#qi lolita dress
lolita-wardrobe · 3 months
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The Last Chance To Order Doris Night 【-Peacork's Plume-】 #QiLolita Series
◆ Shopping Link >>> https://www.lolitawardrobe.com/search/?Keyword=Peacork%27s+Plume ◆ Once They Are Sold Out, They Will NOT Be Available Again!!!
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alangdorf · 1 year
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Aaaaand next off the checklist is Manager Magolor, it seems! I feel the need to clarify this is a while post-RtDL and most likely post-Star Allies too (and probably post-much-needed-therapy) given the temporally anomalous nature of Merry Magoland.
I also feel the need to clarify something weird I said in the initial theory post, even though it most likely goes without saying given some of the design decisions I made here and the sheer power of saying “you know what I mean”, but I think I finally have my thoughts coherently together about The Discourse. Going under the cut given that it is about The Discourse, and also about my personal experience with gender, transition, and internalized misogyny.
First off, if you don’t know what I mean by The Discourse, or why the heck I’m drawing Magolor as a Doomer and not a catboy, in the latter case see my previous posts, and in the former case, there was a line added in Return to Dream Land Deluxe for 100%ing the game where Magolor says he was lying about being from Halcandra. Now I’m not particularly entrenched in the Kirby fandom and generally avoid discourse, but even I’ve seen a lot of people say they think this lore addition was bad and stupid. I totally understand wanting to ignore it, given that the fanbase at large is full of Magolor likers that have elaborate headcanons about Magolor as a Halcandran, and various worldbuilding about Halcandra and the Ancients as informed by the concept. Personally, I had no previous stake in this given that the lore addition was actually the catalyst that got me to really care about Magolor in the first place, and obviously I think it’s interesting to extrapolate from.
Now, the ostensible gut reaction to finding out that Magolor has just been dressing up as an Ancient this whole time is to get really nervous about cultural appropriation. I personally think it’s likely to be more nuanced than a cut-and-dry case of an oppressor stealing from the culture of the oppressed, but given how little we actually know about the Ancients’ place in the Kirby universe both at their height and in the present day, and the fact that I myself am a white American, I’ll just cite Metal General’s RtDLdx pause screen lore, whatever the heck Grand Doomer has going on, and the short story Passing by Nella Larsen (Ok hi! Anxiety-ridden Kit from a week and a half later coming in to clarify that I’m not trying to equate funny little video game aliens to the severity of real life race struggles. As with everything please give me the benefit of the doubt in believing that I have good intentions and understand that there’s nuance but am just not the greatest at talking or thinking and I’m fighting for my life in here[my brain] ok thx bye) that I read in high school as sources for my personal thoughts, and leave the discussion on that subject there. (Oh, I also do like to think about the fact that he said he’s been studying the remnants of the Ancient civilization in Halcandra, for years, alone. Not much of anything with a concrete point to say about that though)
When I last talked about this in my theory post I said I saw it “more like uhhhh trans coding, kinda” and of course drawing this design forced me to confront the question of: now what the heck did I mean I mean by that, exactly?? Well, I thought about it more, and I realized that the much simpler thing to compare it to would be any teen coming-of-age movie where the protagonist dresses up as someone they aren’t because they don’t like who they are until they learn to accept and express themself for who they really are, though this message’s impact is often obfuscated somewhat in practice by Hollywood’s double gut-punch of beauty standards and misogyny. But as for what I was more closely reminded of when I called it trans coding, it was, as it often is, my own complicated journey with gender.
Speaking of, I realize I haven’t been very talkative on tumblr in several years, preferring to talk with close friends on discord rather than with the wider internet and you all know me as afab nb, so I suppose this is the time to come out as… cis, actually. Or rather, uh, transgender/cisgender/genderqueer/nonbinary/female. (Perhaps you can tell why I generally talk about this with people who already know me.) You know how it starts. I never really felt like I fit in with girls growing up, I held disdain for people who were “too girly”, I generally only made friends with nerdy guys, avoided wearing makeup, didn’t care overly much about how I dressed.
