#quality assurance in call center
callcriteriaqa · 2 years
Using call criteria contact center quality assurance software, businesses can determine how effective their customer service operations are. We at Call Criteria, provide you with complete AI-enabled quality assurance solutions to monitor agent performance. For more information, Visit our website to get a free demo of our Quality Assurance software.
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ai-for-contact-center · 7 months
Beyond Monitoring Calls: Elevating Contact Center Quality Assurance
Contact centers play a vital role in shaping customer perception and satisfaction. In today's digital landscape, where interactions are increasingly complex and expectations are at an all-time high, ensuring quality interactions becomes paramount. Enter contact center quality assurance (QA), a strategic approach that elevates beyond mere call monitoring to empower agents and drive continuous improvement.
Demystifying Contact Center Quality Assurance:
Quality assurance in a contact center is not limited to listening to recorded calls and identifying mistakes. It's a comprehensive process that assesses various aspects of an agent's performance, including:
Compliance: Adherence to company policies, procedures, and regulatory requirements.
Knowledge mastery: Ability to handle customer inquiries accurately and efficiently.
Communication skills: Clear, concise, and empathetic interaction with customers.
Problem-solving: Effective resolution of customer issues and concerns.
Customer satisfaction: Building positive relationships and exceeding customer expectations.
Quality Assurance in BPO: Embracing a Collaborative Approach:
For Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) companies, effective quality assurance becomes even more crucial. With diverse client requirements and distributed teams, standardized processes and data-driven insights are key. Implementing a robust QA program benefits both BPOs and their clients:
Improved agent performance: Regular feedback and coaching foster agent development, leading to increased confidence and expertise.
Enhanced customer satisfaction: Consistent quality interactions translate to happier customers, driving loyalty and advocacy.
Reduced operational costs: Proactive issue identification and training minimize errors and rework, improving efficiency.
Strengthened client relationships: Transparent and measurable performance data builds trust and confidence between BPOs and clients.
Evolving Techniques: From Traditional Practices to Advanced Tools:
Contact center quality assurance has come a long way from solely relying on manual call scoring. Today, a blend of traditional and advanced tools empowers a more holistic approach:
Calibration sessions: Ensure consistency in scoring criteria across evaluators.
Speech analytics: Identify trends and patterns in customer interactions with Speech Analytics.
Automated scoring tools: Provide objective assessments and reduce manual workload.
Gamification and incentives: Motivate agents through interactive learning and performance recognition.
Real-time feedback: Offer immediate coaching and support to agents during calls.
Building a Culture of Quality: Beyond Numbers:
Effective quality assurance fosters a culture of continuous learning and improvement within the contact center. It is important to shift the focus from solely measuring errors to understanding the root causes and identifying opportunities for growth. Additionally, involving agents in the process through open communication and feedback loops cultivates a sense of ownership and engagement.
The Future of Contact Center Quality Assurance:
As technology continues to evolve, so too will the future of contact center quality assurance. AI-powered tools will further automate tasks, providing deeper insights into customer sentiment and agent performance. Predictive analytics will enable proactive coaching and intervention, preventing issues before they arise. Ultimately, quality assurance will move beyond individual interactions to assess the overall customer journey, ensuring seamless and personalized experiences across all touchpoints.
In conclusion, contact center quality assurance is not just a monitoring tool; it's a strategic investment in people, processes, and technology. By embracing a collaborative, data-driven approach, contact centers can transform quality assurance into a powerful driver of positive change, fostering agent development, delivering exceptional customer experiences, and achieving sustainable business success.
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leadsrain-blog · 8 months
Tips & Tools: Ultimate Guide on Call Centre Quality Assurance The customer service sector now depends heavily on call centers. Agents handle customer questions, grievances, and support concerns in a single location over the phone, email, chat, or social media.
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hrhnext · 10 months
Guide to Choose the Right Call Center Omnichannel Strategies for Your Business
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Guide to Choose the Right Call Center Omnichannel Strategies for Your Business With technology and developments taking center stage in the dynamic and ever-evolving digital
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swanqueendaughter · 5 months
So after the last episode of 911, I need to speak out:
1. I'm so sick of people who write that using buddie scenes to promote an episode is the norm of media production, not queerbaiting. Of course, Buddie's fandom is the most numerous, it can be seen from any social networks and comments, so this step is quite dirty, but of course effective for promotion.
2. I've been watching this series for the last 7 years since season 1, but I wasn't buddie shipper until season 7. I mean, I caught a certain vibe in seasons 2-3, but only 7.04 made me consider this pairing seriously. The whole episode was literally saturated with Buck's jealousy of Eddie. And no, fans of Buck and Tommy relationship, we're not delulu. Buck literally tells Maddie when they have lunch at the call center that he was jealous and wanted to get EDDIE's attention. However, in the last scene, he really tells Tommy that he wanted to get his attention, which of course does not fit into my brain, but the kiss and the arc of bi-Buck really distract my attention from this mess. I would also like to highlight the scene in the gym where Tommy wasn't even there and the scene where Buck pushes Eddie on the basketball court. Can you imagine that Buck, our sweet kind-hearted Buck, is pushing his best friend for the guy's attention? No way. What I see is an incredibly jealous friend who is seething with indignation that Eddie is trying to replace him in his opinion. And the scene with Tommy, where he assures Buck that no one is going to replace him, especially since Christopher wouldn't allow it? The whole arc comes down to the fact that no matter how selfish it is, Buck wants to occupy all areas of Eddie's life (his free time hanging out as best friends, being part of his family with Christopher and being number 1 for his child).
