#queer ruki
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tiggyloo · 1 year ago
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Today's advent was super cute, and it came with a book called "all kinds of families"
Nonbinary Ruki, lesbian Aishas (which could also be interpreted as one being trans if you want to see the kid as biological), a Tuskaninny who's implied to have been raised by his grandparents, the Vandagyre's dad being a wheelchair user, and a little deaf Lutari with two dads. They didn't just do the basic stuff, they put time and effort to actually include all kinds of families, the ones that are often forgotten.
I love how Neopets has continued with the queer and disabled representation after their months have passed. It's really wonderful to see
Pride flags are still being stocked regularly in their stores and you can buy disability aids at the pharmacy (and my friend said they even have feeding tubes for your pets which is awesome!)
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alpaca-clouds · 3 months ago
Thinking about Digimon Fic Ideas
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It is somewhat annoying right now, because I also have so many Castlevania and BG3 plotbunnies, that my brain (mostly thanks to translating some of my older Digimon stuff) was like: "You know what? We haven't hyperfixated on Digimon for a long while, right?" And made me hyperfocus on that once more. lol
And now I am thinking of writing a few new stories for the fandom, because I have not in a while. And while it seems in terms of Ao3 the fandom is fairly dead... I mean, I do enjoy writing for the fandom, and what else am I going to do with my encyclopedic knowledge of this fandom anyway?
Right now, among a variety of ideas for One Shots, my main ideas are the following right now. And I guess I am going to put them here, just so that I have put them somewhere. Because I dunno when I get around to writing them.
Based on this blog, I wrote like two weeks ago... I remembered that I once had started a story on this, but never finished it. Basically a Multichapter-Story (probably 5+1) of Takeru and Hikari being drawn to each other, but finding out that their relationship does not quite work, because they to comfortably fit into the slot where their respective brothers usually were in their lives. (Originally this was mostly based on my feeling that they would totally date, but it would not work out - but from today's perspective I would argue it explicitly would not work because they both have a big brother complex.)
Something I ironically never did, even though I have had this idea in my had: Daisuke in my stuff needs the longest time to come around to being queer. In regards to Adventure/02 I ship three queer ships: Taichi/Koushirou, Miyako/Mimi, and Daisuke/Ken. However, I never much went into how Daisuke and Ken get together. And I know that Daisuke is the character here most struggling with CompHet. And a part of me really wants to explore that some more.
Four Stories around the four main Digimon Tamers (meaning Takato, Jianliang (which will include Shaochung), Ruki and Ryou) exploring respectively some of their cultural heritage. Meaning Ryukyuan for Takato, Hongkong for Jianliang, something relatively European for Ruki, and something connected to Kyushu for Ryou. I have some general ideas for this, though I do need to make some more plans.
And also a very self-indulgent story based around Megumi and Keith from Digimon Tamers. And I absolutely know that I am personally the only person who cares about them, and very much the only person who ships them. But I don't fucking care. I love them, okay? (Please ignore that adult Keith might as well be an OC, given that Keith only shows up in the Prequel shortstory when he is 10-12 years old.)
I don't know when I will get around to writing that. The one with the cultural heritage speaks to me the most right now, because it is this kinda hyperspecific stuff that interests me. But... Well, we'll see. My main issue so far is, that... The lack of certain types of Digimon and the realization that I kinda would need to come up with original Digimon for some of it. >.<
At least I put this here now. lol
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linka-r9-vysocina · 3 months ago
pro inspiraci:
Vážená paní europoslankyně,
obracím se na Vás v souvislosti s nadcházejícícm hlasováním o nové legislativě "Chat Control" a ráda bych Vás vyzvala k zaujetí odmítavého stanoviska.
Chápu naprosto nutnost boje proti šíření dětské pornografie a jiných podobných materiálů, ovšem nemyslím si, že toto navrhované opatření je cesta. Jsem upřímně hluboce znepokojená všemi souvislostmi, které se "Chat Control" týkají a možností, které by podobná legislativa mohla dát potenciálním autoritářům (nemusíme chodit daleko, stačí se podívat do blízkého Maďarska).
