#qipao mod
loonatic-moon · 2 days
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Get you a slice of Pnice
(Kiryu qipao mod)
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eightbitpanda · 1 month
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it seems to be Halloween for Poison or just to tease Chun Li. 😁💙💛🤍
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kaleidoscope1967eyes · 6 months
SHE IS BEAUTIFUL!!! what was the inspiration for her outfit?
Ahhh thank you!!! The main inspiration for her outfit was a combination of the shape of mod space age dresses and qipao/cheongsam! I was trying to encapsulate the original trilogy costuming vibe of pseudo-East Asian retrofuturism. I also gave her a little hat/headdress/bonnet thing with moonstones because it was just fitting :p
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mhbcaps · 2 months
does anyone else have a problem with these mods just not appearing 😭 the qipao doesn't spawn at all and bai moqing's spawns but doesn't appear when I equip it
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succubunsvent · 11 months
chinese anon here back in this hellhole again.
um. while the panda person has other issues the sexy qipao isn't one, lmao. you'd be surprised to find out how sexy qipaos are just a thing you can buy on chinese sites. it's on the same line as sexy nun and sexy nurse costumes, you know why they exist. A "asian silk bathrobe" you find in a souvenir shop is way more racist than a sexy costume.
a lot of the stuff in that particular section is really just on the level of cringe. If you want to cancel them so bad because you didn't get a slot you should make a point of the potential tracing and scams, not the sexy qipao.
the whole "they must be cancelled because fujoshi mention" thing is also more racist than you think thanks to all the white people deliberately ignoring the history of it + voices of gay japanese men who also consume yaoi/BL but i am not diving into this can of worms for the blog mod today </3
Tapping the sign again, don't use us to fight your battles.
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juune-moon · 2 years
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[Image ID: A 1920s inspired Zuko peers down at Katara while he holds a gun behind his back while his other hand rests on her hip. Her body faces his as she looks at the viewer with a dagger behind her back and her other hand on his chest. Zuko is in a red collar shirt with tie and suspenders and Katara is in a blue silk open-back qipao dress, while a gold embroidered dragon is featured on both outfits.] Click image for better resolution.
This is my art for this year’s Big Bang (I am late)! @zkbigbang
It was created to accompany Mile of Bloodshed, a gripping 1920s Romeo & Juliet story. You don’t want to miss this one!
Definitely also check out the always-gorgeous art by @do0hwa if you haven’t already!
This was fun yet challenging and thanks go to the entire team and mods, it was an honor to participate. 💜
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csvent-2 · 2 years
Since y'all like to hate on people just because they are different/think differently and/or don't even let people move on or forgive people for shit. It's whatever honestly because I personally don't care. I don't care that you people hate me I just don't like you assuming shit. My character Miuchi was bought from ElfenDr years ago and his ORIGINAL DESIGN had a Qipao + magatama earrings. I didn't 'pick asian and went wild with it'. I wanted to keep the original design elements. (✿✿ cont.)
I don't understand why making him a sex worker is a bad thing or dress in a more skimpier outfit when he works a bad thing. If you actually read his bio/info I made him CHINESE AND JAPANESE MIX. (I dunno why someone said Korean) Having a dark/sad backstory isn't a wrong thing either but ??? Ok. Anyways, saying that doing face claims isn't a thing you do for your OCs either? Having a comfort NSFW character who you relate to in some ways is a bad thing. ok. (✿✿ cont)
You guys focusing on a characters gender whom I personally use to discover myself/sexuality just doesn't sit right with me within the community. All about love and no boundaries and all yet if someone is expressing themselves not in the norm or differently y'all just say 'oh no it's too dark or problematic' for me labeling my own character or making them want to have kids. Sure okay go off sis. I don't care. (✿✿ cont.)
I don't support incest or pedophilia at all. In those 'receipts' if you READ I only commented that y'all go coocoo bananas when people want to do things differently in fiction. I understand people are affected by this and shouldn't see/engage but if this is in a COMMUNITY setting like CS groups, why block these people from wanting to be a part of a community if they aren't affecting anyone. This is what is upsetting to me personally. If it's personally affecting you please block. (✿✿ cont.)
And I at least know @/sus is reading this but you say that it wasn't a anon submission when it was. I didn't post your discord tag, TH user, Twitter whatever but since you hate me so much you were dying to throw my name around and say these things about me. You simply just messaged me without even letting me get a word in. You know how rude that is? Like thanks for even writing a message honestly because the mods of Foxtopi didn't even do that but yeah y'all spread shit about me to them as well.
It's insane how crazy y'all go and have all this things against me but don't think about the real people behind what you say. Like why does it affect you. Why does someone liking weird or gross things in fiction affect you. Honestly. Like I would understand if they made fan cams of like ACTUAL serial killers or actual criminals. But y'all draw the line at people liking taboo things. And mind you I don't like loli/shota or incest even in fiction, I block and move on. (✿✿ cont)
Why can't y'all just say 'oh I personally don't like that/this makes me uncomfortable ' and don't talk about that thing or something. You can still get along or be friends with them. But y'all just actively choose hate. How much pain do you have inside for you to do that to people. Especially within the community. This is how wars start because people can't get along. And I would like to believe some of us can be friends if you would get to know me but you guys don't want to (cont.)
