backgroundagent3 · 1 year
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AoS Villain Showdown.
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guluyevski · 7 months
Mərdi qova-qova namərd eliyirlər,sonra da "sən əvvəl belə deyildin" deyirlər
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fakhriia · 1 year
mən səninlə belə uzaqdan uzağa nə edəcəyimi bilmirəm. nə səni qəlbimdən qova bilirəm, nə də sənə gələ bilirəm.
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ellestra · 6 years
Greek tragedy
Daisy has empathy for Ruby. She sees herself in her. Someone whose life made them take some wrong, desperate choices. Someone who was saved by meeting the right people. Someone who too had powers that scared her but learnt how to use and appreciate them. She’s done this for other Inhumans before. She tries to save Ruby too.
She knows about Ruby but Ruby never done anything to her directly. But like it’s harder for her to forgive Fitz so it’s harder for Elena to see confused, scared and overwhelmed girl in Ruby. All Elena sees is Destroyer of Worlds. Someone with gravity powers and no control.
This is her justification. But it was clearly the realisation that this is the person who took her arms that made Yo-Yo ignore Daisy. She could tell herself she was doing the right thing but I doubt it was an accident she used the same weapon that took off her arms. It was still revenge.
But I also think that Elena always wanted to believe they can change the future. But the events after team’s come back have taken that hope and beaten it down. But it wasn’t truly gone. So she latched on this moment. At that person she didn’t really see as person. And tried to save the world.
But as with everything else they do it seems she only doomed it. Ruby with only 8% gravitonium infusion probably won’t strong enough to destroy the world. But Hale is now looking for revenge and she found prefect way to repay SHIELD for her loss. For murder of her daughter. She sends Qovas after them. She tells him he can get his gravitonium. All he needs to do is just kill agents of SHIELD.
Ruby only wanted to prove to her mother she is good enough. Alex only wanted to give the girl who gave him hope and purpose all she wanted. Hale wanted tlo do the right thing. Give her all that she was refused. Save the world. Work with SHIELD even. But it all turned to dust and now Ruby and Alex are dead and Hale is starting the doomsday scenario.
And so it goes. We were told SHIELD fought Kasius’s father and it broke the world. So far everything seems going according to template. It’s a Greek prophecy kind of time travel knowledge. The more they try to stop it the more their choices make it happen. No wonder future Elena was so wrecked by guilt. If only they could find a way to more coherently pass this story to their past selves in the future.  
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bluefanguy · 6 years
Agents Of SHIELD: Option Two: Reaction (Spoilers)
Make a choice, accept the consequences.
The blame game and tension at the beginning at the episode was not surprising. The past few episodes have involved the agents making decisions that aren’t unanimous, to say the least.
Elena’s talk with Mack about her decisions brought up May’s experience in Bahrain, the well-known Cavalry mission. What May told Elena made a lot of sense to me. What she did is questionable in terms of motive and outcome and though it was extreme, it has happened and all she can do is accept what she did, take responsibility, and learn from it.
Glenn Talbot taking in the gravitonium was something I didn’t expect. I’m surprised the machine originally meant for infusing Ruby with the gravitonium was still working. Dismantling it may have potentially been volatile for the gravitonium. What’s more surprising is how it’s not messing with his head. Maybe his damaged brain is a factor. Still, I can’t deny the risk allowed the agents to survive.
I admit to having to look up the centipede serum and the last time it was seen was with Deathlok. Seeing Daisy have to grave rob her mother’s corpse is rather disturbing but after seeing the world’s destruction, what else can freak them out?
Next Time: Glenn Talbot’s got the power, and it’s a bit terrifying.
Thanks for reading! Likes, reblogs, comments, questions, and followings are all appreciated. Until next time.
Bluefanguy, out.
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mistressvera · 6 years
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Countdown to the End, Day of Eternity: Qovas
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backgroundagent3 · 1 year
AoS Villain Showdown: Round 1
Here are the brackets for the AoS Villain Showdown.
