#ql music
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my-rose-tinted-glasses · 3 months ago
Rose Recaps QL 2024 - Music
My favourite ql songs of the year in no particular order. I wanted to keep it to 10 so I chose only one per series.
androp - Vidro [Takara no Vidro]
Takaya Kawasaki - 夕陽の上 (Yuuhinoue) [I Hear the Sunspot]
Ayumu Imazu - BANDAGE [Love is Better the Second Time Around]
Yayuyo ヤユヨ - Two Days ふたり曜日 [Sugar Dog Life]
osage - geometric [Love is a Poison]
Chris Chiu feat Kim Jae Hoon - Unknown [Unknown]
TRASH - Interlude [The On1y One]
Xiao Yu - I Believe [First Note of Love]
Paul Pablo - Di Inakala [Marahuyo Project]
Gogang - Camino [Let Free the Curse of Taekwondo]
Also, the instrumental ost of At 25:00 in Akasaka. Almost made the list: What If from Time of Fever; 2Colors from Happy of the End; Palette from Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko!
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No no no like, I NEED y’all to understand:
I was a Twilight girly.
I LOVED The Vampire Diaries.
My teen years were spent living through the PEAK of 2000’s YA fantasy romance.
You have no. idea. how SEATED I am for My Golden Blood 👏🏼 it’s cheesy, it’s ridiculous, the cgi effects are SO silly, the SOUNDTRACK IS INCREDIBLE 😂 the romance began 12 seconds into the fist episode AS IT SHOULD!! Tong IS Bella Swan, he IS Elena Gilbert and his hunky hero of a troubled broody vampire is here to protect him and be sexy about it and WE. LOVE. THAT. FOR. HIM.
This show is everything, it’s got insta romance it’s got “you’re not like other girls” but GAY and I’m living for it.
10/10 no notes, in these trying times this is the show we deserve. It’s a straight up gift actually.
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quarriawesome · 1 year ago
I love him he is SO dramatic, why is he like this
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He really just launched himself onto that couch
video source here Actors are Ji Xiaokun (CXS), Deng Xianling (QL) & Guo Hongxu (LG)
Also, just, look at Ji Xiaokun, you will appreciate how handsome (and silly) he is
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shimmeringweedsart · 11 months ago
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so musical basketball has been fun.
Photo ref of Bai Zhuoming (win: 15), Wang Minhui (loss: 12) and Cai Lu who is holding the peace sign of a sister who has possibly broken them up twice backstage already and will do so once more before the performance is over.
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Photos link
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mynameisnotthepoint · 3 months ago
TV music superlatives
Inspired by @lurkingshan's BL superlatives and @my-rose-tinted-glasses's Rose Recaps QL 2024 - Music, I will list the music from TV shows that I enjoyed immensely. In no particular order.
Di Ka Sayang by Ben & Ben | Marahuyo Project
I discovered this Filipino group 2020 when I watched Gaya sa pelicula and have listened to several albums and songs by them. They make me whistful to that period in my life, but also so so hopeful. I actually knew this song before watching the show and it made me remember how much I love this group's music when I heard in Marahuyo Project. This show is so so good, and it has such a wonderful soundtrack.
相濡以沫 (This is Love) by JUD 陳泳希 | Let's talk about Chu
When I visited Taiwan in september, I heard this song in a gay bar/diner we stumbled upon and felt like I was kind of home? This song has seen me through some tough times. I am not good with cringe, so I had to watch this drama in increments, but overall, it is one of the series that I have rewatched parts of the most this year. Sex and the relationship to sexuality and intimacy and what it means to be family is such an important thing to me. I really recommend watching this drama, it has some tough scenes and a lot of cringiness, and I enjoyed it immensely.
Several other songs from this series' soundtrack made it to my 2024 playlist!
ふたたび (Futatabi) by HIROBA, 大塚 愛 (Otsuka Ai) | The End Of The World, With You
I rewatched this series in spring. This song just pierces through your heart, it brings something visceral out in me. Like I want to scream along, cry and just enjoy the instensity of it all.
美しい彼のテーマ (remix ver.) (My Beautiful Man's theme - remix ver.) by Yoshitaka Fujimoto | My Beautiful Man Eternal
This song touches something deep in me, just like Futabi. I have sat in my parents' car, driving on the highway and just loudly sang the drawn out vowels in this song. Amazing experience. Amazing film.
Chosen Family by Rina Sawayama | She loves to cook, she loves to eat
This series is like a warm hug, and this song is like the reassurance that even if your relatives suck, you can always find likeminded people who become family. I own every volume of this series that has been published in English so far and I really like the way the story was put on the screen. Hoping for a new season in the future!
めをみて by 泡く、脆く。, 千鎖 from ミセカイ | Mr. Mitsuya's planned feeding
This was not my favourite drama of the year, but I really enjoyed its atmosphere. And this song is rather atmospheric too, calm and soft, but with a spring in its step.
2Colors by THE SPELLBOUND, JESSE | Happy of the End
This show was a hard watch, and I can't say I didn't skip parts of some scenes, but I liked the characters and the cinematography. And this song!! I tried to find it on Spotify, but used the wrong keywords. I saw it on @my-rose-tinted-glasses post and was so happy I found it again!