I mean, this whole arc has only two readings - the first is Buck, who is not aware of his feelings for Eddie, being burdened by his heterosexual role and their friendship, chooses to turn his attention to a more accessible option - Tommy, who has a similar background and interests with Eddie. The second is, of course, buddy's queerboating,  writers/producers might well have no desire to lose some of the conservative audience by making Eddie queer character. So in this matter, maybe Oliver/Buck was just lucky to pull out a successful plot straw (I mean, at least for media PR), while Ryan/Eddie (who originally should have had a love line with Tommy) got an unenviable plot with Marisol. 
3.I can't help but speak out about this absurd Eddie/Marisol arc. I mean, it hardly seems to be successful in any way, not even for buddie's shippers. This is literally Cap saying that love can be met by chance, implying his relationship with Athena. Eddie listens to him and, as if trying to copy this scenario, "falls in love" with the first girl he sees. It's absurd.
4.Eddie definitely has a problem with relationships with girls. There is a clear feeling that he chooses them relative to their qualities, and not the special bond they share. He married Shannon because she got pregnant, and the opinion of religious parents played a role. Over time, Eddie could love the idea of their small family, because Shannon was a good woman, but she was not Eddie's partner, so as soon as the first difficulties arose, Eddie ran away, instead of somehow solving the problem, and then Shannon ran away. Sad.
Eddie and Shannon's attempt to rekindle their relationship was doomed from the very beginning, and I think when Shannon realized the dysfunctionality of their marriage, she asked for a divorce. Thanks Shannon!  
Anna was just another girl who met Eddie's criteria, an ideal potential wife and mother for Christopher, but who did not have an emotional connection with him. And although the screenwriters tried to fool us with a picture of the perfect happy couple, albeit slightly unsettled Eddie, as a result it turned out that he did not develop the slightest feelings for Anna. I mean, he had a panic attack at the thought of Anna as his wife!! What a shame!
5.I understand that some people have been watching the show for so long that they start to forget the plot of the first seasons of the series. However, I advise you to review the flashbacks with Tommy in order to form an opinion about him not as Buck's love interest. but behind the beautiful picture there is a completely faded and indifferent character to the fate of the team members. His evolution after he changed jobs and came out of the closet is pretty ridiculous. Yes, I see a handsome, confident man who has done just one good deed so far. But I still have no idea where this evolution comes from. Does coming out make you a different person? Doubtful. Lou is a wonderful actor, but I don't share Tommies's admiration as a character. He's cool and confident, but there doesn't seem to be anything behind that facade.
6. Buck and Tommy. The sexual energy between the characters, which is useful for creating spectacular passionate kisses and perhaps something more, is undeniable. I like to see Buck exploring his sexuality. But as for the emotional component? An absolute hopeless abyss. The scene with the costumes for the bachelor party was quite revealing. Is it possible to fill it with a decent emotional component? With the good work of the screenwriters, yes. But the truth is that good true canonical engames click right away (Madney, Cap and Athena).
7. Should we expect a Buddie canon? I think season 7 can be considered the last to summarize this issue. Remembering such series as Castle, Bones and the Mentalist, the pairs of main characters did not become canon right away, where by season 4-6. Perhaps the pair of Jane and Lisbon was the longest in this matter, and the most controversial according to the reviews of the audience (meaning that not everyone believed that there would become canon couple). They only got together in the season 6 finale. This is also season 6 for Badie, so I think everything will be resolved this season. Waiting for the canon in season 8, unless a direct indication is given in the finale 7 (awareness of the feelings of at least one of them)!would be absurd. I'm not calling on buddies's entire fandom to quit watching the series (although in the case of outright queerboating of this fandom, it would be fair), but I would urge my sensitive friends to stop deluding themselves at the end of this season.
7. To sum up, I would advise the screenwriters to start writing good love lines for Buck and Eddie, if they are at least as capable of it. Because what's happening on the screen right now is pretty disappointing.
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cucurbitaceas · 2 months
Had a fun idea for a framing device for a season of within the wires today: recordings from a call center, like the kind of number you call and it starts with “this call may be recorded for quality assurance purposes”. The idea is still pretty nascent so I’m not sure how it would tie into/expand the larger universe but I’m imagining it being someone fielding calls and just hearing those conversations and maybe working in some ‘behind the scenes’ conversations with other coworkers/managers after or between calls. So like episode starts with the “this call may…” spiel and the person fields a call and then hang up and their headset is always recording them so you hear them drop the customer service voice and hear just their side of a conversation with someone in the call center. Could do that each half of the tape is one call/one quick side convo to start and shift the ratios as the season progresses
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blushingsnail64 · 2 years
(PART 2) "Alan"
Human reader on a space team with larger, scarier, and stronger alien teammates
My writing and framing styles are still changing as I'm very much still new at this. Thank you for y'alls support. <3
I hope you like it @hnowu ! :)
Alan, unlike you and Ursha, actually works outside of the loading bay/cargo hold. He was a very tall, lengthy lookin guy. He had quite beautiful blue skin with hints of green and grey stripes, kind of shimmery. He had a very long neck with a roundish head that came to a point at his chin, with very large very deep blue eyes. You could only see his pupils if a light was in his face. You could say he kinda looks like the stereotypical "👽" alien although that may be offensive to say. He had a fish like quality to him, in a good way of course. He was about 7'0 and had fine tapered limbs. His hands were very similar to a humans, but long and thin.
End of description
He worked in the "brain" of the ship as the crew liked to call it. The command center, the helm, etc. he worked towards the back away from the navigational work area, handling hardware or software problems while also looking over radars, level gauges, and some more. Others have this job as well, mainly when he goes to the rest of the ship to check the wellness of the machinery.
