#questionning nahyuta sahdmadhi
aceofwaffles · 15 days
So I turned Stardew Valley sprites into Ace Attorney characters.
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My method, if anyone’s curious, was to take the body of one SDV character and the head of a different SDV character and put them together. Then I edited the result until it looked like the AA character. If you really want to know which ones I used for which, let me know ig and I’ll see if I can remember.
I also made multiple angles for some of the characters. Here they are. (I have full walking animations for Apollo, Phoenix and Nahyuta as well, but I didn’t include those here.)
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Also I made this lol
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Let me know if there’s other characters you really want to see (like Edgeworth lol). Also, if you want to use these for something, send me a message. I think that’s it. Been meaning to post these for a while. Glad to finally do it. I hope ppl like them.
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Six games in and someone’s finally grasped the concept of “conflict of interest”.
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crowfanity · 2 years
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Some more text post memes!
Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3
(ID under cut)
[ID: A series of ten text post memes with Ace Attorney character sprites
The first image is a twitter post with Miles Edgeworth looking smug. The tweet reads “proud to announce that i am making a Bad decision but I’m not telling y’all what it is so u can’t stop me”.
The second image is of a tumblr post. An anon with Athena Cykes’ angry sprite next to it asks “Have you ever met someone who you just weren’t able to bully?” Underneath it is Simon Blackquill’s sprite with a smirk next to the response “no. I’m a very unpleasant person”.
The third picture is of a joke article title that says “If You Want To Achieve Enlightenment, You’re Gonna Have To Go Through Me”. In the corner is a picture of Nahyuta Sahdmadhi with his hand up in meditation.
The fourth photo is a tumblr screenshot. It says “my flatmate has just rocked in with the two lesbianest lesbians I’ve ever seen and introduced them as “my sister and my sister’s... roommate”. Underneath it has Kay Faraday grinning on the left, and on the right is Ema Skye’s confident sprite from Investigations next to pictures of Lana Skye with a neutral expression and Mia Fey smiling with her arms crossed.
The fifth image is a twitter conversation. The first tweet has a picture of teenage Maya Fey looking solemn with her head tilted down a bit. The text reads “The realization that the switch is 5 years old and they’re probably gonna reveal their next console in a couple of years just hit me like a fucking truck”. Underneath that is a response saying “I used to go into hospitals and switched the babies around. You can’t do stuff like that anymore, too many cameras.” To the right of that comment is a picture of Zak Gramarye in his magician outfit with his hands on his hips and laughing.
The sixth picture is of a single twitter post. In the bottom right corner is a picture of Nahyuta Sahdmadhi smiling with his eyes closed. The tweet says “Back in Uni, a girl mocked my presentation one time so I searched for her group and asked the topic they were presenting on. I spent 4 days researching on it and asked her so many questions like it was common knowledge that she cried. Stay blessed precious one.”
The seventh picture is of a short Facebook conversation. The first names are censored but the two commenters have the same last name. The first post says “I’d kill my own brother to be in bed right now I don’t even care” with a smiling emoji at the end. To the lower right of the comment is a picture of Aura Blackquill smiling with her chin in her hand as she leans on an upset Clonco. To the left of the second comment is a sprite of Simon Blackquill glaring. The reply says “I’d like to see you try you silly cunt I’ll put you in the fucking ground”.
The eighth photo is of a Grindr conversation. The first message is on the right with a yellow text box and just says “hey” next to a sprite of trilogy Phoenix Wright smiling awkwardly and rubbing the back of his head. The next two messages are on the left and have blue text boxes next to a sprite of Larry Butz playfully rubbing the back of his head with his eyes closed and tongue sticking out. The messages from him read “Hey” “Just so you know I’m not gay or anything”. The next message is next to a sprite of Phoenix looking confused/annoyed and sweating. It says “this is grindr my guy”. The response is next to an image of Larry looking angry with his eyes closed, teeth clenched, and hands balled into fists. The message says “I guess people who are lactose intolerant can’t walk down the fucking dairy aisle? I’m just looking”.
The ninth image is of a single tweet. In the upper right is Athena Cykes’ thinking sprite as she touches her earring. In the bottom right is a sprite of Simon Blackquill looking up and away from the camera and frowning. The tweet reads “My uncle, the countriest guy I know, just said “I fuckin hate seeing chipmunks cause it means there ain’t no big cool birds around””.
The last photo is of a single tweet in a chat format. In the upper right is a picture of Wocky Kitaki with his arms crossed and smirking awkwardly while looking away, looking smug yet nervous. Underneath him is Apollo Justice’s disheartened sprite, slouching forward a bit and looking annoyed/exhausted. The tweet says “me: [whispering to my lawyer]” “my lawyer: I’m not asking that” “me: [whispering some more]” “my lawyer: your honor would he still be guilty if he was a worm”.
/End of ID]
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keebydeeby · 10 days
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we call this the "my legs are longer than yours" strat. original. id & text-less version under the cut vvv
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[ID: meme fan art of Nahyuta Sahdmadhi from ace attorney running toward the left of the screen, eyes closed, determined. text reads, from the top: 'JUST WALK OUT! you can leave!!! investigation; court; family thing; burger barn; friend ships; too many questions; made it awkward; "what are your pronouns?" IF IT SUCKS... HIT DA BRICKS!! real winners quit.' based on original meme by da share z0ne.]
tell me if i did it wrong i haven't written a full id before. also,
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[ID: a much rougher drawing of Apollo justice in profile looking dejected on the left side of the screen. Apollo says, "...Are you serious?" Nahyuta says "Bye" while thinking "(I fucked up)" and walks away to the right, scarf flowing behind them]
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casinoownersigma · 7 months
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"Hello all,
I am known as Sigma, manager of the Sky Casino and one of the 5 members of the Decay of Angels (but please don't group me with people like Fyodor and Nikolai).
I value my customer's lives and the wellbeing of the casino. I hope to see you interacting around the blog."
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[OOC: Hi hi! I'm the main admin/account.
ᴏᴛʜᴇʀ ʀᴘ ʙʟᴏɢꜱ . . .
@orphanweretiger (Nakajima Atsushi)
@rabidmafiadog (Akutagawa Ryuunosuke)
@myidealscannotdie (Kunikida Doppo)
@girls-and-samurai-swords (Kyouka Izumi)
@headchamberlain (Ivan Goncharov)
@bramthecalamity (Bram Stoker)
@oceanlifeenthusiast (Howard Phillips Lovecraft)
@thepastornathaniel (Nathaniel Hawthorne)
@themaskedpastor (Post-lobotomy Nathaniel)
@tom-n-huck (Mark Twain)
@real-tom-sawyer and @real-huck-finn (Tom and Huck)
@bungo-rp-advice (Guild-themed advice blog)
@jewel-kings-madness (Ace)
@myname-isntlolita (Elise)
@vitas3xualis (Ougai Mori)
@the-metamorphasis (Franz Kafka) (BSD OC)
@huntingdogjouno (Saigiku Jouno)
@doajouno (Decay Of Angels AU Jouno)
@tatsuhikoshibusawa (Tatsuhiko Shibusawa)
@actorshibusawa (Actor Shibusawa AU)
BSD Stormbringer
@the-flags-pianoman (Pianoman)
@the-flags-lippmann (Lippmann)
@the-flags-iceman (Iceman)
@the-flags-albatross (Albatross)
@the-flags-doc (Doc)
@iwaitforthestorm (Paul Verlaine)
@osiris-is-a-gambler (Daniel J D'Arby)
@the-lovers-are-linked (Steely Dan)
@catch-the-rainb0w (Blackmore)
Therapy with doctor Albert Krueger
dralbertkrueger (Albert Krueger)
Ace Attorney
@firstclassattorney (Kristoph Gavin)
@mattengardedude (Matt Engarde)
@holy-mothers-servant (Nahyuta Sahdmadhi)
@i-really-lovemywife (Ron DeLite)
@korkshinguji (Korekiyo Shinguji)
@lilultimateartist (Jataro Kemuri)
The Disastrous Life of Saiki K
@kusuke-saiki (Kusuke Saiki)
@captainofspace (CAPT. SPACEBOY)
Genshin Impact
@ventithefamousbard (Venti)
Phantom of the Opera (game version by MazM)
@nameless-detective (The Detective)
@poor-old-phantom (Erik/The Phantom)
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ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ᴛʜᴇ ᴍᴏᴅ/ᴀᴅᴍɪɴ/ᴏᴡɴᴇʀ . . .
You can call me Kiji or certain nicknames if we're closer.
Things like 'dear', 'darling' etc. are fine, but I would prefer we talk a little before those are used.
He/Him pronouns or they/them.
My other interests are also at @kijimha.
I'm usually not one to start interactions due to anxiety, so forgive me...
NSFW roleplays are not welcome! NSFW/Suggestive questions are welcome, if they're played as something comedic. To further elaborate, I will not do serious explicit rp, but roleplays/asks where something NSFW is mentioned or if a joke is NSFW, that's fine.
BSD covers many triggering topics, such as SH, suicide, abuse, etc. I'll most likely NOT tag posts where any of these topics are mentioned.
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ᴀʙᴏᴜᴛ ꜱɪɢᴍᴀ . . .
