#putting down white people doesnt change anything
thedevilandhisbride · 10 months
in light of this anon, i am making another positivity post!
i love you white people
i love you white mixed people
i love you white-passing and/or presenting people
i love you white people with skin differences like vitiligo and eczema for example
i love you white men
i love you white women
i love you white nonbinary folks
i love you white masc or male adjacent people
i love you white fem or female adjacent people
i love you white intersex people
i love you white gender fuckery people
i love you white disabled people
i love you white abled people
i love you white mentally ill people
i love you white neurotypical people
i love you fat white people
i love you skinny white people
i love you chubby white people
i love you medium sized white people
i love you white people with stretch marks
i love you white people with scars
i love you white peoplewith freckles
i love you white people with acne
i love you white people with eyebags
i love you white people with wrinkles
i love you white people with hairy bodies
i love you white people with little or no hair
i love you bald and balding white people
i love you white people with long hair
i love you white people with short hair
i love you white people with medium hair
i love you white people with straight hair
i love you white people with wavy hair
i love you white people with curly hair
i love you white people with textured hair
i love you white people with thin hair
i love you white people with thick hair
i love you short white people
i love you tall white people
i love you average height white people
i love you insecure white people
i love you confident white people
i love you white people who are in between insecure and confident
i love you white people who struggle with internal racism towards themselves or others due to a multitude of reasons
i love you white people who are finally comfortable in their skin
i love you white people who are learning to love themselves
i love you white people who slowly deprogramming internalized self hatred and racism
i love you white people who havent started their journey of self love and deprogramming yet
i love you white people who are/have something i didnt mention
i love you white people
and i will always love you!!!
you should never be ashamed for your race. nobody should be. and people shouldnt feel better about their race because they arent white.
definition of racism: prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism by an individual, community, or institution against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. and the belief that different races possess distinct characteristics, abilities, or qualities, especially so as to distinguish them as inferior or superior to one another.
it is okay to be white. you cannot change your race, and that is okay. being white is not a bad thing, and dont let anybody tell you otherwise.
historically, white european people (primarily british) have done awful things, and that is an undeniable fact. but punishing yourself for something you cannot control, like your race, doesnt erase or change the fact that history has already happened.
all you can do is move forward and help yourself, and others, love each other and do better. it is not your responsibility to take it from your ancestors. it is not your responsibility. your only responsibility, ANYONES only responsibility, is to be better than before- either that be generations before you, or just better than yesterday.
love yourself.
its the only way anyone will move forward.
this post is for white people- any and all white people!
ily :]
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cafecourage · 7 months
Dragon au part 4 of 4 (finally)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3
- Another serpent boy. But he is a noodle with legs. Four’s scales are a pale yellow color but because of the Colors™️ you can see their respective colors reflected back in the light. Four’s dragon form has four sets of horns the second pair grew in later in life thanks to the four swords.
- Four comes from a family of Earth Dragons with metal ties. Meaning they are metal benders ATLA style. He can also infuse elemental powers into his weapons through the uses of gems. Everything he owns has been updated for him as he went through. Anything he wants to test or experiment he tries on his own weapons and. Equipment. Though I am sure Wild would lend him a few things. Four can also shrink on command and split.
- His scent gland is on his forehead, and honestly his scent is basically a berry medley with a bit smoke. He doesn't tend to rub his scent on things as he doesnt care about claiming much. His family has a lot in their horde already, he also isn’t the type to claim family.
- Unfortunately he does have cat tendencies despite his fear of them. But even then that isn’t something he has clued in on and I don’t recommend pointing it out as he would get pouty.
You honestly didn’t know that Dragons can purr. To be fair only the only ‘purring’ you have heard was Twilight but his was more of a low growl. Four has been cuddling into your side purring. He was a bit sick and being the other medic of the team. He has been rubbing his face on your shoulder for a while now. A fruity aroma was getting stronger and stronger.
You put your hand on his forehead. Still warm… well you don't have the heart to move either. Not when he is suffering this much.
- It honestly doesn’t even process that Four claimed you by accident. He probably just thinks it was temporary since he was sick and is kinda in denial about it all. Claiming isn’t something he was going to do for a while even though he is a slightly hopeless romantic. It’s not the end of the world.
- He honestly is pretty up front about what he did and his feelings. He understands if you don’t want to date him but Four wont let you down. This man is polite and respectful and will spoil you. What more do you need?
- I also feel like he wouldn’t be that subjected to his dragon instincts. He has been around enough treasure and making enchanted weapons enough not to get gold fever. So top tier in terms of semi normal.
Fierce Diety:
- A god in his own right Feirce Diety is of course the strongest dragon in the group. He is built similar to Time, bulky and strong. Similar to Time, FD’s Scales are marbled but instead of just the gray and black tones you find in white marble there is also red, blue and gold. Though on his face you still have his signature markings.
- Fierce Deities powers are weird. He has the ability to affect gravity in the sense that he can make his sword slash go down harder, he can make himself move faster and he can jump higher. He can also make himself stronger in general and change how he looks. Given that so many people wore his mask he can shift into them borrowing their image. Sort of. There are differences between what fierce looks like and whoever he is stealing from looks like.
- I actually don’t know what god would smell like. But I do know he probably has a scent gland on his sides. Making it so when he is protecting you his scent gets all on you as your tucked into him safe and sound. By the end of it would probably smell like dried herbs, sage is probably the highest note there is. But it’s warm and old and comforting to you. Maybe not to others.
The War God doesn’t understand how he was in this situation. Not that he was complaining. It just was so long since he was outside of that prison of a mask that he wasn’t used to so much physical touch. With one of the children cuddled into one of his sides, then the other side was you. The person he went into battle to save. You unfortunately were hurt but not too much. Fierce Deity sighs as he relaxes not really knowing if he should move or not.
But as your arms around him tightened gave his answer. Fierce Deity was trapped here. There was no moving here.
- Fierce deity is another person that honestly will tell you outright and might give you no choice. You are his that (might) be final. I say that only because FD is a god. I would imagine even with him being in the seal he would have the largest horde as it includes people. So if you’re not also courting him, you’re still in his horde and will be in his protection. But uh… I wouldn’t suggest saying no to courting.
- Either way he is more subtle but also the most extreme with his dragon instincts. Like out of all the boys in the chain FD will be the most traditional in his belief. He will not mark you out right but he will be pushy unfortunately.
