make their way to Svartalfheim to seek a solution to their problems. Cora readies herself for an impromptu venture to locate her Asgardian relatives and Sif volunteers to accompany her.
Pairing: Loki x Fem!OC
Warnings: Post-traumatic flashbacks of a car crash; grief
Word Count: 4.5k
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Cora bolted upright with a sheen of cold sweat across her brow later that night, her fingers tightly knotted in the bed sheets as her eyes scoured the room, hungrily searching for reassurance that what she'd just re-experienced had truly been inside her head. This time, at least.
She'd been having nightmares of being frozen since her first night's sleep in Asgard and the dream she'd experienced just before waking up from deep freeze had been simply weird, especially considering she couldn't remember most of it now. With Loki's stab at her boxed up trauma last night, however, her brain had taken a break from the claustrophobic, dread-filled experience of being stored in a freezing capsule until her body stopped functioning properly and had wound back to the accident that killed her parents.
Cora flinched as the sound of warping metal rang in her ears, the splintering of wood just as loud as their car wrapped around a tree. They'd hydroplaned from the road and she could still feel the weightlessness, the instant of confusion that drew her away from reality because what was happening no longer felt real. Someone passing by had seen the wreck and gotten her out of the car before she could see what had become of her parents, but she'd since seen pictures from the body identification. She shuddered at the memory, subconsciously rubbing her arm over where it had fractured against the car door.
Making herself drop her hand from her arm, Cora sighed and glanced toward the towering window, where light was beginning to reach intrusive fingers through the panes. Life goes on, she heard her grandmother say sadly in her head and, oh, she knew that to be true. Whether she liked it or not.
Grimacing, she got up and walked to the glass, her arms folded across her chest as she peered up at the sky, her eyes finding the spot where Frigga's celestial essence had mixed in amongst the starlight. The stars were beginning to blend with the morning light and she thought about how, even though she couldn't see them, they would still be there day and night, long after she, herself, passed. Perhaps long enough to outlive Asgard as well. She liked to think that this was the way of all lost loved ones.
Ultimately, Cora gave up on getting any more sleep and just lingering in her room, so she donned a floor-length robe of pale green she found hanging in the armoire, leaving to roam the halls until she found something more productive to do. The palace still looked ransacked, but she could tell some of the staff had begun to clean up the rubble. Some workers must've been brought in as well because the beginnings of new walls where others had been smashed to bits were already being built. Despite the obvious progress, she was more or less alone in the extensive hallways; at least, that's what she thought until she heard a woman's voice coming from down the next corridor.
"Get your hands off me!" she heard the voice demand with irritation and before Cora rounded the corner, she went to that special place in her mind and shifted out of visibility. Once she saw herself disappear, she crept down the hall toward the sound, hurrying along when the voices got less easy to hear. Her robe hem fluttered behind her when she stopped, frowning when she saw two guards at the end of the hall towing along a tinier figure which she soon deduced to be Jane Foster. "What are the charges, huh?!" she challenged them bravely.
"We are under orders from the Allfather. Be silent, mortal," one gritted, trying to maintain his professional air in the face of the hellacious Midgardian woman in his grip.
The two had to drag her into the room, leaving the door ajar, and Cora took the chance to hurry near the door, needing to dodge out of the way of the first guard as he left the room. He paused to wait for his comrade-in-arms and Cora slipped through the open door before the second guard left a still livid Jane in the room, shouting at the door. In her anger, the red light of the Aether flashed in Jane's eyes and because Cora didn't know what it was, she began to think twice about having snuck into the woman's makeshift prison cell for some answers.
In fact, Cora realized she was kind of being a creep. Out of sheer curiosity, she was now stuck in this room whether she wanted to be or not and she hadn't even properly introduced herself to this person yet. Well, this will be interesting…, she thought with a slight wince as she let the field around her drop. "Okay, don't freak out," she quickly said, making the poor girl on the bed startle a few inches off the edge of the bed. "I'm sorry, I just kind of barged in, but… Hi."
"H-Hi," Jane murmured, an uncertain expression upon her face. "You turn invisible? Are you a goddess, too?"
Cora laughed awkwardly and shook her head. "Oh, no. I'm actually from Earth, like you. I just apparently have some Asgardian in my lineage… Way, way back in my lineage…"
"Seriously?" she asked, a small smile curving her lips. "That's so interesting! Then your abilities are genetically traceable… Do your other relatives have powers, too?"
"No, just me. As far as I know, anyway," she replied with a shrug. "If they did, I guess I was the only one who couldn't keep a handle on it."
"I'm sorry, I'm being so rude," she said, a bit flustered. "I'm Jane. And you are…?"
"Cora. It's nice to meet you, Jane. Why did those guards shut you up in here?"
Jane grimaced at the mention of the guards outside, her face spelling out that she thought they were just utter brutes and, now with Frigga gone, she only had love for Thor in this realm. Everyone else seemed to be giving her a rough time of it. "Odin is probably angry because it's my fault that Frigga…" She trailed off and glanced down, a conflicted expression upon her face. "She was just trying to protect me."
"She was trying to protect all of us," Cora said quietly, frowning. "And this isn't your fault." It isn't mine either, but that doesn't stop me from feeling guilty. 
Jane looked up at her and seemed like she really wished she could believe it. "It is. If I hadn't gotten close to that stupid rock tower, the Aether would have never gotten in me and none of this would be happening."
She nodded a bit gravely. "It's this living substance of power… Kind of hard to explain, it basically latched onto me when I stepped through a rabbit hole during the start of the Convergence and ended up in its hiding place."
"Is that the…well, your eyes went red for a second when those guards were here," Cora finished lamely, sitting down on the edge of the bed with her.
"They did?" she groaned, more agitated than concerned. "I keep having these awful visions… The 'seeing red' cliché has an entirely new meaning to me now."
"Is it ever going to…die or anything?"
"Thor thinks it can be pulled out of me, but Odin disagrees. He doesn't think I'll survive it," Jane said with a fretful grimace. "This has gotten so out of control."
"Is that why Odin's got you on house-arrest in here? Because Thor isn't in agreement with him?"
"Basically. He won't listen to sense and is stuck in his own ways…"
"Sounds like someone else I know," Cora admitted with a grumble, her mind shifting to Loki for a brief few seconds before she made herself drop the thought of him. She was still horribly hurt from what he'd said, even if it was out of grief. Who knew though, maybe it wasn't. Maybe it was how he really felt.
"Yeah? Who?" Jane asked with interest.
Cora weighed her options before asking, "Have you met Thor's brother yet?"
Jane blinked and looked at Cora as if she hadn't seen her clearly before. "Loki? No, and I don't want to either! After what he did to New York, I…," she seethed, shaking her head. "You had to have heard about it, why would you be associating yourself with him?"
"I wasn't present in Midgard when the New York incident happened," Cora explained, taming her mild urge to defend Loki because no matter the part of him she thought she knew, he'd still done those horrible things. The Chitauri had influenced him, but that weight of the guilt still burdened Loki's shoulders, even if he didn't feel it. "I was frozen in a casket in SHIELD's headquarters because the World Security Council was afraid of what I could do. Even though I gave them no reason to be scared of me."
"That's terrible," Jane said with a slight shudder. "Ugh, that's terrifying…"
"It was," Cora agreed with feigned calmness, given that it had leached its way into her already-present nightmares. Now her brain had traumas to choose from after all this.
"If you weren't awake, how do you know who Loki is? Is this not the first time you've been here?"
"It's the first time I've been here, but I met him a while back in our world, before SHIELD took me into custody. He was different then," Cora explained quietly.
"Oh, no."
Cora glanced over, startled and prepared for anything. "What? Are you okay?" she asked hurriedly, thinking maybe the Aether was doing things to her again.
However, Jane seemed absolutely fine apart from a twist of disapproval to her lips. "Oh, I'm fine. It's you that's not fine."
"…Why?" Cora inquired uncertainly.
"Because you totally like him!"
Cora blanched. "Do not!" she argued as a knee-jerk reaction, making Jane laugh while simultaneously looking perplexed.
"You so do!" Jane accused laughingly, but soon sobered and shook her head. "Why though? What the hell could you possibly see in him? He's a monster! Look at what he did to all those people in New York! And to Thor, his mother, father, the little town in New Mexico!" She sighed at the thought. "He's a bad guy, Cora. Messed up, sadistic. I get the impression that you're smart, so don't do something stupid like that."
"It's not like that," Cora said grumpily. "I don't…" But didn't she? Didn't she feel a bit of a spark every time he looked at her? Didn't they understand each other in this weird way very few had ever understood her, at least? Possibly even less with him? Didn't she still go talk to him after everything she'd heard, after every horrifying tidbit of information over what he'd been doing since he'd left her in SHIELD's hands in Arizona? Wouldn't she still go talk to him now, despite the things he'd said to her? "…like him," she finally finished weakly, pursing her lips before letting out a sigh of her own. "Dammit."
"I think we're past that, sweetie," Jane said sympathetically, watching her. "You're in pretty deep. Does he have feelings for you? If he has them at all?"
"Doubt it. He basically accused me of letting Frigga die when I went to make sure he was okay last night," Cora murmured with a tight throat.
Jane gave a slight lift of her shoulders. "Grief makes people do stupid things… It makes people act like something other than themselves. He must've been doing something…well, slightly right if you were able to see something in him to begin with. From what I understand, he reacts in a big way to stuff. Go big or go home, that type of thing."
"He's not great with controlling his emotions, no," Cora murmured. "At least, not always."
"So, and I can’t believe I’m saying this, he probably didn't mean what he said to you. Even Thor was short with me last night after the funeral and a bit before, too."
Cora smiled faintly. "I take it that doesn't really happen."
Jane smiled a bit dreamily and shook her head. "Not so much. But I mean it in the nicest possible way that you could do so much better than that guy, okay? Just keep that in mind."
"Sure," Cora laughed. At Jane's frustrated expression, Cora rephrased, "No, I know you mean it and I mean it, too. I appreciate the concern, thank you."
Slightly mollified, Jane nodded and then turned, crossing her legs pretzel-style on the bed before saying, "Okay, so let's talk like the mortals—or mostly mortals—we are. I'm seriously missing home right now."
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When the footsteps first sounded on the top of the stairs, echoes sent down to the dungeon passage, a small sliver of hope entered Loki's consciousness that it would be Cora. He had not slept a moment in the passing night, though he'd largely lost his sense of time while locked in the windowless cell. Images of his mother, of the last time he'd seen her, when he'd put tears in her eyes and yet she'd still found the courage to smile his way, continued to haunt him.
To those had been added childhood memories and Cora's crumpling expression when he'd sent such poisonous words her way the previous night, the overall combination of which had kept him mercilessly awake. Though he couldn't be sure whatever dreams might have been injected into his sleeping mind would have been any less ensconced in misery.
The footsteps were heavy, however, and they were his brother's. Loki recognized that from the second footfall to hit the stone steps and he forced the illusion out from a little keep in his mind, where his mother had led him long ago. Where she'd given him the promise of catching up with his elder brother one day, who was all gold and all promises of love and loyalty from future subjects. Gaining glory and triumph and living up to the expectations of their parents were things Thor had always been capable of doing. Loki had been following at his cloak hem for so long, just trying to keep up, he had forgotten what it was like to live outside another's shadow. His mother had always told him he could, that he would be great in different ways, but great all the same. Cora had been the first to show him he could.
And just look at what you've done to them both, he thought to himself as he solidified the illusion and watched beneath the shield of feigned composure as Thor rounded the corner from the staircase and faced his cell. 
When Loki parted his lips to speak from the opposite wall, his voice was ventriloquized outward to the illusory version of himself at the glass, tall and clean where he was a mess inside and out. "Thor," he said, using a good portion of what was left of his strength to make his tone match the upright, held-together figure facing his brother, "after all this time, now you come to visit me. Why? To gloat? To mock?"
Thor looked toward the illusion tiredly and replied without indulging Loki's jabs in the slightest, "Loki, enough. No more illusions."
Loki was taken aback at first, his brow crimping faintly. Thor never saw through his tricks. Perhaps he was losing his touch in this idiotic state of pain he was in. Smoothing his features before he let the illusion of order and composure fade out, he watched Thor focus on him as he was revealed in all his emotional discord.
"Now you see me, brother," he said quietly as Thor began to slowly move around to the other pane of the cell, feeling a single question burn in his throat that had been resting like a dagger in his heart since the news graced his ears. "Did she suffer?" he asked, barely managing to keep his voice from breaking.
"I do not come here to share in our grief," Thor said firmly as he stopped outside the other side of the cell. "Instead I offer you the chance of a far richer sacrament."
Loki watched him closely, wondering what this could be about. "Go on…"
"I know you seek vengeance as much as I do. You help me escape Asgard and I will grant it to you, vengeance. And afterwards, this cell."
A soft chuckle escaped Loki after a moment at the sheer absurdity of the situation. "You must be truly desperate to come to me for help. What makes you think you can trust me?"
"I don't. Mother did," Thor replied indifferently before looking Loki directly in the eyes. "You should know that when we fought with each other in the past, I did so with the glimmer of hope that my brother was still in there somewhere. That hope no longer exists to protect you. You betray me, and I will kill you."
A trickster's smile spread across Loki's face. Finally, a distraction. A breath of air. Something productive. Vengeance… The word felt like warm honey against his tongue and addled mind. "When do we start?"
"Upon tomorrow's daybreak," Thor replied, glancing at his little brother with a composed expression, even while seeing Loki like this confused and hurt him. Even when Thor had been sure of himself, Loki had always been surer. More loyal and more kind. He'd never realized that about the boy at his side throughout his childhood and adolescence, even into adulthood, until that boy was gone.
Shifting his robe aside, Thor took a bundle from his hip and moved to the panel beside Loki's cell, pressing his palm against it until the golden light faded from the panes. "Do not do anything foolish," he warned Loki before stepping inside over the broken furnishings and scuffs on the floor. Loki watched him enter, but didn't move his gaze from Thor or make any move to rise until Thor held out the bundle to him.
Loki took the bundle, which he found to be clothes wrapped around a few other toiletries and a small portion of food; he grimaced when he realized Thor had half-expected him to be in this state, his gaze moving back to Odin's heir when he sighed, finding Thor's eyes on his bleeding heel. Thor knelt near Loki and pulled a thin roll of bandages from inside his robes, gingerly taking the water canteen from the bundle he'd given Loki and pouring some on the cut.
Loki didn't wince, but his eye twitched faintly at the sting and the reminder of how completely he'd lost control. Thor handed the canteen back and murmured, "Drink. Eat."
"I do not take orders from you," Loki muttered, glancing toward the far wall as his brother began to wrap his foot with more compassion than was due. After a moment, he dropped his pride on the note that the journey they were to take would be taxing and would require his strength. He flipped the cap of the canteen back with a metallic pop and took a long sip, the two existing in silence until Loki broke it once more. "Did she?" he asked softly.
Thor paused heavily in dressing Loki's cut before shaking his head and continuing. "No. She fought until the last. Valiantly."
Loki nodded a little, rolling the canteen between his hands as he stared down at it. There was nothing particularly interesting about the container, but he couldn't look at Thor. "I have something to do before we go."
"You are not the director of this plan," Thor said firmly. "You will not deviate from it, particularly not while we are still in Asgard, do you understand?"
"I understand that our position, yours specifically, is shaky at best. You are committing treason," Loki said calmly back as Thor tied off the bandage. "I am not above remembering the laws. However, I require a few moments of the time betwixt now and our departure."
"What do you intend to do?" Thor asked warily, his tone giving no implications that he would allow whatever Loki wanted to pass. When Loki said nothing, Thor's suspicion grew. "Loki, I will not—"
"I wish to speak with Cora," Loki blurted agitatedly, glancing over at his brother.
Thor looked dumbfounded and had Loki not been so irritated with having to divulge the truth, he might have found humor in it. "Why?"
"I have my reasons," he said quietly.
"Not good enough," Thor replied, watching him.
Feeling the distinct urge to backlash in order to keep them on a common ground at the moment, Loki sneered and looked back at him, muttering, "I was surprised when she was not caged up down here like I am, given her way of tipping the balance of power… I assumed that might be Odin's first order once he discovered her way with your weapon and—"
"I did not tell Father." Loki paused, his argument derailed. When he did not speak out of bewilderment, Thor explained, "I did not see a reason to tell him. Because, yes, she would have been subjected to some form of restraint."
"What compassion drove you to this resolution?"
"She has done nothing wrong. By being what she is," Thor said in a very serious tone and Loki's jaw clenched faintly, knowing that underneath Thor's sentiments for Cora, there was implied—and former—sentiment for him as well. Thor had never treated him like the monster he'd discovered he was and that had not passed over Loki's head. He did not understand Thor's excusal of his Jotun origins, but he did notice it.
Thor looked at him a moment longer before rising, his attention diverting suddenly when the clanking of armored guards was heard from the stairway. He began to look for a way to either incapacitate the guards or regenerate the cell fields before they rounded the corner, but Loki reached up and caught his arm before he could move. Thor went rigid at the unexpected contact, turning to Loki to see the god of mischief with his finger pressed to his lips as he enveloped the cell in illusion once more.
Broken furnishings were righted back into their whole, correct forms, the blood and scuffs on the white floor vanished into nothing, and a less disheveled Loki paced the opening to the cell, which refilled with the golden barriers. Thor remained still as the guards passed, watching from beneath the glimmer of illusion and remembering a time when they would play like this. Loki had always kept him out of trouble when his shenanigans had reached a cresting point, had always shielded him from consequences whenever he'd been able, remembering to tell him how stupid he'd been after they were both safe from reproach.
When the guards left, Loki dropped the illusion and Thor breathed a bit more easily. He did have to wonder though if a speck of that boy he'd grown up loving as his little brother was still inside the distraught man beside him. Somewhere. "Ready yourself," he ordered before going to the hall, where Volstagg had just arrived to confirm their plans.
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Sif grimaced a bit as she led the mortal woman down the hall, mollifying only slightly when Thor was in sight because it meant the end of her involvement in this. She would aid Thor until her dying day, if only because they had been through so much together and he was one of her dearest companions, but the sight of his villainous brother at his side sickened her.
There was a time when she'd had little qualm with Loki. In fact, she'd pitied him at times for the large shadow cast by his brother and father that he could never seem to escape. She held no pity for him any longer, however. Thor was a fool for trusting him and when word returned that Loki betrayed him, she would hunt him to the ends of each of the nine realms. There would be nowhere for him to hide.
Loki glanced over when he heard footsteps down the hall, spotting Sif and a tiny brunette in her wake, figuring that must be the Aether-fueled object of his brother's affections. She cocked her head at him and pointed, murmuring faintly, "You're…," and not finishing her statement.
He smirked faintly and noted some of the indifference he might've felt toward her had faded a bit with Thor's admittance the night before, in keeping Cora's special abilities under wraps, so to speak. It had softened him a bit to Thor and even a little to Jane as well, which was dangerous and aggravating. He thought he was being a bit helpful—albeit cocky—when he supplied, "Loki. You may have—"
Before he'd gotten a chance to finish, she slapped him hard across the face and fired back, "That was for New York."
Loki shifted his jaw a little, smirking when he was reminded of Cora hitting him for scaring her on a day which felt so long ago. He glanced at Thor and murmured with a wide grin, "I like her."
The familiar sound of guards and upstart came from the other end of the hall and they all glanced down the passage in unison as Sif said to Thor, "I'll hold them off. Take her."
Thor nodded and murmured a deep-felt thank-you, hurrying away with Jane. As Loki moved to follow, Sif whipped her sword from its sheath and held it against his throat. A chuckle escaped Loki at the fully expected turn of events. "Betray him and I will kill you," Sif enunciated clearly, staring him down even as the sounds of running footsteps heightened.
"It's good to see you, too, Sif," he remarked before going after the quickly leaving pair. Sif rolled her eyes a little before turning on the guards. She incapacitated them swiftly and rather mildly, seeing no reason in hurting any of them. It was shortly after the Dark Elves' ship had been commandeered by the escaping three that Sif ran into Cora, who had come by to see what all the commotion was.
"What the hell is going on?" Cora asked as she looked outside at the black ship sailing away down the side of the BiFrost.
"Treason," Sif commented rather casually before looking over Cora. "You look dressed for travel."
"Yeah. I was hoping to see if I could locate my grandfather actually."
"Ah, you discovered who your relation is?"
"His name is Sindri. And he has a brother—"
"Brokkr, yes," Sif nodded knowingly.
Cora looked surprised, but hopefully so. "You know them?"
"I know their names. They forged Thor and Odin's weapons," Sif explained. "Let us go, then."
"You'll come with me?" Cora asked with the beginnings of a smile.
"Of course," Sif said with a smile. "I daresay Volstagg and Fandral may like to come along as well if they've not been knocked on their backsides… It would be a good time for us to get out of the palace for a while after the morning's excitement."
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Next chapter: Chapter 21, "A Fool's Reason"
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thekinkyleopard · 1 year
The Real Story
Remi x Levi lore
A Live Transcript Series
Part: 1
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Author’s Notes: Hello Revi lovers! Should we call y’all Snow puppies? I dig it. Me and @aller-geez have decided to release weekly transcripts of our current canon storyline between Remi and Levi! Everything in this story is true to and for each character, whatever you read in these transcripts, is lore for both and all characters mentioned. Just a lovely reminder that Aller-Geez is the owner of Remington (and other characters she may/will play) and most of the art, unless disclosed otherwise! Enjoy 🫶🏻
Description: Two shifters on the run cross paths, how will they concur their inner demons, self doubt and misery in order to work together to achieve their dreams. What will become of the Snow Leopard and the Black Wolf?
RATED: 18+ ONLY for mature themes and language. Themes including; Substance abuse, mental illness, gore, sexual, emotional and physical abuse.