I personally headcanon him as a intersex.
He isn't quite sure what his preferences are yet, but he's asexual.
His blood sugar goes low often due to sleeping issues & overall health issues.
It's easy to fluster and/or confuse him with compliments and affection.
He has imposter syndrome. It means he believes his achievements aren't enough or they're not good, even though he's proven worthy of his position and achievements. People with imposter syndrome also have an internalized fear of being found out, believing they are a fraud.
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Thank you!]
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agentangeles · 10 months
hello everyone please enjoy the first post i've made in my writing blog in easily 6 months and it's just to yell about the fucking center venn diagram point for two big fixations
now you might be wondering "angeles when you start moving towards other fandoms will you still be nootboots" and the answer is yes, its my brand, but also ace attorney has a fucking vice grip on my neurodivergent mentally ill ass
as a side note i am too much of an idiot to remember to read the manga but i know Points Of Interest and when I can sit for a good bit and consume it I will, so bear with my anime main knowledge
Anyways consider the concept of family clans in JJK and the Sahdmadhis and their shit in SOJ. Obviously, we see how shit happened with maki her sister and how that works, and clearly the clans are structured differently depending on the family (what the fuck is going on with gojo. love that funky little manic twink but. What.)
And yes, AA and JJK get to hold hands because of Higuruma, which means I now get to think of both of them and daydream about crossovers, and y'know what? In the JJK verse, you can reasonably explain so much shit, especially w/ Khurai'inism and bloodlines, because Khura'in's designated holy figure being a super cool badass hundreds of years ago with an equally badass sister? Sorcerers who kicked ass. Hella sorcerers who kicked ass. would be special grades without a doubt if they were alive today.
and like cursed techniques having genetic tie ins ALSO FUCKING SLAPS because that's a huge factor! you can also explain why the feys and the sahdmadhis have spirit channeling because *it's the same fucking bloodline* and it's not a stretch to say someone was kicked out of the clan, fucked off, and then those traits started popping up again in later generations
that aside, clan hierarchy also gives a nice port over from an actual extra country that capcom decided now exists, because instead of a ruling kingdom family it's a Big Fucking Clan With A Lot Of Weight To It
(And also makes sense then why when the revolution starts up, nobody steps in to do shit. interfering with another clan's family drama? no fucking thank you. not my paygrade.)
also i just think nahyuta would be really fun as a sorcerer and their rosary beads would DEFINITELY be a weapon for cursed spirits and their title as "last rites prosecutor" would doubly fuck
Unrelated to SOJ but still on the AA train, this also means that Simon Blackquill is just. Always busting out cursed techniques. And since nobody can see it they think he just slices shit with his fingers. And that's fucking hilarious to think about, the idea that someone probably got after him for it and he went "Consider this though: who is going to ask questions with the everything else i have going on", because Simon "Definitely Uses The >:3c Emoji When He Is Texting" Blackquill refuses to fucking listen to people.
"You're going to expose sorcerer society to the masses" Wrong. Everyone is going to think he can cut shit with his fingers because he's a scary samurai man who went to prison for murder and clearly this is something that tracks for that persona.
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azuramarigold · 10 months
Day 6 for NaruMaru Week 2023 - "Domestic/Intimacy". Pretty much combined the two prompts. @narumayoweek2023
Day 6: Domestic/Intimacy
The small plastic stick sat on the edge of the counter as Maya paced back and forth, waiting for her phone's timer to beep to signal that it was ready to look at.
            She glanced at her phone for what seemed like the hundredth time in less than two minutes. There was still another two minutes on the timer. So, she paced more until a wave of nausea hit her and she threw herself to the toilet and profusely vomited, her body shaking from her retching.
            Her nausea was what had prompted her to take the test in the first place. She was starting to become ill randomly in the mornings, often finding excuses to not go on investigations with Phoenix or even stand in trial next to him. Even thinking about having a nice, juicy burger made her stomach churn, which was almost alarming. It was that morning she made her way to the nearest drug store, overwhelmed by the dozens of different options of test - each sounding more complicated than the last. She had picked a middle ground and headed back to the office quickly, her cheeks flushed as her hands were gripping the small, brown bag.
            As she wiped the back of her hand from her retching, her timer went off. Her heart dropped to the pit of her stomach. Hands shaking, she reached for the plastic test, and she closed her eyes. She took a deep breath to calm her pounding heart and slowly opened them. On the test was a pink plus sign.
            Her smile could not have been any bigger. She was ecstatic as her heart began to flutter. To be honest she had thought it would take a few more tries, but it seemed to be true what they said about the Fey bloodline.
            "NICK!" she screamed loudly as she ran out of the small bathroom, the pregnancy test in hand as she went to quickly hide it in her robe. As she went searching for him, her mind couldn't help but go back to that night she knew how it all happened.
♟️ ♟️ ♟️
It was a few nights before their departure from Khura'in back to the states.
            Despite the recent revolution, it was already apparent that Apollo Justice and Nahyuta Sahdmadhi were working on the law reform for the country. The two were always asking questions between Phoenix and Prosecutor Miles Edgeworth for any advice as the two had traveled to multiple countries to study different laws and legal systems in Europe together; this had helped them create the MASON System for a jury that eventually fully committed Kristoph Gavin for multiple murders, attempted murders, and even the reason why Phoenix was disbarred for seven years.
            When Phoenix had arrived back at his room that was given to him to be used at the temple, almost like a small guest room, he was shocked to see that Maya was there. Before he could ask why she was there, she had flung her arms around him and pressed her lips against his. Maya didn't know what to expect after that, she honestly thought he would push her away and state that they were friends.
            But he kissed her back, holding her close to him, almost desperate to keep her from slipping away. It had been a long couple of weeks from crazy trials, murder plots, kidnappings, blackmail, and unveiling secrets that were over twenty-years old. But to them it was the same song and dance - the craziness never stopped.
            It wasn't long before Maya was disrobed, her in just her white bra and underwear, as she assisted the man she had been in love with since she was at least eighteen years old remove his clothing as well. That was what seemed to finally click in his mind when he suddenly broke off from her and held her arm's length away from him.
            "Whoa, whoa, HOLD IT!" Phoenix stressed, his voice hitched in a panic. "W-What the hell are we doing…!?"
            Maya darted her eyes between the two of them, her practically naked and him half undressed. "Um… about to have sex…?" she offered meekly, her voice small.           
            Phoenix's eyes widened. "Wh-What… no… we shouldn't…" he almost murmured.
            "Because we are staying at a sacred temple…?"
            "No!" the attorney squeaked. "Although that does seem unorthodox… But no! Because how can I live with myself if something happens and you leave my life again, especially after that!?" He then held her close to him again, wrapping his arms around her. "Ever since… the Engarde trial… I wanted you so close, but I couldn't ask you of that because of your duties with your training and the village… and then Hazakura happened, and I thought I lost you then… and with my disbarment I just wanted you to have a better life without me, but I was so selfish because I just wanted you to be with me-" He was babbling, a trait that Maya had seen early on that he did when he was very nervous - she found it very endearing.
            "Nick…" Maya interrupted him. She then put her hands on his face to force him to look at her. "I don't want to lose you too…" She then pressed her lips against his again, prompting him by pressing closer to him as she felt Phoenix's hands grip into her hair. "I love you, Phoenix, and I have for a while…" she murmured against his mouth.
            "I love you too…" Phoenix admitted to her. "I have for quite some time too…"
            Maya helped finish undressing him, all that Phoenix was now in was a pair of navy-blue boxers. With a small yelp, she was lifted into his arms and carried bridal-style to the bed. The bed dipped beneath them from their combined weight, him hovering over her as he continued to kiss her.
            Within a few minutes, those kisses turned into loving pecks along her jawline, which in turn trailed down her body. Each kiss caused goosebumps and shivers to roll through her body, causing her to sigh and moan.
            "Nick…" she almost said his name breathlessly.
            "Yeah…?" he replied, his voice slightly hitched.
            "Do… Do you have a condom…?" she asked softly, her face turning crimson.
            Phoenix's face flushed. "I, uh, technically do, yes…" he admitted. "It's a guy thing… we just keep one in our-"
            "Can you not use it?"
            "Wa-Wait… what!?"
            Maya slowly trailed her right forefinger against his chest, which she never realized was so well defined. "Well… as soon as I get back to the village, I will be officially the Master of the Kurain Channeling Technique," she said to him, almost shyly. "And with that…"
            Phoenix responded by giving her a slow, drawn-out kiss. "I mean, if it happens, it happens, right?" he said to her.
            Maya felt her eyes go wide. "Y-You would really want to start over with raising a kid…?" she squeaked in surprise.
            "If it's with you, yeah," he said, tucking a stray hair behind her ear. "I don't mind…"
            "So, that means…"
            "If it happens, it happens," he reiterated again, a small smile on his face.
            The rest of that night was filled with whispers of love in her ear, sweet caresses, moans of her name, and the sounds of their small pants. Maya had never had sex before, so she was preparing for the worst, but it never came; instead, she felt herself desperately clinging to Phoenix and calling his name, biting into his shoulder as passion coursed through her body.