You saw him quite a lot when the crane in your department stopped working, which kept you from doing a large portion of your job. It took him about a week to fix, and in that time you two would discuss things like your families, home planet, country and town. He told you that a holiday from his country was going to happen soon, in the next two weeks he believed. Apparently it was centered around a good harvest season for mushrooms. You may have related it to thanksgiving, which he would love to hear about.
He said it all started from a historical event where there was some sick noblewoman, a woman who had done amazing things in their society, but the sickness was said to be incurable. That is unless they found a certain magic mushroom for her to eat. Many people in the city foraged for days, bringing in hundreds of mushrooms to be inspected. Just before she was about to pass, the mushroom was found. She regained her strength and carried on being a pillar of society for many more years. Since then, the people had hosted a mushroom festival every year to remember that great effort, and to celebrate our friends and family with the time we so luckily have with them.
At least, thats what he remembered about it. He explained that he couldn't possibly manage to get back to his family since you all were so far away on a big shipment, but he hoped to video call them. You also discovered he had been the medic previously, before the company hired a new one so they could promote him to the control center where that role was desperately needed.
He was very gentlemanly, and would off his hand when you were getting up and down things. Since he was very much larger than you, you sometimes felt like a kid. But he never teased you about it, unlike some others. The crew from the brain could be a bit snobby. Even towards scary people like Ursha. You were an easy target sadly. There have been times where he's talked to about it, having overheard his crew mates saying not so nice things. He apologized on their behalf stating they really weren't mean and were just a bit insensitive. You assured him it was fine.
You also talked about basic things like your favorite music genre. He said his was jazz and blues, along with a few genres you didn't quite recognize. If you believe he's old fashioned, he'd be more than willing to show you his favorite songs and hopefully change your mind.
All of this came to an end, sadly. The crane was fixed and he'd hardly have time to talk while he was doing his regular checkups on the machines.
He did leave you with one final question though,
"Would you perhaps like to join me when I call my family this weekend? I'm sure they would love to see you and hopefully you'll enjoy the festivities, even through the screen."
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transmorphobots · 1 year
Burning Bridges on Mount Olympus
two ex-athletes talk about losing their way and ending up on a pirate ship far from home. Featuring a younger Lane One and introducing Shellmire. Honestly also can't go without saying that it's inspired by @combaticon's HAL series. It's been a huge pleasure to beta read it and the way she writes the bar as a center of community has been a treat, which is inspired some of this set up too.
The Cage was a much scarier name for the place than it actually was. It used to be a storage bay but it hardly looked like that anymore. Thick iron bars and the chain link fence decorated the outside. Complete with signs lifted from raids or remade faithfully in memory of street signs on the various worlds the varied crew called home. The largest and brightest sign in neon hangs above the door, buzzing threateningly which was part of its charm. The lights on the inside were orange and red to drive its industrial novelty and the rest of the furniture was recycled junk. 
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It boasted a threat, a rough time, that all things were unwelcoming...  It followed the theme of the ship. They had Dread Captains, The Dirge, and also the owner of The Cage themself. 
Heavy set and nearly as wide as the Rust River, Shellmire was maybe the most intimidating piece in the bar. They didn’t hide any weapons on their frame which also helped keep the rowdiness of the bar at a controllable and acceptable level. Though, like the theme, it was mostly a cover for people too tired or broken to do anything but start something new. 
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A few favors had been pulled when Shellmire made their home on the Dirge. Doing some jobs for people and making a few promises to others who could help them get it made. People didn’t really expect the gladiator with such financial savvy but they did love the idea of a place where they could catch up on all the things they left behind. Broadcasts from Velocitron, Cybertron, New Cybertronia, the local sectors, and even picking up Junkion broadcasts of whatever NASCAR was. 
Lane One liked NASCAR. It wasn’t as exciting as Velocitron’s races but there was a certain meditative quality to it… and it helped she didn’t think she was missing out on much. Watching races from Velocitron was like watching your ex-lover with a new flame. Bitterness coupled with regret for missing something great. She passed by the wasted Transformers, stopping them with one hand to tell them to take the trams home to avoid a crash. The two suppliers, a kind word for the mechs who actually went out and did the piracy, assured her they would do just that before they laughed and stumbled off. 
“If I find you parked in the crops I’ll make sure you don’t drink here again.” and that threat sobered them up a bit. Though they whined as they tried to collect themselves and walk upright instead of leaning on each other. 
The ex-gladiator’s joints creaked as they stood behind the counter, wiping down a glass and watching the last few patrons leave. The pale yellow optic staring blankly while the glass squeaked under the rag. They didn’t look at Lane One directly, instead, staring into the empty bar. It was kept, mostly clean because everyone had still had an ounce of respect (or fear) for Shellmire. House rules were welded prominently on a wall, cut by a laser and back lit by red bulbs so every word glowed like fresh slag. 
The last one always got a little smile out of her, the Kaon Cube team could always use the support even if they couldn’t be at the stadium. Her optics swept the bar, realizing it was too empty…
“Where’s your crew?” she asks and goes to the messiest table first, starting to clean up the glasses and scraps. The gladiator behind her lets out a heavy sigh, the glass is set on the counter, and another chorus of squeaks starts as Shellmire works down the line.
“Called out. Wasn’t a big night of sports for us anyway… Most everyone was just here for the company. Brought their stuff back.” Shellmire’s shoulders rolled towards the stacks of glasses and plates at the bar. They creaked as they did. 
“Not everyone.” She said as she brought over more. She set up some chairs that had been knocked over. Above Lane One’s head she could hear voices of the smaller, organic crew members. Mostly people looking for a life away from the Empire. It was sort of… weird… They had whole families of refugees on the Dirge. Different people from all over, they brought children, because being with pirates was safer than their homes. It was more stable too. They cheered to the familiar whistles she came to recognize as part of the NFL. 
