markrosewater · 2 years
Tammy, Jenny, and Spike are the player pyschographs - have you ever given a name to the collector psychopaths? That is, the different ways in which players collect Magic?
Let me start by stressing collectors aren’t psychopaths. : )
The three psychographics focus on psychological motivation (experiencing something, expressing something, or proving something). Each of those can be applied to collecting.
Timmy/Tammy is in it for the visceral experience, the joy of collecting, the excitement of finding something you’ve been seeking. They collect because it generates emotion.
Jenny/Johnny is in it as a means to say something about who they are. Their collection speaks volumes about them. They collect something unique to who they are.
Spike is in it for the thrill of the hunt. They collect something that will be a challenge and then they go about figuring out how to make it happen. The big joy for them is the completion of their collecting goal.
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getaclueanswsers · 3 years
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Isn't It Interesting That When You Have A Job & Want To Leave, And When You Have The Opportunity To Take Action, We Settle For What's Streaming! 🤨
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aalt-ctrl-del · 4 years
this is a site I go to for up to date info on corona virus. It has an interactive, easy to jostle map where I can check cases by county, infected and those that have passed.
The most important statistic are the recovery ratio, because in the recovery ratio we have a percentile for who has become a long-hauler, and those who are due for reinfection. The surge in cases does follow pyschographic trends, as in human behavior and practices given the shift in our current political climate (or lack of narrative).
I needed these maps because I’m rooting for a trend for the infections. I theorize that once you’ve had covid, there is a period of time where you can relapse or be due for reinfection. Covid may have that immunity period if a person recovers from it (3 - 5 months). In the case of covid, I’ve always speculated that a person can contract it and carry it for 2 weeks, usually if you become infected with covid symptoms can onset very suddenly, within a 2 day period; at the end of the 2 week period, if you have not presented symptoms, then you might not have it.
I say, you might could still have it, but the covid hasn’t replicated to present symptoms of a pneumonia or other respiratory distress symptoms that come with extreme covid distress. Covid does NOT ALWAYS ATTACK THE LUNGS AND RESPIRATORY TRACT, but it is very capable of infection tissue and capillaries rich in iron or red blood cells - the lungs are usually preyed upon. But so is the liver, kidneys, and intestines - typically soft tissue. It can also infect the neurons of the brain, and optical receptors. It is a systemic disease, which feeds primarily on hemoglobin.
Now the point of my theory and the immunity, given that covid infects soft tissue easily - covid can go dormant or the body can attack covid cells with enough force to alleviate symptoms. At this point, if appropriate antibodies form, then the virus can be neutralized completely. However, the doctor will always tell you to take your medicine regularly, until it’s depleted - if symptoms persist, come back. Even if you feel better, take all of your meds or the viral pathogen will learn and become resistant to antibiotics. This makes the super viruses we are familiar with, which are difficult to kill out completely and usually require a specific medication specialized for this nefarious infectious naughty boy.
The same goes for the covid virus. Except, I pose that this virus has a unique failsafe where it goes dormant if it detects its cells are being reduced in a host body. Or, the host body attacks what it determines is the prominent threat, without recognizing what the actual threat is - this goes to explain cytokine storms, or the autoimmune response where the body just loses its damn mind and attacks cells harboring covid cells. It is violent and hostile, like maga people, and this autoimmune response is a high mortality rate among those infected with covid.
The trends I search for in the covid maps follow the surge in cases, omitting the human factor of people just denying that the virus is real. There is the factor I come to which described the virus load, or coming in contact with high amounts of virus in an area that has limited to no circulation, air flow, or sunlight - areas such as congested cities, stores, and lots of people mingling together. The virus load may contribute to covid complications and death in some locations, rather than the lifestyle choices of individuals involved. Though lifestyle choices are a contributing factor, it is only a portion of what causes cases to surge.
Contact with the covid virus does not mean automatically infection. A cell of covid may not infect a person, the body might recognize the invading cell and dispose of it. However, white blood cells not experienced with a new virus may not react so quickly to a potential threat, and the more virus that enters the body the higher likely hood of an infection. That there is basic biology and virology. Now let me talk about how you should always finish your medication to end a cold, or, let me encourage people to be cautious if they got past the 2 week threshold of “I can’t believe Its not covid”.
Covid reinfection is a real possibility. Covid relapse is a possibility. If you are someone who had a hard time recovering from covid, DO NOT think you are immune or you should go out and celebrate - this has killed people. Even if you start to feel better from a wussy little cold, take the rest of medication because that is what you are supposed to do. If you suspect you have or had covid, take every precaution to keep YOURSELF safe, and others safe. Clean. Your. Home.