            When sunrays crossed her face the next morning, she blinked open her eyes to see that her face was snuggled against Phoenix's chest. When she was younger, she would've blushed in embarrassment, but in that moment the ache between her legs and the satisfaction she felt was enough to tell her that she didn't imagine the night previously.
            When Phoenix blinked open his eyes, seeing how tangled they were in the bed, he didn't hesitate to pull Maya closer to him and kiss her deeply. It didn't take them long to get into a second session of lovemaking, but Maya didn't care, because-
            If it happens, it happens.
♟️ ♟️ ♟️
Maya found Phoenix in his office, separate from the rest of the agency, him working on paperwork and slightly frowning.
            When Maya rushed into his office and shut the door behind her, she saw that Phoenix was looking up from his desk in confusion.
            "Maya…?" he said to her. "Everything okay?"
            Maya practically skipped over to him and perched herself on his lap, earning herself a small peck of a kiss on her head. Her smile never left her face as she had made her way from the apartment to the agency that was below.
            "Niiiick," she drew out his name.
            The edge of his lips twitched, desperately trying not to smile. "And what is it that you want, Anata?" he asked her, thinking she found some other "Steel Samurai" item that she wanted to add to her collection.
            "Remember a month or so ago when we were in Khura'in…?" she pressed him gently, her free hand running through his hair.
            Phoenix's face flushed slightly. "Uh… yeah…? How can I forget that?" he replied, his voice wavering with nerves.
            "Well, it happened," was all Maya said as she took her hand out of her robe, showing her positive pregnancy test.
            Phoenix took it gingerly from her hand, looking at the pink positive sign. Suddenly, he hugged her tightly to him, causing her to gasp in surprise.
            "This is amazing," he whispered in her ear. "This is the best news I've heard in a while…"
            "If it happens, it happens, right?" she said to him. "And boy did it happen…"
            "I love you so much…" Phoenix told her. "We were all already a family before… but the new edition is going to make it even better."
            "Oh, Pearly and Trucy are going to love this news," Maya felt herself saying, her heart fluttering with warmth.
            "They'll make great big sisters, that's for sure," he stated. He then separated from their hug for a moment and looked her seriously in the eyes. "Hey, what if we have a boy?"
            Maya smiled cheekily at him. "Well, if it happens, it happens, right?" she threw his words back at him.
            Phoenix gave a small chuckle, "Well, you got me on that one… that is true… Even so, I would love to try again then after."
            She swatted his arm playfully. "Hey, how about I give birth to this one first before you think about having another one!"
            "I mean, if it happens, it happens…?" he offered with a sheepish smile.
It was the middle of February when her water broke, and she was rushed to the nearest hospital.
            Normally, as the Master of the Kurain, she was supposed to give birth back at the village. However, this was a different circumstance that was agreed with ahead of time between her and the Elders that for the safety of her pregnancy, she was to give birth at the hospital.
            Phoenix of course was in the room with her, him offering his hand as she clutched it for dear life. One of the Elders was also in the room as well, overseeing the spiritual side of things. She was told to give one last hard push, and she did, and when she heard that small cry, she nearly burst into tears.
            "It's a girl!" the doctor announced, her wiping the small crying newborn of the excess blood and fluids. Immediately, the baby was placed on Maya's chest to get that instant connection of skin-to-skin contact, and that was when her dam broke.
            "Oh, she looks like a little alien…!" Maya cried out, her voice thick with happiness.
            Phoenix couldn't help but laugh. "Maya… all newborns look like that…" he assured her.
            "I have a cute alien baby!" she insisted. It seemed she was still a little loopy from her epidural.
            "Yes, we have a cute alien baby," Phoenix chuckled.
            The monitors were still going off as her body was still going through contractions. The small little girl was taken off Maya's chest, just as Phoenix was given the opportunity to cut the umbilical cord. The doctor instructed Maya to begin pushing again, so Maya did. After her final push there was a second, small cry.
            "And here is your little boy!" the doctor announced, again wiping the excess blood and fluid and placed him on Maya's chest.
            "He looks like an alien too!" Maya smiled. "They both have black hair and those spikes… how are we going to tell them apart…!?"
            "One has a penis, Maya…"
            "Oh, yeah…" she laughed lightly, her hand stroking the crying baby's back.
            Shortly, the small baby boy was taken from her as well, Phoenix cutting his umbilical cord as well, and got cleaned up along with his sister. Soon, both babies were placed back in Maya's arms, after a nurse graciously wiped the smudges of blood off her.
            The little girl was wrapped in a pink blanket and had a pink hat that read "BABY GIRL" and the little boy was wrapped in a robin egg blue blanket and similar colored hat that read "BABY BOY". Both babies looked sound but were starting to squirm in their blankets.
            "My babies look like burritos now!" Maya laughed, her holding them tighter to her.
            "Alien burrito babies, that's a new one…" a nurse murmured as she walked away.
            Phoenix hovered next to her, eyeing the two babies fondly. "Are we still in agreement with the names…?" he asked Maya.
            Maya was lovingly rubbing her thumbs over where the legs of each baby was under their blankets. "Yes…" she said coherently, the loopy sensation starting to fade. "I wouldn't change them for anything…"
            In the small hospital room where Maya was put for recovery was when they were officially allowed to sign the birth certificates. Phoenix teared up as he signed his name on both and saw that Maya had of course signed her name as "Maya Fey-Wright", the first Master in the history of her village to have a hyphenated name.
            "And… there we go…" Phoenix announced happily. "It's official - these kiddos are ours."
            "Nick, it was official when I told you I was pregnant…" she deadpanned at him.
            "I'm talking in a legal perspective!"
            Maya rolled her eyes and laughed, "We can take the lawyer out of the courtroom, but the courtroom can't leave you, huh?" She then looked lovingly at her two sleeping babies in her arms. "I hope one of you will be a lawyer like your Daddy and your Aunt Mia."
            "Why not the both of them?" Phoenix smiled.
            "If it happens, it happens."
            "Oh, you love to throw that in my face, don’t you?"
            "You literally said it in your wedding vows Nick… didn't help I was seven months pregnant either and already emotional…"
            Phoenix grimaced at that. "Pearls… she really smacked me hard for making you cry…"
            "Would you like to hold one of your children?" Maya offered, her voice sounding tired.
            Phoenix nearly jumped at the opportunity. He gingerly took the slumbering, baby girl from Maya. "And how my Daddy's Girl, doing…? Hmm? Little Mia Yuki Fey-Wright…" He smiled warmly.
            Maya felt her heart soar at seeing him hold their daughter. She then looked down to their son, the baby's hair spikes poking form underneath the hat. "That must make you my Mama's Boy, huh? Caladrius Ryuji Wright?" The baby boy continued to suck on a green pacifier.
            When they allowed to have visitors, as they wanted to have at least a day with the twins by themselves, Trucy and Pearl practically bulldozed Phoenix to get to Maya in the bed as she held the babies. Both the young women were cooing and talking to the new additions.
            Both girls got to hold each of the twins, Trucy being the most excited. She was excited as she was no longer "the youngest sibling" - referring to Apollo, Athena, and Pearl being older than her.
            Athena ended up visiting as well, dragging Simon Blackquil behind her. Once they left Detective Gumshoe and Maggey had came in a visited it, tugging along their five-year-old son and three-year-old daughter behind them. Franziska von Karma and Edgeworth came once the Gumshoe's left, Franziska declaring that both the children would learn proper etiquette from her. Edgeworth gave his congratulations and was extremely touched when asked if he would be their godfather; something that he accepted gladly. In order not to be whipped to high Heaven, it was quickly offered to Franziska to be the twins' godmother; she had no objections.
            After all the craziness of people visiting, Maya was leaning back in her pillows, both the twins snuggled in her arms. Her eyes were fluttering shut from the tiredness, her hands beginning to feel lax; Phoenix managed to get both babies into their respective bins so that Maya could properly sleep.
            "Nick…?" she called out tiredly to him.
            "Hmm? Yeah, Maya?" he replied.
            "I'm glad it happened…" she barely whispered, her struggling against her yawn.
            "The twins?" Phoenix smiled. "Yeah, I'm glad too…"
            "Not just that… I'm glad I feel in love with you all those years ago…"
            Phoenix went up to his tired wife, the mother of his children, and kissed the top of her head. "I'm glad too…" he said to her.
            As Maya closed her eyes, her breathing slowed as he fell asleep. Phoenix adjusted her pillows so she would be more comfortable and adjusted her blankets. His phone dinged lightly, and when he looked at the message he smiled that his offer was accepted about buying a small condo that was still in the city, but it was a shorter distance to Kurain Village for Maya and Pearl to travel to; it had a finished basement so that Phoenix and Maya could convert it into a Master Bedroom, all while the main floorplan had three bedrooms.
            He had told Maya about the offer and moving, which she was happy about as there would be more room. She had even suggested as Trucy was going to college locally that she could still stay at the apartment attached to the agency, her friend Jinxie moving in as well for college. Even Athena decided to move in, taking the third bedroom and stated she would pay rent.
            After Maya woke up after a couple of hours, she asked for the twins so she could feed them. As she did so, Phoenix told her that the offer was accepted.
            "Three bedrooms," he had reiterated. "We can probably even have another baby."