Then, five years ago, I discovered that being referred to as “they” made me really happy. I never experienced body dysphoria, but I liked to be able to have a flat chest sometimes. These are things that are still true about me. But feeling decoupled from the concept of womanhood, and, of course, simply growing as a person over time, allowed me to reassess my feelings and internal biases on it. I discovered I have very particular aesthetic preferences, some of which are traditionally very feminine. I started getting into fashion and sewing and started to be happy rather than ambivalent about the way I present myself. (I still don’t wear makeup barely at all.) I realized that what gender you are doesn’t have to mean anything about your particular gender presentation, and that your particular gender presentation doesn’t have to mean anything about what gender you are. I’m still addressing my own internalized misogyny every day, though I like to think I’ve gotten better about it. I’ve learned more about being queer and I’ve learned more about myself.
Over the years I’ve been slowly swinging back around to being comfortable identifying as a woman, and I’m not 100% there yet (I still have a bit of a dysphoric gut reaction to other people referring to me as female, I’ll likely always prefer they/them on the internet at least, and man oh man don’t even get me started on the religion thing. It’s even more complicated somehow and I have trouble talking about it even with close friends and family. I often feel caught between sides on a lot of things just because there’s just very few people who understand wholly where I’m coming from. For one thing, do you know how many weird reactions I’ve gotten to telling people I’m aroace and also getting married in two months? From all kinds of folks), but yeah. That’s how it is. Definitely genderqueer regardless what happens.
So uh, what the heck does any of this have to do with Maggie? I just have a relatively similar thought process regarding him. Uh, metaphorically, I mean; not necessarily with regards to gender. His gijinka designs have definitely turned out really genderqueer but as I’ve said before, this is just what happens whenever I get my little baby hands on new favorite male characters, especially given my penchant for selectively feminine aesthetics and the fact that I’ve never really learned how to draw cis men all that well. He’s also just really hard to put in pants & I wanna show the legs off, I paid money for those
Now for the million dollar question. Do I think any of my interpretation is how HAL actually intended it? Perhaps, but they seem to often leave deep lore things like this deliberately open-ended. So do I think they’re gonna actually do anything with it and make Magolor stop dressing up like an Ancient? Probably not, especially given that the lore bit is a reward for 100%ing the game, practically an easter egg at that point. Magolor is probably the one character who they’re most willing to give new outfits to, but I don’t see that extending to his mainline canon appearance. I think Kirby is a bit too much of a mascot-based franchise to comfortably depart from iconic aspects of their characters for that. They still haven’t given poor Taranza his own theme that isn’t a remix of Dedede’s, for crying out loud.
End of thoughts. Usual disclaimer that I am just one person with limited knowledge and judgement. I wanted to write out this clarification because I was worried my previous comments might look weird in isolation and because I know my Magolor headcanons are very intrinsically tied to The Discourse. It honestly kinda sucks a bit cause while it has been nice to be drawing again, I’ve also been relentlessly serotonin-seeking and I’m way too hungry for interaction & engagement on this, especially given how niche its particular appeal is. Ask box is always open but be warned I have no qualms about setting boundaries and won’t answer anything I don’t want to. Thanks for reading! - Love, Catboy “🪺” Discourse
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m00n-dr0p · 10 months
so recently i came across this lolita wardrobe dress (in a goodwill of all places) and bought it immediately. this was my first time ever buying anything lolita fashion and it was actually affordable! only 14 dollars for such a high quality garment!! when i bought the dress i didn't really think about if i could wear it. so this poses the question of: is wearing qi lolita as a non chinese person appropriation?
as much as i love this dress the last thing i want is to appropriate someone's culture so i will sell the dress if i have to!! pic of the dress below the cut since this post is getting kinda long
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loltia-eagle · 1 year
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lolitamashup · 2 years
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irisgoesgardening · 2 months
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Day 2 Week 1: Barian @zexalmonth
Is it cheating to say that Shark is my favorite Barian? It’s a pity I don’t feature him more…I like to design gothic lolita dresses for him!
This is another part of my Zexal lolita AU. He used to do fashion battles in punk circles until Thomas slipped him a counterfeit pair of boots. Now he’s moved onto gothic lolita in order to earn money for Rio’s new wardrobe (because Thomas burned it all).
