#puyo puyo tarutaru
puyopuyoconfessions · 26 days
I've got something for everyone.
Sig and Tarutaru/Tartar friendship.
They have a lot in common being easy-going lads in blue, Tarutaru does love all things nature even bugs which Sig loves, though he is afraid of spiders.
Sig can help Tarutaru overcome that fear of spiders and they can have snacks together.
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I saw the meme done with the Compile group so I thought why not with the Primp Students but on paper.
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greenysoliatre · 1 month
So I have this headcanon that every time Klug is caught looking completely weary and lacking sleep from his all-nighters, he will be scooped up and be placed on the nearest bed for him to sleep on may it be the infirmary or back at his house. Sig did this with him, Raffina did this with him, so did Carmen and Tarutaru.
Bridal carry is absolutely is the most common carry though is piggyback ride or over the shoulder. Amitie and Lidelle will catch him looking weary but they would resort to taking him by the wrist and bring him somewhere to rest, it would take a lot of courage to the latter to do so.
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camirazone · 1 year
Team Fever, and our Self-Indulgent Puyo Puyo Miraculous AU
More specifically (before anyone raises any pitchforks), an AU in name only. It’s just a “what if the miracle box from miraculous existed in the Puyo world” type thing. You don’t really need much knowledge of Miraculous because we basically changed a lot of the kwamis’ powers and designs anyways.
My pal Greeny ( @greenysoliatre​ ) has brought up most of the important details in her write up of the AU but a TL;DR is that Sig accidentally finds a peacock broach while looking for bugs and things very quickly get out of hand.
It’s up to our heroes Coccinella and Chat Noire (with an E, noire is feminine while noir is masculine) to put a stop to this craziness, and along the way learn some pretty deep secrets.
Just who are these heroes though? Find out under the “Keep Reading” cut here:
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This is Coccinella, Lidelle’s hero identity. A bit of a random pick to give this ladybug miraculous to but trust me it makes sense. Her outfit technically isn’t really the right species but I didn’t want to use red and the bee miraculous isn’t in this AU so shhh. Her shy personality as Lidelle contrasts with the slightly more confident Coccinella, in which her form reveals her horns (although most people think it’s part of the costume anyways). In this form she feels like she’s more able to be herself and, once getting an All Clear, is able to activate her spell “Lucky Charm” and use an item to her advantage. 9 times out of 10 though she doesn’t know what to do with it so she just throws it at whoever the threat is.
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Chat Noire (shoutouts to Greeny yet again for her take on the left) is her partner in “crime”, and is also insane enough to fight in heels because you just know Raffina is extra enough to do that. Her hair is designed to resemble the whiskers of a cat, though I also like Greeny’s take too with the hair looking like claws, maybe it’ll change to that once Raffina learns she doesn’t actually have to keep a secret identity (no one else seems to make any effort to, at least...). As Chat Noire Raffina feels like she actually has some kind of power for once, though it still relies on another object similar to her pouch. Upon getting an All Clear she will be able to use the spell “Cataclysm” which grants her the power to destroy an object. She usually ends up misusing this.
It’s just these two for a while, but eventually Amitie and Tarutaru do some sleuthing and end up becoming heroes themselves.
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Tarutaru’s a big guy, but he does care a lot about protecting others, hence why he is given the turtle miraculous to become Carapace. I don’t have a lot to say about his design, other than that yeah it’s pretty much like a turtle. He was definitely a fun one to draw because it’s always fun to draw different body types and design cool superhero costumes. When getting an All Clear, he can activate the spell of “Shell-ter”, which is a shield that can protect others from garbage puyo.
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And lastly, Oinktimism. Amitie couldn’t come up with anything clever for her name, but she’s fine with it. Much like with Carapace I don’t have much to say about her design, because it is literally just Pigella’s design but with a pig hat. I forgot to put the image of the untransformed Amitie but...come on, you still know it’s her anyways. She’s not exactly the best superhero out there but she tries her best and is always there to keep the team’s spirits high. Upon getting an All Clear, she can use the spell “Gift” which gives the target their deepest desires. Usually, since the opponents are either mindless sentimonsters or random civilians turned into champions (our version of akumas), the gift is pretty inconsequential, but it makes the opponent a little happier.
Together they form...
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There are definitely more characters than just these four, but I wanted to get the hero team out of the way. This has been a fun project Greeny and I have been working on the past few months and it’s been a blast (in the actual story though...things aren’t as fun)
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sweets303 · 2 years
Arc 4 in a Nutshell  *was going to do zero for the ending, but Rokia/Roquier made more sense*
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liprippersunited · 6 years
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unrelated image please ignore
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k1tkatattack · 3 years
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ebbofcyanwhispers · 3 years
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a bunch of icons from the puyfev 4koma cover [1/3?]
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colorfulcharacters · 2 years
Puyo Puyo Fever (2003) official character art
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ganbare-lucifer · 4 years
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A set of sprite edits I did with Tartar that gives him costumes.
Name of the costumes in order:
Boar Mask - Pro Wrestler
Dr. Big Taru - Doctor
Nordic Warrior - Viking
Burger Meal - Junk Food
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puyopuyoconfessions · 1 month
I'll never forgive SEGA for wasting Tarutaru/Tartar's potential. I wish they would bring him back and make him less creepy about his crush on Raffina. Let him be with his friends dang it!
Boy deserves better, I tell you.
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greenbeansartgallery · 3 months
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This is a tad bit late but Happy Birthday to my favourite giant! I may have missed Sig's birthday but I refuse to miss Tartar (Tarutaru)'s!
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greenysoliatre · 11 months
I'm throwing this out there but Sig and Tarutaru at one point did a eating contest involving Pocky to see who could eat the most pocky sticks. Chocolate, Matcha Green Tea, Strawberry.. all flavours were fair game to the boys. As to why they would do this, it sounded fun and they like snacks so why not a little snack game other than well the Pocky Game. The highest they got were 15 packets before they got sick. Tarutaru only managed to one up Sig by two packets, the latter is hoping to try again sometime when they have enough pocket money and hopefully they don't get sick again.
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modmamono · 4 years
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This is all I see in this Waku Waku Puyo Puyo Dungeon Manga panel.
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liprippersunited · 6 years
whatever happened to tarutaru
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fuck knows
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