#queen of shadows rowan pov
manonblaqkbeak · 10 months
the absolute simpery that Rowan exudes in his first pov chapter in queen of shadows is off the charts and i love it
"he hadn't remembered just how stunning she was until she'd taken off her hood earlier and it had struck him stupid"
"he'd sell his soul to the dark god to never have her look like that again"
"fool-- he was such a stupid fool when it came to her"
"that gods-damned nightgown. shit. he was in such deep, unending shit"
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shadowqueenjude · 11 months
My relationship with SJM characters
Sjm: Hey look there’s a hot teen assassin and look! Sexy dark-haired prince? Isn’t he hot? Me: *falls for the captain of the guard* Sjm: wait what? lemme fix that. *writes crown of midnight* Me: Nope, still love Chaol and WHAT?!!! YOU RUINED MY SHIP????! Sjm: Not to worry! Big fat hot Fae males will make you forget all about Chaol! Me: Ew who is this stupid Rowan. Bring back Chaol. Sjm: … *writes Queen of Shadows* Come on you HAVE to hate Chaol now, choose a big Fae male! Rowan, Fenrys, or Aedion. Not Lorcan though, he’s a big ass amirite? Me: NO! CHAOL WAS COMPLETELY VALID. Sjm: *takes Chaol’s mobility* Me: NOOOOOOO *cries* Sjm: Ha, he won’t even be in the next book. So you HAVE to choose somebody else to like. So who will it be? Rowan, Fenrys, or Aedion? Me: Fine, I’ll pick someone else *chooses Lorcan* Sjm: NO. YOU WERE NOT SUPPOSED TO DO THAT. *writes ending of EOS* Me: NOOOOOOO ELIDE HE DID IT FOR YOU *sobs* Sjm: Aelin is in a coffin and you’re worried about Lorcan? Anyway here’s a Chaol book for you. Me: YESSSS CHAOL IS FINALLY HAPPY Sjm: Nice nice ok. Now here’s some pain. Me: FLY FARASHA FLY FLY FLY *sobs* Sjm: FINE! I’ll convince you next time! ACOTAR: Sjm: Look hot Katniss wannabe! Hey look, hot male High Lord! He’s sooo hot amirite? Me: *falls for courtier and emissary* Sjm: WHAT THE HELL IS WRONG WITH YOU. YOU’RE SUPPOSED TO FALL FOR THE PRINCE NOT THE LOYAL FRIEND. Me: What can i say, I have a type. I’ll still ship Feylin tho, it’s pretty good. Sjm: Oh you’re gonna forget all about Tamlin and Lucien. Look! Hot bat boys! Me: BITCH! YOU RUINED MY SHIP AGAIN?!!! AND WHERE IS LUCIEN?!!! Sjm: *retcons Tamlin* you must hate him now?! Me: DUDE EVEN WITH RETCONS HE CAN’T BE WORSE THAN THESE SLEAZEBALLS. WHERE IS LUCIEN???!!! Sjm: You’re gonna hate him now! *writes Lucien scene at night court in ACOMAF* Me: YES. SAVE HER LUCIEN. YOU GO HONEY!! Sjm: ???? *writes end of ACOMAF* Me: YES POSSESSIVE FERAL LUCIEN STEP ON ME. Sjm: …FINE. if you can’t beat em, join em. *writes ACOWAR* Me: *sighs* Feyre and Lucien would’ve been so good together. Sjm: yeah but rhysand is better amirite Me: NOOOO IANTHE YOU BITCH Sjm: *writes Ianthe’s arm breaking scene* Me: YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS Sjm: so you like Feyre again right? Me: What? No! Lucien was the better friend! Sjm: … *brings Lucien to night court* Me: NOOOOOO LULU IS DEVASTATED HIS MATE IS HOLLOW Sjm: But look, elriel! Three brothers three sisters amirite? Me: FLOWERS NEED SUNSHINE. ELUCIEN FOREVER. Sjm: Yes yes i was just joking. Anyway, sending off Lucien to find Vassa. Me: We’ll get his POV tho right? Sjm: … Me: right????? Sjm: *writes ACOSF* THERE. He’s barely in this book. So you HAVE to pick somebody else to love. So, Cassian is hot too if you don’t like Rhysand. Me: FINE. I’ll CHOOSE SOMEONE ELSE. *picks Eris* Sjm: …I have learned my lesson. CC: Sjm: Look! Hot sorority girl who’s also an illegitimate princess! And her loyal knight! Hunt is sooooo hot amirite? Me: I’m too smart for you. He’s the first love interest so he’s NOT endgame. Don’t get attached. Sjm: wait he’s endgame this time I swear! Me: NOPEEEE NOT BUYING IT. Sjm: I’m fr this time. Isn’t he so hot? Me: *falls for the tattooed warrior prince* Sjm: … Sjm: I give up
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acourtofthought · 11 months
Counter to all those Elain's book arguments
Contains TOG Spoilers
"Elain's book can't be next because she was barely in SF"
Throne of Glass - Chaol 492 mentions
Crown of Midnight - Chaol 604 Mentions
Heir of Fire - Chaol 400 Mentions
Queen of Shadows - Chaol 480 Mentions
Empire of Stroms - Chaol 12
Tower of Dawn - Chaols Book
The book before Chaol got his own he wasn't even on page. His name was only mentioned through other characters. Though he had previously had his own POV in other books, SJM chose to completely eliminate his POV in Queen of Shadows in favor of waiting until his own book.
"Elain's book can't be next because she isn't connected to the plot"
In Empire of Storms Aelin, Rowan, Aedion, and Lysandra rearrange a meeting with the surviving lords of Terrasen but they reject her as a ruler due to her age.
Witch armies fly to Rifthold so Aelin send Rowan to rescue Dorian while she leaves for the coast to gather allies.
Elide is hunted by Ilken.
Aelin wants an alliance with the pirate king.
There is a battle scene and Aelin is taken by Maeve.
If Elain can't have the next book because she's not connected to the plot then how was it possible for Chaol to have his own book when he had nothing to do with the plots of EoS?
Not to mention Elain is connected to some of the major plots of ACOWAR / FAS / ACOSF:
ACOWAR - She went on before I could answer. "I do not have much time left - before I must return to the lake. To him."
ACOFAS - But Vassa's freedom would end. Lucien had said as much months ago, and still visited her often enough that I knew nothing in that regard had improved.
ACOSF - He should have asked someone before coming here how much time remained before Vassa would be forced to return to the continent.
Koschei said, "Tell my Vassa I'm waiting"
Elain had always wanted to visit the continent to study the tulips and other famed flowers.
Elain is the only one who had visions of Koschei, the girls along with Vassa who are trapped at the lake, as well as visions of the onyx box that's important to him. Elain is connected to Lucien who is living with Vassa who is a captive of Kochei and who is the driving force of a lot of the unrest in their world, whispering on the winds to stir up trouble. Beron now wants to ally with him and that also involves Lucien and Eris as his sons. Az may have always hated Eris but he's Lucien's brother and SJM started building the idea that they'll be reconnecting back in ACOWAR and continuing through SF while SF basically had the NC using Eris as a pawn.
ACOSF - With a new war possible and Briallyn up to her bullshit with Koschei, we need a strong ally. We need the Spring Court's forces.
"No. But we need to summon Lucien." "We need to tell him the news and permanently station him at the Spring Court to contain any damage and be our eyes and ears."
Nesta's throat constricted, and she surveyed the swaying cerry blossoms overhead. Elain would love this place. / But Elain...The Spring Court had been made for someone like her. / Too bad her sister refused to see her. Nesta would have told Elain to visit this place.
So yes, Elain is connected to some of the most pressing concerns in the ACOTAR world. Not to mention with the peace treaty remaining unsigned, that's definitely more of an Elucien story than an Azriel one.
"Cassian and Chaol had Bonus Chapters and got the next book so Az will get the next book since he got a Bonus"
Cassian's Bonus hinted at his mating bond but it wasn't accepted until 2 books and almost 2 years later on the timeline. He didn't actually get the next book after his bonus because Feyre got the next book (ACOWAR).
Azriels Bonus did hint at his mating bond but just as Cassian and Lucien's bonds were introduced / hinted at but not accepted for years, it's possible Az's bond won't be accepted for years.
Neither Lucien or Elain needed a bonus to hint at their mating bond because their mating bond was introduced into the actual series.
Also, the Chaol bonus chapter had nothing to do with hinting at his endgame love interest and is different from either Cassian or Az's bonus because on the timeline his story picked up immediately after his bonus while neither Cassian or Azriel's did.
"Elain hasn't hit rock bottom"
Throughout SF, Elain faced pushback from Nesta. They had the worst fight they'd ever had in all their years, Nesta tried blaming Elain for their fathers death, she faced opposition from Nesta on choices Elain made for herself, and she dealt with rejection from Azriel, ending his bonus with hurt and confusion.
In comparison, Azriel began his bonus with feeling put out at his lack of a mating bond, jealousy toward Lucien, then mad at Rhys and himself. But by the end of his bonus he left feeling more hopeful and at peace. And in the actual book there was nothing to indicate that Az was at rock bottom.
I'm not sure either is truly at rock bottom (Elain already reached hers in ACOWAR and I don't think she's ever going back to that) but Az is definitely not worse off than her. Especially when his issues were a sum total of "why don't I get someone to love" while Elain's dealt with people calling her entire character into question.
"Elain isn't ready for a book, she hasn't had enough development."
Elain cocked her head. Didn't dissolve into the crying mess she usually became when Graysen came up.
Elain, surprisingly held her ground.
Challenge filled each word. Challenge - from Elain, of all people.
"Using me."
"You do not decide what I can and cannot do, Nesta."
"I am not a child to be fought over."
Feyre said to her, gratingly gentle, "It wasn't an easy choice for me to ask Elain to endanger herself like this."
"You think Elain is boring?" "I think she's kind, and I'll take kindess over nastiness any day. But I also think we haven't yet seen all she has to offer."
"Let's focus on helping one sister before we start on the other."
"Including Elain, who is more than capable of defending herself against the darkness of the Trove, if she chooses to. Don't underestimate her."
When Feyre had offered to let her remain home, Elain had squared her shoulders and declared that she was a part of this court - and would do whatever was needed.
Wasn't the entire point of the first half of the Feysand bonus chapter telling us all about Elain? How she surprised them? How she's probably capable of more than they had given her credit for? How Feyre didn't mention anything to her but thought how if Elain had accepted Lucien's gift (metaphor for Lucien himself), no harm would have come to her? How after they help Nesta they'll focus on helping Elain? Didn't SF also demonstrate the same?
People keep saying Elain needs to be more involved in the ICs business to have a book but Nesta began her journey refusing everything to do with the IC. And if Elain is not staying in the NC, why would she be majorly involved in what they're doing?
Elain herself said she's ready for more. Rhys and Amren confirm it as well. All that now needs to happen is her putting that into action in her own book.
"Elain isn't connected to the crossover"
First off, Az isn't connected to the crossover in the ACOTAR series, there were no hints that Truth Teller was part of prophecy in SF. I imagine SJM will eventually merge the two storylines but we don't know if that's going to happen in the next ACOTAR book. As it stands, these series are still marketed on Bloomsbury and SJMs websites as standalone series and SJMs website still says you can read them in any order you want.