“Sounds like Football is on.” The word felt weird in her mouth but she sort of liked how it rolled. Shellmire gave a grunt in response. 
“Football’s always on except the team I want to watch.” they grumbled. Lane One put two dirty glasses on the bar, then took a rag for herself to start working on the tower Shellmire had. 
“How about hockey?” 
“Out of season.” They squeaked the glasses in unison but Lane One tried to speed up to beat Shellmire. Working to clean just as well as the careful bartender but get more done. To their credit, Shellmire tried to speed up to entertain her competitiveness. 
They did that in silence for a while. All of the broadcast screens were off except for the one upstairs that whistled and echoed with an alien language. When Shellmire found a stopping point they went around the bar to turn on a screen where they could both watch. 
“Were you hoping to catch something?” Shellmire asked while tuning the signal.
She, like the other patrons, had just come for the company. Starting on another line of glasses she shook her head. 
“Nothing in particular. What about you?” 
“Heard the Iacon Speedway is getting restored.” Shellmire flipped to the correct channel and came back around to the side that Lane One sat on. They took a seat which groaned like the rest of their form. Steam hissing out of the joints as they started to relax. 
The screen showed a broadcast from Cybertron and the familiar horizon of Iacon. She had only ever seen the Speedway once when she was running a mission for the Autobot cell who adopted her after the exile. Running some important information to the Decagon in North Iacon… or maybe it was when she had to drive West. She couldn’t really remember anymore. 
The reporter droned on about the efforts of the Cybertron Reconstructionalists to restore the planet, possibly save it. It was a long shot, especially with the Decepticons holding ground for Megatron’s return. Iacon having one of its stadiums rebuilt looked promising though.
“Think people will join them?” She asked. 
“Mhm. Hope’s being rebuilt there. Steady, with proper foundation.” It was hard to read the Transformer. Their head had been replaced by some sort of full helmet brace and nothing facial to express with. The pale yellow glass on the sides of the helm and the front didn’t have visible machinery to suggest where they looked and they couldn’t make any sort of optical gesture. Shellmire held themselves tightly too, controlled. If she didn’t know better, she’d think that Shellmire came from Vos. Their voice was a rumbling baritone and hardly pitched with emotion. Probably on purpose, maybe a side effect of whatever left their head encased. It was that control that reminded her of Vos. She worked with a few Vosians on the Dirge and back on Cybertron, they were always in control of their voices that way if something really got under their plating, you and everyone else would be aware of it. Everything in Vos was done with a iron grip and a steely gaze, carefully calculated. It was scary to see them take it to combat but more so when you were trying to share a bar space. 
Though she never missed it, there were plenty of Vosians on the Dirge, but it didn’t replace the Autobots she had known on Cybertron. Briefly she wondered where they were. Where did they scatter after that mission went so poorly? Around the Rust Sea there were a lot of options. She wouldn’t be surprised if the rivers gave them avenues of escape. She wondered if any of the Vosians took shelter on the abandoned Amusement Complex floating in the Sea. Did they disappear into the Manganese Mountains? Which she hoped not, they’d be frozen and hard for the fliers to pass over. They would have gone down in the ice, probably, and not come back. 
“Have you heard anything about Kaon?” 
Shellmire freezes mid wipe of the glass. Lane One stops too and again, can’t get anything from the hazy yellow. It takes a moment but Shellmire continues with the glass. There’s a sloppiness to it now, leaving a smudge on the lip when they set it down. Lane One picks it up to finish the job, watching them closely. 
“No.” they answer after a moment. Then, after another glass, they leave it on the counter and turn more to face Lane One, “How’d you guess?”
“Gunner in my team was from the Wharf. Recognized the hints of the accent… plus nobody roots for the Pulsars except the locals.” 
“Not true,” it was slightly defensive, “Used to be one of the most popular teams back before this scrap.” 
Lane One shrugs her shoulders,  “I was working between Iacon and Vos, so we had a few of the Kaon resistance among our team. Only people I ever heard talking about them.” 
Shellmire gives a soft grumble of dissatisfaction like those Transformers personally betrayed them. They stopped cleaning all together and faced the bar again, the giant arms creaking as they settle on the stone counter. Lane One continues to the next phase, plates. Scrubbing oils and syrups from the metal with a determination both necessary and to avoid the awkwardness growing between the two. The reporter on the screen rattled on and on. Lane One was trying to listen but failed, only catching snippets. 
“Yeah, I did the Kaon league. Nova Cronum, Praetorus Wharf, Tagan Heights… hit Polyhex a few times too. Never made it south to Iacon.” Shellmire stood from the seat and went around the bar again. Taking a freshly cleaned glass to dirty it with something hard from under the counter. Pouring some diesel into it, then some low grade energon, before stirring until the pink and black swirl together. Their pointer finger retracts  into a siphon nozzle and they stuck it into the rim of the glass. 
 “Got comfortable where I was… had a whole entrance. Usually played lakeside, walked out of the depths. Scared ‘em like I was a Rustgator. Crowd would go wild.” 
“I bet.” Lane One smiled trying to appreciate the performer in front of her but her smile was sad and she knew it. She had her own performances she had done, with others. She missed it and she tried to bring it to the Autobots and now to the pirates… but she was tired. The crowd wasn’t there. Neither was the team she was apart of. Their story made her miss them and her components ache. The components that were part of that performance and who would never be part of it again. Cut off just like she was. 
