#queer and whatnot so yas
mulletmitsuya · 1 year
Toman Groupchat
Warnings: swearing, suggestive language, might be offensive idk (lmk if it is so i should take it down if necessary) , mentions of birth, mentions of alcohol and weed, gayness
Desc: it's Mitsuya's day of birth
Baji: what's up with the emoji's
Mitsuya: thanks Chifuyu
Baji: happy getting out of the pussy day
Mitsuya: 😐
Kazutora: didn't he get circumcised?
Mitsuya: man what
Baji: ...
Baji: fuck that gotta do with what i just said
Baji: you just say shit
Kazutora: i'm talking about his birth method
Kazutora: keep up, Keisuke 😐
Chifuyu: you're so fucking stupid
Kazutora: Mitsuya's mom was circumcised
Kazutora: it wasn't a vaginal birth
Kazutora: he was essentially removed, rather than birthed
Baji: "he was essentially removed, rather than birthed🤓👆"
Mikey: bro how do you even know that?
Kazutora: i hate talking to stupid mf's 🙄
Baji: i don't understand why people say i'm the stupidest
Draken: *most stupid
Draken: you honestly proved everyone's point
Baji: fuck off
Mitsuya: ok you guys can shut up now
Draken: happy birthday Takashi
Draken: my sworn brother
Draken: my other half
Draken: my twin dragon
Draken: love ya man
Mitsuya: thank you Draken🙂
Baji: did u have socks on
Draken: ...?
Baji: you can't say "i love ya" and "my other half" without any socks on
Baji: it implies a sense homosexuality
Baji: but if you have socks on then it's fine
Draken: i'm sick of you
Baji: bro doesn't have any socks on 💀
Mitsuya: you guys can shut up now x2
Mitsuya: also
Mitsuya: you don't all have to say happy birthday just say it when we meet up cause i feel awkward saying thank you to every single one of you
Mikey: hope you enjoyed my birthday present 💪😎
Mitsuya: yeah...
Mitsuya: the half eaten taiyaki
Mitsuya: appreciate it
Mikey: anything for the homies ❤
Mitsuya: 😒
Draken: where's Hakkai
Draken: surprised he hasn't said anything about your birthday
Mitsuya: he's planning a surprise birthday party
Baji: surprise🤨?
Mitsuya: he told me not to not text him cause he's busy with my surprise birthday party
Mitsuya: i don't think he realized that he told me
Mitsuya: i don't wanna bum him out so i'll still act surprised
Mitsuya: i appreciate it either way
Chifuyu: Takemitchy, Angry and I have been helping him plan this for weeks, and he just fucking told you😐
Mitsuya: i guess lol
Mitsuya: also said he has a surprise for me
Baji: he's gonna tongue you down, i just know it
Mitsuya: stfu
Mikey: are y'all together or not
Mitsuya: don't know what you're taking about
Draken: bro's taking his time
Mikey: Mitsuya you're 21 now
Mikey: it's been 8 years???😭
Smiley: i may not have a birthday present but i'll bring queer and weed
Smiley: since y'all follow the law or whatnot and you're legal now
Smiley: hypocrites
Draken: what's wrong with following the law?
Smiley: you think beating people half to death was fucking legal, Draken?
Draken: well... no
Draken: doesn't mean we should abuse substances, underage
Smiley: ❤H Y P O C R I T E❤
Smiley: and a lot of the people we know smoke so idk why you're all the way in my ass rn
Draken: yeah but cigarettes aren't drugs
Smiley: weed >>>>> cigarettes
Draken: the ability to breath when i'm in my thirties >>>>
Smiley: fair
Baji: wdym you'll bring a queer and weed🤨
Smiley: why would i bring a queer when Mitsuya is literally right there
Smiley: i meant beer
Smiley: pride month changing my damn autocorrect😒
Kazutora: stop saying slurs
Smiley: bro the gays reclaimed that shit
Smiley: it's a blanket term for the ABCDEFG community or whatever the fuck
Draken: i feel like you're being homophobic
Smiley: nuh uh
Smiley: dude look
Smiley: 👬 👭
Smiley: see?😁
Smiley: am i still homophobic?