If you look back over SJMs interviews she once said she knew who the first two books of the spin-offs were going to be about but was leaving the third open (and was considering a book set in the past). She had already done research for Elain's book at that time which to me logically means the Koschei storyline was never going to extend past book 2 and she wasn't sure whether Az would have a spin-off book.
In another interview she said her initial pitch for the spin-offs hadn't changed and that SF simply expanded the world. You can interpret that a few ways but one of those interpretations is that Elain's book is still second as she originally intended and now that the world expanded she knows who the third book will be about (and any books beyond that). And that does mean Koschei could still be dealt with in the second spin-off, paving the way for possible crossover storylines to be introduced in the third (and later dealt with in any future ACOTAR books she may have signed on for). Remember, the point of SF was to try to stop another war in their world from happening, they are trying to prevent a repeat of ACOWAR.
Everything above is based on facts though my own interpretation.
This part is a complete personal opinion and not based on any fact but, I truly don't think Az deserves his HEA right now. He called Elain a mistake yet he gets to end up with his mate in the next book? That would be a little like Tamlin finding his HEA before Feyre after what went down in book 2. Az barely blinked at the thought of killing Lucien and is insanely jealous of him yet Lucien deserves to continue suffering for another book while Az gets rewarded?
I don't think Az is deserving of anyone until he realizes that Lucien is a good male and that he's happy for Elucien.
Cassian was jealous of what Rhys and Feyre had but he was still happy for them, still felt no one deserved it more. When it comes to Lucien, Az is resentful through and through and until he can see Elain happy with Lucien and not feel bitter, I don't think he's in a position to end up with his own mate.
Also, the series started with Feysand and I know some feel the series should end with an Archeron sister but that makes less sense to me. The series started with Feysand and the Night Court. The series should end with the Night Court.
Chaol's journey took us away from Aelin and Rowan to a part of the continent only he had reason to travel to then SJM brought all the characters back together in the final book in the main lands. It doesn't make sense to me to have an Elucien book that would end the spin off series in Spring, Day and the continent as I don't think much of their storyline will take place in the Night Court. To me it makes the most sense to step away from the NC in the next book then eventually bring it back to where Feysands story started. Az is part of the IC and I imagine his book will deal with Feyre and Rhys a bit more than Elain and Lucien's will.
Then if there is going to be a more major crossover storyline down the road, the current spin-offs will have ended with Feyre and Rhys in the mix of things (they represent the "Dumbledore" or "Gandalf" of the series, nothing new happens without their involvement).
I think either an Elucien or Gwynriel book is still a possibility but I don't agree with the arguments as to why Elain's can't be next. And I really hate the arguments claiming that anyone who thinks Elain could be the next book is delusional.
And it's not just about Elain. Lucien's story has been coming since book 1 and when the author talked about getting into the groove of writing ACOTAR 5, where she's got that feeling of having a crush, a possible Elucien book that would most likely feature Lucien (with fire in his blood), Helion (who she's weirdly obsessed with), Eris, Elain (who shares her own real life energy), Jurian and Vassa could absolutely be a reason for her to feel smitten. That is a book filled with a whole lot of sass, snark, and side characters who she'd finally have a chance to explore in greater detail.
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ominisgoldie · 10 months
If Sam Cortland Lived
In this au, I think Sam was still tortured. They never found his body, but Farran confessed to killing him and there was so much blood that nobody except for arobynn thought he survived
Celeana goes to Endovier, and Sam regains his strength in arobynns dungeon. He fights to get stronger so that he can break her out.
He tries, once. And realized he couldn't get to her. He spends literal months coming up with a plan to get her out
But alas, she is called to the champions tournament. He waits a few months to scope out the castle, to get a layout to rescue her
But she's happy. He sees that she has moved on from his 'death' and is flirting with Dorian. He's crushed and doesn't really know what to do with his life
Arobynn sends him on missions still, and is the only person who knows he's still alive. He becomes very depressed. About the time of Heir of Fire, he goes apeshit. He tries to kill Arobynn, and when he fails, he runs. He takes the hell off. His POV in the book is about him surviving and evading Arobynn. But he runs into some valg and we learn more about them in his POV.
Then in queen of shadows, Aelin has fallen for Rowan. The revolution is forming. Literally three days after killing Arobynn, Aelin feels like she's being hunted. She and Sam have a huge fight scene and then she realizes. Nobody else has this skill. Nobody else can tumble like that.
Cue an emotional reunion scene
Sam struggles because he very much still loves her. Aelin struggles because damn, she missed him. But she's moved on.
Sam learns to accept this and move on.
Magic falls and he learns he has powers. He can control the earth itself. Where Aelin is fire, he is earth. He helps take down the castle.
Empire of Storms, he rides with Aelin and the rest of her court into Terrassen, but then when they race to go to skulls Bay, he knows what he needs to do. He has to go to the southern continent and meet up with Nesryn and Chaol
He and Chaol do NOT like each other. They are just too similar.
He just loves the ruk riders! He and Sartaq become good friends. If it wasn't for his home being in Adarlan, he definitely would have stuck around.
When he gets back to Anielle with the others, he has a whole arc with his powers. He swallows half the army with his powers, and then gets gravely injured or something. Like half of KOA, he is unconscious.
I haven't read the other half yet but FEEL FREE TO ADD ON
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stumbleonhometomycats · 2 months
Hi! This may be a bit of a foolish question, but since we’re both tog girlies, what TTPD songs represent certain characters and couples/ships to you? You can choose any character or ship, but I kindly ask you to include Aelin and Rowan, and Rowaelin🥺.
My dear friend I am so sorry that this took me forever. I have been jotting down thoughts for weeks and finally today was able to really compile them. I ended up assigning every song to someone because I was having fun.
Would love any additions or suggestions from anyone who has read the series!
So with out further ado, TTPD songs as Throne of Glass Characters:
Fortnight Chaol pov during Heir of Fire and the beginning of Queen of Shadows 
The Tortured Poets Department This was quite literally the hardest one for me, like maaaaaybe a little bit giving me Chaol and Nesryn at the beginning of Tower of Dawn???? Maaaaaybe Kaltain in the first book
My Boy Only Breaks His Favorite Toys Chaol is the boy who is always breaking his favorite toys  But also Maeve is the boy breaking all her favorite toys (The Cadre)
Down Bad Lorcan at the beginning of Kingdom of Ash
So Long, London I can see this a few ways, mainly Aelin shedding her Celaena skin and leaving Rifthold. Also, Nesryn and Chaol’s paths diverging when they are in Antica. A little more of a stretch, but The Cadre leaving Wendlyn to serve Aelin. 
But Daddy I Love Him Elide being in love with Lorcan against literally everyone’s wishes 
Fresh Out The Slammer Stay with me, “I’ll bleed whatever color you tell me to”. Essentially, Dorian being so in love with Manon he breaks his mind control 
Florida!!! Skull’s Bay is Florida, so I guess this is Captain Rolfe’s song 
Guilty As Sin? Aelin / Rowan in QoS while they were dancing around being fully in love with each other and while Rowan was trying to maintain his flimsy boundaries 
Who's Afraid Of Little Old Me? Aelin / Lysandra / Kaltain / Yrene / ABRAXOS
I Can Fix Him (No Really I Can) Dorian about Manon 
loml This can go a couple ways, if you focus on the loss of it all : Gavriel, The Thirteen, Asterin’s farmer and child, Sam Cortland, Sorscha, Nehemiah, Aelin’s parents, Rowan’s fake mate, etc.  But if you focus on how horrible the guy being song about is: Aelin about Arobynn 
I Can Do It With A Broken Heart This song sooooo specifically makes me think of the “I’m so tired, Rowan” scene in Kingdom of Ash
The Smallest Man Who Ever Lived AROBYNN HAMEL 
The Alchemy Aelin and Rowan, obviously. Specifically the gold nightgown. 
Clara Bow Aelin / Lysandra / Evangeline / Elena
The Black Dog Stay with me….. Chaol and Dorian when they were nawt seeing eye to eye 
imgonnagetyouback Lorcan about Maeve? LOL 
The Albatross The Thirteen as a whole, but super specifically Manon. Also perhaps how Dorian views himself after the end of Heir of Fire and all of Queen of Shadows
Chloe or Sam or Sophia or Marcus Sam about Celaena 
How Did It End? Could go Chapter 99 of Kingdom of Ash  Could go Sam Cortland 
So High School Fenrys 
I Hate It Here Yrene in Assassin’s Blade? 
thanK you aIMee I guess it could be about Arobynn??? The King of Adarlan??? Elena??? 
I Look in People's Windows Aelin in KOA knowing what she has to do and what she stands to lose  Also Lysandra before Queen of Shadows
The Prophecy Rowan, gods it is sooooo Rowan. And very Aelin as well. It is them separately and together. With a sprinkling of Elena having to spend an eternity watching the consequences of her actions unfold
Cassandra BABA YELLOWLEGS? Kind of Nehemiah and Elena??? And the general just not being believed or listened to is obviously Aelin
Peter Vaughan HAHAHAHAH  But also from the pov of the mortal man Asterin’s loved 
The Bolter I MEAN THE OPENING LINES….IT IS AELIN……. It’s kind of a beautiful combination of Aelin and Celaena 
Robin Gavriel for Aedion And then Evangeline 
The Manuscript Elena 
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tothestarsinvelaris · 3 months
(please no spoilers if interacting w/ this post. i have somehow avoided all TOG spoilers and know nothing more than the lil blurb on the back of the book and what i have read so far. thx <3)
{Just finished chapter 34 in Queen of Shadows} oohhhh mmyyyyy its an emotional rollercoaster!!
Every single Dorian POV makes my heart hurt. poor thing :(
Chaol deserves a punch in the throat. I cannot stand his POV. I barely liked the man prior to this book, and he is doing is absolute best to piss me tf off.
Manon, Abraxos, the 13, and Elide are badass and I am ready for them to start kicking ass. Their whole storyline is great, can't wait to see where it goes.
ROWAN!!!! This man stowed away on a ship to go to Aelin?!
looorrddddd have mercy! These two!! She washed his hair??! and let him use her expensive lavender soap! The one she used to get on to Sam about using ugh. I love them so much!! She played her favorite song for him on the pianoforte and he asked her to teach him ugh pls kisss!
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rowaelinprompts · 2 years
All the open prompts will be listed here! Also, any that have been filled will be marked with a *, but please feel free to fill as many prompts as you like as many times as you want! We love seeing all the different takes!
ART: QUEEN OF SHADOWS ROOFTOP SCENE via @house-of-galathynius
ART: ROWAN/DAUGHTER via @thegreyj
ART: "I claim you too" scene via @thegreyj
*FIC: "I don't know what to do"//"we'll figure it out" via @morganofthewildfire
FIC: College AU with athlete/trainer via anonymous
FIC: "Research" via anonymous
FIC: Crime scene cleaner via @backtobl4ck
*FIC: Proposal emergency via @thegreyj
*FIC: Finding out the teenage pregnancy via @thegreyj
*FIC: Rowaelin with their toddler via anonymous
*FIC: Rowan takes care of Aelin during her cycle via anonymous
*FIC: "I kept this for you while you were away"//"It's been two years"//"I know" via anonymous
FIC: First date pumpkin via @thegreyj
FIC: "if it fits, it fits" via @thegreyj and @leiawritesstories
*FIC: Clingy Rowan via anonymous (could totally be an art prompt also!!)
