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Ya Alloh Engkau “Maha Beri Karunia” Dan Aku Hanya Hamba Yang Kau Beri Karunia #Dakwah #Islam
AL-WAHHAB ( الوهّاب) Yang Maha Memberi DALIL PENETAPAN Dalil yang menetapkan nama Allah Al-Wahab telah disebutkan di beberapa tempat di dalam Al-Qur’an diantaranya : أَمْ عِنْدَهُمْ خَزَائِنُ رَحْمَةِ رَبِّكَ الْعَزِيزِ الْوَهَّابِ (٩) “Atau apakah mereka itu mempunyai perbendaharaan rahmat Rabb-mu Yang Maha Perkasa lagi Maha Pemberi.” (QS. Shaad: 9) Ya Alloh Engkau “Maha Beri Karunia” Dan Aku Hanya Hamba Yang Kau Beri Karunia MAKNA Al-Wahhab berarti Yang Maha banyak pemberiannya, mendistribusikannya tepat sasaran dan membagikannya sesuai hikmah dan kebijaksanaan. Yang Maha mengaruniakan dan Maha memberikan nikmat berupa sejumlah anugerah, bukan karena merupakan hak ciptaan-Nya dan bukan pula untuk mendapatkan ibadah mereka. (The Miracle Of Asmaul Husna:304) DO’A IBADAH Beberapa ibadah yang berkaitan dengan nama Allah Al-Wahhab diantaranya : Allah adalah Dzat yang banyak memberi kenikmatan, karunia dan pemberian. Dia memberi kepada siapa saja yang Dia kehendaki dan Dia mencegah siapa yang Dia kehendaki. Tidak ada yang bisa memberi apa yang Dia cegah dan tidak ada yang dapat mencegah apa yang Dia beri. Allah memberi kepada siapa saja yang Dia kehendaki apapun yang Dia kehendaki. Pemberian-pemberian-Nya senantiasa mengalir kepada hamba-hamba-Nya. Dia memberi sebelum diminta maupun setelah diminta. Allah memberi kepada manusia tanpa meminta balasan atas pemberian-Nya karena Allah tidak membutuhkan pemberian dari makhluk-Nya. Hal ini berbeda dengan pemberian manusia yang bertujuan untuk memperoleh ganti/balasan, baik di dunia maupun di akhirat, bisa berupa harapan dipuji dan dicintai, atau berupa pahala di akhirat kelak. Pemberian Allah kepada manusia sangatlah banyak, diantara pemberian-Nya adalah Allah memberikan Ilmu dan harta bagi siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya. Allah memberikan ilmu agar hamba mengenal-Nya, mengenal keesaan-Nya, mengenal rububiyah-Nya, mengenal Uluhiyah-Nya, mengenal Asma dan Sifat-Nya dan juga mengenal kekuasaan-Nya. begitu juga Allah memberikan harta agar hamba meyakini bahwa Allah adalah Zat Yang Maha Kaya, agar manusia selalu butuh kepada-Nya dan agar manusia menyadari bahwa ia adalah hamba yang fakir, yang tidak memiliki apa-apa kecuali atas apa yang telah diberikan oleh Allah kepada-Nya. Allah berfirman : يَا أَيُّهَا النَّاسُ أَنْتُمُ الْفُقَرَاءُ إِلَى اللَّهِ وَاللَّهُ هُوَ الْغَنِيُّ الْحَمِيدُ (١٥) “Hai manusia, kamulah yang butuh kepada Allah, dan Allah Dia-lah Yang Maha Kaya (tidak memerlukan sesuatu lagi Maha Terpuji).” (QS. Fathir: 15) Begitu juga Allah memberikan kesembuhan kepada orang-orang yang sakit bagi siapa saja yang dikehendaki-Nya. Allah memberikan kesembuhan bagi siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya setelah dia berikhtiar dan berdo’a meminta kesembuhan kepada-Nya. Allah memberikan kesembuhan pada penyakit-penyakit yang diderita oleh hamba-Nya baik penyakit fisik ataupun penyakit hati. Maka tidak ada yang bisa memberikan kesembuhan kecuali Allah As-Syafi’ dan tidak ada yang bisa mencegah datangnya penyakit kecuali atas izin Allah. Allah Al-Wahhab adalah Dzat yang memberikan anak kepada siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya dan menahannya bagi siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya. Allah memberikan anak kepada