You guys don't want to choose the hard way. Y'all just go 'ok pedo' or 'ok proship' like it actually means anything. Nobody is entitled to anyone's time ofc but I'm telling you now, from personal experience, it is so much better to just have a more open mind about things and want to learn more and let people be. You have no idea how much grief people like you have caused me. The longing of wanting to fit in but spiteful people like you excluding me and no matter what I did it was never enough.
All of this is probably going to go one ear out the other. I know and it does hurt me to know so many people have it out for me. Like a virus infecting others in what they think of me before actually knowing me or where I come from. I know I've done shit I shouldn't have that I can't take back. I have done stupid shit but who hasn't man. But okay go off hate me all you want. I don't know why I still bother even trying to 'explain' myself because y'all don't even care. (cont. ✿✿)
Probably won't believe me if I told you I sent the wrong crop of your message. But honestly I'm glad y'all 'exposed' me because this is the shit y'all spread around to your groups/clicks to exclude me in things I want to be a part in. Things that I figured was being taken out of context or things that shouldn't be a problem. At least I know know what y'all think of me because I never got answers since nobody dared to ask me in person just spread hate with your 'evidence' like the toxic community
Didn't want to post more than 5 asks continuing the same convo, so copy-pasted them all here. 🌸
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mltea · 4 years
hi, mod flame here, yes I’m not dead. regarding the ask about character designs, tbh I think all the main hero and villain designs are boring and bland. If they were designed by the main cast, as the show says they are, then personally I’d like to see more influences from their heritage in their costume designs, and that makes me sad. Like, generic skinsuits would be fine, but imagine if Ladybug had the iconic tradional Qipao neckline and clasp, or if Nino drew from his Moroccan heritage. I just feel like there’s a lot better options than just... suits.
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tog-lunar-new-year · 4 years
Hello, hello! This is an event for the Lunar New Year for Tower of God! By this, we do NOT mean Chinese new year. The Lunar new year is not the sole property of China. If anyone says that, we will murder you be very offended (we are both Chinese so.). Feel free to search up different cultures and countries that celebrate the lunar new year! Notably, South Korea, the origin of Tower of God, also celebrates the lunar new year so... :3
This year, the lunar new year takes place February 12, 2021.
The event is an open-to-all event from February 11 - 13. Any type of work is allowed, from fic to art to poems to gifs. Keep it sfw, no bigotry, the usual drill. When in doubt, better ask us first. 
There is a prompt for each day, shown below. You may post a work late and we’ll be on the lookout for all participating works up until around a week later.
Dates: February 11 - 13, 2021. 
Tag stuff as #toglunar2021, kids and feel free to tag @tog-lunar-new-year​ if we miss your post. We’ll be following this tag and reblogging everything here. Any posts that violate the rules will be ignored. Use your good judgement, folks.
Feb 11: Clothing/Costumes/Outfits 
This can include but is not limited to:
traditional clothing typically worn during this time (such as qipao, hanbok, etc)
costumes such as lion and dragon dance
Feb 12: Celebration/Festivities/Events
This includes all types of events and rituals typically attributed to the lunar new year. Anything goes.
Feb 13: Food
Pretty self-explanatory...food associated with the lunar new year, including eating, preparing, storing, etc.
Xan @tokaywineandcheese
Soh @fronchtost
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1b-headcanons · 6 years
1-B as VILLAINS *throws confetti*
Now that it’s in my mind, I love this. Since 1–B is close like family, I imagined them as a mafia-style crime syndicate (and because I’ve been watching the newest JoJo anime)
Kendo is the leader, but in the style of The Kingpin. Dresses nice and can act fancy, but can and will destroy you. She has her morals, but she lets no one cross her. Imagine her stepping out of a black car in a blood red Qipao and punching someone to death. Badass.
Monoma is the vice-leader and main gatherer of intelligence on the street, helped by his Quirk letting him learn about other people’s Quirks. He was driven to villainy by his envy of powerful heroes.
Pony wouldn’t normally be a villain, but in a situation like Shigaraki where she goes through something awful, is left with nothing, and is saved by a villain, she’d join their group. She’s Kendo’s assistant and is groomed to be a leader like Monoma, though they both have a little regret for getting her involved in this life. Pony regrets nothing.
Ibara is, ironically, the easiest to picture as a villain. She’d be the crazy villain who claims to do “The Lord’s Work” by killing “sinners.” A preaching villain like William Stryker or Deacon Blackfire. If Kendo needs people dead and others scared, she sends Ibara.
There’s two main groups of enforcers, who are overseen by their strongest fighter - Honenuki. He’s very laid-back and friendly, but his Quirk can be pretty horrifying with killing in mind.
The first group of enforcers is Tetsutetsu, Awase, Kaibara, and Tsuburaba. They have a code of honor, so no civilians will get hurt, but they’re very vocal and obvious when they’re dealing with someone. They stick to areas the gang controls for this reason. The main group for fighting.