FIC: Rowan decorating a pumpkin for Aelin via anonymous
FIC: "The pain served as a reminder" via @thegreyj
FIC: Rowan comforting Aelin postpartum via @thegreyj
FIC: Aelin playing breakup songs via @thegreyj
FIC: Rowan POV when he's skinning Cairn via @autumnbabylon
FIC: Rowaelin vows from EOS via @autumnbabylon
FIC: "Are you coming?" 👀 via @thegreyj
FIC: this Instagram reel via @backtobl4ck
FIC: Pajama party via @thegreyj
FIC: Rowaelin's child telling this joke via @thegreyj
*FIC: "Geriatric pregnancy" via @thegreyj
FIC: "Is that a candy cane or are you just happy to see me?" via @thegreyj
FIC: Aelin gets pregnant because of an orange via @backtobl4ck
FIC: "Fuck you" // "No, you fuck me" 👀 via @mariamuses
FIC: "She'd been waiting to hear that voice.." via anonymous
FIC: Rowaelin in the theater Rowan gifted Aelin (canon) via @autumnbabylon
FIC: Rowan washing Aelin's hair via @autumnbabylon
FIC: "Married At First Sight" via @thegreyj
FIC: Rowan and son and dress-up via @thegreyj
FIC: Rowan and son going shopping via @thegreyj
FIC: "Midlife crisis/Ongoing crisis" via @thegreyj
FIC: Aelin's clothing parades to Rowan via @autumnbabylon
FIC: Twitter feud AU via anonymous
FIC: Terrasen High School camping trip via anonymous
FIC: Drunk and clingy Aelin via anonymous
FIC: this TikTok via anonymous
FIC: Chef's knife via @thegreyj
FIC/ART: this cartoon via @thegreyj
FIC: "You're my favorite pillow" via @thegreyj
FIC: "That was not how I imagined my first kiss" via @thegreyj
FIC: 20 questions via @thegreyj
FIC: Rowan's sexy accent via @thegreyj
FIC/ART: Rowan simping over Aelin via @thegreyj
FIC/ART: Aelin wearing Rowan's reading glasses via @thegreyj
FIC: Rowan quoting classic movie lines via @thegreyj
FIC/ART: nose kiss via @thegreyj
FIC: "Stop doing that!" / "What?" / "Smiling!" via @thegreyj
FIC: Rowan is bad at flirting via @thegreyj
FIC/ART: renfaire via @thegreyj
FIC: Interrupted proposal via @thegreyj
FIC: "I'm a big kid now!" via anonymous
FIC: Secret spies/Mr. & Mrs. Smith AU via anonymous
*FIC: "Is he your boyfriend?" via anonymous
FIC: Selection AU via anonymous
FIC: "Books" via @thegreyj
FIC/ART: Throne of Glass x Avengers via anonymous
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385bookreviews · 7 months
1.72.5 Queen of Shadows by Sarah J Maas
Pages: 645
Time Read: 11 hours and 23 minutes
Overall Rating: ★★★★★ Storyline: ★★★★★ Dialogue: ★★★★★ Characters: ★★★★★
Genre: YA Fantasy
TWs for the book: Violence, blood, death, murder, gore, torture, injury, grief, war, confinement, slavery, fire, physical abuse, vomit, miscarriage, emotional abuse, body horror, pregnancy, s*xual abuse, kidnapping, death of a parent, genocide, su*c*de, child death, child abuse, su*c*dal thoughts, trafficking, colonization, mentions of r*pe, s*xual violence, medical trauma, classism, domestic abuse, self harm, gaslighting, s*xual harassment, ableism, cursing, misogyny, panic attacks, stalking, alcohol, execution, xenophobia
POV: Third Person
Time Period/Location: Rifthold, Adarlan; Morath; Oakwald Forest; and Terrasen on the fictional continent of Erilea
First Line: There was a thing waiting in the darkness.
Aelin lands in Rifthold from Wendlyn and goes straight to The Vaults, the seedy underground tavern/fighting pit/pleasure house in order to find Arobynn Hamel. She is surprised to discover Chaol, with an unknown woman, meeting with Arobynn. He leaves without noticing her, and Aelin confronts Arobynn. He informs her of Aedion's capture by the king, and that he is set to be executed at a grand party for Dorian's birthday. He offers to help her free him, in exchange for her capturing one of the Valg soldiers now infesting the city. Arobynn leaves, and the city guards Aelin had led there break in, and she wrecks the entire place. She then leaves to hunt down Chaol in the sewers, and encounters the woman who was with him. Her name is Nesryn, and she is a member of the city guard now aiding Chaol and the rebels. Chaol sends Nesryn and the rebels and the captives they freed ahead, and explains to Aelin what happened with Dorian, Sorscha, and Aedion. They part angry with each other after Chaol refuses to tell her how to free magic. Aelin goes back to her apartment, and the next day finds Lysandra and a child named Evangeline outside. Lysandra insists she has changed from when they were children, and gives her a letter written by Wesley, Arobynn's former bodyguard, and Lysandra's deceased lover. In the letter Wesley explains everything Arobynn did involving Sam's death and Aelin's capture. Chaol and Aelin argue about whether or not to kill Dorian now that he has a Valg prince possessing him. Aelin swears she won't, and so Chaol tells her how to free magic. Aelin sneaks into the castle with a troupe of dancers set to perform for the King and Dorian at his birthday party. She spills water to wash away Wyrdmarks that would notify the King of her presence. Madame Florine, Celaena's dance teacher for years, aids in the ruse, and gives all of the dancers black glass roses. Aelin sneaks through the crowd, disguising herself as a man to get close to Aedion. When the dancers smash the glass roses, the whole hall goes up in smoke and Aelin uses the distraction to free Aedion. Everyone rushes out, and Aelin and Aedion run through the gardens until they are confronted by Dorian. Aelin uses a Wyrdmark to freeze him in place and tries to kill him, but is stopped by Nesryn. Her and Aedion run, and with the help of Lysandra, manage to make it back to the apartment. Chaol and Aelin fight over her almost killing Dorian, and Lysandra finds out that Aelin is Queen of Terrasen. Aelin discovers that the eight creatures on the clocktower, that she dubs Wyrdhounds, are living in the sewers and that the King uses them to speak to his Valg commanders. She goes out for drinks with Aedion and Nesryn, and on their way home, they are stopped by Rowan. They tell each other of what has occurred when they are back in the apartment. Rowan then reveals to Aedion that his father is Gavriel, and also lets it slip that he took the blood oath to Aelin. Aedion believes it was his right to be the only one to claim the blood oath, and him and Aelin fight and he storms out. Rowan then finally tells Aelin why he came to Adarlan against her orders: Lorcan is hunting her and the third Wyrdkey.
Aelin sneaks out at night to lure Lorcan into the sewers. He is attacked by the Wyrdhound and kills it, and follows Aelin, threatening to kill her. Rowan puts a knife to his throat, and Lorcan warns them that Maeve let them walk out of Doranelle, and that she isn't done with them yet. Rowan meets Lysandra and reveals that she is a shape-shifter. She warns them that Arobynn wants his demon tomorrow, so they go out and capture one and interrogate it themselves. They manage to talk to the man the demon is possessing, Stevan, and tell him a plan. The next day, Rowan, Aelin, and Aedion go to the Assassin's Keep. Arobynn tortures the Stevan for information, and Stevan tells him that the King put him under his control by putting the ring on and licking his blood. Arobynn cuts the ring off Stevan's finger before killing him. The three then have dinner with Arobynn, and he becomes jealous at seeing how close Aelin and Rowan are. He then pulls her aside to talk to her privately, and gives her the Amulet of Orynth containing the third Wyrdkey in exchange for her working for him again to take down the King. She agrees, but he then puts on the Valg ring and licks her blood. She becomes his slave, and he sends her back to the apartment. She is silent until they arrive there, and then she takes off the ring, revealing that Stevan lied about the blood and that Arobynn just revealed his true intentions. That night, Lysandra kills him in his sleep. The next day, acting as Celaena, the trio goes back to the Keep and Celaena demands from the other assassins and Lysandra to know what happened. They determine it wasn't anyone among them, and Arobynn's will is read. All of his fortune, lands, and the Guild are left to Celaena, much to the dismay of the other assassins and Clarisse, the brothel owner that owns Lysandra. Aelin kicks them all out, and tells them to come back with money if they want to buy it from her, which they do. Aedion and Rowan figure out she switched the will so that way they would have money for an army.
Aelin, Rowan, Aedion, and Chaol go into the sewers in search of hellfire, a potent mixture that would blow up the clocktower and free magic. They find the hellfire, but also an old temple built of bones, where wicked people carved their confessions onto them. They go through the temple till they find the confession of Gavin Havilliard. He explains that him and Elena fought the Valg king Erawan and that they could not kill him, so they entombed him in Morath and sealed it using the Eye of Elena. Nesryn finds them and tells them that the King is building a dark army in Morath, and tells them about the witches and wyverns. Aelin storms off and Lorcan pins her, telling her and Rowan the true reason he is here. He isn't on orders from Maeve, and plans to find the Wyrdkeys and destroy them to keep Maeve from becoming a monster. He offers to exchange Athril's ring, which grants protection from the Valg, for the Amulet of Orynth. Then he leaves to let them think it over. When they arrive home, Evangeline breaks in and tells them that as part of Arobynn's will, he had a letter sent to the castle informing the King that Lysandra was a shapeshifter. The guards came and took her and she was being taken into Oakwald forest for the King and Dorian to have a meeting with the witches.
Manon, the Thirteen, and the other Blackbeak covens have been stationed at Morath for months, taking endless orders from Duke Perrington, a collared and lifeless Kaltain at his side. The Duke demands that Manon chose a coven to be implanted with Wyrdstone so that way they can bear witch/Valg offspring. Manon initially refuses, but a Yellowlegs coven volunteers. Elide Lochan, daughter of Marion and Cal Lochan and niece to Vernon Lochan, is chained and crippled, working as a slave in Morath. She is assigned to serve Manon, and when Manon gives her a small cut and tastes her blood, she discovers she has witch lineage. She tells Elide to choose whether she is human, or whether she is a witch. Elide says she is a witch, and so Manon sends her to go and check on the Yellowlegs coven. She discovers that the witches are being bred multiple times, and producing monsters as babies. Manon is angered and writes to her grandmother, to no avail. Asterin, her Second and cousin, grows increasingly angrier with Manon and they fight multiple times, and it ends with her being demoted. but is then summoned by the Duke to meet the King and her grandmother in Oakwald forest.
