Val(entina) 💚
45 posts
♪ One half of a pair ♪ The one Tracy with music taste ♪ ♪ She/Her ♪ TAG OC RP Blog ♪
Last active 60 minutes ago
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the-cooler-tb2 · 30 minutes ago
Song of the day is cancelled because Virgil said so.
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the-cooler-tb2 · 11 hours ago
Thanks Brains 😇
How often do you polish your forehead?
(/j I'm kidding, I'm sorry 😘)
Is my forehead really that shiny?
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the-cooler-tb2 · 11 hours ago
Okay.. that’s.. close enough…
But how far up do you go??????
How often do you polish your forehead?
(/j I'm kidding, I'm sorry 😘)
Is my forehead really that shiny?
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the-cooler-tb2 · 11 hours ago
So how far up do you wash your face? Big questions, people!!
(Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaaase 🥺)
How often do you polish your forehead?
(/j I'm kidding, I'm sorry 😘)
Is my forehead really that shiny?
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the-cooler-tb2 · 11 hours ago
Well, for all I know, maybe you are. Maybe that’s another big questions to ask.
(C’mon Brains, pleeeeeeeeaase 🥺)
How often do you polish your forehead?
(/j I'm kidding, I'm sorry 😘)
Is my forehead really that shiny?
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the-cooler-tb2 · 11 hours ago
Everyone (just me) wants to know! I’m asking the big questions!
Soooooooooo… 😇
How often do you polish your forehead?
(/j I'm kidding, I'm sorry 😘)
Is my forehead really that shiny?
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the-cooler-tb2 · 12 hours ago
To ask the real questions, when you wash your face, how far up do you go?
Love you really Brains 💚
How often do you polish your forehead?
(/j I'm kidding, I'm sorry 😘)
Is my forehead really that shiny?
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the-cooler-tb2 · 13 hours ago
It’s been a while. Today’s song of the day is ‘It’s The End Of The World As We Know It’ by R.E.M.
First of all, I have to say, this has an amazing bassline. I remember doing a cover of this with a small college band, obviously before IR, it was a great night. If they see this, hey Vignettes!!
Second of all, it’s just an all around great song. It’s catchy as hell. You can play it whilst doing any kind of job (except from.. maybe a rescue. That wouldn’t fly well).
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the-cooler-tb2 · 22 hours ago
[A small fic featuring @the-cooler-tb2]
[tags: Grief, loss, angst]
The evening views on Tracy Island were always something to behold. The Pacific sunsets pleased the eye, the perfect merging of pinks, reds, blues and oranges as the sun dipped below the horizon. Jeff Tracy had always liked to watch the sunsets. After a long day of mechanics, maintenance and repair work, he finally collapses into one of the couches in the lounge, letting out a deep and weary sigh. As much as he loved working on new machines and aircraft, it sure took a toll on the body. His eyes scan the room slowly, coming to fall onto his 14 year-old daughter, Valentina. She is standing by one of the many windows of the villa, whispering soft words to his youngest son, 8 year-old Alan, sitting in her arms, his legs wrapped around her waist. The boy’s head droops onto her shoulder as the pair stare out to the view of the sunset. By the dimming light reflection, Jeff can see how exhausted she looks. Since Lucille’s passing in 2050, Val had no choice but to step up to be the ‘motherly’ role in Alan’s childhood. He had always thought it was because he didn’t really get much of a chance to know her. Jeff smiled a little proudly, she had done so well for him. After taking another moment or two to himself, he gets to his feet, walking over towards the two, stopping just a few paces behind them. The sounds of Val’s quiet whispering meets his ears.
‘Can you see the sky?’
‘Yeah…’ Alan nods, muttering the quiet confirmation to her.
‘You see all the pretty colours?’
The small boy nods again, uttering the same quiet words. ‘Yeah…’
‘That’s your mama’s way to say hello, you know?’
Jeff see’s the way Alan’s face lights up. He’s always been such a sweet kid.
‘Hi mama…’ Alan reaches his hand out towards the window, giving a small wave to the sky.
