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darklinaforever · 8 months ago
Okay... well Reylo fans, here we go again with Osha x Qimir of The Acolyte Star Wars show !
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acrobaticsilky · 8 months ago
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« this is who you are. »
now in color
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darklinaforever · 8 months ago
She knows what she's doing !
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It’s hard to not be excited for this, but I’m not gonna be fooled again. This is Star Wars and it’s gonna end badly for them😔…
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deusvervewrites · 2 years ago
Maybe I’m Perfect X Chaos for All:
Nighteye: you don’t deserve that Quirk!
Izuku: Bold words coming from the man so far out of QOSHA (Quirk OSHA) regulations that it would make Nedzu laugh. Tell me, when was the last time this building was inspected? For that matter, have you ever met Sorahiko Torino?
It was at that moment that Nighteye realized he fucked up
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ajoqebensifilozofe · 4 years ago
Un kur i shkruj dashnis, të shkruj ty, kur dgjoj për dashnin, mendja vendos syt e tu, si imazh para syve t’mi, kur shof dur t’kapme, e t’lidhuna nej nëpër rrugë, e pavetdijshmja jeme m’qet para syve, puthjet e durve tona nër qytet, nër rrugë e nër qosha t përshkume bashkë, kur rastësisht dëgjoj për parfume t’shtrenjta, a noshta për veçantin e erërave, shqisat e mija mbajn aromën e trupit tand, se ti je rrodhe që i ngjitesh shpirtit e sdin me ju shqit ma...
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loveittoooo · 5 years ago
bir taleyin oyununda cutlenmish zerik,yuz il qosha atilsaq da qosha dushmerik🥂
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littlesabinuh · 3 years ago
During the 1990s, a new strategy called liberation marketing was created. This strategy refers to reality, without the label "perfect". One example is the products of women's care, where they show not supermodels, but ordinary girls. Because the most important thing is to feel comfortable with yourself. This was the main marketing strategy.1Komandante Qosha
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namik92 · 4 years ago
🌙LA ILAHE ILLALLLAH MUHAMMEDEN RESULULLAH☝ ─▄█▀█▄──▄███▄─ ▐█░██████████▌ ─██▒█████████─ ──▀████████▀── ─────▀██▀──── @namik_iskandarov #AZERBAYDJAN #baku #москва #россия #naxcivan #gence #turkey #goycay #samaxi #qence #mingecevir #quba #oguz #qusar #semkir #qazax #tovuz #agstafa #qebele #qax #seki #ismayili #sumqayit #lenkaran #гарабах #шуша #qarabakh #qarabag #dmanisi #tbilisi 🌙💙❤💚🌙 ⒶⓏⒺⓇⒷⒶⓎⒸⒶⓃ (at Qosha Qala) https://www.instagram.com/p/CGUi7iZHvog/?igshid=d7zhy6e8iidh
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darklinaforever · 8 months ago
So... I already love Qimir... But I don't tolerate the reprise of the Kylo Ren / Ben Solo musical theme. Write him his own fucking theme !
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acrobaticsilky · 8 months ago
whatever the osha × qimir ship name becomes it has to have at least three syllables, i’m gonna snap if we let something awkward to pronounce become the masthead
oshamir is fine if the girl’s name has to be first whatever but qimisha (Q initial!) would be so unique!
definitely not oshmir which sounds awkward to say out loud— and isn’t even how names work??? the root syllable of osha isn’t osh, it’s o- and -sha!
it’s the same reason why qimisha sounds better than qimsha, qim- isn’t a root syllable of qimir (qi-mir)
don’t mess this up!
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arnoldjaime13 · 4 years ago
Blog Tour- A MISPLACED CHILD by Heather Michelle With A #Giveaway!
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I am thrilled to be hosting a spot on the A MISPLACED CHILD by Heather Michelle Blog Tour hosted by Rockstar Book Tours. Check out my post and make sure to enter the giveaway!
About The Book:
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Author: Heather Michelle
Pub. Date: September 15, 2020
Publisher: Late for Dinner Press
Formats: Hardcover, eBook
Pages: 384
Find it: Goodreads, Amazon, Kindle, B&N, iBooks, Kobo, TBD
Torn between two worlds, which will she embrace?
Elodie Harper is heir to the magical kingdom of Aluna. Trapped by an evil wizard in an illusion; Elodie grows up caught between two worlds, one of magic, and one of technology.