The Matron shows the King a new weapon, a wagon covered in mirrors on the inside, meant to amplify shadowfire, a dark fire that doesn't physically burn but kills and injures regardless, that is wielded by Kaltain. Manon and Dorian instantly connect, the Valg prince in him immediately fading away and giving Dorian control at the sight of Manon's gold eyes. Dorian tries to goad her into killing him, but she doesn't oblige him. Meanwhile, Aelin, Aedion, Chaol, and Rowan free Lysandra and are about to escape but Chaol disappears to go try and mercy kill Dorian. He runs into the witches instead. Aedion, Aelin, and Rowan run after him. Manon is about to let them go but Aelin doesn't believe her and goads her into a fight by revealing she killed Baba Yellowlegs. They run through a temple and Aelin and Manon fight. The temple begins to collapse and Manon is trapped and going to die, but Aelin decides to save her life and then leaves. While Manon is gone, Elide is captured by Vernon and thrown in a cell. After the fight, Asterin tells Manon they need to talk, and she tells her how she fell in love with a human man, and went back to the witches when she was pregnant. Her baby was stillborn, and Manon's grandmother, the Matron, beat her, branded the word "unclean" across her stomach, and threw her out to die. Asterin never told Manon, and that is why she had been acting out. Manon is angry, and decides that she will not give another coven to the Duke for breeding. She then realizes that Aelin was probably trying to rescue Dorian, and that Chaol was trying to mercy kill him, so she flies to Rifthold with Asterin and paints all around the city a warning that Dorian is still alive despite the demon.
Aelin reveals to Lysandra that she has paid off all of her debts and she is now free from Clarisse and the brothel. Rowan is recovering from the battle with the witches, but smells Lorcan out on the roof and goes to meet him. Lorcan says he killed all the Wyrdhounds and offers the ring again for the amulet. Rowan agrees and they trade. Rowan gave him a fake though.
Aelin sees Manon's message and runs to tell Chaol. Aedion and Rowan sneak through tunnels underground to install the hellfire at the base of the clock tower to blow it up. Aelin pretends to be Celaena again and leads Chaol through the gates as her prisoner. As they are walking through the gates, they see all of Chaol's men, tortured and dead, strung up on the gates. They go to the throne room to meet with the King and Dorian. Aelin pretends as though she has killed the Wendlyn royals and gives the king two fake seal rings to prove it. He then reveals he knows that she is Aelin, and he sends Dorian to attack her. She runs, and Chaol faces off against the King. Lorcan lied about killing the Wyrdhounds, and Aedion and Rowan are attacked by them when they are supposed to be lighting the fuse. Lorcan, after seeing that Aedion is Gavriel's son, saves them. Aelin faces off against Dorian, and puts Athril's ring on his finger to try and get the Valg out. Rowan and Aedion blow up the clocktower, and magic is freed. Rowan and Aedion are targeted by soldiers, and Lorcan flees, but Lysandra appears in the form of a ghost leopard and helps them fight them off. The King appears and taunts that he killed Chaol, and Dorian breaks free from the Valg. Him and Aelin combine magic to kill the King. The King then breaks free from the Valg that was controlling him and reveals that Perrington tricked the King, raised Erawan, let Erawan possess him, and then possessed the King with a Valg prince. He claims that he got rid of magic to help protect Aelin and Dorian so the Valg wouldn't find them, and that he magically attacked Aelin when she was a child in order to provoke her into killing him. Dorian doesn't believe him and uses his magic to kill him and shatter the whole glass castle. Aelin uses her fire to melt the glass into a wall so the city is saved. She proclaims herself as Queen of Terrasen and Dorian as King of Adarlan. Lorcan steals back Athril's ring from Aelin. Chaol is alive, but he is paralyzed from the waist down. Dorian makes Nesryn his Captain of the Guard and Chaol his Hand, but immediately sends the both of them to the Southern Continent so Chaol can be healed at the Torre Cesme. Aelin makes Lysandra a Lady of Terrasen. Aelin, Lysandra, Aedion, and Rowan all leave for Terrasen.
In Morath, Manon arrives to discover Elide missing. She immediately hunts her down in the dungeons, being dragged away to breed with the Valg. Manon slaughters the guards, and they run into Kaltain. She reveals that she had killed the Valg that had been possessing her a long time ago, and takes Elide's clothes to pretend to be her to give her time to escape. She then cuts open her arm and takes out a Wyrdkey and gives it Elide, making her swear to give it to Celaena Sardothien. Manon, Elide, and the rest of the Thirteen run, and Kaltain uses her shadowfire to obliterate a third of Morath. Manon gives Elide supplies and tells her to go north to Terrasen to find Aelin and Celaena.
Aelin Ashryver Galathynius (Celaena Sardothien/Lillian Gordaina/Ansel of Briarcliff/Aelin Fireheart/Aelin of the Wildfire): I know a lot of people find Aelin's endless scheming and plots to be annoying, but one of my favorite parts about this series is watching her schemes and subtle plans come together. None of it comes out of nowhere, it was all well thought out and planned (a theme I wish SJM had kept in her Crescent City series).
Storyline: Once again, I love watching the intricate pieces and subtle hints all come together in this series, but especially in this book. She also lays the groundwork for later schemes in this book. The entire story was engaging and entertaining the entire time, and I loved seeing Lysandra, Rowan, Aedion, Aelin, Chaol, Dorian, and Manon all come together. I do wish Dorian hadn't killed the King as quickly as he did, as there was so much more information they could have got from him.
Representation: Ghislaine, one of the Thirteen, is described as being POC. Characters like Rowan, Lorcan, and Dorian are left up for debate as to whether they are POC or just tan.
Quotes: "She was fire, and light, and ash, and embers. She was Aelin Fireheart, and she bowed for no one and nothing, save the crown that was hers by blood and survival and triumph." (p.142) "'But would you bleed red, or black?' 'I'll bleed whatever color you tell me to.'"-Manon and Dorian (p.463) "You make me want to live, Rowan. Not survive; not exist. Live."-Aelin (p.527)
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lia-land · 6 months
Queen of Shadows
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4/5 stars
*Spoilers for Queen of Shadows by Sarah J. Maas.
I had fun reading this. As awful as Arobynn was, I was sad that he died. He was such an interesting character and I would have liked to see more of him. His death felt underwhelming. To be honest, I was so excited about him putting the ring on Aelin because it felt like a really good plot twist and I was so ready to read about how he’d control her without the others knowing somehow. But no, another one of Aelin’s convenient secret plans saved the day. Again. It’s getting old at this point.
Aelin is easily the most annoying main character I have ever read about. I just can’t bring myself to care about her, Rowan, or Chaol. I felt like there were too many POV’s at first, but now I’m really enjoying it because I don’t think I’d be able to get through this series if it was all from Aelin’s POV. I’m far more invested in Manon, Dorian, Elide, and Lorcan. At this point, I care more about Asterin and Abraxos than I do about Aelin. The chapters from Dorian’s POV were very well-written and I genuinely felt sad for him while reading them. Looking forward to seeing the stories connect.
I truly cannot tell if Aelin is written to be annoying on purpose, or if she is supposed to be portrayed as badass, but that’s just not how it has come across. I’ve been waiting for her to improve and she’s just gotten worse, in my opinion. In saying this, I do also think it’s refreshing and necessary to read about a main character in fantasy who isn’t the shy stereotype who’s never fought a day in her life, etc. I don’t like or care about her, but I enjoy reading about a different character to what we normally see in YA. 
I wasn’t expecting the friendship with Lysandra. I think her personality change from Assassin’s Blade is a full 360 in this and I don’t love it’s execution, but she is an interesting character to read about and I like her and Aelin’s friendship.
Chaol is just an ick of a character. I don’t know what it is, but everything he does annoys me. That's all I have to say about him in this book.
This is my favourties book in this series so far. It was fast paced, had a strong plot, and good twists.
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ravendruidreads · 7 months
House of Flame and Shadow - Review
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Author: Sarah J. Maas Saga: Crescent City (#3) Date Read: January 31, 2024 - February 3, 2024 Format: Physical Pages: 838
Characters: 8/10 Atmosphere: 8/10 Writing: 6/10 Plot: 7/10 Intrigue: 8/10 Logic: 6/10 Enjoyment: 7/10 Rating: 7.1/10 (4 stars) Spice Level: 4/5
I'm not really sure how to start this review, because I forgot to write it when the book was still fresh in my mind, but I will do my best.
The review is hidden below due to spoilers.
Let's start with the characters!
ACOTAR is not my favorite series in the Maasverse, but it was my first, and, like many people, it opened the door to Romantasy. Because of this, I was very excited about Bryce's Arc in Prythian, and SJM did not disappoint. It was interesting to see things from a different perspective. Rhys, who we know wants nothing more than to protect his people, being seen as a potential bad guy from Bryce's eyes was emotionally conflicting. I loved every moment of it, except when Bryce left Nesta and Az to fight the Middengard Wyrm alone (I could kill Bryce for that).
Moving back to Midgard, and onto our MMC. My opinion about Hunt has not changed with this book (I'm sorry to disappoint, but I'm not a Hunt girlie). In a universe with Rhys and Rowan, Hunt is lacking badly, and not even the fact that he's a lightning wielder (which is my soft spot) makes up for it. I think the most interesting characteristic that he has is that he was literally made by the prices of Hel for Bryce. Not gonna lie, that's kind of romantic (I'm choosing to ignore the red flags of this).
Hypaxia, baby, thank you for breaking up with Celestina for snitching on your friends. Hypaxia is one of the MVPs in this story because she ticks off all my bingo slots: she is hot, she is smart, she is a necromancer and Queen of the Dead.
Another MVP is Jesiba. I knew there was something big about her, but I never imagined she was one of the priestesses of Parthos. Saying that I cried and smiled and fell completely in love with Jesiba is an understatement.
Do you know who is not a MVP? Ithan and Tharion. Once again, boring. I could not care less about their plot and POVs, and, unfortunately, I have a feeling that CC4 will be an Ithan and Tharion based book.
I've been avoiding talking about Bryce, but I'm running out of characters. I know she's the main character, but she was annoying as fuck in this book and I lost count at how many times I rolled my eyes at her. I was especially displeased with her behavior toward Hunt's PTSD and feelings in general.
This story would have been so much better if the main characters were Lidia and Rhun. Lidia is such a badass and her plot twist made her even better. She reminds me a lot of Aelin (duh) with all the fire inside of her (literal and figuratively). Her backstory tore my heart apart. Her and Rhun's relationship is everything to me and so, so much better than Quinlan. The only reason I gave this book a 4/5 spice level is because of Lidia and Rhun. They carried not only the spice, but also the entire book on their backs.
Let's move on to plot and writing!
The plot was kind of predictable, at least the end was. Some parts felt rushed, others felt too dragged on and everything related to the wolves and Tharion was just unnecessary to the story. I feel like SJM could have easily avoided using their POVs and subplots in these three books to create a spin-off with just them.
The battle with the Asteri was very disappointing and anti-climatic. There was a big hype for it but it was over before it even started and I never felt truly concerned about any of the characters (not even when it was obvious that Bryce was dying because I knew she would be brought back to life. SJM refuses to have a melodramatic end for her main characters-even though I'd prefer that in this story). Another thing that was disappointing about the battle was all the concern for the antidote and trying to get it to Bryce and Hunt to unleash their ultimate powers, only for Bryce not to have taken it until after the story was over. Like... what the fuck? What was the point of it, then?
