#python gui application
tntra · 1 year
How can Python help in creating GUI Applications - Tntra
Building a GUI application using Python can be helpful to enterprises. Here’s why enterprises should choose Python and the steps to building GUI applications in Python.
Don't miss out on this insightful article: https://www.tntra.io/blog/how-python-helps-create-gui-applications/
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jtownraindancer · 1 year
Tragically the library can't find copies of Torchwood to buy on DVD, but John did get some of the books for me. Also discovered he was the one responsible for all the Doctor Who and Horrible Histories additions.
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pythongui · 2 years
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What is Unit testing? - Python GUI
Unit testing is a software testing technique that focuses on testing individual units or components of a software application in isolation. It involves writing and executing automated tests for each unit of code to ensure that they function as expected and meet the specified requirements. The goal of unit testing is to identify defects and errors early in the software development process, allowing developers to fix them before they become more costly and difficult to resolve. Unit tests are typically written by developers and can be automated using various testing frameworks. They are an important aspect of software development and help ensure the quality and reliability of software applications.
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hayleythecannibal · 10 months
Twisted Minds incorrect Quotes (this will be out of pocket)
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Hannibal: Are you a painting? Y/N: What-? Hannibal: Because I want to pin you to a wall. Will: OH GOD I THOUGHT YOU WERE GOING TO SAY YOU WANTED TO HANG THEM OR SOMETHING-
Y/N: Will, I’m afraid. Will: Just stay close to Hannibal. Y/N: That's why I’m afraid.
Y/N: Hi, sorry I’m late. I was doing a couple of things and got distracted. Hannibal: I’m “a couple of things”. Will: I’m “got distracted”.
Y/N: I like your top, Will! Hannibal: I have a name, you know. Will: sighs Why. Why are you like this.
Hannibal: So, what is Y/N to you? Alana: The reason I wake up every morning. Hannibal: …That’s adorable. Y/N earlier that morning, barging into Alana′s room, smacking pans together: WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP WAKE UP!!!
Jack: Who do we know that has handcuffs? Y/N: Well Will, Hannibal and I- Will: elbows Y/N Y/N: …wouldn't know. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Y/N: Everytime I hear someone talking about updog, I’m torn between not wanting to fall for it and wanting to help them complete their joke.
Will: Okay, but what is updog? Hannibal: Updog is a long sausage in a bun, often served with ketchup, mustard, onions, and/or relish. Jack: Not, that’s a hot dog. An updog is when a new version or patch of an application is released. Alana: No, that's an update. You’re thinking of the fourth largest city in Sweden. Abigail: Surely, that’s Uppsala, where’s updog is the giant spider in Harry Potter. Y/N: That’s Aragog. Updog is a symbol conventionally used for an arbitrarily small number in analysis proofs. Jack: You’re thinking of epsilon. Updog is an upward-moving air current. Hannibal: No, that’s an updraft. An updog is the modern version of a henway. Will: What’s a henway?? Y/N: Oh, about five pounds.
Y/N: Dumbest scar stories, go! Will: I burned my tongue once drinking tea. Hannibal: I dropped a hair dryer on my leg once and burned it. Jack: I have a piece of graphite in my leg for accidentally stabbing myself with a pencil in the first grade. Alana: I was taking a cup of noodles out of the microwave and spilled it on my hand and I got a really bad burn. Abigail: Abigail: I have emotional scars. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
Y/N: Who the fuck added me to a fucking group chat? Will: >:O language Hannibal: Yeah watch your fucking language Jack: OKAY WHO TAUGHT HANNIBAL THE FUCK WORD? Alana: 'The fuck word'. Abigail: Are you stupid? You guys use the f word all the time Hannibal: Oh my god they censored it Alana: Say fuck, Abigail. Hannibal: Do it, Abigail. Say fuck. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Y/N: We need to distract these guys Will: Leave it to me Will: Centaurs have six limbs and are therefore insects. Discuss. Hannibal, Jack, and Alana: Immediately begin arguing Abigail, watching in horror: Oh this. I don’t like this. I don't like this at all ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Y/N: WHY. why did you give Hannibal a KNIFE?! Will: I’m sorry. They said they felt unsafe. Y/N: Now I feel unsafe! Will: I’m sorry. Will: ... would you like a knife? ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Y/N, holding a python: Guys I impulsively bought a snake, what do I name him Will: You did WHAT– Hannibal: William Snakepeare ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Y/N: I love you guys, you're the best thing that's happened to me. Will: We're the best thing that's ever happened to you? Y/N: Yes! Hannibal: I'm starting to feel a little sorry for you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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randamhajile · 7 months
Interview + Resume Guide from a Hiring Manager in Tech
Writing this because I am losing my MINDT at how BAD the entry level candidates I am getting are interviewing. I have done over 100 interviews over the last several years and this is just my experience, which is tailored for tech jobs, but most of these principles would apply to everything, I’d think. There are also some tips in there on how to make a good resume and cover letter + how to follow up on applications (yes you can do that and sometimes it DOES work… got me a job offer once!). Also if you are in the DC / Baltimore metro area, have reliable transportation, and want to break in to IT Systems Administration as a career, hmu lol
Basic Do’s and Don’ts
Types of Interviewers
How to Control an Interview (Key Goals of an Interview)
Interview Follow-Ups (How to Write a Thank-You Email!)
Resume / Cover Letter Tips
1 - Basic Do’s and Don'ts
Be on time! 5-10 mins early is usually best for virtual interviews, 15 mins early for physical
If there are delays or issues, COMMUNICATE that to the recruiter
If virtual, test your audio / video equipment beforehand! 
Please dress professionally. Clean, UNWRINKLED clothes. No anime t-shirts!!! I once interviewed a guy in a Sasuke t-shirt on his living room couch from a handheld iPhone. He did not get the job
VISIBLY TAKE NOTES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Have questions for the interviewer!!!
Feel free to reference notes you may have pre-prepared! Make a show of it. It demonstrates you can record information efficiently and can self-structure, it’s NOT cheating, it’s GOOD! 
Thank the interviewer for their time!
SEND A THANK-YOU EMAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my God like NOBODY does this anymore… super easy way to distinguish yourself here, seriously
Make sure you know the key requirements of the job description so you can talk about them and how you fit them!
Might be overkill, but never hurts to look up the interviewer on LinkedIn to understand their background
Research the company you are trying to work for! Don’t need an essay here, just a basic understanding of what they are about
If you have unemployment gaps, make sure you have a good story to explain them that shows you were doing something meaningful with that time
Don’t be late or unkempt! Please bathe… 
If virtual, don’t worry about taking an interview while working – If you have to take an interview from a break room or your car, you can always spin that positively – mention how you are taking the interview while on break, and how you are excited for the opportunity and did what you could to accommodate the interviewers. We know sometimes it just be like that
If virtual, don’t have a messy background!!!! [damn bitch you live like this meme]
DO NOT DO NOT DO NOT derail a question! If there’s one thing that is just AWFUL it’s when someone asks you a question you don’t know the answer to, and you derail it to something you DO know… incredibly annoying and you WILL end up rambling
Don’t say you don’t know something and just leave it at that! It’s always okay to not know something – admit it, and say how you will fix that knowledge gap
Don’t wildly guess answers to questions! If you have to guess, say that you are doing so. There are few things as damning as guessing incorrectly with confidence
DO NOT RAMBLE! Keep your responses short and to the point!!! Don’t talk for more than 1 minute, 2 minutes straight at MAX
With that, DON’T LIE ON YOUR RESUME!!!! DO NOT! LIE! ON YOUR RESUME! DON’T! You WILL end up looking a fool. Sure you can embellish a bit, but if you put down that you know Python and all you’ve done is one class project from 3 years ago, YOU DO NOT KNOW PYTHON!