Baji: he got us there
Draken: wha-
Draken: what the fuck is that supposed to prove?
*Hakkai has gone online*
Hakkai: could you please come over to my place for no particular reason?🤔
Hakkai: hmmmm, it kinda feels like i'm forgetting something
Hakkai: maybe like, a public holiday?
Hakkai: who knows?🤷‍♂️
Hakkai: anyway
Hakkai: let's hang out like the regular days in which we are normal 🤗
Hakkai: see you soon 😁
Mitsuya: ...
Mitsuya: yeah sure Hakkai
Mitsuya: be right over
Hakkai: ❤
*Hakkai has gone offline*
Mikey: 💀
Chifuyu: i hate him
Baji: did he even fucking try
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memory-and-sky · 10 months
hobie x male reader """""""""dating"""""""" hcs?
okay this is something i can work on and get done relatively quickly. THANK YOU FOR THIS ANON! to everyone who’s sent in asks for fics, they are being worked on, i swear🙏 hope you like this though!
word count: i dunno, it’s a good chunk of headcanons
containing: explicit mention of homophobia, brief description of injury via fighting, small small small sexual reference, hobie brown x m!reader, could be cis or trans but i wrote this with cis males in mind
the rest of the headcanons are under the cut!
“dating” headcanons
hobie brown x male!reader
since Hobie lives in the 70s in Britain, gay rights weren’t really…. y’know, the best.
for your safety and his, the most he’d do in public is holding your hand. and even that was a big sign of rebellion. holding hands with a person of the same sex? how scandalous!
anyway, while holding your hand, he’d love to put both your hands in his pocket, especially if you run cold (like me :P).
he’d totally be the type to rub his thumb slowly on your palm, too.
Hobie knows a lot of people, especially in the queer and punk scenes. he gets invited to a lot of house parties, and feels safer to put your relationship on display more then, but he’s definitely not over the top with it.
a simple arm over the shoulder, around your waist, or a hand in the back pocket of your jeans, though he doesn’t need PDA to show your relationship off.
“Have ya seen this new patch on the ol’ battle jacket? Or this pin? Yeah, my lovely boyfriend made ‘em fo’ me. Gorgeous, innit?” [speaking to a random friend]
“Have ya had the pleasure of meetin’ my boyfriend yet?”
“I thought you said you hated labels…?”
“Mmh, (y/n)’s influential like tha’. Clearly ya haven’t met ‘em.” He’d say, undoubtedly with a smirk plastered on his face.
i really don’t think Hobie would get particularly jealous over you.
of course he loves you with all his little gay heart, but he doesn’t feel insecure or get upset at you or anything if you talk (or flirt) with another guy (as long as you communicate). if anyone is flirting with you and you seem really disinterested, he’ll totally intervene.
maybe hold you in a way that makes it clear you’re together, or explicitly tell the dude that you’re not interested.
but he doesn’t like treating you like an object he ‘owns’ at all, it’s why he’s pretty hesitant to slap the ‘boyfriend’ label down on your relationship right away.
and the 70s were a sexual revolution! revolting against gender norms and relationship norms, stuff like that.
if anybody ever dared ask you two ‘so who’s the man and the woman in the relationship?’ or ‘who’s the top and who’s the bottom?’ Hobie would be dreadfully disgusted and educate them immediately.
speaking of sexual revolution and whatnot, Hobie would be down for polyamory if you were.
you two have a very good line of communication, and if you wanted to open your relationship and communicated that to him, he’d be fine with it.
you’re so great, he gets how other guys might fall in love with you, too.
Hobie would give the best gifts, try and change my mind. whether it’s for your anniversary, birthday, or just a random gift, they’re always handmade.
maybe he’ll make you a piece of clothing like a shirt, hand-pick a bouquet for you, or even customizing/fixing one of your old clothing pieces with a bit of added Hobie flair.
