#quake agents of shield
awesomeicewing · 10 months
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Daisy Johnson, aka Skye aka Quake (Agents of SHIELD)
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daisy johnson from marvel's agents of shield is bisexual (canon)
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rhaenyratargaryns · 2 months
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DAISY JOHNSON in every season ✶ Season Seven
She's doing great. She's been through a lot, but, um…It's funny what can happen when someone believes in you.
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fictionaltrvlr · 14 days
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more daisy fanart mwhaha
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nowifi-noconnection · 1 month
the scene where daisy and jemma are trying to figure out if the other is a lmd and then daisy pulls jemma into a hug so she can feel her bones and then they both cry bc they’re the only ones left from the team but also they’re relieved bc at least they’re together and haven’t been replaced?
just that scene.
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backgroundagent3 · 1 month
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I had a vision and I had to complete it.
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autism-swagger · 6 days
Seriously though can we talk about Daisy after she's freed from Hive?? She literally goes through dopamine withdrawal, symptoms of which include (but are not limited to) anxiety, panic attacks, dysphoria, depression, agitation, irritability, suicidal ideation, fatigue, nausea, vomiting, generalized pain, and drug cravings.
Not to mention the fact that dopamine withdrawal has to chance of becoming protracted withdrawal syndrome and can last anywhere from months to YEARS. Get my girl in a detox center NOW 😭
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lizisthecoolest · 6 months
"there are barely any good shows anymore, nothing has character development and intricate plots and fan service and-"
have you even seen agents of shield. have you met daisy johnson.
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fandomnerd9602 · 4 months
Y/N: hey I love you
Daisy: really?! I love me too.
Later at the cafeteria table…
Daisy: I think I screwed up. I meant to say I love you too
Fitz: I’m sure Y/N understood what you meant
Y/N walks by…
Daisy: I love you!
Y/N: I love me too (winks)
Daisy blushes…
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awesomeicewing · 1 year
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Another drawing
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hiddenvioletsgrow · 5 months
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Agents of Shield text posts part 10!
whoa ive already made 10 of these, crazy, anyhow the first one is one of my favs so far
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queen-daya · 8 months
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Happy Agents of Shield Halloween
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upat4amwiththemoon · 27 days
can I request a Daisy Johnson x reader fanfic where reader works at shield and is the (secret) daughter of Coulson and May and only a small circle, not including Daisy knows who readers parents are. Reader and Daisy met at shield hq and Daisy ends up ranting to Coulson about the girl she met and after a while Coulson realises Daisy is talking about his daughter?
Accidental oversharing
Summary: The secret daughter of Phil Coulson and Melinda May.
Pairing: Daisy Johnson x female!reader, Philinda x daughter!reader
Warnings: none
Word count: 772
a/n: day 1000 of wishing Marvel gave us more Daisy Johnson content
Tags: @thought-of-you-and-me @rafecameronswhore
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“Oh shit!” A stack of papers falls to the ground as Daisy’s body bumps right into someone in the middle of the SHIELD headquarters’ hallway.
“I’m so sorry.” The other woman mumbles as she kneels down, starting to gather all the papers from the ground. “I wasn’t looking where I was going.”
“No, it’s my fault,” Daisy picks up the few papers that flew further away.
The woman gives Daisy a small smile as she stands up, now holding all of her papers. She takes a double take, her brows scrunching together. “Aren’t you the Quake?”
“Oh god,” she cringes at the mention of her superhero name, “please call me Daisy. I hate that name.”
“Okay, Daisy. I’m Y/N.” Freeing one of her hands, Y/N reaches it out to shake Daisy’s hand. “It’s nice to meet you.”
It’s not that Daisy doesn’t pay attention to the people working at SHIELD, because she does, she makes sure to be at least polite to everyone (who deserves it), but right now she can’t help but stare at the woman in front of her, taking her in fully. “Uhuh.” She nods, shaking Y/N’s hand softly.
“Okay.” She lets out a small laugh before pulling her hand away from Daisy’s weak grip. “I really have to get going, but I’ll see you around, maybe.” Y/N waits for a couple of seconds before walking away.
“Yeah…” Daisy whispers, her eyes following her until she finally registers reality. “Wait what?” Her eyes widen as a visceral need to get the woman’s number comes over her. She desperately looks around to find the woman, but the sea of people has already hidden her from sight. “Shit.”
Daisy has no choice but to continue her way to Coulson, who called for her at least 30 minutes ago.
“Hey, Daisy?” Coulson’s hand waves in front of her face. “Are you listening to me?”
Daisy sighs, coming out of her dreamland as she focused her gaze on Coulson. “No, sorry AC.”
“What’s going on?”
Leaning her head over the back of the couch, Daisy smiles softly as she reminisces what happened not too long ago. “I bumped into someone, a woman, today. I don’t think I’ve seen her around before, because I’d definitely remember her if I had.”
“Someone finally caught your eye?” Coulson has a small grin on his face as he listens to her talk.
“What do you mean finally?” She scoffs, rolling her eyes before going to explaining. “She was so beautiful and nice, so cute, and I was acting so weird around her.” Daisy lays her hand over her face, a small grimace on it. “But I couldn’t help it! I got completely mesmerized by her.”
Though Coulson wanted to tease her at first, his grin turns into a genuine smile. Daisy hasn’t really paid attention to people after everything that happened with Ward and then Lincoln, so he is truly happy for her.
“I didn’t get her number though.” She mumbles. “But her name is Y/N, do you know her?”
At the mention of her name, Coulson’s brows raise. “Y/N? About yay tall, great hair, smiling all the time?” He gestures with his hands, wanting to make sure they’re thinking about the same person.
“Yeah! So you do know her?”
“Ask her number from May. I’m banner from that duty since I apparently don’t know how to judge a person’s vibes well enough.” He says it as if it’s the moat ridiculous thing he has ever heard, but there’s fondness in his tone.
Daisy furrows her brows, now lifting her head up properly to watch Coulson. “You know her well? May too?”
“Mhm.” He smiles, his arms crossed over his chest. “She is our daughter.”
There is a prolonged silence as Daisy tries to wrap her head around the sentence. “Daughter? You-“ she opens and closes her mouth, her wide eyes stuck on Coulson’s grinning face. “I know you two are together, but long enough to have a whole adult daughter?”
“Very few people know.”
“Why wasn’t I one of those people?”
“Security reasons. Don’t worry, none of the people on the team know.” Coulson takes out his phone, informing May that Daisy is now aware of their daughter.
“But-“ Daisy huffs before shaking her head. “Philinda daughter…” she mumbles.
“Please don’t call her that. May might hurt you.” Coulson pats Daisy’s shoulder. “Do you want her number?”
“Yes! Yes, I want her number.”
“Go get it from May-“ Daisy is already on her feet, “she is getting the bus ready.” And Daisy is gone, leaving Coulson to chuckle by himself.
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sunlightwanda · 8 months
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Ava Silva and Daisy Johnson being the same person
- Traumatised babygirl who was raised in an abusive orphanage
- received cool powers
- died too many times
- bisexual
- uses humour to cope with all the bad shit that happened to them
- scared shitless of their powers at first but eventually learn to accept it
- their love language is physical affection
- mother figure is an angry woman with bad past
- one of the few people who knows the actual reasons behind their mother stoic expression (they have actual feelings)
- Bob hair supremacy
Add on
- was there during their mom's "death"
- not religious
Am I missing anything?
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fictionaltrvlr · 2 months
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you should be
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