As the facade of her mundane life of lies and fake smiles cracks, her kingdom crumbles in the absence of its ruler. Join Elodie as she navigates both lives not knowing which to embrace, and which to push into the back of her mind and forget as a bad dream.
Pronunciation Guide for The Misplaced Children Series
Gediminas - Ged-ih-min-ahs
Gedas - Ged-ahs
Elodie - El-oh-dee
Silas - Seye-lus
Oburleck - Oh-bur-leck
Beulah - Bee-ool-ah
Jesper - Jehs-per
Eyvindur - Ee-vin-door
Eyvi - Ee-vee
Beathan - Beth-ayn
Cooric - Coor-ick
Reza - Rez-ah
Ravid - Ra-veed
Dima - Dim-ah
Aluna - Ah-loon-ah
Twoshy - Too-shye
Comak - Coh-mack
Tokke - TOHk
Laridae - Lar-ih-day
Tate - Tay-te
Rohap - Roh-haap
Pundica - Puun-dih-cah
Duum - Doom
Eplaria - Eplar-ee-ah
Wedren - Wed-ren
Skuna - Skoon-ah
Vasniydor - Vas-neye-door
Oskela - Oh-skel-ah
Ustra - Oo-strah
Scuoso - Skoh-soh
Breora - Bree-ohr-ah
Leronia - Leh-rohn-ee-ah
Qosha - Koh-shaa
Eres - Air-es
Ruakh - Roo-ak
Cindix - Sin-diz
Ruemort - Roo-moort
About Heather Michelle:
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Heather Michelle is an emerging author of young adult fantasy. She lives in Acworth, GA with her cat Mister Bingley and a slew of unique roommates.
Growing up, Heather Michelle spent more time living in her imagination than outside of it. Small town life sandwiched between the redwood forests and the Pacific ocean provided a rich scope for the imagination. Before the age of twelve, Heather Michelle was not a reader, but a chance encounter with a rented audiobook launched her into the vast world of the printed word, and she never looked back.
Website | Instagram | Facebook | Goodreads | Amazon
Giveaway Details:
1 Winner will receive a $20 Amazon GC, International.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Tour Schedule:
Week One:
Two Chicks on Books
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TMBA Corbett Tries to Write
TMBA Corbett Tries to Write
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BookHounds YA
BookHounds YA
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Adventurous Bookworm
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For the Love of KidLit
Jaime's World
Week Two:
Rajiv's Reviews
Rajiv's Reviews
Instagram Post
Jazzy Book Reviews
Oh Hey! Books
Nay's Pink Bookshelf
Nay's Pink Bookshelf
Instagram Post
Books A-Brewin'
Books A-Brewin'
Instagram Post
Emelie's Books
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yagubchik-blog · 6 years ago
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Biz taleyin oyununda atilmish zerik,yüz il atılsaqda qosha dushmerik.
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deusvervewrites · 2 years ago
…For that matter, have you ever met Sorahiko Torino?
Why does that sound like Izu is insinuating that knowing Sorahiko is a QOSHA violation in and of itself?
It kind of is
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2063travel · 5 years ago
第貳百陸拾章 「希瓦湯姆克魯斯」 站在我們前面的是一個笑容迷人、身材中等、西裝筆挺的年輕人。從一個傳統的烏茲別克中庭走出一個穿西裝打領帶的人,簡直是莫名其妙
機場離我們要去的希瓦不遠,經過好幾個小時的奔波,��於可以好好將背包放下。我們住的Qosha Darvoza有一個溫暖的中庭,擺了幾張烏茲別克式的大木床,床上放著茶几,可以在上面休息、看書、聊天,這是最傳統的烏茲別克式浪漫。
View On WordPress
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businessweekme · 6 years ago
How to Travel the New, $800 Billion Silk Road
Thanks to more than a trillion dollars of prospective investment—led by China’s $800 billion Belt and Road Initiative linking countries stretching between East Asia and Europe—the Silk Road is rising again. The series of once-legendary pathways connecting cities, from Kashgar to Paro to Constantinople, which originated at the dawn of the common era and collapsed with the fall of the Mongol empire in the early 16th century, is now being reborn as a network of highways, railways, and airports linking 65 countries. Add improved safety and easier-to-access visas, and the bazaar-filled cities of Central Asia are more accessible than ever.