Navrhovaná pravidla, jak to momentálně vypadá, zahrnují neustálý dohled nad osobní komunikací pomocí umělé inteligence. I pokud bychom si nepředstavovali, že se podobný nástroj dostane do ruky autoritářům, obávám se, že současná úroveň umělé inteligence zdaleka nevylučuje, že systém bude označovat konverzace jako falešně pozitivní a vést k odhalování komunikace nevinných lidí.
Stejně tak je možné, že se touto legislativou pootevřou vrátka ke sledování nepohodlných aktivistů či novinářů, v konzervativnějších státech třeba také queer lidí (jejichž samotnou existenci se mnozí konzervativci snaží spojit se "zneužíváním" dětí) nebo kohokoli, kdo se snaží například o sexuální osvětu mládeže.
Evropské unie si vážím mimo jiné i proto, že jsem si vždy myslela, že jí na soukromí svých občanů záleží. Jsem vděčná za GDPR legislativu. Jsme uřpímně znechucená, že všechna tato snaha uchovat v digitální době soukromí svých občanů by měla tímto vyletět oknem, a neosuhlasím s tím, aby algoritmy pročítaly veškerou mou komunikaci. Opět opakuji, že chápu nutnost boje se zneužíváním dětí. Podobně ale jako nebudeme - doufám - zavádět povinné kamery v každé ložnici, neměli bychom se vzdávat práva na digitální soukromí.
Jako občané svobodných a demokratickách států máme právo na soukromí.
Prosím, zaujměte k Chat Control odmítavé stanovisko.
Není to žádný zázrak, sesmolila jsem to teď během půlhodiny, ale pokud by vám to někomu pomohlo s tím, co psát, inspirujte se.
Chat Control is back on track again
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Original tweet here Originally it was assumed that Chat Control would only show up again in October, so I am unsure if this changes anything, if those meetings mean something else or not. If anyone can clear it up, please do. In the meantime, its very crucial to keep making noises about this. Even if you are not from Europe, please spread the word. Here's what you can do to get started as EU citizens : https://www.patrick-breyer.de/en/take-action-to-stop-chat-control-now/
If you havent grasped the severity of this proposal yet, it would break encryption of private messages, as it would make it mandatory for EU citizens to accept to have their private messages and pictures scanned by artificial intelligence, or else they can't send any text or pictures anymore. This is unacceptable.
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ultimatecutenesspeaks · 2 years ago
Bunny just get even closer to him knowing that he is always going to be his and sumire forever bunny mind in your face ruruka he is way better with me and sumire then ever with you
*You two stay in bed for the rest of the day, and the next day, Haruki and Kazuichi are together in the lunchroom, holding hands. Some onlookers notice them and smile at them mockingly.*
Student #1: Queers.
*Kazuichi glares at them and Haruki frowns. Kazuichi notices and turns to him.*
Kazuichi: Hey, Ruki...
Haruki: It's okay. I'm used to it.