“When I was on Velocitron I used to race with a team… and because we were a combiner we technically counted as one person so we had to combine to cross the finish line. We usually made it a.. A thing, you know? We’d weave in and out of the competition then our combined form was so wide, nobody could pass.” She chuckled a bit because it was… a mean and rude thing to do. It got them plenty of boos and jeers and even a few heated comments from the enemies they made… but it was all part of the game. 
Shellmire makes a click with something in their mechanics. The targeting radar on their frame spinning condescendingly while they reach under the counter again. 
“Course you’re a Loci…” Shellmire didn’t say it with contempt but more of a sarcastic jab as they slid the cube over to her. It was full of bubbly brassy liquid and sealed with an air-tight film that she jabbed her fingers in to tear away. 
“Explains your taste.” and then Shellmire rolled the rest of the drink over. 
Lane One grinned as she caught the iron-black egg before it fell to the floor. She smashed the egg on the ledge of the counter. She lifted it so its viscous insides could ooze into the drink; the reaction between the two caused it to fizzle, the clear yellow and orange syrup turning to white foam as it broke apart. The roiling mess was falling over the sides onto her fingers and the counter. Lane One shot it back without hesitation. 
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“What happened then? Out here like this…” 
“You first.” she set the cube down, wiping her mouth with the side of her hand. She’d need more than that for the mess the drink made but she was smiling in a way that she hadn’t in a long time. It was a piece of home. A piece of a time she had been forced to leave behind. 
Shellmire balks at her behavior and her request… but after refilling their glass they decide to give in. 
“Kaon always had a lot of problems. Ratbat squeezing people dry. Mayhem to the north, making a muck of the cities. Soon as Straxxus took over for Megatron, everyone felt the pressure. Worse than the Functionalists in some ways. Straxxus enjoyed what he did… “ The bartender leaned over towards her conspiratorially, as if Straxxus had any way of hearing them. 
“You heard of Autobots sneaking into the ranks to try and get information… but wasn’t much of them around and I was there… didn’t have a lot of use for information though. What Nova Cronum needed was some of that money to get back to the people after Straxxus robbed them of it. Plenty of ways for a freighter to spring a leak. Including someone in the crew making a hole when they weren’t paying attention.” 
Lane One choked on the last bit of her drink.. Foam spills out of her gaping  mouth and down her chin and onto the chair, though she tried to wipe it up with her hands before it got further. 
“You were embezzling from Straxxus?!” she didn’t mean to raise her voice and the people above shifted. She uttered a sorry before snatching a rag to clean herself up, leaving grease stains on her finish. 
“Not directly… but that’s why they chased me so far. Couldn’t really go to New Cybertonia for help. Wouldn’t care that the symbol was just a cover… but heard this place was out of sight and mind of most folks. Except for Straxxus’ enforcers. Don’t know what they pay them, but, seems like a good gig if you don’t have a spark.” Shellmire finished their drink and shifted into cleaning it. 
“Yeah,” her voice was a little hoarse from the foam going down the wrong way. She went slower just in case Shellmire was going to say anything else surprising. However, Shellmire went back to cleaning and staring at her. Expecting. 
They stayed in silence, except for the long forgotten broadcast, which went off about something in regards to establishing trade routes for energon. Lane One perked at the mention of Velocitron. Cybertron crawling to them to help…? Every Loci dream. She grimaced though as she thought of it. They’d never get a deal for energon from Velocitron, they’d be shut out, like every other Loci that picked a side. 
Her grip on the cube made it squeak and she let go before she crushed it. She pushed it back to Shellmire not trusting herself at the moment. 
“I… was exiled for treason.” She looked to Shellmire expecting the same sort of dramatic reaction, but all they did was stare at her. Though they didn’t clean the glass anymore, full attention was given to her. 
“Picking a side during the War was considered treason. I got too… loud about my beliefs. So, I was kicked off and barred from returning.” and it hurt, it hurt more than anything. 
“Just you?” 
She didn’t have a glass this time so instead, she clenched her fists until the metal protested. 
“Just me.” 
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Time started to blur as she held onto the sadness and the rage. It was an explosion she was willing to keep in and she wouldn’t let it out. How was it ever fair? How was it ever fair that they got to stay and she didn’t? They hadn’t disagreed with her! At least, not until it was their fame on the line. The thought that it ever could have been fake, that nothing that was them mattered… she was only worth something when her mouth was shut.
She had gone to the Autobots after that. She dove into the conflict because she needed the win but there was nothing to win on Cybertron. There was a world full of chaos and she tried to find a meaning in it, she tried to find a victory in it, but all she could think of was that if she had kept her mouth shut she would be blissfully unaware of how much there could be to lose as an Autobot. 
Lane One missed the Vosian sentinel who’d often intimidate her with its mean stare. Shot to pieces trying to protect a fuel tanker they were attempting to get into Kaon. Shield went, then the rest of its chassis. Chewed up by sentry gunfire and spat back out on the road. They did get to Kaon but they lost the sentinel. She never even knew its name. 
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Lane One remembers watching the gunner from the Wharf grow more and more disheartened until they stopped talking about the Pulsars or about Kaon and instead stared out into the Rust Sea just a little too long. They should have probably disappeared into the Sea, at least they would still be alive instead of torn to shreds by the Ultracon shock troop waiting at the Wharf. 
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Piracy was easy, actually, compared to that. She wasn’t sure if it was because they were always on the move or maybe it was because they had a better command structure… maybe she had just learned from how awful the command could be. Never had a worse manager than the pompous Autobot who led their cell to devastation. 
Shellmire finished cleaning, starting putting things away, and she held herself tight even though parts of her shook from the effort. She wasn’t sure how long it was, the broadcast was shut off, the lights were dimmed, the place was set up for the next morning. 