Okay admittedly an addendum to that – if you ARE going to lie on your resume, don’t go in empty-handed!!! Make sure you are prepared to bullshit!!!!!!!! Seriously there have been soooo many times I’ve asked people about impressive, top-billed resume items and the answer is ‘uhhh yea I did that like once 5 years ago’ or ‘I once shadowed a guy who did this’
If you are going to lie about a key item on your resume, you better be prepared to put in the legwork ON YOUR OWN to get up to speed on it ASAP if you are hired. Do Not Fuck Up That Part. Otherwise you are just setting yourself up for stressful, miserable failure
2 - Types of Interviewers
Different people have different approaches. Some interviewers just want to see what vibes you give off, others have highly-structured interviews. Also in all honesty, a lot of interviewers might not know how to run an interview in a way that gets them the key info they need. It’s an art form. Once you understand the level of structure the interviewer is approaching the interview with, you can adapt.
You need to assess what kind of interviewer you have, and be prepared to control the interview in a way that works best with them. Have a few pre-prepared personal stories about your hobbies, working accomplishments, challenges you’ve overcome, etc. that you can easily launch in to while you’re figuring out what the interviewer is like.
3 - How to Control an Interview (Key Goals of an Interview)
Key Goals of an Interview:
Give off good vibes
Demonstrate how you fit the key requirements of the job description
Differentiate yourself from others
Do this all in a very limited amount of time
For 1, good vibes: you want to be attentive, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed. Ultimately a hiring manager will be looking for one HUGE thing – will you be EASY to manage? As in, do you have the skills, and the wisdom to use them, or learn them? This is why visibly taking notes is really great – shows initiative and organization. You don’t necessarily need to be a social butterfly either, but you have to at least attempt a friendly demeanor. If you are super nervous, it’s also okay to admit that! You can always spin it to say that it’s because you are just super excited about this opportunity, and want to make sure you have a good conversation that demonstrates the value you’ll bring to the role.
For 2, fitting the job: this is where knowing the job description and a background on the company helps. There are soooo many people I’ve interviewed who had essentially no plan for the interview – they are just rawdogging that call. You need to be able to toot your own horn – make sure you have talking points for the top-billed parts of the job description, and that you know what your best features are and how to explain them. 
For 3, differentiating yourself: this is like your Jeopardy post-commercial quirky story. You don’t need much, just maybe one or two things that make you unique. If you look up the interviewer’s LinkedIn beforehand, you can perhaps even specifically appeal to them. Standing out is a huge challenge, because the interviewers usually have onslaughts of applicants.
For 4, time control – this is where everyone fucks up lol. You usually have 30 minutes or an hour to plead your case, and that time will FLY BY. This is where understanding your interviewer is critical.
If your interviewer is UNSTRUCTURED: you will need to take a lot more control of the interview. Your interviewer might get sidetracked talking about personal stories or one specific job topic, and will miss hearing out about how you fit others. You will need to segue to other key points in the job description – you can also be totally honest, if you are going down one rabbit hole and missing another, you can straight up ask the interviewer if you can change subjects, because you want to make sure you talk about everything in the job description in your limited time. If you are polite about this, it’s fine! The interviewer will most likely appreciate your focus and direction. Make sure you also leave time at the end to ask the interviewer questions.  
If your interviewer is STRUCTURED: this is a bit easier. Follow the structure, but keep an eye on the clock – if you are nearing the final quarter of the interview and haven’t hit your key points that demonstrate why you fit the job description, it is also perfectly acceptable to ask the interviewer if you can speak about a few key things you feel are relevant to the job. Just say you want to respect their time, and would like to make sure you communicate what you can bring to the table. Don’t worry about being humble lol this is your time to shine. 
4 - Interview Follow-Ups and Thank-You Emails
SEND THANK YOU EMAILS!!! SEND THANK YOU EMAILS!!!!!! SEND THANK YOU EMAILS!!!! This is not a bootlicking thing this is a cool and sexy lifehack because seriously, no one does this anymore. You WILL stand out if you do so. Writing a thank-you email is exceptionally easy too. I always follow the motto “Too Short To Suck” – keep it very simple:
Subject Line: Include A Thank You and The Name of the Role
Hello [Interviewer(s)],
Thank them for their time and talking with you about the job. Include ONE sentence (okay, maybe two short ones) about why you are excited for this opportunity, because of XYZ thing you have that adds value to the role. Final sentence re-iterating your excitement for the role, and that you look forward to hearing back soon.
Subject: Thanks for Talking About The Tech Analyst Role at Company Inc.!
Hello Interviewer(s),
Thank you for taking the time to speak with me today about the Tech Analyst Role with Company Inc! It was a pleasure talking, and after learning more about the job, I am quite excited for this opportunity, as I know my organizational skills and experience with Microsoft Azure will provide a good framework for me to grow and contribute to Company Inc’s success. I am looking forward to hearing back soon, and thanks in advance for your time and consideration.
Thank you,
Tumblr User Randam Hajile
FOR FOLLOW UPS: if a week goes by without hearing back, feel free to email the recruiters / interviewers again and politely ask for an update on your application. If they don’t respond after that, unless it’s a job you REALLY REALLY REALLY want and think you are a shoe-in for, it may not be worth it to bother them again. Give it another week or two and then send a second email for an update.
If several months+ have passed and it’s still a place you really would like to work for, you can also email those contacts again asking if any new roles have opened. You have to understand that these recruiters are going through massive piles of same-looking profiles in SmartRecruiters or something like that, so having anything to differentiate is helpful.
ALSO – HOT APPLICATION TIP !!!!!!! if you send out an application and hear NOTHING back, but it’s a place you really want to work for, here’s an awesome tip that actually legit led to me getting a job offer recently: crawl the company website to find a PR or HR email address, and send a polite email mentioning you applied for [specific role], and that you would like to know if they are still hiring for it or any similar roles, as you have not heard back and are still highly interested in working for the company. Chances are they can get in touch with Recruiting to forward your inquiry.
5 - Resume / Cover Letter Tips
RESUMES: For the love of God, put some effort in to your resume. Do NOT use the default resume that Indeed or LinkedIn pisses out for you… I hate that so much. Maybe that’s just a me-thing, but I honestly think those don’t present your information very well.