If covid has not been cleaned out from your body completely, then a second infection from another covid batch will weaken your already taxed immune system. And this is where I am looking, when I evaluate the surge in cases. A person recovers from covid and believes they have gained perpetual immunity, forever; while the cells might be dormant or killed out to the point the person feels very good. A second infection occurs, wherein the cells overtake the body and pushes the person into worse shape than before. Or, covid complications, from a previous unresolved infection. I don’t have statistics of those that might have had mild covid but recovered - I label these individuals as developing anti-bodies that are short lived. However, in this individual where covid was not viewed as a threat and t-cells did not imprint on the virus, then it is a higher likely hood that a second infection with covid will be more severe than the first, because the body did not recover fully in some undetermined way. I labeled this as the white blood cells disposing a compromised cell, but covid cells still exist and began replicating in a lull in the bodies immune response.
Reinfection with covid, by speculation, may be cause for what we see in rising cases. This is inconclusive, as we can also say that there are more infections of covid and thus its an exponential increase in a population. However, it was documented early on that some people do not fell into severe covid complications, and recover without realizing they had covid in the first place.
The major difference between the Spanish pandemic, and the covid virus, is that the Spanish flu DID GRANT IMMUNITY for a year, to those that recovered from it. However, the corona virus is illusive in the body, very successful as viruses go because it does not make the host carrier ill all at once. Immunity for the corona virus is short lived, if it does develop. It’s the factor that this virus is adapt at concealing itself masterfully in red blood cells, and replicates itself so efficiently - and then it primes its host carrier for reinfection, reinfection, and reinfection. It is the people who do not take this virus seriously, who are it’s primary food source. And there is no shortage of food, for corona.  
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Some Demographics
Gardening is a soothing hobby for the whole family, a great way to get exercise, and improves self-sufficiency which is critical during this difficult period.
The Covid pandemic created 18.3 million new gardeners, most of whom are millennials.
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^confirms there’s a strong market for our product. 
The vegetable gardening trend is on the rise and tomato is the most popular vegetable in the U.S., as 86% of gardeners grow them.
Top 10 homegrown vegetables:
86% Tomatoes
47% Cucumbers
46% Sweet Peppers
39% Beans
34% Carrots
32% Summer Squash
32% Onions
31% Hot Peppers
28% Lettuce
24% Peas
Gardening has been very popular in the United States this year throughout the entire nation. However, each region has a varying growing climate that restricts growing success for individual plants and how much people garden leisurely.
The individuals’ gardening method also depends heavily on living situations, such as rural vs. urban environments and homes with yards vs. small apartment living spaces.
Food Garden Sizes By Region
Gardening popularity per state is a challenging statistic to gauge, mainly because you have to purchase gardening statistics reports. However, each US region makes up a percentage of food gardens consisting of fruit, vegetables, and herbs. Here is the breakdown:
23% West
26% Midwest
29% South
22% Northeast
Women planted significantly more ornamental plants than men - meaning that men were more likely to plant flowers, fruit/vege plants?  Men reported a significantly higher proportion of crop plants than women.
Specifically, we found that women cultivate more plant species, especially more ornamental plant species, than men, and that individual gardeners motivated by nature connection tend to differ more in the plants they cultivate compared to individual gardeners motivated by food or recreation who cultivated more similar plant species to each other.
Women may see themselves as “lifestyle” gardeners focused on plant and flower diversity and beauty whereas male gardeners see themselves as farmers.
Finally, we found that plant composition differed depending on gardener motivations, but not in the way we had predicted. We documented that food, recreation, nature connection, health, and social reasons, e.g., friends and family, were the most important motivations mentioned by gardeners, consistent with other studies mainly conducted in the United States, Europe, and Australia.
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^uh yo kinda got my work cut out for me :000
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artbycathyjin · 4 years
The Great Hack (2019)
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The Great Hack (2019) by Karim Amer and Jehane Noujaim is a documentary that covers the scandals surrounding the data company Cambridge Analytica, Facebook, and its affiliation with the Republican Party in the 2016 Elections, BREXIT Campaign, among other political movements. 
I was surprised to find out that the price of data exceeded the price of oil and gas, effectively making “data” the most valuable asset. This would explain how tech companies like Facebook and Google became giants, and some of the wealthiest companies to exist; they harvest data from its users and exploit it for profit. 