Even small things, like a charm, pin, or patch have so much love put into them because he loves you!
touching on my first point again, homophobia was very present outside of the queer/punk scene, even in some aspects of the punk community he didn’t feel welcome at all.
usually, he’d tell people where to shove their opinion, but sometimes he’d feel completely unsafe to be himself around anyone.
yeah, he’s spider-man, but he’s also a very young adult. he could fight people, and he definitely used to, but he hated coming home to you being worried sick about all the horrible bruises, cuts, and scrapes on him.
back to the lighthearted stuff, he’s definitely the type of guy to cook for you.
doesn’t matter what meal it is, he’s gonna make it for you if he has the chance to. and he actually makes good food, despite living in Britain his whole life.
if you’ve got issues with trying new foods, his place will always be stocked full with your safe foods no matter what.
you’ll eat together, and he’ll gaze dreamily at you, wondering how he ever got so lucky to land such a stellar guy like you.
this man loves coming home after a long day, popping in a VCR for a movie of some sort (TV could be in your bedroom or living room, doesn’t matter), and just cuddling with you.
he doesn’t mind being either the big spoon or little spoon, but tends to like being big spoon cause he likes holding you close to him so much.
he’s very scrawny, but doesn’t mean he won’t love you all the same, and hold you tight.
one more thing, Hobie loves you above all else. he’ll protect you and fight for you anytime you need. when it comes to his partners, he does not play around!!
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runewrights · 2 months
Question for the aspecs and polyamorous people of Tumblr.
I'm in a queer platonic relationship and I'm engaged romantically with another person, would that be a polygamous relationship or not?
For more context, I see both people about the same amount of time, go on what would qualify as dates with both. I do things typically seen as romantic with both. I don't kiss my qp partner on the lips, that's not something we're comfortable with, but we do the hand holding and everything and 'dates' and whatnot. We checked with both of our partners before we officially started the qpr.
I know people who see me with my romantic partner assume we're a straight couple, (we're both enby) and when people see me with my qp partner they assume we're a queer couple. Which was kinda why we started as a qpc because people around at our work thought we were dating and we just went "Hey, ya know what would be funny?" Then the label just kinda fit better than anything else? Idk, I don't treat my qp partner like a best friend, we don't have a sibling relationship, we don't harbor any romantic feelings for one another, but my parents have thought I was cheating on my romantic partner with my qp partner. So I've kinda kept the label to explain why this particular relationship is different from my other non-romantic relationships.
I'm aware a qpr isn't the same as a romantic relationship, but this is kinda bothering me in the sense that I've got a lil bit of the 'tism and I need an answer for this or gonna haunt me for the rest of my existence. Google is wholly unhelpful in this matter. So I figured if any where was gonna have thoughts, or maybe an answer it'd be Tumblr.
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rosethelonelyloser · 3 months
So... While it's pride month
I am an Oriented AroAce Omnisexual, and while I was casually searching things (as I regularly do), I found a few charts explaining their sexualities.
Now, there isn't anything wrong with explaining your sexuality, gosh no. This isn't a 'call out' post or whatnot, I just want to write my thoughts out cause my friends wouldn't really get it or just say 'ok' in response and change the topic fast.
I, to be honest, don't really get why it has to be overcomplicated. I just, ya know, use the label because it feels right and feels like me. But, of course, not everyone is me.
So I wanna give my personal opinions and thoughts out about AroAce-ness :)
So what is AromanticAsexual?
Aromantic is little to no romantic attraction
Asexual is little to no sexual attraction
And they are of a spectrum. Being AroAce is on a spectrum. There is no specific way to be AroAce, and not everyone has or knows their specific place on the spectrum. Being defined as AroAce alone is a blank slate (Something that has yet to be marked, determined, or developed) so, if you see an AroAce person, don't go out saying "Oh, they are AroAce, they are incapable of loving!" No. That is incorrect.
Misunderstandings of being AroAce
So, from what I've seen is there are a few if not many misunderstandings people make about AroAce people.