안녕! 여보세요 - 이은하 (Lee Eun-ha) | Love in the big city
I binged this drama, which was not the best idea (I was sick at the time and couldn't do much else). This drama punched me in the gut and made me laugh, cry, experience all kinds of emotions. The music was good too (sad they couldn't license Kylie Minogue). I really enjoyed this song, it is just my kind of 80s music :)
Extra shout-outs
the Just between lovers soundtrack (youtube)
the Run On sountrack (youtube)
Palmy, Silly fools and SIN, Ohm Cocktail songs from the My School President soundtrack
เหมือนวิวาห์ (Rain Wedding) by Jeff Satur from The Paradise of Thorns, which I sadly have not been able to watch yet. (youtube)
the instrumental from Our Youth that I have yet to find...
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theflagscene · 6 months ago
Man, I love love love this series. But if I have to hear God’s band perform that opening theme song one more fucking time, I’m gonna lose it!
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saelterlude · 1 year ago
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Zhu Hanbin and his obssesion with slapping ass combined with Cai Lu manhandling Cao Muzhi's body is an amazing combination.
From the 28/03/2024 musical performance I've been gatekeeping lol.
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farewellneverland2004 · 2 months ago
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Important Question Time:
What songs give CirPhu vibes?! Please list as many as possible
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angelstills · 10 months ago
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Go Head (2002)
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my-rose-tinted-glasses · 9 months ago
I've been listening to the theme songs from Takara No Vidro on a loop since last night and there are several jqls on right now and so we got a lot of new music.
Takara No Vidro
Opening theme song
Ending theme song
Ayaka is in Love with Hiroko!
Opening theme song
Ending theme song
@nicks-den also shared here the songs from I Hear the Sunspot. And @isaksbestpillow share the song and the lyrics translation for the opening song of Twilight Out of Focus here.
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scarefox · 8 months ago
Watching some BL reactions recently and them not knowing that sometimes a score and background music can represent the characters POV and feelings is so wild to me (they just learned that due to explanations in the comments). To be fair it seems like a lot of people don't get that, especially with some more controversial scenes. Now I wonder is that not a thing in western media too? I thought it was? I rarely watch western stuff these days but for me that concept isn't new at all? I always interpret scores as either one characters emotions or all characters as a whole vibe. Sometimes as the environment vibe. Depends a bit on the context.
But I see it so often in comments like "this drama wants me to feel sympathy for the bad guy" (when you just hear the bad guys sad emotions because duh bad guys often do have feelings too) or "this drama is romanticizing this and that with this music playing in that scene" ... while the point often is the moral audience pov vs the characters pov not feeling the same. It can be intentionally that you feel od while watching this. Sometimes it is just that, the character having not that common opinion on things as the audience, or they see things differently. OR such a common thing to do in storytelling: that the audience knows more than the character and therefor the characters pov is obviously without full knowledge, which you intentionally clock as dangerous or wrong. That's a way to induce tension.
BUT non of those cases are used to influence you as the audience or even propagate bad behavior in real life...
imo the best examples to show the character emotion driven score is with comedies like The Trainee. At least there it's done so intentionally and is easier to catch (they don't just do score but also all the memeish sound effects). But like in moment when the score gets interrupted when the character gets interrupted / caught, you definitely know the music is connected to the characters thoughts:
Anyways, the point is: before you jump the gun and accuse the creators of a story / drama of something, maybe think first if it's intentionally and MAYBE if it's the characters POV and not the creators opinion on things.
EDIT: the only places where music is used to influence / manipulate you directly on a topic is advertisement and social media ala tiktok.... well maybe there is the answer of my question. There is a bit emotionally manipulation going on in audio-visual storytelling for sure, but as a means to guide you through the story to help you put the pieces together (or misguide you sometimes too). It's like an amusement park ride.
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becauseimanicequeen · 7 months ago
I usually don't bitch about shit I don't like. I think there are better things to do with my time. That being said, though...
I can't stand music in QLs. And I mean the music when the characters start singing. I mute is as fast as I can whenever a character gets too close to a microphone. Hell, I can't even stand it when they sing "Happy Birthday". Just... No.
But then a show like First Note of Love is made, and I suddenly believe there's light in the world again. Thank the fucking heavens for shows like this.
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dribs-and-drabbles · 1 year ago
If you think you've been hearing this a lot recently, you have.
It was (potentially) first used in Bad Buddy, but it was also used at the end of the 'previously on Only Friends' at the beginning of ep 10, as well as during Ray and Sand's fight in the music room in ep 9 part 1 (thanks to @sunnenfinster for the reminder in the notes)...and if you're also watching Naughty Babe, you'll have heard it in part 2 of ep 7 (around 4:30-6:00). A good track for a dramatic scene.
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discocalavicci · 2 years ago
ok just one more thing. why does Al look at Sam like that. hello
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thisautistic · 6 months ago
Jack and Joker U Steal My Heart Background Music Playlist
Updated to ep 3
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respectthepetty · 1 year ago
List 5 things that make you happy and send this to the last 10 people who liked/reblogged something from you. Get to know your followers and mutuals!
Oh, you want to know five things that make me happy?
Well . . .
That, sometimes, my Wild Ass Theories hit their target, especially when I've been sitting in this boat since the first episode.
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That I'm currently drinking Mexican Hot Chocolate black tea with red chile in it, and it's fucking delicious.
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That I'm seeing Bad Bunny for the third time this year just so I can scream "yo no quiero casar" con mi gente.
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That we are in the Year of the Dragon, which brings me a strange hope for Big Dragon 2 if Star Hunter has any marketing skills.
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And, of course, colors, especially when they hit just right on my travels.
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