#putting back the link because it didnt return to the tag anyway
randaccidents · 6 months
Heartless Masterpost
Because god knows we need it XD I have been writing events out of order so far.
Finally, a Heartless Masterpost! This is more so to put all the fics and important details in one place for people to find, and will be updated weekly on weekends.
Before anything else, a PSA for Heartless AU (I am concerned for your mental wellbeing)
Triggers involved in this AU
Self harm
Suicide (and metaphors for it)
HEAVY guilt
Death metaphors
Main tags for the AU
#Heartless AU is used for LITERALLY EVERYTHING complete wasteland of a tag scroll at your own risk
#Heartless story is for important lore tidbits sorta sorta (I cant change it easily anymore qwq)
#Heartless timeline is for story important events, and will almost entirely be the fics for this AU
#Heartless fanart is the tag for all the lovely lovely fanart I've been getting <3
#rand.ref has all the Heartless character references! (proceeds to link them here anyways, messily)
Summary in brief
Heart gets an extended stay in the Apathy Hole, and that betrayal from Soul combined with Mind insulting him leads him reject his role as the Emotional Side and essentially kill half of himself so that all he is is the muscle known as the heart.
Mind and Soul eventually discover his condition and try to wake him up and get him back. When they do they have to deal with the consequences of what they pushed him to do, because until they do Heart will fight them to return to emptiness, where he didnt have to feel hurt and betrayed and cold. (Heart’s physical condition is directly tied to his function, so until hes willing to accept being the Emotional Side again he backslides rapidly at all times, and Mind and Soul are selfish)
Character References
Heart: Pre-Apathy / Post-Apathy / Recovery / Lost in a Dream RP (Recovery)
Mind/Perseverance: Pre-Apathy / Post-Oath / Recovery
Soul/Penitence: Pre-Apathy / Post-Oath/ Recovery
Whole (Canaan): Base design
Story in phases
Fics in chronological order here!
-2: Cacophony
Juno Incident (art, fic unposted)
-1: Apathy
Currently empty
0: Rot
Currently empty
1: Desperation
Medical Observations (part of the Heart ref, link)
Nightmares and Dreams (link)
Taxidermy (technically not lore, but is connected, link)
2: Guilt
Currently empty
3: Hope
Currently empty
4: Relapse
Chicken plush (link)
5: Recovery
Fashion Choice (link)
Old shirts (link)
Random important information (may be deleted as story is posted and information is used)
IMPORTANT explanation about how HMS work in Heartless
IMPORTANT HMS greatest fears
Heart's black limbs post-recovery (they stay)
Perseverance's personality change in relapse
Relapse plans (evil)
Blood colour
How Heart wakes the first time + angst
Friendship bracelets and bead animals
First aid skills
Perseverance's self harm
Pentience's self harm
Penitence's self harm scars
Recovery sleeping headcanons + morse code usage (1, 2)
Recovery Heart getting mobility aids
Me writing Whole out of existence /silly
What Recovery is about
Sibling relationships are weird
Why does the AU starts at ROE instead of later in the loop
Active and Passive agressors
Lack of physical violence does not mean lack of hurt (1, 2)
What happened to Heart's wings?
HMS nicknames
Heartless is a loop-ender scenario. They are never looping again
Last words from Heart to Mind and Soul (outdated for Mind)
OMG its the og ask and summary for Heartless (surprisingly up to date)
Song playlists
First Draft playlist (link)
Milgram playlist (link)
Evil Dead Ends Corner
Empty for now >:3
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Is there any chance you can give us a tag directory?
I can certainly try!!! Its not a complete directory because i have over a hundred and even i lose track of all of them. Anyways im putting the list under the cut ... i tried to organize it to the best of my ability so GENERAL is for housekeeping, TANGIBLE CONCEPTS are for physical things, FLEXIBLE CONCEPTS are things that hover between physical and conceptual, INTANGIBLE CONCEPTS are things that fully conceptual, and SPECIFIC MEDIA is for specific bands/shows/etc. I highly recommend if youre on mobile you DO NOT hit keep reading because its absurdly long and will take over ur dash. Anyways have fun knock urself out
hollyws: original posts..... went by holly for a while on here, first url was honeyhollows, hollows has similar spelling to holly, you get the gist
a: a is for assorted, so anything that doesnt have an actual organizational tag goes in there-- memes, textposts, current events, etc
srb: self reblog, but not for every one of my og posts that i rb, just the ones that surpass a thousand notes and therefore get deleted. Its my greatest hits pretty much
for later: links, resources, things i want to return to, you get the gist
tag game: those like questionnaire-type games one gets tagged in
asks: asks that ive answered
vdo: in-app videos
the world flows past on both sides distant and mute: audio tag. From nazim hikmet's poem "things i didnt know i loved"
mb: moodboards
our hands empty except for our hands: webweaving and parallel posting. From ocean vuong's "on earth we're briefly gorgeous"
fave: favorites, obvs
blog thesis: the tag equivalent of me calling something real as hell, containing things that qualify as my belief system
my face: selfie tag, but most (all of them actually) get deleted approx 24 hours from original posting time so there's not really anything in there
maeve tag: pictures of my dog reside here
foster tag: my family fosters dogs sometimes, so if we've got a foster and i post a picture, it goes here
matryoshka dog, blue is your color, gi posting, betsy's ordination song, evan's dream journal: personalized tags for friends of mine
born to blow your mind or something along those lines: art! From the last shadow puppets' "miracle aligner"-- pretty much everything but photography...
the human eye is the loneliest creation: ...because this is the photography tag. I typically only use it when an image doesnt fit into any other tag, so its basically my "a" tag but for like formal images only. Kind of an ocean vuong quote but i changed it from "the human eye is god's loneliest creation" to that bc i go back and forth on god and whatnot
there's a brand new talk but it's not very clear: fashion, both in the conceptual runway sense and the "this is cute, i would wear this" sense. Aptly from david bowie's "fashion"
play pause rewind: anything having to with film or tv (that i dont have a specific tag for)-- gifsets, interviews, editorial style guides, etc.
people!: pictures where you can put a name to the face, so either celebrities or pictures that have their name in the caption
let it go free: items-- jewelry, knick knacks, tchotchkes, etc. A combination of things i would want and things i find beautiful, which are not necessarily mutually exclusive
cabinet of curiosities: a multitude of objects at once-- dollhouses, boxes full of stuff, dishes of jewelry. Its different from "let it go free" because i said so
interiors: decor, interior design, etc.
dishes: plates and platters and whatnot that i like
they really want you: dolls. From hole's "doll parts"
the light on your door: mirrors. From the velvet underground and nico's "i'll be your mirror"
releases: cars, usually crashed or rotting or in some other form of disuse, but also just normal, completely fine cars. Go watch crash 1996 dir. david cronenberg and then we'll talk
hundred voices: spirals. Also concentric circles.
nacreous: pearls, things with a mother-of-pearl inlay, etc
it's coming coming down: eyes. From sonic youth's "beauty lies in the eye"
bad girl meat: teeth. From lady gaga's "teeth"
divine and sharp: weapons, or at least some very pointy things one shouldnt run with
happiness is: a warm gun. Guns in general actually-- this is my tag for guns. From the beatles' "happiness is a warm gun". Duh
prisms: food. Lots of cake in this tag but its all foods not just cake.... i just like cake
o sailor: sailing, nautical stuff, ships, etc. From fiona apple's eponymous song
it's buzzcut season anyways: cutting hair, from lorde's "buzzcut season".
tattoos: well, its tattoos. Not necessarily ones i would want or even inspiration for future tattoos, its just that if a tattoo is the main focus of an image, it goes in here
invitation to peace: deer tag, from system of a down's "deer dance".