For travelers, this means a wealth of new destinations to explore—some sprung from deserts overnight and others that have for too long been left off tourist maps. Uzbekistan is reporting a 40 percent year-on-year rise in tourism; Baku, Azerbaijan, has also awakened from its post-Soviet slumber to rank among the fastest-growing tourism destinations in Europe and Central Asia. The growth had been simmering for years; now it’s boiling hot.
Bloomberg Pursuits: The New Silk Road…
According to Jonny Bealby, founder of luxury travel outfit Wild Frontiers, the region is also emerging in response to “people looking further and further afield to see places that are more authentic, less spoiled, and less on the beaten track.”
His company is just one of several tour operators—including Ker & Downey, Abercrombie & Kent, and Remote Lands—helping travelers realize a suddenly buzzy fantasy of traveling the Silk Road. But completing that journey end-to-end can take anywhere from six weeks to three months. Here, a few locations to prioritize if your vacation days aren’t quite that plentiful.
For Food Lovers: Xi’an, China
The heart of the original Silk Road was inarguably the central Chinese city of Chang’an, or modern-day Xi’an. In the eighth century, it was the largest and most cosmopolitan city in the world—a beacon for traders from all corners of Asia. Now an international trade hub with 12 million residents, Xi’an is reclaiming its former glory as the eastern terminus of the Belt and Road—perhaps no surprise, considering it’s the hometown of President Xi Jinping.
How much time you’ll need: Three to five days
What to see and do: While most visitors know Xi’an for its iconic terra cotta army, there is much more to the place. Start at Tang West Market, which is said to have been the precise, historic start of the old Silk Road; today, it’s a shopping bonanza where you’ll find everything from faux antique daggers to jade-bejeweled brass pots. Make a pit stop at the Tang West Market Museum, which has one of the world’s biggest displays of relics from all sides of the Silk Road. Then make your way to the city’s Muslim quarter, where narrow alleyways are lined elbow-to-elbow with traditional shops and street food stalls.
Be adventurous and try foods you’ve never tasted before: spicy camel skewers, wholesome quarter-inch-wide biang biang noodles, and delicately sweet persimmon doughnuts. Want a glimpse of the city’s modern edge? Head to Chanba Ecological Zone, a landfill that’s been converted into a sparkling new urban area. It’s the epicenter of Xi’an’s Belt and Road endeavors and features a massive wetland park that’s perfect for boating and birdwatching.
Where to stay: The five-star Gran Melia Xi’an offers all the comforts associated with an international brand; the Eastern House Boutique Hotel, meanwhile, offers a sleek but still local-feeling experience.
For Architecture Buffs: Uzbekistan
Uzbekistan’s ancient cities still stand remarkably intact—along with their ornate, mosaic-laden monuments. As a result, this country brims with a fascinating sense of history, layers of architectural and religious heritage, and a global mélange of cultural traditions forged over millennia.
Quality hotels are a relatively new prospect here, says Bealby. There’s been an uptick in creatively designed accommodations tucked into old caravansaries—where ancient traders would work and sleep—in the old town of Samarkand and in the old walled city of Kiva. And the best newcomers have been exceptional. “They’re on par with anywhere in Paris, London, India, whatever you choose to look at,” he exclaims.
How much time you’ll need: Seven to ten days
What to see and do: Though you’ll fly in via Tashkent, it’s best to connect straight through to Samarkand—a 2,500-year-old city 200 miles to the capital’s south. There, you can see where Genghis Khan sacked the city of Afrosiab in the 13th century, watch daily life unfold against a backdrop of mud-brick Uzbek houses in the medieval quarter, and visit such eye-popping sites as the 15th century Registan Mosque. Then it’s off to Bukhara, a city studded with glistening turquoise domes, ornate mosques, ancient forts, and layer upon layer of living history. It’s one of the region’s best-preserved medieval cities—with several significant monuments, such as the Indian-influenced, four-minaret Char Minar, in close proximity to one another. If you still have time left, Khiva is your last stop. It’s an incredible example of traditional Islamic urban design, and its 200-year-old inner fortress, the Itchan Kala, will send you traveling back through time.
Where to stay: In Samarkand, the Grand Samarkand offers a sense of Silk Road history with modern sensibilities; in Bukhara, Bealby recommends either the Minzifa Hotel, the Bibi Khanum, or the Malika Bukhara; and in Khiva, the character-packed Orient Star Hotel and Qosha Darvoza are the best games in town.
