#queemrinal minds
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queerminal-minds · 1 day ago
QM Fanart Archive: Aaron Hotchner
All art was reposted with permission from the artist
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blackbird-brewster · 1 year ago
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It was a complicated situation, which Elle seemed totally uninterested in talking about, and although JJ wanted to be respectful of her boundaries, she'd also found herself surprisingly fascinated about Elle's gender fluidity. It had piqued her interest in ways she couldn't entirely explain. After kissing her, JJ realised she wasn't attracted to Elle in the ways she originally thought, but JJ was attracted to Leo. She couldn't make heads or tails of those feelings, because the fact was, Elle was Leo and he was Elle, so how was it possible for JJ to only be attracted to one without the other?
From JJ's confusing attraction, to her strange dreams, to the sexual fantasies she'd been envisioning recently, to how much she enjoyed Emily giving her a blowjob, JJ wasn't sure what was going on anymore. She assumed all of these things, these new feelings and turn-ons, were connected to each other, the question was -- how?
These feelings, which she'd been having since first realising who Leo was, were becoming more and more daunting. She'd never thought about her own gender at any great length, she never had a reason to previously. JJ knew she was a woman and she loved her body. She'd never felt dysphoric about it and she definitely never felt like she was a man, in the ways that Luke was man. She also didn't feel detached from her 'womanhood' in the same ways Penelope did. Back when Penelope first came out as nonbinary, the pair of them had plenty of in-depth discussions about gender, but to JJ's understanding, even Penelope's nonbinary identity was more of  static thing, unchanging and clearly defined. 
JJ couldn't relate to Luke's transness, nor Penelope's, but the way Elle described of her own experience made something deep down in JJ's subconscious flutter closer to the surface. Elle used the word 'fluid' when she explained how some days, she felt like a woman, other days like a man, but she'd also said, a lot of time, she felt detached from her gender completely.
JJ had never thought about gender as being something fluid, something that changed from day to day for some people, but the more time she spent trying to comprehend the concept, the more it terrified her. A lot of what Elle said seemed almost familiar to JJ in some ways, it had her reframing some of her own experiences, looking at her past through a new lens. The whole ordeal suddenly had JJ questioning whether she wanted to be with Leo -- or if she simply wanted to be Leo.
[Read the Full Chapter on AO3]
Fooled Around (and Fell in Love) is a queer rom-com AU that celebrates coming out at any age or stage, polyamory, found family, and above all else, the love shared between JJ/Emily/Tara.
Read the whole series: [PART 1] || [PART 2] || [PART 3]
Listen to the series soundtrack on Spotify: Fooled Around (and Fell in Love) OST
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blackbird-brewster · 1 year ago
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Tara had barely been home half an hour before she was getting ready to leave again. Now that Beck was back in town, the two of them had been trying to get as much done on the house as they could. The renovations were Beck's full-time job, she did a lot of work herself, but she also oversaw the entire project by getting different tradespeople to come in to give assessments and do specialised work.
Even though Tara was only putting in a fraction of the time Beck was, her dedication was nothing short of impressive. Tara's current routine was working all day, rushing home to eat something and change, then she'd go to the house for as many hours as her body allowed. It was a gruelling pattern, but Tara was hellbent on getting the reno over with as quickly as possible. Her partners knew better than to try and argue, because once Tara set her mind on something, not even JJ or Emily could dissuade her from her goals.
"Alright, I love both, I'm out of here," Tara announced as she hurriedly kissed Emily and JJ on their heads. "Em, are you going to be here when I get home?"
"Probably," Emily smiled. She cuddled closer to JJ on the couch, "If not, I'll let you know."
"Just in case you're already gone, I'll say good night now." Tara stopped long enough to kiss Emily properly. "I love you."
"Love you too," Emily said.
"Remember, you're supposed to be working on the house," JJ said dutifully. She grinned at Tara, "Not just making out with Beck all night."
"Not going to dignify that with a reply," Tara chided. She kissed JJ on the lips, "Love you, even though you're impossible most of the time."
"I have to keep you on your toes," JJ replied with a wink.
After Beck and Tara's date at the beginning of that week, they were taking things together slowly. Tara reported there had been a few make-out sessions in between renovation tasks, but that was as far as they'd gotten. Although the pair had already admitted they wanted to sleep with each other, but with Tara living with JJ, and Beck living with her parents, it caused a bit of an unexpected logistical nightmare. JJ was supportive of Tara's unfolding relationship, but she wasn't necessarily ready for Tara to fuck another woman in the house the two of them currently shared.