Geezy: Funny how the moments that we REALLY need something to not go wrong always end up with the universe deciding that’s exactly what's going to happen, huh? It was almost like whatever higher power out there knew Remington was in a hurry to handle his shit and get the fuck out of town, and did everything in their power to cause him to stay in the very city his own mother was killed in. It was supposed to be a relatively easy handful of small errands to get him squared away, but nothing was ever easy for the wolf, was it? He was SUPPOSED to only have to stop at his uncles garage before leaving town, where he could drop off his old car, and leave with a fully converted van, a new identity, and a small amount of pocket cash to get him through until he could come up with a new way of procuring money. But that definitely was not how it played out. When he arrived to his uncles shop in a panic, he discovered the shop looking like a tornado had gone through it. Almost every window and mirror to every car was smashed out, glass strewn all over the floor that crunched under his feet as he looked for his uncle. Papers from his uncles personal desk littered the empty space between the glass and other tools that were strewn about. With no luck finding his uncle or anything that would indicate his uncle had been there when they ransacked the place, he was about to make a mad dash for his car, but suddenly something caught his attention once out in the front yard. Tucked off to the side by the old dumpsters sat a dingy looking white van that had paint lifting on every side, and cobwebs sticking to the tires that hadn’t been moved in who knows how long. “You gotta be kidding me…” Remi muttered softly under his breath in a rough voice, before cautiously making his way towards the beat up van. Once next to the van, he could see the torn seats, and the leaves that made small piles on the floor in the front. He opened the drivers side door, and tucked inside one of the rips in the leather seat laid a small, discolored key. “Uncle Ivan.. if you’re alive, and I find you after this, I’ll kill you myself..” the raven haired male growled, gripping the key from the seat and sliding into the drivers side. He slammed the key in the ignition, his neon green eyes constantly scanning the horizon in case his friends decided they wanted to finish the job they started here earlier. “No cash, or social security card like he promised me.. and the..” Four long fingers stretched up towards his head, making air quote gestures. “iTs A fUlLy CoNvErTeD vAn, my ASS, UNCLE.” Remi hissed, turning the key aggressively. The poor van’s engine sputtered, and it took every ounce of self control to keep himself together. With one last twist of the key, Remi’s new “house” finally coughed to life, and he’d never floored a vehicle so quickly in his life. Before a few minutes pass, he’s finally on the highway, heading to the furthest place he could manage before his body gives out to exhaustion.
Kezzi: It was such a beautifully starlit night on the evening of day 3 of Levi’s stay at the Lake front Rest Area. It was his favorite in the whole state and would never miss the opportunity to stay for at least a week. It was prime location as he could park his bus diagonally to the shore view, so every morning he could wake up with the most gorgeous scene of the lake. “You know, I should grill up some of this fish I caught earlier since everyone has cleared out,” he said out loud standing outside his fridge looking his produce up and down. “Fish kebabs? Grilled fish and steamed rice?…ugh but then I gotta get the furnace going for the rice pot…hmmm…kebabs,” he settled on a decision and gathering various veggies along side the bucket of fish. Levi was a man of order and routine, so he had to get what he needed for his meal before he could set up the fire. Once everything was right, Levi took some wood from the storage compartment just outside the bus and got to working on building his fire, which didn’t take him long at all. Seeing as he’d been living the life of a nomad since he was 14 years old with his mom, and once she passed away when he was 17 he used the knowledge from her, and the people he has met along the way to survive. He had to learn how to build, farm, create, it took Levi the last 5 years of constant hard work selling content online to build his dream bus to standard. He had sort of grown up in an RV, which became the government’s after his mother’s death, so he couch hopped and worked as a waiter and dancer to buy his current bus. Sold his car because he was committed to the idea of using his bus as a vehicle and home. The duo hair colored man began to slid his pre cut pieces of fish onto the skewers, he had also brought out, with equally cut pieces of vegetables slid on after every other fish piece. Once he had a hefty pile of dressed skewers he began to hold them two at a time over the fire. Focused on the status of his meal he didn’t even notice the rather sketchy and beat up van that slowly approached the rest stop parking lot.
Geezy: By time the van crunched across the loose gravel of the worn parking lot, Remi had been driving for 37 hours straight. He had only stopped for a quick pee, and to grab another bottle of those caffeine pills that truckers take, and his fourth wind was slowly starting to falter. Now that the adrenaline had finally left his body from the entire ordeal he had went through just days earlier, his bright green eyes were just ever so slightly dimmed, and he just looked completely worn out. Bruises and deep scrapes covered his body, and he had deep purple circles under his eyes. “Okay..” he sighed to himself, taking a quick look around as he made his way through the parking lot. “As much as I’d hate to be around so many other cars, I think if I were to try and drive any further, I’d be lucky to wrap you around a tree.” Remi mumbled deliriously, patting one large hand on the dashboard of the van. A large empty area at the very back of the parking lot that backed up towards part of the lake caught the wolf’s eye, and he clicked his tongue in satisfaction before backing in to the spot. As the giant van came to a stop, it clanked and lurched forward a bit, and Remi grimaced before taking the keys out of the ignition. “Ah, I bet they’d have something to buy to eat up there..” his stomach growled with passionate agreement.
Kezzi: Levi finished up his last few skewers as he noticed the tall, long, dark haired man wandering about the lot after parking the world’s most offensive to look at vehicle. He picked up his plate of food and stood beside his bus door for a bit, his curiosity getting the best of him. Still holding his dish of kebabs in one hand he pushed some of his loose hawk out of his eyes. His clear blue orbs traced carefully as the wolf walked about in search of a food source, he could assume. As the man was freakishly angry being faced with the one snack machine they had out there, but was well known for eating change without exchange. Shaking his head back and forth he cups his free hand around his mouth. “Hey! The store closes at sun down, and you’re better off fishin out on the lake than you are to bunk on with that there disposal,” the male had a light tone to his voice but clearly a slight accent, he was pointing towards the said machine he’d mentioned. Having felt satisfied relaying this information he disappeared inside his bus to build himself a plate, drink, napkins, the works. Collecting all the necessities, but still being classically nosey, he walked back outside his bus to sit at a conveniently close by picnic bench.
Geezy: Remi stood there for a second in front of the machine, his body literally seething as he fought hard to hang on to the one thread of sanity had left in his body. “Of course I am..” the wolf made a very disgusted face, sticking his tongue out slightly. “I think I’d rather starve then eat anything with scales..” Remi realized in his head that he probably couldn’t afford to be picky at this very moment, but his stubbornness clearly took over his self preservation. With a defeated sigh, the man slumped his shoulders and stuffed his hands in his pocket, fishing out his beat up phone.  “Well, guess I won’t be staying HERE for too long..” His facial expression changed to one of concern as his green eyes scanned the Lock Screen to see that he had no messages, or missed calls from a uncle Ivan, or anyone who even knew the struggle he’d had. He sighed again, defeated, before making his way back to his beat up van. He gripped the discolored handle of the side door, and attempted to pull it open, however it was of course a rolling turd of a van, so it didn’t budge. He had to put all of his left over strength, which wasn’t much, into ripping the door open. It made a huge bang once the wheels finally broke free of the dirt and rust that had been sitting on it for who knows how long, which made the wolf wince and rub his temples. “Gah, after the last few days I’ve had, I should be able to HIBERNATE in this bitch..” He shakily sat on the edge of the van his feet still planted firmly on the gravel ground. “I’ll have to get a blanket and pillow tomorrow..” There was no way Remi could convince himself he was ready to lay down on the corrugated metal that made up the vehicles floor.
Kezzi: The whole scene was witnessed by the very intrigued leopard. He’d people watched a many in his life, and he could detect a struggling soul from a mile away. “This guy is something…” mumbling out to himself as he took the last few bites of fish he had left. Finishing up his meal the leopard continued to contemplate how he could possibly help this sorry man, with his sorry van. Getting up and off the bench, tossing his dishes in the sink real quick he came back out and made his way over to his storage chests, stacked on the bike rack located toward the back of his bus. Taking gentle hands against the latches he input the code, then clicked them open leisurely and began to dig inside his chests. After a few minutes he was able to acquire a few of his extras. Inside he was able to retrieve one large 1lb bag of high quality jerky he had picked up a week prior from a small family owned business on his way up here, a large soft black blanket, a decently stuffed pillow with a Rasta pattern case on it, and a couple bottles of water. Placing all these things neatly inside a basket, he made his way slowly over to the sketchy van and dropped the care package with a gentle “thump” at his feet. “I don’t know you, you don’t know me, but I know when someone is in need, I’m Levi,” he stuck out his hand in a proper greeting format, his face morphed into a bright, inviting smile that seemed to gleam under the night stars, his eyes squinted closed and his freckled cheeks crinkled. The smaller of the two was wearing cut off, tight, ripped up jean shorts with a light blue muscle tank, as in particular fashion for him, he was without any shoes, Levi hated shoes, he was a socks or barefoot kind of fellow.
Geezy: The soft thump of the strangers care packaged made the wolf jump nearly two inches off of the metal he was sitting on, breaking his train of thought. A snarl formed on his disheveled face, showing his near freakishly white teeth, which looked strange against the weary backdrop of his face. His eyes were a little sunken in and bloodshot, only making his green eyes stand out even more, and clear veins from both stress and exhaustion protruded from his temples and neck. “I’m not in need, I just haven’t been out this way before..” Remi growled at the man, his posture changing to one of defense. The wolf’s large frame had a big, grey hoodie with some music artist lazily thrown over it, and the tight black jeans that were just a little too short on such long legs had a rip in one knee that the male happened to be fidgeting with when Levi came up. Toxic green eyes were locked on the strangers hand, until they began to follow up his arm and fell intimidatingly on this man’s freckled cheeks.
Kezzi: Levi blinked once, then twice. His facial expression was un-phased by the seemingly violent aura this stranger was seeping with. As he eyed the man up and down, retracting his hand he gave a short roll of his eyes that followed with a cocky smirk. “Sure, big guy, I know, it’s very threatening to receive a care package from a twink, MY BAD,” the messy haired 27 year old poked at him with an offended tone to his Irish accent. He was starting to consider that he may just have tried to help a homophobe. Why else would someone be so offended by his approach? He’s not exactly what anyone would call scary…in this form. “Look, whatever, my bad just don’t hate crime me for trying to be a decent person alright?” He said harshly, giving him another once over before turning now on his heels. He really wanted to believe the best in people and especially strangers he would meet along the road, the idea of community, and his name meaning the joining of harmony, he felt a sort of duty to be the harmony everywhere he went, but this dude was clearly in a bad way and had no intentions of having a friendly chat, and Levi wasn’t one to stay where he wasn’t wanted. However, He also wasn’t going to take it too personally, he was just going to continue to be the gorgeous ray of sunshine that he always is.
Geezy: ‘Hate…. crime….?’ Remi thought to himself, although the amount of thought it took to even process the world around him made his caffeine overloaded brain throb. Confusion fell across his face, which he’d be lying if he tried to say that wasn’t his usual, default face. Watching as the stranger turned to leave, the wolf can feel his muscles slowly unwind themselves, and the adrenaline start to leave his face once again. He let out a weary exhale, but the breath that was brought back into his lungs afterward willed an amazing odor into his sinuses. His green eyes snapped open, and he took a few more good deep breaths in through his nose, before sniffing softly and discovering the scent that was already making his mouth overflow with saliva was coming from the strangers bag. The man quickly looked back up to see the stranger was already back near his own camper van, seeming to have not been phased at all by their conversation. His eyes darted back down to the bag on the ground, and then back at Levi. His breath caught in his throat, and he attempted to nonchalantly, but still sneakily slide the bag towards him, and bring it in to the van for him to closely inspect. Once the bag was in his possession, he scrunched his very lanky body into the back of the van’s uncomfortable metal floor with his legs crossed and the strangers bag in front of him, and closed the sliding side door loudly behind him. His heart was beating so hard he could hear it in his ears at he stared at the strange bag, clearly suffering some sort of PTSD from the ordeal with his mother and uncle. He knew in his heart that this stranger that was nothing but smiles PROBABLY wouldn’t be involved with.. them.. but his gut couldn’t let him let his guard down. He finally was able to break his trancelike stare on the bag, to unzip the top, and his nerves instantly soften once he is able to lay eyes on the contents. The very top of the bag was the pillow, which even his own paranoid brain couldn’t come up with ulterior motives for. He gently took the pillow from the top, and that’s when he saw it, his breath catching in his chest and that /scent/ filling his nose again. The bag of jerky made him quiver, his stomach again growling loudly and twisting on itself. How had he let himself get so hungry that he was almost in tears to see something as simple as beef jerky? He had no idea, but there was no other thought in his head besides devouring the dried meat. Putting the pillow to the side, he grabbed the jerky in a panic, ripping the top with his increasingly shaky hands, and grabbing the biggest piece he could find to stuff in his large waiting mouth. Once he took a huge bite from the chunk in his trembling hands, he exhaled in satisfaction and leaned back against the side of van. The hair raised on his neck and arms from the goosebumps, and his eyes became slightly misty when he realized the actual kindness from this random person, who didn’t know him in any capacity, but still went out of his way for the dark haired man. That wasn’t something Remi experienced ever in life. Even his mother and Uncle both had their own secret agendas. How did this small man not have his own skeletons in his closet? He wondered to himself as he chewed, slowly feeling more strength return to his sullen body.
Kezzi: Levi had made it back into his own bus and tried to shake off the weird vibes he was essentially overcome with. Who was that guy? Why is he out here? “Why do you care? It’s just another passerby!” He said throwing his hands up in exhaustion. “Let’s just get comfy in our Jammie’s, maybe go out on the shore and smoke a J or 3….then bed time!” Hands flattening out around his space of existence as he spoke. He was talking to himself so casually as he began the ultimate shuffle through his drawers and compartments. Levi changed into a pair of black with white trimmed baseball shorts and a long black graphic t-shirt that went past the shorts and almost made one wonder why he wore them anyway, but it was for the aesthetic. The graphic was a pink circle, with an alien holding a yellow balloon. It was a Guardin shirt (unbeknownst to him) he picked up at a goodwill during a stop, far too big for him but he really liked aliens and for $3 he didn’t pass it up. Once he was properly dressed for bedtime, he yoinked three joints out of his stash box along with a lighter, slipped on some fuzzy black slippers and scuffled his way to the shore of the water. It was blackened by the night sky but illuminated by the moon and stars, it was one of Levi’s most favorite views. He remembered when his mom first took him out here as a teen…right after grandma Orla died and his mom was contemplating selling her house for an RV. She had taken Levi across trip in a fancy model she borrowed off one of the many men she used. Eve wanted to give Levi the chance to see how much fun it would be even though his siblings were gone. Of course, it hadn’t been much of what she promised when it came to, but Levi still had nice moments of fishing with his mama down by the lake here. Cares behind them as the sun shined against their pale Irish skin. He sparked up a joint, while he stuck the other two, one behind each of his ears. Taking a long inhale of the herb stick he shortly exhaled it in a slow, relaxed manner, all worries of the strange man in the rotting van were but another experience given to the ether now. It was just him and Mother Nature again, Levi against the world. He chuckled to himself, though it was full of emotion. “Damn, Mam’ I miss you like…barmy…” he sighed out loud, taking in another hit.
Geezy: Before he could even blink, the wolf had cleaned out the whole bag of jerky, and even ripped the bag down the side to be able to lick the crumbs off the side. He had no idea he was so hungry, but running for your life for 37 hours in an “RV” that always felt like it would shake a little too hard just once and completely fall apart, on top of his mother being killed and Uncles entire garage being trashed would definitely do that to anyone. But he would have to really check the poor vehicle he was supposed to call home for however long out once he finally was able to relax somewhere. If there was one thing in life he knew how to do, it was work on cars. At the very least, Remi could get it running better than it did when it drove off the lot, if he had the resources. But here? Who knows if he could work enough magic enough to even consider it a reliable vehicle. But, that was to be a thought for another day. Grabbing a water bottle from the care package, again stopping to appreciate the man, what did he say his name was? Levi? Levi’s generosity to even include it with the things he brought him. He chugged the whole large water bottle, drinking it so quickly that the plastic crunched in on itself and a small bit rolled down his chin. The last swallow choked him up a bit, but he quickly recovered and snatched the pack of Camels with his zippo lighter inside out of the cup holder in the front of the vehicle. He attempted to open the two back doors that were nearly rusted together, but even with all of his 170 pounds, he couldn’t open them. Finally, one foot crashed against one of the two doors loudly and it broke the seal enough that the door came flying open, hitting the side of the van when it did. Suddenly aware of the wolf’s presence in such a quiet place, he looked around cautiously a few times before sliding his boot-cladded feet onto the gravel once again. The wind-chill took him by surprise, causing his long arms to wrap around himself with a shiver, and a large yawn that exposed all of his weirdly white teeth. “Fuck all of this.” He finally muttered softly, putting a cigarette to his lips and flicking the zippo open to light it. He took a concerningly long drag from it, before taking it away and exhaling in a slow grey cloud of smoke, and resting his arm on his bent knee. What the fuck was he going to do? Was he supposed to look for his uncle? Interesting how he seemed to just disappear after his own sister was murdered, and RIGHT when he was the one that was supposed to be getting Remington out of town.. But Meeko.. Suddenly, Remi gasped softly, one large hand cupping his forehead as he doubled over, wincing. Fuck, man. His head felt like a bomb was constantly echoing in the chambers of his skull. He really physically couldn’t give the past week any more thought, or the stress would eat him alive. Completely standing now, Remi shook off the pain in his head and with it, the rest of his thoughts of anything besides finishing his cigarette so he might be able to curl up under the soft blanket Levi had given him, and finally get some well deserved rest.
Kezzi: Halfway through his second joint Levi decided it was getting too late to be out this far by himself so he started trailing his very stoned self out to the lot again. Joint still in hand he walked up the trail and through the parking lot again, and there he was. The strange man again. He really didn’t look well according to the nosey cat. “Not my circus, not my monkeys,” he sighed out a puff of marijuana smoke. Just at that moment his lanyard adorned in the many keychains he has collected through his travels, snapped. “Oh not again,” he sighed embarrassed this would happen just a few feet from the stranger. He felt a strange sensation crawl against his skin, like he was being perceived again. Scrambling now, he grabbed his keys, they jingled loudly and caught the attention of a nearby trucker exiting the bathroom. The tall, roundish man stopped in his tracks, the spurs on his boots made the sound of a tinkle that caused Levi’s inner alarms to start blaring inside his soul. Standing back up on both his feet, straightened back, head high, he started to walk, refusing to acknowledge the creepy existence of this burly man. Oh no…oh no…he left his knife inside…he couldn’t transform here either…he’d have to leave immediately…and he can’t run from another charge. He let someone take him down once before and he hasn’t let another soul get the best of him since. Drops of sweat started to form on the temples of his head, legs carrying him faster now when the man called out “Hey! Where you goin??” Oh shit, oh no. Faster Levi, this man is not prepared for the can of murder he is threatening to open. “Home! Leave me alone!” Levi shouted out back behind him. “Oh come on cutie, that’s no way to act at a rest stop! We can have some fun!” Okay Levi, keep calm, keep cool, everything is fine. Ignore the crazy man and get in your house, maybe go take a quick drive down the road and hide until the guy leaves? He could threaten him with the very large machete he kept for looks….’man I really don’t want to have to get my hands dirty tonight’…Levi concerned within himself as he heard the man speak again with more aggression in his tone. “Don’t be a prude, I’ll take it if I have to,” oh my god, this man wanted to die. Levi spun around and stood as tall as a man who was 5’8 and 120lbs could. “Can you maybe just take the no??” The man growled low in his throat, clearly his masculinity damaged by rejection and started to walk closer to Levi, the leopard’s light blue eyes starting to glow even in the darkened night. Way too noticeable. The man stuttered back, he paused. “You got some crazy ass eyes…” he muttered almost entranced but none the less was determined to at the very least, assert his dominance. The cat’s body started to crouch, legs parted and planted.
Geezy: Remi’s ears rang with the sound of the conflict just down the road a little, and at once all of his attention was directed there. Before he could even react, his body was already moving towards the grotesque man and the stranger that had been so kind to him. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea, man.” Remi growled in a haunting voice; one so dark and unsettling that it would make the hairs raise on the back of your neck. As if by teleporting, Remi was already at the truckers side with one hand raised up with his palm out and completely flat. In one swift motion, his huge palm met the side of the mans face, and smashed the other side against the wooden frame of the gazebo type structure they were under. The mans fat cheeks squished out against the wood, panic filling his eyes as he whimpered to the wolf. “I think its time you made your way back to your own accommodations and leave this man alone like I’ve heard him tell you multiple times..” He dug his nails into the mans scalp as he pushed harder against his face, the mans eyes now so mushed that he could barely see out of them. “Or I’ll gut you like the pig you are.. right here in front of everyone..” The trucker gasped against the wood and began to wail loudly in tears, which caused a very familiar tingling to course through Remi’s entire body, starting in his toes and migrating up to his face until he could feel himself getting hot. His green eyes glowed so fiercely that he could see the reflection against the mans face, but he didn’t let up his grasp. The way a terrifying smirk crept across his face caused the man to urinate as he stood there, shaking against Remi’s hand, which was trembling with excitement. Seeing this pathetic display, he finally threw the man to the side by the sleeve of his shirt with a booming laugh that shook the ground a little. “Don’t ever let me catch you coming back around here bothering anyone else.” By this time, Levi had completely vanished from the wolf’s thought, and all he saw was red, from the offense he took of that DISGUSTING man thinking he could force himself on anyone. Remi’s long, fit body was at this point visible shaking with rage and disgust as he seethed, and it was almost if cartoon steam even shot from his ears. Even if he hated his Mother and everything she stood for, he watched her get raped and beaten by so many men her entire life. Hearing the familiar sounds in the distance from his van broke something in him, and he appeared to handle this strangers terrifying encounter that could have easily ended badly without thought.