pasangan suami-istri dengan berbagai macam, ada yang hanya diberikan anak laki-laki saja, ada yang hanya diberikan anak perempuan saja, ada yang diberikan anak laki-laki dan perempuan dan ada pula pasangan suami istri yang tidak diberikan anak sama sekali. Hal ini telah disebutkan oleh Allah dalam al-Qur’an : لِلَّهِ مُلْكُ السَّمَاوَاتِ وَالأرْضِ يَخْلُقُ مَا يَشَاءُ يَهَبُ لِمَنْ يَشَاءُ إِنَاثًا وَيَهَبُ لِمَنْ يَشَاءُ الذُّكُورَ (٤٩)أَوْ يُزَوِّجُهُمْ ذُكْرَانًا وَإِنَاثًا وَيَجْعَلُ مَنْ يَشَاءُ عَقِيمًا إِنَّهُ عَلِيمٌ قَدِيرٌ (٥٠) “Kepunyaan Allah-lah kerajaan langit dan bumi, Dia menciptakan apa yang Dia kehendaki. Dia memberikan anak-anak perempuan kepada siapa yang Dia kehendaki dan memberikan anak-anak lelaki ke
pada siapa yang Dia kehendaki, atau Dia menganugerahkan kedua jenis laki-laki dan perempuan (kepada siapa) yang dikehendaki-Nya, dan Dia menjadikan mandul siapa yang Dia kehendaki. Sesungguhnya Dia Maha mengetahui lagi Maha Kuasa.” ( QS. Asy-Syura: 49-50) Allah memberikan anak kepada pasangan suami istri sebagai penyejuk hati bagi mereka. Maka berbahagialah bagi siapa saja yang diamanahi anak oleh Allah Al-Wahhab, jagalah anak-anak tersebut, didiklah mereka dengan pendidikan yang baik, kenalkan mereka kepada Allah, ajarkan kepada mereka tauhid yang kokoh, jadikan mereka sebagai anak-anak yang berguna bagi dirinya sendirinya, orangtuanya, masyarakatnya, bangsa dan negara terutama berguna bagi agamanya yaitu Islam. Allah Al-Wahhab memberikan hidayah kepada siapa yang dikendaki-Nya dan menahan hidayah bagi siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya. Orang yang mendapatkan hidayah dari Allah, maka hatinya akan terasa lapang, dadanya akan terasa luas, dia akan mudah menerima kebenaran dari siapapun datangnya kebenaran tersebut dan dia akan bersemangat dalam beramal sholih, bersemangat dalam melakukan berbagai kebaikan meskipun ujian dan cobaan datang silih berganti untuk menghalanginya dari beribadah kepada Allah. Jika seseorang telah diberikan hidayah oleh Allah, maka tidak akan ada orang yang mampu menyesatkannya dari jalan Allah. Sebaliknya jika seseorang telah ditahan oleh Allah untuk mendapatkan hidayah dari-Nya, maka hatinya akan terasa sempit, tidak akan mudah menerima nasehat, tidak akan mudah menerima kebenaran meskipun kebenaran tersebut telah jelas dalil dan bukti-buktinya, dia akan sulit untuk melakukan kebaikan bahkan cenderung untuk melakukan kemungkaran dan pembangkangan kepada Allah dan Rasul-Nya. Jika Allah telah menahan hidayah dari siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya, maka tidak ada yang akan mampu untuk memberikan hidayah kepadanya dan tidak akan ada yang bisa menyelamatkannya dari kesesatan di jalan-Nya. مَنْ يَهْدِ اللَّهُ فَهُوَ الْمُهْتَدِ وَمَنْ يُضْلِلْ فَلَنْ تَجِدَ لَهُ وَلِيًّا مُرْشِدًا (١٧) “Barangsiapa yang diberi petunjuk oleh Allah, Maka Dialah yang mendapat petunjuk; dan Barangsiapa yang disesatkan-Nya, Maka kamu tidak akan mendapatkan seorang pemimpinpun yang dapat memberi petunjuk kepadanya.” (QS. Al-Kahfi: 17) Allah akan memberikan hidayah kepada siapa yang dikehendaki-Nya dengan sebab-sebab yang telah dilakukan oleh seorang hamba. Oleh karena itu, kita harus berusaha untuk mendapatkan hidayah dari Allah dengan mendatangi majelis-majelis ilmu, mendatangi ulama, meminta nasehat kepada mereka tentang masalah agama, mendengarkan kajian-kajian Islam baik melalui radio, youtube ataupun media