More beneath the cut
He models for an independent designer called Ekard Krad 😜 This coord was specifically designed for him. It’s called Megalodon’s Funeral. He’s Heartland Academy’s darling because he has such good style. Everyone knows he’s a bit of a dick but it’s because he’s bitter over the fact that he’s more well known as the Gothic Shark Queen instead of the Shark Punk. One thing that sets him off is when people treat expensive brands cheaply.
Regarding the other Barians…
Rio: Sailor lolita
Mizael: Qi lolita
Gilag: Wa lolita
Durbe: Nun lolita (it gives him a (false) sense of superiority)
Alit: Roman military lolita (Idk if that’s a real thing…just use your imagination)
Vector: As Shingetsu, he’s sweet lolita. As Vector, he’s fallen angel/demoncore lolita
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lolitaknot · 1 month
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HinanaQueena -Soul in the Glass- Hime Rococo Tea Party Princess Wedding Qi Lolita OP Dress
Shopping Link >> https://www.lolitaknot.com/HinanaQueena-Soul-in-the-Glass-Hime-Rococo-Tea-Party-Princess-Wedding-Qi-Lolita-OP-Dress-p669408.html
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fanplusfriend · 9 months
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A New Released Item:
A coupon code "2024FN" is available now for 12% #OFF: https://www.fanplusfriend.com/fragrance-of-narcissus-new-chinese-fashion-style-qi-lolita-sleeveless-chic-lace-fabric-midi-dress-ethereal-skirt-piece-bow-brooches-4pcs-summer-outfit-set/
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teethhoarder · 11 months
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I'm Really Late to Halloween - but Jiangshi Miku <333 I would kill for a figure in this style - Considering making this into an acrylic standee 🤔 lemme know if you guys would want that too, or if there are any other mikus I could draw (I love her)
Based on a Qi Lolita dress I saw and fell in love with.
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✨General Stardew Valley headcanons:✨
Last update: 18.09.2024
SDV bachelors reacting to Farmer trying to rekindle their relationship post divorce
SDV bachelors x Farmer with PPD (Postpartum depression)
SDV/SVE bachelors accidentally discover that Farmer is secretly half sea creature:
SDV bachelors and their Fall date ideas with Farmer
SDV bachelors reaction to Farmer being upset/mad because they forgot relationship anniversary
SDV spouses react to Farmer whom had a gentle personality, is actually a seasoned fighter in an underground boxing match
SDV bachelors with Farmer who has a plushies collection
Some romantic SDV bachelors x Farmer headcanons
SDV bachelors react to the Statue of Perfection
SDV bachelors with Farmer w anger issues
SDV bachelors and upset Farmer
SDV bachelorettes trying to make Farmer blush
SDV bachelors react to the Qi fruit
SDV bachelors/ettes can see an army of juminos recolting crops
SDV bachelors propose to Farmer
Part 2 for "SDV bachelors x Farmer choose to be child free and adopting a pet" headcanon
Bachelorettes writing and sending a love letter to the Farmer
SDV bachelorettes regretting rejecting Farmer at the flower dance after realizing they're in love with them
Favorite singer and song of the sdv bachelor/ettes
SDV bachelors/ettes discover that their s/o!Farmer is a werewolf
SDV bachelors react when they found out Farmer turned their kids into pigeons
SDV bachelors x Farmer having a date night
SDV spouses react to the Farmer trying to sneak in a love potion/powder
SDV bachelorettes react to the Farmer catching them in their clothes
SDV spouses react to the Farmer introducing them to the raccoon family
SDV bachelors x Farmer, that already has a kid from a different relationship
SDV bachelorettes with a clingy Farmer
SDV bachelors react to the Dragon!Farmer
SDV bachelors react to the Farmer when they said they wanted to adopt a dog/cat/other pet instead of having a children
SDV bachelors react to the Farmer who gives them clothes with boob window
SDV bachelors as a transmascs/transmen
SDV bachelors/ettes worries that Farmer didn't return last night