Kezzi: Without a second to blink, think, or say a word the scene that unfolded before him started to play out within seconds but felt like hours. He kept looking around and the few people that had been out, decided it was best to go back, in. Wherever that was for them. People rarely called police around these areas anyway. Would take entirely too long for them to get there and do anything. Levi froze watching how the man tossed the trucker around like a rag doll. His cheeks got flushed and his body turned hot. “Oh please not now…” he muttered to himself way too quietly for anyone to hear, feeling just a slight tinge of arousal, because though the man was clearly tired and needed a good shower, he was fit and under this moonlight in these circumstances, god damn. He cleared his throat and just stood there after the perpetrator scrambled off lucky to still be alive after his encounter with the unhinged parking lot guest. Clearly he wasn’t a homophobe or out to harm Levi, as the very opposite had just been apparent to him. So what WAS the dude’s deal then? Clearly something was haunting his very essence but that was a mystery to everyone but Remi. The silence fell over them as his eyes lightened again, observing the aftermath. “Hey, I appreciate the help, I could have handled it myself but I do value the camaraderie…” his voice was soft, gentle, almost like the wind, his slippered feet came together at a point. Certainly it was better it ended this way, as Levi wasn’t sure exactly how alive he personally would have left the man but he was lucky. Grateful. Essentially, what the stranger did for him was preserve his ability to keep visiting his favorite place without worry. “But seriously…thanks…”he muttered scratching the back of his neck nervously, avoiding eye contact seeing as their last interaction wasn’t the most friendly, and he wasn’t sure how to communicate with this erratic raven haired man.
Geezy: Just as quickly as the sound of conflict caused the man to sprint from his van, Remi turned on his heels quickly to face the smaller male that he had instinctively come to rescue from the trucker. His grizzled features that only moments ago were so frightening that they made a grown man pee his pants, seemed to soften and almost show.. What was that feeling? Compassion? A very small, almost warm smirk spread across the man’s face, and his muscles could visibly be seen withdrawing from their tight grip. Much to even his own surprise, a deep chuckle escaped his lips. “I’m sorry about that..” he shook his head to try and dismiss the very loud scene that had caused moments earlier. “I don’t usually get involved in other peoples issues..” He adverted his bright green orbs to the ground momentarily, before returning his gaze once again. “It just makes my skin crawl that people like that are allowed to exist thinking they can just take whatever they want.” A quick memory of his own mother getting her face beaten in by one of the many men she tried to rely on caused him to grimace, one gleaming canine tooth being exposed. “Figured i should probably also thank you for the bag you tried to offer me earlier.. I’ve had a week from hell like you probably wouldn’t believe, but I shouldn’t have been an ass.” Remi almost /smiled/ sheepishly, using one large hand to push his disheveled black hair from his eyes. You would never imagine that just moments earlier, the wolf looked like something that was dragged from hell itself and spit out, as he now looked more human than he had the entire time he had been in this strange place. “How’d you know a guy could put down some teriyaki beef jerky?” He chuckled again, rubbing the back of his neck as a very slight pink flush splashed across his bruised cheeks.
Kezzi: The second their eyes met each other, something inside Levi turned on. Not him sexually, I mean, kind of, but no, this was something entirely new he had never in his life experienced before. It was almost like he hadn’t felt alive until this very moment in time. What was it?  He felt his cheeks get hot and they dusted rose as Remi spoke to him. He giggled into his hand softly, almost subconsciously unable to control this weirdly submissive feeling. “No, really, thanks, you’ve preserved something very special for me tonight,” his eyes closed as he smiled brightly, still flushed. When suddenly he was hit with an apology he actually looked quite shocked, Levi wasn’t used to hearing apologies, his shoulders dropped and his expression turned warmly. “No worries, the world is….like a bag of crystals. Some of the things you’ll encounter in it are meant to hurt you or protect you, I get the feeling, ” he shrugged it off easily as he pulled the last joint out of his ear and lifted it up to the taller man. “Well, I got more food stocked up in my place if you need a smoke, more food and just a safe place to relax for a few hours? I myself love a good bag of jerky…that was from a locally sourced farm I passed about 60 miles back nothin better than fresh jerky….” He realized he was babbling, oh no. He rarely got the chance to speak to other people, not like he didn’t try, certain areas are less friendly than others. “No pressure though, I would just like to properly thank you for the help back there… and forgive my tendency to pry but…” he pointed to the vehicle Remi had pulled up in, “that doesn’t look too comfortable…I’ve got an extra bed I could unfold,” he looked him with sincerity deep in his diamond blue eyes. Levi could tell this man wasn’t used to kindness or human decency by the sound of his responses, and If there was one thing he could offer was just that. If anything, the leopard could use a genuine friend.
Geezy: As if a bolt of lightening had struck him, all of Remi’s hair over his whole body began to stand on end, almost as if his own body was preparing for this kindness to be a trap again. However,  he was able to shove this random feeling of panic down to the very pits of his stomach, recovering in record time for the wolf even though it was very apparent that he was fighting some inner demons. “Eh, you’ve already helped me out so much, and you don’t even know me..” The wolf’s sheepish expression evolved into one of confusion, which seemed to fit his face somehow. “Aren’t you worried I’ll fuck you over, or steal your shit?” Remi asked, stuffing his hands in the front pocket of his large hoodie that hung lazily over his frame, almost making you wonder what size sweaters a man of his structure would have to buy for them to be so large. Glancing back over his shoulder at the embarrassment of a van that his uncle “gave” him, the man shook his head a few times with what looked to be a combination of annoyance, amusement, and worry all at once. “Yeah.. Ethel is a monstrosity..” A rough chuckle flowed out of him. “Mad long story you probably don’t care about, but in my defense, I wouldn’t be driving her if I had any other option.” He turned towards Levi again, a smile on his worn face that was something extremely rare to the wolf. He was completely taken off guard by both this strangers complete and utter trust of him, and his kindness towards a dirty stranger who was nothing but rude and unappreciative. But for some reason, the large man’s curiosity was winning out against his caution. Why did this stranger make him feel so many things? Why wasn’t Remi’s first instinct to be rude and otherwise unapproachable like he always was? It’s the tactic that kept him safe for so many years, and it was all just dissolving as his eyes locked with Levi’s. “That’s very kind of you.” Wow, those words felt so strange spilling off of his cracked lips. Had he ever spoken those words to anyone before? His heart felt like it was going to beat out of his chest, but it only willed him towards the other. “I swear I’ll make it up to you.”
Kezzi: He couldn’t help it, truly he couldn’t, he was slightly awkward but too bold. “Look…” he giggled “the only things I have worth taking, most people could simply as for…I don’t have the most expensive shit, and anyone willing to steal all the food I worked hard to get, well, must need it more than me…you’ll see….it’s just plants and stuffies,” he laughed again almost trying to cover up he was actually embarrassed. Levi had old things, things people wouldn’t really go out of their way to want nor steal. He tried to live very minimal…the only thing he had a hard time with was stuffed animals. “I’ve been on the road for a long time now, I’ll tell you, I’ve had worse people than Mr. Beer Gut earlier, and I’ve also met some of the kindest, wisest souls behind the mask of dirt and bad hair….so trust me when I say, I’m not worried about you, and I hope, you don’t worry about me,” looking up at him again with that same sincere smile and brightly colored eyes. “You don’t need to make it up to me, you know…..” pausing “ I don’t know your name…you’re not obligated to give me a real name If you’re like….on the run or something but …” he shook his head trying to desperately stay on track. “The point is, My dear friend, you are worth bare necessities, you don’t owe me for helping you out in the most necessary human way I can, it’s the bare minimum! Best way you can thank me, is to remember this kindness and to pass it back into the world again shall the opportunity present itself!” he nodded his head in a ‘matter of factly’ type of way and then without a thought turned quickly on his heels and waved his hand, beckoning the large male to follow him. “Come now, I think I have something in the freezer you might enjoy,” knowing very well for certain he did. Levi resourced and collected his meats either through hunting or local indigenous hunters. He usually goes into the reservations, helps them clear their pest population and they reward him with tons of food. Problem is he doesn’t have a lot of space so he had to get creative in a few ways. Let’s just say some of the cabinets in his bus are actually tricked out mini freezers. Cat needs his protein. However, he still hunts when he can because it’s always important to eat a freshly caught meal. They got to the bus, Levi unlocked it and opened the door, quickly ducking inside to turn on his twinkling star lights giving a gentle ambience to the tiny home. “ Casa de Levi!” Letting out a shy snort as he began to shift his table décor around the space only to fold it down into a bed. “Hmm…” he compared the bed to Remi, looking him up and down, he sucked his lips in trying desperately not to laugh. “Okay, you can sleep in my bed and I’ll sleep on here…you’re clearly too tall for this one, but…I’d beg you to take a shower before sleeping in my bed,” he looked like he had sucked on a lemon, trying not to be rude but also trying to be honest that he didn’t want dirt in his precious safe space. “You can take a shower and I’ll cook up one of the steaks I got in here, do you want a baked potato on the side? Oh, everything in the shower feel free to use it’s all homemade soaps and stuffed, labeled,” Levi said without giving Remi much of a chance or choice to answer as he started taking things out of the freezer, fridge, cabinets, already in care taker mode.
Geezy: The wolf was literally dumbfounded by all of the different things Levi said he had while living in a van, let alone that he was being offered any of it, but he still followed behind Levi with both hands crammed in his pockets again. Remi had pretty much grown up on the streets, his mother a doormat that couldn’t even take care of herself, let alone a child, or a wolf child like Remington. Ever since he could remember his mother was drunk, pushing him on any family member or hell, friendly enough neighbor, that would agree to watch him for her. He always wore clothes that should have been thrown away years ago, with holes and loose threads hanging off of them, and shoes with holes straight through to the ground that barely stayed on his feet. He never went to school, as his mother would get in trouble for neglect if anyone saw him the way he was, and he was never even taught about being a wolf by anyone in his family. He only stayed around his mother during what would have been his high school years because his uncle was teaching him to build and work on cars. So the large man may not have the book smarts that he could have, but he could survive out on the street with nothing since he could walk. As they approached Levi’s RV, the wolf’s green eyes widened in amazement at the incredulous design, which was only intensified once inside. His sensitive nose was instantly assaulted with all of the delicious smells of all of the different kinds of meat in such a small area, giving Remi a sort of floaty high and making it difficult for him to think of much else. His stomach growled loudly, interrupting his deep concentration on the scents entering his nose, and refocusing him on the situation. Although he definitely hadn’t heard a single word out of Levi’s mouth until he was told he could sleep in Levi’s bed. “Huh? Oh..” he looked down at his clothes, suddenly noticing the once pristine fabric was fraying in some spots, stained in small blood droplets, and way darker than they were 4 days ago. He flipped his hands over in front of him, smirking at the amount of dirt and blood under his slightly sharpened nails. “Yeah, yeah, that’s totally reasonable.” He nearly let out a full laugh, and a smile spread across his face, something he hadn’t felt in god knows how long. “Honestly, load me up with whatever. I’m not picky..” Remi paused for a second. “Ehhh, anything but things with scales..” He made the same, disgusted face with his tongue partly out that he had made at the machine earlier, before letting that actual full laugh slip out of him. “..Thank you.” finally came from his lips in a soft tone, quite obvious that it wasn’t something he said very often either. “I’ll go take a shower.”
Kezzi: Laughing at his comment about scales, Levi continued to pull things out of his tiny kitchen space. Suddenly he paused “oh!….” He looked around and stuttered a-bit “hmm….” Disappearing behind the curtain of his “bedroom” Shuffling through his clothes he pulled out an overtly large pair of grey sweats and a smaller light blue tank top. Quickly he peeled the clean, but smelling like him, Alien shirt off his head. After which he slid the tank top over and then folded the shirt with the sweats, turned around and handed the clothes to Remi. “Sorry the shirt I was wearing is probably the only shirt I have that’ll fit you….it is clean though! Swear by it, only wore it for about an hour,” He said nervously before speaking again “The water should still be hooked up, hot is left and cold water is right,” pulling a towel out of a nearby compartment he also handed the wolf this article as well. “And to dry,” he said sheepishly grinning. “Take your time, I’ll be out here,” nodding his head, turning his position back towards the meal he was making. Levi did have a hot pot stove he used on occasions like this. He loved his furnace, and using a freshly built fire, but it was far too late to be doing any of that. In a cast iron, he melted some butter with the thawed steak, threw in some rosemary, garlic and just kept the slab of meat moist with flavor. The smells started to fill up his tiny space decorated in hanging vines, lights, and Polaroid pictures of different beautiful views. Levi hummed to himself gently as he stuck a potato in the oven once it dinged that it was ready. During the time of Remi enjoying a freshening up, the leopard was enjoying himself being able to cook for a guest. Rarely did the young man get a chance to be hospitable to people, and he loved having company. Often when he went to the beach he played bingo with the biddies, besides old ladies and young kids, no one really gave Levi much the time of day. Since his mother died, life on the road was lonely and came with obstacles but even when he had his mother, he had always truly felt alone anyway. His ultimate mission was to find his brother and sister. He knew they were out there, somewhere…he got lost in basting his steak for a second before his timers went off. Shaking his head clear, Levi plated the steak, and a fully dressed baked potato with homemade butter, homegrown chives, home cured and dried bacon, and some decadent sour cream also locally sourced and made. Levi almost never bought things from grocery stores unless it was absolutely necessary. He had his own herb and veg garden neatly secured and sprouting ontop of his bus, Levi had to really get creative but it works and it produces great convenience for him. “Foods up! Take your time it’s seating on the food warmer for you!” He shouted out to the man in the shower. Turning on the warming plate, he set the dinner plate ontop to make sure the food stayed up to par until the wolf was ready to emerge. Levi slid off his slippers and put them in his shoe area under his bed and then began to dress the guest bed, to his standards. Adding extra blankets, moving some of his stuffies and pillows he fluffed and stuffed the tiny bed to meet his comfort levels. “Wonderful,” he kissed his fingers like a chef would and then plopped himself in as he started scanning through Netflix titles.
Geezy: “Oh, you don’t have to-“ Remington’s slightly hoarse voice was cut off before he could finish as Levi had already thrust the clothes and towel into his hands. It took until that moment for him to register what shirt he was given, and a genuine smile of excitement covered his lips, although he figured he would comment once he was able to stuff food into his mouth. Taking the clothing and towel he was given into the strangely spacious bathroom, he took notice of how many different soaps and bath products Levi’s bathroom had, before setting the items down on the top of the closed toilet seat. Passing by the mirror, Remi grimaced at his own reflection. Did he really look like that? His eyes were definitely more sunken in than they were a few days ago,  and his defined cheek bones were littered with bruises and dirt. “You be looking mad rough, buddy.” The man grumbled to his reflection, adverting his eyes to the shower to dismiss his self deprecating thoughts. His large hands twisted the shower knobs to adjust the water to just barely under boiling, before he started to peel off the dingy grey sweater he was wearing, and the black shirt that stuck to his skin underneath. Once he finally was able to get a good look at his own body under all of his dirty clothes, a soft gasp escaped his mouth when he finally saw them. The once almost invisible marks from the last syringe that had met his skin had evolved to dark purple marks on both arms, the scabs from the needle still hanging on for dear life. “Well, fuck..” the wolf breathed as he ran a thumb slowly over the dark skin, before looking up at himself in the mirror again. He was much more pale than usual, his usual dark circles under his eyes were now accented with a bright gloss of excess tears, and he sniffed away the small gleam of snot from his nostril. The wolf knew he was starting the very steep, slippery slope down to withdrawal, but he couldn’t think about that now. His muscles begged him to step into the shower, to which he finally gave it. Holy shit was the feeling beyond anything the man had felt in years. Despite the growing pain in his bones, Remi could only think about the delicious food that was now making him salivate again from the scent wafting through the door, and mixing with the steam. Quickly finishing up in the shower, he stepped out and dried off his large frame, which now looked less like that of a homeless man, and lazily dressed himself in the clothes Levi had given him. Putting the shirt on over his head, he had to stop briefly to take a deep inhale of the material, the scent that filling his nose now exciting him nearly as much as the smell of the cooking food. Remi took a second now to check himself over in the mirror once more, the look of a rehab outpatient not so apparent now that he had taken a shower, and finally exited the bathroom. The glorious smell of the food Levi had cooked and was now warming on the hot plate quite literally made Remi’s knees weak, and he had to use one hand to steady himself against the wall. “Damn, it smells so good..” The raven haired man commented, the color partially returning to his face by just smelling the steak.
Kezzi: Having landed on Big Mouth, a raunchy TV show he fell asleep to often, he laid back In his new spot for the night and laughed along to the cheesy, foul bits the show had to offer. Not long after the tall raven haired man came stumbling slowly out his bathroom and he smiled brightly at him. “There he is!! I knew there was a handsome stud under all that stress! Hope the shower was good to you!” The smaller teased cutely, in all seriousness Levi had to pour concrete on his lips to hide the simple fact he wanted to A-ooga the absolute house down, my god what a man. Relax Levi, Jesus. Noticing the bruises, lacerations and more littered across the now clean wolf, he realized he would have to approach that later when he’d gained the stranger’s trust a bit more. Couldn’t send the man off without a proper caring for. He lifted a hand to show Remi which direction his meal was. “Bon Appetit! I wasn’t sure how you like your steak but you give rare vibes like myself so I hope you like pink meat!” His bubbly personality shining through as he quickly launched himself from his spot. “Oh! Annnnnd,” opening his fridge with one swift pull from his hand to retrieve out an ice cold Heineken beer. “It’s not the best but someone gave me a pack the other day for helpin’ them fix a flat, you’re welcome to some,” offering the wolf a drink as he cracked one open for himself using his strong teeth. Some of them jagged and broken, more so in the back of his mouth, his earlier addictions weren’t exactly kind to his dental. However, the teeth that mattered most were still going very strong and relatively straight too. It was almost hard to notice right away. Getting the cap off Levi threw the liquid back without a second thought, finishing with a rather desperate gasp for air. “I have had terrible cotton mouth since before I ran into that asshole…forgive me for being so feral just now,” Levi’s laugh was one of those laughs you could never get tired of, something about it was soul soothing, it echoed through the chambers of the bus. “Make yourself at home, I eat in the beds so don’t worry about that…I’d rather my bed smell like steak than ass if you know, you know,” he waved his hand about before taking a blue vape out of his kitchen drawer, he hit it slowly and exhaled in the opposite direction of Remi’s face as to not bombard him or be rude.
Geezy: Remi’s cheeks seemed to brighten as a soft blush fell across his face. Did he just call the wolf handsome? This kid really must be blind.. “Honestly I wasn’t expecting to need a shower so badly,” he chuckled sheepishly. “Sorry you had to see that.” He quickly shuffled over to the plate Levi had made him, picking it up and licking his lips like a cartoon coyote, before graciously accepting the beer from the other’s hand with a smile. “Damn, treating me like a king, huh?” This time the smile on his lips stretched so far that his white teeth almost sparkled in the light, and now that he was less grungy, they fit better with his sharp features. As his muscles trembled under the strain of just keeping himself upright, the wolf decided to slowly make his way to Levi’s bed and sit down slowly, an almost dad-like groan coming from his lips as he sat down. Once the man was finally comfortable where he was sitting, he wasted no time cutting off a huge bite of the steak and stuffing it into his waiting mouth, goosebumps almost instantly raising across his large arms. Suddenly, his face lit up and he took a in a sharp breath. Remi quickly finished chewing the monster size bite he took that should have choked a snake before he chimed in happily. “Oh, and have you been stalking me?” He laughed, shaking his head before pulling down the shirt he was wearing to display the front better. “How did you just happen to give me the only Guardin shirt I don’t own? He’s my favorite artist.” Remi was almost a different person when he started up about music, or cars, of course. The normally stoic, intimidating and otherwise unapproachable wolf now somehow had a childlike gleam to him that wasn’t instantly stifled by self consciousness. He picked up the beer from the floor, taking a long drink and easily killing half of the bottle in one drink. “If I didn’t leave Sofia at my uncles in the rush to leave, I could even pay you for your hospitality in entertainment.” The laughed that followed was slightly sad as thoughts of the guitar that had been his only valued possession for as long as he could remember raced in his head. “Some other time for sure though.” Remi continued to shovel food into his mouth at inhuman speeds, until everything that was once piling on top of his plate had disappeared.
Kezzi: “This is King treatment? Oh honey…” Levi felt almost genuinely terrible that this man thought genuine human care was the best it can get. “Trust me, you’ll know that treatment when you get it,” he gave a flirty, under confident breathy chuckle, unable to help himself before sharply turning his gaze to the joint he left on the counter, he reached over from where he was and snagged it before sitting on his newly designated bed, sparking the j with a lighter he had hidden nearby, once comfortably seated. He went from calm, cool, collected to a stuttering, blushy mess when Remi called him a stalker, a joke he could pick up and take no problem in most circumstances but something about it made him flustered. “No! No stalking haha!” scratching the back of his neck as he explained “I actually got that shirt at a goodwill, for $3! I was in desperate need for a shirt that day, laundry was all dirty, and Miss Maybelle here,” he slapped the counter of the bus “got her fluids all over me tryna do an oil change…I love Aliens, saw it and had to snag, but it’s served it’s duty with me, keep it, I love how the universe manifested that into existence for you,” smiling with a much cooler demeanor again, teeth out and bright, tad more noticeable how they tended to push together, but it was almost childlike, in the most adorable way. He had never had such a good looking man pay any attention to him, it was always the busted ones that wanted to make nice…and other things. This was refreshing though, the seemingly aggressive man turned out to be no more than a starving pup. It was cute, how easily comfortable the taller, stronger male got around him. It gave him a boost of confidence that maybe his dry spell of friendship would end. It was lonely without someone to message, call, hang out with. It’s the reason he’s almost considered adding a pet to his passage but, pets are a lot of work and he’s got a lot of ADHD. He lost himself in thought while the show played behind them, he waited for Remi to be finished with his meal before handing him the joint. “I have dabs too…” crystal blue eyes rolled back in a quick shot almost to say ‘No biggie’ he heard the statement of payment, and saw the slight sadness reflecting in his eyes. Levi waved his hands in front of him. “No no! It’s really okay, I’m more of an exchange of services type, I make plenty of money at my job, maybe you can help me rotate my tires tomorrow, those bitches are heavy and I CAN do it myself I just….” He shrugged looking a bit shy “wouldn’t mind someone else doing it for me~” his voice reached a higher octave as he sang the last bit in a cheery but comical fashion.