elektronik lainnya, membaca buku-buku Islam dan berdo’a kepada Allah meminta agar diberikan hidayah, karena hidayah itu tidak datang dengan sendirinya, tapi harus melalui usaha. Kemudian jika kita telah diberikan hidayah, maka kita harus berusaha untuk mempertahankannya dengan tetap istiqomah dalam kebenaran, istiqomah dalam beribadah dan istiqomah dalam menjauhi perbuatan maksiat kepada Allah. Inilah diantara pemberi Allah yang paling agung yang diberikan kepada hamba dan Nabi-Nya Muhammad Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam. Allah mengajarkan kepada kita agar setiap rakaat shalat selalu membaca: اهْدِنَا الصِّرَاطَ الْمُسْتَقِيمَ (٦) “Tunjukilah kami jalan yang lurus” (QS. Al-Fatihah: 6) Yang dimaksud dengan Shirat Al-Mustaqim dalam ayat diatas adalah iman, Islam, al-Qur’an dan menjadi pengikut Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam DO’A PERMOHONAN Diantara do’a permohonan yang bisa kita panjatkan berkaitan dengan nama Allah Al-Wahhab adalah do’a memohon ketetapan dan rahmat dari Allah sebagaimana yang dipanjatkan oleh orang-orang yang mendalam ilmunya رَبَّنَا لا تُزِغْ قُلُوبَنَا بَعْدَ إِذْ هَدَيْتَنَا وَهَبْ لَنَا مِنْ لَدُنْكَ رَحْمَةً إِنَّكَ أَنْتَ الْوَهَّابُ (٨) “(Mereka berdo’a) ‘Ya Rabb kami, janganlah Engkau jadikan hati kami condong kepada kesesatan setelah Engkau b
eri petunjuk kepada kami, dan karuniakanlah kepada kami rahmat dari sisi-Mu, karena sesungguhnya Engkau-lah Maha Pemberi (karunia).” (QS. Ali ‘Imran: 8) Begitu juga sabda Rasulullah Shallallahu ‘alaihi wasallam للَّهُمَّ مُصَرِّفَ الْقُلُوبِ صَرِّفْ قُلُوبَنَا عَلَى طَاعَتِكَ “Ya Allah, Dzat yang memalingkan hati, palingkanlah hati kami kepada ketaatan beribadah kepada-Mu.” (HR. Muslim : 2654) Semoga Allah senantiasa memberikan karunia dan hidayah-Nya kepada kita, dan menjadikan kita tetap istiqomah dan bersyukur atas karunia dan hidayah tersebut dengan menggunakannya di jalan Allah dan hanya beribadah kepada-Nya. Demikian semoga bermanfaat. Washollallahu ‘Ala Nabiyina Muhammad wa ‘Ala Alihi wasohbihi wasallam. Al-Bayaan Cianjur, 29 Sya’ban 1441 H / 23 April 2020 Penulis : Adep Baehaki, Lc Sumber : The Miracle Of Asmaul Husna Karya Muallifah Fiqih Asmaul Husna Karya Prof. Dr. Abdurrazzaq bin Abdul Muhsin Al-Abbad Al-Badr Al-Asmaul Husna Karya Prof. Dr. Umar Sulaiman Al-Asyqar Sumber Artikel dari Asmaul Husna Center: https://asmaulhusnacenter.com/al-wahhab-yang-maha-memberi.html بِسْمِ اللّٰهِ الرَّحْمٰنِ الرَّحِيْم – قُلْ هُوَ اللّٰهُ اَحَدٌۚ – اَللّٰهُ الصَّمَدُۚ – لَمْ يَلِدْ وَلَمْ يُوْلَدْۙ – وَلَمْ يَكُنْ لَّهٗ كُفُوًا اَحَدٌ Allohumma solli ‘alaa muhammad, wa ‘alaa aali muhammad, kamaa sollaita ‘alaa aali ibroohim, wa baarik ‘alaa muhammad, wa ‘alaa aali muhammad, kamaa baarokta ‘alaa aali ibroohim, fil ‘aalamiina innaka hamiidummajiid. Allâhumma-ghfir liummati sayyidinâ muhammadin, allâhumma-rham ummata sayyidinâ muhammadin, allâhumma-stur ummata sayyidinâ muhammadin. Allahumma maghfiratuka awsa’u min dzunubi wa rahmatuka arja ‘indi min ‘amali. Ya Alloh Engkau “Maha Beri Karunia” Dan Aku Hanya Hamba Yang Kau Beri Karunia
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Week 9: Gender Benders
Inclusive representation in media is so vital, but so extremely difficult to get right; here is a perfect example. This person, who queers gender, is able to identify with a person similar to them for the first time. That is, until an offensive stereotype is displayed.