The secret to writing resumes is that there really isn’t a secret – there’s no MLA format or one-size-fits-all template that works. You need to put some thought in to it to understand what you are trying to communicate, and here are some tips to do so:
Save it as a PDF!!!! This way you can be 100% sure it formats correctly when opened by the recruiter / interviewer
Format it correctly!!! Make sure there are no sloppy mistakes
I can’t believe I have to say this, but please, please have a professional-looking email address. [email protected] won’t get you hired
Add some class with a nice template. Find something a little snappy looking – anything other than a wall of barebones Calibri font
If you are artistically inclined, have some fun with it. My resume and cover letter are obnoxiously 1970s themed as a statement piece about myself, plus it stands out in an ocean of samey-looking resumes lol. Where’s that Jack Sparrow meme where he’s like ‘but you HAVE heard of me’ – that’s my principle, people will either love it or hate it, but they WILL remember it
Include your LinkedIn URL at the top of the page with your basic contact info! Also, have a nice LinkedIn page!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Don’t put your home address on it. You can just say like “DC Metro Area” or something like that
Unless you have impressive references, or are working in an industry like Security where you know you’re going to get background-checked, just say ‘references available upon request’ at the bottom, and have those at the ready just in case
It doesn’t have to be one page! It can be up to two – if printing it physically, you can have a nice two-sided cardstock resume, but make sure the most key things are on the first page
If a cover letter isn’t requested, you can use that second resume page to include more detailed info that a cover letter would have
Use nice paper to print the resume – sturdy cardstock, and have multiple copies available to give
Remember you are trying to communicate what you can do, so get creative with presenting that efficiently – as an example, when I was a Sys Admin, I broke up my resume Skills section in to a 2x2 table that lists “Knowledgeable in the Use Of” and “Advanced Knowledge Of”, that way I could include skills I had without lying about my proficiency and bungling questions about them
Unless you are fresh out of college, don’t list coursework in college or high school clubs on your resume. You’re 30 years old. It’s embarrassing to list your Computer Club experience from High School. That could be a fun talking point, not something that takes up precious resume space
Include a mission statement at the top underneath your contact info – something simple like “Results-Oriented Technician Seeking New Challenges”; just something to summarize your best vibes
If you really, really, really want a job at a certain place, you can try tweaking some phrasing in your Skills or Experience sections to match keywords in the job description – that way AI will be more likely to highlight your resume for the recruiter, if they are using AI tooling (ugh)
COVER LETTERS: honestly there are better guides out there than I can give here, but basically you can create a generic cover letter where you only need to change out a few sentences to cater to the employer you are applying to. Keep it one page, and try to include keywords / terms from the job description in it – a lot of these recruiters use AI to sort through resumes / cover letters and want to find ones that match the job description. Similarly to a lot of the prior advice, you need to make sure you hit your key points about your best traits, relevant experience, and work ethic, and why you are excited to work for whoever you are applying to, and how these traits relate to that. 
I’m honestly not sure how many recruiters even read cover letters these days and how many of them just use them as AI fodder to help sort candidates… the positions I typically hire for don’t require cover letters so my experience here is a bit limited, but as mentioned, there’s lots of guides online on how to create a good cover letter, so do some Googling. They worked for me, at least. 
Anyway… hope that helps!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Go forth and get hired…
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rey1-studies · 3 months
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hey guys! i'm currently out of town, and my deadline for completing some learning for my internship training is fast approaching (aka 24/06/24) and till now, i have completed only a video pertaining to it (which is, looking at the list of things i have to do, really just nothing lol; but still at the same time, one less thing so lets go!)
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here's the broadstrokes of the things i need to learn:
learn the basics of machine learning
refresh python basics (w3 schools)
which now, doesn't seem like much, until you look at the subsections at the material i've been told to use
(i wanna scream)
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So here's my plan for today:
(even tho most of the day is already over, but we're not going to think about that now)
machine learning tutorial
applications of machine learning
life cycle of machine learning
ai vs machine learning and
how to get datasets
and if time permits, i'll see if i can do some python.
alright. let's do this!
(pics from pinterest, all credits go to whoever they belong to)
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fouadwastaken · 1 year
What is you’re favorite programming language!!!!!
They are all very versatile and cool and to each one their own usages! But personally if I had to pick one it'd be either Rust (One I am intending to learn) or C++ (one that I am a bit more used to!)
I am not very much of a webdev guy (even if I have to know it for job offers in general , it pays damn well.....) I prefer to focus on more mathematic intensive applications of computer science! especially one of the fields I want to go into would be game developement , and I think there is a lot to do there in terms of optimisation of data flow and physics engine computations! Basically what I want to do is to make reaaally big games run on as small of a computer as possible! and to do this nothing but good old c language! C# in particular , but it's not my favorite because I have not grown yet too used to it but it's still useful ! Still don't give as much manipulation of memory as C++
Another reason C is my favorite language is that most programable controllers use it! so kinda have to know it a bit and it makes it even cooler!
Rust does the same thing as C++ but a bit better! However it's less popular for programable controllers and stuff of the likes!
As for python , it is cool but as I said. Aiming to make stuff as smooth and fast running as possible python doesn't exactly cut it!
Also frankly once a quantum programation language is available it might be by favorite! It's not out there yet , but hey if i'm really lucky I might work with the team that will make it! Quantum computing is one of the subjects I want to have my phD in!
Hope this answers the question!
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pythonfan-blog · 1 year
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aletaiechhryret · 1 year
The Best Programming Languages For Beginners
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When choosing the right programming language, it’s essential to consider your goals and career. You want to make sure that you choose a programming language that is both in demand and easy to learn. Python is an ideal choice for beginners because it reads like English and has a simplified syntax. It’s also versatile and can be used for anything from web development to software development.
Python is a popular general-purpose programming language that’s easy to learn for beginners and widely used in web development, machine learning, art, automation, and more. It also has a vast community of resources that are available to new programmers.
Java is another widely used programming language, especially for mobile app development. It’s used at companies of all sizes (including HubSpot!) and is one of the easiest to learn if you want to develop for a variety of platforms.Better is to click here or visit our official website to know about Programming question answer.
C is an older programming language but still a good choice for beginners because it’s more “machine-level” and gives you the lowest-level control over computer hardware. It’s also the most common base for other languages, like C# and Ruby.
Despite being not as beginner-friendly as Python, Java is a good programming language to start with. It's a general-purpose programming language with a versatile library and free online tutorials.
It's also a cross-platform language, which makes it suitable for mobile and desktop applications. It's the language of choice for Android development and used in a number of enterprise-level software applications.
C is one of the oldest languages and forms the basis for modern languages like Python, Java, and JavaScript. However, it has a low level of abstraction and requires that code is compiled (translated into machine-readable code) before it can be run. This can make it difficult for beginners to understand. Moreover, its syntax can be confusing. But, it's an excellent foundation for more advanced language learning.
Many people are interested in learning programming, but choosing the best language can be intimidating. Luckily, there are plenty of resources to help you get started. You can learn the basics of multiple languages with a coding boot camp, such as the Georgia Tech Coding Boot Camp, which offers a variety of courses including HTML, JavaScript, and jQuery.
Other popular languages include C, which is a general-purpose, compiled language that’s widely used in back-end software applications like web servers. Python is a versatile programming language that’s easy to learn for beginners and can be used in any application. Ruby is a dynamic, object-oriented language that’s commonly implemented using the Rails framework. Its concise syntax and convention-over-configuration approach makes it easier to build and deploy apps.
Perl is a high-level dynamic general-purpose scripting language. It is popular among system administrators for its text-processing capabilities, specifically its own in-built version of regular expressions. It is also used for web development and GUI programming.