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ghosttalksalot · 2 months
[pure fluff incoming]
maybe peter doesn't like thunderstorms. he's not scared of them, that's too far, but he certainly dislikes them.
you can only hear gunshots and feel how close you were to being hit, or even dying, so many times before loud crashing *bang* sounds stress you out, you know?
fireworks aren't his favorite either, he tends to involuntarily flinch away from a nonexistent bullet whizzing by his face.
and its not that he's never been shot either. he has. it's possibly his least favorite part of the job. a bitch to heal from, and worse if you need to get the bullet out. so anything close to gunshot sounds, he'd just much rather not hear in his day to day life. he prefers to keep the gun anxiety to when he's suited up and patrolling, when guns are an actual concern.
though, he's a grown man. he's not about to hide under his covers when he knows the thunder isn't going to do anything to him. he's just a little more tense than normal. he tries to stick to reason, knowing his spidey sense keeps him safe.
wade, on the other hand, takes comfort in thunderstorms. the consistent white noise of the rain on the roof, the way it means people are staying inside, aka less bullshit to deal with, and an excuse to have soup. not that you need one, but it doesn't hurt. just canned soup that he still fucks up somehow, but you can't fault a man for liking some soup during a rainy evening. the white noise of a storm outside his apartment keeps his chaotic brain at its calmest, and he likes to get in the best sleep he can.
the first stormy night they spend together, wade is content to relax with peter, assuming peter feels the same about storms and they can just cuddle and listen to the rain.
he notices quickly, though, that peter is not comfortable. he's tense, and sometimes when the thunder is very loud, he curls in tighter, not much, just ever so slightly. wade picks up that peter does not like storms.
wade's working on being more sensitive during intimate moments. so he pushes down his go-to loudness, and he doesnt say anything. instead, wade puts on some calming instrumental music, some of peteys favorites, and turns the ac down, cooler by a notch or two, so he can grab a big blanket. wordlessly, he wraps them both up in the blanket and pulls peter close.
peter doesn't want to talk about it, thankful for the lack of questions, so he just tucks himself closer into wade's secure arms, and tries to let himself relax. eventually, it works, and he's able to doze off, earlier than he normally would in such weather.
when he wakes up, the storm has ended, and wade is awake, but wade is still there. still holding him.
ever since peter became spider-man, hes been used to doing everything he can to protect everyone he can. from any threat that presents itself to the people of his city. for a long time he went home to an empty apartment, with little thanks for everything he poured into being a "hero."
now, he gets to get used to this. someone being there. someone who gets it, and sees him, and isnt bothered by being there for him. spider-man is there for the city, but wade is there for peter. even when its silly, silly like thunder that cant hurt him. wade is there to make sure peter feels secure. to make sure peter sleeps well. to be what peter needs, and everything he could ever ask for. wade is the best thing thats ever happened to peter. he wouldn't change a thing.
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nr1chaedickrider · 9 months
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finally.. the long awaited doughnut theory of mine, before i start im gonna tell yall that a theory isnt smth canon, and everyone sees it differently. so this is my theory!
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Music videos you need to watch so it makes sense: Doughnut, Kura Kura, Better
Better MV
Since this mv only has one scene that in my opinion fits my theory im gonna do it first (pls watch the mv before reading this, the scene is with dahyun rather in the end)
So we all know that the better mv was released wayyy before doughnut, but there is this one scene with dahyun that i first havent even noticed when i watched the mv, but the second i saw it i knew somehow that it fits my theory well.
Im talking about the scene where dahyun puts her finger over her mouth, in a way to maybe signal us to be quiet?
But why should we be quiet? Is smth gonna happen years after the mv? What is she planning on doing?
Doughnut MV
obviously, this mv is the most important. again, please watch it before reading this part. (im gonna try and keep it short)
Very important is the guy in the mv, pay attention to who he meets (Tzuyu's phone call doesnt count, ill explain later)
Members that met the guy: Nayeon, Jeongyeon, Momo, Sana, Chaeyoung.
All the members i have just mentioned are dead.
Killed by the guy, I dont really know why he did that.
"But Tzuyu called him!" Yes he called him, but you cant realistically kill someone over a telephone call.
Now to the most important people: Dahyun, Jihyo and Mina (Tzuyu is important too, but she doesnt play a big role in the doughnut mv)
Dahyun and jihyo:
These two have smth going on in the mv its weird, maybe its jealousy, maybe something else im not sure. But what im sure about is that Dahyun murdered Jihyo.
You can see that in the scene where Dahyun does the finger pistol thing and Jihyo falls down on the ground of a place that has similarity to the.. heaven?
The bridge part:
The way Dahyun sings her lines and first she looks proud, happy, but she suddenly looks like she has no emotions? no smiling or anything.
in my opinion, this shows her guilt, her realising "i killed jihyo".
this isnt really important to my theory, but i find it weird how michaeng are the only members that "clearly" have a scene together (ofc they sang together but still...) maybe chae is trying to warn her? maybe mina is trying to warn chae?
The scene changes to jihyo singing her high note.
What can you see on her white dress?
Something that looks like someone shot her (dahyun's fingerpistol while aiming at jihyo?)
the wound is shaped like an heart, maybe dahyun killed her out of love?
The camera goes through jihyo, and who do we see?
Dahyun eating the doughnut in the beginning at the crime scene where mina was.
"But what does that mean?"
In her bridge part, she realised she actually killed jihyo, her solution? Killing herself by eating a poisonous doughnut.
so thats how dahyun died.
"What about Mina?"
Mina is alone in the whole mv (except the table scene and the michaeng scene), she wanders around, sometimes she is running.
It looks like she is searching for something. But for what? Her dead friends?
Everyone died except Mina and Tzuyu in the mv, until...
Kura Kura MV
and again, please watch the mv before reading this part.
only a few scenes in this mv are important for my theory.
dahyun sitting under a tree and eating grapes.
just saying it like this sounds dumb, but if you know a little of religion then it is odly familiar.
(im not an expert on this so sry if its wrong)
adam and eve had the same thing just with apples,being not allowed to eat them bla bla bla but eve does it anyway.
meaning = she sinned.
what did dahyun do? killing jihyo, a sin (obviously)
survivors guilt:
definition: Survivors guilt is a particular kind of guilt that develops in people who have survived a life-threatening situation. Some survivors feel guilty that they survived when others died. Others believe they could have done more to save the lives of others.
"Who couldve had survivors guilt?"
Why else is she killing herself in the kura kura mv? Drowning herself after everyone died and only her and Mina survived.
Leaving Mina completly alone.
The whole kura kura mv shows mina alone, her sitting alone in a cafe.
when she leans against a wall, it cracks. Why?
Because she has no one behind her, no one to help her.
All the TWICE members die except Mina.
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Ayy i finally did it!!!! this was fun ngl...
i hope yall enjoyed it, i kinda feel like an nerd bc im so invested in twice lore its crazy.....
i left out some things (for example the way jeongyeon was trapped in both doughnut and kura kura mv) since i didnt wanted to make it too long and in my opinion some of the things are not that important for my theory so...
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people try too hard to pin down 2d's characterization to one solid thing imo. there isnt really one thing you can find thats the "real him".
first of all like yes he knows what an std is yes he has sex that doesnt mean there isnt a side of him thats still quite naive, people's personalities are hardly ever that black and white theyre usually pretty grey....
but also ppl talk abt the murdoc filter but theres also the 2d filter. he has identity issues so he's perpetually like a teenager going through phases trying on different personalities. in between phases 1 and 2 he just watched a movie and hung out a lot with this one guy and his sense of self is so flimsy those two things alone changed his personality. he had a ton of hedonistic sex and ended up with illegitimate children and stole murdocs girlfriend just cause he was on this whole environmentally-influenced ego trip. one minute he decides he's going to be a confident bastard then the next he decides he's a self-deprecating doormat cause he doesnt have a solid self he can come back to so he makes it up as he goes along. you can see all this play out with his conflicting feelings about murdoc, its like because he cant see himself as one thing he cant pin down his relationship with other people completely cause he doesnt really know what role he plays or how he feels about anything, without a solid ego.
on the surface there's a guileless quality to him which makes ppl forget he can put on a persona too. he is a celebrity after all. he probably plays up the whole cinnamon roll thing in later phases just cause its what fans like to see, but also after fans told him thats what he was for so long he was just convinced thats his real self and then turned into that. this is not a new concept at all:
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uhhhitsme · 1 month
002: Duke Keane?