Ruby Hale vs Nathaniel Malick.
Qovas vs Agent Jasper Sitwell.
Sunil Bakshi vs The Doctor.
Sarge vs Eli Morrow.
Atarah vs Kara Palamas (Agent 33).
Raina vs Hive.
AIDA/Madame Hydra vs Glenn Talbot (Graviton).
Jiaying vs General Hale.
Tucker Shockley vs Cal Johnson.
Anton Ivanov (The Superior) vs Gordon.
Sibyl vs Jaco.
Snowflake vs Carl Creel (Absorbing Man).
John Garrett vs Faulnak.
Gideon Malick vs Holden Radcliffe.
Izel vs Lucy Bauer.
Werner von Strucker vs The Watchdogs.
Ellen Nadeer vs Ian Quinn.
Lorelei vs Grant Ward.
Kasius vs Daniel Whitehall.
Dr. Franklin Hall vs J.T. James (Hellfire).
Alistair Fitz vs Sinara.
Lash vs Pax.
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marvelsaos · 3 years
Melinda May’s Top 10 Fight Scenes
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If you haven’t voted yet, here is the poll. There's 84 options to choose from, please pick a maximum of 10 choices. I’ve included screenshots/gifs in the poll to help jog your memory. If you need more details, I’ve put down links to my gif sets under the cut (I’ve giffed over 3/4 of them 🤣).
Deadline: 15 Aug
1x01 May saving Skye
1x02 Fight scene at Peru
1x02 "What's next?"
1x04 May vs Amador
1x05 Raiding Cybertek compound
1x07 Extraction of a SHIELD undercover agent
1x08 May fighting with the Berserker staff
1x09 May vs Tobias (the ghost)
1x10 May & Ward sparring
1x10 May vs centipede soldiers
1x11 May vs Vanchat's security
1x11 May vs centipede soldier
1x12 May vs Lumley
1x13 May vs Russo's men (T.R.A.C.K.S. ep)
1x15 May vs Ward (Lorelei ep)
1x17 May vs Hydra agents
1x22 May vs centipede soldier
1x22 May vs Ward
2x01 May vs Creel
2x04 May walked in on Agent 33 & Bakshi
2x04 May vs "May" (aka THE FIGHT)
2x06 May vs Scarlotti (Hydra)
2x11 Coulson's scripted fight scene
2x12 May & Skye sparring
2x13 May vs people on the index freed by Cal
2x15 May vs Bobbi (fighting over Fury's toolbox)
2x15 May busting Coulson out
2x17 May vs SHIELD agents who are being controlled
2x17 May vs Eva (gifted individual)
2x21 May vs Skye at the Afterlife
2x22 May vs inhumans on the aircraft carrier
3x03 "How about I do you a favor and not tell anyone that a tiny, little Asian woman kicked your ass?"