I never saw myself in anyone anywhere at all until Lea Delaria played Big Boo on orange is the new black and it still somehow managed to be a lowkey predatory portrayal (which as a lesbian is about the worst thing one can imagine being)
— mgn (@wootmygoldfish)
September 30, 2019
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Week 9: Gender Explosions
Boy, girl. Man, woman. These are the labels that circle many societies around the world as the only options when it comes to identifying gender. However, as we move on to the future, gender has begun to blur, and a new form of gender expression is being brought onto the surface of society. This can be seen in people who represent a queered gender in social media.
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Week 10 (Part 3)
Now I'm going to move on to depictions of queer neutering in media not aimed at children. The example I'm going to focus on is The Imitation Game. The movie is supposed to be based on real events and depicts the life of Alan Turning as he struggled to create the enigma machine and help save lives during WWII.
Turning was a gay man and the government refused to acknowledge his contributions to ending the war for many many years after the fact, because of this fact. At that time in history it was illegal to be gay, and some time after the war had ended when the police got evidence that Turning was gay, they chemically castrated him for it and two years later he died from suicide.
Throughout the movie Turning is never once seen in any sort of romantic or sexual way with another man. He is depicted as a young child to have a crush on another student, but that is it. Not to mention that his relationship with Joan Clarke, a good friend of his, is overly romanticized. Here they are dancing in a way that seems very romantic:
In an article Turning's own niece, Inagh Payne, expresses her anger regarding this over romanticized depiction.
When asked why they didn't put a gay sex scene in the movie, both Benedict Cumberbatch who played Alan Turning, and Morten Tyldurn, the director, defended the choice saying that not only did Turning not have a very active sex life, so it would be inaccurate to show any sort of sex scene, but also the fact that he was gay was only a small part of what they wanted to portray about Turning. They said they didn't want the movie to be all about his sex life. Also they said that we don't need to see a sex seen to know Turning was gay and a sex scene would have been irreverent.
However the fact of the matter is that Turning was gay and he did engage in sex with another man. That is why he was castrated after all. Which means that it is extremely relevant to the movie. The fact that his relationship with a woman was overly romanticized on top of the fact that they refused to show him in any sort of way with a man shows that they have clearly neutered his character.
The interview can be found here.
I will admit a large amount of the comments to this interview upset me. Most were similar to the few I have put bellow, they argue that ts is good there were no sex scenes because they would ruin the movie. Many even said how all movies should get rid of sex scenes. Many more said they think people just wanted to see Benedict Cumberbatch naked.
I find these statements very offensive. The LGBTQ+ community is extremely under represented and accurate depictions of our sexuality on screen can really help people feel more safe, represented, and like they aren't alone. The following are some more comments that I found regarding the subject that honestly seem more thoughtful and considered. Though I did have to look a lot harder to find these then the rest.
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Mac from Its Always Sunny in Philidelphia is constantly banging different women every time you watch an episode. He’s a pretty good looking guy so it’s obvious that most of his fans were straight women. As the story progresses, Mac is seen teasing sexual things about men and their physical features. This can easily be brushed off but it seems to be a constant thing that he does. Though later he does end up with some men, this can change the audience's perspective on Mac. The way Mac thinks and mentions things is a way to show the audience how it’s okay to be a complex person who’s also very open to their opinions. Mac is very unsure of what he wants but it’s always hinted that he likes men.