Sounding like a creaky old dock, Shellmire approached. They didn’t touch her nor did they offer, instead, just waiting for her to meet them on her own terms. 
“Hard to fall like that, but it's them and not you.” 
But me is what cost me everything, she thinks bitterly. Swallowing the anger or the sob, whatever was threatening to break out. Maybe Shellmire was telepathic and that's why they hid their expressions because it was like they heard her when they spoke next. 
“None of this thinking you’re a misshapen cog in a machine. Paradise is very easy to lose, cause you’re so high up. You’re away from troubles, you’re away from all the hardships. All the turbulence doesn’t feel as strong when you’re above it, and when you’re thrown from it? You fall hard… breaks you a bit but, find, it isn’t so bad on the ground now, eh?” the softness of the voice broke her out of her stupor as Shellmire offered a hand to get her off the seat.
She took it reluctantly and she reasoned that it was only to prevent Shellmire from waiting here all night for her to get over herself. 
“Everyone loses paradise and it hurts every time, worse, when someone pushes you off… I miss Kaon too. I’ll carry it with me, but, it’s not the same.” Shellmire let go of her hand to close the big industrial door on The Cage, locking it up for the night. 
“Kaon’s paradise to you?” it was mean to say it that way and she regretted it as soon as it left her mouth, she started up an apology but Shellmire beat her to it. Rare for the tortoise to beat the hare. 
“You don’t think about the flaws too much when you’re in love with the places you were made in… you’ll never forget the original, but you can make somewhere new. Like The Cage.” They gestured to the neon sign as they shut it off with a flick of a switch. 
“Like the Dirge.” she repeated but her smile was ghostly and pale. She wasn’t sure the Dirge was anything close to paradise. 
“Like wherever you go.” Shellmire offered the arm and Lane One took it as they headed off together. They’d have to split up eventually; she didn’t park in this story, but until then, she’d appreciate the company of someone who understood. 
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esconpanache · 3 months
Read Out What Sets Escon Panache Apart?
Finding the perfect home is a dream for many, and Escon Panache is here to turn that dream into reality. Nestled in the serene and upscale of greater noida, Escon Panache offers 4 BHK Luxury Villas in Greater Noida that redefine modern living. But what truly sets Escon Panache apart? Let's explore the unique features and benefits that make this property a standout choice.
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Prime Location
One of the most significant advantages of Escon Panache is its prime location in greater noida. This area is known for its excellent connectivity, with easy access to major highways, metro stations, and the upcoming Jewar Airport. Living in Escon Panache means you are just a short drive away from bustling city life while enjoying the tranquility of a peaceful neighborhood.
Luxurious Villas
Escon Panache offers luxurious villas that are designed to provide the ultimate comfort and elegance. Each villa is a masterpiece of modern architecture, featuring spacious interiors, high-quality finishes, and state-of-the-art amenities. Whether you are looking for a cozy family home or a lavish retreat, Escon Panache has something to suit your needs.
World-Class Amenities
What sets Escon Panache apart is the range of world-class amenities it offers. Residents can enjoy a well-equipped gym, a refreshing swimming pool, beautifully landscaped gardens, and a clubhouse for social gatherings. The community also boasts dedicated play areas for children, jogging tracks, and ample parking space. Every aspect of Escon Panache is designed to enhance your lifestyle and provide a sense of community.
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At Escon Panache, we believe in sustainable living. The property is designed with eco-friendly practices in mind, featuring rainwater harvesting systems, solar panels, and ample green spaces. Living in Escon Panache means you are contributing to a greener and more sustainable future.
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Escon Panache Villas stands out in the real estate market for all the right reasons. Its prime location, luxurious villas, world-class amenities, commitment to sustainability, and top-notch security make it the perfect choice for those seeking a dream home. Whether you are looking for a place to call home or an investment opportunity, Escon Panache offers the best of both worlds.
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Location: Greater Noida, Uttar Pradesh, India
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callcriteriaqa · 2 years
Call Criteria provides complete call center quality control software solutions. It makes the monitoring process and quality assurance fast. It is more focused on providing results of high-quality outcomes. Agent sales monitoring, agent coaching, AI-based sentiment analysis, agent performance tracking, interaction screening, and workflow automation are all included for maximum productivity. It can help transform customer service by motivating agents and streamlining agent training. Call Criteria QA software solutions are designed to save time while improving agent performance. It is a platform that combines several features that can improve customer experiences. In the meantime, it improves caller training and learning.
Call Criteria is a fantastic quality management tool, supported by cutting-edge AI analytics. It offers targeted and personalized coaching as well as top-notch customer service. With the assistance of this tool, the impact is quantifiable. It has adaptable scorecard features.
So, If you looking for call center quality control monitoring software to monitor and evaluate your customer's interactions and customer service operations? We at Call Criteria, provide you with quality assurance solutions to monitor agent performance. For more information, Visit our website to get a free demo of our Quality Assurance software.
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ai-for-contact-center · 10 months
Elevating Customer Experiences: The Crucial Role of Call Center Quality Assurance
In the dynamic world of call centers, where customer interactions are the cornerstone of success, ensuring a consistent and high-quality customer experience is non-negotiable. This is where Call Center Quality Assurance (QA) emerges as a strategic imperative. In this blog, we'll explore the pivotal role of Call Center QA, its components, and the transformative impact it has on customer satisfaction and business success.
Understanding Call Center Quality Assurance:
Call Center Quality Assurance is a systematic process designed to ensure that customer interactions meet predefined standards of excellence. It involves monitoring, evaluating, and improving the performance of customer service representatives to align with the organization's service goals. At its core, Call Center QA is about fostering a culture of continuous improvement to enhance customer satisfaction.