            That was when Maya smiled coyly at him.
            "If it happens, it happens."
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skarmoree · 1 year
(a family of trees wants) to be haunted
G, gen, Apollo Justice & Nahyuta Sahdmadhi Word count: 1884
“Do you ever think about asking Ms Fey to channel your father?” “Not really… why?”
or; Nahyuta asks Apollo a tough question to answer
written for @khurainweek day 1: spirit!
read on ao3 here! (full fic under cut)
“Do you ever think about asking Ms Fey to channel your father?” Nahyuta asks, pen momentarily stopping in its scratching.
Apollo doesn’t reply immediately, scrunching his brow as he looks at him, twisting around on the couch, resting an arm along the back. “Not really… why?”
“Why would you not?” Nahyuta sets down his pen, and Apollo knows this conversation isn’t going to end until he’s gotten the answer he wants, “over two decades not knowing your true heritage, and now you have a name and face. Is that not all you need to have him return?”
“It’s…” Apollo shifts a little in his seat, “more complicated than that.”
“Is it?”
“Not the– not the channelling, I mean,” Apollo defends, “more of… he’s been gone for twenty-three years, you know? Pulling him back now would be…” he searches for the right words. None come to him.
“There’s not a time limit to this–” Nahyuta says, “Her Benevolence could perform a seance for him even after so long.”
“It’s… it’s not that.”
Nahyuta sits back a little, watching Apollo with a strange expression. “Apollo.”
“Don’t get me wrong– I’d love to meet him, even for a short time, it’s just– I–” he breaks off, letting out a sigh, “doesn’t it… rub you the wrong way?”
“What do you mean?”
“Channelling,” Apollo says, “after all that. After everything… how can you look at it with such a flippant view?”
“I am part of the Khura’in royal family,” Nahyuta replies, as if it’s obvious, “channelling is part of my blood.”
He’s right– he always is, about this kind of thing. 
“Still…” Apollo turns to the old pinboard, the photos hanging on the wall. “I don’t know. Like I said, it’s complicated.”
Nahyuta hms, tracking his gaze to the photo of the two of them as boys, Dhurke resting a hand on each of their shoulders.
“Dhurke…” Apollo says, “he did everything he set out to, didn’t he? Said what he wanted.”
“So that’s it?” Nahyuta says, “you’d never see either of them again?”
Apollo’s life has been defined time and time again by people leaving. None of them have ever come back in a way that matters.
He thought that Dhurke had, even for a brief time, only to be proven wrong.
It’s hard to look someone in the eyes when it wasn’t always their eyes staring back at you.
“Most people go through their lives without seeing their lost loved ones again, ‘yuta.”
“You don’t have to.” 
Apollo lets his eyes slide back over to Nahyuta, to find his green eyes staring right back,
That’s just the thing, isn’t it? Apollo has spent most of his life walking one side of a line he didn’t think was crossable more than once. Nahyuta toed the line, even when they were kids, sitting quietly under tree shade and on riverbanks and sunlit stones, flocked by pink pu’dhali any quiet moment.
They never sought out Apollo, loud and disruptive even back then. 
Mr Wright always speaks of his old boss as if she were still alive, as if she was a mere phone call away. Nahyuta sometimes does the same thing when he speaks of Dhurke.
Apollo’s never considered death to be something other than a finality, not when everything else in his life has been.
(there’s a big difference between an is and a was)
“I… Dhurke hid the fact that he was being channelled from me. I didn’t know he was dead until…”
“He hid it from everyone,” Nahyuta says.
“That’s not the point I’m trying to make,” Apollo resists the urge to pinch the bridge of his nose, “you’re looking at this with impartiality.”
“Is that not what you want?’
Apollo doesn’t know how to respond to that, so he doesn’t.
Neither of them speak for a time, but Nahyuta doesn’t pick his pen back up, doesn’t return to his work. 
“Don’t you resent him?” Apollo says finally, picking at the crumbling leather of the couch. He knows with the Office open for business once more they should invest in a new one, but he’s attached. Old couches are always comfier, after all.
“Dhurke. After he died. His final thoughts were to see me again – not you.”
“Why would I resent him for that?”
Apollo breathes out something akin to a laugh. “Be selfish for once in your life, Yuty…” he mutters, “your own father’s dying regrets were of me. I don’t know, doesn’t that bother you even a little?”
“Brother,” Nahyuta gets to his feet, and oh, he feels a lump in his throat at the word.
Nahyuta strides across the room easily, boots barely making a whisper as he crosses the floor to stop behind the couch, face to face with Apollo. “You were gone from our lives for over a decade. How can I resent him from wanting to see you again after that long? I would have wished the same.”
“That–” Apollo pauses to clear his throat, “that isn’t…” He motions uselessly in the air, bracelet catching the light. “You hadn’t seen him in years, either, by that point…”
There's a tightness to Nahyuta’s expression at that. “No time at all compared to–”
“Nahyuta,” Apollo cuts in, staring up at him, “Dhurke was your father.”
“Just as much as he was yours.”
Apollo twists back around in his seat to face the front again, dropping his hands into his lap.
He hasn’t called Dhurke any form of the word dad since he was a child, running wild through mountains with hardly a care in the world, even raised by outlaws in a country where that could mean death.
The word lost all meaning when he was left behind in the States, thrown into a system where nobody wanted to keep him long enough for the word to stick.
The couch dips down next to him as Nahyuta sinks into it, but he doesn’t look at him, watching his fingers as he presses them into the carved patterns of his bracelet.
“You do think of him that way, do you not?”
“It’s complicated.”
“It seems as if you are picking up on a new catchphrase.”
Apollo huffs at that, eyes still tracked downwards. There's not enough tension in the room for the metal to react, but it's still a grounding motion, something for him to focus on. “You asked me about my father,” he says, “I shouldn’t have brought up Dhurke.”
“It’s only natural your thoughts led back to him. Their deaths are intrinsically linked.”
“That’s not as much of a comfort as you think it is.”
Apollo can still feel the lump in his throat. He runs his fingers along his bracelet, forcing tears back as he tries to think of something — anything that isn’t going to send him tipping over the edge. 
He sometimes wonders if it’s a case of lingering spirits. The only ones that seem to be called upon are the ones with regrets or loved ones that still aren’t ready to move on.
He sometimes wonders if there’s a distinct difference between channelling and divining, if one is bound to time when the other can continue on and on.
He sometimes wonders if the ones that used to be called upon a lot get upset when they’re no longer needed.
He sometimes wonders.
Nahyuta’s hands are cold – (they always are, always have been; Apollo used to shriek when he put his cold hands on the back of his neck) – as he rests them on top of Apollo’s, stilling the movement. 
“He was more of a dad to me,” Apollo says finally, “Dhurke, I mean. Jove may have been my real father, but he never got the chance to raise me. And it feels wrong to wish otherwise, because I don’t remember him at all, and anyone who did is gone now, and—” he breaks off with a shuddering breath. Nahyuta’s hands tighten their grip over his. 
“I don’t want to forget,” he admits quietly, “not this time. I chose to forget, once. I won’t do it again.”
Nahyuta doesn’t respond instantly, instead turning his head to the pinboard once more, tracing the planes of people’s faces with his gaze, darting from one photo to the next. 
Apollo can feel his chest tighten, his throat close up. Still, he forges on; knowing if he doesn’t say it now, he’ll lose his nerve. “I think, after that– that damned case… after everything that happened… don’t you think he should be allowed to rest?”
Two decades of building up a revolution that didn’t happen until his death. Two decades of hiding away and working from shadows and slowly piecing a plan together that wasn’t set into motion until he was taken down. He knows Dhurke would’ve liked to see how it all turned out, knows the man would’ve found joy in seeing his homeland rise into what it was meant to be. He knows after everything, Dhurke was just one man pushing for the dream of thousands – but his life ended too soon; and his children have to pick up the pieces and carry forth.
(Apollo sometimes wonders how Dhurke felt at the idea of all three of his children knowing him by his name and not dad)
“I think he would be one to linger, do you not agree?”
Apollo’s laugh is wet: “Isn’t part of your job to send away restless souls?”
Nahyuta smiles a little at that. “Sahdmadhi’s are stubborn creatures,” he says, “we refuse to give up– surely that was never trained out of you.”
“No,” Apollo agrees, “it wasn’t.”
“So,” Nahyuta finally turns his face back to Apollo, “do you truly think Dhurke has left?”
There’s a prickling sensation behind his eyes, and Apollo ducks his head so Nahyuta doesn’t see. 
“Even if his soul has moved on,” Nahyuta continues, squeezing Apollo’s hands in his own, “his spirit is still present– we carry it within us, now.”
“I…” Apollo chokes out, “you asked about Jove, I’m sorry–”
“It’s fine,” Nahyuta says, “this was to be expected.” At Apollo’s questioning look, he continues. “You’ve been avoiding the topic in its entirety. We haven’t spoken about Jove since the trial, and any mention of Dhurke had been relegated to his last rites. At some point, you were going to come around to it, so…”
“So you pushed me over the edge?” The words come out harsher than intended, but Nahyuta doesn’t flinch back. The momentary flash of anger dissipates as quickly as it came on, and Apollo clears his throat before trying again. “Why bring it all up?”