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koushirouizumi · 5 years ago
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* D O N O T R E B L O G ( T E S T P O S T ) T H A N K Y O U ( L I K E S O K ) ( * A S K M E T O U S E )
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cryptid-pet · 2 years ago
DL character headcanons that popped up in my head during my free time 👻(Halloween Edition)🎃
The triplets as kids carved pumpkins and Laito LOVED IT
Laito now, at his age, HATES pumpkin carving because of gutting the insides and how it feels disgusting
Shu doesn’t mind watching horror movies as long as there is at least one sex scene
Kanato likes dressing Teddy up in different costumes for Halloween (like as a bee or some animal)
Ayato and Laito have stolen candy from stores for themselves
Subaru likes Halloween because it’s his own excuse to paint his nails black WITHOUT Ayato calling him a queer
Yui loves dressing to school in fall//Halloween related outfits
For someone who likes sweets, Kanato HATES candy corn with a passion
Kou likes to paint his nails for a Halloween theme and often will encourage Azusa to let him do the same so they could match
Kou likes to scare the SHIT out of Yuma because he is afraid of ghost
Kino, Ayato, Subaru, and Shin like to play horror games together online in a call and you always will Ayato screaming on his end
Azusa likes watching horror movies but ends up staying up the whole night in sly fear sometimes
Ruki has ran into a black cat before and it ended up showing up all over the mansion up until Halloween
Kanato BEGS Reiji to make treats in an autumn theme
Yui at her age still likes to dress up for Halloween even if she is home alone
Shin has TP the Sakamaki Mansion before on Halloween just for kicks
The Sakamakis, Mukamis, and Tsukinamis all have to go to Eden for a ball in relation of Halloween (Masquerade Party almost)
Carla has no idea what Halloween was until Shin startled him and yelled “TRICK OR TREAT, NII-SAN?” And Carla nearly kills him
Kou has a fall concert and he mostly sings songs for the Halloween//Spooky aesthetic of October
Since Azusa’s birthday is close to Halloween, he gets a lot of candy from Kou for his birthday as a sweet little present
All the familiars from the three families get the month off
Shu has a playlist labeled “Soft Fall Songs To Block Laito’s Moaning Out” that he plays throughout October (He Even has Thriller by Michael Jackson in there)
Kanato LOVES the movie, The Nightmare Before Christmas and ALL the Chucky movies too
Kino likes eating cake pops that have little bat designs on them and the cake itself is a pumpkin spice flavor
Subaru takes Halloween as a holiday and there fore refuses to show up to school with Shu and Ayato
This was all I could think of!!!
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lovely-oh-so-lovelyyui · 3 years ago
Ruki and ayato are literally red and blue queer coded characters
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diaboliknothing · 5 years ago
Rating the new Grand Edition outfits because I think I'm hilarious.
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Shu looks like a good catholic boy who also attended fashion week one (1) time. Can't tell if his jacket is a sweater or blazer. 7/10.
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You cant see much of Reijis outfit, but you can sense his big glasses energy. 8/10.
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Ayato looks like he's finally learned how to dress himself and I couldn't be more proud, I mean I don't love the green sweater with the red jacket but STILL! HE'S IMPROVED. 7/10.
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Kanato has evolved into what The Tell-tale Heart sounds like and I am here for it. 7.5/10
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Laito looks like he belongs on Queer Eye, and I love Antoni but Laito is not pulling it off. 3/10.
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Subaru...Is having trouble deciding if he is a private school attendee or a bad boy. 4/10
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Ruki is a pastor on his day off. 6/10.
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Kou stole one of my outfits and I'm mad about it because he is definitely pulling it off better than I do. 8.5/10.
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Yuma is perfect don't even try to talk to me if you dont agree. 13/10.
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Azusa looks like he's the president of a photography club and he's so cute omg. 9.5/10.
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treba-neco-napise · 5 years ago
Horké úchopy na Rychlé šípy protože to potřebujou
Cejtím se blbě, protože jsem ještě pořád nevyplodil víc než jednu krátkou fanfikci na Rychlé šípy, takže sem hodím pár horkých úchopů, abych to zahnal.
Mirek - matka klubu a všeuměl; rozhazuje rady a napomenutí zleva i zprava, všechno kontroluje, na co sáhne, to ovládne. taky má niternou potřebu být ve všem první a nejlepší. když mu něco nejde, začne pasivně-agresivně vyšilovat; jestli vezme do ruky kytaru, není úniku a očaruje vás. má křup na jarku ale pšt! queer, trochu se ještě hledá.
Jarka - šprt, mlčenlivej, přemýšlivej, zasran�� chytrej, vždycky se vytasí s nějakýma znalostma, který pochytal při prolejzání králičí nory Wikipedie; pravděpodobně teplej jako kamna v klubovně
Jindra - postrach a chaotickej bisexuál, do všeho jde po hlavě, má panickou ataku z třešní (vy víte proč), fashionable af a jestli mrkne na vašeho hocha, za pět minut se budou cicmat někde za rohem, nezávisle na tom, jak moc hetero váš hoch je.