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WEEK 3 Essence of the Musical
The film “Hedwig and The Angry Inch” does a great job conveying exploration in identity and expression. Hedwig has been abused, survived a botched surgery, been taken advantage of, but that doesn’t define who she is. She is comfortable with her identity and her “angry inch.” She uses exploration of identity and expression on stage to define who she is. She uses that “queer spirit” on stage. In pop culture, we see more and more of that exploration of identity and expression on stage and in films. I have always thought pop culture is queer. David Bowie, Freddie Mercury, and Mick Jagger are well-known artists who performed queerness and gender exploration on stage decades ago. I feel that pop culture has become even queerer than ever. We see artists like Lil Nas X, Harry Styles, Jaden Smith, and much more exploring that gender exploration on stage. When it comes to films and shows, we see “queer spirit” in shows and movies such as Euphoria, Sex Education, Call Me by Your Name, and Portrait of Lady Fire that explores queerness. These shows and films are highly praised, and many of them have won awards. There are new paradigms of desire. I see celebrities like Harry Styles, Miley Cyrus, Erza Miller who are desired, and many see their exploration of queerness as sexy. I see this new paradigm of exploration in film and pop culture. I can see why the audience might fall in love with “Hedwig” and her “queer spirit.” Many might find “Hedwig” as sexy or powerful. She is very androgynous and is non-binary presenting. We are seeing more validation of queer lifestyles through media portrayals. Many celebrities such as Elliot Page and Demi Lavato identity as non-binary. This validation of queer lifestyles in media inspires people to express who they are and explore their queerness. It has encouraged me and others to explore identities and express ourselves. Gender is a social construction. “Hedwig and The Angry Inch” and many other celebrities/films are dismantling the binary gender social construction we have and validating our queer lifestyle.
Lil Nas X : Thats What I Want Music Video
Euphoria Rue and Jules
Lil Nax x
Harry Styles
Sex Education Adam and Eric
Call Me By Your Name
Madonna and Britney
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don’t get me started on the Nova/Remy situation, y’all, because I get it (I GET IT) that sometimes you don’t see somebody in a romantic light until one day it clicks. I get that sometimes people come into our lives through other people, and it’s messy. I get that sometimes the right person might be right there and we don’t even recognize.
I just also get that this is not the sort of thing this family needs right now. This is not the sort of mess Nova should be okay with accepting into her life, especially when she’s already a bit on the rocks with Charley for Charley’s business decisions. Nova can say all she wants that she might not be doing anything wrong, but she’s got to feel that dishonesty, doesn’t she? She’s got to know that for her to feel even a bit of something and spend a bunch of time with him -- that’s not okay.
don’t go fishing with Remy. find somebody else. look for somebody else. do something else. and if he’s that route to reconnecting with your father and your history, it damn sure needs to be platonic because this? this is the sort of thing that makes it real hard to trust somebody, anybody, ever again.
#Charley's trust issues finna be at a 99% btwn all the lies from everybody#qs stuff#I'm hella anti over here and I'm sure the writers can do it in a way that I'll be like hmm alright#BUT I DON'T WANT THIS. I DON'T WANT THIS FOR ANY OF THEM#qs: s3#queen sugar#qs spoilers#qs: 305#qs: 304
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10/16/21 – QS 304, Wk 7 Scrapbook
Cheryl Dunye goes on a journey to find and honor The Watermelon Woman.
Even if it’s fiction, it’s true.
“The Watermelon Woman serves as an archive of black queer life, bringing attention to the documentary form as a site of retelling the stories of black communities and historical events from a black lesbian perspective.”
-Matt Richardson. Our Stories Have Never Been Told
“We must interrogate the connections between the creation of a historical text and the individual, social and political use of historical knowledge because history as a science cannot be understood as neutral with regard to such questions.”
-Andrea Germer (paraphrasing Jorn Rusen). “Sometimes You Have to Create Your Own History”: The Watermelon Woman and Historiographical Theory
“Writing lesbians into recognizable— even cliché— versions of the past seems to intone, ‘We exist, we exist, we exist.’ ”
-Linda Garber. Claiming Lesbian Fiction: The Romance Between Fact and Fiction
This scrapbook is a collection of queer women and love-- the past, the present, the forgotten, and the fantasy.