Speaking of POVs, there were too many POVs to keep count of and too many abrupt changes within the same chapter. I felt lost at times. However, thankfully, for this book there was a physical demarcation of POV change (I think my previous issues were due to reading a digital copy).
A good thing about the plot was all the lore we got about the Daglan/Asteri. Learning more about the story of Prythian and Midgard was very fun, especially when comparing the truth to what we had been told in previous books. Although there were a few moments during all this lore dump that felt a bit too real with real life, and I didn't need that identity crisis, thank you very much. I read to escape reality, not to be confronted with the harsh truths of my existence.
I think overall I enjoyed reading this book. I read 300 pages on the first day, because I couldn't set it aside, which is an improvement from the previous CC books. I definitely think my rating could (and will) be lowered to three stars with a re-read since it's on the cusp (for those who don't know, in the CAWPILE rating system, 3 stars is an interval score of 4.6 to 6.9, and 4 stars starts at a score of 7).
Honorable mention:
With that, she pulled Nesta to her in a tight embrace, and Bryce could have sworn something like pain and longing crossed Nesta's expression. Like she hadn't experienced a mom-hug for a long, long time.
Ember and Nesta's goodbye had me in tears. As someone who has lost her mother, I definitely relate to this.
A quote Quotes that stayed (don't ask me to pick one):
I love you. I fell in love with you in the depths of my soul, and it's my soul that will find yours again in the next life.
A world where people loved and valued books and learning so much that they were willing to die for them. Can you imagine what such a civilization was like?
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I HEAR you on Empire of Storms 😂. It's one of my least favorites because of the way Aelin treats her allies (or the people she's trying to sway to her side). The multitude of povs didn't help tbh because I didn't care about all of them equally
THIS IS SO VALIDATING TO ME. like god I don't care about ANYONE (maybe Dorian? I haven't gotten to him yet). Aelin is being INSUFFERABLE and like. She is NINETEEN. OH MY GOD SHES NINETEEN when I was nineteen I was also a dumb asshole but I also wasnt trying to be president either. Like she won't take ANYONES advice and is operating on a "live laugh love" type of philosophy when these much smarter people try and tell her ANYTHING.
Like great you embraced yourself but you're still 19 no matter how mature for your age rowan says you are.
And I know people love Manon so don't come for me blah blah indoctrination but I HATED HER all through Queen of Shadows
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cicada-bones · 3 years
The Warrior and the Wildfire
Chapter 8: A Golden Afternoon
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Its the middle of the night - so Im definitely going to post this again in the morning - but here you go! thanks for the nice words I really appreciate it ❤︎
word count: 4120
Masterlist / Ao3 / Previous Chapter / Next Chapter
Barely five minutes had passed before Lysandra was sauntering down the stairs, arms now empty and her gaze lazily sweeping over Rowan’s bare chest. Her eyes burned with intent, but he knew she was cataloguing him, marking the strength, height, weapons in his hands – the gaze of a spy. And Rowan couldn’t help but wonder if she really was just spying for Aelin. With those wildcat eyes…who else would she be serving but herself? Was there a chance she might betray them?
Rowan could practically feel Aedion’s eyes on him from behind, his scent burning with jealousy. Rowan had to keep his own eyes from rolling.
Lysandra shot Rowan a wry smile as she passed them, and Rowan caught a whiff of her scent on the breeze. It was strange, almost…layered. He couldn’t quite figure it out, and before he could get a full breath, Lysandra had wrenched the rolling door open and left the warehouse, pulling it shut behind her.
Then Aelin appeared on the stairs, a pile of garments in her arms. “These are for you,” she to Rowan. “Looks like I owe Nesryn a favor, she asked Lysandra to bring them this morning.”
Aelin continued as Rowan started up the stairs to take the clothes off her hands. “She also brought news. Arobynn received a report last night that two prison wagons were spotted heading south to Morath – chock full of all those missing people. We need to send for Chaol.”
Aedion nodded, already heading out the door, while Rowan continued into the apartment to see if the new clothes would fit. When he passed Aelin, she smirked at him.
So that’s a no on the fit. Rowan held in a sigh. Knowing Aelin, she’d put him in tight clothing on purpose.
To Rowan’s relief, the clothes hadn’t been all that tight. The pants were loose enough that they no longer restricted his movement, even if they were nearly four inches too short at the ankle. But Aelin had still given him an overly-pleased once over when his back was turned. She was spending too much time with Lysandra.
By late morning, Chaol was standing in the middle of the clearing, his eyes fixed on the map between his fingers. His steel, cotton, and birchwood-flavored scent was exactly as Rowan remembered from when he’d first tasted it in Aelin’s blood all those months ago, in that reckless first bite.
The memory alone was enough for ice to crack through Rowan’s veins, freezing his expression in place. This man had been responsible for sending Aelin across the sea, with no warning and no protection, right into the arms of his former queen. Who had been responsible for the broken heart she had arrived with. And then, when she returned here, he had the impudence to tell her that it was her fault he had failed to protect his King. That it was her fault her cousin had ended up in prison and Dorian the walking dead.
Rowan wanted to rip his face off with his teeth.
But instead, Rowan just stood guard by the door. Keeping his eyes locked on the former captain of the guard.
The man was of slightly higher than average stature, with brown eyes and hair, and hardened features. He held his broad shoulders straight back, his spine rigid, but his limbs were unsettled. He couldn’t stop shifting in place, discomforted.
Rowan suppressed another grin.
The man’s eyes also kept shifting to Aelin, and as he moved in place yet again, Rowan caught the slightest hint of jasmine and flame in his scent – Aelin.
Even though he couldn’t detect even a trace of the captain’s scent on Aelin anymore, the captain was still holding on to her. Still carrying her scent. Fury bubbled in Rowan’s gut.
Despite the vile words he’d hurled at her, the captain still wanted Aelin, and now that Rowan was looking for it, he could see the pain from her rejection written all over him.
Rowan almost regretted being polite to the man. But he knew Aelin would be rightfully furious with him if he attacked Chaol when their alliance was already so fragile. So he stuck to the door.
But that didn’t mean Aelin didn’t notice his icy stare, nor the captain’s discomfort. Her eyes glinted. “You know, he won’t bite,” she crooned.
Chaol leveled a stare at her. “Can you just explain what these maps are for?”
“Anything you, Ress, or Brullo can fill in regarding these gaps in the castle defenses would be appreciated,” she said.
His lips pursed as he folded up the map, tucking it into the inner pocket of his tunic. “For you to bring down the clock tower?”
“Maybe,” Aelin said flatly.
Chaol bristled. He was still obviously avoiding Rowan’s gaze. “I haven’t heard from Ress or Brullo for a few days,” he said tersely. “I’ll make contact soon.”
Aelin just nodded, pulling out a second map – this one of the sewer network. She weighed it down on the table with two of the daggers hidden up her sleeves.
Chaol shot her a disapproving look that made Rowan want to snarl.
Aelin ignored them. “Arobynn learned that the missing prisoners were taken to Morath last night. Did you know?”
Chaol tensed. “No.”
“They can’t have gotten far. You could gather a team and ambush the wagons.”
“I know I could.”
“Are you going to?”
He laid a hand on the map, his face darkening. If Rowan didn’t know any better, he might have felt sympathetic. The man was obviously in pain.
His words were low, but hard. “Did you bring me here to prove a point about my uselessness?”
Aelin straightened. Rowan leaned forwards slightly, readying himself. Aelin spoke, choosing her words very carefully, “I asked you to come because I thought it would be helpful for the both of us. We’re both – we’re both under a fair amount of pressure these days.”
“When do you make your move?” the captain asked, his eyes roving over the map.
Another purse of the lips. Apparently, he didn’t like her non-answers. “Anything else I should know?”
“I’d start avoiding the sewers. It’s your death warrant if you don’t.”
“There are people trapped down there—we’ve found the nests, but no sign of the prisoners. I won’t abandon them.”
“That’s all well and good,” Aelin said calmly, even as Chaol slammed his teeth together, “but there are worse things than Valg grunts patrolling the sewers, and I bet they won’t turn a blind eye to anyone in their territory. I would weigh the risks if I were you.”
The captain was angry, but he kept silent as Aelin combed her fingers through her hair and asked, “So are you going to ambush the prison wagons?”
“Of course I am.”
Rowan couldn’t doubt the sincerity there, and it seemed Aelin couldn’t either. Her eyes softened in concern, her scent flickering. And Rowan knew that there was still some affection left for the old captain of the guard. But how much?
Aelin sighed softly. Then said, “They use warded locks on the wagons. And the doors are reinforced with iron. Bring the right tools.”
It was Rowan’s turn to clench his jaw. Aelin would know, she had spent weeks in one. Chained up and in the dark. On her way to slavery.
It took all of his self control to remain still and standing.
The captain straightened up, making to leave.
“Tell Faliq that Prince Rowan says thank you for the clothes,” Aelin said. And even though confusion passed over Chaol’s face, he nodded his agreement. Rowan stepped aside with a murmur of farewell as the captain stepped into the bright sunlight of the golden afternoon.
To his great surprise, Aelin told him that there wasn’t anything pressing they needed to take care of that day, so instead, she spent the time showing him her city.
She took him through the slums, keeping to the shadows whenever possible, and they walked all the way through the capital to the elegant residential districts and the busy markets squares, now crammed with vendors selling goods for the summer solstice in two weeks.
She talked all the while, pointing out paths and walkways, busy intersections and guard postings, along with all those little details that made this place her home, the good and the bad. And so much of it seemed to be connected to Sam.
Places they had walked together, ate together, laughed together – where they had grown up. She even pointed out the place Sam had rescued her from the sewers when she had been kidnapped and nearly drowned.
The cobbles were warm with the afternoon sunlight, and despite the darkness of the Valg guards, the pair of them walked through the city as if belonged to them. As if the streets and buildings were but a carpet unrolled before their feet.
“The man who runs that store always used to give me free tarts.”
“That dressmaker was my favorite, she always knew exactly how to alter a garment to suit you perfectly.”
“I had dance lessons here for years, the instructor is an amazing woman, you would have loved her. She let me play her piano, even if my back was never straight enough for her. She helped me rescue Aedion.”
They even spent almost half an hour in an old music repair shop, wandering among the aisles of old instruments and piles of music sheets. Even if, in Rowan’s opinion, no piece of music could be more beautiful than the sound of her laugh as he nearly tripped over some twisted pieces of metal she told him belonged to a broken brass horn.
Aelin also took him to one of Nesryn’s family bakeries, where she tried force him to eat some of a pear tart, no matter how many times he told her that it smelled sickly sweet to him. 
At the docks however, Rowan actually managed to convince Aelin to try some pan-fried trout. She cringed and swore at first, but once she’d tried it, she finished her fish in record time and soon was trying to sneak bites of his. Rowan snarled at her, but he couldn’t keep his lips from twitching into a smile.
After their late lunch, they sat at the edge of the docks and cooled by the water. They were mostly silent, instead listening to the sounds of the shipyards, seabirds and waves.