002 | Give me a character & I will tell you
How I feel about this character: 
All the people I ship romantically with this character: 
My non-romantic OTP for this character: 
My unpopular opinion about this character: 
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon:
my OTP:
my cross over ship:
a headcanon fact:
one: i am so sorry for the extremely late response. i started writing this yesterday and finished the questions but then my page reloaded and it all got sent to shit and it was 12 am so i just. gave up. two: youre so cool btw thank you for all the lovely comments on my fics :DDDDD three: so hahahahahah i havent watched nmt2. and by extension have not seen killer track. ITS FINE.
HOW I FEEL ABOUT THIS CHARACTER: i desperately need this guy to give me a hug none of you get it. it would actually fix me. like im being so serious right now maybe some of you gay fucks (/lh) want to dick him down i need him to give me the biggest hug in the entire world it would make my entire life so much better. i absolutely adore him with my entire heart---he treats hannah nicely!!!!!!! in the witch in the web!!!!!!!!!!!! he's so freaking sweet to her!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! his dynamic with ms. holloway is so cute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! he desperately wants to do good for the world, to make a change in someones life, to help others, and that sparks so so so much joy i love him so much.
ALL THE PEOPLE I SHIP ROMANTICALLY WITH THIS CHARACTER: well obviously. ms. holloway. THE power couple of all time. wilbur because it would be funny. and. uh. ted. NOT BECAUSE ITS A BUDGET CURTWEN SHIP. WELL YES. A LITTLE. but also because i read two wonderful fics by amythestunarmed (?) (i think) on ao3 that dstroyed me and i desperately am in need for more content their dynamic is so cute.
MY NON ROMANTIC OTP FOR THIS CHARACTER: probably him and rose. i dont know anything about rose but idk i feel like theyd be a fun duo.
MY UNPOPULAR OPINION ABOUT THIS CHARACTER: okay so i dont really get why i see people all the time being like "everyone treats duke as a sidekick!! we need more love for duke!!" like idk man. he seems pretty popular to me. i see a billion trillion analysis posts for him all the time. maybe because im not really that into the hatchetfield fandom i like dont get it but 🤷 i do think he deserves the attention i love him so much the guy ever!!!!!
MY CROSSOVER SHIP: uhhh i dont neccarily have one but someone should put him with keith swanson for the sillies
HEADCANON: i think ms holloway has a thing about pie??? he doesnt actually like it but he comes to the diner all the time to eat it anyway because homeslice is down BADDDDDD. this might contradict canon but it would be really funny to me if he's shit with animals. or on the flipside. he's TOO good with animals. they follow him around all the time and he doesnt know how to make them go away. modern snow white fr
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heartfucksmouth · 9 months
so my mil def overheard my meltdown yesterday and she's been quiet and meek and I can tell she had been emotional. before she left for work this morning she mentioned it and said if she can do anything to help me be happy living here she'll do it. but like... you wont?? how you act 99% of the time makes me unhappy and uncomfortable and like I'm being judged??
my mom said maybe it's good bc she needs the reminder... but it's exhausting bc my mil needs a reminder every 2 months to stop being a miserable asshole bc she's insecure af (and super trashy conservative White Woman) and it's not my goddamn job to be her mirror or her life coach or whatever the fuck this is
I don't *want* to dislike her, I don't want the stereotypical shitty mil relationship, I don't want to be uncooperative or hard to live with, but I also can't deny the feeling she gives me in my gut. Shea a fucking asshole and she doesn't even know it (or denies it bc she can't confront herself) and like. if she's spent 50 years this way, I'm not holding my breath that she'll change.
she's everything I despise.
she's racist, sexist, ableist, hypocritical, she's inauthentic always, fragile af, she lives her life in fear and speaks incredibly confidently about things she knows nothing about,
shes a hoarder of toilet paper among other things, shes a terrible cook and thinks salting food will give you a heart attack and she cooks meat while it isnt completely thawed so its dry af, she complains about everything and does nothing to change it,
shes self employed and has no financial plan for retirement besides relying on her husband (and son?). she charges us ridiculous rent so we'll never save up and leave, she yells and swears at her dog for doing dog things and uses intimidation to make him behave, she refuses to clean her house "unless someone pays" bc shes a house cleaner for other people,
she moves my shit and we essentially dont have evidence that we exist in the house except in our room (me and myles would have to bring our shower stuff into the bathroom every time until i bought a shower caddy and hung it up without asking), she once threw away myles toothbrush bc she "was sick of looking at it," if anything is wrong or broken or missing its ALWAYS myles fault, she expects myles to bring in the groceries every day even if its one bag,
she'll do all the dishes but leave aidans bottles for me to do, she insists aidan will die if he doesnt wear socks, she sits him in front of the tv and leaves him there, she lets him cry and tells him hes fine while refusing to pick him up to comfort him, she only knows how to make him fall asleep with a bottle and once hes asleep she puts him down, but she's pro-life and tried to use Aidan being born as further proof supporting her belief ..
she's a Trump supporter. STILL. I should have just lead with that. I could go on for a while longer but I'm exhausted.
idk. idk what to do. I'm just going the way I did with my dad and trying to feel nothing for her. I get that she's human and flawed and has her own shit and she's fucked up and insecure but like. I don't care? I don't want to cater to it or live with it or expose my child to it. I feel guilt for it, but I'm not going sacrifice myself to make others comfortable anymore.
I really hate this.
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blushydiorrb · 5 months
getting ready for dream girl summer 🌸🫧
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a post on getting through the summer flawlessly as a dream girl <3
getting through summer looks like… basking & glowing in the beautiful sun, traveling, going out with ease, having fun, being messy and more. so let’s begin.
♡ categories: 
what does your ideal summer for this year look like? ideas, moodboards
physical: summer essentials, what to wear, makeup looks, luxuries, summer reads and bucket lists. 
mental: mindset, wellness, reads and bucket list ideas
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  ♡ what’s your ideal summer? ♡
you create the definition of dream girl and it can always change. so decide what your mind and body needs. is this a time for healing? or is this a time to be adventurous?
do you see yourself in nature, enjoying the silence after a chaotic winter and spring? or going to parties, hanging out with friends, meeting new people and trying so many new things?
or why not both? 💋
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some bucket list ideas:
spend more time outside than on your phone
have a morning routine. don’t lose structure in the day. switch it up for summer and make it fun.
make a list of nice restaurants in the city to try out
plan out picnic dates
buy disposable cameras and have them developed at the end of summer!
go skydiving
go to a fancy hotel bar and leave the place with someone’s number (or many)
go on late night drives!
explore a random city
try out new foods
most important of all: follow your gut. keep your safety your #1 priority.
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♡ summer essentials
sunscreen duhh, is a must no matter the season, especially for summer.