This film made me realize just how powerful it was to mass harvest data. I always had the impression that wealthy tech companies that do this simply sell off our data to other companies so that they can deliver more targeted ads and commercials. However, I didn’t realize this same data collection, when combined with a  fueled political/social agenda, can essentially brainwash a large population of people. 
The way Cambridge Analytica went about targeting voters for campaigns went beyond simply tracking a person’s likes and dislikes. They took all the data points surrounding each user and puzzled together a “personality”. From this, they were able to pinpoint who were the “persuadables”, a name coined for the most easily influenced group of voters. They also payed close attention to whether these voters lived in swing states where it would contribute in a huge way to turn the state red. 
Brittany Kaiser, former employee of Cambridge Analytica, calls the extremely targeted advertising used, “pyschographics”. She says they should be categorized as a weapon, because of their destructive power. As the word implies, the graphics target the psyche - they are able to sway the very way people think. These graphics can come in the form of fake news, 
 Overall this film has made me very become much more aware of who I was freely giving my data to. It also made me more cautious on what kind of news I believed; the lens with which an article/ad is presented can easily sway the human mind, and I have to remember that I have to look from all perspectives before I make a decision on what my stance is.
Image from medium.com
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kentontanieza · 4 years
-KFC has an international presence and has a number of outlets in different countries. Keeping in view the geographic need of the customers, KFC sells it product the reach the target market worldwide.
-McDonalds divides its market into geographic segments, for example, different countries, states, regions and cities. McDonalds sells burgers and target local markets and with customized menus. Let’s say, instead of using beef, in India McDonalds burgers are made from chicken due to religious beliefs.
- In these geographies Nike's marketing efforts are largely focused on urban areas with high market densities
- Apple's retail stores are located in highly populated cities around the world. ... Every Apple device is targeted specifically to different groups of consumers and businesses and features in the products are built around their needs.
- Apple is successful in that the company develops products based on lifecycle, age, and occupation of the customers
- Coca Cola targets youngster from 15 to 25 years old. Gender. Both Men and Women on the target list of the company.
- Gucci brand are segmented using making love and age as a criteria. Gucci produces brands for male and female, children and adults respectively. Their brands are for the group of male and female who love the prefer to win over others, have a higher social class and strong financial bottom. Those who love the brand are driven by the sort of lifestyle they live and the need to maintain that lifestyle
- The age factor used by the target market of McDonalds is a family with dual income that does not have the time to prepare their food for their children, the workers who are having lunch and teens. 
- The “Yuppie”: a young, urban, working-class professional who shops for quality, maybe even eco-consciously, and has disposable income to spend on fashion/appearance over utilitarian products. 
- Harley Davidson. The motorbike brand is notorious for targeting the rough, rebellious, free, thrill-seeking American man 
- Patagonia knows who their target audience is. They know what the brand stands for, and don’t make tradeoffs doing so, which is why they attract the audience that they do. Furthermore, they segment effectively within this audience depending on their lifestyle.   
- Legacy brands like Gucci have a good idea of who their target audience is: they aim their products at the upper-class consumer with high quality, high prices, and high fashion.
- Gucci as a brand has demonstrated over the years to be of great quality and very durable, thus it includes a high ratio of consumers' commitment.
- Ladles, offering a $2 discount on a future purchase for being a loyal customer.
- LG Electronics. This Company market their products offering the biggest discounts to the highest purchaser. For example, offering a 15% discount on a TV and a 35% discount on the purchase of an Air Conditioner.
- TRESemmé shampoo customer might try Suave shampoo one day. If she likes it, she might stick with it; if not, it’s rather inconsequential.
- An Athletic Footwear Company
Footwear for trail runners must be comfortable, less slippery, and must reduce the risk of injury. On the other hand, shoes of recreational runners must be comfortable, stylish, and inexpensive. Shoes for professional runners must be adequately cushioned, stable, flexible, and lightweight.
- Toothpaste Manufacturer
Some of the benefits users expect include reduce sensitivity, teeth whitening, tartar control, cavity protection, and fresh breath.
- Cosmetics Manufacturers
Some people buy cosmetic products to remove wrinkles while others buy products to reduce acne. Making a single product to meet the requirements of all users is not possible. Some of the possible segments include wrinkle removal, improve social status, reduce acne, skin repair, celebrity identification, and glowing skin.
- Mobile Phone Manufacturers
Highly social customers would expect mobile phones to be durable, technologically advanced, and easy to use. Work-oriented customers would prefer buying phones that are inexpensive and durable. Mobile phones are considered as a status symbol by many people. They expect their phone to be technologically advanced, expensive, sleek, and stylish.