One of which is the classic 'inability to love.' While most AroAce individuals might not experience romantic/sexual love, there are many other ways that they do showcase love. (i.e., platonic; friendly, family; brotherly/sisterly, motherly/fatherly, etc.)
But don't take this as the definite call either, no. Some AroAce people just click differently. Some may long for a relationship or want to feel something on a personal level. A personal connection, even. But at the same time they could feel like they don't want to either.
This doesn't make them phonies, though. If an AroAce person opens up to you about feeling like that, please do not harass them and call them a fake.
Some AroAce individuals are conflicted with their own feelings. I can confirm this myself, as I have been struggling with my own feelings for a very long time. It took me years before figuring myself out and becoming comfortable with who I am and what my labels are.
But don't misunderstand! Labels do not make you queer or lgbt. It's how and who you feel attraction to :)
You don't need a label to identify as a queer individual/homosexual. If you feel as if you are attracted to a specific gender or don't have an attraction at all, or feel as if you aren't connected to your assigned pronouns, that doesn't require a label. Just do what you are comfortable with, it is your life, after all :D
Now, another misunderstanding I'd personally like to debunk is 'AroAce people cannot date.' While, yes, that has some truth to it, it is just worded wrongly. How I'd put it is 'an AroAce individual can date, most just prefer not to engage in romantic/sexual relationships.' It mostly depends on which AroAce person you're asking. Some choose to engage in romantic relationships, and some choose not to.
Now, if you ask, "How does that work?" I can not give you a certain answer as I am on the side of the AroAce community that doesn't want to engage in relationships. If you really want an answer to that, go ask an AroAce person who's on that side nicely, and do not harass them, please.
I'd also like to say that I think shipping fictional characters are okay, even if that character is AroAce. Writing an AroAce character in a relationship can be a little hard, that I get, but as long as you respect the Asexual part, then it's alright. (As long as it's a legal fictional pairing, that is.) If that character doesn't have a confirmed place on the spectrum, it's okay to headcanon and imagine, just don't make it AroAce erasure! I can confirm myself that AroAce erasure can be quite hurtful to some and even disrespectful at a rate.
Overall conclusion?
AroAce people feel little to no sexual/romantic attraction. Most don't want to be in none-platonic relationships, and some do.
There is no certain way to be AroAce. It is on a spectrum.
And despite everything, AroAce people need love too. It doesn't need to be romantic. They are only human, after all.
Lastly, you're doing great :)
Lots of love -Rose 🩷🩷🩷
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girlcrushart · 1 year
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Here's the final poster in the Kristen Chanel Pride Collection that I've been making. The other posters each move thru the traditional rainbow Pride colours and this one features the more newly-added part which includes people of colour, trans folks, and even asexual people! And ya, it can be a bit exhausting that stuff keeps getting added on, or maybe a little difficult to keep track of all the things, but it's all in the interest of inclusivity—things are added to include more people! And I'm all for inclusivity. In Canada, the full official acronym (which I actually found on the Government of Canada website, along with a complete explanation, which made me happy and proud) is 2SLGBTQI+. The 2S at the beginning is for Two-Spirit, which is essentially the indigenous version of queer. Kinda. It's more profound than that, but that's the basic idea. On the government website it describes "Two-Spirit people as the first 2SLGBTQI+ communities." Which is so awesome. Sometimes I'm very proud of my country. Anyways, I know Kristen would be down for all of this—and I think that lately there has been an attempt by the hateful assholes of the world to divide the community by attacking Trans folks even more than all the rest and try to get some of us to drop letters and colours and things from the flags and labels and whatnot, and fuck that! Add more letters! Add more colours! Sure, one day it would be great to just drop it all and go with "people", but sadly we're a long ways off until that kind of equality is reached. Today's girlcrushart guardian is Kristen Stewart.
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re: the conference post, I don't think anyone in queerstake is confused or surprised by the homophobia, just frustrated and disappointed
And they should be frustrated and disappointed. I also found that post that explained it better than I could.