Geezy: “Thanks, I’ve honestly been looking for this shirt for 3 years.. it’s been sold out forever.” He beamed. In a second large gulp, the wolf finished the other half of his beer, and his already bright eyes twinkled at the offer, completely unaware of how to handle the generosity of the other, literally giving him the clothes off of his back. Remi stood up to throw his empty beer bottle in Levi’s recycling bin and set his plate in the sink, still obviously wobbly on his large feet as he moved, and took the opportunity to retrieve the joint from the other’s hand before sitting back down. Pressing the joint to his lips and taking a large drag from it, as the wolf blew out the smoke he French inhaled out of habit, a trick his uncle had taught him when he first started smoking at 11. The THC entering the large male’s bloodstream instantly began to calm the anger in his head and joints. Even if it wasn’t what his body was screaming for, it was one step above sober, and that was all that mattered. He took another quick drag before passing it back to Levi with long arms that easy reached the other. “Oh, word? I can totally rotate your tires for ya if you have the tools? Obviously I, myself, came ill prepared.” He chuckled, gesturing with his eyes towards the rusty van. Two long arms stretched up and locked together behind Remi’s head as he leaned back against the wall that the bed was against. As he slumped down, his body slowly started to realize how comfortable the bed he was sitting on was, and just how tired he really was. He hadn’t slept in nearly 3 days, and boy could his body feel it. His radioactive green eyes could be seen dissociating occasionally as he fought the double vision  to keep them open.
Kezzi: “Honestly, I love every bit of irony in that,” the white haired male beamed back over the bond of a simple t-shirt. What luck, Levi thought to himself. “You’ll find there is almost nothing handy I DONT have!” He giggled feeling the effects of the marijuana slowly overtaking him again, he took the last drag he could and then stamped it out into the tray beside him. That last hit slapping him across the face with a bag of sand, he started slowing down as well, realizing now how worn he was from the day. “We can talk logistics in the morning, for now I think we both had a day,” laugh-yawning at the end of his sentence he got up to lock all the doors, and turn off the lights. Once he had double checked his outlets as well, Levi climbed his way into the guest bed, feeling rather comfy in it despite it being foreign to him. “Night, friend!” He called out to the darkness, still unaware of the wolf’s name but knowing he could probably get that info when the man was well rested, what’s the rush? He snuggled tightly into his favorite bat Squishmallow. Beaming with excitement that he had been able to bond with another person AND have a sleepover. ‘You’d be so proud of me Mam’…..’ he whispered carefully into the softness of his stuffy.
Geezy: Before Levi even had a chance to get up, the wolf was already asleep, his large body still curled up in the smallest amount of space possible on the bed despite having such a large bed all to himself. It was pretty ingrained in the man’s head from a small child to never under any circumstances get in the way, so much so that it even reflected in something subconscious like sleeping. At some point in getting comfortable while half asleep, he manage to get one of the large cow stuffies in his grasp and ended up fully curled up around it, his face nuzzled into its back. Remi slept harder than he had in years, never moving from the spot that he fell asleep, and even his subconscious lucid dream self started to question whether or not he would wake up at all this week. . . .
The Next Morning
Until the twisting of his guts awoke the man with a gasp, causing him to shoot up in the bed with a slender hand shooting up to clutch his stomach in pain. His thick black hair stuck to his face and neck from how much he was sweating, and his skin was ghostly pale, the only part of him with color was the now red and purple rings under his eyes that made him look like something off of The Walking Dead. The wolf scrambled to his feet so quickly he nearly tripped on the corner of the blanket that once help him prisoner, and made a mad dash towards the bathroom that was thankfully as close as it could have been with a hand cupped over his mouth. The sound of intense vomiting slipped past the crack under the door, before Remi took a shaky breath and wiped his mouth and nose with the back of his hand before clearing his throat. Once he was able to recover, he braced himself with both hands against the sink as he looked at himself in the mirror, his face nearly 2 inches from the mirror just to try and focus on seeing through the stream of tears that filled his eyes. “Ugh..” he muttered under his breath, his stomach once again doing an acrobatic act. However, this time he was able to force it back down, crouching in front of the sink to rest his forehead against the cool sink. What a time to have to go through full blown withdrawals.. but that was just his luck. If he could just piece his thoughts together enough to remember what happened yesterday, or even where he was,  or how he could find any china white wherever he was.. shit, he’d even take the black shit at this point. Anything to stop the extreme discomfort he was experiencing throughout his whole body.
Kezzi: Falling asleep harder than he had in a long time, the safety of someone else being there in the bus, comforting him through the usual nightmares he had. It was pure blackness through the night and god, it was bliss. And then a flash, a scene of his lips pressed tight against the stranger of last night’s encounter. The strong hand tight against his throat, as his head slammed back into the wall. “Hng~” he mumbled out loud, when suddenly the sounds of Remi slamming himself into the bathroom and vomiting, woke the sensitive cat from his relatively sensitive dream. “Wha?!” He looked around confused for a moment, realizing at some point his tank top had come off in the night leaving his chest bare to the morning air, forgetting he was in the guest bed. Reality shook him as he realized he was awake, at home, with a stray hanging out in his bus. Not a problem, though the vomiting was concerning…but didn’t exactly shock Levi. The leopard had spent quite the time or two around, addicts. He’d seen the man’s arms last night, and without any judgment he knew of a way to help, but not cure. Levi had spent a lot of time in Slab City, picked up quite a few useful herbal tricks, recipes and medicinals to help himself or others. What a better time than now to use some of those things. He unscrambled himself from the blankets and got out of bed, he allowed Remi to have a moment to himself while he scrambled through his medicine cabinet. “Here it is…” whispering to himself, he found a small tincture bottle that read “asafetida extract”. He set it down on the counter, and began to make up some breakfast while he waited. Grabbing a smaller cast iron than last night’s, then the small basket of eggs out of his fridge, he began to fry some up over his “stove”. As he let those cook he seasoned them with fresh chives, garlic and home ground onion powder.
Geezy: It took Remi a very long time to feel comfortable enough to stand upon baby deer legs, but he finally was able to stand up 3/4ths of the way to splash cold water in his face before he was able to center himself. He remembered everything that transpired the night before, and where he was in that moment, and he just hoped the other wasn’t awake from the commotion that he had once again caused. He winced at another sharp pain in his stomach, but swallowed it to finally exit the bathroom looking like a ghost, still partially hunched over. When he made eye contact with the other who was clearly up now, an embarrassed flush washed over his face. “Hey, I’m so sorry about that. I didn’t wake you up, did i?” He asked, already aware of the answer but hoping to hear something different anyway. “I uh.. I guess the stress just all caught up to me.” He smiled without his eyes, a clear sign he was lying through his teeth. “I made sure to clean up the bathroom though, don’t worry.” He rubbed the back of his neck, his now dull green eyes locked on the floor. “And I swear, I’m not sick or anything.” Remi added quickly, trying to over explain away the situation so the other wouldn’t be upset. He needed the human interaction more than he was willing to admit to himself, and he wasn’t ready to go back to his garbage heap of a van. For some reason, his heart felt complete when he was around the smaller male, and he had given up chasing that feeling decades prior.
Kezzi: Looking over his shoulder from cooking breakfast and flashed Remi a sweet smile off his freckled face. “Good morning!” He wiggled his hips back and forth. “I’m making eggs! Also! I brought out some of my Asa extract, it helps with opioid withdrawals, specifically…” Levi spoke without any reservation or judgement. Quickly he was plating each omelet on two different plates and then fully turned to look at Remi, handing him a plate. “Look, I don’t care what you do, why you do, I can help with some discomforts and other things, but the way this friendship is gonna work and last, is you gotta give me honesty, deal? I know it’s a lot to ask of a stranger but, I promise I won’t ever judge you….and I’ll always give it back as well, starting with what the hell do I call you!? I very well can’t introduce you as “this is my friend…stranger mc idk his name pants”! So let’s start there,” hands on his hips in a mocking fashion, crossing his eyes cartoonishly, he giggled nudging the tall man with his slender hip. The sun shining through the curtains and it illuminated Levi’s pale, freckled skin. “I suggest taking the extract, smoking one of the jays in…” pointing to the small wooden box next to the bed “that box, and eating breakfast first..then go out and get whatever you need to, I have to do some harvesting and clearly….” He paused looking down at the small sink, busting full of dishes. “Dishes…all I ask, is you don’t do it in front of me and you don’t become useless…you can’t rotate my tires if you’re passing out in the gravel,” he broke the edge with a bit of laughter.
Geezy: Shocked that the other knew enough to be able to easily see through his façade, the wolf was left with a slightly confused look on his face, but he gratefully accepted the plate from the other’s thin fingers. The omelet's scent swirled seductively into the air, and he couldn’t help but take a deep breath in through his nose with thankful smile. “Oh, yeah.” It hadn’t even dawned on the big male that he spent all night last night with someone that he hasn’t even given his name to, but he did manage a chuckle at the thought of being introduced like that. “I’m Remington, but just Remi is fine.. I uh,.. I swear, I was being careful with it until a week ago.. Didn’t think I went so ham I’d be left with THIS.” He gestured to his entire run down body, his smile returning. Before he even attempted to sit down, he frantically cut off a bite of omelet with his fork and stuffed it into his mouth, and a soft happy sigh left him at how the others food always seemed to soothe his soul in more ways than one. He managed to swallow the bite, and wasted no time cutting off another one, still standing in the kitchen at this point. “Nah, that’s totally fair. You don’t need to be seeing that anyway.” the wolf swiped away his running nose with a wrist offhandedly cramming another bite into his mouth, and looking up at the other thoughtfully. “I’m gonna try to find a shop somewhere around here to see if I can get some stuff for Ethel… she really needs some love..” Remi laughed in an embarrassed tone, “You need anything but your tires rotated? I could get this girl lookin brand new on the inside if you’re interested.” He laughed again but this time you could tell just by the way he carried himself now that he felt at home under the hood or the chassis of a vehicle. “I swear, i know what I’m doing.” The wolf downed his whole omelette as he continued to stand, and after finishing, he looked at the plate in his hand and back at the sink full of dishes, before making eye contact with Levi. “Anything you need me to do, I got it. I refuse to be in the way.” He rubbed the back of his neck with an ashamed smile, the sentiment obviously still ingrained in the very fiber of the wolf’s being. He would NOT be an inconvenience in this amazing man’s life, if it was the last thing he did.
Kezzi: Sitting beside him on the bed together, Levi began to dig in to his own omelet as he listened to Remington speak. Smiling over at him, swallowing a bite he nodded his head. “It’s wonderful to run into you Remington….er, Remi,” he corrected himself to the shorter version of the male’s name. “Very unique, suits you,” his cheeks flushed in a light pink fashion as he gave the wolf a genuine compliment. Before nodding in agreement, “yeah I was really into Oxy’s for a while there..but truthfully I’d take anything I could get my hands on, I looked ROUGH a few years ago but….I’m 3 years sober!” He said excitedly, his soft, slightly feminine facial features changed to that of celebration for himself. “Whenever your ready you know, I can also help with that, but I know everyone’s journey is different, just know I don’t think any less of you,” he said gently placing his hand on Remi’s knee in reassurance. Trying to remain poker faced, he didn’t want to make the vibes weird, but touching the man….it was like something shocked him. He quickly brought his hand back and stood up. “Right! Ok! Take your Asa tincture, trust me, it’ll make doing things bearable, and you won’t get the sweats,” handing the small bottle to him. “You’ll still feel slightly nauseous but most of your symptoms will become subsided enough that you can function while withdrawing,”  making sure remember every detail of the medicine he had been given. He had used it back when he had a relapse and it helped him through, it isn’t a fix, but a band aid. He flicked on the sink and waited for the water to warm. “I’m going to clean the place up….I need to harvest as well as do some photos for work….” He mumbled the last bit to himself considering what kind of shoot he’d have today. “Oh! But here…”swiftly turning around to his backpack that looked like a regular snow leopard build a bear but Levi had fashioned it into a backpack. The white haired male pulled out a snow leopard printed wallet and picked a card out, handing it to Remi. “There’s a 5k limit on that, pin is 2244, get as much as you want for Ethel, I know /I/ certainly look small and stupid, but I actually built this baby from ground up by myself…I can easily help you build yours to standard!” The trusting leopard prattled on. “I do have a business proposition but, we can discuss it more when you get back, I gotta consider logistics….” He contemplated to himself, snapping out he turned around and grabbed a joint from his box and handing that to Remi as well. “Smoke this while you’re out too, either asap or whenever you feel too nauseous,” blue eyes scanning the small bus he then realized his water was hot and began to skitter his way to washing the dishes. “I’ll be here waiting for your return ever so patiently,” turning to give the taller a cheeky grin followed with a wink.
Geezy: A feeling of slight guilt washed over him and the wolf ran his long fingers through his hair. 3 years clean? He hadn’t had 3 years clean since he was 11 years old. A quick flash of a memory of his mother standing over his small body after he had be rocked in the jaw by the man she was dating at the time. She offered him two oval shaped white pills. “For the pain” she had said to him. And from that moment, the rest of his life was a downward spiral. He shook his head to dismiss the flashback, and he smiled softly at Levi as he returned to earth. “That’s amazing for you. I’ll be sure to keep that in mind.” Remi was a little taken aback at the card being handed to him, still utterly amazed that this small, unthreatening male trusted him so much, but he cautiously took it and slid the card into the wallet he fished from his pocket. Remi’s long arms stretched across Levi to grab the tincture from beside him, opening the bottle and squirting the brown liquid under his tongue, before making a face and swallowing. “Ugh.” His tongue stuck out of his mouth slightly. Returning the dropper to the bottle and screwing on the cap, he replaced the bottle where it came from, and took the joint from Levi between his two fingers. “Thank you.. For everything.” His green eyes glowed softly as they locked with the other’s for a second, and some color painted his cheeks. Embarrassed, the man quickly stood up again, running fumbling fingers through his hair again. “Alright, I’ll be back shortly, as long as Ethel behaves.” Remi laughed once more, and waved a hand behind him as he exited the vehicle, the cool air shocking his lungs as he stepped out, causing him to cough a bit. Damn, it was so fucking bright. As he slightly stumbled towards the run down van, his eyes slowly began to adjust to the light, and he noticed a group of truckers by the building that Remi had approached the night before. The man he had a run in with was among them, and upon seeing Remi’s large frame approaching them, he was quick to exit. “Hey.” Remi barked in a harsh voice as he came closer to the rest of the group of men. “You guys know where a guy could get some H in these trying times?” “Uh, yeah.. I got some black in my truck if you’re trying to buy some?” A short, stout man piped up, and Remi got a scary smile across his lips as he fished out his wallet and two crumpled up $20 bills. “That’ll do.” The two walked towards a large blue rig cab that was parked off to the side behind the building, and upon their return, Remi stuffed the corner of a plastic bag filled with what looked like weed resin that reeked of vinegar, into his pocket, and shuffled to his rusty “white” van, where he opened the drivers side door and slid into the ripped fabric of the seat. His nerves were now calmed with his fix in his pocket, and for one, Ethel managed to start up with just one crank of the key. “WOOOOO” the wolf howled happily in the drivers seat.
Kezzi: Levi was busy cleaning away, scrubbing and slipping water all over himself, when he realized “oh no!” He quickly grabbed a pen and paper, scrawled down his number in perfect writing, tho rushed, and then sprinted outside the second he heard the van roar to life. It was impressive to anyone that saw, how fast Levi could run. His long legs carried him across the lot in seconds, huffing softly he knocked on Remi’s window, and when the wolf opened it, surprised to see him, he stuck the paper through the window and into Remi’s hands. “This….” He huffed catching his breath, swallowing and shaking his hair about. “This is my number…INCASE you do break down, or something happens,” his face slightly worried, but melting into that of hopeful and thoughtful. “Drive safely,” the remark small, but incredibly genuine as he quickly made his way back to the bus, being cat whistled and “hooted” at by the truckers as he scampered into his house. “Stupid men…” he muttered, shaking it all off in one quick dance he looked around for his phone, then started playing Jeris Johnson music. As that played he swung his hips, side to side, scrubbing and washing the kitchen from sink, to counter, to hot plates to the whole 9. Lost in his motivated space, he continued to dance and sing along to his favorite tunes. “Sparkling!” He said clapping his hands together at the wonderful progress he had made in his once messy home. “Much better,” he sighed before smelling himself over. “I should shower before work…would be a good idea,” his nose twitched with distaste. Setting the shower up, with his outfit for the day and towel close by, he decided to quickly hit the dab before bathing. Sliding the glass crystal cluster shaped bong out from one of his secured cabinets, along with tools and star of the show, some diamonds. His eyes lit up looking at the delicious sauce, heating his nail up with a light blue blow torch. “Oooo kitty missed you ~” moaning like a strange individual would upon being greeted with someone unalive. Using a long thin metal tool, he scooped some of the delicious treat up in a decent chunk, and then he was set for suicide. Sucking the melting dab out of the chamber, he could already feel his brain coming to a halt, like someone was wringing it out to dry. He sucked the last bit of smoke out and once it came gusting out of his lungs, he found himself in an aggressive coughing fiesta. “Oh…” cough “my fuCK…” cough “inG gawd…” cough, cough, hack, hiccup, inhale. Levi managed to settle himself within a few seconds, standing up to grab himself some water. The bus felt so much hotter now…OH HIS SHOWER! “I need an herbal remedy for my god damn attention span,” giggling out loud to himself, he undressed and hopped into the hot water.
Geezy: Remi’s heart almost beat out of his chest at the sound of the other knocking on his window, but he quickly swallowed it and smirked as he took the piece of paper from the others outstretched hand. “Thanks, I’ll shoot you a text right now so have my number too, y’know.. just in case..” the wolf’s smirk intensified, and his eyes twinkled in the sunlight of the day pouring in his open window. Grabbing his phone from the beat up backpack behind him, he was thankful to see it was still charged, and typed a quick “Hey, it’s Remi.” before entering the number into his contacts. He waited, watching until the other had completely gone back inside the rv, not able to help himself staring at the others tight ass. He shook his head quickly to dismiss the thoughts that now clouded his brain about his new friend, running his fingers through his hair, and grabbing the aux cord that dangled lazily off of the dirty dashboard of the van. This van may not have been the most reliable or clean, but at least the stereo system was the most functional thing in it. The wolf’s large fingers snapped the cord into his phone while he searched the gps for the closest auto shop, and soon the volume of “Won’t Let This Go” by Fats’e nearly shook the empty metal van. Yet, still somehow, Remi’s voice could still be heard clearly in the background, and he banged the beat of the song on the steering wheel. “Now I’m back on my bullshit! No more sentimental things! I have to make noise!” He sang happily as he pulled out, the color completely to his skin and in a better mood than he had been in maybe his whole life. Maybe that was the tincture Levi made him take? He didn’t know, but he wasn’t about to question it. Remi continued to sing along to his favorite songs on the way to the auto shop, before pulling up and squeezing his large body out of the back door. It was extremely rare for him to ever get parts at a real shop; one’s that were still shiny and smelled like the varnish of the factory that produced them, and not something that was scavenged and rusty beyond belief and smelled like burnt oil and various other car fumes. As he pushed open the front door to the business, a little bell rang above the door that startled him, but he couldn’t help the ‘kid in a candy shop’ look on his normally sullen face as he looked around at the shelves upon shelves of different car items. The older man behind the counter must have felt like an ant compared to Remington, who couldn’t have stood at more than 4’10 with facing white hair. “Can I help you sir?” The man asked carefully. Remi’s face changed as he heard the strange man’s voice, his defensive wall once again back up. “Uh, yeah. I need 8 spark plugs, an oil filter, camshaft intake rod, inlet manifold head, and a 358 cover for the crankcase for a G3500 5.7 liter V8 engine.” He stated matter of factly to the man, who looked at the wolf with confusion. “Uh,… um…” he stuttered, typing the first thing Remi had mentioned into the computer with shaky, wrinkled fingers, and his incompetence quickly made the wolf’s blood boil under his skin. “I got it.” He finally hissed, pushing past the man to the back to pull the items he needed, which he found quickly and slammed on the counter in front of the man. “These.” Remi barked loudly, pulling out his wallet from his pocket.
