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Happy 152nd Birthday to Empress Alexandra Feodorovna of Russia (née Alix of Hesse)! June 6th 1872 🤍
"Many thanks for your dear letter and kind wishes for the birth of our baby, a nice little thing, like Ella, only smaller and with finer features, though the nose promises to be long." Princess Alice of Hesse to Queen Victoria, June 17 1872
"We think of calling our little girl "Alix" (Alice they pronounce too dreadfully in German)... I will add Vicky's name to baby's others, as you propose; and "Alix" we gave for "Alice," as they murder my name here: Allice" they pronounce it, so we thought "Alix" could not so easily be spoilt." Princess Alice of Hesse to Queen Victoria, June 17 + 24 1872
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