Nahyuta squeezes his hands again, “I didn’t want you to be alone for it,” he says simply.
There’s something hidden in his tone, and Apollo’s bracelet senses it. 
“‘Yuta…” Apollo says, slipping his hands out from underneath Nahyuta’s; flipping them over to display the black ink in the centre of his right palm. He traces the swirl of the dragon with a fingertip.
“You’re allowed to grieve for him, too,” Apollo says quietly.
 Nahyuta’s smile is paper-thin. “Even if I can meet him again whenever I wish?”
Apollo’s never considered death to be anything other than a finality, not when everything else in his life was.
(there’s a big difference between an is and a was)
“Even then.”
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Genuine question: How many people understand that anger is a valid emotional response for a story to drudge out of you?
Seeing the discourse around the phantom and Nahyuta Sahdmadhi has caused me to step back and consider this. Because... yeah, some characters or plot points exist to get a rise out of you. That's the whole point - you're meant to hate them or their actions. They don't have to be pleasant or - more to the point - unproblematic to be any good.
Well unproblematic for the audience to enjoy, anyways. Murder is not as big a deal-breaker if it happens to fictional people, oddly enough!
I'm still working through my thoughts on the phantom and Nahyuta's story has only just begun for me, so I will keep you posted on what I think of them. But I do have to question sometimes if people are angry because the writing is bad or because it's doing what it's meant to do. Point being, I have a lot of thinking and watching to do respectively before I can decide which it is for myself.
Don't expect either analysis to come soon for their respective reasons. I just need to step back from general consensus to find MY feelings on the matter.
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eagletdoesroleplay · 1 year
Ace Attorney characters introduce themselves (cause I’m bored)
(Imagine before all these they were approached with “Hi. What’s your name?” Cause that’s what I based it off of)
Franziska von Karma: Oh. You- you don’t know who I am? I guess I’m maybe more well known in Germany. My name is Franziska von Karma. That ring a bell? I’m a prosecutor. You? What’s your name?
Apollo Justice: Hi. Uh, nice to meet you. I’m Apollo Justice. I run a law firm in Ku’in ro Tzhota*. What’s up? Do you need something?
Kristoph Gavin: Oh, hello. Pleased to make your acquaintance. My name is Kristoph Gavin. I’m a defense attorney here in Los Angeles. Can I help you with anything?
Klavier Gavin: Oh! Hi! My name is Klavier! What’s your name?
Simon Blackquill: Oh. Hi. My name is Simon Blackquill. It’s, uh, nice to meet you. What’s your name?
Nahyuta Sahdmadhi: Ah. Nahyuta… Sahdmadhi. …Do you need something?
*that’s the name of Kura’in’s capital I decided. It basically means ‘Queen’s city’ in my conlang.
If you wanna see more characters cause you’re curious how I play them you can let me know. Or ask other questions. (:
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heaven-s-black-box · 11 months
Best new years Ever- ensemble
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Recovery date: June 17th, 2020
Description: A year after Spirits of Justice by Silverfire12 on Ao3, everyone and I mean everyone, is celebrating new years at the Wright-Edgeworth house.
Notes: Recovered in conjunction with reasearcher @flight-of-the-sacred-eagle (Silverfire12). We appreciate the initial recovery and thank them for allowing us to use it.
Word count: 1186
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About a week after everyone found out Apollo could see dead people, the phrasing still made some people giggle, Apollo was back at the office. Even though the WAA knew he could see and speak to dead people, he still tried to avoid openly talking to them. It was mostly so he didn’t go crazy, which was easier said than done. Especially when some people, Athena mostly, kept asking questions and he had to relay an answer. They’d had to set some rules:
No using ghosts to obtain case information.
Let Polly do his work (this applied to Clay as well).
No Polly will not relay your sappy declaration of love (Mostly Jove, but sometimes Metis).
Rules are subject to change depending on the day and Polly.
These rules had been written out, and everyone had signed on them. The reasons behind each rule were as follows:
Athena and Trucy had immediately decided that was the best way to use his power, this sparked a debate on the morality and legality of doing such.
This had always been a rule for the ghosts, but Athena liked to ask her mom questions, and Trucy wanted to know more about Jove. His first day back had been a little too hectic.
After his and Trucy’s mom showed up on Christmas, the water works started. There were lots of hugs, and they went and had a nice talk in Apollo’s room. It was when they came back out that Jove decided he would start declaring his love for his (ex)wife, Apollo listened to him for about a minute before telling him to stop. Metis on the other hand, wanted to visit Aura and asked him to come along to relay what she said. He’d agreed, thinking it would be stuff about Simon and Athena, Clay’s snickers should have tipped him off.
Some days the rules are more lax, some days no one is allowed to even mention ghosts.
Today, the rules were more lax. It was new years, about a year later mind you, and everyone was over at the Wright-Edgeworth house to celebrate. And by everyone, I mean even prosecutor Sahdmadhi and Rayfa were there (unfortunately someone had to run the country, so queen Amara hadn’t come). It was much less cramped than his apartment had been, or the WAA would have been, although there were still a lot of people.
It was around ten when everyone had finally arrived, and they brought out dinner. Much like christmas, food options were all over the place with no real theme. Although it was nice seeing the ghosts “eating” with them. Once everyone had finally settled down, Edgeworth politely asked for a headcount. He had taken out a pen and had what looked like thank you cards infront of him, no doubt planning to give one to everyone(dead or alive). This had become somewhat of a tradition, to thank the ghosts watching over them. So he counted and gave places to each ghost.
“This might take awhile so bear with me,” he sighed, Klavier chuckled and rubbed his boyfriends back, “So, dad is sitting with mom, Dr.Cykes is standing behind Ms. Blackquill and Athena, Clay is here,” he jammed his thumb behind him where Clay was standing, the ghosts laughed at Clays indignant whine, “Mia and her mom are sitting with Maya and Pearl, there’s a male and female ghost hanging around Mr.Wright, but they won’t tell me who they are,” everyone looked worried for a second before Apollo shook his head, “ don’t worry, they're nice.”
“What about our father?” Rayfa asked, her and Nahyuta were on another couch across the room.
“Ah, right! Dhurke wanted me to wish you guys a happy new year for him. He said he was going to spend it with queen Amara and Datz, even if they can’t see him.” The siblings looked a little sad, but smiled and nodded.
“I will still write Mr. Sahdmadhi a card, and I will send it back with you. I take it, that's everyone?”
“Ah-no actually,” everyone stopped, “we’ve got two other new guests. We have Mr. Edgeworth’s dad, he’s behind Mr. Wright and Mr.Edgeworth. Oh, Mr. Shields,” he turned to Ray, Edgeworth had invited him at Trucy’s insistence, “I’m supposed to tell you that he’s very proud of you, and he loves what you’ve done with the office. Although he does wish you would keep it a little cleaner. And I’m supposed to tell Mr. Edgeworth and Mr.Wright that he’s very proud of you both, and to thank Mr. Wright for saving Mr.Edgeworth.” Everyone looked on the edge of tears. 
“Hey Apollo?” Kay asked, she was sitting with Ema and Sebastian, “Is my dad hear by any chance?”
“No, sorry. I actually don’t think I’ve met your dad,” Apollo said thoughtfully.
“That’s not true,” Gregory said, causing Apollo to turn, “He’s the one with the promise note book, you’ve seen him a few times. Tell Ms. Faraday that he’s very proud of the great thief she’s become.”
“Okay, apparently I have met him. Mr. Edgeworth said he’s proud of the great thief you became, I guess something came up in the spirit world,” he said, although he could tell he sounded as unsure as he felt.
“Mr. Justice, who is this last ghost?” Franziska asked, she was sitting beside her brother and Gumshoe. “I’m assuming it’s not someone you know.” He could see Gregory turn to glare at the ghost by Franziska.
“I don’t really know, some old guy. Mr. Edgeworth keeps chasing him off, I’m surprised he’s let him stay as long as he has. He’s standing by you actually.” Her eyes widened ever so slightly before returning to her usual neutral look.
“Ms. Skye, would you object terribly to switching seats with me?”
“Is something wrong?” Maggie, Gumshoe’s wife, asked.
“Not at all, I simply do not wish to be close to him.” There was a wave of nods from Maya, Mr.Wright, and Mr. Edgeworth. Even Gumshoe looked uncharacteristically serious. The room fell silent  as they switched.
“Hey who wants to watch a movie? I found a cool looking new year’s horror film!” Trucy cheered,breaking the tension. From the corner of his eye, he could see the unnamed ghost leave. Maybe he could ask Mr.Wright another time, but he had to admit, the ghost looked familiar.
Despite the brief moments of sorrow and tension, the rest of the night passed smoothly. Around eleven, Mr. Butz showed up with alcohol, saying he was late because of work. Miles and Phoenix rolled their eyes at him, before telling him to grab food and join them. By midnight,, at least half the adults were at least swaying on their feet. Apollo had to admit, it was funny watching the parents fret over their grown children. He laughed, as Trucy and Kay dragged everyone out to the front of the house. And with fireworks going off overhead, and Klavier holding him close as they shared a new years kiss, he hoped next year could be just as grand.
