quomododragon · 6 years
A stupid thing that never fails to make me giggle is pronouncing English words like Latin. “Wocabulary” and “Werbs” is always entertaining, but I broke one student the other day by telling them to watch something on their “telewision”.
Or their “teewee”.
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221booksinthetardis · 5 years
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They know we know....
Hozier and Florence as Hades and Persephone
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willalwaysburn · 12 years
ok guys
i wont be able to update for a while since i'm going to Turkey with my like whole family. Literally HOW am i supposed to survive? we're gonna kill each other. this will be fun... ah well don't unfollow because i actually took the time to make like a little queue so yeah... i'll be back in a week
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quomododragon · 6 years
So I'm in highschool Latin and whenever our Latin teacher asks what case a noun is and no one can figure it out bc we're all stupid, he counts down from three then we all yell "probably ablative" and start clapping for ourselves Over 80% of the time it's actually ablative
Honestly, the ablative case is the junk drawer of the noun cases, so it’s a good guess!
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quomododragon · 6 years
My friend designed a shirt with the Nike swoop that says “Just Fac It” and I want to buy one so bad
Oh my God.
Where can I buy one??
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quomododragon · 6 years
Ahh, high school latin. I remember fondly watching Mean Girls in class and having to write an essay comparing the burn book to the works of catullus...
I just had this mental image of Catullus saying, “And on Wednesdays, we wear pink,” and my day is MADE.
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quomododragon · 6 years
Everytime I see the Ubisoft logo I whisper "where soft?" to myself and feel the uncontrollable need to pet one of my cats.
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quomododragon · 6 years
Finally hit that point in the year where the students are getting used to me and my weird sense of humor.
How can I tell? One of them asked if he would get extra credit for tattooing the book illustrations to his arm, right before proclaiming he was going to master Latin braille.
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quomododragon · 6 years
My Latin was thirty years ago so I KNOW you weren't my teacher, but you and she would have gotten along famously. Our final involved a full-on dinner complete with couches and a roast pig. They wouldn't let us actually light the fire in the classroom, though, more's the pity.
*takes notes* couches and a roast pig, you say?
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quomododragon · 6 years
On the topic of Latin club t-shirts... Way back when I was in high school our teacher told us a Latin "yo mama" joke would have been "your mother sells vegetables." So naturally our shirts featured a cartoon I drew of Metella from Cambridge Latin holding one of those stadium concession boxes that go round your neck, full of vegetables.
I would so love to see that cartoon! Those shirts (and your teacher) sound amazing!!
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quomododragon · 6 years
RE: what do I do with my Latin now? -I learned Latin (and Ancient Greek) in middle school and throughout high school/college/present it made sciences, philosophy and various other classes much easier because so much is based on those languages. I almost never had to study because the meanings of words themselves are shortcuts when you understand them. I also appear a step ahead of others in ambiguous contexts, but I’m not -I just know how to breakdown language to my advantage and extrapolate.
This is very true! Latin is the gift that keeps on giving.
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quomododragon · 6 years
I clearly took too much nyquil last night because I had an /extraordinarily/ vivid dream, in which I attended a full semester of classes in a course entitled WOLVES. The professor was my most favorite real life Roman history professor, and the class was on mythological wolves from all traditions world-wide. Every single wolf. Our final involved picking a wolf and drawing an anatomically-correct diagram of it. Therefore, o wise Latin teacher, I would like your opinion: Is this a plausible course?
It is definitely plausible, and I would sign up immediately.
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quomododragon · 6 years
I took Latin all four years of high school, and it must be a universal Latin Student thing because that fruit dare is 100% something that my class would have done. I read that post and before I even noticed your URL I went, "is this person a latin teacher" and then I saw you call yourself Magistra and went "this person is a latin teacher." it's a vibe and I love it
It does take a special kind of crazy to appreciate Latin, I find. This year’s Latin I students are slowly discovering that, now that I have them chanting verb endings.
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quomododragon · 6 years
Hi! So I found your Latin posts about conjugating "to be" and I for one would LOVE to know the rhythmic chant you taught them in full! Or is “sum es est! sumus estis sunt" the full extent of it? Thank you so much! And I freaking love each of your blogs! I'm dying here of laughter because of all the classical hijinks I'm reading which is not helping me fall asleep now that it's 12:30 in the morning. Thanks again! ~:A:~
It’s literally just “sum es est! sumus estis sunt!” but said like your soul has left your body. It terrifies the English Department, which is usually my goal.
Glad you’re enjoying the insanity! Welcome aboard!
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quomododragon · 6 years
I’ve brought this upon myself, haven’t I.
Vergil, is that you?
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quomododragon · 6 years
This blog always just reminds me about 3/4 my Latin class senior year was girls that had known each other since about first grade and that one time Michelle had a LOUD realization about that one Bastille song called Pompeii. We all promptly erupted into laughter and left the other 1/4 and Doctor so confused. Also do all Latin teachers play strange instruments? Doctor frequently broke out an accordion or ukulele.
HA, the realization that it sounds like they’re saying “eheu” at the beginning of the song? I just about lost it when I realized that too.
And I can’t top a ukulele, but I did play a mean cowbell back in my high school pep band. Unless you count the marimba as weird, because that was my specialty in the marching band.
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