⤷ apply sunscreen before you go out and reapply ever 2 hours. look for products that are: lightweight & nonsticky, don’t leave a white cast, spf 50++
anything from sol de janeiro ugh <3
waterproof jewelry
sea salt spray
shimmer body oil
after sun care
your signature scent for summer (scent recommendations below)
pack light and smart with makeup if you’re one to touch up: lipstick (can be used for your eyes and cheeks also), eyeliner, etc.
hair clips/ties
qtips for makeup smudges
mini fan to cool down
small wallet
have fun and unplug but if it’s a must, carry a portable charger if you didn’t charge it in the car or before you left the house.
tissues (for sweat, blotches)
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♡ outfit essentials
mini !! skirts !!
bikini tops as regular tops
gold hoop earrings
silk scarves
flowy bottoms, skirts, dresses
a cute cover up
mini bag
backless tops
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♡ warmer weather calls for natural, glowy looks
the sun is out so it’s only natural for me to want to glow when the sun is hitting my face and body ♡ i love to really highlight my highest points.
applying subtle gold shimmer on your eyelids
preferably one that is hydrating, slightly pigmented to bring out the colors in your lips & glowy. not sticky. my recommendation is the dior lip glow stick.
my favorite is mac’s strobe highlighter in peachlite. it honestly gives my skin such a beautiful and subtle pink glow to my face!! i love applying it before my makeup.
⤷ don’t forget your collarbones and shoulders.
there is nothing else that makes me feel like a radiating goddess walking down the street when i put highlighter on my body.
⤷ also, layering powder products on top of wet/creamy products make them more pigmented! this is why you see some people wet their eyeshadow brushes before dipping them into the product ♡
blushed & flushed or nothing!
who doesn’t love a good blushed face during the summer? just because your blush is visible doesnt mean you’re wearing too much!!!! own it!!
have fun with subtle pops of color 💋
it doesn’t have to be too crazy. keep it simple.
ideas can be:
- two toned eyeshadows
- colorful winged eyeliners
- a bold lip
nails ♡
- fun & bright colors like orange & blue
- if you want to keep it simple: french tips, nudes!
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♡ summer scent recommendations
marc jacobs perfect
delina - de marly
le labo thé noir 29
chanel chance
replica beachwalk & bubble bath
tom ford soleil blanc, lost cherry, neroli portofino, bitter peach
good chemistry coco blush
victoria secret bombshell beach
ariana grande - sweet like candy
solinotes cherry blossom
              for the mind & soul
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♡ summer reads
nothing better than a good summer read. here are some recommendations!
my year of rest and relaxation - ottessa moshfegh
it happened one summer - tessa bailey
hook, line, and sinker - tessa bailey
beach read by emily henry
people we meet on vacation by emily henry
book lovers by emily henry
one hot italian summer - karina halle
malibu rising - taylor jenkins reid
every summer after by carley fortune
the wedding crasher by mia sosa
twisted series - ana huang (twisted love, twisted games, twisted hate, twisted lies)
birthday girl - penelope douglas
love & gelato - jenna evans welch
one italian summer - rebecca serle
hands down - mariana zapata
better than the movies - lynn painter
- have fun. kisses from blushydior ♡
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booiiee · 7 months
Brooklyn Baby
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter- 3
You’ve had your share of dates, some good ones too, like that time this boy in college took you to see the northern lights- in a museum obviously and that one weird guy who took you to this restaurant with a complicated name that has the best wine you’ve ever had, none of those relationships lasted (fortunately?), but seeing a live band? For a first date? Very little possibility of anything going wrong really.
D- He is adorable but he is so stupid I’m sorry
R- Don’t say that! He is so cute
D- …..and dumb. Who takes someone on a first date at a noisy place like seeing a band? What was his other option? The Movies??
R- Dee….
D- No I’m just saying how are you guys supposed to get to know each other if you cannot hear yourself think!
But anyway, please wear white, you’ll look like a sexy swan, even better if he plays it safe and shows up in a black tux, you guys would look like you’re at your wedding reception
R- OKAYYY slow down, it’s a date, a first date
D- First of manyyyy
Now show me your final look
*You stand in front of mirror and flip the camera to show your final look to your ever so eager friend*
D- HOT HOT OHHH he is gonna dieeee
**Please picture this in white
**Hyunjae calling**
H- Hey, I’m outside your building.
You look out your window and as Hj’s searching eyes find you, you step away from the window.
R- I’ll be down in a second.
HJ's outfit
He’s dressed like a dream and Dee would have a field trip the moment she finds out you guys were coincidentally twinning, GOD he looks dreamy in white!
He hands you a rather big bouquet of flowers with a note that says “Don’t breathe if you’re allergic to pollen!” you laugh and say “I am not”
H- Well someone’s dressed to kill
R- And yet here you are, alive and well
Hand to heart he goes “Barely, Rose, Barely”
R- You don’t look so bad yourself
Funny how we’re accidentally twinning
He leans closer to your face making you lean on the car as he says in a hoarse voice “What if I was watching you and planned my outfit accordingly?”
R- The chances of both of us being a serial killer are zero so, no.
H- OKAY I LOST, let’s not have this roleplay EVER
He opens up the car door and like a boy from a fiction book, puts his hand over your head as you sit inside.
H- I did not know what flowers you like so that’s why the bouquet is a little messy, next time I’ll get you the ones you like
R- I like most flowers, peonies are my favourite and I know you’d think ‘d say rose cause im named after then but they’re not really my favourite you know and-
WAIT how do you know there would be a next time?
H- You did say yes to this date and I am going to make sure this date doesnt suck so fingers crossed
H- umm yeah?
R- did i say that out loud?
H- So you DO always make sentences in your head before speaking them to me!
R- How far is this place? And what band is it?????
H- We have actually arrived.
When someone asks you out to see a band you expect a cafe or a bar with loud music and a lot of people, like any normal person. Turns out, by band he meant a private band that’s going to play music whilst you dine ON A FUCKING YACHT!!! You guys sit down as the band plays a rendition of a song you fail to remember.
H- Did i leave you speechless or do you absolutely hate this place?
R- umm so when you said we were going to see a live band, this isn’t what i was expecting. Its a little….grand. It’s crazy Expensive!!
H- Oh of course, I had to make a good first date for you, I want many moree
The date went really good. You were comfortable with each other all the while having the romantic feeling of the date, later in the evening he even asked for a little dance and OH did you fall for him again. One date became 3, his contact on your phone changed from Hyunjaei to J with a heart. It wasn’t until the third date- a movie night at his apartment- that you kissed and it was unlike any kiss you’ve ever had. The atmosphere was CALLING for you to kiss, hell you would've kissed him on the yacht 3 weeks ago but he didn’t initiate but now that he had, there was no way you would back down.
Your first kiss with Jae also became the second, third and fourth and it could’ve become so much more if his neighbour had not decided it was the perfect time to come knocking on his door.You were prepared for him to either ask you to leave or sit in an awkward silence the rest of the evening, in your experience that’s how guys reacted after an interrupted makeout session. Hyunjae, however, made sure to cuddle you on the couch and talked to you the rest of the evening and if he stole a kiss or two in between, you weren’t the one to complain.