Kezzi: Levi stepped out of the shower, dried himself off, and started getting dressed in what seemed to be a green lace thong and marijuana leaf pasties over his taut pink nipples. Now began the most frustrating part of his job, tying himself up. He made his way over to his bed, set up his camera and then started tying dark green rope around his upper thighs to his ankles, putting him in a forced, leg spread position. Wobbling around his bed he yanked a black ball gag from the depths of the crack on the side of his bed, out. “There you are,” he giggled wrapping it around his face, the ball placing gently inside his mouth, drool starting to already collect. Setting up his video to photo converting app, he started doing his thing. First he posed with his hands behind his back, missionary, legs spread, facial expression helpless as drool trickled down the sides of his mouth. Slowly moving positions to a behind view of his ass, looking behind him with sultry eyes. He continued like this, switching positions, angles, for a while. Satisfied with the photo portion of his job, he took the ball gag out and swiftly untied himself. “Perfect,” he said standing up and slipping a sapphire blue silk robe over his lewd body. While on his phone, he noticed the text he received from Remi earlier, sending a quick one back. “Sorry! Just finished up photos. Here’s my texty text back!” Regretting it the second he sent it. “Oh my god Levi, texty text? Are you 10??” He sighed inwardly at himself. He was gonna blame it on the weed he smoked instead of the fact he really was starting to develop a little crush on the wolf. “Focus,” he grumbled out loud to himself, starting to go through his photos, add filters and crop. Once he had a good set of 12, he made his way over to the Onlyfans website and started uploading.
“Hey Filthy Fucks! Your favorite virgin here, decided to practice my Shibari skills. What do you all think? 😉 send a tip, receive a tip!” Post. Sighing deeply he knew he had to do something big as he posted teasers and censored pics to his twitter account. His niche was twink virgin boy, and often he received the strangest requests, mostly people wanted to see him get fucked, hard, dirty, violently. Levi wasn’t against it, but he’d never done a collab let alone actually have someone inside him. Sure he’d given the occasional handjob, blow job, truck stop dry hump, but he had never legitimately, had penetrative sex. He knew with an insane video of losing his V card he could rack in several hundred more subs. He considered asking Remi, but could he ask that of someone he just met? More importantly, could Levi actually give it away to someone? He always imagined it being with someone he was in love with. However, he really couldn’t pass up the opportunity to try, it would influx a whole hell of a lot more money. He’d approach his new friend on it later, til then he had time to figure out how the hell he could casually ask someone “hey will you take ownership of my holes for money?” Finishing up replying to fans, and comments, he got up, slid his robe down, kept the thong on, threw on a white t-shirt, and some dark green overalls. “Let’s go get some greens!” He threw his fist in the air, sliding on his favorite pair of crocs, and made his way to the roof, where he had a large garden bed tailored to the top of his bus. There were several things sticking out, more importantly, labels. Sliding on his garden gloves he got down and dirty to retrieve his most precious valuables.
Geezy: The small man jumped, quickly moving the items away from the wolf’s side of the counter, and closer to him to ring up the barcodes. Finally he peeped, “That’ll be $388 for you sir..” Three hundred and eighty eight dollars for some parts that would cost $30 from a scrap yard? Damn. He really needed to figure out where one of those were sometime soon.. Grumbling under his breath, he pulled Levi’s card from his wallet and swiped it on the pad next to him. He had to pause for a moment to think when it prompted him for the PIN, but he was able to search his mind for the answer Levi had given him earlier, and the cashier handed him the bag afterward. “Have a good day sir..” he almost whispered, and Remi turned on his heels and was out the door in one swift motion. God, why were people so infuriating? The wolf continued to grumble to himself as he got to his van, and his large, suddenly shaky hands brushed past the lump in the plastic bag that was tucked in the back corner of his pocket. He exhaled slowly, before grabbing his beat up backpack from behind him. “I’ll just smoke a little bit of this to tide me over until I can take a proper hit..” the man mumbled as he pulled out a small tin Altoids container, and slid through the front seats to the back of the windowless van where he sat again on the wheel well. The tin clicked open in his fingers, the small white straw inside rattling against the lighter quietly as his hands shook. Reaching for the black fabric backpack again, he managed to grab hold of a roll of foil that he had tucked inside. Still inside the bag, he quickly ripped off a large enough sheet of foil to do the job and brought it back to his lip to straighten out a bit. Thankfully, he had parked his van far enough away from the entrance that he wasn’t worried that anyone would look in the front window, especially in such a town off the beaten path. Making a small dip in the foil, he fished the baggie from his pocket and unfolded it, the vinegar smell filling his sinuses making him wince back for a moment. Large trembling fingers broke off a small chunk of the brown substance, and placed it into the center of the foil where the dip was before putting the white straw to his lips and picking up the black metal zippo with a skull and crossbones on it from the kit. ‘Ironic,’ he had thought when he included it in the kit. With the hand containing the zippo, a quick flick of a slender wrist and the wick was set ablaze, and placed just under the lump on the foil. Remi then hovered over the foil with the straw in his mouth, patient waiting until the smoke started the pour from the weird lump. The scent burned the wolf’s sensitive nose, and the bridge of his nose wrinkled in disgust but he took no time inhaling the foul smoke through the straw between his lips. The smoke tasted horrible, but the crash of extreme euphoria flooded his system instantly as it was processed by his lungs. He blew out the hit slowly, before returning to take another very long drag. After continuing about four or five hits when his eyes were ready to roll back in his head, he leaned back against the wall with a loud, satisfied sigh. His body felt light, every ounce of pain he once had in his bones vanishing and his head felt floaty. The large male sat like this for a few minutes, enjoying the rolling pleasure throughout every cell in his body and taking slow, meaningful breaths that reached deep in his chest. He would do anything to feel like this at all times of the day, but that was the problem. After nearly 20 minutes of his back pressed against the worn out metal of the van, he was finally able to float back down to earth and all of his energy and strength had returned to him. The foil was crammed into the bottom of the smallest pocket in his bag, and the straw and zippo replaced into the kit, and into the bag as well.  “Well, I supposed I should probably head back. I gotta rotate those tires before it gets dark.” He said to himself, before sliding back into the drivers seat of the van.
Kezzi: Levi plucked, 7 green onions, 8 potatoes, 4 tomatoes, 3 yellow onions, some basil, ginger, and 2 zucchini’s. “Abundance!” Levi shouted, holding his treasures to the sky in a wicker basket. He climbed down the roof and made his way inside. Putting all his produce away he decided to get out of his gardening clothes and into something cooler, those overalls had him work up a sweat. “Phew…” he fanned himself with his hands, standing in his bus in nothing but a thong. “What to wear…” he muttered before pulling out a pair of light blue cloth shorts that stopped a several inches above his knee, the bottom of his cheeks stickin’ out of the shorts, thong slightly peeping out from the top, the strings clinging to his thin slender hips. After that he put on a white crop top tank that was on the flowy-er side. Sliding on his crocs he decided he was gonna relax now, maybe get some sun. Grabbing another joint, and his vape he went outside and into the back storage compartments he pulled out a folded up lounge chair. Coming undone, he laid it out in the sun, his back against the chair, he sparked up the joint, took a few drags and then put it out, saving the rest for later. Levi then laid back fully, hitting his vape every so often, stretching his long legs out to bask in the heat of the day, he knew it would be getting dark soon, hopefully Remi was okay? He pulled his cell out and checked his phone to make sure he hadn’t missed any emergencies. No calls or texts…..then he’s probably fine and on his way back soon. Shrugging off the concern as he laid back, closed his eyes and enjoyed the full warmth against exposed his pieces of flesh.
Geezy: Adjusting his large body into the ripped drivers seat, the wolf felt as if he was just brought back from the dead, a huge grin plastered across his face. He was actually excited to go back to the smaller male, his heart pumping loudly in his chest as he thought about the white haired man, but it wasn’t as easily explained as the drugs he just smoked. Finally digging his small key ring from his pocket, Remi jammed them into the ignition and turned, the old van once again roaring to life with the first twist of the key. “There ya go girl, you’re getting it.” He chimed, patting the dashboard again as he spoke to the vehicle. He wasted no time plugging his phone in to the aux again, now suddenly filled with life after his fix, his green eyes glowing so brightly that they fought the backlight of his screen as he threw on a Sewerperson song, and set the gps back to where Levi was. “Would you like to set this destination as home?” his phone asked, and he quickly turned bright red, fumbling to change the prompt on the screen. “I dunno about ‘Home’, but he definitely is something, huh?” A genuine smile spread across his lips as he shifted the van into drive and easily found his way back to the rest stop where Levi was waiting for him. The van crunched across the gravel, a comforting sound now to the wolf, and he carefully parked the old vehicle next to the other’s magnificent one, before turning to grab the bag from the auto shop, and his backpack, and sliding onto the ground and slamming the metal door behind him. Remi sighed loudly in relief; he was so thankful to be back. A muscular arm was brought up slowly to knock on the wooden “front door” of Levi’s RV, his mind racing just being able to smell the other’s scent wafting through the door jam.
Kezzi: The leopard, sprawled out in the sun on the hidden side of where Remi returned, his senses were never on vacation as the sounds of the van, scents of the man and knock of his door was heard from where he laid. “I’m out here! The door’s unlocked if you need to go inside tho!” He shouted out to his new friend, feeling the excitement of butterflies doing backflips in the pit of his stomach. To his surprise he was practically wagging his butt at Remi’s return. Trying to remain cool though, he slowly sat up, turned his legs over and stood up from the lounge. “How was the trip? Good?” He asked approaching the long black haired man now. He noticed a certain glow to his eyes this time around, like someone slapped him with fairy dust. He must’ve gotten a fix…man…he missed that feeling. Shaking the internal fight off he stood just inches from Remi now by the front “door” of his bus. “I was able to get some work done, cleaned and harvested some produce from the garden!” Updating the man as if they’d known each other for years and regularly caught up on their days.
Geezy: Turning quickly at the others reply, he nearly floated over to where the smaller man now stood, his scent almost as intoxicating as the H in his system. “Yeah, it was cool! Amazing what kind of auto shop they have in a place so small and seemly under populated. But then again, I haven’t really been to that many.” Remi chuckled, running his fingers back through his hair. “Ah, and this is yours!” The man quickly produced Levi’s card, placing it into the others palms, and his fingertips brushed the leopards skin in the process. The graze sent lightning bolts through his system which only made his eyes glow brighter. “I was able to get the stuff I needed with minor inconveniences from the old man at the counter.” Remi held up the large auto shop bag almost like proof. “But that’s awesome! Can’t wait to taste whatever you make with all of that..” Just thinking about the tantalizing food that Levi always made for him already caused his mouth to over salivate. “I just hope you didn’t have too much to do because of me? Next time I’ll be here to help you, promise.” The wolf held up two fingers in a ‘boyscouts honor’ type of way with a large grin. “But I can still rotate your tires today before it gets dark if you’d like? I can be super quick~” he chimed, the good mood he was in suddenly radiating off of him like an atomic bomb. His white teeth twinkled in the lingering sunlight, and even his thick black hair didn’t look so dull.
Kezzi: Levi found himself struggling to not throw his arms around the man, he was so giddy to be in the same space as him, noticing the way his eyes shined against the sun that threatened to go down within the next 3 1/2 hours. Still unable to place a label or name to this very new and exciting feeling. “We should check out the shopping center some time if you liked that! They have some amazing antique and secondhand shops,” Levi babbled as he listened to the rest of Remi’s words. “Excellent! I’m glad you found some bare minimum stuff! Once we fix all that we can figure out from there what we need to make it habitable,” clapping his hands together bouncing up and down off his tip toes. When the man handed him the card back, Levi’s face, without his consent or concern, turned light pink as their fingers touched ever so gently. Blinking a couple times to bring him back, he psh-ed at the wolf. “I did about as much work as I usually do in a day! No worries, but yes if you could rotate those, I’ll cook dinner out here, do you like beef stew?” He questioned Remi with a raised eyebrow, hands on his thin hips, exposed and decorated still by his thong.
Geezy: Excitement swirled around the wolf’s body at the offer, the smile plastered on his face only getting wider at the thought of spending time together with the other male. “Yeah we should totally check it out sometime!” Remi snorted happily, his mouth starting to salivate at the thought of Levi’s cooking. “Honestly, I don’t think I could hate anything you put on my plate.” The wolf rubbed his neck, a little embarrassed over his insatiable appetite lately. “no problem, I’ll get started now!” With a quick turn, he jogged back to the van, popping the back door again to fumble with a plastic tool box that had “Remi waz here” scratched into the plastic, clearly done by a child. He fished out the collapsible hydraulic jack, before closing the box and latching it, and carrying the whole thing back towards the other. His muscles in his arms and chest flexed tightly against the strain of the heavy box, but he set it on the ground by the rv, before smiling up at Levi. “This girl is all wheel drive, right?” The wolf asked, leaning down to run a thumb up the treading of the back tire, leaving a dark black mark on his skin. Opening the toolbox next to him, he pulled out a socket wrench, and one socket attachment that he placed onto the lug nut, testing the size, just to replace it and try another. When that one fit, he snapped it into the socket wrench and stood up again.  “Oh, and sorry to be so forward, but I can’t get this shirt musty..” a deep laugh echoed in his chest, before Remi’s arms crossed in front of him, gripping the hem of the Guardin shirt Levi had given him, and pulling it swiftly over his head. Every muscle in the man’s body was well defined, and his skin just seemed to slide across them in a fluid motion, almost as if he were chiseled out of marble by the gods themselves. Remi pushed his hair back with his long fingers, a motion that was clearly a habit by this point in his life, but this time he slid an old hair tie loosely into a bun on the back of his head. While he put his hair up, the thumb that he had slid across the rubber of the tire grazed his cheek, a dark black smudge now accenting the man’s features. “I’ll have it done before you can even think about it, trust me.” He winked at the leopard, his white teeth glinting with his grin.
Kezzi: Wiggling his body side to side with overstimulating excitement that his offer was accepted. “Awesome! We can go in a couple days after we have fixed up Ethel’s bones!” Light blue eyes lighting up hearing the other compliment his cooking. He never got to cook for anyone, so it was amazing to share his skills with somebody else. “Well, good! I’ll get started,” unable to keep the smile off his face, Levi went inside the bus to gather the supplies and produce he would need for dinner. He also grabbed two beers out of the fridge. The second Levi’s foot hit the ground outside, he was faced with Remi’s comment right before the show started. Frozen in place, hoping internally it wasn’t too obvious, he just stood there. ‘My….god….’ He thought as couldn’t help but look Remi up and down, slowly biting his lower lip as his eyes met the hands in his hair that fashioned the strands into a bun. Clearing his throat, and swiftly avoiding eye contact he approached the wolf, handing him the beer, face beat red. “I- uh…I brought you something to drink….y-yeah all wheel!” Stating the last part sheepishly, exchanging beer for shirt, like lightening, Levi was out of view, tossing the shirt inside the bus, it landed on the couch inside, the one that once was Levi’s bed. Then he was behind the bus where his fire pit was located. ‘Focus on cooking Levi…not the beef cake rotating your tires….’ He cracked open the beer, and tossed half the liquid down his throat before setting it down on one of his foldable tables outside. “Okay let’s get cookin!” He set up his fire within seconds, it was second nature to him by now. He was also taking his time to cut up his produce and herbs to be ready for cooking. After the fire was roaring and ready, Levi stacked what looked like a very tall grill tray, over the flames. “Wire rack down…” he said happily, he turned around and grabbed his large pot placing it up on the hot grill. Inside he tossed his beef and onions, pushing them back and forth until they started to brown. Once perfectly cooked, in went his red wine and homemade beef broth, the pot sizzled loudly, smoke floating above the cooking food, Levi sighed “mmmm,” once that was ready, the leopard threw in some fresh minced garlic, salt, pepper, some oil, potatoes, green onions, carrots, celery, tomato paste and some fresh rosemary. Stirring that all together he let it marry while he took another gulp of his beer. “Oh man that’s refreshing,” he sighed sweetly, looking up at the sky and allowing the sunshine to grace his pale skin. He could tell it was going to set soon. Grabbing a second rack, he lifted the pot off the first one using some oven mits. Stacking the second rack on top, he replaced the pot again putting a lid on top this time. This would make his fire setting from high to medium heat. The perfect temp for his food to stew in. He had about an hour before it was to be finished, so he walked back into the bus smiling at the working Remi when he did so, chugged the rest of his beer, tossed it and grabbed a second from the fridge along with a joint from his stash. Walking out again, joint in his mouth, though finding it difficult to face the man he still did, even if his cheeks were rose colored. “Food will be ready in about an hour or so…how’s it going over here?” He asked cracking open his second beer, but setting it down to light the joint, inhaling deeply “Smoke?“ he said, slightly suffocated, exhaling a cloud as he handed the jay to the other.
Geezy: Remi could smell something….. different… about the leopard when he came out of the RV, all of his senses on overdrive as he quietly sniffed the air. Completely unaware of how thirsty he was, he took the beer thankfully from the others waiting hands, pulling a lighter out of his pocket and popping the cap. “Thanks!” He replied cheerfully, before tossing back the entire beer in one swift chug, a small stream that happened to miss his large mouth dripping down his chin and splashing against his bare chest. Once the beer was finished, he pulled the bottle from his lips with a satisfied gasp, tossing the empty bottle into the bin from where he stood, the bottle crashing inside gracefully. The wolf was like a completely different person when he had the necessary drugs in his system, but there was something about the tingling he felt in every muscle fiber of his body that wasn’t his usual post-fix glow. Without wasting too much more time, Remi started on the tires, lifting the first corner of the extremely heavy RV to reveal the tire enough for him to unscrew the lug nuts, and pop the rim off of the axel. He stood again to retrieve the donut, momentarily sliding it into place where the other tire was. He rolled the tire he removed to the back of the rv, across from the original position, before returning to slowly lower the vehicle to the ground again. As he worked, sweat beaded down his shoulders and back, but his face was constantly locked in a determined scowl, his brow furrowed in concentration. He continued to rotate the remaining tires in an X pattern, being sure to check over each tire’s tread to make sure the metal threads on the inside of the rubber weren’t showing before he replaced them. If there was one thing Remi was, it was thorough. Soon, he was back to the first tire he took off where the donut now stood, his knee pressed up against the tire from the back to steady it. When Levi came towards him, finally it broke him from his intense trance, his bright eyes lighting up at the pink color dusting the leopards cheeks. “Hey! Just one more tire and she’s all done!” He grinned so wide that he had to close his eyes as he smiled, very proud to finally be able to do something for the other that was helpful instead of causing more work. “That sounds amazing, thanks.” He stood up, dirt and various car liquids stained his tanned skin, and somehow the messy bun he put his hair in had become looser and barely contained his thick mane any longer. Reaching for the joint, he stopped half way, suddenly aware of his fingertips being completely black and grimy. The wolf smiled sheepishly, before taking his hand back. “Could you put it to my mouth? I’ll get that thing disgusting…” The laugh that came from him was warm and inviting, and he instinctively crouched ever so slightly to be at eye height with the smaller man so he wouldn’t have to reach so far.
Kezzi: Levi wanted nothing more than to stick his head into the sand like an Ostrich, never to be seen again. It was incredibly hard for him to maintain composure around someone he found so attractive…he imagined dirty, blackened fingers scrawling filthy words against his stomach…face…he shook his head coming back to reality as he heard the other’s request. “Oh! S-sure!” He stammered a bit as the Adonis crouched closer to him. Slowly Levi lifted his joint holding fingers, to that of Remi’s soft enchanting lips. He stared at them. Long and hard. He started to picture the many places he would like them to be….he felt it in his shorts. ‘Jesus Christ Levi! Think of something not sexy…..your food burning and Remi being absolutely pissed….then hate fuckin the absolu-…NOT HELPING!! No…uh…sad things… grandma Orla’s funeral…grandma Orla’s funeral…oh no…too sad…Levi’s face stayed completely stoic, the only thing that could possibly give away his lewd thoughts, was the very real blush spread across his face, unknown to the leopard. He watched as Remi inhaled slowly, their eyes connected in that moment, almost like time stopped. ‘How the hell have you turned into a prepubescent teen in 24 hours?’ His internal monologue scolded him. Levi was always headstrong, independent, don’t need no man type. Generally, though he was a homosexual male, he hated majority of men. But Jesus Christ, this one was turning a small hold into a vice tight grip he didn’t think he would ever be able to escape. Pulling back his fingers and taking another hit himself he needed a reason to get 5 seconds of alone time to regulate his hormones. “Here, I’ll grab you another brew,” he nodded, turning on his heels, biting his lip and rolling his eyes back, unseen by the wolf. ‘This man is too fine right now..’ making his way back into the bus, he took a second to splash some cold water over his face in the kitchen sink. “You can do this…don’t make shit weird…no one will ever be interested in you for more than your body,” he repeated the words out loud to himself, words of his late mother to him after he had come out to her, a year before her death. He let that sink in, turned the water off, snagged a beer and returned outside a much more composed cat. “There’s a brownish towel inside the closet by the bed, it’s my mechanic towel,” he laughed handing Remi the freshly cool beverage, grabbing his own he had put down earlier. “I use that to wipe off any crude…you’re also free to shower again,” making sure to out lay all the options. “I’m gonna go check on the stew!” Chirping happily he went back to the site of the fire, lifted the lid and checked on their meal. Sniffing it deeply he groaned. “This is gonna be so good,” it was no ready for the peas, and cornstarch slurry he had prepped earlier. Mixing everything to perfection, making sure it was thick enough, he closed the lid, slipped on his oven mits and hoisting the pot off the rack, he brought it inside, setting it down on top of a heat safe mat on the kitchen counter. Levi began to grab some bowls and spoons for the two. “Soups on!” Levi yelled out, followed by a giggle-snort as he has always wanted to say that.