draw blood just to taste it hold bones just to break them: canine tag as in dogs, not the teeth, and also one that i wish wasnt so long because man this is a pain to type out. From nicole dollanganger's "dog teeth"
weird fishes: fish. From radiohead's "weird fishes"
lo voy a tener que matar: cats! From los saicos' "el entierro de los gatos". Also yeah i know it means "i'm going to have to kill him" i just think its real funny
in silence i have pulled myself free: tag for horses and all things horse related. From pj harvey's "horses in my dreams"
cowboys are frequently secretly fond of each other: cowboys. From willie nelson's eponymous song
they don't love you like i love you: places i grew up in/nearby-- it's pretty much everything west of colorado with a bit of mexico in there. From yeah yeah yeahs' "maps"
like the blue blonde hollyhocks of the dead: flower tag (all sorts, not just hollyhocks). Another bastardized quote, this time from sandra cisneros' a house on mango street-- the original is "dusty hollyhocks thick and perfumy blue-blond hair of the dead". Very good book you should read it
we return to each other in waves: things relating to the water-- the ocean, lakes, rivers, etc. It's definitely a quote from something but i cant find the og source and i dont trust pinterest
consumed and refined: fire, things on fire, burning, yada yada yada
tamer: ice, snow, frozen things, etc
01010000: all things mold and rot. Referring, of course, to the date the world began to decay, which was the day it was created
lamentations! lamentations!: art or quotes or whatever that make me scream cry throw up wail howl prostrate myself etc.
the everything the patterns: my humanity tag! Doubles as both an "awww, arent humans cute?" tag and a catchall for people who aren't celebrities and don't have their names in the caption
god and other highways: religion and god, but mostly god. If you see something in there and you think "how could this possibly be related to god OR religion?" mind your own damn business <3
i believe in angels: things i consider to be angelic, which is a classification system even more lengthy and unnecessary than this tagging system. From abba's "i have a dream"
bolts in the head: monsters and generally spooky things. And yeah ik frankenstein doesnt actually have bolts in his head and that was a lie the movie made up but also the nature and definition of a monster is just as illusory and invented as the bolts are
whispers in the air: ghosts, or the fleeting nature of things, or the imagined, or the abstraction of the memory. So yeah its ghosts
when i love you it's forever: the dead, but focusing on the flesh left behind instead of the ghost that proceeds ahead. From "confessions of a skull mask", in the anthology "necrophilia variations"
we have put her living in the tomb: houses or general structures, officially haunted or otherwise (because all buildings are haunted in some way tbh). From my favorite edgar allen poe story "the fall of the house of usher" :)
the roots of the tree: things relating to childhood, development, or family
the lovers: art, photos, etc typically with two things interacting in some familiar way. Not necessarily nsfw, but theres definitely some lesbian erotica in there so beware
cut open my sternum and pull my little ribs around you: gore and blood and all that fun stuff. Not all images of blood go in here so if youre sensitive about pictures of blood beware. You probably shouldnt follow me if you are tbh. Anways it's from purity ring's "fineshrine"
is it a love song?: hunger, desire, violence, and the place where they intersect. Gore is in here also <3 and it's a quote from the 1983 film the hunger
race my heart race my soul: images i really really love. I would say its my aesthetic but aesthetics are a lie propagated by Big Capitalism to get you to buy more shit you dont need so no its not and dont get it twisted..... from "i'll never learn" by the shangri-las, which is possibly my favorite song. I go back and forth on what my favorite song is, but this one's up there for sure
put on your red shoes and dance the blues: all things red. From david bowie's "let's dance", but the original or 2002 remaster and not the 2018 remaster because as much as i love saxophone its totally out of the blue in the intro of the 2018 remaster and i dont like it
love me blue: all things blue, from zayn's "blue". And i have no qualms with any version of this song because i love you zayn
twilight sun: all things pink, from something that someone said to me in passing once and i thought it was nice.
the dead image of life: all things green
capable of charming god: all things yellow
tête à tête: ballet, and things relating to ballet. Even pictures of models with their ribbons tied all messed up go in here, im sorry to say
do you think you've made the right decision this time?: departure, transit, etc. Coming from, though, not going to-- the emphasis is on the leaving. From the smiths' "london" (underrated track tbh)
disappearance in transformation: bugs that can fly-- mainly moths and butterflies, but some beetles and other grubs appear here too
kill this chorus: people in relation to water-- in puddles, swimming, drowning, etc. Im not saying what this is from... if you know you know and also you know why that phrase pertains to that imagery
the luckiest by far: celestial bodies, clouds, the sky, etc. From madonna's lucky star
heaven waits on the other side: weddings, mostly brides and wedding dress-type stuff. From nicole dollanganger's "heart shaped bed"
godspeed your love: all things relating to love (and occasionally heartbreak). From possibly the greatest love song ever, the righteous brothers' "unchained melody"
lily left alone: playing cards and things having to do with suites of cards. Kind of from bob dylan's "lily, rosemary, and the jack of hearts" but not really
bloodied black: martyrs, warriors, knights. Lots of pictures of armor and joan of arc imagery here
mourning lamb: farm animals, mainly sheep but also cows and pigs and whatnot. From ethel cain's "ptolemaea"
all down: typography, handwritten things, etc-- everything from journal entries to song lyrics to letters to typed notes
time is a river: myths, folklore, classics, historical art, etc. Technically a quote from heraclitus but every knows it bc of marcus aurelius
from the fire roads: get ready for this because this and the following five tags are all connected. This is the tag equivalent of exposition on the hero's journey-- the scene is a small town, a childhood bedroom, a parking lot, etc. From bruce springsteen's "racing in the streets"
and i see big things for you: this is the first threshold (transformation) in the hero's journey. In this particular case, the protagonist becomes a groupie for a band that passed through the town, and this world of travel and casual excess is very different from the world theyre from. The scene is a basement shows, cigarettes in a hotel bed, underfunded recording studios, etc. From wolf alice's "white leather"
somewhere there's a party: the "challenges and temptations" part of the hero's journey-- our protagonist gets tired of the constant moving and, craving something more, ends up in a big city working as a model/socialite. The scene is a closet filled with frills and designer clothes, a gala, the backstage of a fashion show, etc. From the replacements' "swingin' party"
don't cry about it: now at the second threshold (abyss) of the hero's journey, things start going downhill. The protagonist loses themself in a wave of drugs, sex, and excess; the scene is now a large bathroom with a shattered mirror, a smoke-filled bdsm club, a nosebleed, etc. From lana del rey's "this is what makes us girls"
careful fear / dead devotion: with the third threshold (atonement) in the hero's journey comes the protagonist's realization of their own rock bottom and the desire to get better. The scene is a dark bedroom with light coming through the door, a park at night, an open window, etc. From the nationals' "don't swallow the cap"
born with a weak heart: the end of the hero's journey-- the protagonist takes what money they have left and splits, getting a place in the middle of nowhere and working as an attendant somewhere they won't be recognized. The scene is a clearing in the woods, a warm kitchen, a grocery store, etc. From talking heads' "this must be the place"
there was to be no death in eden: Mostly i use it for animals that i dont have a specific tag for, large groups of animals, animals in little people clothes, fantasy art, folk tales, children's books, or anything else i consider to be edenic. Im gonna be honest with you i have a weird idea of eden because i saw it in a dream ... more on that here if u scroll down to where it says september 22 2023. Its an ellen g. white quote im pretty sure, and while i personally hate the seventh-day adventists and everything that entails, i do respect a woman who gets visions
you got your good thing: things pertaining to heaven, which is a vibe i cannot possibly explain bc i saw it in a dream as well but i will link you here nonetheless and just hope you get it. In short basically heaven is an archive and the angels never build it right because they're working off pure image untainted by emotion and human perspective so everything looks a little wonky and clinical (they mean well though). From david lynch's "in heaven (lady in the radiator song", off the eraserhead 1977 soundtrack
pelican island: birds. Also any sort of ghostly island or mysterious shore. Ghosts, too. From deena metzger's eponymous poem
ST PAUL MOMENT ST PAUL MOMENT: the nature version of my humanity tag. Refers to the biblical tale of st. paul, who was blinded then healed by jesus as a way of converting him to christianity (which is fucking crazy and sooo dramatic but we're not here to talk abt that). The point is that its the sensation of being awakened to a natural power higher than yourself, like how flowers always have a number of petals that complies with the fibonacci sequence
thou mayest: being good, being bad, the feeling of being torn between your capacities for good and evil, the shame of feeling evil, etc. Go read john steinbeck's east of eden and then we'll talk
soul opium: solitude, isolation, loneliness
thorn without a rose: hole theory. From aerosmith's "hole in my soul" #sorrywomen
shadows: poems that come off as gray to me. Yeah i dont know either man they just do its a very specific vibe and there is no other way to describe it than gray
ritualism: the color white being used in a holy, ritualistic context (or at least a context i perceive as holy)
74: my yamaha tx750 was created in 1974, which is a year that is important to me for no other reason than that (if u go into the tag its pretty obvious and if its not.... well im not telling)
p: im not sayinggggg. But here you will find white horses and things about grief
are your ears on?: writing, particularly having to do with the idea of a grand overarching narrative that tropes are forcefully enacted within
it's impossible to compete with the dead: my tag for all things sharp objects-related. Tag is a quote from the book
spn: that would be the 2005 cw show supernatural. #Sorry
mcr: that would be the post-hardcore band my chemical romance. #Sorryyyyyyy
shattered teacup: tag for the 2013 tv show hannibal and no other version of thomas harris's work-- silence of the lambs and whatnot can be found in the "play pause rewind" tag
little nudie turtles: tag for the 2018-2023 hbo show succession. Quote by tom (it's literally tom).