Červenáček - adoptovanej mladší bráška Rychlonožky, umělec, vintage boi, ftm, sassy af; smeká čepičku při každé příležitosti, hlavně před babičkama, které ho odměňují obdivným ,,úplný džentlmen!”;najde si úžo žůžo slečnu, pravděpodobně v Měsíční záři
Rychlonožka - sassy, upřímnej, až to bolí. básníř a vynálezce v jednom; sáhněte na Červenáčka a dodělá vás. náušnice v uchu. fuck gender norms, může si vyjít do školy v cropu, ,,svaly jako flašky od kofoly”, hetero asexuál nebo nejvíc supportive ally
prosimvás, vymyslete něco na ty fanfikce a já půjdu psát, prosím!!!!
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year ago
My personal Digimon season ranking
Given August is Digimon month, I cannot help but do one of these. Because, oh boy. I have not made one of those in a long, long while.
Now, let me tell you one thing clear: I have been in the Digimon fandom since Adventure started airing 2000 in Germany. I still vividly remember getting into the show and what the first episodes I watched were. I have obsessed about this show for so long...
But I also have unpopular opinions when it comes to the seasons. So let me get to those.
And please note: I will not list Digimon Adventure: (2020), as I only watched the first 22 episodes and then just dropped it. But I will list Digimon Adventure tri., though it is not quite a season.
#1 Digimon Tamers
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My number one Digimon season is and will probably always be Digimon Tamers. This show really has no right to be as good as it is. Like, holy shit. This show went so hard in so many regards.
It really is the only season of Digimon that has something like a proper pacing. With only a couple of episodes being actual filler, while most do progress either story or character arcs. And those character arcs are so fucking good.
When I was a kid, I got so hooked on Ruki, because she was just such a good female character. But by now I do appreciate them all. (Well, Ryou maybe less, but that is a story for another day. Because he is one of those examples where I also grew up on those games and I love game!Ryou...)
Also, the amount of amazing background characters is kinda hilarious. Like, background figures like Janyuu, Yamaki or Shibumi are so well written.
Not to mention: For a 2001 merchandise TV show with 51 episodes, the animation has no business being as good as it is. How is it, that this series still has better animation than some of the later series?!
So, yeah, all around great show. Love it. Will rewatch most certainly a couple more times.
#2 Digimon Universe Applimonsters
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And while a lot of people will absolutely understand, why I put Tamers in first place, pretty much most people will not get, why I would put Appmon in second place. Because other than Tamers this has a ton of filler episodes.
But to me none of that really matters, based on the fact that I just love the freaking character writing in this show, all the references to computer history and also... The fact that this show is gay as fuck. I mean, holy fuck, the entire Haru/Yuujin thing? Yeah, it warms my little queer heart so much!
But other than that it is another series where I really just love all the characters a ton. Haru is probably the goggle boy I relate to most out of all of Digimon. But I also really loved the other characters in this series, including the Digimon partners and what not.
So, yeah, to me this is my second favorite Digimon show.
#3 Digimon Savers
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Masaru in a way is the polar opposite character to Haru, isn't he? While Haru is this soft spoken, introverted guy, Masaru is just this pure hardcore masculinity! GAAAAR! So, while I do like him less as a character than I like Takato or Haru, I did enjoy the writing in this show quite a lot. There were a ton of personal stakes to the story, that the others seasons did not bring in as much as this show did. And that was something I really enjoyed.
And while it got ridiculous at times, I also liked how Masaru was a bit more involved in the battles by punching stuff. Though I kinda am sad that they did not go with that original concept where all the characters would've been able to punch stuff.
I also enjoyed that the characters were a bit older in this, though ironically my favorite characters from the season are Chika and Ikuto.
#4 Digimon Ghost Game
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There might be some bias here based on the fact alone that it is the most recent season of the franchise. But even though it was basically 100% episodic, I did enjoy almost every one of those episodes. Basically the show is 100% vibes for me, but oh boy, do I love those vibes.