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I want everyone in queerstake to find this world outside the church, to find people who actually genuinely love them for who they are and not mormies who do this shit:
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So fuck the divine plan and I hope any and all queer mormons find a way to get out and reclaim their identity, one that is actually affirmed by people who give a fuck, rather than stay in a 200 year old cult that sugarcoats their bigotry in lies, money, and manipulation.
I know it's not as simple as "just leave lol" but it breaks my heart seeing them be disappointed and frustrated at the cult for its implicit and subtle homophobia and whatnot, but still choose to stay in it regardless. Like honey, who are you gonna want validation and support from, hm? A bunch of pasty white old men who think women should be baby factories? Or ya know, the actual LGBT community?
Imo, the mormon cult is never going to give a shit about its queer members or queerness in general unless it benefits their image or makes them more money. Because that's all mormonism is, a greedy cult that hooks its manipulative claws into vulnerable people to suck them dry of any financial, emotional, or interpersonal independence, then act all nice and happy, especially when it comes to queers and minorities.
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kingwuko · 5 months
What do u think of cheating stories where the spouse is ok with the cheating? Like if Wu married a woman and she knows he’s in love with mako so she’s ok with him having his little love affair with mako as long as he does his duties as king
It sounds like you're describing a lavender marriage? This has been somewhat common throughout history for two people to enter into a marriage of convenience to conceal their sexual orientation(s). I mean. In the scenario you are describing, all parties are consenting so it's not cheating.
As far as what I personally think of it? I kinda like the drama... The secret relationship of it all combined with the wife helping cover for them or whatever??? Yeah I'm into that. Especially if Wu and his wife are friends and she likes Mako and if the WIFE IS QUEER yup sign me up. But I mean it's gotta have a happy ending where Mako and Wu end up married to each other ya know.
I'm not really into the story if it's really cheating... If the spouse isn't aware of Wu's sexual orientation or his relationship with Mako. I mean it could be an interesting story!!! If it's written well I could make for some angst and drama and whatnot. IDK what would Mako think of being the other person in a relationship? After his love triangle with korra and asami?? Hmmm interesting to think about...
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fangirlforlife97 · 2 years
I finally finished Succession and OMG IT'S SOOOOO GOOD!!!!!! The twist at the end of s3 had me shooketh haha, I literally gasped and had my mouth hanging open in shock. Shouldn't have been surprised, but I was. Shiv, Roman, and Kendell were done so dirty and by both of their parents, yikes. I loved it, I love the show, it made me laugh and cry/tear up, etc and I need a s4 asap!! Does anyone know when s4 is coming out?? I tried looking it up before and wasn't really given a specific date so Im not sure. I hope it's soon though!!?!!
I really hope the show makes Tom and Greg's dynamic/relationship romantic. Sure their dynamic hasn't always been the greatest in a way but I love them, TomGreg was the reason I wanted to watch the show in general. I watched for them but then loved the show and watched because of that as well. I love shows like that where you can enjoy the ship and the show. I think it would be a hugely missed opportunity if they don't go a romantic route with them though. Not to mention the chemistry is amazing and it'd be hella great to see everyone react when and if Tom gets with cousin Greg haha. Plus like I've said, Tom is the most queer coded character I have ever seen. Why have him be portrayed that way unless he's gay or bi!!?? Fingers crossed for canon Tomgreg. Also I would love to see more of a Connor, Tom, and Greg Trio friendship. We got a little bit of it during Tom's bachelor party under the tunnel near the rat (I believe) and think it would just be comedic gold to have those three interact more. I doubt we'll get it after Tom's betrayal but one can hope! Also since I'm speaking of Connor, I feel bad for him cause of the whole Willa situation. Like at times I feel like maybe she does like or love him but then other times it feels like she's using him or whatnot and so I feel bad for him.