Tara was nearly all the way out the door when JJ yelled after her, "Oh, don't forget to tell Beck about the quiz tomorrow."
Tara waved over her shoulder in confirmation, "Will do. Love you both, see you later."
While Tara's schedule was fully booked, the BAU had miraculously been case-free all week and JJ certainly wasn't complaining about the extra time she had gotten to spend with her girlfriends. She wrapped Emily in her arms, "Just us. What should we do tonight, baby?"
"Don't mind, as long as I can stay physically attached to you the whole time," Emily replied as she snuggled closer into JJ's embrace.
[Read the Full Chapter on AO3]
Fooled Around (and Fell in Love) is a queer rom-com AU that celebrates coming out at any age or stage, polyamory, found family, and above all else, the love shared between JJ/Emily/Tara.
Read the whole series: [PART 1] || [PART 2] || [PART 3]
Listen to the series soundtrack on Spotify: Fooled Around (and Fell in Love) OST
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blackbird-brewster · 1 year ago
Apparently I can't add a poll to a reblog (here's my ongoing post about the possibility of a Queerminal Minds Archive). So before I spend a hundred hours painstakingly archiving all Queerminal Minds content onto one blog -- can I get a show of hands for who would even care about/be interested in that?
I know this is incredibly niche -- so I don't expect a huge reply demographic, but it would really help me figure out if I'm going to dedicate time to this or not.
If you don't know what Queerminal Minds is, here's a taste:
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blackbird-brewster · 2 years ago
Queerminal Minds Headcanons
What is Queerminal Minds?
Queerminal Minds started out in July 2015. The origin post was in reply to getting an Anon that said “Stop making Criminal Minds Gay!” In the years since, it has grown to become a pretty popular tag in the CM fandom. Complete with everything from head canons, to fanart, fanfic and more. It is simply a celebration of all things Queer and Criminal Minds!
Emily Prentiss
Sexuality: Demisexual, lesbian!!!
Gender: Who knows?! || Pronouns: She/Her
I have always seen Emily as demisexual, she really has to get to know someone before sleeping with them.
Emily is the bottomest bottom. Just complete and utter baby. Not a single dominant inkling in her when it comes to sex
Not a queer HC, but I'll add it here: Emily is so very autistic. Like most of the BAU is neurodivergent and Emily is lead autistic in charge.
Jennifer Jareau
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Cis || Pronouns: She/Her
The bisexual captain of Bi-town. Just an absolute bisexual disaster and we love her for it. She's completely comfortable in her sexuality and has made out with every woman who's ever been on the team. (And also slept with: Garcia, Elle, Emily, Tara)
JJ is SUCH a Top when it comes to sex. But if Tara is involved, JJ is nothing but a bratty little Sub
Tara Lewis
Sexuality: Pansexual (CANON!), Demiromantic
Gender: Gender Queer || Pronouns: She/They
Tara doesn't go looking for relationships, she'd much rather have a good time instead of looking for a 'long time'. She pours so much of herself and her time into work she doesn't really mind being single for long periods of time. But that does NOT mean she hasn't slept with most of them team. Tara is also hella polyamorous
They're the founder of the BAU 'Transvengers' group chat and they're responsible for the chaos that ensued after Emily found out about the (secret) weekly 'Transvengers' meetings bc of a fire alarm evacuation.
People Tara has slept with: [Emily, JJ, Penelope, Rebecca] Sometimes combinations of the above, bc what's better than sleeping with one hot queer? Sleeping with multiple at once!
Tara is a Top in every combo of pairings, although she trusts JJ and Rebecca enough to let them Top her every once in a while as a treat.
Penelope Garcia
Sexuality: Queer/ Pansexual
Gender: Nonbinary || Pronouns: They/Them (and Your Highness)
Garcia doesn't have a gender, never heard of gender. So far past gender that they have ascended.
Garcia has kissed literally everyone, slept with a handful of other agents, and is the Princeps of all things Queer at the BAU
Again, not a queer HC but Garcia is 100% ADHD. That's just an absolutely true fact about them.
Jordan Todd
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Demigirl || Pronouns: She/They
Jordan is the type of person who walks into the queer club and everyone stops to stare. They command attention anywhere they go, even when she's not even trying. Just alluring AF and it's not her fault!!!