For Adventure Seekers: Azerbaijan
Many Silk Road destinations claim to be “the place where the east meets the west,” but Azerbaijan has the best geographical claim to that title. Just as in antiquity, it remains a place where minds from all sorts of far-off lands converge—though these days they’re more likely drilling for oil or shopping at fashionable boutiques than trading wares. The capital, Baku, is somewhat like Dubai: It’s ripe with old world charm and modern-day glitz, but it’s the adventurous day trips waiting just outside the city that you might remember most.
How much time you’ll need: Three to five days
What to see and do: Baku’s architecture spells the capital’s history like an open book. The winding streets of the Islamic old city, a Unesco World Heritage Site, are packed elbow-to-elbow with matching stone buildings that date to the 12th century; some of the original caravansaries still stand and have been converted into fine-dining spots.
The outer city, meanwhile, was built by imperial Russians with impressive Baroque, Gothic, and postmodern buildings lining massive, gridded boulevards. Downtown are skyscrapers pulled from a futuristic era. If all those contrasts leave you exhausted and feeling you’re gone through several wormholes, chill along the revitalized waterfront district, which provides ample lookouts where you can sit and relax.
Then get out of town. From the new port of Alat, 40 miles south, you can take a beautiful ferry ride across the Caspian Sea to Kazakhstan or Turkmenbashi in Turkmenistan. Who do you know that has ever done that? And make time to hit Gobustan National Park, an hour’s drive south from Baku; it has thousands of 5,000- to 20,000-year-old rock carvings, plus volcanic mud pools for therapeutic (and skin-softening) soaks.
Where to stay: Fairmont, JW Marriott, and Four Seasons all have solid options in town.
For Europhiles: Northern Greece
History buffs who come to Greece think first of Zeus, Homer, and the Parthenon. But another claim to fame is that the country was the trailhead for one of the first iterations of the Silk Road, dating to Alexander the Great’s conquests in the 4th century B.C. Glimmers of that legacy remain in the north, in such little-visited destinations as Vergina and Soufli. The new Belt and Road is emerging as an important narrative here, too, particularly in Piraeus, a bustling port city since ancient times. The port itself was purchased by the Chinese in 2016 and was subsequently built up to be one of Europe’s busiest marine hubs—more than quadrupling the port’s container traffic since 2010.
How much time you’ll need: A week
What to see and do: Vergina—which has been inhabited since the 3rd millennium B.C.—claims historic sites that are outstanding, even by Greek standards. It was the first capital of ancient Macedonia, lending it a fascinating acropolis, theater, and palace. East is Thessaloniki, a thriving urban center that served as an ancient shipment hub for silk and spices. See how that pervades Thessaloniki’s contemporary culture on a stroll through Modiano, the city’s predominant foodie thoroughfare; sampling its souvlaki, gyros, cheese and meat-stuffed bougatsa pastries, feta-stuffed squid, and smoked eggplant will prove why this is considered the “gourmet capital of Greece.”
Culminate in the easternmost city of Soufli, Greece’s capital of viniculture and silk production. Three museums here are dedicated to the Silk Road, affirming the legacy of the trade routes that still live today. And when you’re done with that, you can see the silk trade springing back to life in this charming town, where modern workshops now supply Greece’s leading designers.
Where to stay: In Vergina, the rustic but lovely Ktima Kalaitzi has its own winery. In Thessaloniki, stay in the grand (if slightly dated) Electra Palace Thessaloniki or right by the sea at the hyper-modern Makedonia Palace.
The post How to Travel the New, $800 Billion Silk Road appeared first on Bloomberg Businessweek Middle East.
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yeniemlak · 6 years ago
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Satılır 6500 AZN Torpaq sahəsi 5 sot Kupça Turkan Serhed qoshunlarinin arxasi denizen texmini 1000 metr arali qosha dash hundurluyu 2,4 hasari 4 metr eninde darvaza senedde 5 sot hasarin ichinde 7 sot. Əlaqə 0702304000 Elan no 504444 (Elanın linki üçün Directə yazın) Ətraflı ➡ http://yeniemlak.az/elan/504444 @yeniemlak.az #satilir #torpaq #erazi #sahe #tecili #yeni #emlak #dasinmaz #gayrimenkul #elan #land #bakı #azerbaycan #baku #azerbaijan #aztagram #instagram #realestate #forsale #property #propertyforrent #landedproperty #Project #construction #ads #realty #Земельные #продажа https://www.instagram.com/p/BpKkA6YhHgz/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1bmokqy20pk2f
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