Beginners can start learning the basics of the programming language by following the free online courses offered on Udemy. These courses begin with basic theory and then move on to specific aspects of the language. They include topics such as lists, arrays, and subroutines. They also cover how to handle errors in coding. Perl has a large community of developers, with over 230 local groups, mailing lists and support/discussion websites. It is also open source and supports more than 25,000 extension modules on CPAN. This flexibility makes it an ideal programming language for beginners.
Computer programming allows us to create the software and applications that make our lives easier, more entertaining, and more efficient. But deciding which language to learn can be a difficult choice for beginners, particularly when there are so many options available.
Programming languages may seem different on the surface, but they all have similar structures and features. This means that whichever language you choose to learn, you’ll be learning important coding concepts that will be applicable to any other languages you might decide to explore later on.
Before deciding which programming language to learn, it’s important to consider your goals and current skill level. Once you’ve identified your goals, it’s easy to narrow down your options and find the best programming language for beginners.
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aaksconsulting · 1 year
Mastering Real Multithreading In Python - Tips And Tricks For Optimal Performance
Are you tired of slow and unresponsive Python programs? Are you ready to take your programming skills to the next level by mastering real multithreading in Python? Look no further!
In this blog post, we will share tips and tricks for achieving optimal performance with real multithreading. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced developer, these techniques will help you elevate your programming game and create lightning-fast applications that impress even the toughest critics. So let’s dive in and become masters of real multithreading in Python!
Multithreading is a powerful tool that can help you write more efficient code. In Python, the standard library provides the threading module, which allows you to create and work with threads. In this article, we’ll look at some tips and tricks for working with threads in Python.
First, let’s take a look at what a thread is. A thread is simply a unit of execution. When you create a new thread, it starts running in parallel with the main thread of your program. This can be useful when you have tasks that are independent of each other and can be run concurrently.
For example, let’s say you’re writing a program that downloads files from the web. You could have one thread responsible for downloading the files, while another thread handles extracting data from the downloaded files. By using two threads, you can make better use of your computer’s resources and potentially speed up the overall execution of your program.
Of course, working with threads also comes with its own set of challenges. For example, if two threads try to access the same data at the same time, they may end up corrupting that data. To avoid this, we need to use synchronization primitives such as locks and semaphores. We’ll discuss these later on in the article.
Now that we know what threads are and why they can be useful, let’s look at how to create and work with them in Python.
Python’s “threading” module allows for the creation of threads within a Python program. These threads can run concurrently, which can lead to performance gains on multicore processors. Multithreading can also be used to improve responsiveness in GUI applications.
There are several benefits to using multithreading in Python programs:
Concurrency: Threads can run concurrently, which can lead to more efficient use of processor resources on multicore processors.
Improved responsiveness: Threads can be used to improve the responsiveness of GUI applications by running tasks in the background while the main thread continues to process user input.
Better utilization of resources: Threads can be used to better utilize system resources such as network and I/O devices. By running multiple threads, these resources can be shared among the various threads and utilized more efficiently.
Reduced latency: Threads can be used to reduce latency in applications that need to perform time-sensitive tasks. By running multiple threads, tasks can be executed in parallel, which can lead to shorter overall execution times.
There are two types of threads in Python: the main thread and daemon threads. The main thread is the one that starts when the program begins execution. Daemon threads are created by the main thread and run in the background. They are used to perform tasks such as garbage collection and logging.
Threads can be created in Python using the threading module. To create a thread, you need to instantiate a Thread object. The constructor takes an optional argument, which is a function that will be run by the thread. If no function is provided, the thread will simply exit when it is started.
Once you have created a Thread object, you can start it by calling its start() method. This will cause the function that was passed to the constructor to be executed by the thread. If no function was passed, the thread will simply exit when it is started.
If you want to wait for a thread to finish before continuing execution of your program, you can call its join() method. This will block until the thread has finished running. Note that if you try to join() a daemon thread, your program will never terminate since daemon threads do not ever finish running (unless they are terminated with an unhandled exception).
There are many synchronization techniques that can be used to achieve optimal performance in Python. Here are some tips and tricks to help you get the most out of your multithreading applications:
1. Use locks wisely. Locks are a necessary evil in multithreaded programming. They are useful for protecting critical sections of code, but they can also lead to deadlocks if not used correctly. When using locks, always try to acquire them in the same order to avoid deadlocks. 2. Use thread-safe data structures. Some data structures, such as lists and dictionaries, are not thread-safe. This means that if multiple threads try to access and modify them concurrently, strange things can happen. To avoid this, you can use thread-safe versions of these data structures, such as the Queue class from the standard library. 3. Use the new asyncio module. The asyncio module was added in Python 3.4 and it provides a powerful framework for writing concurrent code using coroutines. If you’re targeting Python 3.4 or newer, this is definitely the way to go for optimal performance.
Python’s standard library provides a number of synchronization primitives including locks, semaphores, and events. In this section, we’ll cover some key performance optimizations that can be made when using these synchronization primitives in multithreaded applications.
One optimization that can be made is to use a lock object’s acquire() method with the blocking argument set to False . This will cause the acquire() method to return immediately if the lock is already held by another thread. If the lock is not available, then the current thread will continue executing without blocking. This can be useful in situations where it is not critical for the current thread to acquire the lock.
Another optimization that can be made is to use a semaphore object’s release() method with the count argument set to a value greater than 1 . This will release the semaphore multiple times, which can be helpful in situations where multiple threads are waiting on the semaphore. Releasing the semaphore multiple times can help to avoid unnecessary context switches between threads.
It is important to note that using too many synchronization primitives can actually hurt performance. When used excessively, synchronization primitives can introduce a significant amount of overhead into an application. Therefore, it is important to use them judiciously and only when absolutely necessary.
When it comes to debugging multithreaded Python applications, there are a few practices that can make your life much easier. Firstly, it’s important to understand the basics of the Python threading model. The Python Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) ensures that only one thread can execute Python code at a time. This means that if you’re trying to debug a multithreaded application, you need to be aware of the potential for threads to block each other.
Another important practice is to use a tool like pdb or ipdb when debugging multithreaded applications. These tools allow you to set breakpoints in your code and inspect the state of your application at those points. This can be extremely helpful in understanding what is happening in your code and why it is not working as expected.
It’s often useful to run your application under a profiler like Profile or pyprof2calltree. This can help you identify which parts of your code are taking up the most time, which can be helpful in pinpointing areas that need optimization.
We have come to the end of our discussion on mastering real multithreading in Python. With these tips and tricks, you will be able to optimize your code for maximum performance. Working with threads can be tricky, so it is important to understand the fundamentals before diving into complex operations like thread pooling or synchronization.
If you use these techniques correctly, you can drastically improve your program’s execution time and maintain a level of concurrency that suits your needs perfectly.
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destinygoldenstar · 2 years
How Dhar Mann Gets It Wrong About Teachers (Analyzing ‘Teachers Get Revenge On Bad Student’)
This will be quick because I’m not feeling well and I’m hard at work for the next month.
I just wanted to talk about this video solely because of a meeting I had with my own teachers, that actually went great. 
Despite my distaste for school, I actually ENVY teachers. Yeah I say there are bad teachers, but I never want you guys to think that I think all teachers are bad. In fact, some teachers are rare treasures, and they’re victims like us in the system. 