and the angels wouldn't help you: tag for david lynch's twin peaks, both the show(s) and the film
time is a flat circle: tag for season one of true detective... haven't watched the other seasons of this show because honestly nothing can beat that. So its only for season one
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rokutouxei · 4 years
so, baby, tonight just be the death of me
ikemen vampire: temptation in the dark
theodorus van gogh / mc | E | 4616 | [ao3]
warning/tags: creepy guy behavior, jealousy, outdoor sex, oral sex, fingering, vaginal sex, exhibitionism, vampire bite, multiple orgasms, using the lord’s name in vain, and dom behavior. (yes, all of that.)
You jolt. “Wait, what? On the first of May?”
“Yes, seven at night. In the Marquis’ mansion, a big party, several potential clients, the paintings on display,” Theo confirms, checking his notebook. He turns to look up at you. “Why? Did you have something planned? I can go alone.”
You frown. Of course you did! “No, I want to go with you. It’s just—it’s your birthday night, and I thought we could spend some time together.”
“If you go, we can,” he says, a little too matter-of-factly that you flinch.
“Yeah, we will, but we’ll be doing work.” He reaches out to put a hand on your shoulder, and you relax. A little. “I’m just a little disappointed.”
“We can always celebrate afterwards,” Theo says. His hand moves to cup your cheek, and you lean against his touch. “Besides, what matters is that I’m with you. Late or early, it doesn’t make much difference to me.”
Your heart is warm at how he poured his heart out, but you still pout. “It does to me though.”
“Then,” Theo begins, the gears in his mind working, knowing exactly what he needed to do to raise your spirits even a little—“I’m sure you can think of one or two things that’ll make that birthday night interesting, work aside.”
You raise your eyebrow, but grin back when you see him smirking. “Well, if that’s what you want.”
Oh, his big fat mouth. Theo cannot say it’s not his fault when it definitely is. He should have known what was coming when he challenged you.
Theo has on a sleek black suit, one step more formal than his usual work clothes. He’d asked you to dress extra nicely, but decided not to interfere with your fashion choices for the night—you’d spent enough time in this era to figure out which both flattered you and matched the tastes of the current age. But he hadn’t expected you to push those boundaries.
You walk down the hallway in a beautiful deep blue gown that skimmed your curves so deliciously. Beautiful intricate blue lace lined along the front. There were even jewels sewn onto the fabric. There’s a beautiful gradient to deep purple at the bottom. It’s long enough for decency, but has a slit high enough that your ankles peep discreetly with every step. It has a beautiful Grecian neckline too, revealing your shoulders, your collarbones—Theo holds in a breath at the thought of leaving very visible marks on them before you even get to the ball. He’s a little thankful for the conservative front of the dress, because even through the fabric, he can nearly feel the plush of your breasts, pushed up wonderfully by your corset.
Oh, Theo can already see all the men he’ll have to glare off of you.
The words slip out of his mouth before he can stop it, something that only happens when he’s already on the edge of your teasing. A bad sign for him, you think to yourself. “You look enticing.”
You grin. “A hundred years into the future this’ll be tighter and have a slit all the way up my thigh.”
Theo licks his lips before he takes your arm in his. “I can’t wait to get there, then.”
The thing is, Theo doesn’t need that thigh-high slit to feel hot for you.
It’s the little things—if he were to be honest with you. The way you bite your lower lip when someone says something flattering about you. The way you hide your face with your hands when you’re embarrassed: like you’re not even trying, you little tease. The little squeeze you make against the firm muscle of his forearm when you cling to him. The nearly-imperceptible shiver that runs up your spine when he pulls you close to him defensively. Possessively.
Tonight, it’s all of the above. But not at him.
The host of the party, the Marquis, was one of high social status—he knew lots of big-shot names of not only rich generals and officials but also philanthropists, with much money to spend and eyes for art. Not great eyes, Theo would argue, but definitely a taste for it that he could use to further his agenda with his artists. This made the party very, very important to attend. The both of you had one goal: to make important, useful connections. To convince them, to persuade them, to get them to listen and to believe in this new dawn of art that Theo dreams of seeing. The strategy was simple: charm as many prospective clients as possible, and, as much as possible, secure future meetings and deals.
Theo doesn’t like dealing with women clients, if he were to be honest. He prefers talking to the men because they usually talked straight business, and Theo—while he was good at it—doesn’t really enjoy the little banter the women liked to do around him, skirting around art, complimenting his looks, his attitude, his suit. But the women here know that he came with another woman, and to get you to convince them was a trickier card to play.
That left you to take care of the most important client of the night: the nephew of the great Marquis, Major General Lowell. Unwed, but rumored to have had many children out of wedlock, the Major General was famous for his, say, interest in women, particularly those half his age. And you were definitely at least half his age.
The two of you stand across the room from Theo, a distance away, champagne glasses in hand. Theo can’t hear what the Major General is talking about, but he’s talking animatedly at you. Probably bragging about the spoils of war. Theo can see that you’re hardly listening: just enough to keep conversation flowing. He watches you closely, the way you tip the champagne glass just to press teasingly on your lower lip, the touch of your shoulder against his to respond to a joke.
Anger begins to simmer underneath Theo until you turn to look at him, your eyes filled with heat.
Just for him.
“Sir Theodore,” one of the ladies around him say, calling his attention back. Countess Ysabella. She insisted that he call her Ivy, though, perhaps a nickname from childhood—an effort to create some semblance of familiarity. She’s well-known in events like these, a beauty, someone desirable in high society for her wealth and her smarts. Invested in both the arts and sciences. And in him as well. Boldly, she touches a hand to his chest to call his attention. “Were you listening?”
Theo feels your stare digging into the back of his neck. Well. Two can play at this game.