Components of Call Center Quality Assurance:
1. Monitoring and Evaluation:
   - Proactive monitoring of customer interactions through various channels, such as phone calls, live chats, or emails, is a fundamental aspect of QA.
   - Evaluations are conducted to assess how well agents adhere to scripts, handle customer queries, and meet performance benchmarks.
2. Feedback and Coaching:
   - Constructive feedback is essential for agent development. Regular feedback sessions help agents understand their strengths and areas for improvement.
   - Targeted coaching sessions based on QA evaluations empower agents to enhance their skills and deliver exceptional customer experiences.
3. Performance Metrics:
   - Key performance indicators (KPIs) like First Call Resolution (FCR), Average Handle Time (AHT), and customer satisfaction scores (CSAT) are tracked and analyzed.
   - Performance metrics provide insights into the efficiency and effectiveness of customer interactions, allowing organizations to make data-driven decisions.
The Impact of Call Center Quality Assurance:
1. Consistency in Service Delivery:
   - Call Center QA ensures that all customer interactions, regardless of the agent or channel, adhere to predefined standards. This consistency builds trust and enhances the overall customer experience.
2. Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty:
   - By continuously improving service quality based on QA insights, call centers can elevate customer satisfaction levels. Satisfied customers are more likely to become loyal advocates for the brand.
3. Operational Efficiency:
   - Identifying and addressing inefficiencies through QA leads to improved operational processes. This, in turn, enhances the efficiency of the call center, reducing costs and increasing productivity.
4. Compliance Adherence:
   - QA plays a crucial role in ensuring that agents comply with industry regulations and company policies. This is vital for avoiding legal issues and maintaining the integrity of the business.
5. Employee Engagement and Retention:
   - Providing agents with constructive feedback and opportunities for development through QA fosters a positive work environment. Engaged agents are more likely to stay with the company, reducing turnover costs. Try Driving Customer Engagement Through Call Center Automation
Challenges in Implementing Call Center Quality Assurance:
While the benefits of Call Center QA are substantial, implementing an effective QA program comes with its challenges.
1. Resource Allocation:
   - Allocating resources for training, monitoring tools, and QA personnel can be a challenge for some organizations. However, the long-term benefits often outweigh the initial investment.
2. Balancing Efficiency and Effectiveness:
   - Striking the right balance between maintaining efficiency and delivering effective customer service can be challenging. QA processes should aim to enhance both aspects without compromising one for the other.
3. Adapting to Technological Changes:
   - The rapid evolution of technology requires call centers to adapt their QA strategies continuously. This includes integrating new tools and analytics platforms to keep pace with industry advancements.
Best Practices for Effective Call Center Quality Assurance:
1. Define Clear QA Standards:
   - Establish clear and concise QA standards that align with organizational goals. These standards should be communicated to all agents to ensure consistency in performance expectations.
2. Regular Training and Development:
   - Invest in ongoing training programs for agents based on QA insights. This helps them stay updated on product or service knowledge and enhances their communication and problem-solving skills.
3. Utilize Technology Wisely:
   - Leverage technology to streamline the QA process. Implement call recording, speech analytics, and other monitoring tools to gather comprehensive data for evaluation.
4. Feedback-driven Improvement:
   - Use feedback from QA evaluations to drive continuous improvement. Identify trends, common issues, and areas for development, and implement strategies to address them.
5. Promote a Positive Feedback Culture:
   - Foster a culture where feedback is seen as an opportunity for growth rather than criticism. Recognize and celebrate achievements while providing constructive feedback for improvement.
In the realm of call centers, where customer satisfaction is the ultimate metric of success, quality assurance in BPO stands as a beacon guiding organizations toward excellence. By embracing the systematic approach of QA, organizations not only ensure consistent service delivery but also pave the way for continuous improvement and innovation. As the customer service landscape evolves, the role of Call Center QA becomes increasingly vital in shaping positive customer experiences and securing long-term business success.
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leadsrain-blog · 1 year
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Call center quality assurance includes call monitoring, KPIs, coaching and feedback, and root cause analysis. This contact center is very important as it ensures consistency, helps you decrease customer complaints, and lets you enhance client satisfaction as well as employee engagement.
Call barging & call hijacking can benefit from call center quality assurance programs to help guarantee that agents deliver high-quality customer support and that clients are happy with their interactions.
Real-time reports are crucial for call center QA because they monitor key metrics such as call volume, call wait times, and average handle time; identify issues with customer interactions and take corrective action; Real-time reports can help supervisors identify opportunities to improve call center efficiency; and provides immediate feedback to agents about their performance. LeadsRain helps you manage call center QA such as call recording, real-time reporting, call monitoring, quality assurance scoring, and call scripting. To know more about Call center quality assurance feel free to reach out at [email protected]
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hrhnext · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide to Measure Call Center Quality Assurance in Call Center Services
Learn about the top call center quality assurance metrics and techniques for contact center quality management in this comprehensive guide. Improve your call center services today.
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disolutions-world · 2 months
Transforming Businesses with DI Solutions: Innovative IT Expertise
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By: Leor Sapir
Published: Aug 19, 2023
There is no area of medicine more controversial than the treatment of children and adolescents who identify as transgender. The leading organization championing the early medicalization model, which recommends that kids receive puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones and even surgeries, is the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH). That organization, based in East Dundee, Ill., claims that its standards of care follow “the most rigorous protocol in the world to ensure these standards reflect scientific evidence and meet the needs of transgender patients.”
This is simply false.
In evidence-based medicine, trustworthy recommendations must rely on a systematic review of evidence. Prior to writing its latest standards of care, called SOC-8, WPATH commissioned such a review. That report, which included research subjects of any age, not just minors, concluded that there is an association between hormone therapy and improved quality of life for transgender people. But it noted that the quality of evidence for that association was “low,” due to concerns about study designs, small sample sizes and other factors.