Jordan for sure dated Emily when she was filling in for JJ in S4. Jordan caught feelings really bad for Emily, but Emily got scared about someone getting that close to getting past her defences so she sort of ghosted Jordan. (Emily still regrets this)
Alex Blake
Sexuality: Bisexual/Queer
Gender: (I hate that all I want to say here is: Yes, Daddy) || Pronouns: She/Her
Alex is super polyamorous and fine with casual sex with friends. She's confident AF and happy to Dom any of the women of the BAU
Alex and Emily slept together before Emily left in '200'.
Alex also had a thing with Strauss before Strauss tried to ruin her career.
Elle Greenaway
Sexuality: Pansexual, Aromantic
Gender: Agender || Pronouns: She/They
Oh god, Elle is the Toppest Top. Like, she'd give Tara a run for their money.
Elle and JJ used to sleep together as friends with benefits before Elle left
At some point, who knows when or how, Elle and Emily slept together and it was some of the best sex either of them have ever had.
A non-exhaustive list of people Elle has fucked into oblivion with her hand around their throat: JJ, Emily, Derek, Reid, Garcia
A non-exhaustive list of people Elle WOULD fuck into oblivion if she met them: Alex, Luke, Tara, Jordan
Ashley Seaver
Sexuality: Biromantic, Asexual
Gender: Cis || Pronouns: She/Her
Ashley really does fall in love with everyone she meets. But she just wants to cuddle and kiss and be a service Bottom without the sex part of the relationship.
After transferring to Andi Swann's unit, she met Grant Anderson and they got married. They're very happy together now.
Rebecca Wilson (BAU adjacent)
Sexuality: Lesbian
Gender: Genderfluid || Pronouns: Any
Polyamorous AF. She and Tara are very happy together and very in love and also, super open to sleeping with other people. [Like JJ]
Despite her small stature, Rebecca is a Switch. She loves getting to Dom her 6ft tall girlfriend
Savannah Hayes-Morgan (BAU Adjacent)
Sexuality: Yes, All, Queer AF
Gender: Trans Woman || Pronouns: She/Her
Savannah is a proud trans woman and she really opened Derek's eyes up to the vastness of the trans spectrum. Which led to Derek figuring out he's a demi-girl.
Luke Alvez
Sexuality: Gay
Gender: Trans Man || Pronouns: He/Him
The gayest little himbo of them all. He's such a hunk and he for sure has slept with Reid and Derek on separate occasions. He's a power Bottom.
He and Tara are bff's and they are always wing-maning each other. Also, Luke and Emily are close friends too and she will [protect him at all costs].
Matt Simmons
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Cis || Pronouns: He/Him
Matt and Kristy are kinky AF. He's out of town A LOT, and the fact Kristy has been pregnant five times is really indicative of how much sex they have.
He is the king of eating out. This man's life motto is 'As long as I have a face, you have a place to sit'. He's the Service Bottom dreams are made of.
Spencer Reid
Sexuality: Demisexual, Panromantic
Gender: Genderfluid || Pronouns: He/She
Reid absolutely loves wearing skirts and loves when the other Transvengers do his make up
Reid's first sexual partner was Elle because when she found out he'd never had sex, she happily offered to rock his world (and she sure fucking did!)
Autistic AF.
Derek Morgan
Sexuality: Not as Straight as Originally Thought. (Panromantic)
Gender: Demi Girl || Pronouns: He/Him (or She/Her to Savannah)
Derek was always the biggest Ally of his queer pals, then he slowly started realising maybe men really are his type as well. Then furthermore, maybe all people are his type?!
Derek has slept with both Spencer and Luke, and would happily do it again if given the chance.
David Rossi
Sexuality: Straight, but could probably be convinced to try other options
Gender: Genderfluid || Pronouns: He/They
Rossi doesn't give a fuck about gender. He's too old to not live life to the fullest, which mostly means wearing floor length gowns and looking fabulous any chance she gets
Aaron Hotchner
Sexuality: Bisexual
Gender: Trans || Pronouns: He/Him
Hotch is trans AF. Just in all forms of the term. Hotch loves showing off his top surgery scars, while also equally loving getting dressed up in cute dresses and going out with Emily and JJ.
Hotch and Garcia are trans BFFs
Grant Anderson (BAU Adjacent)
Sexuality: Queer
Gender: No Thanks || Pronouns: He/They
Grant has been around the BAU for ages and has seen each and every agent who's come and gone. And has at least made out with most of them. Including JJ and Garcia
Grant and Ashley have been married for years now and they're very happy together.
Tl; dr -- EVERYONE in Criminal Minds is some flavour of queer!
Thank for coming to my TED Talk!! Feel free to send me your own QM head canons, or make a post of your own (I follow the tag still)
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