3x04 Providing backup for Hunter
3x06 May testing Bobbi
3x06 May & Bobbi went undercover
3x06 May & Bobbi finding Von Strucker
3x10 May saving Simmons from Malick's man
3x12 May & Lincoln vs Creel
3x12 May undercover at the symposium
3x13 May & the team protecting the Russian Prime Minister
3x15 May practicing the fight sequence in Daisy's vision
3x16 May vs Giyera
3x18 May & Lincoln vs Alisha
3x21 May vs the watchdogs, trying to stop the warhead
3x22 May & the team vs watchdogs
4x01 May training new agents
4x02 sick May fight Coulson & the rest of the team
4x05 May & Coulson vs prison guard
4x05 May & Coulson saving Daisy's ass
4x10 May vs AIDA when woken up from sedation
4x10 LMD! May & Mack vs Hydra
4x11 May vs AIDA in the framework (part 1)(part 2)
4x18 May vs Mace in the framework
4x19 May busting Skye out of Hydra compound
4x21 May vs the Superior
5x01 May vs Deke
5x02 May saving Coulson, Yo-Yo & Mack
5x04 May (& Coulson) vs Kree
5x04 May vs Sinara
5x06 May vs Ben (part 1)(part 2)
5x11 May vs Hydra agents prior Yo-Yo's hands severed by Ruby
5x18 May & Daisy vs Hydra agents at Hale’s base
5x19 May & the team vs Remorath at the Lighthouse
5x21 May vs Remorath
5x21 May vs Qovas
5x22 May & Fitz saving Mack & Polly
6x01 May & Yo-Yo sparring
6x02 May vs Pax, Jaco & Snowflake
6x04 May vs Snowflake at Deke's company
6x05 May vs a shrike host
6x05 May vs Sarge
6x12 May & Sarge vs Shrike hosts
6x13 May vs Izel sword fight
7x02 May vs Enoch
7x03 May vs Chronicom
7x06 May vs Chronicom posing as Mack's mother
7x08 May vs Lee
7x08 May & Yo-Yo sparring
7x10 May vs Young Garrett
7x11 May vs Kora
7x13 The Cavalry!
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abbasova11 · 2 years
Sən demə təzədən sevmək olarmış,
Tale də təzədən gülə bilərmiş,
Küsüb gözüyaşlı gedən məhəbbət
Peşiman-peşiman dönə bilərmiş.
Ürək bulud kimi boşalırsa da
Demək bulud kimi təzədən dolur.
Sonuncu şöləsi titrəyən şamdan
Ayrı bir şamı da yandırmaq olur.
Sən demə təzədən sevmək olarmış,
Köhnə yaraları vaxt, zaman silir,
Kəsilən budaqla ölən ağaclar
Təzə pöhrələrlə dirilə bilir.
Ağlaya-ağlaya dünyaya gəlib
Biz ana südüylə gülməmişikmi?!
Hər axşam sapsarı batan günəşi
Hər səhər təzə-tər görməmişikmi?
Sən demə təzədən sevmək olarmış,
Sevgi fürsət deyil quş kimi uça.
Nə də kölgədir ki, qaçasan qova,
Ya da sən qovasan o səndən qaça...
Çıxarsan qəlbindən ötən sevgini,
Bir gün də tənhalıq sıxacaq səni.
Kiməsə etdiyin yaxşılıq kimi
Məhəbbət qarşına çıxacaq sənin.
Mən ki görməmişəm sevgini susan,
Məhəbbət zirvədə bəslənən qarmış.
Kim deyir bir dəfə sevilir insan,
Sən demə hər zaman sevmək olarmış..✨
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wordsinpersian · 3 years
بریگاد قزاق
Transcription: berigād-e qazzāq
Meaning: The (Persian) Cossack Brigade; a late 19th-early 20th century elite military unit of cavalrymen trained and led by Russian officers and initially manned by Muslim Caucasians until Persian troops gradually took over. Only nominally a part of the Iranian army in the late 19th century, the Persian Cossack Brigade played an important role in the political turmoil of the 1900-1920 period of Iranian history (Constitutional Revolution, World War 1, regional revolts, etc.). It was disbanded in 1921 after taking part in a successful coup d'état that propelled one of its commanders, Reza Khan, into the highest spheres of government. Less than five years later Reza Khan desposed the last Qajar monarch, crowned himself Reza Shah, and established the Pahlavi ruling dynasty (1925-1979).
Note: The Persian word قزاق (qazzāq) is ambiguous as it is used to refer to both the Cossacks and the Kazakhs. Alternative ethnonyms are sometimes used to dispel the confusion: کازاک (kāzāk) for the former and کازاخ (kāzāx) for the latter. The Brigade is also referred to as قوا (qova, "forces") and تیپ (tip, "brigade") instead of the French loanword.