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FMP Evaluation
For our final major project, we were asked to create a final piece which we had the freedom to choose the theme that we want to create. There is choice of video production, graphics, photography and game design. As this will be submitting for final major project and the final piece that we produce must be the best work that in different many project we had did in past.  We had been given eight weeks to complete our final major project to get a good grade on this course.                                                                      
After thorough deliberation, I had decided to choose to create album cover design as my final piece because I felt more confidence on this topic rather than other and would like to have an experience on this. I started brainstorming my initial idea, describing different idea, who is the artist that I want to create for, etc. For the initial research task was about gained some basic information about album cover such as what is the type of the album cover and what size of an album cover and CD. After, I wrote up my proposal about my idea. During the period of my final major project, I wrote schedule to help me complete my final project.
Research is the major point for go through all my work for final project. I had conducted majority of research such as primary research and secondary research.  All of the research task that I conducted was being extremely useful and helpful to me so there was no research task that I found not helpful. Especially the inspiration research which was found some existing album cover and it had immediacy to help me decide what kind of album cover that I’m going to create and inspired my design idea for creating and laying out for my album cover. As I had buying album of my favourite artist often and looking at the different album cover artwork from different artist in leisure time, this had helped me to develop my idea. The album over artwork that I looking at could be divide into two type which is KPOP and POP. I had looking for a lot and I can aware of they both are different style which had influenced me and gave me even more design idea for my album cover. Other research task also helps me to clearly understood the process of creating an album cover, what materials that I need to take account into and what is the legal that I will be need to add into my final piece to protect my work, etc. Apart from that, the most helpful research task was primary research which I created questionnaire about my theme that I chose on a website called survey monkey to give people to answered. The aim was to received responses from the people. Through this research, I could know about what they like to see on an album cover and who will be my target audience I aiming for. It also had vacillated my idea as I want to tried to create an album cover to appealing the audience.
For my final major project, my target audience are mainly females age under 18 to 24 who like artist or a band and has interested on buying album from their favourite artist or band. I tried to create an album cover of what they like to see but I also did what I want to create as I couldn’t satisfy everyone. However, I can have ensured that my design has a behind meaning for my album cover and tried hard to make it look aesthetic.
Based on my survey monkey data that I did before, I could define my demographic profile of my target audience age is under 18 to 24, gender are mostly females and it’s regardless of ethnicity. For the pyschographic profile, it is welcomed for everyone who are student or employer that interested on buying or collect album of their favourite artist or a band, which is just depends on their personal hobbies, their own lifestyle and have the finance ability. This became wider as everyone has different hobbies and their own lifestyle. This is important to understand what audience’s opinion because it influenced my idea and lead me to the direction I head.
Before I started creating, I need to have a clear design idea accordingly I started off with brainstorming and sketching my design idea for my album cover and other materials that go along with the album cover. I have watched YouTube tutorials video as part of my pre-production and gained some knowledge and techniques to develop my work. I also found some information about what I’m need to know for creating my album cover and other materials such as the colour code for create a background. The main software that I use to create final piece is called Adobe Photoshop CC. As it’s always be different with my sketches and what I’m think of when I created on a software so I experimented with creating every design on Adobe Photoshop. I also tried to experiment with creating stuff on the software once I got free time in college as I want to know more enough about it. First, I created few different style of rose quartz & serenity images such as simple gradient, galaxy and hologram that going to be use as the album cover or other materials background. I also created a diamond shape that use into my album cover and other materials. After that, I started using different tool to draw out the design shape of each design idea of album cover and created a CD that based on the album cover design. I summarized the main tools that I had used to create my work in Photoshop, such as noise filter, Gaussian blur filter, pen tool, curvature pen tool, line tool, liquify tool, clipping mask tool and polygonal laser tool. There’s more tools that I used were level adjustment, auto contrast, colour painter, blending option, erase tool and colour adjustment, to help me regulate the colour and some part of my work until it attained the effect/result that I want it to look like. During the process, the hardest part was creating the galaxy images as it contained many different tools and complex step to create, but afterwards I getting on understood. The tool like pen and curvature tool and line tool was super easy to apply on drawing out the design shape, it just took time to make it look balanced and perfect. I had spent numerous time and tried to work even harder on creating my album cover and CD design. All of these had big impact on my work to help me complete my final project.