Work, you remind yourself, swirling the champagne in your glass. Work. But you can’t seem to focus. Major General Lowell is still talking non-stop into your ear about the glories of war: his fame, his wealth, his power; the bloody trenches, stepping over corpses—you were almost 100% sure he made up at least half of what he was telling, or had blown it up to a degree that was near unrecognizable. You take another sip of your champagne, turning your head toward Theo, who you’d much rather be with. He’s engaged in conversation with a wealthy-looking woman, in a half-slow dance, her hands on his shoulders, and maybe he’ll reach out and put his hand on—
“A fast drinker. You better take care of yourself, miss, wouldn’t want something to happen to you,” the Major General chides, sliding a hand over your waist. You feel the instinct to tense up, but remind yourself this is work, and relax into his arms.
You cock your head toward him, a teasing smile on your face. He’s too close for comfort, but you have to do it. “Oh, what’s a little liquor. Even a lady such as me is up for a little fun, just like you, sir.”
“You smart ones, so rare. Valuable little treasures. Makes you so much more worth it to find.” You want to gag a little. He releases you (you sigh in relief) just to move in front of you and press a kiss to your knuckles. “However did a beautiful lady such as you end up in this drab party all alone?”
“Oh, I have a beautiful little manor. We can definitely host your exhibits there, if you’d like,” the Countess says. “I would want to see the pieces first, of course, as it is my residence, but oh, I have a ballroom. Of course there’s a ballroom, with beautiful sunlight in the afternoon. It would be a nice place to hold it in.”
“It would be an honor,” Theo says, as politely as he can muster, when really he just wants this to be over. The Countess is lovely, he can’t deny that—quick-witted, has an answer to his every quip, knows what questions to ask to keep the conversation going. That was exactly the problem. She was so good at keeping the conversation going, it wouldn’t end. He could probably get her to agree to host a hundred of his exhibits and she still will not stop trying to talk to him. Why did she have to be so good at this? He turns toward your direction in the ballroom, to find that you’re already pointing at the paintings on the wall. Your eyes sparkle with excitement now, when you talk about art, and Theo can see it. He can also see the Major General’s hand on your waist.
Then, bringing him back to reality, Countess Ysabella presses herself as flush as she can to him, forcing his hand on her hip. “But of course, it’s really still up to your approval, of course. You’re welcome to visit anytime. I’d love to have you over, a cup of tea, maybe dinner.”
Theo nods. “That would be great. I would have to bring my assistant with me, however. If you don’t mind.”
“An assistant!” she gasps. “Oh, to think you’d have another young man so enthusiastic and brilliant at the dealings of art with you. Lovely, just lovely. Bring him over, of course. I would love to hear his thoughts as well.”
Is she just so used to getting whoever she wants?
“A woman, Countess Ivy,” Theo corrects. She jumps at his use of her provided nickname, but also at the revelation. “My assistant is a woman.”
Her face instantly falls. She doesn’t do it quickly, as if she’s hesitating, but Theo feels her slowly distancing herself from him. “Is that so?” she murmurs, mouth a thin line. “Very well, that would be interesting. Still, bring her over. It’d be great to meet her, another woman in the arts. See what she’d made of, if you know what I mean.”
“Very well,” Theo says, bows as she lets go. “Looking forward to business with you, Countess.”
If only she knew she’d never match up to you.
Finally, after what seems like an eternity, you sidle up next to Theo at your designated meeting spot with a smile on your face. Your eyes are a little hazy, perhaps from the alcohol. Theo puts on a frown. “Well?”
You raise a hand to reveal a business card between your fingers; then slide them to show you have two. “The Major General and his Lieutenant friend. They promised to buy, but they’d like to talk more about the pieces. You?”
Something flares in Theo, knowing it’s not just the pieces they want a bit of. But that’s for later. “The Countess agreed to hosting a show or two in her manor, but she gets to veto the pieces. Seems interested in art nouveau. We can handle that.”
“We can handle that,” you echo, tucking the business cards into his coat pocket, if an excuse to pull closer to him. “So, let’s get out of here?”
“Yes,” Theo says, breathy. “It’s my turn now.”
You expect Theo to hail a carriage as soon as you got out of the fancy mansion, but instead he asks if you’re up for a little walk. You think it’s a little weird—typically, after a night of “associating” with his female clients all he wants is to shut down and rest—but you humor him. The both of you walk down the street in companionable silence.
The streets of France at night is a sight you enjoy seeing. Cobblestone paths lit by orange lamplight, laughter and conversation and music coming out from bars and cafes still open for the night crowd. It must have rained a little, because the stone paths glimmered lightly in the dim light, making the city seem almost dream-like.
You’re just about to bring this up to Theo when you feel his strong grip around your wrist, and he pulls you into a back alley with what seems like all the restrained force he can muster. When he carries you up onto something—a stack of crates—you see his pupils are blown wide. His mouth is on you before you can even react.
The kiss is messy and rushed and searing: a mash of teeth and tongue. It’s like he’s trying to take back something that has been lost to him. Theo groans when you wind a hand into his brown hair; and he snarls when you tug on it. He bites your lower lip before his kisses begin their downward path, the line of your jaw, the column of your neck. When he pauses at the juncture of your shoulder and neck you feel his fangs graze the skin lightly; you moan when he refuses to bite.
“Feeling like admitting I’m a way better lover than Mister Major General?” he asks, forehead pressed against yours. Of course he is, you know that. He doesn’t have to ask. Hell, he probably knows that too. Why’s he even messing with you like this?
You decide to play with him too. “Hmm, can’t be sure yet. He seemed like someone good with his… gun.”
“I’ll show you something better than gun,” he growls. “I’m going to make you cum so hard you’ll regret making me jealous.”
He steals your lips for another burning kiss before he descends, hiding underneath the fluff of your long skirt. The moment he’s out of your sight, the situation finally sinks in: here you are, fucking in the back alley in the middle of a still-awake city! You turn your head both sides to check if anyone’s around, thankful to find both ends of the alley empty. Oh, but you remember that one side—that’s the street where Isaac and Napoleon go to teach the children some afternoons, and Isaac said that morning he was going to tutor some children at night with a girl named Aliza, because she could only go after work, and Napoleon had teased him for it, because—
“Hondje.” Theo’s voice snaps you back to the present. He’s rubbing circles along your inner thighs, and only then do you realize you were tense from all the worry of getting caught. Relax, you can nearly hear him say, as he presses a kiss on the inside of your calf, your thigh. Let go.
You hum in acknowledgement, taking a deep breath, and in a moment, Theo is on you.
You’re already damp where he touches you with his fingers, caressing the outer lips gently like prying open a flower. That slow, gentle torture he reserves from when he really wants to wreck you out of your mind. You buck against his hand and he only laughs, a deep sound coming from the bottom of his throat, as he traces his fang against your inner thigh. Two fingers press against your entrance but don’t enter, just circling. You shudder.
“Theo,” you beg, canting your hips towards his mouth. You try to keep your voice level, quiet enough to hide in this dark alley, but you’re not sure your best is soft enough. “God, just do something. Bite me, touch me, please—”
You feel his tongue graze against the soft bud of your clit and you gasp. His breath is hot and your body is on fire. You feel him smile against your folds before he drags his tongue over you, slowly, near-reverently, like doing this with you is holy. He slips his tongue inside of you like you’re the sweetest thing he’s ever had. A low moan rolls out of you, your fingers bunching in the fabric of your skirt.
Theo’s already gotten the act of going down on you like an art. He knows your every weak spot, knows which strokes you like, which ones make you shake and shudder the most. He uses every bit of information to his advantage. He suckles on your clit until you’re shivering, your slick cold down your legs, then, still not satisfied, slips two of his fingers into you. You lift a hand to your mouth and bite, knowing if you don’t, you would be screaming. He pumps you slowly, fingers curling, trying to find that one spot that—
“Fuck!” The cry rolls out of your mouth when he hits it. Theo emerges from under your skirt, his hand still firmly between your legs. You try to turn away from him but the way he seeks your eyes is something you can’t resist. When you finally make eye contact with him he smirks, his sea-blue eyes darkening with hunger.