Rowan found that his thoughts kept sliding to Sam. He’d been just a boy when he died, barely eighteen. They’d had so little time together. And before Aelin had gotten a chance to deal with his death, she had been sold into slavery.
Rowan tried to find the words to ask her about Sam, about how she felt for him, but before he could, the sound of a whip cracked through their pleasant silence.
Aelin met his eyes, her face grave. Soundlessly, they stood and walked away from the water and back to the shore, where they watched as a cluster of chained slaves hauled cargo onto one of the ships. People who, no doubt, were captured and enslaved because of their opposition to Adarlanian rule. Rebels in chains, allies of Terrasen and its queen.
They watched, and could to nothing.
A cold, endless fury burned in Aelin’s eyes; a fury that made him want to call a storm of ice and wind so strong it would turn the shipyards to rubble, the slavers with them. But he couldn’t, and not only because his magic was locked inside his body. Instead they just stared. And swore to themselves that soon, perhaps very soon, those slaves would be freed.
He and Aelin wandered away, back through the market stalls from which they came, though now the silence between them felt heavy with darkness.
Now the wooden paths were full of the scent of roses and wild lilies, the ocean breeze sweeping petals of every shape and color past their feet as the flower girls shouted about their wares. Husbands leaned over bouquets to bring home to their wives, bachelors picked out arrangements for their intended, while girls giggled over daisies and shot the boys looks from beneath their lashes when they thought no one was watching.
Rowan stopped in his tracks. The smell, the laughter, the color – it was all so familiar that it made his heart wrench in two.
There was a woman across from them in the center of the square, a basket of hothouse peonies on her thin arm. She was young, pretty, and dark-haired, and her eyes sparkled with something hidden – twin to his mate of two centuries earlier.
Memories began flashing behind his eyes – a mountain home in smoke, arms digging a grave, blood running tracks down the backs of his hands. The face of a woman in a market across the sea, flowers in her arms and hair, a smile lighting up her face. Even the queen by his side couldn’t dull the screaming reverberating in his head.
Rowan didn’t hear what Aelin said as she turned to him, but he saw her face. Her eyes widened, and she clenched and unclenched her fingers, any words lodged in her throat.
Rowan just stared at the girl, who was smiling, alight with life and a vibrant energy that sliced through him like a knife. She smiled at a passing woman, holding out her peonies for a sale.
Rowan breathed, Aelin’s anxiety brushing past him with a wash of flickering embers. Truth. The only thing he could offer her. 
“I didn’t deserve her,” he said quietly.
Aelin swallowed hard. A long pause. Then, “I didn’t deserve Sam.”
Rowan turned to look at Aelin, her eyes downturned, her mouth soft. He would do anything to keep that sadness off her face. Anything.
Rowan reached out to brush her fingers with his, maybe to hold her hand, or pull her body into his. But at the last moment, he remembered himself, and dropped his arm back to his side.
He must have invented that glint of disappointment in Aelin’s eyes.
“Come,” she said. “I want to show you something.”
They left the flower girls behind, moving deeper into the city, but Rowan was unable to completely let go of the pain wrapping his heart in ice.
Aelin scrounged up some dessert from the street vendors while Rowan waited in a shadowed alley, then she pulled him deeper into the city proper, until they darted into a side alley and ducked into a hidden entrance that led to a rickety wooden staircase. 
Now, Aelin was munching on a lemon cookie while they sat on one of the wooden rafters in the gilded dome of the darkened Royal Theater, Aelin swinging her legs in the open air below.
The space was dark and silent, unnaturally so. As if the very seats and aisles longed for the return of the music that had once blanketed them. Sunlight poured in from the roof door they’d entered through, illuminating the rafters and the golden dome, gleaming faintly off the polished brass banisters and the blood red curtains of the stage below.
“This used to be my favorite place in the entire world,” Aelin said, her words full of a loving nostalgia. “Arobynn owns a private box, so I went any chance I could. The nights I didn’t feel like dressing up or being seen, or maybe the nights I had a job and only an hour free, I’d creep in here through that door and listen.”
Rowan finished the cookie Aelin had foisted on him, still just gazing into the dark space below. He still hadn’t said anything since they’d left the flower vendors, and he could smell the scent of Aelin’s worry wafting around them. Wanting to ease her tension, and to turn away from the icy marble deep in his chest, he turned back to her.
Aelin seemed to practically sigh in relief as he said, “I’ve never seen an orchestra – or a theater like this, crafted around sound and luxury. Even in Doranelle, the theaters and amphitheaters are ancient, with benches or just steps.”
“There’s no place like this anywhere, perhaps. Even in Terrasen.”
“Then you’ll have to build one.”
“With what money? You think people are going to be happy to starve while I build a theater for my own pleasure?”
“Perhaps not right away, but if you believe one would benefit the city, the country, then do it. Artists are essential.”
Aelin sighed, seemingly unable to handle another burden, small as it was. “This place has been shut down for months, and yet I swear I can still hear the music floating in the air.”
Rowan angled his head, studying. “Perhaps the music does live on, in some form.” It was almost as though he could feel its absence, in the taste of the air and the flutter of the curtains. The space wasn’t just empty, it was waiting.
A silver lining appeared in Aelin’s eyes. “I wish you could have heard it – I wish you had been there to hear Pytor conduct the Stygian Suite. Sometimes, I feel like I’m still sitting down in that box, thirteen years old and weeping from the sheer glory of it.”
“You cried?” he blinked, watching as the memories passed behind her eyes and wishing he could see them as she did.
“The final movement – every damn time,” she sighed, almost laughing at herself. “I would go back to the Keep and have the music in my mind for days, even as I trained or killed or slept. It was a kind of madness, loving that music. It was why I started playing the pianoforte – so I could come home at night and make my poor attempt at replicating it.”
“Is there a pianoforte in here?” he asked, looking back into the darkness without waiting for an answer, the ghost of a smile passing over his face.
“I haven’t played in months and months. And this is a horrible idea for about a dozen different reasons,” Aelin complained for the tenth time as she finished rolling back the curtains on the stage.
Rowan kept quiet, focusing on lighting the single candle he had found backstage. He knew that the space had once been grand and beautiful, but now, amid the gloom of the dead theater, it felt like standing in a tomb. The chairs were still perfectly arranged for a massive orchestra, though they were now covered in dust. No one had been in here in weeks.
Rowan turned and walked over to the pianoforte, which was near the front of the stage. He had never learned to play, his court lessons not extending so far as learning an instrument. 
Rowan had been to his fair share of balls and events, but it had been a rare thing for him to have an opportunity to listen to music just for music’s sake. Much of those events had been heavily overshadowed by the annoyance of dealing with court maneuvering. And after Lyria’s death, he had avoided such things at all costs.
He could barely remember the last time he had been able to listen to any kind of music and just listen. To have the pleasure of experiencing the art, the magic of it. He ran a hand over the smooth surface of the instrument as if it were a prize horse, marveling at the potential the lay within.
Aelin was hesitating at his side. “It seems like sacrilege to play that thing,” she said, her words echoing too loudly in the space.
“Since when are you the religious type, anyway?” Rowan gave her an encouraging smile. He just hoped that it wasn’t too crooked. “Where should I stand to best hear it?”
“You might be in for a lot of pain at first.”
“Self-conscious today, too?” Maybe teasing would get it out of her.
“If Lorcan’s snooping about,” she grumbled, “I’d rather he not report back to Maeve that I’m lousy at playing.”
He just grinned as she pointed to a spot on the stage. “There. Stand there, and stop talking, you insufferable bastard.” He chuckled, and moved across to the center of the stage.
She swallowed as she slid onto the smooth bench and folded back the lid, revealing the gleaming keys beneath. She positioned her feet on the pedals, but made no move to touch the keyboard. “I haven’t played since before Nehemia died,” she admitted, the words heavy.
“We can come back another day, if you want,” he said softly.
“There might not be another day. And – and I would consider my life very sad indeed if I never played again.”
He nodded and crossed his arms. So get on with it then.
She sighed, but turned back to face the keys and slowly set her hands on the instrument, a great beast of sound and joy about to be awakened.
“I need to warm up,” she blurted, then plunged in, the notes soft and light.
It was just a random selection of chords and scales, but still, the music filled the hall with its caring whisper. The whole space seemed to breathe again, as if soaking up the music like light, or air.
And then she began for real.
The piece she played wasn’t merely happy or sad, calm or excited – it was far, far more than that. The complexity of the notes, the way they layered together and bounded off each other – it felt like the melody of life itself. Of the love and glory and pain and beauty in simply breathing.
It filled Rowan up with its warmth, and he felt Aelin’s fiery heat overflowing within each note. The music seemed to be made of her fire, and together they burned. All the while the music built, up and up and up and up, until the sound breaking from the instrument was like the heart-song of a long lost goddess.
Rowan stood and waited, letting the sound wrap around his form like a blanket, letting it slowly melt the ice around his heart. Aelin had always been able to do that, melt away his pain and resistance, without even realizing she could. And now she did so not with words, but with this music that flew from her fingers like small winged creatures, into the empty seats behind them.
Rowan drifted over to stand beside the instrument. He was drawn to her, to the fire that made him feel so alive. Then she whispered to him, “Now,” and the crescendo shattered into the world, note after note after note. The music crashed around them, roaring through the emptiness of the theater.
She brought the piece home to its final explosive, triumphant chord, and Rowan could feel tears lining his eyes. When she looked up, panting slightly, he just gazed at her, at the queen who had lit up his darkness, and marveled.
He struggled for words, but then finally breathed, “Show me - show me how you did that.”
They spent the better part of an hour seated together on the bench, Aelin teaching him the basics of the pianoforte – explaining the sharps and flats, the pedals, the notes and chords. At last when Rowan heard someone coming to investigate the music, they slipped out.
On their way back to the apartment, they stopped at the Royal Bank. Aelin went inside alone, having ordered Rowan to wait in the shadows across the street, impatient and pissed off. Luckily she only took a few minutes, returning with a bag of gold clasped to her belt.
“So you’re using your own money to support us?” Rowan asked, masking his irritation as best he could.
“For now.”
“And what will you do for money later?”
She glanced sidelong at him. “It’ll be taken care of.”
“By whom?”
He clenched his teeth, anger mounting. “Explain.”
“You’ll find out soon enough.” She gave him a small smile that drove him completely insane. Rowan made to grab her by the shoulder, but she ducked away from his touch.
“Ah, ah. Better not move too swiftly, or someone might notice.” 
He snarled viciously but she only chuckled. “Just be patient and don’t get your feathers ruffled.”
Rowan clenched his jaw, stopping another snarl in its tracks. This conversation could wait until they were both home. Maybe then he would be able to convince her that he absolutely needed to be let in on her plans. It was the only way to keep her safe.
But would she listen?
Rowan scowled at that thought, and took off into the shadows behind Aelin, following her back to the warehouse.