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creansodaays · 4 years
Müəyyən dövrə qədər elə bilirdim ki, məni həyatdan soyudan və üzən şeylərin kökündə böyük faizlə uğursuz sevgi həyatı dayanır. Buna aid şeyləri atladandan sonra isə hələ də özümü bədbəxt hiss eləməyə davam elədim. Və indi çox yaxşı bilirəm ki, məsələ heç də həyatında sənə uyğun birinin olub olmaması deyil. Əslində bunu o uyğun şəxs olanda da başa düşmüşdüm. Məsələ odur ki, özünü tapmamısan, bir fərd kimi ortalarda dığırlanmaq, illərini boşa xərcləmək hissi, faydasız olduğunu düşünmək, dünyaya gəlişini sorğulamaq bütün bunlar sonsuz və xroniki depressiyanı yaradır. Və çıxış heç vaxt mümkün olmayacaq. Yuxarıda sadaladığım şeylərə sahib olmaq sadəcə depressiyanı azaldacaq və ya həyat qayğıların, necə deyərlər qaç ha qova düşməkdən varoluşsal problemlərlə əlləşməyə vaxtın olmayacaq. Mənim axtardığım şey hüzurdu təkcə. Hüzura çatım. Beynim ruhum dincəlsin. Heç olmazsa bir müddətlik. Vəssalam.
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iamdebbi3 · 3 years
Prap u qova vet!
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Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D. Cast and Crew thank you for the Past SEVEN years
Agent Phil Coulson - Clark Gregg
Agent Melinda May - Ming-Na
Skye/Daisy Johnson - Chloe Bennet
Agent Leo Fitz - Iain De Caestecker
Agent Jemma Simmons - Elizabeth Henstridge
Agent Alphonso "Mack" Mackenzie - Henry Simmons
Agent Elena Rodriguez - Natalie Cordova-Buckley
Holden Radcliffe - John Hannah
Agent Grant Ward - Brett Dalton
Agent Lance Hunter - Nick Blood
Agent Bobbi Morse - Adrianne Palicki
Lincoln Campbell - Luke Mitchell
Agent Piper - Briana Venskus
GHOSTRIDER / Robbie Reyes - Gabriel Luna
Patriot / The Director / Jeffrey Mace - Jason O'Mara
Calvin Johnson / The Doctor - Kyle MacLachlan
The Superior / Anton Ivanov - Zach McGowan
Hope MacKenzie - Jordan Rivera
Gabe Reyes - James Henrie
Vin-Tak - Eddie McClintock
Agent Davis - Max Osinski
Agent Anderson - Alexander Wraith
Burrows - Patrick Cavanaugh
Ellen Nadeer - Parminder Nagra
Mr Giyera - Mark Dacascos
Rosalind Price - Constance Zimmer
Luther Banks - Andrew Howard
Lash - Matthew Willig
Jiaying Johnson - Dichen Lachman
Gordon - Jamie Harris
Robert Gonzales - Edward James Olmos
Kara - Maya Stojan
Agent Weaver - Christine Adams
Agent Oliver - Mark Allan Stewart
Agent Antoine Triplett- BJ Britt
Danial Whitehall - Reed Diamond
Graviton/Colonel Glenn Talbot - Adrian Pasdar
Deathlok / Mike Peterson - J. August Richards
Ian Quinn - David Conrad
Raina - Ruth Negga
Ruby Hale - Dove Cameron
Werner von Strucker - Spencer Treat Clark
Polly Hinton - Lola Glaudini
Agent Tomas Calderon - Kirk Acevedo
Toad - T.J. Alvarado
Qovas - Peter Mensah
Agent Jasper Sitwell - Maximiliano Hernandez
Agent Flix Blake - Titus Welliver
Agent Victoria Hand - Saffron Burrows
Doctor J. Streiten - Ron Glass
Lash/Doctor Andrew Garner- Blair Underwood
General Rick Stoner - Patrick Warburton
Gabe - James Henrie
Isabelle Hartley - Lucy Lawless
Agent Shaw - Charles Halford
Zav - Kaleti Williams
Agent Phelps - Anthony D. Washington
Zack Bynum - Bryan Keith
Diego - Carlos Rivera Marchand
Agent Kim - Chen Tang
Sunil Bakshi - Simon Kassianides
Carl Creel - Brian Patrick Wade
Kara Palamas / Agent 33 - Maya Stojan
Alisha Whitley - Alicia Vela-Bailey
Joey Gutierrez - Juan Pablo Raba
R. Giyera - Mark Dacascos