I find this season kinda weird in terms of how it kinda pushed for two Digimon/human ships, with Ruli/Angoramon clearly being coded into the text, while it is also fairly clear that Jellymon is romantically interested in Kiyo. I mean, there always were seasons where you could definitely go for Digimon/human ships....... but it was never like this. But then again: All power to the monster fuckers, right? xD
And yeah... Being a fan of the horror genre, I absolutely adored how many episodes were based around classical horror stories from all around the world. That was so freaking fun! :D
#5 Digimon Adventure 02
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Okay, let me make one thing clear: Digimon Adventure 02 is not a good series. It is not. Knowing what I know about how chaotic it was behind the scenes, aka how chaotic and cursed this production was, this is also not a big surprise. I disliked the show for this for quite long. I mean, there is tons of filler and the animation is soooooo bad in soooo many episodes. I mean, there is a ton of fan animation that is better than this series. But...
It also is kinda charming.
See, the thing about this show is, that I kinda still do like how the characters develop over the show and how... positive a lot of it is. The characters are sweet with each other and even with their enemies. And a huge chunk of the show is also dedicated to the characters outright trying to rebuild the digital world.
Also, this show has Ken, who to this day is one of my favorite Digimon characters. So, fuck it. I actually still kinda like it.
#6 Digimon Frontier
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Fun Fact: I grew up with the Japanese dub of Digimon, but Digimon Frontier is the one season, where I actually kinda liked the US Dub, just based on the US soundtrack for this show. I really kinda liked the vibe it had.
In a way I do feel that this show had in fact the strongest character designs out of all of Digimon. The characters just have the right level of detail. They do not look overdesigned, but also not too simple. I really digged that. And yes, as a kid I cosplayed Takuya a lot.
To me the series just mostly suffers when it comes to the pacing. Not because of the fillers really (I am fine with fillers, as long as the fillers are fun), but rather in terms of the Cherubimon-arc being sooooo long and everything happening after it feeling kind of like an afterthought.
But I still very much like the characters. I just wished they did not make Junpei a glutton. One fat character who isn't a glutton. Is that so much to ask?
#7 Digimon Xros Hunters
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For anyone now going like: "But this is not even a series on its own!" I will kindly ask you: "Shut up, this is my list." Because those couple of episodes from Xros Wars that were clearly just meant to fill the timeslot for a couple more weeks, do have a very different vibes from the rest of the show.
Now, this also is basically just filler + then the crossover event. But... At times this was kinda sweet. I liked the vibes this show had at times and some of the characters were kinda likeable.
And I really liked the opening.
It was not good. Definitely wasn't. But there was stuff about it I liked.
#8 Digimon Adventure
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Yeah, let's get to my most controversial Digimon opinion: I do not like Digimon Adventure a lot. I really don't. Some of the characters are fine, yes, but... I do not like a lot more of this show. Mostly because I fucking hate the crest system and how morally simplistic the show is, with the bad guys just all being bad guys with not much depth. Meanwhile most of the characters are horribly underwritten and have their entire character arcs rushed through within like two episodes.
And I just hate Yamato and how the show just tries to excuse all of his bullshit. There. I said it. I think he is a horrible character. A horrible brother. And a horrible friend. So, yeah, fuck him.
And Nishizono, the showrunner, had no plan where he was going when he started writing. Not entirely his fault, given that he inherited a production that two other writing teams already had abandoned. But maaaaaan, it shows.
#9 Digimon Xros Wars
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What is there to say?
Digimon Xros Wars sucked. It sucked. And to this day I wonder what the drama behind the scenes was. We know there was drama (given the showrunner abandoned the production half-way through!) but details are sparse even ten years later.
But, yeah. Taiki is a fucking Gary Stu and the plot just shifts around him. The story is a whole mess. The female characters get sexualized to no end. Everyone who is not Taiki gets sidelined constantly. The animation is inconsistent. And what not.
And the really sad fact: The manga is so fucking good.
I am fairly certain that most issues are because of production drama. And one day I am gonna find out what that drama was.
#10 Digimon Adventure tri.
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Digimon Adventure tri. is one of the things that by themselves are not good, but get really bad once you consider the universe it is set in. It is one of those things put into an existing canon without honoring the existing canon at all.
It just ignores basically everything happening in 02. The character developments from anything that has happened before. The 02 characters are just not there. The "original chosen children" exist and yet the OVA does not give them the attention they deserve. And Meiko is just... Oh boy. Meiko is just a horrible character for so many reasons.
It is just fucking sad that this exists. So fucking sad. Just why?!