Theo moves closer to you, making sure to keep his hand on the right spot, and asks: “Think you can cum on my fingers alone?”
Your ragged breath almost prevents you from speaking, but you have to. You want to. “I can, yes, oh, I can,” you say. “I can, but I don’t— I want—”
He nibbles on the shell of your ear. “Want what?”
“Theo!” you say, trying to sound angry at his meanness. But you only sound desperate. Theo presses harder against you, the palm of his hand heavy against your clit. You feel electric. You decide to surrender. “Want to cum on your mouth, please.”
He’s on his knees again. You swear his mouth is magic: everywhere it touches feels set on fire. He rolls your clit with his tongue, teasing, timing it with the pump of his fingers inside you—he listens to you sing. Half-praises, half-curses, the strained vowels of his name. Then finally he pulls your clit between his lips. Harshly. You let out a cry that goes straight to his cock.
He calls out your name, groaning, with his face still between your already-shaking thighs—then he says, an order, a command—“Cum.”
So you do. The rest of the city disappears: there’s only Theo and you in this little universe. You orgasm so hard any semblance of voice control you have on you melts into thin air, forcing Theo to scramble up and press a hand on your open mouth. It smells like you. Your insides pulse against his intruding fingers for what seems like forever. Your vision spins, head lolled back upwards. You see the endless night sky hovering above. Theo always makes you feel like you own the world.
Theo hears the passersby long before they cross the small alley. Your dress is now unceremoniously popped open, corset out of the way; he’s fucking you from behind with your once-fixed-up hair twined in his fists, a mumble of “ah ah ah” falling out of your lips with every thrust. The both of you aren’t too close to the adjoining streets, but the low lamplight would make the both of you a tad visible if someone passing by tried hard enough to look. The footsteps get closer; he hears the sound of a woman’s laughter. He pulls your head up by your hair, then covers your mouth with his hand.
You make a sound of confusion, and Theo shushes you. You strain your ears until you finally hear it too: the sound of a couple walking by, maybe for a late night romp. Why does that voice seem awfully familiar…
Theo whispers against your ear: “You’ll have to be quiet if you don’t want to get caught.”
Then, remorselessly, he begins thrusting up against you once more. You think you might be able to do what he asked pretty easily, but the new angle let him reach way deeper, that spot that makes your knees weak. And it felt good. Your knees buckle with the pleasure and Theo has to hold you up by the waist so you don’t collapse. You try to trap your cry in your throat but it comes out as a shuddering sigh into his hand.
Theo chuckles, a low sound that sends fire down your belly. Theo’s not usually one for dirty talk, not this much, but today feels like a whole different timeline altogether anyway, fucking in a back alley. He continues to aggravate you, whispering, “You got tight. You like this, don’t you? That we might get caught. Maybe you want to get caught.”
You sigh softly into his hand but he’s relentless. The footsteps get closer. In a few more seconds you might just hear their conversation. The girl is questioning why the hell her partner is at a bar if, out of everything he could order, he drinks coffee. Wait—
Theo grins into your shoulder. “Don’t let Arthur hear you.”
Before the realization even hits, Theo snakes his hand on your waist downward until his fingers rest on your clit, circling. Your eyes suddenly focus, laser-sharp, to the shadows crossing the alley.
Arthur laughs, that flirty laugh he’s long perfected. “Oh, my dear Roxy, my luv. I don’t want to leave a bad expression on beautiful ladies like you, you know? Alcohol, they make men sloppy.”
Theo squeezes your clit. You shiver and nearly cry at the effort of not making a sound. You buck your hips backward toward his hand.
“You certainly know your way around then,” the girl says. Her voice has that low dip that sounds hungry. You’d know what that sounds like. “Experienced lovers are a delight.”
Theo slumps his head on your shoulder and shakily sighs, the sigh he makes when he’s close to the end. God, can’t Arthur just walk any faster?
“Yes, they certainly—” Arthur turns his head to the alley, and you duck your head down, praying you’re out of the light. Your heart is pounding so hard in your chest and in your ears and everywhere you don’t know if it’s from the sex or from the fear or excitement or all. “They certainly are,” Arthur finally says after a brief pause, wrapping an arm around the girl’s waist. “They’re the ones with the most surprises.”
As their footsteps slowly disappear to the distance (you half-mindedly remember there’s an inn down the road) Theo returns to work full force. His hand on your clit, one on your mouth, his cock deep inside you. Bite, you want to tell, bite me, please, but without your voice—
You sink your blunt teeth into the skin of his fingers, and Theo instantly understands. Face nuzzled into the crook of your neck, you hear him moan likely in relief as he finally sinks his fangs into your skin. The pain sears but it is gone in a moment, and then suddenly, there is only the white-hot of pleasure. It takes mere seconds for you to collapse, dizzy from his teasing and the tension of nearly getting caught pushing you right over the end. Your moan is muffled into Theo’s warm hand as you go rigid then limp into his arms, your cheek pressing into the damp wood of the crates.
Theo laughs, a deep rumble full of pride. He is still inside you, reveling in your post-orgasm pulsing. He massages gentle circles on the small of your back. “I can’t believe you actually enjoyed that.”
You huff, a little laugh through your nose. “I thought I would die,” you admit. “You are ruthless.”
“And you love it.” He brushes away your hair and presses kisses down the nape of your neck until your breathing evens out a little bit. “Think you can take a bit more?”
“Yes, please,” you say, your voice faltering at the end when Theo moves to hits that spot you love once more. “Oh, fuck, come on, Theo, cum.”
That’s all the permission he needs. His hand returns to your hair, tugging sharply, as his thrusts become messier, harder. Your insides, your thighs, your hands, your entire body is still sensitive and everything feels too much. You sob desperately as you stutter out his name between each thrust; “Shit!” he growls,  his fingers grasping at your hips so hard you’re sure they’re bruised. He nuzzles the crook of your neck, fangs just gently scraping, not enough for the skin to break. You feel the mess dripping down your thighs.
“Christ, Theo,” you start to say, but then he flips you over and kisses you softly, like you’re the first flower of spring, as if he hadn’t just fucked your brains into goo—and the words disappear from your mouth.
The two of you hailed a carriage and spent the ride home in silence. As much silence as “still hearing your heart pound through your ears” could be. Theo had one hand on your thigh and you leaned against his shoulder until you got back to the mansion.
You’re about to turn the corridor to head off to your room to rest, mouth open to tell Theo goodnight, when once again he catches you by the wrist.
“You think I’m done with you tonight?”
You wonder if you were ever going to get used to this, his lips on yours, his hand on your thigh. Your hand in his hair, your tongue in his mouth. The both of you hadn’t even bothered to turn on the light—just crashed on the bed in a mess of limbs, Theo hurriedly disassembling his perfectly-worn suit. You felt a little bad (because you sure enjoyed the sight) but the sight of his flushed skin sure was a little treat. He’d helped you out of your dress too, cloth fluttering to the ground, accessories haphazardly hanging on the edge of the bedside table. Now, there was a little tent in his pants and there was no hiding how wet you are through your thin underwear.
“You were doing it on purpose, weren’t you?” Theo asks against your throat, voice muffled. One hand of his has snaked up your side, cupping the curve of your waist. The same side Major General Lowell had placed his hand on you much earlier that night—so far back it felt like centuries.
You want to tease him a little for being jealous, but you figured you’d had enough fun for today. He freezes a little when he feels you brush his messy bangs aside and press a kiss against his forehead. “Just to rile you up. You know there’s no one else I’d want, Theo.”