When I first started watching the show my favorite characters were Kendall, Tom, Greg, and Frank, even though we didn't get much of him. He just seemed so likable or had a likable face. I feel like in some ways he kind of reminded me of Bill from Killing Eve. Frank I feel like is the "Bill" of Succession. I also liked Connor, I thought he seemed the most mellow and mature but boy was I wrong haha. He's great though. I wasn't too fond of Roman and Shiv at first, especially with how Roman treated and taunted that kid during the first episode at the baseball game. And Shiv because of the whole situation with Greg and his $20, and how she treats Tom. As time went on though I ended up slightly disliking Kendall and liking the others more, but ya now I pretty much like all of them. Logan's a prick but I even like him cause he adds extra tension and drama to the series.
Am I the only one hoping in the next coming season or couple seasons that we get flashbacks of Shiv, Roman, Conner and Kendall when they were kids?! And a prequel series of Logan and his family and upbringing!!!???? I'm so intrigued and would like to see both of these things happen in some aspect.
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dramatic-darlings · 7 months
dramatic-darlings ☆ writerblr reintroduction
hiii i'm aishwarya
17, queer, she/her
i'm from india
i write rom-coms, contemp drama, fantasy and mordor mysteries.
sad hot girl vibes:
my current WIPs :-
(i have quite alot of wips blame my maladaptive daydreamin' brain but these are the ones i'm actually, currently daydreaming the most about :))
what would happen if the fate of the world depends on a bunch of high school teenagers
high fantasy or just high?
(theme song: achilles come down)
heist! and betrayL!
heather by conan gray
(theme song: heather)
an indian sapphic love story (gay yay)(theme song: kamariya)
flirting is cool and whatnot but have you ever tried using strawberry metaphors and cryptic love letters to confess your love
(theme song: double take; strawberries and cigarettes)
pretty self-explanatory ig
(theme song: scooby-doo theme song teehee)
gossip girls meets one of us is lying
(theme song: backstabber)
partners in crime-solving based in london oh! and ballet
(theme song: danse macabre)
the one where i end up watching tlos and making it my personality for the next few months
(theme song: you get me so high)
mordor at your fav indian prep school
(theme song: mordor on the dance floor)
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cousticks · 8 months
Couu- this is random and feel free NOT to answer or answer privately or whatnot (whichever you're comfortable with!) but I was just wondering what's your sexuality? No need to specify but like, are you into guys, gals, both? you're giving me pan vibes idk why TT
again this is just out of random curiousity. No need to answer if ya dont feel like it. feel free to ignore! ❤️
I debated answering this privately for a minute but its not like its a secret or anything I just don't feel like my orientation was relevant to my fandom blog so I don't have it in my pinned. But again its not a secret & this community is usually pretty queer anyway.
Anyway, asexual and... I usually just say whatever-romantic? You could call it pan. I like whoever. Romance is weird for me. Personality is what gets me more than presentation. I will admit I tend to have a thing for men with long hair, women that could easily kill me, and anyone androgynous enough you could flip a coin and the only correct guess would be if it somehow landed on its rim. Mostly because option 3 gives me so much gender envy I don't know what to do with it.
I'll also tack on that I'm poly because if I'm listing my queerities I might as well get them all down. I like people and I like that I can like people in different ways.
I consider myself lucky to have a super cool boyfriend that likes me as I am. <3
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antiradqueer · 1 year
I am gonna actually go on anon for now, because it's just bits I randomly remembered again.
I've already kinda. Talked about this quite a bit on an account, but something I did forget.
I'm pretty sure this is gonna still be the same now, but radqueers would pass around a "wiki" talking about pedophiles and how the therapy was conversion therapy, heavily comparing it to queer conversion therapy, and being vehemently anti recovery for those with PaDs especially. Also, PaDs and different types of OCD were rarely mentioned, because instead of "hey, figure out how ya actually feel about this", it's "yes kiiing! Slaaayy!"
I also strongly dislike how trace being originally VERY fetishistic is so quickly ignored, esp when, around the time I was one, it was all just "Trans Asian" bullshit...