Two months into your relationship Hyunjae had dropped the L word and you wasted no time to tell him you felt the same- he was still never finding out he was your bias, you are taking that to your grave, or so you thought. Dee was meeting Hyunjae for the first time in the 2 months you’ve been dating, blame it on her “I wanna see him treat you good first” attitude- she was lying, she loved him way before you actually dated. She knew everything except the part where he still did not know he was your bias and you used to stay up late reading fanfictions about him. So when she went back home and texted you “why did he seem so surprised when I mentioned your stan account? Does he not know you were a popular hyunjae author?”
H- Soooo when you said you did not hate me, did you forget to add the part where you were head over heels in love with me Miss Hyunjaescurlsdaily???
You throw the cushion at him and try to run in annoyance without remembering he’s twice your size and faster. He pulls you onto him as you both fall on the couch and for the first time all evening you realise just how many buttons he’s got unopened.
H- You can ogle all day but I am still gonna talk you you about your fan account.
H- Yes you will. Now be a good girl and tell mee
In all honesty he said it jokingly but the way you reacted to that name changed the tone of his voice immediately.
H- oh, is it something you like hearing me say? Hmm love, tell me, what else do you like hearing from me?
The context of the conversation is long forgotten as his hands slide down your waist onto your thighs GOD WHY IS YOUR DRESS SO SHORT? And before you can process anything he’s now flipped the position with you under him, one hand on your thigh the other holding your neck gently, slowly moving up to your lips.
H- tell me rose, what do i do in those stories you stayed up all night reading?
Hmm? Was it something like this? *a peck*
Or perhaps this? *a kiss to your jaw*
Tell me, love. He asks as he softly bites at the base of your neck, making you sigh- only fueling his actions cause now his other hand is travelling up and up and all the way to somewhere too hot for the couch in your hallway.
R- Jae please. You half whine half sigh
H- Please what love? You wanna tell me something? His kisses on your neck dont stop. His hands now circling around your breasts, everywhere but where you needed.
R- Touch me.
H- I am touching you. His hands are now caressing your neck all the way to your cleavage and stopping just before your breasts.
R- You know what I mean. THIS IS TOO MUCH and not enough at the same time
H- I really *a bite at your left collarbone* really *and the other side* don’t *one just above your breasts*
R- oh god- you moan loud
H- Don’t think about god right now, love. I want to hear my name. He says as his hand travels south and cups you over your not so fancy underwear.
R- hyunjae! You moan loud sending him crazy as he other hand *finally* takes a handful of your breast over your dress.
H- If you want me to stop just say the word my rose, I will stop right now.
R- No, no please. I want this.
He cuts you in between as he jumps to kiss you hungrily. You’ve had some intense kisses with hyunjae but none of them were like this. He was kissing you like he wanted to show you how much he needed you, which wasn’t something you needed to be told, his bulge was obvious and obviously big.
You don’t remember when he threw your clothes off of you but the moment he took off his shirt you really felt as if you were seeing it in slow motion. He visibly shivers when your hands meet his chest and you moan when his fingers make you aware of your own wetness.
H- I want you. Do you want this?
R- I do. I want you.
You realise you’ve been taken to your bedroom when your back touches the soft sheets. Jae kisses you once before getting down himself. His gaze makes me shy as you try and hide your most private parts of yourself from you.
“Don’t take away my privilege of seeing you, my love” he says as he pulls your legs apart and attaches his lips to your thigh.
His kisses grow hungrier as he goes down and down until he reaches your very core. This can’t be- He won’t go down on you, right? Guys hate-
You yell as he licks you down there, holy shit what was that feeling?!
H- I told you love, don’t think about god, let me hear you scream my name. He says as he really gets to work
R- oh hyunjae fuck !!
The smile on his face was devious as he watched you come. He got down from the bed and started to unbutton his jeans and WOW you underestimated his size and wow you said wow out loud. He smirks and laughs a little hearing you say wow which, even in this situation made you want to squish his face, HIS LAUGH IS EVERYTHING!!!
He made sure he prepped you well but eve he knew it wasn’t gonna be enough cause the moment he entered you he really felt like he could come then and there.
H- oh fuck you’re taking me so well, my love, mine
Fuck you’re just so perfect for me
He kept groaning and praising you as he put those dancer hips to use and soon you both forgot count of how many times you screamed his name in pleasure. He held on to your breasts like it was the only way to keep himself sane, like you were laced with some aphrodisiac, and you kept pulling him closer, wanting him to lose himself in you.
The morning after was far from peaceful as you both wanted a repeat of the night before so if Eric’s knocking at your door screaming his name at 12 PM, it really brings you both to reality and against your wish, away from each other physically.
E- I don’t even wanna know why you have got so many marks on your body when you have a schedule today but JESUS CHRIST she looks like she was hunted by an animal!
And oh my god doc, are you blushing at that?!
H- Eric, get out.
E- So you can have a round 2 and be late?
H- It would actually be round 4
E- OH MY GOD!! I am outta here! Meet me downstairs in 5 minutes. FIVE!
With a pout on his face, which you did kiss away 5 times, Hyunjae leaves for his schedule and you prepare yourself for all that Dee’s going to say when she sees those marks on you.
Days turned to weeks and soon hyunjae and you shifted to an apartment together. There were days where paps would follow him around but nothing he couldn’t fool himself out of. 10 months later you’d find yourself not getting a call or a text on your birthday but before you can throw yourself on your couch and sob your way into the next day, you come home to decorations and hyunjae, your hyunjae, on his knee- a blue box in his hand as he says, “Sorry I didn’t wish you at midnight, I was getting the correct blue box for you this time around.”
You said yes- a sobbing mess- and as your friends and family emerged from the background you complained to Dee that she let you get proposed in such a basic outfit. Hyunjae said “you look ravishing” so that made you feel better, and the HUGE ring on your finger, obviously.
D- You know this ring looks so familiar to the one y/n gets in- you stop her mid sentence before Hyunjae could hear
D- You do know he’s read your fics right?
H- Now she does
You turn as you hear Hyunjae answer Dee
R- Oh my god i am so embarrassed right now
H- Aww babe don’t be. It wasn’t anything you haven't told me before. Although that thing y/n does we should try that toni-
D- Eww you guys are too comfortable around me!
You both laugh as Daisy leave with a disgusted face, joining Eric who by the looks of it must’ve guessed the reason.
R- I really love you, you know that right?
H- I do, and I love you.
ALTHOUGH, I would love if you do that thing that y/n does.
hope you like it @un-love 💞
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girlsexbattle2 · 4 months
american post be warned
okay not to... i dont have a term for this, but, like. i took a government class right? and normally i find it really hard to remember what concepts they are putting down but this teacher got 'states control elections' and like. Yeah!
He explained it like the 'popular' vote was just that. a census on what the population want. but the electoral college dictates who wins*.
this makes sense cause the founding fathers didnt want the uneducated man to have any power in government. they wanted white men with property specifically to vote. and thats it. anything past that was put through amendments.
one thing that hasnt changed is the common man doesnt decide the president. in *primaries* you can vote for who can be a presidential canadit but historically the party will pick whoever the fuck they want. if you want to sway the vote blue or red you have to vote for a legislature, then hope they pick who you want or leave the pick up for vote. even then that was wayyyy long ago and now more likely depends on a vote at a state convention.
so. i dont understand the huge emphasis on presidential voting. voting for local govt i understand (to an extent) but. we never have picked the president.
