#que heavy
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peaceeandcoolestvibes · 10 months ago
Wtffffff 👀
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En Reddit todos los dentistas:
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virtualmish · 6 months ago
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🌻Flores Amarillas🌼
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gracefireheart · 10 months ago
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"Did they hurt you?" "No, no. I'm okay. Did they hurt you?" "Who cares!" "I do!"
[TF2 x SU AU by @lenny-link] [Background taken from Steven Universe s1 ep52]
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sudaca-swag · 8 months ago
cada dos por tres me hacen caer en el delirio místico de que yibo y xiao zhan son novios, basta es esto lo que sufre la gente que cree en el horóscopo?
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twobellsilence · 4 months ago
You know it's really funny how bigots feel like they have the right to co-opt queer media and shape it to their own experiences, but the moment a queer person does the same to non-queer media we're suddenly "taking over everything" and being "delusional" for seeing parallels. The double standards are disappointing but not surprising
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hoy, en líneas que le van a dar una puta bofetada a erynn y la van a dejar pensando en cinco cosas al mismo tiempo:
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90sbee · 1 year ago
i need to climb her like a tree
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caguaydreams · 11 months ago
Got these today from two different people at a local artists market. They a make a perfect pair, I should've bought 20
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heavytheheavy · 1 year ago
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horizonmetalband · 1 year ago
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Les esperamos este fin de semana en los festivales #muestratuesencia e #indorock asiste y apóyanos con tu brutal energía… allá nos vemos 🎶🤘🏽😎🌄🎶
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somedaytakethetime · 2 years ago
🚨🚨 Thirst O'Clock 🚨🚨 Today? It's called the...
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'I hate to see you go, but I love to watch you leave 😩😩' edition 😶 Bonus round:
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zerounotvadri · 1 year ago
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"Life After Death Horror Fest " Se dió a conocer la nueva sede para uno de los conciertos más importantes de México en cuanto a Heavy Metal se refiere, lleno de sorpresas y diversión el "Life After Death Horror Fest " , este será en "El espectacular Parque Cuitláhuac en la Alcaldía Iztapalapa de la Ciudad de México" en la última rueda de prensa se mencionó , las Bandas que se presentarán y las fechas del 1, 2 y 3 de Diciembre, no se mueven en lo absoluto. Los boletos ya adquiridos serán válidos para el acceso al parque cuitlahuac, y en la plataforma para venta de tickets seguirá siendo Boletia, la venta de boletos regresará a su operación normal a partir del día lunes 20 de Noviembre. En sus redes sociales se menciona que se facilitara la llegada al parque de las estaciones de metro cercanas, proporcionará servicio de estacionamiento seguro para vehículos particulares, camionetas y camiones que llegan en tour, contaran con todo el apoyo de seguridad pública y privada para que su única preocupación, sea pasar un fin de semana excelente lleno de los mejores exponentes del metal a nivel mundial. En próximos días se estará informando para que estén enterados de todo lo relacionado a la nueva sede y al festival, apertura de puertas, horarios de bandas, hoteles y metros cercanos, apoyo del festival para el transporte de todos los asistentes, así cómo la implementación de nuestro programa regresa seguro a casa. https://lifeafterdeathhorrorfest.com/
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mantisgodsdomain · 1 year ago
Very fun to be an dormant Homestuck in 2023. We saw a post with an aside about the mid-to-highblood bias present in the fandom and we took a moment to think "wait, what?" before remembering how much people posted about Mallek, Lanque, and Marvus. Obviously no one asked our opinion on the matter but we think that a lot of the bias here may just be because fandom people will jump at any vaguely conventionally attractive male character who can say something angsty, and we don't see 99% of this effect because we rapidly get fatigued with any character who is overly present in the fandom and any ship that has overrepresentation in the sample size and start blocking tags.
Very highly effective approach, admittedly, but it leaves us a bit out of the loop. We only really start encountering Issues with that approach in smaller fandoms when blocking any given popular ship will instantly shrink our mutual circle to Just Us and maybe, like, one guy who we dragged in here ourself, so we have to relax blocking standards somewhat and just make it "blocked for a week" or something similar.