Instead of words, he answers by grazing his lips against your neck again, the sensation making you shiver. When he reaches the part where he’d bitten you earlier, he presses a kiss on it. It’s the same as him telling you I love you.
You turn and take his face in your hands. “Happy Birthday, Theo,” you say, sneaking a kiss to his nose before flipping him over and straddling his waist, hands already on the hem of his pants. You remember the Countess’ hands all over him at the party.
Time to get revenge.
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helljunker · 2 years
I care about that Noelle piece!!! Please do write up an explanation it would be wonderful
Noelle Snowgrave AU: A FAIL.
i… didnt really expect people to pay attention to my drawing. thanks for asking about it though!! i hope this post helps clarify my vision for the AU :'3
the following is just an edited, cleaned up version of what i wrote in my sketchbook concerning the au.
Some things before you read: In this AU, Noelle is meant to perish. The setting of this AU is built around this, and she isn't meant to be saved. That being said, people can make up their own alternative endings and concepts of the AU. If you want to add onto it in anyway I encourage it! That's the nature of Alternative Universes, haha. I do request linking back to this post at the least, if you do plan on sharing and modifying the concepts of this AU, so people can have that reference.
Notes under cut of the AU are loosely linear. If I think of a concept while writing I often just add it in without consideration to the timeline.
I'd like to officially name this AU "A FAIL." It's based on C418's song of the same name. The main tag I use for the content I make regarding this AU is [A FAIL.] (period included, without the brackets) Furthermore, if you have questions, comments, or elsewise, send me an ask! If you reply to the post I'll respond with my main (opprotunemoment.)
content warnings: frostbite, eventual death, comas. AU concepts and notes under the readmore.
This route is dependent on the player playing Deltarune, Chapter 2, pursuing a Weird/Pipis route. I call it Snowgrave, as does some of the community. When commanded to freeze Berdly, Noelle freezes herself in the last second to avoid hurting Berdly. This isn't scripted, of course, and it instantly ends the battle. This soft-locks the "game." What we know as the player, who seems to possess Kris, isn't able to proceed, and does the equivalent of ragequitting. Hah
This give Kris free will, which is… sorta confusing because up until this point, the red Soul, when within their body, commanded most of their actions. When they realize they can move and talk freely, they don't react immediately. It's Berdly who speaks first, demanding what they were making Noelle do, and what happened, etc etc (insert Berdly deliberating here.)
Seeing that Kris is unresponsive, Berdly runs away to find Susie. This leaves Kris completely alone. When they finally come to their senses, they desperately try to free Noelle, but they can't; they're not strong enough on their own.
I haven't really figured out what happens between then and the fountain being closed. I know the fountain does eventually get closed though, and this action traps Noelle (or rather, her embodiment, her Soul,) in what remains as the Cyber World. In the Overworld (which is a catchall term for what involves the school and town; basically not the "Dark World" or the "??????" world,) Kris, Susie and Berdly remain intact. Noelle is unresponsive and comatose. It's similar symptoms to what monsters call "falling down."
Noelle's physical body reflects what happened to her in the Berdly fight. Because she is frozen, her Cyber World body eventually succumbs to frostbite. This manifests physically in the Overworld. Her falling down and this damage confuses the doctors, and no matter what they do, her condition does not improve.
I've yet to come up with a solid reason why Noelle was abandoned. I'm tossing in the idea that Kris went rogue and closed the fountain without consulting the party firsthand. There's also the consideration that maybe Susie, Berdly and Ralsei attempt to save Noelle, but because Kris goes rogue and closes the fountain, everyone is returned back to their normal places besides Noelle.
Berdly is outwardly hostile to Kris, blaming them for Noelle's fate. Kris cannot explain themself. The adults have no reason to blame Kris, however, so Berdly's claims are dismissed. This puts a rift between the group. (The group being basically Susie and Kris, against Berdly)
Pinning down Ralsei's character is hard, personally. I'm unsure how he would react to the events presented in this AU. Probably dismissive? He would care about Noelle, but because of the nature of this AU, she cannot be saved. Perhaps he is optimistic that she would be fine in the Overworld, so that is why he isn't more proactive on trying to save her.
Susie seems to trust Kris a little more in Chapter 2, regardless of your actions in Chapter 1 (consider that: your choices don't matter SPECIFICALLY in Chapter 1. I personally think this is thrown out in Chapter 2, since this Chapter's decisions made by you, the Player, do actively change the outcome of the story. Toby I do not envy you on the basis that you're gonna have to tree branch so many endings. Starspeed. ANYWAY I got sidetracked, back onto…)
Susie! Because Susie trusts Kris, she doesn't initially believe Berdly and his claims. But when Kris becomes avoidant and reclusive, and thinks harder about Kris going rogue, Susie takes matters into her own hands and breaks into the school a few nights after Noelle is admitted to the hospital. Her intention is to ask Ralsei for help.
She finds she can enter the Dark World. However, it doesn't return her to Ralsei's castle. She gets stuck wandering in the "??????" world. Without Kris, the power of the red Soul, it's impossible to navigate. I wanted this to be a part of the mechanics of the AU because I personally suspect the power of the red Soul helps the Lightners navigate. Unable to proceed, Susie leaves back to the Overworld, and is caught having broke in.
Noelle's body can no longer maintain it's form. Without a soul, it's just a husk, and Noelle gives up fighting. This causes the body to dissipate. The soul is lost by this point.
Based on skymantle's observations regarding Rudy's condition, and relating it to monster children growing up based on their parent's souls, Rudy should no longer be sick after Noelle passes.
Other notes: I really this AU's concept because it reinforces that the player's choices don't matter, and that the NPC's have more agency than the player expects. ALSO need I remind you of Noelle's Lost Girl song. oof
aaand…. That's it!! Those are all the notes I have on the AU so far.
some sources i used: skymantle's post on monster children and their parents Undertale Subreddit's Snowgrave Megathread (mostly just the google doc regarding the walkthrough and route differences, as I have not played the route myself) Undertale Wikia (do i really need to link this. lols) LAST UPDATED: (9/26/22)
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bastardnev · 5 years
Cheat Day
in which i inexplicably decided to write a fic about mustafa’s cereal-nutella-oreos breakfast combination
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: World Wrestling Entertainment, Professional Wrestling, All Elite Wrestling Rating: General Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Mustafa Ali/Pac | Adrian Neville Characters: Mustafa Ali, Pac | Adrian Neville Additional Tags: damn i guess i gotta start tagging aew in my nevstafa fics huh, Fluff, Silly, mischief involving nutella and oreos Series: Part 1 of Jess Has Too Many Fics In Her Notes Summary: Neville wasn’t entirely sure what to make of the scene in his kitchen that morning.
(ao3 link)
i ended up making a new tag list bc its been so long since i last posted a nevstafa fic + i didnt wanna tag ppl who might not be interested anymore -- im going off the likes/replies to the post i made abt this yesterday so if you’re not on the list and you wanna be added lemme know !! i’ll add you 🥰
tag list: @sailor-slam-dunk @residentjoth @riveliciousx @lambchopviking @storyranger
Neville wasn’t entirely sure what to make of the scene in his kitchen that morning.
He had heard Mustafa get out of bed earlier, but he figured he was just going to get breakfast started — it was his turn, after all. Technically, he still was, but not at all in the way that Neville anticipated. Rather than finding him cooking the pancakes they’d agreed upon the night before, Neville instead walked in on him preparing a bowl of cereal in a large serving dish he’d placed on the island. This in itself wouldn’t have been so odd (other than his choice of bowl) if he didn’t follow up his milk pouring with a big search around the kitchen. He was rummaging through the cabinets that lined the walls for... for something. Something that Neville couldn't quite figure out, especially since the only thing he could plausibly be looking for was a spoon. What a can of olives had to do with anything, Neville had absolutely no idea.