My school does some dumb things like teach kids how phones are bad (despite using a really dated site for everything.) But that’s not the teacher’s fault. Heck, even THEY think some things are wrong.
What matters is knowing your teachers as people and that they should be respected. Because the sooner you address issues with them and talk to them like friends, the healthier your experience will be.
So Dhar Mann wants to address teachers as a main subject in a video. Does he get it right about teachers?
Absolutely not.
Despite the title suggesting otherwise, a kid is actually a pretty smart kid and a good student. He has his life figured out pretty much, and he feels as though his teachers are unfair and preventing the kids privileges.
Yeah he hacks a girl at the beginning, but you could argue he’s attempting to teach her a lesson and a playful tease instead of being harmful. He’s not really ‘bullying’.
This video wants to teach you that everything this kid says is complete bull, and that teachers are HOLY SAINTS WHO DO EVERYTHING RIGHT, AND YOU SHOULD TREAT THEM AS SUCH
Now, Dhar Mann has written abusive teachers before. BUT, it’d have to the main subject of a video for that to be the case. Other times, the teachers are portrayed as completely comfortable with their job, know everything there is to know, and are essentially gods and goddesses.
Now, I’m not saying no teacher is comfortable with their job, however, you can’t just ignore the fact that teachers, even good ones, make mistakes. My teachers make mistakes all the time.
Basically, the beginning argument of the video brings up my very point I want to make:
Boy: “Shouldn’t we be using Javascript?”
Teacher: “Well, we’ve been using Python the whole year, so we’re gonna stick with that.”
Boy: “Yeah, but all the big companies use Java. Facebook. Netflix. Uber. Should I keep going?”
Teacher: “True, but just because they’re using a certain programming language, doesn’t make it better. In fact-”
Boy: “In fact, I feel like you should be teaching us real world applicable skills, so we can work at these companies. I mean, isn’t that the whole point of all of this?”
Teacher: “A lot of companies use Python, Kyle.”
Boy: “Yeah... I’m starting to think that you don’t even know Java.”
Teacher: “And why do you say that?”
Boy: “Well, uh, because, if you did, I don’t see why you would give up a real salaried job at a big teach company and settle for being a teacher. I mean, I feel like I could teach this class.”
Teacher: “I teach because I enjoy working with students. Not everyone has to work at Google in order to be considered successful.”
Boy: “Yeah, and I feel like your paycheck disagrees.”
Teacher: “That’s it. Principal’s Office. Now.”
So, I don’t want to say the boy is in the right to say all of this stuff. He’s not. He’s being rude and inconsiderate. You don’t want to argue with your teachers like this if you want a good relationship with them, even if you really want to.
First off, the complaint about using an old dated site that barely works over a website proven to work better by outside forces IS a real complaint. My school used a VERY dated site that was even LESS efficient than Python. 
(Netflix isn’t even a hacking site btw. It’s a TV platform and a company.)
Arguments on what site is better and safer to use is fair, and both sides can have reasonable POVs. (But Dhar Mann wants you to think in this vid that the old way is good, new way is bad)
Second, we’ve ALL complained that school should be teaching us world appropriate skills. I have too, as you all know. And to be fair, some classes do. 
The issue rises when he starts to insult the teacher and her life choice.
Some teachers really are just there to pay bills. Some teachers have no choices. In fact if you look up how much teachers get paid...
‘Nationwide, the average public school teacher salary for the 2019-2020 school year was $63,645 , according to data from the Department of Education's National Center for Education Statistics. ‘
Source: https://www.bing.com/ck/a?!&&p=9f8a78bb3336ee26JmltdHM9MTY2NjA1MTIwMCZpZ3VpZD0zMGVjYTQ4OC0yZjdiLTY2NzgtMzRmZC1hYmFhMmVhYjY3OTAmaW5zaWQ9NTQ3NQ&ptn=3&hsh=3&fclid=30eca488-2f7b-6678-34fd-abaa2eab6790&psq=how+much+to+teachers+get+paid&u=a1aHR0cHM6Ly9rYW5nLmNodXJjaHJlei5vcmcvaG93LW11Y2gtZG8tdGVhY2hlcnMtZ2V0LXBhaWQjOn46dGV4dD0lRUUlODAlODBIb3clMjBtdWNoJUVFJTgwJTgxJTIwbW9uZXklMjBkbyUyMCVFRSU4MCU4MHRlYWNoZXJzJUVFJTgwJTgxJTIwJUVFJTgwJTgwZ2V0JUVFJTgwJTgxJTIwJUVFJTgwJTgwcGFpZCVFRSU4MCU4MSUzRiUyME5hdGlvbndpZGUlMkMsRGVwYXJ0bWVudCUyMG9mJTIwRWR1Y2F0aW9uJTI3cyUyME5hdGlvbmFsJTIwQ2VudGVyJTIwZm9yJTIwRWR1Y2F0aW9uJTIwU3RhdGlzdGljcy4&ntb=1
Yeah, he kind of has a point. 
I can believe this teacher genuinely wants to work with students. Heck, ‘success’ really is different for everyone. But I don’t think she has a right to define success for him. That’s the ONLY bad thing she does here.
In this scene at least.
But the video wants you to believe that teachers are ALWAYS good and have a BLESSED job and are ALWAYS right. Which could’ve been meaningful, BUT, Dhar Mann fails to make it apparent that they are people and so are students. Learning is a two way relationship between the learner and the learned.
There’s this scene where all three teachers that he insulted are talking about how bad of a kid he is because, “He thinks he’s smarter than everyone else”
Yes, how dare a child be independent and smart and able to teach himself. (sarcasm)
These teachers even call this kid the WORST in this scene. Which is DISRESPECTFUL. He insulted your teaching methods and called them basic and not important for the real world. He didn’t break any rules or put anyone in danger. I think he’s not the worst student ever. Annoying, sure, not not ‘the worst of the worst.’
The ‘revenge’ of the video basically has the teachers say ‘f**k our job and the possibility we could get fired, LET’S MAKE THIS KID WHO INSULTED US ONE TIME RULE THREE CLASSES AT ONCE!’
Three classes at once?! Even if you were a professional teacher, NO TEACHER goes through that, let alone at the same time, and no one should even have to worry about it!
If it was different times, I’d pass it, but they’re all at once. That’s why we have a teacher for each class brand!
This is only torture for a child, NOT RATIONAL learning.
And in the end, as I said, this is deemed as genius, and that this kid deserves the torture, and the validation that he is NOT a smart kid, that his ideas suck, and that teachers always know best. That he’s wrong for saying teachers don’t know what they’re doing, and that they always do. 
Like I said with my meeting, teachers make mistakes as well, and some are there for you. If you have an issue with your teacher, you tell them maturely, the issues. If they don’t listen, take it to the authority and file a complaint. You need to get through to them for the learning process to work. 
Now, if a student’s complaint is, “I wanna blow stuff up” “I wanna watch movies all class period” “I don’t wanna do my homework”, then by all means, they have rights to be teachers and discipline.
I’m just saying there’s a value of compromise that Dhar Mann is failing to portray with the setup. 
I get it, teachers are stressed out, teachers get a lot of garbage nowadays, but my real life experience proves that the issue isn’t ‘they don’t walk a mile in their shoes’. The issue is ‘they have different priorities that need to be seen.’