#we speak#whenever we decide to revisit homestuck ao3 we just block the entire first block of Popular Ships#we have not seen a da vekat fic in years and this is vital for not burning out our tolerance of Them Interacting At All#we are censoring that tag so it does not appear in their ship tag also#we still have the mar vus tag blocked. we know this bc we have one specific clown mutual who likes him and will reblog him sometimes#but its been like a year since we've seen mal lek or lan que in anything and we like it that way#this has also made our character preferences skew like. OVERWHELMINGLY to woman and enbies over time#because fandom as a whole is EXTREMELY prone to focusing on men and setting anyone who is Not A Men as a background character#which results in a weird little loop where we'll get into something and get burnt out on like. Every Guy within a week#simply due to the sheer oversaturation That One Guy has#and then we only get time to recover on the saturation of Random Gals bc of the trends falling towards Just Men and nothing else#and then our Characters We Like portfolio ends up being like. five women used as background characters and one enby#sometimes we will also pick up a guy who gets villainized by like half the fandom or a popular character where the popular takes suck#but like. it's almost all background characters you see what we mean. we're a home for random blorbos that no one pays attention to#because in order to get into Actually Liking A Character Enough For Them To Hit Heavy Rotation#a high concentration of fans is like. an active detriment bc we'll get burnt out on them#and if people talk about them Too Much to the extent that theyre unavoidable then we will inevitably start to dislike them#we are but a simple beast and if we don't get recovery time we begin to run into Issues with random things & tropes#and then our recovery time once we've hit burnout is like. months to years#anyways this is a long tag ramble but generally if we spend the time to explore a character and figure them out we'll enjoy them in some wa#with the major caveat that if theyre Too Popular we may dislike them regardless#and the way that they're framed both inside and outside of the original narrative can heavily influence us if we run into it too often#bianca and jaune are utterly facinating characters who work with a set of tropes we would LOVE to do justice to#but unfortunately people who like bianca and jaune are the kind of people who think they did nothing wrong#so we can't just like. Talk About Them And Whats Going On There#without running face first into people that genuinely believe theyre a Good And Loving Family Who've Done Nothing Wrong In Their Lives#but we feel a lot like if we go into depicting them without making “THIS IS IN FACT BAD” incredibly blatantly obvious#that we will begin running into people who DO NOT have the prerequisite knowledge and will take it WAY off from intended
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ravel-ing · 2 years ago
ça fait longtemps que je réfléchi comment il serait possible d'incorporer des parties de D&D, et tabletop rpg en général, dans un forum rpg. Ce que je veux dire par ça c'est comment incorporer un système plus orienté autour des dés, et des stats.
Pourquoi les dés c'est la folie ? L'ajout de hasard et de laisser le dé décider de ce que l'univers déciderait est juste incroyable et mène à une histoire que personne n'aurait pu anticiper. Aussi, ça laisse les perso être aussi stupides et badass qu'on ne s'autorise que rarement en tant que joueur par peur de ne pas être réaliste.
Les stats permettent que le dé gardent une certaine logique. Pour ceux qui ne connaissent pas D&D, lorsque tu veux faire une action que l'univers pourrait décider le sort à ta place (ex: making out with ur bff), tu roules un dé 20 faces et tu rajoutes les bonus propre à ton perso basé sur ses expériences et son savoir. Si le total est 5, tu lèches son nez, si c'est 10 c'est ok mais so boring, si c'est 15 c'est le niveau on s'est rencontré dans un bar et le temps d'un soir on va prétendre que t'es l'amour de ma life, si c'est 20 c'est l'heure de les épouser.
LES STATS SONT INTIMIDANTES donc voilà comment je pense que je ferai pour un forum. Mettons qu'on prenne les stats D&D, on a besoin de savoir :
FORCE -> ta capacité à ouvrir un pot de cornichon
DEXTÉRITÉ -> ta capacité à sauter d'une chaise à l'autre, voler des trucs aux flics.
CONSTITUTION -> ton système immunitaire
INTELLIGENCE -> tout ce que t'as appris dans les bouquins, capacité à remplir les mots croisés de ta grand-mère
SAGESSE -> tout ce que t'as appris sur la nature humaine et dans les streets, capacité à lire les intentions des autres
CHARISME -> ta capacité à flirter, à convaincre, etc, etc.
Au lieu de faire rouler des dés de façon très compliquées comme dans d&d, je pense que je donnerai le même nombre de points à placer pour tout le monde, mettons 20 points, avec un +6 max par catégorie. Ce qui donnerait pour un de mes persos actuel :
DEX +2
CON +4
INT +5
SAG +6
CH +3
Puis il y a les HP (hit points, niveau de vie) et AC (armor class, le nombre que l'autre doit pouvoir atteindre pour frapper ton perso dans un fight), mais c'est une autre histoire. Ainsi que les classes ......
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aritharielari · 22 days ago
Hoje eu chorei. Eu frequentemente vejo o mundo de forma tão otimista; com compreensão, empatia, amor, carinho. Será que um dia alguém vai me olhar dessa forma tbm? Será que um dia eu vou olhar pra alguém com tanto amor e apreço? Assim como eu olho pra chuva da primavera, ou pras estrelas do céu noturno, ou pro meu café com leite fumegante enquanto leio ,ou pros gatinhos e borboletas que aparecem no meu caminho quando caminho ao final da tarde?
A algum tempo atrás eu sonhei com minha alma gêmea. De forma romântica. A vida é mais real nos sonhos do que eu gostaria as vezes. E foi tão...transcendental. Eu senti um puxão pra alguém que não consegui realmente ver. Foi como ser embalada por um dia ameno da primavera. Como andar num parque cheio de cerejeiras com um café quentinho as 10:00. Apenas calor,calor e calor. Mas aconchegante.
Eu tava conversando com um garoto aí. Mas tava agindo mais pelo desejo. E de repente ele sumiu por dois dias e isso me levou a ver que tava – estou; me sentindo tão sozinha.
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dingdongitmustbelove · 2 months ago
brother i need to make playlists for some of my f/o's
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