And so, he choose to ask him about it. “What the hell are you doing?”
Mustafa glanced over at Neville quickly before putting the can back and going right back to his hunt. “Oh, good morning. Where’s your snack stash?”
Neville blinked, confused. “My what?”
“Your snack stash. Y’know, where you keep the snacks?”
“I— I know what a snack stash is, Mustafa.”
“Then where’s yours? I know you have one — everyone does. Fess up.”
What was he trying to do? The fact that he still hadn't given Neville a clear answer was a bit concerning. “What does it matter where my snacks are? Wait, forget about that, aren’t you supposed to be cooking pancakes?”
"Who said anything about me making pancakes?"
"You did. Just last night."
"Ehh, that was just pillow talk."
"You told me about how badly you were craving them when we were eating dinner." Why would they be discussing pancakes during pillow talk, of all things?!
Mustafa scoffed, and he offered no further response other than continuing to push aside the items stacked up on the shelf. "Are you planning on answering my question at all?" Neville crossed his arms. "What are you doing?"
“You'll see!" Mustafa responded when he finally decided to speak again. "I’ve got something even better than pancakes in mind."
Mustafa placing a breakfast food above pancakes was almost enough for Neville to consider the idea that he'd been replaced with an imposter. Almost. “And, that is...?”
“A secret — until you tell me where your snack stash is, of course.”
Neville sighed, rolling his eyes. He knew there was no getting out of this no matter how hard he tried. “Oh for the love of God, it’s the one under the microwave,” he at last confessed.
“The only one I didn’t check!” Mustafa grinned, and he darted over to the appropriate cabinet, digging around excitedly. “Ooh, you’ve got a lot of good stuff in here!”
“No need for the commentary, just take what you need.”
“You’re pretty defensive over your candy, huh?”
“You’ve got the biggest sweet tooth out of anyone I know — how can I not?” Now that he thought about it, seeing as Mustafa now knew where he hid all of his sweets, Neville would probably have to find a new hiding spot once this visit was over...
“Hmm.” Mustafa pouted as he moved a variety pack of mini candy bars aside. “You bought the Oreos I asked for, right?”
“Of course.” Like Neville honestly wasn’t going to do so after Mustafa practically begged him to pick some up when he went on his most recent grocery run.
“You do love me!” The package of cookies in his hands, Mustafa triumphantly brought it over to the island, pulling back the seal.
“Can you tell me what you’re doing now?”
“Patience, Nev! Geez. You can’t rush these things, you know?”
Neville wanted to retort, but the distinctive crunch of Mustafa crushing a fistful of Oreos over the serving dish interrupted him, and all he could do was watch in silent awe (and confusion). Mustafa repeated this process over and over again, unblinking, until he’d gone through one of the sleeves. “There...” He muttered, sealing the pack back up and putting it aside. “Now for the last part...”
Last part? Neville found himself a little afraid to say this out loud. His question received an answer anyway, however, as Mustafa then returned to the cabinet, pulling out the large jar of Nutella that Neville was secretly hoping he wouldn’t notice. (Man goes through jars quicker than I can count.) "Not really much I can work with here..." Mustafa mumbled as he put the lid aside, looking at the jar's contents. "You ate it all on me. Naughty boy."
"I'm... sorry?"
"Better be." Mustafa then went to the silverware drawer and pulled out a big spoon, and before Neville could wrap his mind around what was happening he'd scooped out a healthy amount. "This'll work, though."
Neville wasn't able to finish this sentence, as just as he was going to Mustafa let the Nutella drop right on top of his cereal. Neville looked back and forth between the bowl and Mustafa, who appeared to be debating what to do next with his messy spoon. Rather than put it in the sink like Neville assumed he would, however, he shrugged, dipping it into the bowl.
It was right as he was about to put a spoonful of cereal into his mouth that Neville decided to go through with asking his question. "Okay, what the hell?!"
Mustafa paused, spoon hanging in the air. "What?"
"What is this..." Neville gestured towards the bowl, trying to find the right words to describe what he was seeing. "This... concoction?"
"It's... my cheat day breakfast?" Mustafa said this as if it were the most obvious thing ever, like he couldn't understand why Neville so was baffled. "Duh?"
"How did you even come up with this?"
"Easy — I woke up one morning, couldn't decide what I wanted for breakfast, so I just mixed everything I wanted together. It's better than you think it is, really."
Neville pointed to the package of Oreos. "You wanted to eat those for breakfast?"
"You haven't thought about eating cookies for breakfast before? What are you, an amateur?"
"And— And the Nutella, what were you planning on doing with that if you hadn't thought to throw everything together?"
Mustafa didn't respond, instead choosing to avert his gaze. Suspicious, Neville followed up with, "You weren't seriously considering eating it straight from the jar, were you?"
Mustafa made eye contact with Neville again, and neither of them said anything for a solid few seconds. Eventually, though, Mustafa shot Neville a sheepish grin, and the latter brought his hand to his forehead, slowly shaking his head. "Oh, God..." He let out a breath. "All this, yet you still have those abs..."
"I sure do." Mustafa brought the spoon back to the cereal and mixed it up a bit. "Now, maybe instead of pickin' on me you can come give this a try. You might like it."
"I have no use for any of that."
"False — everyone needs this in their lives."
"Not everyone needs something loaded with sugar so early in the morning."
"What are you gonna have instead, then? Egg whites?" Mustafa shuddered at his own suggestion, and he held a spoonful out towards Neville, who leaned away. "You know you want toooo..."
Neville looked at the spoon with a narrowed gaze. He knew damn well that he gave in to Mustafa way too often (something about the look in his eyes, he figured). He'd told himself that he would stop being such a pushover when it came to him, and this seemed like the perfect opportunity for him to stick to his word for once. Mustafa wanted him to try some food combo that he swore was amazing, something that Neville thought was completely ridiculous. He would be lying if he said he found it to be anything but.
...But he would also be lying if he said that he wasn't at least a little curious as to what Mustafa saw in it. Not to mention that he was giving him the dreaded eyes...
Neville said nothing. Instead, he took a few steps closer to Mustafa, allowing him to put the spoon into his mouth. "There we go..." Mustafa took it out a moment later, giving Neville a second to chew and swallow before asking, "It's good, isn't it?"
It was. "It's fucking disgusting."
"Liar, liar..." Mustafa singsonged, and Neville huffed. There was no point in denying it.
"Maybe you're right..."
"Ha! I knew it."
"Why do I always agree to go along with your nonsense..." Neville lamented, and Mustafa chuckled, leaning over to give him a kiss.
"Because you love me," he replied as he pulled away, and Neville struggled to hide the little fond smile that forced its way onto his face.
"...Yes, I do."
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andymull · 7 years
WWE Battleground 2017: Review & Thoughts
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Look, straight off the bat I did say in my predictions piece that this show would be a bad one with the main event being the main culprit, I cant help being right about that......but the actual predictions sheesh, more on those later. While at the same time I also did say that the tag title match and US title match would bring the quality and they did with the tag title match being the best of the night.
Lets start at the top and the world championship match, Mahal went over as expected, he wasn't dropping the title at a nothing show. The match was bad, the Punjabi Prison was bad (as its been everytime its been used), and the ending was bad, truthfully anytime you have factors like those you HAVE to make sure that 2 out of 3 are good to great as they can be as important in dictating fans minds as to the show be good or not.
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The poor poor Singh Brothers, these guys will be thankful the Mahal/Orton feud is over for now as they've been destroyed by Randy multiple times with him being out of control alot when dropping them in bumps. As soon as the Singh brother was shown on camera climbing through the prison structure because of his size everything died a death, just embarrassing.