If you were to ask me how I’d have done it, I would’ve had the kid file a complaint about his teachers, start meetings with them, and in the process he learns about their lives and what they go through and why they teach. The video would be about compromise and forming relationships with the adults who put in the effort to help you, NOT, “They’re better than you, so you should always listen to them.”
Treat others the way you want to be treated. You get the same message that way.
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Python Course in Mohali
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Python is a high-level, general-purpose programming language known for its simplicity and readability. Created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991, Python is designed to be easy to learn and write, with a syntax that closely resembles natural language. This makes it an ideal language for beginners, while its powerful libraries and frameworks make it equally appealing for advanced developers.
Python is an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. It was created by Guido van Rossum and first released in 1991. Python’s design philosophy emphasizes code readability, using significant indentation, and its syntax allows programmers to express concepts with fewer lines of code compared to other languages like C++ or Java.
Key Concepts and Features of Python:
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1. Easy to Lear and Use: Python is very easy to code. Compared to other popular languages like C, C++ and JAVA, it is easier to code in Python. Anyone can learn Python syntax in a few hours. Although it is safe, mastering Python requires learning all its advanced concepts, packages and modules. It takes time. Therefore, it is easy to program.
The Python code is very similar to English. Moreover, since it is written dynamically, it requires a recess. This helps readability.
2. Expressive Language: First of all, let's learn about expressiveness. Suppose we have two languages, X and Y, and all the programs that can be done in X can be done in Y using local transformations. However, there are some programs that can be done in Y, but not in X, using local transformations. So, Y is said to be more expressive than X. Python provides us with many constructions that help us focus on the solution instead of syntax.
This is one of the great features of Python that explains why you should learn Python.
3. Interpreted Language: Python is an interpreted language, meaning that Python code is executed line by line. You do not need to compile your code before running it, unlike languages such as C or Java. Python's interpreter reads the code and executes it directly, which makes the development process fast and efficient, especially for rapid prototyping and debugging.
4. Cross-Platform: Python is highly portable. The same codebase can run on different platforms (Windows, macOS, Linux) without modification, as long as Python is installed on the system. This portability makes Python a popular choice for applications that need to run in diverse environments.
5. Free and Open Source: The Python language is available for free on the official Python website. And it's open source. Means it’s source code is available to the public. You can download it, change it, use it. That's why it's open source.
6. Large Standard Library: Python has a large and extensive library and offers a wide set of modules and functions for rapid application development.
7. Extensible: We can write some of our Python codes in other languages such as C, C ++. This makes Python an extensible language, which means, it can be extended to other languages.
8. GUI Programming Support: We can develop GUI (Graphical user interfaces) applications using Python.
9. Object-Oriented Language: It is said that a programming language that can model the real world is object-oriented. Python focuses on objects and combines data and functions. On the contrary, a language oriented to the procedure revolves around the functions, which are codes that can be reused. Python supports procedural and object-oriented programming, which is one of the key features of Python. It also supports multiple inheritance, unlike Java.
10. Dynamically Typed: Python is a dynamically typed language. Means the type for a value is decided at runtime, not in advance. It is not necessary to specify the type of data when declaring it.
Importance of Python :
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1. Ease of Learning and Use: Python's simple, human-readable syntax makes it one of the easiest programming languages to learn, which is ideal for beginners. Yet, it’s powerful enough for experienced developers to create complex applications.
2. Versatility: Python is a general-purpose language that can be used for web development, data analysis, machine learning, automation, scientific computing, game development, and more. This versatility makes it widely adopted across various industries.
3. Extensive Libraries and Frameworks: Python has a vast ecosystem of libraries and frameworks (like Django, Flask, TensorFlow, Pandas, NumPy) that allow developers to work faster and more efficiently. These resources save time by providing reusable components for common programming tasks.
4. Community Support: Python has a large, active community that contributes to extensive documentation, tutorials, and open-source projects. This ensures continuous improvement and availability of help for new learners and professionals alike.
5. Cross-Platform Compatibility: Python works on multiple platforms like Windows, macOS, and Linux. This portability allows developers to write code that can be run on different systems without modification.
6. Support for Multiple Paradigms: Python supports procedural, object-oriented, and functional programming styles, making it adaptable to various problem-solving approaches.
7. Automation: Python excels in automating repetitive tasks such as file handling, web scraping, and data analysis, making workflows more efficient.
8. Widely Used in Data Science and AI: Python is the dominant language in data science, artificial intelligence, and machine learning due to its powerful libraries like NumPy, Pandas, Scikit-learn, and TensorFlow.
Suggest the best institute in Mohali for Python Course
Excellence Technology provide the Python Course. I have also 6th month training experience in Excellence Technology. I can suggest the professional course in Excellence Technology, the institute also provide the courses like Web Developing, Java, C and C++, Digital Marketing etc.
Web Developing: Web development involves building and maintaining websites, focusing on both front-end (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) for design and user interaction, and back-end (server, databases) for functionality. Full-stack developers manage both. Key tools include Git, React, Node.js, and hosting platforms like AWS. Trends like responsive design, Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), and serverless architecture ensure modern, fast, and efficient websites, with continuous learning essential due to the field's evolving technologies.
Java: Java is a versatile, object-oriented programming language known for its portability, security, and scalability. It’s widely used for building web applications, mobile apps (especially Android), desktop software, and enterprise-level systems. Java runs on the Java Virtual Machine (JVM), allowing code to be executed across multiple platforms. Key features include automatic memory management, multi-threading, and a rich ecosystem of libraries and frameworks like Spring, making it a popular choice for developers worldwide.
C and C++: C++ is a powerful, high-performance programming language that supports both procedural and object-oriented paradigms. Known for its efficiency and control over system resources, it's widely used in game development, systems programming, and high-performance applications. C++ provides features like manual memory management, low-level hardware access, and rich libraries such as the Standard Template Library (STL). Its versatility makes it ideal for applications requiring speed and direct hardware manipulation, including embedded systems and real-time simulations.
Digital Marketing: Digital marketing is the practice of promoting products or services using online platforms, including social media, search engines, email, and websites. It leverages strategies like SEO, content marketing, PPC advertising, and influencer marketing to reach and engage target audiences. Key benefits include precise audience targeting, real-time data analysis, and cost-effective campaigns. Digital marketing helps businesses build brand awareness, drive website traffic, generate leads, and increase sales in today’s internet-driven world.
Company Profile
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Company Name : Excellence Technology
Excellence Technology SCO 80-82, Third Floor, Sector 34A, Sector 34, Chandigarh, 160022
Mobile: +91 93562-55522
Excellence Technology C-133 First Floor Industrial Area Phase-8 Sector-72 ,Mohali
Mobile:  +91 93177-88822
Excellence Technology Lower Bazar, Near Shiv Mandir, Hamirpur (Himachal Pradesh)Mobile: +91 77107-88822
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pythongui · 1 year
Python GUI - What is P4D?
Are you still searching for What is P4D? If you said "yes," you can know more about it at the Python GUI. The Python DLL is integrated into Delphi using a free collection of components called Python for Delphi (P4D). They make it simpler to run Python applications and build new Python modules and types. DLLs can be made for a variety of tasks, including Python extensions.
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earth-616-goku · 4 days
Components for a DIY BCI
EEG (Electroencephalography) Hardware:
The most basic BCIs rely on EEG sensors to capture brainwaves.