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nikethestatue · 2 years
“𝘙𝘰𝘸𝘢𝘯 𝘮𝘢𝘥𝘦 𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘤 𝘴𝘪𝘯𝘨. 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘮𝘢𝘺𝘣𝘦 𝘵𝘩𝘢𝘵 𝘸𝘢𝘴 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘤𝘢𝘳𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘢𝘮 𝘣𝘰𝘯𝘥 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘸𝘦𝘦𝘯 𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘮, 𝘣𝘶𝘵…𝘩𝘦𝘳 𝘮𝘢𝘨𝘪𝘤 𝘸𝘢𝘯𝘵𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘰 𝘥𝘢𝘯𝘤𝘦 𝘸𝘪𝘵𝘩 𝘩𝘪𝘴. 𝘈𝘯𝘥 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘴𝘵 𝘴𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘬𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘪𝘯 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘦𝘺𝘦𝘴, 𝘴𝘩𝘦 𝘬𝘯𝘦𝘸 𝘩𝘪𝘴 𝘰𝘸𝘯 𝘥𝘦𝘮𝘢𝘯𝘥𝘦𝘥 𝘵𝘩𝘦 𝘴𝘢𝘮𝘦.”
This quote from the TOG series is being used and compared to the ACOSF bonus chapter. The language and imagery used is definitely similar to that of the Az and Gwyn scene.
I’m not threatened by it. But I can’t deny that the similarities are there. What’s your take on it?
Sure. Yes.
No one mentions though that Rowan was tricked by a Valg Queen into thinking that he was mated to another woman. That Maeve simply broke into his mind and tweaked a couple of things, and suddenly, he thought for a few hundred years that he'd lost his mate, because that was convenient for Maeve. And he went and pledged his allegiance to her because he thought that his world was over.
Who is to say that certain actions aren't taken by a certain Death Lord and sorcerer who communicates over the wind and drapes himself in shadows against a certain rare shadowsinger with mysterious powers?
This is SJM, people have to learn to read between the lines. She is not always so black and white with where she is leading the story.
If this POV is as important as people think--which I don't, since it hasn't even gotten ONE reprint--then perhaps SJM dropped a lot of information there that isn't romantic at all. The only romantic interaction was between Elain and Azriel. The other perceived romantic interaction was between Azriel and an image, via Clotho. Think about that.
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riddlecrux · 3 years
Why rejection leads to the endgame: Rowaelin and Elriel comparison.
This meta is based solely on textual pieces of evidence that can be found through the whole ACTOAR and TOG series written by SJM. My observations come from the text and what was given to us, the audience, by the author of the book. This post is going to be about two very prominent scenes that occur to the main characters and how they are played in the books, setting-wise but also plot-wise. Of course, a small warning: this is strictly pro-Elriel meta, so if it isn't your cup of tea you are in the wrong place. Also: SPOILERS FOR TOG!
I would like to start this meta with a short preface about how I am going to approach the subject. The things I will be looking into are setting, wording, and emotional attachments. (With a sprinkle of speculations).
We will begin with Rowaelin and how the rejection scene developed. The plotline setting is after a very tense situation, which was confronting Arobynn.
Queen of Shadows, pg. 321
Rowan was done waiting. (...) The lamplight glinted off the combs in her hair and along the golden dragon on the dress.
Emphasis on: - hair - light, and how it glides across combs of Aelin hair - "glinted"
Also worth mentioning is how Rowan finally overcame his inner battle. He became impatient.
Azriel POV, pg. 1
Azriel couldn't stop it. (...) he found himself leaving the room. Entering the foyer. (...) and there she was. The faelights gilded Elain's unbound hair, making her glow like the sun at dawn.
Emphasis on: - hair - light, and how it lightens Elain hair - "gilded"
Again, we have a male who is questioning his inner feelings and after an imminent mind battle, he decides to move and goes towards a place when he meets up with a female.
Queen Of Shadows, pg. 321-322
She half turned toward him. (...) The look in her eyes—guilt, anger, agony—hit him like a blow to the gut.
(...) and though she tried to hide it, he could see the fear in her gaze, and the guilt.
Rowan can read Aelin without words. Just one look and he knows exactly what she feels or what hides behind her words - which often are laced with lies. Yet, he, Rowan was able to always see beneath the false facade - even before they were told about them being true mates.
Azriel POV, pg. 2
Lie. Well, the second part was a lie. He didn't need his shadows to read her tone, the slight tightening of her face.
Elain's large brown eyes flickered, well aware of all that. Just as he knew she was well aware of why Azriel so rarely came to family dinners these days.
Azriel, just as Rowan can easily deduct lies underneath Elain's words. Him being a shadowsinger and spymaster could help him in knowing the truth, yet we have an emphasis on the fact that he didn't need his powers to realize and catch Elain's lie based on her tone and facial expressions.
Queen Of Shadows, pg. 322
He watched her throat bob as she swallowed.
Azriel POV, pg. 2
He watched her swallow.
The same imagery, similar wording. Both males are focused on the females' emotions and their nervousness/trepidation.
Queen Of Shadows, pg. 322
She rested her head against his chest, the tips of the bat-wing combs digging into him enough that he eased them one at a time from her hair. The gold was slick and cold in his hands (...)
Emphasis on: - Aelin initiating physical contact - piece of jewelry - golden color - Aelin's hair
Azriel POV, pg. 2-3
"Put it on me?" His head went quiet. But he took the necklace, opening the clasp as she exposed her back, sweeping her hair up in one hand to bare her long, creamy neck.
The golden necklace seemed ordinary -- its chain unremarkable.
Emphasis on: - Elain initiating physical contact - piece of jewelry - golden color - Elain's hair
Queen Of Shadows, pg. 323
She huffed a laugh that might have been a sob and wrapped her arms around his waist as if trying to steal his warmth.
He flattened his hand against her waist, his fingers contracting once as if debating letting her go.
We have Aelin seeking Rowan's touch, she is the one who pushes on the physical line between them. It's important to note that it's her constantly assessing Rowan, trying to close the distance between them. She's acting on her feelings and a need for closure.
Emphasis on the wording used by SJM: - "flattened his hand (...)"
Azriel POV pg. 3
Elain shivered, and he took a damn long time fastening the clasp.
Slowly, Elain pivoted into his touch. Until his palm lay flat against her neck.
Emphasis on: - "until his palm lay flat (...)"
In this setting, we have Elain who, once again, closes on the distance between her and Azriel. Just like Aelin she chooses to move along her feelings - which are obstructed from the reader's point of view due to the text being singular POV. It is her who slowly builds up the courage and makes Azriel touch her. Settle on her skin.
Queen Of Shadows, pg. 323
She waited for him to pull back, but he just stared at her—stared into her in that way he always did. Friends, but more. So much more, and she’d known it longer than she wanted to admit.
Carefully, she stroked her thumb across his cheekbone, his face slick with the rain.
Aelin realizes her feelings. She comes with the terms of their friendship and its possible development - both she and Rowan started out on the wrong foot, yet they formed an amazing friendship. They built their relation slowly, surely with many heartful moments that bordered on the line of friendship and something more.
Emphasis on: - Aelin "stroking" Rowan's face
Azriel POV pg. 3
It had never gone this far. They'd exchanged looks, the occasional brush of their fingers, but never this. Never blatant, unrestricted touching.
Azriel's fingers lingered at her nape, atop the first knob of her spine.
Letting them brush the side of her throat, savoring the velvet-soft texture.
As in the Rowaelin case, Elain and Azriel also built their relationship from a friendship. It was formed during the very dark period of time on Elain's behalf - just like it was for Aelin's. Both Azriel and Elain found comfort with each other, they both started to enjoy the company of the other - sitting in comfortable silence. Yet, we have an idea that this friendship slowly started to bloom into something riskier, more emotional. Both, Azriel and Elain already had their first love ripped away, never fulfilled, and ending in a painful manner. And for the first time when we are inside Azriel POV, it confirms that they balanced on this thin line for a while.
Emphasis on: - Azriel "brushing" Elain's throat and nape
Queen Of Shadows, pg. 323
It hit her like a stone—the wanting. She was a fool to have dodged it, denied it, even when a part of her had screamed it every morning that she’d blindly reached for the empty half of the bed.
Emphasis on: - realization of desire - mornings in the bed - desperate search for Rowan in the sheets
Azriel POV, pg. 2-3
Prayed she didn't understand the shift in his scent. He had only allowed himself these thoughts in the dead of night.
(...) a headache powder he kept on his nightstand at the House of Wind. Not to use, but just to look at. Which he'd done every night he’d slept there. Or attempted to sleep there.
Emphasis on: - desire - night and bed - looking at the gift from Elain on his nightstand
Both scenes and paragraphs signalize that both Aelin and Azriel fought with their newfound feelings. They were realizing that the friendship was slowly turning into something more - a feeling of desire to not only be close to the other person but also a desire to close the distance between friends and lovers.
Queen Of Shadows, pg. 324
She lifted her other hand to his face and his eyes locked onto hers, his breathing ragged as she traced the lines of the tattoo along his temple.
His hands tightened slightly on her waist, his thumbs grazing the bottom of her ribcage. It was an effort not to arch into his touch.
Azriel POV, pg. 3
(...) his thumb sweeping in long strokes along the side of her throat.
But Azriel just stroked her neck again. Elain shuddered, drifting closer.
Emphasis on: - constant engaging in physical contact - touching vulnerable parts of the other person - answering to the touch
Queen Of Shadows, pg. 324
“Rowan,” she breathed, his name a plea and a prayer. She slid her fingers down the side of his tattooed cheek, and—
Azriel POV pg. 4
“Yes" Elain breathed, like she read the decision. Just this taste in the dead of the longest night of the year, where only the Mother might witness them.
Emphasis on: - how the last word before the almost kiss is breathed - "religious" themes such as comparison to Rowan's name to the prayer - Mother (a "religious" figure) being present during this intimate scene between Elain and Azriel
Queen Of Shadows, pg. 324
Faster than she could see, he grabbed one wrist and then the other, yanking them away from his face and snarling softly. The world yawned open around her, cold and still.
He dropped her hands as if they were on fire, stepping away, those green eyes flat and dull in a way she hadn’t seen for some time now. Her throat closed up even before he said, “Don’t do that. Don’t—touch me like that.”
Rowan rejected Aelin in a brusque manner - and it wasn't necessarily because he didn't want to engage in expanding their relationship past the friendship. Rowan at this moment still lacks self-reassurance about how he should feel after Lyria. He is scared. It is something different than the feelings that restrained him from the kiss.
Azriel POV, pg. 4
Rhys's voice thundered through him, halting him mere inches from Elain's sweet mouth.
His stomach twisted as he pulled his hand from her hair and stepped back. Forced himself to say, "This was a mistake.”
We have Azriel who rejects the kiss because of Rhysand. It was not on his own terms. It was an order of his High Lord that involuntarily stopped him from kissing Elain.
Queen Of Shadows, pg. 324
There was a roaring in her ears, a burning in her face, and she swallowed hard. “I’m sorry.”
“I didn’t mean—” She backed away a step, toward the door on the other side of the roof. “I’m sorry,” she repeated. “It was nothing.”
Azriel POV pg. 4
She opened her eyes, hurt and confusion warring there before she whispered, "I’m sorry."
He shook his head, unable to stand the bleakness he'd brought to her expression.