The more inconspicuous group of enforcers are Yui, Shishida, Shoda, and Rin. Shishida is still very gentlemanly and would prefer talking things out, but is pretty scary and brutal if he has to be. Yui is fiercely loyal to Kendo and is very stoic on jobs. Shoda keeps the others on task and makes sure they don’t go too far. Rin is the trigger-happy one of the group.
Reiko, Kuroiro, and Kamakiri are the Assassination squad. Reiko and Kuroiro can infiltrate anywhere, letting knife-nut Kamakiri come in and take care of business.
Fukidashi and Bondo are the liaisons for the businesses under the the gang’s “protection.” Fukidashi would be the big-talking little guy while Bondo would silently intimidate from behind.
The duo that handles “information gathering” (torture) is Komori and Setsuna. I won’t spill the details of their methods, but they get results.
This was a fun ask and has given me some idea for a possible villain AU fic
- Mod Iron
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Regarding the white girl wearing qipao incident, the articles I've read have portrayed it less as "asians are mean", and more like "chinese-americans are mean, while people in mainland China just think it's cool she wore a qipao."
This is always how they portray issues of cultural appropriation and general asshattery towards Asian culture. They’re either too ignorant to realize the massive difference in life experiences between Asians and Asian-Americans, or they’re just playing the difference off as nothing on purpose. Like of course some guy in China doesn’t care about cultural appropriation. He’s surrounded all day every day by Chinese people, by his own culture. What does he know about having everything be about white people all day long, or being surrounded by white faces, or hating your own nose because it’s not white enough like…ugh. To be honest, I don’t give a damn if a white girl wears a qipao but the media and non-Asian Americans in general appear very gleeful in making fun of the Asian-American reaction, a reaction that comes from a very real place, and that I can’t fucking stand. The writers of those terrible articles can kiss my ass.
Mod Zed
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dresshoney · 5 years
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Modern Cheongsam, Casual Qipao. Oriental Party Dress, Custom Cheongsam, Chinese Vintage Dress, Mod Dress, Sleeveless Cocktail Qipao Dress for $79.00 #dress #dresses #fashion # @ 👉 http://bit.ly/30Lzi2T
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gemsonahelpforyou · 8 years
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I -]White Diamond Special Tactics Unit[-
Probably the closest character to being evil in the group. While not inherently malicious, her craving for power both social and physical drives her to do some pretty condemnable things. While she constantly tries to usurp Agate as leader, she still has the respect to listen to her superior’s orders, as she feels its only right for an underling to do the whims of the leader. Her fighting style usually consists of a hyper offensive approach, with little appreciation for planning. Her claim for power she so desires stems from the fact that shes obsessed with the quartz and their strength, scarily so. Jade has always been a really weak gem herself. She emerged with a bunch of other Jades due to being defective because of her donut gem rather than a regular gem, she was treated as inferior and pushed out of society. So Jade ended up using her cunning wit and will to outsmart the other jades and trap them in gem artifacts, the needles you see in her hair. 
Playlist - https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLC36Qi15Pq8PY9NhluE70GffV-C0Pyfwi
Well, for starters, I really love the way you worked oriental designs into her outfit; granted, it’s sort of been done a lot with Jades, but you do it with a good balance of detail and simplicity that makes it interesting again. I especially like her halberd; whether it was intentional or not, the Chinese dragon look to it is really cool-looking. My only qualm with her design are that, despite being an aggressive fighter with an interest in Quartz gems, she wears a qipao; not a good outfit choice for an aspiring warrior, I’d say. I’d suggest giving her something that’s a bit more form-fitting and easy to move around in—something like this that the typical Quartz would wear. Or, if you’d prefer to keep a more regal look for her, I’d also suggest giving her an outfit resembling the armor of an ancient Chinese soldier, as to keep with her oriental motifs.
Alright, one down, four to go! Hope this helps! :D
-Mod Rose
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askrosaandkan · 7 years
Dare them to wear these outfits
So I’ve seen lots of people doing the “emoji outfit” things, so I’m making one for my sweet art children (they will react to the outfit probably) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Choices: 💍 ~ What they would wear to their wedding 👘 ~ What they would wear if told to wear a kimono or a qipao 💃 ~ What they would wear to a party ⚔️ ~ What they would wear in a battle 🧣 ~ What they would wear during fall 👕 ~ What they would wear if they were a student 💎 ~ What they would wear that’s H💿L💿 💥 ~ What they would wear if they went to a convention 🕹️ ~ What they would cosplay as 🎩 ~ What they would wear that’s fancy ✒️ ~ What they would look like if they worked at the studio from BatIM ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ please specify the character as well as the emoji.
Let’s do this! *cracks knuckles*
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dresshoney · 5 years
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Modern Cheongsam, Casual Qipao. Oriental Party Dress, Custom Cheongsam, Chinese Vintage Dress, Mod Dress, Sleeveless Cocktail Qipao Dress for $79.00 #dress #dresses #fashion # @ 👉 http://bit.ly/2XAquds
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