Geezy: As the wolf’s eyes locked his green eyes with the other’s icy blue ones, a surge of what was almost possessiveness swelled inside him, feeling the others delicate fingers gently on his lips as he took a slow drag from the jay. The deep breath he took only causing his normally large chest to increase in size, he held the breath in as the other removed his hand and Remi returned to his normal stature. He French inhaled the smoke as usual before blowing it out for a second time with a smile. “Thanks.” The wolf put a grimy hand against the tire he was supporting with his knee, uttering a few coughs. He watched the other retreat into the safety of the RV with a hunger in his eyes that could only be describes as the way a cheetah looks before it launches its body into one of an antelope; just pure, primal prey drive. As the door of the RV shut, the sound broke him from his near feeding frenzy. ‘Calm down Remi, we talked about this’ his internal monologue warned him. “You cant sleep with everyone you make friends with.. This is why you have no friends. When you INEVITABLY let your true self come out and act like an ass to them or otherwise fuck them over, they leave you with a little less of yourself than you started with.” The large man quickly dismissed this thought with a swift shake of his head, only furthering the mane of hair behind him to fall out of the bun it was in more. He sighed, fully removing the hair tie and replacing it on his wrist, he made short work of the last tire and put the toolbox and jack in his van, as well as the donut he used for the first tire. Returning to the vehicle behind Levi, the smell of the stew the leopard had made made his eyes water, and if he was in his wolf form, he would have an incessant wagging tail behind him. Remi took a deep breath through his nose, clinging to the feeling of belonging that the food always smelled like, among the perfectly paired flavors, of course. “Damn, I was going to suggest I take a shower, but I don’t know if I can wait that long for this..” He swiped the corner of his mouth with a strong, blackened hand trying to catch the drool from escaping his mouth, only leaving another dark black streak on his face. If the man was a cartoon, he would have hearts beating out of his emerald eyes as he became entranced by the stew in front of him. If it wasn’t already obvious, Remi had a one track mind, and was very quick to lose focus if certain topics were brought up.
Kezzi: Serving their meals up into their bowls he looked up at Remi, only to burst into laughter as he smeared the black mess along his face. “You don’t need to shower before dinner, but let me help you with that at least…” chuckling again, shaking his head side to side. Levi turned around to grab one of his clean kitchen rags, dampened it and then very gently, and sweetly, wiped the muck off of the wolf’s face, eyes connecting once in a quick motion before pulling his hand back slowly. “There you are, now…wash your hands and I’ll follow you, we can eat out on the chairs and watch the sunset!” praying the other would be happy with this option. It had been so long since Levi got to watch the sun set with anyone, he couldn’t genuinely tell you when he actually last did. Chugging the last of his second beer, setting it on the counter with a loud clank, the leopard definitely started to feel the loosening affects, feeling much braver, more confident now. They grabbed their steaming bowls and after washing his hands off, made their way out to see they were right on time as the sun began to slowly descend from the sky, hues of orange, purple and yellow gracing their starving faces. “Perfect! Look at that! Got everything done we needed to today, right before the setting of this glorious day that’ll turn to night,” sighing with contentment as he slunk into one of the loungers. Holding his bowl in one hand, spoon in the other he wafted the stew just under his nostrils. “Mmm,” his eyes rolled to a close, his shoulders giving a small but joyful shimmy, he scooped his first bite and slid the spoon past his lips.
Geezy: With a confused look across the large mans face, he almost physically recoiled when Levi came close to him, an instinctual reaction that he somehow managed to advert without much physical reaction except a few quick blinks. The soft touch of the leopards hands through the damp rag that wiped the muck off of his face made his knees weak for a second like when you scratch a dogs ‘spot’ and they kick their leg, but once his hand was removed, Remi smiled charmingly. “Ah, shit, was it on my face?” He laughed warmly, looking down at his completely black hands again before gliding over to the kitchen sink in one movement of his long legs, and turning on the water to scrub off the day’s work down the drain. Once finished, his green eyes sparkled at the suggestion of eating outside, and he nodded quickly. “Sure, that’s my favorite way to eat.” His sparkling white teeth glinted in his mouth again as he smiled, picking the beer he had been given from the sink and the bowl the leopard gently handed him, and following Levi outside to the chairs that were perfectly positioned towards the incoming sunset. Slinking into the chair next to Levi, the wolf couldn’t help but to stare while the other was unaware, admiring the contentment on his freckled face. His heart rate increased ever so slightly as green eyes traced the slightly feminine features of his new friends face. He was just so CUTE, and SWEET, and the wolf hadn't met anyone like him before in his life. Jolted back to reality by the leopards voice, he suddenly turned his head and gaze away to avoid detection as he replied. “Yeah, its been a pretty productive day! Been a long time for me.” He smiled, opening the beer with the metal on the side of the armchair and pocketing the cap that fell on the ground under him. Taking a long swig which emptied this beer as he did with the first, he set it on the ground before all of the wolfs one track mind was diverted to the food in front of him. He could feel the temperature of the dish through the bowl in his hands, yet continued to shove his spoon to the very bottom of the bowl and come back up with the largest bite he could fit on the spoon, a little bit of everything perched atop the metal as steam poured into the wind above it. He didn’t even have to spend any time smelling the dish, as his sensitive canine nose could already pick up every little ingredient and was about to put him into an embarrassing position if he didn’t stuff his face, like, immediately.. Remi plunged the huge bite of stew into his mouth, where his eyes quickly began to water as soon as it touched his tongue because of how hot it was. You could nearly see the steam pouring from his nose as he quickly began to chew, alternating between breathing through his teeth and through his nose to cool the hot food in his mouth. Shortly, he swallowed as quickly as possible and let out a loud, satisfied groan. “Fuck, this shit is so good.. Why are you just the best cook ever?” He smiled with the compliment. How had this dumb lug of a wolf even tasted it, between the HUGE bite, and taking his bite from the bottom of the dish, being the hottest. He easily must have melted off all of his taste buds. But Remi couldn’t help it. He had always eaten like an animal scavenging a carcass that eats so fast because it didn’t know where its next meal was coming from. Which, in a way, was Remi to a T.
Kezzi: Unaware of the ogling eyes that were on him at one point, Levi continued to delicately scoop stew into his mouth. He was very clean, very proper, Levi wasn’t one to leave a mess after eating, well mannered one could say, compared to the beast beside him. He didn’t mind it though, the way Remi messily ate and vacuumed his food, it made the leopard feel good, genuine happiness to know the man enjoyed his food so much. Taking a second away from his food to answer Remi’s question he spoke “Well, to be fair, I owe my skills to my grandmother, she taught me. I used to love watching her cook,” the younger reminisced fondly of his grandma. “I have sooooo many Irish dishes I learned from her!” His accent coming out thicker when he said the name of his native home. It was almost unnoticeable sometimes but certain words brought it out. It didn’t take the cat long to finish up his meal and when he did he patted his skinny stomach that stuck out from under his crop. “Happy tummy, happy Levi,” giggling to himself. “Think I’m gonna grab another drink, I’ll bring you another too!” Cheerfully he brought his bowl back inside, set it in the sink and then shifted his attention to the fridge. Grabbing the last Heineken out, and a tall can of modelo he had been given by a fellow camper his first day at the site. He came back handing Remi the glass and sticking the can with himself. He liked modelo and corona way more than more beers even though in his heart of hearts, he’s a white claw kind of vibe. Cracking open his can he shrugged “Figured I'd celebrate our new friendship! I really just wanna say thanks for hanging around, even though it’s only been a day, you’re …” feeling a bit brave “truly amazing to be around, Rem,” smiling fondly as he raised his can in a toast. They clinked and he began to drink a big portion of the can. Suddenly, Levi’s phone buzzes on the table that was in between them, planning to simply ignore it, before he saw it was an email from OF about a tip. “Oh?” He said out loud, quickly grabbing his phone to check. “Well I’ll be damned, johnnybro97 comes baring gifts,” he said staring at the large tip he received for his photos this morning. $150 tip. It brought a bright smile to his face as he wiggled and danced in his seat. “Ooo! I love big tippers,” he giggled looking over at the wolf now, setting the phone down.
Geezy: The wolf continued to shovel hot stew into his mouth, nodding to Levi as he spoke to acknowledge that he was listening through the loud breathing and slurping sounds as he ate. “Well she must have been a great cook to have taught you so much.” He finally replied with another charming smile after swallowing, his bowl already more than half gone by this point. Remi nodded at the leopards statement, again not able to advert his eyes from the others tight ass as he left. He had to calm the feeling that roared up inside of him quickly, or he would pounce on the smaller male when he returned, against all of his brains wishes. When the smaller man returned with the beer for him, he couldn’t help but flash that gorgeous smirk. “Thanks” he replied, popping the top off on the chair again and picking it up to join the other one in his pocket. Remi was a large man, but with the heroin already swirling through his system, the physical labor he just performed, and the lack of restful sleep the last week had left him already feeling the buzz of the previous two beers, and he took notice, however pushed on with the third, bringing it to his lips and taking another large gulp after they toasted, halving the beer already. Against his better judgement, he knew he shouldn’t let his inhibition down, or his new friend could really get hurt.. As the wolf brought the beer bottle back down, his smirk returned, the glaze of intoxication over his still bright green eyes. “Nah, nah.. The pleasure’s all mine, really. I’d be a pretty sad starving guy in a cold van without you.” Remi snorted at this thought, a very small slur to his words. As he watched the leopard interact with his phone, he tilted his head slightly to the side like a dog, perplexed by what the other had said. “Oh, you make tips at your job?” He asked, swirling the liquid in his beer can as he spoke. “I don’t think I ever asked you what you did for work?” Remi realized quickly, rubbing his neck embarrassed that he hadn't asked earlier. “Ah, unless that’s too personal.” The wolf extended both hands in front of him defensively, to diffuse any tension if it were to arise from the question.
Kezzi: “Well thank you! I guess it just means her spirit lives on through me,” smiling softly at his own sentiment. He missed his grandma O, she was his best friend, they didn’t everything together for a while, despite her reservations towards his mom and siblings. Honestly, everyone that wasn’t Levi, she was sour to, but always a sweet spot for him. The beer was making him sentimental, laughing at Remi’s comment. “Well I couldn’t have that, cold and starving? For such a handsome man? That just won’t do,” the statement followed by a short giggle that ended with a soft snort. Looking to the side embarrassed that he even made such a sound. He hated it. However, he brushed it off and watched as Remi slugged down majority of his beer. How did the wolf not ever belch after taking such long swigs, he’d never know. Taking slow, but still hefty in his own fashion, sips, he shrugged at the question. “No it’s not personal, I’m a content creator! I make…well…porn,” he said matter of factly, followed with a sheepish breathy chuckle. “I mean….I don’t do like PORN porn….well,” he tried to figure out the best way he could explain it. “I am a virgin, kind of…” he blushed brightly now, avoiding eye contact as he explained his position. “I take photos and videos of myself doing …solo things, people subscribe for a set monthly price and can send tips! I usually make $3-5k a month depending, with an extra $2-500 in tips,” less embarrassed now and a bit more proud of his income. It took him a while to build his platform to where it was currently. He had worked many jobs before but this one allowed him to do things for himself at his own pace on his own time. It gave him creative expression and freedom, he hasn’t had to rely on anyone for help since he got 5 months into his OF career, Twitter loved him, he had over 6k in followers on there, it’s essentially what helped him build his OF platform to what it is now. Levi felt confident in what he did but suddenly telling this very handsome man, made him feel very…shy? No…submissive….? He brought his hands together in a fist, setting them in his lap, thumbs twiddling back and forth.
Geezy: Remi arched a sharp eyebrow, in sudden disbelief at just one of the words that seemed the flow from the leopards mouth. ‘Virgin?…’ the word seemed foreign to him, as he hadn’t had his virginity for 17 years. How old was this man he was staying with? Was he a man? Remi had only almost accidentally gone home with an underage girl once, but thankfully was avoided at the last moment, and since then he had always been careful.. But Levi didn’t look underage.. especially if he was doing porn? The wolf sat silent for a second in thought, a dazed look on his face as he tried to break down what was being told to him. When his eyes met the icy blue gaze of the other, he swiftly realized he must look a little judgmental while lost in thought and he quickly corrected himself. “Honestly, that sounds like a very empowering job.” Remi grinned again, the compliment the leopard had given him subconsciously inflating his ego a little bit. “I’m sorry, I was just stuck on the fact that you said you’re a virgin..” The wolf’s facial expression hinted at something a little more, feral, but the inflection in his words didn’t show the same. “You mean you play a virgin?” He asked quizzically, taking another final bite of his stew on his lap. The sweat on Remi’s bare chest caught the light of the passing sunset, enunciating every line of the muscles that stretched across his torso. He knew just how attractive he was, and he also knew just how to flaunt it in his the right ways, making it seem natural. He grabbed the beer bottle from where it sat on the ground by his feet, and took another long drink. Upon hearing the leopards income though, he almost did a spit take, coughing and sputtering on the beer in his lungs. After quickly recovering, he swiped the back of his hand across his mouth before turning back to the other. “Damn, you make HOW much?” Remi had never even seen that amount of money in his 28 years of life. “Shit, if I had a card I would definitely be added to your list of followers.” Remi mumbled seductively, his sense of self preservation slowly fading with more and more alcohol in his stomach.
Kezzi: This time, Levi’s face turned redder than it ever had at the questions he received, but more so the slight, flirtation behind his curiosity, Levi could practically smell it, however he still was unsure of the other he couldn’t just assume. It’s unlikely that the man was gay, right? I mean….the hottest ones never seem to be, in Levi’s case. The “ocean full of fish” was more like a polluted ocean full of hybrid salt water piranhas, scary world to be apart of. He didn’t feel judged, but he certainly felt under the microscope, kind of like a mouse caught in the corner by a playful cat….he wasn’t used to that. It was always the other way around for him usually. Clearing his throat he nodded “You heard me right, virgin…27 years old and I’ve never had someone in me,” he laughed trying to make a joke out of it. “Honestly, never met anyone before that I wanted to…” choosing his words carefully, as he didn’t want to say one’s that would make Remi feel down for the count. He very much wanted that man inside him. However, he was playing it cool, calm, collected, though he was starting to feel very drunk after finishing his tall can in a few swigs. Feeling validated by Remi’s kindness he smiled, sweetly “It is! It’s actually so amazing being your own boss!” sighing with relief at the fact he’d never have to return to the boring parts of the work force again. He looked Remi up and down, sitting on the lounge chair across from him, as he took the last drink of his own, the way the sunset glistened against Remi’s skin, it made his whole body feel warm, and tingly, almost feeling self conscious at how absolutely toned he was, Levi wasn’t unfit, but he wasn’t muscly like a lot of guys were, which made him insecure in some ways. People assumed because he was small he couldn’t handle anything, when the deep truth was, his pain tolerance was threw the rough and he could crack several necks if need be. Levi hated nothing more than being perceived as weak, because he would be damned if he would through all that bullshit as a kid to be called weak. He just more or less always chose passiveness, but in this moment he was feeling fully submissive, catching on to that last tag line of ‘I’d subscribe’. ‘Omg he IS flirting with me…’ almost giddy like a school girl finalizing this information inside his head. His skin felt hot, his brain felt foggy. He desperately worked to keep his words straight, and concise while the alcohol boiled through him, he figured, there wouldn’t be a better time. If he was going to dip a toe in the water, make it the whole foot “I mean…IF you were interested…we could…do a collab video, something small at first, don’t gotta dive right into the crazy stuff but, my audience has never seen me with anyone else, it would definitely get new subs, get twitter buzzing and we could split the profits, use that money to fix up Ethel!” Trying so incredibly hard to seem casual and not just flat out ask the wolf to devour him right there on the loungers. No, he was a classy lady, he would not throw himself at this man..yet.
Geezy: The wolf’s large chest swelled with pride at the proposition, his eyes almost like lasers as they glowed brightly and bore into Levi with a seductive gaze, and he couldn’t help but utter a short, guttural growl from deep in his throat. He had been fighting the beast within him for what seemed like centuries, but it seemed like the other man wanted to unleash it, and he didn’t know what he was getting himself into. Trying desperately to disguise his hot lust for the the leopard, his left hand gripped the arm of the lounger until the his large knuckles turned white. “Uh, wouldn’t that ruin your whole, virgin vibe?” The wolf asked, his heart caught in his throat as he was already ravishing Levi with his eyes. “I mean.. if it would help bring in some cash to reup on the things you’ve used for me, even, who would I be to deny your fans?” A devilish smirk flashed across his face now, the same primal ‘prey drive’ look in his eyes as his pupils even seemed to stretch out. “What would you even have in mind?” The wolf was already sold on the idea from the jump, already making a mental note of how drunk he actually was, as he knew he could do serious damage if he was too inebriated… from experience. He leaned forward towards Levi, his elbows resting on his knees and his fingers laced in front of him, his upper lip pressed against his index fingers. The wolf was suddenly aware of how tight the grey sweats Levi had give him the night before were on his hips, his whole body starting to gently tremble as many thoughts rushed through his drunk head of all the ways he could destro- err, partake in a sex tape with the man in front of him. His breath was hot in the palms of his hands and the crashing of his heartbeat in his ears was almost deafening.
Kezzi: Laughing a bit at the question he simply shrugged his shoulders. “I can’t be a virgin forever, as long as they get to witness it, It’ll be okay,” he said simply, his hands now laid out on his thighs, nervously scratching and clawing at his flesh, not hard enough to leave marks. Starting to feel the pressure of his excitement under his skin. “Well…idk we could start off with like ….dry humping and like….a blowjob? Or something…” he muttered the last bit trying not to seem too eager but also trying to assert his naughty desires. His drunk gaze calculating every move that was made by the Wolf. It was almost too obvious he was staring. Sucking his lower lip through his teeth, he gave a short, cheeky grin “Yeah? You’ll make a lot of them quite jealous,” giggling cutely, hand over his mouth, he stood up now as the sunset was quite over, the leopard swaying his hips as he made his way to the bus. He paused halfway, looked back behind his shoulder and beckoned Remi to follow him with a simple raised brow and cocked nod. “Comin?” Asking with a sultry tone to his voice.
Geezy: Time nearly stopped for the wolf now, his broad chest heaving with the heavy breaths  his lungs were exchanging. His whole body felt as if he had just done whip-its, every atom vibrating within him. The thought of the leopards soft, supple lips around his cock, his glacier eyes looking up at him innocently, it made a shiver descend down Remi’s spine. His cock twitched within the already tight sweatpants, and a surge of possessiveness flowed through him, nearly jumping from the chair as Levi asked him to join him. He normally would be able to contain himself; Mr. calm cool and collected. But this time was different. There was nothing he could do now to quiet the urges that he had to force down the past 24 hours. Crashing behind Levi and nearly knocking him over, Remi grunted at the mental force it took to not grip the leopard by the throat and just take him right on the stairs of the RV. The wolf’s pheromones were pouring into the air around him, and a large hand quickly went to steady himself on the railing of the stairs in front of him. “M’Sorry.” The man said quickly, realizing how forcefully he must have knocked into the smaller male, his excitement obvious by this point as he loomed over Levi’s thin neck, his hot breath dancing over his nape. Oh how that leopard’s scent was just intoxicating, causing his already heavy breathing to hitch…..
To be continued…
Hope you enjoyed this first part! More will be posted at the end of every week! Thanks for reading, don’t be scared to leave some feedback! *Be Kind*
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soliloquivm · 2 years
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⸻ SONG MINHO. HE + HIM / have you ever heard of DEVIL’S BACKBONE BY THE CIVIL WARS., well, it describes ISSAC YOON to a tee! the THIRTY year old, and an ATTORNEY was spotted browsing through the stalls at portobello road market last sunday, do you know them? would you say HE is more of a workaholic or more PASSIONATE instead? anyway, they remind me of black and white photos on the fridge , neverending spirited debates and the sound of a gavel’s slam maybe you’ll bump into them soon!
time in notting hill :3 years birthplace : nyc , usa sexuality : bisexual relationship status : single
born the prime prospect — the apple of his mother’s eye, issac yoon was primed from a young age to be as sharp as they come. raised in the penthouses of wall street, he was taught early how to become one of the most influential men of their time and grew up wanting to be the next president of the united states. he had a goal in life, and it was to reach the very top of the tier, engulf his life in politics, perhaps even become the first asian president, assuming someone else didn’t beat him to it beforehand. it was all that he wanted, and with the yoon family fronting the bill, he was convinced he could have everything. it was the posh life of expensive clothes and cars , the utmost pristine education and being raised by a nanny that taught issac just everything that he knows today — the college education he earned, later on, was only a stepping stone into the man that he would soon become.
a sharp tongue and intelligence to boot… issac was a competent young man that was able to breeze through his classes, his hard work countering any doubts that his fellow students may have had when accused of only getting into the private school by way of family name and funding. he was spoiled, the eldest son to carry on the hopes and aspirations of his mother and father and for that, they were willing to give him everything that he could have ever wanted in the world without question. however, it was his years of playing ice hockey that really made him capable of being a team player, learning to understand the needs of others even if such lessons didn’t stick through to his adult years.
it was with great pride and expectation that issac was accepted into yale where he chose to study law, his first step into becoming what he’d always dreamed of, a political savant. however, the first steps were always the most difficult, having already gotten his ride through a charter school, and one of the top-ranked law schools in the country, upon graduation issac struggled for some time in finding the perfect law firm to fit what he believed to be his cup of tea and as picky as he was, it wasn’t until a year later he found a position worth keeping in a cozy law firm right on wall street where he grew up.
all dreams, as beautiful as they may be, however, must come to an end at some point and the waking siege occurred years later, hard work paid off to earn issac a comfortable office with his very own assistant. that is until news hit the stands of a major case being put against a certain martin yoon, a wall street wannabe king who was issac’s very own father. money laundering, insider trading and a few counts of racketeering on his list, the yoon family was quickly vilified by the press, their faces sprawled across the new york times in shame. their lives as they knew it were over, their family penthouse, taken by the police, ransacked, their personal lives overturned and the family fortune wiped out. it was issac’s saving grace that he was able to create his own nest egg from his well-paying job but the final decision became clear. the yoon family was no longer welcome on wall street and while his mother chose to remain in their home city to ‘support her husband’ issac, even after all his hard work, found himself incapable of handling the media stress and decided to leave.
there enter notting hill , london , a city where nobody knew his name, and yet everyone knew everything about everyone else. there, he was able to get himself a comfortable and humble job at the local law firm where he’d defend people from breaking and entering and the occasional elevated crime. to say that issac was pleased with his sudden uprooting would be a blatant lie, and his bitterness would show even in the courtroom but still – he managed to make himself comfortable in the niche little city, purchasing himself a vibrant home so that he could live in his new life, enjoying it for whatever it turned out to be .
personality: issac is about as driven as one can be. he is known to be callous in the courtroom where his words are the very weapons that he uses to slice anyone down the center, if he has a goal in mind — it’s his to obtain no matter what stands in his way. he is, however, quite prideful in his actions and often finds himself biting off more than he can chew. this drive he carries on his back is coated in embarrassment for his family’s wrongdoings and because of this he is quite secretive, preferring to live his life as a new issac yoon instead of the son of the man who stole millions of dollars from innocent
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eddies-puppet · 2 years
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𝙇𝙤𝙨𝙩 𝙄𝙣 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙁𝙞𝙧𝙚 | 𝙎𝙥𝙚𝙣𝙘𝙚𝙧 𝙍𝙚𝙞𝙙
Chapter 12: Thanksgiving
Warnings: Discussion of Alzheimers
Word count: 2,652
Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 | Chapter 13
A few weeks had now passed since Peter Cox had been identified as their unsub. When SWAT had arrived at his apartment, they'd found it empty. Matt and Luke had said it looked like it had been ransacked, his belongings strewn around the floor, and he'd left in a hurry with just the clothes on his back, presumably soon after Emily and Becca had visited him.