It also said, “It was impossible to draw conclusions about the effects of hormone therapy on death by suicide.” Mysteriously, WPATH then claimed in SOC-8 that “a systematic review regarding outcomes of treatment in adolescents is not possible.”
WPATH’s systematic review is not the only one expressing low confidence in the benefits from early medical intervention. Health authorities in progressive Sweden, Finland and the U.K. have conducted their own reviews and every one of them yielded the same conclusion: The assertion that puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones help youths who identify as transgender live healthy lives is based on “very low” quality evidence. Focusing on SOC-8 unscientific claims about puberty blockers, the director of Belgium’s Center for Evidence-Based Medicine has said that he would “throw [WPATH’s guidelines] in the trash.”
Are there studies that claim hormones and surgeries help? Sure. But invariably, these studies suffer from severe methodological problems that demonstrably exaggerate the benefits and understate the risks. Crucially, and for good reason, even the Dutch studies, which gave rise to the practice of youth transitions worldwide, and which are recognized by WPATH itself as the gold standard of research in this area, have so many methodological flaws that European systematic reviews assessed them to be at “critical risk of bias.” Such is the state of pediatric gender medicine.
What about the risks? WPATH’s systematic review, whose lead author advocates for early medicalization, did not even bother to look at adverse effects. While the researchers originally planned to do so, as evident in the research protocol they filed, this intention disappeared before the review was done.
Sterility is all but assured for youth who undergo full gender transition, and WPATH’s own president has admitted that these kids will probably never experience orgasm later in life. Other risks, such as the adverse effects on bone, brain and cardiovascular health, are also expected but require further study.
It is precisely due to the problematic risk-benefit ratio of youth gender transition that Sweden, Finland and the U.K. — and Norway seems poised to join them — are backing away from gender affirming care.
“There is not enough evidence to support the safety, clinical effectiveness and cost effectiveness to make the treatment routinely available at this time,” England’s National Health Service declared. Sweden’s health authority found that “the risks of puberty-inhibiting and gender-affirming hormone treatment for those under 18 currently outweigh the possible benefits.”
Those health services now recommend psychosocial support and (as needed) psychotherapy to help deal with mental health issues as the main treatments for youth with gender dysphoria.
Proponents of gender-affirming care dismiss this approach, and with it, well-respected mental health supports such as cognitive behavioral therapy, as one based on “no evidence.” But this gets things exactly backward. It is the riskier and more invasive intervention — hormones and surgeries — that requires stronger evidence. Without that evidence, safer treatments should be used by default. First, do no harm.
Health authorities in Europe have now broken from WPATH, as the organization itself acknowledges, and reclassified early medicalization from the category of “medical treatment” to that of “an experimental practice.” As a result, youth gender transitions are confined to research settings, with the option to undergo transition restricted to exceptional and rare cases.
In short, European health experts are rejecting the narrative that has taken root within the world of activist-led U.S. medical associations, a narrative WPATH has done much to help propagate: that gender-affirming care is safe and effective, that it is based on settled science, and that there should be, as a result, “no debate” on the matter. There is indeed a growing consensus among international experts, but it is a consensus against WPATH’s approach.
WPATH’s SOC-8 has angered many in the medical community, and rightly so. In addition to falsely claiming that a systematic review of evidence is “not possible,” WPATH inexplicably decided to omit a chapter on ethics from the final version of SOC-8. It included, instead, a chapter on “eunuchs” in which it claims that young children can know they have a eunuch “gender identity.” Perhaps most alarmingly, a few days after SOC-8 was published, WPATH eliminated all age-minimum recommendations for puberty blockers, cross-sex hormones, and surgeries — including genital surgeries, with the exception of phalloplasty.
At the WPATH conference last September, Amy Tischelman, lead author of the SOC-8 chapter on children, candidly acknowledged that WPATH eliminated age-minimum recommendations to give doctors legal cover for performing invasive treatments on young patients. “What we didn’t want to do was create a chapter that would make it more likely that practitioners would be sued because they weren’t following exactly what we said,” she said.
Gender-affirming care activists assure onlookers that drugs and surgeries are offered only to “carefully selected patients.” That isn’t true either. A Reuters investigation last year interviewed providers at 18 pediatric gender clinics and found that none said they were following the purportedly more cautious “Dutch protocol,” despite WPATH and prominent “affirming” doctors saying that this approach is the most evidence-based and the one practiced in American clinics. The director of Boston Children’s Hospital gender clinic was caught admitting that the number of teenagers they were seeing “has skyrocketed” and that the clinic was handing out puberty blockers “like candy.”
These are but a few examples of doctors putting adolescents, most with underlying mental health problems and some with histories of family trauma and sexual abuse, in the driver’s seat of risky and irreversible medical decisions when they are at their most vulnerable.
When the gender-affirming care scandal comes to be known as the lobotomy of the 21st century, as inevitably it will, American medical groups will scramble to dissociate themselves from it, insisting that they were merely misunderstood. WPATH can make no such excuse. It exists chiefly, if not exclusively, to ensure access to experimental drugs and surgeries.
[ Via: https://archive.today/ku0OF ]
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bigassbowlingballhead · 5 months
Worst job you’ve ever had?
i've had three full time tax playing jobs my whole life. working food service at the zoo, a call center (phone agent, quality assurance, and finally management) and now my banking job.
by far, the worst job was the call center. it felt like high school a lot of the time and i was miserable the nearly 8 years i worked there. but i stuck it out because around here. the options they're limited.
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