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[VoB2021] Di Mana Keadilan Allah?
[VoB2021] Di Mana Keadilan Allah?
Voice of Bayyinah (VoB) Hari ke-304 Topik: Pearls from Ali Imran Rabu, 21 April 2021 Materi VoB Hari ke-304 Pagi | Di Mana Keadilan Allah? Oleh: Indri Djangko #WednesdayAliImranWeek44Part1 Part 1 بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم Kita masih membahas tentang QS. Ali-Imran:18, yang kali ini akan membahas hal menarik dari sisi gramatikal dengan membahas kata demi kata sehingga kita bisa memahami ayat…
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Week 14: Oh, no ma’am!
All from Zoolander 2
The above screenshot shows Benedict Cumberbatch portraying a non-binary model named All. First of all, the name All is pure mockery. Simply because one does not adhere to a binary one is now EVERYTHING? No. Wrong. In fact, in the film, the character is even asked if they have a “Hot dog or a bun.” If you need me to explain it to you, All is being asked if they have a dick or a vagina.
It makes sense that with increased visibility comes increased mockery. After all, if equality is truly equality, then everyone is at risk of being made fun of. However, I think there should be some “cooling off” type period wherein we get to discuss historical taboos. In Queer Theories, Donald E. Hall writes, “Indeed, ‘naming’ something -- even in prohibitive fashion -- does carry with it the possibility of identification ‘with’ as well as ‘against’” (28).
While giving power to the non-binary and transgender movements has allowed for individuals identifying within those communities to be supermodels, etc., false notions of what it means to belong to such a group (such as that in Zoolander 2) that can do damage to the group and to the movement.
Ethnographical goldmine: Sarah Rose, a user on a petition website called Care2 , created a petition and in the description wrote, “Cumberbatch’s character is clearly portrayed as an over-the-top, cartoonish mockery of androgyne/trans/non-binary individuals . . . This is the modern equivalent of using blackface to represent a minority.” The petition has since closed but it did get over 25,000 signatures.
#week 14#week14#qs304#qs 304#csun#zoolander#Benedict cumberbatch#Owen wilson#ben stiller#all#zoolander 2
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Week 13 Scrapbook: The Future Holds....
One day...I hope for...
Queer films and shows that present queer representation as the main characters in films and television, nothing like Love, Simon
Queer films and shows that have more happy endings, almost like Carol
Queer films and television that present a queer relationship that is beyond the male gaze, nothing like Blue Is the Warmest Colour
Queer films and television that isn’t afraid to raise the level of crazy, almost like Hannibal but queerer in the relationships
Queer films and shows that portray queers as actual queers and not a straight queer that straight people accept, like Queer Eye but more focus on them
...one day...
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Looking To the Future
I think the biggest problem with queer representation right now, other then of course how little we see of it in the first place, is the lack of diversity. The LGBTQIA+ community is made up of a lot of different identities that don't really get a lot of screen time, if any at all. Its true that the quality and quantity of appearances of LGBTQIA+ characters is lacking on all fronts, but the disproportionate representation of some groups is astonishing to me.
I want to see a much wider variety of queer representation, and I want to see it over all media types. While I'll always love a good queer film or show that breaks boundaries and shows the struggles that our queer community faces, I'd also really love to see queers in everyday life, or out on an adventure. I'd love to see story's about queer characters that show the reality of being queer, but include more then just that. Where the queerness of characters is real, represented accurately, and given sufficient screen time, but there is still an interesting story behind all that. I want to see queer super heroes, and queer adventures. I want an interesting story and queer representation all in one.
Here is some fan art other people have made, of popular characters in the media, but with a queer twist. I'm already a huge fan of most of these series, and if they were really queer I would love them a million times more.
Here is a picture of Ginny and Luna from Harry Potter as lesbians!
Here is Tony Stark, Pepper Potts, and Bruce Banner in a Poly relationship!
Here is a picture of Bakugo from My Hero Academia as a Transgender man!
This is a non-binary Midoriya from My Hero Academia!
Here is a transgender/Bi Peter Parker and a gay Ned Leeds!
Here is Bucky, Jenny and Sour Cream from Steven Universe in a poly relationship!
Here is Valkyire and Captain Marvel from the MCU as a couple. There are hints throughout their respective movies that they might be lesbians, but hints aren't enough!