Once he'd left Washington, the trail had gone cold. Becca had been helping with the teams other cases while they tried to find a lead on Cox.
November was drawing to a close now and by some miracle, Thanksgiving had rolled around without a case calling the team away. A lot of the team had taken the opportunity to spend the holidays with their families, including Spencer who was having lunch with his mom at her facility.
Becca pulled her coat tighter around her, trying to shield herself from the howling wind, smiling to herself as she saw Hotch's car pull up at the kerbside. Jumping in, she sighed dramatically.
"Feels like being back at home," she laughed, glancing across at Hotch. "Thanks for picking me up."
"No problem," he smiled. "Last thing you need on a rainy Thanksgiving is trying to find yourself a cab," he said as he pulled away from the kerb. "How are you?"
"I'm good, thank you, the guys are keeping me busy," she smiled. "How about you? It feels like forever since I saw you!"
"It does," he nodded. "I'm doing great though, thank you. It's been a strange few weeks. Good, but strange! Thank you, by the way. I understand you had a little something to do with pointing Emily in my direction," he smiled, glancing briefly at her.
"Oh, she didn't need pointing in any direction," Becca laughed. "She just needed a little push IN that direction. And you're welcome, I'm glad things are going well, you both deserve it."
"So, is Reid joining us later?" Hotch asked quietly, a small smirk creeping across his face. Becca looked at him, her jaw falling open in realisation.
"Wow, she really can't keep a secret, can she?" Hotch laughed, shaking his head. "Does everybody know?" She asked, her voice panicky.
"Not everybody," he chuckled. "You think Garcia would have kept her mouth shut if she had even an inkling?" Becca laughed loudly.
"Good point. In answer to your question, he's just going to see how the day goes. His mom's not doing great at the moment so it depends on how she is," she explained sadly. "Doesn't sound like it's going to be much of a Thanksgiving for him." Hotch nodded slowly, taking a deep breath.
"He'll be ok. He's tougher than he seems," he reassured her.
She sighed deeply and turned to gaze out of the window. The city sped by outside as they wound their way towards the outskirts, the sky growing darker as they went, a storm rolling in from the distance.
After a few minutes, Hotch pulled into the long driveway, the gravel crunching loudly beneath the car. He parked up, switching the engine off and turning to her.
"You ok?" She turned slowly, smiling as she nodded. "I hope you're ready for this," he laughed as he swung open his door.
She followed him from the car, walking quickly towards the front door of the house just as it swung open.
"Ciao bella," Dave grinned loudly, laying his hand on Hotch's shoulder as he passed.
"Hey," Becca smiled as she held her arms out to their host, pulling him into a tight hug. "Happy Thanksgiving, Dave."
"Happy first Thanksgiving," he smiled, pulling himself free of her hug and taking her face in his hands, placing a kiss on both of her cheeks.
"Thank you again for inviting me," she smiled as she walked past him. He followed her inside, closing the door quietly behind her.
"You're one of us now kid," he said cheerfully as they entered the large kitchen.
Hotch had already taken his seat beside Emily, who was deep in conversation with Penelope and Luke. Krystall was standing at the island in the kitchen, pouring champagne into delicate crystal flutes, her face breaking into a smile as she saw Becca making her way towards her.
"Becca! Happy Thanksgiving! Sit, I'll bring you a drink," Krystall chirped as Becca made her way to the table, sitting down between Emily and Penelope.
She turned to Emily, her face set in a stern glare.
"Me and you will be having words later, big mouth," she said seriously. Emily's face spread into a smile, feigning innocence.
"I don't know what you're talking about," Emily whispered innocently as Becca's resolve broke and she smiled back at her friend. "Happy Thanksgiving."
"Thanks, you too," she smiled, nudging Emily gently with her shoulder as Krystall placed a glass of champagne down on the table in front of her before taking her seat between Dave and Hotch.
"Before the wonderful Mrs Rossi provides us with our feast, let's take a moment to soak this in," Dave grinned. "The BAU home on Thanksgiving," he added, rewarded with laughs from around the table.
"Thank you all for coming today. This day is a day for family, so I'm glad that I can spend it with mine," he beamed, his smile warm and genuine. He raised his glass in front of him, joined by the rest of the team. "Salut," he said before taking a sip of his champagne. "Now let's eat!"
The night was drawing in now and the rain continued to pour outside. The team were snuggled down in Dave's lounge, and Becca pulled her feet up beneath her as she watched the fire raging in the fireplace across the room.
Her phone sat lifeless in her lap and she cursed herself as she pressed the power button again, checking that no messages had snuck in during the two seconds she'd looked away from it. She'd text Spencer a couple of hours earlier without response, and she was trying not to worry about him, hoping he was just having too much fun with his mom to think about her.
She was snapped from her thoughts as she felt somebody sit down beside her, and she turned to find Dave smiling at her.
"What's on your mind kid?" He asked kindly. She shook her head forcefully.
"Nothing, I'm fine," she smiled. Dave raised his eyebrows dramatically.
"You know how long I've been a profiler for, right?" He chuckled. "You expecting to hear from your partner-in-crime?" He said kindly, gesturing towards the phone sitting in her lap.
"Who, Spencer?" She giggled, shaking her head insistently. "No, why would he message me?" As soon as his name slipped past her lips, she knew she'd said too much. Dave's face broke into a smile.
"You and I both know why," he chuckled. "Don't worry, your secret is safe with me."
"Did Em tell you too?" She asked, exasperated.
"No," Dave said. "You just did. I've known since your welcome party that something was going to happen, but now I know for sure." Becca sighed deeply.
"Please don't tell anyone," she begged. "It's all still very complicated, I don't think even we know what 'this' is yet." Dave smiled kindly, holding his hand up as if to silence her.
"I'm not going to say a word to anyone," he assured her. "So tell me what you're worrying about right now?"
"I'm just overthinking Dave, don't worry," she smiled. "I do have a tendency to live too much in my own head."
"Sounds like someone else I know," he smiled sadly. "We all worry about him, you know. He's not always good at asking for help. Does he talk to you?" Becca nodded slowly. "Good. I'm glad he has someone he trusts."
Becca startled as she felt her phone vibrate in her lap. Picking it up quickly, she smiled.
Spencer - I'm outside Rossi's. Can you come outside? I need to see you.
"Told you I was overthinking it, that's him now," she grinned. "I'll go let him in," she told him as she jumped from her seat and made her way quickly to the front door. She ran her fingers through her hair and straightened her dress before pulling open the heavy door.
"What took you so long?" She smiled, but froze as she saw him.
The rain ran down his face, dripping from his sodden hair, his wet clothes clinging desperately to his body as he trembled.
"Spence, what's happened?" She asked him softly as she rushed out to him, pulling him underneath the porch and out of the torrential rain. "Spence?" She spoke his name desperately, her hands cupping his face, lifting it to look at her. He looked back at her, his eyes blank. "What's wrong?"
"She didn't know who I was," he whispered, his voice breaking as the tears started to fall from his eyes. Her heart seemed to stop in her chest, his pain overwhelming her as she pulled him into her arms, holding him tightly. Sobs wracked through his body as his arms tightened around her, squeezing her so hard that she struggled to catch her breath.
"I'm so sorry baby," she whispered softly, her hands running across his back as she tried to soothe him. "Come inside, we need to get you warm," she begged him.
His arms tightened further around her, his fingers dragging desperately across her back, fighting to keep her close as he shook his head. The movement was barely discernible against the quivering of his body.
"Please," he sobbed. "Please just take me home."
"Hey, what are you lovebirds do..." Dave's voice sounded from the door behind her, trailing off as he took in the sight before him. Becca pulled her head back gently, turning to look at him.
"Dave, could you grab my bag please?" Dave nodded, silently disappearing back into the house. "Spence, where's your car? How did you get here?" She asked. He loosened his grip around her waist just enough for her to look up into his face.
"It's at the care home," he muttered. "I just started walking and ended up here."
"Becca," she heard Dave behind her again and turned to him.
"Could you call us an Uber?" She asked.
"No need," Dave said softly. "Take my car, drop it back tomorrow. You're ok to drive?"
"Yeah, it's been a few hours since I switched to soft drinks," she said as she took her bag and his car keys. "Thank you," she added softly as she took Spencer's hand tightly in hers, leading him to Dave's car.
"Stay there, I'll be right back," Becca told Spencer gently as she closed his apartment door behind them.
She rushed to his bedroom, grabbing a pair of his jogging bottoms and a Caltech sweatshirt from his dresser before pulling a towel from the bathroom and hurrying back to him. He hadn't moved from where she'd left him, standing silently next to his desk.
"Let's get these wet clothes off you," she whispered, dropping the dry clothes onto the desk. He hadn't spoken a word on the journey back to his apartment and that continued, the silence deafening as she peeled him out of his soaking wet clothes, collecting them in her arms and carrying them to the kitchen, throwing them into the dryer.
By the time she made it back to the lounge, he was nowhere to be seen. She panicked momentarily until she heard movement in the next room.
Spencer had managed to pull on his jogging bottoms and he was curled up on his bed, his arms wrapped tightly around himself, his face glistening with freshly shed tears.
She paused for a few seconds, involuntarily holding her breath, trying desperately to think of the right thing to say. She realised eventually, there was nothing she could say to make this better.
She sighed quietly, slowly making her way to the bed and laying down slowly beside him, their bodies turned towards each other. Her heart shattered seeing the sadness in his eyes.
"Talk to me," she begged quietly. He took a deep breath, gently biting down on his lower lip.
"She's forgotten me before," he whispered, his eyes filling with tears again. "But never for more than a few minutes. It just feels different this time somehow, like she's not there anymore."
"What did the nurses say?"
"Not much, but I can see they're worried," he said, his voice hollow. "She's still losing weight despite the feeding tube. Am I too old to admit I'm scared to lose my mom?" She shook her head.
"You're never too old to be scared to lose your mom," she assured him.
"She's all I have," he muttered sadly. "Well, she was," he added, smiling sadly. She reached out, her fingers gently brushing his cheek as his eyes lifted to meet hers. "I'm sorry you're having to spend your first Thanksgiving looking after me," he apologised softly. She shook her head, putting her finger to his lips to quiet him.
"Don't do that," she whispered. "I'm not having to do anything." He smiled sadly, reaching out to her and pulling her in tight against him, his head burrowing into her neck. "Is there anything I can do to help?" She felt him shake his head slowly.
"This is all I need," he murmured tiredly.
"Are you warm enough?" She asked. "You must have been out in the rain for hours."
"I'm ok," he told her quietly. "Thank you. For everything. I don't know what I'd have done without you tonight," he said, lifting his head and gently kissing her, his lips lingering for a few seconds as he held her close. "I don't think you know how much you mean to me," he whispered. She smiled, slowly running her fingers through his damp hair.
"I think the exhaustion is going to your head," she laughed softly.
"I mean it," he said, swallowing hard. "Once before, I didn't say it when I felt it, and it's the biggest regret of my life. I know it's quick, and that it makes things more complicated, and I'm sorry for that, but I can't not tell you how I feel. This morning, when I felt like I'd lost everything, all I needed was you," he hesitated. "I love you Becks," he whispered softly.
She felt like the world had stopped around them, as if the universe was giving her time to absorb every bit of this moment.
"You don't have to say anything back, if you're not sure. I just know I'd regret it for the rest of my life if I didn't tell you."
She nodded slowly, her heart racing so hard in her chest that she was sure he would be able to hear it.
"Spence, I..." she stumbled, taking a deep breath before she trusted her voice to speak. "I love you too," she smiled.
His lips were on hers before she even realised it, his kiss tender, intimate. She pulled her lips from his, his hazel eyes soft as they explored her face.
"You're right though, we just made this ten times more complicated," she giggled. "We have a lot to figure out. But not tonight. Tonight you need to get some sleep." He nodded slowly, placing one last kiss to her lips before he lay back against his pillow, his face snuggling back into her neck.
She smiled to herself, the butterflies in her chest fluttering happily, his breath warm against her skin. Her hands wound themselves softly into his hair, feeling the soft curls slipping between her fingers.
Eventually she felt his breathing evening out, his chest rising and falling slowly as he drifted into sleep.
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Chapter 1: Break of Dawn
Marius pulled himself and the unconscious Karolin onto shore. Shortly thereafter, the flaming remains of their boat washed ashore. Neither of their bags were on it. Damn. Karolin’s face was marred by a bloody gash on her left cheek. She was incredibly lucky. The bullet that hit her seemed to be low-caliber, and it hit her at a very shallow angle. Any deeper and she might have been dead on the spot. As it was, she probably just needed a good shake and a bandage to get her back on her feet.
Marius scanned the treeline for any sign of the enemy. Whatever it was, it seemed to have moved on. To his left, he could see a house silhouetted against the red and blue lights of a police car. The paneling was riddled with bullet holes. The front doorway was missing its door. He couldn’t hear or see any movement, so he turned to his battle buddy. 
Buddy? He had known this girl for conservatively an hour and two days at most. Was he seriously already calling her “buddy?”
“Karolin,” he whispered as he shook her, “Wake up.” The girl’s eyes fluttered open. She sat bolt upright, coughing up the bit of water she had swallowed and whimpering loud enough for the dead to hear. “Shh! Quiet down, there’s something out there!”
Karolin nodded and toned her whimpering down to a soft volume. For a civilian, she had surprisingly good sense.
“We should get inside,” she sputtered, “We’ll be safer, a-and they might have weapons.”
“Good idea,” Marius said. He grabbed Karolin’s outstretched hand and pulled her to her feet. He took point, carefully making his way up the path from the shore to the house. The front light flickered. Probably because the electrical box on the side of the house was actively sparking.
A trail of blood and oil led from the front hallway into the kitchen. Marius followed it until he came to its source: a mess of orange metal and sparking wires tangled up with the body of a police officer. A pistol laid next to his open hand. Marius quickly grabbed it, flicked on the safety, and checked to see how many rounds were in the magazine. Three. Three in the mag, one in the chamber. Four shots to deal with whatever destroyed their boat.
“What is that thing?” Marius asked Karolin, pointing to the vaguely quadrupedal shape entangled with the officer.
“I have no idea,” Karolin said, “I’ve never seen anything like it, outside of the movies.” She pulled it off the officer to take a closer look at it. Marius took this chance to rummage through the police officer’s pockets for his spare magazines. “This is some Short Circuit nonsense.” She bent down to more closely examine the machine. “It looks to have a fuel tank on the back. The tank is singed and ruptured, so it must be a violent weak point.”
Marius threw up his eyebrows a bit. “Good to know. In case, Gott verhüte, we have to face one of those things.”
As she was bent over, Karolin’s blood dripped off her cheek onto the floor.
“Herregud!” she exclaimed, slapping her hand to her cut cheek, “That looks serious!” She straightened up and whipped her head around in search of a bathroom. “I’m going to look in the cabinets for a bandage!”
“Sehr gut,” Marius said, “I will secure a perimeter.”
Karolin darted into the bathroom, leaving Marius alone in the ransacked house. He walked out the door into the back garden and took a careful look at the treeline. No lights, no movement. Not even the leaves in the trees. A police car helpfully lit up the forest with its spinning lights. He could see a shape slumped over the steering wheel. Ignoring the fact that it was formerly a living person with a life and a family, he figured he could scavenge some more ammo from the body.
Just as he was about to start down the road toward the police car, he heard a noise from the woods. A strange barking noise. Like a computer trying to imitate a dog. He turned to see another one of those four-legged robots. It swept a cone of yellow light across the garden onto Marius. The scanning beam turned red, and it let out a digitized howl.
“Scheiße,” Marius muttered. He ducked behind the cobbled garden wall just before the bullets flew. Four rounds sank into the dirt behind him. Another four rounds followed shortly after. Marius started to get a sense of the time he had between bursts. After a third volley, he popped out from behind his cover and fired at the robot. Its glowing red eye gave him an easy target. He only got a couple shots off before it fired another burst. One bullet knocked his patrol cap off his head as he dropped back down. He let out some mix between a grunt and a shriek.
Too close. He couldn’t bring himself to peek over again.
Marius heard the sound of whirring servos drawing closer. He aimed his pistol past the garden bed, waiting for the robot to come around the corner. All he saw was a flash of orange metal before a pressure wave blasted him off his feet. The robot pounced onto him, pinning him to the ground. It made another computerized bark. Its flank-mounted gun pointed down at him.
Suddenly, a wooden rod smashed the robot across its face, sending blue sparks dancing onto the ground. The blow knocked it aside. Marius rolled out from under the robot and recentered his aim. 
Bang! Bang! 
He placed two rounds into the round fuel tank on its back. Twin gouts of flame burst into a yellowish-green fireball. Marius shielded his face from the blast. When the dust settled, and the ringing subsided from his ears, he saw the instrument of his salvation: Karolin, freshly bandaged and holding a baseball bat in her hands.
Karolin flipped her hair, rested the bat over her shoulder, pushed up her glasses onto her nose, and said: “You’ve just been decommissioned.”
Marius stared blankly at her for a second. “Did you just make an action movie one-liner?”
Karolin smiled proudly. “Was it good?”
Marius shrugged. “It was good enough.”
“What?” Karolin said, “What do you mean ‘good enough?’”
“It was basic. Good, but without much flavor.”
Karolin grumbled something in Swedish and stomped back inside. Marius picked up his cap and followed her into the bullet-riddled sitting room. His heart was still pounding from the encounter. He fell into an armchair across from the sofa where Karolin was sprawled.
“Where do we go from here?” Marius asked her, “You know the land better than I do.”
“Well,” Karolin said, piecing together a mental map as she kicked her feet off the edge of the couch, “There is a church just up the road. Iboholmen Church. We passed it on our way here on Friday. It’s built like a castle. No bullet could make it through the stones. We could use it as a safehouse. A place to fall back to when things get ugly.”
“We should stay away from roads,” Marius said, “Those… things… could spot us easily in the open.”
“You should lead the way, then,” Karolin said, “If I’m walking through a forest in the middle of the night, I’ll trip on every root and divot in the ground!”
“And once we reach the church,” Marius said, “We can make a plan of how to find our friends.”
“Friends is a word you could use,” Karolin said with a hint of bitterness, “But yes, we should find them.”
Previous Chapter
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authordanielleforrest · 7 months
Fated Mates of the Drakoan: Episode 3
“Status,” Davin barked.
They had touched down in a clearing just outside of Washington, D.C. It was quiet, too quiet, and that left him on edge. They’d landed in the middle of a metropolitan area. It shouldn’t be this quiet. 
“Shuttle’s locked down,” Heath said as he stepped up to the group.
Grace looked down at her bracer. “Comms are good. Got a signal from the ship.”
“Scans confirming distance and route to the US Capital. Should take approximately one Earth hour,” Erik said, looking down at his own bracer.
Davin nodded. He would have preferred parking closer. There was even a large lawn appropriate for landing in front of the White House. Unfortunately, the captain of the Venture had assured them that no unauthorized flights were allowed over Washington, D.C. airspace. If any of the normal systems were still in place, it could have caused an interplanetary incident and jeopardized their alliance, which was something he wasn’t willing to do.
Davin turned to Erik. “Good,” he said in response. “Let’s head out.”
They quickly left the small park where they’d landed the shuttle, stepping into a residential area as they followed the route Erik had planned to their destination. At first, he almost forgot how things had appeared from the air. The buildings looked similar to the database photos he’d seen, with clean facades, intact windows and entries, and roofs constructed in a way that reminded him of his own scales. Beyond that, each home seemed to have trees, small green spaces, and often a vehicle called a “car.” Some homes were large, consistent with the size of homes back on Koa, though humans didn’t use them in the same ways. They called them “apartments,” and loaded them up with many families instead of just one. Humans did have buildings intended for single families, but they were bafflingly small. He couldn’t imagine any family living in a place so tiny, but that was apparently normal here on Earth.
As they continued toward the capitol, he kept a keen eye on their surroundings, idly scanning for threats as well as answers. Initially, the only sign of something darker was the occasional vehicle sitting idle in the road. Sometimes, it would just be stopped and abandoned, while other times, it had hit something. Another car. A small box propped up on a post. A sign. It wasn’t until they left this residential area and entered a business sector that the true depth of what had happened here made itself known.