Jeff feels tears prick in his eyes, his hand instantly coming up, brushing them away. Val had always been so nice to her youngest brother, taking over the motherly role flawlessly. He knew that sometimes she struggled with the job, but he also knows she’s stubborn. She would never show her struggle. He could see how hard Val worked to try and make Alan’s life as normal as possible, even if she was quietly struggling with her own grief. He continues to watch the pair from behind, his chest tightening slightly in grief.
Val reaches out her own hand, waving towards the sky with Alan.
‘Hey mama.’
Alan grins from ear to ear, waving his hand vigorously from side to side.
‘Hi mama! Hi mommy!’
As the sun continued to fall under the horizon and the stars started to appear, the small boy yawned. Tiredness had finally caught up to the youngest Tracy. Val tears her eyes away from the sky, smiling at her baby brother.
‘You ready to say goodnight, kid?’
Alan groans quietly, nodding again to her words. Val looks back towards the sky again.
‘You wanna say goodnight to mama?’ she whispers to him. Alan matches her gaze to the sky, seeing the colours fade to night. He reaches out his hand again.
‘Night-night mama…’ he whispers, the tiredness clear in his quiet voice.
‘That’s it, squirt. That’s it, and you know what the best part is?’
Val looks back at him again, seeing the sky reflected in his bright eyes.
‘Your mama is gonna be there for you in the morning as the sun rises. Doesn’t that sound nice? Mama being there, just for you, to wish you a good morning?’
The boy nods, his eyes finally drooping closed.
Jeff smiled, the familiar clench of grief tightening over his chest again. She'd always been so good at keeping her mother’s memory alive. Even if it was simply by the sun, or the stars, Val would always try to find a way to reassure her youngest brother that their mother was still close by. As they utter their final goodbyes and head away, Jeff glances out towards the windows, spotting the first few stars appearing in the night sky. The grief finally hits in full force, and he can’t help but let his tears fall as he stares outwards at the small, twinkling lights in a vast, dark canvas.
It’s beautiful. Just like Lucille was.
OOC// I’m not much of a writer, so I’m sorry if some of this doesn’t make sense or flow. It was a cute little idea I had at 2am.
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the-cooler-tb2 · 3 days ago
One of these days, I’m gonna bring a box of stray cats back to the island. I don’t care if Scott doesn’t like it IM GONNA DO IT! WHO DOESN’T LIKE A BOX OF CATS??
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the-cooler-tb2 · 4 days ago
Hey um Val..i'm making something in the kitchen- please don't don't inform the brothers nor Scott, also do you think they will like any pie of sorts? - 🤗
Apple pie. Scott is a fiend for apple pie. It’s the old reliable for him. Big brother is mad? Bring him apple pie. As for the rest of the rabble, any kind of pie just works. Anything not to suffer Grandma’s cooking.
Good luck with them not finding out. I hate to break it to you, but this is the internet. My lips are sealed, but they miiiight see this.
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the-cooler-tb2 · 4 days ago
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It’s a miracle, Jeff Tracy figured out how to use social media.
Well, I figured if all the boys are on here, it must be worth having a look at!
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the-cooler-tb2 · 5 days ago
Well, I figured if all the boys are on here, it must be worth having a look at!
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the-cooler-tb2 · 8 days ago
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Living on an island has some perks, y’know? I mean, if you decide to take a spontaneous walk around, or just sit on the beaches in the morning, you get treated to a gorgeous sunrise.
I took a spontaneous walk this morning along the coastline just to clear the mind. All the work that we do, all the rescuing and everything, it kinda takes a toll, but I love what I do. I wouldn’t have it any other way aaaaand I managed to grab this photo on the way around.
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the-cooler-tb2 · 10 days ago
Gordon’s the kind of guy to shout ‘go go gadget bulletproof head’ if he was threatened at gunpoint.
Either that, or singing yellow submarine on repeat.
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the-cooler-tb2 · 12 days ago
In honour of Alan’s birthday, this song of the day is dedicated to him.
Today’s song of the day is ‘Intergalactic’ by the Beastie Boys. It’s very him, so to say. I mean, when I listen to this I’m like ‘oh, this is very Alan Tracy’.
Anyway beside the point, Happy Birthday kiddo!
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the-cooler-tb2 · 13 days ago
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‘Generic excuse’
THE AUDACITY! I mean he could have just put ‘I’m busy’ or something???
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