Here is the entire cast of the Teen Titans with different queer identities!
Here is the original Disney Bi Icon Li Shang from Mulan!
Here is Pan Sanji and Genderfluid Zoro from One Piece!
Finally a couple pics of gender queer Sherlock Holmes from BBC's Sherlock!
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With the exception of someone at a local coffee shop or the grocery store that unintentionally stumbled into the opportunity to meet Professor Clements, I might be the student/person who knew him for the shortest amount of time. I chose to add a last minute class to my school schedule and something told me that QS 304 was a great option. I looked up the professor and after seeing things like “the most memorable class I have taken,” “Professor Clements was easily the best professor I've had at the collegiate level” and “VULGAR. Don't like discussing sex? Prepare to be GRAVELY uncomfortable.” I decided THIS WAS THE CLASS FOR ME! So 4 weeks into a busy semester I signed up for his class. Little did I know 4 weeks later we would all be saying goodbye to the most fun, hilarious, crude and inspiring teacher I’ve ever met.
Never have I ever come across a professor that offers such in-depth, curious and raw perspectives on individuality. It breaks my heart to think of his words and imagination being forced into another dimension that we cannot access until we too pass to the other side.
Growing up in a limited perspective community forced me to look for diversity inclusion in my own way. Even though I identify as a straight female woman, I’ve always had a high level of empathy and never understood why some people choose to cast hate upon others. I’ve always wanted to learn more about the LGBTQ community, that many people I know and love live in, and this class has offered me more (even in the short 4 weeks I have been involved) knowledge and perspective then I could have imagined. I deeply thank Professor Clements for accepting my late enrollment and actively connecting with me during and after class. After one class, him and I just chatted about random things for about 10 minutes and I found myself wishing we were in the same room with a hot drink and cookies hanging out, person to person.
It’s not often that a professor gains respect and admiration from his students just by being who they are. Usually there is a wall or a level of cold professionalism that leaves students feeling “less then.” Professor Clements naturally demanded respect while simultaneously making students feel at home in his “fun house” aura.
In a way, his precess feels like a dream to me personally because it was so short. Like a dream that you wake up from and it hurts knowing you will never have that dream again. You try to fall asleep the next night thinking of that dream so that you might pick up where you left off, but it doesn't work that way. Dreams like this have brought me to tears. I’ve fallen involve with someone I’ve never met, raised and lost children I don't even have, created something brilliant I’ll never be able to remember, and met a professor I’ll never see again. Like a dream, he feels like a memory in my imagination.
I will think if Professor Clements when I go into my closet and sift through my collection of sequin jackets. If I had the opportunity to meet him in person, you bet your ass I would have worn a sequin jacket to every class just to make him smile.
To his daughter: I lost my father at 16. It is the thing that continues to shape me the most as I live in honor of him. Beyond the tears and the shit times where you will miss your dad terribly, there are memories and laughter that will keep you afloat, and allow you to live in a way that always keeps his spirit around. Although I did not know your father for long, he was clearly a light in this world, and that type of light never dims. Look for him in the little things you do each day and he will meet you there.
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H O J E ! (domingo) #Repost @wlgamma • • • • • • Saloon Red Rock Alternativo #4° Edição do Projeto Samambaia Reggae de #democratizacaodoreggae, no Saloon Red Rock - QS 304 Conj 02 Lt 01, atrás da igreja barca Samambaia Sul, DF !! #covid19 - Use Máscaras - Use Álcool em Gel - Sem Aglomerações Abertura : Olddim Roots Selecta ( Feira de Artesanato - Hajart Crafts - Sangue Artesão - Brecho Guapuruvu Musica: - @RCRAP - Samambaia DF - @naderarar - Bolachões Sound Sistem - @Wagner Gamma & Trio Reggae Music Poesia: - @AnalisePoesia Que dia?? Domingo Horário 16hs Promoção: 3 Devassas por 15 Reais Entrada : R$ 8 Reais Colabore com essa causa !!! #democratizacaodoreggaemusic !! #destila #destilaria #workreggae #samambatem #domingo #OcupaReggae #poesia #feira #artesanato #rap #soundsistem https://www.instagram.com/p/CK_faoTljON/?igshid=10lj45kcbqhf3
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