SDV bachelors/ettes asking Farmer to be their dance partner at the Flower Festival
SDV bachelors with AFAB!Farmer spouse who suffered a miscarriage
SDV bachelors react to the Farmer spouse calling them DILF
SDV bachelors with a cryptid Farmer
SDV bachelors/ettes react to the Farmer that wears Lolita/Ouji outfit
SDV bachelors/ettes with the Farmer that dresses very fem
SDV bachelors/ettes react to the Farmer who mentioned Mr. Qi
SDV bachelors reacting to a Farmer rejecting their dance proposal, then saying it's a joke
SDV townies with the cottagecore witch/wizard
SDV bachelors/ettes react to the Farmer who flinches from their partner's sudden movement
Farmer with SDV bachelors' make-up
SDV bachelors with Farmer's make-up
SDV bachelors react to the possibility that their child could be taken away by the Ministry of Magic
SDV bachelors (+ Krobus) react to the Farmer after Mr . Qi Mature event
SDV bachelorettes suddenly remember some of their erased memories
How well SDV bachelors/ettes flirt with Farmer
SDV bachelors/ettes react to the Farmer when their child call them mom/dad
SDV bachelors react to Farmer who are into entomology, herpetology and other creepy creatures
Some SDV people react to the Farmer finally snap
SDV bachelors react to the gay rooster joke from the Farmer
Townspeople react to the Kittyfis (SVE fish)
SDV spouses found out Farmer near the pond, unconscious
How quickly SDV townies become friends with shy!Farmer
How SDV bachelors/ettes good at dance?
SDV townies react to a non-human Farmer (alt. version)
SDV bachelors/bachelorettes as a horror movie characters
SDV townies react to the Farmer having a baby
SDV townies react to Farmer's death
SDV townies with the Farmer who constantly with Junimos
Old villagers react to the Farmer called them dad
SDV townies react to a non-human Farmer
SDV bachelors/ettes and townies react to the durian
SDV bachelors/bachelorettes react to the very emotional Farmer
SDV townies react to the Farmer who despises Joja
SDV bachelors and bachelorettes react to not having their feeling reciprocated
SDV bachelorettes when they found out Farmer turn their children into the pigeon
SDV townies biggest fear
Drunk SDV villagers
Bachelors and PDA
SDV bachelors got cheated by the Farmer
Townfolk react to the Farmer having magic
Bachelors with the Farmer who has a coeliac (gluten intolerance)
SDV bachelors with the Farmer on the jungle adventure
SDV bachelors and bachelorettes: pinning, courting or flirting
SDV characters give dark chocolate to the Farmer, but they are allergic to it
SDV townspeople's reacting to the Farmer calling them babygirl
SDV bachelors and bachelorettes with the Farmer on the first date
SDV townspeople's reacting to the news that Farmer has joined the Adventurer's Guild
SDV bachelors found out their kid was being bullied
SDV bachelors with the Artist!Farmer s/o
SDV bachelors and bachelorettes with the Farmer who has a young brother/sister
SDV bachelors and bachelorettes receiving a drawing of them from the Farmer
SDV bachelors and bachelorettes file a divorce from the Farmer
SDV bachelors meeting their son/daughter for the first time
Protective SDV bachelors
SDV bachelors react to the Farmer using return scepter/warp obelisks
SDV bachelors random HC with Farmer s/o
SDV bachelors with the Farmer who has tic disorder/Tourette's
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tubborucho · 1 month
c!Tubbo but wearing this: https://www.tumblr.com/pusangkambing/758763620873142273
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lolita-wardrobe · 6 days
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New Release: YingLuoFu 【-Panda's Bamboo Kingdom-】 Qi Lolita OP Dress, Hoodie and Leg Warmers
◆ Shopping Link >>> https://lolitawardrobe.com/yingluofu-pandas-bamboo-kingdom-qi-lolita-op-dress-hoodie-and-leg-warmers_p8391.html
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alangdorf · 9 months
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A couple various Magolor outfits (Clash cause I realized I only had half finished sketches of that outfit and also Yukari Yakumo from Touhou cosplay for fun) and also Oh hey yeah that thing!