Overall, I felt comfort of the work that I produced but I believed that I could improve a lot than this. My initial design didn't go well as I thought so I spent much time on thinking of an idea and keep designing till I get a new idea at the last.  Also I supposed to create other materials that go along with the album cover but I failed and I ended up with created two version album cover and CD. I’m glad that I didn’t gave up and carried on until now to conclude. Although my final design may not that good enough than other but at least I did it and I satisfied with what I did. If I was going differently, I probably will start sketching my design idea earlier and create on the software to see if it looks nice. Working independently was alright and sometimes listen to other people opinion also being helpful to me. I did try to follow my schedule but sometimes all the things wouldn’t go to plan. However, my schedule was kind of helpful for me at some points and I’m able to completed my final project at the end. I think I can improve on my design idea as this is the main point of creating this and can improve a lot of my edit skills on Adobe Photoshop as well as there is more tools or techniques that I need to learn, but I would say compared to before I’m now more confidence on using this software. I feel like my work has meet the requirements to get a high standard.
Caitlin: I love the colours used. They really bring the album cover to life. Awesome work! 
Nevaeh: I like how the colours go together and the overall design, it looks very professional and something people would definitely buy.
Ariel: This is the type of cover I would rate 10/10.
The feedback that I received from people was giving me more confidence on my work. The most part they like is the colours that I used into my album cover. 
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Creative Brief (WWF No Straw Campaign)
Company Info/Background World Wide Fund(WWF) is an international non-government organization. It was founded in 1961. Formerly it was known as World Wildlife Fund.Their mission is to conserve nature and reduce the most pressing threats to the diversity of life on Earth.They organize their work around this six areas, food, climate, fresh water, wild life, forests, and oceans. 84% of WWF’s spending is directed to worldwide conservation activities, 5% for administration and 11% for fundraising.
Unique Selling Proposition (USP) WWF embraced a bold new strategy and transformation designed to make the organization stronger and even more effective in tackling the challenges ahead.
Big Idea We care the marine life.
Advertising Issue & Objective Issue: - Plastic pollution from the uses of plastic straws.
Objective: - To decrease the uses of plastic straws. - To educate people how plastic straws harm the marine life.  
Target Audience Pyschographic profile - People who care about the environment - Restaurant owner - People who eat outside - People who socialable and outgoing
Demographic profile - Male and female who are 18 to 25 years old - young adult - metropolitan and also poor people - people who has RM2000- RM3500 monthly income
Consumer Insight -“When plastic straws get into the ocean, the fish mistake it for food, eat it, and get sick or die,” they write in their petition. “In fact, science shows that when you eat fish, you might as well be eating plastic!”
Consumer Proposition - Save more marine life with just a simple step: say NO to plastic straw.
Support There are many other alternatives like bamboo straw, paper straw, glass straw, metal straw or drinking without straw instead of using plastic straw.
Tone & Manner - Fun - Casual - Informative
Deliverables -Print ads
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bluelandland · 4 years
Audience Psychographic meaning, concept and its differences
Audience Psychographic meaning, concept and its differences
what is audience pyschographic?
Both audience demographic and audience pyschographics lies on the classification of people/audiences depending on various characteristics.
Psychographic simply means the study and classification of people according to their attitude, aspiration and other psychological criteria especially in market research, for along time audiences have been classified basing…
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caveastudio · 7 years
Social content – Get your business discovered, loved and shared
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Ever been to an event (party/ wedding/ business luncheon) where you’ve met someone (let’s call them person A) who goes on and on about themselves, or their business? Or they hijack every new topic and seem to be the only one talking, while you stand there nodding your head? How badly do you want to run away from this person? If you see this person again, odds are you’d try your best to avoid them and would warn your friends and family about them too.
Conversely, ever met someone who you just ‘clicked’ with (person B)? You both got to know each other: careers, kids, cocktail preferences, neighbourhoods, social/sport/travel activities, etc.  You have many common points of interest and sometimes varying views with respectful banter.  The next time you see this person you look forward to chatting more. You might even begin to make plans to meet up one on one with this person or include them in your personal social circle.
Now let’s talk about the conversations you are having online with your audience.  Many companies have social media pages for their businesses with the intention of connecting with their target audience to build interest, rapport and trust, which should lead to being discovered, loved and shared.  But like person A in the example above, who just talks about themselves, without a good plan, you may not be connecting with your target audience. Known as Content Marketing, a good social content plan means being ‘social’ on social media, not just talking about your business.
It means learning about the Psychographics of your target clients – their interests, struggles, aspirations and sharing content that offers help, insight, motivation, humour and more. It means authentically bonding on common topics and sharing some vulnerabilities as a way to connect – human to human.  Tip: Your audience wants to connect to the humans in your business: you, your team and even your clients - through reviews and testimonials.