Also, for OVAs the animation is so bad. Soooooo bad.
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aeondeug · 2 years ago
ruki's just got massive queer energy. i just look at her and go "hmmmmm...gay". even without the stuff with renamon she's just a very gay child.
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diabolikpersonals · 7 years ago
Ayato calls Ruki over for ‘Netflix and Chill’. Ruki knows EXACTLY what that means, but he pretends he doesn’t and everytime Ayato tries to make a move he’s like “I thought we were watching Netflix, chill.” So they just end up binging Queer Eye
ren made a fucking group chat where we did this fun little rp thing and ayato and ruki had a netflix and chill thing goin on but they were like “we were watching uhh...nature documentaries” or someshit. later yuma watched airbud with ayato or smthn. it was fun lmao
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diabolik-lovers-box · 6 years ago
Hi! Can I get a match up? I'm an ENTP, female and queer. I'm sarcastic, stubborn, have slightly above average intelligence and a wide variety of hobbies. While I am bad at opening up to people due to trust issues, people seem to trust me very easily cause of my "aura" and just spill their heart out and I truly love helping and supporting them. I'm very laid back and don't judge anyone at all and try to understand things from different pov. I dress in dark colours and love the arts and to perform
Hello! Of course you can! I hope you like your result ^^
I would pair you with: Subaru Sakamaki!
Subaru loves your sarcastic attitude… unless it’s used on him. (Hehe, even though even then he loves it but he’ll never admit it). He has trouble opening up to people too so I think it would be a good thing that you have a safe presence and like to help people. He really needs someone who can be open minded and understanding so I think you’d be a good match for him ^^ The two of you seem to have similar personalities, but you seem more gentle and of course he is very rough, so it would be good contrast between the two of you. He’s not as clever or book-smart as some of his other brothers so I think it would be nice if you could help him study and stuff like that ^^ He would also probably like that you take an interest in a lot of different things because then you can show him sand the two of you can experience lots together! Your relationship would be very trusting and personal ^^
**Others I would pair you with: Shuu Sakamaki, Ruki Mukami, Kino, Azusa Mukami**
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tokyokaeritai · 6 years ago
thank you so much for the tag  @happiibaka !! im a bit shy but wanted to be friends XDD hope you’re doing awesome!
1) Name: ash
2) Zodiac sign: piscis (how the fuck do you spell that XD)
3) Height: do you ever feel like you’re 5 ft tall? well, i think im 4′9. im tiny as fuck but im ok with that XD 
4) Languages spoken: spanish, english and learning japanese 
5) Nationality: mexican through and through!
6) Favorite fruit: strawberries!! (sorry ruki XD), bananas, mangos ,grapes.
7) Favorite scent: something fresh and breezy like lemon or watermelon
8) Favorite color: white, black, light blue
9) Favorite animal: cats all the way!! (i have four XD)
10) Favorite fictional character: ronan lynch from the raven cycle books, laurent de vere from the captive prince trilogy and yuri katsuki from yuri on ice
11) Dream travel destination: japan (been there, but it feels so nice to be there again!), russia ???, 
12) When was your blog created: 2010 i think XD
13) Last movie you watched: i dont watch movies in one go, they feel eternal XD but i watched queer as folk season 1 XD
14) Song I’ve had on repeat: lately some fall out boy and my chemical romance cause we are emo like that XD but the ones  i’m always listening to is unfinished by gazette and high hopes by panic at the disco
15) Favorite candy: chocolate
16) Favorite holiday: would you count hanami as a holiday? 
17) Favorite Marvel character: i dont do marvel or superheroes, sorry!! except for loki and thor...are they marvel? 
18) Favorite Marvel movie: i just....dont really like them u.u they all sound so similar that to a certain extent (sorry if im offending someone). it’s always the end of the world and some mcguffin and everyone dies?? 
19) Favorite food: the mexican rice my mom makes XD and chocolate ice cream
tagging @pinkyheaven @aledono @thelastlesbean if you feel like it!
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doposlednihodechu · 3 years ago
A teď mi tvrďte, že je to náhoda.