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The Great Khali returning wasn't a great surprise after hearing he was in the area, seeing him having to climb with the state of his legs/knees was awful. I doubt he’s around long term although I did say months ago that he should be used as the big bad to Mahal’s stable sitting on a throne barking out orders. Plus did everyone else laugh at Khali taking the title from Jinder at the end of the show to hold up his-self with Jinder standing as close to him as possible to try and look like he was holding it too.
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This weeks Smackdown Live has seen this feud seemingly finished with Mahal moving onto either John Cena or Shinsuke Nakamura at SummerSlam, which would possibly indicate a title change. Whereas Orton wasn't even on tv after the loss and may just be moved onto another feud without mentioning Mahal again, putting Randy into a feud with Rusev wouldn't be the worst idea.
Sami Zayn defeated Mike Kanellis, so much for a solid undefeated start for Mike to gain some momentum huh? I really dont know what to say on this match, it was the same as the SD Live match last week, the usual distraction from Maria, then the finish. Looks like this whole thing is continuing from this weeks show with the feud being combined with Tye Dillinger and Aiden English’s feud, fresh matches but there’s nothing much coming from them apart from the fans reactions to Zayn and Tye diminishing by being around these guys.
What a horrible hype to the Fashion Police segment, built up well with Fandango and Breeze doing good work, they say everything will be revealed at Battleground......then someone changed their mind, hell even the crowd booed at no reveal. Possibly it’s because Vince has changed his mind on who will be in the role, or just that they want to do the reveal on SD Live in-front of the audience rather than a backstage segment.
The flag match, seriously the main thing I took from the match was seeing John Cena slowly pose everytime he touched the flag knowing he would get some good pictures from it, honestly go back and watch him.
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Rusev was great in his return match, hasn't lost a step since his injury and really should and could have been back alot earlier.
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Still dont get the altering of the match in having the steps at the top of the ramp instead of the winner being the first to take down the flag, hell the fans didnt really know as they thought Rusev won when he took the Bulgarian flag down first. Also there should have been a foot race up the aisle when they both had their flags instead we had the slowest movements possible.
Im over the Super Cena matches, he was done and finished and done in a way that Rusev would have looked great but no, he had to rise up from death to utterly destroy him.
This weeks SD Live has seen Cena get his-self inserted into a potential world championship match at SummerSlam, if he can get past Nakamura next week. I think there may be a run in during the match leading to a three way at the PPV possibly not sure he’s winning the title yet though, especially as he mentioned being able to go to both shows and still hasn't been over to Raw just yet.
The US Title match will sadly only be remembered for the finish, was it the plan? Was it a botch? If so who by?
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I've read alot of reports from people in the know to Twitter users giving out honest opinions with alot of common sense, and really overall I would put the fault on one of the two wrestlers. The referee’s over the last few years have been told that if a wrestler leaves his shoulders down at 3 to count it or risk looking a fool by not counting when its obvious, so really he did his job and followed his own instructions.
The reason I lay the blame on one of the wrestlers is that they have already switched the belt back to Styles on this weeks show, meaning that this result at Battleground was a mistake. Truthfully I think it lays at AJ’s feet, he should have gotten his shoulder up but for some reason just left it there, there isnt anything that Owens could do different he was in a cross-face and rolled back in the pin he couldn't just let go so it seems to be AJ. There were also alot of reports from backstage that management were yelling about what happened. Anyway, it’s done and the title’s changed hands again.
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The future of the US Title in the short term should see another rematch for Kevin but after that im not sure if these two carry on feuding, I feel they both get moved onto others. If Orton/Rusev isnt the plan then Owens/Orton, Styles/Rusev would equally as fun.
The quick eliminate some women match, as I covered in my predictions piece there would be some very quick eliminations here and that came to fruition which makes you think why not just do a fatal 5 way with only one decision and save beating multiple women?
The big betting swing was probably the main story from this match as nothing that happened between the ropes was really that inspiring to write about, the big change in odds over the weekend reeked of someone very close to the match wanting to make some bucks from it. Which truthfully should be something that should happen more with the overseas options to bet available to the current rosters.
Another point around the match was Naomi on commentary, she comes of as such a heel the more she says which is totally not the plan by the way but her natural self seems extremely heelish. Plus she comes of as a bully towards Lana so much, she buried the prospect of wrestling her again after beating her, she beat her easy so should be asking to wrestle her every week if this were legit wouldn't she?
The beating of The Baron, again as I covered previously this match was one that HAD to be handled carefully by the bookers, in not making The Baron look mega weak in defeat as he has the MITB briefcase and WILL be champion by the end of the year believe me.
The problem was that my point wasn't followed by them AT ALL, the guys went out and had a solid brawl, not in the top 95% of Nakamura’s matches but still, they went over 12 minutes and finished with a shitty low blow right in-front of the referee!! Such a lazy idea to finish that way that really didnt go over well with the crowd even though Shinsuke won, and all because they had it go so long before doing a stupid finish, if your doing that it shouldn't go any longer than 5 minutes. And to follow it up we saw The Baron lying on the floor smiling at what he had done, real potential world champion there folks.
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Looks like they heard the fans reactions to that as they had a rematch on SD live this week with Nakamura going over strongly, they didnt really even mention on commentary how The Baron would have learnt vital things for when he cashes in, which for me they need to do any time he doesn't come out the victor in a match.
It seems the future doesn't have these two together as Nakamura is possibly linked into the next world title feud with Mahal whereas we have heard nothing for The Baron, maybe Orton could be mixed in with him?
Kofi breaks a record, the opening bout of the PPV saw new champions crowned in The New Day over The Uso’s, with Kofi becoming the first wrestler to hold the WWE, world, Raw and Smackdown Live tag team titles.
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I really didnt think the belts would have changed hands here as there really wasn't much heat to the feud, so I thought they would wait and try and heat things up before committing to it. Looks like they just went with it now and hope for the best. The best thing for the Uso’s is that the tag division on this show (hell the same as Raw) is mightily shallow in talent, so they will still be around the title scene regardless of what occurs.
The highlight of the match was easily the spot when Woods came off of the top rope ready to drop a big elbow on on of the Uso’s, who quickly moved allowing his brother to appear from nowhere to super kick Woods in mid air which looked awesome!
The pre show match saw Aiden English go over Tye Dillinger in just under 10 minutes, the result was a surprise but really it was a pre show match where the winner didnt matter as long as the crowd were up for it and in Tye’s matches they always are and always shout 10.
Now to look into the betting changes over the weekend, the Natalya win was the biggest that stood out and then on the day a number of winners were of a big surprise to most. Those being The New Day winning the titles, English going over in the pre show, Zayn beating the unbeaten Kanellis and Owens beating Styles. The last one wasn't planned so we can forget that, but the first time for me scream of Vince changing the results as he heard people knew who was winning and had placed big money on them. Oh well, people dont seem to like talking about betting in their wrestling so ill leave that there and go no further.
Quick thoughts:
Who takes the title from Jinder? Cena or Nakamura? Or does he keep the title for alot longer yet?
Was the Punjabi Prison drove back to the WWE HQ and then burnt down or just left in the arena’s car park and burnt?
When will they get it through their heads that no-one likes a flag match?
Can we get back to more solid story-lines for the women and not just throw them into multi person matches please?
How good is Maria Kanellis’ music?
Can we get a strong tag team division setup? Forget a CWC, a women’s tournament, the vital area the company need improvement in is the tag ranks. There are alot of great tag teams out there that could be brought in, as well as more development with the guys in developmental would be easy in letting them form more bonds and see what happens.
That’s all for now (thankfully) from Battleground, hopefully ill have some new NJPW pieces up soon covering their factions and futures and also a column on how I feel they should/could make the women’s division ultra interesting again.
Bye for now
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