For example: A travel agent targeting families might share tips for keeping small children entertained on long flights or a top ten list of great podcasts to enjoy while your 3 year old is down for a much needed siesta.  
This type of content creates rewarding interactions for your audience, it builds trust, they feel you understand their struggles and will keep your business top of mind.
How do you build relationships with social content?
Start with research
When we create a marketing strategy for our clients, we always begin with a strong understanding of the business persona, objectives, differentiator and target audience persona to find shared points of interests and opportunities for interaction.
Don’t assume that because you like avocados that your audience will also like avocadoes and therefore be drawn into your weird and wonderful world where you celebrate the creamy, healthy-fat goodness on a daily basis.   You want to connect on common ground and start satisfying conversations that keep them coming back for more!
Create the right mix
Once you understand the shared topics of interest for you and your audience, we recommend organizing them into buckets.
For example:
Promotional - promotes the business Community - local happenings, humour, quotes, industry related news Value - helpful tips and tricks
Begin the task of curating and creating content to fill up these buckets and remember to vary the medium: videos, blogs, GIFs and live streaming.
Include others
The more the merrier.  While building your business and client personas, keep in mind supportive industries and influencers who your audience will likely connect with and could also help broaden the reach of your content.
For example:
An architectural firm focused on commercial development might share content from interior designers on the latest trends, real-estate broker’s hot picks for up and coming neighbourhoods, or Richard Branson’s latest musings on employee motivation.
Choosing to share content from others in related industries widens your pool of topics and relieves the pressure of having to create every piece of shared content yourself.
Be dependable
Consistency plays a key role in building and maintaining audience loyalty. Create a schedule where you plan content across the calendar related to community events, national holidays, seasonal traditions, industry events, upcoming promotions or campaigns and most frequently asked questions.  Tip: always leave room for spontaneous postings as trending topics make for timely engagement opportunities.
Test, measure and adjust
Create a base-line for measurement and track the types of content you are posting, the timing of the postings and the types of engagement you are attracting (likes, comments, shares).  A pattern should emerge and will give you clues about which content is connecting with your audience and where you can afford to change things up.
If you do this right, people will notice you, include you in their social circle and talk about you in a positive light: Discovered, Loved, Shared.  
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responsivesites · 4 years
New Post has been published on Website Design Naples Florida Webmaster
New Post has been published on https://vinbo.com/using-psychographics-to-improve-marketing-techniques/
Using Psychographics to Improve Marketing Techniques
In today’s video, we’re going to learn how to use pyschographics to improve marketing techniques.
Blog post: https://www.elegantthemes.com/blog/marketing/using-psychographics-to-improve-marketing-techniques
Like us on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/elegantthemes/
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brianobrienny · 4 years
How Your Small Business Can Improve SEO with Content Marketing
As a small business, your content strategy is the key to getting yourself seen. It drives traffic to your site, increases conversions, and strengthens your brand.
Creating blogs that rank, and rank well, isn’t easy — but it’s not impossible.
Read on to discover how to write and rank content that customers and search engines will love, and build your brand community in the process.
Quick Takeaways:
Speak directly to the area and community in which you do business. Create content specific to them.
Don’t focus on text length for SEO. Figure out what works best for you and your readers.
Keep your content fresh, current, and relevant.
Enhance the visibility of your images in organic search with image SEO.
Optimize your blog posts for featured snippets. These can give you quick wins (and traffic) from the SERPs.
Fuel Your SEO With Pure-Value Content Marketing
A study conducted by Moz showed that higher traffic and greater levels of engagement correlate to improved search engine rankings. So regardless of a site’s traffic sources, the more you can improve its visibility, the better it may perform in Google search.
For most professionals engaged in SEO, regular blogging and content marketing has become best practice. However, many SEO-driven content marketing strategies are too focused on keywords and search engine manipulation. To cultivate greater success with content marketing, put human-centric, thought leadership content on the forefront.
What defines “pure-value content?” From a search-first content marketing perspective, instead of writing generic, keyword-optimized articles on topics like How to Hire an ‘Atlanta DUI Lawyer’, a pure-value approach would sound more like Can You Beat DUI Conviction in Georgia?
In essence, you can still make the content keyword-relevant and optimized for SEO, but with an emphasis on being more educational, informative, and solution-oriented. Whether as a video, in-depth article, or infographic, a pure-value piece of content on such a legal topic will most certainly address a common question among many individuals. Further, such content will have greater potential to drive traffic and enduring levels of engagement.