OpenBCI is a popular, relatively affordable option for DIY BCI projects. While it costs a few hundred dollars, it is one of the most versatile kits available.
NeuroSky MindWave or Muse Headband are other cheaper alternatives, ranging from $100-$200. These are commercially available EEG devices for consumer-grade BCIs.
OpenEEG is another open-source project that allows you to build your own EEG hardware from scratch, though it requires more technical skill.
You’ll need wet or dry electrodes to attach to your scalp. Wet electrodes give more accurate readings but are messier, while dry electrodes are more convenient.
You can order pre-gelled electrodes online or even repurpose ECG/EMG electrodes.
The signal from the brain is very weak and needs to be amplified. Most consumer-grade EEG headsets already include built-in amplifiers.
If you're building your own, you’ll need to add an instrumentation amplifier like the INA114 to your circuit.
Microcontroller (optional but recommended):
You can use a microcontroller (e.g., Arduino or Raspberry Pi) to process and transmit the EEG signals.
This allows you to handle signal conditioning (filtering noise, extracting frequency bands like alpha or beta waves) before passing the data to a computer.
Signal Processing Software:
To interpret the brainwave data, you’ll need software to process the EEG signals.
OpenBCI GUI or BrainBay (open-source software for EEG processing) are good choices.
If using a commercial device like the Muse headband, you can use their respective apps or SDKs.
Python libraries like MNE-Python or OpenBCI_Python can be used for more advanced data processing and visualizations.
Steps to Build a Basic DIY BCI
Choose Your EEG Hardware:
If you're starting from scratch, something like OpenBCI Cyton board is a good start. It’s open-source, has good community support, and includes everything from the signal acquisition to the interface.
Set Up Your Electrodes:
Attach electrodes to specific parts of the scalp. The 10-20 system is commonly used in EEG to position electrodes. For basic experiments, placing electrodes on the frontal or occipital lobes is common for reading alpha and beta waves.
Amplify the Signal:
If you're using raw hardware, you need to amplify the EEG signal to make it usable. Most DIY kits or premade EEG headsets have built-in amplifiers. If you're building one from scratch, the INA114 or a similar instrumentation amplifier can be used.
Capture the Data:
Use a microcontroller or a computer interface to collect and transmit the amplified EEG data. For example, with an Arduino or Raspberry Pi, you can read analog signals from the amplifier and stream them to your PC via serial communication.
Process the Data:
Use software like OpenBCI GUI, BrainBay, or MNE-Python to filter and visualize the brainwave data. You’ll want to filter out noise and focus on frequency bands like alpha waves (8–12 Hz) for meditation or relaxation signals.
Analyze and Create Control Mechanisms:
Once you have the processed data, you can start building applications around it. For instance:
Detecting Alpha waves: You can trigger certain actions (e.g., turning on a light or moving a cursor) when you detect increased alpha activity (indicating relaxation).
Training with Neurofeedback: Users can learn to modulate their brain activity by receiving real-time feedback based on their brainwave patterns.
DIY EEG Project Example: Arduino-based EEG
Here’s a simplified example of how you could set up a basic EEG using an Arduino:
Arduino Uno
EEG electrodes (you can buy inexpensive ECG electrodes online)
Instrumentation amplifier (e.g., INA114 or an open-source EEG shield for Arduino)
Resistors, capacitors for noise filtering
Cables to connect electrodes to the amplifier
Assemble the amplifier circuit:
Build a simple differential amplifier circuit to pick up the small EEG signals from the electrodes.
Use the INA114 instrumentation amplifier to boost the signal.
Connect to Arduino:
The amplified signal can be connected to one of the Arduino’s analog inputs.
Write an Arduino script to read the analog value and send it to the PC via serial communication.
Filter and Process the Signal:
On your PC, use Python (or Processing) to capture the signal data.
Apply digital filters to isolate the EEG frequency bands you’re interested in (e.g., alpha, beta, theta waves).
Visualize or Control:
Create a simple application that shows brainwave activity or controls something based on EEG input (like blinking an LED when alpha waves are detected).
Further Ideas:
Neurofeedback: Train your brain by playing a game where the user must relax (increase alpha waves) to score points.
Control Mechanisms: Use the brainwave data to control devices, such as turning on lights or moving a robotic arm.
Estimated Cost:
EEG Kit: If using pre-made kits like Muse or NeuroSky: $100–$200.
DIY EEG Build: OpenBCI costs around $300–$400 for more advanced setups, while OpenEEG might be built for less, but requires more technical expertise.
Noise Filtering: EEG signals are weak and can easily be corrupted by muscle movements, electrical interference, etc. Filtering noise effectively is key to a successful BCI.
Precision: DIY BCIs are generally not as accurate as commercial-grade devices, so expect some limitations.
Building a homebrew BCI can be fun and educational, with a wide variety of applications for controlling electronics, games, or even providing neurofeedback for meditation
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labdeck6 · 9 days
Labdeck Flet GUI Designer: Revolutionizing Python GUI Development
In the ever-evolving landscape of Python development, creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs) has long been a challenge that developers face. The process often involves complex coding, multiple libraries, and a steep learning curve. Enter Labdeck Flet GUI Designer, a revolutionary tool that's set to transform the way Python developers approach GUI creation, making it more accessible, efficient, and enjoyable.
What is Labdeck Flet GUI Designer?
Labdeck Flet GUI Designer is an innovative rapid application development (RAD) tool specifically designed for Python developers. It leverages the power of Flet, a modern framework that allows developers to build interactive multi-platform applications using Python. This cutting-edge tool bridges the gap between design and functionality, offering a seamless experience for creating visually appealing and highly functional GUIs.
Key Features:
Intuitive Drag-and-Drop Interface: Design your GUI effortlessly by dragging and dropping components onto the canvas.
Real-Time Preview: See your application come to life as you design, with instant visual feedback.
Seamless Python Integration: Easily connect your GUI elements with Python code for enhanced functionality.
Responsive Design Support: Create interfaces that adapt to different screen sizes and orientations.
Rich Component Library: Access a wide array of pre-built, customizable UI components.
Cross-Platform Compatibility: Develop once, deploy everywhere - from desktop to web.
Code Export: Generate clean, readable Python code from your visual designs.
Theme Customization: Easily apply and modify themes to maintain consistent aesthetics.
Layout Management: Utilize powerful layout tools for precise control over your UI structure.
Why Choose Labdeck Flet GUI Designer?
Labdeck Flet GUI Designer stands out from other GUI development tools for several compelling reasons:
Unparalleled Ease of Use: Its intuitive interface makes GUI design accessible to developers of all skill levels, from beginners to seasoned professionals.
Python-Centric Approach: Built with Python developers in mind, it seamlessly integrates with existing Python workflows and libraries.
Cross-Platform Compatibility: Create applications that run smoothly on Windows, macOS, Linux, and even web browsers, all from a single codebase.
Time-Saving Efficiency: Rapidly prototype and build applications, significantly reducing development time and allowing for quick iterations.
Code Quality and Maintainability: The generated code is clean, well-structured, and easy to maintain, following Python best practices.
Extensive Component Library: Access a wide range of pre-built components, reducing the need for custom widget development.
Community and Ecosystem: Benefit from a growing community of developers and a rich ecosystem of plugins and extensions.