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Simon is known for his use of psychological manipulation in court. Among his tricks are flattery, suggestive persuasion, and implicit death threats. The latter especially comes in various forms, but one of his favorites is his use of iaijutsu with his fingers, causing a "slicing" effect that has been seen to slice a feather in half, and was even able to cut off a piece of Wright's hair. Although these threats are usually idle, they are part of a larger persona that he has built for himself, based off of his reputation as a ruthless convict on death row. This allows him to instill fear and uneasiness in others, including his prior primary target, the phantom.
A highly disciplined and focused man, Simon was capable of maintaining his false persona for seven years. Although his hands were in shackles, he could break them at any time, despite being fitted with stronger shackles every time he did so. His false testimony concerning killing Metis withstood several attacks by Phoenix Wright and Miles Edgeworth without skipping a beat. However, underneath this act is a kind, lawful man who, despite his somewhat intimidating appearance, deeply cares about Athena, to the point of maintaining his guilt to the bitter end in order to protect her and keep the phantom guessing. When forced to testify about what he had really seen, he exhibited a raging whirlpool of emotions with Athena as the source. After the final resolution of the UR-1 Incident, he maintained many of his behavioral habits but finally showed his caring self again, thanking Aura for her efforts and apologizing for the suffering that he had caused her. However, despite caring about and believing in her, Simon isn't adverse to teasing Athena about her skill level and general lack of experience compared to her co-workers and himself. He also doesn't indulge in her occasional moments where her lack of confidence gets the better of her, preferring to instead make a good-natured snarky comment or directly telling her to pull herself together. The feeling is mutual, as Athena also cares significantly for Simon's wellbeing but also throws snark at his direction and pokes fun at his expense at times. Overall his approach can be best described as strict and akin to tough love, letting Athena work her way in and step in only when it is absolutely necessary for him to do so.
Simon has a dark and somewhat mischievous sense of humor that he mixes in with his intimidation tactics. He often tells larger-than-life stories of prisoners he has met, such as a surgeon or a captured ninja, usually to make a point. He also gives unflattering nicknames to just about everyone other than his rival attorneys, whom he addresses using the Japanese honorific "-dono". However, he has little patience for what he perceives as ridiculous, largely dismissing the many supernatural claims in the trial of Damian Tenma, being very reluctant to allow Wright to cross-examine the orca Orla and even leaving the courtroom after one witness gave a testimony he deemed "rubbish". Simon was also annoyed by Nahyuta Sahdmadhi's self-professed moral standing centered on his religion. Interestingly, he despised being called a panda.
For all his dangerous persona, Simon follows a code of honor. He believes trials to be duels in which prosecutors and defense attorneys wield "blades" to prove their respective cases, frequently preparing his finger iaijutsu while pressing the defense to present their arguments, further adding to his samurai moniker. He doesn't engage in illicit tactics contrary to his public reputation as a dangerous criminal, and his intimidation tactics, although questionable, are largely not deemed as underhanded. Conversely, he's disgusted by tactics he deems as cowardly or "cheap". For example, Sahdmadhi attempted to use Athena's emotional perception against her, both by swaying the gallery's opinion to break her morale, and by hiding vital information under the pretense of "witness privacy". Another was Professor Means's verbal harassment meant to inject insecurity and panic. In both instances, he actively sided with the defense to prove the opposing party wrong.
Simon has an affinity for Japanese culture, much like his mentor, Metis. He enjoys soba noodles and rakugo, a very traditional form of Japanese storytelling. His extensive knowledge on such subjects lead him to question whether or not Prosecutor Sahdmadhi was capable of taking on a case which revolved around both subjects.
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crackmadhi · 6 years
That sounds fake
Sunday, 17 June 2029
“I have to admit that your friend group is, even though rather unconventional, quite entertaining”, Nahyuta told Simon while sitting on the brown couch in the others living room.
In the same time, Simon was washing his hands and responded Nahyuta offhandedly: “Our friend group. Moreover, it's always been like this for me. Somehow, I appear to give off a vibe that attracts geeks, nerds and eccentrics of all sorts. I came to accept it.”
Nahyuta chuckled a bit and looked over to the bathroom door. Klavier surly took his sweet time. Quickly forgetting about the blond rock star again, he turned his attention back to Simon and watched the man preparing a salad for the three of them. They would probably order some takeout later that night but for now, they'd have what Simon would make them.
Peacefully they stayed silent. Until Simon suddenly raised his voice and asked calmly: “You seemed to be rather surprised that Athena brought Juniper to the party. Why was that? I mean, it's not like they'd be the first gay couple you've ever seen.”
Nahyuta flinched a bit. This was not a question he had been prepared for. Nervously he blinked and composed himself.
“It's just something very unusual for me to see. In Khura’in, you don't see same sex couples in public and it's not something that's really talked about. Here, on the other hand, everybody seems to be very accepting and nobody is making a big deal out of it.”
Simon had stopped washing the salad and had turned in Nahyuta's direction. Frowningly he stared at the man sitting on his couch.
“What are you talking about?”, Simon asked unbelievingly. “You've seen Edgeworth-dono and Wright-dono together all the time and you never said a word. Hell, your brother is even in a relationship with the idiot, who is occupying my bathroom right now. What's different with Athena and Junie today?”
Nahyuta gulped. Simon was not wrong. But he was also not entirely right. To explain that to the stubborn Samurai, was the last thing he wanted to do right now, but there was no way that lead around an explanation.
So, he answered carefully: “Look I know this must sound weird to you, but… It's ... It's probably the fact that we were in public? I've never seen your superior or Apollo directly displaying affection towards their respective partner in public before. And that was different today.”
Simon let that sink in shortly. Yes, this had been the first time (save that one-time Klavier had basically ran into Apollo to hug the life out of him at the airport) that Nahyuta had seen any public display of affection by a same sex couple in the states. So, he had actually a reason to be a bit surprised by the whole ordeal.
Distractedly he turned back to his salad and commented gruffly: “Alright. I get that. Must be strange for you. It's a bit hard for me to imagine since I was practically raised by my hardcore lesbian sister. I kinda only saw gay couples in my private life and for me all of this is just normal. But so, you know, not all people of this country are very accepting and understanding towards the lgbt+ community. I've seen my fair share of homophobia, biphobia, transphobia and so on. It's getting better but it's still not where I'd like it to be.”
Nahyuta blinked baffled. He had not thought Simon to be a man who was so well informed about queer activism. Of course, he had known that Aura had been interested in Simon's mentor and Athena's mother Metis, so the lesbian part did not surprise him that much, but the rest had caught him off guard and he could not quite choose what he was supposed do with that information.
“I didn't know”, the khura'inese price mumbled. “Who would have thought that?”
"Would have thought what?”, Simon asked him expectantly.
Simon now was glaring at the man while displeasingly raising his eyebrows.
“Well, I'm simply surprised by your knowledge and passion for this cause. I didn’t know that you were a supporter and it surprised me”, Nahyuta explained unhappily shifting around on the couch.
A dark chuckle left the wannabe samurai's mouth and he returned to cut some tomatoes. With a bemused smile, he commented: “Isn't it a normal thing to fight for one's rights? And to be honest I'm not really an activist. I went to several Prides with my sister back when I was a teen and I'd stand up against homophobes wherever I ran into them, but I didn't do a lot beside that. I just wanted acceptance for queer people. I never saw what was so different between the straight cis people and the trans, gay, bi, pan and aro/ace people like me.”
Awaiting Nahyuta's response Simon continued cutting his tomatoes. But there came none. The prince remained silent and Simon was wondering why that was. When he shot him a look, he recognized a slightly ashamed expression on Nahyuta's face. Quizzingly Simon observed the man and suddenly realized what could have thrown off the man.
“Do you... Do you not know the expression aro/ace?”
Nahyuta's lips were pressed on another and formed a thin line. Unsure he met Simon's gaze and nodded helplessly. He somehow was afraid that he might have offended Simon by his lack of knowledge. But there was no anger in the elder’s face. On the contrary, Simon smiled calmingly and told him soothingly: “It's short for aromantic and asexual. Do you know these words?”
These Nahyuta did know. Immediately he felt a little sting. Quickly he shoved this hurt feeling away and tried to recall all the things he knew about the expressions. It wasn't much, and he wasn't entirely sure, if he remembered their meaning correctly. Asking couldn't hurt he decided and said cautiously: “Yes, I've heard these expressions several times in the past. But I'm not entirely sure if I have a correct definition, so it would be rather kind of you to enlighten me. If you'd like to, of course."
Somehow, Simon's smile grew wider and even more content as he heard Nahyuta's request. Patiently he nodded and told him: “Asexual is referring to a person's sexual attraction. It means a person does not experience sexual attraction towards anybody. It can be used as an umbrella term or as the name of a sexual orientation. So asexual is a bit different from person to person. And same thing goes for aromantic just with romantic attraction. Got it?”
Nahyuta thought it over. He felt like he had understood most of it but...
“I think I understand but just to be sure... As an example: It would mean that you'd never look at somebody and thought that it would be nice to date them? That would be asexual, right?”
“That's aromantic actually. Asexual is different, at least in my book”, Simon meant a bit unsure.