Find the Optimum Length for Your Content
The perfect blog post length is a controversial topic. I’ve done my fair share of guest posting, and I’ve seen guidelines specifying everything from 500 to 2500 words minimum.
Unfortunately, regularly churning out 2500 word, high-quality blog posts is too demanding for most small businesses. Instead, shoot for around 1000 words. This gives you the scope to create a quality blog post, and won’t eat into too much of your time.
The more words, the better of course. But if you can’t manage more, don’t obsess over it. Aim for no less than 500 words as a minimum, and your content will still be readable and rankable.
It’s worth mentioning your title length here too. A clickable blog title drives traffic (e.g. “10 SEO Trends You Need To Know In 2019”), which in turn signals to search engines that it’s worth ranking. Your titles should also be between 50-60 characters long to display fully on SERPs.
Remember, your title tags, meta description, and URL all play a part in improving your content SEO. If that sounds daunting, don’t be put off. The Yoast plugin for WordPress makes it easy to optimize your tags and descriptions with intelligent keyword planning.
Plus, as WordPress integrates with most reliable online store creators, you can start optimizing your blog’s SERP data with whichever ecommerce platform you use. It’s a versatile blogging solution that makes it easy for small businesses to enhance their SEO, perfect for novices or experts.
1000 words is a good rule of thumb, but don’t sweat it too much. Quality is important, and an amazing 500 word blog post is better than a terrible 2500 word one. And don’t be afraid of bulking it out with some images and video either — it’s great for your readers, and great for your SEO too.
Embrace Local SEO
Local SEO is your small business’s secret weapon in the battle of the SERPs. It’s vital in a mobile-first market and will both net you sales and drive traffic.
Of course, local SEO won’t work for every small biz. If you own an online store and your customers come from all over the globe, locality won’t necessarily affect your sales. But for those small businesses that deal with face-to-face transactions, local SEO is an absolute must.
Beyond optimizing your website for local SEO, you should create a blog content strategy that addresses and explores local issues. When you write about regional places and events, search engines pick up on it and increase your ranking in local search queries.
Identify the local keywords that relate to your small biz: your state, town or city, even your borough or street. Next, pick out local issues such as cultural events or news and write blogs about them.
Increase Visibility & Interaction With Social Media Advertising
Even for the businesses and brands with thousands of social media followers, there’s significant value in leveraging social media advertising on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, etc. On these social media platforms, you can get exposure in front of new audiences based on specific interests and pyschographics, demographics, and geographics.
Using on the latter DUI example, an attorney could advertise its content on How Beat DUI Charges in Georgia by targeting individuals located in Atlanta between the ages of 18-45. Not only can the criminal defense lawyer earn new social media followers in the process, but he could drive in-market traffic to his website.
In addition to improving site traffic and engagement, the piece of content can rack-up social signals (i.e. tweets, likes, +1’s, shares, etc.) While Google has yet to confirm any influence of social signals over its rankings, countless search marketers will debate that social signals do have a positive impact on SEO and higher rankings.
This may or may not be a result of the content earning links naturally as result of its popularity on social media platforms. Or it could be an emerging and unannounced ranking signal that has yet to come to publicized. Regardless, social media can dramatically help start-jump SEO, especially when drive by pure-value content marketing and strategic utilization of social advertising platforms.
Keep Generating New Topic Ideas
Struggling for inspiration for a blog post that ranks? Thankfully, there’s a number of useful tools to help you identify relevant blog post topics to write about that let you search for current popular content based on your business keywords and identify trending topics related to your industry.
Simply use these trending topics as inspiration for your own strategy, and you’ll have superb blog content that your customers — and the search engines — will love.
The key to a successful ranking blog strategy is fresh and current content. Update yours regularly with content that addresses trending events and issues. It’s good for your SEO, great for your customers, and it positions your small business as modern and relevant too.
Image SEO Is a Thing
Did you know that the images and videos that you use in your blogs also affect your SEO? Last year, Google updated its image search function, including providing the option to filter results by theme.
For example, an image search for “cats” could be further sorted by categories such as: anime, baby, kitten, white, wallpaper, and so on. Consequently, those blogs that contain search engine optimized-images will be favored by Google’s crawlers.
Beyond that, having images or video in your blog increases your reader’s time on site, and generally enhances their experience of your website. Choose high-quality images and optimize their alt tags with relevant keywords. And avoid massive photos that take too long to load which will negatively impact your SEO.
It goes without saying that original photos will always trump generic stock photos. But as a small biz owner, finding the time to take high-quality original snaps is tricky. So while generic stock photos are a no-no, there are some websites that offer quality free images for download that actually look and feel unique. Use a free online photo editor to give them a creative spin and truly make them your own.