Continuous Updates and Support: Regular updates ensure compatibility with the latest Python versions and introduce new features based on user feedback.
Getting Started with Labdeck Flet GUI Designer
Embarking on your journey with Labdeck Flet GUI Designer is straightforward. Follow these steps to begin creating stunning Python GUIs:
Visit the official Labdeck website and download the Flet GUI Designer installer.
Run the installer and follow the on-screen instructions to set up the software on your system.
Launch and Project Creation:
Open Labdeck Flet GUI Designer.
Click on "New Project" and choose a template or start from scratch.
Design Your Interface:
Use the drag-and-drop interface to add components to your canvas.
Arrange and resize elements to create your desired layout.
Customize Components:
Select components and use the properties panel to adjust their attributes.
Apply styles, set behaviors, and configure event handlers.
Preview and Test:
Utilize the real-time preview feature to see your application in action.
Test different screen sizes to ensure responsive design.
Add Functionality:
Switch to the code view to add Python logic to your GUI elements.
Use the integrated code editor to write and test your Python code.
Export and Integrate:
Export your project as Python code or as a standalone application.
Integrate the generated code into your existing Python projects if needed.
Advanced Features and Techniques
As you become more comfortable with Labdeck Flet GUI Designer, explore these advanced features to take your GUI development to the next level:
Custom Widgets
Learn to create and save custom widgets, combining multiple components into reusable elements that can be shared across projects.
State Management
Implement efficient state management techniques to handle complex application logic and data flow within your GUI.
Theming and Styling
Master the art of creating and applying custom themes to give your applications a unique and professional look.
Performance Optimization
Discover best practices for optimizing your GUI's performance, ensuring smooth operation even with complex layouts and large datasets.
Integration with External Libraries
Explore how to integrate popular Python libraries and APIs into your Labdeck Flet GUI Designer projects, expanding the capabilities of your applications.
Real-World Applications
Labdeck Flet GUI Designer's versatility makes it suitable for a wide range of applications:
Data Visualization Tools: Create interactive dashboards and data exploration interfaces.
Scientific Applications: Develop GUIs for scientific simulations and data analysis.
Business Applications: Build administrative interfaces, CRM systems, and inventory management tools.
Educational Software: Design interactive learning platforms and educational games.
Multimedia Applications: Craft media players, image editors, and audio processing tools.
By leveraging Labdeck Flet GUI Designer, developers can rapidly bring these ideas to life, focusing on functionality and user experience rather than getting bogged down in the intricacies of GUI programming.
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nandithamn · 10 days
Controlling the Key board and Mouse with GUI Automation In Python
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Knowing various Python modules for edit-ing spreadsheets, downloading files, and launching programs is useful, but some-times there just aren’t any modules for the applications you need to work with. The ultimate tools for automating tasks on your computer are pro-grams you write that directly control the keyboard and mouse.Python Course in Bangalore
Here’s how you can get started:
1. Install Required Libraries
First, you need to install the necessary libraries:
2. Controlling the Mouse with PyAutoGUI
You can move the mouse, click, drag, and perform other actions using PyAutoGUI
3. Controlling the Keyboard with PyAutoGUI
PyAutoGUI also allows you to simulate keyboard presses:
4. More Control with the keyboard Library
For more fine-grained control over keyboard inputs, you can use the keyboard library, which allows you to control individual keypresses, listen for specific events, and more.Python Training in Bangalore
5. Listening for Keyboard Events
You can also create keyboard event listeners to trigger actions when certain keys are pressed:
PyAutoGUI allows you to control both the keyboard and mouse for GUI automation.
keyboard library gives more control over keyboard events and input.
By combining these libraries, you can automate complex interactions with your computer. Best Python Course in Bangalore
Installing the pyautogui Module
The pyautogui module can send virtual keypresses and mouse clicks to Windows, OS X, and Linux. Depending on which operating system you’re using, you may have to install some other modules (called dependencies)before you can install PyAutoGUI.Best Python Training Institutes In Bangalore
• On Windows, there are no other modules to install.
• On OS X, run sudo pip3 install pyobjc-framework-Quartz, sudo pip3 install pyobjc-core, and then sudo pip3 install pyobjc.
• On Linux, run sudo pip3 install python3-xlib, sudo apt-get install scrot, sudo apt-get install python3-tk, and sudo apt-get install python3-dev.
(Scrot is a screenshot program that PyAutoGUI uses.)After these dependencies are installed, run pip install pyautogui (or pip3 on OS X and Linux) to install PyAutoGUI.Appendix A has complete information on installing third-party modules.To test whether PyAutoGUI has been installed correctly, run import pyautogui from the interactive shell and check for any error messages.
Staying on Track
Before you jump in to a GUI automation, you should know how to escape problems that may arise. Python can move your mouse and type keystrokes at an incredible speed. Best Python Training Provider in Bangalore In fact, it might be too fast for other programs to keep up with. Also, if something goes wrong but your program keeps mov-ing the mouse around, it will be hard to tell what exactly the program is doing or how to recover from the problem. Like the enchanted brooms from Disney’s The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, which kept filling—and then overfilling— Mickey’s tub with water, your program could get out of control even though it’s following your instructions perfectly. Stopping the program can be diffi-cult if the mouse is moving around on its own, preventing you from clicking the IDLE window to close it. Fortunately, there are several ways to prevent or recover from GUI automation problems.Shutting Down Everything by Logging Out Perhaps the simplest way to stop an out-of-control GUI automation program is to log out, which will shut down all running programs. On Windows and Linux, the logout hotkey is ctrl-alt-del. On OS X, it is z-shift-option-Q.By logging out, you’ll lose any unsaved work, but at least you won’t have to wait for a full reboot of the computer.
Controlling the Keyboard and Mouse with GUI Automation 
Pauses and Fail-Safes
You can tell your script to wait after every function call, giving you a short window to take control of the mouse and keyboard if something goes wrong. Online Python Training in Bangalore To do this, set the pyautogui.PAUSE variable to the number of seconds you want it to pause. For example, after setting pyautogui.PAUSE = 1.5, every PyAutoGUI function call will wait one and a half seconds after performing its action. Non-PyAutoGUI instructions will not have this pause.PyAutoGUI also has a fail-safe feature. Moving the mouse cursor to the upper-left corner of the screen will cause PyAutoGUI to raise the pyautogui.FailSafeException exception. Your program can either handle this excep-tion with try and except statements or let the exception crash your program.Either way, the fail-safe feature will stop the program if you quickly movethe mouse as far up and left as you can. You can disable this feature by set-ting pyautogui.FAILSAFE = False. Enter the following into the interactive shell:
>>> import pyautogui
>>> pyautogui.PAUSE = 1
>>> pyautogui.FAILSAFE = True
Here we import pyautogui and set pyautogui.PAUSE to 1 for a one-second pause after each function call. We set pyautogui.FAILSAFE to True to enable the fail-safe feature.
In 2024,Python will be more important than ever for advancing careers across many different industries. As we've seen, there are several exciting career paths you can take with Python , each providing unique ways to work with data and drive impactful decisions. At NearLearn, we understand the power of data and are dedicated to providing top-notch training solutions that empower professionals to harness this power effectively.One of the most transformative tools we train individuals on isPython.
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