*fun completely innocent fact: the purpose of the electoral college and the pop vote was to also signal if a fascist dictator had risen among the people. so the good rich educated would of course know what was good for us all but if the people voted against the college then it signals a disconnect.
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maythray · 3 months
dreamt of a game last night. its display looked like a bunch of large pixels. like 2but sized. you played as one white pixel. the background was black but on it were several blobs of differently colored pixels that were procedurally generated. the goal of the game was to move around and hit the dark blue pixels in order to "grow" them. you had a timer for how much time you had left to hit the blue pixels, and a health bar which would deplete as the timer went down. hitting the blue ones would add to both of these bars. hitting differently colored pixels would only deplete the health bar.
the movement was icy, you slingshot around the map and have to control your velocity speed acceleration all of that stuff. and it was very easy to start moving Extremely fast.
in my dream i remember this game having a cult following and it being related to some form of apocolypse. gotta go back and explain this part. hang on.
between bits of gameplay i kept seeing a character (originally it was caliborn but they changed to someone else quickly, but they had an original personality like caliborns which is relevant for this) who lived in a bunch of old ruined metal scaffolding. they were bored and immortal and watching time slip by extremely quickly. eventually they decide to leave and begin sailing on a giant pirate ship to the main populated area. by this time the world has already become post-apocalyptic, but theres still established society. the first character decides to set up shop in a building with metal shutters. he doesnt do much else differently here than just waiting, but he does begin to collect items, seemingly with no theme. this continues for several years before he eventually just disappears completely. forgotten and largely unknown.
from here theres another two characters which appear and i begin to follow. one is a large older man, kind of close to what senshi looks/acts like, but not really. he carries a big wooden backpack thats beautifully carved and has tons of little drawers. the top of a cuckoo clock is in the center. im gonna call them sen for this. sen is being trailed by a very generic apocalyptic looking character, theyre scrappy and dirty.
sen combs over the area hes walking through very meticulously. he will occasionally pick something up from the dirt and put it into one of his drawers. he gives a wide berth to anyone else whos in the area, and sticks to the darker, less treaded areas of this street. this is until the road ends and branches off into pathways and allyways through an overgrown forest. sen sits down and begins looking over what he collected. this is when scrap approaches him and begins to ask questions. what hes doing there and what he has "stole." the first question goes unanswered but the second is "items that resonate" with the cuckoo clock and the backpack. this makes no sense to scrap and so sen demonstrates.
in one drawer there is a shredder-like mechanism when opened. you place anything inside it and it rattles around before being caught and pulled under. it is not meant to damage. sen places a long broken gold necklace into the mechanisim and it makes a gentle clunking sound before disappearing. this somehow is "resonating" with the whole backpack. scrap still doesn't understand any of this and sen offers to show them.
this takes us to a place seemingly inside of the backpack. the place is teeming with people all dressed in similar styles to sen. they pay him little mind as he comes in, just greeting him mostly. scrap is taken through here to the location where it opens up to a large screen and the pointed roof of the clock. the screen has this game on it, ready to play.
the entire group here is centered around this one game, which appeared out of nowhere during the post-apocalypse, when no other games were being made. it has no history no author no discernable source. but it plays easily and without the need of much power. only the power the resonance of the items found give it.
sen allows scrap to play several rounds of the game to learn what it is. they are not very good at it and have to keep restarting. however they do eventually unlock something on the menu. its a boss type level, completely different to the rest of the game, verses shadow. the game still displays in 2 bit type graphics and you now control a tiny character (seemingly meant to be sonic?) and have to traverse a rundown metal cityscape while being chased/fending off/fightinb shadow. this battle isnt new to the group in the clock, however its never been beaten, nor is it even assumed to have a win condition at all. shadow has no health bar, and the terrain appears generated like the first game.
regardless, scrap continues playing and gets considerably far after a few attempts. they begin drawing attention as people in the room start to think there might actually be an ending. scrap gets extremely close to whats being predicted as the end, but dies at the very last moment. i wake up before i see what happens next.
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the-s1lly-corner · 1 year
Random creepypasta character hcs VOL. 3(?)
Lost count on these but yeah I wanna drop more headcannons!!!
Tumblr media
Nina is genderfluid and uses any pronouns! They also wear binders every now and then + they wear pride jewelry
Also they dye their hair like. A few shades lighter because he likes how the roots look when they grow out!! Same note they dye their own hair!!
I'm sorry for really focusing on nina but I've been flashing my design for her; but she also wears fake fangs
Before eyeless jack became eyeless, he has heterochromia! One eye was brown and the other was more gold!
Obligatory "I hc that ej and nina would be friends" but they do each others nails and would help each other put together outfits
A majority of eyeless Jack's shirts are band shirts
The neighborhood, TV girl, hollywood undead, mother mother, ICP, ect ect are a few of his favorites! Granted I think his wardrobe would become more limited since he lives in the woods alone in my au...
Still focusing on EJ, in my au before he got all.. monsterified... I feel like he was studying to be a doctor
Ironic and kinda messed up considering now he's forced to dissect people to sustain his own body but yeah
I'm pretty sure I said this before but I'll say it again since I love the concept; but Ben 99% of the time is bound to electronic devices. Basically meaning you'll rarely, if ever, see him drag himself out. Even when he does it takes a lot out of him, and he can only wander for so long until he has to go back
More au stuff but to help give jill her own unique vibe and stuff, I designed her to look like those old dolls you'd see way back then. You know the ones, with the porcelain faces and ragdoll-like bodies!! She still has her black and white clown look but yeah!! Due to this she also has visible tears and stitches on her; mainly on the limbs!! I also kinda wanna give her a sort of lolita dress look, if I ever draw her again! Give her loads of frills and stuff
Tying this all off since shes made to resemble a doll shes short 😔☝️ a moment of silence for lady
She can still stretch her limbs like jack, though
Though tbh idk if jill could do that or not <\3 but shh it's my au
Jane is much more... well idk the right wording, but I guess shes more masc presenting in my hc/au? She doesnt wear a dress or pair of heels like her canon look
I adore her canon look dont get me wrong, but I feel like considering that shes gunning for Jeff, that isnt too practical; esp considering jeff is.... something else
Basically wears stuff that's easier to run in, add some protection to her if she falls, swap the heels out with running shoes, no dangly accessories, ties her hair back. If not she'd definitely cut it down short
She still has her mask, though, but its a prosthetic she made/received herself since I dont think she'd want to touch the one jeff gave her
So yeah!!
