#qi rong has also kinda grown on me
Qi Rong, escaping: I'm going to cook and eat this small child hahahahaha
Xie Lian, pinned to his own altar making out with his pon farr-ing boyfriend: yeah sure whatever have at it
10/10 protagonist I love him
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inhumanescreeching · 3 years
tgcf headcanons i have if i were ever to make a modern au about them because lets be honest here why would i need these if they were either canon gods or canon ghosts smh:
- aurorian (fluid between alignments) non-binary xie lian! he knows his galactian alignments and he taught the whole enby group about it so now they align with the stars (also very fitting considering he's a freakin god and a freakin ball of sunshine) xie lian has no preference, for both pronouns and sexual/romantic interests and yes this is me saying and projecting she/he/they pansexual panromantic xie lian because i can
- hua cheng is a singularian enby fight me, he just does not care and will reject all ties to alignments lmao he loved this label when xie lian introduced them to the galactian alignment system so that's that. he/they but he's exactly the type to joke about just not referring to him at all he actually means it lol this person's too far gone for xie lian to actually care about labels but i feel like he's omnisexual and at least biromantic
- feng xin had the Biggest Crisis known to man having grown up very . conflicted but he can admit he's bisexual w a preference for women, biromantic too. as for gender, he's experimenting with like a lot of things so he's not really ready to commit to a label yet. loves being referred to by they/them but he/him and she/her work fine too
- mu qing is galaxian non-binary, so a combination of lunarian (feminine aligned), solarian (masculine aligned) and stellarian (neutral aligned) just because. any pronoun works just fine for them! they also don't really like the hassle of finding labels so they just go by "queer" both out of pettiness to claim the word back and as a reassurance during pride parades that they are one with the rainbow lmao
- ling wen is genderfluid, did you expect anything else? mainly uses they/them but their pronouns can change depending on what they currently feel so always! ask! first! ling wen is also asexual and demiromantic because i said so
- pei ming is a playboy, it's canon but i think he just likes playing people periodt. drop the boy tag, he's non-binary solarian aligned because he likes to be likened to the sun, and his energy is just immaculate. he/they polyamorous pansexual pei ming!!!
- pei su is stellarian non-binary with they/them pronouns (yes they were there when xie lian gave a galactian alignment lecture) so they're neutral aligned! they are demisexual and panromantic!!!!
- ban yue is trans mtf nebularian non-binary (so a combination of lunarian and stellarian) who uses she/they pronouns. be nice to her please she is my child- she's graysexual and omniromantic with a preference for fellow enby beans
- shi qingxuan experiences genderflux both in canon and my headcanons. i like to think she's trans ftm who experiences girlflux, and she mostly goes by she/her especially during flux but again! always ask first. she's greysexual and omniromantic and i would like her hand in marriage please heavenly officials let me marry her
- he xuan is agender, you cannot change my mind. they also don't feel much attachment to pronouns so any works fine with them. oh and he xuan is demisexual and grayromantic i have decided
- okay so hear me out, qi rong is spacilian non-binary so xe is xenine aligned and uses xe/xem/xyr pronouns. xe is also ace aro and yes xe is annoying but xe kinda grew on me lol so that's why xe's here
- yu shi huang is asexual panromantic with she/they pronouns and yes i love her i would marry her too if given the chance. she is, you guessed it, lunarian (feminine aligned) non-binary! her steed is singularian non-binary like hua cheng heh
- idk why but i think shi wudu is cishet (maybe it was from that time he chided qingxuan to change back to her other form) but i also think he's bisexual so im gonna settle on gay and homophobic (unironically so)
did i miss someone important? and no idc about jun wu pls don't mention that bastard ever
yes these are all just headcanons and all of these are set in a modern time and xie lian being non-binary and knowing all about the galactian alignment system is a headcanon i will always , always cradle close to my heart also just imagine most of these gods and ghosts being non-binary conforming and instead aligning themselves with heavenly bodies like?? i HAVE a point with this don't i?
anyways feel free to hit me up if we share the same headcanons tho i do think that's highly unlikely lol plus i was thinking about making this for mdzs but how tf am i gonna do that when there are clans upon clans of characters rip my poor brain like i do have hcs but compiling them is such a bitch so i settled for this chaotic bunch instead
i feel like i definitely missed someone but oh well yolo ig
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