Hellfire / J.T. James - Axle Whitehead
Nathaniel Malick - Joel Dabney Courtney
Madame Hydra / Aida "Ophelia" - Mallory Jansen
Lucy Bauer - Lilli Birdsell
Elias "Eli" Morrow - José Zúñiga
Enoch Coltrane - Joel Stoffer
Tess - Eve Harlow
Kasius - Dominic Rains
Grill - Pruitt Taylor Vince
Flint - Coy Stewart
Hale - Catherine Dent
Ruby Hale - Dove Cameron
Marcus Benson - Barry Shabaka Henley
Keller - Lucas Bryant
Jaco - Winston James Francis
Snowflake - Brooke Williams
Pax - Matt O'Leary
Malachi - Christopher James Baker
Izel - Karolina Wydra
Wilfred "Freddy" Malick - Darren Barnet
Luke - Luke Baines
Sibyl - Tamara Taylor
Kora - Dianne Doan
Sequoia - Maurissa Tancharoen Whedon
Special Guest Stars
Eric / Sam / Billy Koenig - Patton Oswalt
Gideon Malick - Powers Boothe
The Clairvoyant / Agent John Garrett - Bill Paxton
Agent Peggy Carter - Hayley Atwell
Dum Dum Dugan - Neal McDonough
Agent Maira Hill - Cobie Smulders
Nick Fury - Samuel L. Jackson
Sif - Jaimie Alexander
Director / Writer Joss Whedon
Director / Writer Jed Whedon
Producer / Writer Maurissa Tancharoen Whedon
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ellestra · 6 years
Glenn Talbot, Destroyer of Worlds
The constant pressure to try to change the future and find that crucial choice that saves the Earth and breaks the loop leads the team further and further along the way of making it happen all the while fracturing the bonds between them. It exposed the lengths they all can go to get their way and it means crossing the lines others can forgive. It’s everyone thinking they know the one true solution to the Earth destruction and them willing to do anything to achieve their vision.
It especially true with the Invincibles but no one is exempt. Whether it’s Elena murdering Ruby and destroying her relationship with Mack while desperately trying to save him. Or Coulson forcing Daisy to come back and be the leader against her will. Or May and Daisy going behind Coulson’s back and undermining him just like Invincibles undermined Daisy when she was in charge. It’s general lack of trust and cohesion and it broke them.
And it finally exploded with accusations flying and team at each other throats. Mack and Elena no longer trust and believe in each other. Everyone has their own agenda. And then aliens invade and Fitz and Simmons separate again and that, as always, leads to tragedy.
The worst part is that everyone has good intentions. They all are thinking they are saving the world. Or at least saving their friends. Even Talbot. But the road to Earth destruction is paved with good intentions and they are picking up speed fast.
If Daisy was there instead of going dark on a secret mission to save Coulson. If they stayed together. If they destroyed that Chamber. If Elena told them about that warning about Coulson from her future self. If they told Talbot about their trip to the future. If they let him help in another way. Hindsight is always 20/20.
And now Talbot is the Destroyer of Worlds. He fixed his mistake that gave out their location to Qovas. He saved them all from Ramorath. But we all know there is nothing good coming out of this transformation even without watching previews. The future is coming and there doesn’t seem to be any multiverses. Deke is our canary in the mine and he’s still here. The future is still fixed.
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