“What does that tone mean? Aren't you sure what asexual really means?”, Nahyuta asked frowningly.
Defensively Simon waved with his hands and explained: “Yes, I do. It's just hard to explain something you don't experience.”
Unimpressed Nahyuta laid back on the couch and frowned at the man in the kitchen. Demanding an explanation, he stared at Simon. Simon sighed and scratched the back of his neck. Well, now was explanation time and he wasn't sure, if he was up to that task.
“Look, uhm, sexual attraction is when you think that a person is somehow extremely attractive. Good?”
“Yes, so far so good.”
“Okay. So, they are so attractive that one has sexual fantasies about them or even wants to sleep with them. And that's sexual attraction as far as I know”, finished Simon a bit forlorn.
Unbelievingly Nahyuta gaped at Simon. This couldn't be true.
“That sounds fake.”
“What are you talking about?”, asked Klavier exiting the bathroom.
“Do you experience sexual attraction?”, Nahyuta blurted out animatedly.
Blushing heavily Klavier stared at the man sitting on the couch, who seemed to be dead serious about his question. Well, this was a personal detail Klavier had never been asked about by any reporter before. To find such a question one had to be incredibly lucky.
“I - “, Klavier stuttered looking over to Simon, who looked like he was about to burst into laughter, “why would you discuss my sexual attraction? How on – I mean seriously? Why?”
Simon let his knife drop on the counter as he collapsed with laughter. Nahyuta did not share his amusement and was perplexed and annoyed by the samurai’s reaction.
“I think, I need an explanation for this”, Klavier stated completely lost looking from the laughing mess in the kitchen to the confused man on the couch.
Nahyuta shot him a look and answered: “I guess you do need that, indeed. Though I can’t tell you why the panda is laughing like this.”
“Fair enough”, Klavier mumbled as he walked over to Nahyuta.
Sighing, he sat down and ignored the still cackling Simon in the background. Silently he observed how Nahyuta calmed himself down and became as unreadable as ever. It made him truly uneasy to see how well the monk managed to hide his true emotions. It always reminded him of … him.
“We were not speaking about your sexual attraction specifically”, Nahyuta began focused to speak and folded his hands composedly in his lap. “We spoke about asexuality as it came up in our conversation and Simon tried to give me an explanation what it was like to experience sexual attraction. The focus lies on tried, so he didn’t mange to give me a satisfying description of the matter. That’s why I turned to you. I hoped you could maybe enlighten me, since you might experience it, while Simon apparently doesn’t.”
For a second Klavier simply gaped at him. Then he could no longer hold back an amused smile. The monk’s unluckily phrased question immediately became strangely endearing, Klavier found himself thinking.
Cautiously biting his lips, he readjusted himself and began slowly: “I gather that… this is an important matter to you?”
Nahyuta nodded coolly.
“Ja, hmm, sehen wir uns das mal an… So, I do experience sexual attraction, and I’ll try my best to explain it for you without mentioning your brother, ‘cause that would be weird.”
“Okay. I’ve met a lot of people in my life and some of them I found very “sexy”, for the lack of better words. I mean, I didn’t just think they were beautiful in an aesthetic sense but in a sexual sense. And you see… when I looked at them it sorta – he could not help himself but blush - aroused me. That’s one way I experienced the occurrence sexual attraction in the past. But it has also happened that this attraction had developed over time. At the beginning I’d had no such feelings, but after some time spent together the feelings grew and suddenly I was sexually attracted to them. But that’s only what I know. Other people probably had different experience with it and would give you another definition.”
Klavier could now observe a deep frown in the monk’s face and sceptically lifted an eyebrow.
“See Sad Monk? I’ve got it right without ever feeling that kind of attraction. It’s literally just the desire to fuck somebody”, Simon stated unimpressed and startled Nahyuta with it, who had almost forgotten that the other man had been standing in the kitchen.
Klavier turned towards the Samurai and shot him a disapproving look. The other did not feel the need to respond but shrug and directed his energy back at cutting more salad. Annoyedly Klav huffed but said no more towards the Twisted Samurai. Right now, it was the monk who needed his attention.
For Nahyuta did not look very happy with the situation. Klavier could see it. There were only small signs, a light flutter of his right eyebrow, the tiny movement of his pointer finger over the fabric of his trousers. But Klavier saw them. He saw that something was not right.
“Yuta? What’s – what’s bothering you? Is there something for me to do?”, the rock star asked gently as he placed his hand on the other’s shoulders.
Warily Nahyuta lifted his eyes. He sat up as straight as he could and turned his head to the side. In a graceful, almost divine, motion he closed his eyes and sighed.
“I never felt this way towards anyone.”
His voice was small. No more than a whisper. He turned his head towards Klavier. The look in his eyes was full of vulnerability
“I didn’t realize that people felt like this… I never thought that I wasn’t normal. I -“
Klavier stopped him right there by gripping his upper arm determinedly.
“There is nothing like normality in this world. People might act as if it was normal to be heterosexual and cis, but it’s not. There is nothing wrong or unordinary with being asexual, Nahyuta. You’re perfectly fine, no matter what orientation you have. It’s not like you can choose for whom you fall or don’t fall, so never feel guilty for that, okay?”
Klavier knew that he had spoken too animatedly and vigorously. He could see it in the slightly shocked look in Nahyuta’s eyes.
But the rock star did not want the monk to feel isolated and lonely. He did not want him to think that there was something wrong with him. He knew exactly how internalized homophobia could destroy your mental health; he knew well enough from experience.
Cautiously he leaned back and sighed apologetically. But before he could apologize, the monk with his newly found composure stopped him with a small wave.
Calmly as ever Nahyuta stated: “It is quite alright. I’m grateful for your advice and insight to the matter. But I’m afraid I still have some trouble to grasp all the factettes of the subject. And – well – I probably need more time to figure things out? And more information, of course.”
“What do you wanna know? Maybe I can help you out? Or is it enough information for now?”, Klavier offered intently.
For a second Nahyuta hesitated. He shot a short look in Simon’s direction. He did not seem to be listening too closely to them. That was good. He did not want the samurai to hear what he would ask now.
“In fact,” Nahyuta began sheepishly, leaning in a bit closer towards Klavier, “there is something you could maybe tell me.”
“Sicher! What would that be?”, Klavier asked keeping his voice down just as Nahyuta did.
“This different attraction stuff… I mean I got the idea of sexual attraction now. Or at least a rough concept of it. But what is romantic attraction exactly? I don’t know what distinguishes them. Is romantic attraction the thing one experiences, when they fall for somebody? How would you describe it?”
“Boy, that’s the question now”, Klavier smiled and tapped his lip pensively. “I think it’s hard to just draw a line. I don’t think you can say that one think is purely sexual or purely romantic. Kissing, for instances, can be romantic, sexual or both at the same time. It depends on the person, the context and all that stuff. I’m someone who easily falls for people. It’s always like I see something exciting and fascinating in the other person and I want to know so much more about them. I wanna understand what makes them smile, what they hate, what music they love and why they love it. I wanna be there for them, be close to them. But it’s not always the same, you know?”
Klav stopped to check if Nahyuta was still interested in listening. The monk wore a peaceful smile and nodded encouragingly for him to continue.
“This stuff differs from person to person for me. The girl I first was with as a teen, she was inspiration. I felt like I could create without sleeping for days. It felt like a dream made of sugar. It was beautiful, but it faded fast. We never found a real foundation and so it wilted soon. With a guy I once felt incredibly powerful. He gave me the feeling that I could take on the world that there was nothing that was impossible for us. I had never felt so strong before. It was great, really. It just failed to become the truth. Stuff didn’t work out the way we imagined it would. I’d like to say that reality failed us, but I know we just were too naïve. Most of my crushes and relationships were short lived. There was no time for romance next to my rock star life and the work as a prosecutor, and I was tired of getting worked up over failed relationships. – He closed his eyes and lay his head on backrest of the couch – In a way I gave up on romance. In the end it often ended with me doubting myself. I always had the feeling that I had to do more for the other person. I had to love more, give more, smile more. As if I had to make up for my tight schedule and tiring career… With Apollo though… It was different. I mean it was always different from person to person but this time I do not doubt myself. My job as prosecutor and my rock star life don’t bother him. He’s a bit impressed by it, sure, but he pays it no mind. He respects it and thinks it’s cool that I live my passions. He loves it, in fact. But he loves so much more about me, I can’t even start to understand it properly. He lets me be myself and I don’t think I ever felt this relaxed around a boyfriend before. He’s awesome.”
A smitten smile had taken over Klavier’s face. Even when he was talking about Apollo he felt better. He was like the ultimate cure for him. He still had now idea how he had deserved that.
Nahyuta had observed the mood change in the blond’s demeanour. His brother surly was loved by this ridiculous man. It eased his mind to know that.
But through this speech Nahyuta had not only learnt new things about Klavier. He had also discovered that he could relate to the other’s experiences. He understood his feelings, had even felt similar things towards different individuals during the past. He had never acted on them; he could not risk people being dragged into the mess he called his life, but that did not mean he had never fantasized about being with someone.
“I’m glad my brother makes you this happy. You both deserve this much after everything…”, Nahyuta told Klavier, whose eyes were still closed.