Also I feel like, out of most the creepypastas, she has the best chance of living her own life in society; she only has intention to end game jeff, but asides that shes just. Mostly normal. Shes in therapy for her trauma, she has a job, she lives in her own place, ect
Oh that also reminds me! I keep rattling in about "my au" this, "my au" that, but I havent actually... released anything about it outside of headcannons
Idk if it'll be out in written fanfics, or as comics, or just one shot half au-accurate drawings or WHAT but
Basic run down of the au; time skip has taken place, havent decided a set amount of years, but it's been long enough that characters (that age) like jeff or jane are in their 20s (so like anywhere between 7-13ish years)
Slender still has his mansion, but it's hardly like anything the old fandom had,, it's no where near as huge or extravagant; its about as good as an abandoned mansion can be with little to no access to materials to upkeep it, and hardly anyone lives in it
Also same area ej lives, but they don't interact much and have a tense dynamic; both refuse to change locations
Still fleshing out the mansion idea!! So this is subject to change!!
Obviously characters who dont age/are ghosts/undead dont change ages; so like ben and sally are still the same, and the same applies to others like
Puppeteer, laughing jack and jill, slender and his brothers (this au does not include THAT one, fuck that one, we only have splendor and trender here), zalgo
Oh speaking of zalgo! He exists!! They don't really have a physical/tangible form though, hes more so a concept/untouchable entity that corrupts whatever it touches and causes chaos
Also eyeless Jack's aging is... slowed; not by much but yeah!! Side effect of his curse and the whole "his body is changing into something horrific", and the slow age thing is a whole thing about the curse trying to extend his life span in order to cause more damage to himself and others
Real goofy stuff
Laughing jack lives in his lil box and mostly transfers from person to person via the box being passed around
Be it garage sales or being sold in a goodwill, he eventually finds a new family to torment
No one suspects the old ass jack in the box!!!!
Ysah that's about it
Anyways yall should totally send me In requests (please read my pinned first!!)
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beebascloset · 4 months
I think it was strange of you to say that on the post critiquing anti-homeless architecture, and quite frankly the fact that you used the term snowflake is an obvious signifier that youre both politically uninformed and not worth arguing with. you can pull in all the buzzwords you want but it doesnt mean anything if your talking point boils down to "let people enjoy things". enjoyment of the shape of a bench is fine, your black-and-white problematic or unproblematic view is regressive and unusually defensive
The bench is fun with a cool design + has a really cool and interesting historical meaning behind it. unfortunately, the execution of it was designed and built with purposeful measures to prevent homeless people from sleeping it. putting a bandaid on the gaping gushing wound that is systemic homelessness — an attempt to make public areas clean and unlived in while ignoring the question of "how did these people become homeless?" these ideas can coexist easily and someone simply pointing it out is not an attack on your morality. nobody's forcing you to introspect. you look ridiculous, and i think you need to look up what a strawman argument actually is. hope you have a good one
Hi anon! Yeah I guess this is spiraling out of control and it probably wouldn't have happened if I didn't publicly get upset over it so I blame myself and I'm sorry for those who I've upset over a dinosaur bench. Yes I know now that it's hostile architecture and I knew what it was before I saw that tweet, but I didn't think about it because, well, it's a dinosaur bench. Some might compare it to a cute bunny holding a knife but I think that's going a bit far.
And I actually have looked up what a strawman argument is unless its definition has changed within the past year. I was basically saying "cute bench :)" and the other person said "it's hostile architecture" and while yes, hostile architecture is bad, I just didn't want negative connotations applied here if you get what I mean.
Like you know that classic Tumblr post that shows a screenshot of a scene from Monsters University where that slug is late for class and someone said something like "My boyfriend said 'is this a metaphor for slower kids?'" and someone else said "OMG TUMBLR SHUT UP ITS A SLUG"
I feel like the latter person in this scenario! I was hoping you would all see that, but I suppose I came off as tone deaf, and I'm sorry to all of you. I got upset because someone pointed out something negative and true about our world, and I demonstrated disregard to it. If I become rich enough, maybe one day I'll donate to ASPCA (or some pet organization), an ethical Autism organization (Please don't donate to Autism Speaks) and a charity for the homeless. Or I could pretend to be a contractor and get rid of the spikes on concrete benches that could be sat on. Who's gonna get me, the police
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Why does everyone else get the benefit of the doubt or is granted opportunities to better themselves after terrible stuff but y’all are shutting down any possibility that MH may be trying to be better? And why are his choices being made the responsibility of Taylor? Y’all are using feminism to bring her down put pinning the actions of a man on a woman isn’t feminist either. Has every single person in your life been vetted? Are they perfect? They’ve never said anything demeaning about fat people, people with low IQs, people with disabilities, autism, skin color, facial structure? And if they have, did you give them chances to be better?
Good points anon! I think this can be broken down into 1) why doesnt Matty get room to grow 2) why is Taylor being blamed for Matty's actions and 3) why should Taylor have to vet everyone in her life if the regular person doesnt necessarily have to
I would love for Matty to grow and become a better person. I had no idea who he was before Taylor played Anti-Hero at his concert. I remember everyone saying he is a trash person and being like "oh:/" but didnt look into it. The actions I have read about in the last week are often recent events from just a few months ago. Matty hasnt apologized for these actions. If you have done terrible things publically and not even tried to apologize or show actions to say you are no longer that way, I can only assume you are still that way. I would love to see him change but I think he fundamentally has immoral views.
I know for me personally, I am used to white men being trash people because they have privilege and dont know what it's like to live without. Bad white men represent a general evil. I am not emotionally invested in some random white guy. Taylor, however, is someone I have come to care about and expect good things from. I am upset with Taylor because I expect bad people to be bad. I dont expect good people to associate with bad and its upsetting to watch it happen in real time.
If we all cut out anyone who did anything slightly bad, we would have very few people in our lives. I think we all have a line of "I can excuse this but I cant excuse this." Some of the people Taylor surrounds herself with (like Matty and Lena) have crossed my personal line many times. Seeing Taylor with these people essentially means that she doesnt think a certain level of racism or sexism or whatever is a dealbreaker. Which means she probably has some of these views herself to more of an extent than I do. I dont expect Taylor to vet every person in her life, especially in an industry based on connections, but I also wouldn't expect a person of moral standing to WANT to be around people who have these immoral views. It showcases that she may not be as good as we thought
Overall I really like the nuance of this question, but I am afraid the proximity of Taylor to "bad" people means that she is herself okay with these bad views and may secretly exhibit them herself
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comvi · 7 months
oK NECT:: what happens in these chapters?? Most of the chapter names hint at what happens or are just "perks" of the voice. Chapter one "A new day." Whisperer hops down his island, leaving the safe place behind. and survives a attack from a lizard, he later finds a "horned thing" attacking a green lizard, and saves the green. They become friends. He cant hear voice yet. "Dark they were.... and cyan eyed..."
Chapter two "Object, of obsession." Whisperer has to part ways with the lizard (he named him buddy) after buddy suggested he learnt how to climb poles. buddys last words before whisperer left were "Wait...your tail, it looks like a cy-" whisperer had cut him off by going threw a tunnel, not wanting to look back. Later he finds a scavenger up close for the first time, accidently pushes one and gets hunted. The voice gave him the abillty to read auras of people hunting him...for 5 seconds then removed it. He can not hear the voice yet. "Thanks buddy..."