Hledám náplň svého open-mic výstupu na únorovém Filipovi, nejdřív se protáhnu všemi starými příspěvky, až zapomenu, co dělám, a zamotám se do x stránek rozchodových výčitek z minulého roku. (Fakt už je to rok?!)
Když se mi povede najít mezi nimi cestu ven, vezmu do ruky Anatola, pomalu zjišťuju, že úplně první slam ve sbírce je o queer lidech...-
A pak na mě zezadu vypadnou dvě fotky, který mi dala na devatenáctý narozeniny. Zaházený bonbónama. Achjo.
Někdo nahoře moc nechce, aby mě ty myšlenky dneska opustily.
Mimochodem, nenapadá tu někoho něco na toho Filipa? Jediná pořádně queer věc, kterou mám, je můj vlastní překlad Beautiful music a asi tuna dysforickejch keců, na který bych musel hodit tw.
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awhaaaale-blog · 8 years ago
Oh 🤔 that gives me an idea! Can you make a scenario where the Diaboys have a s/o who has sass, like can say the most funny come back like back handed compliments
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Shu: He was snoring lazily next to you as you binge-watched your favorite tv show. The two of you had been watching it together, but it didn’t take long until he fell right asleep. You leaned forward as some interesting turn of events just unfolded on the screen, but you were abruptly snapped out of your focus when Shu turned over on his stomach with a light groan. His large hand had found its way to your boob somehow. He pretended to sleep soundly, but you could see the faintest hint of a smile on his features. “Shu,” you started, knowing full well he could hear you just fine. “Do yourself a favor and ignore anyone who tells you to be yourself. Bad idea in your case, you pervert.”
Reiji: Your chemistry class was having a lab day where you were assigned a partner and you had to examine chemical reactions. Both you and Reiji were in the same class, but were inevitably put in separate groups. You inwardly sighed because you knew even if you weren’t in the same group, Reiji would find a way to come pester you. This turned out to be true when the glasses man came up behind you, practically breathing down your neck as he watched you pour some chemical in a glass beaker. “You’re doing it all wrong,” he told you. “If you pour it that way, it’s not going to give you the results you want. Pour it after you put this in.” Reiji said as he held up another bottle. You glared needles at him. “Remember when I asked for your opinion? Me neither.”
Laito: Laito sat with you at the long dinner table eating supper, though it was only the two of you this night. Everyone else apparantly had better things to do. Laito smirked as he nudged a bowl of grapes off the table and onto the plush carpet with his elbow. “Oops, I dropped the grapes. Bitch-chan, do me a favor and get it for me?” You didn’t know what he was up to this time, but he was up to something. Nevertheless, you bent over to pick up the grapes because this would end up being a bigger mess if you didn’t. That’s when you felt his hand feeling up your butt and you gasped out. “Laito!!” He tried to make an innocent face, “What did I do, Bitch-chan? I was just trying to eat my dinner.” “You couldn’t help but laugh because that was the dumbest way he’s tried yet. “Sometimes it’s better to keep your mouth shut and give the impression that you’re stupid,” you jeered. “than open it and remove all the doubt.”
Kanato: Kanato and Ayato were fighting over who gets the last piece of cake at the dinner table. Reiji only sighed and everyone else just looked on with clear irritation. “It’s MINE, KANATO. YOU’VE ALREADY HAD LIKE 5 SLICES,” Ayato yelled.
“SHUT UP STUPID AYATO. GET YOUR DISGUSTING HANDS OFF MY CAKE OR-or-” Kanato paused, perplexed, thinking of an insult.”OR I’LL BREAK YOU.”
You snickered at Kanato, “I could eat a bowl of alphabet soup and shit out a better insult than that.” 
Ayato: It was a normal day, you and Ayato sat on his bed as he talked ceaselessly. In gym class at school today, there had been a physical exam which was done every year to see who was in peak physical condition. Everyone was forced to perform things like the sit and reach, pull ups, sit ups, the pacer test, and the worse was the mile run. Ayato had enjoyed it at least. “…and that is why I’m better than all my brothers,” he proudly declared, holding up a piece of paper with the results of the physical exam on it. “look here at my score, I’m better than all of them combined!!”