Quickly Klavier opened his eyes and looked over to Nahyuta. Well, he had certainly drifted away from the topic they had started with. Or at least their focus had shifted from Nahyuta to Klavier and that was not what Klavier had wanted at all. And it was not helpful for the monk at all.
“Sorry, for making this about me. I didn’t intend to talk about this so long”, he apologized and scratched the back of his head.
Nahyuta giggled and shook his head slightly.
“It’s quite alright. And it helped me. I found out something important. I think.”
“You did? May I ask what you found out?”, Klavier asked curiously as he crossed his legs.
“Well…”, Nahyuta began and brushed his bangs behind his year. “The things you’ve told… I could emphasize with them. I felt similar things before, I just never acted on them. So, I guess that helps.”
“Oh wow”, Klavier uttered surprised.
As he saw the confused look in Nahyuta’s eyes he clarified: “I mean that’s awesome! I’m just surprised that you figured that out so fast. It took me way longer than few minutes to figure out my orientation. Anyway, you’ve been in love before? That’s cool. I hope you’ll get the chance to date somebody in the future, so you can make some experiences of your own.”
“That would be nice, yes…”
Nahyuta did not even realize that he subconsciously turned over to Simon as he had said that.
Klavier however had realized it. And he could put one and one together.
“Grossartig. Jetzt haben wir den Salat. Er hat sich also tatsächlich in den Simon verliebt. Ich frage mich wie das funktionieren soll. Und doch… Simon schafft es immer wieder uns zu überraschen. Wer weiss, vielleicht wird tatsächlich eines Tages ein Paar aus ihnen?“, Klavier thought contemplative as he looked from Simon to Nahyuta.
But there was nothing for him to do. They had to figure it out for themselves.
What Klavier could do, was satisfying his curiosity. So, he gently nudged the price’s upper arm and asked quietly: “Want to tell me how you felt while you had your last crush? I’m curious.”
Nahyuta blushed a little and declined at first. But it did not take much work for Klavier to persuade him.
Shyly he started to tell: “For the most time it felt pretty weird. I guess that is, because they a- were pretty weird. They were a way more touch-friendly person than you would think they are, when you first see them. So, they always came close to me, they hugged me and let me lean on them. I was so close to them physically and it did not seem to bother them at all. And other than that, I also felt like they did truly listen. With them I felt like I was being heard. Even, when they were gruffy and rough, they eventually apologized for the things we fought about and… I just… like them…”
Oh boy. This man had fallen deeper than Klavier had anticipated. This would get interesting for sure.
“Salad is finished”, Simon announced while dumping said meal on the kitchen table.
Both men on the couch flinched badly and scolded him for being so loud. Simon only laughed and told them to come over and eat. Klavier complained that Simon had taken far too long for preparing a simple salad. Simon ignored his complains completely and asked what they wanted to drink.
Chattering quietly, they finished their meal. They talked about anything and everything, neither of them later remembered what it was about.
Silence came over them as they started doing the dishes. Klavier remembered his conversation with Nahyuta again. He wanted to talk about it with him once more, but the monk did not appear as if he would come back to the subject himself.
While he was still thinking how he could drive him into the right direction, Simon surprised him by plainly asking Nahyuta: “And now that you’ve been informed by the fop, you know what sexual attraction is? You get it now?”
Nahyuta calmly dried the glass Simon handed him and answered without missing a beat: “I think so. I definitely know that I am asexual as well. So much is certain. And concerning the romantic attraction matter – Klavier what was the name for liking anybody regardless their gender?”
“Pansexual?”, Klavier answered baffled by the casualness of Nahyuta’s voice.
“Ah yes. So, I think I would be panromantic. I mean that’s a thing, right?”
Simon quickly looked in Nahyuta’s direction to built eye contact. A small smile decorated his lips, as he nodded and returned to washing the last plate.
“Yeah, that’s a thing”, he said lowly and felt how Nahyuta had also gone back to drying the dishes.
Shortly after they had finished, and Simon excused himself. He would go an take a shower now.
That left Klavier and Nahyuta alone in the living room. Nahyuta turned on the tv, in the hope to find the news, but was soon interrupted by Klavier. He had placed himself between the couch, Nahyuta was currently sitting on, and the tv, which was now stuck on a sports channel.
“You have to tell him”, Klavier stated seriously.
At first Nahyuta was confused. What now? But soon he realized what Klavier meant as his friend’s expression grew more concerned.
“You… Oh Holy Mother you figured it out?”, Nahyuta quacked with a high-pitched voice.
Klavier’s shoulders slumped down. He nodded and walked over to him.
“Pohlkunka!”, Nahyuta silently cursed and buried his face in his hands.
Klavier let him brood for some time before he cleared his throat. The prince looked up awaiting his next words.
“Look, I know this sucks. He’s aro and you can’t change that. But you can still tell him. I’m sure he’ll understand and who knows? Maybe it will result in something after all? You won’t know for sure if you’re not gonna ask.”
Nahyuta rolled his eyes unbelievingly and crossed his legs. It was easy enough for Klavier to say this. He was not the one who had had fallen for the man, who he considered one of his best friends. Who was smart and strangely endearing, even when he was a dick sometimes. Who made him feel safe in a world that had never failed to prove him that he should never feel safe.
“For all I know”, Klavier interrupted Nahyuta’s sulking, “he probably already suspects it.”
“What?”, Nahyuta shouted in khura’inese.
Klavier blinked for a second and answered: “I didn’t understand the word, but I’d interpret this as a very panicked and khura’inese “What?”. And yeah, you heard right I think Simon knows about your feelings for him. He’s not as clueless about love stuff as my beloved Herr Forehead is. Actually, he’s quite preceptive, as far as I know. I’m sure he realized how lovey-dovey you look at him. What is not that hard, considered that you do that quite often.”
“I do not do that! Or at least not often”, Nahyuta pouted and clenched his fist frustratedly.
“If you say so.”
“Okay, look, I see that you’re right. But I’m not ready for this right now. I can’t tell him. I don’t know how to phrase it and I need to prepare myself for possible responses. So, please give me some time to overthink it, okay?”, Nahyuta begged his friend with a slight hint of desperation in his voice.
Klavier huffed sceptically. He smelled that Nahyuta was playing for time and only pushed the problem away, instead of solving it. But he would not push him any further. It was not his responsibility to make the next move and he would leave it to Nahyuta to face this problem.
And so Klavier let himself fall next to Nahyuta on the couch and promised disgruntled: “As you wish. I won’t interfere anymore but know that you should not run away from this. This is going to catch up to you probably sooner than later and I really hope you’ll be prepared for it then.”
Link to the fanfiction on ao3:
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ministarfruit · 3 years
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napstabl00k · 3 years
The thing about the Mystic Dragon Au dragons is that, well...
Their base form isn’t dragon. Because these dragons are human born, what they look like automatically is human-adjacent. Not 100% human, obviously, and it’s impossible for a dragon to look exactly like a human (they will have at least one physical feature that hints at their dragon form, though most dragons have 2 physical features total.)
Characters (that im 100% sure will be dragons) and their physical characteristics:
Maya: Horns and tail
Rayfa: Tail, horns, as well as extra scales on her face and in a spiral up her arms
Nahyuta: Wings and ears
Amara: Horns and claws
Kay: Wings and tail
Turning (or shifting into their dragon form) comes at different levels of natural for everyone. Maya has never shifted before by the time Phoenix first meets her, even though she’s, what, 17? 18? Rayfa, at 14, has only ever been able to shift accidentally, and turning has come naturally to both Kay and Amara since they were toddlers.
Maya, the only one of the Feys to be a dragon, had been under the assumption that she was the only one. Kay lived with her father before he died, and he too, was a dragon, so she’d never felt as though she was particularly unique. The entire kingdom of Khura’in allows dragons to live openly and freely, though it’s generally seen as connected to the royal family.
Turning is, and has never been required to show that someone is dragon, as their characteristics are generally proof enough. Ga’ran generally dresses herself up in such a way to imply characteristics while never actually showing them. This, of course, is because she isn’t a dragon.
Dragons also have other characteristics that aren’t so visible, such as better taste, hearing, smell, better muscle strength (because of the weight of their tail/wings, it’s required), as well as some having the ability to breathe fire.
There are different kinds of dragons, some having fur, others having scales, and others having feathers. It’s entirely possible for dragons to have mixes of these, as Nahyuta has feathered wings, but is mostly furry. It’s also possible for dragons to not have specific dragon related characteristics, even when turned. For example, Maya doesn’t have wings, despite her ability to fly when turned.
Maya and Rayfa are scaled dragons, Kay is a feathered dragon, while Nahyuta and Amara are furry (though, again, Nahyuta’s wings are feathered)
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alkimara · 4 years
If Apollo (Jove J. + Thalassa G. ) and Trucy (Zak G. + Thalassa G. ) are half-siblings by sharing the same mom
And Apollo (Raised by Dhurke S.) And Nahyuta (Dhurke S. + Amara K. ) are kind of like step-brothers/adoptive brothers
And Nahyuta is FULL SIBLINGS with Rayfa
Apollo and Rayfa are.... Wha?
TRUCY and Rayfa are wha?????
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