It was worse when radqueers actually made normal-appearing accounts while having a radqueer set, just to keep multiple public appearances...
i think ive hear of this wiki yeah.. more harmful shit to get vulnerable people in on their shit using praise and whatnot
oh and trace is still *very* fetishistic, like what you said the transasian stuff is a good place to see how fetishy it gets if you look at the "how to pass if your transJapanese/Korean" shit
thanks anon!
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pansyboybloom · 1 year
I don’t think you are being unreasonable about seeing posting that like. Other queer people can hurt other queer people, if a person STILL thinks like that then…. Yeah they are wrong.
Nothing wrong with not being sexual or being sex repulsed. But shaming queer people for being sexual is a BIG NO and I don’t think it needs to be explained why.
I would start to feel uncomfortable as well if I kept seeing people laughing and whatnot about going through a phase of shaming other people for being sexual
Thank you, that really helped me feel less childish and silly for being upset. I’ve just struggled so much to get past internalized homophobia and transphobia and purity culture that being called a freak for being sexual, even unintentionally, really stings, ya know?
Anyways, thanks. Much love 💕
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natreads · 2 years
My (loose) 2023 reading goals
I often think I should read a specific author or genre and then I forget about it, so this started as me just writing that down and then evolved into 10 goals that I’d love to do in 2023 in regards to my reading!
Read at least three Astrid Lindgren novels. I live in Sweden and grew up with her stories, but haven’t read many of them myself and would love to dive into her work more properly. I’m thinking her very first published book, one of her more popular ones, and then maybe one I’ve not been exposed to as much (aka not seen the movie).
More classics. This is mostly so that I can write down books I randomly remember I wanna read (especially if I don’t own them) and will work as a place to write down those random ideas.
Some more current books, both in Swedish and English. I enjoy looking at longlists to book prizes and just pick out a book or two to read. That way I get exposed to books I probably wouldn’t have read since the market is jam packet right now and I need to see a book A LOT to start paying attention.
Queer YA. Look, I miss these types of books. They’re not my type of stories anymore, but I really miss them and I’d love to read a couple this year just for the memories and because they’re usually fun. I have The Lesbiana’s Guide to Catholic School specifically on the list right now.
My tumblr followers’ recs. I think I have five right now! It’s just a fun way to find new authors I’ve probably not read before.
“Who I strive to be” shelf, at least six books. It’s just a shelf of nonfiction that I feel like someone I wanna be would read lol. Someone intelligent and cool. It’s got Audre Lorde and James Baldwin and Joan Didion on it, among others.
Read more poetry. Listen, I have a complicated relationship with it and I think I need to stop thinking I NEED to read full collections for it to count. A poem here and there is fine, especially if it’s different types of poetry too.
Classic queer books. Not necessarily old classics, but more as in books that have played a big role of the queer community, if that makes sense? Like the OG books from the 80s and 90s. I don’t even know if there ARE any of those, but I feel like there are and I want to see if I can find a list or something and read a couple of them.
Classic children’s books. I just never grew up reading those and I’d like to catch up a lil. Also I’m writing a children’s book which is inspired by an old classic and I’d like to read more of them for the sake of that.
More (queer) historical romance. They’re so fun, I love them. Will specifically read more from Cat Sebastian!
That’s it so far! I like that it’s not super focused on specific books, but more about genres and authors and whatnot. And I can move things around and change them if I want to, since it’s not super strict. I just went from having really set goals a few years go to having no goals because I was burned out and now I’d like to have looser goals because I think it’s still good to have something to work toward. What are your reading goals/plans for this year?
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littlerosetrove · 1 year
...Unpopular opinion? Now yes, there is definitely subtext that Buddie is being moved closer to canon. And what I’m about to say isn’t “the writers need to hold everyone’s hand so people Get It.” However, I do think as the show goes forward into season 7 (since s6 is complete, and yes there are still 2 episodes left, but if things continue as is, I can’t imagine a big change at this point) I really hope the writers really start to make it clear, for a big example, that Eddie is queer. 