Make the Most of Featured Snippets
Google is increasingly keeping its users on the SERPs through the use of featured snippets. These are the text boxes that appear at the top of results pages, answering queries and often preventing people from clicking through to a website.
For small businesses, this is both good and bad. In many cases, a searcher might get the answer they need and not visit your website as a result. But savvy businesses use featured snippets to pique their visitor’s interest, compelling them to click through.
As with most things, it’s better to swim with the tide than against it, so it’s important that you optimize your blog content for these snippets where appropriate.
If you’re writing a blog that answers a query (think evergreen content and essential guides), make it high-quality and comprehensive. Maybe that’s a given, but you should also format it in a way that works for Google. This is a multi-pronged task, so find out exactly what this entails here.
Over to You
Your small business’s content strategy is a core path to online success. Simply writing blog posts isn’t enough — you have to play the SEO game to get them ranking on the SERPs. Follow these tips for how to write and rank small business content , and you’ll have high-quality optimized content in no time.
What are your tips for creating rankable small business content? Tell us in the comments below!
The post Blog Your Way to #1: How to Write & Rank Small Business Content appeared first on B Squared Media.
The post How Your Small Business Can Improve SEO with Content Marketing appeared first on Marketing Insider Group.
How Your Small Business Can Improve SEO with Content Marketing published first on http://rssmix.com/u/11592782/rss.xml
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surveycircle · 5 years
Participants needed for online survey! Topic: "Audience opinion on the importance of film productions" https://t.co/8YNRpOAhvC via @SurveyCircle#pyschographics #film #production #favouritism #AudienceOpinions #films #movies #survey #surveycircle pic.twitter.com/VoHn8ND4jB
— Daily Research @SurveyCircle (@daily_research) January 6, 2020
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Understanding the Brief
Extra Notes:
Research everything there is to know about string.This includes its origins, evolution, the different types of strings and corresponding functions. This knowledge will ensure a clear establishment of the products that do fall into the string category and guide us to the relevant product and packaging examples.
Next, through rigorous marketing research, we will explore the potential target groups which use the chosen type of string. From the information collected on their demographics, pyschographics, behavioural traits and consumption traits, 1 or 2 buyer personas will be formed. Doing so will better inform the design system created to appeal the target consumer. Once the string research and target market research is well-thought out, the rest of the design process is now anchored as we’ll know who we’re making the product for. 
Brand proposition.
Draft design system element (brand name, logo, typography, colour palette)
Proposed application to packaging. 
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Post 5: Intel’s Target Market
Intel’s NAICS code is  541511, Classified as Custom Computer Programming Services. Intel’s Target Market varies widely. They target both regular consumers and enthusiasts. However, most consumers purchase their computers with Intel processors already inside them. Enthusiasts purchase the CPU as a component part for their computer that they have to assemble themselves. The computer enthusiasts are part of a market segment that Intel attempts to target. However, Intel is usually the niche for computer processing units by Enthusiasts. Majority of the enthusiasts would agree that Intel provides the best flagship CPUs to this date, which is why many of them choose Intel over AMD. Intel focuses both on Psychographic segmentation and demographic segmentation. Personality and motives can play big factors due to one wanting to have the best CPU available for both work and gaming. However, age segmentation and gender segmentation play roles as well. Intel’s flagship CPUs are tailored towards young males. Intel markets their CPUs to that demographic because they are generally the ones that purchase those CPUs the most for gaming. Overall, Both Pyschographic segmentation and demographic segmentation to accomplish their marketing goals. 
“Intel.” Description - NAICS Code 423910 - Sporting and Recreational Goods and Supplies Merchant Wholesalers, siccode.com/en/business/intel-folsom-95630.
Bhasin, Hitesh, et al. “Psychographic Segmentation - 5 Factors for Segmenting by Psychography.” Marketing91, 25 May 2018, www.marketing91.com/psychographic-segmentation/.
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socialcoldstreams · 6 years
Pyschographic profiles do not work #Facebook #Twitter #DeleteFacebook
Pyschographic profiles do not work #Facebook #Twitter #DeleteFacebook
Previously, I noted Facebook’s algorithms concluded I am Liberal. I recently downloaded Twitter’s assessment of me and Twitter concluded I am Conservative – and I am a supporter of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, the leader of the Liberal Party, and I like to watch the CBC (Canadian Broadcasting). This was news to me because I live in the United States – and do not have TV! It is…
View On WordPress
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