Chapter 3- filler chapter fr. named "beast of prey though" He can not hear the voice yet
Chapter 4-slippery meat Whisperer finds his way into [small spoiler region] at night, leaving his den early. (shelters are "dens" to him btw.) It is here when he gets jumped by a white lizard and nearly gets eatan, but the voice grants him the abillty to get the chance to escape ONE MORE TIME after failing... for the one time then removed it. he finds luckys egg. He can not hear the voice yet "Y-you just... eat people?"
Chapter 5-No going back. Fading. With the birth of a new creature and the death of the whisperers WILL. has started a new battle for survival which wont end quietly. Through the harshest weather thus far, can he keep up the act of not hurting anyone? whisperer wakes up to see lucky out of his egg in his arms. deciding to keep it, he leaves and figures out he is a carnivore. after a wild flight with scavs and..others.. he curls in a den, feeling fed but losing hope. The voice can not be heard... Whisperer killed a pink lizard chasing him. he broke the promise. hes a monster now. "I can make it back...maybe.."
chapter 6- a dead mans switch. A new region he is in. Pools of death and blood, lucky licking the blood off him. something watches from afar... something silver eyed. He finds chief and debating helping them but doesnt after seeing it would take hurting... he changes his mind and rushes to save them but the voice uses "A dead mans switch" on him, making him drop and forget about lucky. after hurting and injuring the attackers and scaring them off. he passes out. stage 2 lucky voice is louder... "I've seen the look on a man's face when he realizes he's going to die."
Chapter 7-cruel limits Whisperer wakes up with lucky in his arms. chief is there to greet him for what he did before passing out to ask questions. before deciding not a threat. the conversation took all day, and without knowing the rain would soon fall after a little... The ground shook... his worst fear [spoiler enemy], even fucking centipedes. he ran and ran, voice does not like him ignoring the pain from all his bleeding spots and bite wounds. so: The voice gave him cruel limits, making it so he cant run or sense any danger with anything in his arms The same sliver eyes on him, he runs into a den. "It got louder." stage 3 lucky Voice can be heard. no response.
chapter 8- Lucky star not finished, here he interacts with silver for the first time after hearing those mimicking voices forever. lucky-full grown Voices can be heard and responded to. "That kid anit right..." "-D-D-DONT-doihave tohurthim?" "..Dad?" "You have gone threw a lot little thing, and it wont stop." "I'm saving this little thing if its the last thing i do." -many people.
SO GOOD SO GOOD!!! THESE ARE SO GOOD… i dont have the full words to describe just how much i love the emotions & tension you put in these (and theyre not even the full things and yet still so detailed… i can imagine the full paragraphs/text of everything about them all pilled up together is so much more AMAZING!!!)
& even if ive already heard about the first few chapters, i love how i can see as you develop them!!! Im finding out information i didnt before, and stuff you must have added recently, and thats so much fun!!!! <3 (like what was buddy going to say, before whisperer left? my brain filled in the spot as “cyst” but obviously thats NOT what it is LOL)
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riverpancakes · 1 year
The Underworld Demigods
Samael Toth, son of Thanatos.
he/him, male, gay
November 15th (14)
dating Hyacinth Garland (son of Persephone) and Machaon Reed (son of Asclepius), and platonically married to Callista Heartsease (daughter of Psyche)
enjoys gardening and helping out in the infirmary (he can calm others down just by being near them)
died during his first/only quest, but he got better and has a cool scar now. he got to meet his dad when he died which was cool but his dad wasnt too happy about the meeting. wonder why.
his dad doesnt like Asclepius so hes against Samael and Mac dating but not in a homophobic way, more of a "thats the son of the fucker who almost put me out of a job" way
loves giving his boyfriends nicknames. his nicknames for Mac are: my flame, my sun/sunshine, my savior, and grumpy. his nicknames for Hyacinth are: my light, my flower, my prince, my sweet, my love, and smiles.
he loves it when Hyacinth braids flowers and vines into his hair and he'll wear it like that until Hyacinth or someone else wants to change it.
Hyacinth Garland, son of Persephone.
he/him, male, gay
May 21st (13)
dating Samael Toth (son of Thanatos) and in a situationship with Nicholas Marlowe (son of Zagreus)
highly emotional, more in touch with his spring/summer powers than his fall/winter ones
he studied flower language and every flower and vine he braids into Samael's hair means something special to him. he usually braids in cypress vines, with cypress flowers symbolizing eternal love.
he has a difficult time keeping personal secrets as he grew up being an adopted child of family vloggers who did everything they could for content, even going as far as tearing apart his room and reading his diaries for anything to base a video around. he's always scared that any secret he has will be used against him for other's enertainment/his humiliation.
has never shadow travelled, but can if so desired. hes heard about what it can do to someone, he'd rather stick to traditional modes of transportation, thank you very much
knows he was the least favorite child, but he'd rather be the least favorite than have his twin sister experience what he did.
met Nicholas while on his first/only quest
his real name is William Lot
Iris Garland, daughter of Persephone.
she/her, female, bisexual
May 21st (13)
more in touch with her fall/winter powers than her spring/summer ones.
she met her mom without Hyacinth, and because of that she knows their real names and some stuff about their biological father. she hasn't told her twin brother and isn't sure how, or if she wants to
she used to have an inflated ego as she was the fan favorite on the family vlog channel, but after she realized why people loved her so much, and who exactly loved her, she felt disgusting and used and she hasn't really recovered from her discovery...
friends with Machaon, but it's an "annoying friend (Iris) and the friend being annoyed (Machaon)" type of friendship.
has shadow travelled, will never do it again, you can't make her.
her real name is Emersyn Lot
Maeve Blancfield, daughter of Melinoe.
she/her, ha/haun/haunt/haunts/hauntself, gho/ghost/ghosts/ghosts/ghostself, echo/echo/echos/echos/echoself, de/dem/demis/demises/demiseself, elefang, corroyalescaptic, ghostfem, spectial, agender, lesbian
December 15th (17)
dating Evelyn Darling (daughter of Terpsichore)
dresses in a gothic bimbo aesthetic
loves watching Evelyn using aerial silks. whenever Evelyn's in a thigh hitch seat, Maeve will sit at the bottom of the silks and gently swing her back and forth.
she can give people nightmares but the only person she gives nightmares is Machaon bc she thinks its funny
she has vitiligo that affects her hair, causing patches of white in her black hair, and parts of her neck and face. it's not really noticable on her skin until she gets either tanned or sunburnt.
Nicholas Marlowe, son of Zagreus.
he/him, it/its, genderfluid, abrosexual
June 25th (14)
in a situationship with Hyacinth Garland (son of Persephone)
had unristricted internet access as a child and grew up viewing self harm as something beautiful and romantic. he refers to his self harm scars as "battle scars" and himself as an "angel trying to get back into heaven", despite not believing any of that, but the only way he'll talk about it is by referring to it through the lense of christian-coded romanticism.
he spends most of his time in the underworld
amazing hunting and archery skills, but doesn't enjoy killing innocent animals.
enjoys giving others nicknames. his nicknames for Hyacinth are: my (north) star, my sweet, and my lily flower.
he has brown/green heterochromia
he goes mute when he's angry, which makes him even more angry, which makes him mute for longer, which makes him more angry, which-
he lived a fake life where he made it to 22 with another demigod, hudson godfrey (son of galena), only to find out that life and hudson never existed and hes actually 14. still in shock from it
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