Again, we Sherlock folks here on 911blr can read between the lines and whatnot, but I do believe the story, Eddie’s character, and we the audience deserve a more clear cut “Eddie is queer” statement, for maybe lack of a better word. Eddie needs to be shown expressing interest in men, visually and verbally. 
Jumping to Buck, he’s been in some ways more subtly subtextual that he may like more than just women. Us Buddiblr folks can see the hearteyes he has for Eddie, of course, but again I’m saying: the writing needs to rise above just subtext at this point. And this needs to be done for everyone’s benefit. 
Once more for emphasis: the writing needs to rise above just subtext at this point.
(this is all a slow burn, i get it, but considering 6B in particular, i really really hope sooner rather than later the writing takes on more concrete paths towards Buddie. because y’all, at this point, technically eddie and buck are “straight.” neither one has said out loud that they are attracted to anyone else besides women. they’ve only been shown talking about women and dating women. like, i’m not being unreasonable when i say that the writing needs rise above subtext at this point and have both guys verbally express interest in men, ya know?)
TL;DR - Buddie up to this point has been subtext, which can be left up to many interpretations (ie: wow they’re such close friends). Buddie needs to rise about subtext and clearly state “these two are so gay for each other.”
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not-a-space-alien · 2 years
Valen seems to like beefy women, but with how patriarchal vampire society sounds he probably didn't meet a whole bunch of buff vampire ladies, especially among the nobility.
Yeah in my headcanon vampire society kind of moves on a geological timescale wrt social norms changing since everyone lives for so long so they lag behind human society in terms of misogyny and whatnot, even taking into account the fact that female vampires are quite strong and expected to do certain things not very "feminine," for example female members of the nobility are still expected to hunt their first human and so the expectations for things like wearing skirts is less strict but there are still expectations about what men's and women's roles in society are.
And like everything there's probably a split along class lines as well, where upper-class vampires can afford to have women be "stay at home" and focus on childcare and maintaining the estate whereas working class and poorer folks need to have women work outside the home. Being able to afford to have your wife stay home full time is seen as a luxury the same way being able to have the space and resources to keep a human live-in for feeding is a mark of status and class.
Openly queer and gendernonconforming people would be even rarer in vampire society than they would have been in human society in the 1900-1980 time period so he latches onto anyone visibly nonconforming because he's desperate for a sense of community and belonging.
So Valen admires people like Ari who have the courage to present the way they want, both in the "I want to be like that" way as well as the "oh god that's really hot" way.
The ironic thing is that since vampires are like 10x as strong as humans, every single vampire woman is a beefy woman, without the beef, because they're expected to act ladylike and be prim and proper.
And yet Ari, the first woman he meets who CAN'T punch through concrete, is the "beefy woman" he gets smitten with because she spikes her hair and wears men's clothes and is taller than he is.
It's more about your aura. Your vibes. Ya know?
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mariacallous · 2 years
total aside on "comforting media" and indeed YA media. There's a LOT of stress on "queer joy" and particular "trans joy" without defining what that means. And I've found a lot of the time it's more about declaring at a thing "gay/trans joy" than in fact really avoiding queer pain, for example, famous "gay fluff" "for kids!" TV program Heartstopper has a pretty upsetting sexual assault in it that no one talks about because reasons. I remember reviewing a YA book about a trans male character who is attacked in the bathroom by a bully and is left bloody and having pissed his pants in school, and all the reviews raved about "trans joy" and "trans positivity" vs a different book about a trans male character, written by a cis author and not using the right code words was savaged "It’s full of trans pain" which its full of the ups and downs of being a trans student, much like any of the other books I've reviewed and the MC suffered a lot less (he wasn't bullied into peeing his pants for example) indeed most of the "trans joy" books I've reviewed over the last 2 years have had a horrific moment of over the top transphobia, that never gets mention in user reviews...
I mean, apart from the relative subjectiveness of "queer/trans joy", and while I think there are plenty of media (and news) sources out there covering "queer/trans pain" and almost gleefully highlighting problems and issues therein, so many people want to just gloss over stuff like that, unless they don't like it or can use it to boost "clout" and whatnot.
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