In both scenes, it's the female that apologizes. The one who initiated physical contact. Aelin apologizes twice, meanwhile, Elain is rendered speechless and hurt - and it's Azriel who assures her that it is she doesn't need to apologize. However, Elain is left alone without an explanation and Azriel can't stand seeing her like that.
Both scenes are built in a similar manner - we have friendships border lining on a thin line of something more. Both Elain and Aelin are the ones who initiate physical contact and are the ones who are "rejected", left hurt, and confused. Rowan and Azriel are battling their self-hatred and feeling of unworthiness that is very sound in both of their POVS. There is a lot of things that contribute to the rejection - especially their feelings. Rowan and Azriel feel the romantic pull towards their loved ones - they know that desire and their feelings are reciprocated. Yet, their inner struggles are in the way of fully accepting the fact that the female they yearn for is able to accept them.
More parallels:
Queen Of Shadows, pg. 322
He’d almost fallen to his knees when he’d first seen her earlier tonight.
Azriel POV, pg. 3
He'd beg on his knees for a chance to taste it.
Both males are on the verge of falling to their knees in front of Aelin/Elain. They are ready to submit to their loved ones.
Queen Of Shadows, pg. 324
(...) understood that though she’d seen his eyes shine with hunger—hunger for her—it didn’t mean he wanted to act on it. Didn’t mean he might not hate himself for it.
In this chapter in Queen Of Shadows, we are presented with dual POV, both from Rowan and Aelin so it's easier to see what Aelin had felt when she was rejected. She tells the audience that she was aware of the fact that Rowan exhibited a desire for her. Furthermore, we have another instance of Aelin being able to understand Rowan without words. She knows that Rowan feeling lust for her might have resulted in him hating himself for that because of what had happened with Lyria.
Azriel POV, pg. 2
Just as he knew she was well aware of why Azriel so rarely came to family dinners these days.
We are obstructed from Elain's point of view and her understanding is explained by Azriel. He knows that Elain understands him. It's an important thing to remember since their friendship was built on the comfortable silence in which both of them bask. Elain and Azriel, just like Aelin and Rowan understand each other without words.
Queen Of Shadows, pg. 337
He hated it. Hated that he couldn’t reach her when she was that person. Hated that he’d snapped at her last night, had panicked at the touch of her hands. Now she’d shut him out entirely. This person she’d become today had no kindness, no joy.
Azriel POV, pg. 2-4
(...) Azriel had needed to stay by the door the whole time because he couldn't stand the sight of it, the scent of their mating bond, and needed to have the option of leaving if it became too much.
He shook his head, unable to stand the bleakness he'd brought to her expression.
Both Rowan and Azriel don't want to hurt their significant other. They battle their inner demons, their inner self-worth problems while trying not to put the weight of it on Aelin and Elain. Rowan has his mind troubled because he, at this moment in the books, is still burdened with what had happened to his "mate". On the other hand, we have Azriel who can't bring himself to be in the same room as Elain and Lucien due to their bond. A mate that Elain doesn't want. Azriel's reaction to the mating bond is also very strange - he can see it and scent it. Which I believe should be very telling if we're taking true mate/second mate theories into consideration. So, overall the problem of both males stems from the notion of "mate".
Queen Of Shadows, pg. 345
Even now, he honestly couldn’t decide if he was amused or enraged by Rowan’s words—Don’t touch me like that—when it was obvious the warrior-prince felt quite the opposite.
Azriel POV, pg. 3
He needed to know what the skin of her neck tasted like. What those perfect lips tasted like. Her breasts. Her sex. He needed her coming on his tongue --
Rowan and Azriel want to indulge in their desire for Aelin and Elain. Both of them weren't able to do so because of the "rejection", yet we are presented with the fact that even the rejection doesn't mean anything as long as both males feel completely opposite to what they had told during the refusal scenes.
Queen Of Shadows, pg. 348
Her scent hit him as she unbound her hair and nestled into the pile of pillows. That scent had always struck him, had always been a call and a challenge. It had shaken him so thoroughly from centuries encased in ice that he’d hated her at first. And now … now that scent drove him out of his mind.
Azriel POV, pg. 3
Her arousal drifted up to him, and his eyes nearly rolled back in his head at the sweet scent. He'd beg on his knees for a chance to taste it.
Emphasis on: - the scent - how it affects the male
Queen Of Shadows, pg. 348
They were both really damn lucky that she currently couldn’t shift into her Fae form and smell what was pounding through his blood. It had been hard enough to conceal it from her until now.
Azriel POV, pg. 3
Azriel's cock strained behind his pants, aching so fiercely he could hardly think. He prayed she didn't peer down. Prayed she didn't understand the shift in his scent.
Both males explain to the audience that their desire and lust were and are something they are battling as well. Rowan and Azriel are anxious because of their own problems with self-worth that they are struggling to keep as a secret.
Queen Of Shadows, pg. 348
He’d seen her naked before—a few times. And gods, yes, there had been moments when he’d considered it, but he’d mastered himself. He’d learned to keep those useless thoughts on a short, short leash. Like that time she’d moaned at the breeze he sent her way on Beltane—the arch of her neck, the parting of that mouth of hers, the sound that came out of her—
Azriel POV, pg. 3
He had only allowed himself these thoughts in the dead of night. Had only allowed his hand to fist his cock and think about her then, when even his shadows had gone to sleep. How that beautiful face might appear as he entered her, what sounds she'd make.
Emphasis on: - keeping the desire to himself - imagery of the female body - the sounds/moans
Queen Of Shadows, pg. 348
She was now lying on her side, her back to him. “About last night,” he said through his teeth. “It’s fine. It was a mistake.”
Azriel POV, pg. 4
His stomach twisted as he pulled his hand from her hair and stepped back. Forced himself to say, "This was a mistake.”
I think this is self-explanatory. The same words, similar situation. Rejection followed by a declaration of it being a mistake when the truth is that both couples are yearning for each other and want to be with one another.
Queen Of Shadows, pg. 349
The desire hadn’t been what shook him at all. It was just … Aelin had driven him insane these past few weeks, and yet he hadn’t considered what it would be like to have her look at him with interest.
Azriel POV, pg. 3
Her arousal drifted up to him, and his eyes nearly rolled back in his head at the sweet scent.
So close one deep breath would brush her breasts against his chest. She looked up at him, her face so trusting and hopeful and open (...)
Rowan and Azriel didn't even think about the fact that their desire could be reciprocated- and more than lust they were shocked that Aelin/Elain would look at them with interest, longing, hope. They weren't ready to acknowledge the fact that they weren't alone in this spiral of emotions and feelings.
Moving forward we have the acceptance stage and romantic moments for Rowaelin in Queen Of Shadows. Of course in the case of Elriel we are limited to an extra chapter, however, there are still very prominent similarities in setting and wording.
Queen Of Shadows, pg. 378
“Aelin,” he breathed. Not in reprimand or warning, but … a plea. It sounded like a plea. He lowered his head to her exposed neck and hovered a hair’s breadth away. She arched her neck farther, a silent invitation. Rowan let out a soft groan and grazed his teeth against her skin.
He let out another low groan, answer and confirmation and request, and the rumble echoed inside her
Azriel POV, pg. 4
“Yes" Elain breathed, like she read the decision.
Azriel's hand slid up her neck, burying in her thick hair. Tilting her face the way he wanted it. Elain's mouth parted slightly, her eyes scanning his before fluttering shut. Offer and permission. He nearly groaned with relief and need as he lowered his head toward hers.
Both couples operate without words. In the case of Rowaelin we have: - a plea - a silent invitation - an answer - a confirmation - a request
In the case of Elriel we have: - an offer - a permission - a decision - a relief - a need
The same setting, very similar description, and usage of words. As I was saying, in the case of Elain and Azriel relationship we are obstructed from Elain's point of view due to the content being a bonus chapter. Yet, we can draw a comparison between both couples. Why? Because SJM structured both rejections in the same way. Rowaeiln's rejection leads to a relationship, later to a discovery of being true mates. Is it a coincidence? From a writer's point of view and an avid reader - I don't believe so. She structured both rejections, in the same manner, using very similar vocabulary and even the familiar setting. In the case of Elriel - Azriel's "rejection" is what essentially builds a start for their relationship in the next book. We also have to remember that in Elain and Azriel situation we have:
- a mate - political background - forbidden romance - compatible powers - blood duel - connection to Koschei SJM gave us a setup for the premise of the next book which we know is Elain's. Azriel and Feyre's POV focus on her, but we know that it's one couple per book. Which perfectly aligns with Elriel and their rejection and pining. In SJM universe such rejections as the ones presented are used to further develop a couple, not to bring it down. The parallels are evident and if you are thinking that she doesn't use foreshadowing and she doesn't focus on details I would recommend rereading both series and see that SJM is an expert in foreshadowing - even the tiniest bits of it come out through the series.
That's why in the cases of her HEA couples rejection means endgame.
Queen Of Shadows, pg. 379
“This changes things,” she said, hardly able to get the words out. “Things have been changing for a while already. We’ll deal with it.”
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Rowaelin Masterlist
*I continue adding new fanfics as I find more that I like - the new ones will be at the top of the category that they fall under (fluff, angst, smut, etc.)
NSFW Rowaelin Masterlist
one shots
A Friendly Favor
Light It
White Christmas
Merry Christmas, Fireheart
can’t sleep with out you
go to work
we can’t do this here
got that
something special
rowan whitethorn: sad drunk
7 Minuets
rainy day hc
sick day
bookish valentine
kissing prompt
not too drunk
happy birthday, fireheart
all is well
the heir
maternal flames
multi chapter
Don’t Want To Wait
Angst Masterlist
battle of the senses
marry me
tiny hearts
when the world goes dark
AU’s + more
Queen of Shadows ch. 28 (Rowan POV)
tog x acotar
modern au
modern au
rowan as a father au
rowan as a father au
Harry Potter au
modern au
1920’s au
modern au
Taylor Swift Songs x Rowaelin
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longsightmyth · 3 years
Part of the reason Truthteller probably cannot be divorced from its source material and polished for publishing is that so much of it is a direct response to events in ToG. Mentioned in Fireheart's upcoming chapter is an incident from Erick's past purposefully similar to this.
Chaol wisely averted his gaze and faced Nesryn. “Your father’s country house—the man who runs it is married to a midwife.”
Nesryn’s mouth tightened. “She’s not a healer, but—yes. She might have something.”
“Do you understand,” Aelin said very quietly to them, “that if I suspect they’re going to betray us, they will die?”
It was true, and maybe it made her a monster to Chaol, but she didn’t care.
“I know,” Chaol said. Nesryn merely nodded, still calm, still solid.
“Then lead the way,” Aelin said, her voice hollow. “And pray they can keep their mouths shut.”
This is from Queen of Shadows after Rowan is shot by Asterin in the shoulder. Part of Chaol's 'redemption' and Nesryn's 'goodness' is specifically being willing to sacrifice Nesryn's father's employees to the altar of Celaena and Rowan's love.
Celaena does not go through with it, perhaps because even the author realized that this act might make Celaena irredeemable, but the fact that she would have per her own assurances (close 3rd PoV remember) is... highly questionable in a book that tries to tell us at every turn that Celaena is a shining light in the darkness.
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