“What the…” Grace said under her breath. She stepped up to a storefront, her fingers dancing over the broken glass in the window frame before turning around. “What happened here?”
Van stepped up next to her, his head pivoting on his neck as he looked inside. “It’s been ransacked.” He turned, his steady gaze taking in the area around them. 
They stood in a parking lot overlooking a major road, with businesses lining either side and abandoned cars clogging up its five lanes. 
“They’ve all been ransacked,” Van said, pulling back from the window.
Davin stepped up to his second in command. “What are you thinking?”
“I’m thinking we need to pick up our pace.”
Davin frowned. “You think there are threats.”
Van gave him his most penetrating stare. “I think we should be on our guard and expect the unexpected. At some point in the last few days, anarchy clearly took over here.” He looked up and around once again. “If that happened again, we’d be outnumbered and overwhelmed.”
Davin nodded. Van wasn’t wrong. While the street was quiet now, that didn’t mean it would stay that way. Cities on Earth had far denser populations than on Koa. There were likely millions of people within even a reasonable walking distance from their current location. He looked around him, at his team, his friends, people he was responsible for and cared about. A chaotic mix of emotions rose up inside him and he ruthlessly pushed it down, deeming it a dangerous distraction. He needed to focus, to keep his wits about him. He needed to get the job done and get out of here. 
“Move out, everyone,” he said, relieved to hear that none of the emotion he was currently feeling had slipped into his voice.
“Yes, Commander,” they all said.
After that, he pushed them forward at a ruthless pace, always jogging or running, never stopping. Davin wanted to focus on where they were going, on getting to their destination, but he couldn’t help the small inkling of paranoia that had slipped in. He scanned his surroundings now constantly for threats as they crossed a bridge and then eventually spotted the U.S. Capitol Building in the distance.
Almost there.
Then a brief gust of wind hit him in the face, and suddenly, he couldn’t move. He stopped dead in his tracks, his entire body screaming that something important had just happened, but his brain was too slow to tell him what. He looked around, trying to figure out what he’d picked up on, but there was nothing. Just abandoned cars, damaged storefronts, and an eerie stillness that set his nerves on edge.
“Commander?” Van asked. He’d stopped and turned around to face Davin, a confused expression on his face.
“I…” he started to say, but he quickly closed his mouth again when no words came to mind. What could he say? That some ephemeral sense was holding him frozen to the spot? That it was vitally important that he figure out what and where that something was even though he hadn’t the slightest clue what it even felt like to his senses? It had been there and gone so quickly. The only thing his brain had registered was just how significant it was. It felt like the air he breathed, the very blood in his veins. It felt that important, and yet he couldn’t have even told you a single thing to describe it.
He shook his head in frustration and tried to ignore that nagging sense of significance as he looked up at Van. “It’s nothing,” he said, even though he didn’t actually believe anything he’d just said. 
Van, never willing to let things go, just arched a single eyebrow at him, telling him without a sound how little he believed Davin’s words.
“I…” he started again, trying to put into words the weird feeling he had. The rest of the team was still jogging to their destination, leaving enough distance between them now for a private conversation.
But then the wind picked up again, and this time it wasn’t just a brief gust. It was sustained and that vague sense of importance suddenly had substance. He could smell it, and it smelled exactly as it had always been described in all the books. It was enticing, compelling, and sweet enough to make his mouth water. His jaw hung open, and he struggled to breathe. He needed to expel air to take in his next breath, but all his body wanted to do was breathe in, to absorb as much of this manna as physically possible. 
The emotion was so strong he almost felt like crying. In fact, he could feel the tears welling up in his eyes. “I…” he said again, his voice cracking this time with everything he was feeling.
“Davin?” Van said, this time looking worried as he slowly approached. “Are you okay?”
You need to answer.  
You need to tell him.
But his body and mind were struggling, caught between savoring this momentous event and performing the tiny acts necessary for survival. Then finally, something snapped and he let out a breath, gasping several times as his breathing returned to normal. He could still smell her, though, that sweet, addictive scent caressing his senses.
She’s out there.
She’s waiting.
He looked over at Van, now a profound sense of awe rushing through him. “Mate,” he said under his breath, the very word feeling too divine for anything but a whisper.
“What?” Van said, walking closer, almost within reach now. “Davin, what is it?”
“She’s here.”
“Who, Davin?  Who’s here?  You’re not making any sense.”
“My mate.”
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dilemmaontwolegs · 3 years
Breaking And Entering - Pt.3
Bucky Barnes x fem!reader
Summary: Nothing is easy, doing the right thing is downright hard. Somehow this has turned into an action spy story. Warnings: 18+ only, smut, violence, handcuffs. Word Count: 3995
Part One || Part Two || Part Three
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RECAP: “This was meant to get you out of my system.” He unlocked your arms from his neck and pushed you back onto the bed before crawling up your body, the weight of his already hard c*ck pressing into your thigh. “Now I just want more.”
You hadn’t planned to be back in New York so soon but there you were in the heart of Hell’s Kitchen on a Saturday night. The moment you touched down in New York you had raced home to find the place ransacked, not that you didn’t already expect it after seeing the footage from your security cameras linked to your phone. The spray painted threat was still just as bold against your living room wall and you checked your watch to see how long you had until the meeting.
The strobe lights inside your club gave you the opportunity to weave your way through the throngs of clubbers relatively unnoticed but you felt a single pair of eyes following you anyway. It would have been unsettling if you hadn’t already caught sight of him following your car on the way over, his motorbike snaking between traffic to stay on your tail. You didn’t even close the door to your office when you stepped inside.
“You're walking right into his trap.” Bucky growled as he closed the office door and the sound of the club died out with it. “He wants you here.”
“And you, yet here you are.” You pointed out as you leant back against your desk and let the dress you wore ride up your thighs. “Why are you here?”
“To make sure you don’t do something stupid.”
Bucky’s hand moved behind his back and you heard the scrape of the deadbolt locking into place. You couldn’t tell if you were feeling the heavy bass of the speakers outside or if it was your heart rapidly beating out of your chest as his long legs quickly covered the distance to where you stood. His large hand wrapped around your back and caught the nape of your neck, pulling your head back so he could capture your lips hungrily.
“Mr Barnes, you are insatiable.” You sighed as he nudged your legs apart with his knee.
His tongue traced his lower lip that you wanted to draw into your mouth and his eyes dropped to the swell of your breasts that was bared by the low cut neckline on your dress. Even in the dim light of your office, which was only illuminated by the desk lamp behind you, you could see the hunger reflected in his eyes. The tension built as you made no effort to ravage him like you were wanting, needing to, until he snapped first and grabbed your hips to pull you closer.
His thick thigh pushed your dress up as he pulled you onto it and he groaned as he looked down at the bare flesh and found nothing beneath it. A whimper filled the office as he teased you, rolling your hips and riding his thigh. You couldn’t think straight when he was around, you were meant to be doing something important but he used pleasure to erase your plans.
“Wait.” You panted as you tried to pull away but his hands were too strong and they pushed you back onto your desk. “I need to do, um, what was I, oh.”
“Shhh, all you need to do is be a good girl for me. Can you do that? Be a good girl for me?”
You would have agreed to anything in that moment as his husky voice called you to the edge of the abyss, hands threatening to throw you over as they ran down your hip to the juncture between your legs. He spread your fold apart and he watched the first drips of your arousal escape onto his waiting fingers. Slick with your own juices he teased your clit with salacious circles before slipping inside you.
“Please Bucky, I need you…oh.”
Your walls trembled around his fingers that worked to ready to take his size and your hands reached out to lock into his dark hair, anything that you could reach to pull him closer and drown your screams with. His tongue invaded your mouth in a messy kiss that was all passion and no restraint. You could have stabbed your knife into a power socket and it still wouldn’t have compared the energy that pulsed through you beneath his touch.
“Words, doll. Use your words.”
“I…need you…to fuck me…now.” You panted desperately.
Another whimper keened high in the air as he pulled away and you lost all contact only to find him pulling a condom from his pocket before dropping his jeans below his hips. It should have been obscene the way he watched your pussy drip for him, legs spread wide across your desk waiting for him. But the way he devoured you with his eyes left your stomach coiled on the precipice of ultimate pleasure.
With one swift thrust you cried out at the fullness and your hands reached out to grasp the edges of the desk as his force pushed you further across it. Paper weights, pens, the keyboard, they all went flying as you swept them out of your way and held on for dear life.
“You think I’m going to let you come here and get yourself killed?” Bucky growled as he rocked his hips angrily against you.
When you had confessed to him about Kingpin and your plan for him, you didn’t think he would try to stop you and you certainly didn’t think it would lead to angry sex. You weren’t complaining. This was the best silver lining you could hope for, and you were still going to continue with your plan to put an end to the Fisk Empire.
“It’s cute that you think you can stop me.”
His hands locked around your waist and pulled you to sit up before he grabbed your ass and lifted you from the desk. His lips absorbed your ability to talk while he walked around your desk and sat down on the burgundy leather couch that was sat behind a wrought iron victorian room divider. You both broke away from the kiss when gravity sunk you further down on his cock and your head fell back in ecstasy as you planted your hands on his shoulders and took control.
Bucky watched you from hooded eyes as he rested his head against the back of the couch and clenched his jaw to fight off his release. For a moment his hands splayed on your hips to helped you find a rhythm but you pushed them off, taking his vibranium hand and putting it between your legs the straddled him. He looked down to where your bodies joined and moaned as the sight of his fingers spreading your folds and the sight of his cock disappearing into you.
His thick shaft was coated in your juices and you could hear just how wet you were everytime your bodies clashed together. You were coming undone around him and he was revelling in the sight.
“God you look so good when you take all of my cock.” He revered as he circled your clit even faster and felt your walls clench at the touch. “So fucking tight.”
“Mmm, I’m so close. Don’t stop, fuck, please…don’t…”
Your body shuddered as the elastic band in your core snapped and your jaw fell open in a silent scream while you writhed in his lap, massaging his pulsing cock with your fluttering walls.
“Fuuuck.” He echoed your moan and you felt his abs flex beneath your hands that bunched his shirt up.
You fell against his chest while you recovered your breath and he took your hands in his, kissing each wrist tenderly. Closing your eyes, you relaxed under his touch until you felt the press of cold metal to the wrists he had just kissed. Your eyes shot open but it was too late, he had locked your hands in a pair of handcuffs and didn’t dare look you in the eyes and he lifted you off his lap, feeling the emptiness inside as cold as the look he had on his face.
“What the fuck?” You asked as you tried to pry the handcuffs off but just ended up hurting your wrists.
“You’ll hurt yourself, don’t even bother.” He said as he tossed the condom in the bin and tucked himself back into his jeans. “I’ll let you go once Fisk is dealt with.”
You rattled the cuffs against the wrought iron bars you were chained to, that you had designed to be aesthetically pleasing and now cursed the choice. There was no way you could break through the metal, maybe if you had a vibranium arm but that was currently sauntering out of the room to go and meet Fisk.
You knew first hand that Fisk was a dangerous man and yes Bucky was dangerous too but he didn’t have the money of an empire and a private army backing him. The brooding soldier was going to get himself killed. That heinous feeling of guilt manifested into determination and you looked around for something, anything to pick the locks on the handcuffs.
There was nothing around you remotely helpful until you spotted a paperclip that had been strewn to the carpet when you had cleared your desk. You stepped off the couch and stretched your foot out as far as you could reach and almost cried out when your shoe touched it only to fail at dragging it closer. Not willing to give up, you kicked your heel off and concentrated on picking the paperclip up between your toes.
You didn’t even feel the metal cutting into your wrists as adrenaline flooded your system and you manoeuvred yourself to drop the paperclip on the couch. You didn’t even have time to think about the fact you were going to put your face on the leather that was still warm from Bucky’s ass in order to grab the paperclip in your teeth. You just did it.
“Come on, dammit.” You growled as you straightened the clip out and twisted your hand around to better pick the lock.
Relief at the release was only momentary, you still had to hope you made it to the private rooms beneath the club where Fisk was going to be arriving any minute. You swiped your phone from the usb that it had been connected to your computer with and checked the files had successfully transferred to the device before reaching in your top drawer for your taser. The only stop you made was grabbing your shoe before you were taking off after Bucky.
The music was deafening as you took the stairs from your office two at a time, not even thanking the bouncer at the bottom like you usually did when he opened the red velvet barrier. You shoved clubbers aside as you made a beeline to the door then led beneath the club and ignored their angry shouts as you did so. It may have ruined their night but what was about to happen could ruin your life.
“Come to give me the dog tags?”
You slammed the door open to the large meeting room that was lined with Fisk's mercenaries and caught Bucky’s glare at your appearance but you missed the flicker of concern at the blood dripping down your wrists. Focusing on the colossal man that was sitting at the head of the table you shook your head.
“No, I have something better.”
“I don’t want something better, I want what we made a deal for.”
“I want to make a new deal.” You retorted as you shook your phone. “It’s what you always wanted.”
Mr Fisk leant back in the chair, lacing his fingers across his bulging stomach while Bucky grabbed your shoulder and turned you away to hiss quietly in your ear.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
“Something I should have done a long time ago. I hope you know that I really am sorry.” You said with a sad smile. “Your best friend is wearing your tags, just like you wore one of his.”
His mouth opened to question you but Fisk was already beginning to move as he felt the mood turn. You pressed your lips to Bucky’s and felt him freeze before giving in and returned the kiss. You savoured the moment and committed the feel of his soft lips and the spicy scent of his aftershave to your memory. Pulling back you took one last look at those endless sky blue eyes and pressed the prongs of the taser to the skin you had bared on his hip. His body convulsed and twisted as he began to crumple before you and you pushed him away with all your might.
The pained look of betrayal would forever haunt you but that was a small price to pay for keeping him safe from Fisk and you slammed the door shut in his face. Your fingers were already pressing the button on your phone to electronically bolt the door shut and only you had the code to open it. You didn’t know what Fisk wanted with Bucky, maybe it was for something from his days of being the Winter Soldier. The only thing you had figured out was that Fisk knew if he got hold of the dog tags that Bucky would go looking for them. The dog tags were never the target, just the lure.
“You know I don’t appreciate being used.” You said as you turned to face Fisk and the guns his mercs had drawn. “I also wouldn’t fire a gun in here.”
“And why’s that?” He sneered.
You pointed to the ceiling and the air vents that whirred quietly, temperature quickly beginning to rise. “Hydrogen, odourless but highly flammable. And if you want to make it out of here alive we have about 90 seconds to come to an agreement.”
A heavy pounding slammed against the door behind you but it was 6 inches thick and set to withstand much more force than even Bucky could give.
“I’m listening.”
Fisk tried to look relaxed but the sheen of sweat on his forehead and the way he tugged at his collar gave away his true feelings. Taking a seat opposite him you placed your phone on the table and slid it to the centre of the table.
“This device holds every contract, every contact, every mark my boss has taken. The information this holds is invaluable to someone like you. Politicians, judges, cartel leaders. All their information can be yours, but only if you leave Bucky alone. You don’t even think about going after him.”
His fat fingers twitched as they itched to reach out for your phone. Mr Fisk was a man who respected knowledge, he knew it was valuable and he couldn’t give up the opportunity in front of him.
“You can even take ownership of the club as a sign of good faith. It is about the only piece of real estate in Hell’s Kitchen that you don’t own.” You said, watching the phone light up as the timer you set reached 30 seconds. “I’d think quickly if I were you. First the headache begins then the nosebleeds. It gets quite brutal after that. 10 seconds.”
“Alright, fine. I’ll forget about the damn soldier.” His fearless facade broke and he slapped his palm down on the desk, making your phone bounce on top.
You grabbed the device and entered a code before hearing the fans above blow fresh cool air down over your clammy skin. Turning your phone to face Mr Fisk you showed him the file, swiping across a few contacts so he could see they were real before locking the device and tossing it to him.
“The deed to the club is on there too.” You said as you stood up from the conference table and walked to the door.
“What is the code?” He asked as he held the phone like a precious treasure in his swollen fingers.
“Enter 1917. It will initiate a reset of the security system so you can secure it yourself. Something I suggest doing right now. You would not enjoy finding yourself locked inside, as you have found.”
You watched his fat thumb enter the digits and the phone screen lit up, accepting the code.
“Goodbye Mr Fisk.” You said as you entered the code for the door before it was reset and found a wall of muscle blocking your exit. “We need to go.”
You slapped your hands on his chest and pushed back so the door could close behind you. Turning back, you found Fisk already sensing he had been played and he threw the entire desk at the door, shattering into large splinters.
“We really need to go.” You rushed as you dragged Bucky towards the back alley exit.
“What did you do, y/n?” He asked as he pulled his hands from yours and stopped once again.
“I don’t have time to explain.” You wanted to scream out in frustration but you really didn’t have time. You could already hear the sirens of dozens of police cars heading towards the club. “Just trust me, please.”
A war waged in his eyes and torment bled in his irises until he slammed his eyes shut and covered them with his hand. It only took a second but when he opened them again the blue orbs were made of steel and he grabbed your hand.
“My bike’s out back.” He said as he started to run, dragging you as you tried to keep up.
You crashed out the emergency exit and spilled into the alley where Bucky was parked. He was already twisting the throttle when you wrapped your arms around his waist and flew out into the street. The flash of red and blue lights had you ducking your head behind his broad back and praying no one paid attention to where you came from.
The ride to Brooklyn passed in a blur as you realised the gravity of your actions, not even noticing that you had come to a stop outside the apartment block you had broken into only 10 days earlier. God, it felt like a lifetime ago as you climbed the stairs in silence and waited for Bucky to unlock the door before you went straight to his bed and curled up in the spot it all began. His weight soon dipped the mattress as he took a seat at the edge, his elbows on his knees and his head hung low.
“Who are you?” He asked with a deceivingly quiet voice.
“I told you who I am.”
“I had Sam look into you on the ride over to the club. You don’t exist, y/n.” He spat. “Who are you?”
“You shouldn’t have done that.” You whispered as tears began to well in your eyes. “I have to go.”
“Not until you give me back what you stole.” He said as he pinned you to the bed.
“I already told you where they are.” You growled as you tried to break free. “Now let me go.”’
“Just tell me what is going on so I can help you.” He begged. “Please.”
“There’s no helping me, don’t you get that? I’m not one of the good guys. I steal things and I am not talking petty theft. Corporate espionage, cybernetics, things of national security.” You listed off your achievements before sighing. “And I just gave the police all the evidence they needed, locked in that room.”
“Why would you do that?” He growled as he dropped his forehead to yours.
“Fisk is like a dog on a hunt, the man never gives up. There was no way he would ever stop trying to get to you, whatever his plans were. He’s also smart, and never implicated himself.” You said as you pulled your hand from his loosened grip and cradled his cheek in your palm. “The only way to take him down was with me. I have to go.”
“Just,” he let out a deep sigh as the words caught in his throat, “just stay the night.”
You had already shown you would ruin your own life for the man, there was no way you could say no, not when the blue of his eyes shimmered with unshed tears like the surface of the sea. You would happily drown in them. You pulled his face to yours, answering his question with a slow kiss while he wrapped himself around you.
You left the way you came, in the still of the night. It was the moment when even the bustling city of New York fell asleep, if only for a few minutes. You argued with yourself for hours as you watched him sleep, every moment longer that you stayed risked every US intelligence agency swooping into his apartment and you had read about his pardon, you didn’t want it being revoked.
His large hoodie enveloped you in his scent and you told yourself you took it because you couldn’t cross the city in a skimpy clubbing dress. If only the truth were that simple. You buried your hands deep in the pocket and kept your head down as you made your way to the locker at Grand Central, another go bag ready and waiting for your life on the run. It wasn’t the first time you had been on the run but you knew it would be the last.
Epilogue - Two Months Later
The expensive wig you wore helped to change your appearance but the glue that held it in place always seemed to irritate you and you fought the urge to scratch at it. For two months you had laid low in a safe house and followed the news religiously. Wilson Fisk’s trial had been at the forefront of the media but you were more interested in what was happening in the wings.
Bucky had been taken into questioning over his involvement with you but he had refused to give them any information. The fate of his pardon was currently being decided, despite his heroic actions only months earlier, and until they came to a verdict on it he was locked down in New York. If he left the state he would be admitting guilt and locked away for the rest of his life. It wasn’t fair.
Finally, the media statement was released and a happy gasp filled the tiny studio apartment as you saw he had been emancipated of any involvement in your crimes. He could finally leave the state and you knew exactly where he would be going first. You checked the time stamp on the statement and saw an hour had already passed since he was released so you grabbed your bag and slipped out of the safe house.
You meandered idly around the museum, looking like you were admiring the exhibits but you were watching for something else entirely. A dark figure passed behind you and you swore you could feel the heat of his body like a beacon for yours and you mixed among the other viewers to follow him. He came to a stop in front of the mannequin that failed to look like the real man and without even turning he reached out and took your hand.
“Want me to get them for you?” You offered as you learnt into his side and looked up at Captain America.
“Nah.” He sighed, draping his arm across your shoulder. “It's where they belong. So what now?”
You shrugged lightly, it was something you had spent endless hours thinking of but never finding an answer to.
“I hear the Maldives are a good place to retire to.”
You tipped your head back to look up and see his reaction and found a small smirk growing on his face.
“And no extraditions.” He chuckled, turning away from Steve and the dog tags that symbolised everything he had been holding onto for the last 80 years, everything stopping him from moving on.
“And no extraditions.”
A/N: So that one-shot really got away on me! How did this porn end up with so much plot? 
Taglist: @slutforsexyseabass​​ @eclecticpatrolroadlawyer​ @matchat3a
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