Ummm let’s see, words are hard right now but I should probably give my explaining myself spiel and I’ve already been putting off this post for like a month and a half. Clash outfit was fairly self-evident; I thought it looked good with the red added (apple colors hehe) and I of course couldn’t resist throwing some classic lolita in there. Unlike his usual outfit there’s not space for his wings to stretch out in the back bc Clash is like. Theoretically it’s chill but they’ve got a lotta post-traumatic stress/paranoia/insecurity that morphs into weird tension with the main gang back in the usual universe and then doesn’t fully start getting resolved until after Star Allies (I have other sketches of this outfit - and just other Magolor doodles in general; particularly I’ve been trying to figure out digitigrade leg posing - but I don’t feel like posting them here so I guess you can find them at um. Kirby live radio wiki community feed)
Yukari outfit I had the idea for cause I was thinking abt qi lolita again. Not much to say aside from I figured out why they don’t ever give her the parasol with this dress; it is a distressing amount of light pink to deal with and between that and the pose and parasol shape I sweated my way through most of this piece lol
Aaand Magolor Epilogue a.k.a. self-recognition through the other (derogatory) ….. TWO!! I had the idea for Master Crown boss to bear an uncanny resemblance to 2nd phase Magolor/Magolor Soul a long time ago but like. Turns out it was scarily close already; I just had to add a head and a couple fingers.
Ok that’s it see you in a half hour byeee
#art#digital#kirby#magolor#master crown#kirby gijinka#Magolor epilogue spoilers#implied body horror#by which I mean like. if you combine the images of Magolor soul and master crown tree the eye mouth is kinda freaky but it’s also just tree#I was not satisfied with like particularly the legs (and also the bonus sketches) on the clash drawing so I put off posting for a whiiiiile#currently I’m hung up on Marx gijinka (again) and also theoretically I should design post-canon default outfits for Mags and Elfilin#but it’s tricky cause I don’t have much to go on (for the outfits)#I would like to do Marx and Kirby gijinka (for interactions’ sake) but the problem I’m facing with those is#I don’t have a personal spin on them to work from at the moment so I’m indecisive and don’t wanna just take from other’ designs too much#oh ya also I still wanna do a Magolor tree boss fight ultra sword painting at some point but I have no background for reference#cause the camera would be the opposite direction from the ingame camera#story wise been thinking about his legs but don’t have any concrete stuff yet#also given that this is like. genderqueer agab reclamation trans allegory or whatever I think I can mention that I had that idea that#before he came up with Magolor his name was Magpie#thanks to that one random fic that got his name wrong as a throwaway joke that meant everything to me#fun magpie facts: their scientific name (of the Eurasian magpie at least) is pica pica yes like pikachu’s cry#the name magpie is a shortening of ‘Maggie pie’ because Europe was going through a weird bird names phase a few centuries ago#(and I was already calling him Maggie lol)#and magpies are the only birds to ever pass the mirror self-awareness test#also they don’t prefer shiny things that’s just a myth#thematically relevant one though. folks you ever get so obsessed with a magical crown that it gets obsessed with you back
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loltia-eagle · 1 year
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lolitamashup · 2 years
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straydogkins · 8 months
28 and 29 for any kin you wish to talk about :0!
Any major canon divergences? (ex. roleswaps, plot point changes, etc.)
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Kirumi Tojo (Supernatural creatures AU)
Best way to describe this timeline would be like 'monster high', we were all supernatural creatures and hope's peak was specifically for us. I was a witch and my best friend (lover?) Rantaro was a werewolf. It was very different to the killing game (I mean no one died so that was good)
Any minor canon divergences? (ex. appearance differences, family, relationships, etc.)
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Rionetta (Unsure of timeline, assume it was canon complacent)
As Rionetta I was a lot more doll like, a ball-jointed doll made of something akin to China but much harder to break. I was very... Inhuman, I know a lot of magical girls were but given that my eyes gold and had no blackness where the whites should be, you could hear my body clinking. In my canon I was actually transformed into a doll when transformed- Which made my ability to control dolls weirder.
Also my dress was different, more qi lolita styled and darker blacks and reds.
Ask game source!
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