You were tired of his boasting and snatched at the paper distastefully. After pretending to study the paper for a few seconds, you looked up at your boyfriend. “Your ass must be jealous of all the shit that comes out of your mouth,” you held the paper up to him. “You got second place in the sit and reach.”
Subaru: You were in the living room surrounded by the Sakamakis and they all stared at you like hawks would at their prey. You came to live with them not too long ago after being betrayed by your priest father. Currently, you sat shivering in your frame after discovering they’re vampires. Just then someone snatched your phone out of your hand and crushed it with his own (and with uncanny ease). You looked up at Subaru, the one who’s claimed you as his and he stared back with hard malevolence. After this, he took your hand and pulled you away from the others. You stumbled behind him. “Your family tree must be a cactus,” you huffed out as he continued to pull violently, but then stopping, looking at you with queer wonder. “cause you’re all a bunch of pricks.”
Ruki: You sat in his lap as he sucked blood from your neck with a little too much aggression. Ruki was pissed at you because he walked into the kitchen this morning and you were there laughing at something with Yuma. He dragged you to his room and demanded you give him your blood in repayment. You shifted in his tight hold and he growled back, holding you tighter. “Stay still, Livestock or I’ll make it feel worse.” Oh. You’ve been holding back your commentary for a while now, but this one just slipped out, “I don’t know what you’re problem is, but I’m guessing it’s hard to pronounce.”
Kou: Kou had somehow convinced you to go to one of his concerts. You stood in the crowd as he sung and swung his hips in the pop idol sort of way. You didn’t exactly care for this kind of thing, especially not the screaming girls that tried to suffocate you with their enthusiasm, but it was kind of fun to watch. After the performance was over you went back stage to see your boyfriend. He was there in the dressing room. “____-chan! How are you?” Kou greeted cheerfully, then winked. “Jealous of all the girls who want me so badly they’d throw their underwear at me?” You remembered seeing that happen, some girls were literally throwing their clothes at the stage while screaming and crying. Kou snickered, “You’re pretty lucky to have me all to yourself, despite the fact I could pick up any girl I please.” You scoffed at this. “I’m trying my absolute hardest to see from your perspective, but I just can’t get my head that far up my ass.”
Yuma: Yuma smirked down at you as you tried to reach a box that was obviously too high for you to reach. “Too bad you’re such a shorty, I guess you’ll never be able to get that box,” Yuma said coolly, then raised his widened his eyes in mock wonder. “If I were you, I just don’t know how i’d feel,” He leaned his frame against the shelf, putting his hand to his head at an angle that clearly showed he could reach the box just fine. 
You sighed. “I’d tell you how I really feel, but I wasn’t born with enough middle fingers to express it.”
Azusa: no I can’t
Carla: Carla was lecturing you and Shin about something or the other that you did to displease him. “With both of you ransacking our castle like this and messing things up, how am I supposed to keep our reputation in check. ____, I ought to just suck you dry right here and now, but no I’ll give you just one more chance-” 
“Carla, nice story, but in what chapter do you shut the fuck up?”R.I.P. you
Shin: Shin and you were at the pool with the Sakamakis and Kino. Shu was telling Shin and Ayato that if they jumped off the roof into the pool, the impact of the fall would be canceled because it was high up. Then he added it only worked if you did a bellyflop. They both went to the roof to try this. Shin was about to jump off and called your name to make you sure you were witnessing his epic jump. Then he jumped… and bellyflopped into the water. Even Shin, with his royal vampire bloodline, came up screaming in pain. Everyone laughed their asses off and you spent the rest of the time by his side as he sat rigid and hurting in a beach chair. You turned to look at him, amused. “Are you always such an idiot, or do you just show off when I’m around?”
Kino: Kino and you walked down the street, side by side. It was late in the night and the city was silent as everyone slept. The two of you were taking your normal nightly stroll. Apparantly, it was his duty to patrol the area so that none of the Sakamaki or Mukami brats could do anything annoying. But right now Kino was more interested in spray painting obscenities on a stop sign than any vampires. You looked at your s/o with outright disapproval. “You have your entire life to be a jerk. Why not take tonight off?”
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